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Prevision model and empirical test of box oce results
for sequels
Bertrand Belvaux, Rémi Mencarelli
To cite this version:
Bertrand Belvaux, Rémi Mencarelli. Prevision model and empirical test of box oce results for sequels.
Journal of Business Research, 2021, 130, pp.38-48. �10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.03.008�. �hal-03200091�
Prevision model and empirical test of the box office results for sequels
Bertrand Belvaux
Rémi Mencarelli
IAE Dijon CREGO E.A. 7317 - University of Burgundy
2 boulevard Gabriel, BP 26611, 21066 Dijon Cedex, France
Tel : +33 380 39 64 70
IAE Savoie Mont Blanc IREGE University of Savoie Mont-Blanc
4, chemin de Bellevue, 74944 Annecy-Le-Vieux Cedex, France
Tel: +33 450 09 24 00
* Corresponding author
Prevision model and empirical test of box office results for sequels
As studios release an increasing number of movie sequels, scholars have begun to examine
this strategic choice. Prior studies use standard models of box office performance to evaluate
sequels performance and have mainly compared the box office results of the original movie
with those of its sequel. However, sequels hold a unique position in the motion picture market
since they are strongly associated with the original movie. Using the accessibility-
diagnosticity framework, this research investigates the drivers behind the success of sequels
and examines specifically the original movie’s impact through the role of reviews. The results
from 232 movies (116 original movies and 116 first sequels) demonstrate the direct
impact of the original movies reviews on the sequels performance.
Movie industry; Review; Sequel; Box office; Accessibility-diagnosticity framework
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Prevision model and empirical test of box office results for sequels
1. Introduction
The lifespan of movies in theaters has been steadily decreasing over the last several years.
This is due to the abundant and constantly increasing number of films released, a sharp
growth in distribution (through the number of screens per movie) and alternative means to
access films (video-on-demand, streaming, screening rooms), which has led to studios
perceiving the release of new movies as highly risky. Instead, over the past few years, they
have capitalized on past successes, exploiting well-established movies with enduring
reputations and strong consumer preferences (Eliashberg et al., 2006), and thus focusing more
on motion picture sequels than on stand-alone movies (Filson & Havlicek, 2018). With this
strategic orientation, studios have aimed at minimizing risk by capitalizing "on the success of
an original movie by producing another film that reprises the same characters evolving in a
new situation" (Sood & Drèze, 2006). In 2019, the top ten box office successes worldwide
were sequels, compared to only two in 2000.
Given the enormous economic impact of sequels in the movie industry, scholars have begun
to examine this strategic choice (Filson & Havlicek, 2018). Some studies have used sequels as
a control variable in existing models of box office performance; others have evaluated and
compared the box office results of sequels with those of the original movies or
contemporaneous non-sequel movies (Ravid, 1999; Basuroy & Chatterjee, 2008; Hennig-
Thurau et al., 2009; Moon et al., 2010; Dhar et al., 2012). Most existing studies use standard
models of box office performance to evaluate sequels performance, even though sequels hold
a unique position in the motion picture market since they are strongly associated with an
original work (Chisholm et al., 2015). Some studies equate sequels with brand extension,
thereby indirectly associating the sequel with the original movie (Moon et al., 2010), but they
have neglected to examine the role of any pre-existing signals from the original movie,
especially the role of reviews. However, experiential information generated about the original
movie (i.e., reviews from consumers and critics) can be used by moviegoers to make
inferences and judge the sequel and, in turn, affect the box office performance of the sequel.
Hence, this research investigates what drives the success of sequels and demonstrates that
over and above the usual characteristics that affect the performance of a movie (i.e.,
characteristics of the film, studios actions and third-party information), the drivers of a
sequel may also include the reviews associated with the original movie. Using the
accessibility-diagnosticity framework, which has been recently applied to motion picture box
office performance (Joshi & Mao, 2012; Knapp et al., 2014; Carrillat et al., 2018), we
hypothesize and empirically show that these peripheral signals do not originate from the
sequel itself, but impact the sequels box office performance, specifically during the release
phase. This result explains the unique position sequels hold in the movie market compared to
stand-alone movies and why a specific performance model should be developed for sequels.
In addition to the indirect effect of the original movie on the sequel through a brand extension
effect, we highlight the direct impact of the original movies reviews on the sequels
performance with the accessibility-diagnosticity framework, demonstrating that reviews from
an original movie can be applied to a sequel and thus have an effect over time. From a
managerial perspective, our results suggest that it would be interesting for cinema executives
to reactivate positive reviews of the original movie at the launch of a sequel.
In this paper, we first review the literature dedicated to the box office performance of motion
pictures and, based on the accessibility-diagnosticity framework, we develop a specific model
for sequels. The methodology used and the results obtained are then presented. To test the
model, we use data from 232 recent movies (116 original movies and 116 first sequels).
Finally, the contributions and limitations of the study are noted, and avenues for future
research are proposed.
2. Conceptual framework
2.1. Motion picture box office performance: original movie versus sequel
Researchers have produced a substantial number of studies analyzing the box office
performance of films. Like any other product, a movies success is based on the interaction
between supply and demand. The supply strategy is developed by two key players in the
motion picture industry, the producer and the distributor; the major studios usually assume
these two functions internally (Hadida, 2009). The producer defines the main characteristics
of a movie: genre, country of origin, MPAA ratings, selection of the director and the actors.
The associated budget is also defined by the producer according to the expected performance
of the film and its anticipated profits (Dhar et al., 2012). The producer entrusts the distributor
with a mandate to define the marketing actions associated with the release strategy (Prieto-
Rodriguez et al., 2015). In order to maximize revenues, the distributor determines the optimal
combination of resources such as advertising expenditures and distribution intensity through
number of screens by estimating the movie’s potential audience.
With regard to demand, a movies attractiveness is based on its reputation and image among
consumers (Liu, 2006). Even if a movie is an original experience (Nelson, 1970; Chen et al.,
2012), potential moviegoers can develop preferences without consuming the film. They use
signals that resonate with their past experience. For example, the genre, the actors or the
director are signals that can influence a priori the consumers preference for a movie. The
audience can also use external information such as expert reviews or interpersonal
communications (Holbrook, 2005). The influence of third-party information used by
moviegoers has been demonstrated in various studies (Liu, 2006; Karniouchina, 2011; Lee et
al., 2015). Third parties are people who share their experiences and opinions of a film with
potential moviegoers. These information sources are usually perceived as credible and
trustworthy (Liu, 2006; Chakravarty et al., 2010), and moviegoers view them as an indicator
of quality (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2006). Third-party information is all the more important for
entertainment products because it sparks discussions among consumers (Liu, 2006).
Consequently, a vast majority of moviegoers base their decision processes on third-party
information (Karniouchina, 2011). Many studies have analyzed the role of third parties and
the sources: expert-based reviews (professional critics reviews) and non-expert
reviews (consumer reviews). These third parties play the role of influencer or
predictor (Basuroy et al. 2003);
the characteristics: volume (total number of reviews, which contributes to the
reputation and awareness of a films existence; i.e., the informative dimension) and
valence (nature positive or negative of the reviews, which contributes to the
movies image; i.e., the persuasive dimension) are the main characteristics
used to
describe reviews (Liu, 2006).
To sum up, the box office success of a movie is based on three main factors: the
characteristics of the film, the intensity of the marketing strategy (mainly through the
advertising budget and number of screens) and the reviews (from critics and moviegoers).
In this research context, a number of studies have analyzed sequels performance (Table 1).
Broadly speaking, the term "sequel" is used to refer to the production of a film based on the
Other characteristics were identified, including consistency (Karniouchina, 2011), dispersion (Godes &
Mayzlin, 2004), entropy (Dellarocas et al., 2007) and observability (Dellarocas et al., 2010).
success of a first, original movie (Sood & Drèze, 2006). These studies of sequels aimed to
analyze their box office performance from two perspectives.
[insert Table 1 here]
First, some studies compare sequels with non-sequel movies. Initial studies use the sequels as
a control variable. Some conclude that this variable does not affect the existing models
(Basuroy et al., 2003; Liu, 2006), while others show that it has a significant impact (Basuroy
et al., 2006; Hennig-Thurau et al., 2006; Boatwright et al., 2007; Karniouchina, 2011). Other
studies have evaluated the box office performance of sequels by comparing them to non-
sequel movies released during the same period. Basuroy and Chatterjee (2008) show that
sequels do better than contemporaneous non-sequels; Dhar et al. (2012) confirm this result. In
both studies, the authors provide explanations based on brand extension theory (Aaker &
Keller, 1990). They conceptualize sequels as brand extensions, as do several other studies
(Sood & Drèze, 2006; Hennig-Thurau et al., 2009). In other words, the studios use existing
brand names and look for ways to build on the similarity of characteristics between the
original movie and the sequel (e.g., genre, stars, directors, storyline) in order to enhance brand
awareness. The perceived similarity between the original movie (i.e., the brand-parent
category) and the sequel (i.e., the extension category) leads to a process of assimilation (Sood
& Drèze, 2006), shapes quality perceptions (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2009) and positively
influences the box office success of the extension (Basuroy & Chatterjee, 2008; Dhar et al.,
Second, some studies compare the sequel’s performance with that of the original movie.
Using an economic approach (Lazear, 2004), Basuroy and Chatterjee (2008) assume that the
box office earnings of the original film will always be greater than those of the sequel due to
the inevitable phenomenon of regression to the mean. They show this effect empirically on a
sample of 11 sequels. Using a larger sample and a model based on brand extension value,
Hennig-Thurau et al. (2009) provide empirical evidence that sequels generate high average
revenue and reduce the associated risk. Using an individual-level analysis, Moon et al. (2010)
emphasize that sequels have a better box office performance due to the original movie’s brand
power, the initial success of the original film and the established fan base of the original. They
confirm this assumption during the release phase but find that this effect dissipates quickly
after the first two weeks. Moon et al. (2010) also observe that sequels receive lower ratings
from moviegoers as a result of satiation (lack of novelty and surprise for an experiential
product). Dhar et al. (2012) use a sample of movies spanning 26 years and demonstrate
empirically that sequels attract more moviegoers than stand-alone movies released during the
same period, but fewer than the original movies. However, they generate more profit than do
the original movies. Filson and Havlicek (2018) extend this to global film franchises and
show that the performance of sequels tends to decline as extensions are introduced.
Several factors can explain the contradictory results obtained in these studies: the instability
of the results given the small numbers of sequels in some of the samples, the different study
periods in changing and complex environments and the adoption of different time horizons to
determine a motion pictures box office performance. Although they arrive at different results
and conclusions, these studies generally compare the sequel’s box office results with those of
its original movie or a contemporaneous non-sequel movie. They do not examine the specific
mechanisms underlying a sequels box office performance, in particular the role of pre-
existing signals from the original movie. These mechanisms deserve attention and should be
considered in light of the initial release of the original movie on the market (Chisholm et al.,
2.2. Specific mechanisms of sequels box office performance
Based on previous research dedicated to box office performance, we assume that, like stand-
alone movies, sequels box office performance depends mainly on the characteristics of the
movie (genre, director, actors, MPAA rating, country of origin, producer status), the intensity
of the studios actions (production budget and screens) and the reviews (from critics and
moviegoers) of the sequel. We do not propose formal hypotheses about these effects as they
are largely supported by previous empirical studies.
In addition to these expected effects, we assume that the original movie affects the sequels
box office performance through the persistence of its reviews. To identify these specific
mechanisms, we use the accessibility-diagnosticity framework (Feldman and Lynch, 1988),
which has been successfully applied in the context of motion picture box office performance
(Joshi & Mao, 2012; Knapp et al., 2014; Carrillat et al., 2018). According to this framework,
consumers rely on the most diagnostic and accessible cues to make a judgment. More
precisely, a piece of information is more likely to be used as a cue in a judgment if it is
perceived as relevant to the judgment (diagnosticity), it is accessible for use in the judgment
and other information is less accessible (accessibility). We use arguments based on this
theoretical framework to explain the influence of the original movie’s reviews on the sequels
box office performance.
First, consumers will use available signals to assess the quality of the sequel during the
release phase (Akdeniz & Talay, 2013). In this context, moviegoers can draw on existing and
credible signals based on their own consumption experience of the original movie and/or on
information generated by other moviegoers who saw the original movie. Consumers will also
associate the sequel with the original movie (Basuroy et al., 2006; Hennig-Thurau et al.,
2009). In other words, information generated about the original movie (through consumption
and/or by third parties) contributes a priori to the reputation and image of the sequel. These
cues are also more instructive than factual information (e.g., genre, MPAA ratings) as they are
experiential information. Consequently, because of their accessibility and diagnosticity, the
reviews associated with the original movies become an important information source for
sequel judgments, especially during the release phase. Consequently, moviegoers can be
motivated to choose to see the sequel early, without waiting for the emergence of sequel-
specific reviews.
However, according to Joshi and Mao (2012), in the first week after release, direct
experiential cues about the sequel become more accessible. Consequently, the effect of the
information used to evaluate the movie quality earlier on, including the reviews of the original
movie, is likely to dissipate. It is thus possible to assume the reviews of the original movie
influence the short-term box office performance of the sequel but not its long-term
Previous studies suggest both a volume and a valence effect of reviews on box office
performance (Table 1). However, for expert-based reviews, the volume effect is less
persistent over time, in contrast to the volume effect of consumer reviews (Larceneux, 2007).
The volume of critics reviews also remains broadly constant, with each expert evaluating all
the films that are launched. Finally, several studies highlight the prominence of a valence
effect for critics reviews (Desai & Basuroy, 2005; Basuroy et al., 2006; Dellarocas et al.,
2007). Therefore, we assume that the volume and valence of consumer reviews and the
valence of critics reviews of the original movie can directly impact the short-term box office
performance of the sequel.
H1a. Consumer reviews (volume and valence) of the original movie have a positive impact on
the sequel’s short-term box office performance (first week) but do not affect the sequel’s
long-term performance (after the first week).
H1b. Critics reviews (valence) of the original movie have a positive impact on the sequel’s
short-term box office performance (first week) but do not affect the sequel’s long-term
performance (after the first week).
Second, the effect of the original movies reviews on the sequels box office performance will
probably be moderated by the time interval between the release of the two movies (Basuroy &
Chatterjee, 2008; Filson & Havlicek, 2018). The persistence of reviews has already been
documented in different studies (Godes & Silva, 2012; King et al., 2014). As noted by King et
al. (2014), persistence of reviews means that existing reviews significantly influence future
ones. According to the accessibility-diagnosticity framework, a short time period makes the
reviews of the original movie more accessible to potential consumers of the sequel. In
consequence, a short time period between the two movies should increase the influence of the
original movies reputation and image on the sequels short-term box office performance.
H2. The shorter the time interval between the release of the original movie and the sequel, the
stronger is the impact of consumers’ and critics reviews on the sequels short-term box
office performance (first week).
Third, the reviews generated for the original movie can influence the box office performance
of the sequel by affecting the reviews of the sequel. Like Duan et al. (2008), we consider
reviews to be an endogenous variable. In other words, consumers’ and critics reviews of a
sequel depend on the reviews previously generated for the original movie. First, for a sequel,
the evaluation can be general due to the emergence of brand equity (Moon et al., 2010). The
great similarity between the original movie and the sequel, which increases the perceived
diagnosticity of cues associated with the original movie, will favorably impact the
endogenous nature of the reviews (Joshi & Mao, 2012). Second, considering the consistency
and perceived similarity between the sequel and the original movie (Sood & Drèze, 2006), the
assessment criteria will probably be the same and will be reactivated in a similar way (Moon
et al., 2010). Therefore, by distinguishing the consumers and critics reviews, we posit that
the reviews associated with the original movie can influence the sequels box office
performance through their impact on the sequels reviews. Formally:
H3a. The consumer reviews (volume and valence) of the original movie have an indirect and
positive impact on the sequels long-term box office performance through the consumer
reviews of the sequel.
H3b. The critics reviews (valence) of the original movie have an indirect and positive impact
on the sequels long-term box office performance through the critics reviews of the
Figure 1 summarizes the model of box office performance for a sequel. The model is based on
standard effects identified for a movie (intra-movie effects). It also explicitly integrates the
influence of the original movie and the associated signals that predated the release of the
sequel (inter-movies effect).
[insert Figure 1 here]
3. Sequel box office prevision model
3.1. Data
Original data were collected on 232 movies (116 original movies and 116 first sequel movies)
on the American market between 1999 and 2014 (Appendix 1). The data were collected from
boxofficemojo.com, the-numbers.com, rottentomatoes.com and imdb.com (like Chakravarty
et al., 2010). As reviews on the IMDb platform began appearing in 1999, franchises that
started before this date are excluded from the database. Indeed, certain factors are likely to
change strongly over such long periods of time (e.g., economic conditions, critics and
audiences’ tastes) and can therefore alter results (Elberse & Eliashberg, 2003).
Numerous studies assess box office performance dynamics by considering both the overall
performance and that of the first week following a movies release (Basuroy et al., 2006).
However, to test our hypotheses and avoid data nesting, we make a distinction between results
in the first week (short-term performance) and after (long-term performance). To account for
the temporal dimension, these data were adjusted for inflation over the period and for
seasonal variations (annual and monthly trends). Seasonal correction coefficients were based
on a broader film database (6,650 films shown over the same period).
We use three sets of variables to explain the commercial performance of a sequel: movie
characteristics, studios actions and reviews (Table 2).
[insert Table 2]
Like Hennig-Thurau et al. (2012), we choose several movie characteristics: country of origin
(USA/outside the USA), status of the studio (major/independent), genre, MPAA
classification, director and actors. For genre we use the four major categories on the IMDb
website: action-adventure, animation, drama-thriller and comedy. Like Moon et al. (2010),
two categories are used for the MPAA classification: R and non-R (PG-13, PG and G). To
analyze the role of the director and actors (the two main actors), the total box office
performance of their previous movies is used as an indicator of attractiveness (Hennig-Thurau
et al., 2006). Using past success as a predictor of future success is the simplest indicator for
measuring the effect of the director and/or "star" actors (Rein et al., 1987; Karniouchina,
In addition, we include two main variables associated with studios actions (Hennig-Thurau et
al., 2006): the production budget
and the number of screens at the movies release. These
reflect the ambition of the producer and distributor, respectively.
Finally, for the reviews, the valence of the critics reviews was captured by the Metascore
index from the IMDb website, summarizing and standardizing some thirty professional
sources, the scope of the critic being constant (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2012). For consumers,
the reviews variables were captured through the evaluations posted on the IMDb website
(average score and number of ratings). For the temporal dynamic (Liu, 2006), the sequels
reviews were recorded during the first week (intra-movie effect) and those of the original
movie from its release period until the date of release of the sequel (inter-movie effect).
3.2. Model specification
Like Zufryden (1996) and Elberse and Eliashberg (2003), we use log-log modeling. This
makes it possible to take into account the multiplier effects of variables
and analyze the
effects in the form of elasticities. The logarithmic transformation of continuous data also
reduces the strong variance between films and limits heteroscedasticity. Moreover, the
formulation of a multiplier model is consistent with the multi-level theoretical models used to
estimate the commercial performance of a movie (Duan et al., 2008). Finally, in order to
compare results, we use the same choice process as in several other research studies looking
at sequels (Elberse & Eliashberg, 2003; Basuroy et al., 2006; Hennig-Thurau et al., 2006).
The relationship between the endogenous variable and the exogenous variables is written as:
The production budget corresponds to what the North American film industry calls the "negative cost" or the
expense of producing the film excluding distribution and promotional expenses. The amount is adjusted for
For example, there will be no income unless a copy is presented.
where X is the vector of continuous variables and Z the vector of dummy variables.
In order to evaluate the original movie’s impact on the sequel, the analysis was carried out in
two stages: first, the test of the intra-movie model (internal effects of the sequel’s
performance) and then the test of the inter-movie model (effect of the original movie on the
3.3. The intra-movie model of sequel performance
The first step is to estimate the sequels performance through its internal dynamics: the
movies characteristics, the studios actions and the reviews. As mentioned in the conceptual
framework, we made no hypotheses on these effects given their validation in previous studies.
The production budget and the number of theaters can raise problems of endogeneity as they
directly explain performance and are also determined by the expected performance of the
film. A three-equation model is therefore used:
Performance = f (constant, budget, theaters, country, genre, MPAA, producer, director, actors, valence of critics reviews,
valence of consumer reviews, volume of consumer reviews)
Budget = f (constant, country, genre, MPAA, producer, director, actors)
Theaters = f (constant, budget, country, genre, MPAA, producer, director, actors)
Parameters of the model were estimated using the structural equation modeling (partial least
squares method). The classic model for forecasting a movies box office performance is
satisfactory in the sequel case (Table 3). The performance of a sequel thus depends at first
mainly on studios actions (production budget and number of theaters) and professional
reviews, and then, after the first week, on spectators reviews. The production budget
positively affects the commercial performance of the movie (β = 0.251, p < 0.01 during the
Continuous variables are transformed into logarithmic format. Some values can take a zero value; the applied
transformation is: Y = ln (X+1). Dummy variables are introduced in exponential form to reflect the absence of
the factor.
first week and β = 0.254, p < 0.01 after the first week). The number of theaters also has a
positive effect (β =1.695, p < 0.01 during the first week, β = 1.365, p < 0.01 after the first
week). The effects of reviews also play a role in the commercial performance of the sequel.
The influence of professional reviews is strongest immediately after the film is released (β =
0.584, p < 0.01), before the influence of consumer reviews kicks in (both valence β = 0.441, p
< 0.01, and volume β = 0.420, p < 0.05). On the other hand, the movies characteristics do not
affect the result. The "star" effect does not impact the sequels commercial performance.
These initial results remain broadly consistent with those identified in the literature regarding
the commercial performance of a movie, with a key role played by studios actions and
reviews. However, we note that the movies own characteristics have almost no effect on
commercial performance, which suggests the predominant influence of the sequel as a brand
(Sood & Drèze, 2006).
[insert Table 3]
3.4. The inter-movies model of sequel performance
The second step is to analyze the box office release from an inter-movie perspective. This
consists of assessing the extent to which a sequels performance is affected by the original
film. The analysis model is therefore based on explaining residuals of the first model. It
reduces the number of parameters to be estimated and limits the endogeneity effects between
the variables of the two movies (original movie and sequel).
We determine both the direct and the indirect effects of the original movies reviews on the
commercial performance of the sequel by using mediation tests on the hypotheses. Indirect
effects are analyzed via the influence of variables related to the reviews of the sequel. This
test follows the procedure described by Zhao et al. (2010) using the structural equation
The objective is to use the sequel’s reviews to analyze the direct and indirect effects
of the original movies reviews on the sequels performance.
The results first highlight the direct effects of the audience reviews associated with the
original movie on the sequels performance (Table 4). The audience reviews of the original
movie (valence and volume) thus directly affect the performance of the sequel in the first
week (β = 0.458, p < 0.01; β = 0.129, p < 0.01). However, after the first week, they no longer
directly affect the performance of the sequel. Moreover, the professionals reviews of the
original movie do not directly affect the performance of the sequel in either the short (first
week) or long term (after the first week). The results obtained therefore support H1a and
reject H1b.
In the sequel box office model, the time interval between the original movie and the sequel
can moderate the effect of the original movies reviews on the sequels box office
performance (H2). Regressions were performed with an interaction effect (number of months
between the two movies) explaining the sequels performance through the reviews of the
original movie (Table 5). The time interval between the original movie and the sequel has a
weak and negative effect on the relationship between consumer reviews (volume) and the
sequels short-term box office performance (β = - 0.005, p < 0.1). In other words, the shorter
the time interval between original and sequel, the stronger is the effect of the consumer
reviews (volume) on the sequels performance. The effects of other signals associated with
the original movie on the performance of the sequel are not moderated by the time interval;
these include the valence of consumer reviews (β = -0.009, n.s) and the valence of critics
reviews (β = 0.001, n.s). These results partially support H2. The nature of the reviews
characteristics can explain the results. The quantitative aspect (volume) of the reviews
The analyses were performed by the Lavaan module of R software for analysis of covariance structures and the
partial least squares method with Smartpls software for verification.
increases their accessibility, reactivates them easily and enhances consumer awareness of the
sequel (Liu, 2006), contrary to the qualitative nature of the cues (valence of reviews from
consumers and critics), which can have inconsistent effects over time (Godes & Silva, 2012).
Secondly, the results show the indirect effects of audience reviews of the original movie
(volume and valence) on the long-term performance of the sequel (Table 4). A good audience
evaluation of the original film thus generates a favorable opinion of the sequel (β = 0.484, p <
0.01), which positively determines the sequel's box office results. Similarly, a large volume of
reviews for the original movie positively affects the volume of reviews associated with the
sequel (β = 0.837, p < 0.01), which then determines its commercial success. On the other
hand, while the valence of critiques of the original movie affects the valence of the critiques
of the sequel (β = 0.701, p < 0.01), there is no significant indirect effect on performance.
These results therefore support H3a and reject H3b.
[insert Table 4 here]
[insert Table 5 here]
While these results only fully support two hypotheses (Table 6), they do confirm the unique
situation of the sequel, which benefits from the previous existence of the original movie.
Unlike an original movie, where audience reviews only can play a role after the first week
given the time it takes for them to emerge (Liu, 2006), a sequel immediately benefits from the
public reaction to the original movie, which will directly affect the short-term performance of
the sequel. The results confirm the role played by some pre-existing experiential information
both informative (volume) and persuasive (valence) associated with the original movie.
Because of their accessibility and diagnosticity, reviews of the original movies accelerate the
viewers’ decision-making about the sequel during the first week. Moreover, the influence of
the reviews of the original movie on those of the sequel emphasizes the endogenous nature of
the reviews (Duan et al., 2008). Finally, consistent with the accessibility-diagnosticity
framework (Joshi & Mao, 2012), the direct impact of these quality signals becomes diluted as
other quality signals directly associated with the sequel emerge.
[insert Table 6 here]
4. Conclusion
4.1. Contributions to the literature
In developing a model to forecast a sequels box office performance, we make three main
contributions to the literature. First, we identify the specific mechanisms underlying a
sequels box office performance and thus the need to develop dedicated performance models
for sequels. Whereas the performance of a stand-alone movie is affected by cues related to a
studio's prelaunch decisions (i.e., production budget, advertising budget, distribution intensity,
star power, director) and cues related to third-party information (i.e., professional reviews
from critics and consumer reviews) (Bharadwaj et al., 2017), the performance of a sequel is
also affected by the experiential information associated with the original movie. These
peripheral signals impact the sequels box office performance during the opening week. This
result explains why sequels hold a unique position in the movie industry and can have a
competitive advantage compared to their contemporaneous non-sequel movies (Hadida,
2009). This strategy will specifically reduce the risk of failure, but does not necessarily ensure
success (which is based more on the quality of the sequel).
Second, our paper adds to previous studies that have specifically analyzed sequels
performance. These studies have mainly compared the performance of the sequel with the
performance of the original movie (Basuroy & Chatterjee, 2008; Hennig-Thurau et al., 2009;
Moon et al., 2010; Dhar et al., 2012; Filson & Havlicek, 2018), using a brand extension effect
to indirectly take into account the effect of the original movie on the sequel. Based on the
accessibility-diagnosticity framework, the test in our model goes further by acknowledging
the explicit impact of the original movie on the sequels box office performance through the
role of the reviews. The brand and product-related characteristics (genre, stars, director,
storyline) are not the only signals affecting the performance of the sequel. The experiential
information associated with the original movie and reactivated in this brand extension context
will also directly impact the sequels performance.
Third, our results demonstrate the persistence of reviews, whereas previous studies mainly
emphasize the short-term effects of reviews in the context of a stand-alone movie's box office
performance (Liu, 2006). Here, the accessibility-diagnosticity framework offers a convincing
theoretical explanation for this persistence effect of reviews on sequels and confirms its
relevance in assessing the effect of these signals (Carrillat et al., 2018). Specifically, the
volume and valence of consumer reviews affect the sequels short-term performance given the
availability and credibility of the signals that guide moviegoers in their decision-making
process by minimizing uncertainty. The direct impact of these experiential signals then
becomes diluted as other direct experiential cues about the sequel become more accessible.
Consequently, as expected, the original movie's reviews have no direct effect on the long-term
performance of the sequel. Contrary to the idea that the influence of reviews diminishes
quickly over time (Duan, Gu & Whinston, 2008), this result suggests that reviews can be
reactivated from an original movie to apply to a sequel and thus have an effect over time.
4.2. Managerial implications
From a managerial perspective, the results of this work can help studios during the
development and launching of sequels, as the decision-making of the major studios regarding
this type of movie remains a "complex equation" (Eliashberg et al., 2006).
At a strategic level, the existing reviews of the original movie are interesting signals available
to the studios. First, analysis of these reviews can help studio executives select original
movies for potential sequels that can be successfully launched onto the movie market.
Second, during the release phase, these signals can reassure risk-averse studio executives
about a sequel’s potential. While the existence of an original movie provides an overall
revenue boost for the sequel (Moon et al., 2010), the reviews associated with the original
movie will specifically facilitate the sequels theatrical release. Third, the reviews of both
critics and consumers will provide an indicator of the nature of the reviews that will be
generated as part of a sequel.
At an operational level, our results encourage managers to call upon these quality signals
during the release phase of the sequel. Currently, studios only have a short, one-off window to
attract a potential audience: the average run for a movie is four weeks in a context where
more films are launched each year (708 new movies were released throughout 2019,
compared to 641 in 2018
) and where development and launch costs are increasing, especially
for sequels (Bharadwaj et al., 2017). Therefore, the main objective for cinema executives is to
use as many quality signals as possible during the release phase in order to reduce information
asymmetry and ensure rapid commercial success for the sequel. Our results provide an
incentive to studios to integrate reviews into their operating strategy more effectively,
especially in promotional operations. They can reactivate these quality signals in two ways.
First, studios can directly and explicitly refer to the reviews of the original film in the
promotional campaigns at the launch of a sequel. They can be mentioned in trailers, teasers,
posters or websites dedicated to the sequel by emphasizing the number of moviegoers who
recommended the original movie (volume effect) or recalling good memories associated with
the original movie (valence effect). Studios can also use internet ad campaigns targeting
moviegoers who recommended the original film through display campaigns, for example. The
importance of these reviews can also be mentioned in the press kits that the studios provide to
Motion Picture Association Industry Report (2019)
movie critics. The use of reviews in terms of their experiential nature can lead to a positive
attitude towards the sequel in the opening weekend and reassure moviegoers who want to
avoid purchasing a "lemon" (Akerlof, 1970; Carrillat et al., 2018). Secondly, studios can
reactivate these signals indirectly by emphasizing the perceived similarity between the
original film and the sequel. The aim here is to underline the existing proximity between the
original film and the sequel, whether in the genre, the star cast, the director or the storyline.
Studios can also facilitate this reactivation of reviews by reducing the time interval between
the release of the two movies.
4.3. Limits and perspectives
This research has some limitations. It may be interesting to analyze in more depth the time
horizon associated with commercial performance. Indeed, the model developed in this
research distinguishes between short-term (revenue during the first week of movie screening)
and long-term performance (revenue after the first week of movie screening). However, given
the current speed of the emergence of reviews associated with new products (Hennig-Thurau
et al., 2015), and using the accessibility-diagnosticity framework, analyzing the sequels daily
revenues would allow for a more detailed evaluation of how long the quality signals (access
and relevance) associated with the original movie affect the sequels success. It also seems
relevant to adopt a differentiated time horizon with the reviews by distinguishing, like Berger
and Schwartz (2011), the reviews generated in the launch phase (immediate word of mouth)
from the ongoing reviews developed throughout the products presence on the market
(ongoing word of mouth). However, new products are likely to generate substantial reviews in
the launch phase. Since sequels are by definition a derivative work, born out of a
standardization rather than innovation approach, this distinction would make it possible to
assess both the volume of reviews of a sequel throughout its presence in theatres, and the
weight of the effect the reviews of the original movie have on those associated with the
sequel. This perspective could also make it possible to examine the volume of reviews of
critics whose weight is especially significant when starting a film (Larceneux, 2007).
Beyond a better consideration of the temporal dimension, other variables characterizing
sequels should also be integrated into the proposed model. From this point of view, this
research simplified the format by reducing the analysis to the impact of the original movie on
the first sequel. However, studios are tending to develop longer and longer formats (Filson &
Havlicek, 2018), prompting consideration of the number of sequels to assess the persistence
of these signals according to the place of the sequel in the franchise (Basuroy & Chatterjee,
2008). Similarly, as in Sood and Drèze (2006), the homogeneous nature of movies could be
integrated using indicators such as titles (descriptive or numbered, e.g., Terminator Genisys or
Fast and Furious 8) or the continued participation of star actors from one movie to another.
The degree of similarity between the movies (i.e., diagnosticity of the franchise equity) is
likely to increase the reactivation effects of the signals associated with the original movie
(Joshi & Mao, 2012). It might also be interesting to distinguish the nature of sequels by
incorporating an order perspective. Indeed, in this research, the term sequel generically covers
all works derived from an original work with no distinction of the nature of the derivative
works. However, studios deploy different script devices (i.e., prequel, sidequel, spin-off,
reboot, remake, crossover). Integrating these script formats into box office forecasting models
could also help refine the results.
Finally, the hypotheses proposed in this paper could be extended to other markets and product
categories. First, this research drew from data from the U.S. market to test the box office
forecasting model of a sequel. It might be interesting to assess the validity of the model in
other markets, as the taste for this type of film product may vary depending on the cultural
context (Akdeniz & Talay, 2013). Secondly, this research was limited to the analysis of the
theatrical movie market. However, there are other experiential products where companies
minimize the risks of a new launch by capitalizing on the success of an original product. From
this point of view, strategies in the publishing, video game or music industries could be
similar to those implemented in the movie industry. It would therefore be interesting to
examine the role played by quality signals associated with products of the same brand in these
sectors. Similarly, it might be interesting to assess the role of these signals in the creation of a
product providing a similar experience (film, video game, comic book, book) on multiple
media platforms.
Appendix Movie sample
Harry Potter
The Lord of the Rings
The Fast and the Furious
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Hunger Games
Iron Man
The Hobbit
Despicable Me
Ice Age
The Hangover
The Bourne Identity
Meet the Parents
The Matrix
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Monsters, Inc.
Night at the Museum
The Chronicles of Narnia
Scary Movie
The Mummy
Captain America
Ocean's Eleven
American Pie
Sherlock Holmes
How to Train Your Dragon
National Treasure
Kung Fu Panda
Diary of a Mad Black
The Da Vinci Code
Spy Kids
Bruce Almighty
Analyze This
21 Jump Street
Grown Ups
Fantastic Four
Final Destination
Sex and the City
Clash of the Titans
Cloudy with a Chance of
Resident Evil
The Expendables
Charlie's Angels
Big Momma's House
The Conjuring
Cheaper by the Dozen
Step Up
The Smurfs
Journey to the Center of
the Earth
The Ring
Stuart Little
The Princess Diaries
Lara Croft
Legally Blonde
Horrible Bosses
Ghost Rider
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Percy Jackson
Think Like a Man
Miss Congeniality
The Grudge
Pitch Black
Cats & Dogs
Kill Bill
The Purge
Are We There Yet?
Shanghai Noon
Daddy Day Care
Dolphin Tale
Bridget Jones's Diary
The Best Man
The Transporter
Sin City
Deuce Bigalow
The Sisterhood of the
Traveling Pants
Nanny McPhee
28 Days Later...
The Whole Nine Yards
Jeepers Creepers
Agent Cody Banks
Silent Hill
The Hills Have Eyes
A Haunted House
Harold & Kumar
The Last Exorcism
Jonah: A VeggieTales
Johnny English
House of 1,000 Corpses
The Collector
G.I. Joe
The Tigger Movie
Atlas Shrugged
Table 1 Sequels box office performance: literature synthesis
Exogenous variables
variable: movie
Movie sample
Performance of sequels
Ravid (1999)
Critics reviews (volume
and valence)
Production budget, MPAA ratings,
Presence of stars, Presence of
participants who were nominated for or
received awards, Films release date
international and
video revenues
175 movies (1991
Sequels are considered as a signal. 11 films are sequels in
the database. The sequel variable positively affects the box
office performance.
Basuroy et al.
Critics reviews (volume
and valence)
Production budget, Presence of stars
(actors and directors), Screens, MPAA
ratings, Films release date
Weekly revenues
175 movies (1991
- 1993)
Sequels are considered as a control variable. 11 films are
sequels in the database. Models are not affected by the
presence of sequels.
Basuroy et al.
Critics reviews (valence
and homogeneity),
Consumer reviews
Advertising expenditures, Screens,
Major distributors, Competition,
Expected performance, Presence of
stars, Sequel
Revenues (opening
week, second week
and beyond)
175 movies (1991
- 1993)
Sequels are considered as a signal. 11 films are sequels in
the database. Sequel and ad expenditure have a positive
interaction impact on the box office revenues.
Thurau et al.
Critics reviews, Consumer
Budget, Presence of stars, Cultural
familiarity (sequel, remake, adaptation),
Advertising expenditures, Screens,
Production budget
Revenues (opening
week, beyond the
opening week)
331 movies (1999
- 2001)
Sequels are considered as a studios’ action. Number of
sequels in the database is not specified. Sequels positively
affect the box office revenues during the opening week.
Liu (2006)
Critics reviews (volume
and valence), Consumer
reviews (volume and
valence, pre- and post-
Production budget, MPAA ratings,
Genres, Presence of stars, Screens (first
week), Movies life (in weeks)
Weekly revenues
40 movies (2002)
Sequels are integrated in preliminary analysis. They have
no significant effect on the aggregate box office revenues.
Boatwright et
al. (2007)
Critics reviews (volume
and valence)
Production budget, Communication
budget, Presence of stars, Screens,
Movies appeal
Revenues (opening
week), Decay rate
of sales
466 movies (1997
Sequels are a characteristic of the films. 8% of a sub-sample
(317 movies) are sequels. Sequels have the greater market
Basuroy &
Critics reviews (volume
and valence)
Screens, Movie characteristics (MPAA
ratings, Director or actor awards,
Production budget), Seasonality
Domestic revenues
(for up to the
fifteenth week)
167 movies
(1991- 1993)
Sequels are considered as a brand extension. 11 films are
sequels in the database. The sequel's box office performance
is weaker than the original movie's performance but higher
than the contemporaneous non-sequels' performance.
Moon et al.
Critics reviews (volume
and valence), Consumer
reviews (volume and
Movie characteristics (genre, sequel,
MPAA ratings, distribution, films life,
video release lagging days), Movie
costs (production budget, advertising
expenditure, screens)
Revenues (box
office, video rental,
video sales)
246 movies (2003
Sequels are considered as a brand extension. 36 films are
sequels in the database. Sequels have a positive impact on
revenues only in the first two weeks but receive lower
ratings than originals.
Consumer reviews (volume
and valence, pre- and post-
release, movie and star)
Movie characteristics (advertising
budget, sequel, nationality), Stars
characteristics (bankability, recency of
success, academy awards, sex appeal)
Revenues (opening
week, second week
and beyond)
140 movies
Sequels are considered as a control variable. Number of
sequels in the database is not specified. The volume of
reviews is higher for sequels.
Dhar et al.
Consumer reviews
Movie characteristics (MPAA ratings,
genre, run time), Seasonality (month,
Revenues (opening
week, total)
1,990 movies
Sequels represent 6,68% of the database. Sequels have a
better box office performance than non-sequels but they
generate less attendance than original movies.
Thurau et al.
Critics reviews (valence),
Consumer reviews
Movie characteristics (star power,
sequel, MPAA ratings, genre), Target
audiences, Studios actions (advertising
expenditures, release strategy), Buzz
Revenues (first
week, after the first
1,370 movies
Sequels are a characteristic of the films. Number of sequels
in the database is not specified. The influence of reviews on
the box office performance is weaker for a sequel than for a
contemporaneous non-sequel.
Akdeniz &
Talay (2013)
Critics reviews (valence)
Movie characteristics (production
budget, sequel, star power, genre,
Revenues (first
1,116 movies
103 films are sequels. The positive relationship between
sequels and box office performance persists internationally.
awards), Screens, Advertising
expenditures, Characteristic of the
distributor (major), Seasonality,
Competing movies (including local
However, this relationship varies by culture (e.g., the
relationship wanes in individualist cultures versus
collectivist cultures).
Bharadwaj et
al. (2017)
Critics reviews (volume,
valence, writing style)
Sequel, Genre, Production budget,
Advertising budget, MPAA ratings,
Director power, Star power, Level of
competition, Studio, Release
Domestic revenues
115 movies
Number of sequels in the database is not specified. Sequels
considered as a prelaunch marketing decision have a
significant impact on box office performance.
Filson &
Critics reviews (valence),
Consumer reviews
Production budget, Advertising
expenditures, Genre, MPAA ratings,
Screens, Awards, Change in the
franchise (ratings, lead actor, director)
Revenues (domestic
and foreign
markets) and ROI
(revenues / budget)
433 movies (prior
to 2014)
The box office performance of franchises deteriorates as
installments are introduced. Part of the box office revenues
attributable to foreign markets rises as further installments
are introduced.
Table 2 Summary of the data sample
Standard Deviation
Box office performance
Revenues (M$) during the first
week (adjusted for inflation and for
seasonal movements)
Revenues (M$) after the first week
(adjusted for inflation and for
seasonal movements)
Characteristics of
the movie
Country of origin
Binary (USA versus non USA)
89% (USA)
93% (USA)
Producer status
Binary (Major versus Independent)
88% (Major)
88% (Major)
MPAA ratings
Binary (R versus PG, PG-13 and G)
30% (R)
28% (R)
Adventure / Action
Drama / Thriller
Success: cumulated revenues before
the movie release (M$)
Success: cumulated revenues of the
two main stars of the cast before the
movie release (M$)
Studios actions
Production budget
M$ (adjusted for inflation)
Number of screens (release)
Critics reviews
Valence: rating (average score of 30
professional reviews) metascore
Valence: average score IMDb
First week
15 weeks
Volume: number of ratings IMDb
First week
15 weeks
Table 3 Model of the sequel's box office performance: intra-movie perspective
First week
After the first week
Exogenous variables
Production budget
Number of screens
Country of origin
Producer status
Genre (Adventure / Action)
Genre (Animation)
Genre (Drama / Thriller)
MPAA ratings (R)
Success of the director
Success of the stars
Critics reviews (valence)
Consumer reviews (valence)
Consumer reviews (volume)
Adjusted R
*** significant at the 1% level, ** at the 5% level, * at the 10% level
Table 4 Direct and indirect effects of the original movies reviews on the sequels box office
performance through the sequels reviews
Box office
Direct effect
Indirect effect
a x b + c
original movie
Box office
original movie
Box office
Indirect effect
(a x b)
First week
After the first
First week
After the first
First week
After the first
*** significant at the 1% level, ** at the 5% level, * at the 10% level
The model is just-identified. Fit indices are not significant (RMSEA = 0; CFI = 1; TLI = 1).
The total variance of Y explained by X is based on a direct effect c (XY) and an indirect effect a x b (a X
mediator and b mediator Y).
Table 5 Moderating effect of the time interval on the relation between original movies
reviews and sequels performance
First week
Consumer reviews
Critics reviews
*** significant at the 1% level, ** at the 5% level, * at the 10% level
Table 6 Results summary
Only the interaction coefficient is reported.
Figure 1 Conceptual model
Expected result
Empirical result
Reviews (vol. consumers)
original movie
Short-term box office
Effect: +
Reviews (vol. consumers)
original movie
Long-term box office
No effect
Reviews (val. consumers)
original movie
Short-term box office
Effect: +
Reviews (val. consumers)
original movie
Long-term box office
No effect
Reviews (val. critics)
original movie
Short-term box office
Effect: +
Not supported
Reviews (val. critics)
original movie
Long-term box office
No effect
Time interval [Reviews (vol. consumers)
original movie
Short-term box office
Moderation effect: +
Time interval [Reviews (val. consumers)
original movie
Short-term box office
Moderation effect: +
Not supported
Time interval [Reviews (val. critics)
original movie
Short-term box office
Moderation effect: +
Not supported
Reviews (vol. consumers)
original movie
Reviews (vol. consumers)
box office
Effect: +
Reviews (val. consumers)
original movie
Reviews (val. consumers)
box office
Effect: +
Reviews (val. critics)
original movie
Reviews (val. critics)
Long-term box
Effect: +
Not supported
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