Dear Parents,
It’s time to get ready for another great year of Choate Summer! We are looking forward to a super fun
back to normal summer and hope you are as well.
The purpose of this packet is to give you some general information about how the program is run,
answer frequently asked questions, provide you with all required paperwork, and update you on the
changes that will take place for this summer. Please read through this packet carefully as there have
been changes in policy.
Please do the following before the start of camp:
Read your Parent Packet
Fill out and return all required forms to the Parks and Recreation office.
Register for Extended Day or Early Drop Off options if needed.
Let us know if your child has been sick. Please monitor their health prior to the start of camp.
Let us know if your child has any learning or behavioral concerns so we can be prepared to
make camp a positive experience for them.
Please remember the following during camp season:
Call when your child will be absent 508-321-4740/774-277-5630 (work cell)
Label all belongings.
Keep us informed about any problems, changes in health or routine, or anything that might
affect your child while in our care.
Post Park & Recreation’s main phone number 508-321-4740, 774-277-5630 (work cell) at
home and at work.
The deadline to submit all paperwork is Friday, July 1 st.
NO child will be allowed to attend camp without paperwork!
We hope this will answer some of your questions and clear up any concerns. It’s going to be a great
Thank you,
Medway Parks and
155 Village Street, Medway, MA 02053
Parks & Rec Main: (508) 321-4740
Parks & Rec Cell: (774) 277-5630
Drop off will be contact-less again this summer. Parents will be asked to stay in their car. The week prior to
camp you will be given a time frame for a drop-off. This way it won’t be congested right at 9am and gives
us time to spread out check in. We will provide a placard to place on your front windshield as you
approach the drop off/ check in location (7 Oak St). Staff will greet you and take the Daily Wellness Check
In Sheet.
Choate Summer Program ends at 3:00pm. Pickup will be contact-less again. You will pull up to the
Cassidy Field Parking lot, (13 Winthrop St) please place your placard in your front windshield, have your
ID ready as well.
Early drop off is from 8:00 - 9:00am and extended day is from 3:00-5:00pm. The cost is $25 for one
session of early drop off and $50 extended day. If you need earlier or later drop off/pick up, please
reach out to Julie and make arrangements. Early drop off and extended day pick up will be at Choate
Park (7 Oak St).
If a child is still here after the 3:00 pick up time, and they are not registered for extended day, they will be
added to the extended list and their parents will be given a slip to pay $25.
If a child is still here after 5:00 pickup time, beginning at 5:10 they will be charged $10.00 for the first 10
minutes they are late and $5.00 for each additional 10 minutes after that.
You must call in if your child is going to be absent. Please help us by letting us know when your child can’t
make it to camp. All children must be accounted for. Please call our Parks and Recreation or Camp
Director at (508) 321-4740 or the Parks and Recreation Directors cell 774-277-5630. The office is open
from 7:30-4:30pm, during other times you may leave a message.
Groups will be determined based on ages, and may vary in size. Each group will be assigned a counselor,
groups and counselors will remain the same all week.
Drop O, Pick Up & Absentee Procedures
Join us for an Open
House on Wednesday
July 6th at 6 pm. See a
typical camp day and
ask questions.
Snack is not provided at Choate Summer due to the
high number of allergies. Please send your child
with his or her own snack and plenty of water.
There is no refrigeration available. We ask that
you keep this in mind when packing your child’s lunch.
Please do not pack items that will spoil in the heat
(unless you send them in a small cooler with an ice
pack). A sturdy lunch bag or box is best so lunches
won’t get crushed. Be sure to pack a good size lunch,
the children’s appetites do seem to increase with the
day’s activities. Please tell your children not to
share their lunches with other kids due to the high
number of allergies. Lunches will be stored in their
own backpacks, until it is time to eat.
Please include extra drinks (like water or sports
drinks) to prevent dehydration. We recommend
bringing labeled water bottles. Please do not pack
disposable water bottles. The water fountains won’t be
available to re-fill water bottles so it is recommended to
bring multiple bottles Helpful Hint: Freeze drinks the
night before and they will remain cold for most of
the day.
We suggest you send your child in sneakers because
they will be doing a lot of running around. Sandals,
flip flops, crocs, etc. can be packed separately for
water days, but are discouraged for daily use as they
can result in sore feet. For safety reasons, rubber-
soled shoes or sneakers are preferred.
Our program philosophy supports active (and often
messy) play. For this reason, we request that your child
wear comfortable play clothes to camp that you
won’t mind getting a little dirty.
Our Lost and Found will be located outside by the
snack shack during camp hours. Please do not send
your child with any valuables - children will be moving
from activity to activity which will increase the
likelihood of belongings getting lost.
Masks will not be required this summer.
Lather your child up with sunscreen before the start of
the program. Please put sunscreen in a small plastic
bag labeled with your child’s name. Hats are also a
good idea to keep kids safe from the hot sun.
There will be instances where we will play water
games, sprinkler fun or have the fire department
come spray their hoses to cool us off. We will email
the day before to let you know when to pack a suit and
The staff fosters good behavior by creating a trusting
environment that promotes appropriate behavior. Time
and effort is placed on anticipating behavior problems
and creating an environment that helps avoid
inappropriate behaviors. Expectations are realistic
and limits clearly explained and supported by the
environment. When behavior problems occur,
attempts are made to redirect the child to more
appropriate behavior. Time is allowed for children to
learn alternative behaviors and guidance is given in
expressing emotions such as anger. In extreme cases,
the child may need to be separated from the group for a
“time out”. Time out will be for a reasonable amount of
time, appropriate to the child’s age. The child will be
supervised at all times. All discipline is adjusted to the
individual needs and development of the child and is
viewed as a learning experience, not as punishment.
The camp director is notified whenever a behavior
becomes hard to manage and/or when a parent must
be notified of the child’s behavior in a formal manner.
Please feel free to contact us before the start of
camp if your child has any learning or behavioral
concerns so that we can be prepared to make this a
successful summer experience.
Policies & Procedures
A typical day at Choate Summer
Choate Summer runs on a block schedule. Children will be outdoors for various programs and
activities within their group. In general, Choate Summer participants move from activity to activity
with their counselors. The actual time schedule of these activities is different for each group
because we are on a rotation system but each group will hit all the activities in a day.
8am-9am: Early Drop Off—Playground play/Field games
9am-9:15am: Drop off/Check in
9:15am-9:30am: Morning meeting with group
9:30am-10:30am: Arts and Crafts
10:30am-11am: Snack
11am-12pm: Drama/Music
12pm-12:30pm: Lunch
12:30pm-1:30pm: Field Games/Hiking Trail/Scavenger Hunt
1:30pm-2:30pm: Water Games/Brain Games
2:30pm-3pm: Day end activities and Dismissal
3pm-5pm: Extended Day—Playground play/Field games
If there is inclement weather, the program staff has a rainy day plan ready to go to keep your
children active, safe & having fun while still following CDC and DPH guidelines. We do have
separate indoor locations where the groups will be doing various activities such as sports under
the pavilion, cooperative games, watching movies, doing scavenger hunts, arts and crafts, and
board games—just to name a few. For rain days we have the tents, Pavilion, Snack Shack and
Thayer House (when available).
Each week of camp has a theme. Arts, crafts, special guests and activities will be focused on
these themes. We will send out emails to remind campers of any equipment or special attire
needed for the week.
Week 1 (7/11 - 7/15): Superheroes
Week 2 (7/18 - 7/22): May the Force Be with You
Week 3 (7/25 - 7/29): Color Wars
Week 4 (8/1 - 8/5): Disney Magic
Week 5 (8/8- 8/12): Animal Adventures
Week 6 (8/15 - 8/19): Mermaid vs Pirate
Week 7 (8/22 - 8/26): Hollywood Way
Choate Summer Map
Cassidy Field Parking lot
Winthrop Street
DROP OFF, Early/ Late Pick up
Camp Tents
Main Street
Games &
Oak Street
Snack Shack
Ide House
Thayer House
Parking lot
Medical Policies and Procedures
You must fill out the Park and Recreation Health History
forms in this packet, provide a record of their most
recent physical exam and immunizations dated within
the past 18 months, and return all to Park and
Recreation before July 1st.
We realize, however, that illness is an unavoidable part of
life, especially with young children in a group setting. When
necessary, we may need to exclude a child from the
program due to illness when he/she presents a health risk
to other children and staff. If a child is contagious, or not
feeling well enough to participate in group activities, he/she
must remain at home. When a child becomes ill at camp,
we will do our best to reach you while keeping your child as
comfortable as possible. This may mean separating him/
her from the group. A rest area will be provided and a staff
person will remain with the child at all times. The child will
be provided with quiet activities while waiting for his/her
parents. We realize that it is difficult for working parents to
leave work for a sick child, but we take your child’s best
interest into consideration when calling you. You may wish
to develop a plan for caring for a sick child prior to needing
it. The following are some common illnesses encountered in
camp and our policies concerning attendance with them:
Coughs/Colds: Children with colds and coughs will not
be able to attend Choate Summer.
Fever: A child with a fever over 100 should remain at
home until the temp is normal for 24 hours.
Strep: A child with a sore throat and a fever together
should have a throat culture. The child should remain at
home until he/she receives a negative culture, or has
been on antibiotics for 24 hours.
Ear infections: A child may attend camp as long as he/
she is not experiencing great discomfort or fever.
Rash: Please notify your child’s counselor and staff if
your child has an existing rash when he/she comes to
camp. The nurse will call the parents if a rash appears
suddenly, spreads quickly, or is accompanied by other
Vomiting: A vomiting child must remain at home until he/
she can tolerate a normal diet.
Diarrhea: A child with diarrhea must remain at home until
free of diarrhea for 24 hours.
Chicken Pox: A child must remain at home one week
after the rash appears or until all of the blisters have
crusted over and dried.
Conjunctivitis: A child with conjunctivitis may return to
the program the day after treatment has begun. If your
health care provider chooses not to prescribe
medication, you must bring a note from him/her stating
that your child does not present a health threat to others.
Head Lice: If your child has head lice they may not
come to camp. The policy is that campers must be lice
and nit free in order to be at camp. If lice or nits have
been found in your child’s head while at camp, as with
any contagious disease, they will be isolated and sent
home immediately. A child may return to the program
after treatment and removal of nits.
General first aid will be administered during Choate
Summer by the program director/counselors. Minor cuts or
abrasions will be washed, and a topical ointment and a
band-aid will be applied.
Should your child contract any listed illness or any
other contagious illness (COVID-19), please contact
the camp at (508) 321-4740 as soon as possible.
Emergency telephone numbers are posted at each phone.
If a child is injured we follow this procedure:
1. If a child needs emergency medical attention, an
ambulance will be called. A director or staff member will
always accompany a child to the hospital. The child’s
medical forms will be brought, as they contain pertinent
medical information.
2. If poisoning is suspected, poison control will be called.
3. The child’s parent will be contacted. If a parent cannot
be reached, we will contact the person(s) listed on the
emergency form.
4. An accident report will be completed for any injury.
5. A copy of the accident report will be placed in the Park
and Recreation office.
6. Parents will be notified of the minor accidents/injuries
by the director at dismissal.
7. All injuries must be logged in the central log book with
the program director.
8. A first aid bag will be prepared containing bandages,
anti-septic, gauze, ice packs and a carrier bag for each
Required Forms:
There are four forms that must be submitted to our office prior to July 1st for review by staff:
1. The Authorized Pick up Form is contained in this packet. Only persons listed on this form will
be able to pick up your child. Note that this list can be edited over the summer.
2. The Health History Form is also contained in this packet. Please note all three pages must
be uploaded and visible to be considered completed. You must update this form each year if
important information has changed.
3. Your child’s most recent physical and immunization record from their doctor’s office. Any
form that is older than 18 months since the date of the examination will be returned and a
new form will need to be submitted.
To submit these forms, you may:
1. Upload them to your child’s profile on your account,
2. Email PDF copies of forms to [email protected].
3. E-mail [email protected] to schedule a drop off at 158 Main Street (Parks
and Recrea-tion office).
Forms to be handed in daily with check in:
1. Daily wellness sheet Our daily wellness form is available to be filled out online. You can log
into your account and click the daily wellness form (see picture below). The paper form will still be
accepted as well.
For children with allergies:
Any child with allergies who has an epi-pen will be required to bring the allergy action plan from
their doctor’s office.
Failure to submit all of these forms five business days before your child’s first day at camp will
result in your child’s removal from the program and no refunds will be offered unless the spot can
be filled. We will not be accepting forms on the first day of camp this year.
Required Forms