International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Physical and Chemical Properties of Crude Oils and
Their Geologic Significances
Madu Anthony Joseph Chinenyeze
, Ugwu Richard Ekene
1, 2
Department of Geology, College of Physical and Applied Sciences, Michael Okpara University Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria
Abstract: Crude oils are naturally occurring liquid phase of petroleum, composed principally of hydrocarbon compounds and are
extracted from the earth in the liquid state. The hydrocarbon compounds in crude oils include paraffins ranging from pentane to
pentadecane (C
), alkylparaffins, naphthenes, alkylbenzenes and nuclear aromatics. Other associated matters are natural gases,
hydrocarbon waxes, and salt water. Crude oil can be described as paraffin base, naphthene base or mixed base, depending on the most
abundant group of hydrocarbons contained. Crude oils also contain a variety of other chemical constituents comprising of sulphur,
oxygen, carbondixode, nitrogen and trace metals. Crude oils are characterized by some physical and chemical properties, which to a
measurable extent, play important role in the understanding of the oils geologic nature and environment of origin, such a physical
property as optical activity is dependent on hydrocarbon derivatives from organic cholesterine substances, and are destroyed at high
temperatures of about 200
C. They serve as important tools for environmental analysis, reconstruction of temperature history of the oil,
and correlation of crude oils of similar geologic ages. Cloud and pour points of crudes reveal the influence of low temperatures on crude
oils and simultaneously, provide information about the paraffin wax content of the crude. Most of the physical properties of crude oils
such as A.P.I. gravity, viscosity and coefficient of expansion, depend on reservoir pressures and temperatures, chemical composition of
the oil, and sometimes, on the amount of dissolved natural gases. The chemical properties of crude oils vary in relation to changes in
geotemperatures and pressure, coupled with some other elements of katagenesis. The paraffin wax and porphyrins are complex forms of
hydrocarbons which have genetic relationship with living organic matters. Occurrence of isoprenoid hydrocarbons such as pristanes
and phytanes, in crude oils help in the reconstruction of the genetic environments of deposition of the source rocks. Trace metal
substances concentrated in oils are thought to be derivatives from sea water as secretions by marine organisms. The economic value of
any crude is influenced by such properties as A.P.I. gravity, paraffin wax content and sulphur content. The aforementioned properties of
crude oils apply to the Nigerian crudes. Their A.P.I. gravities change abruptly after a certain depth, where there is a marked change in
temperature. Nigerian crude oils are generally light, low sulphur-bearing, and are in great demand by advanced countries.
1. Introduction
Crude oil is a naturally occurring liquid phase of petroleum,
composed principally of hydrocarbons, extracted from the
earth in liquid state, or is capable of being so removed. It is
mostly found in association with natural gases
associated materials include solid hydrocarbon substances
such as waxes and asphalt, and salt water.
2. Chemical Composition of Crude Oils
Crude oils are made up of liquid paraffin hydrocarbon
compounds ranging from pentane to pentadecane (C
These hydrocarbon compounds consist of different groups
such as the normal paraffins, iso-paraffins (branched chain
paraffins), alkyl paraffins, naphthenes (or cycloparaffins),
alkylbenzene and nuclear aromatics. The normal paraffins
are the saturated, low molecular weight hydrocarbons. The
associated gaseous phases are within this group. The
naphthenes (or cycloparaffins) are highly bonded, high
molecular weight hydrocarbons. All crude oils contain some
appreciable amount of the naphthene compounds, (10% by
Crude oils also contain a great variety of heteroatomic
chemical constituents, comprising of sulphur, oxygen,
carbondioxide, nitrogen and trace metals. Nitrogen varies
from 0.01 to 2% as dissolved gas in the crude oil (Levinson,
1974). Oxygen occurs in different forms in oxygen-bearing
resinous substances.
Crude oils accumulate in geologic structures called 'traps'. A
trap can be stratigraphic, paleogeomorphic or a combination
of these. Palecgeomorphic traps includes structural folds and
stratigraphic traps are those caused by lateral changes in
reservoir rock properties within a stratum.
3. Physical Properties of Crude Oils
The physical properties of crude oils are the quantitatively
measurable characteristics of crude oils. They vary
according to the composition of the oil, the relative
abundance of the groups of hydrocarbons, and essentially
depend on reservoir temperatures and pressures.
Specific (or A.P.I) Gravity
This is the weight of a given volume of crude oil. It is
measured in two gravity scales, as stated below:
i. A.P.I. gravity (in degrees) =
ii. Baume gravity (in degrees) =
The A.P.I. (American Petroleum Institute) gravity scale is
more commonly and widely used than the European Baume
gravity scale. But they essentially measure the density of a
crude oil. The A.P
I. gravity of a crude is influenced by the
composition of the oil. Crude oils characterized by high
amount of dissolved gases, are less dense thus, light in
weight and therefore, possess high A.P.I. gravities, while
denser crude oils of low amount of dissolved gases are
characterized by low A.P.I. gravity values.
The group of hydrocarbons predominating in a crude oil also
influences the A.P.I. gravity. For example, paraffin base
Paper ID: ART20174603
DOI: 10.21275/ART20174603
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
crude oils (45-60% paraffin hydrocarbons and less amount
of naphthenes and aromatics) are light, thus, high A.P.I.
gravities. But naphthemic base crudes (consisting
predominantly of naphthene hydrocarbons 60-75%, with
lesser amount of paraffins and aromatics) are heavy and
have low A.P.I gravities?
The A.P.l. gravities of crude oils usually increase with
depth. This is because a combination of source and reservoir
maturation processes, Associated with slow but continuously
increasing geotemperatures, cause the generation of lighter
(or High A.P.I gravity) oils at greater depths of burial.
This is the measure of resistance to flow in crude oils due to
internal friction. It is expressed in 'poise' or ‘centipoise’.
crude oil is said to have a viscosity of 1 poise when a
tangential force of 1 dyne causes a plane surface of 1 square
centimetre area; spaced 1 cm from a stationary plane surface
to move with a constant velocity of 1 cm per second, the
space being filled with the viscous c.
The viscosity of a crude oil is influenced by the amount of
dissolved gases at the prevailing temperature. Crudes
characterized by high amount of dissolved gases have high
A.P.I gravities and low viscosity or moderately high fluidity;
illustrated in figure 2. At high temperatures molecular
agitation (or velocity) of the crude increases, making for a
volumetric expansion and reduction in internal molecular
friction, thus, reducing the oil. The greater the quantity of a
high-molecular weight hydrocarbon group in a crude, the
denser and more viscous.
Refractive Index
The refractive index n, of a crude oil is measured from
where; i = incidence angle
r = angle of refraction
It depends on the density of the oil. Heavy crudes (of low
A.P.I) have high refractive indices. This is because a dense
crude would create a dense medium for a passing ray of
light, which is refracted towards the normal at a low angle
(r). On the other hand, light oils have low refractive indices.
Optical Activity
Optical activity is the power of crude oils to rotate the plane
of polarization of a polarized light. It is commonly expressed
in degrees per millimetre. If any crude oil causes the plane
of polarization to rotate to the right, it is called a
'dextroratory', but if is to the left it is known as a
'levorotary’. This property is destroyed at high temperatures
(250 - 300°C).
Optical activity is also exhibited by some organisms that
contain cholesterine substances (such as cholesterol C
OH). According to Amosov (1951), the amount of optical
rotation shown by a crude oil depends mainly on its sterane-
pentacyclic and triterpane content. And these are
hydrocarbon compounds derived from the microbial
decarboxylation of organic cholesterine substances.
Cloud and Pour points
The pour point is the temperature at which a crude oil will
no longer flow, when a tube containing it is first heated in a
bath, in order to dissolve all its wax content and then
gradually cooled. At this temperature, the crude oil is in
semi-solid to solid form, and thus loses its fluidity. Slightly
above this temperature of no-flow (the pour point), there
might had been an appearance of cloudy substances in the
which is due to the settling out of the solid paraffin
waxes contained in the crude oil. That temperature is called
the cloud point.
This property determines the influence of low temperatures
on crude oils. Simultaneously, it provides information about
the amount of solid paraffin waxes contained in the oil. This
property is common in paraffin base crudes but wax-free
naphthenic oils do not show cloud point. If the pour point of
a crude is above the surface temperature, it will precipitate
its paraffin waxes on approaching the surface of the ground
will only flow on heating. The range of pour points of crude
oil varies greatly from -70
F to +90
F or higher.
The volume of a crude oil in its reservoir rock differs from
the volume it occupies in the surface. This is due to
formation gas-oil ratio and reservoir pressures. The
formation gas-oil ratio expresses the volume of gas
contained in one barrel of a crude oil as it comes from the
reservoir rock. Under high reservoir pressure, the volume of
oil in the reservoir increases because of the influence of
dissolved gases. But on release of the reservoir pressures,
the dissolved gases escape, leading to the shrinkage of the
volume of the crude oil at the surface.
It may be yellow, green or blue. For example, when a
paraffin base crude oil (gasoline-rich) is exposed to
ultraviolet fluorescence light, it emits yellow colour, while
naphthenic oils emit brownish colour This property is
important in testing for cutting, core and drilling mud
samples and in well-logging interpretation, for location of
different oil horizons.
This is the light transmitted through crude oils. It is
yellowish to red for light oils and dark or even opaque for
heavy (or low A.P.I gravity) oils.
Some other Physical Properties
This varies greatly in crude oils. High content of light
hydrocarbons (paraffins and naphthenes) in a crude gives
rise to a gasoline-like odour. A pleasant odour is produced if
the crude has abundant aromatic hydrocarbons. But with
high amount of unsaturated hydrocarbon compounds,
sulphur and nitrogen compounds in the oil, it produces a
repugnant odour.
Coefficient of Expansion
This is the measure of volumetric increase of a crude under
thermal influence. It increases with increase in A.P.I
gravity. Oils containing high amount of (dissolved) gases
Paper ID: ART20174603
DOI: 10.21275/ART20174603
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
and possibly of high A.P.I gravities possess high values of
coefficient of expansion. Heavy crude oils (low A.P.I
gravity) have lower coefficients of expansion.
Aqueous Solubility
The aqueous solubility of crude oil and its fractions
increases linearly with temperature. The rate of solubility
becomes significant at temperatures of about 100°C. At
temperatures above 180°C, crudes occur as molecular
solutions in mixed phase with water. According to Cartmill
and Dickey (1970), at such high temperatures, the nature of
the phase enhances primary migration of oil by molecular
solution mechanism. And salinity of about 150,000ppm of
sodium chloride results in the seperation of liquid
hydrocarbons from the aqueous phase.
Surface tension Effect
Crude oils possess some intermolecular forces of cohesion,
expressed as force per unit peripheral outline. Because of
this force, oil in dispersed state cannot move through water-
wet sand, much less, fine-grained shales. The small forces
created by natural hydrodynamic gradients do not overcome
those created by surface tension. Consequent the oil is
dispersed in the form of globules.
Flash Point
This is the temperature at which the volatiles rising off the
surface of heated oil will ignite with a flash, on passing a
flame over the surface. This provides some clew about the
gaseous content of the crude oil.
4. Chemical Properties
The chemical properties of crude oil deal with the chemical
nature and the changes in composition in relation to
temperature and pressure variations occurring at all times
within the oil pool. Some of the chemical properties are
related to the origin, migration, and accumulation of the
crude oil.
Chemical Nature
Crude oils are composed of liquid hydrocarbon compounds
of: paraffin series ranging from pentane to pentadecane (C
), varying amounts of naphthenes, alkyl benzenes,
amomatics, trace amount of semi-solid to solid phase
hydrocarbons such as asphaltic matters and waxes. Other
secondary constituents are sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen,
carbondioxidc, trace metals which include silicon, iron,
aluminum, calcium, magnesium, copper, lead, tin, zinc,
nickel, molybdenum and vanadium. Various hydrocarbon
compounds in crudes have been isolated and analysed at
different temperatures ranging from 40 180
C. These
hydrocarbons consist essentially of hydrogen and carbon.
Some of the compounds are saturated with hydrogen while
others are not.
A crude oil is categorized on the basis of the most abundant
group of hydrocarbons it contains. A crude oil can be
described as paraffin base,
naphthene base or mixed base (i.e
naphthenic-paraffin base) depending on the percentage
composition of its hydrocarbon fractions, as demonstrated in
Table 1.
The paraffin base crude oils have low density (high A.P.I
gravities), and in chemical refineries yield high amount of
gasoline and kerosene. The naphthene base crudes produce
high amount of lubricating oils, less gasoline and kerosene
as the refinery products.
Hydrogenation of crude oils
During the early stages of crude oil formation, there is a
remarkable thermal cracking of the organic materials into
decomposed complexes, and the coupling activity of
anaerobic bacteria processes, and the catalytic influence of
such available trace metals as vanadium and nickel, lead, to
the transformation of the complex organic matter into alkene
rich paraffinic oil. And according to Zobel (1947), reservoir
catalytic chemical reactions lead to the dissociation of avail
sulphides into free sulphur and hydrogen. The elemental
hydrogen would convert the alkene rich paraffinic crude oil
into an accumulation of gaseous paraffinic oils (of high
A.P.I gravity), in relatively close association with the
kerogen (or organic source rock).
Paraffin wax content
Paraffin waxes in crude oils are semi-solid to solid forms of
hydrocarbons, consisting mainly of normal paraffins. These
n-paraffins range from about C
. Admixtures of
branched-chain paraffins are also contained. Hedberg
(1968), described waxes as complex petroleum substances
whose complexity is caused by molecular mixture of
branched chain and n-paraffin hydrocarbons, with molecular
weights, high enough to be solids at ordinary temperatures.
Paraffin waxes in crude oils have melting points above 30-
C. The amount of wax in crude oils varies very greatly.
According to Levinson (1974), paraffin base and mixed base
crude oils have high amount of paraffin wax up to about 1-
6%. Hedberg (1968) stated that paraffinic-naphthenic (or
mixed) base crude oils usually possess over 10% of paraffin
wax, Naphthenic oils contain trace amounts of waxes
(usually <1%)
Waxy oils may also contain soft waxes and nonwaxes
composed of complex naphthene chains, naphthenic rings
and polycyclic aromatic. They are separated by solvent
crystallization into viscous oils, soft wax-like materials, and
hard, dry microcrystalline solids.
High content of paraffin waxes in oils may lead to the
clogging of pores of the reservoir rocks. Such oils congeal
at atmospheric temperatures and exhibit high pour points.
Paraffin waxes are believed to be derived from land plant
materials and other terrigenous organic matter of non marine
Odd carbon Chain Lengths
Chemical analysis shows that some crude oils exhibit a
detectable predominance of n-paraffins of odd number
carbon chains over those of even Members. The odd carbon
chains range from C
to C
. The ratio of the sum of the
mole percentages of odd carbon n-paraffins to the sum of
even Carbon n-paraffins in a specific molecular weight
range, serves as an index of odd carbon preference. Welte
(1965) believed that crude oils from different environments
Paper ID: ART20174603
DOI: 10.21275/ART20174603
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
possess correspondingly different odd carbon preference
Carbon Isotope Ratio
Most crude oils have been proved to contain varying
amounts of carbon 13 and carbon 12 isotopes. And the
concentration of these isotopes varion crudes of different
source environments. According to Silvermann and Epstein
(1959), the ratio of C
isotopes in crude oils is found
to be nearly analogous to those of living organic matter.
This property thus, establishes a relationship between crude
oils and organic sediment. Welte (1965) found that the
quantity of isotope carbon-13 in crude oil is significantly
different for oils from reservoirs of varying geologic ages.
Sulphur and Its Isotope Ratio
In crude oils, sulphur occurs as free sulphur, hydrogen
sulphide and in organic sulphur compounds such as thiols
and disulphides. Sulphur
occurs in trace quantities of about
0.1 to 5.5% by weight in oils.
Lijubach (1975) traced sulphur occurrence in oil to the
genesis of the oil. He believes that bacterial reduction
processes convert sulphates into hydrogen sulphides and free
sulphur. And if the environment is rich in trace metals,
available meteoric water would enhance the oxidation of the
sulphides into metallic sulphides and hydrogen. These metal
sulphides do not influence the composition of the crude. But
if the environment is deficient of trace metals there would be
direct bacterial oxidation of hydrogen sulphide into
elemental sulphur thus producing a sulphur rich oil. This is
illustrated' in Fig. 4. High amount of sulphur is found in
association with high molecular weight hydrocarbons,
(asphaltenes inclusive) Fig. 5. High content of sulphur and
its compounds corrodes the refinery installations when such
crudes are refined.
At temperatures higher than 150
C, sulphur reacts with
some hydrocarbon compounds in the crude to produce thiols
and mercaptans. Therefore the presence of elemental sulphur
in crude oils suggests a relatively lev: temperature history
(Lijmbach, 1975).
Porphyrins in Crude Oil
Porphyrins are complex hydrocarbon compounds that
originate from living organic matters such as chlorophyll
and hermins. The basic structure of porphyrins consists of
four interconnected rings, each ring containing four carbon
atoms and four nitrogen atoms.
According to Hodgson et al (1967), porphyrins have high
affinity for trace metals of vanadium, nickel, and iron. This
property enhances the hybridization of unstable porphyrin
substances with nickel or vanadium to produce metal-
porphyrin complexes. The latter is produced by the
simplification of the ring structures of the chlorophyll matter
coupled with the replacement of the magnesium metal atom
in the centre, by such trace metals as V, Ni or Fe, thus
producing a metallic porphyrin complex. The latter exists
more stably in the crude oil, as it offers more resistance to
degradation and alteration.
Chemical investigations have shown that paphyrins are one
of the important constituents of crude oils. They are
commonly associated with isoprenoid hydrocarbon forms;
pristane and phytane. According to Hunt (1968), these
hydrocarbons are derivatives from marine phytoplankton.
The long-side chain characteristics of the chlorophyll
molecule readily break off to form phytol. And the phytol
can either be oxidized to form pristance or be reduced to
form phytane, depending on the redox potential of the
environment. Other hydrocarbon groups associated to
porphyrins include carotene and terpenoid structures.
Porphyrin substances are of moderately low temperature
origin, usually destroyed at temperatures of about 200°C.
Thus, their presence in crude oils is an indication that the
crude was formed at temperatures below 200
Trace Metals in Crude Oils:
Crude oils contain varying amounts of trace elements some
of which include, iron, aluminium calcium, magnesium,
copper, lead, tin, astemum, antimony, zinc, silver, nickel,
chromium, molybdoniura and vanadium. But the most
important of these trace elements are vanadium, nickel and
iron. The concentration of any of these trace metals is so
small that the value is expressed in parts per million. The
concentration of trace metals in any crude oil is found to be
inversely proportional to the A.P.l gravity of the oil.
Some Other Chemical Properties
Effect of Carbondioxide and Saline Water
High amount of anaerobic microbacteria in some reservoir
rocks generate carbondioxide, which in association with
hydrocarbon gases, constitute dissolved gases that mobilize
the liquid hydrocarbon. The carbondioxide facilitates a
decrease in viscosity of the oil and generates internal gas
pressure to drive the crude oil from dead-end pockets and
through interstitial spaces.
When these gases are dissolved in saline water, sufficient
reservoir drive to flow light paraffin base oils is provided.
The saline nature of the water reduces its surface tension,
thus, creating molecular contact between water and the
crudes, subsequently, leading to the effective mobilization of
the crude oil.
5. Geologic and Economic Significance of Some
Properties of Crude Oil
Criteria for Environmental Interpretation
Some properties of crude oils have contributed immensely
towards the analysis of the environments of occurrence of
the crudes and the understanding of their mode of origin.
High wax content in crude oils is a property commonly
associated to the genetic environment or the kind of organic
matters from which the oil was derived. Paraffin waxes are
however conceived to be derived from terrigenous materials
(land plants) in the source rock. This is characteristic of
paralic to paralic marine environments. Its lithologic
sequences are characterized by sandstone and shale
intercalations, often waxy oils are associated with inter-
Paper ID: ART20174603
DOI: 10.21275/ART20174603
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
fingering of continental and marine sediments, and may
contain some lenses of coal and oil shales. Hedberg (1968)
thought that waxy oils are of fresh to brackish water origin,
occurring in continental, paralic or nearshore environments,
examples of waxy crude oils of such environments are those
of Nigeria and Eastern Venezuela.
The environment of deposition of source rocks of crude oils
can be discerned from the hydrocarbon-sulphur-nitrogen
compositional association. This is shown on Table V.
Optical activity is a physical property of oils which
establishes some relationship between crude oils and marine
or near marine environments. This is because of the
occurrence of cholesterine substances (source of optical
activity) in both exude oils and some marine organisms.
Trace metal complexes occurring in crude oils are
considered as important indicators for environmental
interpretation. Such trace metals as vanadium, nickel, iron,
silicon are believed to have formed from marine organic
secretions or from planktonic organisms. And the presence
of these elements in a crude suggests that the oil must have
formed in a marine environment. Hodgson and Baker
(1957) held the view that the presence of iron-porphyrins in
crude oils is an indication of source of marine origin. They
argued that the characteristic high pH values of about 8.5 for
marine environments favour high concentration of iron
Carbon isotope ratios (C
) in oils are suggestive of the
source rock environments. The carbon isotope ratios of
crude oils vary with their environments of formation.
Silvermann (1960) found that the average C
ratio for
oils of marine environment is greater than 1% whereas the
value decreases in oils of nonmarine environment.
Hydrocarbon compounds such as porphyrins and isoprenoid
compounds which occur in crude oils contribute immensely
to the reconstruction of temperature and paleoenvironraental
history of the oils. The ratio of some isoprenoid compounds
(pristane-to-phytane), contained in any crude oil is a
function of the redox potential of the oil's source rock
environment of deposition. According to Lijmbach (1975),
certain relationship has been observed between isoprenoid
composition of crude oils and their source rock environment
of deposition.
1) Peat swamp conditions were characterized by low pH, of
5, low oxygen content and presence of toxic compounds,
thus enhancing anaerobic bacterial activity and
decarboxylation of phytanic acid. This leads to
generation of pristine rich oils characterized by the
Pristane-to-heptadecane ratio greater than unity. But the
redox potential of the environment do not favour
generation of phytane-rich crude oils.
2) Source rocks deposited at open water environment
generated oils of low pristane/C
(heptadecane) ratios.
3) Source rocks of alternating swampy and open water
conditions produce oils of intermediate-Pristane/ n-
heptadecane ratio.
Criteria for Geologic Interpretations
Optical activity in crudes serves as an important tool for
correlation of oils of similar geologic ages. This property
depends on the amount of cholesterine substances in the oil.
There prevails a transformation of the triterpane and sterane
hydrocarbons into polycyclic naphthenes thus, causing a
gradual depletion of the concentration of the cholestorine
substances with geologic age. Optical rotations of younger
crude oils are usually greater than those of older rocks.
Amosov (1951) measured the optical rotation of several
crudes in USSR, and arrived at a conclusion that crude oils
of Tertiary age have optical rotations above 1
, while those
of Mesozoic and Paleozoic oils were below 1
Table VII shows the change in optical rotation of crude oils
with Age. Trace metals are used in geologic interpretation
on the basis of the vanadium-to-nickel ratio. Nickel
substances in crude oils are more stable than those of
vanadium. These metals enter the oil substance very early in
its history and leave the substance at unequal rates as the oil
matures in its reservoir rock. This gives rise to a net change
of the vanadium-to-nickel ratio toward a lower value as the
oil becomes older. Hodgson (1954) noted a uniformity in
the trend of variations of vanadium nickel, sulphur, resins
and increasing asphaltene content in the crude oils of
Western Canada. He regarded this trend as a product of
alteration. All these characteristics of trace metals in crude
oils earn them a recognition as sensitive indicators of
alteration and geologic age.
The sulphur isotopic ratio (S
) of crude oils help in the
correlation of oils of different source rocks and those of
different stages of maturation. Though there occurs some
loss of sulphur during maturation and weathering of the
crude oils, sulphur isotope ratios show little or no change.
Thus, the presence of high sulphur isotopic ratios and
generally low sulphur content is indicative of alteration.
Very viscous crude oils may suggest some degree of
weathering in highly fractured basins.
Criteria for Economic Significance
Some physical and chemical properties of crude oils
determine their economic value. Such properties are the
A.P.l gravity, wax content, sulphur content and the type of
dominant hydrocarbon group (or fractions) of the crude oil.
Furthermore, the economic significance of a crude oil also
depends on the immediate requirements of the consumer or
country. For example light paraffinic (of high A.P.I
gravities) oils yield high amount of gasoline and, kerosene
as the refinary products. Such countries as India desiring
greater supply of kerosene, for domestic source of heat have
high demand for crudes that give maximum percentage of
kerosene on refining. Crude Oils of moderate gravities
(mixed and naphthenic base crudes) are of high demand by
advanced countries. This is because of great need for
lubricating (industrial) oils and gasolines in such countries
for example; U.S.A. makes high demand for both naphthenic
and light paraffin oils. Generally however, there is usually a
great demand for oils of A.P.I gravities ranging from 20° to
45°. Very light oils (of high A.P.l gravities) and heavy oils
(of low A.P.I gravities) can be blended to meet the
requirements of the consumers.
The amount of paraffin wax contained in a crude oil
influences its economic evaluation. Waxy crude oils are
characterized by low calorific values, thus a low capacity to
Paper ID: ART20174603
DOI: 10.21275/ART20174603
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
generate heat. This limitation therefore earns any waxy
crude oil a relatively low price.
Occurrence of sulphur in crude oils is of negative economic
significances. This is because; high content of sulphur in a
crude creates corrosive effects on refining columns. And
any installation of special sulphur-resistant steel columns is
usually very expensive. The processes of removal of sulphur
from crude oils are also expensive and time consuming.
Moreover, refining of sulphur bearing crude oils
strong environmental pollution. All these amount to a
decrease in demand for, or subsequent reduction in the price
of sulphur bearing crude oils.
Broadly speaking however, the prices of typical crude oils of
all the member countries of OPEC countries are determined
by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
6. Some Characteristics of Nigerian Crude Oils
A.P.I Gravity
The A.P
I gravities of crude oils of the Niger delta do not
exhibit a very consistent trend. The A.P.I gravities of
Nigerian crude oils vary from 30
to 40
A.P.I. They change
abruptly after a certain depth called the critical depth. The
trend of variation of A.P.l gravities of the oils corresponds
with the direction of change from medium A.P.I gravity
naphthenic oils to light paraffinic oils, as the depth of burial
increases. The interface between the heavier and lighter oils
is often described as the level of transformation. It is
characterized by temperatures of about 60 - 80
According to Evamy et al (1978), the paraffinic oils below
the level of transformation were produced by late migration
from the source rock.
The accumulation of lighter paraffinic oils at greater depths
of burial is as a result of the combination of source and
reservoir maturation processes, associated with the high
geotemperature conditions at such depths, (which ranges to
about 100
- 115
C) , and other katagenetic processes.
In some of the oil fields of the Niger delta, extensively
faulted reservoirs are thought to have created leakage
channels through which inorganic agents such as oxygen and
water drain into the reservoir.
These inorganic agents cause anomalous weathering of
crude oils in the reservoir at high temperatures. Fig. 11
shows the faulted nature of the Niger Delta sediments.
Pour points
The pour points of crude oils from different oil fields of the
Niger Delta show significant variation. This variation
reflects a change in the most abundant group of
hydrocarbons contained in the crudes. For example,
paraffinic waxy oils of the Niger delta possess pour points
ranging from 20 to 90
F. But naphthenic nonwaxy oils of
Niger Delta have pour points generally lower than - 25
(Frankl and Cordvy, 1967).
Paraffin wax Content
Most Nigerian oil fields depict a close intercalation of high
wax and low wax oils. Some of the paraffin wax bearing
crude oils produce as high as 5% wax content.
These waxes are believed to be derived from terrigenous (or
land plants) materials of the source rock
Chukwuemeka and
Okoye (1980) supported this view by their successful
investigation of the presence of humic, vitrinite and liptinite
particles in the Niger Delta source rock. These particles
being indicators of terrestrial lithotypes. The widely
supported view is that the source beds of the Niger Delta
crudes are deeply buried paralic to marine Akata Shale, A
schelaitic representation of the Niger Delta structures is
shown in figure 12.
Influence of Geotemperatures
The nature of the crude oils in the Niger Delta is being
controlled by geotemperatures, thermal maturation and
depth of burial. Variation in these elements of katagenesis
results in the production of paraffinic-rand paraffin-
naphthenic crude oils. API gravities and pour points are low
at cooler depths of the reservoir. At relatively higher
subsurface temperatures, the crudes are light and
characterized by pour points higher than 20
F. The
significance of geoteraperatures on the crude oils of the
Niger Delta is not only reflected on the A.P.I gravity, but
also in their viscosities and boiling point fractions.
The irregular variation in the properties of crude oils of
multiple reservoirs of Niger Delta can also be attributed to
random sand bodies that are interbedded with shales, and the
influence of tectonic activity, high rates of subsidence and
deposition of its source rocks.
Generally speaking, the Nigerian crude oils are light
paraffinic, and paraffin-naphthene base crudes. They yield
significant amounts of gasoline, kerosene, lubricating oils,
and provide naphtha which can be the raw material for
fertilizer industries. Some representative properties of
Nigerian crudes are shown on Table VIII. Nigerian crudes
are characterized by little or no occurrence of sulphur. This
saves the expense of purchasing sulphur-resistant steel for
refining installations, and also saves the time and expensive
processes of removal of sulphur in crudes. These favourable
factors make the Nigerian crude oils attractive in advanced
7. Conclusion
Crude oils are naturally occurring liquid phase of petroleum,
composed principally of hydrocarbon compounds and are
extracted from the earth in the liquid state. The hydrocarbon
compounds in crude oils include paraffins, ranging from
pentane to pentadecane (C
) alkylparaffins, naphthenes,
alkylbenzenes and nuclear aromatics. Other associated
constituents are natural gases, hydrocarbon waxes, and salt
There are three main categories of crude oils viz:
1) Paraffin base crudes: containing higher percentage-
abundance of paraffin hydrocarbons, and yield more
gasoline and kerosene as refinery products.
Paper ID: ART20174603
DOI: 10.21275/ART20174603
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
2) Naphthene base crudes: containing greater amount of
naphthenes and aromatica, and yield more lubricating
oils and less gasoline and kerosene.
3) The mixed base, which is an intermediate between I and
Crude oils are characterized by some physical and chemical
properties, which to a measurable extent, play important role
in the understanding of their geologic history and
environment of origin. Such a physical property as optical
activity is dependent on hydrocarbon derivaties from organic
cholesterine substances, and are destroyed at high
temperature of about 200
C. They serve as important
criteria for environmental analysis, reconstruction of
temperature history of the crudes, and correlation of crude
oils. Cloud and pour points of crude oils reveal the
influence of low temperatures on crude oils and
simultaneously provide information about the paraffin wax
content of the crudes. Most of the physical properties are
influenced by the reservoir pressures and temperatures,
chemical composition of the crudes, and sometimes, by the
amount of dissolved natural gases.
The chemical properties of crude oils vary in relation to
changes in geotemperatures and pressures, coupled with
some other elements of katagenesis. Such chemical
properties as paraffin wax and perhyrins are complex forms
of hydrocarbons which have genetic relationship with living
organic-life. Occurrence of isoprenoid hydrocarbons, such as
pristanes and phytanes in crude oils, enhances the
construction of the genetic environments of deposition of the
source rocks. Trace metal substances concentrated in crudes
are thought to be derived from sea water as secretions by
marine life.
The economic significance of any crude is influenced by
such properties as paraffin wax content, sulphur content and
A.P.I gravity. Standard prices of crude oils are however
fixed by producers like the Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC).
The A.P.I. gravities of Nigerian crudes change abruptly after
a critical depth, where there is a marked change in
temperature. Nigerian crudes are generally light, low
sulphur-bearing, and are in great demand by advanced
Some physical and chemical properties of crude oils have to
some significant extent, given explanations to the genesis of
crudes, and have provided information about the likely
environments of deposition of the crudes source rocks. They
also serve as correlation indices, and indicators of geologic
age and alteration.
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Table 1: Classification of Crude Oils
Types of
Wax % Asphalt
% Composition Of 200 300
0 1.5 0 6.0 Paraffin Naphthenes Aromatic
46 61 22 32 12 25
1.0 6.0 0 6 5 42 9 38 16 20
Naphthenic trace 0 6 15 26 61 76 8 13
Aromatic 0 5.0 0 20 0 8 57 78 20 35
After Levinson, 1974
Paper ID: ART20174603
DOI: 10.21275/ART20174603
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Table 2: Some properties of Nigerian crude oils
Bomu Oil Field (Onshore) Okan Oil Field (Offshore)
Gravity: 34.4
API Gravity: 34.6
Viscosity: 4.4 centipoises at
Flash point: below 60
Paraffin wax: 5.1% Paraffin wax:
Sulphur: 0.16% Sulphur: 0.15%
Pour point: + 64
Pour point: 25
Refractive Index: 1.4816
Colour: Greenish brown
Dissolved Natural: gases 3.56%
+ Heavier Hydrocarbons:
(Source: Frankl and Cordry, 1967)
Paper ID: ART20174603
DOI: 10.21275/ART20174603