Saturday, 11 November 2017
United Nations Climate Change Conference 2017
COP 23 I CMP 13 I CMA 1-2
Bonn, 617 November 2017
Daily Programme
Opening of the joint high-level segment
Collection of tickets and badges
The opening of the joint high-level segment of COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2, to be attended by
approximately 30 Heads of State and Government, will be held in Plenary New York on
Wednesday, 15 November 2017.
The opening will be presided over by His Excellency Mr. Frank Bainimarama, President of COP
23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2, and will be attended by His Excellency Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier,
President of the Federal Republic of Germany, His Excellency Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-
General of the United Nations, His Excellency Mr. Miroslav Lajčák, President of the UN General
Assembly and Ms. Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, UNFCCC Executive Secretary.
Owing to the exceptional number of participants and the capacity limitations of the plenary, and
taking into consideration the safety and security of all participants, the United Nations Department
of Safety and Security will need to restrict access to Plenary New York. However, a total of four
seats per delegation are guaranteed behind the nameplate of each Party for the opening
ceremony, two seats at table and two seats behind.
Access to the high-level segment will be given using a badge and a ticket system: Parties
represented by Heads of State and Heads of Government will be given badges, which will grant
access to the VIP Lounge and to Plenary New York. All other Parties will receive pink tickets to
access the Plenary New York and in addition they will receive green tickets to access the Gallery
of the plenary.
Tickets are available for collection at the Information desk in Bula Zone 1 as of Saturday, 11
November 14.00 p.m..
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Today at a glance
Conference of the Parties (COP)
Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP)
Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement
Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI)
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)
Subsidiary Bodies (SB)
Ad-Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA)
Special meetings and events
Groups other than the Convention and Protocol
UNFCCC and related events
Observer organizations
Traffic hold-ups due to demonstrations on Saturday
Two demonstrations in connection with COP 23 are going to take place in Bonn on Saturday, 11
November. Police are expecting the event to go over peacefully, yet they are anticipating traffic
obstructions along the routes of the protesters.
For further information on the demonstrations and the traffic situation, please click here or follow
the Bonn police on Twitter #polizei_nrw_bn.
Please note that demands of the negotiation process might necessitate changes to this meetings schedule.
For real-time information on all meetings, please consult
the live meetings schedule on CCTV and the COP 23 conference calendar.
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Conference of the Parties (COP)
Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto
Protocol (CMP)
Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris
Agreement (CMA)
Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI)
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)
Subsidiary Bodies (SB)
Ad-Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA)
Special meetings and events
GCA Kick-off Briefing: Transport, Human Settlements,
Oceans & Coastal Zones
For further information on GCA events, please click here.
events room
(Bonn Zone)
UNFCCC and related events
UNFCCC (Contact: Mr. Yolando Velasco): Day of the Direct Access
Entities: Enhancing Collaboration through South-South Cooperation
Meeting room 7
(Bonn Zone)
UNFCCC (Contact: Mr. Vladimir Hecl): Supporting the implementation of
Technology Action Plans
Meeting room 9
(Bonn Zone)
UNFCCC (Contact: Ms. Priscilla Nunnari): Consultations with Microsoft
Meeting room 3
(Bonn Zone)
Click here for further information on today’s UNFCC and related side events.
Groups other than the Convention and Protocol bodies
A full schedule of daily meetings of groups other than the Convention and Protocol bodies was published on
the Daily Programme for day 1 of the conference (available here). Participants are kindly requested to
retain their copies of that document and to consult the CCTV monitors for changes or updates.
Delegation of India on behalf of LMDCs
LE 2105
(UN Campus)
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Meetings of observer organizations
A full schedule of daily meetings of observer organizations was published on the Daily Programme for day
1 of the conference (available here). Participants are kindly requested to retain their copies of this
document, and to consult the CCTV monitors for changes or updates.
COP 23 Special Event - Global Renewable Energy Forum 2017
Sunday, 12 November
Hotel Koenigshof, Adenauerallee 9, 53111 Bonn, Germany
The COP 23 Special Event - Global Renewable Energy Forum 2017 provides added value to the COP
23 policy discussions by: 1) Engaging and informing an international audience on state-of-the-art, energy
transition applications and policies in two key sectors: Transport (e.g., strategy roadmaps, electric
vehicles, batteries, ‘mobility as a service’, and diesel phase out policies) and Innovative, Integrated
Systems (e.g., smart cities, heating and cooling); 2) highlighting the link between land, renewable energy,
and climate change; and 3) showcasing innovative ways for enabling energy access in the Global South.
For further information on the event, please click here.
Organizer: Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Bonn Office (contact: Mr. Jamil Balga)
Co-organizers: UNFCCC, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation,
Building and Nuclear Safety, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy
of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/SoUA6aGxnHdpbrju1
Join a COP 23 on-site sustainability tour!
Join an on-site sustainability tour at the Bonn Zone guided by a COP 23 volunteer and learn about
selected sustainability aspects of the conference. Meeting point for the walking tours is at the Bonn Zone
Information Desk at 11.00 each day (except Sunday, 12 November).
This is not a media tour hence the information shared by the guide must not be quoted. Comprehensive
information on the sustainability of COP 23 is available here.
CAN Party
The traditional NGO party, organized by CAN International, will take place on Saturday, 11 November
2017 from 21.0005.00 at “La Redoute” in Kurfürstenallee 1, 53177 Bonn - Bad Godesberg.
All conference participants are invited. Please do not forget your conference badge as this is needed for
entrance. Participants accredited for only week two need to show their accreditation letter upon arrival to
the security check.
22.00 - CONCERT by Makeda and Steal a Taxi
Reminder: The CAN Party has a zero-tolerance policy against all forms of harassment.
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Drinking water and free distribution of reusable bottles
Water dispensers available throughout the conference venue may be used with reusable bottles that will
be distributed to all registered participants free of charge at the Information Desks at the Bula and Bonn
Exhibition “Beethoven and Nature”
On the occasion of COP 23, the Beethoven Museum Bonn presents the special exhibition “In the open
air - Beethoven and Nature”. The exhibition focuses on an essential aspect of the composer's life -
Beethoven's relation to nature - and explores the role of nature in the life and work of the Bonn-born
Please click here for further information on the exhibition and the Beethoven Museum Bonn.
Richard Kinley Gallery archival exhibition “The UNFCCC story”
The archival exhibition “The UNFCCC Story” in the Richard Kinley Gallery (Bula Zone 2 AH Entrance
H-107) presents the history of intergovernmental climate change negotiations and the role of the UN
Climate Change secretariat through original documents, artefacts, rare photographs and video. The
exhibition is open to all COP 23 participants with Bula Zone badges.
Curator Jessica Bushey will be providing daily tours of the exhibition from November 6 to November 17,
during open hours 10.0018.00.
For further information, please check /KinleyGallery on Instagram and #KinleyGallery on Twitter.
Service quality survey on the COP 23 meetings
In an ongoing effort to improve UN conference organization, the Division of Conference Management
(DCM) of the United Nations Office at Geneva has prepared a survey for our meeting. All conference
participants are invited to take the survey concerning the quality of conference services provided at
COP 23 via this link.
The secretariat encourages all delegates and attendees to participate in the survey as it will only take
approximately 5 minutes. Your feedback on the quality of conference servicing at this meeting is
important to DCM in their efforts to provide more efficient and effective meetings services
Free childcare offered by the City of Bonn for children of COP 23 delegates and UNFCCC staff
The children of the delegates and UNFCCC staff who come to participate in and support COP 23 are
invited to visit the municipal children’s and youth club “Quasi”, located opposite the Bonn Zone entrance
at Rheinaue Park.
Children and youngsters aged 6 through 14 are welcomed the club on weekdays any time between 9.00
to 16.30, where childcare specialists (German-speaking) offer lots of leisure activities and will be happy to
look after them. The children and youngsters can also buy a snack around lunchtime for a small fee.
Please note that the number of slots is limited. As long as slots are available, children may also be
registered for a visit on the same day.
Live Music @ Bonn Zone
Don’t miss the free live concerts in the Bonn Zone, starting at 19.00 on November 14 and 16 on the
Stage in the Exhibition area!
Rotary Club Bonn - international lunch
The Rotary Club Bonn International and the Rotary Club Bonn-Rheinbogen request the pleasure of all
Rotarians for lunch on Sunday, 12 November at 12.30 in the Café in Haus der Geschichte. The address
is Willy-Brandt-Allee 14, 53113 Bonn. The Café is approximately 9 minutes walk from the World
Conference Center Bonn, and 3 minutes walk from tram stop Heussallee/Museumsmeile.
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REMINDER - Special concert performed by the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn
On the occasion of COP 23, it is the pleasure and privilege of the German Federal Foreign Office and the
City of Bonn to invite to a special concert performed by the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn preceded by a
reception, on Tuesday, 14 November 2017, at 19.00 in the Oper Bonn.
Invitations to Parties, IGOs and UN agencies will be distributed as of Wednesday, 8 November 2017 from
10.00 to 17.00 at the Information Desk in the Bula Zone 1. We kindly request National Focal Persons and
Designated Contact Persons to pick up the invitations for their delegations.
A shuttle bus service will be provided as of 18.15 between the conference centre and Oper Bonn. More
detailed information is enclosed in the invitation.
REMINDER Submission of Credentials
Parties are reminded that the credentials of representatives of Parties, as well as the names of alternate
representatives and advisers, shall be submitted to the secretariat no later than 24 hours after the opening
of COP 23/CMP 12/CMA 1.2.
Parties are asked to submit their duly signed original credentials as soon as possible. Credentials must be
submitted only at the Information Desk in Bula Zone 1 of the conference venue. No other office or authority
of the secretariat or the host country has been designated to receive credentials.
The list of Parties that have submitted credentials are updated daily and posted here.
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Election of officers of bodies under the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the
Paris Agreement
Please consult the UNFCCC elections website for the latest information on the elections to be held
during the 2017 Bonn Climate Change Conference.
Centralized conference calendar
The UNFCCC secretariat hosts a centralized conference calendar that provides a real-time overview of
all meetings and events in both conference zones as well as of all outside events held in/around Bonn
and the Bonn-Cologne region. Click here to access the COP 23 calendar.
Side events and exhibits
The schedule of side events and a list of the exhibits is available in electronic form only. Please consult
the CCTV monitors for changes or updates. Side events and exhibits are both located in the “Bonn
The side events are organized under the common theme “Accelerating implementation of the Paris
Agreement” and are clustered in three categories: Enhancing ambition, Promoting implementation, and
Providing support to developing countries.
The side events are broadcast live on YouTube through Google Hangouts On Air. Online audiences can
listen in, watch the presentations and pose questions to the panel.
Other events and activities
Information on today’s other events (non-official side events inside (i.e, national pavilions) and outside
the conference premises) and publicity activities/media actions during the day are available here.
Climate Change Resources Corner (CCRC)
Parties and admitted observer organizations without an exhibit are welcome to display their visual
electronic materials (videos, slideshows, etc.) on the CCRC screens, located in the side events and
exhibits hall. To make use of this option, please send a request to <see@unfccc.int>.
Press briefings
The live daily schedule of press briefings is available here. Please consult the CCTV monitors for
changes or updates.
Web coverage and daily reports of the conference
The following organizations kindly provide daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis
of the COP 23/CMP 13 meetings on their webpages:
TWN (by TWN)
ECO (by CAN)
Document Services
Participants will be able to access and read documents prepared for and during the session in the
following ways:
via the UNFCCC website
via the “Negotiator App”, available in the
Google and iTunes stores
by requesting printed copies at the Documents
List of participants
The provisional list of registered participants (COP23.PLOP) is available here. Amendments should be
given to Ms. Eva Kulage at the registration counter or, preferably, sent by email to <ekulage@unfccc.int>
by noon, at the latest, on Wednesday, 15 November 2017.
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List of speakers for the high-level segment
The provisional speakers list for the high-level segment is available here. Please submit corrections to
Logistical information
Logistical information can be found on the COP 23 Information Hub and on the information for
participants web page, including on the following: venue maps, transportation, availability of meeting
rooms, media centre and press facilities, facilities for observer organizations, prayer rooms, distributing
publications, lost and found, etc.
The Bonn region is well connected through public transportation, with trains, metros/ trams and buses
running at short intervals. By courtesy of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia and the German Federal
Government, transportation by bus, tram, metro and regional trains (RB, RE) will be free of charge in
Bonn, Cologne and in-between, including the Ahr valley (“expanded VRS area”), for all registered
participants in the two-week sessional period.
Detailed information on public transportation to and the shuttle service on the conference site can be
found here.
Medical and security emergencies
For medical emergencies, please contact the Medical Centre, located in the emergency room in the
corridor opposite to the restaurant area of Bula Zone 3.
On-site first aid: +49 228 9267 - 3997 / 3998 / 3999
For other emergencies, please contact United Nations security staff (wearing either a United Nations
uniform or an armband), the information desk on the ground floor of the main building, or call:
On-site Security Duty Officer: +49 228 9267 - 3997 / 3998 / 3999
Outside the premises of the World Conference Center Bonn, call the following numbers for assistance
Police: 110
Emergency doctor / ambulance: 112
Fire brigade: 112
Zero tolerance towards harassment
The UNFCCC secretariat and COP 23 organizers have a zero tolerance for any form of harassment,
including sexual harassment, and will deal with such complaints promptly. We encourage reporting of
any incident either directly to any badged UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) officer or by
calling UNDSS at +49 228 926 73999 at any time. For incidents in the Bonn Zone, participants may also
call +49 172 2027040.
Published by the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change, Bonn, Germany
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Closure of the Bula Zone on Sunday, 12 November 2017 and alternative outside
events and activities
The Bula Zone will be closed on Sunday the 12
of November 2017. Delegation offices in Bula
Zone 3 will remain accessible however only minimal services will be available.
In addition to the events in the Bonn Zone, conference participants are invited to the following
alternative events and activities in the city of Bonn and the Bonn-Cologne region:
Tips for the day in Bonn:
Beethoven Walking tour:
Tips for the day in Cologne:
Bonn-Cologne region events:
Bonn tourist information:
Cologne tourist information: