Uniting the Tribes: Using Text
for Marketing Insight
Jonah Berger, Ashlee Humphreys, Stephan Ludwig, Wendy W. Moe,
Oded Netzer, and David A. Schweidel
Words are part of almost every marketplace interaction. Online reviews, customer service calls, press releases, marketing com-
munications, and other interactions create a wealth of textual data. But how can marketers best use such data? This article provides an
overview of automated textual analysis and details how it can be used to generate marketing insights. The authors discuss how text
reflects qualities of the text producer (and the context in which the text was produced) and impacts the audience or text recipient.
Next, theydiscuss how text can be a powerful tool both for prediction and for understanding (i.e., insights). Then, the authors overview
methodologies and metrics used in text analysis, providing a set of guidelines and procedures. Finally, they further highlight some
common metrics and challenges and discuss how researchers can address issues of internal and external validity. They conclude with a
discussion of potential areas for future work. Along the way, the authors note how textual analysis can unite the tribes of marketing.
While most marketing problems are interdisciplinary, the field is often fragmented. By involving skills and ideas from each of the
subareas of marketing, text analysis has the potential to help unite the field with a common set of tools and approaches.
computational linguistics, machinelearning, marketing insight, interdisciplinary, natural language processing, text analysis, text mining
Online supplement:
The digitization of information has made a wealth of textual
data readily available. Consumers write online reviews, answer
open-ended survey questions, and call customer service repre-
sentatives (the content of which can be transcribed). Firms
write ads, email frequently, publish annual reports, and issue
press releases. Newspapers contain articles, movies have
scripts, and songs have lyrics. By some estimates, 80%–95%
of all business data is unstructured, and most of that unstruc-
tured data is text (Gandomi and Haider 2015).
Such data has the potential to shed light on consumer, firm,
and market behavior, as well as society more generally. But, by
itself, all th is data is just that—data. For data to be useful,
researchers must be able to extract underlying insight—to mea-
sure, track, understand, and interpret the causes and conse-
quences of marketplace behavior.
This is where the value of automated textual analysis comes
in. Automate d textual analysis
is a computer-assisted
methodology that allows researchers to rid themselves of mea-
surement straitjackets, such as scales and scripted questions,
and to quantify the information contained in textual data as it
naturally occurs. Given these benefits, the question is no longer
whether to use automated text analysis but how these tools can
best be used to answer a range of interesting questions.
This article provides an overview of the use of automated
text analysis for marketing insight. Methodologically, text
analysis approaches can describe “what” is being said and
“how” it is said, using both qualitative and quantitative inqui-
ries with various degrees of human involvement. Thes e
Jonah Berger is Associate Professor of Marketing, Wharton School, University
of Pennsylvania, USA (email: [email protected]). Ashlee Humphreys
is Associate Professor, Medill School of Journalism, Media, and Integrated
Marketing Communications, Northwestern University, USA (email:
[email protected]). Stephan Ludwig is Associate Professor of
Marketing, University of Melbourne, Australia (email: stephan.ludwig@ Wendy W. Mo e is Associate Dean of Master’s Programs,
Dean’s Professor of Marketing, and Co-Director of the Smith Analytics
Consortium, University of Maryland, USA (email: [email protected]).
Oded Netzer is Professor of Business, Columbia Business School, Columbia
University, USA (email: onetzer@gsb.columbi David A. Schweidel is
Professor of Marketing , Goizueta Business School, Emory University, USA
Computer-aided approaches to text analysis in marketing research are
generally interchangeably referred to as computer-a ided text analysis
(Pollach 2012), text mining (Netzer et al. 2012), aut omated text an alysis
(Humphreys and Wang 2017), or computer-aided content analysis (Dowling
and Kabanoff 1996).
Journal of Marketing
ª American Marketing Association 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0022242919873106
approaches consider individual words and expressions, their
linguistic relationships within a document (within-text interde-
pendencies) and across documents (across-text interdependen-
cies), and the more genera l topics discussed in the text.
Techniques range from computerized word counting and
applying dictiona ries to s upervised or automated machine
learning that helps deduce psychometric and substantive prop-
erties of text.
Within this emerging domain, we aim to make four main
contributions. First, we illustrate how text data can be used for
both prediction and understanding, to gain insight into who
produced that text, as well as how that text may impact the
people and organizations that consume it. Second, we provide a
how-to guide for those new to text analysis, detailing the main
tools, pitfalls, and challenges that researchers may encounter.
Third, we offer a set of expansive research propositions per-
taining to using text as a means to understand meaning making
in markets with a focus on how customers, firms, and societies
construe or comprehend marketplace interactions, relation-
ships, and themselves. Whereas previous treatments of text
analysis have looked specifically at consumer text (Humphreys
and Wang 2017), social media communication (Ker n et al.
2016), or psychological processes (Tausczik and Pennebaker
2010), we aim to provide a framework for incorporating text
into marketing research at the individua l, firm, market, and
societal levels. By necessity, our approach includes a wide-
ranging set of textual data sources (e.g., user-generated content,
annual reports, cultural artifacts, government text).
Fourth, and most importantly, we discuss how text analysis can
help “unite the tribes.” As a field, part of marketing’s value is its
interdisciplinary nature. Unlike core disciplines such as psychol-
ogy, sociology, or economics, the marketing discipline is a big
tent that allows researchers from different traditions and research
philosophies (e.g., quantitative modeling, consumer behavior,
strategy, consumer culture theory) to come together to study
related questions (Moorman et al. 2019a, b). In reality, however,
the field often seems fragmented. Rather than different rowers all
simultaneously pulling together, it often feels more like separate
tribes, each independently going off in separate directions.
Although everyone is theoretically working toward similar goals,
there tends to be more communication within groups than
between them. Different groups often speak different
“languages (e.g., psychology, sociology, anthropology, statis-
tics, economics, organizational behavior) and use different tools,
making it increasingly difficult to have a common conversation.
However, text analysis can unite the tribes. Not only does it
involve skills and ideas from each of these areas, doing it well
requires such integration because it borrows ideas, concepts,
approaches, and methods from each tribe and incorporates them
to achieve insight. In so doing, the approach also adds value to
each of the tribes in ways that might not otherwise be possible.
We start by discussing two distinctions that are useful when
thinking about how text can be used: (1) whether text reflects or
impacts (i.e., says something about the producer or has a down-
stream impact on something else) and (2) whether text is used
for prediction or understanding (i.e., predicting something or
understanding what caused something). Next, we explain how
text may be used to unite the tribes of marketing. Then we
provide an overview of text analysis tools and methodology
and discuss key questions and measures of validity. Finally,
we close with a future research agenda.
The Universe of Text
Communication is an integral part of marketing. Not only do
firms communicate with customers, but customers communi-
cate with firms and one another. Moreover, firms communicate
with investors and society communicates ideas and values to
the public (through newspapers and movies). These communi-
cations generate text or can be transcribed into text.
A simple way to organize the world of textual data is to
think about producers and receivers—the person or organi-
zation that creat es the text and the person or orga nizat ion
who consumes t he text (Table 1). While there are certainly
other parties that could be listed, some of the main
producers a nd receivers are cons umers , fi rms, investors, and
society at large. Consumers write online reviews that are
read by other consumers, firms create annua l reports tha t
are read by investors, and cultural producers represent soci-
etal meanings through the creation of books, m ovies, a nd
other digital or physical artifacts that are consumed by indi-
viduals or organizations.
Consistent with this distinction between text producer and
text receiver, researchers may choose to study how text reflects
or impacts. Specifically, text reflects information about, and
thus can be used to gain insight into, the text producer or one
can study how text impacts the text receiver.
Text as a Reflection of the Producer
Text reflects and indicates something about the text producer
(i.e., the person, organization, or context that created it). Cus-
tomers, firms, and organizations use language to express them-
selves or achieve desired goals, and as a result, text signals
information about the actors, organization, or society that cre-
ated it and the contexts in which it was created. Like an anthro-
pologist piecing together pottery shards to learn about a distant
civilization, text provides a window into its producers.
Take, for example, a social media post in which someone
talks about what they did that weekend. The text that person
produces provides insight into several facets. First, it provides
insight into the individual themselves. Are they introverted or
extraverted? Neurotic or conscientious? It sheds light on who
they are in general ( i.e., stable tra its or customer segments;
Moon and Kamakura 2017) as well as how they may be feeling
or what they may be thinking at the moment (i.e., states). In a
sense, language can be viewed as a fingerpr int or signature
(Pennebaker 2011). Just like brush strokes or painting style can
be used to determine who painted a particular painting,
researchers use words and linguistic style to infer whether a
play was written by Shakespeare, or if a person is depressed
(Rude, Gortner, and Pennebaker 2004) or being deceitful
2 Journal of Marketing XX(X)
(Ludwig et al. 2016). The same is true for groups, organiza-
tions, or institutions. Language reflects something about who
they are and thus provides insight into what they might do in
the future.
Second, text can provi de insight into a person’s attitudes
toward or relationships with other attitude objects—whether
that person liked a movie or hated a hotel stay, for example,
or whether they are friends or enemies with someone. Lan-
guage used in loan applications provides insight into whether
people will default (Netzer, Lemaire, and Herzenstein 2019),
language used in reviews can provide insight into whether they
are fake (Anderson and Simester 2014; Hancock et al. 2007;
Table 1. Text Producers and Receivers.
Text Receivers
Consumers Firms Investors Institutions/Society
Online reviews (Anderson and
Simester 2014; Chen and Lurie 2013;
Fazio and Rockledge 2015
; Kronrod
and Danziger 2013
; Lee and Bradlow
2011; Liu, Lee, and Srinivasan 2019
Melumad, Inman, and Pham 2019;
Moon and Kamakura 2017; Puranam,
Narayan, and Kadiyali 2017)
Social media (Hamilton, Schlosser, and
Chen 2017
; Netzer et al. 2012;
Villarroel Ordenes et al. 2017)
Offline word of mouth (Berger and
Schwartz 2011
; Mehl and Pennebaker
Forms and applications
(Netzer, Lemaire, and
Herzenstein 2019)
Idea-generation contexts
(Bayus 2013
; Toubia and
Netzer 2017)
Social media/brand
communities (Herhausen
et al. 2019)
Consumer complaints
(Ma, Baohung, and Kekre
Customer language on
service calls
Tweeting at companies
(Liu, Singh, and Srinivasan
Stock market reactions to
consumer text (Bollen,
Mao, and Zeng 2011;
Tirunillai and Tellis 2012)
Letters to the editor
Online comments
Activism (e.g.,
organizing political
movements and
Owned media (e.g., company website
and social media; Villarroel Ordenes
et al. 2018)
Advertisements (Fossen and
Schweidel 2017
, 2019; Liaukonyte,
Teixeira, and Wilbur 2015
; Rosa et al.
1999; Stewart and Furse 1986)
Customer service agents (Packard and
Berger 2019; Packard, Moore, and
McFerran 2018)
Packaging, including labels
Text used in instructions
Trade publications
(Weber, Heinze, and
DeSoucey 2008
Interfirm communication
emails (Ludwig et al.
White papers
Financial reports
(Loughran and McDonald
communications (Hobson,
Mayhew, and
Venkatachalam 2012)
Chief executive officer
letters to shareholders
(Yadav, Prabhu, and
Chandy 2007
Editorials by firm
Interviews with
business leaders
Letters to shareholders
(Yadav, Prabhu, and
Chandy 2007)
Shareholder feedback
(Wies et al. 2019)
Sector reports
News content (Berger, Kim, and
Meyer 2019; Berger and Milkman
2012; Humphreys 2010)
Movies (Berger, Moe, and Schweidel
2019; Eliashberg, Hui, and Zhang 2007,
2014; Toubia et al. 2019)
Songs (Berger and Packard 2018;
Packard and Berger 2019)
Books (Akpinar and Berger 2015;
Sorescu et al. 2018
Business section
Specialty magazines (e.g.,
Wired, Harvard Business
Wall Street Journal
Various forms of
investment advice that
come from media
documents, hearings,
and memoranda
(Chappell et al. 1997
Forms of public
dialogue or debate
Reference appears in the Web Appendix.
Berger et al. 3
Ott, Cardie, and Hancock 2012), and language used by political
candidates could be used to study how they might govern in the
These same approaches can also be used to understand
leaders, orga niz at ions, o r cultu ral elites through the text they
produce. For example, the words a leader uses reflect who
they are as an individual, their leadership style, and their
attitudes toward va rious sta keho lders . The lang uage use d in
ads, on websites, or by customer serv ice ag ents refle cts inf or -
mation about the company those pieces of text represent.
Aspects s uch as bra nd personali ty (Opoku, Abratt, and Pit t
2006), how mu ch a firm is thinking about its cu stome rs (Pack-
ard and Berger 2019), or ma nage rs ’ orienta tion tow ard e nd
users (Molner, Prabhu, and Yadav 2019) can be understood
through text. Annual reports provide insight into how well a
firm is likely to p erform in the future (Loughran and McDo-
nald 2016).
Yet beyond single individuals or organizations, text can also
be aggregated across creators to study larger social groups or
institutions. Given that texts reflect information about the peo-
ple or o rganizatio ns that created them, grouping people or
organization s t ogether on th e basis of shared characteristics
can provide insight into the nature of such groups and differ-
ences between them. Analyzing blog posts, for example, can
shed light on how older and younger people view happiness
differently (e.g., as excitement vs. peacefulness; Mogilner,
Kamvar, and Aaker 2011). In a comparison of newspaper arti-
cles and press releases about different business sectors, text can
be used to understand the creation and spread of globalization
discourse (Fiss and Hirsch 2005). Customers’ language use
further gives insight into t he consumer sentiment in online
brand communities (Homburg, Ehm, and Artz 2015).
More broadly, because texts are shaped by the contexts (e.g.,
devices, cultures, time periods) in which they were produced,
they also reflect information about these contexts. In the case of
culture, U.S. culture values high-arousal positive affective
states more than East Asian cultures (Tsai 2007), and these
differences may show up in the language these different groups
use. Similarly, whereas members of individualist cultures tend
to use first-person pronouns (e.g., “I”), members of collectivist
cultures tend to use a greater proportion of third-person pro-
nouns (e.g., “we”).
Across time, researchers were able to examine whether the
national mood changed after the September 11 attacks by
studying linguistic markers of psychologic al chang e in online
diaries (Cohn, Mehl, and Pennebaker 2004). The language
used in news articles, songs, and public discourse reflects
societal attitudes and norms, and thus analyzing changes over
time can provide insight into aspects such as attitudes toward
women and minorities (Boghrati a nd Berger 2019; Garg et al.
2018) or certain industries (Humphreys 2010). Journal articles
provide a window into the evolution of topics within acade-
mia (Hill and Carley 1999). Books and movies serve as sim-
ilar cultural barometers and could be used to shed light on
everything from cultural differences in customs to changes in
values over time.
Consequently, text analysis can provide insights that may
not be easily (or cost-effectively) obtainable through other
methods. Companies and organizations can use social listening
(e.g., online reviews and blog posts) to understand whether
consumers like a new product, how customers feel about their
brand, what attributes are relevant for decision making, or what
other brands fall in the same consideration set (Lee and Bra-
dlow 2011; Netzer et al. 2012). Regulatory agencies can deter-
mine adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs (Feldman et al.
2015; Netzer et al. 2012), public health officials can gauge how
bad the flu will be this year and where it will hit the hardest
(Alessa and Faezipour 2018), and investors can try to predict
the performance of the stock market (Bollen, Mao, and Zeng
2011; Tirunillai and Tellis 2012).
Text’s Impact on Receivers
In addition to reflecting information about the people, organi-
zations, or society that created it, text also impacts or shapes the
attitudes, behavior, and choices of the audience that consumes
it. For example, take the language used by a customer service
agent. While that language certainly reflects something about
that agent (e.g., their personality, how t hey are feeling that
day), h ow they feel toward the customer, and what type of
brand they represent, that language also impacts the customer
who receives it (Packard and Berger 2019; Packard, Moore,
and McFerran 2018). It can change customer attitudes toward
the brand, influence future purchase, or affect whether custom-
ers talk about the interaction with their friends. In that sense,
language has a meaningful and measura ble impact o n the
world. It has consequences.
This ca n be seen in a myriad of differ ent contexts. Ad copy
shapes customers’ purchase behavior (Stewart a nd F urse
1986), newspaper language changes customers’ attitudes
(Humphreys and LaTour 2013), trade publications and con-
sumer magazines shift product category pe rceptions (e.g.,
Rosa et al. 1999), movi e scripts shape audience reactions
(Berger, Kim, and Meyer 2019; Eliashberg, Hui, and Zhang
2014; Reagan et al. 2016), and song lyrics shape song market
success (Berger and Packard 2018; Packard and Berger 2019).
The language used in political debates shapes which topics get
attention (Berman et al. 2019), the language used in conversa-
tion s hape s interp erso nal attitu de s (Huang et al. 2017), and the
language used in news articles shapes whether people read
(Berger, Moe, an d Schweidel , 2019b) or share (Berge r and
Milkman 2012) them.
Firms’ language choice has impact as well. For example,
nuances in language choices by firms when responding to cus-
tomer criticism online directly impacts consumers and, thus,
the firms’ success in containing social media firestorms (Her-
hausen et al. 2019). Language used in YouTube ads is corre-
lated with their virality (Tellis et al. 2019). Shareholder
complaints about nonfinancial concerns and topics that receive
high media attention substantially increase firms’ advertising
investments (Wies et al. 2019).
4 Journal of Marketing XX(X)
Note that while the distinction between text reflecting and
impacting is a useful one, it is not an either/or. Text almost
always sim ultaneously re flects and impacts. Text always
reflects information about the actor or actors that created it,
and as long as some audience consumes that text, it also
impacts that audience.
Despite this relationship, researchers studying reflection
versus impact tend to use text differently. Research that exam-
ines what the text reflects often treats it as a dependent variable
and investigates how it relates to the text creator’s personality,
the social groups they belong to, or the time period or culture in
which it was created.
Research that examines how text impacts others often treats
it as an independent variable, examining if and how text shapes
outcomes such as purchase , sharing, or engagement. In this
framework, textual elements are linked with outcomes that are
believed to be theoretical consequences of the textual compo-
nents or some latent variable that they are thought to represent.
Contextual Influences on Text
Importantly, text is also shaped by contextual factors; thus, to
better understand its meaning and impact, it is important to
understand the broade r situation in which it was produced.
Context can affect content in three ways: through technical
constraints a nd social norms of the genre, through sh ared
knowledge specific to the speaker and receiver, and through
prior history.
First, different types of texts are influenced by formal and
informal rules and norms that shape the content and expecta-
tions about the message. For example, newspaper genres such
as opinion pieces or feature stories will contain a less
“objective” po int of view than traditional reporting (Ljung
2000). Hotel comment cards and other feedback are usually
dominated by more extreme opinions. On Snapchat and other
social media platforms, messages are relatively recent, short,
and often ephemeral. In contrast, online reviews can be longer
and are often archived dating back several years. Synchronic
text exchanges, in which two individuals interactively commu-
nicate in real time may be more informal and contain dialogue
of short statements and phatic responses (i.e., communication
such as “Hi,” which serves a s ocial function) that indicate
affiliation rather than semantic content (Kulkarni 2014). Some
genres (e.g., social media) are explicitly public, whereas on
others, such as blogs, information that is more private may
be conveyed.
Text is also shaped by technological c onstraint s (e.g., the
ability to like or share) a nd physical constraints (e.g., charac-
ter length limitations). Tweets, for ex a mple , necessarily have
280 characters or fe wer, whi ch may sha pe the ways i n which
they are used to communicate. Mobile phones have con-
straints on typing and may shape the text that people produce
on them (Melumad, Inman, and Pham 2019; Ransbotham,
Lurie, and Liu 2019).
Second, the relationship between the text producer and con-
sumer may affect what is said (or, more often, unsaid). If the
producer and consumer know each other w ell, text may be
relatively informal (Goffman 1959) and lack explicit informa-
tion that a third party would need to make sense of the con-
versation (e.g., past events, known likes/dislikes). If both have
an understanding of the goal of the communication (e.g., that
the speaker wants to persuade the receiver), this may shape the
content but be less explicit.
These factors are important to understand when interpret-
ing the content of the text itself. Content has been shown to
be shaped by the creator’s intended audience (Vosoughi,
Roy, and Aral 2018) and anticipated effects on the receiver
(Barasch and Berger 2014). Similarly, what consumers share
with their best friend may be different (e.g., less impacted
by self-presentational motivations) than what they pos t
online for everyone to see.
Firms’ annual reports may be
shaped by the goals of appearing favorably to the market.
What people say on a customer service call may be driven
by the goal of getting m onetary compensation. Consumer
protests online are meant to inspire change, not merely
inform others.
Finally, history may affect the content of the text. In mes-
sage boards, prior posts may shape future posts; if someone
raised a point in a previous post, the respondent will most likely
refer to the point in future posts. If retweets are included in an
analysis, this will bias content toward most circulated posts.
More broadly, media frames such as #metoo or #blacklives-
matter might make some concepts or facts more accessible to
speakers and therefore more likely to emerge in text, even if
seemingly unrelated (McCombs and Shaw 1972; Xiong, Cho,
and Boatwright 2019).
Using Text for Prediction Versus
Beyond reflecting information about the text creator and
shaping outcomes for the text recipient, another useful dis-
tinction is whether text is used for prediction or
Some text research is predominantly interested in prediction.
Which customer is most likely to default on their loan (Netzer,
Lemaire, and Herzenstein 2019)? Which movie will sell the
most tickets (Eliashberg et al. 2014)? How will the stock mar-
ket perform (Bollen, Mao, and Zeng 2011; Tirunillai and Tellis
2012)? Whether focusing on individual-, firm-, or market-level
outcomes, the goal is to predict with the highest degree of
accuracy. Such work often takes many textual features and uses
machine learning or other methods to combine these features in
a way that achieves the best prediction. The authors care less
Note that intermediaries can amplify (e.g., retweet) an original message and
may have different motivations than the text producer.
Berger et al. 5
about any individual feature and more about how the set of
observable features can be combined to predict an outcome.
The main difficulty involved with using text for predictions
is that text can generate hundreds and often thousands of fea-
tures (words) that are all potential predictors for the outcome of
interest. In some cases, the number of predictors is larger than
the number of observations, making traditional statistical pre-
dictive models largely impractical. To address this issue,
researchers often resort to machine learning–type methods, but
overfitting needs to be carefully considered. In addition, infer-
ence with respect to the role of each word in the prediction can
be difficult. Methods such as feature importance weighing can
help extract some inference from these predictive models.
Other researc h is pre dominantly interested in using text for
understandi ng. How does the lan guag e consumers us e shape
word of mouth’s impact (Packard and Berger 2017)? Why do
some online posts get shared, songs become popular, or
brands engender greater loyalty? How do cultural attitudes
or business practices change? Whether focusing on
individual-, firm-, or market-level outcomes, the goal is to
understand why or how some thing occ ur red. Such wo rk often
involves examining only one or a small number of textual
features or aspects that link to u nderlying psychological or
sociological processes and aims to understand which features
are dr ivi ng outcome s and w hy .
One challenge with using textual da ta for understan di ng
is drawing causal infere nces from observati onal data. Con-
sequently, work in this area may augment field data with
experiments t o allow key indepe ndent variables to be
manipulated. An ot her c ha lleng e is i nte rpre ting r ela tions hips
with textual features (we discuss this further in the closing
section). Songs that use more second-person pronouns are
more popul ar (Packar d a nd Berger 2019), for exa mple, but
this relat ionship alone does not nec essa rily explain why this
is the case; second-person pronouns may indicate several
things. Consequently, deeper theorizing, examination of
links observed in prior research, or further empirical work
is often needed.
Note that research that can use either a prediction or
understanding lens to study either what text reflects or what
it impacts. On the predict ion s ide, r esea rchers interested in
what text reflects could use it t o predict states or traits of
the text creator such as customer satisfaction, likelihood of
churn, or brand personality. Researchers interested in the
impact of t ext could predict how text wil l shape outcomes
such as reading behavior, sharing, or purchase among con-
sumers of that text.
On the understanding side, someone interested in what text
reflects could use it to shed light on why peopl e might use
certain personal pronouns when they are depressed or why
customers might use certain types of emotional language
when they are talking to customer service. Someone inter-
ested in the impact of text could use it to understand why text
that evokes different emoti ons might be more likely to be read
or shared.
Furthermore, while most research tends to focus on either
prediction or understanding, some work integrates both
aspects. Netzer, Lemaire, and Herzenstein (2019), for example,
both use a range of available textual features to predict whether
a given person will default on a loan and analyze the specific
language used by people who tend to default (e.g., language
used by liars).
Uniting the Tribes of Marketing
Regardless of whether the focus is on text reflection v ersus
impact, or prediction versus understanding, doing text analysis
well requires integrating skills, techniques, and substantive
knowledge from differe nt areas of marketing. Furthermore,
textual analysis opens up a wealth of opportunity for each of
these areas as well.
Take consumer behavior. While hypothetical scenarios can
be useful, behavioral economics has recently gotten credit for
many applications of social or cognitive psychology because
these researchers have demonstrated phenomena in the field.
Given concerns about replication, researchers have started to
look for new tools that enable them to ensure validity and
increase relevance to external audiences. Previously, use of
secondary data was often limited because it addressed the
“what” but not the “why” (i.e., what people bought or did, but
not why they did so). But text can provide a window into the
underlying process. Online reviews, for example, can be used
to understand why someone bought one thing rather than
another. Blog posts can help marketers understand consider-
ation sets (Lee and Bradlow 2011; Netzer et al. 2012) and the
customer journey (Li and Du 2011). Text even helps address
the age-old issue of telling more than we can know (Nisbett and
Wilson 1977). While people may not always know why they
did something, their language often provides traces of explana-
tion (Pennebaker 2011), even beyond what they can con-
sciously articulate.
This richness is attractive to more than just behavioral
researchers. Text opens a large-scale window into the world
of “why” in the field and does so in a scalable manner. Quan-
titative modelers are always looking for new data sources and
tools to explain and predict behavior. Unstructured data pro-
vides a rich set of predictors that are often readily available, at
large scale, and able to be combined with structured measures
as either dependent variables or independent variables. Text,
through product reviews, user-driven social media activity, and
firm-driven marketing efforts, provides data in real time that
can shed light on consumer needs/preferences. This offers an
alternative or supplement to traditional marketing research
tools. In many cases, text can be retraced to an individual,
allowing distinction between individual differences and
dynamics. It also offers a playground where new methodolo-
gies from other disciplines can be applied (e.g., deep learning;
LeCun, Bengio, and Hinton 2015; Liu et al. 2019).
6 Journal of Marketing XX(X)
Marketing strategy researchers want logic by which business
can achieve its marketing objectives and to better understand
what affects organizational success. A primar y challenge to
these researchers is to obtain reliable and generalizable survey
or field data about factors that lie deep in the firm’s culture and
structure or that are housed in the mental models and beliefs of
marketing leaders and employees. Text analysis offers an objec-
tive and systematic solution to assess constructs in naturally
occurring data (e.g., letters to shareholders, press releases, patent
text, marketing messages, conference calls with analysts) that
may be more valid. Likewise, marketing strategy scholars often
struggle with valid measures of a firm’s marketing assets, and
text may be a useful tool to understand the nature of customer,
partner, and employee relationships and the strength of brand
sentiments. For example, Ku
bler, Colicev, and Pauwels (2017)
use dictionaries and support vector machine methods to extract
sentiment and relate it to consumer mindset metrics.
Scholars who draw from anthropology and sociology have
long examined text through qualitative interpretation and con-
tent analysis. Consumer c ulture theory–oriented marketing
researchers are primarily interested in understanding underly-
ing meanings, norms, and values of consumers, firms, and
markets in the marketplace. Text analysis provides a tool for
quantifying qualitative information to measure changes over
time or make comparisons between groups. Sociological and
anthropological researchers can use automated text analysis to
identify important words, locate themes, link them to text seg-
ments, and examine common expressions in their context. For
example, to understand consumer taste practices, Arsel and
Bean (2013) use text analysis to first identify how consumers
talk about different taste objects, doings, and meanings in their
textual data set (comments on a website/blog) before analyzing
the relationship between these elements using interview data.
For marketing practitioners, textual analysis unlocks the
value of unstructured data and offers a hybrid between quali-
tative and quant itative marketing research. Like qualitative
research, it is rich, exploratory, and can answer the “why,” but
like quantitative research, it benefits from scalability, which
often permits modeling and statistical testing. Textual analysis
enables researchers to explore open-ended questions for which
they do not know the range of possible answers a priori. With
text, scholars can answer questions that they did not ask or for
which they did not know the right outcome measure. Rather
than forcing on participants a certain scale or set of outcomes
from which to select, for example, marketing researchers can
instead ask participants broad questions, such as why they like
or dislike something, and then use topic modeling tools such as
latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA; explained in detail subse-
quently) to discover the key underlying themes.
Importantly, while text analysis offers opportunities for a
variety of research traditions, such opportunities are more
likely to be realized when researchers work across traditional
subgroups. That is, the benefits of computer-aided text analysis
are best realized if we include both quantitative, positivist
analyses of content and qualitative, interpretive analyses of
discourse. Quantitative researchers, for example, have the
skills to build the right statistical models, but they can benefit
from behavioral and qualitative researchers’ ability to link
words to underlying psychological or social processes as well
as marketing strategy researchers’ understanding of organiza-
tional and marketing activities driving firm performance. This
is true across all of the groups.
Thus, to really extract insights from textual data, research
teams must have the interpretative skills to understand the
meaning of words, the behavioral skills to link them to under-
lying psychological processes, the quantitative skills to build
the right statistical models, and the strategy skills to understand
what these findings mean for firm actions and outcomes. We
outline some potential areas for fruitful collaboration in
“Future Research Agenda” section.
Text Analysis Tools, Methods, and Metrics
Given the recent work using text analysis to derive marketing
insight, some researchers may wonder where to start. This
section reviews methodologies often used in text-based
research. These include techniques needed to convert text into
constructs in the research process as well as procedures needed
to incorporate extracted textual information into su bsequen t
modeling and analyses. The objective of this section is not to
provide a comprehensive tutorial but, rather, to expose the
reader to available techniques, discuss when different methods
are appropriate, and highlight some of the key considerations in
applying each method.
The process of text analysis involves several steps: (1) data
preprocessing, (2) performing a text analysis of the resulting
data, (3) converting the text into quant ifiable measu res, and
(4) a ssessing the validity of the extracted text and measures.
Each of these steps may vary depending on the research objec-
tive. Table 2 provides a summary of the different steps
involved in the text analysis process from preprocessing to com-
monly used tools and measures and validation approaches. Table
2 can serve as a starter kit for those taking their first steps with
text analysis.
Data Preprocessing
Text is often unstructured and “messy,” so before any formal
analyses can take place, researchers must first preprocess the
text itself. This step provides structure and consistency so that
the text can be used systematically in the scientific process.
Common software tools for text analysis include Python (https:// and R (
quanteda/quanteda.pdf, For both software
platforms, a set of relatively easy-to-use tools has been devel-
oped to perform most of the data preprocessing steps. Some
programs, such as Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC;
Tausczik and Pennebaker 2010) and WordStat (Peladeau 2016),
require minimal preprocessing. We detail the data preprocessing
steps next (for a summary of the steps, see Table 3).
Berger et al. 7
Data acquisitio n. Data acquisition can be well defined if the
researcher is provided with a set of documents (e.g., emails,
quarterly reports, a data set of product reviews) or more open-
ended if the researcher is using a web scraper (e.g., Beautiful
Soup) that searches the web for instances of a particular topic
or a specific product. When scraping text from public sources,
researchers should abide by the legal guidelines for using the
data for academic or commercial purposes.
Tokenization. Tokenization is the process of breaking the text into
units (often words and sentences). When tokenizing, the
researcher needs to determine the delimiters that define a token
(space, period, semicolon, etc.). If, for example, a space or a period
is used to determine a word, it may produce some nonsensical
tokens. For example, “the U.S.” may be broken to the tokens the,”
“U,” and “S.” Most text-mining software has smart tokenization
procedures to alleviate such common problems, but the
researcher should pay close attentiontoinstancesthatarespe-
cific to the textual corpora. For cases that include paragraphs or
threads, depending on the research objective, the researcher
may wish to tokenize these larger units of text as well.
Cleaning. H TM L tags and nontextual information, such as
images, are cleaned or removed from the data set. The cleaning
needs may depend on the format in which the data was provided/
extracted. Data extracted from the web often requires heavier
cleaning due to the presence of HTML tags. Depending on the
purpose of the analysis, images and other nontextual information
may be retained. Contractions such as “isn’t” and “can’t” need to
be expanded at this step. In this step, researchers should also be
mindful of and remove phrases automatically generated by com-
puters that may occur within the text (e.g., “html”).
Removing stop words. Stop words are common words such as “a”
and “the” that appear in most documents but often provide no
significant meaning. Common text-mining tools (e.g., the tm,
quanteda, tidytext, and tokenizers package in R; the Natural
Language Toolkit package in Python; exclusion words in
WordStat) have a predefined list of such stop words that can
be amended by the researcher. It is advisable to add common
word s that are specific to the domain (e.g., “Amazon” in a
corpora of Amazon reviews) to this list. Depending on the
research objective, stop words can sometimes be very mean-
ingful, and researchers may wish to retain them for their anal-
ysis. For example, if the researcher is interested in extracting
not only the content of the text but also writing style (e.g.,
Packard, Moore, and McFerran 2018), stop words can be very
informative (Pennebaker 2011).
Spelling. Most text-mining packages have prepackaged spellers
that can help correct spelling mistakes (e.g., the Enchant spel-
ler). In using these spellers, the researcher should be aware of
language that is specific to the domain and may not appear in
the speller—or even worse, that the speller may incorrectly
“fix.” Moreover, for some analyses the researcher may want
to record the number of spelling mistakes as an additional
Table 2. The Text Analysis Workflow.
Data Preprocessing Common Tools Measurement Validity
Data acquisition:
Obtain or download
(often in an HTML
format) text.
Tokenization: Break
text into units (often
words and sentences)
using delimiters (e.g.,
Cleaning: Remove
nonmeaningful text (e.g.,
HTML tags) and
nontextual information.
Removing stop words:
Eliminate common
words such as “a” or
“the” that appear in
most documents.
Spelling: Correct
spelling mistakes using
common spellers.
Stemming and
lemmatization: Reduce
words into their
common stem or lemma.
Entity extraction: Tools used to
extract the meaning of one word
at a time or simple cooccurrence
of words. These tools include
dictionaries; part-of-speech
classifiers; many sentiment analysis
tools; and, for complex entities,
machine learning tools.
Topic modeling: Topic modeling
can identify the general topics
(described as a combination of
words) that are discussed in a
body of text. Common tools
include LDA and PF.
Relation extraction: Going
beyond entity extraction, the
researcher may be interested in
identifying textual relationships
among extracted entities. Relation
extraction often requires the use
of supervised machine learning
Count measures: The set of
measures used to represent the
text as count measures. The tf-idf
measure allows the researcher to
control for the popularity of the
word and the length of the
Similarity measures: Cosine
similarity and the Jaccard index
are often used to measure the
similarity of the text between
Accuracy measures: Often used
relative to human-coded or
externally validated documents.
The measures of recall, precision,
F1, and the area under the curve
of the receiver operating
characteristic curve are often
Readability measures: Measures
such as the simple measure of
gobbledygook (SMOG) are used
to assess the readability level of
the text.
Internal Validity
Construct: Dictionary
validation and sampling-and-
saturation procedures ensure
that constructs are correctly
operationalized in text.
Concurrent: Compare
operationalizations with prior
Convergent: Multiple
operationalizations of key
Causal: Control for factors
related to alternative
External Validity
Predictive: Use conclusions to
predict key outcome variable
(e.g., sales, stock price).
Generalizability: Replicate
effects in other domains.
Robustness: Test conclusions
on holdout samples (k-fold);
compare different categories
within the data set.
Note: PF ¼ Poisson factoring.
8 Journal of Marketing XX(X)
textual measure reflecting important states or traits of the com-
municator (e.g., Netzer, Lemaire, and Herzenstein 2019).
Stemming and lemmatization. Stemming is the process of reducing
the words into their word stem. Lemmatization is similar to stem-
ming, but it returns the proper lemma as opposed to the word’s root,
which may not be a meaningful word. For example, with stem-
ming, the entities “car” and “cars” are stemmed to “car,” but
“automobile” is not. In lemmatization, the words “car,” cars,”
and “automobile” are all reduced to the lemma “automobile.”
Several prepackaged stemmers exist in most text-mining tools
(e.g., the Porter stemmer). Similar to stop words, if the goal of the
analysis is to extract the writing style, one may wish to skip the
stemming step, because stemming often masks the tense used.
Text Analysis Extraction
Once the data has been preprocessed, the researcher can start
analyzing the data. One can distinguish between the extraction
of individual words or phrases (entity extraction), the extrac-
tion of themes or topics from the collective set of words or
phrases in the text (topic extrac tion), and the extraction of
relationships between words or phrases (relation extraction).
Table 4 highlights these th ree types of analysis, the typical
research questions investigated with each approach, and some
commonly used tools.
Entity (word) extraction. At the most basic level, text mining has
been used in marketing to extract individual entities (i.e., count
words) such as person, location, brands, product attributes, emo-
tions, and adje ctives. Entity extraction is probably the most
commonly used text analysis approach in marketing academia
and practice, partly due to its relative simplicity. It allows the
researcher to explore both what was written (the content of the
words) as well as how it was written (the writing style). Entity
extraction can be used (1) to monitor discussions on social media
(e.g., numerous commercial companies offer buzz monitoring
services and use entity extraction to track how frequently a brand
is being mentioned across alternative social media), (2) to gen-
erate a rich set of entities (words) to be used in a predictive
model (e.g., which words or entities are associated with fake
or fraudulent statements), and (3) as input to be used with dic-
tionaries to extract more complex forms of textual expressions,
such as a particular concept, sentiment, emotion, or writing style.
In addition to programming languages such as Python and
R’s tm tool kits, software packages such as WordStat make it
possible to extract entities without coding. Entity extraction
can also serve as input in commonly used dictionaries or lex-
icons. Dictionaries (i.e., a predefined list of words, such as a list
of brand names) are often used to classify entities into the
categories (e.g., concepts, brands, people, categories, loca-
tions). In more formal text, capitalization can be used to help
Table 3. Data Preprocessing Steps.
Data Processing Step Issues to Consider Illustration
Data acquisition
Is the data readily available in textual format or does the
research needs to use a web scraper to find the data?
What are the legal guidelines for using the data
(particularly relevant for web-scraped data)?
Tweets mentioning different brands from the same
category during a particular time frame are
downloaded from Twitter.
What is the unit of analysis (word, sentence, thread,
Use smart tokenization for delimiters and adjust to
specific unique delimiters found in the corpora.
The unit of analysis is the individual tweet. The words
in the tweet are the tokens of the document.
Web-scraped data often requires cleaning of HTML
tags and other symbols.
Depending on the research objective, certain textual
features (e.g., advertising on the page) may or may not
be cleaned.
Expansion of contractions such as “isn’t” to “is not.”
URLs are removed and emojis/emoticons are
converted to words.
Removing stop word
Use a stop word list available by the text-mining
software, but adapt it to a specific application by adding/
removing relevant stop words.
If the goal of the analysis is to extract writing style, it is
advisable to keep all/some of the stop words.
Common words are removed. The remaining text
contains brand names, nouns, verbs, adjectives,
and adverbs.
Can use commonly used spellers in text-mining
packages (e.g., the Enchant speller).
Language that is specific to the domain may be
erroneously coded as a spelling mistake.
May wish to record the number of spelling mistakes as
an additional textual measure.
Spelling mistakes are removed, enabling analysis into
consumer perceptions (manifest through word
choice) of different brands.
Stemming and lemmatization
Can use commonly used stemmers in text-mining
packages (e.g., Porter stemmer).
If the goal of the analysis is to extract writing style,
stemming can mask the tense used.
Verbs and nouns are “standardized” by reducing to
their stem or lemma.
Berger et al. 9
Table 4. Taxonomy of Text Analysis Tools.
Approach Common Tools Research Questions Benefits Limitations and Complexities Marketing Examples
Entity (word) extraction:
Extracting and identifying
a single word/n-gram
Named entity extraction (NER) tools
(e.g., Stanford NER)
Dictionaries and lexicons (e.g.,
LIWC, EL 2.0, SentiStrength,
Rule-based classification
Linguistic-based NLP tools
Machine learning classification tools
(conditional random fields, hidden
Markov models, deep learning)
Brand buzz monitoring
Predictive models where text is
an input
Extracting psychological states
and traits
Sentiment analysis
Consumer and market trends
Product recommendations
Can extract a large number of
Can uncover known entities
(people, brands, locations)
Can be combined with
dictionaries to extract
sentiment or linguistic styles
Relatively simple to use
Can be unwieldy due to the large number
of entities extracted
Some entities have multiple meanings that
are difficult to extract (e.g., the laundry
detergent brand “All”)
Slang and abbreviations make entity
extraction more difficult in social media
Machine learning tools may require large
human-coded training data
Can be limited for sentiment analysis
Lee and Bradlow (2011)
Berger and Milkman (2012)
Ghose et al. (2012)
Tirunillai and Tellis (2012)
Humphreys and
Thompson (2014)
Berger, Moe, and
Schweidel (2019)
Packard, Moore, and
McFerran (2018)
Topic extraction:
Extracting the topic
discussed in the text
LDA2vec word embedding
Summarizing the discussion
Identifying consumer and
market trends
Identifying customer needs
Topics often provide useful
summarization of the data
Data reduction permits the use
of traditional statistical
methods in subsequent analysis
Easy-to-assess dynamics
The interpretation of the topics can be
No clear guidance on the selection of the
number of topics
Can be difficult with short text (e.g.,
Tirunillai and Tellis (2014)
Bu¨schken and Allenby
Puranam, Narayan, and
Kadiyali (2017)
Berger and Packard (2018)
Liu and Toubia (2018)
Toubia et al. (2019)
Zhong and Schweidel
Ansari, Li, and Yang
Timoshenko and Hauser
Liu, Singh, and Srinivasan
Liu, Lee, and Srinivasan
Relation extraction:
Extracting and identifying
relationships among
Co-occurrence of entities
Handwritten rule
Supervised machine learning
Deep learning
Word2vec word embedding
Stanford Sentence and Grammatical
Dependency Parser
Market mapping
Identifying problems mentioned
with specific product features
Identifying sentiment for a focal
Identifying which product
attributes are mentioned
Identifying events and
consequences (e.g., crisis) from
consumer- or firm-generated
Managing service relationships
Relaxes the bag-of-words
assumption of most text-mining
Relates the text to a particular
focal entity
Advances in text-mining
methods will offer new
opportunities in marketing
Accuracy of current approaches is limited
Complex relationships may be difficult to
It is advised to develop domain-specific
sentiment tools as sentiment signals can
vary from one domain to another
Netzer et al. (2012)
Toubia and Netzer (2017)
Boghrati and Berger
Reference appears in the Web Appendix.
extract known entities such as brands. However, in more casual
text, such as social media, such signals are less useful. Com-
mon dictionaries include LIWC (Pennebaker et al. 2015), EL
2.0 (Rocklage, Rucker, and Nordgren 2018), Diction 5.0, or
General Inquirer for psychological states and traits (for exam-
ple applications, see Berger and Milkman [2012]; Ludwig et al.
[2013]; Netzer, Lemaire, and Herzenstein [2019]).
Sentiment dictionaries such as Hedonometer (Dodds et al.
2011), VADER (Hutto and Gilbert 2014), and LIWC can be used
to extract the sentiment of the text. One of the major limitations of
the lexical approaches for sentiment analysis commonly used in
marketing is that they apply a “bag of words” approach—meaning
rence of a word of interest (e.g., “brand”) with positive or negative
words (e.g., “great,” “bad”) in the same textual unit (e.g., a
review). While dictionary approaches may be an easy way to
measure constructs and comparability across data sets, machine
learning approaches trained by human-coded data (e.g., Borah and
Tellis 2016; Hartmann et al. 2018; Hennig-Thurau, Wiertz, and
Feldhaus 2015) tend to be the most accurate way of measuring
such constructs (Hartmann et al. 2019), particularly if the construct
is complex or the domain is uncommon. For this reason, research-
ers should carefully weigh the trade-off between empirical fit and
theoretical commensurability, taking care to validate any diction-
aries used in the analysis (discussed in the next section).
A specific type of entity extraction includes linguistic-type
entities such as part-of-speech tagging, which assigns a linguis-
tic tag (e.g., verb, noun, adjective) to each entity. Most text
analysis tools (e.g., the tm package in R, the Natural Language
Toolkit package in Python) have a built-in part-of-speech tag-
ging tool. If no predefined dictionary exists, or the dictionary is
not sufficient for the extraction needed, one could a dd hand-
crafted rules to help define entities. However, the list of rules
can become long, and the task of identifying and writi ng the
rules can be tedious. If the entity extraction by dictionaries or
rules i s difficult or if the entities are less defined, machine
learning–supervised cla ssification approaches (e.g., condi-
tional r andom fields [Netzer et al. 2012], hidden Markov
models) or deep learning (Timoshenko and Hauser 2019) can
be used to extract entities. The limitation of this approach is
that often a relatively large hand-coded training data set needs
to be generated.
To allow for a combination of words, entities can be defined
as a set of consecu tive wor ds, often referred to as n-grams,
without attempting to extract the relati onship between these
entities (e.g., the consecutive words “credit card” can create
the unigram entities “credit” and “card” as well as the bigram
“credit card”). This can be useful if the researcher is interested
in using the text as input for a predictive model.
If the researcher wishes to extract entities while understanding
the context in which the entities were mentioned in the text (thus
avoiding the limitation of the bag-of-words approach), the emer-
ging set of tools of word2vec or word embedding (Mikolov et al.
2013) can be employed. Word2vec maps each word or entity to a
vector of latent dimensions called embedding vector based on the
words with which each focal word appears. This approach allows
the researcher not only to extract words but also to understand the
similarity between words based on the similarities between the
embedding vectors (or the similarities between the sentences in
which each word appears). Thus, unlike the previous approaches
discussed thus far, word2vec preserves the context in which the
word appeared. While word embedding statistically captures the
context in which a word appears, it does not directly linguistically
“understand” the relationships among words.
Topic modeling. Entity extraction has two major limitations: (1)
the dimensionality of the problem (often thousands of unique
entities are extracted) and (2) the interpretation of many enti-
ties. Several topic modeling approaches have been suggested to
overcome these limitations. Similar to how factor analysis
identifies underlying themes among different survey items,
topic modeling can identify the general topics (described as a
combination of words) that are discussed in a body of text. This
text summarization approach increases understanding of docu-
ment content and is particularly useful when the objective is
insight generation and interpretation rather than prediction
(e.g., Berger and Packard 2018; Tirunillai and Tell is 2014).
In addition, monitoring topics, as opposed to words, makes it
easier to assess how discussion changes over time (e.g., Zhong
and Schweidel 2019).
Methodologically, topic modeling mimics the data-
generating process in which the writer chooses the topic she
wants to write about and then chooses the words to express
these topics. Topics are defined as word distributions that com-
monly co-occur and thus have a certain probability of appear-
ing in a topic. A document is then described as a probabilistic
mixture of topics.
The two most commonly used tools for topic modeling are
LDA (Blei, Ng, and Jordan 2003) and Poisson factorization
(PF; Gopalan, Hofman and Blei 2013). The predominant
approach prior to L DA and PF was the support-vector-
machine latent semantic analysis (LSA) approac h. While LSA
is simpler and faster to implement than LDA and PF, it
requires larger textual corpora and often achieves lower accu-
racy levels. Other approaches include building an ontology of
topics using a combination of human classification of docu-
ments as seeding for a machine learning classification (e.g.,
Moon and K amakura 2017). Whereas LDA is often simpler to
apply than PF, PF has the advantage of not assuming that the
topic probabilities must sum to one. That is, some document s
may have more topi c pr esence s than othe rs, and a document
can have mult ipl e top ic s with h igh l ike liho od of occurrence.
In addition, PF tends to be more stabl e with shorter t ext.
schken and Allenby (2016) relax the common bag-of-
words assumption underlying the traditional LDA model and
leverage the within-sentence d ependencies of online reviews.
LDA2vec is another approach to assess topics while account-
ing for the sequence context in which the word appears
(Moody 2016). In the context of search queries, Liu and Tou-
bia (2018) further extend the LDA approach to hierarchical
LDA for cases in which related documents (queries and search
results) are used to extrac t the topics. Furthermore, the
Berger et al. 11
researcher can use an unsupervised or seeded LDA approach
to incorporate pri or knowledge in the construction and inter-
pretation of the topics (e.g., Puranam, Narayan, and Kadiyali
2017; Toubia et al. 2019).
While topic modeling methods often produce very sensible
topics, because topics are selected solely based on a statistical
approach, the selection of the number of topics and the inter-
pretation of some topics can be challenging. It is recommended
to combine statistical approaches (e.g., the perplexity measure,
which is a model fit–based measure) and researcher judgment
when selecting the number of topics.
Relation extraction. At the most b asic level, relationships
between entities can be captured by the mere co-occurrence
of entities (e.g., Boghrati and Berger 2019; Netzer et al.
2012; Toubia and Netzer 2017). However, marketing research-
ers are often more interested in identifying textual relationships
among extracted entities, such as the relationships between
products, attributes, and sentiments. Such relationships are
often more relevant for the firm than merely measuring the
volume of brand mentions or even the overall brand sentiment.
For example, researchers may want to identify whether consu-
mers mentioned a particular problem with a specific product
feature. Feldman et al. (2015) and Netzer et al. (2012) provide
such examples by identifying the textual relationships between
drugs and adverse drug reactions that imply that a certain drug
may cause a particular adverse reaction.
Relation extraction also off ers a more advanced route to
capture sentiment by p roviding the link between an entity of
interest (e.g., a brand) and the sentiment e xpress ed, beyond
their mere cooccurrence. Relation extraction based on the
bag-of-words approach, which treats the sentence as a bag
of unsorted words and searches for word cooccurrence, is
limited because the cooccurrence of words may not imply a
relationship . For example, the cooccu rrenc e of a drug ( e. g.,
Advil) with a symptom (e.g., headache) may refer to the
symptom as a side effe ct of the drug or as the effect the drug
is aiming to alleviate. Addressing such relationships requires
identifying the sequence of words and the linguistic relation-
ship among them. There have been only limited appl ications
of such relation extraction in marketing, primarily due to the
computational and linguistic complexi ties inv olve d in accu -
rately making such relational inferences from unstructured
data (see, e.g., the diabetes drugs application in N etzer et al.
[2012]). However, as the methodologies used to extract entity
relations evolve, we expect this to be a promising direction for
marketers to take.
The most commonly used approaches for relation extraction
are handwritten relationship rules, supervised machine learning
approaches, and a combination of these approaches. At the
most basic level, the researcher could write a set of rules that
describe the required relationship. An example of such a rule
may be the co-occurrence of product (e.g., “Ford”), attribute
(e.g., “oil consumption”), and problem (e.g., “excessive”).
However, such approaches tend to require many handwritten
rules and have low recall (they miss many relations) and thus
are becoming less popular.
A more common approach is to train a supervised machine
learning tool. This could be linguistic agnostic approache s
(e.g., deep learning) or natural language processing (NLP)
approaches that aim to understand the linguistic relationship
in the sentence. Such an approach requires a relatively large
training data set provided by human coders in which various
relationships (e.g., sentiment) are observed. One readily
available tool for NLP-based relationship extraction is the
Stanford Sentence and Grammatical Dependency Parser
( The tool identifies the
grammatical role of dif ferent words in the sentence to identify
their relationship. For example, to assign a sent iment to a
particular attribute, the parser first identifies the presence of
an emotion word and then, in cases wher e a subject is prese nt,
automatically assesses if there is a grammatical relationship
(e.g., in the sentence “the hotel was very nice,” the adjective
“nice” relates to the subject hotel”). As with many off-the-
shelf tools, the validity of the tool for a specific relation
extraction needs to be tested.
Finally, beyond the relations between words/entities within
one document, text can also be investigated across documents
(e.g., online reviews, academic articles). For example, a tem-
poral sequence of documents or a portfolio of documents across
a group or community of communicators can be examined for
interdependencies (Ludwig et al. 2013, 2014).
Text Analysis Metrics
Early work in marketing has tended to summarize unstructured
text with structured proxies for this data. For example, in online
reviews, researchers have used volume (e.g., Godes and Mayzlin
2004; Moe and Trusov 2011); valence, often captured by numeric
ratings that supplement the text (e.g., Godes and Silva 2012; Moe
and Schweidel 2012; Ying, Feinberg and Wedel 2006); and var-
iance, often captured using entropy-type measures (e.g., Godes
and Mayzlin 2004). However, these quantifiable metrics often
mask the richness of the text. Several common metrics are often
used to quantify the text itself, as we explain next.
Count measures. Count measures have been used to measure the
frequency of each entity’s occurrence, entities’ co-occurrence,
or entities’ relations. For example, when using dictionaries to
evaluate sentiment or other categories, researchers often use
the proportion of negative and/or positive words in the docu-
ment, or the difference between the two (Berger and Milkman
2012; Borah and Tellis 2016; Pennebaker et al. 2015; Schwei-
del and Moe 2014; Tirunillai and Tellis 2014). The problem
with simple counts is that longer documents are likely to
include more occurrences of every entity. For that reason,
researchers often focus on the proportions of words in the
document that belong to a particular category (e.g., positive
sentiment). The limitation of this simple measure is that some
words are more likely to appear than others. For example, the
12 Journal of Marketing XX(X)
word “laptop” is likely to appear in almost every review in
corpora that is composed of laptop reviews.
Accuracy measures. When evaluating the accuracy of text mea-
sures relative to human-coded or externally validat ed docu-
ments, measures of recall and precision are often used.
Recall is the proportion of entities in the original text that the
text-mining algorithm was able to successfully identify (it is
defined by the ratio of true positives to the sum of true positives
and false negatives). Precision is the proportion of correctly
identified entities from all entities identified (it is defined by
the ratio of true positives to the sum of true positives and false
positives). On their own, recall and precision measures are
difficult to assess because an improvement in one often comes
at the expense of the other. For example, if one defines that
every entity in the corpora is a brand, recall for brands will be
perfect (you will never miss a brand if it exists in the text), but
precision will be very low (there will be many false positive
identifications of a brand entity).
To create the balance between recall and precision, one can
use the F1 measure—a harmonic mean of the levels of recall
and precision. If the researcher is more concerned with false
positives than false negatives (e.g., it is more important to
identify positives than negatives), recall and precision can be
weighted differently. Alternatively, for unbalanced data with
high proportions of true or false in the populations, a receiver
operating characteristics curve can be used to reflect the rela-
tionship between true positives and false positives, and the area
under the curve is often used as a measure of accuracy.
Similarity measures. In some cases, the researcher is interested in
measuring the similarity between documents (e.g., Ludwig
et al. 2013). How similar is the language used in two adver-
tisements? How different is a son g from its ge nre? In such
cases, measures such as linguistic style matching, similarity
in topic use (Berger and Packard 2018), cosine similarity, and
the Jaccard index (e.g., Toubia and Netzer 2017) can be used to
assess the similarity between the text of two documents.
Readability measures. In some cases, the researcher is interested
in evaluating the readability of the text. Readability can reflect
the sophistication of the writer and/or the ability of the reader to
comprehend the text (e.g., Ghose and Ipeirotis 2011). Common
readability measures include the Flesch–Kincaid reading ease
and the simple measure of gobbledygook (SMOG) measures.
These measures often use metrics such as average number of
syllables and average number of words per sentence to evaluate
the readability of the text. Readability measures often grade the
text on a 1–12 scale reflecting the U.S. school grade-level
needed to comprehend the text. Common text-mining packages
have built-in readability tools.
The Validity of Text-Based Constructs
While the availability of text has opened up a range of research
questions, for textual data to provide value, one must be able to
establish i ts validity. Bot h internal validity (i.e., does t ext
accurately measure the constructs and the relationship between
them?) and external validity (i.e., do the test-based findings
apply to phenomena outside the study?) can be established in
various ways (Humphreys and Wang 2017). Table 5 describes
how the text analysis can be evaluated to improve different
types of validity (Cook and Campbell 1979).
Internal Validity
Internal validity is often a major threat in the context of text
analysis because the mapping between words and the underly-
ing dimension the research aims to measure (e.g., psychologi-
cal state and traits) is rarely straightforward and can vary across
contexts and textual outlets (e.g., formal news vs. social
media). In addition, given the relatively young field of auto-
mated text analysis, validation of many of the methods and
constructs is still ongoing.
Accordingly, it is important to confirm the internal validity
of the approach used. A range of methods can be adopted to
ensure construct, concurrent, convergent, discriminant, and
causal validity. In general, the approach for ensuring internal
validity is to ensure that the text studied accurately reflects the
theoretical concept or topic being studied, does so in a way that
is congruent with prior literature, is discriminant from other
related constructs, and provides ample and careful evidence for
the claims of the research.
Construct validity. Construct validity (i.e., does the text represent
the theoretical concept?) is p erhaps the most important to
address when studying text. Threats to construct validity occur
when the text provides improper or misleading evidence of the
construct. For instance, researchers often rely on existing stan-
dardized dictionaries to extract constructs to ensure that their
work is comparable with other work. However, these diction-
aries may not always fit the particular context. For example,
extracting sent iment from financial reports using sentiment
tools developed for day-to-day language may not be appropri-
ate. Particularly when attempting to extract complex constructs
(e.g., psychological states and traits, relationships between con-
sumers and products, and even sentiment), researchers should
attempt to validate the constructs on the specific application to
ensure that what is being extracted from the text is indeed what
they intended to extract. Construct validity can also be chal-
lenged when homonyms or other words do not accurately
reflect what researchers think they do.
Strategies for addressing threats to construct validity require
that researchers examine how the instances counted in the data
connect to the theoretical concept(s) (Humphreys and Wang
2017). Dictionaries can also be validated usi ng a saturation
approach, pulling a subsample of coded entries and verifying
with a hit rate of approximately 80% (Weber 2005). Another
method is to use input from human coders, as is done to support
machine learning applications (as previously discussed). For
example, one can use Amazon Mechanical Turk workers to
label phrases on a scale from “very negative” to “very positive”
for sentiment analysis and then use these words to create a
Berger et al. 13
weighted dictionary. In many cases, multiple methods for dic-
tionary validation are advisable to ensure that one is achieving
both theoretical and empirical fit. For topic modeling, research-
ers infer topics from a list of cooccurring words. However,
these are theoretical inferences made by researchers. As such,
construct validity is equally important and can be ascertained
using some of the same methods of validation, through satura-
tion and calculating a hit rate through man ual analysis of a
subset of the data. When using a classification approach, con-
fusion matrices can be produced to provide details on accuracy,
false positives, and false negatives (Das and Chen 2007).
Concurrent validity. Concurrent validity concerns the way that
the researcher’s operationalization of the construct relates to
prior operationalizations. Threats to concurrent validity often
come when researchers create text-based measures inductively
from the text. For instance, if one develops a topic model from
the text, it will be based on the data set and may not therefore
produce topics that are comparable with previous research. To
address these threats, one should compare the operationaliza-
tion with other research and other data sources. For example,
Schweidel and Moe (2014) propose a measure of brand senti-
ment based on social media text data and validate it by
Table 5. Text Analysis Validation Techniques.
Type of Validity Validation Technique Description of Method for Validation References
Internal Validity
Construct validity Dictionary validation After draft dictionary is created, pull 10% of the sample
and calculate the hit rate. Measures such as hit rates,
precision, and recall can be used to measure accuracy.
Weber (2005)
Have survey participants rate words included in the
dictionary. Based on this data, the dictionary can also
be weighted to reflect the survey data.
Brysbaert, Warriner, and
Kuperman (2014)
Have three coders evaluate the dictionary categories. If
two of the three coders agree that the word is part of
the category, include; if not, exclude. Calculate overall
Humphreys (2010);
Pennebaker, Francis, and
Booth (2001)
Saturation Pull 10% of instances coded from the data and calculate
the hit rate. Adjust word list until saturation reaches
80% hit rate.
Weber (2005)
Concurrent validity Multiple dictionaries Calculate and compare multiple textual measures of the
same construct (e.g., multiple sentiment measures)
Hartmann et al. (2018)
Comparison of topics Compare with other topic models of similar data sets in
other research (e.g., hotel reviews)
Mankad et al. (2016)
Convergent validity Triangulation Look within text data for converging patterns (e.g.,
positive/e emotion correlates with known-positive
attributes); apply Principle Components Analysis to
show convergent groupings of words
Humphreys (2010); Kern et al.
Multiple operationalizations Operationalize constructs with textual and nontextual
data (e.g., sentiment, star rating)
Ghose et al. (2012)
; Mudambi,
Schuff, and Zhang (2014)
Causal validity Control variables Include variables in the model that address rival
hypotheses to control for these effects
Ludwig et al. (2013)
Laboratory study Replicate focal relationship between the independent
variable and dependent variable in a laboratory setting
Spiller and Belogolova (2016)
Van Laer et al. (2018)
External Validity
Generalizability Replication with different
data sets
Compare the results from the text analysis with the
results obtained other (possibly non-text-related) data
Netzer et al. (2012)
Predict key performance
Include results from text analysis in regression or other
model to predict a key outcome (e.g., sales,
Fossen and Schweidel (2019)
Predictive validity Holdout sample Train model on approximately 80%–90% of the data and
validate the model with the remaining data. Validation
can be done using k-fold validation, which trains the
mode on k-1 subsets of the data and predicts for the
remaining subset of testing.
Jurafsky et al. (2014)
Robustness Different statistical
measures, unitizations
Use different, but comparable, statistical measures or
algorithms (e.g., lift, cosine similarity, Jaccard
similarity), aggregate at different levels (e.g., day,
Netzer et al. (2012)
Reference appears in the Web Appendix.
14 Journal of Marketing XX(X)
comparing it with brand measures obtained through a tradi-
tional marketing research survey. Similarly, Netzer et al.
(2012) compare the market structure maps derived from textual
information with those derived from product switching and
surveys, and Tirunillai and Tellis (2014) compare the topics
they identify with those found in Consumer Reports.When
studying linguistic style (Pennebaker and King 1999), for
example, it is benef icial to use robust meas ures from prior
literature where factor analysis and other methods have already
been employed to create the construct.
Convergent validity. Convergent v alidity e nsures that multiple
measurements of the construct (i.e., words) all converge to the
same concept. Convergent validit y can be threat ened when
the measures of the constr uct do not align or h ave different
effects. Convergent validity can be enhanced by using several
substantive ly different measures (e.g. , dictionari es) of the
same construct to look for converging pattern s. For example,
when studying posts about the stock market, Das and Chen
(2007) compare five classifiers f or measuring sentiment,
tives. Convergent evidence can also come from creating a
correlation or similarity matrix of words or concepts and
checking for patterns that have face validity. For instance,
Humphreys (2010) looks for patterns between the concept
of crime and neg ative sentimen t to provide convergen t evi-
dence th at crime i s negativel y valenced in th e data.
Discriminant validity. Discriminant validity, the degree to which
the construct measures are sufficiently different from measures
of other constructs, can be threatened when the measurement of
the construct is very similar to that of another construct. For
instance, measurements of sentiment and emotion in many
cases may not seem different because they are measured using
similar word lists or, when using classification, return the same
group of words as predictors. Strategies for ensuring discrimi-
nant validity entail looking for discriminant rather than con-
vergent patterns and boundary conditions (i.e., when and how
is sentiment different from emotion?). Furthermore, theoretical
refinements can be helpful in drawing finer distinctions. For
example, anxiety, anger, and sadness are different kinds of
emotion (and can be measured via psychometrically different
scales), whereas sentiment is usually measured as positive,
negative, or neutral (Pennebaker et al. 2015).
Causal validity. Causal validity is the degree to which the con-
struct, as operationalized in the data set, is actually the cause of
another construct or outcome, and it is best ascertained through
random assignment in controlled lab conditions. Any number
of external factors can threaten causal validity. However, steps
can be taken to enhance causal validity in naturally occurring
textual data. In particular, rival hypotheses and other explana-
tory factors for the proposed causal relationship can be statis-
tically controlled for in the model. For example, Ludwig et al.
(2013) include price discount in the model when studying the
relationship between product reviews and conversion rate to
control for this factor.
External Validity
To achieve external validity, researchers should attempt to
ensure that the effects found in the text apply outside of the
research framework. Because text a nalysis often u ses natu-
rally occurri ng data that is often of large magnitude, it tends
have a relatively high degree of ext ernal validity relative to,
for example, lab experiments. However, establishing external
validity is still necessary due to threats to validity from sam-
pling bias, overfitting, and single-method bias. For example,
online reviews may be biased due to self-selection among
those who elected to review a product (Schoenmu
ller, N etzer,
and Stahl 2019).
Predictive validity. Predictive validity is threatened when the
construct, though perhaps properly measured, does not have
the expected effects on a meaningful second variable. For
example, if consumer sentiment falls but customer satisfac-
tion remains high, predictive validity cou ld be called into
question. To ensure pre dic tive v al idit y, te xt -bas ed co nstru ct s
can be linke d to key performance meas ures such as sales (e.g.,
Fossen and Schweidel 2019) or c onsumer engagement (Ash-
ley and Tuten 2015). If a particular construct has been theo-
retically linked to a performance metric, then any text-based
measure of that construct should also be li nked to that perfor-
mance metric. Tirunillai and Tellis (2012) show that the vol-
ume of Twitter activity affects stock price, but they find
mixed results for the predictive validity of sentiment, with
negative sentim ent being predictive but positive sentiment
having no effect.
Generalizability can be threatened when researchers base
results on a single data set because it is unknown whether the
findings, model, or algorithm would apply in the same way to
other texts or outside of textual measurements. Generalizability
of the results can be established by viewing the results of text
analysis along with other measures of attitude and behavioral
outcomes. For example, Netzer et al. (2012) test their substan-
tive conclusions and methodology on message boards of both
automobile discussions and drug discussions from WebMD.
Evaluating the external validity and generalizability of the
findings is key, because the analysis of text drawn from a
particular source may not reflect consumers more broadly
(e.g., Schweidel and Moe 2014).
Robustness. Robustness can be limited when there is only one
metric or method used in the model. Researchers can ensure
robustness by using different measures for relationships (e.g.,
Pearson correlation, cosine similarity, lift) and probing results
by relaxing different assumptions. The use of holdout samples
and k-fold cross-validation methods can prevent researchers
from o verfitting their models and ensure that relationships
found in the data set will hold with other data as well (Jurafsky
et al. 2014; see also Humphreys and Wang 2017). Probing on
Berger et al. 15
different “cuts” of the data can also help. Berger and Packard
(2018), for example, compare lyrics from different genres, and
Ludwig et al. (2013) include reviews of both fiction and non-
fiction books.
Finally, researchers should bear in mind the limitations of
text itself. There are thoughts and fe elings that consumers,
managers, or other stakeholders may not express in text. The
form of communication (e.g., tweets, annual reports) may also
shape the message; some constructs may not be explicit enough
to be measured with automated text analysis. Furthermore,
while textual information can often involve large samples,
these samples may not be representative. Twitter users, for
example, tend to be younger and more educated (Smith and
Anderson 2018). Those who contribute textual information,
particularly in social media, may represent polarized points
of view. When evaluating cultural products or social media,
one should consider the system in which they are generated.
Often viewpoints are themselves filtered through a cultural
system (Hirsch 1986; McCracken 1988) or elevated by an algo-
rithm, and the products make it through this process may share
certain characteristics. For this reason, researchers and firms
should use caution when making attributions on the basis of a
cultural text. It is not necessarily a reflection of reality (Jame-
son 2005) but rather may represent ideals, extremes, or insti-
tutionalized perceptions, depending on the context.
Future Research Agenda
We hope this article encourages more researchers and practi-
tioners to think about how they can incorporate textual data into
their research. Communication and linguistics are at the core of
studying text in marketing. Automated text analysis opens the
black box of interactions, allowing researchers to directly
access what is being said and how it is said in marketplace
communication. The notion of text as indicative of meaning-
making processes creates fascinating and truly novel research
questions and challenges. There are many methods and
approaches available, and there is no space to do all of them
justice. While we have discussed several research streams,
given the novelty of text analysis, there are still ample oppor-
tunities for future research, which we discuss next.
Using Text to Reach Across the Marketing Discipline
Returning to how text analysis can unite the tribes of market-
ing, it is worth highlighting a few areas that have mostly been
examined by one research tradition in marketing where fruitful
cross-pollination between tribes is possible through text anal-
ysis. Brand communities were first identified and studied by
researchers coming from a sociology perspective (Mun
iz and
O’Guinn 2001). Later, qualitative and quantitative researchers
further refined the concepts, identifying a distinct set of roles
and status in the community (e.g., Mathwick, Wiertz, and De
Ruyter 2007). Automated text analysis allows researchers to
study how consumers in these communities interact at scale
and in a more quantifiable manner—for instance, examining
how people with different degrees of power use language and
predict group outcomes based o n quantifiably different
dynamics (e.g., Manchanda, Packard, and Pattabhitamaiah
2015). Researchers can track influence, for example, by inves-
tigating which types of users initiate certain words or phrases
and which others pick up on them. Research could examine
whether people b egin to enculturate to the language of the
community over time and predict which indivi duals may be
more likely to stay or leave on the basis of how well they adapt
to the group’s language (Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al. 2013;
Srivastava and Goldberg 2017). Quantitative or machine learn-
ing researchers might capture the most commonly discussed
topics and how these dynamically change over the evolution
of the community. Interpretive researchers might examine how
these terms link conceptually, to find underlying community
norms that lead members to stay. Marketing strategy research-
ers might then use or develop dictionaries to connect these
communities to firm performance and to offer directions for
firms regarding how to keep members participating across dif-
ferent brand communities (or contexts).
The progression can flow the other way as well. Outside of a
few early investigations (e.g., Dichter 1966), word of mouth
was originally studied by quantitative researchers interested in
whether interpersonal communication actually drove individ-
ual and market behavior (e.g., Chevalier and Mayzlin 2006;
Iyengar, Van den Bulte, and Valente 2011). More recently,
however, behavioral researchers have begun to study the under-
lying drivers of word of mouth, looking at why people talk
about and share some stories, news, and information rather than
others (Berger and Milkman 2012; De Angelis et al. 2012; for a
review, see Berger [2014]). Marketing strategy researchers
might track the text of word-of-mouth interactions to predict
the emergence of brand crises or social media firestorms (e.g.,
Zhong and Schweidel 2019) as well as when, if, and how to
respond (Herhausen et al. 2019).
Consumer–firm interaction is also a rich area to examine.
Behavioral researchers could use the data from call centers to
better understand interpersonal communication between con-
sumers and firms and record what drives customer satisfaction
(e.g., Packard and Berger 2019; Packard, Moore, and McFerran
2018). The back-and-forth between customers and agents could
be used to understand conversational dynamics. More quanti-
tative researchers should use the textual features of call centers
to predict outcomes such as churn and even go beyond text to
examine vocal features such as tone, volume, and speed of
speech. Marketing strategy researchers could use calls to
understand how customer-centric a company is or assess the
quality, style, and impact of its sales personnel.
Finally, it is worth noting that different tribes not only have
different skill sets but also often study substantively different
types of textual communication. Consumer-to-consumer com-
munication is often studied by researchers in consumer beha-
vior, whereas marketing strategy researchers more often tend to
study firm-to-consumer and firm-to-firm communication. Col-
laboration among researchers from the different subfields may
allow them to combine these different sources of textual data.
16 Journal of Marketing XX(X)
There is ample opportunity to apply theory developed in one
domain to enhance another. Marketing strategy researchers, for
example, often use transaction economics to study business-to-
business relationships through agency t heory, but these
approaches may be equally beneficial when studying
consumer-to-consumer communications.
Broadening the Scope of Text Research
As noted in Table 1, certain text flows have been studied more
than others. A large portion of e xistingworkhasfocusedon
consumers communicating to one an other through social
media and online reviews. The relative availability of such
data has made i t a rich area of study and an opportun ity to
apply text anal ysis to marketing problems.
Furthermore, for
this area to grow, researchers need to branch out. This
includes expanding (1) data sources, (2) actors examined, and
(3) research topics.
Expand data sources used. Offline word of mouth, for example,
can be examined to study what people talk about and conversa-
tional dynamics. Doctor–patient interactions can be studied to
understand what drives medical adherence. Text items such as
yearbook entries, notes passed between students, or the text of
speed dating conversations can be used to examine relationship
formation, maintenance, and dissolution. Using offline data
requires carefully transcribing content, which increases the
amount of effort required but opens up a range of interesting
avenues of study. For example, we know very little about the
differences between online recommendations and face-to-face
recommendations, where the latter also include the interplay
between verbal and nonverbal information. Moreover, in the
new e ra of “perpetual cont act” our understanding of cross-
message and cross-channel implications is limited. Research
by Batra and Keller (2016) and Villarroel Ordenes et al.
(2018) suggests that appropriate sequencing of messages mat-
ters; it might similarly matter across channels and modality.
Given the rise of technology-enabled realities (e.g., augmented
reality, virtual reality, mixed reality), assistive robotics, and
smart speakers, understanding the roles and potential differ-
ences between language and nonverbal cues could be achieved
using these novel data sources.
Expand dyads between text producers and text receivers. There are
numerous dyads relevant to marketing in which text plays a
crucial role. We discuss just a few of the areas that deserve
additional research.
Considering consumer–firm interactions, we expect to see
more research leveraging the rich information exch anged
between consumers and firms through call centers and chats
(e.g., Packard and Berger 2019; Packard, Moore, and McFerran
2018). These interactions often reflect inbound communication
between customers and the firm, which can have important
implications for the relationship between parties. In addition,
how might the language used on packaging or in brand mission
statements reflect the nature of organizations and their relation-
ship to their consumers? How might the language that is most
impactful in sales interactions differ from the language that is
most useful in customer service interactions? Research could
also probe how the impact of such language varies across
contexts. The characteristics of lang uage used by consumer
packaged goods brands and pharmaceuticals brands in direct-
to-consumer advertising likely differ. Similarly, the way in
which consumers process the language used in disclosures in
advertisements for pharmaceuticals (e.g., Narayanan, Desiraju,
and Chintagunta 2004) and political candidates (e.g., Wang,
Lewis, and Schweidel 2018) may vary.
Turning to firm-to-firm interactions, most conceptual
frameworks on business-to-business (B2B) exchange relations
emphasize the critical role of communication (e.g., Palmatier,
Dant, and Grewal 2007). Communicational aspects have been
linked to important B2B relational measures such as commit-
ment, trust, dependence, relationship satisfaction, and relation-
ship quality. Yet research on actual, word-level B2B
communication is very limited. For example, very little
research has examined the types of information exchanged
between salespe ople and c usto mers in offline settings. The
ability to gather and transcribe data at scale points to important
opportunities to do so. As for within-firm communication,
researchers could study informal communications s uch as
marketing-related emails, memos, and agendas generated by
firms and consumed by their employees.
Similarly, while a great deal of work in accounting and
finance has begun to use annual reports as a data source (for
a review, see Loughran and McDonald [2016]), marketing
researchers have paid less attention to this area to study com-
munication with investors. Most research has used this data to
predict outcomes such as stock performance and other mea-
sures of firm valuation. Given recent interest in linking
marketing-related activities to firm valuation (e.g., McCarthy
and Fader 2018), this may be an area to pursue further. All firm
communication, including required documents such as annual
reports or discretionary forms of communication such as adver-
tising and sales interactions, can be used to measure variables
such as market orientation, marketing capabilities, marketing
leadership styles, and even a firm’s brand personality.
There are also ample research opportunities in the interac-
tions between consumers, firms, and society. Data about the
broader cultural and normative environment of firms, such as
news media and government reports, may be useful to shed
light on the forces that shape markets. To understand how a
company such as Uber navigates resistance to market change,
for example, one might study transcripts of town hall meetings
and other government documents in which citizen input is
heard and answered. Exogenous shocks in the forms of social
movements such as #metoo and #blacklivesmatter have
affected ma rketing communica tion and br and image . One
potential avenue for future research is to take a cultural
While readily available data facilitates research, there are downsides to be
recognized, including the representatives of such data and the terms of service
that govern the use of this data.
Berger et al. 17
branding approach (Holt 2016) to study how different publics
define, shape, and advocate for certain meanings in the market-
place. Firms and their brands do not exist in a vacuum, inde-
pendent of the society in which t hey operate. Yet limited
research in marketing has considered how text can be used to
derive firms’ intentions and actions at the societal level. For
example, scholars have shown how groups of consumers such
as locavores (i.e., people who eat locally grown food; Thomp-
son and Coskuner-Balli 2007), fashionistas (Scaraboto and
Fischer 2012), and bloggers (McQuarrie, Miller, and Phillips
2012) shape markets. Through text analysis, the effect of the
intentions of these social groups on the market can then be
measured and better understood.
Another opportunity for future research is the use of textual
data to study culture and cultural success. Topics such as cul-
tural propagation, artistic change, and the diffusion of innova-
tions have been examined across disciplines with the goal of
understanding why certain products succeed while others fail
(Bass 1969; Boyd and Richerson 1986; Cavalli-Sforza and
Feldman 198 1; Rogers 199 5; Salganik, Dodds, and Watts
2006; Simonton 1980). While success may be random (Bielby
and Bielby 1994; Hirsch 1972), another possibility is that cul-
tural items succeed or fail on the basis of their fit with con-
sumers (Berger and Heath 2005). By quantifying aspects of
books, movies, or other cu ltural items quickly and at scale,
researchers can measure whether concrete narratives are more
engaging, whether more emotionally volatile movies are more
successful, whether songs that use certain linguistic features are
more likely to top the Billboard charts, and whether books that
evoke particular emotions sell more copies. While not as
widely available as social media data, more and more data on
cultural items has recently become available. Data sets such as
the Google Books corpus (Akpinar and Berger 2015), song
lyric websites, or movie script databases provide a wealth of
information. Such data could enable analyses of narrative
structure to identify “basic plots” (e.g., Reagan et al. 2016; Van
Laer et al. 2019).
Key Marketing Constructs (That Could Be) Measured
with Text
Beginning with previously developed ways of representing
marketing constructs can help some researchers address valid-
ity concerns. This section details a few of these constructs to
aid researchers who are beginning to use text analysis in their
work (see the Web Appendix). Using prior operationalization
of a construct can ensure concurrent validity—helping build
the literature in a particular domain—but researchers should
take steps to ensure that the prior operationalization has con-
struct validity with their data set.
At the individual level, sentiment and satisfaction are per-
haps some of the most common measurements (e.g., Bu
and Allenby, 2016; Homburg, Ehm, and Artz 2015; Herhausen
et al. 2019; Ma, Baohung, and Kekre 2015; Schweidel and Moe
2014) and have been validated in numerous contexts. Other
aspects that may be extracted from text include the authenticity
and emotionality of language, which have also been explored
through robust surveys and scales or by combining multiple
existing measure ments (e.g., Mogilner, Kamvar, and Aaker
2011; Van Laer et al. 2019). There are also psychological con-
structs, such as personality type and construal level (Kern et al.
2016; Snefjella and Kuperman 2015), that are potentially use-
ful for marketing researchers and could also be inferred from
the language used by consumers.
Future work in marketing studying individuals might con-
sider measurements of social identification and engagement.
That is, researchers currently have an idea of positive or neg-
ative consumer sentiment, but they are only beginning to
explore emphasis (e.g., Rocklage and Fazio 2015), trust, com-
mitment, and other modal properties. To this end, harnessing
linguistic theory of pragmatics and examining phatics over
semantics could be useful (see, e.g., Villarroel et al. 2017).
Once such work is developed, we recommend that researchers
carefully validate approaches proposed to measure such con-
structs along the lines described previously.
At the firm level, constructs have been identified in firm-
produced text such as annual reports and press releases. Mar-
ket orientation, advertising goals, future orientation, deceitful
intentions, firm focus, and innovation orientation have all
been measured and v alidated using this material (see Web
Appendix Table 1). Work in organizational studies ha s a his-
tory of using text analysis in this area and might provide some
inspiration and validation in the study of the existence of
managerial frames for sensemaking and the effect of activists
on firm act ivities.
Future work in marketing at the firm level could further
refine and diversify measurements of strategic orientation
(e.g., innovatio n orientation, market-driving vs. market-
driven orientations). Difficult-to-measure factors deep in the
organizational c ulture, structure, or capabilities may be
reve aled in the words the firm, its employ ees, an d external
stakeholders use to describe it (see Molner, Prabhu, and Yadav
[2019]). Likewise, the mindsets and management style of mar-
keting l eaders may be discerned from the text t hey use (see
Yadav, Prabhu, and Chandy [2007]). Firm attributes that are
important outcomes of firm action (e.g., brand value) could
also be explored using text (e.g., Herhausen et al. 2019). In
this case, there is an opportunity to use new kinds of data. For
instance, internal, employee-based brand value could be mea-
sured with text on LinkedIn or Glassdoor. Finally, more subtle
attributes of firm language, including confli ct, ambiguity, or
openness, might provide some insight into the effects of man-
agerial language on firm success. For this, it may be useful to
examine less formal textual data of interactions such as
employee emails, salesperson calls, or customer service cen-
ter calls.
Less work in marketing has measured constructs on the
social or cultural level, but work in this vein tends to focus
on how firms fit into the cultural fabric of existing meanings
and norms. For instance, institutional logics and legitimacy
have been measured by analyzing media text, as has the rise
18 Journal of Marketing XX(X)
of brand publics that increase discussion of brands within a
culture (Arvidsson and Caliandro 2016).
At the cultural level, marketing research is likely to maintain
a focus on how firms fit into the cultural environment, but it
may also look to how the cultural environment affects consu-
mers. For instance, measurement of cultural uncertainty, risk,
hostility, and change could benefit researchers interested in the
effects of culture on both consumer and firm effects as well as
the effects of culture and society on government and investor
relationships. Measuring openness and diversity through text
are also timely topics to explore and might inspire innovations
in measurement, focusing on, for example, language diversity
rather than the specific content of language. Important cultural
discourses such as language around debt and credit could also
be better understood through text analysis. Measurement of
gender- and race- related language could be useful in exploring
diversity and inclusion in the way firms and consumers react to
text from a diverse set of writers.
Opportunities and Challenges Provided by
Methodological Advances
Opportunities. As the development of text analysis tools
advances, we expect to see new and improved use of these
tools in marketing, which can enable scholars to answer ques-
tions we could not previously address or have addressed only in
a limited manner. Here are a few specific method-driven direc-
tions that seem promising.
First, the vast majority of the approaches used for text anal-
ysis in marketing (and elsewhere) rely on bag-of-words
approaches, and thus, the ability to capture true linguistic rela-
tionships among words beyond their cooccurrence was limited.
However, in marketing we are often interested in capturing the
relationship among en tities. For example, what prob lems or
benefits did the customer mention about a particular feature
of a particular product? Such approaches require capturing a
deeper textual relationship among entities than is commonly
used in marketing. We ex pect to see future development in
these areas as deep learning and NLP-based approaches enable
researchers to better capture semantic relationships.
Second, in marketing we are often interested in the latent
intention or latent states of writers when creating text, such as
their emotions, personality, and motivations. Most of the
research in this area has relied on a limited set of dictionaries
(primarily the LIWC dictionary) developed and validated to
capture such constructs. However, these dictionaries are often
limited in capturing nuanced latent states or latent states that
may manifest differently across contexts. Similar to advances
made in areas such as image recognition, with the availability
of a large number of human-coded training data (often in the
millions) combined with deep learning tools, we hope to see
similar approaches being taken in marketing to capture more
complex behavioral states from text. Th is would require an
effort to human-code a large and diverse set of textual corpora
for a wide range of behavioral states. Transfer learning meth-
ods commonly used in deep learning tools such as conventional
neural nets can then be used to apply the learning from the
more general training data to any specific application.
Third, there is also the possibility of using text analysis to
personalize customer–firm interactions. Using machine learn-
ing, text analysis can also help personalize the customer inter-
action by detecting consumer traits (e.g., personality) and states
(e.g., urgency, irritation) and perhaps eventually predicting
traits associated with value to the firm (e.g., customer lifetime
value). After analysis, firms can then tailor customer commu-
nication to match linguistic style and perhaps funnel consumers
to the appropriate firm representative. The stakes of making
such predictions may be high, mistakes costly, and there are
clearly contexts in which using artificial intelligence impedes
constructing meaningful customer–firm relationships (e.g.,
health care; Longoni, Bonezzi, and Morewedge 2019).
Fourth, whi le ou r d iscus sio n ha s f oc used on textua l c on -
tent, text is just one example of unstructured d ata, with audio,
video, and image being others. Social media posts often marry
text wi th images or videos. Print a dve rtis ing usually o verl ays
text on a carefully constructed visual. Although television
advertising may not inc lude text on the screen, it may have
an audio track that contains te xt that progresses simultane-
Until recently, text data has received the most attention,
mainly due to the presence of tools to extract meaningful fea-
tures. That s aid, tools such as Praat (Boers ma 2001) allow
researchers to extract information from audio (e.g., Van Zant
and Berger 2019). One of the advantages of audio data over text
data is that it provides richness in the form of tone and voice
markers that can add to the actual words expressed (e.g., Xiao,
Kim, and Ding 2013). This enables researchers to study not just
what was said, but how it was said, examining how pitch, tone,
and other vocal or paralinguistic features shape behavior.
Similarly, recent research has developed approaches to ana-
lyze images (e.g., Liu, Xuan et al. 2018), either characterizing
the content of the image or identifying features within an
image. Research into the impact of the combination of text and
images is sparse (e.g., Hartma nn et al. 201 9). For example,
images can be described in terms of their colors. In the context
of print advertising, textual content may be less persuasive
when used in conjunction with images of a particular color
palette, whereas other color palettes may enhance the persua-
siveness of text. Used in conjunction with simple images, the
importance of text may be quite pronounced. But, when text is
paired with complex imagery, viewers may attend primarily to
the image, diminishing the impact of the text. If this is the case,
legal disclosures that are part of an advertisement’s fine print
may not attract the audience’s attention.
Analogous questions arise as to the role that text plays when
incorporated into videos. Research has proposed approaches to
characterize video content (e.g., Liu et al. 2018). In addition to
comprising the script of the video, text may also appear
visually. In addition to the audio context in which text appears,
its impact may depend on the visuals that appear simultane-
ously. It may also be the case that its position within a video,
relative to the start of the video, may moderate its
Berger et al. 19
effectiveness. For example, emotional text content that is spo-
ken later in a video may be less persuasive for several reasons
(e.g., the audience may have ceased paying attention by the
time the text is spoken). Alternatively, the visuals with which
the audio is paired may be more compelling to viewers, or the
previous content of the video may have depleted a viewer’s
attenti onal resources. As our discussion of both images and
videos suggests, text is but one component of marketing com-
munications. Future research must investigate its interplay with
other characteristics, including not only the content in which it
appears but also when it appears (e.g., Kanuri, Chen, and Srid-
har 2018), and in what media.
Challenges. While there are a range of opportunities, textual data
also brings with it various challenges. First is the interpretation
challenge. In some ways, text analysis seems to provide more
objective ways of measuring behavioral processes. Rather than
asking people how much they focused on themselves versus
others when sharing word of mouth, for example, one can count
the number of first-person (e.g., “I”) and second-person (e.g.,
“you”; Barasch and Berger 2 014) pronouns, providi ng what
seems more like ground truth. But while part of this process
is certainly more objective (e.g., the number of different types
of pronouns), the link between such measures and underlying
processes (i.e., what it says about the word-of-mouth transmit-
ter) still requires some degree of interpretation. Other latent
modes of beha vior are even more difficult to count. While
some words (e.g., “love”) are generally positive, for example,
how positive they are may depend heavily on idiosyncratic
individual differences as well as the context.
More generally, there is challenge and opportunity in under-
standing the context in which textual information appears.
While early work in this space, particularly research using
entity extraction, asked questions such as how much emotion
is in a passage of text, more accurate answers to that question
take must take context into account. A restaurant review may
contain lots of negative words, for example, but does that mean
the person hates the food, the service, or the restaurant more
generally? Songs that co ntain mor e second person-pronouns
(e.g., “you”) may be more successful (Packard and Berger
2019), but to understand why, it helps to know whether the
lyrics use “you” as the subject or object of the sentence. Con-
text provides meaning, and the more one understands not just
which words are being used but also how they are being used,
the easier it will be to extract insight. Dictionary-based tools
are particularly susceptible to variation in the context in which
the text appears, as dictionaries are often created in a context-
free environment to match multiple contexts. Whenever possi-
ble, it is advised to use a dictionary that was created for the
specific context of study (e.g., the financial sentiment tool
developed by Loughran and McDonald [2016]).
As mentioned previously, there are also numerous metho-
dological challenges. Particularly when exploring the “why,”
hundreds of features can be extracted, making it important to
think about multiple hypothesis testing (and use of Bonferroni
and other corrections). Only the text used by the text creator is
available, so in so me sense there is self-selection. Both the
individuals who decide to contribute and the topics people
decide to raise in their writing may suffer from self-selection.
Particularly when text is used to measure (complex) behavioral
constructs, validity of the constructs needs to be considered. In
addition, for most researchers, analyzing textual information
requires retooling and learning a whole new set of skills.
Data privacy challenges represent a significant concern.
Research often uses online product reviews and sales ranking
data scraped from websites (e.g., Wang, Mai, and Chiang 2013)
or consumers’ social media activity scraped from the platform
(e.g., God es and Mayzlin 2004; Tirunillai and Tellis 2012).
Although such approaches are common, legal questions have
started to arise. LinkedIn was unsuccessful in its attempt to
block a startup company from scraping data that was posted
on users’ public profiles (Rodriguez 2017). While scraping
public data may be permissible under the law, it may conflict
with the terms of service of those platforms that have data of
interest to researchers. For example, Facebook deleted
accounts of companies that violated its data-scraping policies
(Nicas 2018).
Such decisions raise important questions about
the extent to which digital platforms can control access to
content that users have chosen to make publicly available.
As interest in extracting insights from digitized text and
other forms of digitized content (e.g., images, videos) grows,
researchers should ensure that they have secured the appropri-
ate permissions to conduct their work. Failure to do so may
result in it becoming more difficult to conduct such projects.
One potential solution is the creation of an academic data set,
such as that made available by Yelp (
dataset), which may contain outdated or scrubbed data to
ensure that it does not pose any risk to the company’s opera-
tions or user privacy.
The collection and analysis of digitized text, as well as other
user-created content, also raises questions around users’ expecta-
tions for privacy. In the wake of the European Union’s General
Data Protection Regulation and revelations about Cambridge
Analytica’s ability to collect user data from Facebook, research-
ers must be mindful of the potential abuses of their work. We
should also consider the extent to which we are overstepping the
intended use of user-generated content. For example, while a user
may understand that actions taken on Facebook may resultin their
being targeted with specific advertisements for brands with which
they have interacted, they may not anticipate the totality of their
Facebook and Instagram activity being used to construct psycho-
graphic profiles that may be used by other brands. Understanding
consumers’ privacy preferences with regard to their online beha-
viors and the text they make available could provide important
guidance for practitioners and researchers alike. Another rich area
for future research is the advancement of the precision with which
marketing can be implemented while minimizing intrusions of
privacy (e.g., Provost et al. 2009).
Facebook’s terms of service with regard to automated data collection can be
found at
20 Journal of Marketing XX(X)
Concluding Thoughts
Communication is an important facet of marketing that encom-
passes communication between organizations and their partners,
between businesses and their consumers, and among consumers.
Textual data holds details of these communications, and through
automated textual analysis, researchers are poised to convert this
raw material into valuable insights. Many of the recent advances
in the use of textual data were developed in fields outside of
marketing. As we look toward the future and the role of market-
ers, these recent advancements should serve as exemplars. Mar-
keters are well positioned at the interface between consumers,
firms, and organizations to leverage and advance tools to extract
textual information to address some of the key issues faced by
business and society today, such as the proliferation of misin-
formation, the pervasiveness of technology in our lives, and the
role of marketing in society. Marketing offers an invaluable
perspective that is vital to this conversation, but it will only be
by taking a broader perspective, breaking theoretical and meth-
odological silos, and engaging with other disciplines that our
research can reach its largest possible audience to affect the
public discourse. We hope this framework encourages a reflec-
tion on the boundaries that have come to define marketing and
opens avenues for future groundbreaking insights.
Christine Moorman and Harald van Heerde
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
ship, and/or publication of this article.
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