This note describes a number of important food applications utilising the PerkinElmer DSC demonstrating
the versatility of the technique as a tool in the food industry.
Food is often a complex system including various compositions and structures. The characterization
of food can therefore be challenging. Many analytical methods have been used to study food,
including differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
DSC is a thermal analysis technique to measure
the temperature and heat flows associated with phase transitions in materials, as a function of
time and temperature. Such measurements can provide both quantitative and qualitative informa-
tion concerning physical and chemical changes that involve endothermic (energy consuming) and
exothermic (energy producing) processes, or changes in heat capacity.
DSC is particularly suitable for analysis of food systems because they are often subject to heating
or cooling during processing. The calorimetric information from DSC can be directly used to under-
stand the thermal transitions that the food system may undergo during processing or storage. DSC
is easy to operate and in most cases no special sample preparation is required. With a wide range
of DSC sample pans available, both liquid and solid food samples can be studied. Typical food
samples and the type of information that can be obtained by DSC are listed in Table 1. These tests
can be used for both QC and R&D purposes. DSC applications are used from troubleshooting up to
new product developments.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry
application note
Patricia Heussen
Research & Development
Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
Peng Ye, Kevin Menard, Patrick Courtney
PerkinElmer, Inc.
Shelton, CT 06484 USA
Practical Food Applications of
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
DSC is used to study fat phase transitions and melting range.
It is one technique to explain the physical and textural
properties of fats in bulk and final products. The combination
of DSC and XRD is often used to identify the stable b-form,
which can result in grainy mouth feel in final products.
DSC is used to compare batches of a product to study the
melting behaviour indicating differences in crystallinity of
the fat or composition of the end product. Different scanning
rates are used to investigate the cooling effect on the
crystallisation of a specific fat. The solid fat content (SFC) of
a fat system can be determined over a given melting range.
The solid fat content values are calculated through the
partial areas of DSC heating curves usually between 5-60 °C
and compared to NMR (Minispec) data.
To study the aging of a fat or end product the sample is
kept at an isothermal temperature to mimic e.g. refrigerator
conditions. Comparing the DSC thermograms of a fresh
sample and after a known storage time gives information
on phase transitions during these storage conditions.
Other studies
involve tempering to investigate the influence
on the final product after temperature abuse or due to
transport at ambient. Tempering consisted of warming the
systems up to a temperature between 15 and 30 °C and
cooling down to 5 °C. These results can be correlated with
the storage modulus (G’).
DSC melting and crystallisation behaviour of different types
of oils and fats are studied when replacing them in a product.
In a factory and also at lab scale, different ingredients are
added at different stages of the production process. Adding
an ingredient which is not at the correct temperature can
cause encapsulation of other ingredients or may stay present
in the product as a particle. The filling temperature of a
product is important for example to obtain the desired
firmness of a product and to prevent graininess.
Table 1. Typical food samples and their application by DSC.
Type of Samples Type of Information
Oils, fats and spreads Onset temp of melt/crystallisation
/polymorphic behaviour/oxidation
Flour and rice starch Retrogradation/gelatinization/glass
transition Tg
Vegetable powders Glass transition Tg
Pastes and gels containing Specific heat Cp, onset temp of
polysaccharides or gums melt and crystallisation
Protein Denaturation/aggregation
In this note, several samples of food material systems are
given to illustrate the versatility of DSC.
DSC of oils and fats
Using a heat-cool-heat DSC program, the onset temperature,
the heat of fusion (ΔH), the identification of polymorphic
behaviour and crystallisation of oils and fats can be deter-
mined. An isothermal method or scanning method with
an oxygen atmosphere can also be used to determine the
oxidation induction time (OIT), in which case a heat-cool-heat
method is applied to hydrogenated vegetable oils. Sometimes
additional information about the sample is necessary for
data interpretation, as for example in combination with XRD
analysis which provides information on the specific polymorphic
transitions. Most triglycerides
exist at least in three crystalline
forms, a (alpha), b’ (beta-prime), and b (beta) that can be
identified according to their X-ray diffraction patterns.
In Figure 1 it can be observed that a a-modification is
formed after a heat-cool treatment. This will be transformed
into a b’-modification and after a certain time at room
temperature partially to the b-modification. In Figure 2 the
influence of storage time at room temperature is shown.
The first heating of day 8 shows a better resolved peaks
due to the transition of the less stable b’ to a more stable
polymorphic fraction, as it was also confirmed by XRD.
Figure 1. Heat influence on emulsifier.
Figure 2. Time influence on palmkernel oil melting behaviour.
The composition of plain rice
is starch (76.5%), water
(12%), protein (7.5%), fat (1.9%) and minors (2.1%).
An example of a native rice (Figure 3) and rice slurry (Figure 4)
show the presence of retrogradation and amylose-lipid
complex endotherms.
DSC of vegetable powders
Since food products are complex mixtures of several
compounds, it is often difficult to determine their glass
transition (Tg) temperatures accurately. Understanding the
glass transition
phenomenon provides an insight into the
causes of the cohesiveness of many important powders and
influencing the wetability or solubility of the powder, which
is important for new product development. Food material
often contains water which can be present as free or bound
water. The free water is related to the wateractivity (Aw).
The plasticization effect of water leads to depression of the
glass transition temperature causing significant changes in
the physicochemical and crystallization properties during
storage. Loss of physical stability by the effect of moisture
and temperature will reduce flowability and increase caking
tendency and, to a smaller extent, affect other physical
properties such as colour. A Tg is only observed for amorphous
matter. Sugars in a powder can undergo a phase transition
from amorphous to crystalline at a given relative humidity
during storage and thus have an effect on the glass transition
method can be carried out for quality control of fats
to analyse these raw materials used in food products. This is
a “fingerprint” method whereby the sample is melted, subse-
quently cooled down with a predefined scanning rate to a low
temperature. After crystallisation for a specific time, a heating
curve is obtained also with a predefined scanning rate.
DSC of starch samples
, a major structure-forming food hydrocolloid
is a polymeric mixture of essentially linear (amylose) and
branched (amylopectin) molecules. Small amounts of non-
carbohydrate constituents (lipids, phosphorus, and proteins)
present in native starch also contribute to its functionality.
Starch is used as thickening agent in e.g. dry sauce bases,
instant soups, mayonnaise, spreads. Starch pastes can be
used as stabilizers for oil emulsions in for instance dressings.
Native starch or modified starch used in these types of food
products can show different endothermic peaks in the DSC
thermograms respectively, retrogradation (recrystallized
amylopectin), gelatinization (50 < T < 80 °C depending on
the type of starch), amylose-lipid complex (T > 100 °C) or
recrystallized amylose (T > 140 °C) can be observed.
Retrogradation is only possible in processed (cooked or
modified starch) materials which have been stored at lower
temperatures. Retrogradation can expel water from a polymer
network also known as syneresis but it can also cause dough
to harden.
The hydrogen bond arrangement of amylopectin and amylose
makes it difficult for water to penetrate into intact starch
granules. When the water is heated the granules swell and
gelatinization is observed. DSC measures the temperature at
which irreversible changes occur in the granule. This process
can also be observed by polarised light microscopy during
The starch powders can be analysed dry to obtain information
about the pure sample. Additionally, after adding a known
amount of water, information is obtained about the degree
of gelatinization. The level of water used is of influence on
the gelatinization degree and peak shapes. Starch with low
and intermediate water content can show more melting
endotherms. The gelatinization information can be used to
determine the temperature and time necessary for e.g. rice
which is used in instant soups. If the rice has a too high
amount of gelatinization left in the product, this will result
in hard uncooked rice in the instant soup.
Most starches and rice products contain a lipid (fat) which
can form an amylose-lipid complex. This complex can be
formed during gelatinization.
It is also a thermo reversible
complex and should show an exothermic peak on cooling.
Sometimes the modification of the amylose with a lipid is
performed to control the texture of the final starch.
Figure 3. Native rice dry sample showing a retrogradation peak around 45 °C
and a gelatinization peak around 70 °C.
Figure 4. Native rice wet sample showing a gelatinization peak at around 70 °C
and some amylose-lipid complex at 112 °C.
1. Phase transitions in foods, Roos Y.H., Academic Press,
2. Physical properties of fats, oils and emulsifiers, Widlak N.,
AOCS press, 1999.
3. X-Ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry
studies of b b transitions in fat mixtures, Szydlowsak-
Czerniak, A et al, Food chemistry, 2005, 92, 133-141.
4. Solid fat content determination: Comparison between
pNMR and DSC techniques, Nassu, R.T. et. al., Grasas y
Aceites, 1995, V46, N°6, 337-343.
5. Modern magnetic resonance (3rd edition), Graham A.
Webb, 2006, chapter Time-Domain NMR in quality
6. Influence of tempering on the mechanical properties of
whipped dairy creams, Drelon, N. et. al., International
dairy journal, 2006, 16, 1454-1463.
7. AOCS Official Method Cj 1-94, Reapproved 2009, DSC
Melting Properties of Fats and Oils.
8. Carbohydrates in food, Eliasson A., CRC press, 2006.
9. Starch chemistry and technology (3rd edition), Bemiller
J., Whistler R., 2009, Chapter 8 and 20.
10. Texture in Food; Semi-Solid Foods, McKenna B., CRC,
11. The structural and hydration properties of heat-treated
rice studied at multiple length scales, Witec, M. et. al.,
Food Chemistry, 2010, V120, N4, 1031-1040.
12. The glassy state in food, Blanshard J., Lfillford P.,
Nothingham University Press 1993.
13. Calorimetry in food processing; analysis and design of
food systems, Kaletunc G., Wiley, 2009.
DSC is widely used to study glass transition phenomena.
The effect of water as a plasticizer on Tg was studied for
vegetable powders stored at different Aw values (humidity).
At a higher Aw value the samples take up more water. In
Figure 5 it is shown that the Tg drops to lower temperatures
as the amount of water in the sample increases. The knowledge
of Tg in combination with the water activity is important
in predicting the physical state of the powder at various
conditions, from free flowable to stickiness or phase transi-
tions to crystalline matter.
Proteins denaturation is also intensively studied by DSC. The
influences of pH, salt and polysaccharides were investigated
for food proteins.
DSC is an essential tool to reveal the underlying phase-
compositional principles of food systems. For systems with a
clearly established phase-composition-functionality relation,
DSC can contribute to the development of novel food products.
Figure 5. Water influence on Tg of tomato, the Aw 0.86 also shows an
endothermic peak which is due to the melting of free water.
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