transporting firearms in unfamiliar communities, it is
a good idea to check with authorities on local law.
If a non-resident is coming to Illinois to hunt
and would like to bring their firearm, how
do they legally transport it?
Non-residents must comply with the gun case law as
described above. Additionally, the firearm must not
be immediately accessible or must be broken down in
a non-functioning state.
What if I leave a firearm in my vehicle
(regardless of location) and a family mem-
ber, without a FOID card, is driving the
vehicle without me and is stopped by
police and the firearm is found?
The law states a person must “knowingly” violate the
law. The assumption in the question is that the
family member was unaware of a firearm’s presence.
However, at a traffic stop, you should expect the
officer to handle the situation at face value, take
enforcement action accordingly, and let the court settle
the matter. Depending on the situation, the charge
could be a Class 4 Felony.
Don’t put a
family mem-
ber in that
How can I legally transport ammunition?
The location of ammunition being transported,
including ammunition being transported in loaded
magazines, is not regulated if the firearm is possessed
or transported lawfully.
Is it illegal to have ammunition in the case
with the firearm?
No, if the firearm is unloaded and is properly enclosed
in a case and the individual possessing the firearm and
ammunition is in possession of a valid FOID card.
Can I transport a firearm in a gun rack in
the back window of my truck?
Yes, if the firearm is unloaded and encased, and
you are a resident with a valid FOID card. One
thing to consider a gun displayed in a window
can invite theft.
Can I keep a firearm in my hotel room
when I travel?
Yes, assuming no local ordinance applies. The critical
question is how the firearm was carried into the room
and transported in a vehicle. Those actions must be
done lawfully.
I have a friend/relative who has a
“conceal and carry” permit issued in the
state in which they reside. Is the permit
recognized in Illinois?
No. Illinois does not recognize conceal and carry from
any state.
What constitutes “unloaded” for a
muzzle loading firearm?
17 Ill. Admin. Code, Ch. 1, Sec. 660.30(b)(5) provides
a definition for an unloaded muzzle loading firearm
as follows:
Removal of percussion cap or removal of prime
powder from frizzen pan with frizzen open and
hammer all the way down or removal of prime pow-
der from flashpan and wheel unwound or removal
of prime powder and match with match not lit, or
removal of the battery from the CVA electronic igni-
tion muzzleloader, shall constitute an unloaded
muzzle loading firearm.
For more information, contact:
Illinois State Police at 217/524-2525
FOID Office at 217/782-7980
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Printed by the authority of the State of Illinois
DNR 181- 30M-05/10 • IOCI 0902-10
State of Illinois
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Unless specifically exempted by statute, any
Illinois resident who acquires or possesses
firearms or firearm ammunition within the state
must have in their possession a currently valid
Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID) card
issued in his or her name.
Answers provided to the following questions
are meant only to give general guidance
regarding transporting firearms and ammu-
nition. The answers do not and are not
meant to replace statutory language.
How can I legally transport a firearm on
my person or in my vehicle?
Three statutory codes regulate the possession, trans-
fer, and transportation of firearms – the Criminal
Code, the Wildlife Code, and the Firearm Owner’s
Identification Act.
Under Unlawful Use of Weapons (UUW) in the
Criminal Code, persons who have been issued a valid
FOID card may transport a firearm anywhere in their
vehicle or on their person as long as the firearm is
unloaded and enclosed in a case, firearm carrying
box, shipping box, or other container. Firearms that
are not immediately accessible or are broken down in
a non-functioning state may also be carried or trans-
ported under the Criminal Code. The Wildlife Code,
however, is more restrictive. It requires that all
firearms transported in or on any vehicle or con-
veyance be unloaded and in a case. Because of this, it
is recommended that, in order to be in compliance
with all statutes, all firearms be transported:
1. Unloaded, and
2. Enclosed in a case, and
3. By persons who have a valid FOID card.
Unless specifically exempted from UUW, a person
commits a Class 4
Felony if he or she
carries or possesses
a firearm contrary
to the aggravated
UUW law of the
Criminal Code (i.e.,
unlawfully carries on their person or illegally trans-
ports a firearm in a vehicle) AND one or more of the
following aggravating factors apply:
1. The firearm possessed was uncased, loaded, and
immediately accessible at the time of the offense;
2. The firearm possessed was uncased, unloaded,
and the ammunition for the weapon was imme-
diately accessible at the time of the offense;
3. Does not have a valid FOID card;
4. Was previously adjudicated of a Felony as a
5. Was engaged in a Misdemeanor violation of
the Cannabis Control Act or the Controlled
Substances Act;
6. Is a member of a street gang;
7. Has had an Order of Protection against them in
the last two years;
8. Was engaged in the commission or attempted
commission of a Misdemeanor involving the
use of violence against another person or the
property of another; or
9. Is under 21 years of age and in possession of
a handgun, unless the person is engaged in
lawful recreational activities such as: practice
shooting on targets upon established public or
private target ranges, or hunting, trapping, or
fishing in accordance with the Wildlife Code or
the Fish and Aquatic Life Code.
What constitutes a legal “case”?
The Criminal Code refers to “a case, firearm carrying
box, shipping box, or other container.However, the
Wildlife Code is more specific, defining case as a con-
tainer specifically designed for the purpose of housing a
gun or bow and arrow device which completely enclos-
es such gun or bow and arrow device by being zipped,
snapped, buckled, tied, or otherwise fastened, with no
portion of the gun or bow and arrow device exposed.”
How do the differences in these two laws
affect me for the purposes of the Unlawful
Use of Weapons law?
It is recommended that persons transport their
firearms only unloaded and in a case in order to be
fully compliant with all statutes. A firearm transport-
ed in a container other than a case, while engaged in
activities covered by the Wildlife Code, could subject
an individual to a charge of Class B Misdemeanor
under the Wildlife Code, but would not be consid-
ered Unlawful Use of Weapons if the container were
a “firearm carrying box, shipping box, or other con-
tainer” as provided in the Criminal Code.
If I fail to zip up the case entirely, will I be
guilty of a felony?
No, as long as the firearm is unloaded, and none of
the aggravating factors of the Unlawful Use of
Weapons law are present. The way to avoid this situ-
ation is to make sure firearm cases are completely
zipped or otherwise completely fastened shut.
What is immediately accessible?
The test is if a reasonable person would conclude that
the firearm is located within relatively quick reach.
What is broken down in a non-functioning
The firearm is disassembled, making it inoperable,
e.g., slide or barrel removed.
Does a firearm have to be broken down to
be legal?
No. However, it is recommended that to transport a
firearm it be unloaded and encased, and possessed by
the holder of a valid FOID card.
How can I legally transport my firearm in
my Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV), pickup
truck, van, station wagon, or even a
The surest way is to have the firearm unloaded
and enclosed in a case, and to make sure your FOID
card is valid.
How do I transport a firearm through an
Illinois community with an ordinance that
prohibits firearms or handguns?
Illinois’ Unlawful Use of Weapons law does not pre-
empt local ordinances from banning firearms.
Persons carrying or transporting firearms through
such communities could be subject to local firearm
ordinances. Federal law does attempt to provide lim-
ited protection in these circumstances, but when