© Kantar Public 2021
Community Life Survey
2023/24 Online Questionnaire
© Kantar Public 2021
1. Demographics 3
2. Identity and social networks 9
3. Your community 14
4. Civic engagement 20
5. Local facilities 24
6. Volunteering 28
7. Social action 40
8. Pride in Place and Life Chances 45
9. Subjective wellbeing 53
10. Anti-social behaviour 57
11. Demographics Part 2 58
© Kantar Public 2021
1. Demographics
SampleSplitFlag Hidden variable
SCRIPTING NOTE: Some questions are only asked of part of the sample. This variable will be
used as the filter for those questions and is piped in from the sample file.
Split of sample into three random sample groups…
1. Sample Group 1
2. Sample Group 2
3. Sample Group 3
Thank you for choosing to take part in the Community Life Survey.
We are interested in hearing your views on your local area and community. We will also ask some
questions about yourself (such as your ethnicity) so we can see how experiences and opinions
differ among different groups. Please answer the questions as honestly as you can; we appreciate
that some of these topics may be sensitive to you and therefore you will have the option to move
on if you prefer not to answer.
Please be assured that all data we collect from you will be processed in adherence to the Market
Research Society’s Code of Conduct, Data Protection law, and our Privacy Policy.
Please click the forward button to start the survey.
In this first section we would like to find out a little about your household.
The information is used to understand the experiences of different groups and will not identify you
or anyone in your household.
NUMADULTS [ASK ALL] Single coded
Including yourself how many adults aged 16 or over are currently living in your household? If you
live by yourself, please enter 1.
Please only include people aged 16 or over. By household we mean
one person living alone; or
a group of people (not necessarily related) living at the same address who share cooking
facilities and share a living room or sitting room or dining area.
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9
10. 10+
© Kantar Public 2021
We would like to gather some information about [IF NUMADULTS=1: yourself, IF
NUMADULTS >1: each person aged 16 or over in the household, starting with you,] so that we can
understand the experiences of different types of households.
What is your age?
998 Prefer not to say
© Kantar Public 2021
Which of the following age bands are you in?
1. 16 to 17
2. 18 to 19
3. 20 to 24
4. 25 to 29
5. 30 to 34
6. 35 to 39
7. 40 to 44
8. 45 to 49
9. 50 to 54
10. 55 to 59
11. 60 to 64
12. 65 to 69
13. 70 to 74
14. 75 to 79
15. 80 to 84
16. 85 or over
998 Prefer not to say
SEX [ASK ALL] Single coded
What is your sex?
A question about gender identity will follow.
1. Female
2. Male
998 Prefer not to say
GENDERI [ASK ALL] Single coded
Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?
If you do not wish to answer, please select prefer not to say.
1. Yes
2. No, type in gender identity (type in)
998 Prefer not to say
© Kantar Public 2021
MARS [ASK ALL] Single coded
What is your legal marital or registered civil partnership status?
1. Never married and never legally registered in a civil partnership
2. Married
3. In a legally registered civil partnership
4. Separated, but still legally married
5. Separated, but still legally in a civil partnership
6. Divorced
7. Formerly in a civil partnership which is now legally dissolved
8. Widowed
9. A surviving member of a legally registered civil partnership
998. Prefer not to say
LIVE [ASK IF NUMADULTS = 2-10 AND MARS = 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,998] Single coded
Are you living with someone in this household as a couple?
1. Yes
2. No
998. Prefer not to say
How many children aged under 16 currently live in your household?
998. Prefer not to say
NCHIL2 [ASK IF NCHIL = 1-10] Numeric
And how many of your own children aged under 16 currently live in your household, including any
children that you have formally adopted or fostered?
ChildCheck [ASK IF NCHIL2> NCHIL] Check screen
You said that [NCHILD] children under 16 live in your household but there are [NCHIL2] of your
own children under 16 living in your household. Please go back and check your responses.
Send back to Nchild
© Kantar Public 2021
BCAGE31-10 [ASK IF NCHIL2>0] Single coded
How old is your child?
1. 0 to 4
2. 5 to 10
3. 11 to 15
998 Prefer not to say
(IF NCHIL2 = 2-10)
You said that you currently live with [NCHIL2] of your own or formally adopted or fostered children
in this household. Please select the age band which applies to each child, starting with the oldest
LOOP: Set up as separate questions (each on their own screen), age in the sequence depending
on how many children live in the household.
Oldest child
Second oldest child
Third oldest child
Fourth oldest
Fifth oldest
Sixth oldest
Seventh oldest
Eighth oldest
Ninth oldest
Tenth oldest
1. 0 to 4
2. 5 to 10
3. 11 to 15
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
YChildFlag Dummy variable
Presence of own children aged under 11 or under 5 in the household
1. Yes under 11 ( IF ANY BCAGE31-10 = 1 or 2)
2. Yes under 5 (IF ANY BCAGE31-10 = 1)
3. No (ELSE)
© Kantar Public 2021
REL [ASK IF NUMADULTS= 2 - 10+ or (NUMADULTS = 1 and Nchil>0)] Multicoded
Using the list below, please select all of the people you live with. Please include everyone you live
with including adults and children.
Please select all that apply.
1. A husband, wife, civil partner or other cohabiting partner
2. Son or daughter(s) including adopted/step/foster
3. Brother or sister(s) including adopted/step/foster
4. Parent(s) including step/foster
5. Grandparents
6. Another relative(s)
7. Non-relative(s)
998 Prefer not to say
© Kantar Public 2021
2. Identity and social networks
SIntro6 [ASK ALL] Text
Now some questions about your friends.
SRace [ASK ALL] Single coded
What proportion of your friends are of the same ethnic group as you?
1. All the same as me
2. More than a half
3. About a half
4. Less than a half
5. Don't have any friends
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
SFaith [ASK IF SRACE<>5] Single coded
What proportion of your friends are of the same religious group as you?
1. All the same as me
2. More than a half
3. About a half
4. Less than a half
5. Not part of any religious group
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
Sage [ASK IF SRACE<>5] Single coded
What proportion of your friends are of the same age group as you?
1. All the same as me
2. More than a half
3. About a half
4. Less than a half
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
SEduc [ASK IF SRACE<>5] Single coded
What proportion of your friends have a similar level of education to you?
1. All the same as me
2. More than a half
© Kantar Public 2021
3. About a half
4. Less than a half
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
RelMix [ASK IF SampleSplitFlag = 1] Multicoded
In the last 12 months, have you mixed socially with people from different religious groups in any
of the following places?
By ‘mixed socially’, we mean interacting with someone more than just to say hello.
Please choose all that apply.
1. At your home or their home
2. At work, school or college
3. At your child’s crèche, nursery or school
4. At a pub, café or restaurant
5. At a group, club or organisation you belong to (for example, a sports club or social club)
6. At the shops
7. At a place of worship
8. In public parks
9. In public buildings (for example, community centres or libraries)
10. I haven’t mixed socially with people from different religious groups [*Exclusive]
11. Some other place (type in)
999. Don’t know
EthMix [ASK IF SampleSplitFlag = 1] Multicoded
In the last 12 months, have you mixed socially with people from different ethnic groups in any of
the following places?
By ‘mixed socially’, we mean interacting with someone more than just to say hello.
Please choose all that apply.
1. At your home or their home
2. At work, school or college
3. At your child’s crèche, nursery or school
4. At a pub, café or restaurant
5. At a group, club or organisation you belong to (for example, a sports club or social club)
6. At the shops
7. At a place of worship
8. In public parks
9. In public buildings (for example, community centres or libraries)
10. I haven’t mixed socially with people from different ethnic groups [EXCLUSIVE]
11. Some other place (type in)
© Kantar Public 2021
999. Don’t know
FamIntro [ASK ALL] Text
The next few questions are about how often you personally contact your family members and
friends. Please do not include any people you live with.
Scripting note: Please set up FrndRel1-4 as a matrix grid.
FrndRel1 [ASK ALL] Single coded
On average, how often do you meet up in person with family members or friends?
1. More than once a day
2. Once a day
3. 2 to 3 times per week
4. About once a week
5. About once a fortnight
6. About once a month
7. Less often than once a month
8. Never
999. Don’t know
FrndRel2 [ASK ALL] Single coded
On average, how often do you speak on the phone or video or audio call via the internet with
family members or friends?
1. More than once a day
2. Once a day
3. 2 to 3 times per week
4. About once a week
5. About once a fortnight
6. About once a month
7. Less often than once a month
8. Never
999. Don’t know
FrndRel3 [ASK ALL] Single coded
On average, how often do you email or write to family members or friends?
1. More than once a day
2. Once a day
3. 2 to 3 times per week
4. About once a week
5. About once a fortnight
© Kantar Public 2021
6. About once a month
7. Less often than once a month
8. Never
999. Don’t know
FrndRel4 [ASK ALL] Single coded
On average, how often do you exchange text messages or instant messages with family members
or friends?
1. More than once a day
2. Once a day
3. 2 to 3 times per week
4. About once a week
5. About once a fortnight
6. About once a month
7. Less often than once a month
8. Never
999. Don’t know
Scripting note: Set up FrndSat1-2 as a matrix grid.
FrndSat1 [ASK IF SampleSplitFlag = 1] Single coded
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
If I needed help, there are people who would be there for me.
1. Definitely agree
2. Tend to agree
3. Tend to disagree
4. Definitely disagree
998. Prefer not to say
FrndSat2 [ASK IF SampleSplitFlag = 1] Single coded
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
If I wanted company or to socialise, there are people I can call on.
1. Definitely agree
2. Tend to agree
3. Tend to disagree
4. Definitely disagree
998. Prefer not to say
© Kantar Public 2021
Counton1 [ASK IF SampleSplitFlag = 1] Single coded
Is there anyone who you can really count on to listen to you when you need to talk?
1. Yes, one person
2. Yes, more than one person
3. No one
998. Prefer not to say
© Kantar Public 2021
3. Your community
SIntro2 [ASK ALL] Text
The next questions are about your neighbourhood. By neighbourhood we mean a few minutes
walking distance from your home.
SBeNeigh [ASK ALL] Single coded
First, how strongly do you feel you belong to your immediate neighbourhood?
Please think of the area within a few minutes walking distance from your home.
1. Very strongly
2. Fairly strongly
3. Not very strongly
4. Not at all strongly
999. Don’t know
SLive [ASK ALL] Numeric
Roughly how many years have you lived in your current neighbourhood?
Answer must be in the range from 0 up to 120: ___
999. Don’t know
Age Check [ASK IF SLIVE>DVAGE] Check screen
You said that your age is [DVage] but that you have lived in this area for [slive] years. Please
check your answer.
Sent back to Slive
© Kantar Public 2021
SchatN [ASK ALL] Single coded
How often do you chat to your neighbours, more than to just say hello?
1. On most days
2. Once or twice a week
3. Once or twice a month
4. Less than once a month
5. Never
6. Don't have any neighbours
999. Don’t know
NBarr [ASK IF SChatN=3/4/5 AND SampleSplitFlag = 1] Multicoded
Why don't you chat to your neighbours more often?
Please select all that apply.
1. Prefer to keep myself to myself
2. Don't have time
3. Prefer to choose my friends/have enough friends already
4. Neighbours speak different language/have different culture
5. Neighbours have a different religion/faith to my own
6. Don't trust/get on with my neighbours
7. Have no need to speak to neighbours
8. Don’t feel I know my neighbours well enough
9. Nothing in common with my neighbours
10. I'm new to the area
11. Don't see neighbours very often
12. Have an illness/disability that prevents me from going out much
13. People just don't speak to each other round here
14. Some other reason (type in)
999. Don’t know
© Kantar Public 2021
SFavN [ASK IF SChatN <> 6] Single coded
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Generally, I borrow things and exchange favours with my neighbours.
1. Definitely agree
2. Tend to agree
3. Tend to disagree
4. Definitely disagree
NComfort1 [ASK IF SChatN <> 6 AND SampleSplitFlag = 1] Single coded
How comfortable would you be asking a neighbour to keep a set of keys to your home for
emergencies, for example if you were locked out?
1. Very comfortable
2. Fairly comfortable
3. Fairly uncomfortable
4. Very uncomfortable
NComfort2 [ASK IF YChildFlag = 1 AND SChatN <> 6 AND SampleSplitFlag = 1] Single coded
How comfortable would you be asking a neighbour to mind your child(ren) for half an hour?
1. Very comfortable
2. Fairly comfortable
3. Fairly uncomfortable
4. Very uncomfortable
NComfort3 [ASK IF SChatN <> 6 AND SampleSplitFlag = 1] Single coded
If you were ill and at home on your own, and needed someone to collect a few shopping
essentials, how comfortable would you feel asking a neighbour to do this for you?
1. Very comfortable
2. Fairly comfortable
3. Fairly uncomfortable
4. Very uncomfortable
SPull [ASK ALL] Single coded
To what extent would you agree or disagree that people in your neighbourhood pull together to
improve the neighbourhood?
1. Definitely agree
2. Tend to agree
3. Tend to disagree
4. Definitely disagree
5. Nothing needs improving
© Kantar Public 2021
STrust [ASK ALL] Single coded
Thinking about the people who live in this neighbourhood, to what extent do you believe they can
be trusted?
1. Many of the people can be trusted
2. Some of the people can be trusted
3. A few of the people can be trusted
4. None of the people can be trusted
5. Just moved here
999. Don’t know
STrustGen2 [ASK IF SampleSplitFlag = 1] Scale
On a scale where 0 (zero) is not at all and 10 (ten) is completely, in general how much do you trust
most people?
0 Not at all
10 Completely
998. Prefer not to say
SIntro5 [ASK ALL] Text
The next questions refer to your wider local area. Please think of the area within 15 to 20 minutes’
walking distance from your home.
Slocsat [ASK ALL] Single coded
Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live?
1. Very satisfied
2. Fairly satisfied
3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4. Fairly dissatisfied
5. Very dissatisfied
© Kantar Public 2021
STogeth [ASK ALL] Single coded
To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local area is a place where people from different
backgrounds get on well together?
1. Definitely agree
2. Tend to agree
3. Tend to disagree
4. Definitely disagree
5. There are too few people in the local area
6. People in this area are all of the same background
BetWors2 [ASK ALL] Single coded
Do you think that over the past two years your area has …?
1. got better to live in
2. got worse to live in
3. not changed much (hasn’t got better or worse)
4. Have not lived here long enough to say
SBeNeighL [ASK ALL] Single coded
How strongly do you feel you belong to your local area?
1. Very strongly
2. Fairly strongly
3. Not very strongly
4. Not at all strongly
999. Don’t know
SPullL [ASK ALL] Single coded
To what extent would you agree or disagree that people in your local area pull together to improve
the neighbourhood?
1. Definitely agree
2. Tend to agree
3. Tend to disagree
4. Definitely disagree
5. Nothing needs improving
STrustL [ASK ALL] Single coded
Thinking about the people who live in your local area, to what extent do you believe they can be
1. Many of the people can be trusted
2. Some of the people can be trusted
3. A few of the people can be trusted
© Kantar Public 2021
4. None of the people can be trusted
5. Just moved here
999. Don’t know
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4. Civic engagement
PIntro1 [ASK ALL] Text
The next questions are about influencing political decisions and local affairs.
CivPart [ASK ALL] Multicoded
In the last 12 months, that is since [DATE ONE YEAR AGO], have you…?
Please select all that apply.
1. Contacted a local official such as a local councillor, MP, government official, mayor, or
public official working for the local council (Please do not include any contact for personal
reasons, for example housing repairs or contact through work)
2. Attended a public meeting, rally, or taken part in a public demonstration or protest
3. Signed a paper petition or an online/e-petition
4. None of these *Exclusive
Partoft [ASK IF CivPart = 1-3) Single coded
And over the last 12 months, how often have you done [ IF ONE RESPONSE AT CivPart: this
kind of thing?/IF MORE THAN ONE RESPONSE AT CivPart: all of the things you’ve just
This includes:]
1. At least once a week
2. Less than once a week but at least once a month
3. Less often than once a month
CivConsult [ASK ALL] Multicoded
In the last 12 months, that is since [DATE ONE YEAR AGO], have you taken part in a
consultation about local services or issues in your local area through any of these ways?
Please select all that apply.
1. Completing a paper or online questionnaire
2. Attending a public meeting
3. Being involved in a face-to-face or online group
4. None of these *Exclusive
© Kantar Public 2021
Conoft [ASK IF CIVCONSULT=1-3] Single coded
And over the last 12 months, how often have you done [IF ONE ANSWER SELECTED AT
things you’ve just mentioned?
This includes:]
1. At least once a week
2. Less than once a week but at least once a month
3. Less often than once a month
CivActIntro [ASK ALL] Text
The following questions are about activities in your local community.
CivAct1 [ASK IF DVAGE= 18-99 OR AGEIF3 = 2-16 OR AGEIF3 = 998] Multicoded
In the last 12 months, that is since [DATE ONE YEAR AGO], have you done any of these things?
Please include any activities you have already mentioned but not any related to your job.
Please select all that apply.
1. Been a local councillor (for local authority, town or parish)
2. Been a school governor
3. Been a volunteer special constable or volunteer at a higher rank
4. Been a magistrate
5. None of the above *Exclusive
CivAct2 [ASK ALL] Multicoded
And again, in the last 12 months, that is since [DATE ONE YEAR AGO], have you been a
member of any of the following decision making groups in your local area? Please include online
groups and any activities you have already mentioned. Please do not include any activities related
to your job.
Please select all that apply.
1. A group making decisions on local health services
2. A decision making group set up to regenerate the local area
3. A decision making group set up to tackle local crime problems
4. A tenants' group decision making committee
5. A group making decisions on local education services
6. A group making decisions on local services for young people
7. Another group making decisions on services in the local community
8. None of these *Exclusive
© Kantar Public 2021
PAffLoc [ASK ALL] Single coded
To what extent do you agree or disagree that you personally can influence decisions affecting
your local area?
1. Definitely agree
2. Tend to agree
3. Tend to disagree
4. Definitely disagree
PInfl [ASK ALL] Single coded
How important is it for you personally to feel that you can influence decisions in your local area?
1. Very important
2. Quite important
3. Not very important
4. Not at all important
PCSat [ASK ALL] Single coded
Generally speaking, would you like to be more involved in the decisions your local council makes
which affect your local area?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Depends on the issue
© Kantar Public 2021
PIfHow [ASK IF SampleSplitFlag = 3] Multicoded
If you wanted to influence decisions in your local area how would you go about it?
Please select all that apply.
1. Contact the local council /a council official
2. Contact my local councillor
3. Contact my MP
4. Contact my assembly member (for London)
5. Sign a paper petition
6. Sign an e-petition/online petition
7. Organise a paper petition
8. Organise an e-petition/online petition
9. Attend a local council meeting
10. Attend a public meeting
11. Contact local media or journalists
12. Organise a group (for example, campaign/action group)
13. In some other way (type in)
999. Don’t know
PIfEas [ASK IF SampleSplitFlag = 3] Multicoded
Which, if any, of these might make it easier for you to influence decisions in your local area?
Please select all that apply.
1. If I had more time
2. If the local council got in touch with me and asked me
3. If I could give my opinion online /by email
4. If I knew what issues were being considered
5. If it was easy to contact my local councillor
6. If I knew who my local councillor was
7. If I could get involved in a group (not online) making decisions about issues affecting my
local area/neighbourhood
8. If I could get involved in an online group making decisions about issues affecting my local
9. Something else (type in)
10. None of these *Exclusive
© Kantar Public 2021
5. Local facilities
The next few questions are about facilities in your local area.
SCRIPTING NOTE: Please amend Assets2 to be in grid format.
Assets2_grid [ASK ALL] Multicoded
For each of the following, please indicate whether there is at least one within a 15-20 minute walk
from your home, further away but still in your local area, or there is not one in your local area at all.
Please select the first two answers if they both apply.
A. General/grocery shop
B. Pub/bar
C. Park
D. Library
E. Restaurant/cafe
F. Community centre/hall
G. Sports facilities
H. Health centre/GP
I. Chemist or pharmacy
J. Post Office
K. Place of worship for my faith or religion, such as a church, mosque, temple
L. Public transport links
1. Yes, within a 15-20 minute walk from my home
2. Yes, further away but still in my local area
3. No, not in my local area at all
4. Don’t know/Not sure
5. Not applicable I do not have a religion/faith (SCRIPTING NOTE: only to appear for code K)
SatAsset [ASK ALL] Single coded
Generally, how satisfied are you with the local services and amenities in your local area?
1. Very satisfied
2. Fairly satisfied
3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4. Fairly dissatisfied
5. Very dissatisfied
© Kantar Public 2021
Assets3 [ASK IF ANY ASSETS2_grid=1-2] Multicoded
Which of these local facilities have you visited in person in the last 12 months?
Please select all that apply.
1. General/grocery shop
2. Pub/bar
3. Park
4. Library
5. Restaurant/cafe
6. Community centre/hall
7. Sports facilities
8. Health centre/GP
9. Chemist or pharmacy
10. Post Office
11. Place of worship for my faith or religion, such as a church, mosque, temple
12. Public transport links
13. None of these *Exclusive
LibraryFreq [ASK IF ASSETS3 = 4] Single coded
Over the last 12 months, how often have you visited your local library?
1. At least once a week
2. Less often than once a week but at least once a month
3. Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
4. Twice in the last 12 months
5. Once in the last 12 months
999. Don't know
CNARTP1 Multicoded
(ASSETS2_GRID_1 = 1,2 AND ASSETS3_1 = 0) OR (ASSETS2_GRID_2 = 1,2 AND ASSETS3_2 =
0) OR (ASSETS2_GRID_3 = 1,2 AND ASSETS3_3 = 0) OR (ASSETS2_GRID_4 = 1,2 AND
ASSETS3_4 = 0) OR (ASSETS2_GRID_5 = 1,2 AND ASSETS3_5 = 0) OR (ASSETS2_GRID_6 =
1,2 AND ASSETS3_6 = 0) OR (ASSETS2_GRID_7 = 1,2 AND ASSETS3_7 = 0) OR
(ASSETS2_GRID_8 = 1,2 AND ASSETS3_8 = 0) OR (ASSETS2_GRID_9 = 1,2 AND ASSETS3_9 =
0) OR (ASSETS2_GRID_10 = 1,2 AND ASSETS3_10 = 0) OR (ASSETS2_GRID_11 = 1,2 AND
ASSETS3_11 = 0) OR (ASSETS2_GRID_12 = 1,2 AND ASSETS3_12 = 0)]
What are the reasons you haven't used these local facilities in the last 12 months?
(ASSETS2_grid = 1,2 AND ASSETS3 = 0)
Please select all that apply.
1. I cannot afford [textfill: if list above has one facility: it / if list above has multiple facilities:
© Kantar Public 2021
2. [textfill: if list above has one facility: It is / if list above has multiple facilities: They are] not
value for money / too expensive
3. I’m not interested
4. I don’t have time
5. I have a health problem or disability
6. [textfill: if list above has one facility: It is / if list above has multiple facilities: They are]
difficult to get to
7. I don’t have anyone to go with
8. The opening hours are inconvenient
9. I have not needed to use [textfill: if list above has one facility: it / if list above has multiple
facilities: them]
10. Some other reason (please type in) *Open *Fixed
11. No reason in particular *Fixed *Exclusive
For the next questions please think more generally about your local area.
QSHOPS [ASK ALL] Single coded
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the shops and retailers available in your local area?
1. Very satisfied
2. Fairly satisfied
3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4. Fairly dissatisfied
5. Very dissatisfied
6. There aren’t any shops or retailers in my local area
RETAILSAT [ASK IF QSHOPS = 1-2] Multi coded
What are the reasons you are [IF RETAIL = 1: very / IF RETAIL = 2: fairly] satisfied with the shops
and retailers available in your local area?
1. Easy to get to
2. They have all the basic essentials I need
3. There are a wide range of goods and services to choose from
4. Reasonably priced
5. Independent or locally run
6. Some other reason (please type in)
999. Don’t know
RETAILDIS [ASK IF QSHOPS = 4-5] Multi coded
What are the reasons you are [IF RETAIL = 5: very / IF RETAIL = 4: fairly] dissatisfied with the
shops and retailers available in your local area?
1. Limited choice
2. Shops keep closing down in my local area
3. Too many chains and not enough independent shops/retailers
4. Too many other types of business such as hairdressers and coffee bars
5. Too many discount/charity shops
© Kantar Public 2021
6. Too expensive
7. Difficult to get to
8. Some other reason (please type in)
999. Don’t know
© Kantar Public 2021
6. Volunteering
CharServ [ASK ALL] Matrix grid
Excluding any paid or unpaid work or help, have you used any of these charity services within the
last 12 months?
Food banks
(for example, The Trussell Trust)
Mental health charities
(for example, Samaritans, Mind, support helplines)
Physical health, wellbeing support and disability groups
(for example, Macmillan Cancer Support, St John Ambulance, Great Ormond
Street Hospital, Scope)
Housing charities
(for example, Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust, Centre Point, Shelter)
Loneliness and befriending charities
(for example, Age UK)
Youth clubs and groups, either for yourself or for a child
(for example, Scouts, youth centres, play groups)
Victim support and rehabilitation services
(for example, women’s shelters, social justice, victim arbitration)
Training and skills provided by charities
(for example, employability skills such as interview preparation, work placements,
Arts, culture, leisure, or sport supported by charities
(for example, public museums, National Trust, Parkrun)
Advocacy and Legal services charities
(for example, Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Legal Aid)
Some other charity service
Scripting note: This is to be set up as a matrix grid.
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CharServ_other [ASK IF CharServ=11 (Some other charity service)] Open
What other charity service have you used within the last 12 months?
998. Prefer not to say
FIntro1 [ASK ALL] Text
The next questions are about your involvement with groups, clubs or organisations.
FGroupIntro [ASK ALL] Text
For each of the following types of groups, clubs or organisations, please state whether you have
been involved with any of these during the last 12 months, that is since [DATE ONE YEAR AGO].
That's anything you've taken part in, supported, or that you've helped in any way, either on your
own or with others. Please exclude giving money or anything that was a requirement of your job or
organised through your employer.
FGroupA-FGroupP [ASK ALL] Matrix grid
Have you been involved with any of the following groups, clubs or organisations during the last 12
Children's education/schools
(for example, Parent Teacher Associations, School governor, supporting fairs
and fundraising, helping in school, running pupils’ clubs)
Youth/children's activities (outside school)
(for example, youth clubs, sports clubs, hobby or cultural groups for children)
Education for adults
(for example, attending or teaching classes, mentoring, cultural groups,
Students Union, College governor)
Sport/exercise (taking part, coaching or going to watch)
(for example, sports clubs or groups (such as football, swimming, fishing, golf,
keep-fit, hiking), Supporter clubs)
(for example, attending a place of worship (church, chapel, mosque, temple,
synagogue), attending faith-based groups, Saturday/Sunday school)
(for example, membership of, or involvement with, political groups, serving as
local councillor)
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Older people
(for example, involved with groups, clubs or organisations for older people,
such as Age UK, pensioner’s clubs, visiting, transporting or representing older
Health, Disability and Social welfare
(for example, medical research charities, hospital visiting, disability groups,
social welfare (such as Oxfam, NSPCC, Samaritans, Citizens Advice Bureau),
offering respite care, self-help groups (such as Alcoholics Anonymous))
Safety, First Aid
(for example, Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, Life Saving, RNLI, Mountain
Rescue, helping after a disaster)
The environment, animals
(for example, national organisations (such as Greenpeace, National Trust,
RSPCA), local conservation groups, preservation societies)
Justice and Human Rights
(for example, special constable, magistrate, legal advice centre, victim support,
prison visiting or aftercare, justice and peace groups, community or race
relations, LGBT groups, national organisations (such as Amnesty
Local community or neighbourhood groups
(for example, Tenants’ / Residents’ Association, Neighbourhood Watch,
community group, local pressure group)
Citizens' Groups
(for example, Rotary Club, Lion’s Club, Women’s Institute (WI), Freemasons)
Hobbies, Recreation/Arts/Social clubs
(for example, clubs or groups for the Arts (such as theatres, museums,
amateur dramatics, orchestras), hobby or cultural groups (such as local history
club, social club)
Trade union activity
(for example, membership of, or involvement with, a trade union.)
Some other group, club or organisation *Fixed
Scripting note: This is to be set up as a matrix grid. Please randomise the order (although some other
group, club or organisation should always appear at the end of the list.)
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P_Oth [ASK IF FGroupP= 1 (Some other group, club or organisation)] Open
What other groups, clubs or organisations have you have been involved with in the last 12
Open text
The next questions are about your involvement with the groups, clubs and organisations you’ve
just selected.
These are: [List groups selected at FGROUPA-P main titles only]
In the last 12 months, that is, since [DATE ONE YEAR AGO], have you given unpaid help to [ IF
ONE YES AT FGROUPA-P: the group, club or organisation IF MORE THAN ONE YES: any of
the groups, clubs or organisations] you’ve just selected in any of the following ways?
Please select all that apply.
1. Raising or handling money/taking part in sponsored events
2. Leading a group/member of a committee
3. Getting other people involved
4. Organising or helping to run an activity or event
5. Visiting people
6. Befriending or mentoring people
7. Giving advice/information/counselling
8. Secretarial, admin or clerical work
9. Providing transport/driving
10. Representing
11. Campaigning
12. Other practical help (for example, helping out at school, shopping)
13. Any other help
14. None of the above *Exclusive
FUnOft [ASK IF FUnPd = 1-13] Single coded
Over the last 12 months, how often have you helped [IF ONE YES AT FGROUPA-P:this group,
club or organisation? IF MORE THAN ONE YES: these groups, clubs or organisations?]
1. At least once a week
2. Less than once a week but at least once a month
3. Less often than once a month
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FUnHrs [ASK IF FUnPd = 1-13 AND SampleSplitFlag = 2] Numeric
Now just thinking about the last 4 weeks. Approximately how many hours have you spent helping
[IF ONE YES AT FGROUPA-P:this group, club or organisation IF MORE THAN ONE YES: these
groups, clubs or organisations] in the last 4 weeks?
If you are not sure please provide your best estimate.
1. Less than 4 hours
2. About 4-8 hours
3. About 8-12 hours
4. About 12-20 hours
5. More than 20 hours
999 Don’t know
FIndGpA [ASK IF FUnPd = 1-13 AND SampleSplitFlag = 2] Multicoded
How did you find out about opportunities to give unpaid help to [IF ONE YES AT FGROUPA-P:this
group, club or organisation? IF MORE THAN ONE YES: these groups, clubs or organisations?]
Please select all that apply.
1. Through previously using services provided by the group
2. From someone else already involved in the group
3. From a friend not involved in the group/by word of mouth
4. From a member of my family
5. Place of worship
6. School, college, university
7. Doctor's surgery / Community Centre / Library
8. Promotional events/volunteer fair
9. Local events
10. Local newspaper
11. National newspaper
12. TV or radio (local or national)
13. Volunteer bureau or centre
14. Employer's volunteering scheme
15. Social Media
16. Other internet/organisational website
17. Some other way (type in)
MxFVol2 [ASK IF FUnPd = 1-13] Multicoded
Thinking about the unpaid help you’ve given in the last 12 months, have you mixed with....?
Please select all that apply.
1. People of different age groups
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2. People of different ethnic groups or religions
3. People with a different social or educational background
4. People who live in different neighbourhoods
5. None of the above *Exclusive
MxFVol3 [ASK IF MXFVOL2=1-4] Single coded
Still thinking about the unpaid help you’ve given in the last 12 months, how often have you mixed
with the people you have just mentioned?
Please think about all of the people you mix with as part of this activity.
1. Daily
2. Weekly
3. Monthly
4. At least once a year
5. Less often than once a year
999. Don’t know
VolBen [ASK IF FUnPd = 1-13 AND SampleSplitFlag = 2] Multicoded
Did you start helping [IF ONE YES AT FGROUPA-P:this group, club or organisation IF MORE
THAN ONE YES: these groups, clubs or organisations] for any of the following reasons?
Please select all that apply.
1. I wanted to improve things/help people
2. I wanted to meet people/make friends
3. The cause was really important to me
4. My friends did it
5. My family did it
6. It was connected with the needs of my family/friends
7. I felt there was a need in my community
8. I thought it would give me a chance to learn new skills
9. I thought it would give me a chance to use my existing skills
10. It helps me get on in my career
11. It's part of my religious belief to help people
12. It's part of my philosophy of life to help people
13. It gave me a chance to get a recognised qualification
14. I had spare time to do it
15. I felt there was no one else to do it
16. None of these *Exclusive
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VolUnPd [ASK IF FUnPd= 1-13 AND SampleSplitFlag = 2] Multicoded
In the last 12 months, have you done any voluntary or unpaid work connected to any of the
following areas?
Please select all that apply.
1. Arts (for example, theatre, visual arts and crafts, music, festivals, dance, literature)
2. Museum or gallery (for example, stewarding at a museum or gallery, data analysis and
research, museum guide)
3. Heritage (for example, stewarding at a heritage site, trustee or committee member in a
heritage or history group, conservation/restoration of sites, supporting conservation of
historic objects)
4. Libraries (for example, supporting library staff, management of libraries, library events and
5. Sport (for example, providing transport, coaching or instructing, refereeing, umpiring,
officiating, stewarding, administrative or committee role for a sports organisation, activity
or event)
6. Some other charitable area (type in)
7. None of these *Exclusive
BVLon [ASK IF ((FGROUPA-P ALL = NO) OR (FUNPD = 14 (None)) AND SampleSplitFlag = 2]
If yes at least one of FGroupA-P AND none at funpd use this text:
(1) You’ve said that during the last 12 months you have not done any of the following things for
any groups, clubs or organisations. Have you done any of these things unpaid for a group,
club or organisation’ in the last five years (that is since YEAR)?
IF no at ALL OF FGROUPA-P use this text:
(2) You said earlier that you have not been involved with any groups, clubs or organisations in the
last 12 months. Have you done any of the following things unpaid for a group, club or
organisation in the last five years (that is since YEAR)?
Please select all that apply.
1. Raising or handling money/taking part in sponsored events
2. Leading the group/member of a committee
3. Organising or helping to run an activity or event
4. Visiting people
5. Befriending or mentoring people
6. Giving advice/information/counselling
7. Secretarial, admin or clerical work
8. Providing transport/driving
9. Representing
10. Campaigning
11. Helping someone who is self-isolating due to coronavirus
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12. Other practical help (for example, helping out at school, shopping)
13. Any other help
14. None of the above *Exclusive
VYFreq [ASK IF BVLon = 1-13 AND SampleSplitFlag = 2] Single coded
Thinking about the unpaid help you have given to any group, club or organisation in the past, on
average how frequently did you do this?
1. At least once a week
2. Less than once a week but at least once a month
3. Less frequently than once a month
4. It was a one-off occasion
VYStop [ASK IF BVLon = 1-13 AND SampleSplitFlag = 2] Multicoded
What were the main reasons you stopped giving unpaid help to any groups, clubs or
Please select all that apply.
1. Not enough time - due to changing home/work circumstances
2. Not enough time getting involved took up too much time
3. Group/club/organisation finished/closed
4. Moved away from area
5. Due to health problems or old age
6. Group/club/organisation wasn't relevant to me anymore
7. Lost interest
8. It was a one-off activity or event
9. Felt I had done my bit/ someone else’s turn to get involved
10. Got involved in another activity instead
11. Didn't get asked to do the things I'd like to
12. Felt the group/club/organisation was badly organised
13. Felt my efforts weren't always appreciated
14. It was too bureaucratic/ too much concern about risk and liability
15. Activity linked to my school/college/university/job I have now left
16. I didn't feel my contribution made a difference
17. Due to COVID-19 restrictions or concerns
18. Some other reason (type in)
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Single coded
SampleSplitFlag = 2]
If FUnoFT=3 (Less often) use this text:
You said earlier that you help group(s), club(s), or organisation(s) occasionally, that is less than
once a month. Would you like to spend any more time helping groups, clubs or organisations?
Otherwise, use this text:
Would you like to spend any time helping groups, clubs or organisations?
1. Yes
2. No
OFTEN)) AND SampleSplitFlag = 2]
If never volunteered formally ((FGroup A-P ALL = NO OR FunPd= 14) AND BVLON = 14 NONE)
use this text:
Which, if any, of these are reasons why you don’t give unpaid help to groups, clubs or
If former formal volunteer (BVLon= 1-13) use this text:
Which, if any, of these are reasons why you have not given unpaid help to groups, clubs or
organisations in the last 12 months?
If irregular formal volunteer (FunOft=3 Less than once a month) use this text:
Which, if any, of these are reasons why you don’t give unpaid help to groups, clubs or
organisations more regularly?
Please select all that apply.
1. I have work commitments
2. I have to look after children/the home
3. I have to look after someone who is elderly or ill
4. I have to study
5. I do other things with my spare time
6. I’m not the right age
7. I don't know any groups that need help
8. I haven't heard about opportunities to give help/ I couldn’t find opportunities
9. I'm new to the area
10. I have never thought about it
11. I have an illness or disability that I feel prevents me from getting involved
12. It is not my responsibility
13. Some other reason (type in)
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IIntro1 [ASK ALL] Text
The next section asks about any unpaid help you as an individual may have given to other
people, that is apart from any help given through a group, club or organisation. This could be help
for a friend, neighbour or someone else but not a relative.
IHlp [ASK ALL] Multicoded
In the last 12 months, that is, since [DATE ONE YEAR AGO], have you done any of these things,
unpaid, for someone who was not a relative?
Please select all that apply.
1. Keeping in touch with someone who has difficulty getting out and about (visiting in person,
telephoning or e-mailing)
2. Doing shopping, collecting pension or paying bills
3. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, gardening or other routine household jobs
4. Decorating, or doing any kind of home or car repairs
5. Babysitting or caring for children
6. Sitting with or providing personal care (for example, washing, dressing) for someone who
is sick or frail
7. Looking after a property or a pet for someone who is away
8. Giving advice
9. Writing letters or filling in forms
10. Representing someone (for example, talking to a council department or to a doctor)
11. Transporting or escorting someone (for example, to a hospital or on an outing)
12. Some other form of unpaid help
13. None of these *Exclusive
IHlpOft [ASK IF IHLP=1-12] Single coded
Over the last 12 months, that is, since [DATE ONE YEAR AGO], about how often have you done
This includes:
1. At least once a week
2. Less than once a week but at least once a month
3. Less often than once a month
IHlpHrs [ASK IF IHLP=1-12 AND SampleSplitFlag = 2] Numeric
In the last 4 weeks, approximately how many hours have you spent doing [IF IHLP IS SINGLE
CODED: this IF IHLP IS MULTICODED: these things]? If you are not sure please provide your
best estimate.
1. Less than 4 hours
2. About 4-8 hours
3. About 8-12 hours
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4. About 12-20 hours
5. More than 20 hours
999. Don’t know
GIntro1 [ASK IF SampleSplitFlag = 3] Text
Next are some questions about giving to charity.
GGroup [ASK IF SampleSplitFlag = 3] Multicoded
In the last 4 weeks, have you given money to charity in any of the following ways? Please
exclude donating goods or prizes.
Please select all that apply.
1. Money to collecting tins (for example, door-to-door, in the street, in a pub, at work, on a
shop counter)
2. Collection at church, mosque or other place of worship
3. Collections using a charity envelope/cheque in the post
4. Covenant or debit from salary, payroll giving
5. Donation via direct debit, standing order
6. Giving to people begging on the street
7. Donation in person or on phone (excluding online or via text message)
8. Donation online/via website
9. Donation by text message
10. Donation via an ATM/cash machine
11. Donation made through contactless technology
12. Buying raffle tickets (NOT national or health lottery)
13. Buying goods from a charity shop, catalogue or online
14. Making a purchase where the price includes a charitable donation/or where you can add a
charitable donation to the purchase
15. Buying tickets or spending money at fundraising events (for example, charity dinners,
fetes, jumble sales)
16. Sponsorship (not online)
17. Sponsorship (online)
18. Other method of giving (excluding donating goods or prizes) (type in)
19. Did not give money to charity *Exclusive
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GivAmt [ASK IF GGROUP= 1-18 AND SampleSplitFlag = 3] Numeric
Approximately how much have you given to charity in the last 4 weeks? Please exclude buying
Please enter the amount to the nearest pound. If you are not sure please provide your best
999 Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
CausLN [ASK IF GGROUP= 1-18 AND SampleSplitFlag = 3] Single coded
Were these donations for ...?
1. Local charities
2. National or international charities
3. Both local charities and national or international charities
999. Don’t know
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7. Social action
SAIntro [ASK ALL] Text
The next questions are about getting involved in your local area.
LocAtt [ASK ALL] Single coded
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
When people in this area get involved in their local community, they really can change the way that
their area is run.
1. Definitely agree
2. Tend to agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Tend to disagree
5. Definitely disagree
LocInvNew2 [ASK ALL] Multicoded
Have you been involved in any of the following activities, in the last 12 months, that is since
[DATE]? Please only include those activities that were unpaid.
Please don’t include anything where you signed a petition but took no further action.
Please select all that apply.
1. Trying to set up a new service/amenity for local residents
2. Trying to stop the closure of a service/amenity
3. Trying to stop something else happening in my local area
4. Running local services on a voluntary basis (for example, childcare, youth services,
parks, community centres)
5. Organising a community event (for example, a street party)
6. Another local issue (type in)
7. None of these *Exclusive
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LocPeopNew [ASK IF LocInvNew2 <> (1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4 AND 5 AND 6) AND
SampleSplitFlag = 3] Multicoded
In the last 12 months, have you been aware of other local people getting involved in any of the
following activities?
1. Trying to set up a new service/amenity for local residents
2. Trying to stop the closure of a service/amenity
3. Trying to stop something else happening in my local area
4. Running local services on a voluntary basis (for example, childcare, youth services,
parks, community centres)
5. Organising a community event (for example, a street party)
6. Another local issue (type in)
7. None of these *Exclusive
LocAct [ASK IF LocInvNew2 = 1-6 AND SampleSplitFlag = 3] Multicoded
In the last 12 months, in what ways have you been involved in [IF LocInvNew2 IS SINGLE
CODED: this activity or issue IF LocIncNew2 IS MULTICODED: these activities or issues]?
Please select all that apply.
1. I started up the activity (solely or jointly)
2. I managed the activity (solely or jointly)
3. I participated in a discussion on this issue/event (online or in person)
4. I helped fundraise
5. I got more people involved
6. I contributed specialist skills
7. I donated money
8. I offered non-monetary donations or contributions
9. I campaigned
10. I helped raise awareness locally
11. I helped organise a petition
12. I signed a petition
13. I offered other practical support
14. Some other way (type in)
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LocOft [ASK IF LocInvNew2 = 1-6] Single coded
On how many occasions in the last 12 months have you spent time helping with [IF LocInvNew2
IS SINGLE CODED: this activity or issue IF LocIncNew2 IS MULTICODED: these activities or
1. On one occasion only
2. On two or three occasions
3. On four or five occasions
4. More frequently
LocHow [ASK IF LocInvNew2 = 1-6 AND SampleSplitFlag = 3] Multicoded
How did you find out how to get involved with [IF LocInvNew2 IS SINGLE CODED: this activity or
issue IF LocIncNew2 IS MULTICODED: these activities or issues]?
Please select all that apply.
1. I was the person/one of the people who started the action
2. I was asked to get involved by someone I already knew
3. I was asked to get involved by someone I hadn’t previously known
4. I saw a leaflet/poster/flyer
5. I read about it in the local newspaper
6. Via a local community/neighbourhood/residents group
7. Via an online forum or social network site
8. Some other way (type in)
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LocMot2 [ASK IF LocInvNew2 = 1-6 AND SampleSplitFlag = 3] Multicoded
Why did you get involved in [IF LocInvNew2 IS SINGLE CODED: this activity or issue IF
LocIncNew2 IS MULTICODED: these activities or issues]?
Please select all that apply.
1. To serve my community/felt it was my responsibility
2. To improve local services/not happy with existing provision
3. To resolve an issue
4. My political beliefs
5. My religious beliefs
6. An earlier positive experience of getting involved
7. I was asked to get involved
8. To have my say
9. To meet people/make friends
10. It was connected to the needs of family/friends
11. To give me a chance to learn new skills/use my existing skills
12. To help my career
13. I had spare time to do it
14. I wanted an interest outside of work
15. Some other reason (type in)
LocWant [ASK IF LocPeopNew=1-6 AND SampleSplitFlag = 3] Single coded
You said you had been aware of other local people in your area getting involved with:
Trying to set up a new service or amenity
Trying to stop the closure of a service or amenity
Trying to stop something happening in your local area
Running local services on a voluntary basis
Organising a community event such as a street party
Another issue affecting your local area
Would you like to have been involved in [ IF LocPeopNew IS SINGLE CODED: this local activity or
issue IF LocPeopNew IS MULTICODED: any of these local activities or issues]?
1. Yes
2. No
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LocBarr1 [ASK IF LocWant = 1 or 2 AND SampleSplitFlag = 3] Multicoded
IF YES AT LocWant: Why didn't you get involved in [ IF LocPeopNew IS SINGLE CODED: this
local activity or issue IF LocPeopNew IS MULTICODED: any of these local activities or issues]?
IF NO At LocWant: Why didn't you want to get involved in [ IF LocPeopNew IS SINGLE CODED:
this local activity or issue IF LocPeopNew IS MULTICODED: any of these local activities or
Please select all that apply.
1. I don't have time
2. I do other voluntary activities
3. Was not asked to get involved
4. Have never thought about it
5. Did not know how to get involved
6. Due to illness or disability
7. Don’t feel it's my responsibility
8. Did not feel I could make a difference
9. Don’t have the right skills
10. Not confident enough
11. Don’t know people in my area well enough
12. I don’t get on with people in my local area
13. Didn’t agree with the issue or feel strongly enough about it
14. Red tape/ bureaucracy/legal barriers
15. Just not interested
16. Some other reason (type in)
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8. Pride in Place and Life Chances
For the next questions please think generally about your local area.
ATTRACT [ASK ALL] Single coded
How attractive or unattractive is your local area?
1. Very attractive
2. Somewhat attractive
3. Neither attractive not unattractive
4. Somewhat unattractive
5. Very unattractive
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
1. I am proud to live in my local area
2. In five years’ time I would like to still be living in my local area
3. I would recommend my local area to others as a good place to live
1. Definitely agree
2. Tend to agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Tend to disagree
5. Definitely disagree
999. Don’t know
QPRIDEA [ASK IF PRIDE_D 1 = 1 OR 2] Multicoded
What are the main reasons you agree that 'I am proud to live in my local area'
Please select all that apply.
1. There is a strong sense of community here
2. It is a safe area to live in
3. Because of the green and natural spaces here
4. The people here are respectful and friendly
5. It has good work or job opportunities
6. It has lots of activities and fun things to do
7. Because of the culture, heritage and history of the local area
8. Because of the schools
9. There are good transport links
10.There is a good range of shops and local facilities
11. Some other reason (please type in)
12. No reason in particular
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QPRIDED [ASK IF PRIDE_D 1 = 4 OR 5] Multicoded
What are the main reasons you disagree that 'I am proud to live in my local area'
Please select all that apply.
1. There is a lack of community here
2. Safety concerns
3. There is a lack of green and natural spaces here
4. Some people here can be disrespectful or troublesome
5. There is a lack of good work or job opportunities
6. There is a lack of activities and fun things to do
7. The area is run down
8. The area lacks culture, history or heritage
9. The schools are poor
10. There is a lack of good transport links
11. There is a lack of shops or local facilities
12. Some other reason (please type in)
13. No reason in particular
GREEN [ASK ALL] Single coded
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the green and natural spaces in your local area?
1. Very satisfied
2. Fairly satisfied
3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4. Fairly dissatisfied
5. Very dissatisfied
6. There are no green or natural spaces in my local area
999. Don’t know
GREENSAT [ASK IF GREEN = 1 OR 2] Multicoded
What are the reasons you are [IF GREEN = 1: very / IF GREEN = 2: fairly] satisfied with the green
and natural spaces in your local area?
Please select all that apply.
1. Within easy walking distance
2. Good for mental health and wellbeing
3. Well maintained/high standard
4. I feel safe there
5. Good facilities (for example, toilets, benches, baby changing)
6. Dedicated parking/sufficient parking
7. Good places for children to play
8. Encourage physical health and exercise
9. Good places to meet other people
10. They are accessible to me (for example they have buggy or wheelchair access)
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11. Some other reason (please type in)
999.Don’t know
GREENDIS [ASK IF GREEN = 4 OR 5] Multicoded
What are the reasons you are [IF GREEN = 5: very / IF GREEN = 4: fairly] dissatisfied with the
green and natural spaces in your local area?
Please select all that apply.
1. There aren’t enough green and natural spaces
2. They are poorly maintained
3. Lack of facilities (for example, toilets, benches, baby changing)
4. Safety concerns
5. Poor lighting or lack of street lighting
6. Rubbish and litter lying around
7. Dog fouling
8. People drinking or taking drugs
9. Out of control dogs
10. They are difficult to get to
11. Paths unmarked/overgrown/broken or locked access points (such as bridges or gates)
12. No dedicated parking / insufficient parking spaces
13. They are not accessible to me (for example they do not have buggy or wheelchair access)
14. Some other reason (please type in)
999.Don’t know
ARTIntro1 [ASK ALL] Text
The next questions refer to arts and cultural facilities, groups and events in your local area. Some
examples include:
Facilities such as cinemas, theatres, museums, art galleries, studios, music venues
Groups or classes such as book clubs, theatre or dance groups, choir or music groups, art or
craft classes, film clubs, video games clubs
Events such as street festivals, musical festivals, carnivals
ART [ASK ALL] Single coded
Are there opportunities to take part in arts and cultural activities, groups and events in your local
1. Yes, lots
2. Yes, some
3. No, none
4. Don't know
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ARTFREQ [ASK IF ART = 1-2] Multicoded
Over the last 12 months, how often have you taken part in arts and cultural activities, groups and
events in your local area?
1. At least once a week
2. Less often than once a week but at least once a month
3. Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
4. Twice in the last 12 months
5. Once in the last 12 months
6. Not in the last 12 months
999.Don't know
The next question refers to heritage sites and places of historic interest. Some examples include:
Ancient monuments or archaeological sites with historic significance (such as a burial site or
A place that you visited specifically for its historic nature (such as a local historic town,
coastline or countryside)
A building or place with historic or artistic features (such as a public garden, country house,
place of worship attended as a visitor, historic civic buildings)
A place connected with industrial or other local history (such as an old factory, mine or
railway, shipwrecks, historic sports venue visited for its heritage)
HERITAGE [ASK ALL] Single coded
Are there opportunities to visit heritage sites and places of historic interest in your local area?
1. Yes, lots
2. Yes, some
3. No, none
999. Don't know
Over the last 12 months, how often have you visited heritage sites and places of historic interest in
your local area? For places of historic interest please only include places that you visited
specifically for their historic nature.
1. At least once a week
2. Less often than once a week but at least once a month
3. Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
4. Twice in the last 12 months
5. Once in the last 12 months
6. Not in the last 12 months
999.Don't know
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MUSEUM [ASK ALL] Single coded
Are there opportunities to visit museums or galleries in your local area?
1. Yes, lots
2. Yes, some
3. No, none
999. Don’t know
MUSEUMFREQ [ASK IF MUSEUM = 1 OR 2] Single coded
How often do you visit museums or galleries in your local area?
1. At least once a week
2. Less often than once a week but at least once a month
3. Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
4. Twice in the last 12 months
5.Once in the last 12 months
6.Not in the last 12 months
999. Don’t know
SPORTSTP [ASK ALL] Single coded
Are there opportunities to take part in sport teams, clubs or classes or exercise at sports facilities
in your local area?
1. Yes, lots
2. Yes, some
3. No, none
999.Don’t know
How often do you take part in sport teams, clubs or classes or exercise at sports facilities in your
local area?
1.At least once a week
2. Less often than once a week but at least once a month
3.Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
4.Twice in the last 12 months
5. Once in the last 12 months
6.Not in the last 12 months
999. Don’t Know
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Are there opportunities to watch people participate in sports activities or events in your local area?
1. Yes, lots
2. Yes, some
3. No, none
4. Don’t know
How often do you watch people participate in sports activities or events in your local area?
1. At least once a week
2. Less often than once a week but at least once a month
3. Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
4. Twice in the last 12 months
5. Once in the last 12 months
6. Not in the last 12 months
999. Don’t Know
The next questions are about your local area as a place for children. [IF NCHIL = 0 We are still
interested in your views even if you don’t have children under 16 living with you.]
(NCHIL2 >= 1)] Grid
For each of the following, please indicate whether there is at least one within a 15-20 minute walk
from your home, further away but still in your local area, or there is not one in your local area at all.
Please select the first two answers if they both apply.
A. Pre-natal group [SCRIPT NOTE: only to appear if YChildFlag = 2]
B. Baby or toddler group [SCRIPT NOTE: only to appear if YChildFlag = 2]
C. Childcare centre or nursery
D. Primary school
E. Secondary school
F. Children’s playground
G. Youth centre/club
H. Healthcare service for children such as vaccination centres, child and adolescent mental
health services.
1. Yes, within a 15-20 minute walk from my home
2. Yes, further away but still in my local area
3. No, not in my local area at all
999.Don’t know
© Kantar Public 2021
Thinking about your local area, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
A. My local area is a good place to bring up children
B. There are activities for children in my local area
C. Children that live in my local area have a good quality of life
D. Children that live in my local area have opportunities available to them
E. It would be better to bring up children in a different area
G. It is easy for children to get involved in crime or join gangs in my local area
1. Definitely agree
2. Tend to agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Tend to disagree
5. Definitely disagree
999. Don’t know
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
[SCRIPTING NOTE: text filled depending on how many children R says they have]
A. I can afford to give my [NCHIL2 = 1: child / NCHIL2 >= 2: children] a good quality of life
B. My [NCHIL2 = 1: child has / NCHIL2 >= 2: children have] or will have good education and work
opportunities in the future
C. I find it difficult to afford healthy food for my [NCHIL2 = 1: child / NCHIL2 >= 2: children]
D. I struggle to find the balance between work, looking after my [NCHIL2 = 1: child / NCHIL2 >= 2:
children], and leisure
1. Definitely agree
2. Tend to agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Tend to disagree
5. Definitely disagree
6. Not applicable
998.Prefer not to say
© Kantar Public 2021
[IF ASSEST3=LIBRARY: Earlier you told us that you have visited your local library in the last 12
months]. Now thinking again about public library services, but this time please think about all kinds
of public library services across England, including online services.
CLIBRARY1 [ASK ALL] Multi coded
In the last 12 months, in which of these ways have you used public library services? Please don’t
include paid work, school or structured academic activities.
Select all that apply
1. I visited a public library building or mobile library in-person in my leisure time
2. I accessed library services digitally or online
3. I was visited by a home library service
4. I used another library outreach service (for example attended a community event where
the library staff or volunteers were present)
5. Not used any library services in the last 12 months *Exclusive
CLIBDIG [ASK ALL] Multi coded
In the last 12 months, have you used public library services in any of these ways? Please don’t
include paid work, school or structured academic activities.
Select all that apply
1. Through a library website
2. Using a library app
3. Through social media
4. Through YouTube
5. By telephone
6. None of these *Fixed *Exclusive
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9. Subjective wellbeing
WellIntro [ASK ALL] Text
The next questions ask about your feelings on aspects of your life. They are included to help
measure people’s wellbeing and the information produced will not identify you or anyone in your
There are no right or wrong answers. For each of these questions please give an answer on a
scale of 0 to ten, where 0 is 'not at all' and 10 is 'completely'.
WellB1 [ASK ALL] Single coded
Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays?
0 (Not at all satisfied)
10 (completely satisfied)
998 Prefer not to say *Fixed *Exclusive
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WellB4 [ASK ALL] Single coded
Overall, to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile?
0 (Not at all worthwhile)
10 (completely worthwhile)
998 Prefer not to say *Fixed *Exclusive
WellB2 [ASK ALL] Single coded
Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday?
0 (Not at all happy)
10 (completely happy)
998 Prefer not to say *Fixed *Exclusive
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WellB3 [ASK ALL] Single coded
Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday?
0 (Not at all anxious)
10 (completely anxious)
998 Prefer not to say *Fixed *Exclusive
Lon1 [ASK ALL] Single coded
How often do you feel that you lack companionship?
1. Often
2. Some of the time
3. Hardly ever or never
998. Prefer not to say
Lon2 [ASK ALL] Single coded
How often do you feel left out?
1. Often
2. Some of the time
3. Hardly ever or never
998. Prefer not to say
Lon3 [ASK ALL] Single coded
How often do you feel isolated from others?
1. Often
2. Some of the time
3. Hardly ever or never
998. Prefer not to say
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LonOft [ASK ALL] Single coded
How often do you feel lonely?
1. Often/always
2. Some of the time
3. Occasionally
4. Hardly ever
5. Never
998. Prefer not to say
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10. Anti-social behaviour
For the next questions please think generally about your local area.
QASB1 [ASK ALL] Single coded
Have you personally experienced or witnessed any sort of anti-social behaviour in your local area
in the last 12 months?
Anti-social behaviour is any behaviour that causes people nuisance, annoyance, alarm or distress.
This can include behaviours that are aggressive or intimidating or that impact upon a person’s
quality of life.
1. Yes
2. No
QASB2 [ASK ALL] Single coded
To what extent, if at all, is anti-social behaviour a problem in your local area?
1. A very big problem
2. A fairly big problem
3. Not a very big problem
4. Not a problem at all
QASB3 [ASK ALL] Multicoded
Which, if any, of the following are a problem in your local area?
Please select all that apply.
1. People hanging around or loitering
2. Street drinking or drunken behaviour
3. Vandalism, criminal damage or graffiti
4. Inconsiderate behaviour such as using a football in inappropriate areas;
cycling/skateboarding in pedestrian areas or inappropriate use of fireworks
5. Loud music or other loud noise
6. Drugs or evidence of drugs
7. Public harassment, intimidation or abuse
8. Litter or rubbish (including fly tipping) or dog fouling
9. Nuisance neighbours
10. Vehicle related anti-social behaviour such as abandoned vehicles, speeding cars or
motorcycles, car revving
11. Begging
12. People committing inappropriate or indecent sexual acts in public or sex work
13. Problems with out of control or dangerous dogs
14. Some other type of anti-social behaviour (please type in)
15. None of these
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11. Demographics Part 2
IntIntro [ASK ALL] Text
The following questions are about using different devices.
InternetUse [ASK ALL] Single coded
Have you used the internet, at home or elsewhere, in the last 12 months?
1. Yes
2. No
QScreenA-E [ASK IF SampleSplitFlag = 2] Grid
Thinking of a typical day, about how much time do you spend on each of the following types of
screen for personal use?
Please exclude time spent using a screen for work or study.
A. Television
B. Video game consoles (for example, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo)
C. Laptop or computer
D. Smartphone
E. Tablet (for example iPad, Amazon Fire)
1. Less than an hour
2. About 1-2 hours
3. About 3-4 hours
4. About 5-6 hours
5. About 7-8 hours
6. About 9-10 hours
7. About 11-14 hours
8. About 15-18 hours
9. About 19 hours or more
10. Not applicable I don’t have this type of device
11. Not applicable - I only use this for work or study
999 Don’t know
IntUsage1 [ASK IF InternetUse = 1 AND SampleSplitFlag = 2] Multicoded
Which of the following activities do you do online on any device? Please exclude activities related
to work or study.
Select all that apply
1. Emails
2. Messaging or calls (for example WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Facetime)
3. Banking or other financial services or payment services such as PayPal
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4. Gaming or playing games online
5. Music or audio streaming or podcasts
6. Navigation or maps
7. Read news or newspapers or sports news
8. Shopping (such as Amazon, eBay, retail websites)
9. Social media (for example Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok)
10. TV & video (for example Netflix, BBC iPlayer, YouTube)
11. None of the above
IntUsage2 [ASK IF InternetUse = 1 AND SampleSplitFlag = 2] Multicoded
And which, if any, of the following activities do you do online on any device? Please exclude
activities related to work or study.
Select all that apply.
1. Gambling
2. Dating
3. Fitness (e.g. Strava, Map My Run)
4. NHS or other healthcare
5. General internet searching
6. Joining an interactive online event (e.g. an online class or online community event).
7. Joining a non-interactive online event (e.g. online lecture or webinar).
8. Another online activity (please type in)
9. None of the above
IntroHTen2 [ASK ALL] Text
The following questions are about you and your circumstances.
Do you or your household own or rent this accommodation?
1. Owns outright
2. Owns with a mortgage or loan
3. Part-owns and part rents (shared ownership)
4. Rents it (with or without housing benefit)
5. Lives here rent-free
HLLord [ASK IF (HTEN1 = 3, 4 OR 5)] Single coded
Who is your landlord?
Please select the first one that applies.
1. The local authority/council/ALMO
2. A housing association, RSL, charitable trust or Local Housing Company
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3. Employer (organisation) of a household member
4. Another organisation
5. Relative/acquaintance of any current household member from before this tenancy started
6. Employer (individual) of a household member
7. Another individual private landlord
IntroSen [ASK ALL] Text
You may find some of the next questions sensitive. We ask these questions to help us to see how
experiences and opinions differ. If there are any questions that you do not want to answer, please
choose ‘Prefer not to say’.
Ethnic [ASK ALL] Single coded
What is your ethnic group?
1. English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British
2. Irish
3. Gypsy or Irish Traveller
4. Any other White background (type in)
5. White and Black Caribbean
6. White and Black African
7. White and Asian
8. Any other mixed/multiple ethnic background (type in)
9. Indian
10. Pakistani
11. Bangladeshi
12. Chinese
13. Any other Asian background (type in)
14. African
15. Caribbean
16. Any other Black/African/Caribbean background (type in)
17. Arab
18. Any other ethnic group (type in)
999 Don’t know
998 Prefer not to say
© Kantar Public 2021
Citzen [ASK ALL] Multicoded
Are you a citizen of any of the following?
Citizenship means you are entitled to a passport issued by that country.
Please select all that apply
1. The United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
2. Republic of Ireland
3. Any other member state of the European Union
4. Any other country elsewhere in the world
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
SMain [ASK ALL] Multicoded
Which language do you speak most often at home? Please choose your main language. If you
speak English and another language equally please select both of these codes.
1. English
2. Other language
SGood [ASK IF SMain =2 ] Single code
In day-to-day life, how good are you at speaking English when you need to? For example, to have
a conversation on the telephone or talk to a professional such as a teacher or a doctor?
1. Very good
2. Fairly good
3. Not very good
4. Not at all good
Relig [ASK ALL] Single coded
What is your religion?
1. No religion
2. Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian
3. Buddhist
4. Hindu
5. Jewish
6. Muslim
7. Sikh
8. Any other religion (type in)
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
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RelAct [ASK IF RELIG = 2-8] Single coded
Do you consider that you are actively practising your religion?
1. Yes
2. No
998. Prefer not to say
GHealth [ASK ALL] Single coded
How is your health in general?
1. Very good
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Bad
5. Very bad
998. Prefer not to say
DIll [ASK ALL] Single coded
Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last for 12
months or more?
1. Yes
2. No
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
DIll2 [ASK IF DILL=1] Single coded
Do any of these conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities?
1. Yes, a lot
2. Yes, a little
3. No, not at all
998. Prefer not to say
QHealthM [ASK ALL] Single coded
Do you currently have any kind of mental health conditions or illness, even if it hasn’t been formally
1. Yes
2. No
998. Prefer not to say
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QHealthW [ASK IF QHEALTHM=1] Multicoded
Which of the following mental health conditions or illnesses do you have?
Please select all that apply.
1. Stress
2. Depression (including postnatal)
3. Anxiety or panic attacks
4. Obsessive or compulsive disorder
5. Manic depression or bipolar disorder
6. Schizophrenia
7. Schizo-affective disorder
8. Personality disorder
9. Eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia
10. Post-traumatic stress syndrome
11. Psychotic illness/psychosis
12. Some other mental health condition or illness (type in)
998. Prefer not to say
QHealthD [ASK IF QHEALTHM=1 AND QHEALTHW=1-12] Multicoded
And for which, if any, of these mental health conditions or illnesses have you received a formal
diagnosis from a doctor or other relevant professional?
Please select all that apply.
Scripting note: only display codes selected at QHealthW.
1. Stress
2. Depression (including postnatal)
3. Anxiety or panic attacks
4. Obsessive or compulsive disorder
5. Manic depression or bipolar disorder
6. Schizophrenia
7. Schizo-affective disorder
8. Personality disorder
9. Eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia
10. Post-traumatic stress syndrome
11. Psychotic illness/psychosis
12. Some other mental health condition or illness (type in)
13. None of the above
998. Prefer not to say
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RCare [ASK ALL] Single coded
Do you look after, or give any help or support to, anyone because they have long-term physical or
mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems related to old age?
Please exclude anything you do as part of your paid employment.
1. No
2. Yes, 9 hours a week or less
3. Yes, 10 to 19 hours a week
4. Yes, 20 to 34 hours a week
5. Yes, 35 to 49 hours a week
6. Yes, 50 or more hours a week
999 Don’t know
998 Prefer not to say
SId [ASK ALL] Single coded
Which of the following options best describes how you think of yourself?
1. Heterosexual or Straight
2. Gay or Lesbian
3. Bisexual
4. Other
998 Prefer not to say
Employment status
EIntro1 [ASK ALL]
The next questions are about your work and employment.
QWORK [ASK ALL] Single coded
What is your current working status?
1. Working full time (30+hours a week)
2. Working part time (less than 30 hours a week)
3. On government supported training
4. Unemployed and available for work
5. On maternity or paternity leave
6. Retired and not working at all
7. Full-time education at school, college or University
8. Looking after home or family
9. Permanently sick or disabled
10. Doing something else
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999 Don’t know
998 Prefer not to say
How many hours in total do you usually work in a week in your job?
Please include both paid and unpaid hours. If you have no usual hours, please give an average.
1. 0-10 hours
2. 11-20 hours
3. 21-30 hours
4. 31-40 hours
5. 41-50 hours
6. 50+ hours
999.Don’t know
STUDY [ASK IF QWORK = 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10] Single coded
Are you at present [IF AGE=16-18 OR IF AGE2=16-19: at school or 6th form college or] enrolled
on any full-time or part-time education course excluding leisure classes?
1. Yes
2. No
JOBEVER [ASK IF QWORK = 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] Single coded
Have you ever done any paid work?
1. Yes, in the last 12 months
2. Yes, but not in the last 12 months
3. No, have never worked
998 Prefer not to say
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STAT [ASK IF QWORK = 1,2 OR JOBEVER = 1,2] Single coded
[IF QWork,1,2 = Are/ IF JOBEVER,1,2 = Were] you working as an employee or [IF QWork,1,2 =
are/ IF JOBEVER,1,2 = were] you self-employed?
1. Employee
2. Self-employed with employees
3. Self-employed/freelancer without employees
SVise [ASK IF STAT = 1] Single coded
In your job, [IF QWork,1,2 = do or IF JOBEVER, 1,2 = did] you have formal responsibility for
supervising the work of other employees?
1. Yes
2. No
EmpNo [ASK IF STAT = 1] Single coded
How many people [IF QWork,1,2 = work or IF JOBEVER,1,2 = worked] for your employer at the
place where you [IF QWork,1,2 = work or IF JOBEVER,1,2 = worked]?
1. 1 to 24
2. 25 to 499
3. 500 or more employees
SENo [ASK IF STAT = 2] Single coded
How many people [IF QWork,1,2 = do or IF JOBEVER,1,2 = did] you employ at the place where
you [IF QWork,1,2 = work or IF JOBEVER,1,2 = worked]?
1. 1 to 24
2. 25 to 499
3. 500 or more employees
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OCC [ASK IF QWORK = 1,2 OR JOBEVER = 1,2] Single coded
Which of the following best describes the type of work you [IF QWork,1,2 = do or IF JOBEVER,1,2
= did]?
1. Modern professional occupations such as: teacher nurse physiotherapist social
worker welfare officer artist musician police officer (sergeant or above) software
2. Clerical and intermediate occupations such as: secretary personal assistant clerical
worker office clerk call centre agent nursing auxiliary nursery nurse
3. Senior managers or administrators (usually responsible for planning, organising and
co-ordinating work, and for finance) such as: finance manager chief executive
4. Technical and craft occupations such as: motor mechanic fitter inspector plumber
printer tool maker electrician gardener train driver
5. Semi-routine manual and service occupations such as: postal worker machine
operative security guard caretaker farm worker catering assistant receptionist
sales assistant
6. Routine manual and service occupations such as: HGV driver van driver cleaner
porter packer sewing machinist messenger labourer waiter or waitress bar staff
7. Middle or junior managers such as: office manager retail manager bank manager
restaurant manager warehouse manager publican
8. Traditional professional occupations such as: accountant solicitor medical
practitioner scientist civil or mechanical engineer
998 Prefer not to say
QPWORK [ASK IF MARS = 2,3 OR LIVE = 1] Single coded
What is your partner's current working status?
1. Working full time (30+hours a week)
2. Working part time (less than 30 hours a week)
3. On government supported training
4. Unemployed and available for work
5. On maternity or paternity leave
6. Retired and not working at all
7. Full-time education at school, college or University
8. Looking after home or family
9. Permanently sick or disabled
10. Doing something else
998 Prefer not to say
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In which of these places do you work in your current job?
If you have more than one job, please think about the main one.
1. At or from home
2. At one or more workplaces, for example office, shop, hospital or school
3. On the move, for example moving goods or carrying out services
4. Somewhere else (please type in)
[IF WORKPLACE = 2: How far away from your home is your workplace, if you have more than one
workplace please think about the one you travel to most often?
IF WORKPLACE = 3,4: How far away from your home do you usually travel when working?
IF WORKPLACE= 1: How far away from your home is the company you work for based?]
1. Within a 15-20 minute walk from my home
2. Further away but still in my local area
3. Not in my local area
The next questions are about how you feel about your current job.
How much of the time do you feel each of the following statements applies to your job?
A. I find my job fulfilling
B. I enjoy the type of job I do
C. I feel productive when I am working
D. I find purpose in my job
4. All of the time
5. Most of the time
6. Some of the time
7. Hardly ever
8. Never
999.Don’t know
998.Prefer not to say
These are things which some people have said makes it difficult for them to find work. Which of the
following statements apply to you?
Please select all that apply.
1. There aren't many jobs where I live
2. I haven't got the skills or qualifications I need to get a job or training place
3. I don't know how to go about finding a job or training place
4. There aren't enough available courses locally to me
5. I haven't had enough advice or support to find a job or training place
6. If I was in a job or studying, I would be worse off financially compared to now
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7. I would need to move away from my local area to find a job I would enjoy
8. There are not any interesting job opportunities where I live
9. There isn't enough public transport where I live for me to get to and from work
10. Childcare is too expensive for me to work
11. Not many of my friends are working or studying
12. I haven't been able to find suitable childcare so I can work or study
13. I'm not interested in getting a job or studying
14. None of these *Exclusive
When you think about getting a job in the future, how confident do you feel about:
a) Contacting people for advice about getting a job
b) Going for a job interview
c) Convincing someone you are the best person for a job
d) Being prepared to start a new job
1. Very confident
2. Fairly confident
3. Not very confident
4. Not at all confident
Q1a [ASK ALL] Grid
How confident would you feel in each of the following situations?
A. Meeting new people
B. Working with other people in a team
C. Being the leader of a team
D. Explaining my ideas clearly
E. Speaking in public
F. Seeing things from other people’s viewpoints
G. Expressing myself to others
H. Speaking up in a group of people I don’t know well
1. Very confident
2. Fairly confident
3. Neither confident nor unconfident
4. Not very confident
5. Not at all confident
999.Don’t know
© Kantar Public 2021
QualText [ASK ALL] Text
The next set of questions is about your qualifications. Please record any qualifications you have
ever achieved in the UK or worldwide, including equivalents, even if you are not using them now.
Apprent [ASK ALL] Single coded
Have you completed an apprenticeship? For example trade, advanced, foundation, modern.
1. Yes
2. No
Degree [ASK ALL] Single coded
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example degree, foundation degree,
HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching or nursing
1. Yes
2. No
Quals [ASK IF DEGREE = 2] Multicoded
Have you achieved any other qualifications?
Please select all that apply
GCSEs or equivalent
1. 5 or more GCSEs (A* to C, 1 to 9), O levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1)
2. Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course
AS, A level or equivalent
3. 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels
4. 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels
5. 1 AS level
NVQ or equivalent
6. NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advance Craft
7. NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft
8. NVQ level 1
Other or no qualifications
9. Any other qualification, equivalent unknown
10. No qualifications
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IncIntro [ASK ALL] Text
The next questions are on income. This includes earnings from employment or self-employment,
income from benefits and pensions, and income from other sources such as interest from savings.
It is important for us to collect this so we can understand how it influences people’s experiences.
Please remember that all the information collected is completely confidential and will only be used
for the purposes of producing statistics.
Over what period would you find it easiest to provide an estimate of your [IF MARS=2,3 OR
LIVE=1: and your partner’s combined] total income before any deductions such as income tax or
National Insurance?
1. Annually
2. Monthly or every four weeks
3. Weekly
998. Prefer not to say
© Kantar Public 2021
Please select the income group which represents [IF LIVE = 2 or 998: your personal IF MARS=2,3
OR LIVE=1: you and your partner’s combined] total annual income before any deductions such as
income tax or National Insurance?
1. Up to £2,599
2. £2,600 up to £5,199
3. £5,200 up to £10,399
4. £10,400 up to £15,599
5. £15,600 up to £20,799
6. £20,800 up to £25,999
7. £26,000 up to £31,199
8. £31,200 up to £36,399
9. £36,400 up to £41,599
10. £41,600 up to £46,799
11. £46,800 up to £51,999
12. £52,000 up to £74,999
13. £75,000 up to £99,999
14. £100,000 up to £149,999
15. £150,000 or more
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
Please select the income group which represents [IF LIVE = 2 or 998: your personal IF MARS=2,3
OR LIVE=1: you and your partner’s combined] total monthly income before any deductions such
as income tax or National Insurance?
1. Up to £316
2. £317 up to £432
3. £433 up to £866
4. £867 up to £1,299
5. £1,300 up to £1,732
6. £1,733 up to £2,166
7. £2,167 up to £2,599
8. £2,600 up to £3,032
9. £3,033 up to £3,466
10. £3,467 up to £3,899
11. £3,900 up to £4,332
12. £4,333 up to £6,249
13. £6,250 up to £8,349
14. £8,350 up to £12,499
© Kantar Public 2021
15. £12,500 or more
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
Please select the income group which represents [IF LIVE = 2 or 998: your personal IF MARS=2,3
OR LIVE=1: you and your partner’s combined] total weekly income before any deductions such as
income tax or National Insurance?
1. Up to £49
2. £50 up to £99
3. £100 up to £199
4. £200 up to £299
5. £300 up to £399
6. £400 up to £499
7. £500 up to £599
8. £600 up to £699
9. £700 up to £799
10. £800 up to £899
11. £900 up to £999
12. £1,000 up to £1,449
13. £1,450 up to £1,929
14. £1,930 up to £2,879
15. £2,880 or more
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
Over what period would you find it easiest to provide an estimate of your personal total income
before any deductions such as income tax or National Insurance?
1. Annually
2. Monthly or every four weeks
3. Weekly
998. Prefer not to say
© Kantar Public 2021
IncomeXA [ASK IF INCOMEXPERIOD=1] Single coded
Please select the income group which represents your personal total annual income before any
deductions for tax. Please include income from earnings, self-employment, benefits, pensions, and
interest from savings.
1. Up to £2,599
2. £2,600 up to £5,199
3. £5,200 up to £10,399
4. £10,400 up to £15,599
5. £15,600 up to £20,799
6. £20,800 up to £25,999
7. £26,000 up to £31,199
8. £31,200 up to £36,399
9. £36,400 up to £41,599
10. £41,600 up to £46,799
11. £46,800 up to £51,999
12. £52,000 up to £74,999
13. £75,000 up to £99,999
14. £100,000 up to £149,999
15. £150,000 or more
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
Please select the income group which represents your personal total monthly income before any
deductions such as income tax or National Insurance? Please include income from earnings, self-
employment, benefits, pensions, and interest from savings.
1. Up to £316
2. £317 up to £432
3. £433 up to £866
4. £867 up to £1,299
5. £1,300 up to £1,732
6. £1,733 up to £2,166
7. £2,167 up to £2,599
8. £2,600 up to £3,032
9. £3,033 up to £3,466
10. £3,467 up to £3,899
11. £3,900 up to £4,332
12. £4,333 up to £6,249
13. £6,250 up to £8,349
14. £8,350 up to £12,499
© Kantar Public 2021
15. £12,500 or more
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
Please select the income group which represents your personal total weekly income before any
deductions such as income tax or National Insurance? Please include income from earnings, self-
employment, benefits, pensions, and interest from savings.
1. Up to £49
2. £50 up to £99
3. £100 up to £199
4. £200 up to £299
5. £300 up to £399
6. £400 up to £499
7. £500 up to £599
8. £600 up to £699
9. £700 up to £799
10. £800 up to £899
11. £900 up to £999
12. £1,000 up to £1,449
13. £1,450 up to £1,929
14. £1,930 up to £2,879
15. £2,880 or more
999. Don’t know
998. Prefer not to say
FINMAN [ASK ALL] Single coded
Which of these statements best describes your current financial situation?
1. I am saving a lot
2. I am saving a little
3. I am just manging to make ends meet
4. I am having to draw on savings
5. I am running into debt
999.Don’t know
998.Prefer not to say
© Kantar Public 2021
Next are some questions about how you feel about your life.
Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with...
A. your income?
B. your job?
C. your health?
1. Very satisfied
2. Fairly satisfied
3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4. Fairly dissatisfied
5. Very dissatisfied
999.Don’t know
998.Prefer not to say
FOLLOWUP [ASK ALL] Single coded
This survey is conducted by Kantar Public, an independent social research organisation. We may
like to contact you again, with questions relating to this survey or to help with other connected
research for the Government or a charity. Would it be okay for us to contact you within the next
two years?
This will involve us keeping a secure record of your name, email address and/or telephone number
for two years. Your contact details will not be used for any other purposes and will be destroyed
after two years. If you answer 'yes', you are giving your permission for us to re-contact you within
the next two years to discuss taking part in follow-up research. You are not agreeing to take part in
any research.
1. Yes
2. No
FOLLOWUP2 [ASK ALL] Single coded
If follow up research related to this survey was being conducted on behalf of the government or a
charity would you be willing for Kantar Public to securely pass your name, contact details and
information from this survey to another research organisation, so they could contact you within the
next two years?
This will involve us keeping a secure record of your name, email address and/or telephone number
for two years. Your contact details will only be shared for valid research purposes and will be
destroyed after two years.
If you answer ‘yes’, you are giving your permission to be re-contacted to discuss taking part in
follow-up research within the next two years by another research organisation. You are not
agreeing to take part in any research.
© Kantar Public 2021
1. Yes
2. No
RecontactName [ASK IF FOLLOWUP=1 OR FOLLOWUP2=1] Single coded
So we can invite you to take part in future research please enter your title, first name and surname
1. Mr
2. Mrs
3. Miss
4. Ms
5. Mx
6. Dr
[First Name box]
[Surname box]
998. Prefer not to say
GiveTel [ASK IF FOLLOWUP = 1 OR FOLLOWUP2 = 1] Single coded
Please enter your telephone number in case we want to contact you for any follow up research.
Prefer not to give my telephone number
Do you have a home or work email address that you access at least once a month?
1. Yes
2. No
Please enter your email address in case we want to contact you for any follow up research.
Prefer not to give my email address
QFraud [ASK ALL] Single coded
The Community Life Survey is conducted on behalf of HM Government. The quality of the data is very
important so please confirm below that all your answers were given honestly and represent your own
personal views.
1. Yes, all my answers were given honestly and represent my own personal views
2. I do not wish to continue
© Kantar Public 2021
QfraudName [ASK IF QFRAUD = 1] Open
Please type in your full name in the box below to confirm you are happy for your answers to be
Name: _______________________
Thank you for completing the survey, please click next to submit your responses and claim your
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Enter email address
I do not wish to claim a gift voucher
I do not wish to provide my email address
MERITCLAIM3 [ASK IF MERITCLAIM = Email address OR I do not wish to provide my
email address] Text
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[IF MERITCLAIM= EMAIL ADDRESS PROVIDED: We will send an email confirming your voucher
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voucher immediately by following the instructions below:]
1. Click on the link below to go to the Merit Incentive website.
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chose to receive it that way).
To claim your £10 gift voucher, please click the unique link below and follow the instructions provided:
© Kantar Public 2021
Closing screen [ASK ALL] Text
Thank you for participating in the Community Life Survey.
You can now close this window.