6603 Spout Springs Road
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Phone: 770-967-0080
Fax: 770-967-0086
Website: https://cbhs.hallco.org/web/
Cherokee Bluff High School Administration
Mr. Wes McGee, Principal
Mr. Kenny Hill, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Chris Skogsberg, Assistant Principal
Dear Student:
At Cherokee Bluff, we are a community…a family. We support, encourage, and
celebrate one another in success. We lock arms and persevere together as we
build and develop character, integrity, and honesty within ourselves, our students,
our classrooms, and our programs. Our atmosphere is safe and welcoming; where
each person’s story matters, everyone belongs, and all of us find purpose. We
challenge ourselves each day to serve others within our walls and out in our
community. We believe in making an impact in the present and future culture by
instilling values, ownership, and responsibility in our staff and students that they
will carry with them wherever they go. A first class education is a cornerstone in
the foundation here at Cherokee Bluff as we strive each day to leave our legacy of
hope, service, and innovation.
Go Bears!
Mr. Wes McGee
SYSTEM LEVEL INFORMATION…. ............................................................... ..1
General Information ........................................................................................ 1
Asbestos Management Notification Plan ................................................. 1
Assessment Security ............................................................................... 1
Attendance Policy-High School ............................................................... 1
College Entrance Exams ......................................................................... 2
College Fair (PROBE) ............................................................................. 4
College Visitation Days ........................................................................... 4
Complaint Process .................................................................................. 4
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Program ........................ 5
Counseling Services ................................................................................ 5
Dress Code ............................................................................................. 6
Dual Enrollment ....................................................................................... 6
Extracurricular Clubs and Activities ......................................................... 7
Fees and Fines ....................................................................................... 8
Gang Related Activities ........................................................................... 8
Georgia Scholars Program ...................................................................... 8
Governor's Honors Program .................................................................... 8
Grade Reporting to Parents ..................................................................... 8
Grades and Quality Points ....................................................................... 8
Graduation Information ............................................................................ 11
Hall County Planning Guide .................................................................... 13
Honor Graduates ..................................................................................... 13
HOPE Scholarship .................................................................................. 14
Hospital/Homebound Services ................................................................ 14
Immunization/Communicable Diseases ................................................... 15
Levels of Academic Core Classes ........................................................... 15
Lockers ................................................................................................... 16
Lunch/Food Services Program ................................................................ 16
Media Center........................................................................................... 16
Medication Safeguard ............................................................................. 17
Notice of Parental Right to Request ......................................................... 18
Parent Portal ........................................................................................... 18
Parent-Teacher Conferences .................................................................. 19
Parking .................................................................................................... 19
Personal Possessions and Valuables ...................................................... 19
Promotion Policy ..................................................................................... 19
Release of Directory Information to the Armed Forces............................. 20
Schedule Changes .................................................................................. 20
School Insurance .................................................................................... 20
School Jurisdiction .................................................................................. 21
School Pictures ....................................................................................... 21
School Visitors ........................................................................................ 21
Severe Weather ...................................................................................... 21
Student Illnesses/Accidents During School Hours ................................... 21
Student Support Teams........................................................................... 21
Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act ........................................... 21
Telephones ............................................................................................. 22
Test-Out Option for Earning Carnegie Credit ........................................... 22
Transcripts .............................................................................................. 22
Transportation ......................................................................................... 22
Additional Learning Opportunities in High School .................................... 23
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)....................................... 24
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) ............................................... 26
Hall County Code of Conduct and Discipline Procedures ................................ 28
School Bus Guide ........................................................................................... 37
CHEROKEE BLUFF HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION ..................................... 42
Announcements……………………………………………………………… ...... 42
Attendance/Tardies ..................................................................................... 42
Cell Phones ................................................................................................. 42
Checking In/Out and Leaving Campus during School Day ........................... 42
Debts........................................................................................................... 43
Detention .................................................................................................... 43
Hall Passes ................................................................................................. 43
ID Badges ................................................................................................... 43
Lunchroom .................................................................................................. 43
Media Center Regulations .......................................................................... 43
CBHS Bell Schedule.................................................................................... 44
APPENDIX A - Extra Curricular Activities ........................................................ 45
APPENDIX B - Parent/Guardian & Student Signature Pages .......................... 59
General Information
Hall County high schools currently operate on a seven period schedule. Each
student has the possibility of earning seven credits each year.
Asbestos Management Notification Plan
The Hall County School System AHERA Management Plan is available for public
inspection upon request at the School System’s Department of Facilities This
notification is provided to fulfill the requirement of section 763.93(4) of the
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, 40 CFR Part 763, October 30, 1987.
All interested parents, teachers, employees or other persons are invited to review
the plan, which includes the following items:
Location, amounts and types of asbestos-containing materials.
Response actions to the asbestos-containing materials.
Plans for re-inspection and periodic surveillance.
Public notification procedures.
Anyone interested in reviewing this plan should contact the Department of
Facilities at 770-534-1291.
Assessment Security
The Hall County School System conducts the assessment program as required by
federal and state law. The Hall County School System interacts with state and
federal agencies relative to the assessment program and accountability mandates.
The testing department handles assessment documents and reports including
secure test materials, individual student score reports, and school/district data
reports in both paper and electronic formats. The Hall County School System
delivers training/guidance related to the assessment program, assessment data,
and accountability mandates to all stakeholders.
Administrators have provided school personnel with the Code of Ethics for
Educators. The Code of Ethics defines the professional behavior of educators in
Georgia and serves as the guide to ethical conduct. Within this Code of Ethics is
Standard 10 which specifically addresses ethics in testing. Teachers in each
building are required to sign off that they have read and understand the Code of
Ethics. Copies of the complete testing plan are available in the front office of each
Attendance Policy High School
Regular school attendance is essential to gaining a quality education. Students
need to participate in the experiences, discussion, activities, and special projects
integral to the learning process. State law requires that students between the ages
of six and sixteen attend school except for the specific reasons listed below.
Consequently, regular attendance is essential to maximizing academic
achievement, and parents and legal guardians have a legal responsibility to assure
that students attend school regularly.
A student shall not be absent from school or from any class or other required
school hours except for conditions specified below, or upon written permission of
the teacher, principal, or other authorized school official. Absences will be excused
if validated for the following reasons:
Personal illness or when attendance in school endangers the student’s
health or the health of others
Serious illness or death in a student’s immediate family necessitating
absence from school
Court order or an order by a governmental agency, including pre-induction
physical examinations for service in the armed forces, mandating absence
from school
Observation of religious holidays, necessitating absence from school
Conditions rendering attendance impossible or hazardous to student
health or safety
Registering to vote or voting in a public election, which shall not exceed
one day
To allow visitation with a parent or legal guardian serving in the U.S.
armed forces or National Guard Students will be granted up to five days
of excused absences per school year to visit with the parent prior to the
parent’s deployment or during the parent’s leave
Any other absence not explicitly defined herein but deemed by the local
school board of education to have merit based on circumstances.
Students are to be counted present for the following activities:
Serving as a page in the Georgia General Assembly
Foster care students attending court proceedings related to the
student’s foster care
Serving in the Student Teen Election Participant (STEP) program.
Limited to two school days per year
For an absence to be excused, a student’s parent or legal guardian must submit a
written excuse within five (5) days of the student’s return to school and shall
specifically state the date(s) and reason for the absence. Written excuses should
also include a parent phone number in the event verification is needed.
Makeup Work: Students shall be permitted to make up all work missed, except
for absences caused by out-of-school suspension. However, students who have
been suspended shall be allowed to make up tests and major assignments missed
while on suspension. All make-up work must be completed within five (5) days
of the student’s return to school, unless the principal or designee allows the
student additional time for completion.
If a student is absent on the day of a test or on the day an assignment is due and
has been notified of the test in advance or was aware of the assignment, then the
student may be expected to make up the test on the date of return or turn in the
assignment on the date of return to school.
College Entrance Exams
For optimal performance on college entrance exams, three units of core English,
Math, Science and Social Studies courses should be completed before taking the
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the American College Test (ACT), and/or the
It is the students’ responsibility to make application to take these tests. Your school
counselor can provide application and preparation information in the guidance
2018-2019 Anticipated Test Dates and Deadlines
October 17
See Counselor
September 7
October 5
November 2
February 8
April 5
May 3
August 3
September 21
November 2
January 4
March 8
May 3
June 14
Morning Session
Afternoon Session
May 6 US Government & Politics
Chinese Language & Culture
Environmental Science
May 7
Spanish Language & Culture
Japanese Language and Culture
Physics 1: Algebra-Based
May 8
English Literature &
European History
French Language & Culture
May 9
Spanish Language & Culture
German Language & Culture
May 10
US History
Studio Art portfolios due
Computer Science Principles
Physics 2: Algebra-Based
May 13 Biology
12 PM Physics C: Mechanics
2 PM Physics C: Electricity &
May 14
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Art History
Human Geography
May 15
English Language &
Italian Language & Culture
May 16
Comparative Government &
World History
May 17
Music Theory
Computer Science A
NOTE: Any AP/IB student for whom testing materials were ordered and who fail to
appear for scheduled testing will be charged a $15 Unused Exam fee.
College Fair (PROBE)
PROBE is a college fair that provides students with an opportunity to visit with
college representatives and the Georgia Student Finance Commission. The
PROBE tour travels around the state each fall and usually comes to Gainesville
during the first semester. Please see your counselor for more information.
College Visitation Days
Students may visit a college as part of the individual’s transition to post-secondary
educational plan if a written, parent request is approved at least three days in
advance of the visit by the principal or his/her designee. College visits are limited
to two days per school year. All work missed must be made up and will be recorded
as full credit. Proof of the official visit must be submitted to the school counselor
upon the student’s return to school in order for the day to be coded as an
instructional activity. Students who fail to submit proof of the college visit will have
their attendance record adjusted to reflect an absence from school. Students are
encouraged to visit colleges on teacher in-service days and student holidays.
Complaint Process
Most concerns of students and parents can and should be resolved by honest and
open communication between the teachers, administrators, students, and parents.
Students and their parents may appeal any decision made by the school in regard
to a student’s education or to any discipline measures taken. Students should first
discuss the problem with his/her teacher or counselor. If this person cannot help
resolve the problem, then students may talk with either an assistant principal or
principal. All matters not settled at the school level may be referred to the
superintendent's office, whose decision shall be final.
The Hall County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, national
origin, sex, religion, or disability in any student program. It is the policy of the Board
of Education to comply fully with the requirements of Title VI, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans With Disabilities Act and all
accompanying regulations. Any student, parent or other person who believes he
or she or any student has been discriminated against or harassed based on any
of the factors listed above should promptly report the same to the principal of the
school or the appropriate coordinator listed below, who will implement the board’s
discriminatory complaints or harassment procedures. Students may also report
harassment or discrimination or retaliation for making the report to their school
The Section 504 and Title VI Coordinator is Dr. Karla Swafford, Hall County School
District, 711 Green St., Gainesville, GA 30501, 770-534-1080.
The Title IX Coordinator is Mr. Gordon Higgins, Hall County School District, 711
Green St., Gainesville, GA 30501, 770-534-1080.
The Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator is Dr. Karla Swafford, Hall County
School District, 711 Green St., Gainesville, GA 30501, 770-534-1080.
The McKinney-Vento Act system liaison for Homeless or Unaccompanied Minors
is Ms. Holly Farmer, School Social Worker, Hall County School District, 770-967-
Comprehensive Health & Physical Education Program
Georgia State Board Rule IDB (160-4-2-.12) requires that “sex education and AIDS
education shall be a part of a comprehensive health program.” If desired, parents
and legal guardians may request an opportunity to review all instructional materials
related to this program prior to their students entering the program. Parents and
legal guardians may opt to exclude their child from sex education and AIDS
prevention instructional programs by sending a written request to the school that
their child not receive such a course of study.
Counseling Services
The goal of Hall County High School Counselors is to provide students, parents,
teachers, administrators, and the community with easy access to a variety of
academic, career, social/emotional, and post-secondary information.
The Hall County High School Counselors seek to support each student in his/her
pursuit of excellence in academic knowledge, skills, and behavior, resulting in
measured improvement against local, national, and world-class standards. Hall
County High School Counselors seek to remove barriers to students' academic
achievements and promote a safe and secure environment by providing
developmentally appropriate counseling services based on best practices.
The Hall County High School Counseling Program provides a comprehensive
developmental counseling program addressing the personal/social, academic,
and career development of all students. School Counselors are professional
school advocates who provide support to maximize student potential and
academic achievement. In partnership with other educators, parents or
guardians, and the community, school counselors facilitate the support system to
ensure all students have access to and are prepared with the knowledge and
skills to contribute at the highest level as productive members of society.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Counseling Program
How do I schedule an appointment to see my counselor?
Students may schedule appointments with a counselor by coming to the School
Counseling Office before or after school, or between classes. The Counseling
Secretary records student requests for appointments to be scheduled at a later
time. Students may also go to the Counseling Office in urgent situations.
Once I schedule an appointment with my counselor, how will I be able to
leave class to come to my appointment?
Students with scheduled appointments will receive passes to come the School
Counseling Office during class.
If I participate in a group offered by the School Counseling Department, will
that be counted as an excused absence from class?
Participation in groups offered by the School Counseling Office is an appropriate
part of student’s public school opportunities. Students participating in groups will
not be counted absent from their regularly scheduled classes, but are expected to
make up any missed class work. Teachers of students participating in group will
receive notification that their students attended.
What if I receive a pass to come to the School Counseling Office when I’m
supposed to be taking a test or participating in an important class project?
Any student that receives a pass to see a counselor during a time when they are
taking a test or participating in another important class project is asked to
reschedule the appointment for a later date. Please come to the School
Counseling Office at the end of the period or test/project to reschedule the
Dress Code
Students are expected to dress in a manner that is not DISRUPTIVE to the school’s
learning environment. All decisions related to student dress are determined by the
school principal or his/her designee. Hats, headbands, bandannas, sunglasses,
or caps are not to be worn in the school building unless approved for a special
occasion. Shoes must be worn at all times. Knee-length pants and capri pants
may be worn.
Examples of inappropriate dress are:
Shirts, blouses, or T-shirts with vulgar, offensive, or suggestive words or
pictures, or which advertise alcohol, tobacco, weapons or controlled
Mini-skirts, short shorts, or leggings with short tops
Midriff tops, tank tops, see-through tops; bedroom slippers
Chains used to attach items to clothing
Low-worn/baggy pants or pajama pants
Clothing or paraphernalia associated with gang affiliation or activity
Dual Enrollment (DE)
In addition to the possibilities for earning college credit through the Advanced
Placement and International Baccalaureate programs, a variety of other
opportunities exist for students to receive both high school credit and college
credit. Courses available through Dual Enrollment (DE) provide opportunities for
Georgia high school students to take college-level courses and earn concurrent
credit toward a high school diploma and a college degree.
DE courses are available for any eligible high school student. Students may enroll
full-time or part-time in credit-bearing college-level courses approved by the State
Board of Education. Courses may be taken before, during or after regular school
hours, on the college campus, on-line or at the high school. A student who drops
DE course(s) must inform his/her school counselor since the loss of course credit
may impact the student’s ability to graduate on time.
Students taking DE courses may be provided with one period off per college
course to allow sufficient time for travel to or from the college. Students may be
required to pay fees and purchase textbooks depending on the course. When high
school credit is earned for DE courses, a high school unit of credit is determined
at the following rate:
Units of
Units of
3-5 hrs.
4-8 hrs.
1-2 hrs.
1-3 hrs.
Final DE course grades will be translated to numerical scores on the high school
transcript as follows:
More information may be found at:
Extracurricular Clubs and Activities (including GHSA-sanctioned activities)
All school fund raising activities must be approved in advance by the principal or
principal’s designee. Booster clubs must have approval from the head coach and
the Athletic Director for all fundraising events. Students are not allowed to sell
any items at school without prior approval by an administrator.
Each school has a variety of student clubs and organizations. For a complete
listing of those offered by Hall County Schools, see Appendix A. (Parents who do
not want students to participate in one or more clubs must indicate such on the
“Parent and Student Signature Pages” in Appendix B of this handbook.)
To be eligible for participation in activities governed by the Georgia High School
Association (GHSA), an individual must be enrolled full time in the school that
sponsors the competitive activity. Eligibility rules are complicated. A student
who fails a class may forfeit eligibility for extra-curricular activities for the
following semester. In general, a student must be enrolled in seven (7) classes
and be passing at least five (5) of those classes each semester, or the equivalent
in a postsecondary school, to maintain eligibility for extra-curricular activities and
be on track for graduation. Entering 9
graders are automatically “on track”; 10
graders are “on track” with a minimum of 5 units, 11
graders with 11 units, and
graders with 17 units earned toward graduation. For a complete listing of
GHSA regulations, go to: www.ghsa.net
Students who participate in GHSA sponsored inter-scholastic athletics must have
a physical prior to beginning participation. They must also have proof of
insurance. Students may purchase school insurance, which covers all sports,
except football, which requires a separate policy. (Schools will make this
available upon request or use the following link for application:
). Students in GHSA
sponsored athletic programs must also agree to participate in a mandatory drug
testing program that is administered on a random basis throughout the school
year. Terms and conditions may be found at:
Students absent from school are not allowed to participate in an extra-curricular
activity that occurs on the day of the absence, unless approved by the principal.
In addition, students will be disqualified from participating in a given extra-curricular
activity if they:
Violate a Georgia High School Association (GHSA) regulation
Fail to meet the written guidelines or standards established by the State
Board of Education, or the parent state, or national organization
Commit a serious violation of previously communicated written school rules
that govern the activity in which they are participating.
Fees and Fines
No fees are required to participate in any course, but students may be asked to
provide materials or equivalent fees for classes in which items are made for
personal use. Fines for lost or damaged textbooks will be based on the condition
of the book when issued. All fees and fines must be paid in order to participate in
graduation ceremonies.
Gang Related Activities
Students who use, employ, or rely upon gang membership or affiliation to threaten,
intimidate, or to verbally or physically harass or harm other students, employees
or persons attending a school-related function, are subject to increased disciplinary
Georgia Scholars Program
The Georgia Scholars Program provides special recognition for exceptional
achievement in academics and leadership, and is a recognition-only program. No
scholarship funds are associated with the Georgia Scholar Program. In order to
qualify for this recognition, students must maintain a 3.75 non-weighted,
cumulative Grade Point Average. Additionally, students must achieve a minimum
combined score of 1360 on the critical reading and mathematical reasoning skills
sections of the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Reasoning Test at one test
administration or a composite score of 31 at one test administration on the
American College Test (ACT). Plans must be made beginning in the 9
grade to
meet all curriculum, leadership, attendance and fine arts requirements. Please
see a counselor as early as possible if interested.
Governor's Honors Program
The Governor's Honors Program is a four-week summer instructional program
designed to provide intellectually gifted and artistically talented high school
students challenging and enriching educational opportunities not available during
the regular school year. Students in 10
and 11
grade are eligible to apply each
October. A student should contact his/her counselor for details about this program.
Grade Reporting to Parents
A progress and grade reporting schedule is published annually and is available
from the school counseling office.
Progress Reports
Parents may check student progress by utilizing the online Parent Portal of
Infinite Campus. (See the “Parent Portal” section of this handbook for
additional information.) Printed progress reports will no longer be issued by
schools except by parent request.
An INCOMPLETE (I) grade on the grade report indicates work that has not
been completed. A student has 10 days from the end of the grading period
to complete all assignments. Class work not completed will be assigned a
grade of zero and averaged with grades to determine the semester average.
If a student has not completed a Milestones End of Course (EOC), the
incomplete will remain until three attempts have been made to administer the
EOC. After three attempts to administer the EOC, the score will count in the
student’s grade as a zero.
Report Cards
Report cards will be available approximately seven (7) days after the school
year ends. A student is encouraged to provide a self-addressed stamped
envelope so the report card can be mailed to the parent/student.
Grades and Quality Points
The quality point system is used to determine the weighted and unweighted GPA
(traditional 4.0 scale). The weighted quality point system is used to recognize and
reward the student who takes more rigorous, challenging, and demanding courses.
Additional quality points are awarded to the weighted GPA for International
Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, Honors, Accelerated and Dual Enrollment
courses. For each course, up to one full quality point is added to the student’s
grade point average calculation and will be reflected in the weighted GPA on the
student’s transcript. The weighted GPA is used to determine class rank.
The unweighted GPA (traditional 4.0 scale) reflects a calculation for which no
additional quality points are included for Level 2 and/or Level 3 classes. All courses
taken count equally in the unweighted GPA calculation in which Level 1 weights
are applied.
Calculation of Course Average
The course grade is a cumulative average of all graded work completed during the
course. Final exams or state-required Milestones End-Of-Course tests (EOCs)
count as 20% of a course grade with other graded work accounting for 80% of the
Grading Scale
A 90 - 100 + Excellent
B 80 - 89 Good
C 70 - 79 Average
F Below 70 Failing
Conversion of Final Numeric Grade to Quality Points
For Students Entering 9
Grade Before August, 2018
Final Numeric
Course Grade
DE Core
Honors/ Accelerated/
DE Non-Core
All other
95 100
90 94
85 89
80 84
75 79
70 74
<70 with
earned credit*
2.0 1.5 1.0
*Quality Points will be applied to GPA calculations when the transferring
institution awards credit for numerical scores below 70.
NOTE: AP = Advanced Placement
IB = International Baccalaureate
DE = Dual Enrollment
Conversion of Final Numeric Grade to Quality Points
For Students Entering 9
Grade in August, 2018 or Later
Final Numeric
Course Grade
DE Core
Honors/ Accelerated/
DE Non-Core
All other
<70 with
earned credit*
2.0 1.5 1.0
*Quality Points will be applied to GPA calculations when the transferring
institution awards credit for numerical scores below 70.
NOTE: AP = Advanced Placement
IB = International Baccalaureate
DE = Dual Enrollment
Procedure for Calculating Weighted Hall County Grade Point Average (GPA)
Create a chart similar to the one below to list each course taken, along with the
total units attempted, the weight of each course (Level 1, 2 or 3) and the final grade
earned. For each course, use the grade point scale to list the grade points earned
for each course, then total the grade points for all courses taken. Divide the total
grade points by the number of units attempted. The result is the Hall County
Weighted GPA. Carnegie unit credit for courses taken will be awarded at the
completion of each course. NOTE: HOPE Scholarship GPA may NOT be
calculated in the same manner. Please visit http://gsfc.georgia.gov/ or
https://www.gafutures.org/ to learn more about the HOPE Scholarship and
Sample Hall County GPA calculation for
Students Entering 9
Grade Before August, 2018:
Spanish 1.0 1 87 3.0
Biology 1.0 2 94 4.0
7.0 GPA = 3.5
Sample Hall County GPA calculation for
Students Entering 9
Grade August, 2018 or Later:
Spanish 1.0 1 87 3.0
Biology 1.0 2 94 4.5
7.5 GPA = 3.75
Graduation Information
Georgia Testing Requirements (Milestones EOC Test)
Students entering 9
Grade for the
first time in SY 2011-2012 or after
Students entering 9
Grade for the
first time July 2008 - June 2011
Are required to pass courses
associated with EOCT, with EOCT
contributing 20% to course grade
Are not required to pass EOCT
Must pass one of the two subject-
area EOCTs
Are required to pass courses
associated with EOCT, with EOCT
contributing 15% to course grade
Students who have earned a Certificate of Performance or a Special Education
Diploma may be eligible to apply for a high school diploma under the provisions of
HB 91 signed on March 30, 2015.
Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements are specific to the year a student first enters the ninth
grade. Completion of these requirements does not necessarily qualify students for
the HOPE Scholarship Program or for college admission. Please be certain to
reference the correct set of requirements prior to planning course requests for the
coming year. Students and parents, along with school personnel, have the
responsibility for keeping a record of students’ progress toward graduation. School
counselors will assist in keeping students and parents informed of students’
progress toward graduation. Parents of seniors will receive a letter in the fall of
the year that indicates any student credits still needed for graduation. They will
also receive notification of unsatisfactory progress.
Students who entered ninth grade for the first time during the 2008-2009 school
year or later (i.e., first-time freshmen) must have 23 units to graduate. For this
group of students only, there is one common set of graduation requirements for all
students. Course requirements include:
English Language Arts 4 core units, including one unit of Ninth Grade
Literature and Composition and one unit of American Literature and
Mathematics 4 core units, including Coordinate Algebra, Analytic
Geometry, Advanced Algebra plus one additional GSE/AP/IB/DE Math
Science 4 core units, including one unit of Biology, one unit of Physical
Science or Physics, and one unit of Chemistry, Earth Systems, or
Environmental Science or an AP/IB course
Social Studies3 core units, including one unit of World History, one
unit of United States History, one-half unit of Economics, and one-half
unit of American Government/Civics
Health and Physical Education 1 unit, including one-half unit of
Health and one-half unit of Personal Fitness (3 units of JROTC may be
used to meet this requirement)
Career Tech and/or Modern Language and/or Fine Arts 3 units
(students planning to enter the University System of Georgia or most
other post-secondary institutions must take 2 units of the same modern
Additional Electives4 units from any area
Students Entering
High School
August 2008 2011
Students Entering
High School
August 2012 or Later
English/ Language Arts
4 Units
Must include
Grade Literature &
American Literature
4 Units
Must include
Grade Literature &
American Literature
Social Studies
3 Units
Must include
World History, US History,
Government & Economics
3 Units
Must include
World History, US History,
Government & Economics
4 Units
Must include
Math I, II, & III
Accelerated Math I & II plus
additional GPS/AP/IB math
2008-2010 only
Support Math courses may count as
core Math units and Math III
requirement may be waived
4 Units
Must include
Coordinate Algebra,
Analytic Geometry,
Advanced Algebra
Accelerated Math courses plus
additional GSE/AP/IB/DE Math
GA DOE approved substitutions
4 Units
Must include
Physical Science or Physics;
Chemistry, Earth Systems,
Environmental Science or AP/IB
4 Units
Must include
Physical Science or Physics;
Chemistry, Earth Systems,
Environmental Science or AP/IB/DE
Personal Fitness
1 Unit
Must include ½ unit of each
1 Unit
Must include ½ unit of each
Modern Languages
3 Units
(Any combination)
Students planning to attend most
post-secondary institutions must
take two units of the same modern
3 Units
(Any combination)
Students planning to attend most
post-secondary institutions must
take two units of the same modern
Career, Technical and
Agriculture Education
Fine Arts, CTAE, and/or
Modern Languages
Electives 4 Units 4 Units
Units Required
23 Units 23 Units
SB 2 High School Diploma options are available to students.
Contact school counselor for details.
Students who entered ninth grade for the first time before the 2008-2009 school
year pursued a High School Diploma with a choice of seals: the College
Preparatory (CP), the College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+), the
Technology/Career Preparatory (TCP), the Technology/Career Preparatory with
Distinction (TCP+), the Dual Seal (D), and the Dual Seal with Distinction (D+). All
Diploma seals require a minimum of 23 units. For information about specific
course requirements or seals of distinction, contact the school counseling office.
To be eligible to participate in graduation practice and ceremonies, a high
school student must complete all course work for the diploma type being
pursued. All fines and fees must be paid in full.
The chart on page 12 may help students in planning a Six-Year-Plan, from middle
school through the first year of college. Such a plan takes into consideration the
student’s academic ability, career goals, interests, and plans for additional
education beyond high school. The purpose of the plan is to familiarize the student
with graduation requirements and to stimulate thought for the future. At each
registration, teachers will advise the student about course selections and levels of
difficulty based on prior performance. Parents are encouraged to monitor their
student’s progress by updating and reviewing this plan after each grading period.
For further information, contact the school counselor or advisor.
Hall County Planning Guide
Each spring, Hall County Schools’ students in grades 8-11 receive a High School
Planning Guide. This guide provides guidance on planning a high school program
of study, descriptions of career clusters and pathways, and descriptions for all high
school courses. Information is also provided on various ways Hall County Schools
students can earn college credits as they simultaneously meet high school
graduation requirements. To view this guide online, go to “Get A Copy Ofand
select “Planning Guide” at the Hall County Schools website at www.hallco.org
Honor Graduates
Honor Graduates/Rank in Class
A student with a weighted GPA of 4.0 or higher will be classified as an honor
graduate. All grades earned in courses in which the student was awarded high
school credit will be included in calculating both the weighted and unweighted GPA
with the following exceptions:
1. A course in which a student has earned a “P” grade on a Pass/Fail grading
system; and/or
2. A Modern Language Credit in Lieu of Enrollment is earned.
All averages will be computed to the fourth decimal place.
Rank in class is determined by numerically placing a student in rank order
according to his/her weighted cumulative grade point average (GPA). To be
included in class rank, a student must meet all unit requirements and state
assessment requirements for graduation. Senior rank will be calculated after the
second semester of the senior year. Grades of “P” and/or Modern Language
Credit in Lieu of Enrollment shall not be used to determine rank in class.
Selection of Valedictorian/Salutatorian
To receive the honor of valedictorian or salutatorian, a student must have been
enrolled in the school from which he/she plans to graduate for the two full school
years immediately preceding graduation.
Selection of the valedictorian and salutatorian will be based upon the senior rank.
In addition, a student must have been enrolled in a school that is accredited by the
AdvancEd or its equivalent for his/her entire secondary school career (Grades 9-
12). If two students achieve the same highest senior rank, they will be named co-
valedictorians and no salutatorian will be selected. If two students achieve the
same second highest senior rank, they will be named co-salutatorians. The
responsibility for accepting or rejecting transfer credit is decided by the school
principal. (For information about the impact of postsecondary courses on senior
honors, see a school counselor.)
HOPE Scholarship
Please go to gsfc.georgia.gov or https://www.gafutures.org/ for the most
recent and complete information concerning the HOPE Scholarship and
HOPE Scholars must graduate with a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average (GPA)
on a 4.0 scale using GSFC’s HOPE GPA calculation. Zell Miller Scholars must
graduate as the valedictorian or salutatorian with a minimum of a 3.7 GPA on a 4.0
scale and a 1200 SAT (Critical Reading and Math, combined from a single
administration) score or a 26 Composite score on the ACT from a single
New academic requirements are included in HOPE legislation which will impact
students graduating from high school on or after May 1, 2015. In order to qualify
for the HOPE Scholarship, students will be required to earn a minimum of four full
credits from the academic rigor course categories listed below prior to graduating
from high school:
1. Advanced math taken at high school or an equivalent or higher course taken for
degree level credit at an Eligible Postsecondary Institution;
2. Advanced science taken at high school or an equivalent or higher course taken
for degree level credit at an Eligible Postsecondary Institution;
3. Foreign language courses taken at high school or taken for degree level credit
at an Eligible Postsecondary Institution; or
4. Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or Dual Enrollment courses
in core subjects.
A complete list of courses that meet the rigor requirements may be found at
Hospital / Homebound Services
If a student suffers an injury or illness (non-communicable) that is projected to
require an extended absence from school (at least ten consecutive days), he/she
may be eligible for services from the hospital/homebound program. Parents/legal
guardians should notify the counselor's office as soon as they think the student will
qualify for the program. Parents/legal guardians will be given the Student
Information Referral and Medical Referral/Certification forms to be completed and
returned. Once parents have been notified of approval for Hospital/Homebound
Services, a student will receive instruction at home or at the hospital for the time
specified and will be marked as “present” in school if the student receives a
minimum of three (3) hours of instruction from a certified teacher per week.
Immunization / Communicable Diseases
Every student entering a Georgia school for the first time, regardless of grade level,
must present a Georgia Certificate of Immunization Form 3231 (7/2014) upon
registration and/or prior to admittance to school.
All students born on or after January 1, 2002 and entering or transferring into 7th
grade need proof of an adolescent pertussis (whooping cough) diphtheria and
tetanus booster immunization (called “Tdap”) and adolescent meningococcal
MCV4 (meningities). Proof of Tdap and MVC4 immunization must be documented
on the Georgia immunization certificate (Form 3231 7/2014).
If the student transfers from another Georgia school and the parent/legal guardian
is unable to present a copy, this certificate should be forwarded from the last
Georgia school attended to the new school.
If the Georgia Certificate of Immunization has an expiration date, the student will
be given thirty calendar days after the expiration date to present a new certificate
or be excluded from school.
All students beginning school in Georgia for the first time must also have Georgia
Certificate of Vision, Hearing, Dental and Nutritional Screening (DPH Form
3300/REV 2013), which may be completed at the public health department, the
primary health care provider and/or dentist. This information shall be turned into
school officials at the time of enrollment.
Levels of Academic Core Classes
Level 1 - Average Classes: These courses are designed for students who are
able to perform at grade level. Classes are designed for students who are college-
bound or who will be entering the workforce directly out of high school. Students
interested in attending “selective” colleges/universities should strongly consider
enrolling in the higher-weighted Level 2 or 3 courses to demonstrate the ability to
achieve in courses with increased rigor.
Level 2 - Honors/Accelerated Classes/DE Non-Core: These classes differ from
average level courses in at least three important ways:
The objectives to be achieved tend to be more complex and are to be
accomplished at a more rapid pace.
In-class activities and assignments require a greater complexity of thought, a
greater degree of independent inquiry, and a greater degree of sophistication
in writing, research, and problem solving skills.
Course materials tend to be more demanding.
Level 3Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate/DE Core:
The Advanced Placement (AP) curriculum is defined by The College Board and is
designed to prepare students for The College Board AP exams.
NOTE: Any AP student for whom testing materials were ordered and who fail to
appear for scheduled testing will be charged a $15 Unused Exam fee.
There are three IB World Schools in Hall County Schools: Johnson High School,
North Hall High School, and West Hall High School. All IB high schools are schools
of choice with a competitive application process. IB World Schools share a
common philosophy a commitment to a high quality, challenging international
Many colleges and universities will award college credit to a student who earns a
particular score on an AP/IB exam.
Lockers are provided for a fee of $5.00 per school year. School personnel have
access to all lockers.
Lunch / Food Services Program
Breakfast and lunch are available at all schools. Special meal pricing is available
for students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Students must apply for
free or reduced meals every year. Applications for free/reduced price meals are
available at the school or may be completed online at any time during the school
year and must be approved before a student can participate in the free or reduced
meal program.
Full Price Breakfast: $1.30
Full Price Lunch: $1.90
Reduced Price Breakfast: $ .30
Reduced Price Lunch: $ .40
Borrowing or lending a lunch card/code will be considered theft and will be treated
as such. While eating meals, students are expected to:
Pay for lunch. Charges are capped at $10.00.
Stand in line and wait one’s turn.
Eat in approved areas.
Keep the tables clean.
Return trays and trash to designated areas.
Use good table and eating manners.
Put chairs back in place.
Media Center
The Media Center is an active and integral part of the school's educational program
and is open each school day from 8:00 to 4:00. Contact your local Media Center
staff about the extended hours they may offer. Media Center staff members assist
students by:
· Providing an enriched media center that contains a wide array of materials,
including both print and digital resources (books, magazines, newspapers, online
databases, eBooks, audiobooks, and more);
· Providing activities, lessons, experiences, and feedback needed for students to
develop questioning, critical thinking, problem solving skills, and an
understanding of digital responsibilities that are essential to creating 21
· Promoting and supporting multiple literacies (visual, digital, textual, and
technological), by sponsoring events, school organizations, and programs that
develop a lifelong love of reading and literacy.
· Creating an inviting learning commons atmosphere in the library media center
that welcomes all students and provides equitable access to resources and
· Assisting students in their search for recreational reading materials and offer
appropriate research support for each student’s needs;
· Assisting students with technology (some examples include using school
software, presentation tools, school devices, successful web-based research
skills, cyber safety, and digital responsibility) to acquire lifelong knowledge and
skills in the 21
Fines for overdue books are:
· $0.10 per school day for all books in general circulation.
· $0.25 per school day for overnight or reserved books.
· No fine will exceed the replacement cost of the book.
Report cards may be withheld from students who owe fines/fees for lost books or
media materials. Students will need to bring a pass from the classroom teacher
for whom they have an assignment and they may visit the library before or after
Medication Safeguard
Whenever possible, medications should be given at home. However, the school
system realizes that for student to maintain school attendance, certain medications
may be required during school hours. With the safety of the children and staff being
our priority, the system has revised policies and procedures for medications
administered at school.
NO medications will be given without prior written permission. For students
to receive medication at school, parents will need to complete:
"The Parent/Guardian Medication Permission Form" This provides parent
permission for over-the-counter and short-term (less than 10 days)
medications, and physician-prescribed long-term (more than ten days) to
be administered at school.
"The Health Care Provider Medication/Permission Form" This provides
for information from a student’s health care provider about medications that
is to be given for more than 10 days or regularly during the school year.
On the rare occasion acetaminophen (Tylenol) may enable your child to
return to class after assessment by the licensed nurse, you may indicate
permission for your child to receive school stocked acetaminophen from
the nurse at school by initialing on the Student Health History Form for your
child. If your child requires acetaminophen more than 2-3 times in the
school year, the parent will be asked to furnish this medication with a
Parent Medication Permission Form.
Please take the time to read the guidelines below carefully. These policies will
require greater cooperation and communication between parents and school
1. Medications received at school in un-labeled bottles, pills in zip-lock bags and
aluminum foil WILL NOT be administered.
2. Non-prescription medications (over the counter medications) must be brought
to the school in the original container along with a written parental request
that includes parent contact phone number, and directions for administering
that states the frequency, dose and length of administration.
3. Prescription medications must be brought to the school in the original
prescription container labeled with the student's name, date prescribed,
instruction for administering, name of drug, name of issuing Health Care
Provider, expiration date, and route medication is to be given.
4. Schools will dispense medications only as directed on the original labeled
container. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school
if changes in the medication, dosage, and/or time of administration are
requested and a new original container must be provided.
5. For ALL medications to be administered for more than 10 school days, the
parent/guardian must provide specific instructions, including related
equipment needed if necessary, by completing a "Parent/Guardian
Medication Permission Form" and by having the student’s health care
provider complete a "Health Care Provider Medication Information Record".
6. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school, in
writing, of any changes in pertinent data. A new "Medication Permission
Form" must be provided indicating requested changes.
7. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to deliver ALL medication to
the principal's office or other designated school personnel.
8. A "Parent/Guardian Medication Permission Form" and if pertinent, a "Health
Care Provider Medication Information Record" shall be kept relative to each
medication taken by the student during the school day. This record will include
student's name, name of medication, time, route, and correct dose.
9. Long-term medications usually need to be refilled on a monthly basis. It is
the responsibility of the parent/guardian to keep the school supplied with
adequate amounts of medication.
10. If your child takes a daily controlled medication, for safety and security
reasons, please bring only a new prescription bottle dated for the current
month containing a FULL supply for an entire month of school. Partially
filled bottles will not be accepted. Your pharmacist will fill the prescription in
this manner upon request. Once pills are received and counted at school
they will not be redistributed back to the parent/guardian. If the prescription
calls for a dosage of one and one half pills, please break the pills in half
before bringing the bottle to school.
11. Upon receipt at school, all controlled medications must be counted by the
parent/guardian and the school nurse (or designee) with the amount received
properly documented.
Questions regarding medication administration at school should be directed to the
school principal, Mamie Coker at 770-534-1080 or the Director of Student Services
at 770-967-5846.
Notice of Parental Right to Request Teacher/Paraprofessional Qualifications
In compliance with the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act, parents
may request the following information:
1. Whether the student’s teacher
o has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels
and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
o is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through
which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; and,
o is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
2. Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their
If a parent wishes to request information concerning their child’s teacher or
paraprofessional’s qualifications, please contact the school principal.
Parent Portal
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal is a confidential and secure website where
parents can access current information about a child’s attendance and grades.
Parents may access the Parent Portal by going to the following website:
or click on the link for “Parent
Portal” at www.hallco.org.
Each school will provide parents with Parent Portal activation codes and
instructions for setting up an online account. Parents only need to activate one
account for all children in the household. It is not necessary to set up a new
account at the beginning of each year or when a child changes schools within Hall
County Schools. Problems with a student’s account should be directed to school
Parent Teacher Conferences
A parent wishing a conference with a teacher should contact the school counselor
by phone. Conferences should be scheduled in advance and, if possible, before
or after school, though no later than 3:35 p.m.
Parking at school is a privilege afforded to students who have the need to provide
their own transportation and who meet the necessary requirements. The abuse of
this privilege may result in revocation of the parking permit. A limited number of
parking spaces are available at each high school on a priority basis. A parking
permit is required and must be displayed. The cost for a parking permit is $30.00
per semester at traditional high schools and $5.00 per semester at LCCA. Students
are required to present an application signed by a parent or legal guardian, a valid
Georgia driver's license, and proof of insurance BEFORE the parking permit will
be issued. Students purchasing a parking permit must sign a waiver subjecting
them to the terms and conditions of the HCSS Drug Screening Procedures for
Interscholastic Athletics and Permitted Car Drivers. Terms and conditions may be
found at:
Personal Possessions & Valuables
Students are discouraged from bringing personal possessions and valuables to
school, including electronic devices. The school is not responsible for any items
lost or stolen. Large sums of money should not be brought to school.
Promotion Policy
Class placement is made at the beginning of each academic year based on
the number of units posted on the student’s academic record at that time.
(In most Hall County high schools, juniors who are repeating the eleventh grade
may be placed in a senior grade/class at mid-year of the fourth year in high school
provided they will be able to accumulate enough units to graduate at the end of the
school year.)
Units Required for
Grade Placement
Units Required for
Competitive Extra-
Curricular Activities
to 9
Student must pass five (5) of seven
(7) or four (4) of six (6) subjects,
including both language arts and
All students entering
grade for the first
semester of high
school are
academically eligible
to participate.
to 10
6 units
5 units *
* Note: Eligibility rules are complicated. A student taking seven classes would
need to pass a minimum of five in a semester to maintain eligibility and earn
required units to stay on-track for graduation. GHSA requirements may be found
Release of Directory Information to the Armed Forces
Names and addresses of junior/senior students will be made available to the
armed services. If students wish their names removed from this list, they must
make a written request to the counselor's office.
Schedule Changes
Schedule changes may be requested during the first five days of classes.
Requests will be approved only when based on valid academic reasons.
A student may not withdraw from a course after five school days. The principal
may allow a student to transfer to another course after the fifth day if extenuating
circumstances warrant such action. Legitimate reasons for dropping/adding a
course within the limited number of days may include the following:
The student has already received maximum credit for the course.
The student is taking a course out of sequence.
The student is a senior and needs another class to graduate.
With the exception of those in their fifth year of high school, all students will be
required to enroll in seven (7) periods per day, or the equivalent, each semester.
Enrollment may include any course in the High School Planning Guide, as well as
DE, credit recovery, Georgia Virtual School or other district approved courses. All
students who have completed graduation requirements by the end of the fourth
year in high school will terminate high school enrollment and graduate. Exception
to this rule may be granted only through the student’s IEP/IAP.
Requests for schedule changes will be contingent on available space in the class
a student wishes to add. Changes in a student’s schedule will not be made to
move a student from one teacher to another or from one period to another unless
the school must do so to balance class sizes.
School Insurance
School insurance is available to all students. Applications for school insurance are
given to students at the beginning of each school year. Additional applications are
available in the school office. Students who plan to participate in any athletic
Units Required for
Grade Placement
Units Required for
Competitive Extra-
Curricular Activities
to 11
12 units, including 2 core English,
2 core Math, 1 core Social Studies,
and 2 core Science units
11 units *
to 12
18 units, including 2 core English,
3 core Math, 2 core Social Studies,
and 2 core Science units, and have
a planned program providing for
sufficient credits to graduate in the
following June or August.
17 units *
competition must either provide proof of insurance or purchase school-provided
insurance which covers all athletics except football (requires a separate policy).
School Jurisdiction
School social functions are for the school’s students and their dates only. Students
are under school jurisdiction and authority at all school-sponsored events and
activities. Students will be expected to follow all policies governing student
behavior during all activities involving the school, including extra-curricular
activities. Student’s dates must be approved by the school administration. Adults
that are 21 years of age or older shall not attend a school function as a student’s
School Pictures
Students may elect to have school pictures taken during the school year. All school
pictures are prepaid with retakes or refunds available upon request. The date and
time for pictures are announced.
School Visitors
Visitors must report to the main office prior to visiting any area of the school.
Severe Weather
Should severe weather necessitate closing or early dismissal of school, this
information will be posted on the Hall County Schools website at www.hallco.org
This information will also be broadcast over WDUN Radio (550 AM) and other area
radio stations. School closing announcements will be released to the media by
approximately 6:00 a.m. Notification is also sent to all parent-approved telephone
numbers and email addresses using Infinite Campus Messenger.
School buses will not leave school during a tornado or severe weather WARNING.
Buses will run regular routes when the warning is canceled.
Student Illnesses / Accidents During School Hours
Students who become ill or injured at school should report the problem to a
teacher. Parents or legal guardians will be notified if the condition warrants.
Student Support Teams
If a student experiences difficulty in schoolwork, his/her teachers may form a
Student Support Team that will help clarify problems and will consider making
adjustments to the student’s instructional program. Parent/legal guardians are
invited to attend all SST meetings and will be informed of any recommendations.
For more information, contact the Student Support Team Coordinator at the
student’s high school, or contact the Hall County Department of Student Services
at 770-967-5846.
Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act
Georgia’s Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (TAADRA) requires local
school systems to certify that a student is eligible to obtain a Georgia driver's
license or learner's permit. Effective July 1, 2015, schools must only certify that a
student is enrolled in and not under expulsion from the school district to be eligible
for a driver's license or learner's permit.
Certificate of Enrollment
Each student who applies for a driver’s license or learner’s permit must
submit a Certificate of School Enrollment to a Georgia Department of
Driver Services Customer Service Center.
This form must be completed by a school official and be notarized. This
form serves as certification that the student is enrolled in and not under
expulsion from a public or private school.
The Department of Driver Services will recognize the Certificate of
Enrollment for 30 days after the date is notarized with the exception of the
summer months. Students who need a certificate during the summer
should request a form in May. These certificates will be honored during
the summer.
Office telephones are for official school business only. Personal messages will be
relayed to students during the school day in case of family emergencies.
Test-Out Option for Earning Carnegie Credit
Beginning in school year 2013-2014, Georgia State Board Rule 160-5-1-.15 allows
students to earn course credit in high school courses for which there is an
associated End Of Course Test. Students may demonstrate subject area
competency and earn course credit by scoring “Distinguished Learner” on the EOC
Test. This process for earning course credit is identified as “testing-out.”
Students must meet predetermined eligibility criteria to qualify for “testing-out.” See
the high school counselor for the list of criteria, related procedures and application.
Each test-out attempt incurs a $50 test fee required before testing. This fee is
refundable only when the score earned on the EOC Test is “Distinguished Learner
and the student accepts the course credit using the test-out option. NCAA does
not accept high school credits earned by “test-out.
Transcript requests for students who graduated in the past two years may be made
by completing a transcript request form and submitting it to the secretary in the
School Counseling Office. While there is a $5.00 fee for all final transcripts (i.e.
graduating seniors, graduates, withdrawn students), there are no fees imposed for
electronic transcripts.
Students who graduated prior to 2013 may print a transcript at www.hallco.org
. Go
to “Get A Copy of” tab where you will be redirected to Need My Transcript website.
A $5.00 fee will be charged for transcripts.
Students may ride the school bus if students live in the proper school's attendance
zone. Riding the bus is a privilege, and students must cooperate with the bus
driver at all times in order to insure the safety of students and others on the bus.
Parents are asked to avoid bus loading zones at the schools when buses are
loading or unloading students.
Additional Learning Opportunities in High School
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
The goal of the ESOL program is to provide an opportunity for a student whose
primary language is other than English (PHLOTE) to acquire social and academic
language proficiency while continuing to learn academic content. Schools identify
PHLOTE students and administer the WIDA screener to determine the student’s
level of English proficiency and need for language assistance. Students whose test
scores indicate limited English proficiency are served through the ESOL programs
Extended Instructional Programs
High School summer classes are available for initial credit or credit recovery at all
high school campuses. All courses are tuition-based and offered through
Edgenuity, a program utilizes self-paced, online courses that can be completed at
school or at-home.
Lanier College and Career Academy
LCCA is an accredited College and Career Academy and offers all courses
required for a high school diploma as well as Dual Enrollment courses. Classes
are held Monday thru Friday from 8:55-2:30 and transportation from the other Hall
County high schools is provided. Students with proper licensure and insurance
may purchase a parking pass for a small fee.
High school students are typically referred to LCCA through student’s home
school. Prospective students should talk to their school counselor and they will in
turn contact LCCA.
Career classes are also offered in several areas and all students in grades 9-11
are required to be enrolled in one of the many pathways offered. These areas
Culinary Arts
Hotel/ Restaurant Management
Agricultural Mechanics
Construction/ HVAC
Industrial Maintenance
Healthcare Front Office
Many certifications are available through the programs listed above.
LCCA also offers college credits through Dual Enrollment and the list of available
courses continues to expand.
The LCCA campus is also the site of the Alternative Learning Center (ALC) for
students under long-term suspension in the Hall County school system. ALC is a
separate school from LCCA and is housed in an adjacent wing of the main LCCA
Newcomers Academy
English Learners new to the Hall County School District may be eligible for
enrollment at the Newcomers Academy housed at the Early College at Jones
campus. Students may be eligible for the program with a CPL score 2.0 and
adequate time to earn credits required for the high school diploma. Intensive
English language instruction will support language acquisition through academic
knowledge and skills found in Georgia Standards of Excellence.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a comprehensive civil rights law
that addresses the rights of the disabled and applies to all agencies receiving
federal financial assistance. The law states: “No qualified individual with
disabilities, shall, solely by reason of his/her disability be excluded from
participation in, or denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any
program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
Section 504 is not an aspect of “special education,” but rather, is the responsibility
of the general education system. Frequently the needs of a student experiencing
difficulties at school can be met through the Student Support Team
(SST)/Response to Intervention (RTI) process. If the intervention team has
documentation that a disability condition may exist, referral to the Section 504
Committee for consideration may be in order to determine eligibility for
accommodations and to ascertain whether or not equal access to school is a
concern. If access is not being denied and educational progress is being made,
an accommodations plan may not be needed. For more information, contact the
Section 504 Coordinator at the student’s high school, or the Hall County Schools
504 Coordinator, Thomas Stegarp, at 770-967-5846.
Section 504 Hearing Requests
Any student or parent or guardian (“grievant”) may request an impartial hearing
due to the school system’s actions or inactions regarding your child’s identification,
evaluation, or educational placement under Section 504. Requests for an impartial
hearing must be in writing to the school system’s Section 504 Coordinator,
however, a grievant’s failure to request a hearing in writing does not alleviate the
school system’s obligation to provide an impartial hearing if the grievant orally
requests an impartial hearing through the school system’s 504 Coordinator. The
school system’s Section 504 Coordinator will assist the grievant in completing the
written Request for Hearing. The Section 504 Coordinator may be contacted
through the school system’s central office. Copies of the 504 Procedural
Safeguards and Notice of Rights of Students and Parents Under Section 504 may
be found at the system’s website or may be picked up at the central office or at
any of the school offices.
Special Education
Special education programs are available to the students who meet eligibility
criteria for specific learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, emotional and
behavioral disorders, speech/language impairments, blind/visually impaired and/or
deaf/hard of hearing, orthopedically impaired, autism, traumatic brain injury and
other health impaired. All due process procedures are strictly adhered to as
mandated by state and federal laws.
A full continuum of Special Education services are available based upon the
decision of a student’s IEP team. An individual Transition Plan is written for each
student to support his/her movement from school to adult life. For further
information, contact the Hall County Special Education Department, 711 Green
Street, Gainesville, Georgia 30501 (Phone: 770-534-1080).
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA affords parents and eligible students (over 18 years of age or attending a
postsecondary institution) certain rights with respect to the student’s education
These rights are:
(1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days
after the school receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should
submit to the principal [or appropriate official] a written request that identifies the
records they wish to inspect. The principal or designee will make arrangements for
access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the
records may be inspected.
(2) The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the
parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in
violation of the student's privacy rights under FERPA. To request amendment of a
student record, parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal a
written request, specifying the part of the record they want changed and why it is
inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights. If
the school decides not to amend the record, it will notify the parents or eligible
students of the decision and inform them of their right to a hearing. Additional
information regarding the hearing procedure will be provided with the notification
of the right to a hearing.
(3) The right to provide written consent before the school discloses personally
identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the
extent that disclosure without prior written consent is authorized by FERPA and its
implementing regulations at 34 C.F.R. § 99.31.
One exception that permits disclosure without consent is to school officials with
legitimate educational interest. A school official has a legitimate educational
interest if the official needs to review an educational record in order to fulfill his or
her professional responsibility. A school official is a person employed by the school
district as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member
(including school nurses and school resource officers); a member of the school
board; a person or company with whom the district has contracted to perform a
specific task (such as attorney, auditor, medical consultant, therapist, or online
educational services provider); a contractor, consultant, volunteer, or other party
to whom the school district has outsourced services, such as electronic data
storage; or a parent or student serving on an official committee (such as a
disciplinary or grievance committee) or assisting another school official in
performing his or her tasks. The district allows school officials to access only
student records in which they have a legitimate educational interest. School
officials remain under the district’s control with regard to the use and maintenance
of PII, which may be used only for the purpose for which disclosure was made,
and cannot be released to other parties without authorization.
Upon request, the district discloses education records without consent to officials
of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or is already
enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes of the student’s enrollment or transfer.
(4) FERPA requires the school district, with certain exceptions, to obtain written
consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the
student’s education records. However, the district may disclose appropriate
designated “directory information” without written consent, unless the parent or
eligible student has advised the district to the contrary in accordance with district
procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the school to
include this type of information from the student’s education records in certain
school publications, such as the annual yearbook, graduation or sports activity
programs, honor roll or other recognition lists, or on websites or social media sites
affiliated with the school or school district.
The School District has designated the following information as directory
(a) Student’s name, address and telephone number;
(b) Student’s date and place of birth;
(c) Student’s e-mail address;
(d) Student’s participation in official school activities and sports;
(e) Weight and height of members of an athletic team;
(f) Dates of attendance at schools within the district;
(g) Honors and awards received during the time enrolled in district schools;
(h) Photograph; and
(i) Grade level.
Unless you, as a parent/guardian or eligible student, request otherwise, this
information may be disclosed to the public upon request. In addition, two federal
laws require school districts receiving federal financial assistance to provide
military recruiters, upon request, with students’ names, addresses, and telephone
numbers unless parents have advised the school district that they do not want their
student’s information disclosed without their prior written consent. You have the
right to refuse to allow all or any part of the above information to be designated as
directory information and to refuse to allow it to be disclosed to the public upon
request without your prior written consent. If you wish to exercise this right, you
must notify the principal of the school at which the student is enrolled annually in
writing by September 30
or within 10 school days of an enrollment after the start
of the student school year.
(5) You are also notified that from time to time students may be photographed,
videoed, or interviewed by the news media at school or at some school activity or
The principal will take reasonable steps to control access to students by the media
or other individuals not affiliated with the school or district. However, your
submission of a written objection does not constitute a guarantee that your student
will not be photographed, videoed, or interviewed, or that such information will not
be posted on websites or social media sites not affiliated with the school or district
or in circumstances which are not within the knowledge or control of the principal.
(6) You have the right to file with the U. S. Department of Education a complaint
concerning alleged failures by the school district to comply with the requirements
The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue,
SW, Washington, D.C. 20202.
(7) The Georgia Student Data Privacy, Accessibility, and Transparency Act affords
parents and eligible students the right to file a complaint with the school district
regarding a possible violation of rights under O.C.G.A. § 20-2-667 or under other
federal or state student data privacy and security laws. Such complaints may be
filed with: Hall County School District,
711 Green Street
Gainesville, Ga. 30501
Attn: Anthony Swaim
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
PPRA affords parents and eligible students (18 or older or emancipated minors)
certain rights regarding the conduct of surveys, collection and use of information
for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. These include the right to:
• Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or
more of the following protected areas (“protected information survey”) if the survey
is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education.
1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent;
2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family;
3. Sex behavior or attitudes;
4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family
6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or
7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or
8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
• Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of
1. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding;
2. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a
condition of attendance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary
to protect the immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision,
or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening permitted or required
under State law; and
3. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained
from students for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to
• Inspect, upon request and before administration or use
1. Protected information surveys of students;
2. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the
above marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes; and
3. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum.
Parents and eligible students will be notified at the beginning of the school year if
the school district has identified the specific or approximate dates during the school
year when any of the activities listed above are expected to be scheduled. For
surveys and activities scheduled after the school year starts, parents will be
provided reasonable notification of the planned activities and surveys and be
provided an opportunity to opt their child out of such activities and surveys. The
Board of Education has developed and adopted policies, in conjunction with
parents, regarding these rights as well as arrangements to protect student privacy
in the administration of protected information surveys and the collection,
disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution
purposes. The district will directly notify parents of these policies at least annually
at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes. The district will
also directly notify parents of students who are scheduled to participate in the
specific activities or surveys noted below and will provide an opportunity for the
parent to opt his or her child out of participation of the specific activity or survey.
The school is required by federal law to give this notice to parents. However, the
school does not have scheduled any such activities as are described above. If any
such activities are initiated during the school year, parents will be notified
accordingly and will be afforded all the rights described herein.
Parents who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with the
Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland
Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-8520.
Hall County Code of Conduct and Discipline Procedures
It is the purpose of the Hall County Board of Education to operate the school
system in a manner that will provide an orderly process of education and that will
provide for the welfare and safety of all students who attend our schools. In
accordance with that purpose, the Hall County Board of Education has adopted a
policy that requires schools to follow codes of conduct that focus on maintaining a
good learning environment for all students. These standards for behavior require
students to respect each other and school district employees, to obey student
behavior policies adopted by the Board and to obey student behavior rules
established at each school within the district.
The school's primary goal is to educate, not to punish; however, when the behavior
of an individual student comes in conflict with the rights of others, corrective actions
may be necessary for the benefit of that individual and the school as a whole.
Accordingly, students shall be governed by policies, regulations and rules set forth
in this Code of Conduct and Discipline Procedures. Such governing rules shall be
published and provided annually to all school personnel and students. Parents are
encouraged to become familiar with the policies, regulations and rules of the
school system, and to be supportive of these in their daily communication with their
children and others in the community.
Major discipline offenses, including, but not limited to, drug and weapon offenses,
can lead to a school being named as an Unsafe School according to the provisions
of the State Board of Education Rule Unsafe School Choice Option.
The principal is the designated leader of the school and, in concert with the staff,
is responsible for the orderly operation of the school. In cases of disruptive,
disorderly or dangerous conduct not covered in this Code, the principal may
undertake corrective measures which he or she believes to be in the best interest
of the student and the school provided any such action does not violate school
board policy or procedures.
The students of the Hall County School District are expected to maintain good
order and discipline in the school environment. Good order and discipline may be
described as the absence of distractions, frictions and disturbances which interfere
with the optimum functioning of the student, the class and the school. It is also the
presence of a friendly yet business-like rapport in which students and school
personnel work cooperatively toward mutually recognized and mutually accepted
This Code of Conduct is effective during the following times and in the following
At school or on school property at any time;
Off school grounds at any school activity, function or event and while traveling
to and from such events;
On vehicles provided for student transportation by the school system and at
bus stops.
Also, students may be disciplined for conduct off campus which could result in the
student being criminally charged with a felony and which makes the student’s
continued presence at the school a potential danger to persons or property at the
school or which disrupts the educational process.
Consequences and Penalties for Non-Compliance with Compulsory School
Attendance Law:
Assuring that children attend school regularly is an important part of a patent’s
responsibility. Parents are responsible for providing school officials with
verification of reasons (written absence notes) for each absence. When your child
must be absent, it is important that you state the reason(s) for your child’s
absence(s) in writing and share these with the school as soon as possible. Any
absence not certified by a parent/guardian, physician or court/other agency
(meeting the definition of an unexcused absence) is considered unexcused.
Failure to comply with compulsory school attendance as required under
Code Section 20-2-690.1. Any parent, guardian, or other person residing in this
state who has control or charge of a child or children shall enroll and send such
child or children to a public school, a private school, or a home study program that
meets state requirements. Any parent, guardian, or other person who has control
of a child or children who is in violation of this Code section shall be subject to a
fine not less than $25.00 and not greater than $100.00, or imprisonment not to
exceed 30 days, community service, or any combination of such penalties, at the
discretion of the court having jurisdiction. Each day’s absence from school in
violation of this part after the child’s school system notifies the parent, guardian, or
other person who has control or charge of a child of ten (10) unexcused days of
absence for a child shall constitute a separate offense.
This Code of Conduct is based on the expectation that parents, guardians,
teachers and school administrators will work together to improve and enhance
student behavior and academic performance and will communicate freely their
concerns about, and actions in response to, student behavior that detracts from
the learning environment. School administrators recognize that two-way
communication through personal contact is extremely valuable; therefore, they
provide information to parents as well as on-going opportunities for school
personnel to hear parentsconcerns and comments.
The Code of Conduct specifies within its standards of behavior various violations
of the Code which may result in a school staff member’s request that a parent or
guardian come to the school for a conference. Parents are encouraged to visit the
schools regularly and are expected to be actively involved in the behavior support
processes designed to promote positive choices and behavior.
Georgia law mandates that any time a teacher or principal identifies a student as
a chronic disciplinary problem, the principal shall notify by telephone call and by
mail the student’s parent or guardian of the disciplinary problem, invite the parent
or guardian to observe the student in a classroom situation, and request at least
one parent or guardian to attend a conference to devise a disciplinary and
behavioral correction plan. Georgia law also states that before any chronic
disciplinary problem student is permitted to return to school from a suspension or
expulsion, the school shall request by telephone call and by mail at least one
parent or guardian to schedule and attend a conference to devise a disciplinary
and behavioral correction plan.
The law allows a local board of education to petition the juvenile court to require a
parent to attend a school conference. If the court finds that the parent or guardian
has willfully and unreasonably failed to attend a conference requested by the
principal pursuant to the laws cited above, the court may order the parent or
guardian to attend such a conference, order the parent or guardian to participate
in such programs or such treatment as the court deems appropriate to improve the
student’s behavior, or both. After notice and opportunity for hearing, the court may
impose a fine, not to exceed $500.00, on a parent or guardian who willfully
disobeys an order of the court under this law.
Major discipline offenses including, but not limited to, drug and weapon offenses
can lead to any state school being named as an Unsafe School according to the
provisions of the State Board of Education Rule 160-4-16 Unsafe School Option.
Georgia Code Section 20-2-735 requires us to advise parents that they should
inform their children on the consequences, including potential criminal penalties,
of underage sexual conduct and crimes for which a minor can be tried as an adult.
When it is necessary to impose discipline, school administrators and teachers will
follow a progressive discipline process. A major consideration in the application
of the code is that the disciplinary action taken by school officials be the least
extreme measure that can resolve the discipline problem. Circumstances to be
considered include, but are not limited to, the following factors: age, health,
maturity, academic placement of the student, prior conduct, attitude, cooperation
of the parents, willingness to make restitution, and the seriousness of the offense.
Such factors may be taken into account in determining the punishment to be
imposed, including any decision to impose a punishment that is more or less
severe than suggested in this Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct provides a systematic process of behavioral correction in
which inappropriate behaviors are followed by consequences. Disciplinary actions
are designed to teach students self-discipline and to help them replace
inappropriate behaviors with those that are consistent with character traits from
Georgia’s Character Education Program.
The following disciplinary actions may be imposed for any violation of this Code of
Warning and/or counseling with a school administrator or counselor
Loss of privileges
Isolation or time-out
Temporary removal from a class or activity
Notification of parents
Parent conference
Corporal punishment
Detention/Saturday school
Temporary placement in an alternative education program
Short-term suspension
Referral to a tribunal for long-term suspension or expulsion
Suspension or expulsion from the school bus
Referral to law enforcement or juvenile court officials: Georgia law requires
that certain acts of misconduct be referred to the appropriate law enforcement
officials. The school will refer any act of misconduct to law enforcement
officials when school officials determine such a referral to be necessary or
Students may be suspended due to repeated violations of any rule. The MAXIMUM
punishment for any offense is expulsion, but suspension for more than 10 days or
expulsion will be determined only by a disciplinary tribunal as outlined in the Hall
County Board of Education Policy JCEB.
When guilt is established and accepted by the student and parent, a negotiated
waiver settlement may be considered based on the consequences the school
administration would recommend to a tribunal. If the student, parent/guardian, and
a hearing officer appointed by the superintendent accept this agreement, a tribunal
will not be held. A waiver agreement does not grant a student permission to enroll
in the Alternative Learning Center (ALC) program. However, a student can be
suspended with the option to apply for admission to ALC. The minimum stay at
ALC is one semester.
A conference with the student must precede any immediate suspension from
school. If immediate suspension is the action to be taken by school administrators,
it must not exceed 10 school days. Parents must be notified. School officials
may involve law enforcement officials when evidence surrounding a situation
necessitates their involvement or when there is a legal requirement that an incident
be reported.
School officials may search a student if there is reasonable suspicion the student
is in possession of an item that is illegal or violates school rules. Personal property
items (including personal electronic devices), school lockers, desks and other
school property are subject to inspection and search by school authorities at any
time without further notice to students or parents. At the discretion of
administrators, students are required to cooperate if asked to open book bags,
lockers, etc. Metal detectors and drug or weapon-sniffing dogs may be utilized at
school or at any school function, including activities which occur outside normal
school hours or off the school campus.
The Hall County Board of Education provides a variety of resources which are
available at every school within the district to help address student behavioral
problems. The school discipline process will include appropriate consideration of
support processes to help students resolve such problems. These resources
include, but are not limited to, Student Support Teams, school counselors, and
chronic disciplinary problem student plans.
It is the policy of the Board of Education that the Superintendent shall fully support
the authority of principals and teachers to remove a student from the classroom
pursuant to Georgia law as cited in O.C.G.A. 20-2-738 and 20-2-751.5(d).
A teacher shall have the authority, consistent with board policy, to manage his or
her classroom, discipline students, and refer a student to the principal or designee
to maintain discipline in the classroom. Any teacher who has knowledge that a
student has exhibited behavior which substantially interferes with the teacher’s
ability to communicate effectively with his/her class or with the ability of each
student’s classmates to learn, shall file a report of such behavior with the principal
or designee. The principal and teacher shall thereafter follow the procedures set
forth in Georgia law, specifically O.C.G.A. 20-2-737 and 738.
(A) Place the student into another appropriate classroom, in-school
suspension, or an alternative education program;
(B) Impose out-of-school suspension for not more than ten school days,
including any time during which the student was subjected to out-of-
school suspension after his or her removal from class pursuant to
subsection (b) of this Code section;
(C) Make another placement or disciplinary decision or recommendation
consistent with local board policy; or
(D) Implement or recommend any appropriate combination of the above
and return student to the class from which he or she was removed
upon the completion of any disciplinary or placement action taken
pursuant to this paragraph.
HCSD students have access to and utilize a wide variety of technological
devices. All users of HCSD hardware, software, networks, services, and
applications must maintain strict compliance with all applicable ethical and legal
rules and regulations regarding access. All login information, usernames, and
passwords are confidential. The student is responsible for keeping login
information secure. At no time should anyone log in with another individual's
username or password.
All Hall County Schools are Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)
environments. Students are encouraged to bring personal devices to use for
instructional purposes. Parents who allow their children to bring privately owned
devices are personally responsible for the equipment. HCSD does not provide
maintenance or repair to personally owned devices and does not assume any
responsibility for damage or theft of privately owned devices.
All HCSD facilities have campus wide wireless connectivity (Wi-Fi). The Wi-Fi
network is filtered and monitored in accordance with all local, state, and federal
policies and laws including the Children's Internet Protection Act.
In some instances students will be provided the opportunity to check out and take
home a mobile device such as a laptop or Chromebook. Checkout of mobile
devices is outlined in the Mobile Computing Device Checkout Agreement.
Possession, sale, attempted sale, use, distribution or under the
influence of any drug, including but not limited to narcotic drug,
hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, over the counter
drug, unauthorized prescription drug or drug paraphernalia, alcoholic
beverage or other intoxicant, or of any substance represented as drugs or
DRUGS - Immediate suspension pending a disciplinary tribunal, and immediate
referral to law enforcement officials. Distribution, attempted sale or sale of these
substances requires suspension for the remainder of the semester in which the
incident occurred, plus expulsion for one full semester. Participation in the
system’s early intervention program for student and parent (SUPER 1) is required
for first-time category one offenders to re-enroll in the regular school program;
attendance does not reduce the number of days of suspension.
ALCOHOL - First offense: Immediate suspension, system's early intervention
program for student and parent (SUPER 1), possible referral to disciplinary tribunal
and/or referral to law enforcement officials. The student and parent or guardian will
be offered the opportunity to attend SUPER 1 in lieu of up to half the original
suspension, not to exceed five (5) days. Second or subsequent offense:
Mandatory referral to tribunal and/or referral to law enforcement officials.
OVER THE COUNTER DRUGS - Immediate suspension, system's early
intervention program for student and parent (SUPER 1), possible referral to
disciplinary tribunal and/or referral to law enforcement officials. First time offenders
may be offered the opportunity to attend SUPER 1 in lieu of up to half the original
suspension, not to exceed five (5) days.
Possession or use of a weapon or dangerous instrument: Immediate
suspension pending a disciplinary tribunal and immediate referral to law
enforcement officials. Firearm infractions require a minimum one calendar year
expulsion. (O.C.G.A. 16-11-127.1 - A fine of not more than $10,000; imprisonment
for not less than two or more than ten years, or both.)
Assault (physical or verbal), including threatened violence upon
another student, a teacher, or another school official: Immediate suspension,
automatic referral to the disciplinary tribunal if a student is alleged to have
committed an assault upon a teacher, other school official or employee; possible
referral to law enforcement officials, and possible referral to the disciplinary tribunal
if a student is alleged to have committed an assault upon another student.
Battery, including sexual battery, upon another student, a teacher,
another school official or persons attending school-related functions:
Immediate suspension, automatic referral to the disciplinary tribunal if a student is
alleged to have committed battery upon a teacher, other school official or
employee, possible referral to law enforcement officials, and possible referral to
the disciplinary tribunal if a student is alleged to have committed a battery upon
another student.
Fighting: Possible out of school suspension, possible referral to a disciplinary
tribunal hearing, possible referral to law enforcement officials.
Disrespectful conduct, including the use of vulgar or profane language,
toward teachers, administrators, other school personnel, other students, or
persons attending school-related functions: Possible removal from class,
activity, or situation, conference with teacher, parents, and counselor, detention,
in-school suspension, suspension, and/or referral to disciplinary tribunal.
Any behavior based on a student’s race, national origin, religion, sex,
or disability including verbal or non-verbal taunting, physical contact,
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or
physical contact of a sexual nature, or sexual harassment as defined
pursuant to Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972: Possible
removal from class, activity, or situation, conference with teacher, parents, and
counselor, detention, in-school suspension, suspension, and/or referral to
disciplinary tribunal.
Inciting, advising or counseling of others to engage in prohibited acts:
Possible removal from class, activity, or situation, conference with teacher,
parents, and counselor, detention, in-school suspension, suspension, and/or
referral to disciplinary tribunal.
Classroom and school disturbances: Possible removal from class,
activity, or situation, conference with teacher, parents, and counselor, detention,
in-school suspension, suspension, and/or referral to disciplinary tribunal.
Possession or use of tobacco or nicotene in any form or tobacco use-
related paraphernalia such as lighters, matches, electronic cigarettes or
vapers: Detention, in-school suspension, Saturday School, out-of-school
suspension, and/or parent conference.
Willful or malicious damage to real or personal property of the school
or to personal property of any person legitimately at the school during
school or off school hours: Possible suspension, referral to disciplinary tribunal,
possible referral to law enforcement officials, and/or possible restitution. (O.C.G.A.
Marking, defacing, or destroying school property during school or off-
school hours: Possible suspension, possible referral to the disciplinary tribunal,
and/or possible restitution.
Theft: In-school or out-of-school suspension, restitution, and possible referral
to law enforcement officials.
Extortion or attempted extortion: Immediate suspension, possible referral
to the disciplinary tribunal, and/or possible restitution.
Possession and/or use of fireworks: Parent conference, possible
suspension, and possible referral to the disciplinary tribunal and to law
enforcement officials.
Activating a fire alarm under false pretenses or making a bomb threat:
Immediate suspension, possible referral to disciplinary tribunal and referral to law
enforcement officials.
Insubordination, disorderly conduct, disobeying school rules,
regulations, or directives, disobeying directives given by teachers,
administrators, or other school staff: Possible removal from class, activity, or
situation, conference with teacher, parents, and counselor, detention, in-school
suspension, Saturday School, suspension, and/or referral to disciplinary tribunal.
Violation of school dress code: Possible removal from class, activity, or
situation, parent conference, detention, Saturday School, and/or in-school
Use of profane, vulgar, or obscene words, gestures, images, or indecent
exposure, including possession or transmission of such words or images
(such as ‘sexting’): Parent conference, confiscation, detention, in-school
suspension, or suspension, possible referral to disciplinary tribunal, and/or
possible referral to law enforcement officials.
Use of cell phones and other electronic devices in violation of the Hall
County Schools for Student Code of Conduct.: Parent conference, detention,
in-school suspension, confiscation, possible referral to law enforcement officials,
and/or suspension.
Inappropriate public displays of affection: Parent conference, detention,
in-school suspension, and/or suspension.
Gambling or possession of gambling devices: Parent conference,
detention, in-school suspension, and/or suspension.
Moving and non-moving driving violations: Short-term or long-term
revocation of driving privileges, in-school suspension, and/or detention.
Giving false information to school officials: Parent conference, detention,
in-school suspension, and/or suspension.
Falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting or erroneously reporting
information regarding instances of alleged inappropriate behavior by a
teacher, administrator, or other school employee toward a student: Parent
conference, detention, in-school suspension, and/or possible referral to a
disciplinary tribunal. Any student (or parent or friend of the student) who has been
the victim of an act of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by a teacher,
administrator, or other school system employee is urged to make an oral report of
the act to any teacher, counselor or administrator at his/her school.
Cheating on school assignments: Zero grade for assignment, substitute
assignment, detention, parent conference and/or in-school suspension.
Bullying: Discipline for any act of bullying, including cyber bullying, as
defined under the bullying definition in this document, shall be within the discretion
of the principal which may range from a reprimand to out-of-school suspension.
However, upon a tribunal finding that a student in grades 6-12 has committed the
offense of bullying for the third time in a school year, the student shall at a minimum
be assigned to the Alternative Learning Center.
Criminal law violations: Any on or off campus behavior of a student which
could result in the student being criminally charged with a felony and which makes
the student’s continued presence at the school a potential danger to persons or
property at the school or which disrupts the educational process may be subject to
disciplinary action, including in-school suspension, short-term suspension and
referral to a disciplinary tribunal.
Willful and persistent violation of the Student Code of Conduct: Student
who chronically and/or habitually violate school rules or this Code of Conduct may
be referred to the disciplinary tribunal, even if the offenses the student has
committed do not include such a referral as a possible consequence.
Failure to comply with compulsory school attendance as required under
Code Section 20-2-690.1: Any student who is in violation of this Code section
shall be subject to a referral to the court having jurisdiction. Each day’s absence
from school in violation of this part after the school system notifies the parent,
guardian, or other person who has control or charge of a child of ten (10)
unexcused days of absence for a child shall constitute a separate offense.
Violation of the Hall County Schools Student Code of Conduct for
personal electronic devices, computer hardware, software, network and
internet access, to include any unauthorized entry into a computer network
secured site. Revocation of privilege, parent/ guardian notification, detention, in-
school suspension, and/or suspension, possible referral to the disciplinary tribunal
and/ or law enforcement. Warning statement: The act of entering or attempting to
enter a computer network secured site (hacking) is a very serious offense that may
include permanent expulsion from the school system.
ASSAULT: Any threat or attempt to physically harm another person or any act
which reasonably places another person in fear of physical harm. (Example:
threatening or abusive language)
BATTERY: Actual and intentional touching or striking of another person against
his or her will or intentionally causing bodily harm to an individual.
BULLYING: The bullying of a student by another student is prohibited. Any act of
bullying should be reported to the school principal or his or her designee. In
accordance with Georgia law, “bullying” means an act that is:
1) Any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person, when
accompanied by an apparent present ability to do so; or
2) Any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear
or expect immediate bodily harm; or
3) Any intentional written, verbal, or physical act which a reasonable person
would perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate, that;
a) Causes another person substantial physical harm within the meaning of
Georgia Code Section 16-5-23.1 or visible bodily harm as such term is
defined in Code Section 16-5-23.1;
b) Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education;
c) Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or
threatening educational environment; or
d) Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the
The term applies to acts which occur on school property, on school vehicles, at
designated school bus stops, or at school related functions or activities or by use
of data or software that is accessed through a computer, computer system,
computer network, or other electronic technology of a local school system. The
term also applies to acts of cyberbullying which occur through the use of electronic
communication, whether or not electronic act originated on school property or with
school equipment, if the electronic communication (1) is directed specifically at
students or school personnel, (2) is maliciously intended for the purpose of
threatening the safety of those specified or substantially disrupting the orderly
operation of the school, and (3) creates a reasonable fear of harm to the students'
or school personnel's person or property or has a high likelihood of succeeding in
that purpose. For purposes of this Code Section, electronic communication
includes but is not limited to any transfer of signs, signals, writings, images,
sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire,
radio, electromagnetic, photo electronic or photo optical system.
CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Physical punishment of a student by a school official
in the presence of another school official.
DETENTION: A requirement that the student report to a specified school location
and to a designated teacher or school official to make up work missed. Detention
may require the student's attendance before school or after school. Students are
given one day's warning so that parents or guardians can make arrangements for
DISCIPLINARY TRIBUNAL: School officials appointed by the Board of Education
to sit as fact finder and judge with respect to student disciplinary matters.
DISORDERLY CONDUCT: Any act that substantially disrupts the orderly conduct
of a school function, the learning environment, or poses a threat to the health,
safety, and/or welfare of students, staff or others.
DRESS CODE: The current dress code is maintained in the principal's office and
appears in student handbooks.
EXPULSION: Removal of a student from school beyond the end of the semester.
EXTORTION: Obtaining money or goods from another student by violence,
threats, or misuse of authority.
FIGHTING: Mutual participation in a fight involving physical violence where there
is no one main offender and no major injury does not include verbal
confrontations, tussles, or other minor confrontations.
FIREWORKS: The term "fireworks" means any combustible or explosive
composition or any substance or combination of substances or article prepared for
the purpose of producing a visible or audible (large or small) effect by combustion,
explosion, deflagration, or detonation, as well as articles containing any explosive
or flammable compound and tablets and other devices containing an explosive
substance. (Also includes stink bombs/smoke bombs.)
GAMBLING: Engaging in a game or contest in which the outcome is dependent
upon chance even though accompanied by some skill, and in which a participant
stands to win or lose something of value.
HARASSMENT: Behavior based on a student's race, national origin, sex, religion
or disability that is unwelcomed, unwanted, and/or uninvited by the recipient. It
can be verbal, non-verbal, and/or physical and includes unwelcome sexual
advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical contact of a
sexual nature.
IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Removal of a student from class(es) or regular
school program and assignment of that student to an alternative program isolated
from peers.
PHYSICAL VIOLENCE: Intentionally making physical contact of an insulting or
provoking nature with the person of a school official; or intentionally making
physical contact which causes physical harm to another unless such physical
contacts or physical harms were in defense of himself or herself, as provided in
GA Code Section 16-3-21.
SATURDAY SCHOOL: Principals may assign students in grades 7-12 to Saturday
School for violations of the rules governing attire, tardiness, class cuts, leaving
school without permission, cutting detention hall, tobacco and unexcused
SUSPENSION: Removal of a student from the regular school program for a period
not to exceed the end of the semester. During the period of suspension, the
student is excluded from all school-sponsored activities including practices, as well
as competitive events, and/or activities sponsored by the school or its employees.
This early intervention program is for youth ages 12-18 and their
parents/guardians. For a category one offense the Substance Use Prevention
Education Resource (SUPER I) Program is a prerequisite for re-entry to the regular
school program. For other indicated offenses, the SUPER I Program is voluntary,
and the student and parent(s) or legal guardian(s) will be offered the opportunity
to attend in lieu of up to half of the original suspension, not to exceed five (5) days.
See your school counselor for more information about this program.
THEFT: The offense of taking or, if in lawful possession thereof, appropriating any
property, of another with the intention of depriving that person of the property,
regardless of the manner in which the property is taken or appropriated.
WAIVER: A waiver is a signed admission of guilt and acceptance of consequences
in lieu of a formal disciplinary tribunal.
WEAPONS: The term weapon is defined in Georgia Code Section 16-11-127.1
and for the purpose of this policy includes any object which is or may be used to
inflict bodily injury or to place another in fear for personal safety or well-being. The
following things may be defined as dangerous weapons: any pistol, revolver, or
any weapon designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind, or any dirk, any
bat, club, or other bludgeon-type weapon, any stun gun or taser, bowie knife,
switchblade knife, ballistic knife, any other knife, straight-edge razor or razor blade,
spring stick, metal knucks, chains, blackjack, or any flailing instrument consisting
of two or more rigid parts connected in such a way as to allow them to swing freely,
which may be known as a nunchaku, or fighting chain, throwing star or oriental
dart, or any weapon of like kind.
A public school transportation program has but one purpose - to safely transport
the students. Therefore, it is extremely important that each student be aware of
his/her role and responsibility in seeing that the entire operation works smoothly
and efficiently. Several areas in which students are asked to cooperate are:
1. Arrive at bus stop 10 minutes before scheduled pick-up time.
2. Dress for the weather - umbrella and raincoat for rain; coat and gloves when
3. Never stand or play in the road. Wait for the bus a safe distance from the
4. Always use the handrail when boarding or leaving the bus. Do not wear
clothing or carry bags that have strings or straps that could get caught in the
5. Remain seated when the bus is moving. Students’ seats are designed to
protect students in the event of an accident.
6. Never try to reach anything under or beside the bus. If students drop
something while crossing in front of the bus, do not return to pick it up. The
bus driver cannot see students. After crossing safely, ask the driver for help.
7. Observe silence when approaching and while stopped for railroad crossings
so the driver can hear if a train is coming.
8. Look carefully before crossing the road. Do not assume that a car will stop
for students - wait to be sure it is stopped before crossing. Watch for driver's
signal before crossing the road.
9. Always cross in front of the bus - never behind it!
10. Talk quietly. Do not "horseplay". The driver must give full attention to driving
to ensure students’ safety.
Students and parents are responsible for students’ conduct at the bus stop,
from home to the bus stop, and from the bus stop to students’ home.
If students must cross a street or road to get to the bus stop on the opposite
side, wait until the bus arrives and cross in front of the bus only after the stop
sign on the bus is activated and only when signaled by the bus driver.
Be at the bus stop 10 minutes early, but not too early. The bus driver is
responsible for the maintenance of his schedule and cannot wait for tardy
pupils. Each student should have books in hand and be ready to board the
bus by the time the driver opens the door.
Any student who leaves the school grounds while waiting for a bus to arrive
will not be allowed to ride a bus home after returning to the school grounds.
Individuals who leave the school grounds will be reported to the principal.
A. Wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before attempting to board or
leave the bus.
B. Load starting at the rear of the bus, sitting three to a seat, unless otherwise
directed by the driver.
C. Enter and leave the bus in an orderly and quiet manner.
D. Enter and leave the bus only at the front door, except in case of an
E. After leaving the bus, if students must cross the highway, walk at least twelve
feet in front of the bus, then:
Make certain the bus is stationary, the door is still open and the stop signal
is extended.
Upon signal from the driver, proceed across the roadway in the following
manner: Walk (don't run) in front of the bus within sight and hearing of
the driver, look both ways and stay out of the line of traffic until the path
across the roadway is free of any danger.
The danger signal is a blast of the horn. Stop immediately and look at the
bus driver.
If you drop something after exiting the bus, do not return to retrieve it. The
bus driver might not see you.
F. A student will not be put off a bus for misconduct at any place other than his
home or school.
A. Obey the bus driver.
B. Do not disturb the bus driver while he/she is driving.
C. Boys and girls will be seated separately.
D. Stay in seat and do not change seats unless so directed by the driver - and
then only if the bus is stopped.
E. Sit down while the bus is in motion.
F. Keep voices low. Avoid shouting or whistling.
G. No bullying, "rough housing", pushing, fighting, throwing things, or profane or
abusive language.
H. Do not open or close windows of the bus without the driver's permission.
I. Keep all body parts inside the bus.
J. Keep the bus clean, sanitary, and orderly. Never tamper with the bus or any
of its equipment. Willful damage or destruction of any part of the bus is
prohibited and any such damage must be paid for by the student or parent.
K. A student shall not operate the door nor stand in the driver's compartment.
Students shall be prohibited from acts of physical violence, bullying, physical
assault or battery, verbal assault, and disrespectful conduct toward the driver or
other persons on the school bus. Georgia law defines physical violence as (1)
intentionally making physical contact with another that is of an insulting or
provoking nature, (2) intentionally making physical contact which causes physical
harm to another. Georgia law also mandates that students found by a tribunal to
have committed an act of physical violence against a teacher, bus driver, school
official, or school employee involving intentional physical contact of an insulting or
provoking nature shall be disciplined by expulsion, long-term suspension, or short-
term suspension. If intentional physical violence against one of the above
employees causes physical harm (unless in self-defense), the student shall be
expelled from the public school system for the remainder of the student’s eligibility
to attend public school and referred to juvenile court. Students in kindergarten
through grade eight who commit the above acts may, on the recommendation of
the tribunal and at the discretion of the school system, be permitted to re-enroll in
the regular public school program for grades nine through twelve.
A. Eating is not permitted on the bus during the school day.
B. No glass container of any kind will be transported.
C. Beverages will not be permitted regardless of the type of container used.
Exceptions may be made during particularly hot weather.
D. The use of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and vapers is forbidden.
E. Gum is also forbidden.
F. Students will be permitted to carry only books and other items related to
school work which can be held in the student's lap. Large musical
instruments, sports equipment, snakes, and live animals will not be
transported. Band instruments may be transported if they can be held in the
student's lap and if they do not take up seat space.
G. Use of electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, pagers,
audible radios, tape or compact disc players without headphones, or any
other electronic device that might interfere with the school bus
communications equipment or the school bus driver’s safe operation of the
bus are prohibited.
H. Students are prohibited from using mirrors, lasers, cameras, or any other
lights or reflective devices in a manner that might interfere with the school bus
driver’s safe operation of the school bus.
School bus transportation is a privilege afforded pupils by the Board of Education;
it is not a right. The purpose of the policies herein is to help create a safe and
wholesome atmosphere for the students who ride the bus.
Students are eligible for transportation by school bus provided they live within the
attendance area of the school they attend. Bus routes are established under the
direction of the Superintendent and in accord with recommendations of the Division
of Pupil Transportation, Georgia Department of Education.
Additions to existing routes are based upon the following guidelines:
1. The student must live at least 3/10 miles from the present bus route and,
2. The student must live on a state or county maintained road with adequate
space for the bus to turn around and,
3. The road must be wide enough for the bus and another vehicle to pass.
Students are assigned to a particular bus route and can only change buses with
the approval of the Principal and the Transportation Department. Students must
get on and get off from their assigned bus at selected bus stops unless written
permission is granted to let off at a stop other than the designated stop. This
request from the parent must be made in writing to the principal. Parents will
assume the responsibility of the child when such a request is granted.
The transportation of students is an important function in our school system. Every
precaution must be taken to see that students are transported safely. The same
behavior is expected on the school bus as is expected in the classroom. The Code
of Conduct and Discipline Procedures that apply for the school, also apply while
students are being transported by any vehicle provided for the transportation of
students. In addition, it is important that students abide by the bus discipline
policies as outlined herein.
Fighting on the bus and abusive language or profanity toward the bus driver will
result in a minimum of five days suspension from the bus. A student whose
behavior warrants that the bus return to the school will be suspended from riding
the bus for a minimum of twenty (20) days.
Bus Drivers will report specific disciplinary problems to the principal or assistant
principal in writing on the Bus Conduct Report Form. If the driver is uncertain about
who was unruly or who caused the disturbance, the driver will report the incident
to the principal for investigation. After the principal administers the proper
disciplinary action, a copy of the Bus Conduct Report Form will be forwarded to
the parent, the bus driver, and the Transportation Supervisor that day or the
following school day. This form will indicate the action taken by the principal. The
principal will maintain a file of the Bus Conduct Report Form.
As required by Georgia law, a student found to have engaged in physical acts of
violence* shall be subject to the penalties determined by a tribunal. If a student is
found to have engaged in bullying or in physical assault or battery of another
person on the school bus, a meeting involving the parent/guardian and appropriate
school district officials shall be held to develop a school bus behavior contract.
This contract shall provide for progressive age-appropriate discipline, penalties,
and restrictions for student misconduct on the bus. Contract provisions may
include but shall not be limited to assigned seating, ongoing parental involvement,
and suspension from riding the bus.
It shall be the responsibility of all principals to abide by the following procedure for
enforcing the bus conduct policy:
First Offense: The principal shall take proper disciplinary action, which may
include suspension from riding the bus, based on the nature or severity of the
Second Offense: The principal shall suspend the student from riding the bus
for at least five (5) school days.
Third Offense: The principal shall suspend the student from riding the bus for
at least ten (10) school days.
Fourth Offense: The principal shall suspend the student from riding the bus
for at least twenty (20) school days.
Fifth Offense: The principal shall suspend the student from riding the bus for
sixty (60) school days.
Sixth Offense: The principal shall suspend the student from riding the bus for
one hundred eighty (180) school days.
Note: Students who are suspended from the bus are suspended from all buses.
Unserved suspension will carry over to the next school year.
Students are responsible for knowing any changes that are made by way of
announcement, etc., concerning any rules and regulations in this handbook.
A student is considered tardy to all classes if he/she is not in class when the tardy
bell rings. Students who arrive to school after 8:25am must sign in at the
attendance office. The tardy policy is as follows for students without a doctor or
dentist excuse:
Students who are in the hall after the tardy bell has rung are tardy to class.
TARDY............................................. WARNING
TARDY............................................ WARNING
TARDY............................................. WARNING
TARDY........................................ DETENTION & PARENT CONTACT
TARDY......................................... DETENTION & PARENT CONTACT
TARDY………………………… DET. & Parking Loss for one week
TARDY………………………… DET. & Parking Loss for semester
Any student out of class without permission for more than ten (10) minutes will be
considered cutting class and appropriate discipline will apply.
Cell phones
Cell phones are allowed outside the classroom during non-instructional times. Cell
phones can only be used during class time when a teacher allows the class to use
phones. Cell phones may be taken up by a teacher or administrator if deemed
Checking In/Out and Leaving Campus during the School Day
At Cherokee Bluff High School, we believe that it is of vital importance that our
students miss as little time from class as possible. Therefore, it is advisable that
parents attempt to schedule appointments outside of school hours whenever
possible. If, however, it is necessary for a student to leave school, the following
procedure should be followed:
1. On the morning of the day students need to check out, students should
bring a note from a parent or legal guardian stating the reason for
checking out and giving a telephone number that can be called for
verification. (If a parent cannot be reached, the doctor or dentist will be
contacted.) The note should be taken to the attendance office before 1st
period starts.
2. During the morning a phone call will be made to verify the
3. At a designated time, office personnel will clear students to leave
campus. Students may leave only after being cleared by the attendance
4. Photo identification is required to check out a student.
5. Checking out for the lunch period is not allowed.
Students arriving on campus before 8:15 am should report to the cafeteria or to
the Media Center. Students must have a teacher’s written permission slip or signed
agenda to go to classrooms or other areas of the building (prior to 8:15am)
exceptions must be approved by the teacher on duty in the cafeteria. The breakfast
lines close at 8:20 AM. No food purchased in the cafeteria is allowed to leave the
commons area.
Students will not be issued a new textbook until all lost or damaged book fines are
paid. Students are responsible for the care of all books assigned to them. Students
should replace any lost textbook within a reasonable period of time.
Detention is a supervised study hall from 7:40 8:10 a.m. or 3:40 4:10 p.m.
Students serving detention are expected to bring materials to study or complete
Hall Passes
In order to leave a class, students must have a pass from their teacher.
ID Badges
Student ID Badges must be properly worn with a lanyard, in a sleeve, and around
the neck and displayed between the chest and waistline. ID’s cannot be marked
on, defaced, or cut. If an ID is marked on or defaced the student will be responsible
for purchasing an new ID. No items should be in the sleeve blocking the ID.
Arriving to school without an appropriate ID Badge: as a first offender, there will be
3 options:
1. Parents bring an ID Badge to school within 1 hour.
2. Purchase another ID Badge and lanyard ($5.00).
3. Serve THREE detentions.
Multiple offense of this procedure may result in disciplinary consequences.
Teacher discretion is allowed when conducting activities in which student ID
Badges may present a safety issue.
Students must report to the lunchroom during the scheduled lunch period.
Students cannot take food or drink out of the lunchroom. No outside food or
drinks are allowed to be brought to school or dropped off for students. This
includes fast food chains.
Media Center Regulations
Students must have a pass signed by the classroom teacher listing the date
and purpose of the visit.
Upon entering the library, students must sign in.
Before leaving, students must sign out.
Books and other printed material may be checked out.
Books (hardback & paperback) are checked out for two weeks at a time.
Students may have up to three books checked out at any one time. Students
who have overdue books or owe library fines will not be allowed to check out
further material until books are returned and/or fines paid.
Students must show their student ID badge each time a book is checked out.
Students should not allow another student to use their library cards.
Students are responsible for material checked out in their names.
Lost books must be paid for.
Refunds will be made for lost books that have been paid for and later found
and returned. If you owe fines in the library, you may have library privileges
taken away.
Students will be charged a nominal fee for printer and Xerox copies.
Students must have a signed internet policy form on file to use media center
computers for research.
CBHS Bell Schedules
7 period & Innovation Day Schedule
Schedule for days EXCEPT Tuesday Tuesday Schedule
8:25 9:17 1
9:22 10:12 2
10:17 11:07 3
11:12 12:02 4
12:07-1:45 5
12:07- 12:37 A LUNCH
12:41- 1:11 B LUNCH
1:15- 1:45 C LUNCH
1:50 2:40 6
2:45 3:35 7
8:25 9:12 1
9:17 10:02 2
10:07 10:52 3
10:57 11:42 4
11:47-12:17 Innovation
12:22-1:55 5
12:22-12:52 A LUNCH
12:54- 1:24 B LUNCH
1:25- 1:55 C LUNCH
2:00-2:45 6
2:50 3:35 7
APPENDIX A Extra Curricular Activities
Students wanting to participate in extra-curricular activities must meet the
minimum requirements set forth by the State Board of Education and the Georgia
High School Association. Students who have questions about participation in
specific activities should contact the school sponsor, advisor, or counselor.
Parents who do not want their students to participate in one or more of the following
clubs must indicate such on the “Parent/Legal Guardian and Student Signature
Pages” found in Appendix C of the handbook. (Note: Not all activities are available
in all high schools; where present, school name and sponsor name are listed.
Counselors can provide information about activities available in each high school.)
ACADEMIC TEAM provides opportunities for students to interact with students
outside of school in challenging academic settings. Activities include: team
practices, local and state-wide competitions.
CHS Sandra Rudd
EHHS Katie Buffington
NHHS Jill Bowen
WHHS Mark Kelly
technical information for improving the science of graphic communications and
design. Activities include: design competitions, guest speakers, environmental
projects, leadership seminars, state conventions, “Youth in Education Day” at
Atlanta Dragway, industry field trips, and fundraisers.
AMERICAN RED CROSS provides the premier environment for youth and young
adults to learn, practice and exemplify humanitarian values. Activities include:
community outreach.
ANCHOR CLUB encourages the development of leadership and relationships
among peers with and without disabilities in order to create an atmosphere of
school and community inclusion, awareness, and acceptance. Activities may
include social gatherings, community service projects, fundraising events and
unified Special Olympics at the local and state level.
CHS Dana Sears & Cate Satterfield
EHHS Whitney Smith-Thompson
FBHS Becca Holcomb
JHS Caroline Curran
LCCA Terresa Shubert
NHHS Sherri Kinney
WHHS Breana Cagle, Lauren Koen, Alex Cheney
ANGLER CLUB provides opportunities for students to share their interest in the
environment and conservation. Activities include: participation in clean-up and
conservation efforts at Lake Lanier and other surrounding bodies of water;
charitable fund raising events; and classroom projects such as: aqua culture, fish
farming, water/wetlands management.
CHS Mark Gable & Russ Chapman
EHHS Mark Poole
NHHS Ely Self
WHHS Lauren Johnson & Israel Mata
ANIME CLUB provides support for students to understand and share their love
of Japanese animation and games. Activities include: viewing of various Anime
videos and series, sharing of Manga (books of anime), and skill development in Yu
gi oh and Majic.
CHS Emily Lott
JHS Jessica Coulter
NHHS Bruce King
AP CLUB - focuses on academic support for students who seek help in AP
courses, improvement of test scores and study habits. Activities include study
groups, homework support, socials to celebrate high achievement.
FBHS Laura Novotny-Beaver
ART CLUB creates a visually pleasing environment by using the artwork of
students. Activities include: displaying student artwork, painting murals and
assisting other clubs with visual displays.
CHS Veronica Martin
EHHS Michael Valley
FBHS Hillary Lamb
BETA CLUB promotes the ideals of character, achievement, service and
leadership by providing opportunities and experiences that demonstrate these
traits. Activities include: school and community service projects.
EHHS Brenda Kirt & Jennifer Kulig
JHS Mary Pinchen
LCA Alicia Fortner
NHHS Rebecca Hartfield
WHHS Melissa Giggey & Lesli Hutson
BOOK CLUB encourages students to read outside of, and in addition to, routine
assignments. Participating students select novels from an approved list provided
by the school sponsor. Selections range from classic to contemporary. While
reading a selected book, participants will meet at scheduled intervals to discuss
their insights and opinions. Activities include: class presentations, reading to
elementary school students, collecting used books to be donated to schools and
nursing/assisted living homes, fund-raising to buy books for needy
students/families, and competing in reading bowls.
FBHS Laurie Stowe
JHS Julie Townley
NHHS Carol Hammond
WHHS Rachel Lawley
opportunities to develop leadership skills by using their career-tech skills to help
other people in the community. Activities include: school-wide literacy projects and
CTI State Leadership Conference competitions.
EHHS Kami Wyse
FBHS Blake Cagle
JHS Regina Sailors
LCCA Susan Wright
NHHS Traci Owens
WHHS Breana Cagle
CHESS CLUB Gives students an opportunity to play friendly games of chess
against their peers in a low-stress environment. Students of all levels are welcome
to join. The Chess Club Maybe also holds or participates in intramural and
interscholastic tournaments.
EHHS Daniel Prest
JHS Chad Cole & Andrew McCain
WHHS Sam Harben
DEBATE TEAM Learn the art of persuasion, increase academic performance
and hone research skills through competition; hear the topic, take a position and
provide rebuttals for opposing viewpoints; benefit from the opportunity for public
speaking, building confidence for college presentations and career presentations.
FBHS Jeremy Purdy
JHS Charity Wang
NHHS Steven Wang
DECA…An Association of Marketing Students enhances the co-curricular
education of students with interest in marketing, management and
entrepreneurship. Activities include: seminars, meetings, conferences, fundraising
projects, fieldtrips, competitions, and community service projects.
CHS Holly Alewine
FBHS Jennifer Hess
LCCA Joni Cochran
NHHS Kristi Sims
WHHS Deborah Hutchison
DRAMA CLUB supports theatre education and performance in our community.
Activities include: special community performances, improve troupe performances,
trips to see professional plays and performances, and set/prop construction.
CHS Jeff Kelly
EHHS Aimee Jordan
FBHS Rane Tipton
JHS Brooke Evans
NHHS Jan Ewing
WHHS Emily Taylor
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB encourages students to become active in
environmental issues. Activities include: schoolwide recycling programs, field trips,
guest speakers, regional and state envirothoncompetitions and community
service projects.
CHS Michelle Wiley & Mark Tomcho
EHHS Jill Calvert
FBHS Kim Grennan
NHHS Cynthia Greer
EQUESTRIAN CLUB provides opportunities for students to develop an
understanding and appreciation of equestrian sports through organized
competitions and equine educational opportunities. Students will learn Equitation,
horsemanship, athleticism, safety and will participate in Hunter/Jumper training.
Activities include: club meetings, weekly riding instructions in the disciplines of
Hunters and Equitation, IEA competitions, and will participate in barn
FBHS Kim Grennan
ESPORTS CLUB provides opportunities for students to learn teamwork, problem
solving, quick thinking, and analytical thinking in high pressure situations through
the fun hobby of gaming. Skills will allow for opportunities to join a college’s Esport
Club and possibly win scholarship money. Activities include fundraising, practicing,
and gaming tournaments linked to scholarships earnings of up to $50,000.
JHS John Adams
promotes personal growth, leadership through Family and Consumer Science
classes and community volunteerism. Activities include: visiting homeless
shelters, handicapped children’s programs, raising awareness of domestic
violence, sharing teen pregnancy education, and serving Gainesville’s community
oriented organizations.
FBHS Vickie Rundbaken
JHS Mary McGovern
LCCA Chris Mitas & Terry Haymond
NHHS Laura Morrison
dedicated to character development, fellowship and service. Activities include:
meetings, conferences and community service projects.
EHHS Michelle Fair
FBHS Richard Ramsey
JHS Deb Eidson & Brittany Lundrigen
LCCA Sheri Goss
NHHS Evelyn Harper
WHHS Adam Johnson, Jimmy Gault, Breana Cagle & Cindy
FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN STUDENTS Christian organization dedicated to
character development, fellowship and service. Activities include: meetings,
conferences and community service projects.
LCA/LCCA Daniel Goss
FENCING CLUB provides opportunities for students to learn the sport of fencing,
to promote good sportsmanship and athleticism, and to promote health and fitness.
Activities include: club meetings, club practices, and fencing tournaments.
FILM CLUB allows students exposure to the film industry, building filmographies
while making connections to other students interested in the movie industry.
Activities include: creating films, screening student work, watching films, and
learning the filmmaking process.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLUB provides multi-cultural experiences to those who
are studying a foreign language. Activities include: multicultural suppers, museum
visits, guest speakers, and participation in Foreign Language Day at NGCSU and
participation in International Day.
CHS Ana Diaz & Dot Kemptner
FBHS Gabrielle Durden-Coffee
education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership
and career development programs. Activities include: leadership training,
business-related competitive events, workshops, and service projects.
EHHS Matt Turner
FBHS Tabatha Cown
JHS Stacey Hulsey
LCCA Heather Loveless
NHHS Trina Wingo
WHHS Jason White
FUTURE EDUCATORS OF AMERICA (FEA) provides students with
opportunities to explore teaching as a career. Activities include: career seminars,
meetings, community service projects and conferences.
NHHS Laura Morrison
FUTURE FOR AGRICULTURE (FFA) makes a difference in students by
developing potential for leadership, personal growth and career success. Activities
include: career development seminars, community service projects, meetings,
leadership conferences, and proficiency awards programs.
EHHS Cate Buchanan
GAVEL CLUB (Toast Masters International) To make effective oral
communication a worldwide reality by helping students learn the art of speaking,
listening, and thinking. Activities include speaking contests, speech & debate,
poetry nights, and open forum/podium events.
CHS Nick Scheman
GUITAR CLUB brings an appreciation for and a cultivation of musical skills and
technique through the playing of the guitar. Activities include: fieldtrips to see
different types and genres of guitar music, student performances, recitals, monthly
meetings, and practice sessions.
CHS Dan Parsons
JHS Richard Howell & Scott McConnell
) promotes education of young ladies regarding
positive mental and physical health in order to lead healthy lives beyond high
school. Activities include: fitness activities, mentorship of younger students, and
sponsorship of 5K run/walk events.
opportunities in the health care industry and enhances the delivery of quality health
care to all people. Activities include: conferences, competitions, meetings, health
fairs, and community service projects.
CHS Allison Wilson & Lisa Taylor
EHHS Gail Stowers & Leslie Evans
JHS Becky Maddox & TBA
NHHS Cody Miller
WHHS Debbie King
HOPE inspires students to challenge themselves through rigorous course work,
mentoring and parent involvement while helping the community cross ethnic
boundaries by teaching culture from different ethnicities. Activities include:
community service events, exploration of college opportunities to improve the
college resume.
CHS Chantelle Grace
EHHS Daniel Stainback
WHHS Jorge Blanco
INTERACT CLUB develops local and international service projects for students,
ages 14-18; includes service projects to benefit school and community.
EHHS Beth Dudley
FBHS Rachel Trim & Katie Shockley
JHS Jessica Coulter
NHHS Tiffany Howell & Eliana Peck
organization designed to motivate participants using pride of membership,
involvement and recognition to encourage participation and high performance
outcomes. All students selected for the JGG program will automatically be
members of the Career Association Chapter. The activities planned through this
organization will develop personal, social, and leadership skills.
KEY CLUB dedicated to helping others, serving the school and making
communities a better place; includes: visiting nursing homes, sponsoring families
in need at Thanksgiving and Christmas, participating in local service projects such
as Georgia Sheriff’s Youth Homes, March of Dimes, and Humane Society.
CHS Don & Kate Landrum
JHS Jennifer Worley
NHHS Adrienne West
LATINO KNIGHTS OF SERVICE inspire students to become knowledgeable
servant leaders in the community by providing worthwhile learning experiences
while emphasizing the importance of education and ethnic diversity with parent
involvement, exposure to higher education opportunities, mentoring/tutoring
programs, and cultural awareness. Activities include service learning, fundraisers,
and mentoring/tutoring.
JHS Frank Zamora & Patricia Zamora
LITERARY SOCIETY - discusses and/or creates various forms of literature.
Literature forms will include print (poems, stories, novels, and drama) and non-
print (music and film) literature. The purpose of this organization is to provide
opportunities for students to experience and appreciate literature in a collegial
setting outside the traditional classroom.
MATH TEAM challenges and encourages mathematically talented students to
apply mathematical concepts to everyday ideas. Activities include: participation in
tournaments sponsored by high schools, colleges, and national organizations.
CHS Darrell Skogman & Gracie Martin
FBHS Charlotte Little
JHS Caitlin Hamner & Chris Skogsberg
WHHS Ed McAdams
MOCK TRIAL provides students interested in law or social studies an opportunity
to take the role of a lawyer or witness in the performance of a court trial. The
students’ work will culminate with the Georgia regional competition.
CHS Britton Grier
MU ALPHA THETA Math Honor Society promotes academic excellence and
high standards in the field of mathematics.
FBHS Charlotte Little
NATIONAL ART HONOR SOCIETY recognizes and inspires students who have
shown an outstanding ability in art. Activities include: school, community and state
art opportunities.
CHS Veronica Martin
FBHS Hillary Lamb
JHS Laura Tucker
NHHS Stephanie Turk
WHHS Erica Lackey
educational experience of students enrolled in construction-related fields such as
construction management, engineering, architecture, real estate, and the trades.
Activities include: seminars, job shadowing, field trips, and community service.
JHS Rodney Presley
LCCA Rodney Presley
NATIONAL CHINESE HONOR SOCIETY - promotes continuity of interest in
Chinese studies, including the language, literature, and culture and recognizes and
celebrates students’ academic achievements in Chinese. Activities include:
meetings, fundraising, career interest and interpersonal dynamics.
JHS Selena Ye
NATIONAL GERMAN HONOR SOCIETY recognizes high school scholastic
achievement in the study of German and seeks to promote interest in the study
of German Language, literature, and culture. Sponsors must be a teacher of
German and a member of the American Association of Teachers of German
(AATG). During these three semesters, students must have attained an overall
grade point average of 3.0 and a German grade point average of 3.6. They also
have a commitment to their community and school by serving them with
volunteer hours.
CHS Dot Kemptner
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY helps students create enthusiasm for
scholarships, stimulate a desire to render service, promote leadership, and
develop character. Activities include: school and community service projects.
EHHS Tammy Lundy
JHS Charity Wang
NHHS Evelyn Harper
WHHSSam Harben
NATIONAL SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY prestigious academic honor society
for high school students enrolled in upper-level Spanish courses to recognize
high school achievement in Spanish and to promote excellence in the study of
the Spanish language and culture. Students must be enrolled in Spanish 3 or
above, have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, and an A in Spanish. To remain in
Society, students must maintain their overall GPA, maintain a B average in
Spanish, and take Spanish every year that it is offered to them in high school,
among other requirements. Benefits of membership include participation in the
National Spanish Exam, eligibility for awards and scholarships, a certificate of
membership in a national academic honor society and an honor cord upon
CHS Ana Diaz
NATIONAL TECHNICAL HONOR SOCIETY recognizes student achievement
and leadership, promotes educational excellence, and enhances career
opportunities. Activities include: career seminars and community service.
CHS Holli Howard
JHS Scott Porter
NHHS Laura Morrison
skills and encourages students to become active and productive citizens. Activities
include: leadership training, competitions and field trips.
EHHS Chief Donald Miller & Commander Jimmy Melton
NEWSPAPER STAFF fosters an appreciation free press and an informed
citizenry, and teaches students to develop skills in research, critical analysis,
writing, layout and design, editing and working as a team. Activities include:
producing a school newspaper, researching issues, and writing articles.
EHHS Ryan Burle
NHHS Jill Ross
PARACHUTE PACKERS promotes service for the success of others. Activities
include: packaging supplies for US military personnel, adopting deployed soldiers
from Hall County, and volunteering for school functions and community events.
FBHS Bridget Rodriguez
PEP CLUB To foster school spirit and pride; encourages students to support
their teams in a positive manner, and to display good sportsmanship and improve
morale in the school and community. Activities include: assisting cheerleaders and
coaches at pep rallies, participation in sporting events, and organizing displays of
school spirit throughout the school building as well as the community.
CHS Jennifer Gibson
PHYSICS CLUB encourages student understanding of physics through real
world application. Activities include: bowling, scuba diving, and the Electric Vehicle
FBHS Richard Herndon
any junior or seniors ranked in the upper third of their class in general academic
studies, and must be nominated by their journalism adviser for their superior work
in some phase of journalism such as school media work, whether writing, editing,
business management, photography, in production of a newspaper, literary
magazine, or yearbook. Activities include high school yearbook production,
entrance into Quill and Scroll Yearbook Excellent Contest, International Writing
and Photography Contest, and scholarship opportunities for individual students,
staff, and advisers.
WHHS Crystal Nolan
RED CARD FOUNDATION - Committed to providing support (food, clothing,
school supplies) to less fortunate students enrolled at Chestatee High School;
support will be provided through donations, student-led fundraising efforts, and
community partners.
CHS Cate Satterfield
RELAY FOR LIFE CLUB promotes student awareness of cancer research,
supports school activities, and encourages student participation in Relay 4 Life.
Activities include: monthly meetings, fundraisers, annual Relay 4 Life event.
EHHS Gail Stowers
JHS Jennifer A Worley
NHHS Jackie Harrison
RENAISSANCE CLUB provides incentives and rewards to all levels of academic
achievement, attendance, and behavior. There are four levels of recognition:
Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Activities include Toys-for-Tots; Super Heroes
Rescue, which is the collection and distribution of school supplies for needy
elementary school students; state and national conventions; Meet the Trojans
community pep rallies; and 9
grade Orientation.
NHHS Melissa Sewell
ROBOTICS CLUB promotes the experimentation with robotics, provides a forum
for discussion and sharing information, and gives its members a community to
participate in and learn about the field of robotics. Activities include: club meetings,
competitions, and service projects.
CHS Darrell Skogman
NHHS Brett Farkas
SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) provides opportunities to assist
students in making good decisions regarding peer pressure.
JHS Sharitta Cantrell, Renee Filson, & Lloyd Herford
opportunities for students to collectively and individually compete in regional and
national STEM related competitions. It will also give participants opportunities, and
to work with various partners and businesses in the community on STEM projects.
NHHS Kenny Childs
SIGN LANGUAGE CLUB - dedicated to raising awareness, teaching, and
conversing in ASL (American Sign Language). The club would be designed so
that students can learn and practice sign language, gather a stronger
understanding of the Deaf community, and meet deaf individuals. The club would
both teach and converse with each other through activities, games, and social
time. There would be fundraisers, activities outside of school, and community
projects that would allow the students to incorporate sign language into real-life
SKILLS USA…CHAMPIONS AT WORK serves high school students who are
preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations. Activities
include: monthly meetings, community service activities, region, state and national
competitions and conferences in skill and leadership categories.
CHS Lydia Fields & Brandon Miller
EHHS Ted Deppe and Dennis Shirley
JHS Reid Houston, Rodney Presley and Scott Porter
LCCA Janice Laster, Chris Mitas, Kim Nix, Donna
Kurdlemeier & Rodney Presley
NHHS Ronny Turpin
WHHS Angela Pirkle & Shannon Reed
SOCIETY OF SCRIBES Members will produce poetry and creative non-fiction.
They will produce elegant, informal written communication. They will produce and
artful and useful products. All products will require various percentages of script,
so students will be practicing elegant handwriting, legible handwriting, and a bit of
Calligraphy. Eventually, officers will plan and prepare meeting activities. Club
members will add to their portfolios throughout the year.
NHHS Jill Ross
SPANISH CLUB promotes the study of Spanish Language and culture. Activities
include: cultural events, supporting charitable organization and trying authentic
Spanish/Hispanic foods.
EHHS Carmen Chapman
NHHS Tiffany Howell, Eliana Peck and Laura Drury
WHHS Melba Payan
SPANISH NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY (Sociedad Honoraría Hispana) is
designed to recognize high achievements of high school students in the Spanish
and Portuguese languages and to promote continuing interest in Hispanic and
Portuguese studies. Activities include: chapter meetings, tutoring lower-level
Spanish students, Spanish immersion day, community service, and opportunities
for National Spanish examinations, travel, and scholarships.
FBHS Vanessa Cohn
WHHS Melba Payan
STUDENT COUNCIL represents the student body of each school and instills in
students a sense of citizenship and community service. Activities include: student
of the month recognition, student birthday recognition, teacher appreciation,
principal appreciation, sponsoring an assembly, and student council meetings.
CHS Adam Rich & Marlena Spence
FBHS Jessi Grier & Melissa Crawford
JHS Kathy Strickland
LCCA Renae Jackson
NHHSEmily Hulsey & Kristen Cash
WHHS Danielle Deraney & Kelly McKinney
TABLETOP GAMERS CLUB - involves students in tabletop games to utilize and
improve skills in strategy, math and logic. Learning new games will encourage the
students to promote family game nights at home. Activities will include meetings,
learning seminars, and game nights. Annual service project promoting family game
nights will be done each year.
FBHS Teresa Cox
to be successful leaders and responsible citizens in a technological society through
co-curricular activities within the technology education program including
communication, leadership, and competitive skill development in the
classroom/laboratory environment. Activities include: technological literacy and
leadership skills, work on complex activities from start to finish, competition on
local, state and national levels.
THESPIAN SOCIETY promotes theatre education to make theatre part of lifelong
learning. Activities include workshops, performances and service projects.
CHS Jeff Kelly
EHHS Aimee Jordan
FBHS Rane Tipton
JHS Brooke Evans
NHHS Jan Ewing
WHHS Emily Taylor
TOME SOCIETY - focuses on multiple literacies that allow students to read, write,
and interact across a range of platforms, tools, and media. Students will explore
information, digital, technology, media, and foundational literacy to identify type of
information, and the correct method, format, and medium for sharing and
accessing information based on an identified audience. Activities include
conferences, rallies, competitions and philanthropic efforts.
CHS Jennifer Gibson
EHHSRebecca Hamby
JHS Julie Townley & Diana Mangini
NHHS Carol Hammond
- Fosters a continued interest in traveling, and learning about other
cultures. Students interested in travel abroad, movies filmed abroad, cultures of
the world, researching worthy places to visit, international day involvement.
FBHS Patrice Pennington
TRI-M MUSIC HONOR SOCIETY fosters a greater continued interest in music
and a desire for individual and ensemble excellence in music performance.
Activities include: chapter meetings, middle school student mentorship, Chamber
Group Leadership, presentations, rehearse music, and provide music lessons for
younger peers/musicians.
EHHS Adam Youngman
FBHS Stacie Mavis
WHHS Katy Wilson
VIDEO BROADCAST CLUB promotes video/production skills which will prepare
students for TV broadcasting and film production. Activities include: film production
at school, community projects, and internship experiences.
CHS Mark Gable
JHS Reid Houston
X-PLORE to learn new skills, experience nature, and challenge members to try
new things. The X-PLORE Club will practice conservation while in the outdoors
and always leave a place better than it was found. Club members will develop a
lifelong appreciation and respect the great outdoors. Activities include: hiking,
backpacking, Adopt-A-Stream, lake/river cleanup, & Habitat construction through
Xpeditions Promoting Leadership Outdoor Responsibility & Education.
CHS Dan Parsons
FBHS Richard Godfrey
Y CLUB to create, maintain, and extend, throughout the home, school, and
community, high standards of Christian character. Activities include: monthly
meetings, community service projects.
NHHS Marlena Nix
YEARBOOK is designed to have students produce, using responsible and ethical
journalistic standards, a publication that serves as a history book for the high
school. Activities include producing a comprehensive yearbook in a timely manner
under budget.
CHS Kathryn Barnett
EHHS Ted Deppe
FBHS Patrice Pennington
JHS Christy Britt
NHHS Karey Dorsey
WHHS Crystal Nolan
YOUNG DEMOCRATS excite and engage students in the political community
and promote progressive ideals. Activities include service projects that seek to
help others in the community.
CHS Britton Grier
YOUNG POLITICIANS - designed to provide a democratic experience to the youth
of our society. Our goal is to further democracy, participation in government, and
good citizenship. We accomplish our goal by establishing a forum for discourse
and community service. Activities include: volunteering for local candidates and
other service projects that seek to helps others in the community.
YOUNG REPUBLICANS provide young people the opportunity for political
expression, to train them as political workers, promote conservative ideas to
everyday teenagers, and to provide a practical means by which they may
contribute in the development and betterment of the Republican Party as a service
to the school, community, state, and nation. Activities include: volunteering for
local candidates and fundraising for needy children.
YOUTH LEADERSHIP HALL assists in preparing extraordinary young people for
their careers by bringing various professions to life and empowering young people
to make well-informed career choices. Activities include: career seminars,
conferences, meetings and service projects.
CHS Holli Howard
EHHS Heidi Rider
FBHS Courtney Gonzalez
JHS Rachel Jarvis
NHHS Deana Harper
WHHS Suzanne Haynes
Dear Parent/Legal Guardian,
After reading this handbook, please sign all appropriate spaces in each section.
Student's Name (PRINT)___________________________STUDENT ID _____
Parent/Legal Guardian’s Name (PRINT)_______________________________
Advisement/Homeroom Teacher (PRINT) _____________________________
In the event a previously undiagnosed life threatening allergic reaction occurs,
the school has partnered with District 02 Health Services to administer the life-
saving medication, Epinephrine. Designated school staff are trained to assess,
call 911 and administer Epinephrine. When Epinephrine is administered, the
student will be transported to the ER for evaluation and further treatment, if
In the event of any emergency or accident involving the student and the
parent/guardian cannot be reached, I give permission to school authorities to
take appropriate emergency action, including calling 911, for transportation to a
hospital. I also give permission to the hospital’s emergency room staff to treat
the student unless I am present and request otherwise. Fees for transportation
and medical services will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature X______________________Date__________
It is the practice of the Hall County School System to recognize student
achievement and accomplishments. I give permission for my student to be
photographed, interviewed, have the name published and/or videoed for
stories/articles promoting the school or school system. These stories may appear
in newspapers, television and/or social media. I consent to the release of the
photographs/videos to the media for school-related coverage.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature X______________________Date__________
It is the practice of the Hall County School System to recognize student
achievement and accomplishments. I give permission for photographs and
exemplary classroom projects to be posted on the school system’s web page,
including local school sites, which can be accessed on the Internet at
http://www.hallco.org. In posting a photograph or exemplary classroom projects
of a student, the school system is careful not to associate a student’s full name in
such a way that it can be identified with the photograph of the student.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature X______________________Date__________
In order for state and local agencies and the school system to evaluate programs
and activities, surveys/needs assessments are conducted. These assessments
may include the Georgia Student Health Survey and the Center for Disease
Control (CDC) Youth Risk Behavior Survey. The survey/needs assessments are
totally anonymous. I consent for my student to participate in any of these
surveys/needs assessments.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature X______________________Date__________
Each year, Hall County School District [HCSD] offers more learning resources to
our students for access from home. The intent for loaning students a dedicated
mobile device is to ensure they have every opportunity to access educational
resources and appropriate digital content anytime and anywhere. The device is
intended to be the student’s personal learning device: a 21st century tool
supporting the curricular activities enabling students to learn anytime/anywhere
and shall not be used for any other purpose.
The use of the mobile computing device is a privilege. The user is responsible for
what he/she does with his/her school assigned mobile computing device. The
student must comply with HCSD’s policy JCDA.
Designated students enrolled in HCSD will be issued a mobile computing
device at no cost and allowed to transport the device from school to home
upon after the
following conditions:
1. Parent/guardian and student may attend an orientation/meeting or complete
online information course.
2. Parent/guardian and student must sign Student/Parent Mobile Computing
Device Agreement
3. Parent/guardian and student must sign Acceptable Use Agreement
(included in the Student agenda and provided annually to all students.)
1. The mobile computing device, an educational tool, is the property of
HCSD. It may be inspected at any time. The student should have no
expectation of privacy of any materials found on the mobile computing
device. The device is not for commercial use.
2. By signing the Student/Parent Mobile Computing Device Agreement, the
student and Parent consent to the District reviewing the device, files,
music, videos, emails or other related items with the device.
3. HCSD will cooperate fully with local, state or federal officials in
investigations of suspected illegal activities conducted through district
owned devices.
4. The device will be assigned in the same manner as a textbook. The device
information and assigned student information will be recorded in the
district’s asset management system.
5. The device remains with the student for the remainder of the
school year, or period of time defined by the school, unless the
withdraws from school or the student loses the privilege
of using the device.
6. Students will be reassigned the same device each year while enrolled.
7. At all times students are responsible for the devices, whether at home or
school. The student assigned the device is responsible for all use and
content on or accessed with the device.
8. Students are responsible for bringing their device to school, taking them
home each day and charging the battery each night. The devices must not
be left unsupervised or unsecured.
9. HCSD reserves the right at any time to demand return of the device.
Students may be subject to loss of privilege, disciplinary action and/or
legal action in the event of damage
or violation of HCSD policies and
guidelines as outlined in the Mobile Computing Device Checkout
10. If students do not adhere to HCSD’s Acceptable Use Policy, all Hall
County Board of Education policies and the guidelines in the Mobile
Computing Device Checkout Agreement, the privilege to use the device
home may be restricted or eliminated.
11. If the student withdraws or transfer he/she must return the mobile
computing device at the school where it was originally assigned. If the
student enrolls in another school within the district, the device will remain
at the original school. The principal or designee must be notified that the
mobile computing device has been turned in for assessment of the
condition of the device.
12. All applicable peripherals, including, but not limited to, cases, cords,
headphones, etc. must be returned before withdrawing from the school.
Parent/Student Financial Responsibility for Repairs
Students/Parents are responsible for any cost involved in the repairing of damaged
mobile computing devices. If a device is damaged and is not covered under
warranty, fees must be paid before
the device can be sent for repair or replacement
or a new/temporary device is issued. If there are repeated incidents of damage in
single school year due to negligence, the repair fee increases according to the
schedule below.
Incident description
Device usage/loan fee
First damage incident not covered
under warranty or due to negligence
Second damage incident not covered
under warranty or due to negligence
damage incident not covered
under warranty
or due to negligence
Actual cost of repair or
cost of the
mobile computing device
Actual cost of repair or
cost of the
mobile computing device and
possible loss of use privilege
Loss or damage to protective shell if
one is provided by HCSD
Intentional damage to identifying
label on the mobile
computing device
Mobile computing device re
-image fee
to intentional alteration/addition of
or detrimental files
Loss or theft
of mobile computing device
Police report MUST be immediately
filed and a copy of the police report
must be provided to the school
within 2 school days of alleged theft.
Otherwise restitution to the district
for the full replacement cost
of the
Replacement cost of power cord
and/or power brick
Damage not covered under warranty repairs include, but is not limited to
cracked screens, impact/pressure damage, water damage and damage as a
result of negligence as determined by the school. Damage and negligence
includes, but is not limited to:
Intentional damage
Leaving a device unattended
Leaving a device unsecured
Exposing a device to unacceptable conditions such as exposure to
any liquid or moisture of any kind
Exposing a device to unacceptable conditions such as rain, extreme heat or
HCSD may establish payment plans to clear late fees if financial hardship can be
proven. All fees must be paid prior to the beginning of the subsequent school year.
The fee schedule is based on the type of device provided and is subject to
change in subsequent years.
In the event the device needs repair, it must be reported to the local
school designee. The student will make the designee aware of the
issue, and the designee will enter the request into the technology work
order system.
All repairs will be performed or coordinated by HCSD’s Technology
Parents, guardians, students or designees are not allowed to attempt
repairs themselves or contract with any other individual or business to
repair any school owned computer equipment.
Upon notice of loss or theft, the assigned student and/or their parent/guardian
must immediately file an official police report with either Hall County Sheriff’s
Office or the police department within the jurisdiction of where the theft took
place. Incidents of loss or theft occurring off campus must be reported to the
police the day of the loss or theft occurs or when the loss or theft is first
discovered. Copies of the police report must be given to the principal or
designee the next day that school is in session. Students who fail to report the
loss or theft are responsible for the full replacement cost of the device. Any
loss or theft occurring on school grounds must be immediately reported to an
If there is no clear evidence of theft or if the device has been lost due to a student’s
negligence, the student will be responsible for the device’s full replacement cost.
Although the device is provided for use within the district, HCSD assumes no
additional liability for any material accessed on the device. The Hall County
School District complies with all State and Federal laws regarding internet usage
and filters. For purposes of those laws, a student is only considered at school
when the student is physically present and properly logged into the HCSD
intranet. When students are at school, they access the Internet through a
content filter that applies child Internet safety policies to student mobile
computing devices. This means that students are restricted from accessing
websites that may have inappropriate content when they are at school. Parents
are responsible for internet filtering and monitoring while off school campus.
Parents should note that free public Wi-Fi networks like those found at
Starbucks or similar stores offering free Wi-Fi may not have a content filter. The
HCSD is not responsible for content students may access on any networks
outside of school.
The device should be used at home in locations that can be easily monitored and
supervised by a parent or guardian. Unsupervised use is strongly discouraged;
use in child’s bedroom is highly discouraged.
Student Signature X__________________________________Date__________
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature X______________________Date__________
Please indicate below if you do NOT want your student to participate in a club or
organization found in Appendix A of this handbook.
I do not give permission for my student to participate in the following club(s) or
organization(s) during the 2018-2019 school year:
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature X______________________Date__________
Complete HCSD Change of Address Form within 5 days of moving to a new
address and follow the appropriate procedure below:
I. New residency address is within current school’s attendance zone:
Take this completed form to your school along with two valid proofs of
II. New residency address is in another Hall County school’s attendance
zone and student is transferring to new school:
Complete withdrawal paperwork from student’s current school
Take this completed address change form, two valid proofs of residency, and
withdrawal documentation to your new school
III. New residency address is in another Hall County school’s attendance
zone and student wishes to remain in current school:
Take this completed address change form and two valid proofs of residency
to your current school
Complete HB 251 In-District Transfer Application and submit to Joy Morris at
HCSD district office
If In-District transfer is approved, student will remain enrolled at current
IV. New residency address is outside of the Hall County School District and
student is transferring to new school district:
Complete withdrawal paperwork at current school within 5 days of move
Contact new school district for enrollment procedures
V. New residency address is outside of the Hall County School District and
student wishes to remain in current school:
Take this completed address change form and two valid proofs of residency
to your current school within 5 days of move
Complete Out-of-District (Tuition) Application and submit to Joy Morris at
HCSD district office within 5 days of move
If Out-of-District Application is approved, student will pay tuition and remain
enrolled at current school
I understand and agree to abide by the HCSD Change of Address Procedures.
Student Signature X__________________________________Date__________
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature X______________________Date__________
I have reviewed this student handbook and the Hall County Code of Conduct and
Discipline Procedures. I am aware of school rules and regulations. I agree to
assume responsibility for the care and return of all materials issued to me. I
understand that I will be assessed a fee for loss or damage and I agree to pay
assessed fee(s).
Student Signature X__________________________________Date__________
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature X______________________Date__________
This signed form will be retained annually in each student’s file.