Distributed Generation System
Characteristics and Costs in the
Buildings Sector
August 2013
dependent Statistics & Analysis
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585
U.S. Energy Information Administration | Distributed Generation System Characteristics and Costs in the Buildings Sector i
This report was prepared by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the statistical and
analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. By law, EIA’s data, analyses, and forecasts are
independent of approval by any other officer or employee of the United States Government. The views
in this report therefore should not be construed as representing those of the U.S. Department of Energy
or other Federal agencies.
June 2013
U.S. Energy Information Administration | Distributed Generation System Characteristics and Costs in the Buildings Sector 1
Distributed Generation System Characteristics and Costs in the
Buildings Sector
Distributed generation in the residential and commercial buildings sectors refers to the on-site
generation of energy, often electricity from renewable energy systems such as solar photovoltaics (PV)
and small wind turbines. Many factors influence the market for distributed generation, including
government policies at the local, state, and federal level, and project costs, which vary significantly
depending on time, location, size, and application.
As relatively new technologies on the globalized production market, PV and small wind are experiencing
significant cost changes through technological progress and economies of scale. The current and future
equipment costs of renewable distributed generation are subject to uncertainty. As part of the Annual
Energy Outlook (AEO), EIA updates its projections to reflect the most current publicly-available historical
cost data and utilizes multiple third-party estimates of future costs in the near and long terms.
Performance data is likewise based on currently available technology and expert projections of future
During the AEO2011 reporting cycle, EIA contracted with an external consultant to develop cost and
performance characterizations of PV and small wind installations in the building sector.
Rather than
develop two separate paths for residential and commercial, the contract provided cost and performance
data for systems of various sizes at five-year increments beginning in 2010 and terminating in 2035.
Two levels of future technology optimism were offered, a base case and an advanced case, with the
advanced case including lower equipment costs, higher efficiency, or both.
From this information, EIA used annual weighted-average costs for a typical system size in each sector.
Abbreviated tables of these system sizes and costs are presented in the residential and commercial
chapters of the AEO Assumptions Report in Tables 4.3 and 5.3, respectively. Additional information in
the contracted report, such as equipment degradation rates, system life, annual maintenance costs,
inverter costs, and conversion efficiency, were adapted for input in the Distributed Generation
Submodules of the buildings sectors modules of the National Energy Modeling System.
As described in the assumptions reports, other information not included in the report, such as resource
availability, avoided electricity cost, interconnection limitations, incentive amounts, installed capacity-
based cost reductions, and other factors, ultimately affect the capacity of renewable distributed
generation added within a given sector, year, and Census division.
For editions after AEO2011, certain assumptions (mainly system costs) have been updated based on
reports from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Table 1 shows the cost and efficiency assumptions for residential and commercial solar photovoltaic and
small wind systems used in the AEO2010 (published prior to the contract reports), the AEO2011
(published after the contract reports), and the AEO2013.
Distributed generation systems often cost more per unit of capacity than utility-scale systems. Another, separate analysis
involves assumptions for electric power generation plant costs for various technologies, including utility-scale photovoltaics and
both on-shore and off-shore wind turbines used in the Electricity Market Module. http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/capitalcost/
June 2013
U.S. Energy Information Administration | Distributed Generation System Characteristics and Costs in the Buildings Sector 2
The solar photovoltaic report, Photovoltaic (PV) Cost and Performance Characteristics for Residential
and Commercial Applications, is available in Appendix A while the small wind report, The Cost and
Performance of Distributed Wind Turbines, 2010-2035, is available in Appendix B. When referencing
these reports they should be cited as reports by ICF International prepared for the U.S. Energy
Information Administration.
June 2013
U.S. Energy Information Administration | Distributed Generation System Characteristics and Costs in the Buildings Sector 3
Table 1: Efficiency and Capital Cost Assumptions for Selected Years
System Size
Capital Cost
Capital Cost
Capital Cost
2010 3.5 0.18 $9,315 0.15 $7,183 0.15 $7,200
2015 4 0.2 $8,042 0.175 $5,346 0.175 $4,965
2020 5 0.22 $6,770 0.192 $4,549 0.192 $3,890
2025 5 0.22 $5,498 0.197 $4,284 0.197 $3,664
2030 5 0.25 $4,225 0.2 $4,102 0.2 $3,508
2035 5
0.25 $4,225 0.2 $4,048 0.2 $3,462
2010 32 0.18 $6,684 0.15 $6,889 0.15 $6,410
2015 35 0.2 $5,893 0.175 $5,109 0.175 $4,475
2020 40
0.22 $5,102 0.192 $4,332 0.192 $3,558
2025 40 0.22 $4,312 0.197 $4,067 0.197 $3,340
2030 45 0.25 $3,521 0.2 $3,890 0.2 $3,195
2035 45 0.25 $3,521
0.2 $3,837 0.2 $3,151
2 0.13 $7,472 0.13 $7,802 0.13 $7,802
2015 3 0.13 $7,106 0.13
$6,983 0.13 $6,983
2020 3 0.13 $6,758
0.13 $6,604 0.13 $6,604
2025 3 0.13 $6,427 0.13
$6,234 0.13 $6,234
2030 4
0.13 $6,111 0.13 $6,051 0.13 $6,051
2035 4 0.13 $6,111 0.13 $5,903 0.13 $5,903
32 0.13 $4,270 0.13 $5,243 0.13 $5,243
2015 35 0.13 $4,061 0.13
$4,715 0.13 $4,715
2020 40 0.13 $3,862
$4,287 0.13 $4,287
40 0.13
$3,672 0.13 $3,973 0.13 $3,973
2030 50
0.13 $3,492 0.13 $3,717 0.13 $3,717
2035 50 0.13 $3,492 0.13 $3,627 0.13 $3,627
Note: kWDC = kil owa tts of di rect current
Small Wind
June 2013
U.S. Energy Information Administration | Distributed Generation System Characteristics and Costs in the Buildings Sector
EIA Task Order No. DE-DT0000804, Subtask 3
Photovoltaic (PV) Cost and
Characteristics for
Residential and
Commercial Applications
Final Report
August 2010
Prepared for:
Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting
U.S. Energy Information Administration
Prepared by:
ICF International
Robert Kwartin
T: (703) 934-3586
Table of Contents
Executive Summary......................................................................................................................v
1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Objective....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Approach....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Report Organization...................................................................................................2
2. Technologies.........................................................................................................................3
2.1 PV Cell Technology ...................................................................................................3
2.2 Modules & Arrays.......................................................................................................6
2.3 Tracking Technology..................................................................................................7
2.4 Inverters.....................................................................................................................8
2.5 System Efficiency.......................................................................................................9
3. Markets ...............................................................................................................................11
3.1 U.S. Market Perspective ..........................................................................................11
3.2 Installation and Financing ........................................................................................11
3.3 International Market Volatility...................................................................................12
4. Historical Costs ...................................................................................................................13
4.1 Installed PV System Costs.......................................................................................13
4.2 Component Costs ....................................................................................................18
5. Forecast of PV Characteristics – Reference Case..............................................................20
5.1 Technical Performance............................................................................................20
5.2 Cost..........................................................................................................................27
6. Forecast of PV Characteristics – Advanced Case ..............................................................38
Appendix A. Recommended Characteristics, Crystalline PV, Reference Case.......................46
Appendix B. Recommended Characteristics, Thin-film PV, Reference Case..........................47
Appendix C. GDP Implicit Price Deflator Index........................................................................48
Table 1. PV Prototypes............................................................................................................v
Table 2. PV Prototypes............................................................................................................1
Table 3. Report Organization...................................................................................................2
Table 4. PV Technologies........................................................................................................4
Table 5. Impact of Azimuth and Tilt on Solar Energy ..............................................................8
Table 6. Derate Factors Used in PVWATTS..........................................................................10
Table 7. Relationship of PVWATTS Derate Factors to Efficiency Values..............................10
Table 8. Installed PV in U.S. through 2008............................................................................13
Table 9. Grid Connected PV Coverage in Tracking the Sun II ..............................................13
Table 10. Grid Connected PV Coverage in Tracking the Sun II ..............................................15
Table 11. Rack Mounted Systems Installed in 2008................................................................17
Table 12. Forecast Parameters, Module Efficiency .................................................................21
Table 13. Forecast Parameters, System Efficiency.................................................................23
Table 14. Forecast Parameters, Degradation (% per yr).........................................................24
Table 15. Forecast Parameters, Module and Inverter Lifetime (yrs)........................................25
Table 16. Starting Point Inverter Costs (2008$/kW
Table 17. Starting Point Costs for Module Plus Other Components (2008$/kW
Table 18. Forecast Parameters, O&M Costs, (2008$ / kW
/ yr) ...........................................37
Table 19. Crystalline Costs, Reference and Advanced Cases ................................................39
Table 20. Thin-film Costs, Reference and Advanced Cases ...................................................39
Figure 1. Illustration of Grid-connected PV System..................................................................3
Figure 2. Relationship of PV Cells, Modules, and Arrays.........................................................4
Figure 3. Historical Laboratory Cell Efficiencies – Best Research. ..........................................6
Figure 4. Installed Capacity by State......................................................................................14
Figure 5. Number of Sites by State ........................................................................................15
Figure 6. PV Installed Cost Trends.........................................................................................16
Figure 7. PV Installed Cost Trends by System Size...............................................................17
Figure 8. PV Installed Costs for Crystalline and Thin-film Technologies................................18
Figure 9. Component Costs (systems installed in 2008)........................................................19
Figure 10. Forecast, Module Efficiency, Reference Case ....................................................22
Figure 11. Forecast, System Efficiency, Reference Case ....................................................23
Figure 12. Forecast, Degradation, Reference Case.............................................................24
Figure 13. Forecast, Module and Inverter Life, Reference Case..........................................26
Figure 14. Normalized Cost Trend for PV Modules and Other Components........................28
Figure 15. Cost Projection for 5 kW
Crystalline System....................................................29
Figure 16. Recommended Crystalline Installed Costs, Reference Case..............................30
Figure 17. Recommended Thin-film Installed Costs, Reference Case.................................31
Figure 18. Residential Installed Capital Costs, Reference Case..........................................32
Figure 19. Historical and Forecast Residential Capital Costs...............................................33
Figure 20. Commercial Installed Capital Costs, Reference Case.........................................34
Figure 21. Historical and Forecast Commercial Capital Costs .............................................35
Figure 22. Recommended O&M Costs, Reference Case.....................................................37
Figure 23. Cost Trends for Reference Case and Advanced Case .......................................38
Executive Summary
Technical performance and cost characteristics were developed for residential and
commercial photovoltaic (PV) systems for a time horizon extending to 2035.
Characteristics were developed for six typical PV systems shown in Table 1. As
indicated, crystalline and thin-film PV technologies were evaluated in three sizes – 5,
25, and 250 kW
. The 5 kW
size is representative of residential applications, and
the 25 and 250 kW
sizes are representative of commercial installations.
Table 1. PV Prototypes
Application Technology
Size (kW
Crystalline 5 Residential
Thin-film 5
25 Crystalline
Based on a comprehensive literature search, discussions with PV stakeholders, and
ICF in-house data, the following characteristics were developed:
Module Efficiency
System Efficiency
Installed Capital Costs
O&M Costs
Key results and observations from this study include:
Module Efficiency. Module efficiencies for crystalline technologies operating in the
field are estimated to range from 14% in 2008 to 20% in 2035. For thin-film
technologies, module efficiencies are anticipated to range from 10% to 14% over this
same time span (2008 to 2035).
System Efficiency. System efficiencies (DC to AC power) for crystalline technologies
are expected to increase from levels in the range of 78% to 82% in 2008, to levels in the
range of 86% to 90% in 2035. For thin-film technologies, system efficiencies are
forecast to increase from a range of 77% to 81% in 2008, to a range of 86% to 90% in
In this report, module efficiency refers to the conversion of sunlight to direct current (DC) power.
System efficiency refers to the conversion of DC to AC power.
Degradation. Forecast degradation rates for crystalline technologies start at 0.60%/yr
in 2008, and decline to 0.33%/yr in 2035. Forecast degradation rates for thin-film
technologies are higher, ranging from 1.00%/yr in 2008 and falling to 0.73%/yr in 2035.
Lifetime. Crystalline PV modules and balance of plant components (except the
inverter) are forecast to have an expected lifetime of 25 years in 2008. Thin-film
modules and balance of plant components (except the inverter) are forecast to have a
lifetime of 20 years in 2008. Both technologies are forecast to have a lifetime of 30
years by 2035. Inverters, which are assumed to be identical for both crystalline and
thin-film technologies, are forecast to have lifetime of 10 years in 2008, rising to 15
years by 2035.
Residential Installed Capital Costs (expressed in 2008 dollars). For residential
systems, crystalline technologies are forecast to have lower costs compared to thin-film
technologies. Forecast costs for installed residential PV systems are approximately
(crystalline) and $7,300/kW
(thin-film) in 2010. These costs fall to
approximately $4,000/kW
(crystalline) and $4,100/kW
(thin-film) by 2035.
Commercial Installed Capital Costs (expressed in 2008 dollars). For commercial
applications, thin-film technologies are forecast to have lower costs compared to
crystalline systems (reverse situation compared to residential systems). In 2010,
forecast costs for installed commercial PV systems are in the range of $5,500/kW
(thin-film, 25 kW
) to $6,800 (crystalline, 25 kW
). By 2035, forecast costs are
estimated to decline to an approximate range of $3,200/kW
(thin-film, 25 kW
250 kW
) to $3,800/kW
(crystalline, 25 kW
O&M Costs. O&M consists of periodic system inspection and solar panel cleaning. For
forecasting purposes, it is assumed that both commercial and residential PV system
owners will properly maintain their systems. Residential homeowners will likely take a
“do it yourself” approach, while commercial sites will use a maintenance contract. In the
case of a DIY approach, a cost is still incurred in terms of time required to complete the
maintenance. O&M is assumed to scale in direct proportion to panel size, which
decreases as module efficiency increases, and with overall system capacity (decreases
as capacity increases). Crystalline O&M costs are forecast to decline 30% between
2008 and 2035, reaching levels in the range of $11.20/ kW
to $$16.80/kW
by 2035.
For thin-film, forecast costs decline 29%, reaching levels in the range of $16.00/kW
by 2035.
The recommended characteristics described above correspond to a reference case, or
business-as-usual, scenario. In addition to a reference case analysis, an advanced
case was developed based on more aggressive assumptions concerning technology
advancements and market penetration. The primary difference between the reference
case and the advanced case is that installed capital costs decline more quickly over
time in the advanced case as a result of accelerated R&D investments.
1. Introduction
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) produces a wide range of analyses and
reports, including forecasts for energy supply and demand, and the diffusion of
technologies in the marketplace. To develop forecasts, EIA uses the National Energy
Modeling System (NEMS), which is a robust model that describes energy markets in the
United States. Each year, EIA produces the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO), which
includes projections generated with NEMS. The AEO report covers a time horizon of 25
to 30 years, and includes market penetration estimates for a wide range of
technologies, including residential and commercial photovoltaic (PV) systems.
To develop reliable projections using NEMS, it is important to have accurate technical
performance and cost characteristics describing supply side and demand side
technologies. Regarding demand side technologies, the residential and commercial PV
characteristics that EIA has previously used to support NEMS are based on a solar
roadmap baseline projection prepared in 2004.
1.1 Objective
The objective of this project was to develop a recommended set of technical
performance and cost characteristics for residential and commercial PV technologies for
the time period extending from 2010 to 2035.
1.2 Approach
ICF conducted a comprehensive literature review and talked with solar experts at
manufacturing organizations, national laboratories, and academic institutions. This
information was analyzed and used to shape a forecast of PV characteristics through
2035. Recommended characteristics were developed for six PV system prototypes as
shown in
Table 2
. The 5 kW
size is intended to be representative of residential
applications, and the 25 and 250 kW
capacities are consistent with commercial
installations (25 kW
at the low end, and 250 kW
at the high end).
Table 2. PV Prototypes
Capacity (kW
5, 25, 250 Crystalline
5, 25, 250 Thin-film
As indicated in
Table 2
, the prototypes are based on crystalline and thin-film solar cell
technology. Multi-junction technologies were also evaluated. However, multi-junction
technologies are not expected to have significant market penetration in residential and
Our Solar Power Future, The U.S. Photovoltaics Industry Roadmap Through 2030 and Beyond,
September 2004.
Unless noted otherwise, all PV power ratings (kW
) in this report are based on direct current (DC) at
standard test conditions (STC). Standard test conditions are 1,000 W/m
of solar irradiance, cell
temperature of 25
C, and air mass (AM) of 1.5.
commercial applications in the foreseeable future, and prototypes were therefore based
only on crystalline and thin-film systems.
Using the prototypes shown in
Table 2
, a set of recommended PV characteristics was
developed that is consistent with a reference case scenario. The reference case
scenario is intended to reflect a business-as-usual outcome, assuming that the current
pace of R&D investments and policy drivers will prevail over the forecast time horizon.
In addition to the reference case scenario, a set of recommended PV characteristics
was also developed for an advanced case. The advanced case is based on a scenario
that includes higher levels of R&D investments that may accelerate the adoption of
residential and commercial PV.
1.3 Report Organization
This report is organized as shown in
Table 3
. An overview of PV technologies is
provided in Section 2, followed by a discussion of markets in Section 3. Historical cost
trends from 1998 through 2008 are covered in Section 4. In Section 5, PV
characteristics used in the AEO 2010 report are discussed. Results from discussions
with PV experts and the literature search are presented in Section 6. In Section 7,
recommended PV characteristics for a reference case are presented, and in Section 8
characteristics for an advanced case are described.
Table 3. Report Organization
Section Title
1 Introduction
2 Technologies
3 Markets
4 Historical Costs
5 Forecast of PV Characteristics – Reference Case
6 Forecast of PV Characteristics – Advanced Case
2. Technologies
For residential and commercial PV applications, the two main components are a PV
array (also called solar array) and an inverter. A third component in many PV
installations is bank of batteries for energy storage. The PV array produces direct
current (DC) from sunlight, and the inverter converts the direct current to alternating
(AC) current. The AC power is then used on site or exported to the grid. A simplified
schematic for a residential PV installation is shown in
Figure 1
(no battery backup).
Source: Homepower magazine
Figure 1. Illustration of Grid-connected PV System
Residential and commercial PV systems can be connected to the grid or configured as
an off-grid system. Off-grid installations are typically only used in remote locations, and
have little or no impact on the national energy forecast; as a result, this report is focused
on grid-connected PV only.
In this section, key components of a PV system are discussed, including the current
status and development trends. The discussion is organized into the following sections:
PV Cells
Modules & Arrays
Tracking Systems
System Efficiency
2.1 PV Cell Technology
The building block for a PV system is a PV cell (or solar cell). Multiple PV cells are
interconnected and assembled in a support structure, or frame, to form a PV module (or
solar panel). Multiple modules are then combined to form a PV array (see
Figure 2
DC Power AC Power
Source: NASA
Figure 2. Relationship of PV Cells, Modules, and Arrays
Photovoltaic (PV) technologies are constructed using semiconductor materials that have
the ability to convert sunlight into electricity. PV technologies are typically divided into
three categories – crystalline silicon, thin-film, and multi-junction (see
Table 4
Table 4. PV Technologies
Category Semiconductor Material
Crystalline Silicon ---
Cadmium Telluride (CdTe)
Gallium Arsenide (GaAS)
Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS)
Amorphous Silicon (a-SI)
Multi-junction ---
Of the three categories, crystalline technologies are the oldest, and were
commercialized by Bell Labs in the 1950s. Crystalline PV cells are manufactured by
slicing silicon into thin wafers, with state-of-the-art technology near 170 microns (Shah
2009). There are two types of crystalline cells – monocrystalline and polycrystalline.
Compared to polycrystalline cells, monocrystalline cells offer higher efficiencies, but are
more expensive to manufacture. Polycrystalline cells have lower efficiencies, but are
lest expensive to manufacture.
Thin-film PV cells are produced by depositing very thin layers of a semiconductor
material on an inexpensive substrate, such as glass, plastic, or metal.
Table 4
four common types of semiconductor materials that are used in thin-film PV cells.
Compared to crystalline technologies, thin-film cells are typically less expensive to
manufacture, but tend to have lower efficiencies.
Multi-junction cells are fabricated using thin-film techniques, but have two or more
different semiconductor materials. The semiconductor materials in a multi-junction cell
capture solar energy from different ranges of the solar spectrum, thereby optimizing the
conversion of solar energy to electricity. Compared to crystalline and thin-film
technologies, multi-junction cells are significantly more expensive to manufacture. Due
to the high cost, multi-junction cells do not currently compete in residential and
commercial markets.
Crystalline Technology – Trends and Observations
Crystalline modules have dominated residential and commercial PV markets.
Crystalline cell efficiencies in the field have improved from approximately 11% to over
14% over the past five years (Shah 2009, Barnett 2009).
Efficiencies in the lab, which
are higher than efficiencies in the field, have reached 26% under standard test
conditions (STC) (Green 2009).
In recent years, the silicon wafer thickness has been reduced from approximately 300 to
170 microns, and manufacturers have generally increased warranty times from 20 to 25
years. Crystalline cell research is currently focused on reducing material costs,
increasing efficiencies, improving the manufacturing processes, and improving reliability
of modules (DOE 2008).
Thin-film Technology – Observations and Trends
Over the past five years, thin-film efficiencies have increased from the range of 5-8% to
approximately 10% (Barnett 2009).
The thin-film market is currently dominated by
modules using cadmium telluride (CdTe) as a semiconductor (Maycock and Bradford
2007; Ullal and von Roedern 2007; Venkataraman 2009). In the lab, CdTe modules
have reached efficiencies greater than 16% (Green 2009). Two emerging thin-film
technologies are copper indium diselenide (CIS) and copper indium gallium diselenide
(CIGS). These two cell technologies have shown lab efficiencies of approximately 19%
(Green 2009).
Another thin-film technology is based on the deposition of amorphous
silicon (a-Si) less than a micron thick (Maycock and Bradford 2007). One advantage of
a-Si is that these cells can be manufactured in long continuous rolls rather than by
batch production (Maycock and Bradford 2007).
Thin-film technologies continue to undergo advancements. CdTe manufacturers are
working to standardize film growth equipment, achieve higher efficiencies, and prevent
moisture ingress (Ullal 2007). CIGS manufacturers are developing standardized layer
deposition equipment and working to achieve higher efficiencies and reduced layer
thicknesses (Ullal 2007).
Cell Efficiency – Observations and Trends
As indicated in
Figure 3
, solar cell efficiencies have increased at a steady rate over the
last several decades (DOE 2006). Efficiencies for advanced multi-junction technologies
have approached 40% in laboratory settings at STC conditions. However, efficiencies
for practical cells, such as crystalline and thin film technologies, are well below these
levels in the field.
Source: NREL (2010)
Figure 3. Historical Laboratory Cell Efficiencies – Best Research.
2.2 Modules & Arrays
Optimizing Performance
Several environmental factors contribute to system output losses, including sub-optimal
orientation with respect to the sun, soiling, shading, and seasonal snow cover. The
soiling factor is the percent of output lost by dirt or any other film that obscures the
module surface, and ranges from slightly under 1% to 4% (Xantrex 2009).
The amount
of soiling depends on factors such as physical location (proximity to dusty roads, etc.),
type of dust or film, and length of time since the last rainfall. Regular cleaning
minimizes the impact of soiling (Xantrex 2009).
PV modules are connected in series, and a mismatch in electrical output between
modules will decrease the electrical production of the PV array. Electrical mismatch can
occur due to shading from buildings, trees, or other obstacles that interfere with direct
sunlight striking the solar array. The magnitude of the mismatch depends on the array
area affected, length of time, and time of day (Xantrex 2009). In colder climates,
seasonal snow cover also shades systems and leads to mismatch. All of these factors
need to be taken into account when estimating conversion losses of a PV system.
The electrical efficiency of a solar cell in the lab under Standard Test Conditions (STC)
is almost always higher than the field efficiency, in part due to temperature differences.
For STC measurements, the solar cell is held at 25
C. The efficiency of a solar cell
decreases with increasing temperature, and the field temperature of a solar cell is
almost always higher than 25
C. Roof mounted arrays can reach temperatures of 70-
C (Wiles 2009). For rooftop conditions, the California Energy Commission
recommends a de-rating factor of 89% from STC lab conditions to expected field power
(Xantrex 2009).
Building Integrated PV (BIPV)
This report is primarily focused on PV panels that are rack mounted. However, an
interesting development is the growth of building integrated PV (BIPV). BIPV
technologies are currently more expensive than rack mounted systems, but BIPV
breakthroughs could push down PV costs in residential and commercial applications
(Chiras 2009).
2.3 Tracking Technology
Maximum PV output occurs when a solar panel is oriented perpendicular to incoming
sunlight. The optimum orientation changes through the day as the sun moves across
the sky, and on a seasonal basis as the height of the sun above the horizon changes.
Tracking systems can be added to PV arrays to optimize electrical output.
In most residential applications, PV panels are placed on roof tops in fixed frames (also
called “racks”), and tracking systems are not utilized. When the panels are located
directly on the roof top, they are referred to as “flat racked” systems. Unless the roof is
pitched at the local latitude angle, the system’s power output can be increased by tilting
the racking to be closer to the latitude angle to capture more sunlight (see
Table 5
This type of tilting is referred to as “latitude racking.”
Latitude racking is more expensive than flat-racking for both the residential and
commercial sectors. Compared to flat-racked systems, significantly more hardware,
assembly, and labor is involved in latitude racked systems. However, there is a
financial trade off to consider. Even though flat-racking costs less, the modules are 20-
30% less efficient than latitude racked systems (Focusing on Energy 2008).
In addition to static latitude racking, more sophisticated dynamic tracking systems can
be used. Dynamic tracking systems can be either single-axis or dual-axis designs. A
single axis design follows the daily east-west arc of the sun. With a dual axis system,
hourly tracking (east-west) is achieved as well as seasonal tracking (north-south).
Table 5. Impact of Azimuth and Tilt on Solar Energy
2.4 Inverters
PV arrays produce direct current (DC) from sunlight; and this DC current is converted to
alternating (AC) current with an inverter. Inverters are not 100% efficient, and energy is
lost during this conversion process.
Today, the highest inverter conversion efficiency of DC to AC power is 96-97%,
compared to approximately 94% in the 2004 time frame (Waiter 2009). In practice,
typical inverter efficiencies in the field range from 92% to over 94% (Shah 2009).
Residential inverters are smaller and slightly less efficient than larger scale commercial
inverters, which leads to larger conversion losses in the residential sector (Shah 2009).
For a PV system that includes battery energy storage, there are additional energy
losses that occur as batteries are charged and discharged. The battery efficiency,
which is often referred to as the “roundtrip” efficiency, depends on several factors,
including the type of battery (e.g., lead acid or nickel cadmium) and the state of charge
This table is derived from the NREL Surface Orientation Factor charts in: Christensen, Craig B.
and Greg M. Barker. Effects of Tilt and Azimuth Angle on Annual Incident Solar Radiation for
United States Locations. Washington, DC: Proceedings of Solar Forum 2001 – Solar Energy:
The Power to Choose, April 21-25, 2001. The table is presented for a latitude of approximately
(i.e., near full charge or at some lower charge level). Deep discharge lead acid
batteries are frequently used for PV applications, and these batteries have a roundtrip
efficiency level typically near 80% (i.e., 80% of the energy used to charge the battery is
available for discharge).
A common configuration for residential and commercial PV systems is to use a single
inverter (see Figure 1) located near the electrical service panel for the building. PV
systems that use multiple inverters – referred to as microinverters – are entering the
market. Microinverters convert DC to AC power in a unit attached directly to each PV
module, instead of through a single stand-alone inverter that serves the entire PV array.
Microinverters are an emerging technology, and there is limited data available to assess
actual performance and costs. However, potential advantages of microinverters may
Increased reliability. A separate inverter for each module means there is no
single point of failure. If one microinverter fails, other modules continue to
Longer life. Enphase, a manufacturer of microinverters, reports that their
microinverters are designed for a service life greater than 20 years.
Improved performance of each module. A separate microinverter on each
module maximizes performance of that module.
Lower installation costs. Simplified installation with no wiring required for a
central inverter.
2.5 System Efficiency
Inverters are just one source of power loss when converting from DC to AC power. An
example of other factors that contribute to power losses in PV systems is shown in
Table 6. This table, which is taken from NREL data used in the PVWATTS tool, shows
that there are 10 factors in addition to the inverter that may contribute to power losses.
For the default values in the PVWATTS tool, the inverter derate factor is 0.92 and the
overall derate factor is 0.77.
In this report, a detailed analysis and forecast of derate factors, or efficiency losses, by
component, was not conducted. Rather, the analysis and forecast was divided into two
System efficiency (includes all factors that contribute to DC to AC power with
the exception of age)
Degradation (accounts for power losses that occur due to the age of the
Enphase web site,
inverters.pdf , accessed March 2010.
A cross map of PVWATTS derate factors and efficiency factors used in this report is
show in Table 7.
Table 6. Derate Factors Used in PVWATTS
Component Derate Factors PVWATTS Default Range
PV module nameplate DC rating 0.95 0.80 - 1.05
Inverter and Transformer 0.92 0.88 - 0.98
Mismatch 0.98 0.97 – 0.995
Diodes and connections 1.00 0.99 – 0.997
DC wiring 0.98 0.97 - 0.99
AC wiring 0.99 0.98 – 0.993
Soiling 0.95 0.30 – 0.995
System availability 0.98 0.00 – 0.995
Shading 1.00 0.00 - 1.00
Sun-tracking 1.00 0.95 - 1.00
Age 1.00 0.70 - 1.00
Overall DC-to-AC derate factor 0.77 ---
Source: NREL PVWATTS, http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/calculators/PVWATTS/system.html
Table 7. Relationship of PVWATTS Derate Factors to Efficiency Values
Derate Component in PVWATTS Efficiency Component in this Report
PV module nameplate DC rating
Inverter and Transformer
Diodes and connections
DC wiring
AC wiring
System availability
System Efficiency (changes by year,
cell material, and capacity)
Age Degradation Rate (changes by year and
PV cell material)
3. Markets
3.1 U.S. Market Perspective
Federal, state, and utility incentives provide strong drivers that push the adoption of PV
systems. At the Federal level, there is an investment tax credit (ITC), which provides an
income tax credit for residential and commercial PV installations. The ITC was revised
in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). ITC
provisions in ARRA that specifically relate to PV include:
30% ITC extended through end of 2016 for both residential and commercial
solar installations
$2,000 cap eliminated for residential PV
Utilities allowed to benefit from credit (utilities were previously excluded)
Tax payers (both individuals and businesses) that are required to file
Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) are allowed to claim credit (previously
PV market size, maturity, and total installed costs vary widely from state to state. The
growth of residential and commercial PV markets within a state has been driven almost
entirely by state-based incentive programs (Venkataraman 2009).
The overwhelming
majority of residential and commercial PV installations have occurred in just two states
– California and New Jersey (Wiser 2009). Both of these states have well developed
incentive programs that have stimulated PV adoption.
In addition to capacity based incentives and performance based incentives, states have
used a variety of other tools to encourage the installation of PV, including sales and
property tax exemptions, net metering laws, feed-in tariffs, solar access laws,
standardized and liberalized interconnection procedures, etc. The incentive mix
changes continuously; refer to the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and
Efficiency (DSIRE) for the most recent information (DSIRE 2009).
3.2 Installation and Financing
Historically, the installation of PV systems has been performed by companies that
specialize in PV. However, the drop in demand for new construction and building
retrofit work, coupled with growing demand for end-use PV, has motivated construction
companies, roofing contractors, and electrical contractors to enter the PV installation
business (Shah 2009).
With their project management and business experience, these
companies are streamlining the installation process and increasing competition within
the industry.
In addition, new financing methods have begun to emerge that are encouraging the
adoption of PV systems. The financial factors that influence a consumer’s decision to
purchase include upfront costs, financial incentives, utility bill savings, and maintenance
costs. Due to the current weak economic conditions, residential homeowners and
commercial building owners/developers are reluctant to make expensive capital
investments such as PV (Coughlin 2009). New financing methods, such as the
commercial solar power purchase agreement (SPPA) and the residential solar lease,
seek to overcome these financial barriers by significantly reducing or eliminating the
upfront cost to commercial and residential customers (Coughlin 2009).
3.3 International Market Volatility
The U.S. PV industry is influenced by the volatility of the larger international solar
market. Manufacturers focus their attention, and their sales, on the fastest growing and
most profitable markets. For example, Spain’s feed-in tariff motivated rapid growth and
made Spain the largest PV market in the world in 2008. Unprecedented demand in
Spain put a strain on global supply that kept equipment costs high in the U.S. and
elsewhere in the world (Tarbell 2009). Growth in Spain has slowed recently, but growth
in other markets has picked up. For example, Germany installed 3.8 GW of PV in 2009,
and 1.45 GW in December alone.
http://www.pv-tech.org/lib/printable/8828, accessed May 2010.
4. Historical Costs
Historical costs for PV systems are discussed in this section, which is organized as
Installed PV System Costs
Component Costs
4.1 Installed PV System Costs
Technological developments across the PV supply chain, from commodities to
efficiencies, have pushed total installed costs downward. An increase in silicon
manufacturing has increased supply and lowered the price of silicon in crystalline PV
modules (Hasan 2009).
Improved manufacturing processes have increased the
production output of facilities, while decreasing the costs of production (GT Solar 2009).
In recent years, streamlined manufacturing has led to decreased manufacturing costs.
Machine manufacturers have begun to offer turn-key production lines which are
complete manufacturing system packages. Turn-key solutions are sold for every stage
of the supply chain, from wafer fabrication to module fabrication (GT Solar 2009). These
automated turn-key production lines have helped increase productivity, quality, and
yields, while lowering manufacturing costs. Automated systems have also made it
easier for new firms to enter the manufacturing arena, thereby increasing competition
and putting downward pressure on prices.
A recent report titled “Tracking the Sun II” by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
summarizes the installed cost of PV systems in the United State from 1998 through
2008. Costs in this report cover approximately 52,000 residential and non-residential
systems, with a total capacity of 566 MW (71% of grid connected capacity in the United
States at the end of 2008). PV installed capacity and coverage as reported in Tracking
the Sun II are shown in
Table 8
Table 9
, respectively.
Table 8. Installed PV in U.S. through 2008
Capacity Type of Installation
(MW) (%)
Grid Connected 798 88%
Off Grid 109 12%
Total 906 100%
Table 9. Grid Connected PV Coverage in Tracking the Sun II
(MW) (% of all grid
(% of all PV)
Covered in TS II 566 71% 62%
Not Covered in TS II 231 29% 26%
Total Grid Connected 798 100% 88%
PV system data reported in Tracking the Sun II was collected from 16 states. A
comparison of the PV installed capacity across the 16 states is shown in
Figure 4
, and
a comparison of the number of PV installations by state is shown in
Figure 5
. As
indicated, California has the highest representation in the sample, followed by New
Other 10 States
Figure 4. Installed Capacity by State
Other 10 States
Figure 5. Number of Sites by State
Average annual costs for all PV systems in the LBNL sample are shown in
Table 10
and graphed in
Figure 6.
These data are based on all system types in the data sample
(e.g., rack-mounted, building integrated, tracking, non-tracking, crystalline, thin-film,
etc.). As indicated in the table, the simple average of PV installed costs has declined
from $12,260/kW
in 1998 to $8,243 in 2008 (a total decrease of 33%, or 3.9% per
Table 10. Grid Connected PV Coverage in Tracking the Sun II
Installed Cost (2008$ / kW
) Year
Number of
Capacity (MW)
Capacity Weighted Simple Average
1998 39 0.2 10,849 12,260
1999 180 0.8 10,600 11,611
2000 217 0.9 9,485 10,900
2001 1,308 5.4 9,768 10,492
2002 2,489 15.0 9,754 10,455
2003 3,526 34.0 8,370 9,308
2004 5,527 44.0 8,287 8,566
2005 5,193 57.0 7,770 8,264
2006 8,677 90.0 7,838 8,385
2007 12,103 122.0 7,837 8,474
2008 13,097 197.0 7,480 8,243
52,356 566.3
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Installed Cost (2008$ / kW
Capacity Weighted
Simple Average
Figure 6. PV Installed Cost Trends
Figure 7 shows a breakout of historical PV costs by size range. Systems less than 100
showed a steady decline from 1998 through about 2005, and then remained
generally flat from 2005 through 2007, followed by a decline in installed costs for 2008.
Compared to systems under 100 kW
, there are far fewer systems with capacities
above 100 kW
, and the data are somewhat more scattered for these larger systems.
However, based on Figure 7, it is clear that there are economies of scale, with larger
systems consistently showing lower costs.
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Installation Year
Average Installed Cost (2008$ / kW
<5 kW
5-10 kW
10-100 kW
100-500 kW
>500 kW
Figure 7. PV Installed Cost Trends by System Size
Table 11
shows average costs for rack mounted PV technologies in 2008 with a
breakdown for crystalline and thin-film technologies in three size categories. In 2008,
similar to other years, the majority of PV installations have used rack mounted
crystalline technology. In 2008, over 10,500 rack mounted crystalline systems were
installed, representing 80% of the total PV installations tracked by LBNL in 2008
(13,097 total systems in 2008).
Table 11. Rack Mounted Systems Installed in 2008
Crystalline Thin-film
Number of
Number of
< 10 kW
9,179 43 8,200 22 0.1 8,500
10-100 kW
1,098 24 7,900 16 0.7 6,400
>100 kW
242 86 7,200 6 2.4 6,700
10,519 153
44 3.2
Compared to the population of crystalline systems, LBNL identified far fewer rack
mounted thin-film installations. As indicated in
Table 11
, there are only 44 total thin film
systems identified in all three size categories, with a combined capacity of 3.2 MW.
While the cost numbers for the thin-film systems seem reasonable (range from
to $8,500/kW
), these results should be viewed with caution given the
small sample size. The cost numbers for thin-film technologies could change
significantly as the sample size grows and becomes more statistically relevant.
Figure 8
compares the average costs for crystalline and thin-film technologies by the
three size categories. For systems <10 kW
, crystalline technologies show slightly
lower costs -- $8,200/kW
for crystalline compared to $8,500 for thin-film. However,
for systems >10 kW
, thin-film technologies have lower costs. In the 10-100 kW
range, the cost differential is $1,500/kW
compared to $6,400/kW
and in the >100 kW
size range the differential is $500/kW
to $6,700/kW
< 10 kW 10-100 kW >100 kW
Cost (2008$/kW
Thin Film
Figure 8. PV Installed Costs for Crystalline and Thin-film Technologies
4.2 Component Costs
Component level cost data are scarce. However, in Tracking the Sun II component
costs are reported for a single year (2008) as shown in
Figure 9
. The costs in this
figure are average costs for crystalline and thin-film technologies combined. The costs
are separated into three different size ranges – 1) under 10 kW
, 2) 10-100 kW
, and
3) >100 kW
<10 kW 10-100 kW >100 kW
Average Cost (2008$ / kW
Figure 9. Component Costs (systems installed in 2008)
As indicated in
Figure 9
, module costs account for the largest fraction of PV installed
costs, ranging from 54% to 58% of the average total installed cost. Module costs are
$600 to $700/kW
lower for systems over 100 kW
compared to the two small size
bins, which suggests that there are may be bulk purchasing discounts that help reduce
module costs for large systems.
Based on 2008 system data in the LBNL Tracking the Sun II report, inverters account
for 7% to 9% of the total installed cost. As system sizes increase, inverter costs show
declining costs (decline from $700/kW
in smallest size bin to $500/kW
in largest
size bin). A report prepared by Navigant for NREL (NREL 2006) offers additional
insights into inverter costs. In this report, which is based on data from 2006, inverters
are estimated to account for 10-20% of the initial PV system installed cost (higher than
the 7-9% reported by LBNL in 2008)
Figure 9
, the “other” category includes costs associated with design, engineering,
installation labor, and regulatory compliance. These other expenses account for a third
or more of total installed costs (range from 34% to 39% depending on PV size).
5. Forecast of PV Characteristics – Reference Case
While there is ample research and analysis on the size and scope of the PV market,
there are few detailed forecasts regarding PV costs and technical performance in the
public domain. To develop a PV forecast, ICF collected information from several
sources, including interviews with industry PV stakeholders, publicly available literature,
and in-house ICF data. The data were grouped into three capacities (5, 25, and 250
) and two technology types (crystalline and thin-film), resulting in six unique PV
technology categories.
No rigid formula was used to develop a composite industry forecast of PV technical
performance and cost characteristics. Rather, all data were examined, and data that
appeared to lie well outside norms were excluded. The remaining data were further
examined and ICF forecasts were developed.
The characteristics described in this section correspond to a reference case scenario
consistent with the assumptions used for the reference case described in the AEO 2010
report. The discussion of recommended reference case characteristics is organized as
Technical Performance
o Module Efficiency
o System Efficiency
o Degradation
o Lifetime
o Component Costs (including inverter)
o Installed Capital
o O&M
For reference, tables with selected results for the reference case are shown in
Appendix A (crystalline technologies) and Appendix B (thin-film technologies). In
these tables, and elsewhere in this report, costs are reported in 2008 dollars unless
noted otherwise. Conversions between dollar years, if necessary, have been calculated
using a gross domestic product (GDP) index shown in Appendix C.
5.1 Technical Performance
5.1.1 Module Efficiency
Module efficiencies are primarily dependent on the type of solar cell, and no significant
efficiency differences are expected for different capacities. However, different efficiency
curves are expected for crystalline and thin-film technologies.
To develop a forecast, ICF estimated values for module efficiency when installed in the
year 2008, and then looked at potential upper limits. A range of module efficiencies
were examined from manufacturers, industry experts, and research reports. Based on
this review, ICF selected an average crystalline module efficiency in 2008 of 14%, and
an average thin-film module efficiency of 10%. The analysis also suggested that a
reasonable upper limit for crystalline modules is 20%, and a reasonable upper limit for
thin-film is 14%.
Note that these module efficiencies are based on field performance, and not laboratory
measurements. Laboratory measurements conducted at standard test conditions
almost always exceed average field performance values.
Linear improvement rates were then developed to connect the starting values and end
points. The improvement rates were adjusted by “eye” to achieve a smooth transition
over time. The module efficiency forecast parameters are shown in Table 12, and the
resulting values are shown in Figure 10.
Table 12. Forecast Parameters, Module Efficiency
PV Cell Technology
Crystalline Thin-film
Starting Value (2008) 14% (0.140) 10% (0.100)
Annual Change +0.005 thru 2018 +0.002 thru 2028
+0.001 thru 2028 ---
no change after 2028 no change after 2028
Value in 2035 20% 14%
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Module Efficiency (%)
Figure 10. Forecast, Module Efficiency, Reference Case
5.1.2 System Efficiency
The overall efficiency of a PV system is determined by several factors, including inverter
losses, resistance of wires and connectors, soiling, and module mismatch. While these
factors affect all types of PV systems, there are also differences between PV system
types. Residential inverters are smaller and therefore less efficient than commercial
inverters, leading to generally lower system efficiencies in residential PV technologies
(all other factors being equal).
Similar to module efficiencies, linear improvement rates were developed to connect
starting values and end points. The improvement rates were adjusted to achieve a
smooth transition over time. The system efficiency forecast parameters are shown in
Table 13, and the resulting system efficiency curves are shown in Figure 11.
Table 13. Forecast Parameters, System Efficiency
PV Cell Technology
Crystalline Thin-film
5 kW 25 kW 250 kW 5 kW 25 kW 250 kW
Value (2008)
78% 80% 82% 77% 79% 81%
+0.01 thru 2012 +0.01 thru 2012
+0.005 thru 2020 +0.005 thru 2022
no change after 2020 no change after 2022
Value in
86% 88% 90% 86% 88% 90%
As indicated, crystalline system efficiencies are expected to increase from levels in the
range of 78% to 82% in 2008, to levels in the range of 86% to 90% in 2035. For thin-film
technologies, the efficiencies increase from the range of 77% to 81% in 2008, to 86%to
90% by 2035 (same end point for thin film as crystalline).
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
System Efficiency (%)
Crystalline, 5 kW
Crystalline, 25 kW
Crystalline, 250 kW
Thin-film, 5 kW
Thin-film, 25 kW
Thin-film, 250 kW
Figure 11. Forecast, System Efficiency, Reference Case
5.1.3 Degradation
PV modules typically lose capacity over time as a result of UV effects on construction
materials and other aging factors. The rate at which modules lose capacity is
debatable. However, based on sources consulted for this report ICF selected the
starting values and annual change rates shown in Table 14. Based on these
parameters, the resulting degradation curves are shown in Figure 12.
Table 14. Forecast Parameters, Degradation (% per yr)
PV Cell Technology
Crystalline Thin-film
Starting Value (2008) 0.60% (0.0060) 1.00% (0.1000)
Annual Change -0.0001 thru 2035
Value in 2035 0.33% 0.73%
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
Degradation (% / yr)
Figure 12. Forecast, Degradation, Reference Case
In the ICF forecast, the degradation rate for crystalline technologies declines by about
45% between 2008 and 2035 (0.60% to 0.33%), and by about 27% for thin film
technologies (1.00% to 0.73%). Over the forecast horizon, thin-film degradation rates
are held higher than crystalline technologies.
Thin-film technologies have a higher surface area than crystalline systems for
equivalent rated capacity, and a higher surface area could contribute to higher
degradation rates. However, in general, there are no fundamental reasons that thin-film
systems should have higher degradation rates than crystalline systems. However,
compared to crystalline technologies, there are fewer thin-film technologies currently
being used in residential and commercial applications. The higher degradation rate for
thin-film technologies is a conservative value based on a smaller data set with
potentially unknown or not-well characterized degradation factors.
5.1.4 Lifetime
Thin-film technologies are relatively new, and there is little field experience data
available to support lifetime projections. However, for forecasting purposes, ICF
assumed that thin-film systems would follow similar lifetime trends as more mature
crystalline technologies, but lag behind in terms of the time required to achieve these
lifetime estimates. For crystalline technologies, ICF developed the forecasting
parameters shown in Table 15. This table also shows the forecasting parameters
developed for thin-film technologies and inverters.
Table 15. Forecast Parameters, Module and Inverter Lifetime (yrs)
PV Cell Technology
Crystalline Thin-film
Starting Value (2008) 25 yrs 20 yrs 10 yrs
Annual Change + 0.5 yrs thru 2018 + 0.5 yrs thru 2018 + 0.5 yrs thru 2018
+ 0.5 yrs thru 2018 + 0.5 yrs thru 2018 + 0.5 yrs thru 2018
no change after 2018
no change after
no change after
Value in 2035 30 yrs 30 yrs 15 yrs
Lifetime forecasts are shown in Figure 13. As indicated, the lifetime of thin-film
modules is forecast to lag crystalline modules through 2028. From 2028 onward, the
lifetime for both technologies is assumed to be 30 years. For forecasting purposes,
ICF is estimating that average inverter lifetimes will start at 10 years in 2008, and
increase to 15 years by 2018.
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
Lifetime (yrs)
Figure 13. Forecast, Module and Inverter Life, Reference Case
5.2 Cost
Long term cost projections for residential and commercial PV installations are scarce in
the literature. However, industry stakeholders did provide opinions on long term cost
trends. These opinions were combined with ICF in-house data to develop cost
projections, which are provided in the following subsections:
Component costs (including inverters)
Installed capital costs
O&M costs
5.2.1 Component Costs
For forecasting purposes, PV components were divided into three categories
Other (installation labor, regulatory compliance, and overhead)
ICF set the starting point costs for inverters to be consistent with data reported in the
LBNL Tracking the Sun II report (see Figure 9). These inverter starting point costs are
shown in Table 16.
Table 16. Starting Point Inverter Costs (2008$/kW
Cost by System Size ($/kW
) – same for crystalline and thin-film
5 kW
25 kW
250 kW
$700 $600 $500
Starting point costs for modules and other components (less the inverter) were
combined and calculated by subtracting inverter costs from the total costs reported by
LBNL for crystalline and thin-film technologies. These costs are shown in Table 17.
Table 17. Starting Point Costs for Module Plus Other Components
` Cost by System Size ($/kW
5 kW
25 kW
250 kW
Crystalline $7,500 $7,300 $6,700
Thin-film $7,800 $5,800 $6,200
Cost trends over time were then developed for modules and other components based
on input from PV stakeholders and ICF in-house data. Module and other costs (less the
inverter) were assumed to follow the same cost trend, which is shown in Figure 14.
2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034
Cost Relative to 2008
Figure 14. Normalized Cost Trend for PV Modules and Other Components
(does not apply to inverter)
Inverter costs presented somewhat of a dilemma. The technical performance of
inverters is evolving (e.g., development of microinverters), but there is mixed
information on whether inverter costs are declining or remaining steady. Some PV
stakeholders suggested that inverter costs are remaining steady, although price
declines have occurred in recent months.
ICF weighed the limited information
available for inverter costs, and chose to forecast inverter costs as remaining
unchanged in future years (same costs for crystalline and thin-film technologies). It is
expected that inverter performance features will continue to advance, but for forecasting
purposes ICF assumed that manufacturers will hold inverter prices relatively constant as
inverter performance improves (i.e., inverter value will increase, but prices will remain
An example of how the forecast costs for modules, inverters, and other components
changes over time is shown in Figure 15. This figure corresponds to a 5 kW
crystalline PV system. As indicated, costs start at $8,200/kW
($700 inverter plus
$7,500 for module and other components) in 2008, with inverters accounting for 9% of
the installed cost. Inverters remain flat over the forecast horizon, while module and
Solarbuzz provides an index of monthly inverter and PV module costs
other components decline. By 2035, the total installed cost is forecast to decline to
with inverters accounting for 18% of the total installed cost. Similar
behavior is forecast for thin film technologies and larger sizes (25 kW
and 250 kW
Module & Other
2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034
Cost (2008$/kW)
Figure 15. Cost Projection for 5 kW
Crystalline System
5.2.2 Installed Capital Costs
Using the methodology described in the previous section, installed capital cost forecasts
were developed for crystalline and thin-film technologies. Reference case cost
projections for three sizes (5, 25, and 250 kW
) of crystalline technologies are shown
in Figure 16, and cost projections for the same three sizes of thin-film technologies are
shown in Figure 17. Unless noted otherwise, all costs are reported in 2008 dollars.
As indicated, installed capital costs for all three crystalline sizes start in the range of
$7,000 to slightly greater than $8,000/kW
in 2008, and then decline to a range
between $3,500 and $4,000/kW
in 2035. For thin film technologies, the 5 kW
starts at approximately $8,500/kW
in 2008 and declines to slightly above
in 2035. The larger 25 and 250 kW
sizes start near $6,500/kW
2008, and decline to slightly above $3,000/kW
in 2035.
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Cost (2008$/kW)
5 kW
25 kW
250 kW
Figure 16. Recommended Crystalline Installed Costs, Reference Case
One unexpected result shown in Figure 17 is that costs for a 250 kW
thin-film system
are forecast to be slightly higher than a 25 kW
system. Based on economy of scale
considerations, one would expect costs for a 250 kW
system to be lower than a 25
system. However, these forecasts are consistent with historical costs, which do
show an up turn in costs for large thin film PV systems. Historical PV costs are
discussed in Section 4.1, and this discussion includes an important note concerning
thin-film costs. As mentioned in Section 4.1, historical thin-film costs should be viewed
with caution because these costs are based on a small sample size. It would not be
surprising if future thin-film costs follow economy of scale considerations (i.e., costs
decline as capacities increase).
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Cost (2008$/kW)
5 kW
25 kW
250 kW
Figure 17. Recommended Thin-film Installed Costs, Reference Case
Figure 18 offers a perspective of how the forecast PV costs correspond to residential
applications. In this figure, 5 kW
crystalline and 5 kW
thin-film costs are shown,
which are representative of the residential market. As indicated, costs start in the range
of $8,000 to $8,500/kW
in 2008, and then decline to approximately $4,000/kW
2035. More specifically, costs are approximately $7,100 (crystalline) and $7,300 (thin-
film) in 2010. These costs fall to approximately $4,000/kW
(crystalline) and
(thin-film) by 2035.
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Cost (2008$/kW)
Crystalline 5 kW
Thin-film 5 kW
Figure 18. Residential Installed Capital Costs, Reference Case
Figure 19 includes both historical residential PV installed costs along with
recommended residential costs. Historical costs have fluctuated, but the trend over the
next 5-10 years in recommended PV costs is generally consistent with historical cost
trends over the past decade. As the market matures, PV costs begin to stabilize and
decline at lower rates.
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Cost (2008$/kW)
Historical, < 10 kW
Crystalline, 5 kW
Thin-film, 5 kW
Figure 19. Historical and Forecast Residential Capital Costs
Recommended commercial capital costs are shown in Figure 20. This figure includes
recommended forecast values for four technologies (crystalline 25 kW
, crystalline 250
, thin-film 25 kW
, and thin-film 250 kW
). As indicated, installed costs for
commercial PV installations range from approximately $6,500 to $8,000/kW
in 2008,
and then decline to a range between $3,000 and $4,000/kW
in 2035. More
specifically, commercial costs in 2010 are approximately $5,500/kW
), $5,800/kW
(thin-film, 250 kW
), $6,200/kW
(crystalline, 250 kW
), and
$6,800 (crystalline, 25 kW
). In 2035, the costs are approximately $3,200/kW
film, 25 kW
and 250 kW
), $3,500/kW
(crystalline, 250 kW
), and $3,800/kW
(crystalline, 25 kW
For perspective, historical and forecast trends are shown in Figure 21. Similar to the
residential results, historical cost trends have fluctuated, but the recommended cost
trends over the next 5-10 years are generally consistent with historical trends. Similar
to residential prices, the commercial prices begin to stabilize as the market matures.
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Cost (2008$/kW)
Crystalline, 25 kW
Crystallline, 250 kW
Thin-film, 25 kW
Thin-film, 250 kW
Figure 20. Commercial Installed Capital Costs, Reference Case
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Cost (2008$/kW)
Crystalline, 25 kW
Crystalline 250 kW
Thin-film, 25 kW
Thin-film, 250 kW
Historical, >10 kW
Figure 21. Historical and Forecast Commercial Capital Costs
The forecast of installed capital costs presented in this report was developed based on
opinions from PV stakeholders and other data sources concerning how costs may
change over the next couple decades. The forecast was not developed in conjunction
with a detailed demand forecast. While demand was not formerly considered, it is
interesting to consider how the installed capital costs projected in this report might be
correlated with a demand forecast.
Concerning the relationship of demand and PV costs, a recent EPRI report (EPRI 2009)
presented data showing the global average sales price of PV modules as a function of
cumulative sales between 1976 and 2008. During this time period, the market size
grew by approximately a factor of 100,000 and prices fell by more than 90%. Based on
the historical data, the EPRI report authors concluded that prices have been declining
by about 20% in recent years for each doubling of market size (i.e., learning rate of
20%). The authors also concluded that the PV market has been growing by about 20%
per year in recent years.
The ICF forecast of installed capital costs turns out to be more conservative compared
to the results reported by EPRI. In rough terms, the ICF forecast shows a reduction of
installed capital costs of approximately 50% between 2008 and 2035. This installed
cost behavior is consistent with a learning rate of 12%, and an annual growth rate of
15%. The EPRI estimates suggest that learning rates and annual growth rates may
both be closer to 20% over the next two to three decades.
5.2.3 O&M
For the purposes of this report, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs are assumed
to include regular inspection and cleaning. Major maintenance requirements, such as
replacing an inverter, are not included.
For PV systems, routine O&M consists primarily of washing the solar panels to ensure
that electricity production is maximized. In both residential and commercial applications,
it is possible that systems will not be properly maintained, including periodic washing of
PV panels, in which case degradation rates will likely exceed the values reported
previously in this report. However, for forecasting purposes, it is assumed that both
residential and commercial PV installations will be properly maintained.
In the case of a commercial PV installation, it is reasonable to assume that a
maintenance contract will be used to cover O&M. Maintenance contracts for basic
service of commercial systems have been reported by SunEdison and others to be in
the range of $15/kW to $25/kW (costs generally declining as system size increases).
For a residential PV installation, it is likely that a homeowner will take a “do it yourself”
(DIY) approach for system inspection and cleaning. Even though a cash expense is not
incurred for a DIY approach, the homeowner does incur an expense in terms of time
required to complete PV system O&M. In some residential applications, it is possible
that homeowners will choose to pay for routine PV inspection and cleaning, rather than
undertaking these chores. In the forecast presented in this report, an O&M cost is
assigned to residential PV installations to reflect the value of time for a DIY approach, or
the cost of an O&M contract.
The O&M forecast was developed by starting with a $20/kW O&M cost for a 25 kW
crystalline system. Costs were scaled by +/- 20% based on size (5 kW more expensive,
250 kW less expensive). It was further assumed that O&M will scale with surface area,
since O&M is primarily associated with panel cleaning. O&M costs were therefore
scaled using the module efficiencies discussed previously. A summary of the forecast
parameters is shown in Table 18, and a graph of the O&M costs over time is shown in
Figure 22.
Table 18. Forecast Parameters, O&M Costs, (2008$ / kW
/ yr)
PV Cell Technology
Crystalline Thin-film
5 kW
25 kW
250 kW
5 kW
25 kW
250 kW
$24.00 $20.00 $16.00 $33.60 $28.00 $22.40
Value (2008)
(20% more
than 25 kW)
(20% less
than 25 kW)
Adjust based on module efficiency (see Table 12 and Figure 10)
Value in
$16.80 $14.00 $11.20 $24.00 $20.00 $16.00
As indicated, the forecast is for crystalline O&M costs to decline 30% between 2008 and
2035, reaching levels in the range of $11.20/ kW
to $$16.80/kW
(costs decline as
size increases). For thin-film, costs decline 29%, reaching levels in the range of
to $24.80/kW
by 2035.
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
O&M (2008$ / kW
/ yr)
Crystalline, 5 kW
Crystalline, 25 kW
Crystalline, 250 kW
Thin-film, 5 kW
Thin-film, 25 kW
Thin-film, 250 kW
Figure 22. Recommended O&M Costs, Reference Case
6. Forecast of PV Characteristics – Advanced Case
In this section, PV characteristics for an advanced scenario are described. The
rationale for the advanced case is that additional R&D investments will drive a high
degree of technology innovation and accelerated cost improvements. In an advanced
scenario, both technical characteristics and cost would be expected to improve
compared with the reference case. However, as an initial step, the advanced case
discussion in this section is focused on accelerated reductions in capital costs.
As a first step, a cost trend curve was developed for an advanced case. This cost trend
is shown in Figure 23.
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Cost Trends (2008 = 1)
Forecast, Reference Case
Forecast, Advanced Case
Figure 23. Cost Trends for Reference Case and Advanced Case
Using the advanced case cost trend, the expected costs for crystalline and thin film
technologies were computed. The crystalline costs are shown in Table 19, and the thin-
film costs are shown in Table 20. As discussed in greater detail in Section 5.2.2, thin-
film costs appear to show a dis-economy of scale between 25 and 250 kW, which may
be an artifact of a small sample size.
Table 19. Crystalline Costs, Reference and Advanced Cases
Cost (2008$ / kW
5 kW
25 kW
250 kW
Ref Case
Ref Case
Ref Case
2010 $7,075 $7,075
$6,805 $6,805
$6,195 $6,195
2015 $5,275 $4,773
$5,053 $4,573
$4,587 $4,151
2020 $4,495 $3,820
$4,294 $3,649
$3,890 $3,306
2025 $4,233 $3,415
$4,038 $3,258
$3,656 $2,949
2030 $4,054 $3,095
$3,864 $2,951
$3,496 $2,669
2035 $4,000 $2,909
$3,812 $2,772
$3,448 $2,508
Table 20. Thin-film Costs, Reference and Advanced Cases
Cost (2008$ / kW
5 kW
25 kW
250 kW
Ref Case
Ref Case
Ref Case
2010 $7,330 $7,330
$5,530 $5,530
$5,770 $5,770
2015 $5,458 $4,939
$4,138 $3,745
$4,282 $3,875
2020 $4,647 $3,949
$3,535 $3,004
$3,637 $3,091
2025 $4,374 $3,529
$3,332 $2,688
$3,420 $2,759
2030 $4,188 $3,198
$3,193 $2,438
$3,272 $2,499
2035 $4,132 $3,005
$3,152 $2,292
$3,228 $2,348
In the advanced scenario, installed capital costs begin diverging from the reference
case in 2011, and fall approximately 27% below reference case values by 2035. In the
advanced scenario, costs for all components, including the inverter, are reduced at the
same rate relative to the reference case.
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Appendix A. Recommended Characteristics, Crystalline PV,
Reference Case
5 kW
Year Module
Degradation System
Installed Capital
Inverter Cost
O&M Costs
(2008$ / kW
2010 15.0% 80% 0.58% 26 11 $7,075 $700 $22.40
2015 17.5% 84% 0.53% 29 14 $5,275 $700 $19.20
2020 19.2% 86% 0.48% 30 15 $4,495 $700 $17.50
2025 19.7% 86% 0.43% 30 15 $4,233 $700 $17.06
2030 20.0% 86% 0.38% 30 15 $4,054 $700 $16.80
2035 20.0% 86% 0.33% 30 15 $4,000 $700 $16.80
25 kW
Year Module
Degradation System
Installed Capital
Inverter Cost
O&M Costs
(2008$ / kW
2010 15.0% 82% 0.58% 26 11 $6,805 $600 $18.67
2015 17.5% 86% 0.53% 29 14 $5,053 $600 $16.00
2020 19.2% 88% 0.48% 30 15 $4,294 $600 $14.58
2025 19.7% 88% 0.43% 30 15 $4,038 $600 $14.21
2030 20.0% 88% 0.38% 30 15 $3,864 $600 $14.00
2035 20.0% 88% 0.33% 30 15 $3,812 $600 $14.00
250 kW
Year Module
Degradation System
Installed Capital
Inverter Cost
O&M Costs
(2008$ / kW
2010 15.0% 84% 0.58% 26 11 $6,195 $500 $14.93
2015 17.5% 88% 0.53% 29 14 $4,587 $500 $12.80
2020 19.2% 90% 0.48% 30 15 $3,890 $500 $11.67
2025 19.7% 90% 0.43% 30 15 $3,656 $500 $11.37
2030 20.0% 90% 0.38% 30 15 $3,496 $500 $11.20
2035 20.0% 90% 0.33% 30 15 $3,448 $500 $11.20
Appendix B. Recommended Characteristics, Thin-film PV,
Reference Case
5 kW
Year Module
Degradation System
Installed Capital
Inverter Cost
O&M Costs
(2008$ / kW
2010 10.4% 79% 0.98% 26 11 $7,330 $700 $32.31
2015 11.4% 83% 0.93% 29 14 $5,458 $700 $29.47
2020 12.4% 85% 0.88% 30 15 $4,647 $700 $27.10
2025 13.4% 86% 0.83% 30 15 $4,374 $700 $25.07
2030 14.0% 86% 0.78% 30 15 $4,188 $700 $24.00
2035 14.0% 86% 0.73% 30 15 $4,132 $700 $24.00
25 kW
Year Module
Degradation System
Installed Capital
Inverter Cost
O&M Costs
(2008$ / kW
2010 10.4% 81% 0.98% 26 11 $5,530 $600 $26.92
2015 11.4% 85% 0.93% 29 14 $4,138 $600 $24.56
2020 12.4% 87% 0.88% 30 15 $3,535 $600 $22.58
2025 13.4% 88% 0.83% 30 15 $3,332 $600 $20.90
2030 14.0% 88% 0.78% 30 15 $3,193 $600 $20.00
2035 14.0% 88% 0.73% 30 15 $3,152 $600 $20.00
250 kW
Year Module
Degradation System
Installed Capital
Inverter Cost
O&M Costs
(2008$ / kW
2010 10.4% 83% 0.98% 26 11 $5,770 $500 $21.54
2015 11.4% 87% 0.93% 29 14 $4,282 $500 $19.65
2020 12.4% 89% 0.88% 30 15 $3,637 $500 $18.06
2025 13.4% 90% 0.83% 30 15 $3,420 $500 $16.72
2030 14.0% 90% 0.78% 30 15 $3,272 $500 $16.00
2035 14.0% 90% 0.73% 30 15 $3,228 $500 $16.00
Appendix C. GDP Implicit Price Deflator Index
(Year 2005 = 1)
Year GDP Index
1990 0.72201
1991 0.74760
1992 0.76533
1993 0.78224
1994 0.79872
1995 0.81536
1996 0.83088
1997 0.84555
1998 0.85511
1999 0.86768
2000 0.88647
2001 0.90650
2002 0.92118
2003 0.94100
2004 0.96770
2005 1.00000
2006 1.03257
2007 1.06214
2008 1.08483
2009 1.09777
2010 1.11100
Source: 1990 through 2009 data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic
Analysis. The 2010 value is from EIA’s January 2010 Short-term Energy Outlook.
The GDP Implicit Price Deflator index is used in this report to convert costs in constant
dollars between different basis years. For example, to convert costs that are expressed
in 2005 dollars to 2008 dollars, multiply the 2005 values by 1.08483 (1.08483 /
ICF International
9300 Lee Highway
Fairfax, Virginia 22031
June 2013
U.S. Energy Information Administration | Distributed Generation System Characteristics and Costs in the Buildings Sector
EIA Task Order No. DE-DT0000804, Subtask 3
The Cost and Performance
of Distributed Wind
Turbines, 2010-35
Final Report
June 2010
Prepared for:
Office of Integrated Analysis & Forecasting
U.S. Energy Information Administration
Prepared by:
ICF International
Robert Kwartin
T: (703) 934-3586
Table of Contents
Executive Summary..................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................v
1. Technology Overview............................................................................................................1
2. Market Overview ...................................................................................................................2
3. Potential Market Size ............................................................................................................4
3.1 Technical Factors.......................................................................................................4
3.2 Economic Factors - Benefits......................................................................................6
3.3 Economic Factors - Costs..........................................................................................7
3.4 Market Potential - Conclusions ..................................................................................7
4. Performance Objectives........................................................................................................8
5. Interpreting Performance Data for Distributed Wind Technology........................................10
6. Data Issues – Implications for NEMS..................................................................................12
7. Technology Baseline...........................................................................................................13
8. Sources for Improvement....................................................................................................14
8.1 Technological...........................................................................................................14
8.2 Cost..........................................................................................................................15
9. Projection Methodology.......................................................................................................17
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................21
Table 1: The U.S. Distributed Wind Market ..................................................................................3
Table 2: Market Projections of Grid-Connected Domestically Installed Wind Turbines................8
Table 3: Percentage Difference between Manufacturer Literature and NREL Test Data...........12
Table 4: Dimensional Data for Selected Distributed Wind Turbines...........................................13
Table 5: Cost and Performance Data for Selected Distributed Wind Turbines, 2009.................14
Table 6: Improvement in the GE 1.5 MW Turbine ......................................................................14
Table 7: Annual Operation and Maintenance Expenses.............................................................16
Table 8: Assumptions for the Base and Advanced Cases..........................................................18
Figure 1: Main Components of a Wind Turbine ............................................................................1
Figure 2: Growth of the Small Wind Market in the U.S. ................................................................4
Figure 3: National Wind Resource Map........................................................................................5
Cover photos courtesy of the American Wind Energy Association.
Executive Summary
This report and its accompanying data tables provide cost and performance projections
for distributed wind turbines in the 1-100 kW nominal size range over the 2010-35
period. These factors were developed by compiling manufacturer-provided cost and
performance of popular present-day turbines in this size range; adjusting these 2009
data to reflect independent test results and to conform to new data definitions that will
apply in 2010 and beyond; and then developing cost and performance trajectories for
the forecast period. These trajectories are based on interviews with market participants,
particularly manufacturers, distributed wind project developers, and researchers.
Projections were developed for both a reference case and an advanced case. The
advanced case is distinguished from the reference case by an assumption of much
higher private sector research and development investment, resulting in more rapid and
more substantial improvements in cost and performance over the projection period.
Specific parameters include:
Performance: Turbine productivity measured in kWh generated per year is projected
to increase by 28% in the base case and 36% in the advanced case over the forecast
horizon compared with present-day turbine productivity.
Cost: Distributed wind installed costs, in constant dollars, are projected to fall by 20%
in the base case and 24% in the advanced case through 2035.
Economic Viability: The combination of improving performance and falling cost is
projected to yield a 37% and 44% reduction in installed cost per annual kWh produced
in the base case and the advanced case respectively over the 2010-35 period.
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Expenses: O&M expenses are projected to fall
by 10% in the base case and by 12% in the advanced case by 2035 compared with
current-day costs.
Availability: Turbine availability was assumed to be 98% under both scenarios.
Equipment Life: Turbines were assumed to have a 25-year lifetime under both
The purpose of this paper is to provide cost and performance projections for residential
and commercial scale distributed wind turbines over the period 2010-35. These
projections will be used as inputs for the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
National Energy Modeling System (NEMS), the principal modeling platform used by EIA
to develop its Annual Energy Outlook. The paper will provide an overview of existing
technology, briefly explain its applicability in the market, and discuss potential changes
in the cost and performance of the technology over the projection period.
This paper is not intended to be an exhaustive review of distributed wind technology.
Rather, it is intended to provide a conceptual framework for analyzing the projected
evolution of distributed wind technologies, and to provide a credible basis for projecting
cost and performance characteristics.
1. Technology Overview
This section will discuss wind technology generally, and explain why residential and
commercial customers adopt wind turbines at the lower end of the available size range.
The discussion will continue with a description of the factors that influence turbine
energy productivity and the components of system cost.
Figure 1: Main Components of a Wind Turbine
Modern wind turbines capture the kinetic energy of moving air and convert it into shaft
power to drive an electrical generator/alternator. The turbine is typically comprised of
three basic parts: the rotor, the nacelle and the tower.
The rotor includes the turbine’s blades (most often 3 in horizontal wind axis turbines)
and the nose cone/hub. The nacelle contains the driveshaft, transmission
, the unit’s
generator/alternator, the electronic controls to convert the generator’s or alternator’s
electrical output to quality suitable for use, and the tail vane or yaw drive that keeps the
turbine oriented to the wind, either upwind or downwind depending on the turbine’s
Because wind speed generally increases and turbulence decreases with height, a tower
helps the system increase its energy production and reduces turbulence-induced
mechanical stresses, thus enhancing its economic benefit.
The ability of a turbine to produce energy from the wind fundamentally depends on the
wind resource and the swept area of the turbine. Simplifying somewhat, the power
output of a turbine is proportional to the cube of the wind velocity and the square of the
blade length. A doubling of the wind speed thus yields an eight-fold increase in wind
power while a doubling of a turbine’s blade length yields a four-fold increase in energy
capture (all other things kept constant).
Larger turbines with longer blades not only produce more energy for a given wind
resource, they are also more capital cost-effective as well, as a result of inherent
Many small turbines are direct drive. Larger turbines more often use gearboxes to step up the rotor’s
rotational speed to a rotational speed suitable for the generator/alternator.
economies of scale as well as inefficiencies in the market for smaller turbines. As
shown in Table 5, the installed cost/kW for a small turbine is twice that for a mid-scale
turbine and can be several times as expensive as that for a utility-scale turbine.
While these factors argue for choosing the windiest sites and installing the largest
turbines on the highest towers that are cost-effective for the site – an argument
understood by wind farm developers – residential and commercial site hosts cannot
follow this logic to its conclusion. It is a rare home or business owner that is going to
move their establishment simply to take advantage of a windier site. And several
practical constraints prevent home and business owners from using the giant turbines
typically found in utility-scale wind farms. Neighbors might object to the presence of a
turbine hundreds of feet tall because of safety, noise and visual concerns. The turbine’s
capital costs are an additional consideration: even if a site host has the space for a giant
turbine, the multi-million dollar capital cost can be difficult to finance for someone not in
the wind industry. As a result of these constraints, most distributed wind turbine
installations are sized roughly equivalent to the site host’s electrical load and use
turbines much smaller than those found in current-day wind farms. This analysis
therefore assumes that residential customers will install turbines with nominal capacity
ratings of 1-9 kW, while commercial customers will install turbines with nominal capacity
ratings of 10-100 kW.
2. Market Overview
Distributed wind technology is used to power homes, small businesses, farms and
ranches, schools and colleges, county and state facilities, and many other site hosts.
Buyers are motivated by a variety of factors, typically a blend of the following:
a distributed wind turbine may simply be a good investment;
buyers may be seeking to moderate the volatility in the prices they pay for
buyers may want to reduce their environmental impact by generating
electricity without fossil fuel combustion;
some buyers may be motivated by economic development concerns: a
distributed wind turbine creates employment during installation and for
ongoing operation, and onsite electricity generation can keep funds in the
community; and
particularly for public sector and educational institutions, there is a
corollary goal of demonstrating a new technology and educating citizens
and students about renewable energy-generation possibilities.
Whatever the balance between these motivations, more turbines will be purchased as
project economics improve; few buyers can afford to ignore cost and economic return
entirely, no matter how strongly they might otherwise be motivated.
Project economics
are discussed in greater detail below.
The small wind market grew rapidly in the U.S. in 2008. The American Wind Energy
Association’s survey
indicates that over 10,000 small (100 kW and smaller) turbines
were sold in the U.S. in 2008 with an aggregate nameplate capacity of 17.3 MW. This
represented an increase of 14% in unit sales and 78% in nameplate capacity sales
compared with 2007. The distribution of sales by size is shown in Table 1 and the
growth in sales is shown in Figure 2 below:
Table 1: The U.S. Distributed Wind Market
0-0.9 kW 1-10 kW 11-20 kW 21-100 kW Total
Units Sold 6,706 3,521 72 87 10,386
Capacity (kW) 2,784 7,599 1,331 5,660 17,374
The author is not aware of public-domain literature providing a rigorous analysis of buyer motivation for
installing distributed wind turbines. (Informal pre-purchase surveys have been conducted by Home
Power magazine, for example, and other informal surveys have assessed barriers to purchase.)
Anecdotally, it is clear that many buyers are motivated by non-economic factors, but the extent of this
motivation and its relative importance in different buying segments is not clear. Such a study would
increase the realism of market penetration studies by public and private analysts.
The majority of turbines with nameplate capacity of 1 kW and below are purchased for off-grid
applications, such as powering remote loads, off-grid cabins, boats, etc. AWEA estimates that 7,402
turbines with a nameplate capacity of 3,764 kW were sold for off-grid uses in 2008. These applications
are not represented in NEMS and are not further treated in this paper.
Figure 2: Growth of the Small Wind Market in the U.S.
3. Potential Market Size
The potential market for distributed wind is constrained by technical and economic
3.1 Technical Factors
A proposed distributed wind project can be impaired by a number of different technical
considerations. The most important is the availability of wind. A site with poor wind
resources cannot support an economically viable wind project. Figure 2 below provides
a coarse-scale representation of the country’s wind resources at a 50-meter hub height;
the map displays Wind Power Classes, which are based on wind power density (Watts
of wind power per square meter of rotor cross section).
Although it is not an ironclad rule, in general, if a site has a wind resource below Wind
Power Class 3, it is unlikely to be economically successful. Almost 70% of the land
surface in the Lower 48 states is in Wind Power Classes 1 and 2.
At the lower hub
heights used for the small to mid-scale turbines evaluated in this paper, the percentage
of low-wind surface area is even higher.
Figure 3: National Wind Resource Map
Land availability and usability is the second most important technical factor. The land
parcel on which the turbine will be sited needs to be of sufficient size to satisfy any local
zoning codes related to set-back as well as safety, noise and visual considerations. In
addition, the parcel must have sufficient room so that the turbine will not be in close
proximity to trees, structures or other features that can slow the wind or create
turbulence. Smaller residential turbines mounted on towers of appropriate height
typically require a parcel of half an acre or a full acre
. Northern Power Systems
recommends 500 feet of clearance around one of its 100 kW turbines, equivalent to an
18 acre parcel.
Thus, it is difficult to implement distributed wind turbines in cities and
heavily developed suburbs
Several other technical issues constrain the implementation of distributed wind: steep
terrain; high elevations; zoning restrictions on tower heights; availability of 3 phase
power (generally for machines > 30 kW), concerns about bird and bat kills; etc.
Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) have some potential to fit into smaller land parcels, as they can be
installed on lower towers or even mounted on buildings, and thus require less set-back. Doing so,
however, reduces the available wind resource and increases mechanical stress arising from turbulence.
VAWTs have generally suffered from lower energy productivity compared with horizontal axis turbines
and have struggled to demonstrate their commercial viability.
3.2 Economic Factors - Benefits
The financial analysis of a wind project includes the following factors:
Revenue from electricity generation. In most cases, the majority of the
“revenue” from a distributed wind turbine’s electricity generation is actually the
displacement of electric power deliveries by the electric utility. This displacement
of electricity sales at relatively high retail rates is usually the largest single
revenue source for a distributed wind turbine.
Any excess electricity above the
site’s consumption can be sold the local electric utility, but the value of these
sales varies dramatically. At a minimum, utilities are obliged to pay at least some
proxy for wholesale electricity prices for electricity purchased from a
customer/generator. In many states, excess generation of electricity above the
site’s consumption can be sold back to the distribution utility at the full retail rate
and excess generation from one month may be carried over to net against
electricity purchases in subsequent months, often for up to a year.
Benefits from policy support. A variety of public policies provide additional
benefits to distributed wind project owners:
o Federal tax benefits. At the Federal level, tax benefits are available to
distributed wind turbine owners. The most important is the recently-
enhanced Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This credit is valued at 30% of the
project’s installed cost, without any upper limit on the credit amount, and is
available through December 31, 2016. Under Section 1603 of the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, this tax credit can also be
converted into an outright cash grant from the Treasury, which is
particularly favorable for taxable entities that do not anticipate sufficient
taxable income to take full advantage of the ITC and for entities that prefer
the certainty of a cash grant in the near term to a tax credit taken during
one or more subsequent tax years. This conversion option is available
only if significant project efforts (5% of project costs) are made by
December 31, 2010. Alternatively, a project may take advantage of the
Production Tax Credit (PTC), worth approximately 2 cents per kWh when
output is sold to an unrelated third party over a 10-year period. (For the
majority of distributed wind projects, the ITC is more valuable than the
PTC.) In addition, wind turbines are eligible for accelerated depreciation
under the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System.
o Direct spending benefits. Federal and State agencies provide
incentives for distributed wind projects through a variety of programs. For
example, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Energy for America
The valuation of displaced electricity requires some analysis. For residential customers with simple kWh
meters, displaced electricity will be worth the full retail rate (less any fixed customer charge). For
commercial/industrial customers whose tariffs include both capacity (kW) and energy (kWh) based
charges, consideration needs to be given to the uncertainty as to whether the wind turbine will reliably
reduce the kW-based charges, for example, by comparing the facility’s load profile against the likely
power production profile of the turbine. Unlike photovoltaic technology in hot climates, distributed wind
generation cannot be assumed to be peak-coincident. In reality, a distributed wind turbine may not
reliably avoid the peak capacity charge at all, in which case its displacement value is limited to the energy
component of the tariff.
Program offers grants for feasibility studies and renewable energy
installations. Many states offer direct grants for distributed wind projects
or production-based incentives.
o Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). RECs can be understood to
represent the positive environmental and fuel diversity attributes arising
from the generation of each MWh of renewable electricity. RECs can be
marketed separately from the electric commodity and are purchased by
entities subject to state Renewable Portfolio Standards to satisfy their
obligations under those programs (“mandatory RECs”). In addition, many
electricity customers purchase RECs voluntarily to “green up” their
electricity supply (“voluntary RECs”). A distributed wind project owner can
choose to retain the RECs created by their project (to keep their own
electricity supply “green”), or sell the RECs created by their project, or
some combination of the two. REC sales can be a significant additional
revenue stream for a distributed wind project.
o Other policy support. A variety of other policy tools are used to enhance
the financial viability of distributed wind projects: government-sponsored
low-interest loans, sales tax abatements, property tax abatements, state
income tax credits and deductions, preferential feed-in/buy-back tariffs,
etc. These policy tools evolve rapidly; refer to the Database of State
Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE) for additional details.
3.3 Economic Factors - Costs
The most important cost component for a distributed wind project (60-80%) is the cost
of the hardware: rotor, nacelle and tower. Transportation and installation costs
(including labor, equipment rental, concrete, wiring, metering, interconnecting with the
distribution utility, etc.) can be considerable (10-35%), particularly with taller towers,
remoter sites and more difficult terrain. Pre-construction costs – feasibility analyses,
project design, permitting, zoning, etc. -- may be modest for a rural residential project
confronting limited zoning and permitting challenges, but run to tens of thousands of
dollars for a commercial-scale project with more complex design and engineering
requirements, and can account for 5-15% of initial project costs. In addition, turbine
owners need to plan for annual operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, warranty
expenses, as well as costs related to insurance, incremental property taxes (if any), and
eventual decommissioning of the turbine when it reaches the end of its useful life.
Example capital costs for present-day distributed wind turbines are shown in Table 5;
O&M costs are show in Table 7.
3.4 Market Potential - Conclusions
A recent analysis evaluated the technical and economic potential of existing mid-scale
distributed wind projects in the 10-5000 kW size range
. The analysis found that
The study evaluated individual turbines up to 1000 kW as well as small community wind projects
consisting of five 1000 kW turbines.
commercial, industrial and institutional buyers motivated purely by economics would
purchase over 2700 10 kW turbines, about 10,000 50 kW turbines, approximately 200
100 kW turbines, and about 3500 250 kW turbines if 2008 incentive levels were
assumed to remain unchanged for 10 years.
This study had some important limitations. It did not evaluate residential buyers in the
1-10 kW range. It also did not attempt to quantify market penetration driven by non-
economic factors, such as the desire to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, even though
anecdotal information suggests that non-economic factors are important drivers of
distributed wind projects. In addition, the study was completed prior to the
implementation of the uncapped 30% ITC, which can be expected to dramatically
increase the number of viable projects.
This study also evaluated the impact of improving today’s mid-scale distributed wind
turbines. Longer blades, taller towers, greater productivity (particularly at low wind
speeds), and lower costs combined to increase the potential market for 250 and 500 kW
turbines by a factor of 25 or more.
A second study provides market potential estimates based on technology application:
Table 2: Market Projections of Grid-Connected Domestically Installed Wind Turbines
Cumulative Units
Residential (1-25 kW) Farm, Business,
Industrial (10-400 kW)
2005 1,800 20
2010 6,250 1,270
2015 14,000 4,270
2020 36,500 7,395
4. Performance Objectives
Ideally, a wind turbine would extract the maximum amount of kinetic energy from the
wind at the lowest possible cost. However, wind turbines, like all other goods, represent
a set of compromises to satisfy multiple goals. These include:
1. Energy productivity: Turbines vary in their ability to extract energy from the
wind, and all other things being equal, a turbine that produces more energy from
a given wind resource is more valuable than a turbine that produces less. This
can be achieved by using longer blades, more efficient blade design, more
efficient transmission (or direct drive), a more efficient generator/alternator, better
yaw control, etc. The turbine’s behavior over a dynamic range is also a critical
factor: turbines can be designed to start spinning at lower speeds, to produce
more energy at the most frequent wind speeds, or to continue producing at
higher wind speeds, but it is difficult to design a turbine that can do all three.
Because wind is variable at a given site and even more variable across many
sites, no one turbine model is optimal for every site.
2. Project Cost: Turbines are expensive, and manufacturers seek out ways to
reduce costs. This can include using less-expensive materials, improving
manufacturing techniques, sourcing less-expensive components, and improving
the efficiency of distribution and installation. Volume is an important determinant:
many turbine models in the 1-250 kW range are produced in limited quantities,
which drives up unit costs. Larger production runs give the manufacturer more
leverage in negotiating with upstream suppliers, and permits more investment in
production tooling.
3. Overspeed Control: Once the turbine is producing at its maximum output, any
further increase in wind speed is essentially “wasted” from a power generation
perspective and at very high speed can cause structural damage to the turbine.
Turbines use a variety of methods to regulate turbine loading and rotational
speed: by furling the rotor towards the tail vane (thereby reducing the rotor cross-
section presented to the wind), deploying various types of blade-mounted brakes,
changing the blade pitch, stalling, and/or by electrical braking.
4. Tower Height and Cost: In most terrains, wind speed increases with height, at
least for tens of meters. Tall towers improve cost-effectiveness in most areas.
Some turbines are available on tilt-up towers, while others can only be mounted
on fixed towers. For fixed towers, erection costs increase as tower height
increases. Taller towers also make maintenance visits more hazardous and
time-consuming, driving up O&M costs.
5. Reliability/Durability: Utility-scale wind farms can afford to have on-site
technicians to provide regular maintenance and repair services. A single
distributed wind turbine at a home or business cannot be expected to receive the
same level of attention, and therefore should be designed and built to minimize
maintenance requirements. (Some level of maintenance will always be
required.) Although wind turbines have few moving parts, they are subjected to
significant stresses and vibration from winds that vary in speed and direction.
The rotor and drivetrain is expected to spin hundreds of times per minute with
blade tip speeds of over 100 mph, and this performance is expected to last for
decades. To reduce maintenance costs, production degradation and downtime,
the turbine should be built with well-engineered components fabricated from
long-lasting materials. However, this drives up costs. Lower rotor speeds can
increase longevity, but at the cost of reduced energy production.
6. Noise: Several design choices that increase energy productivity (longer blades,
higher rotational speed, and certain overspeed controls, such as furling) increase
the sound pressure produced by the turbine. This tradeoff can be particularly
objectionable for distributed wind turbines as they are ordinarily sited close to
homes and businesses.
NEMS “builds” distributed generation (DG) in future years based on how cost-effective
the technologies are. NEMS incorporates a 30-year discounted cash flow model that
assesses the internal rate of return (IRR) of various DG technologies; NEMS then uses
the IRR and a learning function model to forecast the technology’s penetration in the
marketplace. Other thing being equal, if a DG technology’s IRR increases in a future
year, it will penetrate the market further than if its IRR remains unchanged or falls.
Of the key performance objectives listed above, only the turbine’s cost and performance
figure into the IRR calculation. Overspeed control, reliability/durability and noise are not
considered. In the real world, however, these parameters are part of the turbine design
process, and manufacturers make necessary compromises to ensure that turbines
perform safely and reliably over the long run. The cost and performance projections
presented later in this paper were developed under the assumption that manufacturers
would continue to balance multiple objectives in the future as they have done in the
It is also important to note that NEMS only considers decisions made on economic
grounds; the model does not endogenously account for turbines installed for reasons
other than economics.
5. Interpreting Performance Data for Distributed Wind
Distributed wind technology performance data needs to be interpreted with care. The
challenge arises partly from a lack of industry standardization, partly from the highly
site-specific performance of wind turbines, and partly because some manufacturers
provide inaccurate or incomplete data to their buyers.
Industry standardization. Until very recently, the distributed wind industry lacked
standardized terminology, test methods or product certification processes. Rated
capacity, for example, is a less meaningful metric than it may seem. Manufacturers
choose the wind speed at which they rate their turbines’ capacity, and as noted in Table
4, the values can vary considerably. This makes it difficult to make an “apples to
apples” comparison of two turbines even of the same nominal rated capacity; one may
be rated based on an 11 m/s wind, for example, while another is rated at 14 m/s.
Lack of industry standardization should begin to recede as an issue in the near future.
The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) published a performance and safety
standard for small wind turbines
in late 2009 that established specific test methods for
various performance parameters, including rated capacity, annual energy production,
and noise.
For example, the standard established that a turbine’s capacity should be
rated at a wind speed of 11 m/s.
In addition, 2010 will see the Small Wind Certification Council commence operations.
The SWCC is an independent organization that will certify turbine testing conducted in
accordance with the AWEA small wind turbine standard, provide an SWCC label to
certified turbines, and provide test results on its web site.
The combination of
standardized test methods and independent certification of testing results will make a
material contribution to improving the usefulness of turbine performance data.
The standard applies to turbines with swept areas of 200 square meters, or a rotor diameter of about
16m. This translates to a nominal capacity of about 65 kW.
Site-specific data. Although a turbine’s rated capacity is often the first point of
reference, in fact, the most important metric for a wind project is the turbine’s estimated
annual energy production (AEP) for the project site. This metric drives the project’s
potential revenue much more directly than rated capacity does. To estimate AEP, it is
necessary to know the following information:
The project’s hub height;
The wind resource distribution: how many hours per year the wind blows
within specific speed ranges (bins) at the project’s hub height;
Turbulence at the project’s hub height due to nearby trees, buildings and
other obstructions;
The turbine’s production curve: how many kWh the turbine produces for
each specific wind speed bin.
The turbine’s expected availability and losses (e.g., line losses)
For large, utility scale projects, it is typical to measure the wind resource at hub height
at multiple points across the development area for at least a year-long period, and then
to use sophisticated software to estimate the effects of terrain and of the turbine array
itself on AEP for each turbine. Distributed wind projects in the 1-100 kW range rarely
utilize such a data-intensive approach, usually only at the upper end of the range.
Instead, homeowners, turbine dealers and project developers rely on a combination of
coarse-scale wind maps (themselves derived from extensive modeling) and
manufacturer-supplied production curve data.
It is not uncommon for this approach to result in significant mis-estimation of AEP. To
start with, the typical state-level coarse-scale wind map is merely a starting point for
wind estimation. Actual wind conditions within each of the map’s raster cells can vary
dramatically. Second, even assuming that the map provides an accurate estimate of
the wind resource at a specific site, the map may be estimating wind resources at one
height (e.g., a 50-meter hub height), but the turbine may be mounted at a different
height (e.g., 30 meters, where wind power is substantially less). Or turbulence caused
by site conditions (e.g., nearby buildings or large trees) may be ignored, although it can
have a powerful effect on turbine performance.
A third factor is incorrect or incomplete information supplied by manufacturers,
particularly the turbine’s power curve. (See Table 3 below.) For example, one widely-
used distributed wind turbine (Turbine A) has recently undergone independent testing at
NREL. Comparing NREL’s measured data with manufacturer literature indicates that
the manufacturer overstates AEP by 71% at the AWEA reference speed of 5 m/s. The
differences between NREL’s measured data and manufacturer literature data were
somewhat lower at higher wind speeds, falling to a 25% difference at an 8 m/s annual
average wind speed for this turbine. Note, however, that the literature associated with
Turbine B goes to some lengths to qualify potential turbulence factors at various wind
speeds (e.g., hedges, windbreaks, buildings) and appears to have adjusted its AEP
values accordingly.
Table 3: Percentage Difference between Manufacturer Literature and NREL Test Data
Average Annual
Wind Speed
Wind Turbine A Wind Turbine B Wind Turbine C
4 m/s NA NA 46%
5 m/s 71% -23% 26%
6 m/s 43% -24% 9%
7 m/s 31% NA NA
8 m/s 25% NA NA
Manufacturers and dealers may also deemphasize noise considerations or fail to
educate the buyer on the desirability of (or need for) a tall tower. The advent of the
AWEA small wind standard and the SWCC will make it easier for buyers to obtain
accurate and meaningful information, but only education will ensure that buyers get the
most value from their significant investment in distributed wind.
6. Data Issues – Implications for NEMS
NEMS “builds” distributed wind turbines in Census divisions, which are then overlaid
with an NREL wind map. NEMS refers to the geographical overlay of a Census division
and wind map polygon as a “niche”. For each niche, NEMS estimates the distribution of
wind speeds using a Weibull k of 2 and a wind shear exponent of 0.2.
The model then estimates AEP by applying a turbine’s rated capacity across a cubic
power equation.
This method is vulnerable to the following sources of error:
The wind resource map may not be appropriate for the turbine’s hub
The wind speed distribution may not be appropriate in light of the
topography of the niche;
The varying altitude across the niches may not be appropriately
incorporated into the computations;
Turbulence may not be appropriately represented;
The nominal power curve may not be appropriate for other specific
Scaling the AEP based on ratios of rated capacity may not be appropriate
in view of the inconsistency of capacity rating methods.
Values represent the difference between the manufacturer’s data and NREL’s data, divided by the
NREL data. Positive differences indicate that manufacturer AEP data are higher than NREL AEP data for
the same average annual wind speed. Manufacturer data for Turbines B and C were not available for unit
values of m/s and were interpolated from values expressed in half meters per second (e.g., 4.5 m/s, 5.5
m/s, etc.) using a simple average.
Going forward, the author recommends that EIA take the following steps to increase the
realism of its modeling efforts:
1. Verify that the national wind map corresponds to the hub heights of the typical
distributed wind turbine, for example 30-40 meters.
2. Consider whether to vary the Weibull k and wind shear exponent based on the
land surface and altitude within the niche.
3. Altitude and turbulence factors could also be more directly represented (e.g. the
decrease in air pressure at higher altitudes will decrease the energy output for a
wind turbine at a lower altitude, all other things being equal).
4. As soon as it becomes available in quantity, use AWEA-standard AEP data that
have been certified by the SWCC for the base year, and use these data to
interpolate the AEP for other turbine sizes that have not yet been certified by
5. Until SWCC data become available:
a. use manufacturer-supplied AEP data for the base year, but derate these
data to reflect the discrepancies described in Table 3 above.
b. apply the adjusted AEP data to specific sites, and further modify the data
to reflect local wind resources, altitude, Weibull k, and wind shear
7. Technology Baseline
Cost and dimensional data for baseline distributed wind technology are represented in
Tables 4 and 5 below. The turbines chosen for this table were selected to represent a
range of project capacities and are popular models within their respective size classes.
Note that each turbine’s rated capacity is derived from a different reference wind speed.
Table 4: Dimensional Data for Selected Distributed Wind Turbines
Rated Rated Wind Rotor Tower
Capacity Speed Diameter Height
Manufacturer Model (kW) (m/s) (m) (m)
Southwest Windpower Skystream 3.7 2.4 13 3.7 26
Bergey BWC XL-S 10 14 7 37
Entegrity EW50 50 11.3 15 37
Northern Power Systems Northwind 100 100 14.5 21 37
Table 5: Cost and Performance Data for Selected Distributed Wind Turbines, 2009
Typical 5 m/s
Rated Rated Wind Rotor Tower Installed Installed average annual
Capacity Speed Diameter Height Cost Cost/kW wind speed
Model (kW) (m/s) (m) (m) ($) ($) (kWh)
Skystream 3.7 2.4 13 3.7 26 19,000$ 7,917$ 3,600
BWC XL-S 10 14 7 37 62,000$ 6,200$ 13,200
EW50 50 11.3 15 37 230,000$ 4,600$ 72,000
Northwind 100 100 14.5 21 37 435,000$ 4,350$ 145,000
8. Sources for Improvement
8.1 Technological
Advances in modeling, materials science, fabrication techniques, blade design and
electronics have allowed utility-scale turbines to grow steadily and to harvest the scale
economies of that growth for almost 3 decades. Technological improvement has
translated into lower installed cost per kW, greater energy production, and higher
However, as discussed above, it is not practical for the typical residential or business
customer to enjoy these benefits by following the modern turbine’s increase in size and
hub height. The distributed wind turbine purchased by these customers has seen less
rapid improvement, but particularly in recent years, significant improvement has been
achieved. In some instances, small turbines have been earlier adopters of advanced
technologies compared with larger turbines.
A utility-scale example offers the first demonstration that technological improvement is
possible without an increase in size. As shown in Table 6 below, the GE 1.5 MW
turbine has improved steadily in just the past seven years – without a capacity uprating
– through incremental application of an improved generator and main bearing design, a
better blade pitch mechanism, longer blades, and an improved gearbox.
Table 6: Improvement in the GE 1.5 MW Turbine
2002 2009
Rotor Diameter (m) 70 82.5
Capacity Factor (%) 39 52
Reliability (%) 85 98
A second example falls in the distributed wind size range. First produced in 1983, the
Bergey Excel has undergone significant development over the years. The original airfoil
has been succeeded by two new generations, as has the inverter, most recently in
2008. 2008 also saw the introduction of a new neodymium-based alternator. The
cumulative effect of these changes is a 30% increase in energy production, a reduction
in noise, and no increase in price.
Distributed wind turbines still have substantial performance improvement potential; the
representative of one distributed wind manufacturer believes that a 10-20%
improvement in cost and productivity for this category over the next 5 year period will be
Improvement may be found in several areas:
Blades and rotor: Improved blade designs, lighter-weight and stronger
materials, and improved manufacturing techniques may allow for lower
cut-in speeds, greater low-speed energy production, lower-noise
overspeed control, and greater AEP per
square meter of rotor cross-section.
Current day blades are estimated to be
about 32% efficient; an industry
workshop set a goal of 42-45%
Generators: Many distributed wind
turbines are now equipped with rare-
earth permanent magnet generators,
which are smaller, lighter, and more
efficient than ferrite or wound-rotor generators.
Inverters: Many small distributed wind turbines use inverters optimized for
photovoltaic systems. Inverters optimized for small wind turbines would
have a larger voltage range, and, potentially, greater efficiency.
Drivetrain: Most distributed wind turbines use direct drive whereby the
rotor directly drives the generator, without the use of a gearbox to step up
the rotational speed. Direct drive increases efficiency by eliminating gear
losses, and also eliminates a frequent point of failure.
Control electronics: At the larger end of the distributed turbine range, it
may be possible to incorporate more advanced sensors and pitch controls
to mitigate blade and tower loading, and thus enable the use of longer
blades with greater energy capture.
8.2 Cost
Anecdotal evidence suggests that initial cost and long-term investment rate of return are
the two most important factors in whether a distributed wind turbine is purchased and
installed. There are several opportunities to significantly reduce the first cost of the
turbine, the cost of installation, and ongoing cost of operation and maintenance:
Volume: Many distributed wind turbine models have limited production
volumes. As the market matures, higher volumes can drive down unit
costs through more efficient operation of manufacturing plant, lower input
costs, and better amortization of fixed costs. In addition, higher volumes
(and revenue) can justify greater investment in more advanced tooling and
Physical Performance Limits
A turbine cannot extract 100% of the power
available in a stream of wind. If it did, the wind
would stop, and so would the turbine. The upper
limit in practice is 59%, known as the Betz limit
after its discoverer, Albert Betz. Modern utility
scale turbines extract about 50% of the wind
energy at wind speeds below their rated wind
manufacturing capacity. In 2008, over $160 million was invested in small
wind manufacturers worldwide, with about half the funds invested in the
United States.
Greater competition: In certain market segments, only one or a few
manufacturers offer a product and have the dealer network available to
support a project in a specific region. Some turbines are in short supply or
only built-to-order. As more companies enter the market, customers will
enjoy a greater choice of technology, shorter lead times, and a more
competitive service environment.
Industry consolidation: While industry diversity will benefit certain
segments compared with today’s baseline, other segments may benefit
from some consolidation, which would allow greater scale economies in
manufacturing, distribution and after-market service.
Outsourcing: The U.S. is currently a leading area of distributed wind
turbine manufacturing; U.S. manufacturers account for about half of global
small wind sales, and about 95% of the U.S. market.
However, other
countries, particularly China, are clearly bidding to enter the renewable
energy market generally and the distributed wind market specifically.
Imports from regions with lower manufacturing costs may put pressure on
U.S. distributed wind turbine prices.
Component reduction: Some of the performance improvements
discussed above may increase costs, but others, such as eliminating the
gearbox using direct drive, can serve to reduce turbine costs.
Tower: Tower costs and crane rental can be a substantial fraction of total
installed costs for a distributed wind turbine. Greater use of tilt-up and
self-erecting towers, as well as lighter weight towers could reduce project
Operation and maintenance costs: O&M costs could potentially be
reduced through hardware and software improvements. Hardware
improvements include the elimination of the gearbox, better lubrication,
and more durable blade materials which are also more resistant to fouling.
Software improvements include design strategies that reduce rotor and
tower loading, better yaw and overspeed controls, and better monitoring
technology to minimize the need for site visits and to provide early warning
of emerging problems. The baseline (2010) O&M costs are shown in
Table 7 below.
Table 7: Annual Operation and Maintenance Expenses
Assumed Annual Expenses Unit Expense
Operations & Maintenance $/kWh $0.0100/kWh
Operations & Maintenance
Contingency Fund $/kWh $0.0030/kWh
Insurance $/kW $6.70/kW
Property Tax $/kW $4.70/kW
Admin/Financial/Legal Management $/kW $0.30/kW
Warranty Expense $/kW $7.70/kW
Decomm. Fund Post-Warranty
Expiration $/kW $1.00/kW
Other Expense $/kW $1.30/kW
9. Projection Methodology
For the purposes of the NEMS projections, it was assumed that the 2010 baseline was
represented by the turbines listed in Tables 4 and 5 above. Essentially, the four
turbines were assumed to become the prototypical turbines for the next 25 years. For
the base year, each turbine’s AEP was derated to some degree to reflect the findings
shown in Table 3. The derating was not constant across turbines. Maintenance costs
were taken from Table 7.
The future is represented by two scenarios: a base, or reference case; and an
advanced case.
Under the base case, it is assumed that present-day policies will continue in force until
their legislated expiration (if any); that present-day research and development
investment flows will continue; and that the trend of technology and cost improvement
will continue in the future much as it has in the recent past.
The advanced case is similar to the base case, except that it assumes a much higher
level of private sector R&D investment, and thus more rapid and more extensive
improvements in technology performance and more rapid and deeper reductions in
cost. The advanced case does not assume any changes to the policy environment
compared with the base case.
For the period 2010-35, three improvement trajectories were developed:
Cumulative AEP Improvement: This trajectory describes the increase in
kWh produced by a turbine compared with its 2010 baseline.
Cost Improvement Factor: This trajectory describes the reduction in a
turbine’s installed costs, in constant dollars, compared with its 2010
The implementation of the uncapped 30% ITC in February 2009 is perhaps the most important policy
initiative in favor of distributed wind in several decades. This policy will only begin to have full impact in
2010 and beyond; in effect, the base case does not fully reflect this new policy. This policy could lead to
larger market volumes, greater private sector investment, etc., producing a scenario more consistent with
the advanced case.
O&M Factor: This trajectory describes the reduction in annual O&M costs
compared with the 2010 baseline.
Table 8: Assumptions for the Base and Advanced Cases
Cumulative AEP
Factor vs. 2010
Factor vs. 2010
O&M Factor vs.
Base Advanced Base Advanced Base Advanced
2015 10% 12% -8% -10%
2020 18% 21% -13% -14%
0.96 0.94
2025 23% 28% -16% -18%
0.94 0.92
2030 26% 33% -18% -21%
2035 28% 36% -20% -24%
0.90 0.88
Other assumptions include:
Capacity factor: As noted above, the authors recommend using AEP as
the key metric of energy performance. However, the accompanying data
table provides calculated capacity factors for different turbines over the
projection horizon by turbine size, year and scenario.
Equipment life: A 25 year life was assumed for both scenarios.
Availability: We assume 98% availability in both scenarios.
O&M Costs: Summing the values in Table 7 yields an annual O&M factor
based partly on capacity ($21.70/kW-year) and partly on energy
production ($0.013/kWh).
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7 http://dsireusa.org/summarytables/rrpre.cfm
8 Ibid.
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