) Order No. 2021-SLS-01
License No. SLS.0000027; NMLS ID 1585615 )
4 Barrell Court )
Concord, NH 03301 )
NMLS ID 1527348 )
4 Barrell Court )
Concord, NH 03301 )
CORPORATION (“NHHELCO” and, collectively with Granite State, “Respondents”) hereby enter into
this Consent Order pursuant to the Student Loan Servicing Rights Act, 110 ILCS 992 (the “Act”) and the
rules promulgated under the Student Loan Servicing Rights Act (“Rules”) [38 Ill. Adm. Code 1010] and
stipulate and agree as follows:
The Department and Respondents stipulate that the Department, pursuant to its authority under the
Act and Rules, conducted an investigation of Granite State’s compliance with the Act, specifically
including Granite State’s (1) failure to promptly notify the Department of the change in ownership caused
by Granite State’s merger into NHHELCO in April 2020 and (2) failure to accomplish renewal of its
license on or before December 31, 2020. The Department’s findings are as follows.
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1. Section 20-5(8) of the Act grants the Department the authority to issue orders against any person,
if the Secretary has reasonable cause to believe that any person has violated, is violating, or is
about to violate any law, rule, or written agreement with the Secretary, or for the purpose of
administering the provisions of this Act and any rule adopted in accordance with the Act.
2. Section 20-30(i)(8) of the Act states, in part, that failure to comply with a rule made or issued
under the provisions of this Act, shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action.
3. Section 20-30(i)(9) of the Act states, in part, that engaging in activities regulated by this Act
without a current, active license, unless specifically exempted by this Act, shall constitute
grounds for disciplinary action.
4. Section 20-30(h)(5) of the Act provides for the imposition of a fine not to exceed $25,000 for
each count of separate offense.
Granite State’s Failure to Advise the Department of Its Merger Into NHHELCO
5. Granite State is a student loan servicer that has been licensed by the Department under the Act
since May 7, 2019.
6. On or around April 1, 2020, the operations of Granite State were merged into New Hampshire
Higher Education Loan Corporation (“NHHELCO”). Granite State ceased to exist as a separate
legal entity on or around the same date.
7. On or around November 23, 2020, staff of the Department emailed Granite State’s designated
contact to advise that the Department had recently enacted administrative rules affecting all student
loan servicers in Illinois, including Granite State. Attached to this email was an electronic copy of
the Rules, including 38 Ill. Adm. Code 1010.130(a), which requires a licensee to file an amendment
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to its license application within 10 business days of any change that results in the information in
the application becoming inaccurate or incomplete.
8. Section 15-20 of the Act specifies that an applicant must provide information including the name
and complete business and residential address or addresses of the license applicant, and for a
partnership, association, corporation, or other form of business organization, the names and
complete business and residential addresses of each member, director, and principal officer
thereof.” 110 ILCS 992/15-20(b).
9. At no time prior to January 11, 2021, did Granite State advise the Department that the entity
holding the student loan servicing license in Illinois had merged into NHHELCO and ceased its
existence over nine months earlier. Nor during this time did NHHELCO submit an application for
a license under the Act.
10. Granite State and NHHELCO neither admit nor deny the allegations of the Department.
Granite State’s Failure to Accomplish Renewal of Its License Under the Act
11. On or around December 16, 2020 and December 30, 2020, staff of the Department emailed Granite
State’s designated contact to remind the contact that Granite State’s student loan servicing license
needed to be renewed by the close of business on December 31, 2020. No response to either email
was received by Department staff.
12. Granite State’s license under the Act expired at the end of December 31, 2020 without Granite
State having submitted a properly completed renewal application form and fees or having received
a written extension from the Secretary. As a result, Granite State’s license became inactive as of
January 1, 2021.
13. As of January 1, 2021, NHHELCO had not applied for a license to service student loans under the
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14. Granite State and NHHELCO continued to service loans for borrowers who reside in Illinois,
notwithstanding that a licensee may not conduct any activity regulated by the Act once a license
becomes inactive or without a license.
15. Granite State acknowledged through counsel on January 11, 2021, after being contacted by staff
of the Department, that NHHELCO, as Granite State’s successor in interest, continued to service
loans for Illinois borrowers, notwithstanding that Granite State’s license was inactive and
NHHELCO was not licensed under the Act.
16. Granite State and NHHELCO neither admit nor deny the allegations of the Department.
Granite State’s Late-Accomplished Renewal and Reactivation of Its License
17. On January 15, 2021, Granite State submitted a renewal application along with renewal and
reactivation fees. Following submission of additional outstanding information, the renewal of
Granite State’s license was accomplished on January 22, 2021.
18. Respondents have advised that NHHELCO applied for a license under the Act on February 22,
2021 that will be processed expeditiously by the Department and, upon approval, the license held
by Granite State may be surrendered, as set forth more fully below.
WHEREFORE, the Department and Respondents agree as follows:
I. Granite State’s Illinois Student Loan Servicing License (No. SL.0000027) is placed upon
Probation pursuant to Section 20-30(h)(3) of the Act for a period of 18 months. During this
probationary period, the Department may conduct periodic examinations and Granite State
shall enhance its compliance policies and procedures and training as described in
paragraphs III-V, below, and self-report its progress to the Department. If after a period of
12 months from the Effective Date of this Consent Order, the Department determines, in
its sole discretion, that Granite State is operating in a safe, sound, and lawful manner, the
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Department may terminate the probationary period. If NHHELCO is issued a license under
the Act prior to the expiration of the 12 or 18 months, as the case may be, Granite State
may surrender its license.
II. After NHHELCO submits an application, and upon satisfaction of any issues necessary for
the Secretary to make the findings specified in Section 15-15(a) of the Act for NHHELCO
to receive a license under the Act, which time frame the Department intends to be
expeditious, NHHELCO’s Illinois Student Loan Servicing License will be placed upon
Probation pursuant to Section 20-30(h)(3) of the Act for a period of 18 months from the
Effective Date of this Consent Order. During this probationary period, the Department may
conduct periodic examinations and NHHELCO shall enhance its compliance policies and
procedures and training as described in paragraphs III-V, below, and self-report its progress
to the Department. If after a period of 12 months, the Department determines that
NHHELCO is operating in a safe, sound, and lawful manner, the Department may, in its
sole discretion, terminate the probationary period. The termination of such probationary
period shall not be unreasonably withheld.
III. Respondents must provide, at least annually, and within 90 days for new hires, a training
to its employees, agents, and representatives who will conduct student loan servicing
operations or are responsible for dealing with state and federal regulators. This training
must include: compliance with the Act and its implementing Rules; ethics in the student
loan servicing industry; and understanding of student loans. The first training must occur
within 90 days of the Effective Date of this Consent Order.
IV. Respondents shall notify the Department in writing of all training courses they intend to offer
pursuant to Paragraph III at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the training. Respondents
shall provide a copy of all training materials they intend to use at any trainings conducted
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pursuant to Paragraph III at least fourteen (14) days before the scheduled training. The
Department, in its sole discretion, may attend or participate in the trainings.
V. Respondents shall enhance their policies and procedures regarding compliance under the
Act, including assuring that staff in the companies’ license units (a) be adequately informed
of the timing and substance of state license renewal requirements, (b) timely and accurately
apply for a license and renewal licenses on NMLS, and (c) timely and appropriately
respond to requests and inquiries from the Department relating to licensure. The first
verification of enhanced policies and procedures with the Department must occur within
30 days of the Effective Date of this Consent Order.
VI. Respondents agree to pay the Department $35,000 by check in settlement pursuant to
Section 20-30(h)(5) of the Act within 30 days of the Effective Date of this Consent
Order. The check shall be payable to the “Illinois Department of Financial and Professional
Regulation” and mailed by UPS or FedEx with tracking to the below address:
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
Attn: Cash Unit, Kara Oldham/Christina Smith
320 W. Washington St., Rm. 338
Springfield, Illinois 62786
VII. Respondents agree to comply with all of the corrective action measures prescribed by the
Department in this Consent Order. In the event any Respondent fails to comply with these
corrective action measures, the Department reserves the right to assess and enforce any of
its disciplinary authority under the Act and Rules.
VIII. By executing this Consent Order, Respondents agree to not file any petition for
administrative hearing or judicial review of, or in connection with, this Consent Order,
except in the event the Department alleges non-compliance with Paragraph VII.
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Respondents acknowledge that they were represented by legal counsel in this matter, and
that they willingly enter into this Consent Order after full review, evaluation, and
consideration with full knowledge of their rights under the Act, Rules, and Illinois
Administrative Procedure Act [5 ILCS 100].
IX. The Department enters into this Consent Order for the purpose of imposing measures that
are fair and equitable under the circumstances and that are consistent with the best interests
of the people of the State of Illinois.
X. This Consent Order shall become effective upon all of those hereinafter designated signing
and dating the Consent Order, and on the date that the last of those designated for the
Department sign and date the Consent Order (the “Effective Date”).
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The foregoing Consent Order is approved in full.
______________________________________________ Date:_________________
_____ Date: _________________
John Flanders, VP & Chief Operating Officer
New Hampshire Higher Education Loan Corporation
Successor in interest to Granite State Management & Resources by merger
______ Date: _________________
John Flanders, VP & Chief Operating Officer
New Hampshire Higher Education Loan Corporation