Complaint Tracking
TTraracckkiinngg NNuummbbeerr::
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The City of Toronto aims to deliver exceptional, equitable, and accessible customer service.
If customers are dissatised with the service they receive, the City wants to make it easy for
them to make a complaint. Once a complaint has been made, customers should know what
to expect. The purpose of this Complaints Tracking Form is to allow you (the complainant)
to le your complaint and receive a tracking number for your reference.
Please n
onymous complaints may not be investigated.
Alternative procedures are available to employees to initiate complaints within the organization.
C omplaint procedures related to harassment and/or discrimination are available for all City employees and service
recipients at Human Rights Ofce Complaint Policy.
Section A: To be completed by Complainant
Contact Information
First Name Last Name
City/Town Province Postal code
Home phone Business phone Mobile phone E-mail
Channel Reported
Check one box only.
In Person Phone Electronic Mail Fax
Summary of Complaint
Please record information about what happened, who was involved, what actions occurred, dates and times.
Be as detailed as possible. If there is not enough space to describe the complaint, attach extra paper.
Please attach any relevant documents, such as letters or reports, that are relevant to the complaint.
Tracking Number:Tracking Number:
Complaint Tracking
Tracking Number:
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Summary of Complaint
Service area or location of problem
Staff persons involved (if known and if applicable)
List of enclosures (include copies of any documentation in support of the complaint)
Complaint Type
Check all that apply.
Processes or Procedures Timeliness of Service Staff Conduct
Equity and Diversity Accessibility/Access Outcome
Other (please describe)
Desired Outcome
The program staff involved will notify you within 1 to 3 calendar days of receiving the complaint. If this is not possible,
you will be contacted and given a reason why this timeline is being adjusted.
Complaint Recipient Date
Program Area E-mail Phone Number
Notice of Collection
City Manager’s Ofce collects personal information on this form under authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, s. 136(c) and
the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 169, Article I, ss. 169-1, 169-2, and 169-4. The information you provide will be used
to investigate the complaint and may be used for contact purposes. Questions about this collection can be directed to Director,
Executive Management, 100 Queen Street West, 11
Floor East Tower, Toronto, ON M5H 2N2 or by telephone at 416-392-4995
While investigating your complaint, in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA),
the City of Toronto will only disclose your personal information to staff who require the information to perform the investigation and will
not be shared with the person who is the subject of your complaint (if applicable). Your personal information will not be shared with
anyone else unless you provide written consent for such sharing or where the City is compelled by law to do so.
Complaint Tracking
Tracking Number:
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Section B: To be completed by City Staff
Note: Contact information of the complaint owner should be lled out whether or not the complaint is transferred.
Initial Internal Investigation
Complaint Owner Program Area
Date Received (yyyy-mm-dd) Email Phone Number
Was the complaint transferred to another area? Yes No
If yes, explain why the transfer was made, ll out the contact details of the complaint owner, and send a copy of pages 1
and 2 to the complaint owner.
Reason for transfer (if applicable)
Is the complaint misclassied (e.g., actual feedback, compliment, etc.)?
Yes No
If yes, indicate the date of notication Date (yyyy-mm-dd):
Is the complaint a duplicate? Yes No
If yes, indicate the date of notication Date (yyyy-mm-dd):
Is more detailed information required from the complainant? Yes
If yes, contact the complainant to request the necessary information Date (yyyy-mm-dd):
Indicate date complainant was notied of service standards and process details Date (yyyy-mm-dd):
Investigation Notes
Date (yyyy-mm-dd):
Complaint Tracking
Tracking Number:
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Outcome of Initial Internal Investigation
Include steps for resolution. Date (yyyy-mm-dd):
Name of person who has completed Outcome Role of person Target Date for Resolution
Upon completion of the Initial Internal Investigation,
send notication of the outcome to the complainant. Date of Notication:
Complaint Tracking
Tracking Number:
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Escalated Internal Investigation
Notify complainant including service standards and process details. Date of notication:
Gwen McIntosh
Program Area
Executive Management
Email Address
Phone Number
Reason for Escalated Internal Investigation
Please use the space below to explain why the Complainant did not accept the outcome of the Initial Internal Investigation
of their complaint and therefore why they are now asking City staff to reinvestigate the matter.
Complaint Tracking
Tracking Number:
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Investigation Notes
DDaattee ((yyyyyyyy--mmmm--dddd))::
Outcome of Escalated Internal Investigation
IInncclluuddee sstteeppss ffoorr rreessoolluuttiioonn..
NNaammee ooff ppeerrssoonn wwhhoo hhaass ccoommpplleetteedd OOuuttccoommee RRoollee ooff ppeerrssoonn Target Date for Resolution
UUppoonn ccoommpplleettiioonn ooff tthhee iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn pprroocecessss,, sseenndd
nnoottiiccaattiioonn ooff tthhee nneeww oouuttccoommee ttoo tthhee ccoommppllaaiinnaanntt.. DDaattee ooff NNoottiiccaattiioonn: :
External Review
Check this box if the complaint goes to external review. Attach any relevant documents.
Investigation Notes
Outcome of Escalated Internal Investigation
Target Date for Resolution
External Review