Home Heating
Your handbook for
a safer Winter.
is a public safety
awareness handbook. Its designed
to provide you with the information
you need to reduce risk and keep
your family safe.
With everything from snow, ice,
wind and chilling temperatures,
winter tends to bring out, or keep
in, two types of people – the homey
sort, spending more time indoors
with family and friends; and the
outdoor sort, braving the elements
for all the rosy-cheeked excitement
they can muster.
Regardless what type of person you
are, it’s important to be “WinterWise”
and help keep you and your family
safe while enjoying all that the
season has to offer.
Elevator & Escalator Safety
25 The Inside Scoop on Elevator Rescue
26 Heighten Your Elevator Safety Awareness
27 Shop, but Watch your Step
Winter Recreation
29 First Time Skiers and Snowboarders
31 Ice Skating
32 Shovelling Snow Safely
33 Prior to Shovelling
34 Snowmobile Safety
35 Drive Home These Winter Road Safety Tips
Winter activity safety tips, starts pg. 28
Be “WinterWise”
Although we tend to spend more time indoors during the winter, it is a season that
provides great opportunities for outdoor fun and recreation. Whether you’re staying
warm by the fire, or spending the day on the slopes, be “WinterWise” to help you
and your family stay safe.
In this issue
WinterWise 2019
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
7 Four Steps to CO Safety
8 Alarm Yourself
Home Heating Safety
11 An Annual Inspection is a Must
11 Your Home Heating System
12 Annual Inspection Tips
13 Gas Fireplaces-Too Hot for Tots
14 Your Wood Stove or Fireplace
15 Your Portable Space Heater
16 Fresh Air-Let Your House Breathe
Home Safety
19 Treat Fuel with Care
21 Fire Safety in Apartment Buildings
22 Prevent Cooking Fires
23 Know Your Fire Extinguishers
Stay safe and have fun
this winter.
Check out these tips to
help keep your home
safe this winter.
6 7
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide (CO) exposure is a deadly but common
hazard in your home that can happen any time of year
especially when the cold, winter weather settles in,
and we depend on things like our furnace or gas
fireplace to heat up our homes.
Four Steps to CO Safety
To keep your home safe from CO hazards, follow these four steps:
1. Be aware of the hazard. Carbon
monoxide (CO) is an invisible, odourless
and poisonous gas produced by
common household appliances such
as your furnace, fireplace, gas stove,
propane heater, kerosene lantern or
any other fuel-burning equipment.
2. Eliminate CO at the source. Get your
home’s fuel-burning appliances and
equipment inspected by a certified
technician who works for a TSSA-
registered heating contractor. To
find a TSSA-registered contractor in your
area, visit COSafety.ca.
3. Install certified CO alarms. They will
warn you of rising CO levels, giving
you time to take potentially life-saving
action. For proper installation locations,
follow manufacturer’s instructions or
ask your local fire department.
4. Know the symptoms of CO
poisoning. They are similar to the
flu – nausea, headache, burning eyes,
confusion and drowsiness except
there is no fever. If they appear,
immediately get everyone, including
pets, outside to fresh air and call 911
and/or your local fire department.
Alarm Yourself
In addition to ensuring that your
home’s fuel-burning equipment has
been inspected professionally, your
next important line of defence against
CO is having properly installed and
maintained alarms.
When it comes to alarms,
follow these tips:
Install CO alarms:
On every level of your home
Near sleeping areas
According to manufacturer’s
NOT near:
Windows or vents
Heating or fuel-burning appliances
Smoke alarms
(unless combination alarm)
Test CO and smoke alarms once a
month by pushing the test button
Replace batteries once a year,
including back-up batteries for plug-in
alarms; use fall daylight savings time
as a reminder
Replace CO alarms when required
CO alarms wear out over time. Check
the manufacturer’s instructions to find
out when your particular unit should be
replaced (usually after 7-10 years for CO
alarms and 10 years for smoke alarms).
The Council of Canadian
Fire Marshals and Fire
Commissioners recommends
that you know your fire
departments phone number
and keep it posted by every
phone in your home.
8 9
You can help prevent carbon monoxide from
harming you and your family by:
1. Getting an annual inspection for all fuel-burning appliances
in your home
2. Installing and regularly testing carbon monoxide alarms
Home Heating
Safety Tips
10 11
In Canada, we depend on our heating systems to keep
us safe and warm when the thermometer plunges and
the snow falls, so it is vitally important to check and
maintain your furnace and/or fireplace.
An Annual Inspection is a Must
Heating systems that burn fuel such
as gas, oil or wood need to be
inspected and maintained annually.
It is the only way to ensure efficient
and safe operation.
For furnaces, while you can and should
change filters, the only person qualified
to inspect your natural gas, propane or
oil furnace is a certified technician who
works for a TSSA-registered contractor.
To find a TSSA-registered
contractor in your area,
visit COSafety.ca.
Remember, furnace and fireplace
inspections are your responsibility.
If you do not arrange it, it will not
get done. Do not forget to have your
furnace, fireplace or any fuel-burning
appliance inspected annually!
Getting started:
Visit COSafety.ca to find a TSSA
registered contractor near you
Obtain at least three written
estimates specifying the work to be
done, who will do the work, as well
as start and completion dates
Determine whether repairs are
covered by a warranty; avoid
‘fly-by-nighters’, especially people
who show up at your door offering
special deals
Your Home Heating System
To keep your home heating system
working the way it should this season;
there are actions that you as the owner
can take, but there are things that need
to be performed by a professional.
Examine the heating system
occasionally for signs of deterioration,
such as water stains, corrosion or
leakage; in forced-air systems, clean
the furnace air filters frequently
at least twice a heating season
Keep the area around the furnace
free from dust, lint, rags, paint,
drain cleaners and other materials
or chemicals that could catch fire or
explode if they become too hot
Make sure warm-air outlets and
cold-air outlets are not covered by
carpets or blocked by debris
Make sure walls, other obstructions
or new renovations do not block the
heating system’s air supply
12 13
Call a professional
If your heating system stops working,
check the electrical fuse, the switch
and the thermostat, and then call for
a heating technician
If snow or ice covers your outdoor
regulator, contact your fuel supplier
Under no circumstances should
unqualified people tamper with
heating systems; if you have
questions or concerns, contact
a TSSA-registered heating contractor
by visiting COSafety.ca
Gas Fireplaces Too Hot for Tots
To keep your child safe around gas fireplaces:
Never leave a young child alone near a gas fireplace; they can be burned before,
during, and after use of the fireplace
Create a barrier around the gas fireplace; safety guards can be installed to keep
your child at a safe distance at all times
Teach children about the dangers of fire; children are fascinated by heat and fire
and may not understand the dangers
Consider not using the fireplace if you have young children less than five years
of age, use it only after your children have gone to sleep, or consider turning the
unit off completely, including the ignition flame, whenever the unit is not in use
Be aware of contact burn dangers from irons, curling irons, radiators, older oven
doors, wood-burning stoves, and fireplaces
It takes an average
of 45 minutes for
the fireplace to cool
to a safe temperature
after a fire has
been extinguished
Annual Inspection Tips
Annual inspection of your fuel-burning appliances is a critical step in protecting
your family against carbon monoxide. Use the tips below to get started today.
Before the Call
Find a TSSA-Registered Fuels
Contractor in your community using
the Find a Contractor tool at TSSA’s
During the Call
Six questions to ask the contractor:
Are their inspection staff
certified by TSSA?
Are they able to provide
inspections for all of your
fuel-burning appliances?
Does the inspection include
the entire system?
fuel supply
the device itself
chimney/venting system, areas
around the device
Will they provide a written
inspection report of the devices
inspected and the results?
Will they be available to provide
additional explanation and
answer questions?
Will they supply an estimate?
(Always get one)
After the Call
We recommend you obtain more
than one estimate
Review the information you
have gathered
Select your contractor and book
the inspection
After the Inspection
Review your inspection report
Ensure, if required, you ask
any follow-up questions or
seek clarification
The best way to avoid carbon
monoxide exposure is to eliminate
it at the source.
Your Wood Stove or Fireplace
This time of year, it can be comforting to curl up beside a crackling
fireplace, or gather family and friends around the warmth of a wood
stove. Take the necessary steps now to ensure that wood stoves and
fireplaces are operating properly and free of potential hazards.
Watch for the warning signs
Look for corrosion or rust on the outer
shell of a metal chimney. Watch for
bulges or corrosion of the liner as well.
Loose bricks, crumbling mortar, dark
stains and white powder all indicate
problems with a masonry chimney. It
should be repaired immediately by a
certified heating contractor or mason.
Check stove pipes and connections
Ensure that screws are located at every
joint and that each connection is a
tight, secure fit. Also, look for signs of
dark staining or white powder (also
referred to as leeching) at every joint.
Rust is a clear sign that it is time to
replace the stove pipe.
Check walls for excessive heat
If the wall above your fireplace or
wood stove gets very hot, it could be
a sign of improper chimney installation
and a potential fire hazard.
Protect walls and floors from
heat and sparks
Keep combustible objects away from
your wood stove or fireplace and
always use a properly fitted screen to
cover the fireplace opening. Floors
and walls should be protected with
non-combustible shields.
Your Portable Space Heater
Electric space heaters are a handy way to add a little extra warmth to one
corner of your home without turning up the furnace. However, electric space
heaters can be a hazard if used improperly. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
and these safety tips to stay safe and warm:
Never use space heaters to dry
flammable items such as clothing
or blankets
Keep all flammable objects at
least one metre away from
space heaters
If you use an extension cord, make
sure it is the right size and gauge
to carry the electrical load being
drawn by the space heater
Never use an electrical space heater
in a wet area or any area that can
be exposed to water
Supervise children and pets at all
times when a portable space heater
is in use
Never use fuel-burning
portable space heaters (such
as propane or kerosene) in
any enclosed space, as it can lead to
deadly carbon monoxide exposure
When in doubt, call an expert
The safest and most practical way to handle the annual
maintenance of your chimney, woodstove and fireplace is to
contact a WETT* certified chimney sweep. It is a relatively small
investment for peace of mind.
*Wood Energy Technology Transfer
Improper use of space
heaters is one of the
leading causes of fires
and carbon monoxide
exposure in homes
and cottages.
14 15
Fresh Air Let Your House Breathe
In attempting to conserve energy
and reduce our heating costs, we can
sometimes make our homes too air
tight. In fact, for a house to be healthy,
it needs to “breathe”. It needs to expel
moisture and other gases from inside
and take in a constant supply of fresh
air from outside.
When a fuel-burning appliance in your
home does not get enough fresh air
and fails to completely burn its fuel,
carbon monoxide is produced.
If ventilation is damaged or blocked,
or if you have a powerful kitchen fan,
bathroom fan or open hearth fireplace,
then carbon monoxide can be drawn
back inside the house.
Exhaust fans can compound
the problem
Be mindful that the air you exhaust
from your home has to be replaced.
Powerful exhaust fans in bathrooms
and kitchens or open hearth wood-
burning fireplaces can actually create
a negative pressure inside your home,
resulting in a backdraft which will draw
exhaust fumes from your furnace, hot
water heater or other appliances back
into the house.
How can you tell if your home is
too air tight?
The air inside your home is usually
stuffy and stale
Excessive condensation is dripping
down your windows (which could
also mean your humidifier is set too
high, so check that first)
The pilot light on your gas appliance
keeps going out
A gas flame burns yellow instead of
blue (except in the case of a natural
gas fireplace)
The smell of exhaust gases is present
in your home; although you cannot
smell carbon monoxide, other
exhaust gases do have an odour
If you see any of these signs, contact
a certified heating contractor or a
building ventilation expert to check
your home and correct the problem.
Consider these solutions:
Air exchanger
If your home is tightly sealed to make
it energy efficient, consider investing in
a professionally installed air exchange
system. It exchanges the air inside
your home for fresh outside air every
24 hours, without wasting heat.
Direct feed
When renovating or building, consider
installing heating systems and appliances
that have a direct feed of outside air
for combustion, so they do not draw air
from inside the home. The combustion
chambers are sealed so they are safer
and more energy efficient.
Beat The
Silent Killer
In Ontario, over 65% of all
carbon monoxide deaths and
injuries occur in homes.
18 19
Treat Fuel with Care
When running a gas-powered engine:
Keep a BC Class fire extinguisher
handy. Water will only spread the
flames of a gasoline-based fire
Never work or idle in an enclosed
space such as a garage, basement
or tent
Allow equipment to cool down for a
few minutes before refuelling
Do not leave gasoline in the basement
of your home or in the cottage. Store
fuel in approved containers in a detached
garage or shed, and well away from heat
sources including direct sunlight.
Filling Containers
Only use fuel containers that have
been certified by an accredited
certification organization such as the
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
International or the Underwriters
Laboratories of Canada (ULC)
Keep well away from sparks or
ignition sources
Fill only to about 90 per cent of
capacity to allow some room
for expansion
When filling, keep portable containers
on the ground, with the dispensing
nozzle in full contact with the
container in order to prevent buildup
and discharge of static electricity –
a possible source of ignition
When you are finished refilling the
container, tighten both the fill and
vent caps
Never leave the container in direct
sunlight or in the trunk of a car
The best way to dispose of
gasoline is to use it up.
Small amounts can be left
outside to evaporate – leave in an open
container away from children and pets.
If gasoline must be discarded, be sure
to take it to the hazardous waste
disposal centre in your area. Never pour
gasoline onto the ground, down sewers
or into drains.
Gasoline is a common fuel around the home. It powers
our lawnmowers, chainsaws, snow blowers, all terrain
vehicles (ATVs) and more. But, despite its everyday use,
its important not to underestimate the dangers
of gasoline.
Home Safety
20 21
Fire Safety in Apartment Buildings
Q: Does your apartment have at least one working smoke alarm?
Test monthly and replace batteries annually to ensure it
works properly.
Q: Do you have a roll of duct tape? Duct tape is a special tape
available from hardware stores. Use it to block smoke from entering
your apartment through spaces around your doors, vents and
other openings.
Q: Do you know how you are going to escape from your building
if there is a fire? Most apartment buildings have at least two
exit stairways. Find out where these are and practice using them.
Know which floors you can use to cross from one stairway to
another. Do not use the elevator(s).
Q: Have you told your landlord or building manager that you
will need help in an emergency? Your apartment number can
be added to the fire safety plan, so firefighters will know that you
may need to be rescued.
Q: Do you know where the fire alarms are on your floor, and
how to pull them? Ask your landlord or building manager where
they are and how to use them.
Q: Have you arranged a place outside the building where
you will meet everyone you share your apartment with after
you leave? Having a meeting place gives you confidence that
everyone got out safely.
Q: Do you know the telephone number to call if there is a fire?
Keep this telephone number in a place where you can find it fast
in an emergency.
Being prepared can help save your life. Talk to
your building’s management or fire department
for more details.
Your furnace needs to
be inspected annually
by a TSSA-certified
heating contractor
to maintain peak
efficiency and protect
your family from
the dangers of
carbon monoxide.
It is the smart thing
to do and it is your
Be sure to use a certified heating contractor
registered by the Technical Standards and Safety
Authority. To find a TSSA-registered contractor,
visit COSafety.ca.
Have You Had
Your Furnace
22 23
What to do if a cooking fire starts
Pot: put a lid on it. If a pan catches fire,
carefully slide a lid over the pan using
a high-cuff oven mitt and turn off the
stove burner. Leave the lid on until
completely cool! Do not carry the
burning pan to a sink or outside.
Movement may permit oxygen
to the fire allowing it to ignite,
or cause hot grease to spill and
cause burns.
Oven or microwave: keep the door
shut and turn off the heat. If flames
do not go out immediately, call
the fire department. Opening the
oven or microwave door allows
oxygen to the fire and increases the
potential for the fire to spread
beyond the appliance.
Never pour water on a grease fire.
Water causes grease fires to flare
and spread.
Know the emergency number
for your fire department.
Always call your local fire
department before attempting
to fight a fire.
Always keep a fire extinguisher at the
kitchen door. Know how to use it. Only
use it if you have a clear escape route and
the fire department has been called first.
If a pan catches on fire, put a lid
on it using a high-cuff oven mitt
Know Your Fire Extinguishers
Not all fire extinguishers are alike. They are designed for specific
types of fire. There are three general types of fire extinguishers:
Class A fires involving ordinary combustibles such as wood,
cloth or paper;
Class B – fires involving flammable liquids, greases, gases, etc.; and
Class C charged electrical equipment fires.
Choose a multi-purpose fire extinguisher to put out all classes of fires.
Prevent Cooking Fires
Watch what you heat
Cooking fires are the number one cause
of home fires and home fire injuries in
Canada and the U.S., according to the
National Fire Prevention Association
(NFPA). Most of these fires can be
prevented by following simple fire
safety steps.
Never leave cooking unattended;
two out of five deaths in home
cooking fires occur because the
cooking was unattended
Keep the cooking area clean; always
wipe appliances and surfaces after
cooking to prevent grease buildup
Do not store combustible objects
near the stove; curtains, potholders,
dish towels and food packaging can
easily catch fire
Always turn pot handles inwards;
turning handles toward the centre
of the stove can prevent pots from
being knocked off the stove or pulled
down by small children
Wear short or close-fitting sleeves
when cooking; fires can occur when
clothing comes in contact with
stovetop burners
Do not overheat cooking oil
Cooking oil can easily start a fire so
never leave hot oil or grease-laden
foods unattended; if you must leave
the room, even for a short period
of time, turn the burner down to
simmer, or off completely
Teach children about safe cooking;
young children should be kept at
least one metre away from the stove
while older family members are
cooking and older children should
cook only with permission and under
the supervision of a grown up
Safety Tips
Always turn pot handles inwards
24 25
Although elevators and escalators are extremely safe,
practising proper riding behaviour will greatly reduce the
chance of an accident. Make sure you know the facts.
Elevator and
Escalator Safety
The Inside Scoop on Elevator Rescue
The safest place to be when an
elevator stops or if the doors won’t
open and you are trapped is inside!
An elevator is designed with every
possible safety feature in mind.
If the doors won’t open and you’re
stuck between floors, never force the
doors open or try to exit; doing so
could expose you to serious danger
Stay inside and signal for help
You can ring the alarm, or if an
emergency phone or “HELP” button
is provided, use it for immediate
two-way communication to qualified,
responsive staff 24-hours a day or
to be directed within a 30-second
time frame
Remain calm and know that help is
on the way
A professional recognized by the
Technical Standards and Safety
Authority (TSSA) – who is trained to
specific rescue standards will get
you safely out of the elevator; such
trained specialists know how to
safely remove passengers or restart
the elevator
Following these safe design and rescue
procedures is the surest way to safety.
Remain calm and know that help
is on the way
26 27
Shop, but Watch Your Step
While escalators are extremely safe and reliable, riders can fall and be injured if
they are not paying attention, using strollers (which are prohibited), playing around,
or overloaded with luggage and bags. Based on incidents reported to TSSA, more
than 90 percent of falls and injuries on escalators are rider-related.
A few simple reminders will keep you on your feet:
Step on and off with care
Stand in the centre of the step, not
right next to the railing, especially
when wearing soft-soled footwear,
to avoid entrapment
Hold onto the handrails
Attend to children and hold
their hand
Keep loose clothing, such as long
coats, scarves, and shoelaces clear
of steps and sides
Keep handbags, knapsacks,
shopping bags and parcels away
from the handrails
Do not run up or down escalators
Move away quickly from exit areas
If you have luggage or a stroller,
use an elevator
It is also wise to take a careful and
courteous attitude with you on
escalators. Pay extra attention to small
children and seniors. As a final safety
measure, it is helpful to notice where
the escalators emergency stop buttons
are located.
Choose the right
device - it will help
you get to your
destination safely.
Heighten Your Elevator Safety Awareness
Watch your step
Elevator floors are not always level.
Leveling will change depending on
the age of the elevator and its varying
speeds. If the level is beyond an inch
and half, alert the building owner or
representative and TSSA.
Use the button
If you want to hold the door open,
never stick your hand in the door. The
outer doors are there to protect you
from two inner doors, not to detect
your hand, arm, leg or head.
Respect passenger and
weight restrictions
Pay attention to the maximum number
of passengers and weight restrictions
posted in the elevator car. They exist
for a very valid reason: the safety
of all within.
Use alarm button for emergencies
The safest place to be when an
elevator stops or if the doors won’t
open and you are trapped is inside!
An elevator is designed with every
possible safety feature in mind.
Never try to pry the doors open with
your hands if trapped inside the
elevator. Ring the alarm button or use
the emergency phone to call for help.
Remain calm and know that help is on
the way.
Be aware, especially with others
in your care
Cell phones and other distractions can
cause more than minor annoyances,
like missing your floor. Be cognizant of
your surroundings when entering and
exiting the elevator, keep a watchful
eye on children, pets, or dependants
and be mindful of others for the
duration of the ride.
In the event of a fire, use
the stairs and follow building
emergency procedures.
Though modern elevating
equipment is made of fire-
resistant materials, elevators
should not be used unless
under the direct supervision of
professional fire fighters.
28 29
Winter offers some of the most unique opportunities
for fun and recreation. Whether you’re skating, skiing or
snowmobiling a few simple safety precautions can help
you stay safe.
Winter Recreation
and Safety
Always use the safety bar on a chairlift
First Time Skiers and Snowboarders
Top five safety tips
Discovering and learning something
new can be a little nerve-wracking,
but exciting at the same time. Whether
you’re out on the hills skiing or
snowboarding, learn how to be safe.
Here’s how:
Dress appropriately: Dress
in layers and avoid wearing
cotton. Remember to bring water-
resistant gloves or mittens, goggles
and sunscreen.
Get the right gear: Use the rental
shop at your local ski hill to get
properly fitted boots, bindings, poles
and skis/snowboards. Helmets are also
often rentable and recommended just
be sure to educate yourself on the
benefits and limitations. Check on any
mandatory helmet requirements being
enforced at the ski hill you’re visiting.
Take a lesson: Gain some
good basics. Most ski hills
offer lessons with trained and
certified ski and snowboard
instructors that will help you
get comfortable on the slopes.
Follow the rules:
Follow the Alpine
Responsibility Code and
colour-coded symbol trail
signs. Your primary safety
consideration and obligation
is to ski and ride in a controlled and
responsible manner.
Ride safe on ski lifts: Listen to
the lift attendants and be aware
of all signs during your ski lift ride.
If you’re unsure, look for instructional
posters and ask the attendant for help.
For chairlifts, always use the safety bar.
And remember lift the bar only
when you’ve reached the “Raise
Bar Here” sign.
So whats the last thing to remember?
Know your limits. Skiing and
snowboarding can be tiring, so
take breaks and pack it in if you
feel exhausted.
For these and other important safety
tips, visit www.safetyinfo.ca. For a
guide to various ski resorts across
Ontario, visit www.skiontario.ca.
30 31
Ice Skating
Canadian families can’t get enough of outdoor ice
skating and the yummy hot chocolate that goes
with it! But before lacing up those skates, keep
these tips in mind to keep your whole family
on the safe side of this winter sport.
Skates should give firm ankle support and
fit snugly; for youngsters whose feet are
growing, softer boots are better than hard,
unyielding ones
All skaters should wear CSA-approved hockey
helmets when skating because they are tested
for falls on ice. Replace helmets every
five years
Check that skate blades
aren’t dull or rusted
Teach children to skate
only in places you
know are safe
Check that the ice
surface is in good
shape without
bumps, melting
or slushy ice
Check for
skating hazards
such as pebbles,
rocks and branches
Ice on frozen ponds, rivers, lakes or canals should be at least 15 cm thick and
20 cm for skating parties or games; beware of quick thaws, which can weaken
the ice surface
Teach children to skate with friends never alone and always in safe areas,
away from traffic and free of obstacles
32 33
Shovelling Snow Safely
Snow removal is often done in a rush to get to work on time, or to finish as fast
as possible.
The good news is that 15 minutes of light snow shovelling is considered moderate
physical activity. Canada’s Physical Activity Guide says we should aim for at least 60
minutes of daily moderate physical activity of some kind.
The bad news is that research has shown an increase in the number of
fatal heart attacks among individuals shovelling snow following heavy
snowfalls. This may be due to the sudden demand that shovelling in cold
weather places on an individual’s heart and body.
While not everyone who shovels snow will suffer an injury or a heart attack, it can
be good exercise when performed correctly and with safety in mind.
Who should think twice about shovelling snow?
People who have existing health
problems, or injuries
Older individuals
Anyone who has had a previous
heart attack
People with family or personal
history of heart disease, high blood
pressure or high cholesterol levels
People leading a sedentary lifestyle
Older individuals should think twice before they shovel snow
Prior to Shovelling
Avoid stimulants like caffeine and
nicotine that place extra stress on
the heart
Avoid eating large meals that place
demands on the digestive system
Drink plenty of water; dehydration is
an issue in winter as it is in summer
Dress in several layers; remove a
layer as needed
Extremities, such as the nose, ears,
hands and feet need extra attention
when it is cold outside; place a scarf
or other face protection over the
nose/mouth to avoid breathing
cold air
Wear proper footwear; boots with
slip-resistant soles or anti-slip cleat
attachments can help to minimize
the risk of slips and falls
Warm-up for five-to-ten minutes to
get the joints moving and increase
blood circulation; march on the
spot, climb stairs, or go for a
quick walk around the block
After warm-up, perform gentle
stretches for the back (i.e.
knees to chest), arms and
shoulders (i.e. body hug),
and legs (i.e. forward
bends from a seated
position). This will ensure
that your body is ready
for action
Reprinted with permission of the
Occupational Health Clinics of Ontario Workers www.ohcow.on.ca
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Snowmobile Safety
Use the Signals
Follow the nationally-approved
snowmobile hand signals to ensure
safety on the trails for everyone.
Practise Zero Alcohol
Alcohol is involved
in over 70 percent of
snowmobiling fatalities.
Even small amounts of
alcohol can impair perception, slow
reaction time and limit ability to control
your sled. Operating your sled under
the influence of alcohol is punishable
under the Criminal Code of Canada.
If convicted of driving a snowmobile
while impaired, you will lose all driving
privileges (car, truck, motorcycle,
off-road vehicles and snowmobile).
Night Riding
Nine out of ten fatalities occur after
dark. Slow down, don’t overdrive your
headlights. Becoming disoriented or
lost is much more likely at night.
Wear outer clothing with reflective trim
on the arms, back and helmet. Never
ride alone at night. Always dress in your
full snowmobiling outfit even if your
intended destination is just next-door.
Defensive Snowmobiling
Engine noise and your helmet may
impair your hearing, so be extra alert
for danger. Never assume what another
snowmobiler will do. Your safety is in
your own hands, so watch out for a
variety of trail conditions.
Crossing Ice
If you do travel across lakes
or rivers, know the conditions
before you go and only cross
following marked stake lines. Carry ice
picks and wear a buoyant snowmobile
suit in the event an emergency self-
rescue needs to be performed.
Reprinted with permission of the
Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs
Understanding Winter Weather
Hypothermia: Dress warmly to prevent hypothermia. Cover up and
layer well, making sure that nothing is too tight or left exposed.
Snow Blindness: Ride with good quality, UV-protected sunglasses
or a tinted visor.
Wind Chill: Wind-proof outer garments, extra layers and a balaclava
will offer some protection, but keep your face shield down to
prevent windburn and to protect your skin and eyes.
Drive Home These Winter Road Safety Tips
Snow removal is often done in a rush
to get to work on time, or to finish as
fast as possible.
Plan ahead
Knowing what danger may lurk ahead
of your travels can help you prepare
to face it or give you the chance to
avoid it. Before heading out, check the
weather forecasted for the duration
of your trip, and stay tuned to traffic
reports for awareness of accidents
and road closures. There are free apps
online that offer real-time traffic alerts.
Begin with a clean slate
Road visibility is of the utmost
importance when driving in winter
weather. Be sure to clean the snow
and ice off of your car, before hitting
the road, and keep an ice scraper
and washer fluid on board for
impromptu maintenance. In addition,
having winter tires installed is a wise
start-of-the-season safety tradition.
Stay connected
Everyone knows that talking on a
cell phone while driving is a big
safety no-no but driving alone in a
blizzard with no one informed of your
whereabouts and no access to outside
assistance is, perhaps, an even more
chilling thought. Before revving up
your engine, inform someone of
your travel plans, and keep a
charged cell phone and charger
on board throughout your trip.
Tone it down a bit
Winter weather calls for patience
and focus. Ease off the accelerator,
leave plenty of distance between
your vehicle and others, and don’t
overtake snow plows. If you need to be
somewhere in a hurry this winter, plan
your route in advance and give yourself
extra time to get there.
Fill er Up
Driving your vehicle with a full tank of
gas is great advice any season of the
year, but in winter, particularly, it is
essential to ensure you have enough
gas to last for the duration of your trip
because, once the gas is gone, the
heats not long to follow.
Helping you stay and think safe
The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) is an innovative, not-for-profit
organization dedicated to enhancing public safety. Throughout Ontario,
TSSA regulates the safety of: amusement devices; elevators and escalators;
ski lifts; fuels; boilers and pressure vessels; and operating engineers. TSSA is
there with you each time you get your home furnace inspected, your gas
fireplace maintained, and even when you ride an elevator, escalator, or a ski lift.
Toll-free: (outside Toronto) 1-877-682-8772
Corporate Website: tssa.org
Public Safety Website: safetyinfo.ca
Winter 2019