Digital Electronics 1
Laboratory Manual
(Where theory meets practice)
Written by
Asst. Professor William E. Hunt III
Mohawk Valley Community College
Utica, NY
Version 1.5
March 21, 2018
Digital Electronic 1 Laboratory Manual
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Digital Electronic 1 Laboratory Manual
This Laboratory Manual by William E. Hunt III is copyrighted under the terms of a
Creative Commons license:
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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Digital Electronic 1 Laboratory Manual
~ Dedication ~
To my Father, William Edward Hunt Jr., an Electrical Engineer, the ultimate role
model, who provided me with the opportunity to explore electronics in my youth
and encouraged a lifelong passion to learn and share the knowledge.
~ Acknowledgements ~
This work would not have been possible without the financial support of Mohawk
Valley Community College and the technical support of my colleagues, Professor
James Fiore and Professor Robert Decker.
I am grateful to all my students, who have inspired and challenged me to be
better every day. Nothing brings more energy to a project than enthusiastic and
demanding students. As I introduce this manual in the laboratory sessions, I will
continue to receive student feedback and make improvements to this manual.
Finally, it is with my deepest appreciation, I would like to acknowledge the
unconditional support and love of my wife and four daughters. They have allowed
me to research, develop, test and write during my “free” time. This manual would
not have been possible without their support.
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Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................
Safety ...........................................................................................................
Experiment 1 - Logic Trainer Familiarization 1 .............................................
Experiment 2 - Logic Trainer Familiarization 2 .............................................
Experiment 3 - Breadboards and Building Digital Circuits ............................
Experiment 4 AND, OR and NOT Gates ...................................................
Experiment 5 - Basic Combinational Logic & Gates with Many Inputs .........
Experiment 6 - DeMorgan’s Theorem ..........................................................
Experiment 7 - NAND Gates and the Universality of NAND Gates ...............
Experiment 8/9 - BCD Detector Project with Karnaugh Maps.......................
Experiment 10 – S-R and D Latches and J-K Flip Flops ..............................
Experiment 11 Shift Registers ...................................................................
Experiment 12Half and Full Adders ..........................................................
Experiment 13 - 3-Bit Adder Project .............................................................
Experiment 14Design a Asynchronous Counter .......................................
Appendix AExperiment Grading Sheet .....................................................
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There are two hours assigned weekly to the laboratory session of Digital
Electronic 1. Attendance is mandatory and a passing grade in the laboratory
component is required to pass the course. Below are some general guidelines to
be successful with each experiment.
Read over the experiment before arriving.
Sketch out a logic diagram or use MultiSim (required for some experiments)
prior to building the circuit. Instructor signature may be needed
For full credit do any prelab work and bring to the laboratory session.
Careful read and follow all instructions.
Review the logic diagram and verify all pin numbers are assigned.
Review and use the “How to use a breadboard” document.
Be sure to get the instructor’s signature on every required element in the
Ask questions for clarification.
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Safety First
The experiments in this lab manual are designed for low voltage which minimizes
the electrical shock hazard, but it only takes several milliamperes of current to
cause a harmful electrical shock. Safety must always be first.
Below are several general safety rules for all digital experiments and activities in
the laboratory.
1. Avoid direct contact with any power source. Turn off all power sources
when not needed.
2. When hooking up a circuit, connect to the power source last, while
power is off.
3. Before making changes in a circuit, turn off or disconnect the power first.
4. Never work alone in the laboratory. Use the buddy system.
5. When changing a powered up connection, use only one hand. Never
touch two points in the circuit that are at different voltages.
6. Know that the circuit and connections are correct before applying power
to the circuit. if needed have the instructor review the circuit before
applying power.
7. Know the location of the emergency power-off switch at each bench.
8. Keep the work area around the circuit and test equipment neat and free
of clutter.
9. Remove all jewelry that can be seen before working on any experiment.
Follow these rules and see the instructor with any questions.
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Experiment 1 Logic Trainer Familiarization 1
To become familiar with the Logic trainer
To perform DC Measurements on Signal Sources
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 1 Sections 1-3 through 1-6
Components Needed:
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Digital multimeter (DMM)
Logic probe
The digital logic trainer used in this lab includes a number of features to support
the design and fabrication of logic circuits in the lab. The main features include:
Fixed and variable positive and negative DC power supplies
Fixed 60 Hz AC power supply
Pulse generator with continuously variable pulse widths from 100 nSec
to 10 mSec and repetition rates from 1 μSec to 100 mSec
Pulse duty cycles from 0 100%
Pulse position and width modulation inputs
Sweep generator Function with variable period from 1 mSec to 1
Function generator with sine, square, and triangular output from 1 Hz
to 1 MHz with logic level and variable DC offset output.
8 - Logic level switches
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2 Momentary pulse switches with logic level normally HIGH and
normally LOW outputs
8 Logic level LED indicators
In this lab, you will investigate some of these features and measure DC output
levels from the sources present.
1. Unpacking and Setting Up/Initial Voltage Measurements
1.1. Open the logic trainer case. The power cord for the trainer is in the top
cover. Remove it from the cover and plug it into the back of the trainer.
Plug the trainer into a wall outlet.
1.2. The power switch for the trainer is located at the upper right side of the
panel (see figure 1). Turn on power to the trainer. The switch should light
up and you will hear a cooling fan start. If the light doesn’t go on, check
the power source and make sure the cord is securely plugged in on both
sides. Turn off the trainer for now.
Figure 1 - Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
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2. Measurement of Power Supply Voltages. Figure 2 below shows the power
supply section of the logic trainer. All measurements should be recorded to a
tenth of a volt.
Figure 2 Power Supply Section
2.1. On the bottom right, 5 parallel banks of 5 connection points each are
labeled (from left to right) -12, -5, ground (symbol), + 5, and +12. These
points are for different FIXED voltage outputs. The knob above these
points does NOT affect these voltages, and all levels are referenced to
the center, or ground connection.
2.2. Set your DMM for DC voltage in the 20V range (approximately) and insert
a short wire into the +5 and another short wire into one of the ground
points on the digital trainer. Connect these leads to the common and +V
inputs of your DMM. Turn on the digital trainer and measure the DC
voltage, noting its polarity.
V @ +5 point = ________ VDC (record voltage to a tenth of a volt)
Digital logic devices often operate within a very narrow range of voltages
(typically within 10% or less), and the reading should be very close to 5V.
If it is not, check your DMM to be sure you are on the right range and if
you cannot get the correct reading, contact your instructor for assistance.
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2.3. A Logic Probe does not have batteries so it needs to be connected to
power (+5 and ground) before making measuring the logical states
(Boolean 0 or 1) of a circuit. Remove the DMM connections but leave the
two wires inserted into the terminals. Connect the black lead of the Logic
Probe to the wire inserted in the ground terminal and the red lead of the
Logic Probe to the wire inserted in the +5 terminal.
2.4. Insert another short wire into one of the remaining +5 holes and a second
short wire into one of the remaining ground points on the digital trainer.
Connect the measuring point of the Logic Probe to the +5 wire and record
the reading on the Logic Probe.
Logic state @ +5 point = ________
2.5. Connect the measuring point of the Logic Probe to the ground wire and
record the reading on the Logic Probe.
Logic state @ ground point = ________
2.6. Leave the wires that are currently in the ground point on the trainer in
place. Remove one of the wires from the +5 point and move it to the +12
point. Measure this voltage and record it below. Note the polarity as well.
The black lead should be connected to the common input on your DMM
and to the ground connection point on the trainer.
V @+12 point = _______ VDC (record voltage to a tenth of a volt)
2.7. Do NOT use the Logic Probe on the +12 terminal. Move the lead from the
+12 point to the -5 point and record the voltage and polarity below. Do the
same for the -12 point and record its amplitude and polarity.
V @ -5 point = _______ VDC (record voltage to a tenth of a volt)
V @ -12 point = _______ VDC (record voltage to a tenth of a volt)
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All readings should be within 10% of their marked voltages. Some
interface devices in digital logic require both positive and negative polarity
power supplies, and in those circuits, it is common to see a 0V ground
reference. Turn off the trainer for the next measurement.
3. Variable Voltage Supply
3.1. Looking to the center of figure 2. Three parallel banks of 5 connections
each are present. These are marked -18, ground (symbol), and +18.
These connections are for the VARIABLE positive and negative power
supplies provided in the logic trainer. The two knobs above these points
are used to adjust the magnitude of these voltages, and the adjustments
are independent of one another. Remove one of the ground wires from
the FIXED power supply ground point on the trainer (keep it connected to
your DMM) and insert it into the ground point on this supply. Remove the
other wire from the -12 point and connect it to the +18 point on this supply
and to the positive lead of your DMM. Turn the right knob (marked 0 +18)
completely counter-clockwise. Turn on the logic trainer and measure the
output voltage. It may be very close to 0V.
Vmin (+18) = _______ VDC (record voltage to a tenth of a volt)
3.2. Rotate the knob fully clockwise and read the output voltage
Vmax (+18) = _______ VDC (record voltage to a tenth of a volt)
3.3. Rotate the knob marked 0 -18. Note that it has no effect on the positive
supply voltage.
3.4. Remove the lead from the +18 point and insert it into the -18 point.
Repeat the steps above for the -18V supply and verify the MAGNITUDE
of the levels present. Remember to include the polarity of the voltage!
Vmin (-18) = _______ VDC (fully counter-clockwise)
Vmax (-18) = _______ VDC (fully clockwise).
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Some logic circuits operate at voltages other than 5V and many
linear/analog parts require both positive and negative voltages for their
operation. These power supplies can accommodate a variety of needs.
3.5. Turn the logic trainer off. Move the negative lead of your DMM from the
VARIABLE voltage supply ground point (which is NOT common with the
fixed voltage supplies) to the ground point of the FIXED voltage supply for
the next part of this exercise.
4. Level Switches and Logic Levels
Figure 3 shows the 8 logic switches provided in the logic trainer.
Figure 3 Logic Switches and Pulser Switches
The level switches on the logic trainer provide a method to input logic “1” or “0”
levels to test circuits that are built. Each switch is independent of the other, and
each switch has a bank of 5 connection points.
Logic levels are defined as noted in your textbook over a RANGE of voltage. A
logic ‘0’ level, for many logic devices, can be anywhere from 0 0.8V DC, and,
for some logic families, a logic ‘1’ can be represented by a voltage level of 2V
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4.1. Measure the logic levels from these logic switches using your DMM as
Be sure the negative lead of the DMM is connected to the ground of the
FIXED power supply.
Connect the positive lead of the DMM to the connection point for switch
Turn on the Logic trainer and put the switch into the L (low) position.
Read the DC voltage.
Move the switch to the H (high) position. Read the DC voltage.
Record these voltages below
V(low) = ________ V V(high) = _______ V
Are these voltages within the range mentioned above? _______
4.2. Repeat this measurement with the Logic Probe and record the results below.
Logic state @ Level Switch LOW = ________
Logic state @ Level Switch HIGH = ________
4.3. Repeat this for other switches in the group. The logic levels should be the
same for all 8 switches. If they are not within 10 % of each other, contact your
instructor for assistance.
5. Pulser Switches
5.1. The two pulser switches (lower part of figure 3) are intended to provide
momentary logic level changes when the switch is pressed. The switches
have a spring-return device, so they will not remain in right-most position
when released. Some logic circuits require a “positive-going” transition (PGT)
which means when activated, the switch output goes from a logic ‘0’ to a logic
‘1’ level and returns to the ‘0’ level when released. Draw a single 5V pulse
signal and label the PGT.
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5.2. Others require a ”negative-going” transition (NGT). In that case, the output
goes to ‘0’ or LOW when activated and returns to the ‘1’ or HIGH level when
released. Draw a single 5V pulse signal and label the NGT.
5.3. For convenience, both options are provided in these switches. Note that there
are two rows of connecting points for each switch. The upper row is marked L
H (LOW to HIGH) and the lower row is marked H L (HIGH to LOW). Connect
your DMM positive lead to the L H input and measure the voltage (leave the
negative lead on the ground point of the power supply). Record the voltage
when the switch is in each position below. Remember, the switch will spring
back to the left when released, and the level will change back to its original
Voltage Level (L H Row)
Released _______ V Activated _______ V
Voltage Level (H L Row)
Released _______ V Activated _______ V
These levels should be equal and opposite for both positions and for both
Instructor initials:
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6. LED Indicators and Logic Levels
The Logic trainer includes 8 LED indicators to monitor circuit outputs. These indicators
respond to logic levels and will only go on or off if the voltage level at the input is a
valid logic level (typically less than 0.8V for logic ‘0’ which corresponds to OFF or
greater than 2.0V for a logic ‘1’ or ON indication. Since the indicators use the power
supply in the Logic trainer, the inputs do not require a separate ground and they can
monitor logic levels by directly connecting them to the device output.
6.1. To test the logic indicator, connect a wire from one of the level switches to one
of the LED indicator inputs. Switch the level between L and H and note the
LED indicator output. You can also try this with the pulser switch outputs. Note
that the L H switch output turns on the LED when the switch is activated but
that it shuts off when released and the opposite occurs when the H L switch
output is used.
1. What voltage levels are commonly found at the outputs of the level switches
on the Logic trainer for logic ‘0’ and logic ‘1’ levels?
2. What are the advantages of using a DMM rather than a Logic Probe?
3. What are the advantages of using the Logic Probe rather than a DDM?
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4. A logic “1” or an ON condition is represented with what voltage level?
5. A logic “0” or OFF condition is represented with what voltage level?
6. Give two examples of an analog quantity.
7. Give two examples of a digital quantity.
8. Explain why computers are based on digital signals rather than analog
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Experiment 2 Logic Trainer Familiarization 2
To become familiar with the Logic trainer
To perform AC Measurements on Signal Sources
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 1 Sections 1-3 through 1-6
Components Needed:
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 Logic trainer
Digital multimeter (DMM)
The digital Logic trainer used in this lab includes a number of features to support the
design and fabrication of logic circuits in the lab. The main features include:
Fixed and variable positive and negative DC power supplies
Fixed 60 Hz AC power supply
Pulse generator with continuously variable pulse widths from 100 nSec to 10
mSec and repetition rates from 1 μSec to 100 mSec
Pulse duty cycles from 0 100%
Pulse position and width modulation inputs
Sweep generator Function with variable period from 1 mSec to 1 second
Function generator with sine, square, and triangular output from 1 Hz to 1
MHz with logic level and variable DC offset output.
8 - Logic level switches
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2 Momentary pulse switches with logic level normally HIGH and normally
LOW outputs
8 Logic level LED indicators
In this lab, you will investigate some of these features and measure output levels from
the AC sources present.
1. Signal Generators and Measurement of Logic Levels
The Logic trainer includes a variety of signal sources for use with digital and analog circuitry.
The function generator is widely used in most experiments and will serve as an introduction
both to the trainer features and to logic level waveforms.
Figure 4 shows the function generator section of the trainer. It can provide a sine, triangular,
or square wave signal input to logic circuits or other devices in the range from 1 Hz (or 1
cycle per second) to approximately 1 MHz (or 1 million cycles per second). The Waveform
knob at the upper left controls the wave shape. The Range switch at the right of this knob
selects the range in Hz in decades and the Fine Frequency control below the range switch
provides a method to adjust the range within the decade.
Figure 4 Function Generator
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As an example, if the range switch is set to 10, with the Fine Frequency fully counter-
clockwise (near 0.1), the frequency is 10 * 0.1 = 1 Hz. With the Fine Frequency control fully
clockwise, the frequency is approximately 10 Hz.
Digital circuitry does NOT respond well to signal inputs with long transition times
between logic ‘0’ and logic ‘1’ levels, such as sinusoidal or trapezoidal waveforms. As a
result, these waveforms are typically NOT used in digital designs. Rectangular
waveforms including the square waves (waveforms where the ON time and OFF time
are equal) are preferred.
Figure 5 Two waveforms with long transition times versus the rectangular wave
As shown in Figure 5, digital inputs typically have their LOW logic level at zero volts DC
and their HIGH logic level limited to the supply voltage used with the logic device
(typically 5 VDC as seen in last week’s lab).
The output labeled CLOCK in this panel is used to provide a logic level pulse that is
independent of the Amplitude and Offset control setting knobs on the function
The GEN output provides a signal level whose amplitude and offset (midpoint of the
waveform position with respect to 0V) can be adjusted using the Amplitude and Offset
controls. This output is not commonly used in typical digital electronics labs.
The GND connection point is the common ground for all generator functions and should
be connected to the power supply ground point when using this generator as a signal
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We will not use the terminals labelled as AM IN, SWEEP IN or BURST IN.
1.1. Measurement of Amplitude and Frequency from the Clock Generator
The DMM will not accurately measure most AC voltages above anywhere from
100 100KHz depending on model and type, and most DMMs cannot measure
non-sinusoidal waveforms accurately, so an oscilloscope is required. Take a
moment to record the make, model, and serial number of the instrument at your
lab station.
Oscilloscope Make (Manufacturer) ______________________________
Model ____________________________-_
Serial Number ______________________________
Since all oscilloscopes in the lab are the same make and model, the serial number
information is useful in identifying a specific instrument, especially if there are problems
or concerns about accuracy. Make a habit of recording this information in your lab
Figure 6Horizontal Sweep
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1.2. Turn on the oscilloscope and connect a coaxial (shielded cable) to the CH 1
1.3. Use the SCALE knob and the on-screen menu to set the oscilloscope for
1V/division vertical sensitivity and adjust the horizontal scale (sweep speed)
using the Scale knob in the Horizontal adjustments and on-screen menu to
1.4. Press the MENU button in the Trigger column. Make sure the Trigger Source is
Ch 1. See figure 6.
1.5. Press the CH1 button and the MENU button below the Vertical scale knob.
Select GND using the button next to the on-screen menu and adjust the trace
position to approximately 2 major divisions from the bottom of the screen on a
major grid line. See figure 6.
1.6. Change the vertical input to DC using the button next to the on-screen menu.
Turn on the Logic trainer and adjust the function generator controls as follows:
Function Square Wave (symbol)
Frequency Selector 10K
Fine Frequency full counter-clockwise
Amplitude and Offset Not critical
Figure 7Vertical Input Settings
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1.7. Connect the cable to the CLOCK and GND points on the function generator.
Observe the display on the oscilloscope. You may need to adjust the horizontal
position to align the edge of the waveform with one of the major vertical grid
1.8. Measure the AMPLITUDE of the waveform (peak to peak value) by counting the
grid squares on the screen. Remember, each square is 1.0V. Is it close to 5V?
Record your reading below.
Amplitude (p-p) _______ V
1.9. Note the position of the BOTTOM portion of the trace as compared to the
GROUND level you set in step a. To verify the DC offset of the waveform,
compare the position of that part of the trace to the ground position. For work
with digital circuits, there should be little or no offset (e.g. the lowest level of the
input waveform should be at 0 VDC.
Offset (V) _______ V
1.10. Measure the FREQUENCY of the waveform by counting the number of
grid marks on the scope display. In order to measure frequency, you must count
from one rising edge of the waveform to the next rising edge. Each grid square
horizontally corresponds to 200 uSec, so add up the number of squares to get
the period of the waveform. Remember that frequency = 1/period. Write down
the period and then invert it to get the frequency. Record this information below.
Period = _____ grid squares * 200 uSec/Square = _______ uSec
Frequency = 1/Period = _________ Hz
1.11. Use graph paper to sketch the waveform. Observe the scale for both
amplitude and timing of the waveform on your screen. Use grid lines and scaling
to make the sketch large enough to read the frequency and amplitude
1.12. Adjust the Fine Frequency control on the logic trainer to about mid-scale.
Measure the period and frequency of the waveform on the oscilloscope.
Remember to use the Horizontal position control to move the waveform so you
can align it to a major grid line. Record this information below.
Instructor initials:
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Period = _____ grid squares * 200uSec/Square = _______ uSec
Frequency = 1/Period = _________ Hz
1.13. Adjust the Fine Frequency control on the logic trainer to the full clockwise
position. The frequency will go up to the point where it will be difficult to measure
on the oscilloscope. Change the Horizontal scale to 20 uSec/division and
measure the period and frequency as above. Record this information below.
Period = _____ grid squares * 20uSec/Square = ________ uSec
Frequency = 1/Period = ________ Hz
2. Measurement of Amplitude and Frequency from the Function Generator
Although the function generator provides a wide range of frequencies for use, the
exact frequency is difficult to set due to the variable nature of the components used
and settings of the controls. The function generator GEN output provides a variable
signal level that can be adjusted using the AMPLITUDE control. The DC offset of
this waveform can be adjusted using the OFFSET control. Refer to figure 4. Adjust
these controls as follows for the next measurement:
Amplitude: Approximately ¼ (9:00 position)
Offset: Approximately ½ (12:00 position)
2.1. Move the oscilloscope input wire from the CLOCK connection point to the GEN
connection point on the logic trainer (see figure 4). DO NOT adjust the vertical
position of the waveform on the oscilloscope.
2.2. Measure the amplitude of the waveform present. Record this information below.
Amplitude = ______ V
2.3. The DC offset is the difference between the level of the bottom of the waveform
and your reference point, which should be at the second major division on the
screen from the bottom. Using this as a reference, measure the DC offset and
record it below. Remember to include the polarity!
DC Offset = ______ V
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2.4. Adjust the DC offset control to get to your “zero-volt” reference point. Note that
the amplitude of the waveform doesn’t change, but that the offset does.
Questions (show your work for all computation):
1) What is the frequency of a square wave signal with a period of 1.05 mSec?
2) What types of waveforms are difficult for digital logic circuits to work with? Explain
3) Which output of the function generator on the digital trainer is usually used when
working with digital circuitry?
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Experiment 3 Breadboards and Building Digital Circuits
To become familiar the typical solderless breadboard or protoboard and its features
To understand the internal connections on a breadboard
To understand how to wire a simple digital circuit using a breadboard
To apply the binary, decimal and hexadecimal conversions
Text References:
Instructor handout: “How to Use a Breadboard”
Tocci Chapter 2 Sections 2-1 through 2-3
Components Needed:
1 Integrated Circuit ( type 7476)
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Digital Multimeter (DMM)
Logic Probe
The breadboard is organized into rows (1, 2, 3, 4,…) and columns (A, B, C, D,…J) of electrical
sockets. See Figure 1. Those rows and columns can be further subdivided into groups. The
breadboards that are provided with the logic trainer have pairs of columns with + and labels (usually
between a red and blue lines). These are power rails or buses that are used to supply a common
voltage (+5V or +12V) and a common ground to the circuits in the main part of the board. Good bus
management will save you time and trouble with complicated circuits by simplifying circuit wiring and
by removing unnecessary clutter. Clutter is your enemy in building circuits!
Between the power rails are groups of sockets that will be used to build the circuit and, within these
groups of sockets, only the rows of sockets are electrically connected. See Figure 2. The two groups
across the central gap are not connected. In other words, sockets A - E in a row are not connected to
sockets F - J) in the same row. Look over Figure 2 and be sure to understand the connections
between sockets.
To prevent damage to the breadboard sockets, use 22 gauge solid wire to make connections. Cut the
wires to the correct length or use the precut wires. If needed strip about 1/2” of insulation from each
end and push the bare wires into the breadboard sockets until they bottom out. Forcing wires or
component leads into the board will damage the internal socket connections or make for an
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intermittent connection. If wires or component leads do not fit easily into the breadboard they may be
too thick for the breadboard sockets.
To help keep the circuit organized and easier to troubleshoot use colored wires to make your wiring
easier to follow and locate signals. For example, red wires for power connections, black or green wires
for ground connections and other colored wires for signals. Use the shortest wire possible to make the
electrical connection.
Figure 1
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Figure 2
1. Map breadboard internal connections
1.1. The logic trainer should be off for this part of the experiment. Using your DMM
determine the internal connections on the first 13 rows of the breadboard. The
DMM test probes will not fit into the breadboard socket holes so a wire should be
inserted in the socket holes to make a measurement. Press the test probe up
against the bare wire. Pinch the bare wire between the test probe point and the
breadboard socket. See Figure 3.
1.2. Sketch the internal connections in Figure 4 by drawing a line between all the
socket holes that are electrically connected.
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Figure 3
Figure 4
2. Build the digital circuit
2.1. The logic trainer should be off for this part of the experiment. In this part of the
experiment a simply digital circuit will be built. The emphasis of this experiment
is on the building of the circuit and not on understanding the internal function of
the Integrated Circuit (IC) or chip. That will come later in the semester. For now
the focus is on getting comfortable reading an electrical diagrams and building
circuits on a breadboard.
2.2. The leads or pins on an IC are numbered and this is needed to wire the IC
correctly. Look at IC and determine how pin 1 is located. Describe the method
Instructor initials:
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used to locate pin 1 and the other pins around the IC. Sketch the IC and identify
the pin 1, 8, 9 and 16 locations on the sketch.
2.3. This circuit consists of one IC (7476) and uses the Logic trainer for the
remaining circuit elements. The circuit in Figure 5 consists of five blocks that will
be wired together to create the digital circuit. At this point, the internal workings
of the five block is not important. Each block has either inputs, outputs and/or
both and these will be electrically connected with wires to form the working
Figure 5
2.4. Place the IC in the breadboard so the IC leads are straddling the gap in the
breadboard and are fully inserted into the socket holes. New IC’s may need to
be formed to fit into the breadboard without damaging the leads. Ask the
instructor for help to form the leads.
2.5. Use the precut jumpers from your wire kit or cut jumpers to length to electrically
connect the five blocks of the circuit. Use the shortest wire possible to complete
each connection. Long wires make it more difficult to troubleshoot and can
induce noise into the circuit. If possible lay the wires flush against the
breadboard as seen in Figure 6. Figure 6 is an example of this circuit, but it is
only one of the many possible solutions to this circuit build. Use it as reference
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along with the circuit diagram in Figure 5 to complete the circuit build.
Figure 6
2.6. Verify the following connections are made:
+5V to the (+) positive rail
Ground to the () negative rail
Pin 1 to the Pulser Switch L – H
Pin 2 to the + rail
Pin 3 to the + rail
Pin 4 to the + rail
Pin 5 to the + rail’
Pin 6 to pin 15
Pin 7 to the + rail
Pin 8 to the + rail
Pin 9 to the + rail
Pin 10 no connection needed
Pin 11 to LED Indicator 4 (this is the MSB)
Pin 12 to the + rail
Pin 13 to the rail
Pin 14 no connection needed
Pin 15 to LED Indicator 3 (this is the LSB and is already connected to pin 6)
Pin 16 to the + rail
3. Testing the digital circuit
3.1. Before turning on the power to the trainer have the instructor check your circuit
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and initial: __________________.
3.2. Turn the trainer power on and record the initial state (0 pulse) of the two LEDs (3
& 4) in Table 1. Do not touch the circuit or any of the controls on the trainer.
Table 1
3.3. Pulse the circuit once by moving the pulser switch lever to the right and
releasing (toggling the switch). The lever should return to its original position
since it is spring loaded. The LEDs should have changed states.
LED 4 State
(ON or OFF)
LED 3 State
(ON or OFF)
Binary Value
of LEDs
Value of
Value of
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3.4. Record the LED states in Table 1.
3.5. Repeat steps 3.3 and 3.4 for nine pulses. The two LED state columns should be
completed. Do not toggle the switch again.
3.6. Using a zero (0) as the OFF state and one (1) as the ON state determine the
binary value for each LED 3 and 4 combination in the table.
3.7. Calculate the decimal and hexadecimal values for the last two columns in the
3.8. Without toggling the switch, what would the binary value be after the 12
How did you determine this value?
3.9. Without toggling the switch, what would the hexadecimal value be after the 29
pulse? How did you determine this value?
3.10. Toggle the switch until one LED is ON and one LED is OFF. Leave the
trainer power on and use the logic probe and DMM to make the measurements
in Table 2.
Logic Probe
(HI / LOW)
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Red + Rail
Black Ground
Red Ground
Black + Rail
Red Ground
Black - Rail
Red LED that is ON
Black Ground
Red LED that is OFF
Black Ground
Red Pin 6
Black Ground
Table 2
Questions (show your work for all computation):
1. What is the function of this digital circuit?
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2. In table 2, what is the relationship between measurement #1 and measurement #2?
Explain your answer.
3. In table 2, explain the value in measurement #3. What does it represent?
4. Complete the table by converting binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers.
Problem # Binary Decimal Hexadecimal
1 1010 1010
2 253
3 55
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Experiment 4 AND, OR and NOT Gates
To understand the behavior and demonstrate the operation of AND, OR and NOT
To apply knowledge of the fundamental gates to create truth tables
To develop digital circuit building and troubleshooting skills
To understand key elements of TTL logic specification or datasheets
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 3 Sections 3-1 through 3-5
Components Needed:
One 7408 IC quad two-input AND gate
One 7432 IC quad two-input OR gate
One 7404 IC hex inverter (NOT gate)
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Digital Multimeter
Logic Probe
Gate circuits are the foundation for all digital circuits, and the AND, OR and NOT gates
are three of the basic gates. All these gates are packaged in chips that contain multiple
gates and are considered Small Scale Integration (SSI) since the packages have less
12 gates per chip. All the chips used in this laboratory manual are dual inline pin (DIP)
packages which allows for easy insertion into the breadboard and for easy access to the
leads (pins) for troubleshooting. Each chip used in any of the experiments has a
manufacturers’ specification (data) sheet available on the internet, but they are also
posted on the Blackboard course site under Data Sheets.
These logic gates will respond to HIGH and LOW voltages and since all the chips are
TTL based the corresponding voltages will be approximately +5V for HIGH and 0V for
LOW. Also, only positive logic is considered in the laboratory manual so a HIGH will
correspond with a Boolean logic 1 and a LOW will correspond to a Boolean logic 0. In
this lab, each of the gate types will be thoroughly tested and the inputs and outputs
mapped into a truth table.
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Troubleshooting Method:
If at any time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or expected
results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit. There are many approaches to
troubleshooting and as you gain experience your method may change, but this is a
good basic method to troubleshoot the circuits in this course.
First, recognize the location of the visual fault. For example, the LED 1 is always
on or the display does not show the correct value. The goal is to determine why
the visual fault exists. The location of the visual fault is the starting point of the
troubleshooting, but the actual root cause of this fault may be located elsewhere
in the circuit.
Next use the logic probe to check for power (HIGH) and ground (LOW) voltages
at the first chip in the signal chain that is closest to the visual fault. Once all the
power and ground voltages have been verified the focus will be on the individual
signals that feed into this chip.
Since the troubleshooting method is starting at the visual fault area there should
be an incorrect output signal. Locate the incorrect output signal(s). Use the logic
diagrams, datasheets, schematics and logic probe to trace the incorrect signal
back towards the source of the signal. This may involve verifying other inputs to
the chip are correct.
If the incorrect signal leads to another chip first verify the power and ground
voltages to the chip and then continue to trace the incorrect signal back to it
The goal is to locate where the incorrect signal has gone correct. At this point the
focus would be on understand why the correct signal has gone bad at that
location. They are many possible causes of a circuit not functioning properly. It is
important to gain experience and build confidence in troubleshooting.
Developing effective troubleshooting skills are like learning to ice skate. We can read
about how to ice skate till the cows come home, but at some point you need to get on
the ice and try to skate. The actual experience and trial and error is the best way to
learn how to ice skate and troubleshoot electrical circuits.
Again, as you gain experience you may want to consider a troubleshooting method that
utilizes a “divide and conquer” approach. When done properly this method can shorten
the time to locate the fault. Troubleshooting is a skill that enhances value as an
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Troubleshooting Flow Chart - Digital Electronic Courses
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1. The AND Gate
1.1. Build the circuit in the logic diagram (Figure 1) using the 7408 chip and the
trainer. Reference the datasheet to determine pinout of 7408 chip. V
for all the
TTL chips will use the +5V power supply. Figure 2 is one example solution.
Figure 1
Figure 2
1.2. Before turning on the power to the trainer have the instructor check your circuit
and initial: __________________.
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1.3. Start with both SW0 and SW1 as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer.
1.4. Adjust the switches to the inputs listed in Table 1. Use the logic probe, DMM and
the LEDs to measure the outputs going to the LEDs to complete Table 1
SW1 (pin 2) SW0 (pin 1) LED (ON/OFF)
Logic Probe
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Table 1
1.5. Set both switches LOW. Leave the trainer power on and remove the jumper wire
at pin 1 so the pin is “floating.” Measure the voltage at pin 1 with the logic probe
and the DMM and record the results along with the LED state in Table 2.
Output Pin 3
Input Pin 1
SW1 (pin 2) SW0 (pin 1) LED (ON/OFF)
Logic Probe
0 Floating
1 Floating
Table 2
1.6. Leave the trainer power on and pin 1 “floating.” Set SW1 to HIGH. Measure the
voltage at pin 1 with the logic probe and the DMM and record the results along
with the LED state in Table 2.
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1.7. Summarize your results from Table 2.
2. The OR Gate
2.1. Turn off the trainer. Build the circuit in the logic diagram (Figure 3) using the
7432 chip and the trainer. Reference the datasheet to determine pinout of 7432
chip. Vcc for all the TTL chips will use the +5V power supply.
Figure 3
2.2. Before turning on the power to the trainer have the instructor check your circuit
and initial: __________________.
2.3. Start with both SW0 and SW1 as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer.
2.4. Adjust the switches to the inputs listed in Table 3. Use the logic probe, DMM and
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the LEDs to measure the outputs going to the LEDs to complete Table 3
SW1 (pin 2) SW0 (pin 1) LED (ON/OFF)
Logic Probe
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Table 3
2.5. Set both switches LOW. Leave the trainer power on and remove the jumper wire
at pin 1 so the pin is “floating.” Measure the voltage at pin 1 with the logic probe
and the DMM and record the results along with the LED state in Table 4.
Output Pin 3
Input Pin 1
SW1 (pin 2) SW0 (pin 1) LED (ON/OFF)
Logic Probe
0 Floating
1 Floating
Table 4
2.6. Leave the trainer power on and pin 1 “floating.” Set SW1 to HIGH. Measure the
voltage at pin 1 with the logic probe and the DMM and record the results along
with the LED state in Table 4.
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2.7. Summarize your results from Table 4.
3. The NOT Gate or Inverter
3.1. Turn off the trainer. Build the circuit in the logic diagram (Figure 4) using the
7404 chip and the trainer. Reference the datasheet to determine pinout of 7404
chip. Vcc for all the TTL chips will use the +5V power supply.
Figure 4
3.2. Before turning on the power to the trainer have the instructor check your circuit
and initial: __________________.
3.3. Start with SW0 as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer.
3.4. Adjust the switch to the inputs listed in Table 5. Use the logic probe, DMM and
the LEDs to measure the outputs going to the LEDs to complete Table 5
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SW0 (pin 1) LED (ON/OFF)
Logic Probe
Table 5
3.5. Leave the trainer power on and remove the jumper wire at pin 1 so the pin is
“floating.” Measure the voltage at pin 1 with the logic probe and the DMM and
record the results along with the LED state in Table 6.
Output Pin 2
Input Pin 1
SW0 (pin 1) LED (ON/OFF)
Logic Probe
Table 6
3.6. Summarize your results from Table 6.
1. How many AND gates are in a 7408 chip? Draw the chip, label and number its pins.
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2. How many OR gates are in a 7432 chip? Draw the chip, label and number its pins.
3. How many NOT gates are in a 7404 chip? Draw the chip, label and number its pins.
4. What voltage do you expect to see at a floating TTL gate output?
5. What logic state do you expect to see at a floating TTL gate output?
6. What voltage is V
7. Assume that you need a gate that is only HIGH when all the inputs are HIGH. What
type of gate do you select?
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8. Draw the logic symbol for a two-input AND gate (label the inputs A and B with an
output X). Also create its truth table.
9. Draw the logic symbol for a three-input OR gate (label the inputs A, B and C with an
output X). Also create its truth table.
10. Draw the logic symbol for a NOT gate and create its truth table.
11. Draw the logic symbol for an inverter and create its truth table.
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Experiment 5 Basic Combinational Logic &
Gates with Many Inputs
To design basic logic circuits with more than two-inputs
To implement logic circuits from a Boolean expression
To determine the Boolean expression from a logic circuit
To understand how to use AND, OR and NOT gates to create a simply combinational
logic circuit
To develop digital circuit building and troubleshooting skills
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 3 Sections 3-6 through 3-8
Components Needed:
One 7408 IC quad two-input AND gate
One 7432 IC quad two-input OR gate
One 7404 IC hex inverter (NOT gate)
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Logic Probe
Up to now, all previous experiments have had logic diagrams with only two logic inputs,
but what if a circuit needed three or four inputs? We will look at two ways to address the
greater than two-input design. First, there are chips designed for more than three inputs
and these chips will be explored in future experiments. Secondly, two-input devices can
be combined to create three of more inputs. Think of ways to combine two 7408 chips to
create a three input AND gate. This will be the first experiment.
Digital logic is implemented by using basic logic gates (AND, OR and NOT) as building
blocks to create more complex circuits. A combinational circuit is a group of gates
whose output function is only dependent on the values of its current input states (i.e.
there is no storage or feedback is present in the circuit). The following circuits are
simply combinational circuits.
X = AB + A’B or Y = AB + C or Z = (A + B)C
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In the second experiment, these combinational circuits will be built, tested and
evaluated. These simply combinational circuits are the basis for more complex logic
circuit and chips.
1. Gates with More Than Two-inputs
1.1. Design and draw the logic diagram below for a three input AND gate using only
one 7408 (quad two-input AND gate chip). The Boolean expression would be
Only include the logic inputs and outputs in the logic diagram. V
and ground are
always connected but standard practice is to eliminate them from logic diagrams.
This helps keep the logic diagram neater and easier to read.
1.2. Build the circuit from the logic diagram above using the 7408 chip and the
trainer. Remember that the 7408 IC has four AND gates within the package. Use
the Level Switches to toggle the inputs. Reference the datasheet to determine
the pinout of the 7408 chip. Vcc for all the TTL chips will use the +5V power
1.3. Before turning on the power to the trainer have the instructor check your circuit
and initial: __________________.
1.4. Start with all the input switches as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer. If at
any time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or
expected results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
1.5. Adjust the switches to the inputs listed in Table 1. Use the logic probe to
measure the output state going to the LED and complete Table 1 outputs.
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Outputs (W)
Logic Probe
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
Table 1
2. Basic Combinational Logic with AND and OR gates
2.1. Design and draw the logic diagram for
Y = AB + C using two-input AND and
two-input OR gates.
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2.2. Build the circuit from the logic diagram above using the 7408 and 7432 chips
and the trainer. Use the Level Switches to toggle the inputs. Reference the
datasheets to determine the pinout of the chips. Vcc for all the TTL chips will use
the +5V power supply.
2.3. Before turning on the power to the trainer have the instructor check your circuit
and initial: __________________.
2.4. Start with all the input switches as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer. If at
any time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or
expected results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
2.5. Adjust the switches to the inputs listed in Table 2. Use the logic probe to
measure the output state going to the LED and complete Table 2 outputs for Y.
Outputs (Y)
Outputs (Z)
Logic Probe
Logic Probe
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
Table 2
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2.6. Design and draw the logic diagram for Z = (A + B)C using two-input AND and
two-input OR gates. On the logic diagram label the IC pins to help with wiring the
2.7. Build the circuit from the logic diagram above using the 7408 chip and the
trainer. Remember that the 7408 IC has four AND gates within the package. Use
the Level Switches to toggle the inputs. Reference the datasheet to determine
the pinout of the 7408 chip. Vcc for all the TTL chips will use the +5V power
2.8. Before turning on the power to the trainer have the instructor check your circuit
and initial: __________________.
2.9. Start with all the input switches as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer. If at
any time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or
expected results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
2.10. Adjust the switches to the inputs listed in Table 2. Use the logic probe to
measure the output state going to the LED and complete Table 2 outputs for Z.
2.11. Compare the results in Table 2 for outputs Y and Z and explain the
differences. Remember the Order of Operation for Boolean expressions which
states AND operations must be performed before OR operations unless there
are parentheses are used. The operation within the parentheses must be
performed first.
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3. Basic Combinational Logic with AND, OR and NOT gates
3.1. Design and draw the logic diagram for X = AB’ + A’C using two-input ANDs, a
two-input OR and inverter gates. On the logic diagram label the IC pins to help
with wiring the circuit.
3.2. Build the circuit from the logic diagram above using the 7408, 7432 and 7404
chips and the trainer. Use the Level Switches to toggle the inputs. Reference the
datasheets to determine the pinout of the chips. Vcc for all the TTL chips will use
the +5V power supply.
3.3. Before turning on the power to the trainer have the instructor check your circuit
and initial: __________________.
3.4. Start with all the input switches as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer. If at
any time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or
expected results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
3.5. Adjust the switches to the inputs listed in Table 3. Use the logic probe to
measure the output state going to the LED and complete Table 3 outputs.
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Outputs (X)
Logic Probe
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
Table 3
3.6. In Table 3 what is the relationship between LED state and the logic probe
reading? Is this relationship always true? Explain.
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1. Create the truth table for W = ABC from table 1.
2. Create the truth table for Z = (A + B)C from table 2.
3. Create the truth table for Y = AB + C from table 2.
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4. Create the truth table for X = AB’ + A’B from table 3.
5. Write the Boolean equation for the logic diagram in Figure 1.
Figure 1
6. Draw the logic diagram for a five-input AND gate using only two-input AND
gates. Label the inputs and outputs.
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7. Draw the logic diagram for a six-input AND gate using only 5 two-input AND
gates. Label the inputs and outputs.
8. Draw the logic diagram for the following Boolean equation:
 + 
+ 
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Experiment 6 Basic Boolean Simplification
& DeMorgan’s Theorem
To verify the basic rules of Boolean algebra using logic gates
To verify the two elements of DeMorgan’s Theorem
To develop digital circuit building and troubleshooting skills
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 3 Sections 3-10 through 3-13
Components Needed:
One 7408 IC quad two-input AND gate
One 7432 IC quad two-input OR gate
One 7404 IC hex inverter (NOT gate)
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Logic Probe
Boolean algebra is similar to other mathematical topics in that there are identities that
can be used to simplify the work that needs to be done. The basic identities of Boolean
algebra are:
A + 0 = A
A + 1 = 1
A + A = A
A + A’ = 1
A*0 = 0
A*1 = A
AA = A
AA’ = 0
A’’ = A
A + AB = A
A + A’B = A + B
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Since seeing is believing, this experiment will demonstrate all of the single variable
Boolean identities using AND, OR and NOT gates in this experiment.
Recall that the DeMorgan’s Theorem (Figure 1) simplifies the inverted product (AB)’ or
inverted sum (C + D)’ into a form that is more usable form for overall simplification of a
digital circuit. This theorem also provides a means of converting to universal gate NAND
and NOR. Both parts of DeMorgan’s Theorem will be proven in this experiment.
Figure 1
1. Boolean Identities
1.1. Design and draw the logic diagrams for the equivalent Boolean Identity circuits
in table 1 using the AND, OR and NOT gates. Include the pin numbers on the
gate inputs and outputs. Reference the datasheets to determine the pinout of the
1.2. Build each circuit from procedure 1.1 using the trainer. Test each circuits output
for both input states. Use the Level Switches to toggle the inputs.
1.3. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors. If at any
time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or expected
results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
1.4. Turn on the power to the trainer. Record the results in Table 1.
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Draw the equivalent Boolean identity circuit
Result (A, 1, 0)
A + 0 = A
A + 1 = 1
A + A = A
A + A’ = 1
A*0 = 0
A*1 = A
AA = A
AA’ = 0
A’’ = A
Table 1
1.5. Describe your results and comment on any problems encountered during the
build and testing the circuits for Table 1?
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2. DeMorgan’s Theorem
2.1. Design and draw the first element of DeMorgan’s Theorem (AB) = A’ + B using
the AND, OR and NOT gates. Include the pin numbers on the gate inputs and
outputs. Reference the datasheets to determine the pinout of the chips.
A’ + B
2.2. Use the AND, OR and NOT gates along with the trainer to build the two logic
circuits from the first DeMorgan’s Theorem (AB) = A’ + B’.Use the Level
Switches to toggle the inputs.
2.3. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors.
2.4. Start with all the input switches as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer. If at
any time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or
expected results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
2.5. Adjust the switches to test all the input combinations and record the results in
Table 2.
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A’ + B’
Table 2
2.6. Comment on the results of Table 2.
2.7. Design and draw the second element of DeMorgan’s Theorem (C + D)’ = C’D’
using the AND, OR and NOT gates. Include the pin numbers on the gate inputs
and outputs. Reference the datasheets to determine the pinout of the chips.
(C + D)’
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2.8. Use the AND, OR and NOT gates along with the trainer to build the two logic
circuits from the second DeMorgan’s Theorem (C + D)’ = C’D’. Use the Level
Switches to toggle the inputs.
2.9. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors.
2.10. Start with all the input switches as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer.
If at any time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or
expected results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
2.11. Adjust the switches to test all the input combinations and record the
results in Table 3.
(C + D)’
Table 3
2.12. Comment on the results of Table 3.
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1. Simplify the Boolean equation M = W’XY’ + WXY’ + XY’Z using Boolean
identities and theorems to show that M = XY
2. Draw the logic diagrams for X = AB(A’ + BC)’ and Y = ABC.
3. Using Boolean identities and the DeMorgan’s Theorem prove that X = Y from
question 2.
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Experiment 7 NAND Gates and the
Universality of NAND Gates
To understand the behavior and demonstrate the operation of the NAND gate
To demonstrate the universality of the NAND gate
To build a combinational logic circuit using all NAND gates
To develop digital circuit building and troubleshooting skills
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 3 Sections 3-9 through 3-12
Components Needed:
One 7404 IC hex inverter (NOT gate)
One 7408 IC quad two-input AND gate
Two 7420 IC four-input NAND gate
One 7432 IC quad two-input OR gate
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Logic Probe
The basic logic gates AND, OR and NOT can be combined to make any other logic
gate. The NAND gate is a derived gate and is special since it is considered a universal
gate. It is a NOT AND gate and the logic symbol is the AND gate with an invert bubble
on its output as in Figure 1. Like the AND and OR gates the NAND gate can more than
two inputs.
The universality of the NAND gate means any Boolean expression may be implemented with all
NAND gates without the use of any other logic type gate. This will be demonstrated in the second
experiment. NAND is a preferred universal gate since it is easier and more economical to
manufacture than other universal gates, such as NOR gates.
Figure 1
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1. NAND Gates
1.1. Design and draw the logic diagram for a two-input NAND gate using one two-
input AND and one NOT gate. Include the pin numbers on the gate inputs and
1.2. Build the NAND gate circuit above using the 7408 and 7404 chips and the
trainer. Use the Level Switches to toggle the inputs. Reference the datasheets to
determine the pinout of the chips. Vcc for all the TTL chips will use the +5V
power supply.
1.3. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors. If at any
time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or expected
results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
Table 1
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
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Figure 2 NAND Gate Equivalent Circuits
1.4. Start with all the input switches as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer. If at
any time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or
expected results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
1.5. Adjust the switches to the inputs listed in Table 1. Record the output states
(AND and AND-NOT) for each input combination.
1.6. Design and draw the logic diagram for a two-input NAND gate using the 7420
chip. The NAND gate in the 7420 chip has four inputs and only two inputs will be
used in the experiment. Be sure to draw the two unused input pins. What will be
done with these two unused pins? Include the pin numbers on the gate inputs
and outputs.
1.7. Build the NAND gate circuit using the 7420 chip and the trainer. Use the Level
Switches to toggle the inputs. Reference the datasheets to determine the pinout
of the chips. Vcc for all the TTL chips will use the +5V power supply.
1.8. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors. If at any
time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or expected
results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
1.9. Start with all the input switches as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer.
1.10. Adjust the switches to the inputs listed in Table 1. Record the output state
for the NAND gate for each input combination.
2. Universality of NAND GatesConstruct a circuit with all NAND gates
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2.1. Draw the logic diagram of the Boolean expression Z = + 
, build the circuit
from AND, OR and NOT gates, test the circuit and complete Table 2 for the Z
Table 2
Z with NAND’s
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
Instructor initials:
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2.2. Using the NAND gate equivalent circuits from Figure 2 and redraw the logic
diagram (from 2.1) using only NAND gates.
1. What is the truth table and logic symbol for a two-input NAND gate (inputs A and B
with output X)?
2. Compare both outputs of Z in Table 2 and comment.
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3. If the 7400 (quad two-input NAND gate) chip was used instead of the 7420 (four-
input NAND gate) chip how many 7400 chips would be needed for the design? Is
that more or less than in the AND-OR-NOT design? Show the 7400 design.
4. Use the equivalent NAND gate logic to convert the logic diagram below to only
contain NAND gates. Redraw the logic diagram with input/output labels.
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5. Use the equivalent NAND gate logic to convert the logic diagram below to only
contain NAND gates. Redraw the logic diagram with input/output labels.
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Experiment 8/9 (Two Weeks) BCD Detector Project
With Karnaugh Maps
To understand the Sum-of-Product (SOP) form
To apply the Karnaugh map method to simplify a Boolean equation
To apply “don’t care” states to a Karnaugh Map (K-map)
To create a MultiSim simulation of a digital circuit
To develop digital circuit building and troubleshooting skills
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 4 Sections 4-1 through 4-5
Components Needed: (quantities unknown)
7400 IC quad two-input NAND gate
7404 IC hex inverter (NOT gate)
7408 IC quad two input AND gate
7420 IC 4-input NAND gate
7432 IC quad two input OR gate
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Logic Probe
As has been demonstrated in lecture, the Karnaugh map (K-map) method of
simplification is a powerful graphical technique that uses the Sum-of-Products (SOP)
form. The advantages of using K-maps for reduction is that it is easier to see when the
expression has been fully simplified and the K-map method provides a structured
approach to Boolean simplification.
In the experiment, a BCD detector will be designed, implemented in MultiSim, simplified
using a K-map, designs built and tested. A truth table will need to be created before a K-
map can be employed, so start thinking about how to create a truth table for a BCD
detector and the specifications that follow. Cost of this BCD detector is also a factor, so
designs need to consider the cost as changes are made. The specification for the BCD
detector is as follows:
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Inputs: Four from level switches (A, B, C, D) representing the binary number
Outputs: One LED turns ON to indicate a valid BCD number as an input
o 7400 IC quad two-input NAND gate
o 7404 IC hex inverter (NOT gate)
o 7408 IC quad two input AND gate
o 7420 IC four-input NAND gate
o 7432 IC quad two input OR gate
Need to minimize the overall cost of the BCD detector
Cost breakdown of the components used:
o Each part number is $4 (i.e 7400, 7404, 7408,…)
o Each individual chip is $2 (total quantity of chips used)
o Each individual gate is $1
Table 1
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1. Create simulation of BCD detector
1.1. Create a truth table (above) from the information in the specifications.
1.2. Derive the Boolean equation in the Sum-of Product form from the truth table
(Table 1).
1.3. Implement the not simplified Boolean equation (SOP) on MultiSim using the
chips called out in the specification.
1.4. Simulate the not simplified Boolean equation on MultiSim. Print out MultiSim
circuit with simulation results. This will part of your report.
1.5. Count the number of part numbers used in the simulation and calculate the cost:
Part Cost = total part numbers used * $4
Part Cost = ____________ * $4
1.6. Count the number of individual chips used in the simulation and calculate the
Chip Cost = total number of chips used * $2
Chip Cost = ____________ * $2
1.7. Count the number of individual gates used in the simulation and calculate the
Gate Cost = total number of gates used * $1
Gate Cost = ____________ * $1
1.8. Determine the total cost = part cost + chip cost + gate cost
Total Cost = ___________ + ___________ + ___________
Total Cost = ___________ (original design)
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1.9. Summarize the cost results in the “Original Design” row of Table 2.
Part Cost
Chip Cost
Gate Cost
Total Cost
NAND Design
“Don’t care”
Table 2
2. First prototype
2.1. Use SOP Boolean equation from the truth table to complete a K-map in Figure 1.
Figure 1
2.2. Derive simplified Boolean Equation from the K-map in Figure 1.
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2.3. Draw the logic diagram from the simplified Boolean Equation using the AND, OR
and NOT gates. Include the pin numbers on the gate inputs and outputs.
2.4. Use the AND, OR and NOT gates along with the trainer to build the logic circuit.
Use the Level Switches to toggle the inputs.
2.5. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors.
2.6. Start with all the input switches as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer. If at
any time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or
expected results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
2.7. Adjust the switches to test all the input combinations and record the results in
Table 1 under the “Simplified B.E.” column. Turn off the trainer.
2.8. Count the number of part numbers used in the simplified design and calculate
the cost:
Part Cost = total part numbers used * $4
Part Cost = ____________ * $4
2.9. Count the number of individual chips used in the simplified design and calculate
the cost:
Chip Cost = total number of chips used * $2
Chip Cost = ____________ * $2
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2.10. Count the number of individual gates used in the simplified design and
calculate the cost:
Gate Cost = total number of gates used * $1
Gate Cost = ____________ * $1
2.11. Determine the total cost = part cost + chip cost + gate cost
Total Cost = ___________ + ___________ + ___________
Total Cost = ___________ (simplified design)
2.12. Summarize the cost results in the “Simplified Design” row of Table 2.
3. Second prototype with cost reductions
3.1. Convert the simplified Boolean Equation in SOP form to use only NAND gates.
Draw the logic diagram using only NAND gates. Include the pin numbers on the
gate inputs and outputs.
3.2. Use the NAND gates along with the trainer to build the logic circuit. Use the
Level Switches to toggle the inputs.
3.3. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors.
3.4. Start with all the input switches as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer. If at
any time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or
expected results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
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3.5. Adjust the switches to test all the input combinations and record the results in
Table 1 under the “NAND” column. Turn off the trainer.
3.6. Count the number of part numbers used in the NAND gate design and calculate
the cost:
Part Cost = total part numbers used * $4
Part Cost = ____________ * $4
3.7. Count the number of individual chips used in the NAND gate design and
calculate the cost:
Chip Cost = total number of chips used * $2
Chip Cost = ____________ * $2
3.8. Count the number of individual gates used in the NAND gate design and
calculate the cost:
Gate Cost = total number of gates used * $1
Gate Cost = ____________ * $1
3.9. Determine the total cost = part cost + chip cost + gate cost
Total Cost = ___________ + ___________ + ___________
Total Cost = ___________ (NAND gate design)
3.10. Summarize the cost results in the “NAND Gate Design” row of Table 2.
4. Prototype with changes (don’t care state). The change to the specification is the
decimal 10 and 11 are no longer options as inputs. This means they are considered
“don’t cares” in the K-map, so the K-map and simplification needs to be repeated
and a new NAND solution needs to be determined.
4.1. Use the Boolean equation with only NAND functions to complete a K-map in
Figure 2. Add in the “don’t care” states for decimal 10 and 11.
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Figure 2
4.2. Derive the Boolean Equation from the K-map with the “don’t care” states in
Figure 2.
4.3. Draw the logic diagram from the “don’t care” Boolean Equation using the AND,
OR and NOT gates. Include the pin numbers on the gate inputs and outputs.
4.4. Do not build this design. Convert the “don’t care” logic diagram use to use only
NAND gates. Draw the logic diagram using only NAND gates. Include the pin
numbers on the gate inputs and outputs.
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4.5. Use the NAND gates along with the trainer to build the logic circuit. Use the
Level Switches to toggle the inputs.
4.6. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors.
4.7. Start with all the input switches as LOW. Turn on the power to the trainer. If at
any time during the experiment the results do not match the theoretical or
expected results use the logic probe to troubleshoot the circuit.
4.8. Adjust the switches to test all the input combinations and record the results in
Table 1 under the “Don’t care” column.
4.9. Count the number of part numbers used in the “don’t care” design and calculate
the cost:
Part Cost = total part numbers used * $4
Part Cost = ____________ * $4
4.10. Count the number of individual chips used in the “don’t care” design and
calculate the cost:
Chip Cost = total number of chips used * $2
Chip Cost = ____________ * $2
4.11. Count the number of individual gates used in the don’t care” design and
calculate the cost:
Gate Cost = total number of gates used * $1
Gate Cost = ____________ * $1
4.12. Determine the total cost = part cost + chip cost + gate cost
Total Cost = ___________ + ___________ + ___________
4.13. Total Cost = ___________ (“don’t care” design)
4.14. Summarize the cost results in the “Don’t Care Design” row of Table 2.
1. Why isn’t input D needed in the BCD detector design?
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2. Review the cost table 2 and summarize the results.
3. How many four-input AND gates, three-input OR gates and NOT gates are needed
to realize Z?
Z = C’D’(B’ + A’B) + CD’(B’ + A’B)
Z = A’B’C’ D’ + AB’CD’ + AB’C’D’ + A’B’CD’ + A’BC’D’ + A’BCD’
4. Use the K-map reduction method to find the simplified Boolean equation for Z.
5. Draw the logic diagram for the simplified Z.
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Experiment 10 S-R & D Latches & J-K Flip Flops
To understand the S-R latch
To understand the D latch
To understand the operation of an edge triggered J-K flip-flop
To understand the latching abilities of flip-flops
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 5 Sections 5-6 through 5-9
Components Needed:
One 7400 IC quad two-input NAND gate
One 7404 IC hex inverter (NOT gate)
One 7476 IC dual J-K flip-flop
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Logic Probe
Everything to this point has been a combinational logic circuit, meaning there is no
feedback or memory. The output is dependent strictly on the input without any type of
synchronization. Sequential logic can have a timing mechanism (clock signal) and a
form of memory where previous states may influence the next state.
In digital circuits, a fIip-fIop is a device referring to an electronic circuit that has two
stable states and is capable of serving as one bit of memory. Flip-flops are a sequential
logic device and are usually controlled by control signal(s) and/or a clock signal. The
output often includes the complement (Q’) as well as the normal output (Q) and are
synchronous devices. Flip-flop are a major element in digital circuits and can be found
in data storage, data transfer, counters and frequency division.
Latches are similar to flip-flops but do not use a clock so latches are typically
asynchronous devices, meaning when the inputs change the outputs will change as
long as the chip is enabled.
In this experiment, two latches and one type of flip-flop will be explored, the S-R latch,
the D latch and the J-K flip-flop. We’ll start with the S-R flip-flop since this is the simplest
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of the three. All latches and FFs operate generally in the same manner, but with slight
differences in the features.
First, we look at the S-R latch with NAND gates and then convert the S-R latch into a D
latch by adding an enable to the inputs. As for the J-K flip-flop, we will continue to build
on the basic S-R latch with the added enable from the D latch and then add the clock
circuitry to produce a J-K flip-flop.
1. S-R Latch
1.1. Use your textbook to complete the truth table for the R-S latch in Table 1. As for
the condition of each state there are three valid states (SET, RESET and HOLD)
and one invalid state.
Theoretical Outputs
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Table 1
1.2. Use the datasheet and label the input and output pins on the logic diagram in
Figure 1.
1.3. Build the circuit in Figure 1. Use the Level Switches to toggle the inputs SET and
RESET. Keep in mind that the inputs are active low which means on a LOW set
the Q output will be HIGH and for a LOW RESET the Q output will be LOW.
Figure 1
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1.4. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors.
1.5. Start with all the input switches as HIGH since all inputs LOW is an invalid state
and the output is unpredictable.
1.6. Turn on the power to the trainer.
1.7. Adjust the switches to test all the input combinations and record the results in
Table 2. Turn off the trainer.
Measured Outputs
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Table 2
2. D Latch
2.1. Use the textbook and the internet to complete the truth table for the D latch in
Table 3. As for the condition of each state there are four valid states (SET,
RESET/CLEAR and two HOLD states).
Theoretical Outputs
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Table 3
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2.2. Use the datasheet and label the input and output pins on the logic diagram in
Figure 2.
2.3. Build the circuit in Figure 2. Use the Level Switches to toggle the inputs ENABLE
and D.
Figure 2
2.4. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors.
2.5. Start with all the input switches as LOW.
2.6. Turn on the power to the trainer.
2.7. Adjust the switches to test all the input combinations and record the results in
Table 4. Turn off the trainer.
Measured Outputs
Previous State
Next State
0 0 X X
0 1
1 0
1 1
Table 4
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3. J-K Flip-Flop
3.1. Use the textbook to complete the truth table for the J-K flip-flop in Table 5. As for
the condition of each state be sure to include asynchronous or synchronous
along with the state (SET, RESET/CLEAR, TOGGLE, HOLD and INVALID). To
keep it simple think of SET = PRESET = 1 for Q and CLEAR = RESET = 0 for Q.
Inputs Theoretical Outputs
Q & Condition
Q & Condition
X X 0 0
X X 0 1
X X 1 0
X X 1 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1
Table 5
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3.2. Use the datasheet and label the input and output pins on the logic diagram in
Figure 3.
Figure 3
3.3. Build the circuit in Figure 3. Use the Level Switches to toggle the inputs and the
Pulser Switch to clock the FF.
3.4. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors.
3.5. Turn on the power to the trainer.
3.6. Adjust the switches to test all the input combinations and record the results in
Table 5 under the “Experimental Output” column.
3.7. Turn off the trainer. Place the J-K flip-flop in the toggle mode.
3.8. Remove the clock wire from the Pulser Switch and plug it into the CLOCK OUT
terminal on the left side of the trainer (see photo).
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3.9. Set the CLOCK frequency to 10 Hz and the Fine Frequency adjustment knob to
3.10. Turn the trainer on and describe the LEDs action.
3.11. Turn the Fine Frequency adjustment knob slowly CW and then CCW.
Describe what happens to the LEDs.
3.12. When in the toggle mode, if the clock has a 10% duty cycle what would
the Q output duty cycle be? Support your answer with a drawing.
1. Summarize the relationship between the inputs and output Q in the S-R latch.
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2. Summarize the relationship between the inputs and the output Q in the D latch.
3. What is the difference between the S-R latch and the D latch?
4. List the synchronous inputs for the J-K flip-flop.
5. List the asynchronous inputs for the J-K flip-flop.
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6. What is the difference between a synchronous and an asynchronous input?
7. Describe what the inputs need to be to place the J-K flip-flop in toggle mode.
8. Describe the Q output when the J-K flip-flop is in the toggle mode.
9. Describe the Q’ output when the J-K flip-flop is in the toggle mode.
10. If both PRE* and CLR* are HIGH and J and K are both LOW what effect does the
clock have on the output Q?
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Experiment 11 Shift Registers
To understand the operation of a 4-bit serial load shift register
To develop digital circuit building and troubleshooting skills
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 5 Sections 5-14 through 5-17
Components Needed:
Two 7474 IC dual D flip-flop
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Logic Probe
Shift registers are another form of sequential logic and are used for storage of binary data or the
movement of data. The width of the data that needs to be stored determines how many flip-flops are
needed, so the register is a chain of flip-flops where the output of one flip-flop feeds into the input of the
next flip-flop. An 8-bit register would have 8 flip-flops in the chain. There are five basic types of shift
Serial In - Serial Out
Serial In - Parallel Out
Parallel In - Serial Out
Parallel In - Parallel Out
Bidirectional shift registers
This experiment will focus on a 4-bit serial in register which could be used as serial out or parallel out
shift register. For the serial in shift registers the data moves one bit at a time on every clock pulse and
for serial out it would be the same process. The parallel out feature in a shift register would have all the
bits in the register available for movement at the same time or in parallel.
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1. Serial in-Serial out
1.1. Use the datasheet and label the input and output pins on the logic diagram in Figure 1.
Figure 1
1.2. Build the circuit in Figure 1. Use the Level Switches to toggle the inputs (Data
and Clear) and the Pulser Switch to clock the FF. Notice the Clear is active LOW
and will reset all Q outputs to LOW. All Presets are tied HIGH.
1.3. Before turning on the power to the trainer review the wiring for errors.
1.4. Turn on the power to the trainer.
1.5. Clear the data from the shift register and operate the shift register according to
table 1. Do one row at a time and start from the left and work to the right. Record
the LED state under outputs in the table for each clock pulse.
1.6. Describe how the data moves.
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CLR Data A B C
Table 1
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1. What is the major advantage of parallel out over serial out?
2. How many clock pulses are needed to shift one bit through the 4-bit shift register?
Support your answer with a drawing of the bit movement.
3. Describe how the shift register built in lab could be use as either serial or parallel out.
Support your answer with drawings for both serial and parallel out.
4. What would the register (ABCD) look like at step # 20 if CLR was HIGH?
5. Which bit is the Least Significant Bit (LSB)?
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Experiment 12 Half and Full Adders
To understand the operation of half-adders
To understand the operation of full-adder
To use Boolean simplification methods to reduce the number of gates in the design
To develop digital circuit building and troubleshooting skills
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 6 Sections 6-9 through 6-11
Components Needed:
Two 7400 IC - quad two input NAND gate
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Logic Probe
This experiment will examine a method to add two binary numbers. The technique uses
two circuits, a half-adder and a full adder, to accomplish the addition. When two (A and
B) numbers (decimal, binary or any other number base) are added the results is a SUM
(S) and possibly a CARRY (C). The half-adder performs this function at the bit level with
two inputs (A
and B
) and two outputs (SUM
) where x is the bit number.
The full-adder needs to be used when there is a carry bit since the half-adder only has
two inputs. The carry bit would be the third input.
There is more than one logic design for the half- and full-adders. In this experiment a truth
table for the outputs of both adders will be created. K-map simplification will be done and
the simplified Boolean equation will be converted to a NAND logic and built.
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1. Half-Adder
Create the truth table for the SUM (S) and the CARRY (C
) bit. The inputs
are A and B.
Theoretical Outputs
Experimental Outputs
Table 1
1.2. Read the Boolean equations from the truth table. It should be in SOP form.
1.3. Draw the logic diagrams for the simplified Boolean equations S and C
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1.4. Convert the logic diagrams for S and C
to a NAND logic.
1.5. Build the circuits and test. Record the results on Table 1.
1.6. Compare and comment on the Table 1 results.
2. Full-Adder
2.1. Create the truth table for the SUM (S) and the CARRY (C
) bit. The inputs
are A, B and C
Theoretical Outputs
Simulated Outputs
Table 2
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2.2. Create two K-maps for outputs S and C
and derive the simplified Boolean
equations (if possible).
2.3. Draw the logic diagrams for the simplified Boolean equations S and C
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2.4. Convert the logic diagrams for S and C
to a NAND logic.
2.5. Simulate the circuits and test. Record the results on Table 2.
2.6. Compare and comment on the Table 2 results.
1. What is the sum of 0110 1001
and 0011 1111
2. Why does the full-adder have one additional input compared to the half-adder?
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3. A full-adder can be implement in many different ways. Design another implementation
of a fuller-adder. Hint: Search for XOR full-adder.
4. Looking ahead, how could the C
and C
be used to add multiple digitals.
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Experiment 13 3-Bit Adder
To understand the operation of a 3-bit adder
To develop digital circuit building and troubleshooting skills
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 6 Sections 6-11 through 6-13
Components Needed:
Two 7408 IC quad two input AND gate
One 7432 IC quad two-input OR gate
Two 7486 IC - quad two input XOR gate
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Logic Probe
The 3-bit adder will use both the half and full-adders to create the sum of the two binary
numbers. We will cascade three adders together to create the 3-bit adder. In the
previous experiment, K-map simplification was used to derive the Boolean equations,
but in this experiment the Boolean equations will be derive from inspection of the truth
table and know logic primitives.
First, the S output is only HIGH when only one of the inputs is HIGH and this type of
logic is implemented with a XOR gate. C
is only HIGH when both inputs are HIGH so
that will be implemented with an AND gate. See Figure 1.
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S = XOR(A,B) and C
= AB
Figure 1 - Half-Adder
The full-adder is a little more complex, but it has been shown to break down into two
half adders and an OR gate. See Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Full-Adder
Creating a 3-bit adder requires one half-adder and two full adders. See Figure 3. This is
a parallel adder where all the bits (A
and B
) are applied and added almost
instantaneous. Since all the logic is combinational the outputs will start changing
immediate and will reach the final state once the last input has been made, so the order
of the inputs is important.
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Figure 3
1. Half-adder
1.1. Breaking down the circuit and building in three parts will help with testing and
debug of each individual adder before combining all three.
1.2. Build the half-adder described in Figure 1.
1.3. Test the half-adder, verify its functionality and record the results in Table 1.
Experimental Outputs
Table 1
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2. Full-adders
2.1. Build each full-adder as described in Figure 2. Do not connect the two full-adder
2.2. Test each full-adder separately, verify its functionality and record the results in
Table 2 and 3.
Fuller-Adder #1
Table 2 Table 3
3. Integration
3.1. Make the connections between the half-adder and the two full-adder.
3.2. Test the 3-bit adder, verify its functionality and record the results in Table 4. The
far left columns in each section are the decimal equivalent of the binary input or
binary output. Remember that the order of the inputs is important so use trial
and error to learn the best approach for order of inputs.
Fuller-Adder #2
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Input A
Input B
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 2
2 1 3
3 1 4
2 4 6
2 5 7
6 3 9
7 3 10
4 0 4
4 1 5
4 2 6
3 5 8
4 5 9
6 5 11
6 6 12
6 7 13
6 0 6
1 7 8
2 7 9
7 7 14
Table 4
Instructor initials:
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1. What is the highest binary sum that this 3-bit adder can produce? What’s the
decimal equivalent?
2. What is the inherent problem with this type of adder? Hint: Think of the ripple
3. How does this 3-bit adder response when adding two number and a mistake was
made in one switch? The change to the correct value would come after the two
values were input. For example, adding 5 + 3 but by mistake 5 + 2 was entered via
the switches and then changed a second later to 5 + 3.
4. What were some of the issues and challenges that you encountered during this
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Experiment 14 Design a Asynchronous Counter
To understand the operation of an asynchronous counter
To implement a mod-10 circuit to an asynchronous counter
To develop digital circuit building and troubleshooting skills
Text References:
Tocci Chapter 7 Sections 7-1 through 7-4
Components Needed:
One 7400 IC Quadruple 2-input NAND gate
One 7476 IC Dual J-K flip-flops
Equipment Needed:
Knight electronics ML-2001 logic trainer
Logic Probe
A ripple or asynchronous counter is a counter which only the first flip-flop (FF0) is connected to the
external clock. The remaining flip-flops are triggered by the falling edge of the output Q of the previous
flip-flop. Because of the inherent propagation delay through a flip-flop, the transition of the input clock
pulse and a transition of the Q output of a flip-flop can never occur at exactly the same time. Since the
flip-flops cannot be triggered simultaneously the counter ends up producing an asynchronous
operation. The clock pulse fed into FF0 is rippled through the other counters after the propagation
delays (like a ripple on water) hence the name Ripple Counter. The J-K flip-flops are configured in the
toggle mode which allows the flip-flop to change states or toggle on every negative going clock pulse.
Figure 1 is an example of a 4-bit ripple counter and therefore it has four flip-flops and 16 different
states (2
= 16). This 4-bit ripple counter is also known as a mod-16 counter for its 16 different states.
The mod or modulo number reflects the number of states in the counter.
Another type of counter is the synchronous counter and it eliminates the delay effect that is present
with the asynchronous counters. The clock is connected directly to the CLK input of each flip-flop so
the outputs change together or synchronously. A synchronous counter does require more circuitry,
but in high speed applications the ripple counter delay will be unacceptable.
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Figure 1
1. Asynchronous Up Counter
1.1. Prelab: Use Figure 1, the pertinent datasheets and the textbook to design the 4-bit
asynchronous counter. Sketch it out on paper and then design the counter in MultiSim. Bring
both the sketch and MultiSim to lab for full credit.
1.2. Build the circuit from the MultiSim design. Use the Pulser Switches to act as the clock input.
1.3. Draw the output of the four LEDs for the first 11 clock pulses in Figure 2.
Figure 2
2. Asynchronous Down Counter
2.1. Describe how this counter be converted to count down? Do not tear down the up counter!
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2.2. Make the changes to the MultiSim design which would make the circuit a down counter.
2.3. Build modify the circuit to become a down counter.
2.4. Draw the output of the four LEDs for the first 11 clock pulses Figure 3.
Figure 3
3. Mod-10 Counter
3.1. Convert the down counter back to an up counter and verify is functional.
3.2. Design the circuitry needed to make the up counter a mod-10 counter. Make the changes to
3.3. Build modify the circuit to become a mod-10 counter.
3.4. Draw the output of the four LEDs for the first 11 clock pulses Figure 4.
Figure 4
Instructor initials:
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Digital Electronic 1 Laboratory Manual
1. After watching how the asynchronous counter works what is the major disadvantage of this type of
counter compared to a synchronous counter?
2. Draw the circuitry needed for a mod-8 counter.
3. Which LED is the MSB?
4. How does the duty cycle change from the clock input for each FF?
5. Describe or sketch the circuitry needed to shut off all the LED at once.
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Digital Electronic 1 Laboratory Manual
Appendix A: Experiment Grading Sheet
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Digital Electronic 1 Laboratory Manual
Experiment Grading Sheet Course:_________________________
Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________
Partner: ______________________________________________________________
Experiment: __________________________________________________________
Grading Element
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