Preparing for the Pyramid: Classroom Essentials
Teacher: Coach: Date completed:
This list identifies six classroom components essential for successful Pyramid implementation. These materials and
environmental considerations are pivotal for child success in a Pyramid Model classroom. This form is intended to be a
coaching tool used following training to help the team be ready for coaching on the Pyramid to begin. The teacher and
coach can review together and discuss if any modifications need to be made before the first coaching cycle begins.
1. Visual schedule *ALL must be present
Includes photographs or clip art for each activity
Each daily activity represented
Posted at children’s eye level
Accommodates when changes occur (e.g., rainy weather, special events)
Indicates the passing of time (i.e., pieces can be flipped over, removed, or marker denotes current activity)
Remains visible the entire day
2. Behavior expectations
Positively stated (e.g., “We are safe,” “We are kind”)
No more than 5
Displayed expectations include an image or symbol
Posted and visible to children in the classroom
3. Rules
Positively stated
No more than 5
Visual representation for each
Posted at children’s eye level in the activity or setting where applicable
4. Families are visually represented (e.g. photos posted, class book)
Every child is represented
Easily seen or accessible
Families are represented in a positive way
5. Physical environment designed to promote engagement
Enough centers to accommodate the number of children
Centers have clear boundaries
Materials are developmentally appropriate and adequate in number and variety
No wide-open spaces for children to run
Group area is clearly defined with enough space to accommodate the number of children
6. If present, behavior management systems are positive *Note: this is not a required classroom essential
Does not include punitive measures (e.g., moving clip to a red light, smiley/frown face daily ratings, time out chair)
Any acknowledgement earned is not lost
Any parental communication about the system focuses on what has gone well, rather than challenges
All children are eligible to earn acknowledgement throughout the day
National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations |
The reproduction of this document is encouraged. Permission to copy is not required. If modified or used in another format, please cite original
source. This is a product of the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations and was made possible by Cooperative Agreement #H326B170003
which is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. However, those contents do not necessarily represent
the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Pub: 04/28/21