Regular school attendance is
directly correlated to academic
success and establishes habits
that will prepare students for life
after high school.
A student absent from school without a legal excuse is in violation of
the Compulsory School Attendance Laws of the State of Georgia. If a
student between the ages of six and sixteen accrues an excessive
amount of unexcused absences, the school social worker becomes
involved, and it is possible that a truancy petition can be filed in
juvenile court to address the excessive absences. Students who
accrue 10 or more consecutive, unexcused absences will be
withdrawn due to lack of attendance.
While students are held accountable and responsible for their
absences, parents must also be aware and involved in the attendance
process. Parents/guardians are urged to establish accounts to access
the Infinite Campus Student Information System to assist with
monitoring attendance.
What is considered an excused
personal illness; (medical documentation)
serious illness or death in the family; (parent note)
religious holiday; (parent note)
instances in which attendance could be hazardous as determined by the DeKalb County School
registering to vote/voting in a public election;
tests and physical exams for military service and the National Guard; (medical documentation)
other such absences as provided for by law or by the local Board of Education.
*If a student/parent forgets to bring in documentation upon return, the absence/tardy will be coded as
unexcused until documentation is provided.
Morning Activities
First bell will ring at 7:50am
Instruction begins at 8:10am
All students who need to make
up a test or see a teacher, must
have a pass in hand and show
staff on duty.
Administrators will do random hall
sweeps. Students who are in the hallway after the tardy bell will be issued an after
school detention.
Afternoon Activities
All approved after-school activities must be supervised by an adult.
All students who are not participating in an after-school supervised
activity must be off campus by 3:45pm.
Unsupervised students will receive a discipline referral for loitering.
Students who arrive late to school between 8:10-8:30am, should
report to class, where a tardy mark will be issued by the teacher.
Students who arrive after 8:30am are expected to check in through the
attendance office.
Emails sent for students coming late to school need to be sent by 8am
on the morning of check in.
Students leaving school prior to 11:30am will be considered absent for the day and SHOULD NOT
be allowed to participate in school-sponsored activities that day.
All students must check out in the attendance office.
Pre-arranged check-outs (dunwoody[email protected])
No check-outs after 2:50pm. Emails sent for checking out a student need to be sent by 8am on the
morning of check out. Email will be checked periodically throughout the day; however, if email is
received after the cut-off time, we cannot assure a speedy checkout.
All adults checking out a student must show ID.
If a parent sends an email to have their child checked out, it is the student’s responsibility to come
to the Attendance Office (before 8:05am or during transition time) and get a "Pass to leave class".
The student MUST always check in/out through our offices if they are coming in late or leaving
early. Failure to do so will result in an afternoon detention.
Proof of Residence
The DeKalb County School District attendance policy requires that a
student must live in the attendance area with a parent or guardian.
Exceptions are given to students granted special permission to attend
If a question arises concerning whether or not a student lives in the
Dunwoody attendance area, proof of residence will be required. Proof of
residence is a current mortgage/lease or a current utility bill. Cable bills,
phone bills, or other bills are not accepted as proof of residence.
Emergency Contact Form
If at any time during the school year you have a change of address or
telephone number, the parent MUST inform the Attendance Office of the
change(s) so that accurate, current records can be maintained.
Please update the EMERGENCY CONTACT FORM annually. The
information on this form is used to call parents if a need or an
emergency arises. Report cards and important school information are
mailed to the address of record.
All students are required to have an emergency number. For a
change of address, please bring a current utility bill or mortgage/lease to
the Registrar to satisfy proof of residence requirements.
A student who must leave school during the school day because of
illness or other emergencies must complete all check-out
procedures in the Attendance Office.
If the parent (or someone on the approved check out list) cannot be
contacted, the student will be made as comfortable as possible until
contact is made. In an extreme emergency, paramedics will be called.
Any medical emergencies must be brought to the attention of an
administrator or a faculty member.
Certificate of Enrollment
Students must obtain a Certificate of Enrollment from the Attendance
Office prior to applying for a Drivers Permit (Learners) or Drivers
The turnaround time is usually 24 hours. Students applying for a
drivers license also need an ADAP certificate showing a passing grade
on the Alcohol and Drug Awareness test given in 9th grade health class.
The Attendance Office can reprint this certificate if you took the class at
Dunwoody High School.
Please see Ms. Nash or Ms. Davis in the Attendance Office if you have
any questions.
If you have questions, please contact:
Tracy Nash
Stephanie Davis
Maria Jiram