Project Delivery:
A Guide
The American Institute of Architects
version 1
California CouncilNational
Integrated Project Delivery
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is a project delivery approach
that integrates people, systems, business structures and practices
into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents and insights
of all participants to optimize project results, increase value to the
owner, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency through all phases
of design, fabrication, and construction.
IPD principles can be applied to a variety of contractual
arrangements and IPD teams can include members well beyond
the basic triad of owner, architect, and contractor. In all cases,
integrated projects are uniquely distinguished by highly effective
collaboration among the owner, the prime designer, and the prime
constructor, commencing at early design and continuing through to
project handover.
Thanks to all individuals and organizations who reviewed and contributed to this work,
and to the following members of the design and construction industry who served as
authors and editors of this document.
AIA National
Richard Cook, FAIA
Stowell Cook Frolichstein, Inc.
Chicago, IL
Forrest Lott, AIA
Lott + Barber Architects
Savannah, GA
Brad Milton, AIA
RDG Planning and Design
Omaha, NE
Patrick O’Connor, Esq.
Faegre & Benson
Minneapolis, MN
Christopher Smith, AIA
Ernst & Young
Lyndhurst, NJ
Jim Suehiro, AIA
Seattle, WA
Barbara Price, FAIA
Charlotte, NC
Suzanne Harness, Esq., AIA
Managing Director and Counsel
AIA Contract Documents
Michael Bomba, Esq.
Associate Counsel
AIA Contract Documents
Markku Allison, AIA
Resource Architect
AIA Strategy and Business Development
AIA California Council
Stuart Eckblad, AIA
UCSF Medical Center
San Francisco, CA
Howard Ashcraft, Esq.
Hanson Bridgett LLP
San Francisco, CA
Jim Bedrick, AIA
Webcor Builders
San Francisco, CA
Robert J. Hartung, DBIA
Alternative Delivery Solutions LLC
Laguna Niguel, CA
Zigmund Rubel, AIA
Anshen + Allen Architects
San Franicsco, CA
Pam Touschner, AIA
WWCOT Architects
Palm Springs, CA
Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIACC
Sacramento, CA
Special thanks also to:
Christine McEntee
Executive Vice President and CEO
The American Institute of Architects
Elizabeth Stewart, Esq.
Vice President
AIA Strategy and Business Developmenst
Barbara Sido, CAE
Vice President
AIA Knowledge & Professional Practice
Paul W. Welch Jr., Hon. AIA
AIACC Executive Vice President
© copyright, AIA | AIA CC 2007
1 Foreword .............................................................................................................................. 1
2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2
3 Principles of Integrated Project Delivery ........................................................................... 5
3.1 Mutual Respect and Trust. .......................................................................................... 5
3.2 Mutual Benefit and Reward. ....................................................................................... 5
3.3 Collaborative Innovation and Decision Making. ....................................................... 5
3.4 Early Involvement of Key Participants. ...................................................................... 5
3.5 Early Goal Definition. .................................................................................................. 5
3.6 Intensified Planning. ................................................................................................... 6
3.7 Open Communication. ................................................................................................ 6
3.8 Appropriate Technology. ............................................................................................ 6
3.9 Organization and Leadership. .................................................................................... 6
4 Setting Up an Integrated Project ....................................................................................... 7
4.1 IPD Team Building and Functioning .......................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Project Team Formation and Team Building ..................................................... 8
4.1.2 Project Team Decision Making ........................................................................... 9
4.1.3 Team Communications ..................................................................................... 10
4.1.4 Building Information Modeling: ....................................................................... 10
4.1.5 Sharing Sensitive, Proprietary or Confidential Information .......................... 11
4.1.6 Compensation ................................................................................................... 11
4.1.7 Withdrawal/Assignment ................................................................................... 12
4.1.8 Team Member Dispute Resolution .................................................................. 12
4.2 Defining Roles, Responsibilities and Scopes of Services ...................................... 13
4.2.1 Service Scope .................................................................................................... 13
4.2.2 Multi-Directional Duties .................................................................................... 15
4.3 Defining and Measuring Project Outcomes ............................................................ 15
4.3.1 Goals & Standards ............................................................................................ 15
4.3.2 Project Cost ........................................................................................................ 16
4.3.3 Project Schedule ............................................................................................... 16
4.3.4 Project Quality ................................................................................................... 17
4.3.5 Operational Performance ................................................................................. 17
4.3.6 Sustainability ..................................................................................................... 17
4.4 Legal Considerations ................................................................................................ 17
4.4.1 Non-Standard Contracts ................................................................................... 17
4.4.2 Professional Responsibility and Licensing ..................................................... 18
4.4.3 Insurance ........................................................................................................... 18
4.4.4 Entity Formation ................................................................................................ 18
4.4.5 Joint Liability and Joint Venture ...................................................................... 18
5 Delivering an Integrated Project ...................................................................................... 20
5.1 Building an Integrated Team .................................................................................... 20
5.2 Project Execution / Redefining Project Phases ....................................................... 21
5.2.1 Conceptualization [Expanded Programming] ................................................. 24
5.2.2 Criteria Design [Expanded Schematic Design] ............................................... 25
5.2.3 Detailed Design [Expanded Design Development] ........................................ 26
5.2.4 Implementation Documents [Construction Documents] ............................... 27
5.2.5 Agency Review .................................................................................................. 28
5.2.6 Buyout ................................................................................................................ 29
5.2.7 Construction [Construction/Construction Contract Administration] ............ 30
5.2.8 Closeout ............................................................................................................. 31
© copyright, AIA | AIA CC 2007
6 Multi-Party Agreements ................................................................................................... 32
6.1 Contractual Agreements ........................................................................................... 33
6.1.1 Project Alliances ................................................................................................ 33
6.1.2 Single Purpose Entities ..................................................................................... 33
6.1.3 Relational Contracts .......................................................................................... 33
6.2 Process Design .......................................................................................................... 34
6.3 Decision Making ........................................................................................................ 34
6.4 Sequencing and Phasing .......................................................................................... 34
6.5 Risks and Rewards .................................................................................................... 35
7 Delivery Model Commentary ........................................................................................... 44
7.1 Multi-Prime ................................................................................................................ 44
7.2 Construction Manager at Risk .................................................................................. 46
7.3 Design-Build .............................................................................................................. 47
7.4 Design-Bid-Build ........................................................................................................ 48
8 Conclusions and Next Steps ............................................................................................ 51
9 Glossary ............................................................................................................................. 53
10 Resources ........................................................................................................................... 56
© copyright, AIA | AIA CC 2007
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 1
This Guide provides information and guidance on principles and
techniques of integrated project delivery (IPD) and explains how to
utilize IPD methodologies in designing and constructing projects.
A collaborative effort between The American Institute of Architects
(AIA) National and AIA California Council, this Guide responds
to forces and trends at work in the design and construction industry
today. It may set all who believe there is a better way to deliver
projects on a path to transform the status quo of fragmented
processes yielding outcomes below expectations to a collaborative,
value-based process delivering high-outcome results to the entire
building team.
1 Foreword
Traditional Project Delivery
Fragmented, assembled on “just-as-
needed” or “minimum-necessary”
basis, strongly hierarchical, controlled
Linear, distinct, segregated;
knowledge gathered “just-as-
needed”; information hoarded; silos
of knowledge and expertise
Individually managed, transferred to
the greatest extent possible
Individually pursued; minimum effort
for maximum return; (usually) first-
cost based
2 dimensional; analog
Encourage unilateral effort; allocate
and transfer risk; no sharing
Integrated Project Delivery
An integrated team entity composed
key project stakeholders, assembled
early in the process, open,
Concurrent and multi-level; early
contributions of knowledge and
expertise; information openly shared;
stakeholder trust and respect
Collectively managed, appropriately
Team success tied to project success;
Digitally based, virtual; Building
Information Modeling (3, 4 and 5
Encourage, foster, promote and
support multi-lateral open sharing
and collaboration; risk sharing
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 2
Change is Now
Technological evolution coupled with owners’ on-going demand
for more effective processes that result in better, faster, less costly
and less adversarial construction projects are driving significant
and rapid change in the construction industry. Envision a new
world where …
… facilities managers, end users, contractors and suppliers are all
involved at the start of the design process
… processes are outcome-driven and decisions are not made solely
on a first cost basis
… all communications throughout the process are clear, concise,
open, transparent, and trusting
… designers fully understand the ramifications of their decisions at
the time the decisions are made
… risk and reward are value-based and appropriately balanced
among all team members over the life of a project
… the industry delivers a higher quality and sustainable built
This is the world of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD).
IPD leverages early contributions of knowledge and expertise
through utilization of new technologies, allowing all team members
to better realize their highest potentials while expanding the value
they provide throughout the project lifecycle.
At the core of an integrated project are collaborative,
integrated and productive teams composed of key project
participants. Building upon early contributions of individual
expertise, these teams are guided by principles of trust, transparent
processes, effective collaboration, open information sharing, team
success tied to project success, shared risk and reward, value-based
decision making, and utilization of full technological capabilities
and support. The outcome is the opportunity to design, build, and
operate as efficiently as possible.
2 Introduction
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 3
Benefits of IPD
Recent studies document inefficiencies and waste in the construction industry. For
example, an Economist article from 2000 identifies 30% waste in the US construction
industry; a NIST study from 2004 targets lack of AEC software interoperability as
costing the industry $15.8B annually; and a US Bureau of Labor Statistics study shows
construction alone, out of all non-farm industries, as decreasing in productivity since
1964, while all other non-farm industries have increased productivity by over 200%
during the same period. New technologies have emerged, that when utilized in conjunction
with collaborative processes, are demonstrating substantial increases in productivity and
decreases in requests for information, field conflicts, waste, and project schedules. Owners
are increasingly demanding methodologies that deliver these outcomes.
There are reasons to acknowledge that highest and best sustainable results in
meeting increasingly aggressive goals for energy and carbon reduction are best achieved
through collaborative processes. The AIAs experience with the American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers’ (ASHRAE’s) Advanced Energy
Design Guides suggest that although some reductions are prescriptively achievable
(i.e., through the use of a checklist), as one exceeds a 30% reduction and moves toward
even greater reductions, complex interactions of systems and context must be taken into
account. Integrated processes are being acknowledged and encouraged in sustainable
ratings systems such as LEED®. New energy codes, such as ASHRAE’s Standard 189,
include recommendations regarding integrated processes.
IPD results in greater efficiencies. The United Kingdom’s Office of
Government Commerce (UKOGC) estimates that savings of up to 30% in the cost of
construction can be achieved where integrated teams promote continuous improvement
over a series of construction projects. UKOGC further estimates that single projects
employing integrated supply teams can achieve savings of 2-10% in the cost of
construction. (Office of Government Commerce, Achieving Excellence in Construction
Procurement Guide, Vol. 5, at p. 6 (2007)
Beyond these benefits, IPD provides positive value propositions for the three
major stakeholder groups:
Early and open sharing of project knowledge streamlines project
communications and allows owners to effectively balance project options to
meet their business enterprise goals. Integrated delivery strengthens the project
team’s understanding of the owner’s desired outcomes, thus improving the
team’s ability to control costs and manage the budget, all of which increase the
likelihood that project goals, including schedule, life cycle costs, quality and
sustainability, will be achieved.
The integrated delivery process allows constructors to contribute their expertise
in construction techniques early in the design process resulting in improved
project quality and financial performance during the construction phase. The
constructor’s participation during the design phase provides the opportunity
for strong pre-construction planning, more timely and informed understanding
of the design, anticipating and resolving design-related issues, visualizing
construction sequencing prior to construction start, and improving cost control
and budget management, all of which increase the likelihood that project goals,
including schedule, life cycle costs, quality and sustainability, will be achieved.
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 4
The integrated delivery process allows the designer to benefit from the early
contribution of constructors’ expertise during the design phase, such as accurate
budget estimates to inform design decisions and the pre-construction resolution
of design-related issues resulting in improved project quality and financial
performance. The IPD process increases the level of effort during early design
phases, resulting in reduced documentation time, and improved cost control
and budget management, all of which increase the likelihood that project goals,
including schedule, life cycle costs, quality and sustainability, will be achieved.
The Guide
The Guide begins with introductory material about the principles of IPD and points
to consider when setting up an integrated project, moves through a study of how
to implement IPD, and culminates with a discussion of how to apply general IPD
principles within the specific framework of new and traditional delivery models used in
the marketplace today. When thoughtfully considered, absorbed, and then applied, the
principles and techniques outlined in this Guide should allow readers to be able to:
Understand principles of IPD
Understand the value propositions of IPD from the perspective of various
Organize non-traditional delivery methods and alternative team relationships
for improved project performance, understanding the necessary qualifications /
attributes of team members
Assess interest and adequate knowledge resources within one’s team
Discern subtle differences between possible models for IPD
Advocate the benefit of an integrated delivery model
Understand the issues that must be addressed in an integrated project delivery
With the appropriate resources, write an agreement based on integrated project
delivery principles
Implement IPD principles to proceed with confidence during this time of
Through early collaboration and the use
of Building Information Modeling (BIM)
technology, a more integrated, interactive,
virtual approach to building design,
construction and operation is emerging. To
embrace, master and influence this emerging
method of project delivery and to seize the new
business and cultural opportunities it offers
to the industry, the AIA is working with other
construction industry stakeholders and through
its own national, state or regional and local
components, Board committees, Knowledge
Communities, Task Forces, Working Groups and
related activities to:
1. Collaborate with industry leaders to
facilitate the dialogue, share knowledge, and
accelerate the rate of change for all those
seeking to improve the industry’s current
practices by utilizing integrated approaches
to the design, construction, and operation
2. Communicate the benefits of
collaborative approaches to public and private
sector clients, and promote changes to the
design and construction procurement process to
allow early information sharing;
3. Promote the benefits of developing a
virtual model of a project using available
technologies, built with interaction and input
from an integrated and collaborative team
of project stakeholders – owners, designers,
consultants, constructors, subcontractors and
4. Develop and promote the integration
of collaboration techniques and technology
into education curricula for architects and
architectural students to enhance their design
and team collaborative skills;
5. Engage the legal profession and the
insurance industry in preparing contracts
that support the integration of collaborative
models and technology into the design and
build industry and offering insurance coverages
responsive to IPD; and,
6. Promote documentation of the
measurable contributions resulting from
implemented integrated project delivery
approaches to stakeholders and promote the
value and achievements of increased use of
integrated project delivery methods.
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 5
Integrated Project Delivery is built on collaboration, which in turn
is built on trust. Effectively structured, trust-based collaboration
encourages parties to focus on project outcomes rather than their
individual goals. Without trust-based collaboration, IPD will
falter and participants will remain in the adverse and antagonistic
relationships that plague the construction industry today. IPD
promises better outcomes, but outcomes will not change unless the
people responsible for delivering those outcomes change. Thus,
achieving the benefits of IPD requires that all project participants
embrace the following Principles of Integrated Project Delivery.
Mutual Respect and Trust
In an integrated project, owner, designer, consultants, constructor, subcontractors and
suppliers understand the value of collaboration and are committed to working as a team
in the best interests of the project.
Mutual Benefit and Reward
All participants or team members benefit from IPD. Because the integrated process
requires early involvement by more parties, IPD compensation structures recognize and
reward early involvement. Compensation is based on the value added by an organization
and it rewards “what’s best for project” behavior, such as by providing incentives tied to
achieving project goals. Integrated projects use innovative business models to support
collaboration and efficiency.
Collaborative Innovation and Decision Making
Innovation is stimulated when ideas are freely exchanged among all participants. In an
integrated project, ideas are judged on their merits, not on the author’s role or status. Key
decisions are evaluated by the project team and, to the greatest practical extent, made
Early Involvement of Key Participants
In an integrated project, the key participants are involved from the earliest practical
moment. Decision making is improved by the influx of knowledge and expertise of all
key participants. Their combined knowledge and expertise is most powerful during the
project’s early stages where informed decisions have the greatest effect.
Early Goal Definition
Project goals are developed early, agreed upon and respected by all participants. Insight
from each participant is valued in a culture that promotes and drives innovation and
outstanding performance, holding project outcomes at the center within a framework of
individual participant objectives and values.
3 Principles of Integrated Project Delivery
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 6
3 Principles of Integrated Project Delivery
Intensified Planning
The IPD approach recognizes that increased effort in planning results in increased
efficiency and savings during execution. Thus the thrust of the integrated approach is not
to reduce design effort, but rather to greatly improve the design results, streamlining and
shortening the much more expensive construction effort.
Open Communication
IPD’s focus on team performance is based on open, direct, and honest communication
among all participants. Responsibilities are clearly defined in a no-blame culture leading
to identification and resolution of problems, not determination of liability. Disputes are
recognized as they occur and promptly resolved.
Appropriate Technology
Integrated projects often rely on cutting edge technologies. Technologies are specified
at project initiation to maximize functionality, generality and interoperability. Open and
interoperable data exchanges based on disciplined and transparent data structures are
essential to support IPD. Because open standards best enable communications among all
participants, technology that is compliant with open standards is used whenever available.
Organization and Leadership
The project team is an organization in its own right and all team members are committed
to the project team’s goals and values. Leadership is taken by the team member most
capable with regard to specific work and services. Often, design professionals and
contractors lead in areas of their traditional competence with support from the entire
team, however specific roles are necessarily determined on a project-by-project
basis. Roles are clearly defined, without creating artificial barriers that chill open
communication and risk taking.
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 7
Traditional delivery and contracting approaches contemplate
separate silos of responsibility that, in practice, yield inefficiencies
whenever there is a hand-off from one silo to another. Additionally,
projects delivered traditionally suffer because participant success
and project success are not necessarily related. Indeed, it is
quite possible for one or more project participants to “succeed”
notwithstanding overall project failure. IPD, however, represents a
behavioral sea change in the industry by breaking down the silos
of responsibility, requiring close cooperation among all major
participants, and aligning participant success to project success.
IPD strategically realigns participant roles, underlying
motivations, and sequences of activities on a project to utilize
each participant’s best talents and abilities at the most beneficial
moment. Success is project-centric under an integrated delivery
approach and relies on collaboration. The focus is on collectively
achieving shared goals rather than meeting individual expectations.
Success is measured by the degree to which common goals are
This realignment of traditional roles and project goals,
however, inevitably leads to questions about what should be
considered along the way toward integration. Accordingly, IPD
presents a number of issues that must be considered when exploring
this approach for a project. In addition to questions about how the
participants’ behavior must be modified, another inevitable question
concerns the risks associated with greater collaboration. While it
may seem counter-intuitive to speak of the risks of collaboration,
as far more mischief arises when people fail to work together than
when they do, no project delivery approach is risk-free.
Identified below are issues that arise when setting up a
project for integrated delivery. These issues are common to all IPD
projects, and are universally applicable regardless of the level of
integration actually employed on a project.
4 Setting Up an Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 8
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
IPD Team Building and Functioning
The project team is the lifeblood of IPD. In IPD, project participants come together as
an integrated team, with the common overriding goal of designing and constructing
a successful project. If trouble arises on a traditional project, the tendency is often to
“batten down the hatches” and protect one’s financial interests. Cooperation suffers and
the project flounders. In contrast, IPD demands that participants work together when
trouble arises. This “huddling” versus “hunkering” distinction is crucial. Because the
hunkering down instinct in the face of trouble is so strong in the design and construction
industry today, moving to an integrated, or huddling, approach is tantamount to cultural
change. Therefore, the composition of the integrated team, the ability of team members to
adapt to a new way of performing their services, and individual team members’ behavior
within the team are critical.
Project Team Formation and Team Building
In an integrated project, the project team is formed as close as possible in time
to the project’s inception. In some instances, the project team will establish
itself based on pre-existing levels of trust, comfort and familiarity developed
through past working relationships. In other instances, the owner may assemble
the project team without regard to any pre-existing relationships among the
team members. In any event, and to the greatest extent possible, project team
members are identified and assembled at the earliest possible point in time.
Generally speaking, the project team includes two categories of
team member: the primary participants, and key supporting participants. The
primary participants are those participants that have substantial involvement
and responsibilities throughout project, from beginning to end. For example,
in a traditional project the primary participants are the owner, architect
and contractor. Unlike the relationship in a traditional project, the primary
participants in IPD may be defined more broadly and they are bound together
by either a contractual relationship, or by virtue of their individual interests
in a single purpose entity (SPE) established for the project. Refer to Section
VI below for details regarding potential contractual arrangements and SPE
The key supporting participants on an integrated project serve a
vital role on the project, but perform more discrete functions than the primary
participants. In a traditional project, the key supporting participants include
the primary design consultants and subcontractors. In IPD, the key supporting
participants enter into contracts directly with either one of the primary
participants, or with any SPE the primary participants have formed. In either
event, key supporting participants agree to be bound by the collaborative
methods and processes governing the relationship among the primary
In IPD, the difference between the primary participants and the key
supporting participants is a fluid distinction that will necessarily vary from
project to project. For example, on a majority of projects, a structural engineer
is not normally considered a primary participant as it performs a discrete
function for the project and is rarely substantially involved for the duration of
the project. If, however, structural design is the overriding project concern as, for
example, in bridge construction, the structural engineer would have substantial
responsibilities and project involvement throughout the course of the project.
Accordingly, the structural engineer would serve as a primary participant.
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 9
Great care is taken to establish an IPD team where participants can work
together as a collaborative unit. Team formation considers capability, team
dynamics, compatibility, communication, trust building and commitment to
an integrated process. Although by no means necessary, the process of team
formation and subsequent team building may include personality assessment,
communication training, and other techniques to forge a strong team from
disparate parts. Once the team is formed, it’s important to create a team
atmosphere where collaboration and open communication can flourish.
Locating the team in a joint facility may facilitate open communication and
cooperation, and regular meetings and video conferences may be useful when
co-location is impractical. Regardless of the methods employed, it is necessary
to establish a team where participants are willing and able to work together
effectively and to provide the team with tools and circumstances that facilitate
collaborative performance. Collectively-defined project goals and metrics to
measure performance, along with compensation models that align individual
success with project success, also provide incentives to work as a team.
Project Team Decision Making
The successful integrated project has decision making methods and processes
that each team member accepts and agrees to abide by. In a fully integrated
project, ultimate decision making abilities are not vested in a single team
member. Rather, all decisions are made unanimously by a defined decision
making body. Regardless of how the parties decide to structure the decision
making body, in an integrated project one overriding principle directs the
decision making body: all decisions are made in the best interest of the project.
The composition of the decision making body varies from project to
project, but always consists of some combination of the primary participants
and key supporting participants working collaboratively to render decisions in
the best interest of the project. The actual composition of the decision making
body is determined at the outset of the project and reflected in the various
agreements between the parties.
In practice, team decision making is the area in which the distinction
between primary participants and key supporting participants is most apparent.
The primary participants, by virtue of their constant involvement on the project,
are always part of the project’s decision making body. Although possible,
key supporting project participants are typically not part of the decision
making body, but they serve as advisers to the decision making body on topics
corresponding to their areas of expertise. Through the participation of all of
project participants in the decision making process, whether as a member of
the decision making body or in an advisory role, the project benefits because
the process allows all project participants to bring their expertise to bear on the
issue at hand.
In order to provide regular, timely and consistent decisions, the
decision making body meets regularly according to a collaboratively set
schedule. The more frequent the meetings, the greater the decision making
body’s ability to adapt to project circumstances. In addition to regular meetings,
IPD also requires a process by which team members can call for emergency
meetings to address issues that arise without notice and require immediate
resolution. Without this flexibility, the project team cannot promptly respond to,
and resolve, critical issues arising during the project.
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 10
Team Communications
Successful team operations rely on collaboration, which, in turn, necessarily
relies on fluid and open communication. Accordingly, creating an atmosphere
and mechanisms that facilitate the adequate sharing of information between and
among team members is essential to successfully implementing IPD.
The development and use of an overarching communication protocol
streamlines communications and facilitates the transfer of project data between
participants and between technologies. The communication protocol and other
communication tools are developed through joint workshops in which the
project team discusses and decides how information will be used, managed
and exchanged to ensure consistent and appropriate use of shared information.
The decisions and communication protocol established at the workshops are
documented and become the project’s information specification.
Building Information Modeling
Building Information Modeling (BIM), a digital, three-dimensional model
linked to a database of project information, is one of the most powerful tools
supporting IPD. Because BIM can combine, among other things, the design,
fabrication information, erection instructions, and project management
logistics in one database, it provides a platform for collaboration throughout
the project’s design and construction. Additionally, because the model and
database can exist for the life of a building, the owner may use BIM to manage
the facility well beyond completion of construction for such purposes as space
planning, furnishing, monitoring long term energy performance, maintenance,
and remodeling.
BIM is an evolving technology and is not used consistently in the
industry at the present time. For example, a small project or a portion of a large
project may utilize a single model, but a large, complex project may depend
upon many interconnected models developed by specialty participants. Major
fabricator models may interact with a design model to produce fabrication
information directly and to coordinate conflicts as the design and purchasing
proceed simultaneously. Compared with analog practices, the constructor’s
work model can reduce time and material waste by interacting with the design
model to provide construction staging and scheduling to pre-build the project in
model form far in advance of actual construction. Models also allow for more
accurate costing and estimating earlier in the project. The use of BIM allows
the efficient development of extremely complex projects in ways that might
otherwise not be possible given constraints of site, time or finances.
BIM is a tool, not a project delivery method, but IPD process
methods work hand in hand with BIM and leverage the tool’s capabilities. The
IPD project team reaches an understanding regarding how the model will be
developed, accessed, and used, and how information can be exchanged between
models and participants. Without such a clear understanding, the model may be
used incorrectly or for an unintended purpose. Software choices are made on
the basis of functionality and interoperability. Open technology platforms are
essential to the integration of BIM and other models into the process and they
foster communication to the benefit of the project on all levels. To aid in this
area, interoperable data exchange protocols are in development and are gaining
acceptance in the marketplace.
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 11
Decisions are also made and documented regarding the level of detail to be
modeled, the tolerances required for specific uses, and the purposes the model
will serve, such as whether the model will be used to develop cost data, and will
function as a contract document. If it serves as a contract document, then the
relationship between the model(s) and other contract documents is determined.
Protocols are also are established for conflict resolution and submittal review as
well. If the model is used to develop cost data, protocols are developed for how
cost information will be created and exchanged. In addition, the methods for
hosting, managing and archiving the model are determined.
These decisions and protocols are vital to the effective use of BIM in
IPD. Similar to the communications decisions and protocols discussed above,
BIM decisions and protocols are best developed through joint workshops.
Any and all decisions are documented and readily available to any participant
that will utilize the model—thus ensuring consistent use of the model over the
course of the project.
Sharing Sensitive, Proprietary or Confidential Information
Collaborative contracting arrangements contemplate the sharing of much
more information under different times and circumstances than is customary
under traditional models. Confidentiality agreements serve to make all IPD
participants aware of the importance of the proper uses of shared confidential
information. Through careful participant selection and contract drafting, IPD
participants achieve a level of comfort that project information exchanged will
be utilized only for project purposes.
From the perspective of collaboration and integration, traditional delivery
methods suffer because the individual participant’s financial success is
not necessarily tied to the project’s success. Given human nature, project
participants will work hardest to preserve their own financial success. In
traditional delivery methods, that behavior sometimes results in consequences
that are detrimental to the project, other participants, or both. Methods of
compensation that tie the participant’s success to the overall success of the
project are powerful tools for unifying individual and project success. In IPD,
individual financial success relies on project success. For that reason, the IPD
participant’s natural instinct to protect and improve its own financial interest
results in behavior that benefits the project.
There are many options available to parties interested in crafting
methods of compensation that align individual success with project success.
The appropriateness of any method will necessarily depend on the unique
characteristics of any given project and its participants. Due to their inclusion
of incentive provisions, IPD contracts can be more complex than traditional
construction contracts. Also, to the extent that financial consequences flow from
the attainment of specific goals (e.g., completion milestones, health and safety
requirements, life-cycle costs, etc.), disputes may arise afterward over whether
and to what extent certain goals were achieved. Careful contract drafting, clear
and unambiguous definitions of incentive milestones, and due diligence in team
selection, will minimize the likelihood that such disputes will arise.
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 12
As discussed above, creation of a collaborative team is critical to the success of
IPD. While the initial selection of team members is critical to an IPD project,
continuity of values and on-going commitment among the team members is
perhaps just as important to the project’s eventual success. As with any project,
the loss of a participant is disruptive, but in IPD the loss is exacerbated given
the importance of the project team to the project’s success.
The loss and replacement of a team member is disruptive to the
necessary collaborative nature of the team. When a team member is lost, any
potential new participant is selected to meet the same criteria as the original.
Extensive transitioning takes place so that the process may continue effectively,
and many of the same team building efforts occur with the new team member.
However, depending on when the participant is lost, the replacement participant
may face an uphill battle overcoming the feelings of being an outsider to the
remaining members of the team.
Accordingly, in order to glean the greatest benefit from IPD, every
effort is made to maintain the continuity of the team. Withdrawal of team
members, whether through assignment or voluntary termination, is highly
discouraged. At the outset of the project, the team decides the few instances, if
any, where withdrawal is acceptable. Any such decisions are made part of the
agreement(s) in place and the agreements may include damage provisions for
withdrawal in certain circumstances.
Team Member Dispute Resolution
As opposed to traditional delivery approaches where adversarial relationships
abound, IPD is based upon collaboration in which team continuity is of the
utmost importance. As a result of this working relationship and implementation
of the team’s decision making process, most internal disputes among team
members are avoided. It would be naïve, however, to ignore the possibility that
disputes may still arise among and between the team members, even within the
most cooperative and well meaning teams.
As disputes arise throughout a traditional project, often the parties’
only recourse is to submit claims, which immediately thrusts the parties into
adversarial positions forcing them to act in their own best interest – adopting
the “hunkering down” instinct. If the parties reach that stage, the team is
crippled. At that point, the benefits of IPD are lost, and it is very difficult to
regain later the collaborative culture within the team. To preserve both the
team and the project in IPD, these disputes are resolved internally without the
necessity of filing claims and adopting adversarial positions.
Internal disputes are resolved by the project’s decision-making body,
which, as stated above, makes decisions unanimously in the best interest of
the project. Utilizing the project’s decision making body to resolve disputes
provides team members a sense of ownership in the decisions that are made. To
this end, the agreements controlling the project teams’ relationship emphasize
internal dispute resolution and provide for specific procedures to effectuate
such resolution. In some cases, the participants agree to a “no suit” provision,
which waives their rights to litigate or arbitrate.
In large part, the success of internal dispute resolution will depend
less on the particular procedures employed and more on the degree to which the
team members have adopted the team approach of IPD. When a team member
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 13
hangs on to the notion of separate silos of responsibility, the project suffers.
The better the team works together, the more likely it is able to survive internal
disputes. Should internal dispute resolution fail, the participants’ agreements
address methods for external dispute resolution, absent a “no suit” provision. In
this regard, the parties may follow more traditional lines of dispute resolution,
such as mediation followed by arbitration or litigation.
The internal resolution of disputes under IPD emphasizes the
difference between it and traditional project delivery and the need for cultural
change among the team members to effectuate IPD. Traditional contracting
is about creating boundaries. A well-drafted traditional construction contract
clearly defines the parties’ responsibilities and the consequences of failure.
Responsibilities rarely overlap as that creates ambiguity as to the correct role.
The contract’s focus is on the transaction – the activity that must be performed.
Integrated contract approaches, on the other hand, focus on the relationships
necessary for the successful completion of the project. Such relational
contracts, unlike transactional contracts, are quite rare in the domestic design
and construction industry. As a consequence, a scarcity of legal precedent
exists. Therefore, if disputes arise, it may be more difficult to evaluate one’s
rights and responsibilities or predict potential outcomes
Defining Roles, Responsibilities and Scopes of Services
Traditional contracting contemplates project participants operating within their own
separate silos of responsibility. IPD seeks to break down these barriers by having all
major participants focus on achieving shared goals. This is not to say, however, that IPD
participants do not have separate work scopes for which they are primarily responsible.
On the contrary, each participant has a clearly defined work scope. For the most part, the
designers remain primarily responsible for design services and the constructors remain
primarily responsible for construction services.
Service Scope
While still determined partly by registration laws, licensing laws and agency
requirements, IPD team member roles and services are viewed functionally
with tasks assigned on a best person basis, even when that differs from
traditional role allocations. The project team ensures that the individual
participant’s tasks and responsibilities, or scope of services, are clearly set
out and understood at the earliest possible stage. A carefully crafted matrix of
parties, roles and responsibilities provides clarity for services, tasks, leadership
and supporting roles and is often used for this purpose, though other means
may be implemented.
The specific manner in which the traditional scopes of services for the
individual team members are realigned will differ on a project-by-project basis.
However, the expected effect on traditional scopes of services can be generally
characterized in accordance with elements common to all integrated projects.
Accordingly, the generally expected effects of IPD on designers, constructors,
and owner are set forth below.
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 14
IPD relies heavily on an extensive and thorough design process that
incorporates input and involvement of other team members, including
constructors, during the design phase. Thus, the design process takes on added
importance as other team members come to understand how the integrated
project will work and how it will be completed. As a team member, the
designer is necessarily involved in defining the design processes that will apply
to the project.
Integrated projects allow for more extensive pre-construction efforts
related to identifying and resolving potential design conflicts that traditionally
may not be discovered until construction. As a result, designers are required to
perform in an earlier stage certain services that are traditionally performed later
in the project. The resulting advancement of services potentially increases the
volume of services provided in the design phase.
Frequent interactions with other team members during the design
phase necessitates that designers provide numerous iterations of their design
documents to other team members for their evaluation and input. This
interaction results in an additional responsibility to track throughout the design
phase both the status of iterations provided to other team members and the
nature and substance of the input received from them.
Also, the designer may not necessarily serve as the “gate-keeper”
for the flow of communications between the owner and constructors, as it does
in traditional project delivery. Ideally, communications are facilitated by the
collective team structure and do not rely on a single gate-keeper.
The nature of the constructors’ scope of services is primarily affected in IPD
by their early involvement on the project and their participation within the
integrated team. Specifically, the constructor’s role increases in a significant
way during early stages of design, in which constructors now provide strategic
services such as schedule production, cost estimating, phasing, systems
evaluation, constructability reviews, and early purchasing programs. While
constructors may provide these services in traditional projects, the timing of
these services is advanced.
Constructors are brought in during early project phases to provide
expertise and fully participate in the design of the project. The result is a greater
role in commenting on and influencing design innovation. This increased
role during design requires the constructor to provide, on a continuing basis,
estimating services and/or target value design services during the design phase.
In IPD, the Owner takes on a substantially greater and more active role in
evaluating and influencing design options. Additionally, the Owner is required
to participate in establishing project metrics at an earlier stage than is typical
in a traditional project. In light of the fluid operation IPD requires, the Owner
will also be called on more often to assist in resolving issues that arise on the
project. As member of the decision making body, the owner will be involved
on more project-related specifics and be required to act quickly in this regard to
allow the project to continue efficiently.
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 15
Multi-Directional Duties
Most traditional construction contracts seek to limit the parties to whom duties
are owed. In direct contrast, IPD proceeds under the theory that projects run
more smoothly where all parties formally recognize what exists in practice –
that every construction project is a network of inter-linked, roles, commitments
and mutual promises.
One result of this approach is a blending of traditional roles. For
example, IPD requires that the constructor have greater involvement in
the design process. While it is not the case that “constructors design and
designers construct” under IPD models, the discrete responsibilities of the
two are more intertwined than in traditional models. The blending of roles,
while strengthening the creative process, can lead to the question of who is
responsible for particular scopes of work. For that reason, a well-drafted IPD
agreement clearly spells out individual work scopes. Collaboration is not a
substitute for accountability, at least as it pertains to the primary responsibility
for performing one’s scope of work.
Current standards of care for designers and constructors remain intact
for those activities that are traditionally performed. Nevertheless, IPD requires
that, to some extent, the risk of non-performance be shared, thus promoting
collaboration across traditional roles and responsibilities. IPD agreements
often spread the risk of non-performance across all direct participants. In this
way, the designer may directly bear some risk of constructor non-performance,
and vice versa. In negotiating agreements and building project team relations,
this issue is recognized and addressed up front. The participants necessarily
negotiate the level of risk sharing they are jointly comfortable with, on a
project-by-project basis.
Defining and Measuring Project Outcomes
In IPD, as in traditional projects, the risk of failing to meet expectations remains. Because
success in IPD is measured by expressly stated shared goals, and in many cases financial
consequences flow from attaining, or failing to attain, such goals, IPD agreements clearly
spell out project goals and the consequences of success or failure.
The IPD project plan includes project metric values and reporting intervals to
monitor progress of the project. Metrics include overall performance of the project as
well as the traditional cost, schedule, and scope measurements. Meeting these metrics
may also be tied to financial incentives for the parties.
Goals & Standards
Although the team may present alternatives and counsel the owner, goals
remain the owner’s province. The owner determines its program and what
it wants to achieve. However, standards based upon goals and used to judge
project success and compensation are jointly agreed upon. It’s necessary for all
parties to be comfortable with the agreed-upon anticipated outcomes, as they
may affect potential bonus and compensation structures.
If the goals are simply economic, standards of project duration and
cost may adequately measure attainment of these goals. Objective performance
criteria, such as energy efficiency, are also easily determined. Quality of
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 16
construction and design creativity are less easily measured. These factors may
require a weighted index, comparison structures, and independent evaluators.
The team also agrees on when the standards will be measured. For example, the
team determines if energy efficiency is measured during commissioning, or is
averaged over a season or seasons. If lowered maintenance cost is a goal, the
team determines when success is measured.
Project Cost
The overall project cost is a prime metric that is established at the project
inception and tracked throughout the life of the project with agreed upon
emphasis on life cycle and sustainability components. Included are the cost
of the actual work, non-incentive based compensation (fees for services) and
appropriate contingencies. The potential for a direct connection between
the design and quantity survey during all phases creates a powerful tool to
determine and manage the project cost. This is one of the prime opportunities to
see the efficiency possible with IPD.
A significant benefit of IPD is the opportunity to replace value
engineering with target pricing or target value design processes (a form of
estimated budgeting). Under many IPD arrangements, significant consequences
flow from exceeding (or beating) the target price. Early in conceptualization,
the team confirms whether a project can be built for the funds available that will
satisfy the owner’s goals. Assuming the team validates the budget assumptions,
it then pursues target value design. Unlike traditional design processes where
design, budgeting, and then redesign is an iterative process, a target value
design process uses immediate feedback on budget, schedule and quality to
inform the development of the design. It promotes designing to a detailed
estimate, rather than estimating a detailed design. For this to be accomplished,
information needs to be communicated effectively to all interested parties,
feedback received, and decisions made on an open and rational basis. If this is
properly done, conventional “value engineering” vanishes. Moreover, by tying
the decision process to the schedule, alternatives that require information can
proceed on parallel paths until the appropriate “last responsible moment.
To the extent that setting the target price is a collaborative exercise,
there are a number of issues to consider. In the first instance, each project
participant has a direct pecuniary interest in where the target price is set. The
owner’s interests often favor a lower price, whereas the designers or contractors
may have a financial incentive to seek a higher target price. This conflict is
managed through careful participant selection, open book estimating, and
proper use of independent consultants.
Project Schedule
One of the main potential benefits of IPD is the reduction of construction time
due to the extensive planning and changes to project processes. This benefit is
a common determinant in selecting IPD as a preferred process by owners. The
ability to link schedule, phasing and detailed construction sequencing during
design will provide efficiencies in material procurement. Early ordering of
materials by key supporting participant trade contractors to coordinate with the
development of the design reduces the time from the completion of design to
the beginning of active work on the site of a project.
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 17
Project Quality
New technological tools available to IPD team members, including BIM,
provide the opportunity to reduce errors within design documents as well as
conflicts between trades--all well before purchasing of systems and products.
Collaboration among the participants leverages these tools to create an
atmosphere where quality of service, design and execution are integral to the
The measurement of quality is based upon metrics appropriate to
the project type and is compared to previously completed projects of similar
nature. As more IPD projects are undertaken by an owner or an industry, quality
standards may increase.
Operational Performance
The establishment of performance criteria for major building systems within
a project is made during early design and refined as the design proceeds.
These are aligned with the project goals and set with the advice of the
major trades participating in the project along with the associated design
The opportunity exists for financial performance metrics of
the completed project to be established and tracked after completion. The
contribution that the project team makes to the ongoing success of the
performance of the finished project due to quality of design and implementation
could lead to royalty or other long term financial profit sharing arrangements
for those key participants.
One key area of opportunity for improvement from traditional delivery
approaches is to set more aggressive goals for sustainability. Metrics can be
established for lifecycle goals for all aspects of a project. Ratings criteria
such as Green Globes, LEED® or SB Tool may be melded into the overall
goals and incremental steps monitored throughout the design and delivery
process. The opportunity also exists to set goals for carbon footprint and
incorporation of alternative energies.
Legal Considerations
Non-Standard Contracts
Integrated approaches involve contractual relationships that are quite different
from traditional contract models. Modifying a standard non-integrated contract
form to call for integration can be a challenge because the approaches are very
different. Negotiating and drafting agreements without the aid of prior similar
contracts or standard forms can increase the cost of reaching an agreement.
The AIA is currently developing standard forms to assist parties wishing to
negotiate and execute an IPD agreement.
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 18
Professional Responsibility and Licensing
Because project participants remain responsible for individual scopes of
work, an IPD approach should not alter traditional requirements with respect
to professional or business licenses. Collaboration between designers and
constructors does not inherently result in a blending of disciplines. Where
assigned work scopes require a constructor to perform design services, it will
need to handle that task consistent with registration requirements. This is no
different than in the case under a non-integrated approach. If the IPD services
are to be provided through a separate legal entity specifically created for the
project (e.g. limited liability company), the entity may be required to obtain
design and/or construction licenses, depending upon individual state laws.
Using BIM and other tools to construct a building virtually in advance of actual
construction substantially diminishes the risk of design errors and omissions.
If the participants adopt “no suit” clauses, the risk of incurring internal first-
party claims for economic loss can be eliminated through these waivers.
However, where participants do not waive first party claims but assume non-
traditional liability, traditional insurance products may not be available in
today’s insurance market. Insurance for third-party claims for personal injury
and property damage may also not be available. It is now incumbent upon the
insurance industry to develop and offer alternative insurance products that align
with the project goals and the specific risk allocation terms established among
the IPD project participants.
Furthermore, the development and underwriting of bonding and
insurance require a new approach that recognizes the risk sharing framework
of IPD. This may require more than the customary interaction with surety and
insurance markets. Traditional legal risk management operates on a philosophy
that risk follows duty and the more duties one owes to more parties, the more
legal risk one incurs.
Entity Formation
While it is entirely possible to structure an IPD project purely through
contractual arrangements between the separate participants (and it is anticipated
that most will be so formed), it is also possible to carry out such projects
through the creation of a single purpose entity, such as a Limited Liability
Company (LLC). There can be tax and management issues to address where a
separate legal entity is created to carry out the project.
Joint Liability and Joint Venture
IPD arrangements contemplate a high degree of collaborative effort. In many
cases, project participants share, to one degree or another, in the success or
failure of the overall venture. In this regard, IPD arrangements are more likely
to be classified as joint ventures than the independent contractor arrangements
typically encountered under traditional models. A unique risk feature of joint
ventures is the joint liability of all joint venturers. Therefore, if all major IPD
participants are deemed joint venturers, they may be liable to third parties for
the failings of their joint venture partners. In this way, the construction team
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 19
might well bear the risk of design error and the design team could be at risk for
construction errors. This risk can be managed through careful planning (e.g.,
appropriate insurance products and structuring the legal relationships between
the parties) and contract drafting.
4 Setting Up An Integrated Project
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 20
In practice, integrated project delivery exhibits fundamental
differences from traditional models in two primary areas: team
assembly and project phasing / execution. Team assembly is
covered generally below; project execution topics are introduced
and then explored in detail.
Building an Integrated Team
The key to successful Integrated Project Delivery is assembling a team that is committed
to collaborative processes and is capable of working together effectively. In order to
accomplish this, participants must:
1 Identify, at the earliest possible time, the participant roles that are
most important to the project.
2 Pre-qualify members (individuals and firms) of the team
3 Consider interests and seek involvement of select additional parties,
such as building official(s), local utility companies, insurers, sureties,
and other stakeholders.
4 Define in a mutually understandable fashion the values, goals,
interests and objectives of the participating stakeholders.
5 Identify the organizational and business structure best suited to
IPD that is consistent with the participants’ needs and constraints.
The choice should not be rigidly bound to traditional project delivery
methods, but should be flexibly adapted to the project.
6 Develop project agreement(s) to define the roles and accountability
of the participants. The project agreements should be synchronized to
assure that parties’ roles and responsibilities are defined identically in
all agreements and are consistent with the agreed organizational and
business models. Key provisions regarding compensation, obligation
and risk allocation should be clearly defined and should encourage
open communication and collaboration.
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
A Note on Building Information Modeling
It is understood that integrated project delivery
and building information modeling (BIM) are
different concepts – the first is a process and
the second a tool. Certainly integrated projects
are done without BIM and BIM is used
in non-integrated processes. However, the full
potential benefits of both IPD and BIM
are achieved only when they are used together.
Thus, the IPD phase descriptions included here
assume the use of BIM.
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 21
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
Project Execution / Redefining Project Phases
In an integrated project, the project flow from conceptualization through implementation
and closeout differs significantly from a non-integrated project. Moving design decisions
upstream as far as possible to where they are more effective and less costly suggests a
re-thinking of typical project phases.
Design Effort/Effect
Criteria Design
Detailed Design
Agency Permit/
Agency Coord/
Final Buyout
Macleamy Curve
ability to impact cost and functional capabilities
cost of design changes
traditional design process
IPD design process
Introduced in the Construction Users Roundtable’s “Collaboration, Integrated Information, and the
Project Lifecycle in Building Design and Construction and Operation” (WP-1202, August, 2004)”,
the “MacLeamy Curve” illustrates the concept of making design decisions earlier in the project when
opportunity to influence positive outcomes is maximized and the cost of changes minimized, especially as
regards the designer and design consultant roles.
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 22
In addition to shifting design decision making forward, redefinition of phases is driven by
two key concepts: the integration of early input from constructors, installers, fabricators
and suppliers as well as from designers; and the ability to model and simulate the project
accurately using BIM tools. These two concepts enable the design to be brought to a
much higher level of completion before the documentation phase is started. Thus the first
three phases of the integrated project: Conceptualization, Criteria Design, and Detailed
Design (described in detail on the following pages) involve more effort than their
counterparts in the traditional flow.
This higher level of completion in earlier project stages means that the next
phase, Implementation Documents, requires less effort than the traditional Construction
Documents phase, and the early participation of regulatory agencies, trade contractors,
and fabricators allows shortening of the fifth and sixth phases, Agency Review and
Buyout, as well. The result is that the project is defined and coordinated to a much higher
level prior to construction start than is typical with traditional delivery methods, enabling
a more efficient Construction phase and a potentially shorter construction period. The
IPD phases conclude at project Closeout.
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
Predesign Schematic
Agency Permit/
Construction Closeout
Conceptualization Criteria Design Detailed Design Implementation
Agency Coord/
Final Buyout
Construction Closeout
Traditional design process
Integrated design process
Design Consultants
Trade Constructors
Design Consultants
Trade Constructors
From the AIA California Council’s “Integrated
Project Delivery: Working Definition”,
this diagram compares traditional delivery
to integrated delivery, focusing on the shifts
of when different aspects of the project are
resolved (“Who, What, How, Realize”)
and when different project participants be-
come involved. New phase names are also
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 23
The project phase descriptions that follow below in outline format are presented from two
perspectives: Outcomes and Primary Responsibilities.
The breadth of knowledge and depth of collaboration that is the essence of IPD require
that phase outcomes – milestones and deliverables – be defined succinctly. These
outcome definitions enable all team members to understand the level of detail at which
they should be working, and what decisions have (and have not) been finalized so they
can proceed with confidence.
Primary Responsibilities—
In an integrated project, all team members provide whatever input they can to all aspects
of the project. Here “responsibility” means only that the indicated team member is
charged with coordinating, integrating and ensuring the completeness of the task or
information needed—it does not suggest that professionally licensed responsibilities
are in any way modified or diminished. On many projects, where governing laws
don’t dictate otherwise, certain building systems may be provided under design-build
arrangements. In such instances, the specialty trade contractor may take on the design
consultant’s responsibilities for those systems.
Team leadership under IPD will vary from project to project depending on a
number of considerations, such as contractual relationships and the skills of individual
team members. The Integrated Project Coordinator (IPC) is primarily a facilitator, and may
be a retained third party or one of the team members. In many cases the responsibilities
will migrate. For example, the prime designer may be the IPC during the design phases
while the prime constructor takes on that role as the project moves into construction.
The following phase descriptions are offered as a point of departure – responsibilities
and timing of deliverables will vary according to the needs and priorities of the
specific project. References to traditional project phases are included in brackets [] for
comparison purposes.
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
The z-axis suggests levels of “design effort”
of project participants during the different
phases of the project. The “MacLeamy Curve”
backdrop is offered for general comparison to
the “shifting forward” concept in the area of
design effort. Note in particular the increase
in “design effort” of constructors and trade
contractors over the traditional model.
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 24
Conceptualization [Expanded Programming]
Conceptualization begins to determine WHAT is to be built, WHO will build it,
and HOW it will be built.
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
Performance goals are developed by the team:
Sustainable or green criteria or goals
Economic performance based on the complete building life span
including operation
Successful outcome metrics (e.g. cost, schedule, quality, etc.)
Cost structure is developed earlier and in greater detail than a
conventional project.
Costs may be linked to Building Information Model to enable rapid
assessment of design decisions
Costs are detailed by system, providing an understanding of the
cost range and importance of each system
Key parties assess areas where greatest improvements are possible
Initial benchmarking comparison is performed to assess project
costs against market rates
Preliminary schedule is developed and linked to developing model
Communication methodologies and technologies are identified and key
parameters agreed upon
Building Information Modeling platform(s)
Administration and maintenance of BIM(s)
Source of truth for all data
Interoperability criteria
Data transfer protocols
Level of detail development by phase
Development of tolerances
Primary Responsibilities
Establish goals regarding the function and performance of the
building, schedule, and budget based on organization’s business
Provide project funding establish critical financial milestones
Determine method of project procurement
Lead selection of integrated project team
Provide site data such as topography, utility locations, soils
condition, environmental impact studies and reports, Phase I
mitigation reports
Provide parameters of owner construction policies and programs
regarding insurance, safety and risk mitigation
Establish internal processes and organization for user input,
reviews, approvals and decision making
Provide team with information about legislative or jurisdictional
requirements affecting project
Integrated Project Coordinator
Overall facilitation, coordination, organization and direction of the
integrated team
Team’s compliance with owner’s requirements
Overall project schedule
Completeness of necessary project information
Prime Designer
Validation of opportunities and options of the business proposition
to the physical outcome of the project
Confirm space program meets code requirements and applicable
standards and is aligned with overall project goals
Visualize massing of building and adjacency concerns on its site
Identify sustainable design outcomes that have a cost impact to the
Design schedule
Design Consultants
Feedback on building systems relative to achieving project
performance goals
Identify unique project and system requirements that will effect
project outcomes
Prime Constructor
Cost information: comprehensiveness and integration into model.
Initial procurement and construction schedule, including integration
into model
Trade Contractors
Initial cost data for their scope of work
Cost options for applicable scope of work
Constructability for applicable scope of work
Initial schedule data for applicable scope of work
Specific cost data
Identification of long lead items
Product data sheets
Life cycle and energy efficiency data
Input regarding project constraints, code requirements, and testing
and inspection requirements
Validation of application/review schedule
Diagram 1
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 25
Criteria Design [Expanded Schematic Design]
During Criteria Design, the project begins to take shape. Major options are
evaluated, tested and selected.
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
The following aspects of the project are finalized, allowing the team to
proceed with confidence to the next level of detail:
Form, adjacencies and spatial relationships
Selection and initial design of major building systems (structure,
skin, HVAC, etc.)
Cost estimate (at appropriate precision)
Schedule (at appropriate precision)
Agreement is reached on tolerances between trades to enable
Primary Responsibilities
Final arbiter, after consultation, regarding project goals and
Establish decision criteria to evaluate proposals with respect to
current and future operations
Decisions based on available options
Facilitate site specific/user input and coordinate it with the team
Facilitate user group reviews and feedback to team regarding
Reviews and approval of criteria documents
Integrated Project Coordinator
Overall facilitation, coordination, organization and direction of the
integrated team
Lead selection of integrated team members
Coordinate assignment of responsibilities, actions and completion
Coordinate and track integrated team’s performance
Coordination of overall project schedule
Prime Designer
Integration of design input from all team members
Confirm user experience of building as it relates to project goals
Form, adjacencies and spatial relationships of the project
Coordinate selection of major building systems and performance
Regulatory requirements for the building (i.e.: fire/life safety plan)
Sustainability targets and proposed systems
Outline or Performance Specification
Refinement of design schedule
Design Consultants
Selecting major building systems and setting performance
Locate major pieces of equipment and routing in the project
Identify unique conditions that need to be addressed in the next
phase as the systems are being detailed
Prime Constructor
Continuous cost feedback using information extracted from the
model. At this phase many items may be conceptual, i.e., based on
floor area or unit counts
Validation of target cost
Refinement of construction schedule
Constructability issues
Initial discussion of tolerances and prefabrication opportunities
Trade Contractors
Validate target cost for applicable scope of work
Validate schedule for applicable scope of work
Provide input for tolerances, prefabrication opportunities
Assess compatibility with the design and work of other trades
Validate target cost for specific items
Validate lead times for long-lead items
Provide input for tolerances, prefabrication opportunities
Permit application requirements and schedule
Validation of fire/life safety plan
Performance-based code analysis can begin using the BIM
Diagram 2
Criteria Design
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 26
Detailed Design [Expanded Design Development]
The Detailed Design phase concludes the WHAT phase of the project. During
this phase, all key design decisions are finalized. Detailed Design under IPD
comprises much of what is left to the Construction Documents phase under
traditional practice, thus the Detailed Design phase involves significantly more
effort than the traditional Design Development phase.
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
Building is fully and unambiguously defined, coordinated and validated
All major building systems are defined, including any furnishings,
fixtures and equipment within the scope of the project
All building elements are fully engineered and coordinated. The
team will have collaborated to resolve any inconsistencies, conflicts
or constructability issues
Agreement is reached on tolerances between trades to ensure
constructability and to enable as much prefabrication as possible.
Quality levels are established
Prescriptive Specifications are completed based on prescribed and agreed
Cost is established to a high level of precision
Construction schedule is established to a high level of precision
Primary Responsibilities
Provide decisions and guidance to all alternative options
Approve the design prior to implementation documentation phase,
allowing the team to proceed with confidence
Be the arbiter of changes to the design and overall acceptability as
it relates to performance
Integrated Project Coordinator
Overall facilitation, coordination, organization and direction of the
integrated team
Coordinate alternative options for presentation to Owner
Coordinate and track integrated team’s performance
Ensure compliance with project requirements
Lead performance checking of building systems from the Integrated
Team’s stakeholders
Prime Designer
Coordinate and integrate input from project stakeholders and
ensure compliance with project requirements
Detail concept ideas into constructible form
Code compliance
Design Consultants
Complete design of building systems
Verify system performance
Prime Constructor
Provide continuous cost feedback using information extracted from
the model; all item quantities are based on quantity survey or lump
sums provided by Trade Contractors and suppliers
Verify that cost is all-inclusive and accurate
Verify prefabrication decisions
Verify construction schedule
Finalize coordination of building systems, including MEPS
Verify tolerances
Trade Contractors
Provide input for coordination and conflict resolution.
Provide detail-level models for applicable scope of work, adjust
models to coordinate with other systems
Verify cost for their scope of work
Verify schedule for their scope of work
Provide input for coordination and conflict resolution
Provide models of specific items
Verify cost for specific items
Verify schedule for long lead items
Verify tolerances for specific items
If performance-based code analysis using the BIM is underway, it is
expanded here
Diagram 3
Detailed Design
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 27
Implementation Documents [Construction Documents]
During this phase, effort shifts from WHAT is being created to documenting
HOW it will be implemented. The goal of ID phase is to complete the
determination and documentation of how the design intent will be implemented,
not to change or develop it.
The traditional shop drawing process is merged into this phase
as constructors, trade contractors and suppliers document how systems and
structure will be created. In addition, this phase generates the documents that
third parties will use for permitting, financing and regulatory purposes.
Because the Detailed Design phase concludes with the design and
all building systems “fully and unambiguously defined, coordinated and
validated,” the Implementation Documents phase comprises less effort than the
traditional Construction Documents phase.
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
Construction means and methods are finalized and documented
Construction schedule is finalized and agreed upon
Cost is finalized and agreed upon
Costs are tied to the model
The specifications are finalized, supplementing the model with narrative
documentation of the design intent wherever necessary
Implementation Documents define and visualize the project for
participants who aren’t involved in the development of the model,
A “finance-able” project (a completed model that gives “the bank”
sufficient detail to finance the project)
Bid documents for parties outside the integrated process
The “shop drawing” phase that in traditional phases occurs after
Construction Documents will be largely completed during the
Implementation Documents phase
Prefabrication of some systems can commence because the model is
sufficiently fixed (object sizes and positions are frozen) to allow early
purchasing and prefabrication to begin
Primary Responsibilities
Verify project performance targets and business case
Final approval of project scope and metrics
Coordinate financial requirements necessary to begin construction
Facilitate final user reviews and approvals
Initiate transition planning to utilize completed project
Establish user appeals process
Finalize specifications for major equipment
Define owners requirements for construction safety programs and
controls regarding Interim Life Safety, noise, vibration, infection
Integrated Project Coordinator
Overall facilitation, coordination, organization and direction of the
integrated team
Coordinate complete information for legal requirements of project
as it relates to the owner’s procurement method
Coordinate team input and facilitating team buy-in for overall
project schedule and budget
Prime Designer
Finalize model for architecturally related design intent for
Provide descriptive information for fabrication and construction of
architecturally related scope
Finalize specifications
Design Consultants
Finalize model for consultant’s related design intent for
Provide descriptive information for fabrication and construction of
consultant’s related scope
Finalize specifications
Prime Constructor
Control of the BIM may transfer from the Prime Designer to the
Prime Constructor at the conclusion of Detailed Design
Finalize construction schedule through 4D modeling
Finalize construction cost through 5D modeling
Complete information for:
Detailed schedule
Procedural information (testing, commissioning)
Ensure that all necessary work is accounted for.
Trade Contractors
Finalize cost and schedule for applicable scope of work.
Ensure BIM and specifications include sufficient and unambiguous
information for completion of applicable scope of work.
Technically sophisticated Trade Contractors will augment the
design model in lieu of preparing separate shop drawings, or will
create a synchronized model for fabrication or installation purposes
Develop implementation information for applicable scope to shop
drawing level
Finalize cost and schedule for their specific items
Technically sophisticated suppliers will augment the design
model in lieu of preparing separate shop drawings, or will create a
synchronized model for fabrication or installation purposes
Develop implementation information for their scope to shop
drawing level
Verify completeness of permit submittals
Diagram 4
Implementation Documents
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 28
Agency Review
Use of BIM and early involvement and validation by agencies shortens the final
permitting process.
Agency Review commences in Criteria Design and increases in inten-
sity during the final review period. This early involvement minimizes agency
comments and required changes to the design as submitted for permit.
Building Information Models have the ability to provide information
either directly or through linked databases that can enhance and streamline a
reviewing agency’s ability to check the design for building code or regulatory
criteria. In addition, analysis software can use the model information to gen-
erate performance or criteria analyses that validate the design.
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
All necessary permits and approvals
Primary Responsibilities
Final arbiter and lead strategy regarding negotiations with
jurisdiction providing permits
Facilitate project teams response to modifications required by
Obtain permits and approvals
Integrated Project Coordinator
Overall facilitation, coordination, organization and direction of the
integrated team
Overall coordination and management of the Agency Review
Prime Designer
Interface with agency representative to ensure code compliance of
design is understood
Coordinate the BIM to ensure code compliance is demonstrated in a
mutually agreed interoperable format
Design Consultants
Interface with agency representative to ensure code compliance of
their scope of the design is understood
Provide scope-specific input to the BIM to ensure code compliance
is demonstrated in a mutually agreed interoperable format
Prime Constructor
Coordinate applications for construction-related permits (cranes,
street closure, etc.)
Trade Contractors
Schedule for application submittals and review completion.
Review and approval of design and construction plan
If performance-based code analysis using the BIM is underway, it is
finalized here
Diagram 5
Agency Review
no design effort in this phase
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 29
IPD assumes early involvement of key trade contractors and vendors, so
buyout of work packages they provide occurs through development of prices
throughout the design phases, culminating at the conclusion of Implementation
Documents. Accelerated project definition during Criteria and Detailed
Design allows early commitment for procurement of long lead, custom,
or prefabricated items. The IPD Buyout phase is much shorter than under
traditional delivery methods, since most work is already contracted for.
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
Commitments are in place for all work, materials and equipment needed
to complete the project
Primary Responsibilities
Final arbiter of requirements for pre qualification requirements
Define organizations requirements for outreach
Participate in pre bid conferences and provide organizations
requirements affecting bidders
Integrated Project Coordinator
Overall facilitation, coordination, organization and direction of the
integrated team
Prime Designer
Respond to questions from remaining trades bidding on the project
Respond to pre-fabrication studies to ensure integrity of the design
Design Consultants
Respond to questions from remaining trades bidding on the project
Respond to pre-fabrication studies to ensure integrity of the design
Prime Constructor
Ensures that commitments are in place for all work needed to
complete the project.
A variety of negotiating strategies may be used, based on the level
of participation of the provider in the integrated model
Work packages can be bid based on quantities extracted from the
Overall coordination and management of the buyout process
Trade Contractors
Diagram 6
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 30
Construction [Construction/Construction Contract Administration]
In the Construction phase, the benefits of the integrated process are realized.
For architects under traditional delivery models, construction contract
administration is considered the final stage of design—the last chance to
address issues and achieve solutions. But in Integrated Project Delivery, the
design and its implementation are finalized during the Detailed Design and
Implementation Documents phases. Thus, construction contract administration
is primarily a quality control and cost monitoring function. Because of the
greater effort put into the design phases, construction under IPD will be much
more efficient.
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
Substantial Completion of the project, characterized by:
Virtually no RFIs from major trades because prime constructor,
key trade contractors and key vendors have been involved in
developing the design intent and implementation
Less construction administration effort required because submittals
for key scopes of work have already been integrated into the model
and conflicts have been resolved virtually
Better understanding of design intent by all participants because
the BIM provides effective visualization
More pre-fabrication resulting in:
Less waste because more assemblies are factory generated.
Fewer injuries because more work is being performed in a
more controlled environment
A schedule tied to the model to allow visualization of crew
coordination and deviations from planned sequences and durations
Some elements of current construction administration will remain
similar to current practice
Quality control, inspection and testing will be relatively
Changes within the agreed project scope will be virtually
eliminated, but owner-directed changes will need to be
formally negotiated
Scheduling and progress will be periodically reviewed
Primary Responsibilities
Monitor organization need for change based on revisions to
business case
Manage Owner’s contractual obligations
Manage Owner’s internal review and decision process
Manage Owner’s transition process to occupy and startup of
completed project
Organize equipment procurement and staging
Integrated Project Coordinator
Overall facilitation, coordination, organization and direction of the
integrated team
Prime Designer
Overall responsibility for Construction Contract Administration
from a design perspective
Respond to RFI’s and processing of submittals as required to
support trades not part of the initial design activities
Coordinate RFI and submittal responses from all design consultants
Provide updates to BIM as required responding to field conditions
and Design Consultant needs
Coordinate any changes due to field conditions not foreseen in the
Issue design change documents as required to respond to latent
conditions and or owner-directed changes
Review change requests to confirm entitlement
Work with prime constructor to ensure the construction is
proceeding in conformance with design intent
Issue substantial and final completions documents
Design Consultants
Respond to RFI’s and processing of submittals as required to
support trades not part of the initial design activities
Provide updates to BIM as required responding to field conditions
Coordinate any changes due to field conditions not foreseen in the
Issue design change documents as required to respond to latent
conditions and or owner directed changes
Review change requests to confirm entitlement
Work with prime constructor to ensure the construction is
proceeding in conformance with design intent
Issue substantial and final completions documents
Prime Constructor
Coordinate trade contractors, suppliers, and self-performed work to
ensure completion of the project according to budget, schedule and
quality goals defined by the project team
Ensure safety of all personnel on the project site
Maintain good relations with neighbors
Coordinate with regulatory agencies for required inspections
Coordinate required testing
Trade Contractors
Coordinate their activities with the overall project to ensure
efficient flow of work.
Coordinate fabrication and delivery of materials/assemblies/
equipment to ensure efficient flow of work.
Diagram 7
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 31
An intelligent 3D model can be delivered to the owner.
Closeout of an integrated project greatly depends upon the business
terms agreed by the parties. For example, if the business structure contains
compensation incentives or penalties, the closeout includes calculation of
appropriate credits or deducts. Some issues, however, such as warranty
obligations, occupancy, and completion notification, remain unchanged due to
statutory and legal requirements. Other issues, such as punch list correction, are
not significantly affected by integrated project delivery.
5 Delivering an Integrated Project
A complete building information model reflecting “as-built”
conditions will be provided to the owner for long term use for
building management, maintenance and operation. This model
can also be used for:
Integration of building monitoring, control and security
Comparing actual performance of building and systems
to planned performance
Referencing of warranty, operation and maintenance
Traditional warranties will remain for installation quality and
defective products.
Primary Responsibilities
Training of operation and maintenance personnel
Complete jurisdictional requirements for occupancy and
project completion
Initiate continual monitoring of project with respect to
project goals and metrics related to performance
Integrated Project Coordinator
Overall facilitation, coordination, organization and
direction of the integrated team
Prime Designer
Work with owner on user needs to use the BIM for life
cycle benefit.
Document and or analyze any Post Occupancy Evaluation
Design Consultants
Work with owner on user needs to use the BIM for life
cycle benefit.
Document and or analyze any Post-Occupancy Evaluation
Prime Constructor
Finalize the BIM to correspond with built conditions.
Trade Contractors
Provide Operation &Maintenance (O&M) information for
applicable scope of work
Provide O&M information for applicable scope of work
Diagram 8
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 32
In a multi-party agreement (MPA), the primary project participants execute
a single contract specifying their respective roles, rights, obligations,
and liabilities. In effect, the multi-party agreement creates a temporary
virtual, and in some instances formal, organ-ization to realize a specific
project. Because a single agreement is used, each party understands its
role in relationship to the other participants. Compensation structures are
often open-book, so each party’s interests and contributions are similarly
transparent. Multi-party agreements require trust, as compensation is tied to
overall project success and individual success depends on the contributions
of all team members. For a MPA to be successful, the participants must be
committed to working as a team to achieve team goals.
The tight integration of MPAs combined with project-based
decision making and compensation promotes excellent team performance.
Although important on all projects, the supportive qualities of multi-party
agreements are well suited to projects that are complex or uncertain,
because tightly integrated teams are flexible and creative.
Multi-party agreements require thorough planning, careful
negotiation, and intensive team building efforts. This process can be costly
and must occur during the earliest stages of project conception. This is
especially true if the participants have little prior experience with multi-
party agreements or with each other. Although this overhead cost is
easily absorbed on large projects, on smaller projects the overhead can be
reduced by using team members with prior collaborative experience.
Multi-party agreements vary in form, responding to the specific
needs of a project and its participants. However, these variations share
several key attributes:
The parties are bound together by a single agreement or an
umbrella agreement;
The agreement creates a temporary, virtual or formal, organization
complete with management and decision making processes;
Processes are tailored to support the team environment;
Decisions are arrived through consensus and seek “best for
project” outcomes;
Some portion of compensation is tied to project, not individual,
success; and
Roles are assigned to the person or entity best capable of
6 Multi-Party Agreements
Diagram 1
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 33
6 Multi-Party Agreements
Contractual Agreements
Despite the custom nature of multi-party agreements, three general forms have emerged:
Project Alliances; Relational Contracts; and Single Purpose Entities. Each will be
discussed in greater detail below.
Project Alliances
Project Alliances were developed to support oil exploration in the North
Sea. To meet these challenges, the parties created a project structure where
the owner guaranteed the direct costs of non-owner parties, but payment of
profit, overhead and bonus depended on project outcome. This compensation
scheme bound the parties to succeed or fail together. To reinforce Alliance
teamwork, all significant decisions were made by facilitated consensus and
the parties waived any claim between them, except for willful default. Since
their development by the North Sea oil industry, Project Alliances have been
extensively used in Australia for large civil works and vertical construction,
have seen continued use in the United Kingdom, and are beginning to be
adopted in the United States. An excellent description of the Australian
experience that contains detailed implementation recommendations, is found in
the Project Alliancing Practitioners’ Guide (2006) published by the Government
of Victoria.
Single Purpose Entities
A Single Purpose Entity (SPE) is a temporary, but formal, legal structure
created to realize a specific project. The SPE can be a corporation, limited
liability company, limited liability partnership, or other legal form. In an
integrated SPE, key participants have an equity interest in the SPE based
on their individual skill, creativity, experience, services, access to capital or
financial contribution. Typically, equity owners are paid for any services they
provide to the SPE. However, an additional element of compensation is tied to
overall project success.
The creation of a new, independent legal entity raises additional
issues regarding taxation, corporate formalities, and management. Because the
SPE is a separate entity, it must also be adequately insured.
Relational Contracts
Relational Contracts are similar to Project Alliances in that a virtual
organization is created from individual entities. However, it differs in its
approach to compensation, risk sharing and decision making. In a relational
contract, the parties may agree to limit their liability to each other, but it is not
completely waived. If errors are made, conventional insurance is expected to
respond. Thus, there is a measure of traditional accountability. Compensation
structures have project-based incentives, but there may or may not be any
collective responsibility for project overruns. Decisions are developed on a
team basis, but unlike the Project Alliance, the owner usually retains final
decision rights in the absence of team consensus.
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 34
6 Multi-Party Agreements
Because the balance of accountability, risk and control in Relational Contracts
more closely follows traditional project structures, they may be better suited
to the needs and risk profiles of certain projects and participants. In addition,
Relational Contracts may offer a transitional structure to a more completely
integrated approach.
Relational contracts are more common in other areas of commercial
activity. Strategic alliances among commercial firms grounded on trust
arrangements often proceed on a relational contracting basis. These
combinations are governed more by personal relationships than by the terms
of any formal contract. See Stewart Macaulay, Non-Contractual Relations in
Business: A Preliminary Study, 28 Am. Soc. Rev. 55 (1963); Stewart Macaulay,
An Empirical View of Contract, 1985 Wis. L. Rev. 465; David Campbell, Ian
MacNeil, Relational Theory of Contract (2004).
Process Design
Process design is critical in Multi-Party Agreements. Incentives, accountability,
communications, decision structures and many other factors are balanced and blended
on a project-by-project basis. Paragraphs 3-5 below set forth the factors to consider
in evaluating MPAs. Where these factors differ among Project Alliances, Relational
Contracts or SPEs, those variations are separately discussed.
Decision Making
Ultimate decision making varies between multi-party project models. In Project
Alliances, upper level decisions are made by facilitated consensus. There are no “tie-
breakers” or dispute resolution. This structure forces the parties to negotiate. In a SPE,
ultimate authority vests in a board of directors or board of control. The membership of
this board and its authority are determined on a project-by-project basis. In Relational
Contracts, decisions are discussed and resolved by consensus at the team level, but the
owner retains ultimate authority.
However, decisions need to be made on a micro, as well as a macro, level.
For that reason, the project protocols determine areas of responsibility for decision
making. For example, structural integrity remains the structural engineer’s province and
while other parties may recommend, the structural engineer decides whether a proposed
modification is acceptable. Collaboration needs flexibility, but it also needs structure.
Sequencing and Phasing
With two exceptions, the tasks performed by each party during the project are very
similar to the tasks performed by the parties under the Construction Manager as
Constructor (CMc) project delivery approach. A detailed discussion of those tasks is
contained below in Paragraph VII. b.
The two exceptions occur during Conceptualization and Closeout. At the
beginning of Conceptualization, the team is formed and engages in an intense process
design effort that creates the structure and team work for all that follows. Closeout is
the mirror of process design. It is the stage where the project’s success is evaluated and
the fruits of collaboration distributed. These two efforts form the core of MPAs and are
described in detail in Paragraph VI. 5. iv.
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 35
6 Multi-Party Agreements
Risks and Rewards
Project Alliance
Compensation in the Project Alliance model is used to allocate the
risk of poor project outcomes while creating incentives to achieve
project success and thereby control risk. The owner bears primary
responsibility for major cost overruns. Responsibility for minor
overruns is borne by the non-owner participants who also share in
potential gains. These goals are accomplished through a three-limb
compensation system.
The first limb is the direct cost of designing and executing
the project, including direct costs and field overhead. The second
limb, the pain share, is the normal overhead and profit each non-
owner participant usually receives based on auditing historical
projects. The third limb, the gain share, is a bonus the non-owner
participants obtain if the project is more successful than initially
planned. Whether a non-owner participant will receive compensation
under the second or third limbs depends on whether the project meets
or exceeds its goals. For example, if a project’s direct costs exceed
the anticipated Target Outturn Costs (the jointly agreed anticipated
project cost), the non-owner participants receive their actual costs,
without any corporate overhead or profit. If the project achieves its
goals, the non-owner participants receive their normal overhead and
profit in addition to their costs. If the project exceeds its goals, the
non-owner participants receive a gain share bonus. Because the non-
owner participants never place their direct costs at risk, the owner
is the primary risk bearer for catastrophic overruns. Compensation
is directly tied to project success and thus the participants must
cooperate to maximize their individual returns.
The Project Alliance approach has three principal hurdles.
First, the anticipated outcomes must be accurately described
and quantified. Next, the parties must determine when and how
the outcomes are measured. Finally, formulas must be crafted to
appropriately reward participants for their contribution to the project.
Quantifying outcomes is critical to Project Alliance
success. If the success criteria are quantitative, such as cost-to-budget
or duration-to-schedule, formulas can be created to determine the
level of project success. But even in these simple cases, care must be
taken to correctly set the level for each project criteria. For example,
if the principal criterion is cost, the target must not be too low, thus
making it very difficult for the participants to achieve the goal, nor
too high, which makes achieving the gain share too easy. Moreover, it
is important to clearly delineate what project costs will be used when
comparing to the project goal. Because this negotiation is sensitive
and critical, the assistance of an independent cost estimator may
be useful. Although it is convenient to analyze the Project Alliance
delivery method using cost as the only success variable, Alliances
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 36
6 Multi-Party Agreements
have also used indexes based on quality or other performance goals.
Qualitative goals are more complex, but an index or scoring system
can be used to turn qualitative into quantitative results. To increase
objectivity, a third party can use the scorecards to “grade” the
qualitative goals.
Contingencies are related to project outcome levels and
must be directly addressed. In theory, the Project Alliance approach
does not have explicit contingency funds, but setting the target cost
higher than absolutely necessary effectively creates a design and
construction contingency. Contingency can also be built into the labor
rates used for the direct cost calculations, so these need to be audited
for their relationship to actual cost. If there are contingencies, they
should be explicit, not implicit, and should be managed on a project,
not an individual, basis.
Once targets are established, the parties must determine
when and how they are measured. If cost is the only criteria, it
can generally be determined at project closeout. But if the criteria
include energy efficiency or operational costs, time will be required
to determine success. In this event, an appropriate duration and
testing regime must be developed during process design. It may also
be possible to reserve part of compensation for determination at
this later date. Timing of final measurement may also be affected by
warranty periods.
Measurement of the direct costs is theoretically simple,
but practically complex. Manufacturers, fabricators, contractors and
design professionals all use differing accounting approaches. Because
direct costs can be manipulated to include aspects of overhead,
profit or contingency, it is important that all calculations be based on
completely open books. In addition, the parties may want to retain
an independent accountant to determine how direct costs should be
measured for each party. Accurate measurement of direct costs relates
directly to creating appropriate gain and pain sharing formulas. If
overhead, profit or contingency creep into a party’s direct costs, the
compensation and risk allocation are effectively changed.
The formulas for gain and pain sharing should consider
the parties’ respective contributions, and not simply be based on
a percentage of costs. However, the traditional profitability of
different professions and trades may inform, although not control,
the discussions. It may also be possible to balance contributions
differently depending upon the criterion. For example, the MEP
engineers and contractors may share more liberally in energy savings,
whereas the constructor and designer would have a larger percentage
of overall cost savings.
Single Purpose Entity
In a SPE, participant compensation is divided into two tiers. The first
tier reflects payments by the SPE to the individual participant, either
under a standard contract for services or terms set forth as an exhibit
to the entity’s governance documents. Although infinite variations
are possible, commonly these agreements are cost-plus or negotiated
lump sum-plus fee.
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 37
The second compensation tier is tied to the success of the project
itself. In instances where the SPE independently owns the project,
this second compensation tier is reflected in the value of the
participant’s equity interest. This value is captured by the participant
when the project is sold, or from operational revenues, if the project
is held by the SPE after completion.
In instances where the SPE does not own the project,
and the entity is instead formed solely to facilitate the design and
construction of the project in a fully integrated manner, this second
compensation tier will take the form of an incentive program from
which the equity owners providing services may receive additional
compensation based on a successful project. The methods of
compensation in this instance would be similar to the performance-
based bonuses discussed below in the Relational Contracts section.
The ratio between the value of this second compensation
tier to the amount of direct compensation creates a “spectrum of
integration.” If the second compensation tier predominates, total
compensation is greatly dependent on project success. At this edge
of the spectrum, the SPE compensation plan is somewhat similar to a
Project Alliance. If direct payments predominate, then project success
is a less critical factor and the SPE compensation plan more closely
resembles traditional project delivery methods.
As with Project Alliances, the benefit allocations should be based on
relative risk and the parties’ respective contributions.
Relational Contracts
Compensation in a relational contract varies with the parties’ needs
and creativity. However, the basic approach uses direct cost, a fixed,
negotiated sum for overhead and profit for each participating entity,
and a variable performance-based bonus. The bonus should be tied
to project success, rather than individual goals and can include
criteria such as schedule, quality and performance. The compensation
method may or may not involve a guaranteed maximum price for the
project or any particular scope of work. When guaranteed maximum
prices are provided by each trade, parties may try to reduce their
risk by including contingencies in their individual contract amounts.
However, this artificially raises the estimated project cost because
each individual contingency, when summed, exceeds the contingency
required for the entire team. Thus, one approach requires the parties
to show, through audit if required, that their individual contract
amounts have no additional contingency buried in labor productivity
or overhead rates. The individual contingencies are replaced
with a general project contingency that is available for design or
construction errors.
Setting accurate and fair target outcomes is subject to the
same issues discussed under Project Alliances. In addition, where
aggressive targets are used, i.e., targets that are distinctly better than
traditional outcomes, it may be appropriate to include a compensation
band that is available as an incentive for innovative solutions to
achieve the aggressive targets.
6 Multi-Party Agreements
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 38
Dispute Resolution
Dispute resolution under the Project Alliance model is very simple. The parties
agree to waive any claim against each other except for willful default. As a
result, no dispute resolution mechanism is required among the Project Alliance
SPE and relational contract projects require that dispute resolution
be addressed. In general, the dispute resolution procedures should form
a progression from direct negotiation, to facilitated negotiations (such as
mediation) and finally binding resolution (such as arbitration or litigation).
Regardless of the specific procedure chosen, every emphasis should be placed
on developing a system that encourages and facilitates internal resolution
of disputes. The internal resolution of disputes will allow the integrated and
collaborative process to continue. As the parties are forced to resort to external
dispute resolution procedures, they are taking steps away from integration,
toward the adversarial relationship that exists within the traditional delivery
process. A critical ingredient of IPD is continuity of purpose among the
team members. If the team members must resort to external means of dispute
resolution, that continuity of purpose is destroyed.
Regardless of the MPA type chosen, there will be some project
participants, such as sub-tier constructors, consultants and vendors, that are not
party to the MPA. Contracts with these non-participants should include dispute
resolution provisions and the MPA should determine whether claims of specific
non-participants are the responsibility of the MPA or its individual members. In
addition, all projects have the potential for third-party claims due to structural
or operational failures, personal injuries, economic losses or otherwise. In
general, these third-party risks should be addressed by appropriate insurance.
Risk Allocation
Risk is a function of the likelihood of a loss weighted by its severity. In
contrast, exposure to risk is the number of possible avenues by which loss can
occur. For example, the increased interdependence of collaborative projects
increases the number of parties relying on another party’s contributions and
who could potentially initiate a lawsuit. But the same interdependent web can
reduce the likelihood and severity of loss. Exposure may increase, although true
risk decreases.
Discussions of risk often focus on the liability issues resolved in
courts and arbitration proceedings. However, the business risks faced by design
and construction entities, such as cost overruns, failure to meet project goals,
and market uncertainties, occur far more often and are far more serious than
the liability risks. When evaluating project delivery alternatives, parties should
determine how the different alternatives mitigate the business risks faced by the
project and its participants, as well as how they respond to liability concerns.
6 Multi-Party Agreements
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 39
Project Alliance
Project Outcomes
The risk of poor project outcomes is shared among Project
Alliance participants, but in differing degrees. The non-
owner participants are guaranteed their direct costs and
thus only risk their overhead, profit and potential bonus. In
contrast, the owner’s risk is unlimited, tempered only by the
cost reduction in payments to the non-owner participants.
In larger projects, owners may be able to offset
their risks with insurance related to delay in completion,
operational hazards or other economic risks. The owner’s
risk may also be mitigated by pre-leasing, price guarantees,
or other methods of controlling market risks.
The Project Alliance participants agree to waive liability
among each other except for willful default. Willful default
does not occur unless a party abandons the project. For
all practical purposes, there are no liability concerns
within the Project Alliance. However, the Project Alliance,
and its participants, are still liable for damage inflicted
on third parties. Job site safety, structural collapse, or
other liability concerns must still be addressed. Standard
liability insurance will generally be sufficient to address
third-party incidents, and the unified structure of a Project
Alliance is well suited to Owner Controlled Insurance
Plans (OCIP) or similar wrap-up policies. The insurances
should, in all instances, be reviewed to identify potential
coverage limitations, such as joint-venture exclusions,
professional services exclusions, or limitations on coverage
for construction level services (i.e. means and methods
exclusions in professional liability policies.)
Dispute Resolution
Because liability is released within the Project Alliance,
there are no dispute resolution mechanisms. Decisions
made by and for the Project Alliance are by facilitated
consensus. The parties have agreed to abide those
decisions; as such there can be no further disputes to
6 Multi-Party Agreements
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 40
Single Purpose Entity
Project Outcomes
The SPE bears unlimited responsibility for project
outcomes. However, SPEs are usually limited liability
entities and the risk of catastrophic loss is contained
within the SPE and does not flow through to individual
SPE participants. SPEs often use project financing where
the project value, rather than the participants’ credit,
secures the lender’s investment. If a major loss occurs,
the equity participants risk their equity contributions, but
nothing more. Depending upon prior history, risk and
other concerns, lenders may require individual guarantees,
especially on smaller projects.
Participant Cost Overrun
The participants bear the risk of cost overruns within
their individual scopes of work. The cost overrun risk is a
function of the terms governing the services each party is
providing to the SPE. This risk can be limited, as in a cost-
plus contract, or can be severe, if services are contracted for
a fixed fee or cost. However, the cost overrun risk should
be distinguished from cost increases caused by changes in
scope or differing site conditions, which would normally be
SPE risks, not participant risks.
Participant liability to the SPE and to other participants
is theoretically unlimited, but in practice is often adjusted
by contract. Typical risk management tools are limitations
of liability, consequential damage waivers, waivers of
liability, and waivers of subrogation. Liability to third
parties is as allowed by law, both on behalf of the SPE and
its participants. This is identical to the third-party liability
existing on a conventional project.
Risk management in SPEs can be enhanced by broadened
insurance coverages. Often, the broadened insurance is
obtained through an Owner Controlled Insurance Program
that may have expanded builder’s risk, professional liability
and even delay in start-up or operational risk coverages.
In addition to the risk management benefits, the broader
insurance may make financing easer to achieve. However,
these expanded coverages are available in negotiated
policies, not off-the-shelf coverages, and their availability
is subject to market conditions and the bargaining power of
the project participants.
6 Multi-Party Agreements
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 41
Dispute Resolution
Because SPEs are capable of bringing actions against the
participants, and the participants can bring actions against
each other (perhaps limited by the contractual devices
mentioned above), in the absence of a “no suit” provision,
dispute resolution tools need to be integrated into the
agreements between the SPE and the participants and
should be coordinated between agreements.
Decisions of the SPE are normally made by a Board of
Control with a structure appropriate to the type of legal
entity used by the SPE. Control may be in proportion
to equity interest, but that is a decision the parties will
make on a project by project basis. When disputes arise
between participants or between the SPE and participants,
they should be resolved through an escalating program of
direct negotiation, facilitated negotiation and then binding
resolution by arbitration or litigation. Another approach
is to use a standing arbitration panel, project neutral, or
a dispute review board, to either resolve, or recommend
resolution, of disputes as they arise.
Relational Contracts
Project Outcomes
Under relational contracts, the owner bears the ultimate
risk that the project does not meet financial or performance
goals. This risk may be mitigated, to the extent that a
guaranteed maximum price has been established, a profit
participation agreement is reached, or possible recoveries
against participants for negligence or breach of their
contracts is pursued. The participants also risk the variable
portion of their compensation, such as a bonus opportunity
or innovation fund.
Participant Cost Overrun
Participants may or may not bear the risk that their costs
will exceed compensation due under their contracts. The
more of this risk that is borne by the participants, the more
likely that they will seek to protect against this risk by
including contingencies in their pricing. If each participant
bears the risk of cost overruns, it becomes more akin to
conventional project delivery approaches. However, even
in these scenarios, the potential for shared gain reduces the
likelihood of occurrence.
6 Multi-Party Agreements
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 42
Within the project, parties are responsible for their own
errors and omissions. This is a distinctive difference
between Project Alliances, where intramural liability is
waived, and relational contracts that retain individual
accountability. As with SPEs, the extent of liability can be
adjusted through indemnity, limitation of liability, waiver of
consequential damages, waivers of liability to the extent of
insurance coverage, and waivers of subrogation. In addition,
if a project contingency is used, some portion of error and
omissions risk can be absorbed by the project contingency
fund. Liability to third parties is essentially unchanged by
the relational contract project delivery approach.
Conventional insurance products are used by the
participants in relational contract projects. Each participant
purchases its own insurance, which protects it against its
own liability. But the policies should be carefully reviewed
against the services each party will provide. If a contractor
is providing incidental design or design-build services,
Contractor’s Professional Liability coverage should be
obtained. If designers will be assisting with sequencing
or other construction level services, the policies should be
reviewed for exclusions that might limit coverage for means
and methods or construction-related activities.
Dispute Resolution
Relational contracts use team-based decision processes.
However, the team ultimately works for the owner and
the owner retains final decision rights. Disputes within
the project are resolved through an escalating negotiation
process of structured negotiation, facilitated negotiation,
and the binding resolution through arbitration or litigation.
Closeout of a MPA mirrors the complexity seen in process formation. Timing,
substance and process issues must be addressed when crafting the closeout
Closeout will be used to determine whether the project has met its
initial goals. If time and price are the only criteria, it should be possible to close
out these financial aspects shortly after substantial completion. However, if the
criteria also include longer term goals, such as energy efficiency, maintenance
costs, or productivity, then final assessments must be deferred until the project
has been commissioned and operated through a full season or other operational
cycle. Qualitative goals, such as quality, aesthetics, or creativity may require
additional time to determine as well.
Warranty periods should be correlated with Closeout procedures. If
there are adequate guarantees of warranty compliance, Closeout may proceed
before warranties expire. However, if complying with warranties is a concern,
Closeout may need to be deferred until after the warranty period expires.
6 Multi-Party Agreements
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 43
Where quantitative criteria are used, the Closeout procedures should be
determined during process design. Specific commissioning protocols and
calculations should be developed during project design. Criteria such as money
and time, should be agreed to by the parties, or if agreement cannot be reached,
verified by independent audit.
Qualitative criteria must be reduced to quantities before they can be
used in compensation formulas. This has been accomplished using weighted
scoring sheets completed by independent advisors.
6 Multi-Party Agreements
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 44
The Principles of Integrated Project Delivery set forth in Paragraph
III, the issues identified in Paragraph IV, Setting Up an Integrated
Project, and the implementation techniques set forth in Paragraph
V, Delivering an Integrated Project, can be applied to any delivery
model on any project. The topics above are common to any
project seeking to become more integrated. However, certain
characteristics of a particular project or delivery model may affect
the level of integration that can be achieved. In some instances,
participants may be required to use a delivery model that does
not allow a constructor to be involved early in conceptualization
(i.e. Design-Bid-Build). Other models, however, rely on earlier
constructor involvement and would be more amenable to utilizing
IPD methods (i.e. Construction Manager at Risk and Design-
Build). In any event, each of the traditional delivery methods
presents unique challenges to integration.
The following section addresses some of the more popular
traditional delivery models, their inherent challenges to integration,
particular issues for consideration, and potential ways to address
these challenges and issues.
Multi-Prime is commonly utilized within a Design-Bid-Build process. In Multi-Prime
project delivery, the owner contracts directly with multiple contractors or trades to
complete construction. Thus, the owner acts as the general contractor/construction
manager on its own project. The method optimizes the owner’s control over the trades
and reduces construction cost by eliminating the general contractor/construction
manager’s fee and general conditions costs. In essence, the owner is thought to get the
project “wholesale.
Multi-Prime project delivery requires that the owner provide substantial
management services of the various participants’ efforts. Accordingly, the owner must
have extensive experience and internal resources to write individual trade contracts,
facilitate buy out, verify and process progress payments, respond to RFI’s, address and
execute change orders, prepare lien releases, insurance claims, safety programs disputes
and claims typically managed by a general contractor or construction manager.
Opportunities for IPD
The traditional Multi-Prime model may be modified to achieve many
of the benefits of Integrated Project Delivery. Though typically used for
Design-Bid-Build project delivery, Multi-Prime can be adapted into Design-
Build, Negotiated Select Team, and other models depending on when it is
advantageous to select the trade contractors, the degree of risk to be transferred
7 Delivery Model Commentary
Diagram 1
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 45
to each trade contractor, the jurisdictions overseeing the project and the degree
to which the owner wants to adopt an integrated process. In all organization
models, however, the owner maintains the central role in the design and
construction process.
Opportunities for integration are increased in delivery methods where
the constructor can be brought early into the project, such as Design-Build.
Within this model, the owner and designer can develop a bridging document,
competitively bid completion of the design and construction to individual
trades, and hold separate contracts for each Design-Build trade contractor.
The same opportunity exists for both public and private projects. In addition,
however, private projects can also utilize aspects of Select Negotiated Teams.
In this scenario, owners can negotiate with individual trades to provide pre-
construction services on a fee basis and construction services on a fixed cost or
cost-plus basis.
Challenges to IPD
Integration relies heavily on a collaborative team in which the team members
have a certain level of equality in decision making. In this regard the primary
benefit of Multi-Prime, the optimization of owner control, can serve as its
biggest challenge to integration. In Multi-Prime, the owner stands in a naturally
authoritative position and garners an extensive amount of responsibility by
virtue of its experience and familiarity with the construction process. The
owner’s authoritative position, coupled with its ability to go forward with
limited input from those it has contracted with, has the potential to stifle the
collaborative process.
If the parties wish to implement an integrated form of Multi-Prime,
the owner must pay special attention to team building and avoid creating a
barrier to collaboration between the design side and construction side (which is
directly related to the owner in multi-prime). To achieve integration in Multi-
Prime, given the owner’s position with the virtual organization, the owner
must have or acquire expertise in team formation and building for creating a
collaborative enterprise.
An additional challenge Multi-Prime presents to implementing IPD,
which is not unique to this delivery model, is the separation of contracts. The
owner is required to negotiate separate contracts with the designer and the
various prime contractors it has decided to utilize. Not only does this present a
potentially disjointed team, it necessitates additional care on the owner’s part
to ensure identical processes and procedures are part of the various contracts.
When faced with a potentially large and disjointed project team, contract
terms establishing common processes and performance requirements aids in
aligning behavior among the team members. In order to address this need for
commonality among the various agreements, the owner must either negotiate
coherency of all agreements or a set of general conditions all the parties agree
to be governed by apart from their individual contracts. The owner may also,
as opposed to adoption of general conditions, choose to negotiate a teaming
agreement among the parties to control their interrelated activities.
Finally, when Multi-Prime is used for Design-Bid-Build, which is the
typical scenario, it offers few opportunities for IPD, as detailed in Paragraph
VII. d.
7 Delivery Model Commentary
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 46
Construction Manager at Risk
“Construction Management” is a generic phrase applied to a variety of project delivery
scenarios in which specific Construction Management services are called for in addition
to the general services a constructor traditionally provides. The construction manager
is hired early in the design process to deliver an early cost commitment and to manage
issues of schedule, cost, construction, and building technology. CMc (Construction
Manager - Constructor) differs from CMa (Construction Manager - Adviser) by virtue
of the construction responsibilities assumed. When the construction manager and
constructor are one and the same, the construction manager assumes all the liability and
responsibility of a general contractor, which is why this particular delivery system is
known not only as CMc but also as Construction Manager at Risk.
Observations/commentary on characteristics of model
CMc offers the same direct owner-architect and owner-contractor contractual
relationship as Design-Bid-Build: the advisory benefits of CMa, and the early
cost commitment characteristic of Design-Build. It differs from Design-
Build in that design remains the responsibility of an architect, who has
contracted independently with the owner. The CMc delivery model introduces
the constructor prior to construction to oversee scheduling, cost control,
constructability, and to bring additional expertise to project management,
building technology, and bidding or negotiation of construction contracts. In the
CMc model, the constructor is typically selected through a qualifications-based
selection early in the design phase and paid a fee for services performed in the
design phase (although owners sometimes competitively bid CMc contracts, the
AIA doesn’t encourage that practice). The principles of integration suggest that
the construction manager should be involved in the project as soon as feasibly
possible. Indeed, in one variation of CMc, Negotiated Select Team (NST), the
owner contracts with the CMc at the beginning of design, if not even earlier.
Opportunities for IPD
The CMc delivery model is particularly well-suited to IPD. The constructor
already serves as construction manager during the preconstruction portion
of the project, thereby achieving a primary goal of IPD, bringing all relevant
parties into the delivery process early, when decisions have the greatest impact
on performance.
The difference between the traditional and integrated CMc delivery
models is not a difference in the structural models themselves, so much as it is
an enhancement of the collaborative opportunities between the parties. Whereas
the traditional CMc delivery model, in which the CMc is brought onto the
project prior to construction but otherwise follows traditional service scopes for
both architect and constructor, might be considered at least partially integrated,
a fully integrated CMc project might see the architect and the constructor
working with the owner to establish project goals, utilize BIM, and adopt other
principles of integration and implementation techniques.
Construction manage-ment is appropriate to public and private
projects of almost any scale, on which budget or schedule must be closely
monitored; or extensive coordination of design consultants or trade contractors
is required. Because work performed by trade contractors is typically bid, CMc
7 Delivery Model Commentary
multiple prime
Diagram 2
Construction Manager at Risk
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 47
satisfies the bidding requirements of most public procurement codes. As a
result, in instances where a bid delivery method is required, CMc offers the best
potential for approximating fully integrated delivery.
Challenges to IPD
The principal criticisms of Construction Manager/Advisor (CMa), in which the
Construction Manager is a fourth party to the project, have historically been
the ambiguous assumption of responsibilities conven-tionally held by architect
and constructor, and the insertion of a fourth party to serve as a filter between
the owner and the architect or contractor; but when the construction manager is
also the constructor, these concerns are minimized.
Similarly to Multi-Prime, separation of contracts poses a challenge
to implementing IPD in the CMc delivery model. The owner must negotiate
separate contracts with its designer and constructor. As with Multi-Prime, in
order to achieve commonality of purpose and processes to achieve that purpose,
the owner will either negotiate coherency among the agreements or require
adoption of a set of general conditions or teaming agreement controlling the
parties’ behavior.
Design-Build is characterized by a single point of responsibility for both design and
construction activities. The owner often chooses Design-Build to transfer risk and
coordination effort to one contractual entity and to assure a higher level of coordination.
The owner’s role in Design-Build has typically required heavy involvement early in
defining the project criteria, followed by less management later on as the design-builder
executes the project in conformance with the established criteria.
Many owners choose Design-Build in order to reduce project-based risk. By
combining design and construction under a single entity, coordination, constructability
and cost-of-change is presumed to be improved. Most of the risk is borne by the design-
builder, often in exchange for retaining some or all of any savings identified.
The design-builder accepts the owner’s design criteria and exerts greater
control over the project from thereon. Project success is often measured by improved
project delivery time or cost savings found by the design-builder as compared to the
agreed-upon Guaranteed Maximum Price. The burden is on the owner to be clear on the
acceptable level of quality expectations through descriptive, quantitiative or performance
requirements in the owner’s design criteria.
Design-Build procurement may take many forms including, but not limited to:
1) qualifications only selection, 2) best value selection with criteria documents provided
by the owner, or 3) price driven selection with detailed bridging documents provided by
the owner, This broad spectrum sets the stage for various levels of integration that may be
possible under design-build.
Opportunities for IPD
Design-Build is contractually very well-suited for increasing collaboration
among the design and construction team members. The designer and
constructor are both retained at the same time so can implement IPD principles
from the start. Also, members of the Design-Build team often have self-selected
7 Delivery Model Commentary
design-build team
Diagram 3
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 48
to work together and have established a rapport and methodology for working
together. The owner is also a part of the Design-Build team and may require
any level of involvement desired.
Challenges to IPD
Like many of the other traditional models, one of the more common
characteristics of Design-Build serves as one of its largest challenges to
IPD. Under traditional Design-Build, the owner usually participates through
completion of the design and then seeks to minimize input and involvement
to protect the clear silos of responsibility and risk. As a result, opportunities
for project improvement and innovation are, unfortunately, also minimized.
Accordingly, in order to achieve integration, the owner must adjust its
traditional involvement in Design-Build. The increased owner involvement
necessary for IPD is a significant shift from traditional Design-Build delivery
and should be reflected in the owner/design-builder agreement.
Beyond mere increased involvment on the project, the owner
may consider other changes that will increase the level of integration on the
project. In addition to initiating, funding and establishing design criteria for
the project, the owner may want to alter the compensation model to create
incentives for the Design-Build team to seek project improvements rather than
reduced first cost. Linking compensation to project goals such as building
performance, sustainability, and accelerated delivery can be used to promote
greater collaboration and better outcomes. Establishing a target cost, deferring
or eliminating a GMP, and using open book accounting for project costs fosters
owner collaboration throughout the project cycle.
Integrated Design-Build becomes a shared, multi-point responsibility.
The input, responsibility and decision making is distributed among the team as
appropriate and coordinated by the design-builder. The architect does not hold
the same contractual relationship to the owner under Design-Build, unless the
architect serves as the design-builder. However, there is still a duty to deliver
the owner’s defined project, assist the design-builder in achieving project
success, and safeguard the public. The open, collaborative nature of integrated
Design-Build makes the task easier.
Existing standard form contracts for Design-Build can be easily
modified to reflect an integrated delivery approach. Single point responsibility
of the Design-Builder allows collaboration among parties under the design-
builder’s control with little modification. The Design-Build delivery method
has been established long enough to be a well-understood baseline. Achieving
an integrated approach is mostly a matter of adding clarity of roles and scope
of service rather than altering the fundamental structure of the Design-Build
agreement. Inclusion of additional early participants and their roles and
responsibilities should be clearly stated. Requirements for design consultants
to collaborate, transfer model data and incorporate input from related trade
contractors and vendors should be added.
Costing under the traditional Design-Build agreement is usually fixed
early in the form of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) or lump sum, with
most of the risks borne by the design-builder. Deferring the GMP until later
in the process allows the benefits of the early trade involvement, model-based
decision making, and collaborative efforts to be achieved before costs are
finalized. The agreement should reflect flexibility in the agreed-upon process
and timing for establishing and maintaning the project budget.
7 Delivery Model Commentary
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 49
Compensation for the design-builder is often determined on a percentage of
construction cost either fixed or subject to a GMP. A formula for sharing any
achieved savings below the GMP cost may be determined. The efficiencies of an
integrated approach may identify savings over a traditional baseline approach.
That savings may form part of the design-builder’s compensation. As integrated
projects become prevalent or even the norm, such comparitive savings may
become less useful as a project metric for determining shared savings.
A portion of compensation attributed to achieving (or missing)
project goals is another possible incentive compensaation method. The design-
builder may put portions of anticipated profit at-risk against the goals or
additional compensation may be made available for going beyond a baseline
measure. Portions of the design-builder’s services such as criteria development,
evaluating alternatives, and other work prior to establishing the GMP or lump
sum may be compensated on a time and material basis.
Design Bid Build (DBB) is unquestionably the most prevalent delivery model for a
construction project in the United States’ construction industry. One reason is that the
delivery model offers the owner the market advantage of open competition through a
regimented design phase followed by separate bid and construction phases. Additionally,
many governments dictate that “open bidding” be used in state construction projects, thus
substantive early involvement of the eventual constructor is prohibited.
In a DBB project the owner initially enters into a contract with the designer
for design services. The designer works with the owner to develop the owner’s project
requirements, from which point the designer develops a design. That design is then put
out for bid, allowing the owner to select a constructor for the project. Upon the owner’s
selection of a contractor based on the bids received, the project proceeds to construction.
The project is designed with little, if any, input from the parties actually constructing the
project. As a result a significant amount of constructability and/or coordination issues are
not discovered and resolved until construction.
Opportunities for IPD
DBB offers very few opportunities for true integration. Based on its structure,
the DBB delivery model does not permit early involvement of the constructor in
the design process.
Challenges to IPD
As noted above, due to DBB’s rigid phase system, DBB does not naturally
lend itself to integration. Indeed, of all the current delivery models, DBB offers
the least possibility for integration. The hallmark of IPD is early involvement
of all the primary project participants. Under a traditional DBB process, the
constructor is not involved until after the design is completed. While DBB
cannot be integrated, it can be improved through the utilization of some of the
principles and tools of integration discussed above.
IPD requires the earliest possible involvement of the constructor.
While a DBB structure will not allow the constructor to be involved from the
beginning of the project, there are options. For example, the owner and the
7 Delivery Model Commentary
Diagram 4
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 50
architect can consider bidding the project at the earliest stage possible. As part
of the request for bids, the owner and architect would express their intent and
desire to proceed in an integrated fashion upon acceptance of bids. At that
point, the parties would proceed, to the greatest extent possible, as set forth in
the implementation phase described above.
Owners that choose to proceed under this adaptation of traditional
DBB must be aware that the project will be bid on less complete construction or
bidding documents than is the case in traditional DBB projects. This early bid
process, however, allows the owner to reap the greatest benefit from integration
by allowing the constructor to bring its expertise on constructability, etc to bear
on the project at a much earlier stage in design.
The consequence of early bids is a loss in their accuracy and the
receipt of bids containing large contingencies. The bottom line impact of
this fact can be alleviated by adjusting the manner in which hard budgets are
established, allowing then to be reset following the constructors contribution
to developing more complete implementation documents. The owner will
also have to expect that there will be added amounts of redesign that the
designer will have to perform as a result of this process, which will require an
adjustment to the traditional ways designers are compensated for such redesign
It should also be noted that a standard DBB project, or any project
for that matter, would benefit from developing a strong team following bid
acceptance. Byproducts of a strong team are a greater commitment to the
project, improved communications and a willingness to work through disputes
rather than resorting to an adversarial mentality. Although a traditional
DBB project cannot be integrated, it can still benefit from the principles of
7 Delivery Model Commentary
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 51
“People seek change, but do not want to be changed”
—Peter Senge, “The Fifth Discipline”
While change is never easy, it is achievable.
The industry is changing. Technologies are allowing great advances in efficiency and
accuracy, but changes in processes are even more significant in new delivery methods.
To be successful, an integrated project requires that the designer, constructor, owner
and other participants in the enterprise take on new roles and competencies. This is a
significant change in culture for all team members.
However, the change may not as daunting as one might think. Generational
skill sets (i.e. communication skills of baby boomers vs technology skills of the X or Y
generations) yield surprising depth in necessary talent within existing firms in all areas of
industry. The leveraging of those talents with the addition of effective collaboration with
key project participants earlier than is traditional yields a formula for success.
What is next?
Clearly defined new business models that provide a collaborative framework for the
integrated project team, clearly defining new roles and responsibilities of each participant,
minimizing risk, maximizing shared respect, reward and recognition, and providing
incentives for taking on new processes.
What is the AIA doing?
The AIA is collaborating with a number of organizations to enhance technology and
interoperability platforms and develop industry wide processes, standards and metrics.
Listed below are a just a few such examples:
National BIM standards—The AIA is working with the National Institute of
Building Science (NIBS) on the important topics of National BIM standards
and interoperability through buildingSMARTalliance. These are efforts open to
all; the input of practitioners is essential to their success.
Construction Users Roundtable relationships—Through the 3xPT Strategy
Group and Productivity Committee, the AIA is working on delivering
guidelines and metrics for integrated delivery.
McGraw Hill SmartMarket Report on Interoperability—Sponsored in part
by the AIA, released in October 2007, this report builds the business case for
interoperability in a transformed industry.
IPD Presentations—The members of the AIAs Integrated Practice Discussion
Group and AIA California Council give many informational presentations each
year, at component events across the country.
IPD Pre-Convention Events—The AIA holds an event focused on IPD-related
topics each year on the day(s) before the National Convention, offering a
number of sessions valuable to all project participants.
8 Conclusions and Next Steps
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 52
8 Conclusion and Next Steps
What can you do?
Break down traditional barriers or silos of effort. Develop a confidence in information
sharing. Actively participate in discussion groups that push toward an effective,
collaborative approach to information sharing.
Require the project team to utilize integrated Building Information Modeling
technology. Consider a full-team work area with multiple screens for display of project
images for real-time collaborative issue resolution. Propose new approaches to team
compensation based on value and long term outcomes. Seek resources.
Talk. Share. Collaborate. Experiment.
Change is happening. Change is now.
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 53
4D Building Information Model
A model that incorporates the dimension of time used to visualize a construction
5D Building Information Model
A model that incorporates cost data, used to automate quantity takeoffs for cost
estimating. Coupled with 4D, it can be used to predict cash flow.
Describes a decision making standard where decisions are measured against shared goals
/ objectives about what’s best for the project vs individual stakeholder outcomes.
Building Information Model
A Building Information Model, (BIM) is a digital representation of physical and
functional characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource
for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its
lifecycle from inception onward. A basic premise of BIM is a collaboration by different
stakeholders at different phases of the life cycle of a facility to insert, extract, update or
modify information in the BIM to support and reflect the roles of that stakeholder. The
BIM is a shared digital representation founded on open standards for interoperability.
Source: National Building Information Model Standard (NBIMS) committee. For a more
complete definition, see
Buyout is the process of obtaining price commitments for all work packages in a project.
There are several methods by which this can be accomplished, ranging from sealed bids
to direct negotiations. In the IPD approach most of the price commitments are developed
through a continuous effort, with many of the trade contractors and suppliers participating
in the design and refining their prices as the project progresses.
Buyout Phase
The Buyout phase in IPD is limited to obtaining price commitments from subs and
suppliers who weren’t involved during the design phases.
The party on the project responsible for performing and overseeing construction by its
own and/or hired forces.
Cost Model
A breakdown of the construction and project budget into detailed “cost targets.” The
construction budget is developed in both a detailed component(s) based format and
a CSI based format based on the project’s goals, detailed program and performance
requirements. The cost targets are developed collaboratively by the integrated team prior
to commencing the conceptualization phase of the project process. The structure provides
the benchmark for the team to support continuous cost management as the project
progresses to ensure that it will be completed within the targeted budget.
The design professional on the project responsible for performing and overseeing overall
project design.
9 Glossary
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 54
9 Glossary
Design Consultant
The professional consultant(s) on the project responsible for performing and overseeing
design in specific areas of the work (i.e., structural, mechanical, landscape, electrical,
civil, etc.)
Integrated Project Coordinator
An individual responsible for overall facilitation, coordination and direction of the
integrated team. This role may or may not shift among members of the team depending
on delivery model and project phase. Leadership and consensus building skills are critical
to this role. In some instances, this role may be filled by an outside party.
Key Supporting Participant
A person or organization whose contribution is critically necessary to achieve project
goals but is not a primary participant.
The coming together of primary participants (which could include owner, designer,
constructor, design consultants, and trade contractors, key systems suppliers, etc,) at the
beginning of a project, for the purpose of designing and constructing the project together
as a team.
Open Book
Common usage term for the contractual rights owners have to review and audit the
financial records of contractors performing cost-plus contracts.
Open Interoperability Standards
Non-proprietary protocols and data structures that support the exchange or joint use of
digital information by differing software tools.
Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP)
A comprehensive, project specific insurance program obtained by the owner and intended
to cover all key project participants. An OCIP can include coverages for builder’s risk,
workmen’s compensation, comprehensive general liability and professional liability. The
specific details of coverage, and the allocation of premium cost, are unique to a specific
project. In some instances, similar coverage can be obtained by the contractor on behalf
the project as a Contractor Controlled Insurance Program (CCIP). OCIP and CCIP are
sometimes generically referred to as “wrap insurance.
Primary Participant
Core group of team members involved in and responsible for the project from inception
through completion.
Process Design
The crafting of the process and protocols which the IPD will follow throughout the course
of the project. Process design is facilitated by the IPC.
Project Alliance Agreement
In a Project Alliance, the key participants collectively assume responsibility for agreed
project performance. The profit (or loss) to each participant is determined by the team’s
success in meeting project goals, not individual performance. The shared opportunities
and responsibilities align the parties’ interests and provide an incentive for collaboration
and blame-free performance. To further enhance the collaborative process, all decisions
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 55
must be unanimous, disputes must be resolved without litigation and within the Alliance,
and compensation is determined on an open-book basis.
Relational Contracts
Construction contracts that focus on communications and relationships between the
parties as well as their specific rights, obligations and deliverables.
Single Purpose Entity (SPE)
An independent legal entity created to accomplish a specific project. Often a limited
liability company or a limited liability partnership, the single purpose entity is generally
dissolved once the project is completed and its financial goals achieved.
Target Value Design Process
The process of establishing early financial targets for the project, and then designing to an
associated detailed estimate rather than estimating a detailed design. Iterative in nature.
Virtual Organization
Refers to the assembled project team in an IPD. While not a business entity, it is project
specific, organized around project goals not participants and may use co-location to
increase efficiencies in communication.
9 Glossary
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 56
National Institute of Building Sciences, National BIM Standards (NBIMS) Committee
many related articles on Integrated Project Delivery, Building Information Modeling
U.S. General Services Administration
the Nation’s largest facility owner and manager’s program to use innovative 3D, 4D, and
BIM technologies to complement, leverage, and improve existing technologies to achieve
major quality and productivity improvements.
The American Institute of Architects
Integrated Practice information
The American Institute of Architects, California Council
resources related to IPD including Frequently Asked Questions
Associated General Contractors of America
BIM Guide for Contractors
McGraw-Hill Construction
source for design and construction industry information regarding IPD
Construction Users Roundtable (CURT)
owners’ views on the need for Integrated Project Delivery
Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate
standards related to information sharing/BIM
Open Geospatial Consortium
an international, voluntary consensus standards organization that is leading the
development of standards for geospatial and location based services
a consortium of leading capital project industry owners, engineering construction
contractors and technology suppliers that provides global leadership in development and
deployment of fully integrated and automated technologies
LEAN Construction Institute
a non-profit corporation dedicated to conducting research to develop knowledge regarding
project based production management in the design, engineering, and construction of
capital facilities.
10 Resources
Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide 57
10 Resources
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Cost Analysis of Inadequate Interoperability in the U.S. Capital Facilities Industry
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
UNIFORMAT II Elemental Classification for Building Specifications, Cost Estimating,
and Cost Analysis
a classification structure for electronic databases
Construction Specifications Institute
Design Build Institute of America (DBIA)
library of information and case studies related to design build
Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE)
research center for Virtual Design and Construction AEC industry projects
International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) / buildingSMART Alliance
an international organization working to facilitate software interoperability and
information exchange in the AEC/FM industry