DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Changes are identified in this table and also denoted by blue font.
Substantive revisions are denoted by an asterisk (*) symbol preceding the section,
paragraph, table, or figure that includes the revision.
Unless otherwise noted, chapters referenced are contained in this volume.
Hyperlinks are denoted by bold, italic, blue, and underlined font.
The previous version dated February 2021 is archived.
Updated hyperlinks and formatting to comply with current
administrative instructions.
Updated content for the “Overseas Housing Allowance
Overview” paragraph in accordance with the Office of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense (OASD), Manpower and
Reserve Affairs (M&RA) Memo, dated March 17, 2021.
Updated content for the “Administration of Family
Separation Housing Allowance” paragraph in accordance
with the OASD (M&RA) Memo, dated January 5, 2020.
Updated the “Reserve Component Member” paragraph
content for accuracy and clarity.
Updated the statutes and supporting references.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table of Contents
VOLUME 7A, CHAPTER 26: “HOUSING ALLOWANCES ................................................... 1
1.0 GENERAL (2601) ............................................................................................... 7
1.1 Purpose (260101) ................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Authoritative Guidance (260102) ........................................................................ 7
2.0 INTRODUCTION (2602) ................................................................................... 7
2.1 Definitions for Housing Allowances (260201) .................................................... 7
2.2 Housing-Allowance Rates and Applicable Dates (260202) ................................. 9
3.0 DETERMINING DEPENDENCY (2603) ........................................................ 10
3.1 Dependent (260301) ........................................................................................... 10
3.2 Determinations and Fraudulent Claims (260302) .............................................. 11
3.3 Providing Support for Dependent (260303) ....................................................... 14
3.4 Dependent Parent (260304) ................................................................................ 16
3.5 Adopted Child, Stepchild, or Child Born Out of Wedlock (260305) ................ 17
3.6. Child Living With Service Member’s Former Spouse (260306) ....................... 18
3.7 Child Living With Service Member’s Former or Estranged Spouse (260307) . 19
3.8 Dependent Confined in Penal or Correctional Institution (260308) .................. 19
4.1 Both Service Members Married to Each Other Entitled to Basic Pay (260401) 21
4.2 Other Dependents (260402) ............................................................................... 21
4.3 Dependent Custody Effects on Housing Allowances (260403) ......................... 22
5.0 BASIC ALLOWANCE FOR HOUSING (BAH) (2605) ................................. 23
5.1 BAH Rate Protection (260501) .......................................................................... 23
5.2 BAH Advance (260502) .................................................................................... 23
5.3 Partial Housing Allowance (BAH-Partial) (260503) ......................................... 24
5.4 BAH Differential (BAH-Diff) (260504) ............................................................ 25
5.5 Temporary BAH Increase (260505) ................................................................... 25
6.0 OVERSEAS HOUSING ALLOWANCE (OHA) (2606) ................................. 26
*6.1 OHA Overview (260601) ................................................................................... 26
6.2 OHA Determining Monthly Rent (260602) ....................................................... 27
6.3 OHA Utility or Recurring Maintenance Allowance (260603) ........................... 29
6.4 OHA Computation Steps (260604) .................................................................... 30
6.5 Move-in Housing Allowance (MIHA) (260605) ............................................... 31
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* August 2021
Table of Contents (Continuned)
6.6 OHA Advance Payment (260606) ..................................................................... 32
6.7 Service Member Occupying a Government Trailer or Rental Guarantee Housing
and OHA (260607) ................................................................................................................. 34
6.8 OHA and Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) (DSSR § 130) Paid Concurrently
(260608) 34
6.9 Observer to a UN Peacekeeping Organization (260609) ................................... 35
7.0 FAMILY SEPARATION HOUSING (FSH) ALLOWANCE (2607) .............. 35
7.1 FSH Overview (260701) .................................................................................... 35
*7.2 Administration of FSH Allowance (260702) ..................................................... 35
8.0 GOVERNMENT QUARTERS (2608) ............................................................. 37
8.1 Responsibility for Assignment or Termination (260801) .................................. 37
8.2 Government Quarters Assigned or Occupied (260802) ..................................... 38
8.3 Government Quarters Designated as Inadequate (260803) ............................... 41
9.0 PRIVATIZED HOUSING (2609) ..................................................................... 42
10.0 ASSIGNMENT SITUATIONS (2610) ............................................................. 42
10.1 Service Member Without-Dependent (261001) ................................................. 42
10.2 Service Member With-dependent (261002) ....................................................... 44
10.3 Service Member with Acquired Dependent (261003) ....................................... 47
10.4 Service Member With-Dependent Serves Unaccompanied or
Dependent-Restricted Tour OCONUS or “Unusually Arduous Sea Duty” Outside the United
States (261004)....................................................................................................................... 48
*10.5 Reserve Component (RC) Member (261005) .................................................... 50
10.6 Government Defers Dependent Travel (Non-Concurrent Travel) (261006) ..... 53
10.7 Dependent Travels Before or After Service Member (261007) ......................... 54
10.8 Early Return of Dependent (ERD) (261008) ..................................................... 55
10.9 Evacuation of a Service Member’s PDS (261009) ............................................ 56
10.10 Service Member in Transit (261010) ................................................................. 58
10.11 Service Member in a Missing Status (261011) .................................................. 62
10.12 Service Member in Confinement (261012) ........................................................ 62
10.13 Housing Allowance Following Service Member’s Death (261013) .................. 63
10.14 Housing Flexibility for Certain Armed Forces Members With-Dependents,
Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Within the United States (37 USC § 403a). Effective
for PCS departures on or after October 1, 2018. (261014) .................................................... 65
Table 26-1. Types of Housing Allowances .............................................................................. 67
Table 26-2. Offices That Determine PDS Vicinities ................................................................ 68
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table of Contents (Continuned)
Table 26-3. Housing Allowances Rate Determinations ........................................................... 69
Table 26-4. Date to Start BAH or OHA for a Service Member With a Dependent ................. 70
Table 26-5. Date to Stop Housing Allowances Based on Change in Dependent’s Status ....... 71
Table 26-6. Date to Stop BAH or OHA—Other Changes ....................................................... 72
Table 26-7. Army: Unmarried Child Claimed as Dependent .................................................. 72
Table 26-8. Navy: Unmarried Child Claimed as Dependent .................................................. 73
Table 26-9. Air Force: Unmarried Child Claimed as Dependent ............................................ 74
Table 26-10. USMC: Unmarried Child Claimed as Dependent .............................................. 76
Table 26-11. Determination of Marriage Validity ................................................................... 76
Table 26-12. Spouse is the Dependent Claimed ....................................................................... 77
Table 26-13. Dependent Claimed is a Parent ........................................................................... 78
Table 26-14. Conditions for BAH-Partial ................................................................................ 78
Table 26-15. Special BAH-Partial for Navy Barracks Privatization Test ................................ 80
Table 26-16. Locations Approved for a Temporary BAH Rate Increase ................................. 80
Table 26-17. Effect of Changes During Temporary Rate Increase Period on BAH ................ 80
Table 26-18. OHA Unique Expense Locations ........................................................................ 81
Table 26-19. Maximum OHA Rental Allowance ..................................................................... 81
Table 26-20. Climate Code Utility Points ................................................................................ 81
Table 26-21. Utility and Recurring Maintenance Allowance Payment Percentage ................. 81
Table 26-22. OHA Computation Procedure ............................................................................. 82
Table 26-23. Types of MIHA Payments .................................................................................. 83
Table 26-24. MIHA/Miscellaneous Expense Items ................................................................. 84
Table 26-25. Conditions Affecting FSH .................................................................................. 85
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table of Contents (Continuned)
Table 26-26. BAH or OHA Accrual for Service Member Without-Dependent Entitled to Basic
Pay 86
Table 26-27. BAH or OHA for a Service Member Entitled to Basic Pay With-Dependent .... 88
Table 26-28. Changes in BAH or OHA When a Service Member Assigned in the CONUS
Acquires a Dependent ................................................................................................................ 90
Table 26-29. Changes in BAH or OHA When a Service Member Assigned OCONUS
Acquires a Dependent ................................................................................................................ 91
Table 26-30. FSH EligibilityService Member Assigned to a PDS OCONUS ..................... 92
Table 26-31. Dependent Visits Service Member who is Serving an Unaccompanied or
Dependent-Restricted Tour ....................................................................................................... 93
Table 26-32. Dependent Retains Permanent Residence When Service Member Assigned to
Unaccompanied or Dependent-Restricted Tour at a PDS OCONUS or “Unusually Arduous Sea
Duty” Outside the United States ................................................................................................ 94
Table 26-33. Dependent Relocates When Service Member Assigned to Unaccompanied or
Dependent-Restricted Tour at a PDS OCONUS or “Unusually Arduous Sea Duty” Outside the
United States 95
Table 26-34. Changes When Government Defers Dependent Travel to Duty Station OCONUS
Table 26-35. Government Defers Dependent’s Travel to PDS in the CONUS for 139 or Fewer
Days and Old PDS is in the United States ............................................................................... 100
Table 26-36. Government Defers Dependent’s Travel to PDS in the CONUS When the Old
PDS is Outside the United States or the Old PDS is in the United States and the Expected
Travel Delay is 140 or More Days (20 Weeks) ....................................................................... 101
Table 26-37. Advance Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS and New PDS
Are in the United States (BAH Area) ...................................................................................... 102
Table 26-38. Advance Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS is in the United
States (BAH Area), New PDS is Outside the United States (OHA Area) .............................. 103
Table 26-39. Advance Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS is Outside the
United States (OHA Area), New PDS is in the United States (BAH Area) ............................ 104
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table of Contents (Continuned)
Table 26-40. Advance Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old and New PDS are
Outside the United States (OHA Area) ................................................................................... 105
Table 26-41. Delayed Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS and New PDS Are
in the United States (BAH area) .............................................................................................. 105
Table 26-42. Delayed Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS in the United
States (BAH Area), New PDS Outside the United States (OHA Area) .................................. 106
Table 26-43. Delayed Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS Outside the
United States (OHA Area), New PDS in the United States (BAH Area) ............................... 107
Table 26-44. Delayed Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old and New PDS are
Outside the United States (OHA Area) ................................................................................... 109
Table 26-45. Housing Allowance for Service Member in Transit on a PCS ......................... 110
Table 26-46. Housing Allowance for Service Member in Transit for New Accession ......... 111
Table 26-47. Housing Allowance for Service Member in Transit for Final Discharge,
Separation, or Retirement ........................................................................................................ 112
Table 26-48. Examples of BAH-RC or BAH/OHA Changes for a RC Member ................... 114
*REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 115
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
1.0 GENERAL (2601)
1.1 Purpose (260101)
This chapter establishes policy pertaining to housing allowances. Housing allowances
include Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA), and Family
Separation Housing (FSH) Allowance. Entitlement eligibility is subject to the conditions set forth
in this chapter.
1.2 Authoritative Guidance (260102)
The pay policies and requirements established by the DoD in this chapter are derived
primarily from, and prepared in accordance with the United States Code (U.S.C.), including
Titles 10 and 37. Due to the subject matter in this chapter, the list of authoritative sources is
extensive. The specific statutes, regulations, and other applicable guidance that govern each
individual section are listed in a reference section at the end of the chapter.
A Service member on Active Duty (AD) entitled to basic pay is authorized a housing
allowance based on his or her grade, rank, location, and whether he or she has any dependents. A
housing allowance generally is not authorized for a Service member who is assigned to appropriate
and adequate Government quarters (see Section 8.0 for Government quarters). If member is on
excess leave, housing allowances do not accrue during the excess-leave period. If a Service
member is absent without leave which is not excused as unavoidable, housing allowances are not
authorized. See Table 26-1 for a listing of the different type of housing allowances authorized.
2.1 Definitions for Housing Allowances (260201)
2.1.1. Sharer. A sharer includes a Service member authorized an OHA or
FSH-OHA (FSH-O) based location allowance or any of the following individuals who reside with
a Service member: A civilian employee, including any dependents, authorized a Living
Quarters Allowance (LQA). Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR), Section 130
(DSSR § 130) or cost of living allowance (COLA) in a non-foreign location Outside Continental
United States (OCONUS) (see OCONUS COLA). Any other person, excluding a Service member’s dependent, who
contributes money toward the payment of rent, mortgage, or utilities.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
2.1.2. Owner-Owned Multiple Occupancy Dwelling. The dwelling is a duplex, triplex, or
other type of multiple occupancy dwelling that is designed for separate private-sector housing units
for more than one household. The units within the dwelling ordinarily have separate addresses or
entrances. For OHA or FSH-O purposes, it would include a dwelling where the Service member
and any dependents occupy a single separate unit within the dwelling and the other units are rented
2.1.3. Vicinity. The vicinity is the entire country, U.S. territory or possession, or state
when in Alaska or Hawaii where the Service member’s permanent duty station (PDS) is located.
When a Service member resides with a dependent and commutes to the PDS, the dependent is
considered to be residing at or in the vicinity of the PDS even if in an adjacent country or state.
However, if the Service member has to maintain separate households and maintaining separate
households is authorized or approved through the Secretarial Process, a dependent is not residing
in the PDS vicinity for FSH purposes. A commander may submit a request for determination
through the appropriate channels to the applicable office listed in Table 26-2.
2.1.4. Government Quarters Government quarters include: U.S. Government owned or leased sleeping accommodations or
family-type housing; Lodging or other quarters obtained by U.S. Government contract; Dormitories or similar facilities operated by a cost-plus-a-fixed-
fee contract; Sleeping or housing facilities furnished by a foreign government
on the Government’s behalf; or Quarters in a state-owned National Guard camp. For BAH purposes, the term does not include privatized housing or
transient facilities, such as temporary lodging facilities, guesthouses, hostess houses, or hotel-type
accommodations built or operated by non-appropriated fund activities. Government quarters
converted to privatized housing are no longer Government quarters.
2.1.5. Rental Charge. A rental charge is a fee for occupancy and does not include service
charges for linens, cleaning, maintenance, or similar costs.
2.1.6. Primary Residence for Reserve Component (RC) Member. For an RC member
ordered to AD, the primary residence is the dwelling (e.g., house, townhouse, apartment,
condominium, mobile home, houseboat, vessel) where the RC member resides before being
ordered to AD.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
2.2 Housing-Allowance Rates and Applicable Dates (260202)
2.2.1. Rates. The housing-allowance rates are each determined as specified in Table26-3.
2.2.2. Housing Allowance Start and Stop Dates. The authorizing document for OHA is
the DoD DD Form 2367, OHA Report. Table 26-4 specifies the date to start BAH or OHA for a
Service member with a dependent. Table 26-5 specifies the date to stop housing allowances based
on changes in the status of a sole dependent. Table 26-6 specifies the date to stop BAH or OHA
for reasons other than a change in the status of a dependent. Situations not covered in these tables
are contained elsewhere in this chapter. Start. Unless specifically authorized elsewhere in this Chapter, PDS
housing allowance eligibility starts on a Service member’s reporting day to a new PDS. OHA
starts on the day a Service member obtains private-sector housing. If the Service member is
authorized a monetary allowance in lieu of transportation (MALT) plus per diem (MALT Plus) on
the reporting day, OHA eligibility starts on the day after the Service member’s reporting day.
When a home port change is involved, ordinarily a housing allowance based on the rate for the
new home port starts on the effective date of the home port change. Stop. Unless an extension is authorized or approved under paragraph 10.2,
or the PCS move is a close proximity move as specified in paragraphs 10.1 and 10.2, the OHA and
the FSH-BAH (FSH-B) based location or FSH-O allowances stop on any of the following: The day the Service member’s OHA, FSH-O, or FSH-B lease
ends; The day before the Service member departs due to a PCS order; The day before the effective date a Service member’s assigned
ship or unit changes its home port from OCONUS. However, a Service member without a
dependent is authorized a housing allowance based on the old home port until the day the Service
member moves back aboard the ship under all of the following conditions: The Service member is undergoing a home port change; The ship does not depart from the old home port before
or on the home port change effective date; and Quarters on board the ship are not available (for
example, because the ship is dry-docked); Upon assignment to Government quarters.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
3.1 Dependent (260301)
3.1.1. Eligibility A Service member’s lawful spouse and legitimate, unmarried, minor
children are always dependents for housing allowance purposes, except as specified in this section; An unmarried minor child of an invalid marriage, or a marriage annulled
as void or voidable, is a dependent for housing allowance purposes; or An incapacitated child over age 21, a ward of the court, or an unmarried
child over age 21 and under age 23 who is attending college full time requires an “in-fact
dependency,” as specified in Service regulations. The child is a secondary dependent and must be
dependent upon the Service member for over one-half of the child’s support. The child’s income,
not counting the Service member’s contributions, must be less than one-half of the child’s living
expenses and the Service member’s contribution must be more than one-half of the child’s monthly
living expenses.
3.1.2. No Authority on Dependent’s Behalf. A Service member is not authorized a
housing allowance for any of the following: A minor child entitled to basic pay as a Uniformed Service member on
AD. This includes a minor child attending a military Service academy where the United States
furnishes quarters; A spouse on AD in a Uniformed Service entitled to basic pay and
allowances. See Section 4.0 for housing allowances when two Service members married to each
other are both entitled to basic pay and allowances; A dependent for whom the Service member is no longer required to
provide support; A dependent for whom the Service member has not provided required
proof of adequate support, when necessary as specified in paragraph 3.3; A dependent whom the Service member fails to support
(see paragraph 3.3); A dependent whose whereabouts are unknown and whose absence and
whereabouts remain unexplained; A former spouse to whom the Service member is paying alimony;
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
26-11 A dependent who occupies Government quarters as a permanent residence
without payment of a rental charge. See paragraph 3.7 for an exception when the child is living
with the Service member’s former or estranged spouse; A child for whom the Service member pays child support and the
following conditions exist: The child is in another active-duty Service member’s custody,
including a former spouse, as specified in this section; and The Service member with custody of the child is assigned to
Government or Government-leased family quarters, or receives a with-dependent housing
allowance on behalf of the child. This does not include privatized housing; A child after adoption by a third party and the final adoption order or
decree has been entered. When the Service member supports the child pending a final decree,
authority for a housing allowance continues after an interlocutory decree of adoption has been
entered if the decree does not change the legal relationship between the child and the Service
3.1.3. Spouse in Foreign Military. A Service member is authorized a housing allowance
for a spouse in the military service of a government other than the United States. The Service
member is authorized a housing allowance even if the foreign government furnishes a residence
or pays a monetary allowance in lieu of a residence for the spouse.
3.2 Determinations and Fraudulent Claims (260302)
Dependency must be determined before a housing allowance is authorized. After initial
approval, the Services must maintain adequate levels of internal audit to assure the legality,
propriety, and correctness of all housing allowance payments. See individual Service regulations
for procedures.
3.2.1. Determinations. In determining relationship or dependency for housing allowance
eligibility, the appropriate officials must apply the rules in this section. The Service Secretary or
designee makes all determinations of relationships or dependency for a primary dependent. The
designee may re-delegate. Otherwise, the Army disbursing officer or designee, the U. S. Air Force
(USAF) Financial Services Office (FSO) or designee, and offices specified in this section for the
Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) make determinations. The Defense Finance and
Accounting Service (DFAS) determines relationships and dependency for secondary dependents
and individuals whose status as a primary dependent is questionable for the Army, USAF, or Navy.
The Commandant of the Marine Corps Marine and Family Programs Division, Defense
Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS)/Dependency Determination Section (MFP-1)
determines relationships and dependency for secondary dependents and individuals whose status
as a primary dependent is questionable for the USMC. Determinations for relationships or
dependency for non-DoD Services is per Service regulations.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
26-12 Dependent Status Certification. Upon arrival at a new PDS, each Service
member authorized a housing allowance for a dependent must recertify the status of the dependent
to the Secretary concerned to support a housing allowance on the dependent’s behalf. If a Service
member fails to provide the certification, the housing allowance on the dependent’s behalf stops
at the end of the month in which the certification is due. A housing allowance at the appropriate
partial or without-dependent rate is paid unless the Service member is not authorized that
allowance for some other reason. A housing allowance at the with-dependent rate is authorized
effective the date the Service member provides proper certification. The higher rate is not
retroactive unless the Service member’s commander certifies that the failure to recertify promptly
was for reasons beyond the Service member’s control. Dependency Re-determinations. Annual re-determination of dependency
is required for a Service member who claims a housing allowance for any of the following
dependents: A parent, parent in-law, stepparent, parent by adoption, or a
person who serves in loco parentis; A student 21 and 22 years of age; An incapacitated child over age 21; A ward of a court; or Any dependent of an RC member. The RC member must
recertify the dependent’s status at least every 3rd year from the previous certification or when a
dependent’s status changes.
3.2.2. Determining Dependency Relationship for Service Member’s Child. Army. Submit requests for determinations in accordance with this
paragraph and Table 26-7. Navy. The Disbursing Officer makes the determination for any person
who can qualify as a dependent of a Service member in the Navy. Submit all doubtful cases
through channels to the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA). Table 26-8 specifies
the rules for determining the dependency relationship for a Service member in the Navy for the
purposes of a housing allowance when the dependent claimed is an unmarried child. USAF. If the dependent claimed is an unmarried child over age 21 and is
incapable of self-support, then the USAF FSO or designee makes the determination. In this case,
the dependent must actually be dependent on Service member for a substantial portion of support.
Submit requests for determinations in accordance with Table 26-9.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
26-13 USMC. For any determination, concerning a combination of a spouse and
an unmarried legitimate child, and the dependent child is under age 21, the commanding officer of
a battalion, squadron or separate detached command makes the decision. Table 26-10 specifies
the rules for determining the dependency relationship for a Service member in the USMC for the
purposes of a housing allowance when the dependent claimed is an unmarried child.
3.2.3. Fraudulent Claims. Any Service member who submits a claim for a housing
allowance that contains a false statement is subject to court-martial or criminal prosecution.
Fraudulent acceptance of benefits may cause a civilian recipient to be subject to criminal
prosecution. The law provides for severe penalties of imprisonment and a fine. For military
personnel, it may include a punitive separation, total forfeitures, and confinement.
3.2.4. Marriage Status Determination. Any case in which the validity of a Service
member’s marriage is questionable is a case of a doubtful relationship. This paragraph outlines
different types of relationships where validity is doubtful for housing allowance purposes. Submit
requests for determination on validity of a marriage in doubtful cases or for validation of payments
as specified in Table 26-11. Remarriage Within Prohibited Period Following Divorce. Under the laws
of some states, a marriage is not dissolved until a specified period has elapsed after a divorce
decree is granted, and remarriage is prohibited within the specified period. In all states that grant
an interlocutory decree before granting a final divorce decree, remarriage may not occur before
the final decree is granted. Marriage by Proxy. Proxy marriages are valid if performed in a
jurisdiction that recognizes common law marriages and has no statute or judicial determination
prohibiting proxy marriages. Marriage by Telephone. A marriage by telephone is recognized only if a
statute or court decision authorizes or recognizes telephone marriages in the jurisdiction where the
marriage was performed. Common Law Marriages. Under laws of certain states, persons who do
not obtain a license to marry or go through certain other formalities may enter into a common law
marriage. Common law marriages entered into in those states are valid if they are contracted in
accordance with state law. Foreign Nation Divorce. A foreign nation divorce may or may not be
recognized as valid in the United States depending on several factors. These factors include place
of residence of the parties involved, whether they appeared in person to obtain the divorce, and
applicable state laws. Any claim involving the remarriage of a Service member following a foreign
nation divorce and any claim by, or on behalf of, the spouse from whom the Service member has
obtained a foreign nation divorce are cases of doubtful relationship. A claim based on a Service
member’s marriage to a person who has obtained a foreign nation divorce is also a doubtful case.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
26-14 Void Marriage. If a Service member’s marriage is void, for example, due
to a preexisting marriage of the spouse, the Service member has no lawful spouse and is not
authorized a housing allowance at the with-dependent rate due to the purported marriage. When
marriage invalidity is discovered, no further housing allowance payments at the with-dependent
rate may be made. See Table 26-5 to determine when to stop housing allowance payments. The
Service member may retain payments already received if they are validated under Chapter 12, for
DoD Services or Service written material for non DoD Services. When validity of a marriage is
questionable, submit the case to the office specified in Table 26-11 for a determination on the
validity of the marriage and, if necessary, validation of payments already made. Annulled Marriage. If a Service member’s marriage is annulled by a court
decree, no further housing allowance payments may be made. The Service member may retain
payments received before the effective date of the decree. Retention of payment in some
annulment cases based on legal factors must be validated under Chapter 12, for DoD Services or
Service written material for non-DoD Services. Submit all annulment cases to the office specified
in Table 26-11 for review and, if necessary, validation of payments made.
3.2.5. Spousal Dependency Determination. Table 26-12 specifies who determines a
dependency relationship for the purposes of a housing allowance when the dependent claimed is a
spouse. Unless otherwise specified, the rules for the Navy and the USMC apply regardless of a
Service member’s rank.
3.3 Providing Support for Dependent (260303)
3.3.1. Proof of Support. Proof of support of a lawful spouse or unmarried, minor,
legitimate child of a Service member is generally not required. However, when an appropriate
office receives evidence or a complaint from a dependent of nonsupport or inadequate support,
proof of adequate support is required as specified in this paragraph.
3.3.2. Non-support. A Service member who fails to support a dependent on whose behalf
a housing allowance is received is not authorized a housing allowance on that dependent’s behalf.
A Service member does not avoid the legal responsibility to comply with a court order for support
by forfeiting a housing allowance. Housing allowances must be recouped for nonsupport or
inadequate support periods. Subsequently paying support arrears does not authorize a Service
member a housing allowance for the dependent unless one of the following caused the nonsupport
or inadequate support: The Service’s mission requirements; or Outside agencies’ actions determined by Service regulations to be beyond
the Service member’s control.
3.3.3. Unstated Support Amount or Release From Support Responsibility. A legal
separation agreement, court decree, judgment, or order that is silent on dependent support, does
not state the dependent support amount, or absolves the Service member of dependent support
responsibility does not affect a Service member’s housing allowance. This is true regardless of
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
the jurisdiction in which the decree, agreement, or order was issued or of the dependent’s domicile.
The Service member is authorized a housing allowance on behalf of a dependent if the Service
member contributes to the dependent’s support in an amount that is not less than the applicable
BAH-Differential (BAH-Diff) rate.
3.3.4. Legal Separation Agreement or Court Order Stating Support Amount. When there
is a court order or legal separation agreement stating the support amount, a Service member must
contribute to the dependent’s support the amount specified to receive BAH-Diff. In no case may
the support payments be less than the applicable BAH-Diff rate.
3.3.5. Joint Legal Custody. When a Service member is divorced from a person who is not
a Service member, they share joint legal custody of a child, and the former spouse is awarded
primary physical custody, then the Service member is a non-custodial parent for housing allowance
purposes. When the Service member’s court-ordered child support is less than the
applicable BAH-Diff rate and the Service member is not residing in, or assigned to, Government
quarters, the Service member is only authorized a housing allowance at the without-dependent
rate. When a Service member not assigned to Government quarters pays
additional support to the former spouse who has primary custody of the child so that the total child
support provided is equal to or more than the BAH-Diff rate, he or she is authorized a housing
allowance at the with-dependent rate.
3.3.6. Temporary Custody. When a Service member has temporary custody of a child and
they reside in a private-sector residence, the cost of maintaining the residence is not a factor in
determining authority for the with-dependent housing allowance rate and may not be used instead
of, or in addition to, child support to qualify for increased allowances. The dependent child must
reside with the Service member on a non-temporary basis, which is a period of 91 or more
consecutive days, for the Service member to qualify for the with-dependent housing allowance
rate for the temporary period. The cost of maintaining a home may not be added to the amount of
child support to qualify for the increased allowances.
3.3.7. Adequate Support. When a court order or legal separation agreement does not
establish support requirements, a Service member must provide a support amount that is at least
equal to the BAH-Diff rate applicable to the Service member’s grade. The support amount
required to retain or receive a housing allowance for a dependent is not necessarily adequate to
meet Service policies. The Service concerned may have additional requirements for support in the
absence of a legal separation agreement or court order.
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3.3.8. Increase in Support Required by Increase in BAH-Diff Rates. Whenever BAH-Diff
rates increase, the minimum amount of dependent support required for housing allowance purposes
increases to the new rate. A Service member receiving a housing allowance on behalf of a
dependent must increase the amount of support within 60 days of the increase to continue receiving
the housing allowance.
3.3.9. Settlement Agreement. Property settlements made under a court order or written agreement are
not considered support for housing allowance purposes. Payments made under a settlement in place of support are considered
support only for the period specified in the written agreement or court order. A lump-sum settlement in place of support made under written agreement
or court order is support for the period the lump sum would reasonably cover the dependent’s
3.3.10. Interlocutory Decree of Divorce. If an interlocutory decree of divorce does not
provide for support to the former spouse, the Service member is not authorized a housing
allowance for the former spouse after the date of the decree unless the Service member provides
proof of support.
3.4 Dependent Parent (260304)
3.4.1. Determination. A parent’s dependency is determined based on an affidavit
submitted by the parent and any other evidence required under applicable regulations. A legal
guardian may complete the form for a mentally incompetent parent. Table 26-13 specifies who
determines a dependency relationship for the purposes of a housing allowance when the dependent
claimed is a parent, including a person acting in loco parentis. If there is a question on whether
the parent is or is not a dependent, then the authority in Table 26-13 submits a request through the
appropriate chain of command to the authority in Table 26-11 or a dependency determination.
When necessary, a request may be submitted through the appropriate chain of command to the
DOHA for a decision.
3.4.2. Dependency Requirement. A Service member is authorized a housing allowance
on behalf of a parent who depends on the Service member for more than one-half of the parent’s
support. The parent’s income, not counting the Service member’s contribution, must be less than
one-half of the parent’s monthly living expenses and the Service member’s contribution must be
more than one-half of the parent’s monthly living expenses. A parent’s residence in a charitable
institution, public or private, does not prohibit the Service member from receiving a housing
allowance for the parent when the following conditions are met as well as any other Service
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26-17 Family Unit Rule. In determining a parent’s dependency, consider the
total income and expenses of the family unit that includes the parent. Ordinarily, the Service
member’s contribution to the expenses of the family unit must exceed one-half of its total expenses
before any one person in the family unit can be considered dependent on the Service member.
When application of the family unit rule results in manifest injustice, consider any other available
evidence of dependency, and determination made according to principles of equity and good
conscience. Income. Unliquidated capital assets are not income, and parents are not
required to deplete their capital assets to establish dependency on a Service member for housing
allowance purposes. However, the following are considered income when determining whether a
parent is dependent on the Service member: Proceeds derived from the liquidation of capital assets; Amounts placed in reserve for depreciation of property held for
income ordinarily are available for a parent’s current living expenses; Contributions made to a parent by a charitable organization; Payments made to the parent from the Social Security
Administration, unemployment compensation, and financial assistance from governmental
agencies; Pensions received by the parent; or Uninvested capital. If a parent has capital that is not invested,
compute the income return at 5.25% a year.
3.4.3. Change in Dependent Status. If the parent becomes a dependent due to changed
circumstances, and the Service member contributes over one-half of the parents’ support, a housing
allowance is authorized from the date the contribution began. A Service member is authorized a
housing allowance for any active-duty period when the parent is a dependent, whether the
dependency occurred before or after the Service member entered service.
3.4.4. Stepparent. A stepparent or stepchild relationship ends upon divorce from the
biological parent, but not necessarily upon the biological parent’s death. A housing allowance for
a stepparent may be established after the biological parent’s death.
3.5 Adopted Child, Stepchild, or Child Born Out of Wedlock (260305)
An adopted child, a stepchild, and a child born out of wedlock are all considered primary
dependents. As a result, a dependency determination is not required for these dependents.
3.5.1. Proof of Parentage. A Service member who claims a housing allowance for an
adopted child, stepchild, or a child born out of wedlock must provide proof of parentage as follows:
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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26-18 For an adopted child, document showing the Service member is the child’s
legal parent; For a stepchild, a marriage license showing the Service member is married
to the child’s legal parent and documentation showing that the Service member’s spouse is the
child’s parent; or For a child born out of wedlock, a birth certificate with the Service
member’s name cited is required. If the Service member’s name is not stated on the birth certificate
or on a court order, obtain a signed affidavit of parentage (signed and sworn by a notary) from the
Service member. If the child is not in the custody of the Service member parent, the case is treated
as specified in the rules for BAH-Diff.
3.5.2. Support Requirements. A Service member may claim a dependent child, adopted
child, stepchild, or out of wedlock child, for housing allowance purposes. The Service member is
authorized a housing allowance if the Service member contributes to the dependent’s support and
that support is at least equal to the applicable BAH-Diff. This includes a Service member
authorized BAH-Diff and a Service member assigned to single-type Government quarters when
the child is in the physical custody of another person.
3.6. Child Living With Service Member’s Former Spouse (260306)
3.6.1. Former Spouse Married to Another Service Member Child in Government Quarters. When a Service member’s child resides in
Government quarters not assigned to the divorced Service member parent, that Service member is
not authorized a housing allowance for the child. Child Not in Government Quarters. A housing allowance may not be paid
for a child to both the stepparent and the natural parent at the same time. The natural parent has
priority to a housing allowance for that child if providing adequate support.
3.6.2. Service Member Marries Someone Other Than a Service Member. The Service
member is not authorized a housing allowance for the child living with the former spouse.
Subparagraph does not apply in the case of a Service member who is required to support
a child in the custody of a former spouse when the Service member remarries and is assigned to
or occupies family Government quarters.
3.6.3. Service Member Marries Another Service Member The Service member is not authorized a housing allowance for the child
living with the former spouse when the Service member remarries another Service member and is
assigned to or occupies Government family type quarters. Subparagraph does not apply
in the case of a Service member who is required to support a child in the custody of a former
spouse when the Service member remarries another Service member and is assigned to or occupies
family Government quarters.
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26-19 A Service member is authorized a housing allowance for a child for whom
the Service member is paying child support (59 Comp. Gen. 681 (1980)) if all of the following
conditions are met: The Service member is required to support a child in the custody
of a former spouse; He or she is married to another Service member with children
born of this marriage; The Service member lived in family-type Government quarters
with the Service member spouse and children; The Service member is assigned a permanent change of station
(PCS) to a different PDS outside commuting distance; The Service member’s current spousewho is also a Service
member—and children remain in Government quarters; and The Government quarters’ assignment is in or transferred to the
remaining Service member’s name.
Note: This is based on the rule that a Service member’s housing allowances is determined
independently of the uniformed spouse when the Service members are separated by orders and do
not reside in the same household.
3.7 Child Living With Service Member’s Former or Estranged Spouse (260307)
3.7.1. Former or Estranged Spouse is Service Member Assigned Family Government
Quarters. When the Service member with custody of the child is assigned to, or occupies, adequate
family-type Government quarters with the child while receiving child support, the Service member
paying child support is not authorized a housing allowance for the child.
3.7.2. Former or Estranged Spouse in Family Government Quarters Visits Service
Member. When a child who normally resides in family Government quarters with a Service
member’s former or estranged spouse who is the custodial parent visits the Service member in a
private-sector residence for 91 or more days, the visit is considered non-temporary. The Service
member is then authorized a housing allowance for the child from the first day of the visit. If the
visit is 90 or fewer days, a housing allowance for the child is not payable for any part of the visit.
3.8 Dependent Confined in Penal or Correctional Institution (260308)
3.8.1. Housing Allowance Payable. Confinement of a Service member’s spouse or
unmarried minor child in a penal or correctional institution does not affect the Service member’s
authority for a housing allowance on the dependent’s behalf, unless any of the following conditions
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26-20 The Service member refuses to support the dependent; The Service member has been relieved from supporting the dependent; The period of confinement may extend beyond 5 years; or The case is otherwise doubtful.
3.8.2. Doubtful Cases. Submit doubtful cases or cases involving a sentence extending
beyond 5 years to the addresses specified in Table 26-11. Do not pay a housing allowance on
behalf of the dependent pending a decision.
4.0.1. Dependent on AD in a Uniformed Service. In accordance with 37 U.S.C. § 421, a
dependent who is on AD in a Uniformed Service and is entitled to basic pay cannot be considered
a dependent for housing allowance purposes.
4.0.2. One Service Member Enters a Non-Pay Status. When one Service member enters a
non-pay status, the other Service member may claim the Service member not entitled to pay and
allowances as a dependent and be authorized to draw BAH or OHA at the with-dependent rate for
the duration of the non-pay status, if otherwise authorized, unless a dependent is confined in a
penal or correctional institution (see paragraph 3.8). A Service member may claim as a dependent
a Service member on inactive duty for training (Reserve drills).
4.0.3. Service Member Serving on Sea Duty. See paragraph 10.1 for two Service members
married to each other when one or both are serving on sea duty.
4.0.4. BAH or OHA at the With-Dependent Rate. When two Service members have a
dependent, the Service members must choose which one will receive BAH or OHA at the with-
dependent rate. If they cannot agree, then the senior Service member receives the with-dependent
rate. The Service members may subsequently elect to transfer BAH authorization from one
Service member to the other for any reason. Changes are effective as of the election date and may
not be applied retroactively.
4.0.5. Child From a Prior Marriage or the Service Member’s Child Born Out of Wedlock.
When the dependent is a child from a prior marriage or the Service member’s child born out of
wedlock, the two Service members may elect for the Service member with a dependent to receive
BAH or OHA at the without-dependent rate when not occupying single-type Government quarters
and the other Service member to receive BAH or OHA for stepchildren as specified in
paragraph 3.5. A Service member in a TDY status would maintain the BAH in effect at the PDS
while in single-type Government quarters at the TDY location.
4.0.6. Other Housing Allowances. Other housing allowance paragraphs in this chapter
(e.g., FSH, Service member on unaccompanied tour, BAH rate protection) also apply to a Service
member married to another Service member.
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4.1 Both Service Members Married to Each Other Entitled to Basic Pay (260401)
4.1.1. Family-Type Quarters. When Service members married to each other jointly
occupy family-type quarters, neither Service member is authorized BAH or OHA, even if no
dependent resides in the quarters, unless a dependent is prevented by a military order from
occupying quarters.
4.1.2. Separate Households. When both Service members maintain separate households
at or in the vicinity of their PDS or PDSs, each is individually authorized BAH or OHA. Only one
Service member may receive BAH or OHA at the with-dependent rate. When both Service
members no longer share a common residence due to military orders, their authorization for
increased allowances or assignment to Government quarters should be determined separately
without regard to the general rule that all dependents of Service members are in the same class for
the purpose of determining housing allowance authorizations. Each member is required to have
physical custody of a dependent if both members are claiming a housing allowance authorization
at the with-dependent rate. See paragraphs 3.3 and 4.3 for BAH or OHA for divorced or legally
separated Services members.
4.1.3. Same or Adjacent Military Installations. Both Service members are considered to
be stationed at the same or adjacent bases, or shore installations, when they are not prevented by
distance from living together or they actually commute on a regular basis regardless of distance. Each Service member is usually authorized BAH or OHA at the
appropriate rate when family-type quarters are not assigned, notwithstanding the availability of
adequate single quarters for either or both Service members. When both Service members are authorized BAH or OHA at the same or
adjacent military installation and are then separated geographically by orders, the Service member
remaining at the old PDS ordinarily is authorized BAH or OHA continuation regardless of the
availability of adequate single quarters.
4.1.4. Without-Dependent. When both Service members have no dependents and both are
prevented by distance from living together, each is treated as a Service member without a
dependent for BAH or OHA.
4.2 Other Dependents (260402)
4.2.1. Dependent Parent. When one of the two married Service members is receiving a
housing allowance at the with-dependent rate, the class of dependents includes either Service
member’s parent. Only one Service member is authorized a housing allowance at the with-
dependent rate or BAH-Diff for the one class of dependents when the Service members are
assigned to the same or adjacent bases.
4.2.2. Dependent Parent or Child From Previous Relationship. When one or both Service
members are authorized housing allowances for a child from a previous relationship or on behalf
of a dependent parent, and the Service members marry and are stationed in the same area, all
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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children and dependent parents of either Service member are the same class of dependents.
Therefore, only one housing allowance at the with-dependent rate (including BAH-Diff) is
payable. Any child born of their marriage, or adopted by them, is within the same class of
dependents for housing allowances purposes. If one Service member elects to stop receiving a housing allowance at the
with-dependent rate, then the other Service member may claim the children for housing allowance
purposes. A relationship determination is required, but ordinarily a dependency determination is
not. In all instances of a Service member having a spouse on AD, full details must be given
showing the spouse’s full name, Social Security number, duty station, and branch of Service. This does not apply to two Service members living together but not
married. Two unmarried Service members living together are each authorized a housing allowance
based on each Service member’s dependents.
4.3 Dependent Custody Effects on Housing Allowances (260403)
4.3.1. Divorce or Legal Separation. The following rules apply when a divorce or
separation occurred, or a decree or agreement was amended and the divorced or separated parents
are both Service members. These rules apply in addition to those in paragraph 3.3 and only when
neither Service member is assigned to family-type Government quarters, unless otherwise
specified: Unless both Service members agree to the contrary, the custodial parent is
authorized a housing allowance for the child, regardless of the child-support amount received by
that Service member. In addition to the court order, a separate notarized agreement between the
Service members must be provided for the non-custodial Service member to receive a housing
allowance for the child; When each Service member has legal and physical custody of one or more
of the children of the marriage, each Service member is authorized a housing allowance for the
children in their individual physical custody, regardless of child-support payments from one
Service member to the other; When a child of the marriage is in a third party’s custody, only one Service
member is authorized a housing allowance for the child, even if both Service members are paying
sufficient child support to qualify for the housing allowance. The senior Service member is
authorized a housing allowance for the child when the two Service members do not agree on which
person claims the authorization. If the Service members are of equal rank, date of rank determines
which one receives a housing allowance for the child; In joint legal custody cases, when physical custody changes from one
parent to another, each parent is authorized a housing allowance for the child during those periods
the child is actually in that parent’s physical custody;
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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26-23 When a non-custodial Service member pays child support to the custodial
parent who also has another dependent who makes the Service member eligible for a housing
allowance, there is a presumption that the custodial parent’s authorization is based on the
dependent other than the child of the marriage. The housing allowance authorization for the
custodial and non-custodial parents is determined individually; or When the dependent is no longer in one class, the housing allowance
authorization for the custodial and non-custodial parents is determined individually. For example,
if the non-custodial parent pays child support to a non-active duty parent for a child from a previous
marriage or non-marriage relationship, the non-custodial parent may qualify for a housing
allowance based solely on the basis of the Service member’s child support for the child
(see paragraph 3.1).
4.3.2. Voluntary Support Payments. Voluntary support payments must not be considered
to determine housing allowance authorization unless there is a mutual agreement between the
Service-member parents that the custodial Service member parent accepts the support payments.
5.1 BAH Rate Protection (260501)
The monthly BAH amount paid to a Service member must not be reduced due to changes
in housing costs in the Military Housing Area (MHA), changes in the national monthly housing
cost, or a Service member’s promotion. The BAH rate for an RC member is also protected,
provided the RC member does not have a break in active service of 1 or more calendar days. This
includes transitions in service status from Active Guard Reserve (AGR) duty to other AD and back
to AGR duty, or beginning a new AD order or order extension without a break in active service.
If the Service member is demoted or loses authority for BAH, then the Service member’s BAH
rate protection at the current amount stops when the eligibility to BAH for a given MHA or County
Cost Group ends. The current BAH rate at the current duty location becomes the Service member’s
new protected BAH rate.
5.2 BAH Advance (260502)
5.2.1. Authority. Each Service must set regulations for advance BAH payment
administration to include the preparation and disposition of vouchers and supporting papers. When
allowed by Service regulations, a Service member’s commanding officer, his or her designee, or
another designated official may authorize an advance BAH payment to pay advance rent, security
deposits, or initial expenses due to occupying other than Government housing. An advance may
also be authorized at any time during a Service member’s tour at the location concerned or when
a Service member has relocated due to a PCS order. The Secretary concerned or the Secretary’s
designee may authorize an advance BAH payment in circumstances and conditions other than
those specified in this paragraph. Service regulations must set repayment procedures for advances
made under special circumstances.
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5.2.2. Timing. Ordinarily, the advance should not be disbursed more than 3 working days
before the date payment under the lease or rental agreement must be made. In extenuating
circumstances, the officials listed in this chapter may authorize disbursement more than 3 working
days before the date payment must be made. The BAH advance may be paid before or after the
expenses occur. A Service member must request the advance payment within 30 days after
incurring the expense.
5.2.3. Requirements. Housing expenses must be documented. Required documentation
includes copies of the lease, utility company statement, and any other pertinent documentation
necessary to support the housing expenses.
5.2.4. Amount. The advance amount is determined by the Service member’s current BAH
rate, his or her ability to repay the advance, other advances of pay that may have been made, and
any recurring pay deductions. The BAH advance is limited to a total of 3 months BAH that the
Service member is expected to accrue. Expenses identified by a Service member used to purchase
any real estate or living accommodations must not serve as a basis for authorizing or determining
the amount of the advance.
5.2.5. Repayment. Repayment of the advance should be at a rate of at least one-twelfth of
the amount advanced in equal monthly installments for the next 12 months. Collection action
should begin on the 1st day of the month after the advance payment has been made. When justified by the Service member and authorized by the Service
member’s commanding officer, his or her designee, or another Service-designated official, start of
collection action may be postponed for up to 3 months after the advance is made. Repayment may
be spread over a period of more than 12 months, but must be limited to 24 months or the Service
member’s scheduled tour at the location concerned, whichever is shorter. Action must be taken immediately to recoup in a lump sum any BAH
advance that the landlord has returned to the Service member upon receipt of information that the
Service member has vacated the housing for which the advance was made. If the Service member
chooses, he or she may repay in monthly installments any balance of an advance not returned by
the landlord. The balance must be repaid during the months remaining on the existing loan
repayment schedule.
5.3 Partial Housing Allowance (BAH-Partial) (260503)
5.3.1. Conditions. Table 26-14 specifies the conditions for BAH-Partial.
5.3.2. Navy Barracks Privatization Test. Under the authority in 10 U.S.C. § 2881a, the
Navy is conducting a limited test of barracks privatization. The privatized barracks are defined as
Government quarters for the purposes of the test. For a Service member occupying privatized
barracks, a special BAH-Partial rate equal to a percentage of the PDS locality BAH at the without-
dependent rate for the Service member’s grade is established. Table 26-15 specifies the applicable
locations and percentages.
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5.4 BAH Differential (BAH-Diff) (260504)
A Service member assigned to single-type Government quarters or a single-type housing
facility under a Uniformed Service jurisdiction is not usually authorized more than BAH Partial.
However, if the Service member is authorized BAH solely due to paying child support and the
Service member is paying an amount equal to or greater than BAH-Diff, then he or she is
authorized BAH-Diff. A Service member is not authorized BAH-Diff if the child support payment
is less than the Service member’s applicable pay grade BAH-Diff amount. See
paragraphs 3.6, 3.7, and 4.3 if child is in the custody of another AD member.
5.5 Temporary BAH Increase (260505)
The Secretary of Defense may prescribe a temporary increase in BAH rates in an area the
President declared as a major disaster area or at an installation that experienced a sudden increase
in the number of assigned Service members. Payment of the higher BAH is only effective for an
MHA or specified ZIP Codes within a county cost group. Unless extended by the authority of the
Congress, no agreement may be entered into after the termination date on the
Duration of Authority table.
5.5.1. Eligibility. A temporary increase in BAH rates results in two different BAH rates
for Service members assigned to the same ZIP Code. To receive the higher of the two BAH rates,
a Service member must certify to the Secretary concerned that he or she incurred higher housing
costs in an approved area due to a major disaster or sudden increase of military personnel assigned
to an installation. The certification must be in a form acceptable to the approval authority. The
Service member’s certification must document rent, or mortgage expense in the case of a
homeowner, and utility expenses.
5.5.2. Approval. The approval authority is at a level specified through the Secretarial
Process. If the total housing expenserent or mortgage plus utility expensesfrom the Service
member’s certification is less than the existing BAH rate, no increase is authorized. If the total
housing expense from the Service member’s certification is higher than the BAH rate during that
time, then the Service member is authorized the increased rate effective the approval date of the
MHA for an increased rate or the date the Service member started incurring the increased expenses,
whichever is later.
5.5.3. Locations. Locations approved for temporary BAH rate increase as listed in
Table 26- 16. See the Temporary BAH Rate Increase Approved Location table on the Defense
Travel Management Office (DTMO) website for the most current locations.
5.5.4. Effect of Changes. Table 26-17 specifies how changes during the temporary rate
increase period affect the BAH paid.
5.5.5. Termination. The increased allowance is paid through the day before the effective
date of the next standard BAH rate change for the area. The new standard BAH rate applies on
the effective date. There is no rate protection for temporarily increased rates.
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*6.1 OHA Overview (260601)
OHA is designed to cover actual rental costs for 80% of the assigned Service members. A
Service member is reimbursed actual rental costs, limited to the maximum OHA rate for each
locality and grade. OHA is not intended and must not be used for the personal enrichment of a
Service member by including costs incurred for procuring or adapting a residence to accommodate
renters or for vacation purposes. Disciplinary action may apply when housing allowances are used
for other than the purpose intended.
6.1.1. OHA Types. There are two housing-allowance types paid under OHAan upfront,
lump sum Move in Housing Allowance (MIHA) for those who qualify and a monthly OHA, which
includes a utility and recurring maintenance allowance.
6.1.2. Requirements. A Service member authorized to live in private-sector leased or
owned housing is authorized OHA provided a DD 2367 is completed and approved. Payment of
OHA requires a lease agreement or a verifiable purchase price. The senior officer of the
Uniformed Services in the country concerned, or the individuals or offices designated for that
purpose by the senior officer has approval authority. The reported housing must be the actual residence that the Service member
occupies and from which the Service member commutes to and from work daily. If a Service
member is assigned on an unaccompanied tour or has a Secretarial waiver and authorized OHA
for a dependent who lives separately, the reported housing must be the actual residence that the
Service member’s dependent occupies. When a Service member is required to pay monthly rent at a specified
fixed-exchange rate (dollar equivalency contract) for the lease duration because it is required by
law or local custom, the Service member’s commanding officer, or designee, must enter the
following statement in DD 2367 (Part C Remarks: “Dollar equivalency contract required. No other
housing option available to the Service member.” The Service member must enter the monthly
rent equivalent in U.S. dollars into DD 2367 block 5b.
6.1.3. Monthly OHA Allowance. An OHA paid monthly includes the rental allowance
and the utility and recurring maintenance allowance as specified in paragraphs 6.2 and 6.3.
6.1.4. MIHA. The MIHA/Miscellaneous is an upfront, lump sum payment based on the
average move-in costs for a Service member. The four payment types of MIHA are specified in
Table 26-23.
6.1.5. Allowance Payable. OHA rates are based on a Service member’s PDS except as
otherwise indicated in this chapter. OHA is not payable on the arrival day when MALT Plus is
paid. Unless a special determination jointly issued by the Secretary concerned and the Office of
the Under Secretary of Defense, Personnel and Readiness (OUSD (P&R)) authorizes a different
rate due to special circumstances, the amount of OHA payable is as specified in this chapter.
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6.1.6. OHA Unique Expenses. In some locations outside the United States, a Service
member or dependent incurs excessive housing expenses for items that a Service member based
in the United States does not normally incur. Since the expenses are not incurred by every Service
member outside the United States, they cannot be a part of the ordinary OHA calculation. For
these expenses, payment is a lump sum, dollar-for-dollar, reimbursement for a specifically
authorized expense at designated authorized locations. Authorization. All requests to authorize an OHA Unique Expense must
be submitted from a major command to OUSD (P&R) through the applicable Service
representative listed in the Uniformed Services Contact Information. OUSD (P&R) specifically
authorizes or approves the expense for reimbursement according to the
DoD Overseas Station and Housing Allowances Process Guide. OUSD (P&R) does not accept
requests from individual Service members to authorize an OHA Unique Expense. Reimbursement. The Secretary concerned may reimburse an OHA Unique
Expense if Table 26-18 authorizes the location and expense. At their discretion, Services may
alternatively use the Secretarial Process to reimburse an authorized expense or expenses. Once an
OHA Unique Expense has been authorized for a location, no further examination may be made to
compare the spendable income of the claimant to the amount of the expense claimed. Any claim
based on a valid receipt for an authorized OHA Unique Expense may be reimbursed in a lump
sum, dollar-for-dollar, through Service payment procedures. The Service concerned is not
required to recover any amount refunded to a Service member by any foreign government agency
that may be involved. Authorized Locations and Expenses. Table 26-18 specifies the authorized
locations and expenses for an OHA Unique Expense reimbursement.
6.1.7. OHA Responsibilities. Commanders OCONUS, or their designees, must
periodically provide data required for authorizing, changing, and terminating OHA for each
locality OCONUS within their jurisdictions as specified by the OUSD (P&R). For the
responsibilities of the Overseas Command or Commander, Senior Officer, and Country Allowance
Coordinator, see the DoD Overseas Station and Housing Allowance Process Guide.
6.2 OHA Determining Monthly Rent (260602)
Monthly rent is the amount paid each month by a Service member for possession and use
of private-sector housing, to include a mobile home or boat.
6.2.1. Determine Rent. The rent stated in the lease, or as otherwise agreed to by the
landlord and the tenant in a written document, must be used in computing the OHA. The cost of
parking at the duty location is not included in rent. The following rules apply for determining rent: A recurring condominium or homeowner association fee paid by the
Service member is prorated to a monthly charge and incorporated into the Service member’s rent;
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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26-28 A sharer’s monthly rent is determined by dividing the total monthly rent
by the number of sharers occupying the dwelling; In an arrangement by which a Service member pays rent in advance and
the landlord agrees to reimburse the Service member all or substantially all of the rental money at
the end of the lease agreement, the amount of rent used in computing a Service member’s OHA is
zero; If a Service member or dependent jointly occupy a dwelling with relatives
or friends who own the dwelling, the rent amount is zero, even if there is a lease or written
document. This restriction does not apply when the Service member or dependent leases lodging
from a relative or friend with a bona fide, standard written lease, when the relative or friend
concerned does not jointly occupy the leased dwelling and the relative or friend regularly rents the
lodging involved. There is no authority to pay MIHA or the utility and recurring maintenance
allowance when living with relatives or friends; The cost of a separate lease for parking at or in the vicinity of the private-
sector housing is added to the housing lease amount in determining his or her total rent; or See subparagraph 6.2.3 for a dwelling owned by a Service member.
6.2.2. Sharers. A sharer is authorized up to the maximum rental allowance set for a Service
member without a dependent unless accompanied by one or more dependents (see Table 26-19).
A sharer accompanied by a dependent is authorized up to the maximum rental allowance set for a
Service member with-dependents. Compute the authorized OHA for each sharer by adding the sharer’s
prorated share of the rent paid or the maximum rental established for the sharer’s grade and
locality, whichever is less, and the prorated monthly utility and recurring maintenance allowance. A Service member authorized MIHA/Miscellaneous (see paragraph 6.5)
receives a full rather than prorated allowance. Only one sharer may claim reimbursement for any
individual rent, security, or infectious-disease related expense. A renter living in a completely separate unit of an owner-occupied
multiplex dwelling owned by another Service member is not a “sharer,” and OHA is determined
as if the renter occupied an unattached unit.
6.2.3. Private-Sector Housing Owned Divide the actual purchase price—not an appraised value—of the private-
sector housing by 120 to derive the monthly calculated “rent” for a private-sector dwelling owned
by a Service member. Settlement costs, fees for title search, other legal and related costs are not
included in determining the actual purchase price.
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26-29 The amount of any personal installment-type loans and real estate equity
loans obtained for renovating or repairing the current dwelling place are added to the actual
purchase price before determining the rent. For this purpose, renovating means restoring to a previous
condition, as by remodeling, and repairing means restoring to a sound condition after damage or
injury, including fixing, setting right, renewing, or refreshing. A loan used to furnish or decorate the homeincluding such
things as the addition of a hot tub or pool to a home purchased without such an amenityor a loan
for personal reasons, including a credit card or line of credit loan must not be used. To determine the monthly OHA rental equivalency when adding
a loan described in this paragraph, add the loan amount to the original verifiable purchase price,
divide the new total by 120, and the new “rental equivalency” starts from the loan start date. The Service concerned must adjudicate loans. The Service
member’s command should submit the request with all documentation through the appropriate
channel specified in Table 26-2. If a Service member or the Service member’s dependent inherits a
dwelling or residence or otherwise receives it without purchasing it, the dwelling or residence
purchase price is $0. In this case, the Service member is authorized to receive the
utility and recurring maintenance allowance. If a Service member obtains a mortgage on the
inherited dwelling or residence specifically for home improvements or takes out a loan to pay
inheritance taxes on the residence or dwelling, the mortgage or loan cost may be used as an OHA
housing cost. If the dwelling is a multiplex unit owned by a Service member, the
allowance claimed is based on the percentage of the multiplex unit’s square footage occupied by
the Service member and dependent. The allowance equals the purchase price multiplied by that
percentage and divided by 120. Renters of other units within the multiplex unit are not sharers. If the Service member-owned dwelling place is a mobile home or boat, the
monthly lot rental or berthing fee paid is added to this amount.
6.2.4. Maximum Rental Allowance. Use the OHA Calculator (OHA Calculator) to obtain
the maximum amount of monthly rent considered. Maximum OHA rental allowances for each
locality are based on reported actual rental cost data for Service member with-dependents residing
in private-sector housing. If utilities are included in the rent, see paragraph 6.3. See the
OHA computation steps for calculation examples.
6.2.5. Rent Changes. Re-compute OHA if and when the rent changes.
6.3 OHA Utility or Recurring Maintenance Allowance (260603)
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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6.3.1. Monthly Allowance. When rent does not include utilities or the Service member is
a homeowner, the Service member is authorized the utility and recurring maintenance allowance.
The utility and recurring maintenance allowance for each OHA locality is based on the with-
dependent reported expenses for Service members who pay all or a majority of their utilities. It
covers the utility costs for 80% of the Service members assigned to an area. It is paid to sharers
on a prorated amount of the net allowance. It is paid to a Service member without a dependent,
who is not a sharer, at 75% of the with-dependent rate.
6.3.2. Rent Includes All or Some Utilities. If any or all of the OHA utility component is
included in the rent, then the amount is withheld from the utility and recurring maintenance
allowance and then added to the Rental Allowance component before comparison with the Service
member’s actual rent. A Service member is not authorized the utility and recurring maintenance
allowance when rent includes all utilities. However, when computing the OHA, the appropriate
utility and recurring maintenance allowance is added to the Service member’s rental allowance. When rent includes some utilities, the utility and recurring maintenance
allowance is paid on a percentage basis. The locality climate code and the utility point score
determine the percentage of the utility and recurring maintenance allowance that the Service
member is authorized. However, when computing OHA, the amount for which the Service
member is not authorized is added to the appropriate rental allowance ceiling. Locality climate codes are specified on each OHA locality table.
The three climate codes are: Code 1 (Cold). Long-term mean temperature of 45 °F
or colder; Code 2 (Moderate). Neither Code 1 nor Code 3; and Code 3 (Hot). Long-term mean temperature of 69 °F or
warmer, except when the long-term mean for 1 or more months of the year drops to 45 °F or colder.
In such instances, a climate code of 2 is assigned. Table 26-20 specifies the correct climate code to credit the
Service member with appropriate points for each utility or service that is not included in the rent.
Add the numbers to get the Service member’s total utility point score. Table 26-21 specifies the correct percentage of the utility and
recurring maintenance allowance to be paid after determining the total utility point score.
6.4 OHA Computation Steps (260604)
Follow steps one through four in Table 26-22 to determine a Service member’s OHA.
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6.5 Move-in Housing Allowance (MIHA) (260605)
6.5.1. General. MIHA exists to defray the move-in costs associated with occupying
private-sector housing covered under the OHA program, whether leased or owned. MIHA is not
payable to a Service member occupying Government or Government-leased housing. MIHA does
not cover move-out costs. In most cases, a Service member authorized OHA is authorized MIHA.
See MIHA for how to complete DD Form 2556, MIHA Claim. That form must accompany
MIHA/Rent, MIHA/Security, or MIHA/Infectious Disease-related expenses. Various
OHA Surveys are sent to Service members in private-sector leased housing to document utility
and move-in expenses.
6.5.2. Rules and Information To be authorized a MIHA, a Service member must be eligible for OHA. An eligible Service member is authorized MIHA for one dwelling during
a tour at a PDS unless a Government-funded local move occurs and the Service member occupies
another dwelling covered by OHA. There is no MIHA authorized under any of the following circumstances: A local move would otherwise initiate a second or subsequent
MIHA payment request unless that move is Government funded; A Service member complies with a PCS order but remains in the
same dwelling, including an RC member called or ordered to AD who is authorized OHA based
on the primary residence at the time called or ordered to AD; or A Service member moves from Government quarters to private-
sector housing for separation or retirement (see Joint Travel Regulations
(JTR) Chapter 5, Section 0519). The four MIHA payment types are described in Table 26-23. See
the DoD MIHA Process Guide for qualifying areas and additional rules. Sharer Eligibility. Each Service member classified as a sharer
and authorized MIHA is authorized the full MIHA/Miscellaneous allowance. Only one sharer
may claim the individual expense for MIHA/Rent, MIHA/Security, and MIHA/Infectious Disease.
Acceptable claims for MIHA/Rent, MIHA/Security, or MIHA/Infectious Disease must include
DD 2556 proper documentation, and detailed receipts for all expenditures.
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6.5.3. MIHA/Miscellaneous Expenses. The purchase price of an item included in
Table 26-24 is generally authorized for the MIHA/Miscellaneous component of the OHA unless
an item is purchased with the intent to ship it from the present PDS. An item intended to be shipped
is not reportable. These expenses are associated with items necessary to make housing habitable.
Table 26-24 lists the vast majority of reportable expenses, and lists certain expense items that are
not reportable. These lists are not exhaustive, but contain the vast majority of items commonly
contained in each group.
6.6 OHA Advance Payment (260606)
For detailed information regarding areas with rental advance protection under OHA, see
Rental Advances. Rental payments should be made on a month-to-month basis whenever possible
to avoid the need for rental advances.
6.6.1. Authority Advance Rent of Fewer than 4 Months, Security Deposits, or Initial
Expenses. The Senior Officer in-country, or his or her designee, may authorize an advance OHA
payment to pay advance rent, security deposits, or MIHA-related expenses due to occupying
private-sector housing. The advance may be made at any time during the Service member’s tour.
It also may be authorized when a Service member has located housing due to a PCS order.
Personal preference is not grounds for authorizing advance rent payment. Advance OHA is not
authorized for lease arrangements in which the Service member lives rent free after making a one-
time payment to the landlord with the anticipation that the rental amount is to be completely or
substantially refunded at lease termination. Advance Rent of 4 or More Months Rental advances of at least 4 months, but no more than 12
months, may be made only for the locations authorized by OUSD (P&R). Once OUSD (P&R)
authorizes and lists a location for Rental advances, the Senior Officer in-country, or his or her
designee, may authorize individual requests. Requests for approval are considered if the
requirement for the advance rent exists for any of the following reasons: Law; Local custom for everyone, including local
nationals; or Economic or market conditions preclude availability of
secure housing, as confirmed by the U.S. Embassy; Request to add locations must be submitted through the
Country Senior Officer or Command as instructed in the DoD Overseas Station and Housing
Allowance Process Guide.
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6.6.2. Amount. The amount to be advanced must be determined based on housing
expenses, including advance rent and a security deposit, and the authorized OHA. Housing
expenses must be documented. Expenses identified by a Service member for purchase of real
estate or living accommodations must not be considered. The Service member’s ability to repay
the advance must be considered in determining the advance amount. While the amount to be
advanced should not exceed the estimated OHA total for 1 year, a larger amount may be authorized
if needed to cover anticipated housing expenses. In no case may the advance payment exceed
either of the following, whichever is less. Anticipated housing expenses. OHA anticipated to accrue for the Service member’s tour at that PDS.
6.6.3. Repayment Repayment Within 12 Months. Monthly repayment installments should
be at a rate of one-twelfth of the amount advanced over 12 months. Collection action should begin
on the 1st day of the month after payment of the advance. Postpone Collection Start. When justified by the Service member and
authorized by an official designated by the Service concerned, the collection start may be
postponed for up to 3 months after the advance. Repayment may be spread over a period of more
than 1 year, but must be limited to the Service member’s tour at the PDS. Advance Rent Repayment Postponement Until the Service Member
Vacates Housing. An official designated by the Service concerned may postpone repayment of
advance rent until the Service member vacates the housing for which the advance rent was paid if
earlier repayment would create an excessive economic burden. Security Deposit Repayment Postponement Until the Service Member
Vacates Housing. An official designated by the Service concerned may postpone repayment of
the entire amount of a security deposit of $500 or more until the Service member vacates the
housing for which the security deposit was paid if earlier repayment would create an excessive
economic burden. Recouping Lump Sum Returned by Landlord. Action to recoup in a lump
sum of any OHA advance that has been returned to the Service member by the landlord must be
taken immediately upon receipt of information that the Service member has vacated the housing
for which the advance was made. Any balance of an advance not returned by the landlord may be
repaid in monthly installments, if desired by the Service member, over the balance of the months
remaining on the Service member’s existing loan repayment schedule.
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26-34 Currency Fluctuation Effects. The Service concerned absorbs any loss due
to currency fluctuations when liquidating advance security deposits. The Service member must
pay to the Service any gains due to currency fluctuations. These currency protection procedures
for security deposits apply without regard to the provisions for protection of rent advances in
subparagraph 6.6.4. Pay System Reporting of Monthly Rent. In countries in which rate
protection for advance rent has not been implemented the monthly rent entered in the respective
pay system should be entered in U.S. dollars when a Service member has taken an advance for
6.6.4. Advance Rent Currency Rate Protection. Rate protection may be provided for
certain countries that have undergone a significant currency fluctuation. Countries previously
authorized OHA Rental Advance Protection continue to have rent protected locality codes in the
OHA Calculator until all previously protected Service members either permanently change stations
or change quarters. Currency rate protection for additional advances is calculated using the
exchange rate in effect at the time the new advance is paid. In countries in which rate protection
for advance rent has been implemented, monthly rents for an advance rent are processed in dollars.
See Service regulations for currency fluctuation loss or gain procedures. Rate protection is
accomplished by comparing the OHA rate with the exchange rate in effect at the time the Service
member received the advance with the greater of either of the following: The rental allowance in effect at the time of the advance; or Any higher rental allowance implemented during the repayment period of
the advance.
6.7 Service Member Occupying a Government Trailer or Rental Guarantee Housing and OHA
Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, no housing allowance is payable to a Service
member occupying housing constructed under the Rental Guarantee Housing Program as
authorized in Section 302 of the Act of July 14, 1952, (66 Stat. 622) or Government trailers
purchased under Section 408 of the Act of September 1, 1954, (68 Stat. 1126), or any other statute.
6.8 OHA and Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) (DSSR § 130) Paid Concurrently (260608)
A Service member is entitled to OHA at the with-dependent rate even if the Service
member’s dependent spouse receives a LQA. Direct questions pertaining to LQA to the spouse’s
Civilian Personnel Office (CPO) or Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC). Volume 7A has
no authority to determine or control eligibility or entitlement of LQA for a civilian employee. See
DSSR § 130, and the DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1400.25, Vol. 1250, Civilian Employee Overseas
Allowances and Differentials.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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6.9 Observer to a UN Peacekeeping Organization (260609)
A Service member permanently assigned as an observer to a UN peacekeeping
organization who receives a UN mission subsistence allowance, known as mission per diem, is
also authorized a housing allowance under this Chapter. The housing allowance amount, when
added to the UN mission subsistence allowance, cannot exceed the housing allowance of a Service
member permanently assigned to other than a UN Peacekeeping Organization in the same area.
This paragraph does not authorize a reduction in the UN mission subsistence allowance.
7.1 FSH Overview (260701)
FSH is payable to a Service member with a dependent for added housing expenses resulting
from separation from the dependent. The separation must be caused by a Service member’s
assignment on military or uniform orders to either a PDS OCONUS on an unaccompanied or
dependent-restricted tour or a PDS to which concurrent dependent travel has been denied or
deferred (see paragraph 10.6). For CONUS non-current travel application areas, refer to
DoDI 1315.18, Enclosure 5, Paragraph 2.
*7.2 Administration of FSH Allowance (260702)
7.2.1. Eligibility. For FSH to be payable, all of the following conditions must be met: Dependent transportation to the PDS is not authorized at Government
expense under the JTR, Chapter 5, Section 0504; Dependent does not reside in the PDS vicinity; and Government quarters are not available for assignment to the Service
7.2.2. Allowances There are two types of FSH: FSH-B and FSH-O. FSH-B is payable for an assignment at a PDS in Alaska or Hawaii
or to a PDS in the CONUS to which concurrent travel has been denied. FSH-B is payable in a
monthly amount equal to the BAH without-dependent rate applicable to the Service member’s
grade and PDS. Payment starts upon submission of proof that Government quarters are not
available and that the Service member has obtained private-sector housing.
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26-36 FSH-O is payable for an assignment at a PDS outside the United
States. FSH-O is payable in a monthly amount up to, and under the same conditions as, the
without-dependent OHA rate applicable to the Service member’s grade and PDS. OHA rules for
determining monthly rent, utility and recurring maintenance allowance, MIHA, and advances
apply to FSH-O. A Service member may not be paid FSH-B or FSH-O in any of the
following situations: The Service member’s only dependent is entitled to AD basic
pay; The Service member has no dependents other than a dependent
for whom he or she is paying child support, but the Service member does not have primary physical
custody and control of that child. This situation is fundamentally different from a Service member
who has a spouse or children. A Service member with a spouse or any children is authorized
transportation of any dependents, but the nature of the tour or the PDS location prevents dependent
transportation to the PDS. A Service member who has a dependent solely due to child support is
not eligible for transportation of that dependent under the JTR, Chapter 5, paragraph 050405,
because the Service member does not have physical custody and control. The ineligibility for
transportation, as opposed to a tour or location denial, prevents payment of FSH; The Service member is assigned to a PDS where concurrent
dependent travel is authorized and has not been deferred by the Government per paragraph 10.6; The Service member elects not to occupy available assigned
Government quarters and resides in a private-sector residence for personal convenience; or FSH-O or FSH-B is not authorized if all of the Service member’s
dependents reside in the PDS vicinity. If some, but not all, of the dependents voluntarily reside
near the PDS, FSH-O or FSH-B continues. FSH-O or FSH-B continues uninterrupted while a Service member’s
dependent visits at or near the Service member’s PDS, but not to exceed 90 continuous days.
Circumstances must clearly show that the dependent is not changing residence and that the visit is
temporary and not intended to exceed 90 days. If, for unforeseen reasons, such as due to illness or other
emergency, a bona fide social visit lasts 91 or more days, FSH-O or FSH-B stops at the end of the
90-day period. FSH-O or FSH-B is authorized again on the day that the dependent departs from
the PDS. If one or more, but not all, dependents visit for longer than 90
days and the Service member is authorized a with-dependent housing allowance on behalf of the
dependents who are not visiting or do not reside in the vicinity of the Service member’s PDS, then
he or she is authorized FSH-O or FSH-B.
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Assignment to Government quarters affects a Service member’s eligibility for BAH. A
housing allowance, other than BAH-Partial or BAH-Diff, is not authorized for a Service member
who is assigned to Government quarters appropriate to the Service member’s grade, rank, or rating
and adequate for the Service member and dependents, if any.
8.1 Responsibility for Assignment or Termination (260801)
8.1.1. Assignment or Termination of Government Quarters. The commander responsible
for the Government quarters has the authority to assign and terminate the assignment. The
commander also determines when quarters are adequate and suitable for assignment based on
appropriate directives. Government quarters or housing facilities under the Uniformed Services’
control are considered assigned, suitable, and adequate whenever occupied by a Service member
at the PDS without payment of rental charges. This includes any of the following conditions: When an organization or institution furnishes quarters to a Service member
without charge on behalf of the United States; When a foreign government furnishes quarters to a Service member
without charge for the Service member’s official use; or When the quarters, furnished to a Service member without charge, are
jointly assigned to one or more Service members without a dependent.
8.1.2. Voluntarily Vacating Assigned Quarters. A Service member is still considered
assigned to Government quarters when he or she voluntarily vacates assigned quarters without the
installation commander’s approval. A Service member in pay grade E-7 and above, without a
dependent, may elect not to occupy assigned quarters unless denied permission by the Secretary
8.1.3. Family Type Quarters A Service member married to another Service member are both considered
assigned to Government quarters when all of the following apply: Both are stationed at the same or adjacent installations; Both are able to reside in Government family quarters; and Government family quarters are assigned to one of the Service
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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26-38 However, if there is a separation agreement, pending divorce, or marital
discord that requires one Service member to obtain alternative private-sector housing, to be
authorized a housing allowance the Service member not occupying family quarters must obtain a
statement from the installation housing officer that Government housing is not assigned.
8.1.4. Quarters Assignment Date for Housing Allowance. A housing allowance continues
to accrue through the day before a Service member is assigned Government quarters or begins to
occupy Government quarters at the PDS.
8.1.5. Quarters Termination Date for Housing Allowance. Housing allowance accrues
from the date the assignment to Government quarters ends or the date that quarters are vacated.
8.2 Government Quarters Assigned or Occupied (260802)
8.2.1. Government Quarters Adequacy. The Commander responsible for the Government
quarters determines their adequacy and appropriateness for assignment.
8.2.2. Quarters Not Designated as Family-Type Quarters. A Service member who is not
assigned to and does not occupy Government quarters is authorized a housing allowance for a
dependent even if the dependent occupies Government quarters not designated as family-type
quarters. Examples of such quarters include: Dormitory quarters occupied by a Service member’s child at a school for
dependents of military personnel; A hospital room occupied by a dependent under 10 U.S.C. § 1077,
Dependents Medical Care Act. However, a Service member is not authorized a housing allowance
when the dependent is hospitalized under the Dependent’s Medical Care Act and the Service
member is assigned to and occupies Government quarters while the dependent is hospitalized even
though private quarters are retained; or Off-base housing or private-sector housing occupied by the Service
member’s civilian spouse due to employment overseas with the DoD Education Activity (DoDEA)
as a schoolteacher. The Service member must be separated from the spouse by official orders.
8.2.3. Quarters Furnished on Behalf of the United States. A Service member is not
authorized a housing allowance for a dependent if the Service member and dependent is furnished
adequate family-type quarters without rental charge. Examples of such family-type quarters
include: Quarters furnished to a Service member in an official capacity by a foreign
government; Quarters furnished by a state, county, municipal, or privately owned
hospital to an officer serving on AD as an intern or resident physician; or
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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26-39 Quarters furnished by a college, university, or a research facility as part of
a fellowship, scholarship, or grant.
8.2.4. Quarters Occupied by Dependent. A Service member furnished single-type quarters
is not authorized a housing allowance for any of the following: A spouse who is a sole dependent and is furnished quarters in kind as a
civilian employee at a Government hospital; A spouse who is a sole dependent and is furnished Government quarters
while serving with the American Red Cross overseas; A sole dependent who is a student nurse in training at a Government
hospital. However, a housing allowance is payable on behalf of a dependent who is a student nurse
in training at a civilian hospital; A civilian spouse who is a sole dependent and is furnished Government
quarters while assigned overseas with DoDEA as a schoolteacher; A dependent who occupies Government housing facilities and evacuated
to a safe haven. See subparagraph 8.2.6 for an exception when the Service member must continue
to pay for private-sector housing; or Any dependent, if one or more of the Service member’s dependents
occupy the quarters with the Service member on a permanent basis for more than 90 days, unless
another dependent is officially prevented from residing with the Service member.
8.2.5. Rental Quarters (Other Than Inadequate Quarters). A Service member and a
dependent who occupy the following facilities on a rental basis are authorized a housing allowance.
The facilities are: Any housing facilities, including trailers, under the Government’s
jurisdiction other than Government quarters constructed or designated for occupancy without
charge. The Service member may sublease such quarters with or without charge to a temporary
sublessee and neither the sublessor nor a Service member sublessee loses the right to a housing
allowance; A hotel on the grounds of a Service Academy. A Service member is
authorized BAH while renting quarters in a hotel on the grounds of a Service Academy; or Quarters furnished to a Service member for service in a capacity other than
that of a Service member.
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8.2.6. Quarters at Safe Haven Temporarily Occupied by Dependents A Service member is authorized a housing allowance for a dependent when
both of the following occur: The Service member’s dependent occupies Government
provided housing at a safe haven area after emergency evacuation from private-sector housing at
the PDS; and Due to conditions beyond the Service member’s control, the
Service member is required to continue rent payment for the private-sector housing to keep the
furnishings and belongings in the private-sector housing and to have housing available upon the
dependent’s return. This authority continues until a dependent is authorized to return to the
Service member’s PDS or the dependent arrives at a designated place as specified in the JTR,
Chapter 6.
8.2.7. Lease on Private-Sector Rental or Leased Housing. When a Service member makes
a local move from private-sector rented or leased housing to Government housing, a housing
allowance is not payable for the remainder of the lease on the private-sector housing even though
the Service member is required to honor the lease.
8.2.8. Limitation on Quarters Occupied by Service Member When adequate quarters are not furnished for a Service member’s
dependent, the Service member is not authorized BAH or OHA if the Service member occupies
Government quarters that exceed the minimum standards for his or her grade “without-dependent.”
This applies either at the PDS or TDY location unless the quarters are the only quarters available
and either of the following conditions apply: The quarters are not suitable for joint occupancy; or If suitable for joint occupancy, the quarters are jointly occupied
with another Service member permanently assigned to the PDS. This limitation does not apply to a Service member on medical hold or
holdover personnel receiving outpatient medical treatment who have been designated as requiring
a live-in non-medical attendant. The Service determines the housing standards for such personnel
based on medical condition, treatment, non-medical attendant, and other relevant factors.
8.2.9. Additional Room Assigned to Chaplain. Assignment of an additional room to a
chaplain for spiritual purposes does not affect the Service member’s authority for BAH or OHA.
The chaplain must use the room for official duties and not as living quarters.
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8.3 Government Quarters Designated as Inadequate (260803)
8.3.1. Housing Allowance Authority. Service member with-dependents may be assigned
Government quarters designated as inadequate on a rental basis without loss of BAH. This does
not apply to bachelor officer quarters, visiting officer quarters, guesthouses, and similar type
facilities, or to assigned Government quarters undergoing ordinary repairs. An order stating that
quarters were inadequate while repairs were being made cannot serve to authorize BAH during the
period involved.
8.3.2. Effect of Subleasing Inadequate Government Quarters. The Service member may
share the Government quarters with others or permit occupancy by others while on leave. The
Service member may also sublet the Government quarters on a rental basis without loss of BAH,
regardless of the amount of rent.
8.3.3. Rental Charge for Inadequate Government Quarters. The authority controlling the
inadequate Government quarters establishes the procedures for collecting rent from the Service
member at the Government quarters’ fair rental value. The rental charge for the Government
quarters must be its fair rental value, limited to 75% of the Service member’s with-dependent BAH
rate (see 10 U.S.C. § 2830). The rental charge is independent of the amount and type of BAH paid
to the Service member.
8.3.4. Effective Date of BAH and Rental Charge. BAH and rental charge begin on the
date of the Service member’s assignment to such Government quarters or on the date the
determination of inadequacy is effective, whichever is later.
8.3.5. Computation of BAH and Rental Charge. BAH and the rental charge are computed
on a 30-day month basis and prorated at one thirtieth of the monthly rate for each day inadequate
Government quarters are assigned. BAH is not paid for, nor is rent charged, for the 31st day of a
month. When inadequate Government quarters are assigned on February 28, pay 3 days’ BAH
and charge 3 days’ rent. Rent is not charged for the day the assignment ends; however, BAH
accrues for the termination day.
8.3.6. Inadequate Government Quarters Re-Designated Adequate. Rental charges and
BAH end on the date rehabilitated inadequate Government quarters are re-designated as adequate
Government quarters. If the Service member’s assignment to inadequate Government quarters
continued during the rehabilitation period, the adequacy re-designation is effective the 1st day of
the month following the month in which the rehabilitation was completed.
8.3.7. Two Service Members Married to Each Other—Each Authorized BAH. When two
Service members married to each other jointly occupy inadequate family quarters on a rental basis,
see section 4.0 to determine their respective BAH rates. The rental charge for the Government
quarters must be the assigned inadequate family-type Government quarters’ fair rental value, but
must never exceed 75% of the with-dependent BAH rate that would be payable to a Service
member of the same grade and rank as the Service member under whose eligibility the Government
quarters are assigned. The BAH paid to the respective Service members does not affect the rent
amount charged, even if a Service member is receiving BAH at the with-dependent rate.
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BAH is collected as specified in Service procedures. For inter-Service marriages, the rental charge
is collected as specified in the procedures of the Service furnishing the Government quarters.
“Privatized housing” is defined as housing units on or near a military facility in the United
States or its territories and possessions that are acquired by or constructed by private persons under
the authority of 10 U.S.C. §§ 2871-2885. The Service Secretary determines which privatized
housing is suitable for use as military family housing. Each Service member occupying privatized
housing is authorized a housing allowance in the same manner as a Service member not assigned
to Government quarters. See subparagraph 5.3.2 for the Navy Barracks Privatization Test.
10.1 Service Member Without-Dependent (261001)
A Service member without a dependent entitled to basic pay is authorized BAH or OHA
in the situations specified in Table 26-26 and as otherwise specified in this paragraph. Ordinarily
BAH or OHA is based on the service member’s PDS and paid when adequate Government quarters
are not provided at the PDS.
10.1.1. Service Member Away From PDS. A Service member away from the assigned
PDS may occupy Government quarters designated for a Service member without-dependent at the
TDY location without affecting the Service member’s authority to receive BAH or OHA or to be
assigned quarters at the Service member’s PDS. Under such circumstances, a Service member
may not occupy Government quarters that exceed the minimum standards specified for a Service
member of that grade “without-dependent,” unless they are the only quarters available and are
available for joint occupancy with other Service members. This limitation does not apply to a
Service member who is on medical hold or is receiving outpatient medical treatment and has been
designated as requiring a live-in non-medical attendant. The Service determines the housing
standards for these personnel based on medical condition, treatment, non-medical attendant, and
other relevant factors.
10.1.2. Government Quarters. A Service member is not authorized BAH or OHA if
assigned or occupies Government Quarters suitable and adequate for the member’s grade at the
PDS. Government Quarters occupied without payment of rental charges are deemed assigned as
appropriate and adequate quarters. When not assigned to Government quarters at the PDS, BAH
or OHA accrues while in a duty or authorized leave status not due to PCS. BAH or OHA continues
if temporary Government quarters are occupied.
10.1.3. Service Member TDY. A Service member on TDY (including permissive travel)
when no PCS is involved, is authorized to continue to receive BAH or OHA if authorized prior to
the TDY. For a Service member below grade E-7 on a TDY without a PCS involved authority for
BAH or OHA does not exist during the TDY if quarters are assigned or furnished at the PDS, even
if the quarters are vacated at the beginning of the TDY. BAH or OHA does not accrue if assigned
quarters at the PDS.
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10.1.4. PCS Between PDSs in Proximity. Ordinarily a housing allowance is paid based
on the Service member’s PDS or the home port for a Service member assigned to a ship or afloat
unit. The Service may instead pay a housing allowance based on the old PDS
rate in a situation involving a low or no-cost move. The determination of whether to base the
housing allowance on the old PDS because it is inequitable to base it on the new PDS, is made by
the Secretary concerned or through the Secretarial Process. When a Service member is ordered on a PCS between PDSs located in
proximity to each other, housing allowances continue when the Service member continues to
commute from the residence occupied while at the old PDS. The housing allowance continues
from the time between the Service member’s detachment from the old PDS and reporting to the
new PDS, unless otherwise prohibited in this Chapter. If a Service member is reassigned under the conditions of a low-cost or
no-cost PCS and is not authorized a household goods (HHG) move, the housing allowance is based
on the old PDS under the following conditions: The Service member requested the old PDS housing allowance;
and The Service-selected decision process determines that it would
be inequitable to base the Service member’s allowances on the housing cost in the Service
member’s new PDS area.
10.1.5. Service Member in Grade E-7 or Above Not on Sea Duty. A Service member
without a dependent in grade E-7 or above may elect at any time not to occupy Government
quarters at the PDS and is authorized BAH or OHA unless the Secretary concerned or designee
has determined that the Service member’s exercise of this option would adversely affect a training
mission, military discipline, or readiness.
10.1.6. Service Member in Grade E-6 Not on Sea Duty. A Service member without a
dependent in grade E-6 assigned to inadequate Government quarters or to a housing facility under
the jurisdiction of a Uniformed Service that does not meet DoD adequacy standards, may elect to
not occupy such quarters and receive BAH or OHA instead. The Secretary concerned, or the
designee, may deny BAH or OHA on determining that the Service member’s exercise of this option
would adversely affect a training mission, military discipline, or readiness.
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10.1.7. Service Member on Sea Duty. A Service member assigned on permanent duty to
a ship ordinarily has Government Quarters available aboard that ship. The Secretary Concerned
may determine that a ship or class of ships is inadequate for berthing a member in home port, in
which case the ship or class of ships is not available as Government Quarters for housing allowance
purposes. When quarters aboard a ship, deemed adequate for berthing, become temporarily
unavailable due to maintenance or damage, Government Quarters are no longer available onboard
the ship. The Service concerned provides guidance on payment of housing allowances or alternate
berthing procedure for ships that become temporarily unavailable for berthing. A Service member without a dependent in grade E-6 or above assigned
to permanent sea duty aboard a ship may elect not to occupy assigned shipboard Government
quarters and receive BAH or OHA. A Service member in pay grade E-6 or above is authorized to
receive BAH or OHA after reporting to a deployed ship or afloat unit. A Service member without a dependent in grade E-5 assigned to
permanent sea duty aboard a ship cannot elect not to occupy assigned shipboard Government
quarters and receive BAH or OHA. Under Service regulations, the Secretary concerned may
authorize BAH or OHA to a Service member without a dependent who is serving in grade E-5 and
is assigned to sea duty. When preparing regulations under this paragraph, the Secretary concerned
must consider Government quarters availability for a Service member serving in grade E-5. A Service member without a dependent in grade E-4 assigned to
permanent sea duty aboard a ship cannot elect not to occupy assigned shipboard Government
quarters and receive BAH or OHA. Under Service regulations, the Secretary concerned may
authorize BAH or OHA to a Service member without a dependent who is serving in grade E-4 and
is assigned to sea duty. When preparing regulations under this paragraph, the Secretary concerned
must consider Government quarters availability for a Service member serving in grade E-4. A Service member married to another Service member who is in a pay
grade below E-6 is authorized BAH or OHA if assigned to permanent sea duty.
10.2 Service Member With-dependent (261002)
10.2.1. Authorized BAH or OHA. Except for a Service member paying child support and
assigned to Government quarters, a Service member with a dependent, who is entitled to basic pay
is authorized BAH or OHA at the with-dependent rate when any of the following conditions are
met: Adequate Government quarters are not furnished for the Service member
and dependent without a rental charge payment; Adequate Government quarters are not furnished for the Service
member’s dependent, or not all of the Service member’s dependents are authorized to occupy
Government quarters assigned to the Service member. This does not apply when the child is living
with the former spouse and the Service member has remarried;
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26-45 A dependent is not en route or does not accompany the Service member
to the PDS, or the PDS vicinity, which prevents assignment of family quarters. This situation does
not prevent the Service member from receiving BAH or OHA for a dependent; A single or divorced Service member who maintains legal and physical
custody of a child before receipt of a PCS authorization or order to an unaccompanied tour may
continue to be paid BAH at the with-dependent rate for the last PDS, or designated place, as
specified in this paragraph. The divorce decree must state the specific period during which the
Service member has legal and physical custody. BAH at the with-dependent rate is authorized
only for the period the Service member would have the custody of the child if not serving on the
unaccompanied tour. For military necessity, the Service member must place the child in the
physical custody of a relative or caregiver designated by the Service member, to be authorized
BAH or OHA at the with-dependent rate; or A Service member, classified as with-dependent for housing purposes
solely because the Service member is paying child support, is not authorized a housing allowance
other than BAH-Diff if he or she is assigned to Government quarters or both of the following
apply: The Service member is assigned to sea duty in a grade above
E-3; and The Service member is authorized to and does not occupy the
assigned, unaccompanied Government quarters by choice.
10.2.2. Location Rate. Ordinarily a housing allowance is based on the Service member’s
PDS, or the home port for a Service member assigned to a ship or afloat unit. However, the Service
may determine that a Service member’s assignment to a PDS, or the circumstances of that
assignment, requires a dependent to reside separately. Authorization or approval of a housing
allowance based on the dependent’s location or old PDS is through the Service Secretary or
through the Secretarial Process. Low or No-Cost Moves. A Service may pay BAH or OHA based on the
old PDS rate in situations involving low or no-cost moves and for situations in which the Service
member and dependent are residing separately. The determination of whether it is inequitable to
pay BAH or OHA based on the new PDS is through the Secretarial process. When a Service
member is ordered on a PCS between PDSs located in proximity to each other and continues to
commute from the residence occupied while at the old PDS, BAH or OHA continues from the time
between the Service member’s detachment from the old PDS and reporting to the new PDS, unless
otherwise prohibited in this Chapter. A Service member ordered on PCS with TDY, or leave en
route is authorized BAH or OHA based on the old PDS during that period. If a Service member
is reassigned under the conditions of a low-cost or no-cost PCS and is not authorized an HHG
move, BAH or OHA may be based on the rate for the old PDS if both the following conditions are
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26-46 It was requested by the Service member; and The decision of whether it would be inequitable or not to base
the allowance on the housing cost in the new PDS area to which the Service member is reassigned,
is determined through the Secretarial Process. Unaccompanied or Dependent-Restricted Assignment OCONUS BAH or OHA is based on the old PDS in a situation in which
the Service member is making a PCS to a dependent-restricted or unaccompanied assignment
OCONUS and the dependent remains at the Service member’s old PDS. If the dependent of a Service member assigned to an
unaccompanied tour moves to a designated place, the Service member is authorized BAH or OHA
based on the dependent’s location. Payment based on the old PDS is not authorized. Location Rate Changes. Location rate changes may be routinely
authorized or approved when a Service member is: Assigned to a PDS in an area at which sufficient housing
quantities do not exist; In receipt of a PCS order to a unit with a promulgated change
of home port and dependents relocate to the announced home port (or authorized designated place
in the United States) before the effective date of the home port change; Assigned to “unusually arduous sea duty” and a dependent
resides at or relocates to a designated place in the United States; Assigned to or is in receipt of a PCS authorization or order to a
ship entering overhaul involving a home port change and his or her dependent is not relocated due
to the home port change; Disadvantaged due to reassignment for reasons of improving
mission capability and readiness of the unit, in receipt of a PCS authorization or order between
PDSs located in the same proximity, and disallowed HHG movement. A determination must be
issued through the Secretarial Process that implementing this policy in the interest of correcting
an inequity incurred due to movement of the Service member for purposes of improving mission
capability and unit readiness; Assigned to an intermittent TDY or a TDY pending further
orders; or Assigned to a Professional Military Education or training
course that is scheduled for a duration of 1 year or less.
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26-47 Multiple Dependent Locations. In instances when dependents are in
multiple locations, the Service member must designate the dependent’s primary residence. The
housing allowance rate is based on this primary residence. Ship or Home Port A Service member assigned to duty aboard a ship or other afloat
unit is authorized a with-dependent allowance when supported by a statement of the Service
member’s commanding officer, or an officer designated by the commanding officer. The
statement must specify that the dependent has established a residence at or in the home port
vicinity. The applicable with-dependent allowance is payable even though the Service member is
quartered in kind aboard a ship with his or her afloat unit. The rate payable is the rate applicable
to the ship’s or afloat units’ home port. The housing allowance must change to the new home port rate
on the effective date of the home port change if the Service member is currently assigned or is in
receipt of a PCS order to a ship or another afloat unit with an announced home port change and
their dependent is authorized travel to the new home port. Other Circumstances. The Secretary concerned may determine that other
circumstances may require a dependent to reside separately from the Service member and
authorize or approve a housing allowance payment based on either the dependent’s location or the
old PDS. If the Secretary concerned determined that an additional reason for a BAH or OHA
waiver was acceptable, the Secretarial Process may then be used to authorize or approve individual
cases based on that determination.
10.2.3. During Leave, Travel Status, Separation, and Other Situations. Table 26-27 and
paragraph 10.10 specify BAH or OHA accrual for a Service member entitled to basic pay with a
dependent. In Table 26-27, the phrase “due to a PCS” refers to whether or not the Service member
is en route to a new PDS under a PCS authorization or order.
10.3 Service Member with Acquired Dependent (261003)
When a Service member acquires a dependent, for example, through marriage, birth, or
adoption, a with-dependent housing allowance is authorized as of the date the dependent is
10.3.1. PDS in the CONUS. When the Service member is assigned to a PDS in the
CONUS, the housing allowance is authorized based on the PDS. He or she may request through
the Secretarial Process a housing allowance based on the dependent’s residence location.
Table 26-28 specifies the changes in BAH or OHA when a Service member acquires a dependent
while assigned in the CONUS.
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10.3.2. PDS OCONUS. When a Service member is assigned at a PDS OCONUS and the
dependent does not reside at or near the PDS OCONUS, the housing allowance is based on the
dependent’s location. If the dependent does reside at or near the PDS OCONUS, the housing
allowance is based on the PDS OCONUS.
10.3.3. FSH Eligibility. Table 26-30 specifies FSH authorization for a Service member
assigned to a PDS OCONUS. FSH eligibility is effective the date the dependent is acquired.
10.4 Service Member With-Dependent Serves Unaccompanied or Dependent-Restricted Tour
OCONUS or “Unusually Arduous Sea Duty” Outside the United States (261004)
A Service member with a dependent who serves an unaccompanied or dependent-restricted
tour OCONUS or “unusually arduous sea duty” outside the United States is authorized a with-
dependent housing allowance based on the dependent’s location. The housing allowance may be
based on the old PDS if the dependent remained in the residence shared with the Service member
before the PCS, did not relocate, and is not in Government quarters. The housing allowance for
the dependent’s location may be authorized or approved to be effective on the date of the lease.
10.4.1. FSH Authorization. If the Service member is serving an unaccompanied or
dependent-restricted tour and single-type Government quarters are not available for assignment at
the PDS OCONUS, and the dependent does not reside at or near the PDS, then FSH-O or FSH-B
is also authorized. A Service member assigned to “unusually arduous sea duty” is not authorized
FSH since Government quarters are available for assignment.
10.4.2. Dependent Visit. Table 26-31 specifies changes made to allowances when a
dependent visits a Service member serving an unaccompanied or dependent-restricted tour. If the
Service member is in a BAH area, in Alaska or Hawaii, then the allowance specified in
Table 26 - 30 is either BAH or FSH-B, as applicable. If the Service member is outside the United
States, then the allowance is either OHA or FSH-O, as applicable. If all of a Service member’s
dependents arrive at his or her PDS OCONUS and stay beyond 90 days, the Service member is
not authorized OHA simply because the dependent is present. To be paid OHA the Service
member must provide the required documentation (a completed and approved DD 2367) for
private-sector leased or owned housing.
10.4.3. Initial Tour of Duty. When a Service member serves an unaccompanied or
dependent-restricted tour at the first PDS (i.e., the initial PDS when coming on AD) payment of a
with-dependent housing allowance is based on one of the designated locations specified in the
JTR, Chapter 5, paragraph 050814 if the dependent has been authorized or approved to reside at
one of those locations.
10.4.4. Transfer Between Unaccompanied or Dependent-Restricted Tours. A Service
member transferred between unaccompanied or dependent-restricted tours, whose dependent does
not move, continues to be authorized a with-dependent rate based on the dependent’s location. A
Service member is authorized a with-dependent rate based on the dependent’s new location if the
Service member is transferred between unaccompanied or dependent-restricted tours and the
dependent moves from either:
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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26-49 The Service member’s old PDS (the PDS before the Service member was
assigned on the first unaccompanied or dependent-restricted tour) to a designated place; or A designated place to another designated place if the move is authorized
or approved.
10.4.5. Dependent Relocates to Other OHA Location. If a dependent relocates from a
designated place at personal expense to any other OHA location that is not in the vicinity of the
Service member’s PDS, start OHA based on the new location effective the date private-sector
housing is obtained once the required documentation is provided. If the dependent departed from
an OHA area, stop the with-dependent allowance based on the designated place effective the day
before the dependent departed that location. If the dependent departed from a BAH area, stop the
with-dependent allowance the day before the dependent arrives at the new location.
10.4.6. Dependent Relocates to Other BAH Location. If the dependent relocates at
personal expense from a designated place in a BAH area to a different location in a BAH area that
is not at or near the Service member’s PDS, continue BAH based on the previously authorized
location (either the old PDS or dependent location before the move). If the dependent relocates
from a designated place in an OHA area to a location in a BAH area, start BAH based on the new
location on the dependent’s arrival date and stop the OHA the day before dependent’s departure.
10.4.7. Situation-Based Rate for Housing Allowance. Table 26-32 specifies situation-
based rate information. A housing allowance must not be paid if a Service member is assigned
adequate family-type Government quarters at the PDS. Do not start the housing allowance until
the Service member terminates the family-type Government quarters assignment. If a Service member is assigned to an unaccompanied or dependent-
restricted tour at a PDS OCONUS and he or she is required to perform a TDY anywhere in the
world, due to a transfer to another unaccompanied or dependent-restricted tour, and the dependent
continues to reside at the same location then continue to pay the housing allowance based on the
dependent’s permanent residence. If a Service member is assigned to an unaccompanied or dependent-
restricted tour at a PDS OCONUS and the Service member is required to perform a TDY due to a
transfer to the United States, and the dependent continues to reside at the same location then
continue to pay a housing allowance based on the dependent’s permanent residence location
through the day before the Service member’s reporting day to the new PDS. Start BAH or OHA
based on the new PDS, the day the Service member reports at that PDS. If a Service member is assigned to “unusually arduous sea duty” in the
United States and the dependent is not residing with the Service member at the unit’s home port
then pay BAH based on the unit’s home port. The Service member may request a waiver through
the Secretarial process for BAH or OHA to be based on the old PDS if the dependent remained in
the residence shared with the Service member before the PCS, or based on the dependent’s current
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*10.5 Reserve Component (RC) Member (261005)
A DoD retired Service member ordered to AD is authorized the same housing allowances
as an RC member. A lease agreement or verifiable purchase price is required before OHA
10.5.1. Order Duration. An RC member called or ordered to AD for 30 or fewer days is
authorized the RC rate (BAH-RC), except for contingency operations or for an AGR member. A
Service member called or ordered to AD for 31 or more days, except a Service member without a
dependent during initial entry training, is authorized BAH or OHA. An RC member initially on a
tour of 30 or fewer days who receives an order modification, assignment extension, or additional
consecutive orders with a prospective, new active-duty period of 31 or more days receives BAH
or OHA on the modification date. BAH-RC stops the day before the amendment or modification
and BAH or OHA based on the primary residence starts on the modification date. This rate is
payable as of the date of the amendment, modification or new issuance and continues for the tour
duration except as otherwise specified in this chapter. If there is a break in service, periods of AD
previously served may not be added together to meet the requirement for BAH or OHA that AD
exceeds 30 days under the authority of 37 U.S.C. § 403(g)(6)(C)(iii). See Table 26-48 for
examples. See paragraph 10.10 for the rate payable to a Service member in a travel status while
in the accession pipeline travel. Called or Ordered to AD for 30 or Fewer Days. If the RC member is
called or ordered to AD for 30 or fewer days and the duty is not in support of a contingency
operation, then start BAH-RC on the first day of AD. If the duty is in support of a contingency
operation, then start BAH or OHA based on the primary residence at the time called or ordered to
AD beginning on the first day of AD. Called or Ordered to AD for Other than Training or Active Duty for
Training (ADT) for 31 or More Days. An RC member called or ordered to ADT for a period
lasting between 31 and 139 days, receives BAH or OHA based on the primary residence at the
time called or ordered to ADT beginning on the first day of AD. An RC member called or ordered
to AD for other than training for a period lasting between 31 and 180 days, except if he or she is
without a dependent during initial entry training, is authorized BAH or OHA based on the primary
residence beginning on the first day of AD. This rate continues for the tour duration except as
otherwise specified in this chapter. Called or Ordered to ADT for 140 or More Days or Other than Training
for 181 or More Days and Authorized HHG Transportation. Except when supporting a
contingency operation, the initial rate ends on the day before the RC member reports at the duty
location specified in the active-duty order. Whether or not the duty is in support of a contingency
operation, BAH or OHA based on the primary residence starts at the time called or ordered to AD
for training, beginning on the first day of AD and continues through the day before arrival at the
PDS. BAH or OHA based on the PDS location begins on the day the RC member reports at that
location. An RC member called or ordered to ADT for 140 or more days at one location or other
than training for 181 or more days is authorized BAH or OHA in the same manner as a Service
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member already on AD. OHA or BAH is not authorized for an RC member assigned adequate
Government quarters to his or her grade and dependency status at the PDS. Called or Ordered to ADT for 140 or More Days But Not Authorized
HHG Transportation. If the RC member is not authorized HHG transportation (e.g., duty is not
performed for 140 or more days at one location), he or she receives BAH or OHA based on the
primary residence at the time called or ordered to AD, except as specified for an RC member
OCONUS without a dependent. An RC member without a dependent authorized PCS allowances
but not HHG transportation to a location OCONUS and Government quarters are not available,
receives BAH or OHA based on the primary residence, unless the rate at the PDS is authorized or
approved through the Secretarial Process. Called or Ordered to AD Other Than Training for 181 or More Days But
Not Authorized HHG Transportation. An RC member called or ordered to AD for other than
training for 181 or more days who is not authorized HHG transportation for a PCS receives BAH
or OHA based on the primary residence, except as specified for an RC member OCONUS without
a dependent in subparagraph The member must be residing at any of the following
locations at the time called or ordered to AD: At a location outside the local commuting distance of the RC
member’s primary residence and the duty is not for more than 180 consecutive days at one location; At a location other than the RC member’s primary residence but
authorized TDY allowances as specified in the JTR, Chapter 3; At a location to which the RC member commutes from his or
her primary residence; or At a location OCONUS for a prospective period of less than 12
months. RC Member Without-Dependent OCONUS. An RC member without a
dependent—or who has no dependents other than for whom he or she is paying child support
and who is not authorized FSH as specified in section 7.0 receives BAH or OHA based on the
primary residence. If all the following conditions apply: The RC member is authorized PCS allowances to a location
OCONUS; The RC member is not authorized PCS HHG transportation
because the prospective period is less than 12 months. HHG transportation under a TDY order, as
specified in the JTR, Chapter 2, does not affect this housing allowance authority; and Government quarters are not available at the PDS.
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Then the Service may determine that it is inequitable to pay a housing allowance based on the
primary residence. A housing allowance based on the PDS may be authorized or approved through
the Secretarial Process. If Government quarters are available for assignment to the RC member at
the PDS, he or she receives only BAH or OHA based on the primary residence. Called or Ordered to AD for Contingency. An RC member called or
ordered to AD in support of a contingency operation is authorized BAH or OHA based on the
primary residence beginning on the first day of AD. This rate is authorized even for duty of 30 or
fewer days. This rate continues for the duration of the tour unless the RC member is authorized
PCS HHG transportation, in which case the rate for the PDS would apply on the day the RC
member reports to the PDS. Injured or Physically Disabled While on AD or on Inactive-Duty
Training An RC member injured or physically disabled due to an injury,
illness, or disease incurred or aggravated in the line of duty during any of the following is
authorized BAH or OHA: Performing AD; While on inactive-duty training, other than work or
study in connection with a correspondence course of an armed force, or attendance in an inactive
status at an education institution under the sponsorship of an armed force or the USPHS; or While authorized incapacitation pay, which may
include BAH or OHA under DoDI 1241.01 (RC Line of Duty Determination for Medical and
Dental Treatments and Incapacitation Pay Entitlements). BAH or OHA is based on the primary residence and is paid
beginning on the date the RC member becomes entitled to incapacitation pay. BAH or OHA for
an eligible RC member may not be paid for more than 6 months except when, in the interest of
fairness and equity, the Secretary concerned or the Secretary’s designee extends incapacitation
pay. For offsets, see 37 U.S.C. § 204(g) and (h), and DoDI 1241.01 (RC Line of Duty
Determination for Medical and Dental Treatments and Incapacitation Pay Entitlements). Order Modification or Amendment. When an RC member receives an
order modification or amendment extending his or her assignment, the prospective new active-
duty period determines the authority for housing allowances. If the prospective period is 140 or
more days for training or 181 or more days and HHG are authorized for the PCS, the BAH-RC or
BAH or OHA based on the primary residence stops the day before the modification or amendment
and BAH or OHA based on the PDS begins on the modification date.
10.5.2. Contingency Operation. An RC member called or ordered to AD in support of a
contingency operation is authorized BAH or OHA for the duration of the tour. If the RC member
receives a PCS order authorizing HHG transportation, BAH or OHA is based on the new PDS.
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However, if the Service member is called or ordered to AD and a PCS order is not issued, BAH or
OHA is based and paid on the primary residence location at the time called or ordered to AD except
for an AGR member.
10.5.3. AGR Member. An AGR member’s BAH or OHA is based on the PDS, even when
the Service member is mobilized for AD other than for AGR duty, provided the Service member
does not have a break in service. The rate based on the PDS applies for the duration of the tour.
If the AGR member receives a PCS order authorizing HHG transportation, BAH or OHA is based
on the new PDS. However, if the Service member is called or ordered to AD without a break in
service and a PCS order authorizing HHG transportation is not issued, BAH or OHA is based and
paid on the PDS location at the time called or ordered to AD. A break in service occurs when 1
or more calendar days between active-duty service periods do not qualify as active-duty service.
If an AGR member has a break in service when called to AD for other than AGR duty, then the
Service member is paid a housing allowance as for any other RC member (for example, the
primary-residence rate).
10.5.4. RC Member Married to Service Member. Unless an RC member is assigned to a
contingency operation or is an AGR member when he or she is called to AD for 30 or fewer days,
the RC member is authorized the RC rate (BAH-RC) without-dependent rate if he or she is not
assigned to Government quarters and is married to another Service member on AD without a
dependent. For such an RC member on AD for 31 or more days, each Service member is
authorized BAH or OHA at the without-dependent rate. If a Service member in this situation has
a dependent, BAH or OHA is paid as for an active-duty member.
10.6 Government Defers Dependent Travel (Non-Concurrent Travel) (261006)
10.6.1. When the Government defers dependent travel at Government expense to a Service
member’s new PDS, a with-dependent housing allowance continues to be paid at the old PDS rate,
or at the rate for the dependent’s location if the dependent relocated there at Government expense.
In a case in which the Secretarial Process previously authorized a housing allowance based on the
dependent’s location, that rate continues.
10.6.2. If otherwise eligible, FSH-O or FSH-B for the Service member’s location starts
when the Service member obtains private-sector housing.
10.6.3. The payment of the with-dependent allowance and FSH-O or FSH-B continues for
60 days after dependent travel is authorized. If the 60-day time period expires, a dependent has
not arrived at the Service member’s PDS, and an extension to the 60-day period has not been
granted through the Secretarial Process, a housing allowance is not authorized for the dependent’s
location. However, the Service member is authorized a with-dependent allowance based on the
PDS location.
10.6.4. Table 26-34 specifies changes to a housing allowance when the Government defers
a dependent’s travel to a duty station OCONUS.
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10.6.5. Tables 26-35 and 26-36 specify changes, based on location and expected travel
delay, when the Government defers dependent travel to a duty station in the CONUS when the
area has been declared a concurrent dependent travel application area (see JTR, Chapter 5,
paragraph 051205).
10.7 Dependent Travels Before or After Service Member (261007)
When a PCS order has been issued, the Service member’s family may perform PCS travel
at a different time than the Service member.
10.7.1. Housing Allowance Based on Dependent’s Location or Old PDS. Unless
otherwise authorized or approved, a Service member’s housing allowance is based on the PDS. If
authorized or approved through the Secretarial Process, a Service member may be authorized a
housing allowance based on the location at which a dependent maintains a permanent residence or
the old PDS. Situations that are routinely authorized or approved at a lower level than the Service
Secretary are listed in subparagraph 10.2.2. An example of advance travel is the member’s family
travels ahead to get settled before school starts. An example of delayed travel is the family remains
at the old PDS until the school year ends.
10.7.2. Secretarial Determinations. The Secretary concerned may determine that other
circumstances may require a dependent to reside separately from the Service member and
authorize or approve a housing allowance payment based on either the dependent’s location or the
old PDS. If the Secretary concerned determined that an additional reason for a BAH or OHA
waiver was acceptable, the Secretarial Process may then be used to authorize or approve individual
cases based on that determination.
10.7.3. Rates Applicable If a dependent relocates, the rate applicable to the dependent’s new
residence location is effective on the date the dependent arrives. If the dependent does not relocate, the with-dependent allowance is based
on the higher of the rates for the dependent’s location or the Service member’s old PDS and
continues until the dependent departs the authorized or approved location. A Service member is generally authorized BAH-Transit while on leave
and travel between PDSs. However, in situations in which the Secretary concerned has authorized
or approved an advance or delayed travel situation, the authorized or approved allowance at the
with-dependent rate applies. In delayed travel situations, when the dependent departs the
authorized or approved location, the allowance changes to the new PDS if the Service member has
already arrived there or to the BAH-Transit if the Service member is still in transit.
10.7.4. Advance Travel. In all cases of advance travel, if the Service member is assigned
Government quarters at the old PDS and a housing allowance has not been approved by the
Secretarial process for the dependent’s location, do not start either BAH or OHA.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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26-55 Table 26-37 specifies changes to housing allowances when the old PDS
and new PDS are in the BAH area. Table 26-38 specifies changes to housing allowances when the old PDS
is in the BAH area and the new PDS is outside the OHA area. Table 26-39 specifies changes to housing allowances when the old PDS
is outside the OHA area and the new PDS is in the BAH area. Table 26-40 specifies changes to housing allowances when both the old
and new PDS are outside the OHA area.
10.7.5. Delayed Travel Table 26-41 specifies changes to housing allowances when the old PDS
and new PDS are in the BAH area. Table 26-42 specifies changes to housing allowances when the old PDS
is in the BAH area and the new PDS is outside the OHA area. Table 26-43 specifies changes to housing allowances when the old PDS
is outside the OHA area and the new PDS is in the BAH area. Table 26-44 specifies changes to housing allowances when the old PDS
and new PDS are outside the OHA area.
10.8 Early Return of Dependent (ERD) (261008)
10.8.1. Early Return at Government Expense When all of a Service member’s dependents return from a PDS OCONUS
at Government expense not due to a PCS, regardless of the reason for the return, the Service
member is authorized a housing allowance at the with-dependent rate based on the dependent’s
permanent residence location effective on the arrival day or the date the ERD order was issued,
whichever is later. If the dependent’s location is in an OHA area, start OHA on the date private-
sector housing is acquired. OHA, or BAH in Alaska or Hawaii, at the with-dependent rate for the
Service member’s PDS OCONUS stops on the day before the day the rate for the dependent’s
permanent residence starts. If the Service member resides in private-sector housing after the
dependent’s departure and single-type Government quarters are not available, FSH-O or FSH-B
for the Service member’s PDS location is authorized effective on the day the rate for the
dependent’s permanent residence location begins. If Government quarters are assigned or made
available to the Service member following a dependent’s departure, no housing allowance is
payable for the Service member’s PDS.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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26-56 Whether or not a Service member is assigned family Government
quarters: If the dependent’s location is in a BAH area, start with-
dependent BAH based on dependent residence location as of the dependent’s arrival date or the
date the ERD order was issued, whichever is later. If the dependent’s location is in an OHA area, start OHA on the
date private-sector housing is acquired for the dependent (based on the paperwork) or the date the
ERD order was issued, whichever is later. When a Service member assigned to Government family-type quarters
terminates the quarters assignment and single-type Government quarters are not available, start
FSH effective on the termination date, the date private-sector housing for the Service member is
acquired (based on the paperwork for OHA), or the date the ERD order was issued, whichever is
later. If a Service member is not assigned to Government family-type quarters
then stop the with-dependent rate based on the PDS on the day before the allowance rate based on
the dependent’s location starts. If single-type Government quarters are not available, start FSH-O
or FSH-B the day the allowance based on the dependent’s location starts.
10.8.2. Early Return at Personal Expense. When all of a Service member’s dependents
returned early from a PDS OCONUS at personal expense, the Service member is not authorized a
second housing allowance and the housing allowance at the with-dependent rate based on the
Service member’s PDS continues without change, unless there is an OHA-related paperwork
change. If the Service member vacates family-type Government quarters that were occupied by
the dependent before the dependent’s departure, the Service member is authorized an allowance at
the with-dependent rate for the Service member’s PDS. If a Service member assigned family
Government quarters at the PDS OCONUS terminates a Government quarter assignment while: In a BAH area, start with-dependent BAH based on the PDS as of the
termination date; or In an OHA area, start with-dependent OHA based on the PDS as of the
date (based on the paperwork) private-sector housing is acquired or the termination date,
whichever is later.
10.9 Evacuation of a Service Member’s PDS (261009)
10.9.1. Service Member With a Dependent PDS OCONUS-Command-Sponsored Dependent (see Chapter 67) A Service member, whose command-sponsored dependent is
evacuated and who was authorized a with-dependent housing allowance on the evacuation date,
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
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continues to be paid that allowance while the Service member’s PDS remains unchanged and the
Service member continues to maintain private-sector housing, as long as the command-sponsored
dependent is receiving evacuation allowances. If a dependent, command sponsored for OCONUS COLA, is
authorized to return to the PDS after being evacuated, no housing allowance actions are required,
whether or not the Service member is assigned quarters at the PDS. If a dependent’s return to the PDS is not authorized or approved,
then the dependent must select a designated place and will continue to receive evacuation
allowances as specified in the JTR, Chapter 6. A Service member is authorized a with-dependent
allowance based on the location of the designated place beginning the day after the evacuation
allowance ends, whether or not the Service member is assigned Government quarters at the PDS. If the Service member is not assigned Government
quarters at the PDS, OHA or BAH based on the PDS OCONUS stops on the day before the
allowance based on the designated place starts. If Government quarters are not available for the
Service member at a PDS OCONUS, start FSH-O or FSH-B based on the PDS on the same day as
the with-dependent allowance based on the designated place starts. PDS OCONUS-Non-Command Sponsored Dependent If the evacuation occurs 89 or fewer days after a dependent
arrived at the Service member’s PDS OCONUS and the Service member is still being paid a with-
dependent allowance based on the dependent’s permanent residence or designated place as well as
FSH-O or FSH-B based on the PDS OCONUS rate, then no changes in housing allowances are
required. Whether the Service member is assigned Government quarters at the PDS is not a factor. If the evacuation occurs 90 or more days after a dependent
arrived at the Service member’s PDS OCONUS and the Service member is now being paid a with-
dependent allowance based on the PDS, reinstate OHA or BAH based on the dependent’s prior
permanent residence or designated place on the dependent’s departure day from the PDS. Stop
the with-dependent OHA or BAH allowance based on the PDS the day before the dependent
departs. If after the dependent departs and Government quarters are not available for the Service
member, then start FSH based on the PDS on the day the dependent departs the PDS. PDS in the CONUS A Service member who was authorized a with-dependent BAH
on the date the dependent was evacuated continues to be paid BAH as long as the dependent is
receiving evacuation allowances when both of the following conditions apply: The Service member’s PDS remains unchanged; and
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26-58 The Service member continues to maintain private-
sector housing. If a dependent is authorized to return to the PDS after being
evacuated, no housing allowance actions are required. Whether the Service member is assigned
Government quarters at the PDS is not a factor. If the return of a dependent to the PDS is not authorized or
approved, the dependent is directed to select a designated place and continue to receive evacuation
allowances as provided in the JTR, Chapter 6 until he or she establishes a permanent residence. A
Service member is authorized a with-dependent allowance based on the designated place
beginning the day after evacuation allowances end. BAH based on the PDS stops the day before
evacuation allowances end.
10.9.2. Service Member Without-Dependent. A Service member without a dependent,
who was authorized OHA or BAH at the PDS on the date an evacuation is ordered or authorized,
and who continues to maintain a private-sector residence, continues to be authorized the allowance
even though the Service member temporarily may be required to occupy Government quarters or
be sent on a TDY. When the commanding officer believes the Service member will not be
permitted to return to the private-sector housing in the foreseeable future, the commander must
encourage the Service member to end the private-sector housing at the earliest practical date and
end OHA or BAH concurrent with the private-sector housing termination.
10.10 Service Member in Transit (261010)
BAH-Transit is a temporary housing allowance paid while a Service member is in a travel
or leave status between PDSs, provided the Service member is not assigned Government quarters
while at the old or new PDS. If the Service member performs a TDY en route at the new PDS,
BAH or OHA for the new PDS begins the day of arrival in a TDY status at the new PDS. If the
Service member performs a TDY en route at a location near, but outside the limits of, the new PDS
or to the home port of a ship, afloat staff, or afloat unit, per diem stops as specified in the
JTR, Chapter 5. BAH or OHA for the new PDS begins the day per diem stops.
10.10.1. Old PDS in the United States. A Service member’s old PDS is the PDS for BAH
purposes from the day the Service member departs the old PDS through the day before the Service
member reports to the new PDS in compliance with a PCS order. If the Service member had been
residing in Government quarters at the old PDS, the Service member is authorized BAH as of the
Government quarters termination date.
10.10.2. Old PDS Outside the United States. When a Service member’s old PDS is outside
the United States, and the Service member is not assigned Government quarters, the Service
member is authorized OHA through the day before departing the PDS outside the United States.
The day the Service member departs, OHA is no longer authorized and the Service member is
authorized BAH-Transit if the Service member is not receiving a with-dependent housing
allowance for a dependent residing separately. If the Service member is being paid BAH at the
with-dependent rate for a dependent residing separately, that BAH rate continues until the Service
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member arrives at the new PDS. If the Service member is being paid OHA at the with-dependent
rate for a dependent residing separately, that OHA rate continues provided the dependent remains
at the location outside the United States. If the dependent also performs PCS travel, BAH-Transit
10.10.3. New Accession. A Service member in the accession pipeline includes a Service
member who is undergoing initial entry training, including an RC member, a student—includes
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) and Officer Candidate Schoolwithout prior military
Service, or a Service academy graduate upon graduation, until arrival at the first PDS. The Service
member remains in the accession pipeline until the Service member arrives at a PDS, including a
training location of 20 or more weeks. An RC member remains in the accession pipeline until he
or she completes entry-level training or arrives at a PDS, whichever occurs first. Service Member Without-Dependent. A Service member in the
accession pipeline without a dependent is authorized BAH-Transit when in a travel, leave en route,
or proceed time status while transferring from the initial entry training location, between training
locations, and to the first PDS. For BAH authorization only (not locality rate), the training sites
are defined as a PDS except for an RC member without a dependent. A Service member without
a dependent is not authorized BAH (except BAH-Partial) while at the training locations since
Government quarters are assigned at the PDS. An RC member without a dependent attending
accession training is authorized BAH or OHA based on the primary residence location at the time
called or ordered to AD if the Service member maintains a residence and continues to be
responsible for rent, or owns the residence. Service Academy or ROTC Graduate Without-Dependent. A Service
academy or ROTC graduate without a dependent is authorized a housing allowance at the without-
dependent rate for the graduation or commissioning location through the day before departure en
route to the training location, if he or she: Remains on AD at the graduation or commissioning location
following graduation and commissioning before proceeding to another duty station; and Is not assigned Government quarters. Service Member With a Dependent. The BAH rate for a new accession
with a dependent is based on the dependent’s location if the location is in the United States. If
dependent is located outside the United States, BAH is based on the training site location. If an
officer who was previously authorized a housing allowance at the without-dependent rate for the
graduation or commissioning location specified in subparagraph acquires a dependent,
the officer’s housing allowance at the with-dependent rate becomes based on the dependent’s
location effective the date the dependent is acquired.
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10.10.4. Retirement or Separation From a PDS in the United States. A Service member’s old PDS is the
PDS for BAH purposes from the day the Service member departs the old PDS through the
separation or retirement date. If the Service member had been residing in Government quarters at
the old PDS, the Service member is authorized BAH beginning the date Government quarters are
terminated provided the Service member is still on AD. From a PDS Outside the United States Establishes Residence Outside the United States. A Service
member at a PDS outside the United States, who is processing for retirement or separation or on
leave after processing, and who intends to establish a residence in an OHA-based area after
retirement or separation, is eligible for OHA. To be paid OHA under any of the circumstances
listed, the Service member must provide a lease and a completed and approved DD 2367. If the Service member continues to occupy private-
sector leased or owned housing at or in the PDS vicinity, OHA continues until the date of
separation or retirement. If the Service member occupies private-sector leased
or owned housing after vacating Government quarters or moves to different private-sector housing
in the same country, OHA starts on the date the Service member obtains private-sector housing
and stops on the date of separation or retirement. If a Service member at a PDS outside the United
States moves to a different country that is an OHA area to establish a residence after separation or
retirement, the Service member is eligible for a housing allowance based on the residence location.
OHA starts on the day the Service member obtains private-sector housing and stops on the date of
separation or retirement. However, if the Service member is being paid OHA at the with-
dependent for dependents residing separately, that OHA rate continues provided the dependents
remain at the location OCONUS. Returns to a U.S. Processing Station. If not assigned
Government quarters, a Service member separating or retiring at a PDS outside the United States,
who returns to the United States for retirement or separation processing, is authorized OHA
through the day before departing the PDS outside the United States. The day the Service member
departs that PDS, OHA is no longer authorized. The Service member is authorized the BAH rate
for the retirement or separation processing location if he or she is not receiving a with-dependent
housing allowance for a dependent residing separately. If the Service member is being paid a with-
dependent BAH rate for a dependent residing separately, that BAH rate continues until the Service
member separates or retires. NOAA’s Marine and Aviation Operations and Commissioned
Personnel Centers are the processing stations for NOAA.
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26-61 Returns to the United States After Completing Separation or
Retirement Processing Overseas. If not assigned Government quarters, a Service member retiring
or separating at a PDS outside the United States, who returns to the United States after completing
retirement or separation processing at the overseas PDS, and who does not have a processing
location within the United States, is authorized OHA through the day before departing the PDS
outside the United States. The day the Service member departs that PDS, OHA is no longer
authorized. The Service member is authorized the BAH rate for the leave address provided as part
of the final processing if he or she is not receiving a housing allowance at the with-dependent rate
for a dependent residing separately. If the Service member is being paid a BAH at the with-
dependent rate for a dependent residing separately, that BAH rate continues until the Service
member separates or retires.
10.10.5. Decision Process for a Service Member in Transit In all cases for a Service member in transit the following decisions must
be made: If a Service member is assigned Government quarters
adequate for the Service member and the dependent, if applicable, the Service member is not
authorized BAH or OHA. Start BAH or OHA effective the date of the quarters termination, as
applicable; If the Service member has a Secretarial waiver to pay BAH
based on the previous PDS, or BAH based on the dependent’s location, then continue that rate
until the Service member arrives at the new PDS; or If a Secretarial waiver is for an OHA location, continue the
OHA rate if the dependent remains at the OHA location. A payment of OHA requires a lease agreement or a verifiable purchase
price. A Service member who is participating in the Educational Leave
Program Relating to Continuing Public and Community Services, and the Service member is
authorized BAH or OHA, start BAH or OHA based on the designated unit of assignment during
scheduled school breaks or leave periods. If a Service member receives an appropriate authorization or order
associated with a prolonged hospitalization determination and is transferred from any PDS to a
hospital in the United States for observation or treatment, pay BAH based on the hospital location
if the Service member is authorized BAH. Table 26-45 specifies housing allowances for a Service member in
transit on a PCS. Table 26-46 specifies housing allowances for a Service member who is a new
accession. Table 26-47 specifies housing allowances for a Service member awaiting final
discharge or in processing for separation or retirement.
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10.11 Service Member in a Missing Status (261011)
10.11.1. Service Member Without-Dependent. A Service member without a dependent
carried in a missing status is authorized without-dependent BAH. Pay BAH at the without-
dependent rate based on the PDS for a Service member whose PDS is in the United States. If the
Service member had a Secretarial waiver to receive BAH based on the former PDS due to a low-
cost or no-cost PCS, then that BAH rate continues. Pay BAH at the without-dependent rate based
on the home of record (HOR) location for a Service member whose PDS is outside the United
States. If the Service member’s HOR and PDS are outside the United States, then pay the without-
dependent BAH-Transit rate. See Chapter 34 (Pay Entitlement of Members Missing, Missing in
Action, Interned, and Payments to Dependents).
10.11.2. Service Member With-Dependent. A Service member with a dependent
continues to receive the housing allowance authorized upon entering the missing status. If the
dependent relocates, pay the housing allowance at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location.
10.12 Service Member in Confinement (261012)
Pretrial confinement, restraint other than confinement, or an adjudged sentence of
restriction alone does not affect a Service member’s BAH authority.
10.12.1. Transferred to a Confinement Facility. When a Service member who is serving
a court-martial sentence to confinement is transferred to a confinement facility, then the BAH or
OHA rate is based on the dependent’s location if the Service member is authorized a housing
allowance, other than BAH partial, while confined. A Service member is not authorized a housing
allowance unless authorized basic pay. All rules concerning whether a Service member in civil or
foreign confinement, including pre-trial, is authorized basic pay are covered in Chapter 1
(Creditable Service). This rule does not address a Service member’s authority for a housing
allowance when civil or foreign authorities confine the Service member.
10.12.2. In Confinement BAH or OHA does not accrue while the Service member is confined
pursuant to a court-martial and the sentence is effective or approved or when the Service member
was not receiving BAH or OHA on the day before confinement and Government quarters
assignment was not terminated before or during confinement. Service procedures must specify
how and by whom Government quarters termination must be certified. Confinement imposed
pursuant to a court-martial sentence begins the date the sentence is adjudged
(10 U.S.C. § 857(a), (b)). If a Service member is in confinement in a guardhouse, brig,
or correctional barracks pursuant to a court-martialnot including pretrial confinement, restraint
other than confinement, or an adjudged sentence of restriction alonethen the Service member’s
BAH or OHA accrues if the sentence is set aside or disapproved. The Service member must be
otherwise authorized to receive BAH or OHA.
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26-63 A Service member without-dependents who is confined in a
guardhouse, brig, or correctional barracks, was assigned to single-type, Government quarters
before confinement, and remains assigned to such quarters during confinement is authorized BAH-
Partial unless forfeiture of allowances was directed. If he or she is restrained in a status of arrest
in assigned single-type Government quarters, and therefore not authorized BAH or OHA, then the
Service member is authorized BAH-Partial unless forfeiture of allowances was directed. For FSH, a Service member in military confinement or otherwise
restricted by military authority continues FSH for 60 or fewer days without certificate from the
Service member. The FSH may continue for more than 60 days, but payment must be supported
by the Service member’s certification that he or she maintained private-sector housing at the PDS.
10.13 Housing Allowance Following Service Member’s Death (261013)
BAH or OHA continuation or payment to the surviving dependent of a Service member
who dies on AD is authorized for 365 days. It is paid to the dependent when, on the date of the
Service member’s death, the dependent either does not occupy Government quarters, is occupying
Government quarters on a rental basis, or vacates Government quarters within 365 days of the
Service member’s death.
10.13.1. Not Payable. The housing allowance is not payable to a dependent who killed
the Service member, unless there is evidence that clearly absolves the dependent of any felonious
intent. It also is not payable to a surviving dependent of an RC member if that RC member dies
while on inactive duty.
10.13.2. Payment Priority. Payments to a surviving dependent are made first to the current
spouse. If there is no current spouse, the housing allowance is divided equally among the
dependents on whose behalf the deceased Service member was receiving a with-dependent
housing allowance.
10.13.3. Payment Amount and Method. The housing allowance is paid in the same amount
and in the same manner as the deceased Service member would have been paid. The housing
allowance may be paid quarterly as an advance payment, but must be reconciled. Housing
allowance payments to the dependent are not subject to collection of any debts owed by the
deceased Service member to the United States.
10.13.4. Surviving Service Member Spouse. (37 U.S.C. § 403(l)). The allowance in this
paragraph may be paid to a deceased Service member’s spouse even if the spouse is also a Service
member entitled to basic pay. The allowance is paid to the surviving Service member spouse in
addition to any other pay and allowances to which the surviving Service member spouse is
authorized as a Service member. The following payment rules apply: Dual housing-allowance payments are authorized for a surviving
Service member spouse.
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26-64 When any dependents other than a surviving Service member spouse
are involved, the housing allowances are paid in the same manner that was provided for before the
Service member’s death. If the surviving Service member spouse was drawing the without-
dependent housing allowance on the Service member’s date of death, that rate would continue for
365 days. On day 366, the surviving Service member spouse’s housing allowance could change
to the with-dependent rate. If the family vacates Government quarters, the surviving Service
member spouse is paid the housing allowance that would have been paid to the deceased Service
member, as well as the housing allowance to which the surviving Service member spouse is
authorized. In this case, the surviving Service member spouse may determine on whose behalf the
with-dependent and the without-dependent housing allowances are paid. If the deceased Service member was receiving a with-dependent
housing allowance solely for a dependent who may not be claimed by the surviving Service
member spouse, the surviving Service member spouse is only authorized housing allowance
continuation at the without-dependent rate. The remainderthe difference between the with-
dependent and without-dependent ratesis divided equally among the dependents on whose
behalf the deceased Service member was receiving the with-dependent rate.
10.13.5. Rate Defining Location If a Service member with a dependent dies on AD while assigned to a
PDS in the United States, then the housing allowance for the dependent is based on the deceased
Service member’s PDS, regardless of the location where the dependent chooses to reside unless
the dependent is in receipt of a Secretarial waiver. If a Service member with a dependent dies on AD while assigned to a
PDS outside the United States, then the housing allowance for the dependent is based on the
location where the dependent resides, or chooses to reside, in the United States. If the dependent
stays overseas, the housing allowance is based on the OHA rateand the documented costfor
the location where the dependent resides. It then changes to BAH based on the United States
location where the dependent later decides to reside on the date that any dependent arrives there
or the date that all dependents have departed the PDS location, whichever is later. Authority exists
for 365 days after the Service member’s death. If a Service member with a dependent dies on AD and a dependent
resides in Government quarters, then the housing allowance for the dependent is based on the
dependent’s location the day that the Government housing facilities were vacated. That rate
continues for 365 days, less the number of days the Government housing facilities were occupied
following the date of the Service member’s death. If the Government housing was outside the
United States, pay the housing allowance based on the location where the dependent chooses to
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
10.14 Housing Flexibility for Certain Armed Forces Members With-Dependents, Permanent
Change of Station (PCS) Within the United States (37 USC § 403a). Effective for PCS departures
on or after October 1, 2018. (261014)
10.14.1. General. An eligible Armed Forces member with-dependents may be permitted
certain housing flexibility while under a PCS order within the United States during a covered
relocation period (DoDI 1315.18, Enclosure 3, paragraph 10).
10.14.2. Eligibility. An Armed Forces member with-dependents with PCS orders within
the United States that may be authorized housing flexibility under this paragraph is an Armed
Forces member who has one of the following: A spouse who is gainfully employed or enrolled in a degree, certificate
or license granting program at the beginning of the covered relocation period; One or more dependents attending an elementary or secondary school
at the beginning of the covered relocation period; One or more dependents enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member
Program; or An immediate family member with a chronic or long-term illness at the
beginning of the covered relocation period for whom the member is caring.
10.14.3. Covered Relocation Period. The covered relocation period begins 180 days
before the date of the PCS, which is the date the Armed Forces member leaves the current PDS
and ends 180 days after the date of the PCS. The Secretary concerned may lengthen or shorten
the covered relocation period through the Secretarial process based on the needs of the Armed
Forces. See the Housing Flexibility Decision Support Tools.
10.14.4. Expiration. If the Armed Forces member’s eligibility expires for any reason
during the covered relocation period, that period is terminated and housing is paid at the PDS
where the Armed Forces member is assigned at that time. If the Armed Forces member departs
the old PDS, and the persons that are the basis of the eligibility do not arrive at the new PDS within
the covered relocation period, housing allowances are paid at new PDS location rate beginning the
day after the relocation period ends.
10.14.5. Authority. The dependents of an Armed Forces member may perform PCS travel
at a different time than the Armed Forces member once the PCS order has been issued. Unless
otherwise authorized or approved, the Armed Forces member’s housing allowance is based on the
PDS. However, an eligible Armed Forces member may request a housing allowance based on the
dependents location. If authorized or approved through the Secretarial Process for dependents
who relocate in advance or after the Armed Forces member, a housing allowance under this
paragraph may be based on one of the following:
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
26-66 The new PDS; The location the dependents reside when the Armed Forces member
departs for the new PDS (only for the time the dependents reside in that area); or The area of the Armed Forces member’s former PDS, but only if
different than the area the dependent resides.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-1. Types of Housing Allowances
Allowance Description
Paid for housing in the United States. The BAH rate is based on median housing
costs and is paid independently of a Service member’s actual housing costs.
Paid to a Service member assigned to single-type Government quarters and who
qualifies for a BAH solely due to paying sufficient child support.
Paid to offset the raise that was reallocated from basic pay to housing between
1980 and 1981. It is paid when a Service member without a dependent is assigned
to single-type quarters, or is on either field or sea duty, and not authorized to
receive a BAH or an OHA. BAH-Partial is not authorized during proceed time,
leave en route, and travel time on a permanent change of station (PCS) move
unless the member is assigned to single type Government quarters and not
authorized BAH or OHA. The rate is fixed from those years and does not change.
Paid while a Service member is in travel or leave status between PDS, provided the
Service member is not assigned Government quarters. The BAH-Transit rate is
paid during proceed time and authorized delays en route, including a temporary
duty (TDY) en route.
BAH for
Paid when authorized for an RC member called or ordered to AD for 30 or fewer
days, except when called to AD for a contingency. When an RC member is called
to AD for a contingency, even for tours of 30 or fewer days, he or she is authorized
the BAH or OHA rate. The Secretary of Defense establishes BAH-RC rates.
Paid monthly to help offset housing expenses for a Service member or dependent
authorized to live in private-sector leased or owned housing at an assigned
overseas location outside the United States. OHA is based on cost reimbursement.
The amount of OHA paid considers factors, such as whether the housing is shared,
the appropriate utilities (see Section 6.0), and whether the Service member owns or
rents the housing. OHA cannot be paid if there is no rent or purchase expense for
Paid to a Service member with a dependent for added housing expenses resulting
from one of the following:
a. Separation from the dependent when a Service member is assigned to a PDS
b. An assignment in the Continental United States (CONUS) when dependent
travel is delayed or restricted.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-2. Offices That Determine PDS Vicinities
Service or Agency Appropriate Channel
1 Army
Through appropriate personnel and command channels to: HQDA, DCS,
G-1, ATTN: DAPE-PRC, Army Military Advisory Panel Member, Room
2B453, 300 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-0300.
2 Navy
Through appropriate command channels to: Chief of Naval Personnel
(CHNAVPERS (N-130C)), Building 12, Room 3R180, 701 South
Courthouse Road, Arlington, VA 22204-2472.
3 Air Force (USAF)
Through appropriate command channels to: HQ USAF/A1PA, 1500 West
Perimeter Road, Suite 4790, Joint Base Andrews NAF, MD 20762-6604.
Marine Corps
Through appropriate command channels to: Headquarters U.S. Marine
Corps, Manpower and Reserve Affairs (MPO), 3280 Russell Road,
Quantico, VA 22134-5143.
5 Coast Guard (CG)
Directly to: Commandant (CG-1332), U.S. Coast Guard, STOP 7907, 2703
Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20593-7907.
National Oceanic
and Atmospheric
Directly to: Director, Commissioned Personnel Center, NOAA Corps
(ATTN: Military Advisory Panel Member(MAP)), (CPC1),
8403 Colesville Road, Suite 500, Silver Spring, MD 20910-6333.
U.S. Public Health
Service (USPHS)
Directly to: Director, Division of Commissioned Corps Personnel and
Readiness (ATTN: MAP Member), 1101 Wootton Parkway, Plaza Level,
Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20852-1061.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-3. Housing Allowances Rate Determinations
Type Applicable Rate Determination
a. OUSD (P&R) determines adequate housing costs in a MHA for all Service members
authorized BAH. OUSD (P&R) bases the determination for housing allowances upon
the cost of adequate rental housing for civilians with comparable income levels in the
same area.
b. An adjustment in the BAH rates due to an OUSD (P&R) redetermination of housing
costs in an MHA takes effect with the pay raise each year.
c. An MHA is defined geographically by ZIP Code within the United States. Major
military population areas are further identified by a combination of a two-digit code
for the state and a three-digit numerical designation within the state. For small
military population areas, ZIP Codes are aggregated into areas of similar housing cost
and designated as county cost groups.
The BAH-Diff is a fixed rate and is the difference between the with-dependent Basic
Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) rate and the without-dependent BAQ rate as of December
31, 1997 based on the Service member’s grade and increased each year by the average
pay raise percentage.
The BAH-Partial rate is the difference in basic pay between the 1980 and 1981
reallocated pay raises and what those basic pay rates would have been without the raise
reallocation. The rate is statutory and does not change.
The BAH-Transit rate varies depending on the old PDS location and the housing
allowance type received, unless a location-specific rate is payable. The default BAH-
Transit rate is a fixed rate, which is the amount of BAQ on December 31, 1997,
incremented by the average housing allowance increase each year.
The BAH-RC rate for a period of AD for a non-contingency operation of 30 or fewer
days is a fixed rate, which is the BAQ amount on December 31, 1997, incremented by
the average housing allowance increase each year.
a. OUSD (P&R) determines adequate housing costs in a locality for all Service members
authorized OHA by location.
b. OHA rate ceilings are calculated based on data provided by commanders OCONUS
and actual rent data derived from pay systems.
c. The PDS geographic location governs the OHA rate payable unless otherwise
specified. See OHA for how geographic locations are determined.
a. FSH-B is payable in a monthly amount equal to the without-dependent BAH rate for
the same location applicable to the Service member’s grade and PDS.
b. FSH-O is payable in a monthly amount up to the without-dependent OHA rate for the
same location applicable to the Service member’s grade and PDS, and is computed
under the same rules and conditions as OHA.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-4. Date to Start BAH or OHA for a Service Member With a Dependent
If a Service member
then BAH or OHA at the
with-dependent rate begins on the date
enlists, or is called to extended AD and is not
assigned Government quarters for his or herself
and any dependents on that date,
of enlistment or entry on AD.
is appointed to commissioned or warrant officer
status and is not assigned Government quarters
on that date,
AD pay begins.
occupies Government quarters with a dependent
and the quarters assignment ends,
the quarters assignment ends, unless a
dependent continues to occupy the quarters. If
definite quarters assignment was not required,
then BAH or OHA begins the date that quarters
are vacated.
occupies Government quarters with a dependent
and the Service member and dependent depart
the PDS pursuant to a PCS order,
the PCS departure date, unless a dependent
continues to occupy the quarters. If definite
quarters assignment was not required, then
BAH or OHA begins the date that quarters are
continues to occupy Government quarters with a
dependent after the quarters are declared
the quarters are designated inadequate.
acquires a dependent, including a dependent
acquired while on authorized leave, and is not
assigned Government quarters on that date,
the dependent is acquired.*
acquires a dependent while in an unauthorized
absence status and is not assigned Government
quarters for his or herself and dependents on that
the Service member returns to a pay status after
apprehension or surrender. If a change occurs
to the status of a dependent on whose behalf
BAH or OHA existed on the date an
unauthorized absence commenced, a Service
member must reestablish the right to BAH or
8 claims a dependent parent,
determined or approved by authority specified
in subparagraph 3.2.2, as applicable.
claims an individual who has not yet been
determined to be a dependent,
determined or approved by authority specified
in subparagraph 3.2.2, as applicable.
*This applies to the sole dependent of a Service member. It applies to any dependent on whose behalf
a Service member is authorized increased BAH or OHA. BAH or OHA starts with date of the Service
member’s marriage even if the marriage occurs on same day as a divorce. When the biological parents
of an illegitimate child marry, the child becomes a legitimate dependent for BAH or OHA purposes.
Refer also to Table 26-28 and Table 26-29 for rules on when BAH and OHA start and stop when a
Service member acquires a dependent
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-5. Date to Stop Housing Allowances Based on Change in Dependent’s Status
If the sole
then stop the with-dependent
housing allowance at midnight of the day…
1 is divorced,
of the final decree of divorce. This also applies when an affinitive
relationship between a Service member and stepchild ceases due to
divorce from the child’s parent.
is a spouse in a
voidable, but not void
marriage, which is
dissolved by final
annulment decree,
before the date of the decree. No BAH or OHA payment may be made
on or after date of the decree, regardless of credits accrued and not paid.
BAH or OHA paid before the date of decree may be retained. This also
applies when an affinitive relationship between a Service member and
stepchild ceases due to annulment of a marriage.
is a spouse in an
invalid or void
before discovery of marriage invalidity. No housing allowance payment
may be made on or after the date of discovery, regardless of credits
accrued and not paid. Retention of BAH or OHA paid before that time
depends on validation specified under Chapter 12.
becomes of age, except
a child who is incapable
of self-support due to
mental or physical
before the child’s 21st birthday or the 23rd birthday if a full-time
student. See paragraph 3.1 regarding dependents over age 21.
marries, regardless of
age, or mental or
physical incapacity,
of the dependent’s marriage. This applies even when a dependent’s
marriage is to a Service member who is also authorized BAH or OHA
on the dependent’s behalf for that date.
is adopted by a third
party by interlocutory
order or decree that
changed the legal
before date of adoption.*
is adopted by a third
party and a final order
or decree has been
before the date of adoption.
enters military service,
before the day of entry into military service.
stops being dependent
on the Service
before the date that dependency ceases.
of death.
*For determination as to whether the order or decree caused a changed legal relationship, an Army or Air
Force case must be sent to DFAS-IN, a Navy case to DFAS-CL, and a USMC case to Commandant of the
Marine Corps. A case involving a USPHS member must be sent to the Director, Division of Commissioned
Corps Personnel and Readiness, to the attention of “DEERS Determination.”
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-6. Date to Stop BAH or OHAOther Changes
If a Service member then stop BAH or OHA at midnight the day
is furnished Government quarters at the PDS,
adequate for the Service member and any
before quarters are assigned or, if definite
assignment was not made, the day before
occupancy begins.*
is furnished quarters, whether by cash or in
kind, on behalf of the United States, adequate
for the Service member and any dependents,
before quarters are furnished.
and a dependent occupies rehabilitated
Government quarters that were inadequate
but are now designated as adequate,
before the effective date of re-designation as
adequate Government quarters.
is discharged or released from AD,
of discharge or release.
before the retirement effective date.
of death.
*When a dependent is prevented from occupying the assigned quarters due to an order from an
appropriate authority, BAH or OHA continues until transportation is arranged for Household
Goods (HHG) and is available for the dependent (if prompt application is made) plus the normal
travel time for a dependent to reach the Service member’s station using a direct route.
Table 26-7. Army: Unmarried Child Claimed as Dependent
If the child is then
1 under age 23 and a full-time student student determinations are made by the Personnel Officer.
under age 21, even if in the custody
of someone other than the Service
member (divorced spouse, parent)
and either of the following apply:
a. is legitimate or legitimized by
marriage of blood parents,
b. is adopted, the certified court
adoption papers are available,
and the child has no income
from a source other than the
Service member and is
dependent on the Service
member for a substantial
portion of his or her support
the Disbursing Officer or designee makes the determination.
In the case of an Army Reserve Component member, the
initial determination can be made by the Reserve
Component unit commander or servicing Military Personnel
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-7. Army: Unmarried Child Claimed as Dependent (Continued)
If the child is then
a step child under age 21, even if in
the custody of someone other than
the Service member (divorced
spouse, parent), and the Service
member is a Reserve Component
the initial determination can be made by the Reserve
Component unit commander or servicing Military Personnel
Officer. If the Reserve Component unit commander or
servicing Military Personnel Office cannot make a
determination, the claim is sent electronically to DFAS-IN,
Military Pay Operations, (ATTN: JFLAKA), 8899 East
56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46249-0855.
a step child under age 21, even if in
the custody of someone other than
the Service member (divorced
spouse, parent), and both of the
following apply, the:
a. child does not have income
from a source other than the
Service member;
b. Service member is not a
Reserve Component member
the Disbursing Officer or designee makes a determination,
and sends the claim electronically to DFAS through the
website, and go to the Secondary Dependency
Claims (SDC) location. Only if electronic submission is
unavailable may requests be submitted to the U.S mail
address: DFAS-IN, Military Pay Operations (ATTN:
JFLAKA), 8899 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46249-
any other child claimed as a
the claim should be sent electronically to DFAS through the
Ask DFAS website, and go to the Secondary Dependency
Claims (SDC) location. Only if electronic submission is
unavailable may requests be submitted to the U.S mail
address: DFAS-IN, Military Pay Operations (ATTN:
JFLAKA), 8899 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46249-
Table 26-8. Navy: Unmarried Child Claimed as Dependent
If the child is a dependent then
1 age 21 or older,
DFAS-CL makes the determination or DFAS-CL submits the
case to the DOHA. Student determinations are made at the
local Personnel Support Detachment or by the Personnel
Officer for the Navy.
under age 21 and is a stepchild or
adopted child and the child’s
dependency relationship is not
the Disbursing Officer makes the determination.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-8. Navy: Unmarried Child Claimed as Dependent (Continued)
If the child is a dependent then
under age 21 and is a child born
out of wedlock (in other words,
whose parents were not married
to each other at the time of the
child’s birth) and the child’s
dependency relationship is not
the Disbursing Officer makes the determination.
under age 21 and is the child of
the present or former spouse,
the Disbursing Officer or the commanding officer of a
battalion, squadron, or separate detached command makes the
determination. Submit questionable cases to the Navy
CHNAVPERS N130, Military Pay and Compensation.
under age 21, and not covered by
rules 2-4,
the Disbursing Officer or the commanding officer of a
battalion, squadron, or separate detached command makes the
determination. Submit questionable cases to the Navy
CHNAVPERS N130, Military Pay and Compensation.
Table 26-9. Air Force: Unmarried Child Claimed as Dependent
If the child is unmarried and then determinations are made by the
1 a dependent under age 23 and a full-time student,
USAF FSO or his or her designee and the
claim must be sent to DFAS-IN/JFLTBA or
the DOHA* for decision.
under age 21, even if in the custody of someone
other than the Service member, such as a divorced
spouse or parent, and the child is legitimate or
legitimated by marriage of biological parents,
USAF FSO or his or her designee.
under age 21, even if in the custody of someone
other than the Service member, such as a divorced
spouse or parent, and the child:
a. is adopted, the certified court adoption papers
are available,
b. has no income from a source other than the
Service member, and
c. is dependent on the Service member for a
substantial portion of his or her support,
USAF FSO or his or her designee.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-9. Air Force: Unmarried Child Claimed as Dependent (Continued)
If the child is unmarried and then determinations are made by the
under age 21, even if in the custody of someone
other than the Service member, such as a divorced
spouse or parent, and the child:
a. is adopted, the certified court adoption papers
are available,
b. has income from a source other than the
Service member, and
c. is dependent on the Service member for a
substantial portion of his or her support,
d. is an illegitimate child of the spouse, when the
Service member is not the biological parent,
USAF FSO or his or her designee and the
claim must be sent to DFAS-IN/JFLTBA or
the DOHA* for decision.
under age 21, even if in the custody of someone
other than the Service member, such as a divorced
spouse or parent, and the child is:
a. adopted, the certified court adoption papers are
unavailable, and
b. dependent on the Service member for a
substantial portion of his or her support,
USAF FSO or his or her designee and the
claim must be sent to DFAS-IN/JFLTBA or
the DOHA* for a decision. If this is an
interlocutory decree of adoption, case must
be submitted to DFAS-IN for determination.
under age 21, even if in the custody of someone
other than the Service member, such as a divorced
spouse or parent, and the child does not have
income from a source other than the Service
USAF FSO or his or her designee.
under age 21, even if in the custody of someone
other than the Service member, such as a divorced
spouse or parent, and the child has income from a
source other than the Service member,
USAF FSO or his or her designee and the
claim must be sent to DFAS-IN/JFLTBA or
onward to the DOHA* for a decision.
incapable of self-support and is dependent on
Service member for substantial portion of support,
USAF FSO or his or her designee and the
claim must be sent to DFAS-IN/JFLTBA or
onward to the DOHA* for a decision.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-10. USMC: Unmarried Child Claimed as Dependent
If the Service
Member is
and then
1 an officer
the dependent is a
legitimate child,
the commanding officer of a battalion, squadron or
separate detached command, or the Disbursing Officer
makes the determination. Submit questionable cases to
the Commandant of the Marine Corps.
2 an officer
the dependent is a child
born out of wedlock,
the commanding officer of a battalion, squadron or
separate detached command, or the Disbursing Officer
makes the determination. Submit questionable cases to
the Commandant of the Marine Corps.
an officer or
is enlisted
the child is age 21 or
the Commandant of the Marine Corps makes the
determination, including if the dependent is a student.
an officer or
is enlisted
the dependent is a
stepchild or adopted
child and the child’s
relationship is not
either the commanding officer of a battalion, squadron
or separate detached command, the Commandant of the
Marine Corps, or the Disbursing Officer makes the
5 enlisted
the dependent is a child
out of wedlock and the
child’s dependency
relationship is not
the Commandant of the Marine Corps or the Disbursing
Officer makes the determination.
Table 26-11. Determination of Marriage Validity
Service or Agency Appropriate Channel
1 Army and USAF
DFAS-IN, Office of General Counsel, Military & Civilian Pay, 8899 E. 56th
Street, Indianapolis, IN 46249-0160.
2 Navy
DFAS-IN, Office of General Counsel, Military & Civilian Pay, 8899 E. 56th
Street, Indianapolis, IN 46249-0160.
Commandant of the Marine Corps (MFP-1), 2008 Elliot Road, Quantico, VA
4 Coast Guard
Commanding Officer (LGL), Coast Guard Pay and Personnel Center,
Federal Building, 444 S.E. Quincy Street, Topeka, KS 66683-3591.
Director, Commissioned Personnel Center, 8403 Colesville Road, Suite 500,
Silver Spring, MD 20910-6333.
Office of Commissioned Corps Support Services, Attention: Compensation
Branch, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 4-50, Rockville, MD 20857-0001.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-12. Spouse is the Dependent Claimed
Service If the marriage is then
Army lawful,
the Army disbursing officer or designee
makes the determination. In the case of
an Army RC member, the RC unit
commander or servicing Military
Personnel Officer can make the initial
legally questionable, which includes a
common law spouse, those married by proxy
or telephone or within a prohibited period
following a divorce, or a divorce granted by
a foreign country, and purported marriages,
a claim must be submitted through the
chain of command to DFAS-IN, Office
of General Counsel, Military and
Civilian Pay Division, for determination
or to the DOHA*.
Navy lawful,
the Disbursing Officer makes the
Navy of doubtful legality,
a claim must be submitted through the
chain of command to DFAS-IN, Office
of General Counsel, Military and
Civilian Pay Division, for determination
or to the DOHA*.
USAF lawful,
the USAF FSO or designee makes the
legally questionable, which includes a
common law spouse, those married by proxy
or telephone or within a prohibited period
following a divorce, or a divorce granted by
a foreign country, and purported marriages,
a claim must be submitted through the
chain of command to the USAF FSO or
designee for determination; and also
through the chain of command to DFAS-
IN, Office of General Counsel, Military
and Civilian Pay Division, for
determination or to the DOHA*for a
contracted with states or territories by a
legal, civil, or religious ceremony and neither
has been previously married, or one spouse
has been previously married and that
marriage was dissolved by death, final decree
of divorce, or by annulment that did not
prohibit remarriage,
the commanding officer of a battalion
squadron or separate detached command
makes the determination.
legally questionable, which includes a
common law spouse, those married by proxy
or telephone or within a prohibited period
following a divorce, or a divorce granted by
a foreign country, and purported marriages,
the Commandant of the Marine Corps
makes the determination.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-13. Dependent Claimed is a Parent
Service Authority Who Determines Dependency
Army disbursing officer or designee
USAF FSO or designee
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Table 26-14. Conditions for BAH-Partial
If a Service member then the Service member
without a dependent assigned to single-type adequate
Government quarters at the PDS and authorized BAH-Partial is
subsequently sick in a hospital with no PCS involved,
continues to be authorized
BAH-Partial while he or she is
in grade E-6 or below without a dependent is offered an
assignment of adequate Government quarters, or is assigned
Government quarters but elects not to occupy such quarters and
resides in private quarters at own expense,
a. is considered to be assigned
to Government quarters.
b. is not authorized BAH or
c. is authorized BAH-Partial.*
is occupying single-type Government quarters while a
dependent resides in family-type Government quarters,
a. is not authorized BAH or
OHA at the full rate.
b. is authorized BAH-Partial,
provided the family quarters
are not assigned under the
Service member’s eligibility.
married to another Service member, who has no dependents
other than the spouse, is assigned to single type Government
quarters and is not authorized BAH or OHA,
is authorized BAH-Partial
married to another Service member with no dependents other
than the spouse is assigned to family-type Government quarters,
is not authorized BAH-Partial.
without a dependent is single and is assigned to family-type
Government quarters,
is not authorized BAH-Partial.
without a dependent is assigned to Government single-type
quarters (including Government leased quarters) that exceed the
minimum standards of single quarters for the Service member’s
is not authorized BAH-Partial.
without a dependent is confined in a guardhouse, brig, or
correctional barracks who was assigned to single-type
Government quarters before confinement and remains assigned
to such quarters during confinement,
is authorized BAH-Partial
unless forfeiture of allowances
was directed.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-14. Conditions for BAH-Partial (Continued)
If a Service member then the Service member
without a dependent is restrained in a status of arrest in assigned
single-type Government quarters,
a. is not authorized BAH or
OHA; or
b. is authorized BAH-Partial
unless forfeiture of
allowances was directed.
without a dependent is ordered to PCS to confinement in a
guardhouse, brig, correctional barracks, or to additional training
in a retraining or rehabilitation facility and is assigned to certain
quarters therein,
a. is not authorized BAH or
OHA; or
b. is authorized BAH-Partial
unless forfeiture of
allowances was directed.
without a dependent is permanently assigned to a hospital for
treatment and is assigned quarters in the hospital,
is authorized BAH-Partial.
without a dependent is assigned to single-type Government
quarters between PDSs and not authorized BAH or OHA,
is authorized BAH-Partial.
married to another Service member, and neither has other
dependents, is assigned to sea duty and occupies Government
family quarters assigned to the spouse when the ship is in port,
a. is not authorized BAH or
b. is authorized BAH-Partial.
13 is paying child support and receiving BAH-Diff,
a. is not a Service member
without a dependent.
b. bis not authorized BAH-
*See subparagraphs 10.5.1 and 10.1.4 for exceptions.
**This limitation does not apply to members on medical hold or holdover personnel receiving
outpatient medical treatment who have been designated as requiring a live-in non-medical
attendant. The Service determines the housing standards for such personnel based on medical
condition, treatment, non-medical attendant, and other relevant factors
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-15. Special BAH-Partial for Navy Barracks Privatization Test
Location Housing Type Occupied
1, 2006
San Diego,
existing dormitory-style unaccompanied housing:
a. double occupancy
b. single occupancy
1, 2013
San Diego,
Pacific Beacon market-style housing:
a. double occupancy
b. single occupancy
April 1,
Hampton Roads,
existing unaccompanied housing
new construction, privatized housing (two bedroom,
two bath market style)
*Including Hampton/Newport News and Norfolk/Portsmouth MHAs
Table 26-16. Locations Approved for a Temporary BAH Rate Increase
Authorized Location Effective Date Termination Date
None Listed
Note: For the most current locations, see the Temporary BAH Rate Increase Approved Location
table on DTMO website.
Table 26-17. Effect of Changes During Temporary Rate Increase Period on BAH
If a Service member receiving a
temporary BAH rate increase
then the Service member must
1 is promoted,
certify that housing costs exceed the standard BAH rate
for the higher grade. Without certification, the standard
BAH rate for the higher grade applies.
2 is demoted,
certify that housing costs exceed the standard BAH rate
for the lower grade. Without certification, the standard
BAH rate for the lower grade applies.
has a dependency change,
recertify housing costs to compare applicable rates.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-18. OHA Unique Expense Locations
Location Expense Effective Date
France Mandatory Habitation Tax, excluding late payment fees August 16, 2016
2 Denmark
Mandatory expenses associated with completely
refurbishing quarters upon departure
October 10, 2017
Note: For the most current approved locations and expenses, see the
OHA Unique Expenses-Approved Locations table on the DTMO website.
Table 26-19. Maximum OHA Rental Allowance
Rent Eligibility Allowable Rent
Service member with-
the amount is the lesser of the Service member’s reported rent
or the maximum allowable rent for the Service member’s grade
at the PDS locality.
Service member without-
the amount is the lesser of the Service member’s reported rent
or 90% of the maximum allowable rent for the Service
member’s grade at the PDS locality.
Table 26-20. Climate Code Utility Points
Code 3 – Hot
Code 2 – Moderate
Code 1 Cold
Air Conditioning
Trash Disposal
Table 26-21. Utility and Recurring Maintenance Allowance Payment Percentage
Total Utility Points
Applicable Percentage
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-22. OHA Computation Procedure
Directions (See DD 2367) and utility and recurring maintenance allowance
1 Determine the Service member’s monthly rent as specified in the paragraph 6.2.
Using the appropriate locality table, find the rental allowance for the Service member’s specific
locality code and grade. For a Service member without-dependent, multiply the with-dependent rate
by 90 percent. If rent includes:
a. all utilities (block 7b checked on DD 2367), add the full utility and recurring maintenance
allowance to the maximum rental allowance.
b. some but not all utilities (block 7c checked on DD 2367), add the amount computed in Step 3 to
the maximum rental allowance.
Locate the utility and recurring maintenance allowance from the locality table. Use the rules specified
in paragraph 6.3 to determine the utility amount allowed based on the amount of utilities included in
the rent, if any. Rent includes:
a. all utilities (block 7b checked on DD 2367). The Service member receives no separate utility and
recurring maintenance allowance; however, this allowance is added to the rental allowance
determined in Step 2.
b. no utilities (block 7a checked on DD 2367). A Service member with a dependent who is not a
sharer receives the full utility and recurring maintenance allowance. A Service member without-
dependent who is not a sharer receives 75% of the with-dependent utility and recurring
maintenance allowance. A sharer, with or without a dependent, receives a prorated share of the
utility and recurring maintenance allowance.
c. some utilities (block 7c checked on DD 2367). Determine the “Climate Code” from the
applicable OHA locality table. Use the “Climate Code” and “Utility Point Score” tables to
determine the percentage of utility and recurring maintenance allowance payment. The amount
the Service member does not receive is added to the maximum rental allowance determined in
Step 2.
Compare the monthly rent computed in Step 1 with the rental allowance determined in steps 2 and 3.
If the rent in Step 1 is:
a. less than the rental allowance in steps 2 and 3, then rent in Step 1 is used to compute OHA.
b. greater than the rental allowance calculated in steps 2 and 3, then the rental allowance calculated
in steps 2 and 3 is used to compute OHA.
See OHA computation examples
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-23. Types of MIHA Payments
The MIHA/Miscellaneous amount indicated on the OHA locality tables is based
on expenses a Service member typically incurs associated when moving into
privately leased or owned dwellings. MIHA specifies reportable and non-
reportable MIHA/Miscellaneous expenses. The OHA Calculator specifies the
amount payable. Only one payment is authorized at a PDS unless otherwise
specified in this paragraph.
2 MIHA/Rent
Homeowners are ineligible. MIHA/Rent covers all reasonable rent-related
expenses. These are fixed, one-time, nonrefundable charges levied on behalf of
the landlord or a foreign government that the Service member must pay before or
upon occupying a dwelling. All unreasonable expenditures, as determined by the
AO, must be disallowed. The following are not included in MIHA/Rent:
a. Expenses deferred until lease termination, such as a real estate agent fee, a
redecoration fee if paid up-front, or a one-time lease tax.
b. Advance rental payments, refundable deposits, or recurring costs.
MIHA/Security covers reasonable security related expenses for a Service member
assigned to an area where dwellings require modification to minimize terrorist or
criminal threat. See MIHA for MIHA-Security locations
Effective December 7, 2016, MIHA/Infectious Disease covers reasonable
upgrades to the physical dwelling to prevent the spread of infectious disease, such
as window or door screens, when the dwelling requires modification to minimize
exposure to medical threats related to mosquito-transmitted diseases. See MIHA
for MIHA Infectious Disease locations.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-24. MIHA/Miscellaneous Expense Items
Expense Type Description
Expense Item
a. Cabinets (for example, kitchen, medicine, bathroom).
b. Plumbing and plumbing installation, hookups.
c. Gas or electrical installation.
d. Supplementary heating equipment.
e. Painting, papering, and plastering (upon arrival only).
f. Light fixtures, permanently installed.
g. Wardrobes.
h. Shelving.
i. Telephone installation.
j. Range, refrigerator, freezer, washer, or dryer.
k. Air conditioners, dehumidifiers, fans.
l. Screening.
m. Transformers and voltage regulators.
n. Commodes and sinks, when ordinarily not furnished.
o. Burglar alarm, security bars, and supplementary door locks, when locally
p. Water purification filters, when locally required.
q. Pest fumigation, if required when housing is first occupied, otherwise
include in
r. Recurring maintenance expenses.
s. Repair of drain pipes and gutters.
Expense Items
a. Rugs, carpets, curtains, and drapes.
b. Lawn and gardening maintenance expenses.
c. Dishwashers, microwave ovens, and other small, personal appliances.
d. Televisions, cable TV installation, antennas, and similar expenses.
e. Any recoverable deposit, such as a security deposit.
f. Lightbulbs.
g. Taxes of any kind, unless specifically required by the lease.
h. Fencing, yard-related items.
i. Any personal labor costs.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-25. Conditions Affecting FSH
When an eligible Service member Then FSH
1 arrives at a PDS outside the CONUS,
starts when private-sector housing
is acquired.
2 departs upon reassignment from a PDS OCONUS,
continues through whichever day
occurs first, the day:
a. before the Service member
departs on a PCS.
b. the Service member’s lease
3 no longer has an eligible dependent,
continues through the day before
the date that the Service member
no longer has an eligible
4 is assigned Government quarters,
continues through the day before
the day that Government quarters
become available for assignment.
5 enters a non-pay status,
continues through the day before
the date that the Service member
enters the non-pay status.
is in one of the following statuses for 60 or fewer days:
a. on a TDY away from the Service member’s PDS,
including a TDY in the United States,
b. hospitalized at or away from PDS, including
hospitalization in the United States,
c. on authorized leave, whether accrued or advance, at or
away from the PDS, including leave in the United
d. military confinement or otherwise restricted by
military authority,
continues for 60 or fewer days
without a certificate from the
Service member that he or she
maintained private-sector housing
at the PDS.
is in one of the following statuses for 61 or more days:
a. on a TDY away from the Service member’s PDS,
including a TDY in the United States,
b. hospitalized at or away from PDS, including
hospitalization in the United States,
c. on authorized leave, whether accrued or advance, at or
away from the PDS, including leave in the United States,
d. in military confinement or otherwise restricted by
military authority,
continues if payment is supported
by the Service member’s
certification that the Service
member maintained private-
sector housing at the PDS.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-26. BAH or OHA Accrual for Service Member Without-Dependent Entitled to Basic
If a Service member is then BAH or OHA accrues
1 assigned to a PDS,
a. while on a short period of special alert duty during
which the Service member is furnished sleeping
accommodations at the PDS where Government
quarters are unavailable for assignment.
b. while on a short training period during which, due
to military necessity, the Service member is
furnished sleeping accommodations at the PDS
where Government quarters are unavailable for
initially assigned to AD and is on a TDY at
other than indoctrination or basic training
location pending receipt of an order
designating a PDS to which the Service
member is to report upon TDY
when Government quarters are not available for
assignment and per diem is not payable.
3 in the accession pipeline,
between the initial TDY and the initial PDS. An RC
member is authorized BAH or OHA based on the
primary residence location at the time called or
ordered to AD while attending accession training. See
paragraph 10.10 for transit rules.
ordered home or to a place other than a
military organization awaiting another
order in connection with Physical
Evaluation Board proceedings,
on and after the departure day from the hospital or old
PDS through the discharge day, or day before
retirement effective date.
ordered to report for a TDY in connection
with the fitting out or conversion of a ship,
then to permanent duty aboard the same
ship when placed in commission,
if the Service member is not assigned to Government
quarters at the old PDS or aboard ship (the new PDS),
but BAH or OHA does not accrue if the Service
member is assigned to Government quarters at the old
PDS or aboard ship (the new PDS).
6 on field duty and no PCS is involved,
if the Service member is receiving BAH or OHA at
the PDS, but BAH or OHA does not accrue if
assigned or occupying Government quarters at the
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-26. BAH or OHA Accrual for Service Member Without-Dependent Entitled to Basic
Pay (Continued)
If a Service member is Then BAH or OHA accrues
7 assigned to PCS to a unit on field duty,
if the commander certifies that the Service member
was required to procure Government quarters at
personal expense at the initial field duty site, but BAH
or OHA does not accrue for the initial field duty in
progress at the time of the PCS, unless the Service
member is required to procure quarters at personal
expense at the field duty site.
being treated at hospital TDY en route
during a PCS,
if the Service member is not assigned Government
quarters, but BAH or OHA does not accrue if the
Service member is assigned Government quarters in
the hospital.
assigned to PCS directly to a hospital for
if the Service member is not assigned Government
quarters, but BAH or OHA does not accrue if the
Service member is assigned Government quarters in
the hospital.
in travel status during a PCS, including a
non-travel status under a permissive
travel authorization, a TDY en route,
leave en route, and proceed time,
if the Service member is not assigned Government
quarters while at the old or new PDS, but BAH or
OHA does not accrue if the Service member is
assigned Government quarters while at the old or new
assigned PCS and is on authorized leave
or duty at the old or new PDS,
if the Service member is not assigned Government
quarters while at the old or new PDS, but BAH or
OHA does not accrue if the Service member is
assigned Government quarters while at the old or new
assigned PCS and is on authorized leave
or duty at the old or new PDS,
if the Service member is not assigned Government
quarters while at the old or new PDS, but BAH or
OHA does not accrue for the Government quarters
occupancy period not due to a PCS.
training for, attending, or participating in
Pan Am or Olympic games, or any other
international amateur sports competition,
if not furnished quarters by the Government or by an
agency sponsoring the Service member’s
participation, but BAH or OHA does not accrue if
furnished quarters by the Government or by an agency
sponsoring participation.
a medical officer on AD in an intern or
resident physician status at a state,
county, municipal, or private hospital,
if not furnished Government quarters without charge,
but BAH or OHA does not accrue if furnished quarters
without charge by the hospital. Such Government
quarters are considered furnished on behalf of the
United States.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-26. BAH or OHA Accrual for Service Member Without-Dependent Entitled to Basic
Pay (Continued)
If a Service member is then BAH or OHA accrues
a Nurse Corps officer or Nurse Corps
candidate attending a course of
instruction or affiliation with a state,
county, municipal, or private hospital,
if not furnished Government quarters without charge,
but BAH or OHA does not accrue if furnished
quarters without charge by the hospital. Such
Government quarters are considered furnished on
behalf of the United States
a student training on a fellowship,
scholarship, or grant,
if not furnished Government quarters by the college,
university, or research facility, but BAH or OHA
does not accrue if furnished Government quarters by
the college, university, or research facility. Such
quarters are considered furnished on behalf of the
United States.
in a hospital or on sick leave from a
hospital and a PCS is not involved,
continues if the Service member is receiving BAH or
OHA at the PDS.
Table 26-27. BAH or OHA for a Service Member Entitled to Basic Pay With-Dependent
If a Service member is Then BAH or OHA
in a duty status or on
authorized leave status
not due to a PCS
(includes accrued,
advanced, or
convalescent leave),
a. authorization continues when he or she is authorized BAH or OHA
at the PDS.
b. is not authorized when he or she is not authorized BAH or OHA at
the PDS.
not authorized BAH or
OHA at the PDS,
is not authorized.
in a duty, travel, or leave
status due to a PCS,
including a TDY en
route, and such status is
under a permissive travel
authorization, *
is authorized unless permanent Government quarters are assigned or
on a TDY not due to a
PCS, including when the
status is under a
permissive travel
authorization continues as long as the PDS remains unchanged when
he or she is authorized BAH or OHA at the PDS, except as restricted
by paragraph 8.2.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-27. BAH or OHA for a Service Member Entitled to Basic Pay With-Dependent
If a Service member is then BAH or OHA
absent due to disease (as
distinguished from
injury) from alcohol or
drugs, causing loss of
a. authorization continues when he or she is authorized BAH or OHA
at the PDS.
b. is not authorized when he or she is not authorized BAH or OHA at
the PDS. However, if quarters assignment at the PDS ends during
an absence, BAH or OHA accrues on and after the end date.
home on a PCS awaiting
further orders in
connection with physical
evaluation board
authorization continues until the Service member’s retirement or
*Includes status under a permissive travel authorization.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-28. Changes in BAH or OHA When a Service Member Assigned in the CONUS
Acquires a Dependent
If a dependent is
And Government
quarters are
in the CONUS,
Alaska, or Hawaii
(BAH area) and at or
near the PDS
a. available for the
Service member,
start BAH at the with-dependent rate based
on the PDS as of the date the dependent is
in the CONUS,
Alaska, or Hawaii
(BAH area) and at or
near the PDS
b. not available for the
Service member,
(1) stop BAH at the without-dependent rate
the day before the dependent is
(2) start BAH at the with-dependent rate
based on the PDS as of the date the
dependent is acquired.
in the CONUS,
Alaska, or Hawaii
(BAH area) and not at
or near the PDS
a. available for the
Service member,
start BAH at the with-dependent rate based
on the PDS as of the date the dependent is
in the CONUS,
Alaska, or Hawaii
(BAH area) and not at
or near the PDS
b. not available for the
Service member,
(1) stop the allowance at the without-
dependent rate the day before the
dependent is acquired.
(2) start BAH at the with-dependent rate
based on the PDS as of the date the
dependent is acquired.
outside the CONUS,
Alaska, or Hawaii
(OHA area) and at or
near the PDS
a. available for the
Service member,
start BAH at the with-dependent rate based
on the PDS as of the date the dependent is
outside the CONUS,
Alaska, or Hawaii
(OHA area) and at or
near the PDS
b. not available for the
Service member,
(1) stop the allowance at the without-
dependent rate the day before the
dependent is acquired.
(2) start BAH at the with-dependent-rate
based on the PDS as of the date the
dependent is acquired.
outside the CONUS,
Alaska, or Hawaii
(OHA area) and not at
or near the PDS
a. available for the
Service member,
start BAH at the with-dependent rate based
on the PDS as of the date the dependent is
outside the CONUS,
Alaska, or Hawaii
(OHA area) and not at
or near the PDS
b. not available for the
Service member,
(1) stop the allowance at the without-
dependent rate the day before the
dependent is acquired.
(2) start BAH at the with-dependent rate
based on the PDS as of the date the
dependent is acquired.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-29. Changes in BAH or OHA When a Service Member Assigned OCONUS Acquires a
If a dependent
is located
And Government
quarters are
in the CONUS,
Alaska, or
Hawaii (BAH
area) and at or
near the PDS
a. available for the
Service member,
start BAH at the with-dependent rate based on the
PDS as of the date the dependent is acquired.
in the CONUS,
Alaska, or
Hawaii (BAH
area) and at or
near the PDS
b. not available for the
Service member,
(1) stop BAH at the without-dependent rate as of the
day before the dependent is acquired.
(2) start BAH at the with-dependent rate based on the
PDS as of the date the dependent is acquired.
in the CONUS,
Alaska, or
Hawaii (BAH
area) and not at
or near the PDS
a. available for the
Service member,
start BAH at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location as of the date the dependent is
in the CONUS,
Alaska, or
Hawaii (BAH
area) and not at
or near the PDS
b. not available for the
Service member,
(1) stop BAH at the without-dependent rate the day
before the dependent is acquired.
(2) start BAH at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location on the date the dependent is
(3) start FSH-B or FSH-O based on the PDS on the
date the dependent is acquired.
outside the
Alaska, or
Hawaii (OHA
area) and at or
near the PDS
a. available for the
Service member,
start OHA, based on the PDS the date the dependent
is acquired.
outside the
Alaska, or
Hawaii (OHA
area) and at or
near the PDS
b. not available for the
Service member,
(1) start OHA at the with-dependent rate based on
the PDS the date the dependent is acquired.
(2) stop the without-dependent allowance on the day
before the dependent is acquired.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-29. Changes in BAH or OHA When a Service Member Assigned OCONUS Acquires
a Dependent (Continued)
If a dependent
is located
And Government
quarters are…
outside the
Alaska, or
Hawaii (OHA
area) and not at
or near the PDS
a. available for the
Service member,
start OHA at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location on the date the dependent is
outside the
Alaska, or
Hawaii (OHA
area) and not at
or near the PDS
b. not available for the
Service member,
(1) start OHA at the with-dependent rate based on
the dependent’s location on the date the
dependent is acquired.
(2) stop the without-dependent allowance on the day
before the dependent is acquired.
(3) start FSH-B or FSH-O based on the PDS on the
date the dependent is acquired.
Table 26-30. FSH EligibilityService Member Assigned to a PDS OCONUS
If then
the dependent resides in the PDS vicinity
an FSH is not authorized and the Service
member is only authorized the with-dependent
housing allowance based on the PDS OCONUS.
single-type Government quarters are not
available for a Service member assigned to a
PDS OCONUS and the dependent does not
reside in the PDS vicinity,
FSH is also authorized.
a Service member assigned to a PDS OCONUS
is residing in private-sector quarters, and single-
type Government quarters are available at the
Service member’s PDS OCONUS,
FSH is not authorized.
a Service member is assigned to a PDS in the
FSH is not authorized unless the Service member
is assigned to a PDS to which dependent travel is
delayed or restricted (see JTR, Chapter 5).
a dependent visits a Service member at a PDS
OCONUS for 90 or fewer days,
there are no changes to allowances.
a dependent visits a Service member at a PDS
OCONUS for 91 or more days,
it is no longer a visit, but a change of the
dependent’s permanent residence. The with-
dependent allowance is then based on the PDS
location. FSH, if being paid, stops.
a dependent’s permanent residence had changed
due to a visit exceeding 90 days and the
dependent departs the PDS area after with-
dependent allowances are changed and FSH
the with-dependent allowance and FSH
previously authorized are reinstated as of the
dependent’s departure date.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-31. Dependent Visits Service Member who is Serving an Unaccompanied or Dependent-
Restricted Tour
If Government quarters are
available and the dependent visits
1 for 90 or fewer days, there is no change to the allowance.
2 for 91 or more days,
a. stop the with-dependent allowance based on the
dependent’s location on the 90th day.
b. start the with-dependent allowance based on the PDS on
the 91st day.
for 91 or more days, and later
departs the PDS after the 91st day
to take up residence elsewhere,
a. stop the with-dependent allowance based on the
dependent’s location on the 90th day.
b. start the with-dependent allowance based on the PDS on
the 91st day.
c. stop the with-dependent allowance based on the PDS on
the day before the dependent departs.
d. reinstate the with-dependent allowance based on the
dependent’s location as of the departure day.
If Government quarters are not
available and the dependent
4 or 90 or fewer days,
start FSH based on the PDS as of the date private-sector
housing is acquired at the PDS.
5 for 91 or more days,
a. stop the with-dependent allowance based on the
dependent’s location on the 90th day.
b. stop FSH on the 90th day.
c. start with-dependent BAH or OHA based on the PDS on
the 91st day.
for 91 or more days, and later
departs the PDS after the 91st day
to take up residence elsewhere,
a. stop the with-dependent allowance based on the
dependent’s location on the 90th day.
b. stop FSH on the 90th day.
c. start with-dependent BAH or OHA based on the PDS on
the 91st day.
d. stop BAH or OHA based on the PDS on the day before
the dependent departs.
e. reinstate the with-dependent allowance based on the
dependent’s location and FSH as of the departure day.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-32. Dependent Retains Permanent Residence When Service Member Assigned to
Unaccompanied or Dependent-Restricted Tour at a PDS OCONUS or “Unusually Arduous Sea
Duty” Outside the United States
If the dependent retains the
permanent residence in the
United States and
remains at the Service member’s
old PDS,
continue to pay BAH based on the old PDS.
is at a U.S. location other than the
old PDS, and the Service member is
receiving BAH based on a
Secretarial waiver,
continue the BAH previously being paid.
is at a U.S. location other than the
old PDS that is not a location for
which the Service member had a
Secretarial waiver,
stop old PDS-based BAH the day before the Service
member’s departure. Pay BAH-Transit starting on the
Service member’s departure day until the day before the
Service member’s reporting day at the new PDS. Start BAH
based on the dependent’s location the day the Service
member arrives at the new PDS.
If the dependent retains the
permanent residence outside the
United States and
remains at the Service member’s
old PDS,
continue to pay OHA based on the old PDS.
is at a location OCONUS other than
the old PDS and the Service
member is receiving OHA based on
a Secretarial waiver,
continue the OHA previously paid.
is at a location OCONUS other than
the old PDS that is not a location
for which the Service member had a
Secretarial waiver,
stop OHA the day before the Service member’s departure.
Pay BAH-Transit starting on the Service member’s departure
day until the day before the Service member’s reporting day
at the new PDS. Start OHA based on the dependent’s
location the day the Service member arrives at the new PDS.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-33. Dependent Relocates When Service Member Assigned to Unaccompanied or
Dependent-Restricted Tour at a PDS OCONUS or “Unusually Arduous Sea Duty” Outside the
United States
If the dependent and then
relocates the
residence from the
United States to
another location in
the United States
at Government
travels with the
start BAH based on the dependent’s location, the day one or more
dependents arrive at the new residence location and stop BAH-
Transit the day before the dependent arrives.
relocates the
residence from the
United States to
another location in
the United States
at Government
travels after the
a. stop BAH based on the old PDS the day before the Service
member departs.
b. start BAH-Transit the day the Service member departs and pay
it through the day before the Service member’s reporting day at
the new PDS.
c. start BAH based on the old PDS, the day the Service member
reports to the new PDS and continue it until the day before the
dependent arrives at the new residence location.
d. start BAH based on the dependent’s location, the day one or
more dependents arrive at the new residence location.
relocates the
residence at
expense from
outside the United
States to the
United States
travels in
advance of the
start BAH based on the dependent’s location, the day one or more
dependents arrive at the new residence location. OHA based on
the old PDS or BAH-Transit continues through the day before the
dependent arrives.
relocates the
residence at
expense from
outside the United
States to the
United States
travels with the
a. stop OHA the day before the Service member departs.
b. start BAH-Transit on the day the Service member departs and
continue it through the day before the dependent arrives at the
new location.
c. start BAH based on the dependent’s location, the day one or
more dependents arrive at the new residence location.
relocates the
residence at
expense from
outside the United
States to the
United States
travels after the
a. stop OHA based on the old PDS, the day before the Service
member departs.
b. start BAH-Transit the day the Service member departs and
continue it through the day before the Service member’s
reporting date at the new PDS.
c. start OHA based on the old PDS, the day the Service member
reports to the new PDS and continue it until the day before the
dependent departs.
d. start BAH based on the dependent’s location, the day one or
more dependents arrive at the new residence location.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-33. Dependent Relocates when Service Member Assigned to Unaccompanied or
Dependent-Restricted Tour at a PDS OCONUS or “Unusually Arduous Sea Duty” Outside the
United States (Continued)
If the dependent and then
relocates the
residence at
expense from a
location outside
the United States
to another
location outside
the United States
travels in
advance of the
start OHA based on the dependent’s location, the day the
dependent incurs permanent lodging costs at the new residence.
OHA based on the old PDS or BAH-Transit continues through
the day before OHA based on the dependent’s location begins.
relocates the
residence at
expense from a
location outside
the United States
to another
location outside
the United States
travels with
the Service
a. stop OHA based on the old PDS the day before the Service
member departs.
b. start BAH-Transit the day the Service member departs the
old PDS.
c. start OHA based on the dependent’s location, the day the
dependent incurs permanent lodging costs at the new
residence location.
d. stop BAH-Transit the day before OHA based on the
dependent’s location begins.
relocates the
residence at
expense from a
location outside
the United States
to another
location outside
the United States
travels after
the Service
a. stop OHA based on the old PDS, the day before the Service
member departs.
b. start BAH-Transit the day the Service member departs and
continue it through the day before the Service member’s
reporting day at the new PDS.
c. start OHA based on the old PDS, the day the Service
member reports to the new PDS and continue it until the day
before the dependent departs.
d. start OHA based on the dependent’s location, the day the
dependent starts incurring permanent lodging costs at the
new residence location.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-33. Dependent Relocates when Service Member Assigned to Unaccompanied or
Dependent-Restricted Tour at a PDS OCONUS or “Unusually Arduous Sea Duty” Outside the
United States (Continued)
If the dependent and then
relocates the
residence at
expense from the
United States to a
location outside
the United States
travels in
advance of the
start OHA based on the dependent’s location, the day the
dependent incurs permanent lodging costs at the new residence
location. BAH based on the old PDS, or BAH-Transit
continues through the day before OHA based on the
dependent’s location begins.
relocates the
residence at
expense from the
United States to a
location outside
the United States
travels with
the Service
a. stop BAH based on the old PDS, the day before the Service
member departs.
b. start BAH-Transit the day the Service member departs the
old PDS.
c. start OHA based on the dependent’s location, the day the
dependent incurs permanent lodging costs at the new
residence location.
d. stop BAH-Transit the day before OHA based on the
dependent’s location begins.
relocates the
residence at
expense from the
United States to a
location outside
the United States
travels after
the Service
a. stop BAH based on the old PDS, the day before the Service
member departs.
b. start BAH-Transit on the day the Service member departs
and continue it through the day before the Service member’s
reporting day at the new PDS.
c. start BAH based on the old PDS, the day the Service
member reports to the new PDS.
d. start OHA based on the dependent’s location, the day the
dependent starts incurring permanent lodging costs at the
new residence location.
e. stop BAH based on the old PDS, the day before OHA based
on the dependent’s location begins.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-33. Dependent Relocates when Service Member Assigned to Unaccompanied or
Dependent-Restricted Tour at a PDS OCONUS or “Unusually Arduous Sea Duty” Outside the
United States (Continued)
If the dependent and then
relocates the
residence at
personal expense
while the Service
member is serving
an unaccompanied
or dependent
restricted tour,
moves to
an OHA
pay the rate for where the dependent retains the permanent residence
(in or outside the United States) through the day before a dependent
arrives at the new permanent residence location. OHA authority at
the rate applicable to the new permanent residence location begins
the day a dependent arrives at that location.
relocates the
residence at
personal expense
while the Service
member is serving
an unaccompanied
or dependent
restricted tour,
continue BAH based on the rate for the previously authorized
location—either the old PDS or the dependent’s location—before
the move.
relocates the
residence at
personal expense
while the Service
member is serving
an unaccompanied
or dependent
restricted tour,
from a
d place
the United
area) to a
discontinue OHA based on the previously authorized location the
day before the dependent departs. Start BAH based on the new
permanent residence location, the day a dependent arrives at that
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-34. Changes When Government Defers Dependent Travel to Duty Station OCONUS
If and then
the expected
travel delay is
at least 61
days but less
than 20 weeks,
the dependent
did not
relocate at
within 60
days of
being given
n to travel
to the PDS
a. continue the with-dependent allowance based on the old PDS
upon the Service member’s departure.
b. start FSH-O or FSH-B the day private-sector housing is
acquired at the new PDS.
c. stop FSH the day before the dependent arrives.
d. stop the with-dependent allowance based on the old PDS the
day before the dependent arrives.
e. start OHA or BAH in Alaska or Hawaii at the with-
dependent rate on the dependent’s arrival date.
the expected
travel delay is
at least 61
days but less
than 20 weeks,
the dependent
did not
relocate at
does not
within 60
days of
being given
n to travel
to the PDS
a. continue the with-dependent allowance, based on the old PDS
upon the Service member’s departure.
b. start FSH-O or FSH-B the day private-sector housing is
acquired at the new PDS.
c. stop FSH at 24:00 on the 60th day from the date travel is
authorized to begin.
d. change the with-dependent allowance to the rate based on the
new PDS on the 61st day.
the expected
travel delay is
20 or more
weeks, the
dependent did
not relocate at
within 60
days of
being given
n to travel
to the PDS
a. continue the with-dependent allowance based on the old PDS
upon the Service member’s departure.
b. start FSH-O or FSH-B the day private-sector housing is
acquired at the new PDS.
c. stop FSH and the with-dependent allowance the day before the
dependent arrives.
d. start OHA, or BAH in Alaska or Hawaii, at the with-
dependent rate the day the dependent arrives at the Service
member’s PDS.
the expected
travel delay is
at least 61
days but less
than 20 weeks,
the dependent
did not
relocate at
does not
within 60
days of
being given
n to travel
to the PDS
a. continue the with-dependent allowance based on the old PDS,
upon the Service member’s departure.
b. start FSH-O or FSH-B the day private-sector housing is
acquired at the new PDS.
c. stop FSH-O or FSH-B at 24:00 on the 60th day from the date
travel is authorized to begin.
d. change the with-dependent allowance to the rate based on the
new PDS on the 61st day.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-34. Changes When Government Defers Dependent Travel to Duty Station OCONUS
If and then
dependent is
relocated at
arrives within
60 days of
being given
to travel to
the PDS
a. rate of the old PDS to the rate of the designated location, the
day the dependent arrives at the designated location.
b. start FSH-O or FSH-B the day private-sector housing is
acquired at the PDS.
c. stop FSH the day before the dependent arrives.
d. stop the with-dependent allowance, based on the dependent’s
location, the day before the dependent arrives at the Service
member’s PDS.
e. start OHA, or BAH in Alaska or Hawaii, at the with-
dependent rate the day the dependent arrives at the Service
member’s PDS.
dependent is
relocated at
does not
arrive within
60 days of
being given
to travel to
the PDS
a. change the rate of the with-dependent allowance from the rate
of the old PDS to the rate of the designated location, the day
the dependent arrives at the designated location.
b. start FSH-O or FSH-B the day private-sector housing is
acquired at the new PDS.
c. stop FSH-O or FSH-B at 24:00 on the 60th day from the date
travel is authorized to begin.
d. change the with-dependent allowance from the rate of the old
PDS to the rate of the new PDS on the 61st day.
Table 26-35. Government Defers Dependent’s Travel to PDS in the CONUS for 139 or Fewer
Days and Old PDS is in the United States
If the dependent is not relocated
at Government expense and
arrives within 60 days of travel
a. upon the Service member’s departure, continue the with-
dependent allowance based on the old PDS.
b. start FSH-B the day private-sector housing is acquired at the
new PDS.
c. stop FSH the day before the dependent arrives.
d. stop the with-dependent allowance based on the old PDS
the day before the dependent arrives.
e. start BAH at the with-dependent rate the day the
dependent arrives at the Service member’s PDS.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-35. Government Defers Dependent’s Travel to PDS in the CONUS for 139 or Fewer
Days and Old PDS is in the United States (Continued)
If the dependent is not relocated
at Government expense and
does not arrive within 60 days of
travel authorization,
a. upon the Service member’s departure, continue the with-
dependent allowance based on the old PDS.
b. start FSH-B the day private-sector housing is acquired at the
new PDS.
c. stop FSH at 24:00 on the 60th day from the date travel is
authorized to begin.
d. change the with-dependent allowance from being based on
the old PDS to being based on the new PDS on the 61st day.
Table 26-36. Government Defers Dependent’s Travel to PDS in the CONUS When the Old PDS
is Outside the United States or the Old PDS is in the United States and the Expected Travel Delay
is 140 or More Days (20 Weeks)
If the dependent is not relocated
at Government expense, and
arrives within 60 days of travel
a. upon the Service member’s departure, continue the with-
dependent allowance based on the old PDS.
b. start FSH-B on the day private-sector housing is acquired at
the new PDS.
c. stop FSH on the day before dependent arrival.
d. stop the with-dependent allowance based on the old PDS on
the day before the dependent arrives.
e. start BAH at the with-dependent rate as of the day the
dependent arrives at the Service member’s PDS.
does not arrive within 60 days of
travel authorization
a. upon the Service member’s departure, continue the with-
dependent allowance based on the old PDS.
b. start FSH-B on the date private-sector housing is acquired at
the PDS.
c. stop FSH-B at 24:00 on the 60th day from the date travel is
authorized to begin.
d. change the with-dependent allowance from being based on
the old PDS to being based on the new PDS on the 61st day.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-36. Government Defers Dependent’s Travel to PDS in the CONUS When the Old PDS
is Outside the United States or the Old PDS is in the United States and the Expected Travel Delay
is 140 or More Days (20 Weeks) (Continued)
If the dependent is not relocated at
Government expense, and
Arrives within 60 days of travel
a. change the rate of the with-dependent allowance from the
rate of the old PDS to the rate of the designated location,
the day the dependent arrives at the designated location.
b. start FSH-B the day private-sector housing is acquired at
the new PDS.
c. stop FSH-B at 24:00 on the 60th day from the date travel
is authorized to begin.
d. stop the with-dependent allowance based on the
dependent’s location, the day before the dependent arrives
at the Service member’s PDS.
e. start BAH at the with-dependent rate for the Service
member’s PDS the day the dependent arrives at the
Service member’s PDS.
does not arrive within 60 days of
travel authorization
a. change the rate of the with-dependent allowance from the
rate of the old PDS to the rate of the designated location,
the day the dependent arrives at the designated location.
b. start FSH-B the day private-sector housing is acquired at
the new PDS.
c. stop FSH-B at 24:00 on the 60th day from the date travel
is authorized to begin.
d. change the with-dependent allowance from being based
on the dependent’s location to being based on the new
PDS on the 61st day.
Table 26-37. Advance Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS and New PDS Are
in the United States (BAH Area)
If the Service member
and a housing
is assigned
quarters at the old
has been approved
through the Secretarial
Process for the
dependent’s location,
start BAH at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location on whichever is later:
a. The Arrival date.
b. The date Government quarters assignment
c. The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-37. Advance Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS and New PDS Are
in the United States (BAH Area) (Continued)
If the Service
and a housing
is not assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
a. start BAH at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location on whichever is later:
(1) The arrival date.
(2) The effective date specified by the authorizing
or approving document.
b. stop BAH based on the current PDS as of the day
before BAH starts based on the dependent’s location.
is not assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has not been
approved through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
continue BAH based on the current PDS until the Service
member’s departure.
Table 26-38. Advance Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS is in the United States
(BAH Area), New PDS is Outside the United States (OHA Area)
If the Service member
and a housing
is assigned
quarters at the old
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the
start OHA at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location on whichever is later:
a. The date private-sector housing is obtained at the new
b. The date Government quarters assignment terminates.
c. The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
is not assigned
quarters at the old
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the
a. start OHA at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location on whichever is later:
(1) The date private-sector housing is obtained at
the new PDS.
(2) The effective date specified by the authorizing
or approving document.
b. stop BAH based on the current PDS, the day before
OHA starts based on the dependent’s location.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-38. Advance Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS is in the United States
(BAH Area), New PDS is Outside the United States (OHA Area) (Continued)
If the Service member
and a housing
is not assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has not been
approved through
the Secretarial
Process for the
continue BAH based on the current PDS until the Service
member’s departure.
Table 26-39. Advance Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS is Outside the United
States (OHA Area), New PDS is in the United States (BAH Area)
If the Service
and a housing
is assigned
quarters at the old
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
start BAH at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location on whichever is later:
a. The Arrival date.
b. The date Government quarters assignment terminates.
c. The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
is not assigned
quarters at the old
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
a. start BAH at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location on whichever is later:
(1) The arrival date.
(2) The effective date specified by the authorizing
or approving document.
b. stop OHA based on the current PDS, the day before
BAH starts based on the dependent’s location.
is not assigned
quarters at the old
has not been
approved through
the Secretarial
Process for the
continue OHA based on the current PDS, until the Service
member’s departure.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-40. Advance Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old and New PDS are Outside
the United States (OHA Area)
If the Service
and a housing
is assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
start OHA at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location on whichever is later:
a. The date private-sector housing is obtained at the new
b. The date Government quarters assignment terminates.
c. The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
is not assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
a. start OHA at the with-dependent rate based on the
dependent’s location on whichever is later:
(1) The date private-sector housing is obtained at the
new PDS.
(2) The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
b. stop OHA based on the current PDS, the day before
OHA starts based on the dependent’s location.
is not assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has not been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
continue OHA based on the current PDS until the Service
member’s departure.
Table 26-41. Delayed Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS and New PDS Are in
the United States (BAH area)
If the Service
and a housing
is assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
a. start BAH based on the higher of either the old PDS or
the dependent’s location on whichever is later:
(1) The day Government quarters assignment
(2) The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
b. base the allowance on the new PDS the day the
dependent departs if the Service member has arrived at
the new PDS or change it to BAH-Transit if the Service
member is still in transit.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-41. Delayed Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS and New PDS Are in
the United States (BAH area) (Continued)
If the Service
and a housing
is assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has not been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
start BAH based on the new PDS, the day Government
quarters assignment terminates if the Service member has
arrived at the new PDS or start BAH-Transit if the Service
member is still in transit.
is not
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
a. continue BAH based on the higher of either the old PDS
or on the dependent’s location on whichever is later:
(1) The day the Service member departs from the
old PDS.
(2) The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
b. base the allowance on the current PDS the day the
dependent departs if the Service member has arrived at
the new PDS or change it to BAH-Transit if the
Service member is still in transit.
is not
quarters at the
old PDS
has not been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
stop BAH as of the day before the Service member’s
Table 26-42. Delayed Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS in the United States
(BAH Area), New PDS Outside the United States (OHA Area)
If the Service
and a housing
is assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
a. start BAH based on the highest of either the old PDS or
the dependent’s location on whichever is later:
(1) The day Government quarters assignment
(2) The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
b. base the allowance on the new PDS the day the
dependent departs if the Service member has arrived to
the new PDS or change it to BAH-Transit if the
Service member is still in transit.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-42. Delayed Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS in the United States
(BAH Area), New PDS Outside the United States (OHA Area) (Continued)
If the Service
and a housing
is assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has not been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
a. start OHA based on the new PDS, the day Government
quarters assignment terminates if the Service member
has arrived at the new PDS.
b. start BAH-Transit if the Service member is still in
is not assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
a. start BAH based on the highest of either the old PDS or
the dependent’s location on whichever is later:
(1) The day the Service member departs from the
old PDS.
(2) The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
b. base the allowance on the new PDS the day the
dependent departs if the Service member has arrived at
the new PDS or change it to BAH-Transit if the Service
member is still in transit.
is not assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has not been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
stop BAH the day before the Service member’s departure.
Table 26-43. Delayed Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS Outside the United
States (OHA Area), New PDS in the United States (BAH Area)
If the Service
and a housing
is assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
location and the
dependent moves to
the new PDS after
Government quarters
start BAH based on the new PDS, if the Service member
has arrived at the new PDS, or start BAH-Transit if the
Service member is in transit.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-43. Delayed Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old PDS Outside the United
States (OHA Area), New PDS in the United States (BAH Area) (Continued)
If the Service
and a housing
is assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
location and the
dependent moves to
housing at the old
PDS after
Government quarters
a. start OHA based on the old PDS on whichever is later:
(1) The day Government quarters terminates.
(2) The date private-sector housing is obtained.
(3) The effective date specified by the authorizing
or approving document.
b. change to BAH based on new PDS, the day the
dependent departs if the Service member has arrived to
the new PDS or to BAH-Transit if the Service member
is still in transit.
is assigned
has not been
approved by the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
start BAH based on the new PDS when Government
quarters terminates, if the Service member has arrived at
the new PDS or start BAH-Transit if the Service member
is still in transit.
is not assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
a. continue OHA based on the old PDS on whichever is
(1) The day the Service member departs from the old
(2) The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
b. change to BAH based on new PDS, the day the
dependent departs if the Service member has arrived to
the new PDS or to BAH-Transit if the Service member
is still in transit.
is not assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has not been
approved through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
stop OHA the day before the Service member’s departure.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-44. Delayed Dependent Travel When Service Member’s Old and New PDS are Outside
the United States (OHA Area)
If the Service
and a housing
is assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
location and the
dependent moves to
the new PDS after
Government quarters
start OHA based on the new PDS if the Service member
has arrived, or BAH-Transit if in transit.
is assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
location and the
dependent moves to
housing after
Government quarters
a. start OHA based on the old PDS on whichever is later:
(1) The date Government quarters terminates.
(2) The date private-sector housing is obtained.
(3) The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
b. change to OHA based on new PDS, the day the
dependent departs if the Service member has arrived to
the new PDS or to BAH-Transit if the Service member is
in transit.
is assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has not been
approved through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
start OHA based on new PDS if the Service member has
arrived, or BAH-Transit if in transit, when the Government
quarters assignment terminates.
is not assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has been approved
through the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
a. continue OHA based on old PDS on whichever is later:
(1) The Service member’s departure date from the
old PDS.
(2) The effective date specified by the authorizing or
approving document.
b. change to OHA based on new PDS, the day the
dependent departs if the Service member has arrived to
the new PDS or to BAH-Transit if the Service member is
in transit.
is not assigned
quarters at the
old PDS
has not been
approved by the
Secretarial Process
for the dependent’s
stop OHA on the day before the Service member’s
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-45. Housing Allowance for Service Member in Transit on a PCS
If the Service
member is
and then
from a PDS
in the United
quarters at the
old PDS were
not assigned
a. continue BAH based on the old PDS, through the day before the
Service member reports to the new PDS, to include TDY en route.
b. start BAH or OHA based on the new PDS, the day the Service
member reports to the new PDS.
from a PDS
outside the
quarters at the
old PDS were
not assigned
a. start BAH-Transit the day the Service member departs the OHA
area through the day before the Service member reports to the
new PDS, to include TDY en route.
b. start BAH or OHA based on the new PDS, the day the Service
member reports to the new PDS.
from a PDS
in the United
was not paid
at the old PDS
quarters were
a. start BAH based on the old PDS, the day the Service member
terminates Government quarters.
b. start the new PDS rate the day the Service member reports to the
new PDS.
from a PDS
outside the
was not paid
at the old PDS
quarters were
a. start BAH-Transit the day the Service member departs the old
PDS through the day before the Service member reports to the
new PDS.
b. start BAH or OHA based on the new PDS, the day the Service
member reports to the new PDS.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-46. Housing Allowance for Service Member in Transit for New Accession
If the Service
member is
and the
newly inducted,
reenlisted, or an
officer candidate
has a
located in
the United
a. start BAH based on the dependent’s location beginning the date
of enlistment, entry on AD, or the date AD pay begins through
the day before the day the Service member reports to the first
PDS, including a training location for 20 or more weeks.
b. start BAH or OHA based on the PDS on the day the Service
member reports to the first PDS.
newly inducted,
reenlisted, or an
officer candidate
has a
outside the
a. start BAH based on the training location beginning the date of
enlistment, entry on AD, or the date AD pay begins through the
day before the day the Service member reports to the first PDS,
including a training location for 20 or more weeks.
b. start BAH or OHA based on the PDS on the day the Service
member reports to the first PDS.
in the pipeline in
a travel, leave
en route, or
proceed time
status while
from the initial
between training
locations, and to
the first PDS
has no
a. start BAH-Transit when the Service member is in a travel status
between duty or training stations and start the new BAH or
OHA based on the PDS the day the Service member reports to
the new PDS, including a training location for 20 or more
b. for an RC member, pay BAH or OHA based on the primary
residence location at the time called or ordered to AD for the
accession training duration, if the Service member maintains a
residence and continues to be responsible for rent or owns the
in the pipeline in
a travel, leave
en route, or
proceed time
status while
from the initial
between training
locations, and to
the first PDS
has a
dependent in
the United
a. continue BAH based on the dependent’s location in the United
States through the day before the Service member reports to
the new PDS.
b. start BAH or OHA based on the first PDS the day the Service
member reports to the first PDS.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-46. Housing Allowance for Service Member in Transit for New Accession (Continued)
If the Service
member is
and the
in the pipeline in
a travel, leave
en route, or
proceed time
status while
from the initial
between training
locations, and to
the first PDS l
has a
outside the
a. continue BAH based on the training site through the day before
the Service member reports to the new PDS.
b. start BAH or OHA based on the first PDS the day the Service
member reports to the first PDS.
an Academy or
ROTC graduate
remaining at the
graduation or
awaiting follow-
on training and
not assigned
has no
a. pay BAH based on the graduation or commission location
through the day before departure en route to the training
b. apply BAH-Transit thereafter. See rule above for a Service
member in the pipeline in a travel, leave en route, or proceed
time status while transferring from the initial training location,
between training locations, to the first PDS, and has no
Table 26-47. Housing Allowance for Service Member in Transit for Final Discharge, Separation,
or Retirement
If the
member is
from then
in a leave
status away
from the
a PDS in the United
continue BAH based on the old PDS through the date of
a PDS in the United
continue BAH based on the old PDS through the date of
separation or the day before the effective date of retirement.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-47. Housing Allowance for Service Member in Transit for Final Discharge, Separation,
or Retirement (Continued)
If the
member is
from then
a PDS outside the
United States with a
processing location
in the United States,
a. start BAH based on the retirement or separation processing
location beginning the day the Service member departs the
PDS through the date of separation or the day before the
effective date of retirement.
b. continue BAH based on a dependent’s location, if
applicable, through the separation or retirement date.
a PDS outside the
United States and
returns to the United
States after
a. start BAH based on the leave address provided as part of
the final out-processing, beginning the day the Service
member departs the PDS through the date of separation or
day before effective date of retirement.
b. continue BAH based on a dependent’s location, if
applicable, through the separation or retirement date.
a PDS outside the
United States and
remains at the PDS,
continue OHA based on the PDS outside the United States,
provided the Service member continues to occupy private-
sector leased or owned housing.
a PDS outside the
United States and the
Service member
remains OCONUS
but moves to a
different country,
a. stop OHA based on the PDS when the Service member
stops paying rent or when the Service member departs the
PDS area.
b. start OHA based on the location OCONUS the Service
member moves to establish a residence on the day the
Service member obtains private-sector housing.
c. continue OHA through the date of separation or day before
effective date of retirement.
d. continue OHA based on a dependent’s location, if
applicable, through the separation or retirement date
provided the dependents remain at the location OCONUS.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
Table 26-48. Examples of BAH-RC or BAH/OHA Changes for a RC Member
If and then
a member is an
AGR or is on
orders for a
BAH or OHA would begin on day 1 through the end of the
a member is on
orders for 15
the orders are not
extended or
BAH-RC would begin on day 1 through the end of the
a member is on
orders for 15
on day 9 the orders
are extended or
amended to add an
additional 16 days,
BAH-RC would end on day 8 and BAH or OHA would
begin on day 9 then continue through day 31.
a member is on
orders for 15
on day 11 a new set
of 16-
day orders are
following the first
with no break,
BAH-RC would end on day 10 and BAH or OHA
would begin on day 11 then continue through day 31.
a member is on
orders for 15
on day 7 a new set
of 16-
day orders are
received to
commence 2 days
after the first orders
end (2-day break),
BAH-RC continues through day 15 of initial orders;
BAH-RC commences on day 1 of the new orders
through day 16.
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
CHAPTER – 26 Housing Allowances
1.0 – GENERAL (2601)
37 U.S.C. § 403
2.0 – INTRODUCTION (2602)
2.1 DSSR § 130
3.6 59 Comptroller General Decision (Comp Gen) 681
37 U.S.C. § 421
5.3 10 U.S.C. § 2881(a)
5.5 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2020, Public Law 116-92, Section 605,
December 20, 2019
37 U.S.C. § 403(b)(8)
6.1 Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (OASD)
Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) Memo,
March 17, 2021
6.8 DSSR § 130
DoDI 1400.25, Volume 1250, February 23, 2012
JTR, Section 0504, paragraph 050405
DoDI 1315.18, October 28, 2015, Incorporating
Change 3, Effective June 24, 2019
OASD (M&RA) Memo, August 12, 2020
OASD (M&RA) Memo, January 5, 2020
DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Chapter 26
* August 2021
10 U.S.C. § 1077
10 U.S.C. § 2830
10 U.S.C. §§ 2871-2885
10.5 DoDI 1241.01, April 19, 2016
OASD (M&RA) Memo, October 29, 2020
37 U.S.C. § 204(g) and (h)
37 U.S.C. § 403(g)(6)(C)(iii)
10.7 OASD (M&RA) Memo, August 12, 2020
10.8 OASD (M&RA) Memo, May 5, 2020
Table 26-16 OASD (M&RA) Memo, May 5, 2020
Table 26-18 OASD (M&RA) Memo, May 5, 2020