Choosing the Size of the Sample
In: Sampling Essentials: Practical Guidelines for Making
Sampling Choices
By: Johnnie Daniel
Pub. Date: 2012
Access Date: April 9, 2019
Publishing Company: SAGE Publications, Inc.
City: Thousand Oaks
Print ISBN: 9781412952217
Online ISBN: 9781452272047
Print pages: 236-253
© 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Choosing the Size of the Sample
What you will learn in this chapter:
How to determine sample size
Guidelines for choosing an appropriate sample size for nonprobability sample
Guidelines for choosing an appropriate sample size for probability sample designs
The choice of sample size is a very important decision. One should carefully assess all of the relevant factors,
but should not waste time and money by selecting a sample size too large, nor fail to satisfy the objectives
on one's study because the sample size is too small. This chapter includes a description of guidelines for
determining sample size.
Guidelines for Choosing Sample Size
Determination of sample size should begin with a review of the factors covered in Chapter 1. One should
have a clear understanding of the following:
Objectives of the study:
Exploratory versus nonexploratory objectives
Importance to have credible results
Need to describe or compare subpopulations
Need to include rare or very small categories of the population in the study
Ethical and legal considerations
Nature of the population
Availability of resources
Nature of the research design including:
Type of research design
Type of data analysis design
Type of sample design
Moreover, one should determine whether one will use a fixed approach or a sequential approach. When
using a fixed approach, one would set a specific sample size target before commencing data collection.
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On the other hand, using a sequential approach, instead of preselecting a specific sample size target, one
would preselect a set of decision rules or stopping rules to govern when sampling will stop. Sample size
determination involves a number of critical choices. A flow chart of considerations in determining sample size
is displayed in Figure 7.1.
Objectives of the Study
Guideline 7.1.Objectives of the study. If a research study has an exploratory objective, and/or has
a low level of importance, consider using a small sample size rather than a large sample size.
On the other hand, if the objective of a research study is to provide a description of a population,
a prediction, an evaluation, or an explanation, a relatively large sample size may be required.
Moreover, generally, the greater the importance of a study, the need to conduct detailed analyses of
subpopulations, and the need to include rare or very small segments of a population, the larger the
sample size is required.
In conducting an exploratory study, the researcher is not attempting to make conclusive analyses, and a small
sample size may suffice. On the other hand, if a study concerns critical business decisions or scientific issues,
and requires great precision, its research design should be more rigorous. For such circumstances, a large
sample size may be justified. For explorative research, a small sample size may suffice.
Moreover, generally, the more important a study is, the larger the sample size required in order to satisfy the
objectives. A large sample size would minimize random sampling error and make for a more rigorous analysis
of the data collected.
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Figure 7.1 Factors Consider in Determining Sample Size
A study that requires one to describe or compare detailed subpopulations generally requires a larger sample
size than a study that requires one only to describe population parameters. Research frequently has multiple
target populations, each critically important to the objectives of the study. A health survey may target all
persons who have chronic and acute conditions, women within their reproductive years, families with infants,
families with children aged 13 to 17, or families with persons 65 years or older. In order to have equally reliable
results for each of these subpopulations, the sample size of the study may have to be much larger than the
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sample size for a health survey that does not have such concerns.
If the objectives require the inclusion of rare or hidden populations in one's study, or if a sampling procedure
such as respondent-assisted sampling is not used, a large sample size may be required to obtain a sufficient
sample size. Generally, the more rare and hidden the target population, the larger the required sample size.
Ethical Considerations
Guideline 7.2.Ethical considerations. Taking the burden on study participants into consideration,
one should choose the smallest sample necessary to satisfy the objectives of a study.
Participation in research imposes a burden on participants. Although this burden is greater in some research
than in others, it is unethical to subject participants to any unnecessary burden. From an ethical point of view,
a sample is too large if it has more participants than necessary and too small if it is not large enough to detect
a significant effect that has practical relevance. An extremely large sample may indicate that a very small
difference is statistically significant even though the difference may be meaningless from a practical or clinical
perspective. One should choose the smallest sample that satisfies the study's objectives.
Nature of the Population
Several characteristics of a target population are relevant in determining the sample size. These include:
Size of the population
Homogeneity/heterogeneity of the population
Spatial distribution of the population
Guideline 7.3.Size of the population. For large populations, size of the population is not a critical
factor in determining sample size; on the other hand, for small populations, the size of the population
should be considered in determining sample size.
Population size is usually not a factor in determining sample size. However, if the sample is more than 5% of
the population size, the size of the population should be taken into consideration.
Guideline 7.4.Homogeneity/heterogeneity of the population. The more homogeneous the
population in terms of the variables of interest, the more consideration should be given to choosing
a smaller sample rather than a larger sample; the more heterogeneous the population in terms of
the variables of interest, the more consideration should be given to choosing a larger sample rather
than a smaller sample.
The rule of homogeneity holds that the more homogeneous the population, the fewer elements are necessary
to represent the population. If a population is perfectly homogeneous in terms of the study variables, only one
element would be necessary to have a representative sample. Inferences based on homogeneous samples
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have smaller margins of error than inferences based on heterogeneous samples. It is not unusual for a
research project to have multiple key variables with differing variances. In such a situation, one should choose
the sample size based on the variable for which the greatest precision is required.
Guideline 7.5.Spatial distribution of the population. Due to the relationship between the spatial
distribution of the population and data collection costs, the more scattered a population, the more
consideration should be given to choosing a smaller sample rather than a larger sample.
The spatial distribution of a population significantly affects the data collection costs of a study; as a result,
the spatial distribution of the population is a critical factor in determining sample size. Given availability of
funds, a larger sample may not be an option in studying a widely dispersed population. Using cluster sampling
may reduce such costs. However, as noted earlier, cluster sampling would yield higher sampling errors,
necessitating the sampling of a larger number of clusters and a larger overall sample size.
Availability of Resources
Guideline 7.6.Availability of resources. The more limited one's resources (i.e., money, time,
facilities, personnel, etc.), the more consideration should be given to choosing a smaller sample
rather than a larger sample.
The number of elements selected for a research project will primarily be determined by the availability of
resources. There is a direct relationship between amount of money, time, facilities, and personnel available
to conduct a study and sample size. It will be a waste of effort to identify a large number of elements for
participation in the study if one does not have the facilities, personnel, and other resources to involve them in
the study. If immediate results are required, a large sample size may be out of the question. There must be
a balance between resources and sample size. Using only budget considerations, the sample size may be
determined by dividing the available funds for data collection by the average data collection cost per element.
Research Design Considerations
Several factors relating to the research design of a study should be considered in determining sample size.
These include considerations relating to:
Type of research design
Data analysis design
Type of sample design
Type of Research Design
Guideline 7.7.Type of research design. Quantitative research designs tend to require larger sample
sizes than qualitative research designs; nonexperimental designs tend to require larger sample sizes
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than experimental research designs; and longitudinal research designs tend to have larger sample
sizes than cross-sectional research designs.
Sampling in qualitative research tends to differ from sampling in quantitative research in that quantitative
research designs tend to require larger sample sizes. Although a specific sample size may be prescribed in
employing availability sampling and quota sampling, often specific sample sizes are not targeted in purposive
sampling and respondent-assisted sampling.
Experimental research designs also tend to have smaller sample sizes than survey research designs.
Experimental research designs focus on variable and relationships external validity, and the internal validity of
the study. More attention is given to controlling for measurement error and controlling for extraneous variables
than factors affecting population generalizability. When different types of experimental designs are compared,
quasi-experimental designs should have larger sample sizes than true experimental designs because, since
randomization is not used, a larger sample size is needed to control for extraneous variables via statistical
Longitudinal research designs, or more specifically, panel longitudinal research designs, tend to have larger
sample sizes than cross-sectional research designs. In panel longitudinal designs, data are collected from
the same population elements at different points in time. In order to compensate for problems in recruiting
population elements for long-term studies and the problem of mortality, elements leaving the study, often a
larger sample size is used than what would have been used with a different research design.
Data Analysis Design
Guideline 7.8.Data analysis design. The sample size should be set taking into consideration:
The assumptions of the statistical procedures that are to be used in the study.
The complexity and amount of details the data analysis design required. For example, one
should take into account the required sample size per cell of cross-tabulations that may be
part of one's analysis design.
The strength of the expected relationship of relationships studies, and the size of the
differences between categories for comparative studies. The stronger the expected
relationship the data analysis is expected to reveal, the smaller the sample size necessary
to reveal the result; while the fainter the relationship the data analysis is expected to
reveal, the larger the sample size necessary to reveal the result. Moreover, the smaller
the differences between categories that are expected, the larger the sample size that is
Statistical procedures vary in terms of their sample size requirements. Violation of the sample size
assumptions of the statistical procedures that are used will affect the internal validity of a study.
Analyses that are complex, include a large number of variables, and include detailed subgroup analyses
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require larger sample sizes than other analyses. The strength of the relationship analyzed will also affect
the sample size requirements of a study. Generally, the stronger the expected relationships, the smaller the
sample size necessary to detect it.
Type of Sample Design
The sample size required differs from one sample design to the other. The type of sample design affects
the relevance of different factors in determining sample size. The calculations of the margin of error of
estimates and the significance of differences between estimates assume the use of probability sampling.
Such calculations are irrelevant if nonprobability sampling is used. Considerations relating to the type of
sample design are described below.
Guideline 7.9.Nonprobability sample designs. If nonprobability sampling is used, consider using
adhoc, nonstatistical methods in determining sample size.
If a researcher uses nonprobability sampling, although statistical theories are not applicable in determining
sample size, one may consider using various conventions, “rules of thumb,” and adhoc, nonstatistical
methods. Typical sample sizes for various types of research designs include:
Case study research: 3 to 5 participants
Phenomenological research: 6 to 10 participants
Grounded theory research: 15 to 30 participants
Ethnographic research: 35 to 50 participants
Focus group research: 3 to 12 focus groups depending upon type of participants, 6 to 12 participants
per group
Experimental research: 15 to 30 participants per group
Survey research, single topic community or national study: 400 to 2,500 participants
Survey research: multipletopic, national study: 10,000 to 15,000 participants
Exploratory research, pilot study, pretest: 20 to 150 participants
Correlation research: 30 participants
Analysis of major subgroup: 100 participants
Analysis of minor subgroup: 30 participants
Marketing research, product testing: 200 to 2,500 participants
Population size over 400: 200 to 1,500 participants
Guideline 7.10.Probability sample designs. If probability sampling is used, consider using statistical
formulas in determining sample size.
If probability sampling is used, it is not necessary to rely on conventions and rules of thumb in determining
sample size. One may use statistical formulas based on probability theories. The formulas for calculating
sample size vary from problem to problem. If one is conducting a descriptive study with the purpose of
estimating population parameters, one should use formulas for calculating the confidence of intervals for
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these estimates. The confidence level describes the level of confidence that the population figure is within
the confidence interval around the estimate. If one is conducting an analytical study or experimental research
with the purpose of estimating the significance of the difference between subgroups, one would use formulas
for testing the significance of such differences.
If an objective of the research is to estimate population parameters, one may determine the sample size
necessary for such a study by using formulas for calculating the confidence intervals for the statistic used in
the study (the confidence interval approach of determining sample size). Steps that may be used for a simple
random sample design include:
Identify the major study variable(s) and determine whether they are categorical or continuous. It
is not unusual for a study to have more than one variable of interest. The sample size should be
sufficient for all the important analyses that must be done. One may calculate the sample size for
all of the important variables, and then use the one that requires the largest sample size.
Determine the statistic to estimate. Typically, if the variables are categorical, percentages (or
proportions) are used; if the variables are continuous, means are used.
Identify the formula (equation) for computing confidence intervals for the statistic selected in Step
2, and solve the equation for the sample size. Depending upon the formulas used, the equations
below may result:
Proportions: n = z
Means: n = z
n = the sample size
z = the z score corresponding with the desired level of confidence or probability of error. The level of
confidence is equal to 1 minus the significance level (α). Typically, a level of confidence of 95% (i.e., one can
be 95% certain that the true figure is within the margin of error) is set. A z score of 1.96 is used for the .95
level of confidence, and a z score of 2.58 is used for the .99 level of confidence.
p = the estimated proportion in the population. This estimate might be based on prior research, pilot study,
estimates from experienced researcher(s) who studied similar populations and research questions, and/or
industry conventions. The most conservative estimate is .50. It is used if there is little basis for making an
q = 1 - p
e = the tolerable margin of error or precision of the estimate. It should be driven by the purposes of the study.
The more important the study, the higher the level of precision desired, and the smaller the tolerable margin
of error that should be targeted.
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s = estimated variability of the statistic in the target population. The estimate may be based on prior
research, pilot study, estimates from experienced researcher(s) who studied similar populations and research
questions, and/or industry conventions. If information on the range is available, the range method for
estimating the standard deviation may be used by dividing the range by a value of 4 to 6.
Example 1: What sample size is necessary to estimate the proportion of voters likely to vote for a political
candidate if prior research indicates that it is likely that the candidate will receive 54% of the vote, and it is
desired that the margin of error is .04 and the level of confidence is .95?
Example 2: What sample size is necessary to estimate mean number of hours per week students at a local
high school study if prior research suggests a standard deviation of 2 hours; it is desired that the margin of
error is .5 hours; and the level of confidence is .95?
Using the above formula for calculating the sample size for a study whose variables of interest are measured
in terms of proportions, the sample size for various values of a proportion and margin of error were calculated
and presented in Table 7.1. The 95% level of confidence was used for these calculations. The formula
used assumes simple random sampling is used, and study is descriptive study with a purpose to estimate
population parameters. Different formulas would be appropriate for studies with different purposes, data
analytic requirements, and more complex sample designs. The discussion of these formulas is beyond the
scope of this text. (For more information, see Kish, 1965; Levy & Lemeshow, 2008; Lohr, 2009; Scheaffer,
Mendenhall, & Ott, 2006; Thompson, 2002.)
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Table 7.1 Sample Size for Various Values of a Proportion and Margin of Error
Guideline 7.11.Sequential sampling approaches. One may apply the above formulas prior to data
collection, fixing the sample size at that time, or a sequential sampling or adaptive sampling
approach may be used. In using a sequential approach, the number of sampling units to be included
in the study is not fixed in advance of data collection. Instead of setting a fixed sample size, a
researcher would set a “stopping rule,” such as a targeted margin of error or “data saturation,” and
continue to sample until the rule is satisfied. If probability sampling is used, the researcher may
continue to add cases until a targeted margin of error is satisfied. If nonprobability sampling is used,
the researcher may continue to sample until additional elements do not provide new information; that
is, one has “data saturation,” “theoretical saturation,” or “informational redundancy,” or exhausted
the social network being studied. Sequential sampling has been found to result in smaller samples
than the sample size generated via a fixed approach, and as a result is completed in a shorter period
of time (Anscombe, 1963; Armitage, 1975; Birt & Brogren, 1964; Howe, 1982).
The following research notes provide examples of sample size determination in qualitative research. The
task is such that research is often not to make inferences to population parameters but to bring about an
understanding of the subject matter of the study. Theoretical saturation is one of the criteria used to determine
whether a sample is too small or too large. Research Notes 7.1 and 7.2 provide illustrations of theoretical
saturation. Research Note 7.1 concerns a study of nursing support for family members of critically ill adults,
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and Research Note 7.2 concerns a study of the effect of spirituality on the self-management of diabetes
among African Americans.
Research Note 7.1: Example of Theoretical Saturation: Study of Nursing
Support for Family Members of Critically Ill Adults
Vandall-Walker, Jensen, and Oberle (2007) used theoretical sampling in their grounded
theory study of nursing support for family members of critically ill adults. They used
theoretical saturation in determining sample size of the study. They described their
sampling procedures as follows:
To be included, participants had to be adult family members who (a) visited
an adult patient admitted to a critical care unit, (b) were able to speak and
understand English, and (c) were cognitively able to reflect on and verbalize their
experiences and their perceptions of nursing support. At the time of the initial
face-to-face meeting, a written consent was obtained after an explanation of the
study both verbally and in written form.
Sampling was engaged in until theoretical saturation was reached; that is, until
what was being revealed in the data was not new information but confirmatory
of the categories already developed. This approach resulted in a convenience
sample of 20 family members from 14 families who were involved in one or two
interviews held in a quiet room in the ICU, the social worker's office, or the first
author's office.
Ideally in grounded theory, after the first few interviews, data collection is guided
by theoretical sampling, in which the interviewer purposively samples “people,
places, or events, that will maximize opportunities to discover variations among
concepts and to densify categories in terms of their properties and dimensions”
(Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p. 201). In this study, theoretical sampling was
constrained somewhat by the nature of the ethically approved recruitment
process, wherein participants self-selected. However, this self-selection did result
in participants being recruited from most of the critical care units, so there was
breadth of appropriate “places” represented. As well, from within this pool of
participants, theoretical sampling for incidents and experiences was addressed.
Partway through the study, some family members who had heard of the study
by word of mouth were recruited. These individuals added information that
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significantly influenced the evolving theory and constituted a serendipitous
theoretical sample: individuals the first author would have approached had the
ethically approved recruitment protocol included this option.
Research Note 7.2: Example of Theoretical Saturation: Study of the Effect of
Spirituality on the Self-Management of Diabetes Among African Americans
Polzer and Miles (2007) used theoretical sampling in their development of a theoretical
model about how the spirituality of African Americans affects their self-management of
diabetes. Their sample size was determined by theoretical saturation. They described their
sampling procedures as follows:
Participants were men and women with diabetes, as well as 5 Protestant
ministers. The inclusion criteria for participants with diabetes were (a) African
American men and women, (b) diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for at least a
year, (c) under the care of a health care provider for type 2 diabetes, (d) ages
40 to 75 years, (e) of low socioeconomic status, (f) able to perform most of
the activities of self-management themselves, (g) cognitively intact, and (h) able
to speak English. In addition, participants had (a) no other health problems
that required considerable self-management and (b) no other health problems
for which the person was undergoing current major medical treatment (e.g.,
chemotherapy). The only eligibility criterion for the ministers was that they be
ministers of churches with primarily African American congregations.
Sampling began with purposeful sampling, whereby individuals who were
deemed information rich were chosen for the study (Patton, 2001). As typologies
began to emerge in data analysis, we used theoretical sampling to refine the
differences and similarities between these groups. Data collection and analysis
stopped once informational redundancy had been achieved.
The sample of persons with diabetes consisted of 10 African American men and
19 African American women. All had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for a
mean of 13 years (range 1 to 35).
Final Adjustments
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Once a targeted sample size has been determined either by “rules of thumb” or statistical formulas, further
adjustments should be made. Where relevant, adjustments should be made for:
Ineligibility/incidence rate
Finite population correction factor
Design effect
Attrition/mortality rate
Guideline 7.12.Ineligibility/incidence rate. The targeted sample size should be adjusted to take into
account the ineligibility or incidence rate.
It should be anticipated that when contact is made with the sampled elements, some will not be members of
the target population. They should be excluded from the study. The targeted sample size should be adjusted
to account for ineligibles.
Gross incidence rate: the percentage of the general population that are members of the finite
population, for example, the percentage of the general population who are 18 years of age or older.
Reachable rate: Reflects how good the sampling frame is.
Net incidence rate: The percentage of contacts who qualify for inclusion in the study. Gross incidence
x qualification percentage.
Completion rate: Percentage of elements in the target population from whom a completed data
collection instrument is obtained.
Contacts = n / R × I × C
Guideline 7.13.Nonresponse. The targeted sample size should be adjusted to take into account the
unit nonresponse rate and the item nonresponse rate for key variables.
One should anticipate unit nonresponse and item nonresponse for key variables. Previous similar research
and/or a pilot study might assist in estimating the nonresponse one is likely to encounter. The targeted sample
size should be adjusted for anticipated nonresponse.
Guideline 7.14.Finite population correction factor. If the probability sampling is used and the
calculated targeted sample size is greater than 5% of the population, the targeted sample size
should be adjusted to take into account the finite population correction factor.
If sampling without replacement is used and the sample is large relative to the population (the sample size
is greater than 5% of the population size), an adjustment should be made to the targeted sample size using
a finite population correction factor (fpc). The fpc may be computed using the formula: fpc = square root of
(N - n) / N 1), where N = the population size, and n = the sample size. The fpc has little effect when the
sample size is less than 5% of the population. The finite population correction takes into account that unlike
the assumption made in standard statistical theory that population is infinite, the population is finite in size
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and the sample is selected without replacement. The higher the sampling fraction (n/N), the lower the fpc and
the standard error of estimates based on the sample.
Guideline 7.15.Design effect. If probability cluster sampling is used, the targeted sample size should
be adjusted taking into account the design effect.
The formulas presented in the above discussion of the confidence interval and the hypothesis testing
approaches in determining the size of a sample assume that simple random sampling will be used. On the
other hand, other formulas must be used for alternative sample designs. A review of these formulas is beyond
the scope of this text. Yet, an adjustment may be made via the targeted sample size by applying the design
effect. The design effect (DEFF) is the ratio of the variances of sample design employed to the variances of
a comparable simple random sample design. The DEFF of a stratified sample design tends to be a little less
than one, indicating that if stratification is used the sample size may be smaller than the sample size simple
random sampling at the same margin of error. Technically, the DEFF indicates how much less (or more)
the precision of a nonsimple random design used when it is compared to the precision of simple random
sample design. From a sample size perspective, it indicates how many more (or fewer) elements should be
selected in the planned sample design compared to the sample size required for a simple random sample to
achieve the same level of sampling variance. If the DEFF of a cluster sample is greater than 2 (a DEFF of
2.0 is typically a default value), the sample size for the sample must be more than twice the sample size of a
comparable simple random sample at the same margin of error.
Guideline 7.16.Attrition/mortality rate. The targeted sample size should be adjusted to take into
account the attrition or mortality rate.
If a longitudinal study is planned, in particular a panel study, attrition should be anticipated. The initial sample
size should be adjusted to take this factor into account.
The choice of sample size is a very important decision. Guidelines for choosing the size of a sample indicate
that such factors as having an exploratory research objective, the minimization of the burden on study
participants, homogeneous population, scattered population, and limited resources suggest a smaller sample
size rather than a larger sample size. On the other hand, such factors as quantitative, nonexperimental, and
longitudinal research designs and a complex and detailed data analysis design suggest a larger sample size
rather than a smaller sample size. “Rules of thumb” are suggested for nonprobability sample designs, and
statistical formulas are suggested for probability sample designs. The statistical formulas take into account
such factors as confidence intervals, level of significance, level of power, and effect size. The final sample
size should be calculated after making adjustments for the incidence rate, the nonresponse rate, the finite
population correction factor, the design effect, and the attrition/mortality rate.
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Review Questions
How does sample size determination in nonprobability sampling differ from sample size
determination in probability sampling?
What guidelines should be used in determining the appropriate sample size for nonprobability
What guidelines should be used in determining the appropriate sample size for probability
Illustrate the confidence interval approach of determining sample size.
Illustrate the hypothesis-testing approach of determining sample size.
In determining sample size, how might one decide on the level of confidence desired and the level
of accuracy to use?
Is it necessary to make a determination of the size of a sample before beginning to select
elements for the sample? Justify your answer.
What is sequential sampling, and its strengths and weaknesses?
Is a larger sample size always better? Why or why not?
Qualitative researchers tend to consider factors in determining sample size that are different from
the factors that quantitative researchers tend to consider. What do you consider to be the key
factors that a qualitative researcher should consider? What are the reasons for your answer?
Once you have answered these questions, consider Small's “‘How Many Cases Do I Need?’ On
Science and the Logic of Case Selection in Field-Based Research.” (2009).
Suppose you desired to conduct a study of 1,000 lesbians. What procedures would you use to
achieve this goal and why? Once you have answered these questions, consider Fish's “Sampling
Lesbians: How to Get 1000 Lesbians to Complete a Questionnaire” (1999).
Key Terms
Define and give examples of the following concepts:
confidence interval
data saturation
design effect
finite population correction factor
margin of error
References for Further Study
Armitage, P.(1975). Sequential medical trials.New York: Wiley & Sons.
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Birt, E. M. & Brogren, R. H. Minimizing number of interviews through sequential sampling. 1,(1964)65–67.
Dattalo, P. A review of software for sample size determination. 32,(2009)229–248.
Fish, J. Sampling lesbians: How to get 1,000 lesbians to complete a questionnaire. 9,(1999)229–238.
Hektner, J.,Schmidt, J. A. &Csikszentmihalyi, M.(2006). Experience sampling method.Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.
Henry, G. T.(1990). Practical sampling.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kish, L.(1965). Survey sampling.New York: Wiley & Sons.
Moore, S. R. Effects of sample size on the representativeness of observational data used in evaluation.
Scheaffer, R. L.,Mendenhall, W. &Ott, L.(2006). Elementary survey sampling.Belmont, CA: Duxbury Press.
Small, M. L. How many cases do I need? On science and the logic of case selection in field-based research.
ThompsonS.K. &Seber, G. A. F.(1996). Adaptive sampling.New York: Wiley & Sons.
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