Review Article
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem
DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.2888.3094
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Enfermagem, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.
Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Escola de Enfermagem, Alfenas, MG, Brazil.
Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Alfenas, MG, Brazil.
Cupping therapy and chronic back pain: systematic review
and meta-analysis
Caroline de Castro Moura
Érika de Cássia Lopes Chaves
Ana Carolina Lima Ramos Cardoso
Denismar Alves Nogueira
Hérica Pinheiro Corrêa
Tânia Couto Machado Chianca
Objectives: to evaluate the evidence from the literature regarding the eects of cupping therapy
on chronic back pain in adults, the most used outcomes to evaluate this condition, the protocol
used to apply the intervention and to investigate the eectiveness of cupping therapy on the
intensity of chronic back pain. Method: systematic review and meta-analysis carried out by two
independent researchers in national and international databases. Reference lists of systematic
reviews were also explored. The quality of evidence was assessed according to the Jadad scale.
Results: 611 studies were identied, of which 16 were included in the qualitative analysis and 10
in the quantitative analysis. Cupping therapy has shown positive results on chronic back pain.
There is no standardization in the treatment protocol. The main assessed outcomes were pain
intensity, physical incapacity, quality of life and nociceptive threshold before the mechanical
stimulus. There was a signicant reduction in the pain intensity score through the use of cupping
therapy (p = 0.001). Conclusion: cupping therapy is a promising method for the treatment of
chronic back pain in adults. There is the need to establish standardized application protocols for
this intervention.
Descriptors: Review; Chronic Pain; Back Pain; Cupping Therapy; Meta-Analysis; Nursing.
How to cite this article
Moura CC, Chaves ECL, Cardoso ACLR, Nogueira DA, Corrêa HP, Chianca TCM. Cupping therapy and chronic
back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2018;26:e3094. [Access ___ __ ____];
Available in: ___________________ . DOI:
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Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2018;26:e3094.
Chronic back pain causes physical, emotional and
socioeconomic changes
and, consequently, high use
of medicines and health resources
. The search for
demedicalization leads to an increasing use of integrative
and complementary practices, such as Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM) resources, to complement
pain-related allopathic care
. Cupping therapy is one
of the recommended TCM therapies for chronic pain
. It involves the application of cups of dierent
in an acupoint or area of pain by means of
heat or vacuum apparatus
The eect on pain reduction has not yet been
fully elucidated
, but dierent mechanisms of action,
based on several assumptions
, are attributed to
cupping therapy, such as the metabolic, neuronal
and TCM
. Evidence of the ecacy of
this intervention is limited because of the lack of high
quality, well-delineated randomized controlled trials
that result in validated and ecient protocols
for the treatment of chronic back pain. Therefore, this
study aims to evaluate the literature evidence regarding
the eects of cupping therapy on chronic back pain in
adults compared to sham, active treatment, waiting list,
standard medical treatment or no treatment, outcomes
most commonly used to assess this condition, the
protocol used to apply the intervention and subsequently
investigate the eectiveness of cupping therapy on the
intensity of chronic back pain.
A systematic review of the literature was performed,
followed by meta-analysis, used to determine the
intensity of back pain in adult clients. The study was
based on the criteria of the Preferred Reporting Items
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA
The PICO (P - population; I - intervention; C -
comparison; O - outcomes)
guided the elaboration of
the guiding question: “What are the eects of cupping
therapy on adults with chronic back pain?”
The search strategy, carried out by two independent
reviewers from June 2017 to May 2018 was based on
the following databases: Medical Literature Analysis
and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) via the US
National Library of Medicine National Institutes of
Health (PUBMED), Web of Science, The Cumulative
Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL),
Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Embase,
Scopus, as well as databases indexed in the Virtual
Health Library (VHL), such as Latin American &
Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and
the National Information Center of Medical Sciences of
Cuba (CUMED). Reference lists of systematic reviews
were also explored in the search for relevant studies
related to the guiding question.
The terms, controlled and free, were combined by
means of the Boolean operators OR and AND as follows:
(“Back Pain” OR “Low Back Pain” OR “Sciatica” OR “Chronic
Pain” OR “Musculoskeletal Pain” OR Myalgia OR “Neck
Pain” OR “Low Back Pains” OR “Musculoskeletal Pains”
OR “Muscle Pain” OR “Neck Pains” OR “Cervical Pain” OR
“Cervical Pains” OR Lumbago OR “lumbar pain”) AND
(“cupping therapy” OR cupping OR cups).
The eligibility criteria for the selection of articles were:
RCT with adults (18 years or older); chronic pain (for three
months or more)
in at least one of the segments of the
spine (cervical, thoracic and/or lumbar); use of cupping
therapy (dry, wet, massage, ash)
compared to one or
more of the following groups: sham, active treatment,
waiting list, standard medical treatment, or no treatment.
We excluded studies that did not present online abstract
in full for analysis, those that were not located by any
means and studies with pregnant women.
In order to collect the information from the
selected studies, we used an adapted form
accordance with the recommendations of the Revised
Standards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials
of Acupuncture (STRICTA)
and the classications of
cupping therapy
The following data were extracted: article identication
(title, author (s)/training area, journal, year of publication,
study country/language); objectives; methodological
characteristics (design, sample size and loss of follow-up;
inclusion and exclusion criteria); clinical data (number
of patients by sex, mean age, diagnosis, duration of
symptoms); description of interventions in the follow-up
groups (number of sessions, duration of treatment, type
of technique applied (dry, wet, ash or massage cupping),
application device, time of stay of the device, suction
method (manual, re, automatic-electric)/suction strength
(light, medium, strong or pulsating)
; peculiarities of
the intervention; application points; training area of
the professional who carried out the intervention; years
of experience in the area); outcomes and methods of
evaluation (number of evaluations, intervals between
them, measurement tools); data analysis; main results;
and study ndings.
The methodological quality of eligible studies was
assessed using the Jadad scale
, which is centered on
internal validity. The questions have a yes/no answer
option with a total score of ve points: three times one
point for the yes responses and two additional points for
appropriate randomization and concealment of allocation
Moura CC, Chaves ECL, Cardoso ACLR, Nogueira DA, Corrêa HP, Chianca TCM.
methods. Two independent reviewers conducted the
evaluation, and a third investigator was consulted to
solve possible disagreements.
Data analyzes were performed using Stata SE/12.0
statistical software. The absolute dierence between
means with 95% condence intervals was selected to
describe the mean dierences between the treated and
control groups in the evaluation performed shortly after
treatment. P-value <0.05 was considered as statistically
signicant. Potential heterogeneity among the studies
was examined using Cochran Q
and I
Since there was statistical signicance in the test for
heterogeneity of the results (p <0.05) and the calculated
value of I
suggested a moderate to high heterogeneity
, the random eects model was adopted for
the analysis.
A total of 614 studies were found in electronic and
manual searches. Of these, 296 were removed from the
list because they were duplicates. After reviewing titles
and abstracts, 265 studies were excluded and 53 remained
for analysis of the full text. Of these, 11 studies were not
found (online, via bibliographic switching or direct contact
with authors) and 26 articles were excluded. Finally, 16
articles remained in the review for the synthesis of the
qualitative analysis and 10 articles entered the quantitative
analysis (Figure 1).
*n Number of articles; †MEDLINE - Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online; ‡PUDMED - US National Library of Medicine National Institutes
of Health; §PEDRO - Physiotherapy Evidence Database; ||CINAHL - The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature; ¶LILACS - Latin American
and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature; **VHL – Virtual Health Library; ††CUMED - National Information Center of Medical Sciences of Cuba; ‡‡RCT –
Randomized Clinical Trial
Figure 1 - Flowchart of literature search and selection process. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, 2018
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2018;26:e3094.
Intervention in the
experimental group
Intervention in the
control group
Main ndings
Teut M et al.
To investigate the eectiveness of
Dry Pulsatile Cupping in reducing
pain and improving back function
and quality of life in patients
with chronic nonspecic low
back pain.
Pulsatile cupping with
strong negative pressure
and paracetamol on
demand (n * = 37)
Pulsatile cupping with
weak negative pressure
and paracetamol on
demand (minimal
cupping) (n=36)
Paracetamol (maximum
dose of 4 times, 500
milligrams per day) on
demand (n*=37)
Both suction cup forms were eective
in chronic nonspecic low back pain,
without showing signicant dierences
in the direct comparison after four
weeks. Only pulsatile suction cups
showed eects compared to controls
after 12 weeks.
Saha FJ et al.
To test the eectiveness of
Cupping Massage in patients with
neck pain.
Cupping massage (n*=25)
Waiting list (patients
were asked to
continue medical
care, but refrain from
invasive treatments,
such as injections or
acupuncture) (n*=25)
Cupping massage appears to
be eective in reducing pain and
increasing function and quality of life
in patients with chronic nonspecic
cervical pain.
Lin ML et al.
To evaluate the eectiveness of
laser acupuncture associated
with Chinese cupping therapy in
the treatment of low back pain.
Laser acupuncture and
Chinese cupping (n*=25)
Sham Laser and
Chinese cupping
Laser acupuncture combined with
Chinese cupping therapy at the
acupuncture points B
40 and Ashi
eectively reduces low back pain.
Changes in plasma cortisol levels
have indicated that laser acupuncture
combined with Chinese cupping
therapy is an eective treatment for
pain relief.
Z et al. (2017)
To evaluate the eects of
acupuncture approaches on the
severity of postpartum low back
pain among primiparous women
visiting selected educational
centers aliated with the
University of Medical Sciences of
Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran.
Cupping therapy (n*=50)
Acupressure (n*=50)
Control group without
intervention (n*=50)
Although pain intensity decreased
in both groups, this reduction was
signicant in the cupping therapy
group. Therefore, both cupping
therapy and acupressure may be
eective in reducing postpartum low
back pain in primiparous women.
Chi LM et al.
To investigate the ecacy of
cupping therapy in relieving chronic
neck and shoulder pain among
community residents and changes
in skin surface temperature.
Cupping therapy (n*=30)
Control group without
intervention (n*=30)
Cupping therapy increased the surface
temperature of the skin and reduced
systemic blood pressure. The subjective
experience of pain intensity also
reduced. Cupping therapy resembles
an analgesic eect that has no known
negative side eects and can be
considered safe.
AlBedah A et al.
To assess the eectiveness
and safety of Wet Cupping as
a treatment for persistent and
nonspecic low back pain.
Wet cupping and analgesic
drug (maximum of three
500mg acetaminophen
tablets per day) (n*=40)
Analgesic drug
(maximum of three
500mg acetaminophen
tablets milligrams per
day) (n*=40)
Wet cupping works to reduce pain
and improve disability associated with
nonspecic and persistent low back
pain for at least 2 weeks after the end of
the intervention.
Emerich M et al.
To measure, in parallel, the
metabolic changes in the tissue
under the glass cups and the
pressure pain threshold.
Dry cupping (n*=12)
Comparison between the
side on which cupping
therapy was performed
with the contralateral
side, which did not
receive the intervention
Cupping therapy promotes anaerobic
metabolism lasting 280 minutes in the
subcutaneous tissue and increases the
immediate pressure pain thresholds in
some areas.
Akbarzadeh M
et al. (2014)
To investigate the eect of Dry
Cupping at point B
23 on the
intensity of low back pain in
primiparous women.
Dry Cupping (n*=50)
Routine care and referral
to a specialist in case of
severe pain (n*=50)
Dry cupping in acupoint B
23 had a
desirable eect on reducing pain in
patients. The VAS
scores agreed with
those of the McGill short questionnaire.
Lauche R et al.
To test the eectiveness of
12 weeks of Cupping Massage
performed at home, compared to
the same period of progressive
muscle relaxation in patients with
chronic nonspecic neck pain.
Cupping massage (n*=30)
Instructions and training
to perform progressive
muscle relaxation at
home twice a week, 20
minutes per session, and
to record this practice in
a journal (n*=31)
Cupping massage is no more eective
than progressive muscle relaxation
in reducing chronic nonspecic neck
pain. Both therapies can be easily
used at home and can reduce pain to
a clinically relevant minimum extent.
However, cupping massage is better
than progressive muscle relaxation in
improving well-being and decreasing
sensitivity to pressure pain.
Kim TH et al.
To compare the eects of cupping
therapy and the “heated pad” on
neck pain, functional disability
and quality of life in video display
terminal workers.
Cupping therapy (n*=20)
Heated hot water pads
applied to the neck and
upper trapezius muscle
for 10 minutes, 3 times
a week, for 2 weeks
2 weeks of cupping therapy associated
with an exercise program may be
eective in reducing pain and improving
neck function in workers at Video
Display Terminal.
(the Figure 2 continue in the next page...)
Moura CC, Chaves ECL, Cardoso ACLR, Nogueira DA, Corrêa HP, Chianca TCM.
Intervention in the
experimental group
Intervention in the
control group
Main ndings
Lauche R et al.
To test the ecacy of a single
traditional cupping therapy
treatment in patients with chronic
nonspecic chronic neck pain.
Cupping therapy and
non-steroid medication for
pain and physical therapy
Non-steroid medication
for pain and physical
therapy (in both groups)
A single application of cupping therapy
may be eective in the treatment of
chronic nonspecic cervical pain.
Lin ML et al.
To evaluate the eect of laser
acupuncture and soft cupping on
low back pain.
Laser acupuncture and soft
cupping (n*=28)
Soft cupping and laser
without radiation (n*=29)
Laser acupuncture and mild cupping
therapy may be a suitable treatment for
patients with low back pain.
Cramer H et al.
To compare the eects of a series
of 5 sessions of Pulsating Cupping
with standard medical care in
relieving chronic nonspecic
cervical pain.
Pulsating Cupping (n*=24)
Self-directed standard
medical care (physical
therapy, exercises and
analgesic drugs as
needed) (n*=24)
Pneumatic pulsation therapy appears
to be a safe and eective method to
relieve pain and improve function and
quality of life in patients with chronic
neck pain.
Kim JI et al.
To determine the ecacy and
safety of Wet Cupping treatment
for persistent nonspecic low
back pain.
Wet-cupping (n*=21)
Usual care (booklets for
exercise, general advice
for nonspecic and
persistent low back pain,
and acetaminophen) in
both groups (n*=11)
Wet cupping may have a potential
eect on reducing pain associated
with nonspecic and persistent low
back pain.
Lauche R et al.
To determine whether a number
of cupping treatments eectively
relieves chronic nonspecic
cervical pain. In addition, the
subjects’ mechanical thresholds
were measured to determine
whether cupping therapy has an
eect on mechanical hyperalgesia
in patients with chronic neck pain.
Cupping therapy and
non-steroid medication for
pain and physical therapy
Non-steroid medication
for pain and physical
therapy (n*=24)
Five dry cupping sessions appear to be
safe and eective in the treatment of
chronic nonspecic cervical pain.
Farhadi K et al.
To determine the eectiveness
of Wet Cupping for the treatment
of persistent and nonspecic low
back pain.
Wet cupping (*n=48)
Usual care, combination
of medication and
exercises (n*=50)
Wet cupping is associated with greater
short-term clinical benet compared to
usual care.
*n – Number of participants; †B – Bladder; ‡VAS – Visual Analogue Scale.
Figure 2 - Characterization of the studies regarding the applied intervention, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, 2018 (n=16)
All articles selected were published in English
language and were conducted in Germany
, Iran
, South Korea
and in Saudi
. Participants were a total of 1049 people, aged
between 18 and 79 years, of whom 519 were in the
groups receiving the experimental therapy and 530 in
the control groups (sham, waiting list, standard medical
treatment/active treatment or no treatment). Of these,
all had chronic pain conditions
, being the cervical
spine/neck the most aected area
, followed by
the lumbar region
. Two other studies
although they did not make clear the temporality of the
pain, were selected because this information could be
inferred with great accuracy.
The characterization of the studies regarding the
objective, the interventions applied in the experimental
and control groups, and the main ndings are presented
in Figure 2.
Regarding the methodological quality of the RCTs,
all reported the random sequence generation method
and in only one study
this process was not appropriate.
In another study
there is not enough information to
infer this information. Only in four RCTs
was a description of masking and in only two
was considered appropriate. Loss of follow-up was not
described in only one RCT
Therefore, 6.25% (n = 1) of the studies
one on the Jadad score; 12.5% (n = 2)
scored two;
62.5% (n=10)
scored three; 12.5% (n=2)
score four; and 6.25% (n=1)
scored ve points.
The studied outcomes, the measurement tools, the
number of evaluations and the interval between them
are described in Figure 3.
The most evaluated outcomes were pain intensity
(100%; n=16)
, followed by Physical disability
(62.5%; n=10)
, quality of life (37.5%; n=6)
and nociceptive threshold before the mechanical
stimulus, by means of an algometer (37.5%; n=6)
The number of evaluations ranged from two (baseline
and after treatment) to 18. Three studies performed
evaluations between sessions
; and 13 studies
performed follow-up evaluations after the end of the
treatment, ranging from two days to three months
(Figure 3).
The characteristics of the intervention protocol
were based on the recommendations of the Revised
Standards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials
of Acupuncture (STRICTA)
and in the classications
of cupping therapy
, which are described in Figure 4.
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2018;26:e3094.
Outcomes Measurement Tools
Number of evaluations/
Interval between them
Teut M et al.
1-Pain intensity
2- Measure of back function
3-Quality of life
1- VAS* (0-100)
2-Funktionsfragebogen Hannover Rücken
3- SF-36
03 (Baseline, after 4 and 12 weeks)
Saha FJ et al.
1- Pain intensity
2- Pain to the movement
3-Physical disability
4-Quality of life
5- Nociceptive threshold
6- Mechanical detection threshold
7- Vibration detection threshold
8- 2-point discrimination threshold
1- VAS* (0-100)
2-Pain on Movement Questionnaire
5- Algometer
6- Von Frey laments
8- Pair of compasses with blunt ends
02 (Baseline, 3 weeks after randomization)
Lin ML et al.
1- Pain intensity
2- Plasma cortisol level
1-VAS* (0-100) 2- Biological sample (blood)
02 for cortisol (Baseline and after the
session) / 06 for VAS* (Baseline and
during session)
Yazdanpanahi Z et
al. (2017)
1- Pain intensity 1-Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire
04 (Baseline, immediately after, 24 hours
and 2 weeks after)
Chi LM et al.
1- Pain intensity
2- Tissue temperature
3- Systemic arterial pressure
1-VAS* (0-10)
2- Infrared Camera
3- Mercury sphygmomanometer
02 for pain intensity (Baseline and after
intervention) / 04 for tissue temperature
(5-minute interval between each
AlBedah A et al.
Pain intensity
Physical disability
1-Numeric scale (0-100)
03 (Baseline, after, follow-up of 2 weeks)
Emerich M et al.
1- Pain intensity
2-Physical disability
3- Nociceptive threshold
4- Pyruvate, Lactate, Glucose, Glycerin
and Adenosine
1/2-Neck Pain and Disability Scale
3-Algometer 4- Microlament with
semipermeable membrane (microdialysis)
04 for algometer (baseline, immediately
after and 140 and 280 minutes after) / 02
for Neck pain and disability scale (Baseline
and one week after / each 20 minutes
for microdialysis
Akbarzadeh M et
al. (2014)
1- Pain intensity
2-Quality of pain
1- VAS* (0-10)
2-Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire
04 (Baseline, immediately after, 24 hours
and 2 weeks after)
Lauche R et al.
1- Pain intensity
2- Perceived pain to the movement
3-Quality of pain
4-Physical disability
5- Psychological distress
7-Quality of life
8- Nociceptive threshold
1- VAS* (0-100)
2- Flexing, extending, exing sideways and
rotating the neck laterally to the left and right
3-Pain Description List
5-Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
6-Questionnaire on the Assessment of
Physical Well-being
02 (Baseline, week 12)
Kim TH et al.
1- Pain intensity
2-Physical disability
3- Physiological and psychological
4- Range of motion
1- Numeric scale (0-100)
3-Measure yourself medical outcome prole
2 score
4-Cervical range of motion instrument
03 (Baseline, 3 weeks, 7 weeks)
Lauche R et al.
1- Pain intensity
2- Physical disability
3-Quality of life
4- Nociceptive threshold
1-VAS* (0-100) 2-NDI
4-Algometer 02 (Baseline and 3 days after)
Lin ML et al.
1- Pain intensity
2- Electrical current of the meridians
1- VAS* (0-10) 2-Ryodoraku
05 (Assessments for 5 consecutive days -
2 before and 2 after)
Cramer H et al.
1- Pain intensity
2- Pain to the movement
3-Physical disability
4-Quality of life
5- Nociceptive threshold
6- Mechanical detection threshold
7- Vibration detection threshold
1-Numeric scale (0-10)
2- VAS* (0-10)
6- Von Frey laments
02 (Baseline and 2.5 weeks after baseline
Kim JI et al.
1- Pain intensity
2-Physical disability
1- Numeric scale (0-100)
03 (Baseline, after, follow-up of 2 weeks)
Lauche R et al.
1- Pain intensity
2- Pain at rest and pain to the movement
3-Physical disability
4-Quality of life
5- Nociceptive threshold
6- Vibration detection threshold
7- Mechanical detection threshold
1-Numeric scale (0-10)
2- VAS* (0-100)
7- Von Frey laments
02 (Baseline and 18 days after
rst assessment)
Farhadi K et al.
1- Pain intensity
2-Physical disability
3- Medication use
3-Medication Quantication Scale
02 (Baseline and after three months of
*VAS Visual Analogue Scale; †SF-36 - Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire; ‡NDI - Neck Disability Index; §PPI- McGill Present Pain Intensity
questionnaire; ||ODQ - Oswestry Disability Questionnaire
Figure 3 - Evaluated outcomes, measurement tools, number of evaluations and interval between them. Belo Horizonte,
MG, Brazil, 2018. (n=16)
Moura CC, Chaves ECL, Cardoso ACLR, Nogueira DA, Corrêa HP, Chianca TCM.
Type of
Application device
Time of stay of
the device
Suction method/suction
Peculiarities of the
Application points
Teut M et al.
Pulsatile dry
8 4 weeks Silicone cup 8 minutes
Automatic (Negative pressure
between 150 - 350 mbar and
aspiration intervals of 2 seconds/
weaker negative pressure around
70 milibar and aspiration intervals
of 2 seconds)
// Point in the lumbar region
Saha FJ et al.
5 3 weeks
3.5 to 5-cm* diameter
glass cup, Karl Hecht
GmbH, Sondheim /
Rhön, Germany)
10 minutes Manual (rubber ball on top of cup)
Arsenic massage oil (Weleda AG,
Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany)
From the occipital bone to the middle thoracic
spine and in the upper trapezius muscle
Lin ML et al.
Dry cupping 5 1 week
Laser / 6- cm*
diameter cups
Kyunggido, Korea)
5 minutes
The suction of each cup was
applied until the skin rose to 1 cm*.
The physician administered the
treatment to all patients between
3 and 6 hours (time of exuberant
ow of the bladder meridian)
Muscles of the lower back at the level of the
spinal discs 2-5
Z et al. (2017)
Dry cupping 4 4 days // 15 to 20 minutes // // B
Chi LM et al.
Dry cupping 1 20 minutes
Glass cups with
medium size of
4 cm* diameter and
and 260 ml
(Cosmos International
Supplies Co., Ltd.,
10 minutes Fire //
15 (jianshongshu)
21 (jianjing)
15 (jianju)
AlBedah A et al.
Wet cupping 6 2 weeks
Disposable 40 cc
cups (Seongho trade
& company, Korea)
5 minutes Manual (suction pump)
The skin was perforated at 6
points along the site marked with
2 mm
deep, with disposable
2 acupoints between B
23, 24 and 25 (the
most painful when manually pressed or when
there were no pain points, we chose bilateral
Emerich M et
al. (2014)
Dry cupping 1 15 minutes
168 ml
glass cup /
opening area of 15.7
square cm*
15 minutes
Fire (negative pressure was
obtained by holding the ame of
a swab soaked in alcohol for 2
seconds in the opening of the cup
and then immediately pressing the
cup into the skin. The glass cup had
a faucet that could be connected to
a pressure gauge to measure the
pressure in the cup).
Above the trapezius muscle, cupping therapy
was performed above one of the sides
randomly selected in healthy volunteers or
in patients with neck pain, above the side
with predominant pain / Cupping therapy was
performed on the contralateral side of the lower
back for investigation of pain thresholds
Akbarzadeh M
et al. (2014)
Dry cupping 4 4 days
Glass cups of size 75
and 100 cm*
15 to 20 minutes
Fire (the air inside the cups was
rareed by alcohol and small cotton
// B
23 (Shenshu)
Lauche R et al.
24 12 weeks
3.5-cm* diameter
glass cups (Karl
Hecht, Germany)
10 to 15 minutes //
200 ml
arnica massage oil
(Weleda AG, Germany)
(the Figure 4 continue in the next page...)
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2018;26:e3094.
Type of
Application device
Time of stay of
the device
Suction method/suction
Peculiarities of the
Application points
Kim TH et al.
Dry cupping /
Wet cupping
6 2 weeks
Disposable and
sterile cups of various
sizes - 1.5 cm* to
5 cm* in diameter
(Seongho Trade &
Company, Korea)
5 to 10 minutes
Manual (suction pump - 3 to 5
pumping cycles)
The skin was punctured 6 times to
a depth of 2 mm
with disposable
26 gauge lancets. 3 to 5 cc** of
blood was drained
From 6 to 10 sensitive points of the posterior
neck, upper trapezius and perispinal area of
the neck and thoracic spine GV
20, 21, SB
17,11,12,13,14,15,15 B
12,13,14,15,16,17,41,42,43,44 and Extra Head
/ neck 15
Lauche R et al.
Wet cupping 1
10 to 15
Double wall glass
cups with 25 to
50 mm
10 to 15 minutes
Fire (the cups were kept inverted
over an open ame to warm the air
in. The air inside the cup cooled
and created vacuum that sucked
blood through the incisions).
The supercial incisions were
made with a disposable micro-
lancet in the areas of pain and
bulky geloses
Areas of pain
Lin ML et al.
Dry cupping
1 10 minutes
Laser LA400 (United
Integrated Services
Co., Ltd., Taiwan) /
It does not describe
the suction cup
10 minutes // // B
40 (Weizhong) Ashi Points
Cramer H et al.
massage +
Dry cupping
- Pneumatic
5 2 weeks
38 mm glass cups
(scanning) and
silicone cups (xed
suction cup)
10 to 15 minutes
with scanning and 5
to 10 minutes with
the xed suction
Automatic (electromechanical
suction pump - Pneumatron
Pneumed GmbH, Idar-Oberstein,
Germany. The negative pressure
intensity was adjusted according to
the patient’s sensitivity to produce a
strong but comfortable sensation of
oscillation - Strength: pulsatile).
Arnica massage oil (Weleda AG,
Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany,
ingredients: sunower oil, olive
oil, arnica montana extract, betula
alba leaf extract and natural
essential oils) was applied in the
neck and shoulders region for
slippery suction cup.
Areas where manual pressure and lifting of the
skin caused the greatest discomfort
Kim JI et al.
Wet cupping 6 2 weeks
Disposable 40 cc
cups (Seongho trade
& company, Korea)
5 minutes Manual (suction pump)
The skin was punctured at 6
points along the marked site with
2 mm
deep with disposable
2 acupoints between B
23, 24 and 25 (in each
session, practitioners chose the 2 most painful
points when pressed manually. When there
were no pain points, the bilateral B25 was
Lauche R et al.
Dry cupping 5 2 weeks
Double wall glass
cups with 25 to
50 mm
10 to 20 minutes
Fire (the cups were kept inverted
by an open ame to warm the air
inside, after which each cup was
placed in an aected area).
Pain diagram and physical examination were
used to identify areas of muscular tension
and myogelosis, which usually occurred in the
descending and
Farhadi K et al.
Dry cupping /
Wet cupping
3 1 week
Plastic cups- The cup
size used was based
on the size of the
patient’s body (75 or
120 cc
3 to 5 minutes for
the dry suction cup
and then another 3
to 5 minutes for the
wet suction cup
Automatic/manual (the cup was
placed in the selected location and
the air inside the cup was rareed
by electric suction or, rarely, due to
technical reasons, manual suction).
Surface incisions were
made on the skin using the
“multiple supercial incisions”
technique with 15-21 size sterile
surgical slides.
a) between the two scapulae, opposite to the
scapular spine, at the level of the thoracic
vertebrae 1-3, in Phase 1; b) the area of the
sacrum, between the lumbar vertebra and the
coccyx bone, in Phase 2; and c) the calf area
on the middle surface of the gastrocnemius
muscle in Phase 3
*cm – Centimeter; †B – Bladder; ‡ml – Milliliter; §SB – Small bladder; ||GB – Gallbladder; ¶LB – Large bladder; **cc – Cubic centimeter; ††mm – Millimeter; ‡‡GV - Governing Vessel
Figure 4 - Intervention protocol. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, 2018 (n=16)
Moura CC, Chaves ECL, Cardoso ACLR, Nogueira DA, Corrêa HP, Chianca TCM.
The intervention was predominantly applied by
physicians (31.25%; n=5)
; followed by nurses
(18.75%; n=3)
and pharmacists (6.25%; n=1)
. And 25% of the studies (n=4)
reported that
the intervention was performed by a therapist, without
specifying the training area.
Only 18,75% of the studies (n = 3) presented the
time of experience of the professional who performed the
intervention, from three
to four years
; 37.5% of the
studies (n=6)
informed only that the intervention
had been performed by experienced or trained professionals,
but did not mention the time of training.
Of the 16 articles selected for the systematic
review, 10 entered for meta-analysis that investigated
the eectiveness of cupping therapy on pain intensity.
All of them approached the outcome in two comparison
groups (experimental and control), in evaluations
performed before and immediately after the treatment.
Five studies
did not enter because they did
not have enough data for this analysis and one study
performed the evaluation only three months after the
end of treatment.
The results of the meta-analysis showed that
cupping therapy was more eective in reducing pain
compared to the control group (absolute dierence
between means: -1.59, [95% Condence Interval:
-2.07 to -1.10]; p = 0.001), with moderate to high
heterogeneity (I
= 67.7%, p = 0.001) (Figure 5).
*CI - Condence interval; †% - Percentage; ‡I
- Measurement of heterogeneity
Figure 5 - Forest plot of the pain intensity score. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, 2018
Cupping therapy has shown positive results on chronic
back pain in adults, not only in behavioral variables of
pain, but also in physiological parameters in the majority
of RCTs evaluated in this study, which contributes to the
consolidation of its use in the treatment of this clinical
condition in the study population.
Regarding methodological quality, most
obtained a median score (three)
according to the Jadad scale
. This score can be justied
by the lack of masking of RCTs.
It is not feasible to conceal evaluation and intervention
methods in cupping therapy
, since the marks left by
the suction cups are often visible and may persist for
several days, making it dicult to perform a masking
. Only one study
achieved masking properly;
however, it was true only for volunteers who received laser
therapy, an intervention used concomitantly with cupping
therapy, where sham laser acupuncture was performed
by applying the same procedure in one of the groups, but
without energy. In a second study
, there is a description
that the masking was applied to the evaluator of the
results; however, the application of suction cups causes
marks (ecchymoses, petechiae) and one of the evaluated
outcomes was the pain threshold, using the algometer;
for this evaluation, as the area must be naked, the marks
on the skin make this kind of masking impossible. Finally,
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2018;26:e3094.
in another study
, the majority of participants in the
minimal cupping group (84%) was able to identify the
allocation after four weeks, whereas in the cupping group
55% identied the allocation.
Regarding the evaluated outcomes, pain intensity
predominated, which was measured mostly by means
of the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)
and the
Numerical Scale
, followed by the Neck Pain
and Disability Scale
, by the short version of the
McGill Pain Questionnaire
, and by the Present Pain
Intensity Scale
Although there are variations, the VAS usually
consists of scores of 0-10 or 0-100, the extreme left
being described as no pain and the extreme right as the
worst possible pain; the numerical scale has a numerical
rating of 0-10, 0-20 or 0-100. These scales can be
classied as: painless (0), mild (1-3), moderate (4-6),
and severe (7-10), and are frequently used in patients
with chronic musculoskeletal pain
. In addition, some
have pointed to these two scales as the
gold standard for assessing pain intensity, these being
the instruments most used when evaluating adults, both
in clinics and research.
Physical disability was the second most approached
outcome, measured by means of the Neck Disability Index
, of the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire
and the Neck Pain and Disability Scale
In fact, the severity and chronicity of back pain are
associated with severe functional limitations
imply limitations in activities of daily living
In addition, patients with chronic diseases, who
require continuous treatment over a long period,
present important changes in quality of life
, being
another important outcome to be evaluated, as occurred
in six studies, through the Short Form 36 Health Survey
Questionnaire (SF-36)
Finally, the physiological parameter most evaluated
in the studies was the nociceptive threshold before
the mechanical stimulus, by means of a pressure
. It is known that individuals who have
pain in the spine have higher nociceptive sensitivity
compared to healthy people
. However, this is still
considered a subjective variable, since it is the patient
who determines his/her pain threshold. In fact, when
the evaluation process is more related to the symptoms,
such as subjective phenomena, especially pain, than
to physical or laboratory results, self-assessment is
considered the most reliable indicator of the existence
of pain
. Thus, the necessary information to carry out
its evaluation has its origin in the individual’s report
who is the primary source of the assessment.
The systematized analysis of cupping therapy
application methods showed that there is no
standardization in the treatment protocol for chronic
back pain. However, recent eorts have been made to
standardize the cupping therapy procedure in general
and specically for chronic back pain, since the most
appropriate type of technique, duration of treatment,
number of sessions, devices, time of application, method
and suction strength and application points have not
been determined.
It can be observed, however, that the most
applied technique was dry cupping, specically for
the lumbar
and cervical regions
This modality allows the stimulation of the acupoints
in the same way as the acupuncture needles
suggest that laceration of the skin
and capillaries, promoted by wet cupping, may act
as another nociceptive stimulus that activates the
descending inhibitory pathways of pain control
, thus
helping to treat chronic musculoskeletal conditions
However, risk for infection, vasovagal attacks and scars
are the disadvantages of this method
. Still, compared
to cupping massage, authors
emphasize that dry
cupping has a greater analgesic eect, since the use
of lubricants can reduce the friction between the edge
of the cup and the skin, a fact corroborated by some
who used arnica oil for the realization of
cupping massage.
Despite the variability in the application of the
intervention, it was possible to identify that, on
average, the cupping therapy was applied in 5 sessions,
with permanence of the cups in the skin for around 8
minutes, and interval of three to four days between the
applications. According to some researchers
, at least
ve sessions are required for any signicant eects of
cupping treatment to appear, in addition to ensuring the
feasibility of the RCT. Moreover, authors
that the cups should be left on the skin for 5 to 10 minutes
or more, which culminates in the appearance of residual
marks after treatment as a result of the rupture of small
blood vessels that are painless and disappear between 1
and 10 days
. Therefore, an interval between sessions
is necessary in order to allow the reestablishment of the
cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues.
Regarding the application cups, the disposable ones
are preferable a high-level sterilization or disinfection
process is required prior to reuse, since the pressure
exerted may cause extravasation of blood and uids from
the skin
. Nowadays, cupping therapy has increasingly
been performed with plastic cups
. The size of the
cups varies according to the place of application, but it
is often applied in places with abundant muscles, such
as the back
Regarding the suction method to create negative
pressure, the use of re predominated
Moura CC, Chaves ECL, Cardoso ACLR, Nogueira DA, Corrêa HP, Chianca TCM.
followed by manual pumping
and automatic
. Suction with re is the traditional
method used in China, however, there is a risk of
. Manual vacuum is created when using a
suction pump. This method allows microcirculation to
increase more eectively if compared to re
. Finally,
automatic pumping is created using an electric suction
pump, which allows to adjust and measure the negative
pressure inside the cup, being the most suitable method
for scientic research
Only three studies
reported the suction
strength used, which should be standardized in the
application protocols. The suction can be light (100 and
300 millibar/one or two manual pumpings), medium (300
and 500 milibar/three or four manual pumpings), strong
(above 500 milibar/ve or more manual pumpings) or
pulsatile (pressure inside the cups is variable, between
100 and 200 milibar every 2 seconds)
. The medium
suction is often indicated for painful conditions of the
musculoskeletal system
There was also no standardization in relation to the
application points of cupping therapy. Despite this, the
application in specic acupoints in the cervical region,
mainly on the bladder, gallbladder and small intestine
meridians, prevailed
, and in the lumbar region on
the bladder meridian
, followed by sensitive
named Ashi by TCM or trigger points by
Western medicine.
Meridians are passages for the ow of qi (vital
energy) and xue (blood), the two basic body uids
of TCM, which spread throughout the body surface,
uniting the interior with the exterior of the body and
connecting the internal organs, the joints and the
extremities, transforming the whole body into a single
. Part of the meridians of the bladder, small
intestine and gallbladder pass through the dorsal region.
The acupuncture points are located in the meridians;
besides local action, they also play a systemic action and
reestablish the energy balance of the body by adjusting
the function of the organs, maintaining homeostasis and
treating the disease
, so the advantage in using them.
The trigger points or Ashi are specic points of high
irritability; they are sensitive to digital pressure and can
trigger local and referred pain
. They may be deriving
from dynamic overload, such as trauma or overuse, or
static overload, such as postural overloads occurring
during daily activities and occupational activities
besides emotional tension. Addressing these points can
also be a way to relieve local pain
After the application of cupping therapy, both
the acupoints of the meridians of the aected regions
and the trigger points or Ashi may present bruising,
erythema and/or ecchymoses. According to TCM, these
signs represent stagnation of “qiand/or “xue” and may
help the therapist in identifying body disorders.
Finally, the meta-analysis revealed a signicant
reduction of the pain intensity score in adults with
chronic back pain by using cupping therapy (p = 0.001).
Compared with a control group (usual care/other
intervention/waiting list), this modality has advantages
in relieving pain, as can be seen in Figure 5.
Only two studies
did not present a statistically
signicant dierence between the groups on the benet
or harm of this intervention (Figure 5). In fact, the
rst study
pointed out that cupping therapy has the
same eect as other intervention (progressive muscle
relaxation) in reducing chronic nonspecic neck pain;
despite this, cupping therapy was better than relaxation
in improving well-being and decreasing sensitivity to
pressure pain. The authors
justify this result, among
other limitations, due to the fact that cupping therapy
was performed by patients’ relatives or friends at home.
The second study
, despite having found a positive
result on the intensity of pain, did not obtain a result in
the meta-analysis. It is believed that this may have been
due to the fact that both groups received the intervention
of soft cupping and both obtained positive results.
In the other studies
, the intervention
reduced the probability of the outcome, being the study
with the largest sample
the one the most contributed
(15.68% weight in the meta-analysis) for this (Figure 5).
In fact, all these studies reported promising results of
intervention on pain intensity.
However, the results of the eectiveness of cupping
therapy still need to be conrmed by subgroup analyzes,
based on dierent types of application techniques and
control groups. In addition, it is important to perform
meta-regression to nd the source of heterogeneity
of RCTs.
In a general way, the results showed a substantial
variation in the application of cupping therapy, especially
in relation to the type of technique, as well as dierences
in the control group, which made subgroup or meta-
regression unfeasible, respectively, due to the small
number of studies with each of these specications.
Cupping therapy is a promising method for the
treatment and control of chronic back pain in adults,
since it signicantly decreases pain intensity scores
when compared to control groups. However, the high
heterogeneity and the median methodological quality of
RCTs has limited the ndings.
Despite this, a protocol can be established for this
clinical condition: application of dry cupping technique
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2018;26:e3094.
in 5 sessions, with permanence of the disposable or
plastic cups on the skin for about 8 minutes, preferably
automatic or manual pumping, with medium suction
strength, and three to seven days interval between
applications. It is better to opt for acupoints of the dorsal
region, especially those from the bladder meridian
in the lumbar region, and for the meridians of the
bladder, gallbladder and small intestine in the cervical
and thoracic regions, as well as Ashi or trigger points.
This protocol needs to be validated in future studies.
And the main outcomes evaluated for this clinical
condition were pain intensity, physical disability, quality
of life and nociceptive threshold before the mechanical
stimulus (pressure).
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Moura CC, Chaves ECL, Cardoso ACLR, Nogueira DA, Corrêa HP, Chianca TCM.
Received: Jul 11
Accepted: Sep 17
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Corresponding author:
Caroline de Castro Moura
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