Physician's Signature & Date
Colorado Parks And Wildlife, Attn: Wounded Warrior Program, 6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216
Mail completed application to:
"I certify that the patient listed on this application (applicant) is
currently under my care and I am fully aware of the patient's
medical condition. Furthermore, I certify that the applicant is a
member of the United States Armed Forces and is a resident of, or
stationed in, Colorado returning from post-September 11, 2001
overseas contingency operations. Additionally, I certify that the
applicant is so severly injured during combat, or combat-related
support activities that the applicant will require years of intense,
ongoing care or assistance. I also certify that the applicant is
currently assigned to a military medical treatment facility and is a
member of the United States Armed Services Wounded Warrior
program (as defined on the reverse of this application). I
understand that providing false information when completing this
application is a criminal offense."
Physician’s Name, Address, & Phone Number
Please Print or Stamp Clearly
Applicant's Signature & Date
Address Release Box: By checking this box, I give the Colorado Parks And Wildlife
permission to forward my name, address, phone number, & license information to
certain persons requesting it. (see Big Game Brochure for further details)
Physican's Statement
This program will assist the applicant in acquiring a Big Game license for deer, elk, and/or pronghorn.
List Month & Year if CO resident
Social Security #
Required if not on record
List 'Military' if stationed in CO
Colorado Resident Since
Hunter Education # & State of issue
Required if born on or after Jan 01, 1949.
Military Training does NOT qualify for Hunter Education.
Area Code & Phone Number
Driver's License # & State
Date of Birth (mm-dd-yyyy)MIFirst Name
Zip Code
Customer Identification Number (CID)
Last Name
If you do not have a CID #, please leave blank
"I certify that the information given on this application is true and accurate. I certify that I am a member of the United States Armed
Forces, who is a resident of, or stationed in, Colorado returning from post-September 11, 2001 overseas contingency operations and I
have been so severely injured during combat, including combat-related support activities that I will require years of intense, ongoing
care or assistance. Additionally, I certify that I am currently assigned to a military medical treatment facility and I am a member of a
United States Armed Services Wounded Warrior program (as defined on the reverse of this application). I hereby authorize the
Colorado Parks And Wildlife to make further inquires to verify this information which may include contacting my physician, therapist,
or my Commanding Officer. I understand that providing false information when completing this application is a criminal offense and I
specifically agree that venue for such offenses shall be the District and County Court of Adams County Colorado unless otherwise
agreed by the Colorado Parks And Wildlife."
Application for the Wounded Warrior Big Game License(s) Program
Please print clearly in all CAPITAL letters Huntcode Choice(s):
E R Elk
Colorado Parks And Wildlife Regulations: Chapter 2, Article 1, #206, B, 4, f:
Wounded Warr
ior Hunting Licenses – The Director may make certain deer, elk, and pronghorn licenses
available to qualified participants in any United States Armed Services Wounded Warrior programs.
1. Applicants must be members of the United States Armed Forces, who are residents of, or stationed in,
Colorado returning from post-September 11, 2001 overseas contingency operations who have been so
severely injured during combat, including combat-related support activities, that they will require
years of intense, ongoing care or assistance. Additionally, applicants must be members of a United
States Armed Services Wounded Warrior program, as defined in 33-4-102(1.9) C.R.S., and must be
assigned to a military medical treatment facility at the time of application for this program.
2. Applications shall contain a statement from a license medical doctor certifying the applicant’s
eligibility under the criteria in 1 above. Additional documentation may be required if necessary to
establish the applicant’s eligibility under this program.
3. Applications for antlerless deer and elk and doe pronghorn licenses shall be made on the form
available from the Colorado Parks And Wildlife, Limited License Office, 6060 Broadway, Denver, CO.
Applications for antlered deer and elk and pronghorn buck licenses shall be made on the form
available from the applicable Colorado Parks And Wildlife regional service center. Hunters may apply
from the Monday after the May Commission meeting through the last day of the rifle seasons. Licenses
issued under this program shall be issued as free licenses.
4. Antlerless deer and elk and doe pronghorn licenses will be available in all game management units
with a total allocation of more than 100 antlerless deer or 100 antlerless elk or 50 doe pronghorn
during the rifle seasons described in 250, 257, and 262 of these regulations. For any one game
management unit no more than 10 licenses or 2 percent of the total number of limited antlerless deer
or elk or doe pronghorn licenses for the game management unit, whichever number is greater, shall be
issued as Wounded Warrior hunting licenses for the species in question.
5. Antlered or either-sex licenses for deer or elk and buck pronghorn licenses will be private land only
licenses and will be available for hunt codes requiring four or fewer resident preference points to
draw in the previous year in all game management units with a total allocation of more than 100
antlered or either-sex deer, 100 antlered or either-sex elk, or 50 buck pronghorn during the rifles
seasons described in #250, #257, and #262 of these regulations. For any one game management unit
no more than 5 licenses or 2 percent of the total number of limited antlered, either-sex or buck
licenses for the game management unit, whichever is greater, shall be issued as Wounded Warrior
hunting licenses for the species in question.
6. Antlered or either-sex licenses for deer or elk and buck pronghorn licenses will be approved by the
applicable Regional Manager on a case-by-case basis for hunters who qualify under this program in
instances where an organization assisting Wounded Warrior hunters has coordinated a hunting
opportunity specifically for this program and where all other avenues of obtaining a license have been
7. Wounded Warrior hunting licenses will be valid only for the season dates and any units included in
the authorized hunt code. Wounded Warrior hunting licenses may not be issued for Ranching for
Wildlife properties unless otherwise provided in the ranch contract.
ion of United States Armed Services Wounded Warrior Program as stated in the Colorado Revised
Statutes §33-4-102 (1.9) for the purpose of the Colorado Parks And Wildlife Wounded
Warrior Hunting Program:
States Armed Services Wounded Warrior Programs” means:
(I) The Army Wounded Warrior (AW2) Program;
I) The Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2) Program;
(III) The Navy Safe Harbor Program;
) The Coast Guard Wounded Warrior Regiment; And
(V) Any successor program administered by a branch of the United States Armed Services to
provide individualized support for the service members who have been severely injured
in overseas contingency operations undertaken since September 11, 2001.
Revised 05/2012