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Perceptions and understanding of research situations as a Perceptions and understanding of research situations as a
function of consent form characteristics and experimenter function of consent form characteristics and experimenter
instructions instructions
Jeremy D. Heider
Southeast Missouri State University
Jessica L. Hartnett
Gannon University
Emmanuel J. Perez
Stephen F Austin State University
John E. Edlund
Rochester Institute of Technology
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Heider, Jeremy D.; Hartnett, Jessica L.; Perez, Emmanuel J.; and Edlund, John E., "Perceptions and
understanding of research situations as a function of consent form characteristics and experimenter
instructions" (2020).
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Perceptions and understanding of research situations as a function of
consent form characteristics and experimenter instructions
Jeremy D. Heider
, Jessica L. Hartnett
, Emmanuel J. Perez
, John E. Edlund
Department of Psychology, Southeast Missouri State University, USA
Department of Psychology, Gannon University, USA
Department of Psychology, Stephen F. Austin State University, USA
Department of Psychology, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Informed consent
Experimenter characteristics
Participant behavior
Two studies examined how research methodology affected participant behaviors. Study 1 tested (a) consent form
perspective (1
person) and (b) information on participants right to sue upon perceptions of coercion,
ability to recall consent information, and performance on experimental tasks. Unexpectedly, participants who
received instructions without the right to sue information had signicantly better recall of their research rights.
Study 2 manipulated (a) consent form complexity (presence or absence of jargon) and (b) the detail of verbal
instructions (simple, elaborate); participants who received a consent form with simpler language spent more time
on a difcult task, and participants in the elaborate instruction condition recalled more details. Together, these
studies suggest (a) explaining the right to sue may actually be counterproductive; (b) providing a more detailed
explanation may help participants remember procedural details; and (c) using jargon may decrease task
1. Background
Research participation is a core component of undergraduate edu-
cation, particularly in the social sciences. However, despite the ubiqui-
tous nature of undergraduate research participation, researchers often
overlook how various aspects of basic research methodology impact
participants' overall perceptions of the research process, their perfor-
mance on experimental tasks, and perhaps most importantly their
ability to provide valid informed consent (e.g., Edlund et al., 2014; Mann,
1994; Pedersen et al., 2011). If we wish to remain true to our ethical
obligations as researchers, any factors that negatively affect a partic-
ipant's ability to validly consent to participation in a study should be
thoroughly explored and understood.
With limited exceptions, research with human participants requires
that we obtain their informed consent. Importantly, informed consent
goes above and beyond merely informing participants of the nature of the
research prior to their agreement to participate. True informed consent
also implies that participants are allowed to contemplate their decision to
participate (or not) under circumstances that minimize the possibility of
coercion or undue inuence (x46.116; Code of Federal Regulations).
other words, researchers' procedures for obtaining informed consent
must clearly communicate to participants that they are under no obli-
gation whatsoever to participate, that they are free to decline participa-
tion outright or withdraw participation at any point during the study's
procedure, and that there can be no penalty for declining or withdrawing
participation. Typically, researchers attempt to address this issue by
including statements regarding the freedom to decline participation in an
informed consent form (Pedersen et al., 2011).
Unfortunately, empirical evidence suggests participants often do not
read consent forms thoroughly prior to participation. For example, in a
series of studies examining patients in a health care setting, over half of
the participants spent 30 s or less reading a consent form that should have
taken the average person several minutes to read (McNutt et al., 2008).
Other studies suggest participants have considerable difculty under-
standing and/or remembering the content of an informed consent
document. These patterns have been documented among varying pop-
ulations, including medical patients (Palmer et al., 2008) and under-
graduate students (Pedersen et al., 2011; Wogalter et al., 1999). Mann
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.E. Edlund).
Because the authors reside in the United States, we reference the federal guidelines of that country. However, we believe the issues of informed consent addressed
in this article are applicable regardless of a researcher's country of origin.
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Received 6 February 2019; Received in revised form 4 March 2020; Accepted 9 March 2020
Available online 13 March 2020
2590-2601/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Methods in Psychology 2 (2020) 100015
(1994) found that a shortened version of a consent form led to better
comprehension among undergraduate participants than a longer version,
but even short-form participants struggled to recall certain aspects of the
form correctly (e.g., What can you do if you have a complaint about the
study?, p. 142). Mann (1994) also examined participants understand-
ing of their legal rights as communicated by the consent form. Compared
to participants who merely read the consent statement on an information
sheet with no signature line, participants who physically signed a consent
form were more likely to believe they had abdicated their legal right to
sue the researcher a legal right that is in fact protected by the form.
Thus, it is tenuous at best to assume that simply handing participants a
consent form will sufce in terms of fully informing them.
In addition to concerns related to comprehension and recall of infor-
mation in a consent form, federal guidelines express concern over the
language perspective used in the consent statement. Specically, the Of-
ce for Human Research Protections (Ofce for Human Research Pro-
tections, 1993) suggested researchers should avoid rst person language
(e.g., I agree to participate …“) in consent statements, as such language
may be overly coercive. However, this recommendation was not based on
empirical evidence. This lack of evidence is troubling, especially consid-
ering at least one recent study has suggested rst person prose has no
negative impact on participants (Edlund et al., 2014). Indeed, some
studies suggest rst person language may actually be benecial in terms of
reading comprehension (e.g., Wogalter et al., 1999).
Another factor that may inuence participant behavior is the pres-
ence and behavior of an experimenter obtaining the informed consent.
Though experimenter characteristics have been studied in the context of
general experimental procedures (e.g., in studies of aggression Cohen
et al., 1996; social tuning Sinclair et al., 2005; and stereotype threat
Stout et al., 2011), rarely have they been studied with respect to the
informed consent process. There have been occasional exceptions,
however. Edlund et al. (2014) conducted two studies examining not only
the inuence of language perspective of the consent form on under-
graduate participants' perceptions of the research situation and perfor-
mance on experimental tasks, but also how the experimenter's manner of
greeting participants, the experimenter's manner of dress, and the num-
ber of other participants in the laboratory affected these same outcomes.
Neither study yielded evidence supporting the OHRP recommendation to
avoid rst person language in consent statements, as there were no sig-
nicant differences in participants' perceptions of coercion between rst
person, second person, and third person wording. The ndings also
suggested experimenter characteristics affected participants in two ways:
(1) formal laboratory attire (i.e., slacks and a lab coat): led to greater
perceptions of coercion; and (2) a warm greeting upon arriving at the
laboratory led to greater persistence on a difcult experimental task.
Finally, the presence of other participants in the laboratory was posi-
tively related to participant effort, such that the more participants pre-
sent, the longer participants spent working on experimental tasks.
The current research represents an attempt to further understand how
small features of an experimental situation can inuence participant
perceptions of freedom (vs. coercion), understanding of the right to sue,
and persistence on experimental tasks in quantitative psychological
research that utilizes a consent form as the primary method of obtaining
informed consent. Study 1 sought to replicate previous ndings exam-
ining the effect of wording choice (1st, 2nd, or 3rd person prose) upon
participants perceptions of their right to sue a researcher as well as the
effect of additional research participants upon participant behavior.
Study 2 manipulated language complexity to examine its effects on
participant engagement as well as perceptions of coercion.
2. Study 1
Mann (1994) found that participants believed signing a consent form
constituted a waiver of the legal right to sue the researcher(s). Edlund
et al. (2014) found no support for the OHRP contention that rst person
language in an informed consent form may be coercive, but did nd
evidence that other aspects of the experimental situation e.g., experi-
menter clothing can impact perceptions of coercion. Edlund et al. also
found that experimenter demeanor and the presence of other participants
can affect effort and/or performance on experimental tasks. Study 1 was
designed to extend the work of Mann (1994) and Edlund et al. (2014) by
further exploring consent form language perspective and participants'
understanding of their legal rights. In addition to manipulating the lan-
guage perspective of the consent form, this study examined whether
verbally providing information regarding participants' right to sue the
researchers would impact participants' perceptions of coercion and their
comprehension of their rights as research participants. We predicted that
(a) consent form perspective would not affect perceptions of coercion
(Edlund et al., 2014); (b) information on the right to sue would yield
better understanding of one's rights as a research participant (Mann,
1994); and (c) the presence of other participants would be positively
related to persistence on experimental tasks (Edlund et al., 2014).
2.1. Method
2.1.1. Participants
The sample for Study 1 consisted of 210 undergraduates (170 women,
40 men, M
¼ 19.22 years, SD
¼ 2.78) enrolled in introductory
psychology courses at Stephen F. Austin State University (SFA), a mid-
sized public university in east Texas.
There were 109 Caucasians, 76
African Americans, 17 Hispanics, two Asian Americans, and six partici-
pants of other ethnicities. All participants received credit toward a course
requirement in return for their participation. The study's procedure was
approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at SFA as expedited.
2.1.2. Materials Informed consent forms. Three versions of a standard informed
consent form were created for this study, differing only in the language
perspective used in the construction of the form. Specically, the consent
statements were written entirely in either rst person (e.g., I agree to
participate …“), second person (e.g., You agree to participate …“), or
third person (e.g., The participant agrees to participate …“; emphasis
added in all cases). Otherwise, the basic content of each version was
identical, including a general description of the study's procedures,
contact information for the principal investigator, a statement regarding
the voluntary nature of participation and the right to withdraw at any
time, information regarding SFA's IRB, a description of the perceived
risks and benets involved in the study, a statement that the participant
was not waiving any legal rights by signing the consent form, and a space
for a signature and date. Triangle task. Participants were given a picture of an obtuse
triangle and instructed to divide it into a group of smaller acute triangles.
The instructions emphasized that participants were not simply to draw as
many acute triangles as possible, but rather to only draw those that were
needed. (The terms obtuse triangle, acute triangle, and right triangle were
dened.) Even though this task has a concrete solution, it is essentially a
near-impossible challenge for most participants (in our labs pretesting,
the successful completion rate is less than .01%). Participants were
allowed a maximum of 10 min to work on the task, with the caveat that
they were under no obligation to use the full 10 min. Because of its slim
We acknowledge the possibility that participating in research for course
credit may in and of itself be perceived as a coercive process. However, the
psychology departments at all three institutions from which data were collected
for this report (Stephen F. Austin State University, Gannon University, and
Rochester Institute of Technology) provide introductory psychology students
with alternative assignments to research participation and clearly explain (both
verbally and in writing) that students are not obligated to take part in research
J.D. Heider et al. Methods in Psychology 2 (2020) 100015
likelihood of being solved correctly, we considered this task a measure of
persistence (cf. Orne, 1962). Word completion task. Participants were given 10 word frag-
ments with multiple letters missing from each word. The words ranged
from 7 to 10 letters in length and had between three and six letters
missing. Instructions were to complete as many of the word fragments as
possible with legitimate words from the English language. As with the
triangle task, participants were allowed up to 10 min to work on the word
completion task, but they were also told they could nish prior to the 10-
min deadline if they chose to do so. This task was included as an addi-
tional measure of experimental persistence as well as a measure of
cognitive performance (as evaluated based on the number of words
successfully completed correctly). Participant perceptions of freedom vs. coercion. Participants
overall perceptions of freedom vs. coercion in the experimental situation
were assessed using a series of six questions, all of which utilized a 5-
point response scale ranging from None or Not at all (1) to Totally or
Completely (5). These questions addressed issues such as coercion (e.g.,
How much freedom did you feel in choosing to decline to participate in
any part of this research?), comfort (e.g., How comfortable did you feel
with this research?), and fairness (e.g., How fair do you perceive the
research process as being?”–see Appendix A). No time limit was placed
on this measure. Consent form quiz. Participants were given a quiz to test recall of
the basic content of the informed consent form. No time limit was used
for this measure. Participants were asked a total of seven questions, all of
which were open-ended (e.g., What potential risks or discomforts did
the consent form suggest you might have?), to measure the extent to
which they had retained information from the consent form (see Ap-
pendix B). This task was scored in two ways, referred to as the conser-
vative and liberal scoring methods from this point forward. The
conservative method scored each response as strictly correct or incorrect
based on the information presented in the consent form. The liberal
method was more lenient, accounting for the fact that an answer might be
plausible if not strictly correct based on the consent form. For example,
the strictly correct response to the question Who should you contact if
you have questions about your rights as a research participant? was the
SFA Ofce of Research and Sponsored Programs. However, some par-
ticipants provided responses such as My psychology instructor. Though
not correct according to the consent form itself, this answer could be
considered reasonable, as the participant's course instructor could easily
direct the participant to the correct point of contact. Demographics. Participants reported their age, gender,
ethnicity, classication (i.e., freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior), the
number of psychology courses they had taken (including current en-
rollments), and the number of psychological research studies they had
participated in (including the current study).
2.1.3. Design and Procedure
Two variables were manipulated in Study 1. First, consent form
perspective was manipulated by randomly assigning participants to one
of the three aforementioned versions of the consent form. Second, in-
formation on the right to sue the researcher was also manipulated by
randomly assigning participants to either receive or not receive a verbal
explanation of this right from the experimenter (see Appendix C). Con-
sent form perspective was manipulated at the level of the individual
participant; however, information on the right to sue was manipulated at
the level of the experimental session. This approach was taken so the
experimenter only had to deliver the right to sue information once to all
participants in a given session. Finally, though not manipulated, the
number of other participants in the laboratory (from 0 to 5) during any
given experimental session was tracked so this variable could be used as a
quasi-experimental variable in the analyses. Similar to Edlund et al.
(2014), we felt tracking this variable could be important due to research
suggesting the presence of others can impact participant performance on
a variety of tasks (see Zajonc, 1965).
Upon arriving at the laboratory for a study purportedly investigating
basic cognitive abilities, participants were greeted by an experimenter
(either a graduate or undergraduate research assistant, depending on the
session) and provided with the rst person, second person, or third
person consent form. For participants in sessions that were randomly
assigned to receive the verbal right to sue information in addition to the
consent form, this information was delivered at the same time as the
consent form.
After signing and returning the consent form (no participants refused
to do so), each participant was seated at a desk and given a packet
containing the various experimental tasks, each on a separate page. First,
participants responded to the demographic inquiries. Next, participants
had 10 min to complete the triangle task, but were told they were not
obligated to use the entire 10 min. Once the triangle task was completed,
participants encountered the word completion task and were given
10 min to complete it, again with the caveat that there was no obligation
to use all 10 min. Once this task was completed, participants moved on to
the questionnaire on perceptions of the experimental process. Finally, the
research rights quiz was administered and completed. Total participation
time was approximately 30 min.
2.1.4. Data Analysis Strategy (treat as section heading)
Our hypotheses were that (a) consent form perspective would not
affect perceptions of coercion (based on the results obtained by Edlund
et al., 2014); ( b) information on the right to sue would yield better
understanding of one's rights as a research participant; and (c) the
presence of other participants would be positively related to persistence
on experimental tasks. The rst hypothesis was tested with a factorial
ANOVA using an aggregate sc ore on the perceptions of freedom vs.
coercion measure as the dependent variable. The second hypothesis was
tested with factor ial ANOVAs using overa ll scores on the consent form
quiz one derived from the conservative scoring method and one
derived from the libera l scoring method as the dependent variables.
The third hypothesis was tested with factorial ANOVAs using overall
time spent on the triangle task and word completion task as the
dependent variables.
2.2. Results
2.2.1. Perceptions of freedom vs. coercion
A 3 (Consent Form Perspective: rst person, second person, third
person) x 2 (Right to Sue Information: yes, no) x 2 (Participant Gender:
male, female) x 6 (Other Participants Present: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) between-
subjects ANOVA on the perceived freedom questionnaire resulted in a
signicant Right to Sue Information x Participant Gender interaction, F (1,
151) ¼ 6.40, p ¼ .012,
¼ 0.041. Among participants who did not receive
instructions on the right to sue, men had signicantly lower perceptions of
freedom than women, t (92) ¼3.19, p ¼ .002. However, among par-
ticipants who received instructions on the right to sue, there was no sig-
nicant difference between men and women (see Table 1 for means and
SDs for each group). Importantly, consent form perspective did not have a
signicant main effect, F (2, 151) ¼ 0.54, p > .5, nor was it involved in any
signicant interactions (all p's > 0.3), supporting our hypothesis that
language perspective on the consent form would not impact the extent to
which participants felt coerced within the research situation.
2.2.2. Knowledge of content of consent form
A 3 (Consent Form Perspective: rst person, second person, third
person) x 2 (Right to Sue Information: yes, no) x 2 (Participant Gender:
male, female) x 6 (Other Participants Present: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) between-
subjects ANOVA on the conservatively-scored consent form quiz
J.D. Heider et al. Methods in Psychology 2 (2020) 100015
indicated a signicant main effect of Right to Sue Information, F (1,
151) ¼ 4.74, p ¼ .031,
¼ 0.03. Participants who received instructions
with the right to sue information (M ¼ 2.28, SD ¼ 1.03) performed
signicantly worse on the quiz than those who did not receive in-
structions on the right to sue (M ¼ 2.84, SD ¼ 0.89). This result was
contrary to our hypothesis, which posited that participants who received
the right to sue information would have better knowledge of their rights
as a research participant.
A 3 (Consent Form Perspective: rst person, second person, third
person) x 2 (Right to Sue Information: yes, no) x 2 (Participant Gender:
male, female) x 6 (Other Participants Present: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) between-
subjects ANOVA on the liberally-scored consent form quiz did not yield
any signicant effects.
2.2.3. Persistence and performance on experimental tasks Time spent on triangle task. A 3 (Consent Form Perspective: rst
person, second person, third person) x 2 (Right to Sue Information: yes,
no) x 2 (Participant Gender: male, female) x 6 (Other Participants Pre-
sent: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) between-subjects ANOVA on time spent on the tri-
angle task yielded no signicant effects.
3 Time spent on word completion task. A 3 (Consent Form
Perspective: rst per son, second person, third person) x 2 (Right to Sue
Information: yes, no) x 2 (Partic ipant Gender: male, female) x 6 (Other
Partic ipants Present: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) between-subjects ANOVA on time
spent on the word completion task resulted in several signicant ef-
However, all of these effects were subsumed by a signicant
Consent Form Perspective x Right to Sue Information x Participant
Gender x Other Participants Present interaction, F (2, 152) ¼ 3.83,
p ¼ .024,
¼ 0.048.
To break down this four-way interaction, the data were separated
according to Right to Sue Information condition. Among participants
who received the right to sue information, the only signicant effect was
a main effect of Other Participants Present, F (5, 89) ¼ 3.51, p ¼ .006,
¼ 0.165. Participants who had between two and ve other participants
present in the laboratory (Ms ¼ 7:02, 7:18, 8:14, and 7:16, respectively)
spent considerably more time on the word completion task than partic-
ipants with no other participants present or only a single other partici-
pant present (Ms ¼ 4:49 and 4:18, respectively). Among participants who
did not receive the right to sue information, the only signicant effect
was a Consent Form Perspective x Participant Gender x Other Partici-
pants Present interaction, F (5, 63) ¼ 2.53, p ¼ .037,
¼ 0.167. Follow-
up analyses suggested this interaction was driven by a marginal tendency
(p ¼ .074) for female participants to be affected by the presence of other
participants, taking more time on the word completion task when one or
more other participants were present. Male participants did not show this
tendency. Performance on word completion task. A 3 (Consent Form
Perspective: rst person, second person, third person) x 2 (Right to Sue
Information: yes, no) x 2 (Participant Gender: male, female) x 6 (Other
Participants Present: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) between-subjects ANOVA on the
number of words correctly completed revealed a signicant main effect
of Consent Form Perspective, F (2, 152) ¼ 3.32, p ¼ .039,
¼ 0.042.
However, this effect was qualied by a Consent Form Perspective x
Participant Gender interaction, F (2, 152) ¼ 3.03, p ¼ .051,
¼ 0.038.
Female participants (M ¼ 4.28, SD ¼ 2.21) outperformed male partici-
pants (M ¼ 2.70, SD ¼ 1.42) among those who received the rst person
consent form, t (75) ¼2.19, p ¼ .032, whereas male participants
(M ¼ 5.38, SD ¼ 2.14) outperformed female participants (M ¼ 4.12,
SD ¼ 1.68) among those who received the second person consent form, t
(60) ¼ 2.27, p ¼ .027. There was no gender difference among partici-
pants who received the third person consent form.
2.3. Discussion
Our rst hypothesis that consent form language perspective
would not affect participant perceptions of coercion was sup-
ported. Although we understand this support is based on null ef-
fects, and interpretation of such effects can be difcult, we feel
condent in this outcome for two reasons: (1) the sample size here
was substantial enough that detecting even small effects should not
have been problematic; and (2) the current data essentially replicate
the null pattern obtained by Edlund et al. ( 2014). However, the
interactio n between the right to sue information and participant
gender on perceptions of coercion was an unexpected effect. These
results are somewhat similar to Sloan et al. (2013), who found
African American males expressed more pessimistic views about
their likelihood of arrest and convictionondrivingwhileintoxi-
cated (DWI) charges relative to other ethnicity/gender combina-
tions. Nonetheless, because Sloan et al. (2013) focused on
perceptions of freedom in a legal c ontext rather than a research
context, our nding requires further replication before any deni-
tive conclusions can be dr awn.
We also expected that providing participants with verbal informa-
tion about their research rights (particularly the right to sue the re-
search ers) would improve the accuracy of their recall regarding su ch
rights, but this was not the case. In fact, the opposite occurred: Par-
ticipants who were verbally informed of their right to sue performed
worse on the research rights qu iz than those who were not verbally
informed. We speculate that this decline in recall am ong verbally-
informed participants may be at tributable to a decrease in their moti-
vation to pay attention to the informed consent process after learning
their rights were protected. That is, upon hearing their rights were
protected, some participants may have had little de sire to actually read
and comprehend the specic content of the consent form. Another
possibility is that the additional information rece ived by participants in
the right to sue information condition disrupted memory consolidat ion
for the informed consent information. That is, receiving additional
verbal information may have interfered with memory processing for
the informed consent information as it occurred immediately after
Table 1
Mean Perceptions of Freedom vs. Coercion as a Function of Right to Sue Infor-
mation and Participant Gender, Study 1.
Right to Sue Information Participant Gender
Male Female
Yes 24.95 (3.87) 25.19 (3.90)
No 23.10 (3.88) 25.90 (3.46)
Note. Right to Sue Information x Participant Gender interaction, F (1,
151) ¼ 6.40, p ¼ .012,
¼ 0.041. Higher values reect greater perceptions of
freedom within the experimental situation; standard deviations are presented in
An astute reader will note that the four-way interactions in this section are
signicantly underpowered. The omnibus analyses were not focused on this
four-way interaction; instead, this approach was utilized to attenuate
experiment-wise error rates. Parallel lower-order conrmatory analyses reached
the same conclusions when the underpowered higher-order interactions were
The signicant effects in this analysis included a main effect of Consent
Form Perspective, F (2, 152) ¼ 4.82, p ¼ .009,
¼ 0.06; a main effect of Right
to Sue Information, F (1, 152) ¼ 7.43, p ¼ .007,
¼ 0.047; a Consent Form
Perspective x Participant Gender interaction, F (2, 152) ¼ 3.13, p ¼ .046,
¼ 0.04; a Right to Sue Information x Other Participants Present interaction, F
(5, 152) ¼ 2.96, p ¼ .014,
¼ 0.089; and a Consent Form Perspective x Right to
Sue Information x Participant Gender interaction, F (2, 152) ¼ 4.42, p ¼ .014,
¼ 0.055. To conserve space, we focused on the four-way interaction in the
Study 1 results section.
J.D. Heider et al. Methods in Psychology 2 (2020) 100015
reading the conse nt form. Finally, it is also worth noting that the mean
recall performances of the two groups, when taken out of a maximum
possible score of 7, translate to 32.6% and 40.6% respectively. Such
mediocre recall is well in line with past studies investigating partici-
pants abil ity (or lack thereof) to remember information from consent
forms (e.g., Ped ersen et al., 2011).
Based on the work of Edlund et al. (2014), we also hypothesized that a
higher number of participants being present in the laboratory would be
associated with greater persistence on the triangle and word completion
tasks. This hypothesis only partially supported for the word completion
task. Participants who received the right to sue information spent more
time on the word completion task when more fellow participants were
present. We also found an unexpected interaction between consent form
perspective and participant gender on the number of words correctly
completed, with female participants completing more words if they
received the rst person consent form, but male participants completing
more words if they received the second person consent form. Because this
effect was not predicted, and similar effects were not observed in the
studies within our literature review, we are unsure as to why this pattern
occurred. At a minimum, this pattern should be replicated before
attempting to draw any concrete conclusions.
Though not all of the results from Study 1 were expected, we do feel
condent in drawing two basic conclusions: (1) the concern over lan-
guage perspective (rst, second, or third person) in consent forms
expressed by the OHRP is unwarranted the data simply do not indicate
participants feel more coerced when reading a consent statement worded
in the rst person
; and (2) researchers need to explore other possible
techniques for helping participants understand their legal rights
particularly the fact that signing a consent form is not the equivalent of
giving up one's right to sue the researchers.
3. Study 2
Numerous studies have investigated how well patients understand
consent forms in the context of medical informed consent, and the
majority of these studies have found understanding to be wanting. For
instance, the National Quality Forum (2005) found that over 60% of
patients did not fully understand the procedure they had consented to. A
more recent study found participants did not understand the meaning of
key terminology commonly used in consent forms (Koh et al., 2012).
This nding was further echoed by Edlund et al. (2015), who found low
rates of comprehension of key components of the consent process that
directly impacted the patients' quality of life. Edlund et al. (2015)
speculated that the complexity of the language used in the consent form
contributed to low comprehension of the content (which was written at
a 13th grade level). This speculation is in line with past studies of
participants ability to recall medical information. For example, Brad-
shaw et al. (1975) found that more complex language (as determined by
the Flesch Reading Ease Formula) led to decreased recall of dietary
In an effort to directly address these issues, the current study
manipulated the compl exity of the language used in the consen t form
(everyday terminology vs. complex jargon) and the level of detail in
the verbal instru ctions provided by an experimenter (minimally
det aile d vs. highly detail ed) to determine their effects on partic ipant
comprehension and task performance . We predicted that (a) more
complex language on the consent form would lead to grea ter percep-
tions of coercion; (b) more complex language on the con sent form
would lead to worse recall of the content of the form; and (c) a more
det ailed description of procedural tasks would lead to greater recall of
the nature of those tasks.
3.1. Method
3.1.1. Participants
The sample for Study 2 consisted of 157 undergraduate students (99
women, 58 men, M
¼ 19.91 years, SD
¼ 2.09) enrolled in intro-
ductory psychology courses at three separate institutions: SFA; Gannon
University, a small private institution in northwestern Pennsylvania; and
Rochester Institute of Technology, a mid-sized private institution in
western New York. There were 100 Caucasians, 36 African Americans, 11
Hispanics, eight Asian Americans, and two participants of other ethnic-
ities. All participants received either required course credit or extra credit
in return for their participation.
3.1.2. Materials Informed consent forms. Two versions of a standa rd informed
consent form were created for this study. One was written using
relatively everyday language, whereas the other was written using
more complex psychological jargon. The everyday language form had
a Flesch Reading Ease score of 41.7withanassociatedFleschGrade
Level of 12.6 (as calculated by Microsoft Word, 2010). The complex
jargon form had a Flesch Reading E ase s core of 7.0 (lower numbers
reect more difcult reading) with an associated Flesch Grade Level
of 18.9 (see Fig. 1 for an example of wording differences between the
two forms). Importantly, the basic content of the two forms was the
same (and complied with IRB standards). Both included a general
description o f the study's procedures, contact info rmation for the
principal investigator, a statement regarding the voluntary nature of
participation and the ri ght to withdraw at any time, information
regarding the relevant institution's IRB, a description of the perceived
risks and benets involved in the study, a statement that the
participant was not waiving any legal rights by signing the consent
form, and a space f or a signature and date. Triangle task and word completion task. The same triangle task
and word completion task from Study 1 were used in Study 2. The nature
of each task and its instructions were the same, including the 10-min time
limit for each. Participant perceptions of freedom vs. coercion. Participants
overall perceptions of freedom vs. coercion in the experimental situation
were assessed using the same series of six questions from Study 1, using
the same 5-point response scale ranging from None or Not at all (1) to
Totally or Completely (5). This measure had no time limit. Consent form quiz. Participants were administered the same
basic Research Rights Quiz as Study 1 in order to gauge their recall of
the basic content of the informed consent form, but one key difference
was that the question that specically addressed the right to sue the re-
searchers was omitted (thus leaving a total of six questions rather than
seven). This measure had no time limit, and was scored via the liberal
scoring method from Study 1. Procedural tasks quiz. Because one of the manipulations in this
study involved providing participants with a greater amount of detail
regarding specic procedural tasks (see Design and Procedure subsection
below), we included an additional recall measure to assess participants
ability to remember what specic tasks they were going to be asked to
perform. This open-ended measure consisted of a single prompt:
Describe the various tasks you will be asked to complete. This measure
had no time limit.
We understand that the true underlying issue is whether rst person lan-
guage is coercive, not whether participants perceive it as coercive. However,
given the limitations of self-report methodology and the importance of
perception in psychological research, we believe our data regarding this issue
are highly informative. We express thanks to an anonymous reviewer for
bringing this issue to our attention.
J.D. Heider et al. Methods in Psychology 2 (2020) 100015
5 Demographics. Participants reported their age, gender,
ethnicity, classication (i.e., freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior), the
number of psychology courses they had taken (including current en-
rollments), and the number of psychological research studies they had
participated in (including the current study).
3.1.3. Design and Procedure
Two variables were manipulated in Study 2: Consent form complexity
and depth of procedural detail. Consent form complexity was manipu-
lated by randomly assigning participants to read either the everyday
language consent form or the complex jargon consent form. Depth of
procedural detail was manipulated by randomly assigning approximately
half of the participants to receive additional details from the experi-
menter regarding the experimental tasks they would be asked to perform.
For those participants who received the additional details, they were
delivered immediately after providing the participant with the consent
form. Consent form complexity was manipulated at the level of the in-
dividual participant; however, additional procedural detail was manip-
ulated at the level of the experimental session. This approach was taken
so the experimenter only had to deliver the additional procedural in-
formation once to all participants in a given session.
As with Study 1, Study 2 was advertised as an investigation of basic
cognitive abilities. Upon arriving at the laboratory, an experimenter
(either a graduate or undergraduate research assistant, depending on the
session) greeted participants and provided them with the consent form
(everyday language or complex jargon). For participants in sessions that
were randomly assigned to receive the additional procedural details in
addition to the consent form, the experimenter delivered this information
verbally at the same time the consent form was presented.
After signing and returning the consent form (no participants refused
to do so), each participant sat at a desk and completed a packet con-
taining the various experimental tasks, each on a separate page. The rst
ve tasks demographic inquiries, triangle task, word completion task,
questionnaire on perceptions of the experimental process, and research
rights quiz were administered exactly as described in Study 1. The
procedural tasks quiz was last in the sequence. Total participation time
was approximately 30 min.
3.1.4. Data analysis strategy
We hypothesized that (a) more complex language on the consent
form would lead to greater perceptions of coercion; (b) more complex
language on the consent form would lead to worse recall of the content
of the form; and (c) a more detailed description of procedural tasks
would lead to greater recall of the nature of those tasks. The rst hy-
pothesis was tested with a factorial ANOVA using an aggregate score on
the perceptions of freedom vs. coercion measure as the dependent
variable. The second hypothesis was tested with a factorial ANOVA
using overall scores on the consent form quiz as the dependent variable.
The third hypothesis was tested with a factorial ANOVA using perfor-
mance on the procedural details quiz as the dependent variable. We also
conducted ANOVAs to examine whether any of the independent vari-
ables affected persistence and/or performance on the triangle and word
completion tasks.
3.2. Results
3.2.1. Perceptions of freedom vs. coercion
A 2 (Consent Form Language Complexity: everyday language,
complex jargon) x 2 (Depth of Procedural Detail: minimally detailed,
highly detailed) between-subjects ANOVA on the perceived freedom
questionnaire did not result in a signicant main effect of language
complexity, F (1, 157) ¼ 0.856, p ¼ .36. Thus, our hypothesis that
complex jargon would result in greater p erceptions of coercion was
not supported.
3.2.2. Knowledge of content of consent form
A 2 (Consent Form Language Complexity: everyday language, com-
plex jargon) x 2 (Depth of Procedural Detail: minimally detailed, highly
Fig. 1. Example of language differences between consent form with everyday terminology and consent form with complex jargon.
J.D. Heider et al. Methods in Psychology 2 (2020) 100015
detailed) between-subjects ANOVA on the consent for quiz did not yield a
signicant main effect of language complexity, F (1, 157) ¼ 0.241,
p ¼ .62. Thus, our hypothesis regarding worse recall for more complex
jargon was not supported.
3.2.3. Recall of procedural tasks
A 2 (Consent Form Language Complexity: everyday language, com-
plex jargon) x 2 (Depth of Procedural Detail: minimally detailed, highly
detailed) between-subjects ANOVA on the procedural tasks quiz revealed
a signicant main effect for Depth of Procedural Detail, F (1,
157) ¼ 111.78, p < .001,
¼ 0.421. Participants recalled more of the
procedural tasks they were going to be asked to perform under highly
detailed instructions (M ¼ 3.46, SD ¼ 1.37) than under minimally
detailed instructions (M ¼ 1.26, SD ¼ 1.23). Thus, our hypothesis
regarding the effect of procedural details on participants ability to recall
procedural tasks was supported.
3.2.4. Persistence and performance on experimental tasks
The only effect in these analyses was a marginal main effect of Con-
sent Form Language Complexity on amount of time spent on the triangle
task, F (1, 157) ¼ 2.72, p ¼ .101,
¼ 0.017. Participants who received
the everyday language consent form (M ¼ 4:53, SD ¼ 3:04) spent more
time on the triangle task than participants who received the complex
jargon form (M ¼ 4:08, SD ¼ 2:40).
3.3. Discussion
Given the tendency for certain methodological characteristics to in-
uence perceptions of coercion (e.g., formal laboratory attire; Edlund
et al., 2014), we rst hypothesized that more complex language on the
informed consent form would yield greater perceptions of coercion on
the part of our participants. The data did not support this prediction. Our
second hypothesis examining the effects of language complexity upon
knowledge of the consent form was also not supported, though previous
studies (e.g., Bradshaw et al., 1975) have studied samples of medical
patients whose average reading ability may have been lower than that of
our college student sample. Finally, our third hypothesis, which pre-
dicted that participants who received a more detailed verbal description
of the procedural tasks from the experimenter would better be able to
remember the nature of those tasks when quizzed a few moments later,
was supported.
Additionally, we did not make any specic predictions regarding
persistence and/or performance on the triangle and word comple-
tion tasks, but we did observe a marginally signicant main effect
of the complexity of the language in the consent form whereby
participants who read the consent form with everyday language
spent more time on the triangle task than participants who read the
consent form with complex jargon. We speculate that reading
complex jargon may have decreased p articipants motivation to
spend time working on experimental tasks (or at least one of those
tasks), perhaps in a manner that could be explained via the ego
depletion model, which has found that effort exerted on one task
et al., 1998).
Certainly, more research is needed before denitive advice can be
given from the current study, especially considering one of the ke y
effects was only marginally signicant. However, any suggesti ons that
might reduce error variance shou ld be welcomed by research ers. With
this thought in mind, the data from Study 2 suggest two conclusions:
(1) providing a more detailed explanation at the outset of an
experiment can help participants remember more details about the
experimental procedure; and (2) using more complicated jargon in a
consent form may lead to decreased motivation on task performance.
Though we acknowledge t hat participants' ability to remember pro-
cedural details is less important than their ability to remember their
legal rights and a study's risks, these outcomes nonetheless create a
paradox that requires follow up research: If we use more complex,
thorough language, it seem s that one of the key rationales for seeking
informed consent (ensuring that a participant understands what is
expected of him or her) is met. However, in doing so, the data suggest
that we may be discouraging our research participants in terms o f task
motivation, hence decreasing the validity of the research itself.
4. General discussion
Researchers are trained to be wary of and overcome the obvious
shortcomings inherent in inferential statistics. Among other things, we
use double-blind designs with random assignment to conditions, we have
extensive research protocols in order to ensure that every research
participant has the same experience, and we pre-test our materials and
probe our participants at the end of our studies. Scientists are taught to
attend to such minutiae as to eliminate confounds that might muddy our
research ndings and to ensure that every experiment we conduct is in
compliance with laws that govern the treatment of human research
Despite this level of oversight, limited information has been collected
to examine how the presentation and content of the informed consent
uences participant behavior. This may be a signicant oversight, as
the present research suggests that (1) language perspective (rst, second,
or third person) does not affect participant perceptions of coercion, at
least within psychology student samples; (2) participants who are
verbally informed of their right to sue demonstrate less knowledge of
their research rights; (3) the number of experimental participants in a
room may affect persistence on experimental tasks; and (4) more com-
plex jargon in informed consent statements seems to lead to better
comprehension of the informed consent but (5) diminishes effort put
forth on the experimental tasks.
This research is especially timely with the shift (most notably in
psychology) towards rigorous replication of research (supported by the
Center for Open Science; One could
argue that minute differences in informed consent word choice may
actually have a signicant impact on research writ large, up to and
including rendering a signicant nding non-signicant. It does not seem
too far-fetched to imagine a situation in which one experiment used an
informed consent that increased participant engagement and decreased
feelings of coercion, whereas its replication did the opposite and, thus,
inuenced experimental ndings. Further research investigating features
of the informed consent may eventually coalesce into best practices to be
followed. If this goal were achieved, it may eliminate confounds that
decrease replicability.
4.1. Future directions
Basedonourndings from this paper, more research is necessary
before rm best practices can be recommended. However, some
preliminary suggestions can be provided: Generally, the specic
perspective of prose (rst, second, or third person) does not directly
affect partici pants at least among traditional psychology-based
student samples (see a lso Edlund et al., 2014). Additionally,
depending on the intent of one's research, the present ndings pro-
vide specic advice. If the purpose of one's study is to ask f or a great
J.D. Heider et al. Methods in Psychology 2 (2020) 100015
amount of attention from participants for a limited amount of time,
we would suggest using less jargon in one's informed consent.
However, if one is asking f or informed consent in a more high-stakes
situation, like consenting to surgery, then it may be preferable to use
more in-depth langua ge as to encourage patients to remember more
details of the informed consent.
Per our best practice recommendations, further research is necessary
in order to completely understand the nuances of the informed consent
procedure and how these nuances affect research participants. As such,
we recommend research looking into (1) different circumstances in
which informed consent is necessary (social science research, clinical
trials, consent to medical treatment, etc.); (2) the specicinuence of
legal jargon on participant perceptions of possible danger or harm related
to the research and how this may lead to increased participant attention;
and (3) whether feelings of perceived loss of free will are more strongly
associated with young adults, some of whom are still adolescents, or
whether these ndings apply broadly to a wide range of adult
Conict of interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Portions of this research were supported by a Faculty Research Fund
Grant awarded by the College of Liberal Arts at the Rochester Institute of
Appendix A
Participant Perceptions of Freedom vs. Coercion
1. How much freedom did you feel in choosing to participate in this study?
1 2345
No freedom Complete freedom
2. How manipulated did you feel by this research?
1 2345
Not at all manipulated Totally Manipulated
3. How much freedom did you feel in choosing to decline to participate in any part of this research?
1 2345
No freedom Complete freedom
4. How comfortable did you feel with this research?
1 2345
Not at all comfortable Completely comfortable
5. How comfortable did you feel in interacting with the research assistant who gave you these forms (please note that the research assistant will not see
these responses)?
1 2345
Not at all comfortable Completely comfortable
6. How fair do you perceive the research process as being?
1 2345
Not at all fair Completely fair
Appendix B
Research Rights Quiz
1. Who can you contact if you have any questions about this research?
2. Who should you contact if you have questions about your rights as a research participant?
3. Are you allowed to leave the experiment at any time?
4. How long did the consent form estimate this experiment taking?
5. What was the purpose of this research according to the consent form?
6. What potential risks or discomforts did the consent form suggest you might have?
7. If something goes wrong in this experiment can you sue the researcher?
J.D. Heider et al. Methods in Psychology 2 (2020) 100015
Appendix C
Experimenter Scripts Used for Right to Sue Information Conditions
Right to Sue Information Condition:
Here is an informed consent form. Please read the form and sign it as an indication of your willingness to participate. By signing the form, you do not
give up any legal rights to take action against the experimenter. The form is designed to protect you, the participant. Should you have any questions
regarding your rights as a participant, you can contact the SFASU Ofce of Research and Sponsored Programs using the information provided on the
form. If you have any questions about the experiment or the form, I would be happy to answer it to the best of my abilities. Okay?
No Right to Sue Information Condition:
Here is an informed consent form. Please read it over, and sign at the end if you are willing to participate in the experiment. If you have any
questions about the experiment or the form, I would be happy to answer it to the best of my abilities. Okay?
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