Application for access to and/or rectification, erasure or blocking of personal data held
pursuant to the U.S. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)
WP29 - Uniform Procedure for Access Requests
Please find attached the final proposal for the uniform procedure for access requests, pursuant to
the EU-U.S. TFTP Agreement. Attached, you will find the draft procedure, as well as templates for:
Identification Verification Form (Form A)
Article 15 Access Request Form (Form B)
Article 16 Rectification, Erasure or Blocking Request Form (Form C)
Waiver Form (Form D)
Standard letter from National Data Protection Authority (DPA) to the U.S. Department of the
Treasury (U.S. Treasury Department) (Form E)
Annex 1 - List of national DPAs
Annex 2 - List of authorised national means of identification
Ref. Ares(2013)2097175 - 13/06/2013
Application for access to and/or rectification, erasure or blocking of personal data held
pursuant to the U.S. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)
Procedure for data protection authorities
1. The attached information leaflet, forms and annexes are to be placed on the website of the
national DPA (in English), together with an explanation in the national language(s).
2. Upon receip of a request for access, rectification, erasure, or blocking of personal data as well
as a waiver form, the national DPA will first verify the identity of the requester. This will be done
through matching of the information filled out on the forms and the copy of the means of
identification. Furthermore, the characteristics of the identity card shall be verified through the
European Unions Public Register of Authentic Identity and Travel Documents Online (PRADO),
available on Instead of providing the DPA
with a copy of a means of identification, the requester should also be able to prove his identity in
person at the office of the DPA, presenting the original means of identification.
3. When the national DPA confirms the requester is who he says he is through completion of the
identification confirmation form (Form A), the national DPA will forward the original access
request form (Form B) and/or the rectification, erasure, or blocking request form (Form C) and
the waiver form (Form D) (all completed in English), together with a signed copy of the attached
standard letter (Form E), to the U.S. Treasury Department via regular (postal) mail or express
courrier at the following address:
U.S. Treasury Department
Director, Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
ATTN: 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 8125
Washington, DC 20220
The national DPA will include in the standard letter (Form E) a unique case number issued by
the national DPA in the following format:
[EU Country Code] [regular national case number] (for example DE-12345)
The national DPA and the U.S. Treasury Department will include this unique case number on all
correspondence related to the request. Copies of all forms submitted in connection with a
request are held in the file of the national DPA.
4. At the same time that the national DPA forwards the request to the U.S. Treasury Department,
the national DPA will send an e-mail to the U.S. Treasury Department at the following address:
[email protected]. In this e-mail, the national DPA will notify the U.S. Treasury Department
that the national DPA has sent a request or requests via regular mail and inform the U.S.
Treasury Department of the unique case number the DPA has assigned to the request(s) sent
via regular mail.
Upon its receipt of the request via regular mail (not the e-mail notice), the U.S. Treasury
Department will respond via regular mail to the national DPA from which the U.S. Treasury
Department received the request, acknowledging receipt, providing the unique case number the
U.S. Treasury Department has assigned to the request, and including the unique case number
the national DPA assigned to the request. The unique case number provided by the EU will be
any case number the national DPA chooses to assign to the request preceded by the two-digit
country code of the EU member state from which the request is sent.
5. The EU shall maintain a current list of its member states’ national DPAs and provide the
link/URL containing that list to the U.S. Treasury Department. If the U.S. Treasury Department
receives a request sent by anyone who is not identified on the current list of national DPAs as
the national DPA for the country from which the request is sent, the U.S. Treasury Department’s
only response will be via e-mail to notify the sender that they are not on that list and, therefore,
the request cannot be processed until the current list of national DPAs is updated.
6. After the U.S. Treasury Department completes its review of the request, it will notify the national
DPA about the outcome of the review via regular mail, and concurrently send an e-mail stating
only that the response has been sent via regular mail and referencing both the U.S. Treasury
Department’s unique case number and that assigned by the national DPA. The national DPA
will forward this information without undue delay to the requester. Should no follow up be
required to the initial request, the national DPA may decide to close the file of the requester in
line with its own proceedings. No later than six months after the file is closed, the national DPA
will ensure the requester-provided copy of the means of identification is destroyed. All other
information related to the file shall be processed according to the national data protection act
and in line with national archive obligations.
Application for access to and/or rectification, erasure or blocking of personal data held
pursuant to the U.S. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)
Article 15 of the Agreement between the United States of America and the European Union on the
Processing and Transfer of Financial Messaging Data from the European Union to the United
States for the Purposes of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (hereafter: the TFTP
Agreement) provides the ability to seek access to personal data processed under the Agreement.
Article 16 provides the ability to seek rectification, erasure or blocking of personal data that are
inaccurate or processed in contravention of the Agreement. Articles 15 and 16 provide that your
national data protection authority will act as intermediary to the U.S. Treasury Department, which
administers the TFTP.
If you wish to make a request pursuant to Article 15 and/or Article 16 of the TFTP Agreement,
please fill out the attached identification form (Form A), as well as the request form(s) (Form(s) B
and/or C) and waiver form (Form D). This is the information that is needed by the U.S. Treasury
Department to conduct a thorough and accurate review in response to your request.
Proof of identity
Your national data protection authority needs to be satisfied that you are who you say you are.
Consequently, we require you to provide evidence of your identity by supplying a photocopy of a
driving licence, passport, identity card or other official identity document containing your
photograph and bearing your signature. Please see Annex 2 for an overview of the official means
of identification in your country.
Your national data protection authority will verify your identity based solely on the information you
provide. The photocopy of your proof of identity will not be transferred to the U.S. Treasury
Department, but will remain with your national data protection authority. No later than six months
after the file related to your Article 15 and/or Article 16 request has been closed, this photocopy will
be destroyed.
Please note that this procedure only applies to individuals with the nationality of one of the EU
Member States and those permanently residing in one of the countries of the European Union.
In order to start your application for access, please ensure you send at least the following
information in hard copy to your data protection authority (see Annex 1):
Identification Verification Form (Form A) - fully completed and signed
Article 15 Access Request Form (Form B) -
fully completed and signed and/or
Article 16 Rectification, Erasure or Blocking Request Form (Form C) -
fully completed and signed
Waiver form (Form D) - fully completed and signed
Photocopy of an official means of identification bearing your signature
(see Annex 2)
Further information regarding your request may be provided in a separate letter. Please ensure
that you have clearly indicated whether you authorize the transfer of the additional information to
the U.S. Treasury Department. Without explicit authorization to transfer the additional information
to the U.S. Treasury Department, that information will only be retained by your national data
protection authority and will not be used by the U.S. Treasury Department to help process the
Should there be a reason why you are not able or willing to provide a copy of your means of identification to
your national DPA, you can make an appointment to present this document in person. The necessary
verifications of your identity will then be made in person at the office of your national DPA.
Upon its receipt of your application, your national DPA will forward Form D and Form(s) B and/or C
to the U.S. Treasury Department. Your national DPA will keep you informed about the procedure
and after a response is provided to your national DPA by the U.S. Treasury Department, your
national DPA will forward the information regarding your request to you without undue delay.
However, please bear in mind that the response to your access request may be very limited, given
the nature of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program.
Further information
For further information about the TFTP Agreement and requests pursuant to Article 15 and/or
Article 16, please see
Application for access to and/or rectification, erasure or blocking of personal data held
pursuant to the U.S. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)
Form A. Identification Verification
1. Surname / Family name:
2. First Name(s):
3. Maiden / Other names:
4. Place of Birth:
5. Date of Birth:
6. Residential Address:
7. Telephone number*:
8. E-mail address*:
9. Type of identification document provided (please tick)
Driver licence
Identity card
Other official document (Please specify):_______________
Tick here to confirm that the document bears the photograph and signature of the person
presenting it.
Signature of the Requester Date
Signature of the National DPA Date
* Not mandatory; this information will only be used to contact you for further information regarding your request.
Application for access to and/or rectification, erasure or blocking of personal data held
pursuant to the U.S. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)
Form B. Article 15 Access Request
1. Surname / Family name:
2. First Name(s):
3. Maiden / Other names:
4. Residential Address:
5. Bank Name(s):
6. Bank Address(es):
7. Account Number(s):
8. If applicable, describe the records being requested
Signature of the Requester Date
Signature of the National Data Protection Date
Further information may be provided in a separate letter. If a separate letter is provided, please state explicitly if you
authorize to transfer the information in that letter to the U.S. Treasury Department
Application for access to and/or rectification, erasure or blocking of personal data held
pursuant to the U.S. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)
Form C. Article 16 Rectification, Erasure or Blocking Request
1. Surname / Family name:
2. First Name(s):
3. Maiden / Other names:
4. Residential Address:
5. Bank Name(s):
6. Bank Address(es):
7. Account Number(s):
8. Please provide: (a) a precise identification of the record that you believe to be inaccurate or to
have been processed in contravention of the TFTP Agreement, including a description of the
record, the date and any other identifying details; (b) the specific material to be amended, deleted,
or blocked, if any, including a citation of the specific paragraph, sentence, and word to be
amended, deleted, or blocked; (c) a statement regarding why the information is not accurate or
complete, including supporting evidence; and (d) the specific material to be added, if any, and the
exact place at which it is to be added, including evidence of the validity of new or additional
information. If you wish to correct or add any information, you must provide specific proposed
language for the desired correction or addition. Finally, indicate whether you have contacted your
financial institution seeking rectification, deletion, or blocking of any information you believe to be
inaccurate and, if so, how the financial institution responded.
Signature of the Requester Date
Signature of the National DPA Date
Further information may be provided in a separate letter. If a separate letter is provided, please state explicitly if you
authorize to transfer the information in that letter to the U.S. Treasury Department
Application for access to and/or rectification, erasure or blocking of personal data held
pursuant to the U.S. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)
Form D. Waiver
(please fill out your full name in the box above)
hereby authorize
(please fill out the name of your national data protection authority in the box above [see Annex 1])
to make a request on my behalf to the U.S. Treasury Department pursuant to Article 15 and/or
Article 16 of the Agreement between the United States of America and the European Union on the
Processing and Transfer of Financial Messaging Data from the European Union to the United
States for the Purposes of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program; authorize the national Data
Protection Authority identified above to disclose personal data submitted in connection with this
request to the U.S. Treasury Department; and consent to the U.S. Treasury Department disclosing
my personal data to the national Data Protection Authority identified above in connection with any
response to the request.
Signature of the Requester Date
Signature of the National DPA Date
Application for access to and/or rectification, erasure or blocking of personal data held
pursuant to the U.S. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)
Form E. Standard letter
U.S. Treasury Department
Director, Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
ATTN: 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 8125
Washington, DC 20220
Regarding Our Case Number [ISO Country Code]-[National Case Number]
Dear Sir, Madam,
In accordance with Articles 15 and 16 of the EU-U.S. Agreement on the Processing and Transfer
of Financial Messaging Data from the European Union to the United States for the Purposes of the
Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (hereafter: the TFTP Agreement), I hereby transfer to you an
application for access to and/or rectification, erasure, or blocking of personal data from [Name
Requester or minor/individual with legal guardian].
Following the procedure suitable to the U.S. Treasury Department, I hereby confirm that I have
received the proof of identity of the requester. [Name Requester] [provided a copy of] OR
[presented] his/her [Type of Official Document] to our data protection authority. I furthermore
confirm that I have verified and confirmed the identity of the requester. IF NEEDED: The requester
is the [parent of the named minor / legal guardian of the named individual] and has provided
adequate proof of that legal position. In addition to verifying the identity of the requester, I hereby
confirm that I have verified the legal relationship between the requester and the [named
minor/named individual].
Please find attached the original request as contained in the [Article 15 Access Request Form]
AND/OR [Article 16 Rectification, Erasure, or Blocking Request Form], as well as the Waiver
Form, allowing for any information resulting from your review to be transferred to [Name National
DPA] for onward transfer to [Name Requester].
I confirm that an email notification of this request, which includes the unique case number provided
above, has been sent to the following address: [email protected].
I request that you will ensure an appropriate review in connection with the request is made without
undue delay. The [Name National DPA] would appreciate to be informed at the latest one month
after today of the outcome of the review.
For more information related to this request, please contact:
[Contact details].
Sincerely yours,
Application for access to and/or rectification, erasure or blocking of personal data held
pursuant to the U.S. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)
Annex 1 - List of national data protection authorities
Österreichische Datenschutzkommission
Hohenstaufengasse 3
1010 Wien
Commission de la protection de la vie privée
Rue de la Presse / Drukpersstraat 35
B - 1000 Brussels
Комисията за защита на личните данни
Commission for Personal Data Protection
15 Acad. Ivan Evstratiev Geshov Blvd.
Sofia 1431
Γραφείου Επιτρόπου Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα
Commissioner for Personal Data Protection
1 Iasonos street,
CY - 1082 Nicosia
P.O. Box 23378, CY-1682 Nicosia
Czech Republic
Urad pro ochranu osobnich udaju
The Office for Personal Data Protection
Pplk. Sochora 27
CZ - 170 00 Prague 7
Borgergade 28, 5
DK - 1300 Copenhagen K
Andmekaitse Inspektsioon
Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate
Väike-Ameerika 19
10129 Tallinn
Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto
Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman
P.O. Box 315
FIN-00181 Helsinki
Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés
8, rue Vivienne, CS 30223
F-75002 Paris, CEDEX 02
Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit
Husarenstraße 30
53117 Bonn
Αρχή Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα
Hellenic Data Protection Authority
Kifisias Av. 1-3, PC 11523
Ampelokipi Athens, Greece
Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság
Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C
H - 1125 Budapest
Data Protection Commissioner
Canal House
Station Road - Portarlington, Co. Laois
Garante per la protezione dei dati personali
Piazza di Monte Citorio, 121
I - 00186 Roma
Datu valsts inspekcija
Data State Inspectorate
Blaumana str. 11/13-15
LV - 1011 Riga
Valstybinė duomenų apsaugos inspekcija
State Data Protection Inspectorate
Juozapavičiaus str. 6 / Slucko str. 2
LT - 09310 Vilnius
Commission nationale pour la protection des données
41, avenue de la Gare
L-1611 Luxembourg
Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner
Data Protection Commissioner
2, Airways House
High Street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta
The Netherlands
College bescherming persoonsgegevens (CBP)
Dutch Data Protection Authority
Afdeling Internationaal
Juliana van Stolberglaan 4-10
P.O.Box 93374
NL - 2509 AJ Den Haag/The Hague
Generalny Inspektor Ochrony Danych Osobowych
The Bureau of the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data
ul. Stawki 2
00-193 Warsaw
Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados
R. de São. Bento, 148-3°
P - 1200-821 LISBOA
Autoritatea Naţională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal
The National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing
Str. Olari nr. 32
Cod poştal 024057
Office for Personal Data Protection of the SR
Úrad na ochranu osobných údajov Slovenskej republiky
Odborárske námestie č. 3
817 60, Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Informacijski Pooblaščenec
Information Commissioner
Zaloska 59SI - 1000 LJUBLJANA
Agencia Española de Protección de Datos
C/Jorge Juan, 6
E - 28001 MADRID
Drottninggatan 29, 5th Floor
Box 8114
S - 104 20 STOCKHOLM
United Kingdom
Information Commissioners Office
Water Lane, Wycliffe House
Application for access to and/or rectification, erasure or blocking of personal data held
pursuant to the U.S. Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)
Annex 2 - List of authorised national means of identification
Means of identification
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Identity Documents / Driving Licence / Residence Documents
Passport / National Identity Card / Alien Registration Certificate
Czech Republic
Passport / National Identity Card / Residence Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card / Border Pass
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Passport / Driving Licence / National Identity Card
Swedish or EU Passport / Swedish Driving Licence / Swedish National Identity
Card / Swedish SIS-marked ID Card
United Kingdom
Passport / Driving Licence / Identity Card for Foreign Nationals or Biometric
Residence Permit