Prepared by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Prepared by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Prepared by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Compliance Schedule Handbook
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Compliance Schedule Handbook: Document History
Date Alterations
First published 25 May 2007
Amendment 1 31 March 2008 p.2, Document History, Status
p.3, Contents
p.10, 7.0 Specified Systems
pp. 5556, SS 16 Cable Cars
Amendment 2 Effective from 10 October 2011
until 14 August 2014
p.2, Document History, Status
p.3, Contents
p.5, Introduction
p.6, 1.0
p.9, 6.0
p.10, 8.0
p.22, SS 3/1 B
p.28, SS 7 B
p.43, SS 12/1 B
p.49, SS 15/2 B
p.53, SS 14/2 and 15/4 B
Amendment 3 14 February 2014 p. 3, Document History, Status
p. 9, Section 2, 6.0
pp. 15, 17, Section 3, 4.2, 7.0
p. 20, SS1
pp. 29, 3337, SS8
pp. 50, 51 SS15
Document Status
The most recent version of this document (Amendment 3), as detailed in the Document History, is approved by the Chief
Executive of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. It is effective from 14 February 2014 and supersedes all
previous versions of this document.
The previous version of this document (Amendment 2) will cease to have effect on 14 August 2014.
People using this document should check for amendments on a regular basis. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and
Employment may amend any part of this handbook at any time. Up-to-date versions of this handbook are available from
Compliance Schedules
1 Introduction 5
2 Compliance schedule regime 6
1.0 Compliance schedules 6
2.0 Compliance schedule statement 8
3.0 Building warrant of fitness 8
4.0 Form 12A – Certificate of compliance 9
5.0 Compliance schedule reports 9
6.0 Performance standard 9
7.0 Specified systems 9
3 Compliance schedule content
guidelines 11
Part 1: Developing a compliance
schedule 12
1.0 Introduction 12
2.0 Determining and categorising a
specified system (SS) 12
3.0 System description 14
4.0 Inspection and maintenance 14
5.0 Reporting and recording 15
6.0 Responsibility 16
7.0 Compliance schedule example form 17
Part 2: Content guide 19
1.0 Use of this part 19
SS 1 – Automatic systems for fire
suppression 20
SS 2 – Automatic or manual
emergency warning systems 21
SS 3 – Electromagnetic or automatic
doors or windows 22
SS 4 – Emergency lighting systems 25
SS 5 – Escape route pressurisation
systems 26
SS 6 – Riser mains for use by
fire services 27
SS 7 – Automatic back-flow preventers 28
SS 8 – Lifts, escalators, travelators,
or other systems for moving people
or goods within buildings 29
SS 9 – Mechanical ventilation or
air conditioning systems 38
SS 10 – Building maintenance units 41
SS 11 – Laboratory fume cupboards 42
SS 12 – Audio loops or other assistive
listening systems 43
SS 13 – Smoke control systems 45
SS 14 – Emergency power systems for,
or signs relating to, a system or feature
specified in any of clauses 1 to 13 48
SS 15 – Other fire safety systems or
features 49
SS 14/2 & SS 15/4 – Signs 53
SS 16 – Cable Cars 55
10 October 2011
Amend 1
Mar 2008
Amend 2
Oct 2011
In March 2005, the parts of the Building Act
2004 (the Building Act) covering compliance
schedules and building warrants of fitness
(BWoFs) came into force and the Building Act
1991 (the former Act) was repealed. The
Building Act and the introduction of the Building
(Specified Systems, Change the Use, and
Earthquake-prone Buildings) Regulations 2005
have brought about significant changes to the
compliance schedule and BWoF regimes,
including changes to the systems required on a
building’s compliance schedule. These regimes
ensure that systems or features that contribute
to the proper functioning of a building, such as
lifts and sprinkler systems, are regularly
monitored and maintained.
Use of this document
The Compliance Schedule Handbook is broken
into three sections. The first is the introduction.
The second, Compliance schedule regime,
is intended to provide information about the
compliance schedule and BWoF regimes under
the Building Act. The third section, Compliance
schedule content guidelines, provides a guide
to developing a compliance schedule for
a specified system or systems in a building,
including guidance on the associated inspection,
maintenance and reporting procedures.
The Compliance Schedule Handbook is
intended as a guide in accordance with section
175 of the Building Act. Readers should
always refer to the Building Act and Building
Regulations as the source documents. In all
cases, a compliance schedule must be issued
by a building consent authority. However,
a building owner must, if required by the
building consent authority, submit proposals
for the inspection and routine maintenance
procedures for the purposes of the compliance
schedule as part of a building consent
application. A building owner may submit
these proposals with the building consent
application even if the building consent
authority has not required them.
Regional authorities
Under the Building Act, a regional authority
performs the functions of a building consent
authority and territorial authority that relate
to compliance schedules and BWoFs, to the
extent that those functions relate to dams.
For the purpose of performing functions relating
to dams, every reference (with the exception
of Section 2 Paragraph 8.0) to a building
consent authority or territorial authority in the
Compliance Schedule Handbook should be read
as a reference to a regional authority.
What this document does not cover
The Compliance Schedule Handbook does not
provide model compliance schedules or
examples of what a compliance schedule
should look like. Its use is limited to providing
guidance on how to develop a compliance
Section 1 Introduction
10 October 2011
Amend 2
Oct 2011
Amend 2
Oct 2011
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule regime
1.0 Compliance schedules
A compliance schedule is a document that
contains specific information about, and
procedures for, specified systems within
a building.
Section 103 of the Building Act requires that
a compliance schedule must state:
the specified systems that are covered by
the compliance schedule
the performance standards for the specified
the inspection, maintenance, and reporting
procedures to be followed for each specified
the specified systems that relate to the
means of escape from fire
safety barriers
access and facilities for use by persons
with disabilities
handheld hose reels for fire-fighting
any signs that are required by the Building
Code or section 120 of the Building Act.
Section 100 of the Building Act states that
a compliance schedule is required for a building
(except a single household unit) containing any
of the prescribed specified systems (currently
there are 15 different specified systems
prescribed – see Paragraph 7.0).
From 31 March 2008 any building, including
a building used wholly as a single household
unit, requires a compliance schedule if
the building has a cable car attached to it,
or servicing it.
Household units only require the compliance
schedule for the cable car, not any other
specified system.
1.1 Owner’s obligations
Section 101 of the Building Act provides that
the owner of a building for which a compliance
schedule is required under section 100 must
obtain one. Failure to do so is an offence
carrying a fine of up to $20,000, and a further
$2,000 for every day the offence is continued.
The owner is responsible for being aware of any
specified system installed in their building and
ensuring it is listed on a compliance schedule.
Owners of a building for which a compliance
schedule has been issued also have a
responsibility to ensure:
each of the specified systems are performing
and will continue to perform to the
performance standards for that system
they provide the territorial authority with an
annual BWoF on the anniversary of the issue
of the compliance schedule, accompanied
by Form 12A(s) from an IQP for each
specified system and any recommendations
to amend the compliance schedule by an IQP
the compliance schedule is kept at the place
stated on the schedule and agreed to by the
owner and the territorial authority
the compliance schedule is available for
inspection by any person or organisation
with the right to inspect the building under
any Act
for the first 12 months after the compliance
schedule is issued, a compliance schedule
statement is displayed in a public place
within the building
they obtain annual written reports
(see Paragraph 5.0) relating to the inspection,
maintenance, and reporting procedures of
the compliance schedule signed by the IQP
they keep the annual written reports together
with the compliance schedule for a period
of 2 years and produce these reports when
required by the territorial authority or person/
organisation that has the right to inspect the
1.2 Issue of a compliance schedule
Compliance schedules for new buildings
(ie, those with no existing schedule) are issued
by a building consent authority when the
code compliance certificate (CCC) is issued.
Section 2 Compliance schedule regime
10 October 2011
Amend 2
Oct 2011
Amend 2
Oct 2011
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule regime
A building consent authority that issues a
compliance schedule must provide a copy to
the territorial authority in whose district the
building is situated within five working days.
Where a certificate of acceptance is issued and
a compliance schedule or amended compliance
schedule is required as a result of the building
work it covers, the new or amended compliance
schedule is required to be attached to the
certificate of acceptance.
Where a certificate for public use is issued,
there is no requirement that the compliance
schedule be issued with it.
If a certificate for public use is issued, the
building’s specified systems will still require
inspection and maintenance procedures to be
carried out prior to the issue of the code
compliance certificate. One solution is for the
territorial authority to issue a draft compliance
schedule as a condition on the certificate for
public use under section 363A(3)(b). Later,
when the code compliance certificate is issued,
the building consent authority can issue the
official compliance schedule in accordance with
section 102(1).
1.3 Amendment of a compliance schedule
Existing compliance schedules can be amended
by both a building consent authority and a
territorial authority, depending on the
circumstances for which the amendment is
1.3.1 Amendments by building consent
A building consent authority may amend a
compliance schedule where necessary as a
result of building work. This includes situations
where new building work is occurring that:
will affect an existing specified system
that will require altered inspection and
maintenance requirements
will result in new specified systems being
will remove an existing specified system.
1.3.2 Amendments by territorial authorities
A territorial authority may amend a compliance
schedule where:
the owner requests a change to the
compliance schedule
the owner’s IQP recommends that the
compliance schedule is amended, to ensure
the specified systems will perform to the
performance standards for those systems
the territorial authority decides that the
compliance schedule needs to be amended,
to ensure the specified systems will perform
to the performance standards for those
The Building Act specifies procedures to be
followed in each case.
No amendment can occur without consultation
with the owner, although it may occur without
the owner’s agreement.
1.3.3 Effect of amendments
Amending a compliance schedule will not affect
the timing of the issue of the Form 12A and
subsequent BWoF.
Section 108(3)(a) provides that the BWoF is
supplied on the anniversary of the issue of the
original compliance schedule.
Where a compliance schedule is amended to
incorporate or alter a specified system part way
through the BWoF period, a Form 12A and
BWoF can still be issued, and will be required to
be issued on the original compliance schedule
The Form 12A for the new or altered specified
system will cover compliance with the
inspection, maintenance, and reporting
procedures for the period it has been installed.
This is allowable because Forms 12A and 12 are
signed based on compliance with the compliance
schedule procedures during the previous
12 months. It does not indicate that a specified
system has to be installed for 12 months or
more before Forms 12A and 12 can be signed.
In these situations it may be useful to note
on the compliance schedule report (see
Paragraph 5.0) that the specified system has
been installed for less than 12 months.
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule regime
25 May 2007
1.4 Existing buildings
All existing buildings that contain a system or
feature listed in the former Act for inclusion on
a compliance schedule should already have
been issued with a compliance schedule under
that Act. These compliance schedules remain
in effect as if they were issued under the
Building Act 2004. However, these compliance
schedules should be amended to align with the
specified systems in the Building (Specified
Systems, Change the Use, and Earthquake-
prone Buildings) Regulations 2005.
The following points need to be taken into
consideration by: a building consent authority
when issuing or amending a compliance
schedule; a territorial authority when amending
a compliance schedule; and by an IQP
inspecting the specified systems.
Existing buildings (including their specified
systems) are not required to be upgraded to
comply with the Building Code unless an
alteration, change of use, or certain types
of subdivision take place in the building.
Refer to sections 112A, 115 and 116A of the
Building Act.
The inspection and maintenance procedures
for a specified system are specific and
appropriate to the system at the time it was
installed. There is no requirement for these
to be updated on the compliance schedule
as more recent Standards are developed.
However, existing compliance schedules
should be amended for the purposes of
ensuring specified systems continue to meet
the performance standards (see Paragraph
1.3 on the previous page).
1.5 Compliance schedule form
The Building Act does not require a compliance
schedule to be on a prescribed form. As a
result, there is no authority in legislation that
allows this form to be created in Regulations.
The Department recognises that it is important
to achieve national consistency in the format,
layout and content of compliance schedules,
and has provided an example of a compliance
schedule form at the end of Part 1 of the
compliance schedule content guidelines.
2.0 Compliance schedule statement
A compliance schedule statement states the
specified systems contained in the building and
notes where the compliance schedule is kept.
It is not a statement about the performance of
the specified systems listed.
A compliance schedule statement is issued on
Form 10 of the Building (Forms) Regulations
2004 by the territorial authority.
It is required to be publicly displayed for
12 months after the compliance schedule is
3.0 Building warrant of fitness (BWoF)
A BWoF is required where a compliance
schedule has been issued for a building.
A BWoF verifies that the inspection,
maintenance and reporting procedures for
all the specified systems within a building
have been carried out in accordance with
the compliance schedule for the previous
12 months.
The BWoF must be prepared in accordance
with the prescribed form (Form 12) in the
Building (Forms) Regulations 2004.
Section 108 of the Building Act requires that
a BWoF must:
be supplied on each anniversary of the issue
of the compliance schedule
state the location of the compliance schedule
and associated compliance schedule reports
state that the inspection, maintenance,
and reporting procedures have been fully
complied with during the previous 12 months
have attached to it all Form 12A certificates
issued by IQPs for the specified systems
have attached to it any recommendations
from an IQP to amend the compliance
The owner must display a copy of the BWoF
in a place in the building where it can be seen
by building users.
If a BWoF is not displayed when required,
or a false or misleading BWoF is displayed,
or a BWoF is displayed in a manner not in
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule regime
accordance with section 108 of the Building Act,
the owner is liable for a fine of up to $20,000.
4.0 Form 12A – Certicate of compliance
Form 12A is a form issued by an IQP to verify
that the inspection, maintenance and reporting
procedures on a compliance schedule for a
specified system have been carried out during
the previous 12 months.
In order for the BWoF to be valid, the owner
must obtain Form 12A(s) covering all the
specified systems in the building and attach
them to the BWoF, before supplying it to the
territorial authority.
There may be a Form 12A for each specified
system or one Form 12A may cover several
specified systems. This will depend on the
number of IQPs required for a building.
Whatever the case, when those certificates are
considered together, they must certify that the
inspection and maintenance procedures stated
in the compliance schedule for all specified
systems have been fully complied with during
the previous 12 months.
The Form 12A cannot be amended or altered
to create exceptions from the requirement to
fully comply with the inspection, maintenance,
and reporting procedures for the previous
12 months.
5.0 Compliance schedule reports
Section 110 of the Building Act requires that an
owner of a building for which a compliance
schedule has been issued must obtain annual
written reports relating to the inspection,
maintenance, and reporting procedures of the
compliance schedule.
The owner must ensure the reports are:
signed by an IQP who carried out one
or more of the inspection, maintenance,
and reporting procedures
kept for a period of 2 years
produced when required by the territorial
authority and any other person or
organisation who has the right to inspect the
building under any Act.
The owner must also ensure the BWoF states
where the reports, along with the compliance
schedule, are kept.
6.0 Performance standard
The term ‘Performance standard’ for a specified
system is not defined by the Building Act.
However, it can be interpreted as the level of
performance a specified system was intended
to meet, and to continue to meet, at the time it
was designed and installed in a building.
The Building Act requires that a specified
system must be inspected and maintained in
order to ensure that it performs, and continues
to perform, to that standard.
If a specified system is designed and installed
to an Acceptable Solution, Verification Method,
Standard or specific documentation, this will set
the performance standard for that specified
system. An example is the level required by
NZS 4541 for sprinkler systems.
7.0 Specified systems
Specified systems are systems or features that
contribute to the proper functioning of the
building. Specified systems require ongoing
inspection and maintenance to ensure they
function as required, because if they fail to
operate properly, they have the potential to
adversely affect health or life safety.
The specified systems are listed in Schedule 1
of the Building (Specified Systems, Change
the Use, and Earthquake-prone Buildings)
Regulations 2005, and are listed below. Where
one or more of these systems exist in a building
(except a single household unit), a compliance
schedule is required.
SS 1 Automatic systems for fire suppression
SS 2 Automatic or manual emergency warning
systems for fire or other dangers
SS 3 Electromagnetic or automatic doors or
SS 4 Emergency lighting systems
SS 5 Escape route pressurisation systems
SS 6 Riser mains for use by fire services
Amend 2
Oct 2011
14 February 2014
Amend 3
Feb 2014
SS 7 Automatic back-flow preventers
connected to a potable water supply
SS 8 Lifts, escalators, travelators, or other
systems for moving people or goods
within buildings
SS 9 Mechanical ventilation or air conditioning
SS 10 Building maintenance units providing
access to exterior and interior walls of
SS 11 Laboratory fume cupboards
SS 12 Audio loops or other assistive listening
SS 13 Smoke control systems
SS 14 Emergency power systems for, or signs
relating to, a system or feature specified
in any of SS 1 to SS 13 above
SS 15 Other fire safety systems or features
(systems for communicating information
intended to facilitate evacuation, final
exits, fire separations, signs, fire
SS 16 Cable cars
Amend 1
Mar 2008
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule regime
10 October 2011
Amend 2
Oct 2011
Amend 2
Oct 2011
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
Section 3 Compliance schedule
content guidelines
Use of this section
This section is divided into two parts, which
should be read together by the building consent
authority when developing a compliance
schedule, and by the owner when proposing
inspection and routine maintenance procedures
for the purposes of the compliance schedule.
The first part, Developing a compliance
schedule, provides a guide to developing a
compliance schedule for a specified system or
systems in a building. It provides suggested
compliance schedule sections and structure in
a step-by-step format.
The second part, Content guide, provides
information on individual specified systems
and guidance relating to various inspection and
maintenance procedures that could be used
depending on the type of installation.
Note: Part 2 of the Compliance schedule
content guidelines section does not contain
model compliance schedules or examples
of what a compliance schedule should look
like. It provides information to assist in
determining when to include a system or
feature as a specified system and gives
guidance relating to possible inspection
and maintenance procedures.
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
1.0 Introduction
It is important that a compliance schedule is
a relevant, useful and compliant document.
A building’s compliance schedule must also
be specific and tailored to the building and its
specified systems. This is for two main
A building’s environment can introduce
specific requirements for a specified system.
In turn, this means there can be a range of
possible specific inspection and maintenance
requirements. Requirements for the same
specified system in two different buildings
may be completely different.
Some specified systems incorporate a broad
range of sub-systems and features. Each of
these systems and features has its own
individual inspection and maintenance
requirements to ensure it performs to the
performance standards. Issuing a compliance
schedule with generic inspection and
maintenance procedures for a given specified
system, for example a ‘smoke control system,
when there are varying types, would be
Before beginning to develop a compliance
schedule, it is important to determine whether
each system or feature proposed to be on the
building’s compliance schedule is a specified
system, and therefore whether it is required
to be on the compliance schedule. Paragraphs
2.0–2.2.2 and Part 2 of the Compliance
schedule content guidelines provide the tools
to determine if a system or feature is a
specified system.
Once it is established that a compliance
schedule is required and the specified systems
in the building are determined, a compliance
schedule will need to be developed. The
following five subjects should be considered
when developing a compliance schedule or
proposing inspection and routine maintenance
procedures for the purposes of a compliance
System description
• Inspection
• Maintenance
Reporting and recording
• Responsibility
Including information about these items will
ensure the compliance schedule can be
understood and used by the owner, the IQPs
and the territorial authority.
Paragraphs 3.06.0 provide guidance on how
to construct a compliance schedule and develop
information about each of the items listed
above for a specified system in a building.
2.0 Determining and categorising a
specified system (SS)
Although the specified systems are listed in the
Building (Specified Systems, Change the Use,
and Earthquake-prone Buildings) Regulations,
there may be situations where it is not clear
whether a given system or feature is a specified
2.1 Guideline provisions
Part 2 of the Compliance schedule content
guidelines section provides a ‘Scope’ in relation
to specified systems SS 1 to SS 15, to assist in
determining whether a system or feature should
be listed on a compliance schedule.
Example: SS 11 Laboratory fume cupboards
A laboratory fume cupboard is required to be
listed on a compliance schedule where the
A .1 uses a ducted extraction system through
the building.
Examples of laboratory fume cupboards
include, but are not limited to:
(i) a ducted fume cupboard for laboratory use.
A. Scope
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
2.2 Further clarification
In some cases a given system or feature of a
building may have aspects or characteristics of
several specified systems. While the ‘Scope’
provided in Part 2 of the Compliance schedule
content guidelines aims to assist in making
that judgement, it will not always be clear.
Paragraph 2.2 (2.2.1 and 2.2.2) aims to assist in
making the judgements around appropriately
assigning a system or feature, which has
aspects or characteristics of several specified
systems, to a specified system.
It is important that the owner or owner’s agent
discuss any uncertainties around inclusion of
a system with the building consent authority.
2.2.1 Mechanical ventilation
There are four specified systems that are
generally referred to as mechanical ventilation
systems. Appropriate categorisation of these
is necessary for the compliance schedule.
The mechanical ventilation specified systems
are described below to assist with the
appropriate categorisation of the system
or feature in question.
Specified system 5 – Escape route
pressurisation systems
An escape route pressurisation system is
a mechanical ventilation system dedicated
to the control of smoke or fire through
pressurisation of an escape route.
Specified system 9 – Mechanical
ventilation or air conditioning systems
Mechanical ventilation or air conditioning
systems have the primary purpose of
ventilating or air conditioning a building in
normal circumstances, or have been installed
to control dust and hazardous substances.
A mechanical ventilation or air conditioning
system may incorporate specialised functions
that interface with the emergency warning
system in the event of fire. The role of the
system in fire mode must be recognised in
the compliance schedule and its performance
Specified system 11 – Laboratory fume
Laboratory fume cupboards have the primary
purpose of capturing and removing, through
mechanical ventilation, fumes associated
with laboratory-based activities. They may
incorporate other features such as electrical
zoning of hazardous areas, liquid
compounding, fume encapsulation and
safety screens.
Specified system 13 – Smoke control
Smoke control systems are systems
dedicated to controlling smoke within a
building. They are not a dedicated escape
route pressurisation system, nor the
building’s normal mechanical ventilation
system. They may include a mechanical
ventilation system (eg, dedicated fire
mode extract fans and relief air dampers)
in addition to passive smoke control features
(eg, bulkheads, smoke curtains, pressure
relief and venting openings).
2.2.2 Signs
Two specified systems incorporate signs which
are required to be included on a compliance
schedule. These are:
Specified system 14 – emergency power
systems for, or signs relating to, a system
or feature specified in any of clauses
1 to 13
This specified system includes signs
associated with, or installed for the purposes
of, a primary system contained in any of the
specified systems 1–13. An example is lift
load limit signs.
Specified system 15/4 – Signs for
communicating information intended to
facilitate evacuation
This specified system includes signs that
have been installed to provide assistance to
occupants to evacuate a building in the event
of an emergency. Examples are exit and
escape route direction signs.
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
Some signs may be covered by the two
specified systems, for example, a sign
indicating how to use a manual call point. It is
suggested that where this occurs, a practical
approach is to categorise the sign based on the
primary reason for which it was installed. In the
case of manual call points, SS 14 would be the
most appropriate as the sign has been installed
as part of an SS 2 (emergency warning systems)
item. An exit sign leading to an automatic door
would be listed under SS 15 as the sign is
there for escape purposes, not to provide
instructions to the user on how to operate
the automatic door.
Signs are listed under two separate specified
systems in the Regulations. This arrangement
in the Regulations does not mean that there
is a requirement that the specified systems be
listed in any particular way on a compliance
schedule. For instance, each primary specified
system (SS 1–13) could be listed on a
compliance schedule and where appropriate
have SS 14 signs as a subcategory describing
the signs that relate to them and their inspection,
maintenance and reporting procedures. The
same could be done for emergency power
3.0 System description
It is essential that a compliance schedule is
specifically tailored to a building and its
specified system(s). This is important to ensure
the ongoing performance of the specified
systems to the required performance standards
and to allow those carrying out and auditing
the compliance schedule requirements to
understand what is required.
As a minimum, a basic description of the
system, its purpose, location and extent of
installation should be provided on the
compliance schedule to assist those carrying
out the inspection and maintenance procedures.
It can be helpful to include the relevant building
consent documentation or drawings and
specifications on the compliance schedule.
This information will assist users to understand
the system design, installation and operation.
SS 7
7.1: 15 mm double check valve assembly –
boiler feed supply – located in the level 9
plantroom – see building consent BC5394,
drawing 4 page 5 (attached)
7.2: 20 mm double check valve assembly –
swimming pool make up water supply – located
on level 2 – see building consent BC5394,
drawing 2 page 5 (attached)
Assigning a reference number to each specified
system will help to distinguish between different
specified systems of the same type. These
reference numbers can then be used on plans to
help identify a specified systems location.
3.1 Guideline provisions
Although Part 2 of the Compliance schedule
content guidelines provides a general scope
and some examples for each specified system,
it does not provide a system description,
as these are specific to each system and its
arrangement within a building.
4.0 Inspection and maintenance
The Building Act requires that each specified
system have inspection and maintenance
procedures to ensure the system is performing,
and continues to perform, to the performance
standards set out for that specified system.
The inspection, maintenance, and reporting
procedures need to be relevant to the
performance standard, and therefore the way
the system was designed, to ensure the
specified system continues to perform in the
way it was intended.
Often a New Zealand or international Standard
will be suitable for the inspection and
maintenance procedures for a particular
specified system. In other cases it may be an
inspection and maintenance document provided
by the manufacturer/designer of the system,
or it may be an inspection document prepared
by a person qualified to do so (this may be
developed using a combination of
14 February 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
manufacturers’ specifications and other
inspection Standards).
The inspection and maintenance procedures,
including frequency, need to be appropriate to
the particular specified system and its purpose
within a building. This may include considering
the age of the system, the systems historical
performance, or a change in the use of the
Example – inspection statement for
mechanical ventilation system – fire and
smoke control:
Inspection content and frequency for the
mechanical ventilation system shall be in
accordance with sections 1 and 18 of AS 1851:
2005 – Maintenance of fire protection systems
and equipment. In particular, inspections shall
be carried out in accordance with tables
to and to
4.1 Types of maintenance
There are two types of maintenance which
need to be considered in the development of
the compliance schedule, planned preventative
maintenance and responsive maintenance.
Planned preventative maintenance
Planned preventative maintenance is aimed at
avoiding breakdown or malfunction, through
regular service, cleansing, adjustment,
lubrication, or periodic replacement.
Planned preventative maintenance will
generally be based on published Standards or
recommendations made by the designer,
manufacturer or supplier.
Maintenance shall be carried out in accordance
with the attached ‘Operating and Maintenance
Manual for HVAC Services at 123 Common
Street’ dated 15/07/2004 by XYZ Engineers.
Responsive maintenance
Responsive maintenance is required where
the system or a component of the system has
failed, resulting in the performance standard
not being satisfied. This may be identified
during inspection, testing, planned preventative
maintenance or reported by building users.
4.2 Guideline provisions
Part 2 of the Compliance schedule content
guidelines provides both an inspection section
and a maintenance section for each specified
system. These provide guidance relating to
possible inspection and maintenance
procedures in various forms, including:
reference to a Standard or document
description of the inspection and
maintenance procedures.
Where no appropriate procedures have been
identified and where the listed procedures are
not appropriate to a particular specified system,
a specifically-designed inspection and
maintenance document must be prepared by
a person who is qualified, experienced and
competent to do so. This may be the designer’s
recommendations or manufacturer’s
Other suitable reference documents may be
found within the Acceptable Solutions and
Verification Methods relevant to the specified
In any case, the inspection and maintenance
procedures must be appropriate for the
specified system. Ultimately it will be up
to the building consent authority to decide what
procedures are appropriate when issuing the
compliance schedule. However, a building
owner needs to submit proposals for the
inspection and routine maintenance procedures
for the purposes of the compliance schedule
as part of a building consent application.
While the referenced documents in Part 2 do
not nominate the relevant clauses or sections,
or have attached dates or versions, it is
essential that these be included on a building’s
compliance schedule.
5.0 Reporting and recording
Including a reporting and recording section on
the compliance schedule provides for the
keeping of records and the availability of these
records to the IQP, in order to issue a Form 12A
certificate and for reference at any other time.
Amend 3
Feb 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
While in many cases all the inspection and
maintenance procedures for a specified system
are carried out by a single contracted IQP, it is
possible that another IQP may be involved in
carrying out the procedures. Their contribution
may need to be known to the originally
contracted IQP in order to verify that the
inspection and maintenance procedures have
been carried out during the previous 12 months.
Depending on the installation, it may be
appropriate to keep records in a log book at the
installation, with a summary report held in the
designated location with the compliance
The Building Act states that it is the owners
responsibility to keep records relating to the
compliance schedule. However, for practical
reasons, it may be appropriate for the IQP to
keep the records on the owner’s behalf.
Example of a reporting/recording statement:
The owner must keep records of all inspection,
maintenance and repairs undertaken in the
previous 24 months.
The records must, as a minimum, include:
details of any inspection, test or preventative
maintenance carried out, including dates,
work undertaken, faults found, remedies
applied, and the person who performed
the work
details of any other faults found or
maintenance and repair work undertaken
to maintain the system in working order,
including dates, work undertaken, faults
found, remedies applied and the person
who performed the work.
6.0 Responsibility
It is the owner’s responsibility to satisfy the
obligations under section 105 of the Building
Act. These obligations include the requirement
to ensure that inspection, maintenance,
and reporting procedures are carried out.
Assistance may be sought from property
management and facility management
companies for coordination of the work.
IQPs will have to be involved in the technical
aspects of the necessary work to verify that
performance standards have been satisfied,
and all inspection, maintenance and reporting
procedures have been carried out to enable
Form 12A to be issued.
Example of responsibility section for SS 1 –
Automatic systems for fire suppression
All inspections shall be undertaken by
independent qualified persons.
14 February 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
7.0 Compliance schedule example form
Date of issue:
Last amended: [delete if not applicable]
1. The building
Street address of building:
Legal description of land where building is located:
Building name:
Location of building within site/block number:
Level/unit number:
Current, lawfully established, use:
Building consent number/s: [delete if not applicable]
Highest fire hazard category for building use: [insert number]
2. The owner
Name of owner:
Contact person: [delete if the owner is an individual]
Mailing address:
Street address/registered office:
Phone number: Landline: Mobile:
Daytime: After hours:
Facsimile number:
Email address:
First point of contact for communications with the territorial authority: [Give full name, mailing address,
phone number/s, facsimile number and e-mail address, which must be located in New Zealand.
This person must have authority to permit a person to enter the building for the purpose of inspecting
the specified systems.]
3. Specified system/s
The following specified system/s is/are contained in the building.
Reference number Specied system System description
[Assign a specific number
for each specified system
in the building (ie, SS 1.1,
SS 3/3.1), not a direct
reference to the numbers
in Regulations]
[List every specified
system in the building as
described in Regulations]
[Include a basic description of each specified
system, its purpose, location and extent of
installation. Include references to plans and
specifications where relevant]
The following is/are the performance standard/s for the specified system/s in the building.
Reference number Performance standard
[List specific reference
number assigned above]
[The performance standard may be a reference to an Acceptable Solution,
Verification Method, Standard, or specific documentation depending on
what each specified system was designed and installed to]
Compliance Schedule
Amend 3
Feb 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
The following is/are the inspection, maintenance, and reporting procedures for the specified system/s
in the building.
Reference number Procedures Responsibility
Inspection Maintenance Reporting
[List specific
reference number
assigned above]
procedures may
be identified by a
written description,
or a reference to
a Standard or other
procedures may
be identified by a
written description,
or a reference to a
Standard or other
procedures may
be identified
by a written
or a reference to
a Standard or
other document]
[List persons
responsible for
the adjacent
The following specified systems relate to: [delete those not applicable]
means of escape from fire
[list relevant systems]
safety barriers
[list relevant systems]
means of access, and facilities for use, by persons with disabilities
[list relevant systems]
handheld hose reels for fire-ghting
[list relevant systems]
[list relevant systems]
On behalf of: [name of territorial authority or building consent authority]
Date: [insert date]
(If the compliance schedule is issued by a building consent authority, a copy of it must be sent to the
territorial authority in whose district the building is located within 5 working days.)
Compliance Schedule (continued)
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
1.0 Use of this part
This part contains guidance for each of the
specified systems. The information is not
detailed in nature or specific to any particular
system, but instead provides general guidance
relating to three areas, namely ‘Scope’,
‘Inspections’ and ‘Maintenance’. No information
is given in respect of ‘Reporting and recording’
or ‘Responsibility’.
The ‘Scope’ section provides one means
of determining whether a given system or
feature is a specified system and gives some
examples. The ‘Scope’ is not exhaustive and
considerations should not be limited to this
when deciding if a particular system needs to
be included on a compliance schedule.
The ‘Inspections’ and ‘Maintenance’ sections
give guidance by referring to Standards that
may be applicable and by noting parts of a
specified system that may need to be checked.
In each particular case, when a compliance
schedule is issued, the relevant parts of the
Standard that are applicable to the installed
specified system need to be nominated in the
compliance schedule. Likewise, where lists are
given suggesting parts of the specified system
to be inspected, the compliance schedule
needs to complete the list applicable to the
actual installed system and nominate the actual
inspections required along with what
constitutes a pass.
Note: This part does not contain model
compliance schedules or examples of what
a compliance schedule should look like.
The information provided is not a substitute
for the requirements set out in the Building
Act and Regulations. Ultimately, a building
consent authority must be satisfied that any
compliance schedule it issues complies with
the requirements in the Building Act and
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
14 February 2014
SS 1 Automatic systems for fire suppression
Automatic systems for fire suppression require
regular inspection and testing to ensure the
system will operate as required by the
performance standard in the event of a fire.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following referenced Standards or documents
could be used:
B.1 NZS 4541
B.2 NZS 4515
B.3 AS 1851
B.4 a specifically-designed solution prepared by
a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so.
Annual inspections
Where the system is connected to the building’s
emergency warning system, testing of the
interface between the two systems should be
carried out annually.
B. Inspections
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure the system
will operate as required in the event of a fire.
C. MaintenanceA. Scope
An automatic fire suppression system is required
to be listed on a compliance schedule in all cases.
Examples of automatic fire suppression systems
include, but are not limited to:
(i) a water sprinkler system to satisfy the
Acceptable Solutions C/AS1–C/AS7 or as part
of an engineered solution for compliance with
the Building Code
(ii) a gas flood fire suppression system installed
within a building for computer equipment
Amend 3
Feb 2014
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
SS 2 Automatic or manual emergency warning systems
Emergency warning systems require regular
inspection and testing to ensure the system will
operate as required by the performance standard
in the event of fire or other danger.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following referenced Standards or documents
could be used:
B.1 NZS 4512
B.2 AS 1851
B.3 a specifically designed solution prepared by
a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so.
B. Inspections
Planned preventative maintenance and
responsive maintenance should be carried out
in accordance with the nominated performance
and inspection Standard or document, and to
ensure the system will operate as required in
the event of a fire or other danger.
C. MaintenanceA. Scope
An emergency warning system is required to be
listed on a compliance schedule in all cases.
Examples of emergency warning systems
include, but are not limited to the following.
Emergency warning systems that perform a
function contributing to the fire safety precautions
of a building, for example:
(i) manual warning systems (Type 2 alarm)
(ii) automatic fire alarm system with heat
detectors and manual call points (Type 3 alarm)
(iii) automatic fire alarm system with smoke
detectors and manual call points
(Type 4 alarm).
Emergency warning systems installed to
manage hazardous properties of, or danger from,
substances stored or used within the premises
that are governed by a Building Code clause.
For example:
(i) a carbon monoxide gas detection system
within a carpark building that warns occupants
of a potentially hazardous concentration of gas.
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
SS 3 Electromagnetic or automatic doors or windows
Automatic doors require regular inspection and
testing to ensure the system will operate as
required by the performance standard, occupants
are not prevented from leaving the building in
the event of an emergency, and people with
disabilities are able to gain access to the internal
space of the building.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following referenced Standards or documents
could be used:
B.1 NZS 4239
B.2 AS 4085
B.3 AS 4290
B.4 AS 5007
B.5 a specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience
and qualifications, is competent to do so.
B. Inspections
A. Scope
An automatic door is required to be listed on a
compliance schedule where the door:
A .1 is designed to open without direct operation
from any building occupant, and
A.2 could cause injury should they fail to operate
as required, and
A.3 could trap occupants in a building should it
fail to operate as required.
Examples of automatic doors include, but are not
limited to:
(i) automatic sliding doors
(ii) automatic revolving doors.
As a minimum, if not already stated by the
nominated Standard(s) or document, inspections
should be carried out:
daily, when the building is in use, for crowd
occupancies (CS, CL, CO, CM) and for all
buildings where building work is occurring
that may affect an automatic door on an
escape route or an accessible route
monthly, for all other occupancies
annually, for all occupancies.
Daily and monthly inspections
Doors should be inspected to ensure they can be
opened and that they are not:
B.5 locked
B.6 barred
B.7 blocked.
Annual inspections
Inspection of the following should be carried out
when appropriate to the installation.
B.8 Auto door controller operation
B.9 Activation devices
B.10 Safety devices
B.11 Hanger brackets and bolt fixings
B.12 Wheels
B.13 Anti-rise rollers
B.14 General condition of door leaves and
B.15 Alignment and clearance of doors
B.16 Glazing and vision panel to door leaves and
over lights
B.17 Floor guides
B.18 Operation of any doorway illumination
B.19 Visibility of strongly contrasting visual strip
to leading edge
In addition to being inspected, the following
should be tested for effective operation when
appropriate to the installation.
B.20 Electrical and mechanical lock
B.21 Battery back-up
B.22 Brake settings
B.23 Panic breakout or fail-safe devices
B.24 Interface between the automatic doors
and the building’s emergency warning system
B.25 Motion pick up of sensors at shallow angles
B.26 Door timing (it should remain open for at
least five seconds)
Inspections (continued)
SS 3/1 Automatic doors
SS 3/2 Access controlled doors
SS 3/3 Interfaced fire or smoke doors
or windows
SS 3/1 Automatic doors
10 October 2011
Amend 2
Oct 2011
SS 3/2 Access-controlled doors
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
Access-controlled doors require regular
inspections to ensure occupants are not prevented
from leaving the building and are able to leave
the building without the use of swipe cards,
keys or other security devices in the event of an
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard the following referenced
document could be used.
B.1 A specifically-designed solution prepared by
a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so.
As a minimum, inspections should be carried out:
daily, when the building is in use, for crowd
occupancies (CS, CL, CO, CM) and for all
buildings where building work is occurring
that may affect an access control door on an
escape route
monthly, for all other occupancies
six-monthly, for all occupancies.
Daily and monthly inspections
Doors should be inspected to ensure they are not:
B.2 locked
B.3 barred
B.4 blocked.
Six-monthly inspections
The following checks should be carried out when
appropriate to the installation.
B.5 Operation of fail-safe devices in emergency
and power outage situations
B.6 Connection to alarm system
B.7 Any emergency power supply required to
operate in the event of a power failure (this may
be checked as a requirement under SS 14/1)
B. Inspections
A. Scope
An access-controlled door is required to be listed
on a compliance schedule where the door:
A .1 has a security control measure installed on or
as part of it, and
A.2 could trap occupants in a building, should it
fail to operate as required.
Examples of access-controlled doors include,
but are not limited to:
(i) swipe card access
(ii) proximity sensor access
(iii) key pad access
(iv) delayed egress.
Doors which fall under the scope of SS 3/1 as
well as this scope should be inspected and
tested for the appropriate items under SS 3/1
and SS 3/2.
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document. It is also carried out to
safe, suitable operation
occupants are not prevented from leaving the
building in the event of an emergency
people with disabilities can gain access to the
internal space of the building.
In particular, the following should be carried out
during the inspections as required.
C.1 Adjust belt or chain tension
C.2 Adjust brake settings
C.3 Replace sticky, noisy or non-round wheels
C.4 Clean track and wheels with moist cloth
C.5 Recharge back-up batteries when power is
below specified levels
Depending on size and type, back-up rechargeable
batteries should be replaced approximately every
two years or when found to be inoperable.
C. Maintenance
C. Maintenance
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
document, and to ensure occupants are not
prevented from leaving the building in the event
of an emergency.
Depending on size and type, back-up rechargeable
batteries should be replaced approximately every
two years or when found to be inoperable.
SS 3/3 Interfaced fire or smoke doors
or windows
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
A. Scope
Interfaced fire and smoke doors or windows
require regular inspections to ensure they operate
as required by the performance standards in
event of a fire.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard the following referenced
Standard or document could be used.
B.1 AS 4178
B.2 A specifically-designed solution prepared by
a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
As a minimum, if not already stated by the
nominated Standard(s) or document, inspections
should be carried out:
daily, when the building is in use, for crowd
occupancies (CS, CL, CO, CM) and for all
buildings where building work is occurring
that may affect an interfaced door on an
escape route
monthly, for all other occupancies
annually, for all occupancies.
B. Inspections
C. Maintenance
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure the fire or
smoke door or window operates correctly in the
event of a fire.
Daily and monthly inspections
Doors should be inspected to ensure they are not:
B.3 locked
B.4 barred
B.5 blocked.
Annual inspections
The following checks should be carried out when
appropriate to the installation.
B.6 Operation of fail-safe devices in power
outage situations
B.7 Operation of manual release provisions
B.8 Connection to the building’s emergency
warning system
Inspections (continued)
An interfaced fire or smoke door or window is
required to be listed on a compliance schedule
where the door or window:
A .1 is designed to open or close on the activation
of the building emergency warning system or
detection device.
An example of interfaced fire or smoke doors
includes, but is not limited to:
(i) electromagnetic door holders.
Fire and smoke doors or windows that form
part of a fire or smoke separation may also need
to be inspected in accordance with SS 15/3 and
SS 15/5.
SS 4 Emergency lighting systems
An emergency lighting system is required to be
listed on a compliance schedule in all cases.
Examples of emergency lighting systems include,
but are not limited to:
(i) an emergency lighting system within the safe
or open path of the building to facilitate
(ii) an emergency lighting installation for
identification of the exitways of a building
to facilitate evacuation.
B. Inspections
A. Scope
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
Emergency lighting systems require regular
inspection and testing to ensure effective
operation for the required duration in the event
of a failure of the general lighting system.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following referenced Standards or documents
could be used.
For existing systems installed in accordance
with NZS 6742:
B.1 NZS 6742.
For systems installed in accordance with
AS/NZS 2293:
B.2 AS/NZS 2293.
Where a generator is part of the emergency
lighting system:
B.3 the generator should be inspected in
accordance with NZS 6104.
Where none of the above procedures are
B.4 a specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience
and qualifications, is competent to do so.
Annual inspection
Where the system is connected to the building’s
emergency warning system, testing of the
interface between the two systems should be
carried out annually.
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure effective
operation of the emergency lighting for the
required duration in the event of a failure of the
general lighting system.
C. Maintenance
SS 5 Escape route pressurisation systems
An escape route pressurisation system is required
to be listed on a compliance schedule in all cases.
Examples of escape route pressurisation systems
include, but are not limited to:
(i) a corridor pressurisation system
(ii) a stairwell pressurisation system.
A. Scope
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
B. Inspections
Escape route pressurisation systems require
regular inspection and testing to ensure the
system will operate as required by the
performance standard in the event of a fire.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, the following referenced
Standard or document could be used.
B.1 AS 1851
B.2 A specifically-designed solution prepared by
a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure the system
will operate as required in the event of a fire.
C. Maintenance
SS 6 Riser mains
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
B. Inspections
Riser mains for use by fire services require
regular inspection and testing to ensure the
system will operate as required by the
performance standard in the event of a fire.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, the following referenced
Standard or document could be used.
B.1 NZS 4510
B.2 A specifically-designed solution prepared by
a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
Planned preventative maintenance and
responsive maintenance should be carried out
in accordance with the nominated performance
and inspection Standard or document, and to
ensure the system will operate as required in
the event of a fire.
C. Maintenance
A. Scope
A riser main for use by fire services is required to
be listed on a compliance schedule in all cases.
Examples of riser mains for use by fire services
include, but are not limited to:
(i) a dry riser
(ii) a charged riser.
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
SS 7 Automatic back-flow preventers
A. Scope
A back-flow preventer is required to be listed on
a compliance schedule where the preventer:
A .1 is connected to a potable water supply, and
A.2 is contained entirely within the property
boundary of the building it is servicing, or
A.3 it is contained partially within the property
boundary of the building it is servicing and is not
owned by the network utility operator (NUO).
Examples of back-flow preventers include,
but are not limited to:
i) reduced pressure zone devices
ii) double check valve assemblies
iii) pressure type vacuum breakers
iv) atmospheric vacuum breakers.
Automatic back-flow preventers require regular
testing to ensure they provide protection to the
drinking water supply.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, the following referenced
Standard, document or procedure could be used.
B.1 Reduced pressure zone devices, double
check valve assemblies, pressure vacuum
B.1.1 AS 2845.3
B.1. 2 United States Environmental Protection
Agency ’Cross-Connection Control Manual’.
B.1. 3 NZ Backow testing standard.
B.2 Atmospheric vacuum breaker devices.
B. 2.1 These should be tested annually in
accordance with the following and achieve
the required results.
(i) Operate the device by turning on the
fixture or equipment and observe the
operation. The poppet or float must close
on increase in pressure, and
(ii) Operate the device by turning off the
fixture or equipment and observe the
operation. The poppet or float must open
on decrease in pressure.
B. Inspections
B.3 Any other back-flow preventer connected
to a potable water supply required to meet the
requirements of the Building Code:
B. 3.1 a specifically-designed solution
prepared by a person who, on the basis of
experience and qualifications, is competent
to do so.
Non-testable automatic back-flow preventers
connected to a potable water supply should be
inspected annually and replaced or repaired if
leaking or displaying any other fault.
Automatic back-flow preventers should be
inspected and tested after repair or replacement.
Inspections (continued)
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure the back-
flow preventer provides protection to the drinking
water supply.
C. Maintenance
10 October 2011
Amend 2
Oct 2011
A. Scope
B. Inspections
14 February 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure safe and
suitable use.
C. Maintenance
SS 8 Lifts, escalators, travelators, or other systems for moving people or goods within buildings
A passenger-carrying lift is required to be listed
on a compliance schedule in all cases.
Examples of passenger-carrying lifts include,
but are not limited to:
(i) a high speed elevator in a commercial ofce
(ii) a platform lift providing access for a person
with disabilities.
Passenger-carrying lifts require regular inspection
and testing to ensure they operate as required by
the performance standard.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following referenced Standards or documents
could be used.
For lifts installed in buildings before the
introduction of the Building Act 1991:
B.1 Power Lift Rules applicable at the time
of installation.
For installations that comply with D2/AS1 and are
installed to NZS 4332:
B.2 inspections and checks should be carried
out annually in accordance with the
requirements of the checklist on pages 30,
31 and 32.
For installations that comply with D2/AS1 and are
installed to EN 81 (Part 1 or 2):
B.3 inspections and tests should be carried
out annually in accordance with EN 81
Clause D.2 ’Tests and verifications’
of Annex D plus the checks required by the
checklist on pages 30, 31 and 32.
Where the above inspection procedures are not
appropriate to the installation:
B.4 a specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience
and qualifications, is competent to do so.
SS 8/1 Passenger-carrying lifts
SS 8/2 Platform, low-speed and service
SS 8/3 Escalators and moving walks
SS 8/1 Passenger-carrying lifts
Annual inspection
Where the system is connected to the building’s
emergency warning system, testing of the
interface between the two systems should be
carried out annually.
Inspections (continued)
Amend 3
Feb 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
For lift designed to D2/AS1 Initials and
based on reference document: comments
NZS 4332
EN 81
Inspections and Checks required
checks required
Machine room
Visual inspection of machine beams and supports 6.1, 6.3, 7.18
Check security of machine room door 7.4.1 6.3.3, 6.3.4
Check there are no obstructions or rubbish in the 7.2, 7.7
machine room
Check that lighting in machine room functions 7.14 6.3.6
Check ventilation in machine room functions 7.17 1.6 (7.17)
Check for the presence of circuit diagrams and manual 24.10 1.6 (24.10)
Check condition of any emergency hand winding 8.16 12.5
Check condition of traction sheave, with special attention 18.1, 18.2
to the grooves
Check condition of divertor sheave and other sheaves 18.1, 18.2
Check the operation of the brake 8.11 12.4
Check the condition of the brake and the brake linings 8.11 12.4
Check the running of machines, gearboxes, motors, ✓
generators, their bearings and any communicators 30 9.9
Check operation of governor
Lift well
Visual check of liftwell enclosure 12.1, 12.3, 12.4 5.2
Check hoisting ropes for equal tension, attachments and 16.17, 9.5.1
terminations are correct and in good condition, number of
broken wires within acceptable limits
Check for presence and legibility of rope data plates 16.6
Check that rope retainers are present and 18.2 9.5.4
correctly fastened
Visual check of guide rails for straightness and security 20 ✓
Lift pit
Check there are no obstructions or rubbish in the pit 11.3 1.6 (11.3)
Check that lighting in the lift pit and lift well functions 11.6 5.9
Check dryness of pit 11.3, 11.9 1.6 (11.3, 11.9)
Visual check of buffer condition 10 ✓
Check function of lift pit safety switch 11.7 (a)
Lift car exterior
Check functioning of car external lighting 22.20.1 13.6
Check condition of guides or rollers 19.4, 20.15, 20.16 10.2
Check function of car top controls 25.3 8.15
List of inspections and checks required for passenger carrying lifts complying with D2/AS1
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
For lift designed to D2/AS1 Initials and
based on reference document: comments
NZS 4332
EN 81
Inspections and Checks required
checks required
Lift car
Inspect and test safety gear (car and counterweight) 29, 30, 69 9.8
Visual check of the car construction and linings 22 8.3
Check door operation, including door protective devices 23 1.6 (23.6), 8.7
Check lift rating plate present 21.3 15.2.1
Check lift controls for correct operation 25 14.2
Check correct operation of alarms and emergency 28.2 1.6 (28.2.1),
telephone 14.2.3, 15.12
Check access to all, if any, emergency trapdoor 22.15 8.12
Landing doors
Check door locks 14.1, 14.4 7.7
Check emergency opening facilities on landing doors 14.5, 15.11
Check door operation, including door protective devices 23.6 1.6 (23.6), 7.5
Hydraulic systems
Visual check of the hydraulic system, including hoses, 34, 35, 37
ram and cylinder
Check caisson for moisture 34.3.7
Check condition of flow restriction valve 36.5 12.5.5
Check operation of the manual lowering means 36.6 12.9
Check operation of device to hold car at lowest floor 31.6 5.7.3
Check operation of anti-creep device 60.4 9.5.1
Check operation of door locks, limit switches, 7.12, 11.7, 14.1, 14.2
slack rope switch, stop switches, trapdoor switch 22.15(f), 24.1, 26.1,
and other safety switches 26.7, 27, 60
Check functioning of lift car emergency lighting, 22.21 1.6 (
Check for correct operation under fire conditions 25.6, 25.7 1.6 (25.6, 25.7)
Check correct operation of counterweight 25.8 1.6 (25.8)
displacement detector
Check operation of load weighting device 26.6
Lifts on access routes for people with disabilities
Check floor leveling 70.1 1.6 (70.1)
Check door dwell time 70.3 1.6 (70.3)
Check controls distinction 70.4 1.6 (70.4)
Check correct operation of landing indicators 70.5 1.6 (70.5)
Check handrails 70.6 1.6 (70.6)
List of inspections and checks required for passenger carrying lifts complying with D2/AS1
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
For lift designed to D2/AS1 Initials and
based on reference document: comments
NZS 4332
EN 81
Inspections and Checks required
checks required
Visual check for any repairs or modifications ✓ ✓
carried out incorrectly
Check maintenance records are properly kept ✓
1 For lifts designed to NZS 4332 all of the items above must be checked. References given are to
clauses of NZS 4332.
2 For lifts designed to EN 81 (Part 1 or 2) checks shall be carried out where the item is ticked ()
or a reference is given. References given are to clauses EN 81, as modified by D2/AS1. References
given in brackets are the relevant clauses imported from NZS 4332.
3 These checks are to be made in addition to the tests and verifications of Clause D.2 of Annex D
of EN 81.
List of inspections and checks required for passenger carrying lifts complying with D2/AS1
14 February 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
SS 8/2 Platform, low-speed and service
A. Scope
Platform and low-speed lifts used in other than a
single household unit and service lifts are required
to be listed on a compliance schedule. Platform
and low-speed lifts are typically found in low-rise
buildings, travel at speeds of 0.3 m/s or less and
have varying degrees of enclosure.
Service lifts include, but are not limited to:
(i) dumb waiter
(ii) book hoist
(iii) vehicle stacking systems
(iv) stage lifts.
Lifts require regular inspection and testing
to ensure they operate as required by the
performance standard and to ensure loading
and unloading provisions are safe.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following referenced Standards or documents
could be used.
Where the lift installation complies with
NZS 4334 as cited in D2/AS2:
B.1 inspections and routine maintenance
should be carried out in accordance with the
requirements of Appendix A of NZS 4334.
Where the lift installation complies with D2/AS2
that applied up until 14 August 2014:
B.2 inspections and checks should be carried
out annually in accordance with the
requirements of the checklist on pages 34
and 35.
Installations installed before the requirements
of D2/AS2:
B.3 should comply with the Rules for Power
Lifts Not Exceeding 750 Watts (1.H.P.)
applicable at the time of installation.
B. Inspections
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure safe and
suitable use.
C. Maintenance
Where the above inspection procedures are not
appropriate to the installation:
B.4 a specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience
and qualifications, is competent to do so.
Annual inspection
Where the system is connected to the building’s
emergency warning system, testing of the
interface between the two systems should be
carried out annually.
Inspections (continued)
Amend 3
Feb 2014
Amend 3
Feb 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
14 February 2014
Reference Initials and
Machinery spaces
Visual inspection of machine beams and supports 3.1(a)
Check security of machine room door 3.2(f)*
Clean the machinery space and clear out any rubbish 3.2(f)*
Check lighting in the machinery space functions 3.2(d)
Check the condition of the controller
Check the governor and any position devices
Check for the presence of circuit diagrams, manual and log book
Check sheaves, pulleys and drums with special attention to the grooves 6.2
Check the condition and operation of the brake and the condition 3.1(b)
of brake linings
Check the running of the lift machinery
Check condition of drive belts 3.1(c)
Lift well
Inspect and test any safety gear 1.5
Visual check of liftwell enclosure 5
Check hoisting ropes for equal tension, attachments and 6.1.1
terminations are correct and in good condition, number of broken
wires within acceptable limits, filling not being shed, all ropes of
similar condition, correct length of rope
Visual check of guide rails for integrity, straightness and security 9.2*
Check condition of guide shoes or rollers
Lift pit
Remove any rubbish from the lift pit
Check lighting in the pit functions 4.4(g)
Check dryness of pit 4.4(b)
Visual check of buffer condition and other pit components 4.3*
Landing stations
Check door locks 8.3(a) and (b), 8.4
Check lift controls for correct operation
Lift car
Check car doors or safety barriers
Check lift car lighting
Hydraulic systems
Visual check of the hydraulic system, including hoses, ram and cylinder 12*
Check caisson for moisture
Check operation of anti-creep device 12.7
Check the operation of control and auxiliary valves 12.8, 12.9
Checklist suitable for service lifts complying with D2/AS2 that applied up until 14 August 2014
References are rules in The Rules For Power Lifts Not Exceeding 750 Watts (I.H.P)
* Indicates that the rule has been modified by D2/AS2
Amend 3
Feb 2014
14 February 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
Reference Initials and
Check operation of terminal stopping devices, slack rope switch 10
and any emergency switch
Check landing door interlocks and opening of the door when the car 8.4(a)
is away from the landing
Visually check for any repairs or modifications carried out
Maintain full records of maintenance and inspections
Checklist suitable for service lifts complying with D2/AS2 that applied up until 14 August 2014
References are rules in The Rules For Power Lifts Not Exceeding 750 Watts (I.H.P)
* Indicates that the rule has been modified by D2/AS2
Amend 3
Feb 2014
A. Scope
B. Inspections
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
14 February 2014
SS 8/3 Escalators and moving walks
An escalator or moving walk is required to be
listed on a compliance schedule in all cases.
Examples of escalators and moving walks include,
but are not limited to:
(i) an escalator within a shopping mall for
occupant use
(ii) a moving horizontal walkway for occupant use.
Escalators and moving walks require regular
inspection and testing to ensure they operate as
required by the performance standard.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, the following referenced
Standard or document could be used.
Where the installation complies with D2/AS3:
B.1 inspections and checks determined in
accordance with Clause 7.4 of EN 115.1: 2008
Where the installation complies with D2/AS3 that
applied up until 14 August 2014:
B.2 inspections and checks should be carried
out annually in accordance with the
requirements of the checklist on page 37.
Where the above inspection procedures are not
appropriate to the installation:
B.3 a specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience
and qualifications, is competent to do so.
Annual inspection
Where the system is connected to the building’s
emergency warning system, testing of the
interface between the two systems should be
carried out annually.
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure safe and
suitable use.
C. Maintenance
Amend 3
Feb 2014
Amend 3
Feb 2014
14 February 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
Reference Initials and
Safety devices as appropriate
Switches to inspection doors 5.1.3
Stop switch in machinery space 6.3.3*
Overspeed protection 12.5
Emergency stop devices
Other stop switches (a) to (h)
Brakes 12.4, 16.2.1 (d)
Driving elements for visible signs of wear and tear and for insufficient 9.0*
tension of belts and chains
Steps, pallets or the belt for defects, true run and guidance. 8.0*
Dimensions and tolerances 0.1.2, 11.0
Combs for proper condition and adjustment 8.3, 11.3
Balustrade interior panelling and the skirting to
Handrails 7.0*
Checklist suitable for escalators and moving walks
References are to Clauses in EN 115: 1983
* Indicates that the rule has been modified by the version of D2/AS3 that applied up until 14 August 2014
Amend 3
Feb 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
SS 9 Mechanical ventilation or air conditioning systems
Examples of mechanical ventilation or air
conditioning systems to be incorporated in a
compliance schedule include, but are not
limited to:
(i) a toilet extract system serving multiple
(ii) a ducted ventilation or air conditioning system
(iii) a spray booth ventilation system where the
booth forms all or part of the building
(iv) an air-handling system that maintains a
differential air pressure in a hospital operating
theatre, medical isolation room, quarantine
facility or pharmaceutical manufacturing plant
(v) a cooling-water system incorporating one
or more cooling towers or evaporative
(vi) an air-handling system required to function
in smoke management or smoke clearance
mode during a fire
(vii) a system incorporating one or more solid,
liquid or gas-fired boilers
(viii) a system containing one or more electric
heating elements mounted in air handling units
or ducts located outside the occupied space
(ix) a split air conditioning unit that introduces
fresh air into the building.
A mechanical ventilation or air conditioning
system is not required to be listed on the
compliance schedule if:
it does not meet any of the criteria A.1.1 –
A.4.3 to the left, and
failure of that system or unit is readily
apparent and likely to result in occupant
complaints before health or safety is
Examples of mechanical ventilation or air
conditioning systems not to be incorporated in
a compliance schedule include, but are not
limited to:
(i) a split air conditioning unit that does not
introduce fresh air into the building
(eg, a high-wall split air conditioning unit,
a cassette-type split air conditioning unit
without a fresh air intake duct)
(iii) an extract fan in a cooking area or toilet
space, serving a facility of a scale normally
found in a single domestic residence
(iv) a dust extract system in a building that is
not part of the building.
A. Scope Scope (continued)
A mechanical ventilation or air conditioning
system is required to be listed on a compliance
schedule where the system:
A.1. Building Code requirements
A .1.1 Is required to be installed for the purposes
of the Building Code.
A.2. Outdoor air
A . 2 .1 Is used to deliver outdoor air to the
occupants of one or more spaces that cannot be
provided with adequate outdoor air from natural
A.3. Safety
A . 3 .1 Or part of the system is used to collect
potentially harmful material and either capture it
(eg, by filtration or absorption) or discharge it to
a safe place (this includes associated make-up
air systems).
For inspection and maintenance of laboratory
fume cupboards refer to SS 11.
A.3.2 Is required to maintain a difference in
air pressure between two areas of a building,
or between an area of a building and outside,
for the purpose of minimising the spread of
potentially harmful material.
For inspection and maintenance of escape route
pressurisation systems and pressurisation
systems for smoke control see SS 5 and SS 13
A.3.3 Is capable of producing potentially harmful
material and distributing it in a form that may be
harmful to people.
A.4. Fire and smoke control
A .4 .1 Or part of the system, passes through
a fire separation and could spread fire or smoke
to other firecells.
A.4.2 Is required to control the spread of fire
or smoke by shutting down or changing into
a particular mode of operation on receipt of
a signal – either from a heat or smoke detector
incorporated into the system or from a fire
detection and alarm system.
A.4.3 Incorporates a combustion appliance
or other source of heating that could cause a
fire outside the normally-occupied space
(this includes associated make-up air systems).
Refer to SS 13, Smoke control systems,
for the procedures for systems that have been
installed solely for the purposes of controlling
or discharging smoke.
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure effective
operation and preservation of any inbuilt safety
The Standards referred to in these compliance
schedule guidelines focus on system hygiene,
and on the control of fire and smoke respectively.
If these requirements are met, then the ability
of a system to meet other requirements for
proper operation may also be met. However, any
additional inspection or maintenance activities
required to ensure that a system continues
to operate properly should be included in the
inspection and maintenance procedures.
B. Inspections Inspections (continued)
C. Maintenance
Mechanical ventilation and air conditioning
systems require regular inspection to ensure they
operate as required by the performance standard
and to ensure preservation of any inbuilt safety
B.1 System hygiene
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, the following referenced
Standard or document could be used.
B.1.1 AS/NZS 3666.2
B.1. 2 A specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so.
Particular attention must be given to systems
incorporating cooling towers or evaporative
condensers, in case organisms such as
Legionella are present.
B.2 Chemical control
Content and frequency of inspections
To ensure adequate chemical control is being
achieved in the water in cooling towers and
evaporative condensers, the following tests
should also be carried out.
B. 2.1 for cooling towers and evaporative
condensers with automatic chemical dosing:
bacteriological tests performed as detailed
in Table 1, page 40.
B.2.2 for cooling towers and evaporative
condensers without automatic chemical dosing:
weekly dipslide tests
bacteriological tests performed as detailed in
Table 1, page 40.
When dipslide tests have a result greater than
5 cfu/ml, control strategies in AS/NZS 3666.3
Table 3.2 must be implemented.
B.3 Fire and smoke control
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, the following referenced
Standard or document could be used for the
content and frequency of inspection of the fire and
smoke control features of mechanical ventilation
and air conditioning systems:
B. 3.1 AS 1851
B.3.2 a specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so.
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
Cooling tower with automatic chemical Time Test method Test result levels
dosing and control strategies
Legionella: Monthly AS/NZS 3896
AS/NZS 3666.3
Table 3.1
Heterotrophic microorganisms Monthly AS 4276.3.1
AS/NZS 3666.3
Table 3.2
Cooling tower without automatic
chemical dosing
In addition to the testing above, cooling towers without automatic chemical dosing must also do the
following test.
Heterotrophic microorganisms Weekly Dipslide AS/NZS 3666.3
Table 3.2
Note 1
Tests to AS/NZS 3896 and AS 4276.3.1 shall be undertaken by an IANZ biologically accredited
Note 2
Legionella tests with results greater than or equal to 1000 cfu/ml should be notified within 48 hours
to the local Medical Ofcer of Health at the Public Health Service of the District Health Board, and
the Required Control Strategy from Table 3.1 of AS/NZS 3666.3 shall be implemented.
Note 3
Industrial cooling towers are not required by the Building Act to be included on a compliance
schedule. Testing for Legionella in these cooling towers is required by employers to ensure a safe
working environment for their employees under the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992.
Table 1: Cooling tower testing
SS 10 Building maintenance units
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
A building maintenance unit is required to be
listed on a compliance schedule where the unit:
A .1 provides access to exterior or interior walls
of a building, and
A.2 is installed as part of the building, and
A.3 is mechanical, electrical, or hydraulic in nature.
An example of a building maintenance unit
includes, but is not limited to:
(i) a gantry hung over the side of a building that
is secured to the building by a track using a
wheeled trolley for positioning.
Building maintenance units require regular
inspection and testing to ensure they operate
as required by the performance standard.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following referenced Standards or documents
could be used.
For suspended access equipment:
B.1 BS 6 0 37.1.
For travelling ladders and gantries:
B.2 BS 6037.2.
B.3 A specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so.
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure safe and
suitable operation.
A. Scope
B. Inspections
C. Maintenance
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
SS 11 Laboratory fume cupboards
A. Scope
B. Inspections
C. Maintenance
A laboratory fume cupboard is required to be
listed on a compliance schedule where the
A .1 uses a ducted extraction system through
the building.
An example of a laboratory fume cupboard
includes, but is not limited to:
(i) a ducted fume cupboard for laboratory use.
Laboratory fume cupboards systems require
regular inspection and testing to ensure they
operate as required by the performance standard.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following referenced Standards or documents
could be used.
B.1 For ducted fume cupboard systems,
the content of the inspections should be in
accordance with AS/NZS 2243.8
B.2 For local ventilation systems (fume hoods and
plenums), the content of the inspections should
be in accordance with AS/NZS 2243.1
B.3 A specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure safe and
suitable system operation.
SS 12 Audio loops or other assistive listening systems
SS 12/1 Audio loops
SS 12/2 FM radio frequency systems
and infrared beam transmission
SS 12/1 Audio loops
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be applied to ensure
continued effective operation during occupation
of the building.
An FM radio frequency system or infrared (IR)
beam transmission system is required to be listed
on a building’s compliance schedule in all cases.
SS 12/2 FM radio frequency systems
and infrared beam transmission
C. Maintenance
A. Scope
B. Inspections
An audio loop is required to be listed on a
building’s compliance schedule in all cases.
A. Scope
B. Inspections
Audio loops require regular inspection to ensure
they operate as required by the performance
Content and frequency of inspections
Audio loops should be inspected six-monthly in
accordance with the requirements below.
Six-monthly inspections
The six-monthly inspections should include,
as a minimum, inspection and testing of:
B.1 magnetic field strength in the specified
magnetic field area for the values defined in
AS 6 0118.4
B.2 magnetic background noise interference
from other equipment where, since the last
inspection, equipment has been installed,
activated or altered in the proximity of the
teleloop system.
Such equipment could include electrical
fittings, heating systems, electrical controls or
equipment, an adjacent loop system or metallic
B.3 Sound amplification installations consisting of
loop systems should be tested for sound pressure
level and sound distortion.
Where room acoustics have been altered since
the last inspection, the sound amplification
installation should also be tested for spectrum
analysis and speech intelligibility (RASTI).
Room acoustics could have been altered or
affected by such things as the addition or
removal of carpet, curtains or objects.
FM radio frequency systems and IR beam
transmission systems are required to be
inspected regularly to ensure they operate as
required by the performance standard.
Content and frequency of inspections
FM radio frequency and IR beam transmission
systems should be inspected six-monthly in
accordance with the requirements below.
Six-monthly inspections
The six-monthly inspections should include,
as a minimum, inspection and testing of:
B.1 signal transmission strength
B.2 FM transmission and availability of good
reception in the indicated public area – any
coverage blank spots should be eliminated or
Where IR transmission is used, blank spots
may be caused by pillars, obstructions or poor
placement of the emitters, as reception is
dependent on direct line transmission.
B.3 Receiver settings – these should be set for
the transmission channel used at the venue.
B.4 Where only FM transmission is available and
users provide their own receivers, the system
should be tested for proper operation and full
area coverage.
Amend 2
Oct 2011
10 October 2011
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
B.5 Where receiver units and relevant listening
devices are available for public hire they should be
inspected to ensure:
B. 5 .1 the specified number of receivers are
available for use.
The following items should also be tested to
ensure they are functioning properly, being used
correctly, and are in good condition:
B.5.2 cords
B.5.3 connectors
B.5.4 teleloop (where used)
B.5.5 stethoclip, earplugs
B.5.6 headset.
Inspections (continued)
Planned preventative maintenance should be
applied to ensure continued operation during
occupation of the building.
In particular the following should be carried out.
C.1 Where equipment is available for hire,
earplugs, headset covers or ear pads should be
sanitised and sealed in a bag or replaced after
each use
C.2 Rechargeable batteries used in the receivers
should be recharged after each use to ensure full
operating capacity
Responsive maintenance should be applied to
ensure continued operation during occupation of
the building.
In particular the following should be carried out.
C.3 Where a component of the assistive listening
system is found to be faulty or not operating as
required it should be repaired or replaced without
undue delay
C. Maintenance
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
SS 13 Smoke control systems
A. Scope
B. Inspections
A mechanical smoke control system is required
to be listed on a compliance schedule where the
A .1 has been installed solely for the purpose of
controlling or discharging smoke in the event
of a fire, and
A.2 the smoke is removed or controlled using
mechanical means.
Examples of mechanical smoke control systems
include, but are not limited to:
(i) dedicated smoke exhaust
(ii) dedicated smoke control.
SS 13/1 does not apply to air handling systems
required to function in smoke clearance mode
during a fire. Such systems are covered under SS9.
Mechanical smoke ventilation systems require
regular inspection and testing to ensure they
operate as required by the performance standard.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, the following referenced
Standard or document could be used.
B.1 AS 1851
B.2 A specifically-designed solution prepared by
a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure effective
operation for the required duration in the event
of a fire.
SS 13/2 Natural smoke control
A natural smoke control system is required to
be listed on a compliance schedule where the
A .1 has been installed solely to control or
ventilate smoke in the event of a fire, and
A.2 the smoke is removed or controlled using
natural buoyancy methods.
Examples of natural smoke control systems
include, but are not limited to:
(i) a natural smoke ventilator which is designed
to open automatically after the outbreak
of fire
(ii) a smoke reservoir specifically designed
within a building to retain or collect a
thermally buoyant smoke layer in the event
of a fire.
Reservoirs can also be used with a mechanical
system, see SS 13/1.
A. Scope
Natural smoke control systems require regular
inspection and testing to ensure they operate as
required by the performance standard.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, the following referenced
Standard or document could be used.
B.1 AS 1851
B.2 A specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
As a minimum, and if not already stated by the
nominated Standard or document, inspections
should be carried out six-monthly and annually.
C. Maintenance
B. Inspections
SS 13/1 Mechanical smoke control
SS 13/2 Natural smoke control
SS 13/3 Smoke curtains
SS 13/1 Mechanical smoke control
SS 13/3 Smoke curtains
A smoke curtain is required to be listed on a
compliance schedule where the curtain:
A .1 has been installed to control smoke
movement within a building.
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
Inspections (continued)
Six-monthly inspections
The following minimum inspections and tests
should be carried out at six-monthly intervals
where appropriate to the installation.
B.3 Visual inspections
B. 3.1 Inspect for damage to mechanical
components including corrosion damage.
B.4 Operational inspections
B. 4 .1 Where a fire alarm signal is used, activate
the fire alarm and check the correct automatic
operation of the ventilator(s)
B.4.2 Where a heat-activated fusible link is used,
disconnect the fusible link and check the correct
automatic operation of the ventilator(s). Reconnect
fusible link following successful operation and
return ventilator(s) to normal position
Annual inspections
The following minimum inspections and tests
should be carried out annually, where appropriate
to the installation.
B.5 Carry out the six-monthly visual and operation
inspection and testing.
B.6 Check energy source to:
ventilator actuator eg, gas charge in gas-
powered actuator
electrical supply to motors or other electrical
powered actuating devices
power supply to any control panel
power supply to any electro-mechanical
‘hold closed’ device.
B.7 Check fuses, isolators, relays and contactors.
B.8 Check condition of cables and terminals.
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure effective
operation for the required duration in the event of
a fire.
In particular, the following should be carried out
at the inspections as required.
C.1 Replace any fuses, isolators, relays or
contactors found to be faulty (Ref B.7)
C.2 Tighten terminals where necessary (Ref B.8)
B. Inspections
Smoke curtains require regular inspection and
testing to ensure they operate as required by the
performance standard.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, the following referenced
Standard or document could be used:
B.1 AS 1851
B.2 A specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
As a minimum, and if not already stated by the
nominated Standard or document, the following
inspections should be carried out six-monthly
and annually.
Six-monthly inspections
The following minimum inspections and tests
should be carried out at six-monthly intervals
where appropriate to the installation.
B.3 Visual inspection
B. 3.1 Check that the curtain has no obstructions
within the area of travel and within the ceiling slot
through which the curtain drops
B.3.2 Check that the curtain fabric is intact and
has no signs of damage
B.4 Operation check
B. 4 .1 Activate the fire alarm signal and check
the correct automatic operation of the curtain(s).
The curtain(s) should descend to the correct level,
and curtain edges should have clearances, which
provide an effective smoke barrier
B.4.2 For automatic retracting curtains, reset the
alarm signal and check that all curtains retract
B.4.3 For manual retraction systems, reset the
alarm and manually retract the curtain
B.4.4 Inspect the curtain again to make sure the
fabric has rolled up correctly and the bottom bar
has not snagged on any obstacle during retraction
C. Maintenance
A. Scope
25 May 2007
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
Inspections (continued)
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure effective
operation for the required duration in the event
of a fire.
In particular, the following should be carried out
at the inspections as required.
C.1 Replace any fuses, isolators, relays or
contactors found to be faulty (Ref B.7)
C.2 Tighten terminals where necessary (Ref B.8)
C.3 Repair fabric fixing to bottom bar where not
secure (Ref B.10)
C. Maintenance
Annual inspections
The following minimum inspections and tests
should be carried out annually where appropriate
to the installation.
B.5 Carry out six-monthly inspections as detailed
in B.3 and B.4 on the previous page
B.6 Check and record mains voltage to the
system. This may be at the control panel for
powered systems or at the electro-mechanical
‘hold-open’ device for non-powered systems
Non-powered systems may utilise a low voltage
DC supply to the ‘hold-open’ device.
B.7 Check fuses, isolators, relays and contactors
B.8 Check condition of cables and terminals
B.9 Check and record voltage supplied to the
motors of powered curtains
B.10 Check security of fabric fixing to bottom bar
B.11 Check and record satisfactory operation
of smoke curtain from the control panel
(this typically applies to powered curtains only)
B.12 Check and record fail safe operation on
removal of power to the system
B.13 Carry out a visual inspection of the casing,
mechanical fixings, guide rails (where fitted)
Leave installation in full automatic operating
mode after inspecting and testing.
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
An emergency power system is required to be
listed on a compliance schedule where the
A .1 is installed for the purposes of supplying
emergency power to any of the specified
systems 1–13.
Examples of emergency power systems include,
but are not limited to:
(i) an engine alternator set for a sprinkler system
pressure boost pump (SS 1)
(ii) uninterruptible power supply for an
emergency lighting system (SS 4)
(iii) an engine alternator set for provisions of
electrical supply to passenger lifts (SS 8)
(iv) an engine alternator set for provision of
electrical supply to a smoke clearance system
(SS 13).
Emergency power systems require regular
inspection and testing to ensure they operate as
required by the performance standard, in the
event that the primary power supply fails.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following referenced Standards or documents
could be used.
B.1 NZS 6104
B.2 The inspection procedures for emergency
power systems referenced in SS 1–13
B.3 A specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
SS 14 Emergency power systems for, or signs relating to, a specied system in any of
specified systems 1–13
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, to ensure the system will
operate as required in the event that the primary
power supply fails.
A. Scope
B. Inspections
C. Maintenance
SS 14/1 Emergency power systems
SS 14/2 Signs (see the end of this Part)
SS 14/1 Emergency power systems
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
SS 15 Other fire safety systems or features
SS 15/2 Final exits
A final exit is required to be listed on a compliance
schedule where:
A .1 the escape route in which the final exit is
located contains one or more of the specified
systems 1–6, 9 and 13.
Examples of final exits include, but are not
limited to:
(i) an exit door from the building to the street
(ii) an exit gate at the base of an external stair
(iii) an exit gate between an enclosed yard of
a building and the street
(iv) a door between two evacuation zones in
a hospital with staged evacuation
(v) a door between two buildings where either
building is a safe place for the adjacent
Final exits require regular inspection to ensure
occupants are not prevented from leaving the
building in the event of an emergency.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following documents could be used.
B.1 Checklist from the published guidelines for
the Fire Safety and Evacuation of Buildings
Regulations 2006
B.2 A specifically-designed solution prepared by
a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be carried out in accordance
with the nominated performance and inspection
Standard or document, and to ensure the system
will operate as required in the event of a fire.
C. Maintenance
A. Scope
B. Inspections
SS 15/1 Systems for communicating
spoken information intended
to facilitate evacuation
SS 15/2 Final exits
SS 15/3 Fire separations
SS 15/4 Signs for communicating
information intended to facilitate
evacuation (see the end of this Part)
SS 15/5 Smoke separations
SS 15/1 Systems for communicating
spoken information intended
to facilitate evacuation
A system for communicating spoken information
intended to facilitate evacuation is required
to be listed on a compliance schedule where
the system:
A .1 forms part of a means of escape from fire
which contains one or more of the specified
systems 1–6, 9 and 13.
Examples of systems for communicating spoken
information intended to facilitate evacuation
include, but are not limited to:
(i) a building intercom system for use by the
Fire Service
(ii) a public address system to facilitate staged
(iii) an emergency warning intercommunications
system (EWIS).
Systems for communicating spoken information
intended to facilitate evacuation require regular
inspection and testing to ensure they operate as
required by the performance standard in the
event of a fire.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following referenced Standards or documents
could be used.
B.1 NZS 4512
B.2 AS 1851
B.3 A specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
A. Scope
B. Inspections
10 October 2011
Amend 2
Oct 2011
SS 15/3 Fire separations
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
14 February 2014
Responsive maintenance should be carried out to
ensure occupants are not prevented from leaving
the building in the event of an emergency.
In particular, the final exits should be maintained
to ensure they are:
C.1 clearly identified
C.2 free of obstructions
C.3 unlocked
C.4 easily-used.
A fire separation is required to be listed on a
compliance schedule where the fire separation:
A .1 forms part of the means of escape from fire
which contains one or more of the specified
systems 1–6, 9 and 13.
Examples of fire separations include, but are not
limited to, the following:
(i) fire door forming part of a fire separation
(ii) walls forming a safe path within a building
(iii) re rated floor in a service cupboard.
Fire separations require regular inspection to
ensure they prohibit the spread of fire and, in the
case of fire doors, occupants are not prevented
from leaving the building in the event of an
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following Standards or documents could be used.
B.1 Acceptable Solutions C/AS1C/AS7 Protection
from Fire
B.2 AS/ NZS 1905
B.3 A specifically-designed solution prepared
by a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
As a minimum, if not already stated by the
nominated Standard(s) or document, inspections
should be carried out:
daily, when the building is in use, for crowd
occupancies (CS, CL, CO, CM) and for all
buildings where building work is occurring
that may affect a fire separation
six-monthly, for crowd occupancies
monthly and annually, for all other
Daily and monthly inspections
Fire separations that bound exitways should be
visually inspected for:
B.4 signs of damage or deterioration that could
adversely affect their fire resistance function,
particularly with respect to closures, exposed fire-
stopping and surface finish
B.5 new penetrations without suitable fire-
An inspection should be carried out to ensure
doors forming part of an escape route can be
opened and are not:
B.6 locked
B.7 barred
B.8 blocked.
As a minimum, if not already stated by the
nominated Standard(s) or document, inspections
should be carried out:
daily, when the building is in use, for crowd
occupancies (CS, CL, CO, CM) and for all
buildings where building work is occurring
that may affect a final exit
monthly, for all other occupancies.
Daily and monthly inspections
Final exits should be inspected to ensure they can
be opened and are not:
B.3 locked
B.4 barred
B.5 blocked.
And that door-locking devices:
B.6 are clearly visible
B.7 are easily operated without a key or other
security device
B.8 do not prevent or override the direct operation
of panic bolts fitted to any door.
Inspections (continued)
C. Maintenance
A. Scope
B. Inspections
Amend 3
Feb 2014
SS 15/5 Smoke separations
14 February 2014
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
Six-monthly and annual inspections
The following minimum checks should be
carried out when appropriate to the installation
to ensure that:
B.9 doors are not damaged or obstructed
B.10 door leaves or fire shutters close and latch
automatically from any position
B.11 double acting doors and double leaf doors
stop with the leaves in line with the frame,
and seals (where fitted) are in contact at meeting
stile and/or frame
B.12 door leaves on self closers shut with an
acceptable maximum closing force (See Code
Clause D1.3.4(f))
B.13 hardware is securely fixed
B.14 no unauthorised hardware is attached
B.15re doors in exitways can be opened
without keys to allow ready egress from the
building at all times
B.16re door to frame clearances comply with
NZS 4232, or where legally installed to a previous
Standard, comply as reasonably practicable to
NZS 4232
B.17 manufacturer’s label is on the fire door leaf or
shutter and frame where installed in accordance
with NZS 4232 (and where the door installation
has been subject to a building consent, the labels
comply with C/AS1 Part 6)
B.18 fusible link/rollers/cables can be activated
B.19 doors or windows are not kept open by
methods other than hold-open devices that
comply with the Building Code and are in good
working order
B.20 doors haven’t been relocated without
suitable fire separation in the ceiling space
B.21 separations are not damaged or deteriorated
in a way that could adversely affect their fire
resistance function
B.22 separations do not have new penetrations
without suitable fire-stopping.
Responsive maintenance should be carried out to
ensure fire separations prohibit the spread of fire
and, in the case of fire doors, occupants are not
prevented from leaving the building in the event
of an emergency. In particular the remedy of any
defect identified in B.4 to B.22.
A smoke separation is required on a compliance
schedule where the smoke separation:
A .1 forms part of the means of escape from fire
which contains one or more of the specified
systems 1–6, 9 and 13.
Examples of smoke separations include, but are
not limited to:
(i) walls forming a protected path in a building
(ii) smoke resistant lift lobby
(iii) a smoke stop door.
Smoke separations require regular inspection to
ensure they prohibit the passage of smoke and,
in the case of smoke doors, occupants are not
prevented from leaving the building in the event
of an emergency.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, one or more of the
following Standards or documents could be used.
B.1 Acceptable Solutions C/AS1C/AS7 Protection
from Fire
B.2 A specifically-designed solution prepared by
a person who, on the basis of experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so
As a minimum, if not already stated by the
nominated Standard(s) or document, inspections
should be carried out:
daily, when the building is in use, for crowd
occupancies (CS, CL, CO, CM) and for all
buildings where building work is occurring
that may affect a smoke separation
six-monthly, for crowd occupancies
monthly and annually, for all other
Inspections (continued)
A. Scope
B. Inspections
C. Maintenance
Amend 3
Feb 2014
Daily and monthly inspections
The smoke separation should be visually
inspected for:
B.3 signs of damage or deterioration that could
adversely affect their smoke control function,
particularly with respect to closures, exposed
smoke-stopping and surface finish
B.4 new penetrations without suitable smoke-
An inspection should be carried out to ensure
smoke doors forming part of an escape route
can be opened and are not:
B.5 locked
B.6 barred
B.7 blocked.
Six-monthly and annual inspections
The following minimum checks should be carried
out when appropriate to the installation to ensure:
B.8 doors are not damaged or obstructed
B.9 door leaves close and latch automatically
from any position
B.10 double acting doors and double leaf doors
stop with the leaves in line with the frame, and
seals (where fitted) are in contact at meeting stile
and/or frame
B.11 smoke control door seals (where fitted)
are intact and provide continuous contact
B.12 door leaves on self closers shut with an
acceptable maximum closing force (See Code
Clause D1.3.4(f))
B.13 hardware is securely fixed
B.14 no unauthorised hardware is attached
B.15 doors in exitways can be opened without
keys to allow ready egress from the building
at all times
B.16 doors or windows are not kept open by
methods other than hold-open devices that
comply with the Building Code and are in good
working order
B.17 doors haven’t been relocated without
suitable smoke-stopping in the ceiling space.
Responsive maintenance should be carried out to
ensure smoke separations prohibit the spread of
smoke and, in the case of smoke doors, occupants
are not prevented from leaving the building in the
event of an emergency. In particular the remedy of
any defect identified in B.3 to B.17.
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
Inspections (continued) C. Maintenance
SS 14/2 & SS 15/4 Signs
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
SS 14/2
A sign is required to be listed on a compliance
schedule for the purposes of specified system 14
where the sign:
A .1 relates to one or more of the specified
systems 1–13.
SS 15/4
A sign for communicating information intended to
facilitate evacuation is required to be listed on a
compliance schedule for the purposes of
specified system 15 where the sign:
A .1 forms part of a means of escape from fire
which contains one or more of the specified
systems 1–6, 9 and 13.
Examples SS 14/2:
Examples of signs relating to specified systems 1
to 13 include, but are not limited to:
(i) SS 2 – sign instruction on how to operate a
fire alarm call point
(ii) SS 3 – sign showing location of automatic
door for accessibility
(iii) SS 8 – sign advising not to use the lift in the
event of fire
(iv) SS 8 – sign indicating the lifts rated load in
persons and kilograms
(v) SS 8 – sign showing location of lift for
(vi) SS 12 – international symbol for deafness.
Examples SS 15/4:
Examples of signs to facilitate evacuation include,
but are not limited to:
(i) exit sign
(ii) directional sign
(iii) no exit sign.
B. Inspections
Signs require regular inspection to ensure they
operate as required by the performance standard.
Content and frequency of inspections
Where illumination of signage is necessary,
the procedures of SS 4 should be used to verify
that illumination occurs for the required duration.
Where available, signage should be inspected in
accordance with the published Standard or the
performance specification of the associated
specified system.
The following minimum checks should be carried
out when appropriate to the installation.
Monthly inspection
Illuminated signs should be inspected to ensure
they are:
B.1 of the correct type
B.2 present and in the right locations
B.3 legible
B.4 illuminated.
Annual inspection
Signs not required to be illuminated should be
inspected to ensure they are:
B.5 of the correct type
B.6 present and in the right locations
B.7 legible.
Signs required to be illuminated should be tested
to ensure they:
B.8 remain illuminated in the event of a failure of
the main lighting supply, for the same duration as
required by Clause F6 Visibility in Escape Routes.
A. Scope
10 October 2011
Amend 2
Oct 2011
Responsive maintenance should be carried out in
accordance with the nominated performance and
inspection Standard of the associated system,
and to ensure signs remain correctly-positioned
and legible and where appropriate ensure the
escape route is identified.
C. Maintenance
Specific considerations
SS 12 Audio loops or other assistive listening
B.9 Checks should be made to ensure the
following signs or displays are present and in the
right locations, where required.
B. 9.1 Approved international signage indicating
audio loop availability is displayed at entrances to
the venue, auditorium, room or area.
B.9.2 A map or a display of the area covered by
the audio loop, its location if coverage is limited
within the venue, and directions to the indicated
area are displayed.
B.9.3 Where counterloops are installed, each
counter displays a sign indicating availability.
B.9.4 The transmission channel used for the
venue is displayed at the entrances to the venue
to allow users to adjust their receivers to the
frequency channel in use.
SS 13/2 Natural smoke control
B.10 Checks should be made to ensure any
operational signage for the ventilator is still in
place and legible.
Inspections (continued)
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
25 May 2007
SS 16 Cable Cars
Every cable car must be listed on a compliance
schedule where the cable car is attached
to or services a building.
Examples of cable cars include, but are not
limited to:
(i) a cable car attached to or servicing a building
used as a single household unit
(ii) a ski chair lift which carries people in an
enclosed vehicle and operates wholly or
partially inside a building.
B. Inspections
A cable car must be regularly inspected and
tested to ensure it will always operate safely.
Content and frequency of inspections
Depending on the type of installation and its
performance standard, the following referenced
Standard or document may be used.
For cable cars that are installed according to
NZS 5270:
B.1 Inspections and checks should be made
according to the checklist on page 56.
For other installations:
B.2 a specifically designed solution prepared
by a person who, based on experience and
qualifications, is competent to do so.
A. Scope
31 March 2008
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOKCompliance schedule content guidelines
Planned preventative maintenance and responsive
maintenance should be done according to the
nominated performance and inspection Standard
or document, and must ensure the system will
always operate safely.
C. Maintenance
Reference Initials and
Machinery space
Visual inspection of machine supports, holding down bolts, etc
Check condition of machinery enclosure and its access 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
Check there are no obstructions or rubbish in or around the machinery
Check that lighting in machinery area functions 3.3
Check for presence of circuit diagrams and instruction manual 13.5
Check condition of drum or traction sheave, with special attention 9.1
to grooves
Check the condition and operation of the brake and condition of 4.3
brake linings
Check the running of machines, gearboxes, motors and their bearings 4.2, 4.4
Inspect and test safety gear 14
Visual check of runway
Check rope for attachments and terminations correct and in good 8.1
condition, number of broken wires within acceptable limits, fillings
not being shed, in generally good condition
Visual check of guide rails for straightness and security
Check there are no obstructions or rubbish along the track
Check function of any lighting 7.5, 13.7
Check drainage at bottom of track
Visual check of buffer condition 6
Check functioning of any car lighting
Check condition of guides or rollers 9
Check function of car controls 14
Observe operation of powered doors (if applicable)
Check load rating plate present
Check correct operation of alarms and emergency telephone (if applicable)
Check any exit arrangement 5
Landing doors
Check door interlocks 7.4
Check operation of door interlocks, limit switches, slack rope switch, 7.4, 11.4
stop switches and other safety switches
Check operation of overload detector 4.2.3
Check stopping at landings 5.1
Check landing controls 14.2
Check condition of landing barriers 7.3
Visual check for any repairs or modifications done incorrectly
Check maintenance records are properly kept
Checklist suitable for cable cars complying with NZS 5270
COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE HANDBOOK Compliance schedule content guidelines
31 March 2008