2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards Computer Science and Design Thinking
Computer Science and Design Thinking
New approaches necessary for solving the critical challenges that we face as a society will require harnessing the power of technology and computing.
Rapidly changing technologies and the proliferation of digital information have permeated and radically transformed learning, working, and everyday
life. To be well-educated, global-minded individuals in a computing-intensive world, students must have a clear understanding of the concepts and
practices of computer science. As education systems adapt to a vision of students who are not just computer users but also computationally literate
creators who are proficient in the concepts and practices of computer science and design thinking, engaging students in computational thinking and
human-centered approaches to design through the study of computer science and technology serves to prepare students to ethically produce and
critically consume technology.
Computer science and design thinking education prepares students to succeed in today's knowledge-based economy by providing equitable and
expanded access to high-quality, standards-based computer science and technological design education.
All students have equitable access to a rigorous computer science and design thinking education. Students will benefit from opportunities to engage in
high-quality technology programs that foster their ability to:
develop and apply computational and design thinking to address real-world problems and design creative solutions;
engage as collaborators, innovators, and entrepreneurs on a clear pathway to success through postsecondary education and careers;
navigate the dynamic digital landscape to become healthy, productive, 21st century global-minded individuals; and
participate in an inclusive and diverse computing culture that appreciates and incorporates perspectives from people of different genders,
ethnicities, and abilities.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Intent and Spirit of the Computer Science and Design Thinking Standards
All students receive computer science and design thinking instruction from Kindergarten through grade 12. The study of these disciplines focuses on
deep understanding of concepts that enable students to think critically and systematically about leveraging technology to solve local and global issues.
Authentic learning experiences that enable students to apply content knowledge, integrate concepts across disciplines, develop computational thinking
skills, acquire and incorporate varied perspectives, and communicate with diverse audiences about the use and effects of computing prepares New
Jersey students for college and careers.
Revised Standards
Framework for NJ Designed Standards
New to this version of the NJSLS-CS&DT are the following:
Standard 8.1 Computer Science
o Computer Science, previously a strand entitled ‘Computational Thinking: Programming’ in standard 8.2 of the 2014 NJSLS-
Technology, outlines a comprehensive set of concepts and skills, such as data and analysis, algorithms and programming, a
mputing systems.
tandard 8.2 Design Thinking
o This standard, previously standard 8.2 Technology Education of the 2014 NJSLSTechnology, outlines the technological desi
oncepts and skills essential for technological and engineering literacy. The new framework design, detailed previously, include
Engineering Design, Ethics and Culture, and the Effects of Technology on the Natural world among the disciplinary concepts.
* Please note that the concepts and skills previously included in 8.1 Educational Technology of the 2014 NJSLS – Technology have been
xpanded and integrated across multiple disciplinary concepts in the 2020 NJSLS Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills
standard 9.4. Given the ubiquity of technology, our students will continue to be required to demonstrate increasing levels of proficiency t
ccess, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in their personal, academic, and professional lives. Therefore, the standards that wer
housed in one discipline have been enhanced and restructured to reflect the continued need for student learning in technology literacy, digital
citizenship, and information and media literacy.
The design of this version of the NJSLS – Computer Science and Design Thinking (NJSLS-CS&DT) is intended to:
promote the development of curricula and learning experiences that reflect the vision and mission of computer science and design thinking as
stated in the beginning of this document;
foster greater coherence and appropriate progressions across grade bands;
prioritize the important ideas and core processes that are central to computing and have lasting value beyond the classroom; and
reflect the habits of mind central to technology that lead to post-secondary success.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
In this diagram:
The Vision and Mission serve as the foundation for each content areas’ standards. They describe the important role of the discipline in the
world and reflect the various statutes, regulations, and policy.
The Performance Expectations are the studs and serve as the framework for what students should know and be able to do. They incorporate the
knowledge and skills that are most important for students to know in order to be prepared for post-secondary success.
The Disciplinary Concepts and Core Ideas are the joists and play an integral role in the framing by making connections among the
performance expectations. Core ideas help to prioritize the important ideas and core processes that are central to a discipline and have lasting
value beyond the classroom. They provide clear guidance as to what should be the focus of learning by the end of each grade band (i.e., end of
grades 2, 5, 8, and 12).
The Practices are the roof and represent two key ideas. Positioned as the top of the house, they represent the apex of learning. The goal is for
students to internalize the practices (habits of mind) and be able to apply them to new situations outside the school environment. The practices
span across all aspects of the standards and are an integral part of K-12 students’ learning of the disciplines.
Disciplinary Concepts
Core Ideas
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Disciplinary Concepts and Core Ideas
Computing Systems
People interact with a wide variety of computing devices that collect, store, analyze, and act upon information in ways that can affect human
capabilities both positively and negatively. The physical components (hardware) and instructions (software) that make up a computing system
communicate and process information in digital form.
By the end of grade 2 By the end of grade 5 By the end of grade 8 By the end of grade 12
Individuals use computing
devices to perform a variety
of tasks accurately and
quickly. Computing devices
interpret and follow the
instructions they are given
A computing system is
composed of software and
Describing a problem is the
first step toward finding a
solution when computing
systems do not work as
Computing devices may be
connected to other devices
to form a system as a way to
extend their capabilities.
Software and hardware
work together as a system to
accomplish tasks (e.g.,
sending, receiving,
processing, and storing units
of information).
Shared features allow for
common troubleshooting
strategies that can be
effective for many systems.
The study of human-
computer interaction can
improve the design of
devices and extend the
abilities of humans.
Software and hardware
determine a computing
system’s capability to store
and process information.
The design or selection of a
computing system involves
multiple considerations and
potential trade-offs.
Troubleshooting a problem
is more effective when
knowledge of the specific
device along with a
systematic process is used to
identify the source of a
The usability, dependability,
security, and accessibility of
devices within integrated
systems are important
considerations in their
design as they evolve.
A computing system
involves interaction among
the user, hardware,
application software, and
system software.
Successful troubleshooting
of complex problems
involves multiple
approaches including
research, analysis,
reflection, interaction with
peers, and drawing on past
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Networks and the Internet
Computing devices typically do not operate in isolation. Networks connect computing devices to share information and resources and are an
increasingly integral part of computing. Networks and communication systems provide greater connectivity in the computing world.
By the end of grade 2 By the end of grade 5 By the end of grade 8 By the end of grade 12
Computer networks can be
used to connect individuals
to other individuals, places,
information, and ideas. The
Internet enables individuals
to connect with others
Connecting devices to a
network or the Internet
provides great benefits, but
care must be taken to use
authentication measures,
such as strong passwords, to
protect devices and
information from
unauthorized access.
Information needs a physical
or wireless path to travel to
be sent and received.
Distinguishing between
public and private
information is important for
safe and secure online
Information can be protected
using various security
measures (i.e., physical and
Protocols, packets and
addressing are the key
components for reliable
delivery of information
across networks.
The information sent and
received across networks
can be protected from
unauthorized access and
modification in a variety of
The evolution of malware
leads to understanding the
key security measures and
best practices needed to
proactively address the
threat to digital data.
The scalability and
reliability of the Internet are
enabled by the hierarchy and
redundancy in networks.
Network topology is
determined by many
Network security depends
on a combination of
hardware, software, and
practices that protect data
while it is at rest, in transit,
and in use.
The needs of users and the
sensitivity of data determine
the level of security
implemented. Advanced
attacks take advantage of
common security
Impacts of Computing
Computing affects many aspects of the world in both positive and negative ways at local, national, and global levels. Individuals and communities
influence computing through their behaviors and cultural and social interactions, and, in turn, computing influences new cultural practices.
By the end of grade 2 By the end of grade 5 By the end of grade 8 By the end of grade 12
Computing technology has
positively and negatively changed
the way individuals live and work
(e.g., entertainment,
communication, productivity
The development and
modification of computing
technology is driven by people’s
needs and wants and can affect
individuals differently.
Advancements in computing
technology can change
individuals’ behaviors.
Society is faced with trade-
offs due to the increasing
globalization and automation
that computing brings.
The design and use of computing
technologies and artifacts can
positively or negatively affect
equitable access to information
and opportunities.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Data & Analysis
Computing systems exist to process data. The amount of digital data generated in the world is rapidly expanding, so the need to process data effectively
is increasingly important. Data is collected and stored so that it can be analyzed to better understand the world and make more accurate predictions.
By the end of grade 2 By the end of grade 5 By the end of grade 8 By the end of grade 12
Individuals collect, use, and
display data about
individuals and the world
around them.
Computers store data that
can be retrieved later. Data
can be copied, stored in
multiple locations, and
Data can be used to make
predictions about the world.
Data can be organized,
displayed, and presented to
highlight relationships
The type of data being
stored affects the storage
Individuals can select,
organize, and transform data
into different visual
representations and
communicate insights
gained from the data.
Many factors influence the
accuracy of inferences and
People use digital devices
and tools to automate the
collection, use, and
transformation of data.
The manner in which data is
collected and transformed is
influenced by the type of
digital device(s) available
and the intended use of the
Data is represented in many
formats. Software tools
translate the low-level
representation of bits into a
form understandable by
individuals. Data is
organized and accessible
based on the application
used to store it.
The purpose of cleaning data
is to remove errors and make
it easier for computers to
Computer models can be
used to simulate events,
examine theories and
inferences, or make
Individuals select digital
tools and design automated
processes to collect,
transform, generalize,
simplify, and present large
data sets in different ways to
influence how other people
interpret and understand the
underlying information.
Choices individuals make
about how and where data is
organized and stored affects
cost, speed, reliability,
accessibility, privacy, and
Large data sets can be
transformed, generalized,
simplified, and presented in
different ways to influence
how individuals interpret
and understand the
underlying information.
The accuracy of predictions
or inferences made from a
computer model is affected
by the amount, quality, and
diversity of data.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Algorithms & Programming
An algorithm is a sequence of steps designed to accomplish a specific task. Algorithms are translated into programs, or code, to provide instructions for
computing devices. Algorithms and programming control all computing systems, empowering people to communicate with the world in new ways and
solve compelling problems.
By the end of grade 2 By the end of grade 5 By the end of grade 8 By the end of grade 12
Individuals develop and
follow directions as part of
daily life.
A sequence of steps can be
expressed as an algorithm
that a computer can process.
Real world information can
be stored and manipulated in
programs as data (e.g.,
numbers, words, colors,
Computers follow precise
sequences of steps that
automate tasks.
Complex tasks can be
broken down into simpler
instructions, some of which
can be broken down even
People work together to
develop programs for a
purpose, such as expressing
ideas or addressing
The development of a
program involves
identifying a sequence of
events, goals, and expected
outcomes, and addressing
errors (when necessary).
Different algorithms can
achieve the same result.
Some algorithms are more
appropriate for a specific use
than others.
Programming languages
provide variables, which are
used to store and modify
A variety of control
structures are used to change
the flow of program
execution (e.g., sequences,
events, loops, conditionals).
Programs can be broken
down into smaller parts to
facilitate their design,
implementation, and review.
Programs can also be
created by incorporating
smaller portions of programs
that already exist.
Individuals develop
programs using an iterative
process involving design,
implementation, testing, and
Individuals design
algorithms that are reusable
in many situations.
Algorithms that are readable
are easier to follow, test, and
Programmers create
variables to store data values
of different types and
perform appropriate
operations on their values.
Control structures are
selected and combined in
programs to solve more
complex problems.
Programs use procedures to
organize code and hide
details. Procedures can be
repurposed in new
programs. Defining
parameters for procedures
can generalize behavior and
increase reusability.
Individuals design and test
solutions to identify
problems taking into
consideration the diverse
needs of the users and the
Individuals evaluate and
select algorithms based on
performance, reusability,
and ease of implementation.
Programmers choose data
structures to manage
program complexity based
on functionality, storage,
and performance trade-offs.
Trade-offs related to
implementation, readability,
and program performance
are considered when
selecting and combining
control structures.
Complex programs are
designed as systems of
interacting modules, each
with a specific role,
coordinating for a common
overall purpose. Modules
allow for better management
of complex tasks.
Complex programs are
developed, tested, and
analyzed by teams drawing
on the members’ diverse
strengths using a variety of
resources, libraries, and
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Engineering Design
People design for enjoyment and to solve problems, extend human capabilities, satisfy needs and wants, and improve the human condition. Engineering
Design, a systematic approach to creating solutions to technological problems and finding ways to meet people’s needs and desires, allows for the
effective and efficient development of products and systems.
By the end of grade 2 By the end of grade 5 By the end of grade 8 By the end of grade 12
Engineering design is a
creative process for meeting
human needs or wants that
can result in multiple
Limitations (constraints)
must be considered when
engineering designs.
Engineering design is a
systematic and creative
process of communicating
and collaborating to meet a
design challenge.
Often, several design
solutions exist, each better in
some way than the others.
Engineering design
requirements include desired
features and limitations that
need to be considered.
Engineering design is a
systematic, creative and
iterative process used to
address local and global
The process includes
generating ideas, choosing
the best solution, and
making, testing, and
redesigning models or
Engineering design
requirements and
specifications involve
making trade-offs between
competing requirements and
desired design features.
Engineering design is a
complex process in which
creativity, content
knowledge, research, and
analysis are used to address
local and global problems.
Decisions on trade-offs
involve systematic
comparisons of all costs and
benefits, and final steps that
may involve redesigning for
Engineering design
evaluation, a process for
determining how well a
solution meets requirements,
involves systematic
comparisons between
requirements, specifications,
and constraints.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Interaction of Technology and Humans
Societies influence technological development. Societies are characterized by common elements such as shared values, differentiated roles, and cultural
norms, as well as by entities such as community institutions, organizations, and businesses. Interaction of Technology and Humans concerns the ways
society drives the improvement and creation of new technologies, and how technologies both serve and change society.
By the end of grade 2 By the end of grade 5 By the end of grade 8 By the end of grade 12
Human needs and desires
determine which new tools
are developed.
Technology has changed the
way people live and work.
Various tools can improve
daily tasks and quality of
Societal needs and wants
determine which new tools
are developed to address
real-world problems.
A new tool may have
favorable or unfavorable
results as well as both
positive and negative effects
on society.
Technology spurs new
businesses and careers.
Economic, political, social,
and cultural aspects of
society drive development
of new technological
products, processes, and
Technology interacts with
society, sometimes bringing
about changes in a society’s
economy, politics, and
culture, and often leading to
the creation of new needs
and wants.
New needs and wants may
create strains on local
economies and workforces.
Improvements in technology
are intended to make the
completion of tasks easier,
safer, and/or more efficient.
Decisions to develop new
technology are driven by
societal and cultural
opinions and demands that
differ from culture to
Changes caused by the
introduction and use of a
new technology can range
from gradual to rapid and
from subtle to obvious, and
can change over time. These
changes may vary from
society to society as a result
of differences in a society’s
economy, politics, and
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Nature of Technology
Human population, patterns and movement focus on the size, composition, distribution, and movement of human populations and how they are
fundamental and active features on Earth’s surface. This includes understanding that the expansion and redistribution of the human population affects
patterns of settlement, environmental changes, and resource use. Patterns and movements of population also relate to physical phenomena including
climate variability, landforms, and locations of various natural hazards and their effects on population size, composition, and distribution.
By the end of grade 2 By the end of grade 5 By the end of grade 8 By the end of grade 12
Innovation and the improvement
of existing technology involves
creative thinking.
Technology innovation and
improvement may be
influenced by a variety of
Engineers create and modify
technologies to meet
people’s needs and wants;
scientists ask questions
about the natural world.
Technology advances
through the processes of
innovation and invention
which relies upon the
imaginative and inventive
nature of people.
Sometimes a technology
developed for one purpose is
adapted to serve other
Engineers use a systematic
process of creating or
modifying technologies that
is fueled and constrained by
physical laws, cultural
norms, and economic
resources. Scientists use
systematic investigation to
understand the natural
Engineers use science,
mathematics, and other
disciplines to improve
technology. Increased
collaboration among
engineers, scientists, and
mathematicians can improve
their work and designs.
Technology, product, or
system redesign can be more
difficult than the original
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Effects of Technology on the Natural World
Many of engineering and technology’s impacts on society and the environment are widely regarded as desirable. However, other impacts are regarded
as less desirable. Effects of Technology on the Natural World concerns the positive and negative ways that technologies affect the natural world.
By the end of grade 2 By the end of grade 5 By the end of grade 8 By the end of grade 12
The use of technology
developed for the human
designed world can affect
the environment, including
land, water, air, plants, and
Technologies that use
natural sources can have
negative effects on the
environment, its quality, and
Reusing and recycling
materials can save money
while preserving natural
resources and avoiding
damage to the environment.
The technology developed
for the human designed
world can have unintended
consequences for the
Technology must be
continually developed and
made more efficient to
reduce the need for non-
renewable resources.
Resources need to be
utilized wisely to have
positive effects on the
environment and society.
Some technological
decisions involve trade-offs
between environmental and
economic needs, while
others have positive effects
for both the economy and
Development and
modification of any
technological system needs
to take into account how the
operation of the system will
affect natural resources and
Impacts of technological
systems on the environment
need to be monitored and
must inform decision-
Many technologies have
been designed to have a
positive impact on the
environment and to monitor
environmental change over
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Ethics & Culture
Ethics and Culture concerns the profound effects that technologies have on people, how those effects can widen or narrow disparities, and the
responsibility that people have for the societal consequences of their technological decisions.
By the end of grade 2 By the end of grade 5 By the end of grade 8 By the end of grade 12
The availability of technology
for essential tasks varies in
different parts of the world.
Technological choices and
opportunities vary due to factors
such as differences in economic
resources, location, and cultural
Technological disparities have
consequences for public health
and prosperity.
The ability to ethically
integrate new technologies
requires deciding whether to
introduce a technology,
taking into consideration
local resources and the role
of culture in acceptance.
Consequences of
technological use may be
different for different groups
of people and may change
over time.
Since technological
decisions can have ethical
implications, it is essential
that individuals analyze
issues by gathering evidence
from multiple perspectives
and conceiving of
alternative possibilities
before proposing solutions.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Computer Science and Design Thinking Practices
The practices describe the behaviors and ways of thinking that computationally literate students use to fully engage in today’s data-rich and
interconnected world. Computational thinking is at the heart of the practices and refers to the thought processes involved in expressing solutions as
computational steps that can be carried out by a computer. It requires understanding the capabilities of computers, formulating problems addressed by a
computer, and designing algorithms that a computer can execute. Curriculum writers and educators will want to consider how they can design learning
experiences that will enable their students to develop these skills in conjunction with the content knowledge reflected in the core ideas and performance
Practice Description
1 Fostering an Inclusive
Computing and Design
Building an inclusive and diverse computing culture requires strategies for incorporating perspectives from people of
different genders, ethnicities, and abilities. Incorporating these perspectives involves understanding the personal,
ethical, social, economic, and cultural contexts in which people operate. Considering the needs of diverse users during
the design process is essential to producing inclusive computational products. When engaging in this practice, students:
Include the unique perspectives of others and reflect on one’s own perspectives when designing and developing
computational products.
Address the needs of diverse end users during the design process to produce artifacts with broad accessibility
and usability.
Employ self- and peer-advocacy to address bias in interactions, product design, and development methods.
2 Collaborating Around
Computing and Design
Collaborative computing is the process of performing a computational task by working on pairs in teams. Because it
involves asking for the contributions and feedback of others, effective collaboration can lead to better outcomes than
working independently. Collaboration requires individuals to navigate and incorporate diverse perspectives, conflicting
ideas, disparate skills, and distinct personalities. Students should use collaborative tools to effectively work together
and to create complex artifacts. When engaging in this practice, students:
Cultivate working relationships with individuals possessing diverse perspectives, skills, and personalities.
Create team norms, expectations, and equitable workloads to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Solicit and incorporate feedback from, and provide constructive feedback to, team members and other
Evaluate and select technological tools that can be used to collaborate on a project.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Practice Description
3 Recognizing and
Defining Computational
The ability to recognize appropriate and worthwhile opportunities to apply computation is a skill that develops over
time and is central to computing. Solving a problem with a computational approach requires defining the problem,
breaking it down into parts, and evaluating each part to determine whether a computational solution is appropriate.
When engaging in this practice, students:
Identify complex, interdisciplinary, real-world problems that can be solved computationally.
Decompose complex real-world problems into manageable sub-problems that could integrate existing solutions
or procedures.
Evaluate whether it is appropriate and feasible to solve a problem computationally.
4 Developing and Using
Abstractions are formed by identifying patterns and extracting common features from specific examples in order to
create generalizations. Using generalized solutions and parts of solutions designed for broad reuse simplifies the
development process by managing complexity. When engaging in this practice, students:
Extract common features from a set of interrelated processes or complex phenomena.
Evaluate existing technological functionalities and incorporate them into new designs.
Create modules and develop points of interaction that can apply to multiple situations and reduce complexity.
Model phenomena and processes and simulate systems to understand and evaluate potential outcomes.
5 Creating Computational
The process of developing computational artifacts embraces both creative expression and the exploration of ideas to
create prototypes and solve computational problems. Students create artifacts that are personally relevant or beneficial
to their community and beyond. Computational artifacts can be created by combining and modifying existing artifacts
or by developing new artifacts. Examples of computational artifacts include programs, simulations, visualizations,
digital animations, robotic systems, and apps. When engaging in this practice, students:
Plan the development of a computational artifact using an iterative process that includes reflection on and
modification of the plan, taking into account key features, time and resource constraints, and user
Create a computational artifact for practical intent, personal expression, or to address a societal issue.
Modify an existing artifact to improve or customize it.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Practice Description
6 Testing and Refining
Computational Artifacts
Testing and refinement is the deliberate and iterative process of improving a computational artifact. This process
includes debugging (identifying and fixing errors) and comparing actual outcomes to intended outcomes. Students also
respond to the changing needs and expectations of end users and improve the performance, reliability, usability, and
accessibility of artifacts. When engaging in this practice, students:
Systematically test computational artifacts by considering all scenarios and using test cases.
Identify and fix errors using a systematic process.
Evaluate and refine a computational artifact, multiple times, to enhance its performance, reliability, usability,
and accessibility.
7 Communicating About
Computing and Design
Communication involves personal expression and exchanging ideas with others. In computer science, students
communicate with diverse audiences about the use and effects of computation and the appropriateness of computational
choices. Students write clear comments, document their work, and communicate their ideas through multiple forms of
media. Clear communication includes using precise language and carefully considering possible audiences. When
engaging in this practice, students:
Select, organize, and interpret large data sets from multiple sources to support a claim.
Describe, justify, and document computational and/or design processes and solutions using appropriate
terminology consistent with the intended audience and purpose.
Articulate ideas responsibly by observing intellectual property rights and giving appropriate attribution.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Standards in Action: Climate Change
Although the future of work is unclear, thought leaders assert that artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, robotics, and machine learning will be
ubiquitous in tomorrow’s workplaces (Malyn-Smith et al, 2018). This vision of the future includes a new machine age, where humans will shape
technology, technology will shape human interaction, and where technologies and humans will collaborate to discover and innovate (Mervis, 2016; Van
Opstal, Evans, Bates, & Knuckles, 2008).
At the core of computer science and design thinking education, is the goal to prepare students with the essential knowledge and skills to make their
local and global communities a better place to live. Learning experiences that enable students to apply content knowledge and employ computational
thinking skills prepare students for the work of tomorrow by proposing solutions concerning the balancing of societal, environmental, and economic
needs for a sustainable future. Further, leveraging topics such as computational sustainability and clean technology (Cleantech), technologies that either
reduce or optimize the use of natural resources while reducing the negative effect that technology has on the planet and its ecosystems, is essential for
developing a populace with the knowledge and skills necessary to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Structure of the NJSLS - Computer Science and Design Thinking
The core ideas are derived from the disciplinary concepts and students’ understandings increase in sophistication over time as they engage with these
ideas in new and varied contexts. The core ideas are what is most essential for students to learn and represent the knowledge and skills that they should
be able to apply to new situations outside of the school experience. Curriculum writers and educators can use these core ideas as the basis for formative,
summative, and benchmark assessments.
The performance expectations describe what students should know and be able to do. It is expected that curriculum writers and educators will bundle
these performance expectations together in meaningful ways as a basis for classroom instruction and to guide the creation of formative, summative, and
benchmark assessments.
Coding of Performance Expectations
To promote a unified vision of the NJSLS-CSDT, an abbreviated form of the disciplinary concepts is included in the alphanumeric code. The
disciplinary concepts are abbreviated as follows:
Computing Systems (CS)
Networks and the Internet (NI)
Impacts of Computing (IC)
Data & Analysis (DA)
Algorithms & Programming (AP)
Engineering Design (ED)
Interaction of Technology and Humans (ITH)
Nature of Technology (NT)
Effects of Technology on the Natural World (ETW)
Ethics & Culture (EC)
For each standard, the performance expectation code should be interpreted as follows (e.g., 8.1.2.NI.1):
8.1 2 NI 1
By the end
of grade
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
New Jersey Legislative Statutes and Administrative Code
Curriculum Development: Integration of 21st Century Skills and Themes and Interdisciplinary Connections
District boards of education shall be responsible for the review and continuous improvement of curriculum and instruction based upon changes in
knowledge, technology, assessment results, and modifications to the NJSLS, according to N.J.A.C. 6A:8-2.
1. District boards of education shall include interdisciplinary connections throughout the K–12 curriculum.
2. District boards of education shall integrate into the curriculum 21st century themes and skills (N.J.A.C. 6A:8-3.1(c).
Twenty-first century themes and skills integrated into all content standards areas (N.J.A.C. 6A:8-1.1(a)3).
“Twenty-first century themes and skills” means themes such as global awareness; financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy; civic
literacy; health literacy; learning and innovation skills, including creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, and communication
and collaboration; information, media, and technology skills; and life and career skills, including flexibility and adaptability, initiative and self-
direction, social and cross-cultural skills, productivity and accountability, and leadership and responsibility.
Computer Science Endorsement Law: N.J.S.A. 18A:26-2.26
The State Board of Education shall authorize a computer science education endorsement to the instructional certificate. The endorsement shall
authorize the holder to teach computer science in all public schools, and shall be required to teach computer science in grades 9 through 12 beginning at
such time as the State board determines that there is a sufficient number of teachers holding the computer science education endorsement to make the
requirement feasible.
Offer Courses in Computer Science Law: N.J.S.A. 18A:7C-1.1
No later than the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, each public school enrolling students in grades nine through 12, other than a county
vocational school district, shall offer a course in computer science. The course shall include, but need not be limited to, instruction in computational
thinking, computer programming, the appropriate use of the Internet and development of Internet web pages, data security and the prevention of data
breaches, ethical matters in computer science, and the global impact of advancements in computer science.
Certain Computer Science Course may satisfy credit requirement: N.J.S.A. 18A:7C-2.1
Beginning with the 2016-2017 grade nine class, the State Board of Education shall require that the local graduation requirements adopted by a board of
education permit an Advanced Placement computer science course to satisfy a part of the total credit requirement in mathematics. For an Advanced
Placement computer science course to satisfy a part of the mathematics credit requirement, the student must be concurrently enrolled in or have
successfully completed algebra 1 and geometry or the content equivalent.
Amistad Law: N.J.S.A. 18A 52:16A-88
Every board of education shall incorporate the information regarding the contributions of African-Americans to our country in an appropriate place in
the curriculum of elementary and secondary school students.
Holocaust Law: N.J.S.A. 18A:35-28
Every board of education shall include instruction on the Holocaust and genocides in an appropriate place in the curriculum of all elementary and
secondary school pupils. The instruction shall further emphasize the personal responsibility that each citizen bears to fight racism and hatred whenever
and wherever it happens.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
LGBT and Disabilities Law: N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.35
A board of education shall include instruction on the political, economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities and lesbian, gay, bisexual,
and transgender people, in an appropriate place in the curriculum of middle school and high school students as part of the district’s implementation of
the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (N.J.S.A.18A:35-4.36
) A board of education shall have policies and procedures in place pertaining to the
selection of instructional materials to implement the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.35.
Aho, A.V. (2011, January) Computation and Computational Thinking. ACM Ubiquity, 1, 1-8.
Barr, V., & Stephenson, C. (2011). Bringing Computational Thinking to K–12: What is Involved and What is the Role of the Computer Science
Education Community? ACM Inroads, 2, 48–54.
Brennan, K., & Resnick, M. (2012). Using Artifact-based Interviews to Study the Development of Computational Thinking in Interactive Media
Design. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Bundy, A. (2007). Computational Thinking is Pervasive. Journal of Scientific and Practical Computing, 1, 67–69.
Wing, J. (2011). Research notebook: Computational Thinking—What and Why. The Link Magazine, 6. Retrieved from
Flannery, L. P., Kazakoff, E. R., Bontá, P., Silverman, B., Bers, M. U., & Resnick, M. (2013, June). Designing ScratchJr: Support for Early Childhood
Learning through Computer Programming. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 1–10).
Gomes, C. P. (2009). Computational Sustainability: Computational Methods for a Sustainable Environment, Economy, and Society. The Bridge, 39(4),
International Society for Technology in Education. (2016). ISTE Standards for Students
. Retrieved from
International Technology Education Association. (2007). Standards for technological literacy. Res-ton, VA: Author.
Lee, I. (2016). Reclaiming the roots of CT. CSTA Voice: The Voice of K–12 Computer Science Education and Its Educators
, 12(1), 34. Retrieved
from http://cadrek12.org/resources/csta-voice-voice-k%E2%80%9312-computer-science-education-and-its-educators.
Malyn-Smith, J., Blustein, D., Pillai, S., Parker, C. E., Gutowski, E., & Diamonti, A. J. (2018, March). Building the Foundational Skills Needed for
Success in Work at the Human-Technology Frontier. In Conference proceedings (p. 345). libreriauniversitaria. it Edizioni.
Marzano, R. J. (2004). Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement: Research on What Works in Schools. Alexandria, VA:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Mervis, J. (2016). NSF Director Unveils Big Ideas. Science, 352(6287), 755–756
National Academy of Engineering. (2006). Tech Tally: Approaches to Assessing Technological Literacy. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
National Academy of Engineering & National Research Council. (2002). Technically Speaking: Why All Americans Need to Know More about
Technology. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). Common Core State Standards for
Mathematics. Washington DC: Author.
National Research Council. (2009). Engineering in K-12 education: Understanding the Status and Improving the Prospects. Washington, DC: National
Academies Press.
National Science Foundation. (2008). Fostering Learning in the Networked World: The Cyberlearning Opportunity and Challenge. Washington, DC:
Next Generation Science Standards Lead States. (2013). Next Generation Science Standards: For States, by States. Washington, DC: The National
Academies Press.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2006). Are Students Ready for a Technology-Rich World? Paris: Author.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2007). PISA 2006: Science Competencies for Tomorrow’s World. Paris: Author.
Orkwis, R., & McLane, K. (1998). A Curriculum Every Student Can Use: Design Principles for Student Access. ERIC/OSEP Topical Brief. (No.
ED423654). Reston, VA: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Projects.
Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. NY: Basic Books.
Shakrani, S. M. & Pearson, G. (2008). NAEP 2012 Technological Literacy Framework and Specifications Development: Issues and Recommendations.
Washington, DC: National Assessment Governing Board.
Wing, J. M. (2006, March). Computational thinking. Communications of the ACM, 49(3), 33–35.
Wing, J. M. (2008). Computational Thinking and Thinking about Computing. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 366(1881), 3717–3725.
Van Opstal, D., Evans, C., Bates, B., & Knuckles, J. (2008). Thrive: The Skills Imperative. Washington, DC: Council on Competitiveness.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards Computer Science and Design Thinking
8.1 Computer Science by the End of Grade 2
Computing Systems
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Individuals use computing devices to perform
a variety of tasks accurately and quickly.
Computing devices interpret and follow the
instructions they are given literally.
8.1.2.CS.1: Select and operate computing devices that perform a variety of tasks accurately and
quickly based on user needs and preferences.
A computing system is composed of software
and hardware.
8.1.2.CS.2: Explain the functions of common software and hardware components of computing
Describing a problem is the first step toward
finding a solution when computing systems do
not work as expected.
8.1.2.CS.3: Describe basic hardware and software problems using accurate terminology.
Networks and the Internet
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Computer networks can be used to connect
individuals to other individuals, places,
information, and ideas. The Internet enables
individuals to connect with others worldwide.
8.1.2.NI.1: Model and describe how individuals use computers to connect to other individuals,
places, information, and ideas through a network.
8.1.2.NI.2: Describe how the Internet enables individuals to connect with others worldwide.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Connecting devices to a network or the
Internet provides great benefits, but care must
be taken to use authentication measures, such
as strong passwords, to protect devices and
information from unauthorized access.
8.1.2.NI.3: Create a password that secures access to a device. Explain why it is important to
create unique passwords that are not shared with others.
8.1.2.NI.4: Explain why access to devices need to be secured.
Impacts of Computing
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Computing technology has positively and
negatively changed the way individuals live
and work (e.g., entertainment, communication,
productivity tools).
8.1.2.IC.1: Compare how individuals live and work before and after the implementation of new
computing technology.
Data & Analysis
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Individuals collect, use, and display data about
individuals and the world around them.
8.1.2.DA.1: Collect and present data, including climate change data, in various visual formats.
Computers store data that can be retrieved
later. Data can be copied, stored in multiple
locations, and retrieved.
8.1.2.DA.2: Store, copy, search, retrieve, modify, and delete data using a computing device.
Data can be used to make predictions about the
8.1.2.DA.3: Identify and describe patterns in data visualizations.
8.1.2.DA.4: Make predictions based on data using charts or graphs.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Algorithms & Programming
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Individuals develop and follow directions as
part of daily life.
A sequence of steps can be expressed as an
algorithm that a computer can process.
8.1.2.AP.1: Model daily processes by creating and following algorithms to complete tasks.
Real world information can be stored and
manipulated in programs as data (e.g.,
numbers, words, colors, images).
8.1.2.AP.2: Model the way programs store and manipulate data by using numbers or other
symbols to represent information.
Computers follow precise sequences of steps
that automate tasks.
8.1.2.AP.3: Create programs with sequences and simple loops to accomplish tasks.
Complex tasks can be broken down into
simpler instructions, some of which can be
broken down even further.
8.1.2.AP.4: Break down a task into a sequence of steps.
People work together to develop programs for
a purpose, such as expressing ideas or
addressing problems.
The development of a program involves
identifying a sequence of events, goals, and
expected outcomes, and addressing errors
(when necessary).
8.1.2.AP.5: Describe a program’s sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.
8.1.2.AP.6: Debug errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards – Computer Science and Design Thinking
8.1 Computer Science by the End of Grade 5
Computing Systems
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Computing devices may be connected to other
devices to form a system as a way to extend
their capabilities.
8.1.5.CS.1: Model how computing devices connect to other components to form a system.
Software and hardware work together as a
system to accomplish tasks (e.g., sending,
receiving, processing, and storing units of
8.1.5.CS.2: Model how computer software and hardware work together as a system to
accomplish tasks.
Shared features allow for common
troubleshooting strategies that can be effective
for many systems.
8.1.5.CS.3: Identify potential solutions for simple hardware and software problems using
common troubleshooting strategies.
Networks and the Internet
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Information needs a physical or wireless path
to travel to be sent and received.
8.1.5.NI.1: Develop models that successfully transmit and receive information using both wired
and wireless methods.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Distinguishing between public and private
information is important for safe and secure
online interactions.
Information can be protected using various
security measures (i.e., physical and digital).
8.1.5.NI.2: Describe physical and digital security measures for protecting sensitive personal
Impacts of Computing
Core Idea Performance Expectations
The development and modification of
computing technology is driven by
individual’s needs and wants and can affect
individuals differently.
8.1.5.IC.1: Identify computing technologies that have impacted how individuals live and work
and describe the factors that influenced the changes.
8.1.5.IC.2: Identify possible ways to improve the accessibility and usability of computing
technologies to address the diverse needs and wants of users.
Data & Analysis
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Data can be organized, displayed, and
presented to highlight relationships.
8.1.5.DA.1: Collect, organize, and display data in order to highlight relationships or support a
The type of data being stored affects the
storage requirements.
8.1.5.DA.2: Compare the amount of storage space required for different types of data.
Individuals can select, organize, and transform
data into different visual representations and
communicate insights gained from the data.
8.1.5.DA.3: Organize and present collected data visually to communicate insights gained from
different views of the data.
8.1.5.DA.4: Organize and present climate change data visually to highlight relationships or
support a claim.
Many factors influence the accuracy of
inferences and predictions.
8.1.5.DA.5: Propose cause and effect relationships, predict outcomes, or communicate ideas
using data.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Algorithms & Programming
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Different algorithms can achieve the same
Some algorithms are more appropriate for a
specific use than others.
8.1.5.AP.1: Compare and refine multiple algorithms for the same task and determine which is the
most appropriate.
Programming languages provide variables,
which are used to store and modify data.
8.1.5.AP.2: Create programs that use clearly named variables to store and modify data.
A variety of control structures are used to
change the flow of program execution (e.g.,
sequences, events, loops, conditionals).
8.1.5.AP.3: Create programs that include sequences, events, loops, and conditionals.
Programs can be broken down into smaller
parts to facilitate their design, implementation,
and review. Programs can also be created by
incorporating smaller portions of programs
that already exist.
8.1.5.AP.4: Break down problems into smaller, manageable sub-problems to facilitate program
8.1.5.AP.5: Modify, remix, or incorporate pieces of existing programs into one’s own work to
add additional features or create a new program.
Individuals develop programs using an
iterative process involving design,
implementation, testing, and review.
8.1.5.AP.6: Develop programs using an iterative process, implement the program design, and test
the program to ensure it works as intended.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards – Computer Science and Design Thinking
8.1 Computer Science by the End of Grade 8
Computing Systems
Core Idea Performance Expectations
The study of human–computer interaction can
improve the design of devices and extend the
abilities of humans.
8.1.8.CS.1: Recommend improvements to computing devices in order to improve the ways users
interact with the devices.
Software and hardware determine a computing
system’s capability to store and process
information. The design or selection of a
computing system involves multiple
considerations and potential trade-offs.
8.1.8.CS.2: Design a system that combines hardware and software components to process data.
8.1.8.CS.3: Justify design decisions and explain potential system trade-offs.
Troubleshooting a problem is more effective
when knowledge of the specific device along
with a systematic process is used to identify
the source of a problem.
8.1.8.CS.4: Systematically apply troubleshooting strategies to identify and resolve hardware and
software problems in computing systems.
Networks and the Internet
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Protocols, packets, and addressing are the key
components for reliable delivery of
information across networks.
8.1.8.NI.1: Model how information is broken down into smaller pieces, transmitted as addressed
packets through multiple devices over networks and the Internet, and reassembled at the
8.1.8.NI.2: Model the role of protocols in transmitting data across networks and the Internet and
how they enable secure and errorless communication.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Core Idea Performance Expectations
The information sent and received across
networks can be protected from unauthorized
access and modification in a variety of ways.
The evolution of malware leads to
understanding the key security measures and
best practices needed to proactively address
the threat to digital data.
8.1.8.NI.3: Explain how network security depends on a combination of hardware, software, and
practices that control access to data and systems.
8.1.8.NI.4: Explain how new security measures have been created in response to key malware
Impacts of Computing
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Advancements in computing technology can
change individuals’ behaviors.
Society is faced with trade-offs due to the
increasing globalization and automation that
computing brings.
8.1.8.IC.1: Compare the trade-offs associated with computing technologies that affect
individual’s everyday activities and career options.
8.1.8.IC.2: Describe issues of bias and accessibility in the design of existing technologies.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Data & Analysis
Core Idea Performance Expectations
People use digital devices and tools to
automate the collection, use, and
transformation of data.
The manner in which data is collected and
transformed is influenced by the type of digital
device(s) available and the intended use of the
8.1.8.DA.1: Organize and transform data collected using computational tools to make it usable
for a specific purpose.
Data is represented in many formats. Software
tools translate the low-level representation of
bits into a form understandable by individuals.
Data is organized and accessible based on the
application used to store it.
8.1.8.DA.2: Explain the difference between how the computer stores data as bits and how the
data is displayed.
8.1.8.DA.3: Identify the appropriate tool to access data based on its file format.
The purpose of cleaning data is to remove
errors and make it easier for computers to
8.1.8.DA.4: Transform data to remove errors and improve the accuracy of the data for analysis.
Computer models can be used to simulate
events, examine theories and inferences, or
make predictions.
8.1.8.DA.5: Test, analyze, and refine computational models.
8.1.8.DA.6: Analyze climate change computational models and propose refinements.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Algorithms & Programming
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Individuals design algorithms that are reusable
in many situations.
Algorithms that are readable are easier to
follow, test, and debug.
8.1.8.AP.1: Design and illustrate algorithms that solve complex problems using flowcharts and/or
Programmers create variables to store data
values of different types and perform
appropriate operations on their values.
8.1.8.AP.2: Create clearly named variables that represent different data types and perform
operations on their values.
Control structures are selected and combined
in programs to solve more complex problems.
8.1.8.AP.3: Design and iteratively develop programs that combine control structures, including
nested loops and compound conditionals.
Programs use procedures to organize code and
hide implementation details. Procedures can be
repurposed in new programs. Defining
parameters for procedures can generalize
behavior and increase reusability.
8.1.8.AP.4: Decompose problems and sub-problems into parts to facilitate the design,
implementation, and review of programs.
8.1.8.AP.5: Create procedures with parameters to organize code and make it easier to reuse.
Individuals design and test solutions to identify
problems taking into consideration the diverse
needs of the users and the community.
8.1.8.AP.6: Refine a solution that meets users’ needs by incorporating feedback from team
members and users.
8.1.8.AP.7: Design programs, incorporating existing code, media, and libraries, and give
8.1.8.AP.8: Systematically test and refine programs using a range of test cases and users.
8.1.8.AP.9: Document programs in order to make them easier to follow, test, and debug.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards Computer Science and Design Thinking
8.1 Computer Science by the End of Grade 12
Computing Systems
Core Idea Performance Expectations
The usability, dependability, security, and
accessibility of devices within integrated
systems are important considerations in their
design as they evolve.
8.1.12.CS.1: Describe ways in which integrated systems hide underlying implementation details
to simplify user experiences.
A computing system involves interaction
among the user, hardware, application
software, and system software.
8.1.12.CS.2: Model interactions between application software, system software, and hardware.
8.1.12.CS.3: Compare the functions of application software, system software, and hardware.
Successful troubleshooting of complex
problems involves multiple approaches
including research, analysis, reflection,
interaction with peers, and drawing on past
8.1.12.CS.4: Develop guidelines that convey systematic troubleshooting strategies that others can
use to identify and fix errors.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Networks and the Internet
Core Idea Performance Expectations
The scalability and reliability of the Internet
are enabled by the hierarchy and redundancy
in networks.
Network topology is determined by many
8.1.12.NI.1: Evaluate the scalability and reliability of networks, by describing the relationship
between routers, switches, servers, topology, and addressing.
Network security depends on a combination of
hardware, software, and practices that protect
data while it is at rest, in transit, and in use.
The needs of users and the sensitivity of data
determine the level of security implemented.
Advanced attacks take advantage of common
security vulnerabilities.
8.1.12.NI.2: Evaluate security measures to address various common security threats.
8.1.12.NI.3: Explain how the needs of users and the sensitivity of data determine the level of
security implemented.
8.1.12.NI.4: Explain how decisions on methods to protect data are influenced by whether the data
is at rest, in transit, or in use.
Impacts of Computing
Core Idea Performance Expectations
The design and use of computing technologies
and artifacts can positively or negatively affect
equitable access to information and
8.1.12.IC.1: Evaluate the ways computing impacts personal, ethical, social, economic, and
cultural practices.
8.1.12.IC.2: Test and refine computational artifacts to reduce bias and equity deficits.
8.1.12.IC.3: Predict the potential impacts and implications of emerging technologies on larger
social, economic, and political structures, using evidence from credible sources.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Data & Analysis
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Individuals select digital tools and design
automated processes to collect, transform,
generalize, simplify, and present large data
sets in different ways to influence how other
people interpret and understand the underlying
8.1.12.DA.1: Create interactive data visualizations using software tools to help others better
understand real world phenomena, including climate change.
Choices individuals make about how and
where data is organized and stored affects cost,
speed, reliability, accessibility, privacy, and
8.1.12.DA.2: Describe the trade-offs in how and where data is organized and stored.
8.1.12.DA.3: Translate between decimal numbers and binary numbers.
8.1.12.DA.4: Explain the relationship between binary numbers and the storage and use of data in
a computing device.
Large data sets can be transformed,
generalized, simplified, and presented in
different ways to influence how individuals
interpret and understand the underlying
8.1.12.DA.5: Create data visualizations from large data sets to summarize, communicate, and
support different interpretations of real-world phenomena.
The accuracy of predictions or inferences
made from a computer model is affected by
the amount, quality, and diversity of data.
8.1.12.DA.6: Create and refine computational models to better represent the relationships among
different elements of data collected from a phenomenon or process.
Algorithms & Programming
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Individuals evaluate and select algorithms
based on performance, reusability, and ease of
8.1.12.AP.1: Design algorithms to solve computational problems using a combination of original
and existing algorithms.
Programmers choose data structures to manage
program complexity based on functionality,
storage, and performance trade-offs.
8.1.12.AP.2: Create generalized computational solutions using collections instead of repeatedly
using simple variables.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Trade-offs related to implementation,
readability, and program performance are
considered when selecting and combining
control structures.
8.1.12.AP.3: Select and combine control structures for a specific application based upon
performance and readability, and identify trade-offs to justify the choice.
8.1.12.AP.4: Design and iteratively develop computational artifacts for practical intent, personal
expression, or to address a societal issue.
Complex programs are designed as systems of
interacting modules, each with a specific role,
coordinating for a common overall purpose.
Modules allow for better management of
complex tasks.
8.1.12.AP.5: Decompose problems into smaller components through systematic analysis, using
constructs such as procedures, modules, and/or objects.
8.1.12.AP.6: Create artifacts by using procedures within a program, combinations of data and
procedures, or independent but interrelated programs.
Complex programs are developed, tested, and
analyzed by teams drawing on the members’
diverse strengths using a variety of resources,
libraries, and tools.
8.1.12.AP.7: Collaboratively design and develop programs and artifacts for broad audiences by
incorporating feedback from users.
8.1.12.AP.8: Evaluate and refine computational artifacts to make them more usable and
8.1.12.AP.9: Collaboratively document and present design decisions in the development of
complex programs.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards Computer Science and Design Thinking
8.2 Design Thinking by the End of Grade 2
Engineering Design
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Engineering design is a creative process for
meeting human needs or wants that can result
in multiple solutions.
8.2.2.ED.1: Communicate the function of a product or device.
8.2.2.ED.2: Collaborate to solve a simple problem, or to illustrate how to build a product using
the design process.
8.2.2.ED.3: Select and use appropriate tools and materials to build a product using the design
Limitations (constraints) must be considered
when engineering designs.
8.2.2.ED.4: Identify constraints and their role in the engineering design process.
Interaction of Technology and Humans
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Human needs and desires determine which
new tools are developed.
8.2.2.ITH.1: Identify products that are designed to meet human wants or needs.
8.2.2.ITH.2: Explain the purpose of a product and its value.
Technology has changed the way people live
and work.
Various tools can improve daily tasks and
quality of life.
8.2.2.ITH.3: Identify how technology impacts or improves life.
8.2.2.ITH.4: Identify how various tools reduce work and improve daily tasks.
8.2.2.ITH.5: Design a solution to a problem affecting the community in a collaborative team and
explain the intended impact of the solution.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Nature of Technology
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Innovation and the improvement of existing
technology involves creative thinking.
8.2.2.NT.1: Model and explain how a product works after taking it apart, identifying the
relationship of each part, and putting it back together.
8.2.2.NT.2: Brainstorm how to build a product, improve a designed product, fix a product that
has stopped working, or solve a simple problem.
Effects of Technology on the Natural World
Core Idea Performance Expectations
The use of technology developed for the
human designed world can affect the
environment, including land, water, air, plants,
and animals.
Technologies that use natural sources can have
negative effects on the environment, its
quality, and inhabitants.
Reusing and recycling materials can save
money while preserving natural resources and
avoiding damage to the environment.
8.2.2.ETW.1: Classify products as resulting from nature or produced as a result of technology.
8.2.2.ETW.2: Identify the natural resources needed to create a product.
8.2.2.ETW.3: Describe or model the system used for recycling technology.
8.2.2.ETW.4: Explain how the disposal of or reusing a product affects the local and global
Ethics & Culture
Core Idea Performance Expectations
The availability of technology for essential
tasks varies in different parts of the world.
8.2.2.EC.1: Identify and compare technology used in different schools, communities, regions, and
parts of the world.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards – Computer Science and Design Thinking
8.2 Design Thinking by the End of Grade 5
Engineering Design
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Engineering design is a systematic and creative
process of communicating and collaborating to
meet a design challenge.
Often, several design solutions exist, each
better in some way than the others.
8.2.5.ED.1: Explain the functions of a system and its subsystems.
8.2.5.ED.2: Collaborate with peers to collect information, brainstorm to solve a problem, and
evaluate all possible solutions to provide the best results with supporting sketches or models.
8.2.5.ED.3: Follow step by step directions to assemble a product or solve a problem, using
appropriate tools to accomplish the task.
Engineering design requirements include
desired features and limitations that need to be
8.2.5.ED.4: Explain factors that influence the development and function of products and systems
(e.g., resources, criteria, desired features, constraints).
8.2.5.ED.5: Describe how specifications and limitations impact the engineering design process.
8.2.5.ED.6: Evaluate and test alternative solutions to a problem using the constraints and trade-
offs identified in the design process.
Interaction of Technology and Humans
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Societal needs and wants determine which new
tools are developed to address real-world
8.2.5.ITH.1: Explain how societal needs and wants influence the development and function of a
product and a system.
A new tool may have favorable or unfavorable
results as well as both positive and negative
effects on society.
Technology spurs new businesses and careers.
8.2.5.ITH.2: Evaluate how well a new tool has met its intended purpose and identify any
shortcomings it might have.
8.2.5.ITH.3: Analyze the effectiveness of a new product or system and identify the positive
and/or negative consequences resulting from its use.
8.2.5.ITH.4: Describe a technology/tool that has made the way people live easier or has led to a
new business or career.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Nature of Technology
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Technology innovation and improvement may
be influenced by a variety of factors.
Engineers create and modify technologies to
meet people’s needs and wants; scientists ask
questions about the natural world.
8.2.5.NT.1: Troubleshoot a product that has stopped working and brainstorm ideas to correct the
8.2.5.NT.2: Identify new technologies resulting from the demands, values, and interests of
individuals, businesses, industries, and societies.
8.2.5.NT.3: Redesign an existing product for a different purpose in a collaborative team.
8.2.5.NT.4: Identify how improvement in the understanding of materials science impacts
Effects of Technology on the Natural World
Core Idea Performance Expectations
The technology developed for the human
designed world can have unintended
consequences for the environment.
Technology must be continually developed
and made more efficient to reduce the need for
non-renewable resources.
8.2.5.ETW.1: Describe how resources such as material, energy, information, time, tools, people,
and capital are used in products or systems.
8.2.5.ETW.2: Describe ways that various technologies are used to reduce improper use of
8.2.5.ETW.3: Explain why human-designed systems, products, and environments need to be
constantly monitored, maintained, and improved.
8.2.5.ETW.4: Explain the impact that resources, such as energy and materials used to develop
technology, have on the environment.
8.2.5.ETW.5: Identify the impact of a specific technology on the environment and determine
what can be done to increase positive effects and to reduce any negative effects, such as climate
Ethics & Culture
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Technological choices and opportunities vary
due to factors such as differences in economic
resources, location, and cultural values.
8.2.5.EC.1: Analyze how technology has contributed to or reduced inequities in local and global
communities and determine its short- and long-term effects.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards – Computer Science and Design Thinking
8.2 Design Thinking by the End of Grade 8
Engineering Design
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Engineering design is a systematic, creative,
and iterative process used to address local and
global problems.
The process includes generating ideas,
choosing the best solution, and making,
testing, and redesigning models or prototypes.
8.2.8.ED.1: Evaluate the function, value, and aesthetics of a technological product or system,
from the perspective of the user and the producer.
8.2.8.ED.2: Identify the steps in the design process that could be used to solve a problem.
8.2.8.ED.3: Develop a proposal for a solution to a real-world problem that includes a model (e.g.,
physical prototype, graphical/technical sketch).
8.2.8.ED.4: Investigate a malfunctioning system, identify its impact, and explain the step-by-step
process used to troubleshoot, evaluate, and test options to repair the product in a collaborative
Engineering design requirements and
specifications involve making trade-offs
between competing requirements and desired
design features.
8.2.8.ED.5: Explain the need for optimization in a design process.
8.2.8.ED.6: Analyze how trade-offs can impact the design of a product.
8.2.8.ED.7: Design a product to address a real-world problem and document the iterative design
process, including decisions made as a result of specific constraints and trade-offs (e.g.,
annotated sketches).
Interaction of Technology and Humans
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Economic, political, social and cultural aspects
of society drive development of new
technological products, processes, and
8.2.8.ITH.1: Explain how the development and use of technology influences economic, political,
social, and cultural issues.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Technology interacts with society, sometimes
bringing about changes in a society’s
economy, politics, and culture, and often
leading to the creation of new needs and
New needs and wants may create strains on
local economies and workforces.
Improvements in technology are intended to
make the completion of tasks easier, safer,
and/or more efficient.
8.2.8.ITH.2: Compare how technologies have influenced society over time.
8.2.8.ITH.3: Evaluate the impact of sustainability on the development of a designed product or
8.2.8.ITH.4: Identify technologies that have been designed to reduce the negative consequences
of other technologies and explain the change in impact.
8.2.8.ITH.5: Compare the impacts of a given technology on different societies, noting factors that
may make a technology appropriate and sustainable in one society but not in another.
Nature of Technology
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Technology advances through the processes of
innovation and invention which relies upon the
imaginative and inventive nature of people.
Sometimes a technology developed for one
purpose is adapted to serve other purposes.
Engineers use a systematic process of creating
or modifying technologies that is fueled and
constrained by physical laws, cultural norms,
and economic resources. Scientists use
systematic investigation to understand the
natural world.
8.2.8.NT.1: Examine a malfunctioning tool, product, or system and propose solutions to the
8.2.8.NT.2: Analyze an existing technological product that has been repurposed for a different
8.2.8.NT.3: Examine a system, consider how each part relates to other parts, and redesign it for
another purpose.
8.2.8.NT.4: Explain how a product designed for a specific demand was modified to meet a new
demand and led to a new product.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Effects of Technology on the Natural World
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Resources need to be utilized wisely to have
positive effects on the environment and
Some technological decisions involve trade-
offs between environmental and economic
needs, while others have positive effects for
both the economy and environment.
8.2.8.ETW.1: Illustrate how a product is upcycled into a new product and analyze the short- and
long-term benefits and costs.
8.2.8.ETW.2: Analyze the impact of modifying resources in a product or system (e.g., materials,
energy, information, time, tools, people, capital).
8.2.8.ETW.3: Analyze the design of a product that negatively impacts the environment or society
and develop possible solutions to lessen its impact.
8.2.8.ETW.4: Compare the environmental effects of two alternative technologies devised to
address climate change issues and use data to justify which choice is best.
Ethics & Culture
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Technological disparities have consequences
for public health and prosperity.
8.2.8.EC.1: Explain ethical issues that may arise from the use of new technologies.
8.2.8.EC.2: Examine the effects of ethical and unethical practices in product design and
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards – Computer Science and Design Thinking
8.2 Design Thinking by the End of Grade 12
Engineering Design
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Engineering design is a complex process in
which creativity, content knowledge, research,
and analysis are used to address local and
global problems.
Decisions on trade-offs involve systematic
comparisons of all costs and benefits, and final
steps that may involve redesigning for
8.2.12.ED.1: Use research to design and create a product or system that addresses a problem and
make modifications based on input from potential consumers.
8.2.12.ED.2: Create scaled engineering drawings for a new product or system and make
modification to increase optimization based on feedback.
8.2.12.ED.3: Evaluate several models of the same type of product and make recommendations
for a new design based on a cost benefit analysis.
8.2.12.ED.4: Design a product or system that addresses a global problem and document decisions
made based on research, constraints, trade-offs, and aesthetic and ethical considerations and share
this information with an appropriate audience.
Engineering design evaluation, a process for
determining how well a solution meets
requirements, involves systematic comparisons
between requirements, specifications, and
8.2.12.ED.5: Evaluate the effectiveness of a product or system based on factors that are related to
its requirements, specifications, and constraints (e.g., safety, reliability, economic considerations,
quality control, environmental concerns, manufacturability, maintenance and repair, ergonomics).
8.2.12.ED.6: Analyze the effects of changing resources when designing a specific product or
system (e.g., materials, energy, tools, capital, labor).
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Interaction of Technology and Humans
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Decisions to develop new technology are
driven by societal and cultural opinions and
demands that differ from culture to culture.
8.2.12.ITH.1: Analyze a product to determine the impact that economic, political, social, and/or
cultural factors have had on its design, including its design constraints.
Changes caused by the introduction and use of
a new technology can range from gradual to
rapid and from subtle to obvious, and can
change over time. These changes may vary
from society to society as a result of
differences in a society’s economy, politics,
and culture.
8.2.12.ITH.2: Propose an innovation to meet future demands supported by an analysis of the
potential costs, benefits, trade-offs, and risks related to the use of the innovation.
8.2.12.ITH.3: Analyze the impact that globalization, social media, and access to open source
technologies has had on innovation and on a society’s economy, politics, and culture.
Nature of Technology
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Engineers use science, mathematics, and other
disciplines to improve technology. Increased
collaboration among engineers, scientists, and
mathematicians can improve their work and
Technology, product, or system redesign can
be more difficult than the original design.
8.2.12.NT.1: Explain how different groups can contribute to the overall design of a product.
8.2.12.NT.2: Redesign an existing product to improve form or function.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020
Effects of Technology on the Natural World
Core Idea Performance Expectations
Development and modification of any
technological system needs to take into
account how the operation of the system will
affect natural resources and ecosystems.
Impacts of technological systems on the
environment need to be monitored and must
inform decision-making.
Many technologies have been designed to have
a positive impact on the environment and to
monitor environmental change over time.
8.2.12.ETW.1: Evaluate ethical considerations regarding the sustainability of environmental
resources that are used for the design, creation, and maintenance of a chosen product.
8.2.12.ETW.2: Synthesize and analyze data collected to monitor the effects of a technological
product or system on the environment.
8.2.12.ETW.3: Identify a complex, global environmental or climate change issue, develop a
systemic plan of investigation, and propose an innovative sustainable solution.
Ethics & Culture
Core Idea Performance Expectations
The ability to ethically integrate new
technologies requires deciding whether to
introduce a technology, taking into
consideration local resources and the role of
culture in acceptance.
Consequences of technological use may be
different for different groups of people and
may change over time.
Since technological decisions can have ethical
implications, it is essential that individuals
analyze issues by gathering evidence from
multiple perspectives and conceiving of
alternative possibilities before proposing
8.2.12.EC.1: Analyze controversial technological issues and determine the degree to which
individuals, businesses, and governments have an ethical role in decisions that are made.
8.2.12.EC.2: Assess the positive and negative impacts of emerging technologies on developing
countries and evaluate how individuals, non-profit organizations, and governments have
8.2.12.EC.3: Synthesize data, analyze trends, and draw conclusions regarding the effect of a
technology on the individual, culture, society, and environment and share this information with
the appropriate audience.
8.2.12.ETW.4: Research historical tensions between environmental and economic considerations
as driven by human needs and wants in the development of a technological product and present
the competing viewpoints.
New Jersey Department of Education
June 2020