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By Lawrence W Sherman and Heather Strang
restorative justice:
the evidence
2007restorative justice: the evidence
By Lawrence W Sherman and Heather Strang
Jerry Lee Program of Randomized Trials in
Restorative Justice
In collaboration with
Geoffrey Barnes
Sarah Bennett
Caroline M Angel
Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Daniel J Woods
Charlotte E Gill
Please direct all correspondence to
A note on format
This report follows a modified UK Cabinet Office format of
unpacking the content like a website: a one-page abstract, a
three-page executive summary, and a detailed introductory section
that summarises the findings of the full report. This format enables
the users of the document to read – or circulate – either the
abstract alone, the abstract plus the three-page executive
summary, the abstract plus the introductory overview (section 1)
of the full report, or the entire document. This format is designed
to provide different levels of detail for different kinds of readers,
and to support the different ways in which information is digested
for different stages and levels of discussion and decision making.
Published by the Smith Institute
ISBN 1 905370 16 4
This report, like all Smith Institute monographs, represents the views
of the authors and not those of the Smith Institute.
The Smith Institute 2007
restorative justice:
the evidence
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By Wilf Stevenson, Director, Smith Institute
About the authors
By Jerry Lee, President of the Jerry Lee Foundation
Executive summary
1. Introduction and overview
Key findings: tables 1 to 5
2. A tale of three RJ conferences
3. Varieties of restorative justice
4. The process of restorative justice
5. Restorative justice and the rule of law
6. How we know what works – and what doesn't
7. Restorative justice in the UK: the four settings
• Adult justice
• Youth justice
• Schools
• Neighbourhood policing
8. Keeping promises versus following orders: how RJ compares
9. Reducing harm to victims
10. Reducing repeat offending
11. Rare events: when RJ backfires – and why
12. Other effects on crime
13. Getting cases brought to justice
14. Could RJ reduce the financial costs of justice?
15. More justice, less crime: a way forward
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Wilf Stevenson, Director, Smith Institute
The Smith Institute is an independent think tank which has
been set up to undertake research and education in issues that
flow from the changing relationship between social values and
economic imperatives. In recent years the institute has centred
its work on the policy implications arising from the interactions
of equality, enterprise and equity.
In 2004-05 the Smith Institute ran a highly successful series of
seminars looking at case studies of the use of restorative justice
techniques among criminals and their victims, in schools and
within communities and neighbourhoods. Building on the
impressive accounts of how powerful restorative justice
techniques could be, as a way both of changing behaviour and
of mitigating harm, this independent report was commissioned
by the Smith Institute in association with the Esmée Fairbairn
Foundation in order to examine the evidence on restorative
justice (RJ) from Britain and around the world.
The aim of the project was to bring together the results of
RJ trials in order to set out a definitive statement of what
constitutes good-quality RJ, as well as to draw conclusions both
as to its effectiveness with particular reference to reoffending
and as to the role that RJ might play in the future of Britain’s
youth and criminal justice systems.
The Smith Institute thanks Sir Charles Pollard, Rob Allen and
Professor Mike Hough for their hard work as members of the
steering committee convened to commission and oversee the
academic rigour of this report.
The Smith Institute gratefully acknowledges the support of the
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation towards this publication.
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A review of research on restorative justice (RJ) in the UK and
abroad shows that across 36 direct comparisons to conventional
criminal justice (CJ), RJ has, in at least two tests each:
• substantially reduced repeat offending for some offenders,
but not all;
• doubled (or more) the offences brought to justice as diversion
from CJ;
• reduced crime victims’ post-traumatic stress symptoms and
related costs;
• provided both victims and offenders with more satisfaction
with justice than CJ;
• reduced crime victims’ desire for violent revenge against their
• reduced the costs of criminal justice, when used as diversion
from CJ;
• reduced recidivism more than prison (adults) or as well as
prison (youths).
These conclusions are based largely on two forms of restorative
justice (RJ): face-to-face meetings among all parties connected
to a crime, including victims, offenders, their families and friends,
and court-ordered financial restitution. Most of the face-to-face
evidence is based on consistent use of police officers trained in
the same format for leading RJ discussions. These meetings
have been tested in comparison with conventional criminal
justice (CJ) without benefit of RJ, at several stages of CJ for
violence and theft:
• as diversion from prosecution altogether (Australia and US);
• as a pre-sentencing, post-conviction add-on to the
sentencing process;
• as a supplement to a community sentence (probation);
• as a preparation for release from long-term imprisonment to
• as a form of final warning to young offenders.
Violent crimes
Six rigorous field tests found RJ reduced recidivism after adult or
youth violence. Three of these were randomised controlled trials
(RCTs), conducted with youth under 30 in Canberra, females
under 18 in Northumbria, and (mostly) males under 14 in
Indianapolis. Reasonable comparisons also show effects for adult
males in West Yorkshire and the West Midlands, as well as for
violent families in Canada.
Property crimes
Five tests of RJ have found reductions in recidivism after
property crime. Four were RCTs done with youth: in Northumbria,
Georgia, Washington and Indianapolis. Diversion of property
offenders to RJ, however, increased arrest rates among a small
sample of Aboriginals in Canberra.
Victim benefits
Two RCTs in London show that RJ reduces post-traumatic stress;
in four RCTs RJ reduces desire for violent revenge; in four RCTs
victims prefer RJ over CJ.
RJ versus prison
In Idaho an RCT of RJ as court-ordered restitution did no worse
than short jail sentences for youth. In Canada adults diverted
from prison to RJ had lower reconviction rates than a matched
sample of inmates.
Offences brought to justice
Five RCTs in New York and Canberra show diversion to RJ yields
OBTJ (offences brought to justice) rates 100% to 400% higher
than CJ, including for robbery and assault, when offenders take
responsibility but need not sign full admission to crime.
A way forward
The evidence on RJ is far more extensive, and positive, than it has
been for many other policies that have been rolled out nationally.
RJ is ready to be put to far broader use, perhaps under a
“Restorative Justice Board” that would prime the pump and
overcome procedural obstacles limiting victim access to RJ.
Such a board could grow RJ rapidly as an evidence-based
policy, testing the general deterrent impact of RJ on crime, and
developing the potential benefits of “restorative communities”
that try RJ first.
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Criminology at the University of Pennsylvania, Director of the
Canberra RISE project (now in its 12th year), senior author of the
Campbell Collaboration Systematic Review of Restorative Justice,
Fellow of the Academy of Experimental Criminology and author
of the 2002 Oxford Press book, Repair or Revenge: Victims &
Restorative Justice.
For more information about the work of the authors on
restorative justice, see:
About the authors
Lawrence W Sherman is the Wolfson Professor of Criminology at
the University of Cambridge,
Director of the Jerry Lee Center of
Criminology at the University of Pennsylvania, Past President of
the American Academy of Political and Social Science, the
American Society of Criminology and the International Society
of Criminology, and senior author of the 1997 report to the
US Congress Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesn’t,
What’s Promising.
Dr Heather Strang is the Director of the Centre for Restorative
Justice at the Australian National University, Lecturer in
1 From Easter Term 2007
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The programme’s co-directors, Lawrence Sherman and Heather
Strang, are also undertaking a wider review of the evidence on
restorative justice for the International Campbell Collaboration, a
peer-reviewed network for the systematic review of the
effectiveness of public programmes.
No one is better qualified
than they are to prepare a crisp, readable assessment of the
evidence on RJ.
The evidence clearly suggests that RJ is a promising strategy for
addressing many of the current problems of the criminal justice
system. More important, it is a strategy that has been subjected
to rigorous testing, with more tests clearly implied by the results
so far. The development of RJ in the UK over the past decade is a
model in the evidence-based approach to innovations in public
policy. Like the old story of the tortoise and the hare, the
evidence on RJ cannot be gathered by rushing ahead. The
evidence so far suggests that sure and steady wins the race.
The race for all of us is to reach a world of less crime and more
justice. An endless increase in the prison population seems
unlikely to achieve those goals. This report points out ways to
bring more offences to justice, and perhaps reduce the cost of
justice, while reducing the personal cost of crime to victims.
No other policy I have seen would put the victim so clearly
at the centre” of a larger community in which we are all
interdependent. How and when to use RJ most effectively is a
matter that evidence can help decide. With this report, that
evidence should now be more accessible to all.
Jerry Lee, President of the Jerry Lee Foundation
It is almost 10 years since the Attorney General of the US, Janet
Reno, submitted an independent, scholarly report to the US
Congress entitled Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesn’t,
What’s Promising (1997).
When I read that report shortly after it
was published, I immediately sensed a sea change in the way
democracies would talk about crime prevention. No longer would
we focus just on ideology. Evidence would soon take a much
larger role in the debate. Within a year, officials of at least 12
different nations would consider the report and its policy
implications, from Seoul to Stockholm, from Wellington to
As a consumer of social science research in my business life for
over four decades, I brought as sceptical an eye to that report as
to any other. I came away extremely impressed with the rigour of
the framework, its 1-to-5 scientific methods scale, and its
comprehensive search for evidence on what works. The next day,
I contacted the senior author of both that report and the current
review of evidence on restorative justice, Lawrence Sherman.
Since then, the Jerry Lee Foundation has been pleased to support
many reviews and evaluations of crime prevention programmes.
By far the most comprehensive of these investments has been in
the Jerry Lee Program of Randomized Controlled Trials in
Restorative Justice, which began in 1995 with a multimillion-
dollar investment by the Australian government. With its
expansion into the UK with funding from the Home Office in
2001, the programme has now completed 12 rigorous tests of
restorative justice in a wide range of settings and populations.
3 and
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Police, British Chief Constables Crispian Strachan, Peter Neyroud
and Michael Craik, Chief Inspector Jane Simmons and Inspector
Brian Dowling, and the many dedicated RJ facilitators they
recruited and led. The judiciary provided equal support from Lord
Chief Justice Woolf, Lord Justice John Kay, and Judges Shaun
Lyons and Shirley Anwyl, who helped recruit many of their
colleagues to the Crown Court experiments. Eithne Wallis and
Ray Fishbourne led the National Probation Service in support of
RJ tests across England, Phil Wheatley led HM Prison Service in
its support of RJ under even the most demanding conditions,
Lord Norman Warner and Professor Rod Morgan provided
steadfast Youth Justice Board support, and Dru Sharpling led
London’s valiant test of conditional cautioning.
The Smith Institute’s steering group for this report led by Sir
Charles Pollard, with members Rob Allen, Professor Mike Hough
and Peter Micklewright, provided clear and timely guidance.
Professor Paul Wiles and his colleagues at the Research
Development & Statistics Directorate provided invaluable advice
and support at many stages of this work, as did Professor
Joanna Shapland and her team at Sheffield, and Professor David
Farrington and Loraine Gelsthorpe at Cambridge. Finally, the
global evidence on RJ would not be where it is today without
the normative and scientific scholarship of our very special
colleague, Professor John Braithwaite.
Lawrence W Sherman and Heather Strang
The authors owe thanks to many people and institutions.
The report was made possible by Smith Institute Director Wilf
Stevenson, with his colleagues Ben Shimshon and Konrad
Caulkett, and by financial support from the Esmée Fairbairn
Foundation and its Director Dawn Austwick. That foundation also
supported our completion of the London tests of restorative
justice in crown courts. Much of the other material on which the
report is based would not have been possible without grants
from the Jerry Lee Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation,
the Home Office, the Australian Criminology Research Council,
the Australian Department of Health, the Australian Department
of Transport & Communications, the Australian National
University, the US National Institute of Justice, and the Albert M
Greenfield Endowment of the University of Pennsylvania. The
work these institutions supported is entirely the responsibility
of the authors, and is not intended to represent the position
of any of these sponsors.
Many people leading operating agencies in Australia, the UK and
the US made possible the research summarised here. From the
first RJ conference we saw in 1993, led by New South Wales
Police Sergeant Terry O’Connell, to the early support of
Metropolitan Police Commissioners John Stevens and Ian Blair in
mid-2000, research and development in RJ has depended on
innovative and visionary police professionals. These include
Canberra Police Chief Peter Dawson of the Australian Federal
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Executive summary
Purpose and scope
This is a non-governmental assessment of the evidence on
restorative justice in the UK and internationally, carried out by
the Jerry Lee Center of Criminology at the University of
Pennsylvania for the Smith Institute in London, with funding
from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. The purpose of this review
is to examine what constitutes good-quality restorative justice
practice, and to reach conclusions on its effectiveness, with
particular reference to reoffending.
Varieties of restorative justice
The review employs a broad definition of restorative justice (RJ),
including victim-offender mediation, indirect communication
through third parties, and restitution or reparation payments
ordered by courts or referral panels. Much of the available and
reasonably unbiased evidence of RJ effects on repeat offending
comes from tests of face-to-face conferences of victims,
offenders and others affected by a crime, most of them
organised and led by a police officer; other tests cited involve
court-ordered restitution and direct or indirect mediation.
What we found
Repeat offending
The most important conclusion is that RJ works differently on
different kinds of people. It can work very well as a general policy,
if a growing body of evidence on “what works for whom” can
become the basis for specifying when and when not to use it.
As tables 1 to 3 show, rigorous tests of RJ in diverse samples
have found substantial reductions in repeat offending for
both violence and property crime. Other tests have failed to find
such effects, but with different populations, interventions or
comparisons. In one rare circumstance, a small sample of
Aboriginals in Australia, an offer of face-to-face RJ (and its
partial completion) appears to have caused higher rates of repeat
offending than CJ. This very limited evidence of backfiring can be
balanced against the potential RJ may have as a full or partial
alternative to incarceration for young adult offenders, who had
much lower two-year reconviction rates (11%) in one Canadian
study (N =138) than a matched sample (37% reconviction) who
served their sentence in prison.
In general, RJ seems to reduce crime more effectively with more,
rather than less, serious crimes. The results below (tables 1 to 3)
suggest RJ works better with crimes involving personal victims
than for crimes without them. They also suggest that it works
with violent crimes more consistently than with property crimes,
the latter having the only evidence of crime increases. These
findings run counter to conventional wisdom, and could become
the basis for substantial inroads in demarcating when it is “in the
public interest” to seek RJ rather than CJ.
Victim effects
The evidence consistently suggests that victims benefit, on
average, from face-to-face RJ conferences. The evidence is less
clear about other forms of RJ, with no unbiased estimates of the
effects of indirect forms of RJ on victims. But when victims
willingly meet offenders face to face, they obtain short-term
benefits for their mental health by reduced post-traumatic stress
symptoms (PTSS). This may, in turn, reduce their lifetime risks of
coronary disease (which PTSS causes in military veterans), as well
as reducing health costs paid by taxpayers.
Offences brought to justice
When RJ has been offered to arrestees before charging in New
York and Canberra, RJ has always brought at least twice as many
offences to justice – and up to four times as many. Whether such
effects could be even greater with widespread take-up of RJ
across a community is a major question to be answered.
A way forward
There is far more evidence on RJ, with more positive results, than
there has been for most innovations in criminal justice that have
ever been rolled out across the country. The evidence now seems
more than adequate to support such a roll-out for RJ, especially
if that is done on a continue-to-learn-as-you-go basis. Such
an approach could be well supported by a “Restorative Justice
Board” (RJB), modelled on the Youth Justice Board but on a
smaller scale. An RJB could prime the pump for RJ, proposing
new statutes and funding new solutions to the obstacles that
now limit victim access to RJ. An RJB could monitor RJ practices,
design tests of new RJ strategies, and continue to recommend
systemic changes needed to make RJ as effective as possible. It
could, in effect, take RJ from the drawing board to its widespread
construction, while also remaining at the drawing board for
on-going improvements in design based on new evidence.
How we found it
Searching for evidence
The search process for this review built on the literature search
protocol approved by the International Campbell Collaboration
for the authors’ registered and on-going review of the effects
of face-to-face restorative justice for personal victim crimes.
The search has been expanded for this review to encompass
other forms of restorative justice and other kinds of crimes.
The following search strategies were used to identify evaluations
of the effectiveness of RJ at helping victims and reducing
• searches of online databases;
• searches of online library catalogues;
4 All opinions and conclusions in this document are those of the authors and not of
any governmental or private agencies that have funded any of the research the
document reviews.
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• searches of existing reviews of the literature on the
effectiveness of RJ;
• searches of bibliographies of publications;
• examination of publications already in our possession;
• referrals by experts in the field.
Both published and unpublished reports were considered in these
searches. The searches were international in scope, but were
limited to studies written in English.
Weighing the evidence
For all questions of the causal effect of RJ on such outcomes as
victim mental health and repeat offending, we restricted our
review to reasonably unbiased estimates of the difference that
RJ made in comparison to some form of CJ. We followed the
methods used by the National Institute of Health and Clinical
Excellence (NICE) to assess evidence on the effectiveness of
medical treatments. These methods (NICE, 2006) require us to use
the “PICO” principle (population, intervention, comparison and
outcome), asking, with every study examined, for exactly what
population the RJ intervention, in contrast to what comparison
group, produced what outcomes.
In assessing the strength of the evidence in each study that
offered a reasonably unbiased PICO analysis, we were able to
apply the Home Office (2004) standards for reconviction studies.
These standards are based in part on the Maryland scientific
methods scale (Sherman et al, 1997), which set a minimum
threshold of level 3 for the Maryland report to the US Congress,
Preventing Crime. Level 3 requires that the outcomes of at least
two relatively similar P and C (population and comparison)
groups are compared with (P) and without (C) the intervention.
This review adopts that threshold, so that all statements about
what works to reduce repeat offending or improve victim
outcomes are based on a comparison between reasonably similar
cases receiving RJ or not receiving RJ. For questions of
implementation and description, the report incorporates both
qualitative and before/after quantitative research designs.
Studies selected
The search process and eligibility criteria resulted in the
identification of 36 tests eligible for inclusion in our quantitative
review of the impact of RJ. These consisted of 25 reasonably
unbiased estimates of the impact of RJ on repeat offending, six
reasonably unbiased estimates of the effects of RJ on victims,
and five estimates of the effects of diversion from prosecution
to RJ on offences brought to justice. These studies and point
estimates are listed in tables 1 to 5 in the “Summary” section
Synthesising the evidence
As the NICE (2006) manual for developing guidelines for
practice indicates, it is important to avoid over-mixing of results
from substantially heterogeneous populations, interventions,
comparisons or outcomes (“PICOs”). Equations that lump
together studies into “meta-analyses” with great differences on
these dimensions may yield an overall estimate of “effect”, but
remain unclear as to the effect of what variety of intervention on
which outcome for which population. A more conservative
approach is to limit combinations of studies into “average”
effects only when they share similar “PICOs”. Given the diverse
nature of the studies identified for this review, it is usually
necessary to treat each study as the only point estimate of its
particular PICO characteristics.
The review makes cautious exceptions to that rule on a limited
basis. We report the findings on repeat offending grouped
separately by property and violent crime, so that the reader may
look for patterns in relation to this basic distinction in the kind
of harm (physical or non-violent) that offenders do to victims.
What we do not do is “vote count” the studies, declaring a verdict
about whether RJ “works” or does not “work”, either in general
or in relation to specific characteristics of populations or
interventions. The reason for that rule is that the available tests
are by no means a fair “vote” from all possible tests. We do total
the numbers of findings in different directions within broad
domains, but this is merely for the convenience of the reader,
who will want to do it anyway. We provide it only to emphasise
the caution that is needed in interpreting the numbers.
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1. Introduction and overview
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Introduction and overview
Fifteen years ago, Gordon Brown proposed that government
should be “tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime”.
proposal succinctly captured the complexity of the crime
problem, and thus the complexity of effective responses to crime.
It implied that any financial investment in crime prevention
strategy should be backed by good evidence of effectiveness,
something distinctly lacking in a simple call for being “tough”. By
even raising the issue of the causes of crime, the proposal opened
the door to inventing new ways to deal with those causes.
The search for causes of crime logically begins with criminal
justice policy itself. Three of every four new criminal convictions
in England and Wales are reconvictions of previously convicted
At the least, this fact suggests a missed opportunity
for more effective and preventive sentencing practices when
offenders are convicted. At the worst, it suggests that the
criminal justice system itself is a cause of crime – a cause on
which government should be tough.
Many aspects of criminal justice have been blamed for causing
crime among convicted criminals. Inadequate or ineffective
rehabilitation programmes, lack of drug treatment, insufficient
funding for resettlement after prison, and other specific policies
have all been nominated as causes. Others have suggested
something far more fundamental: the way in which society and
government thinks about the actual and potential connections
between victims, criminals and society. A “war-on-crime” (or
team sports) mentality of “us versus them” recalls a classic
American cartoon that appeared on Earth Day 1970: “We have
met the enemy and he is us.”
This view blames our failure to see
how interdependent all members of our society are, with many
law-abiding people being criminals, victims or both at some
point in our lives.
Restorative justice is a way of thinking about what is best for the
many connections among crime victims, their offenders and the
criminal justice process. Restorative justice advocates suggest
that conventional assumptions about these connections may be
wrong: that victims should be at the centre rather than excluded
from the process, that victims and offenders are not natural
enemies, that victims are not primarily retributive in their view of
justice, that prison is not necessarily the best way to prevent
repeat crime. The erroneous assumptions of conventional justice,
the advocates suggest, contribute to rising public dissatisfaction
with justice across the common law countries. This report
considers whether restorative justice can do better, starting with
more realistic and factual premises.
Offenders and victims, for example, are often assumed to be
fundamentally different kinds of people. That assumption is
largely mistaken, and can have critical and potentially
devastating consequences for the administration of justice. It
may induce more desire to seek revenge against offenders, when
victims might prefer to evoke a sense of remorse for the wrong.
The mistaken premise obscures the reality that most criminals
have themselves been victims, some from an early age. Thus
criminals and victims often have much in common from which
to build closer social bonds.
Another assumption of conventional justice is that the
necessarily adversarial character of lawyers in court requires
adversarial relations between victims and offenders as well. This
adversarial assumption oversimplifies the roles played by citizen
participants in the justice system, or the roles victims and their
supporters would like to play. Restorative justice, at least in
principle, seeks ways for victims and offenders to co-operate in
preventing future crime and repairing past harms.
The classic mistaken assumption of conventional justice is to
punish criminals as if they will never come back from prison to
live among us. But with rare exceptions, they all come back.
When they do, we depend on them not to cause more harm in
the community. We are all interdependent in a shrinking world:
criminals, victims, and the wider society. High rates of
reconviction suggest that we are not doing what is needed to
support that interdependence.
The doctrine that tougher punishment deters crime by making
offenders fearful has been widely falsified for many kinds of
offenders (Sherman, 1993). The restorative justice theory is that
justice can prevent crime by making offenders feel more
sympathy for their victims. This premise may be just as plausible
as the deterrence doctrine, if just as unreliable. If restorative
justice can work to prevent crime and repair harm, it seems likely
to do so by fostering remorse, not fear. The emotions of anger,
shame, guilt and regret form a complex cocktail of feelings
associated with crime and justice. If we are to make progress in
achieving the crime prevention goals of justice, it may happen
from better understanding of how we can mobilise those
emotions more effectively.
Restorative justice (RJ) is the prime but not only example of the
recent trend towards a more “emotionally intelligent” approach
to criminal justice (Sherman, 2003). This report reviews what we
know, with some confidence, about the effects of different
approaches to RJ. It is distinctively contemporary in its emphasis
on feelings and bonds among people, both within offenders’
families and in their connections to victims and their families.
Whether RJ can serve the people emotionally connected to each
6 Anderson, Paul and Mann, Nyta Safety First: The Making of New Labour
(Granta Books, 1997), p243, footnote 23).
7 Home Office, Sentencing Statistics 2004, table 6.2 (available at
8 Kelly, Walt Pogo (April 22, 1970) The cartoon satirises an 1813 battle report of
the US Navy.
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criminal incident remains to be seen. What is clear is that in a
large number of crimes, RJ facilitators can readily identify people
who care about the victims and offenders enough to try to deal
with the aftermath.
Two claims
Restorative justice is a strategy that many people have advocated
for responding to crime and intentional harm. Like many such
strategies, it embraces a variety of forms with a single list of
hypothesised outcomes. This report examines the available (and
reliable) evidence on those hypotheses that has been produced to
date, at least in the English language and within the scope of our
search. It begins by stating the hypotheses that the 36 tests we
found set out to examine.
These hypotheses can be summed up as two major claims, one
about procedures, and one about effectiveness. The procedural
claim is that restorative justice (RJ) is seen by victims and
offenders as a more humane and respectful way to process
crimes than conventional justice (CJ). The effectiveness claim is
that RJ is better than CJ in producing important results that we
want from justice: less repeat offending, more repair of harm
to victims, fewer crimes of vengeance by victims, more
reconciliation and social bonding among families and friends
affected by crime, and more offences brought to justice.
Promising evidence
A systematic review of tests of these hypotheses offers promising
evidence in support of both claims, although with caveats.
Victims and offenders who participate in RJ are generally quite
pleased with its procedures, more so than with CJ. Some of that
evidence may be due to self-selection bias, but other tests
eliminated that bias by giving participants little or no choice. This
preference is accompanied by strong evidence that RJ is at least
as effective in producing the desired results of justice as CJ, often
more so, and only rarely (if powerfully) counterproductive. There
are also indications of possible cost savings. This evidence is
highlighted in the sections that follow below.
Few advocates claim that RJ should ever be used when an
offender denies having committed a crime. Rather, the
effectiveness claim suggests that RJ will foster more offenders
agreeing to accept responsibility for having caused harm
criminally. The hypothesis is that RJ would thus help to bring
more offenders and offences to justice, since fewer offenders will
deny responsibility if offered the prospect of RJ than they do
with CJ. In fact, offenders in five controlled tests in New York City
and Canberra readily took responsibility for serious crimes and
“declined to deny” their guilt – choosing instead the prospect of
participation in deciding what should be done about their crimes.
Varieties of restorative justice
Most of the evidence we highlight (tables 1 to 5) is based on just
one of the many varieties of restorative justice (see section 3),
one that is possibly most consistent with the broad definition
referenced by the Home Office (2003) strategy document, as
quoted from Marshall (1999: 5): a process “whereby parties with
a stake in a specific offence collectively resolve how to deal with
the aftermath of the offence and its implications for the future”.
That variety is face-to-face conferences of offenders, victims
and their supporters.
This method can substantially reduce repeat offending for some
(but not all) kinds of crimes and offenders (tables 1 to 3 and
section 10). It can reduce victims’ desire for violent revenge
against the offender (table 4 and section 9). Victims also suffer
less intense post-traumatic stress symptoms after face-to-face
restorative justice (Angel, 2005), returning to work and normal
life sooner than they do without it – which should, in turn,
reduce the long-term severity and costs of such health problems
as coronary heart disease (Kubzansky et al, 2007).
Another “direct” form of restorative justice is victim-offender
mediation, at which both victim and offender are present,
often without other people affected by the crime, and where
a mediator negotiates between them.
“Indirect” restorative justice usually describes any process by
which offenders and victims communicate only through third
parties, but not face to face. These methods include “shuttle
communication”, in which a mediator or facilitator may carry
messages by phone or in person between victims (or victims’
representatives) and offenders (or their representatives). They
also include one-way communications such as letters of apology
from offender to victim, or letters describing a crime’s impact
from the victim to the offender. Perhaps the most indirect
form of RJ is court-ordered restitution (which has become
a substantial source of imprisonment in the US for offender
failure to pay). Youth referral panels in the UK may also order
restitution. When this form of RJ has been put to controlled tests,
it has reduced recidivism in both adult and juvenile samples, but
not consistently so (tables 1 to 2 and section 10).
Stages of the criminal process
Each of these forms of RJ has been employed in many different
stages of the criminal process, and in different venues, as well as
outside the CJ process altogether. RJ in schools, for example, can
be used as an alternative to formal processing of young people
involved in bullying. When arrests are made, RJ has been used as
a diversion from criminal prosecution, as in the Canberra
experiments. Prosecution in the UK has, under the Criminal
Justice Act 2003, on occasion been suspended pending a
conditional caution” while the offender completes an RJ process
(but only after making full admissions). When prosecuted
offenders plead guilty, RJ before sentencing can provide evidence
of mitigation that should normally reduce the length of
imprisonment (R v Collins, 2003; R v Barci, 2003). When
offenders are sentenced to community (probation) supervision,
RJ can be used to determine conditions of that sentence and
possible reparation to the victim. When offenders are sentenced
RJ_Text_FINAL 5/2/07 10:51 Page 13
to long-term imprisonment, they can be invited to undertake
indirect or direct RJ in preparation for resettlement.
Offences and offenders
The modern use of RJ began primarily in the context of youth
justice, often for such minor offences as shoplifting and
vandalism. In recent years it has expanded into serious offences
by adults, including robbery, burglary and assault. From the
standpoint of the process, the largest distinction among offence
types is the “victimed” versus non-victim offences. The latter
include drink-driving or shoplifting, in which no individual who
was personally harmed can meet with the offender face to face.
Theories underlying RJ, such as Braithwaite (1989), logically
imply that RJ should work better at reducing reoffending with
victimed offences. Any interest in RJ as a policy to help victims
prefers victimed crimes by definition.
This review focuses not on a global assessment of whether RJ
“works” as a one-size-fits-all strategy, but rather what the
evidence suggests about what works for whom. There is only
limited evidence on the large number of possible combinations
of offence type, RJ method, stage of the criminal justice process,
and offender age/gender/race/prior record characteristics. The
vast scope of these specific circumstances limits the extent to
which any review can draw firm conclusions about “what works
best”. It is even possible that the differences in outcomes
observed in these different categories could be due to chance, or
to idiosyncratic aspects of sample selection or community
characteristics. All the more reason, then, for laying out the
sometimes conflicting evidence within offence types across
different types of offenders, different stages of the criminal
process, or different nations or cultures.
Searching for evidence
This review is based on a systematic search of the databases
below from 1986 through to 2005, since the terms “restorative
justice” and “conferencing” were not in use prior to 1986. Each
of these databases is readily accessible online:
• National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
• Criminal Justice Abstracts;
• Sociological Abstracts;
• Criminal Justice Periodicals Index;
• Dissertation Abstracts;
• Social Science Abstracts.
The search terms to be used were “restorative and justice or
conferenc/e/ing with reoffending, recidivism and evaluation”.
Weighing and summing up the evidence
The best methods of research synthesis for such a review are
subject to substantial scientific and policy debate. This review
cuts through some of that debate by relying on the Cabinet
Office’s “PICO” model adopted from the methods of the National
Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (2006: 16): population,
intervention, comparison, outcomes. This model is used to weigh
and sum up large bodies of research evidence for guidance
to medical practitioners. It encourages greater specificity in
definitions of both populations and interventions. It also requires
comparisons with other treatments to be used as the basis for
assessing an outcome, with reasonably unbiased selection of the
comparison cases.
In weighing the evidence on RJ, this review follows the Home
Office (2004) adaptation of the University of Maryland’s
scientific methods scale (Sherman et al, 1997). This scale orders
the level of internal validity, or the control of bias in drawing
inferences of causation, on a five-point scale. Following the
precedent of the Maryland report to the US Congress (Sherman
et al, 1997) and the NICE (2006) standards, this review excludes
impact evaluations on crime and victim outcomes that fall below
level 3. That is, it does not consider research on RJ reasonably
unbiased if it lacks direct comparisons between cases given RJ
and similar cases given other treatments. Our review does,
however, consider direct comparisons made between the actual
recidivism of offenders given RJ to those offenders’ predicted
recidivism based on the OGRS2 scale, which has been validated
by Home Office research on samples other than the RJ cases
(see Miers et al, 2001). This method is arguably equivalent to
a level 4, as demonstrated in the evaluation methods literature
(eg Berk and Rossi, 1998).
Many of the UK evaluations of restorative justice compare cases
in which RJ was completed with cases in which it was offered but
refused, by either offenders or victims (see eg Miers et al, 2001).
While such comparisons may appear to be level 3 or 4 designs,
the treatment-related difference between the two groups makes
any estimate of the causal effect of treatment potentially quite
biased. It is not possible with such designs, no matter how many
cases they may include in their samples, to eliminate the key
alternative rival hypothesis: that there is something about those
cases that makes consent versus refusal a confounding predictor
of recidivism, in uncertain and unspecifiable ways. We excluded
studies in which that method is used for estimating either
offender or victim outcomes.
Similarly, many studies include only “completers” of RJ in their
samples, with no data on those who were offered or initiated RJ
but did not complete it (eg Vignaendra and Fitzgerald, 2006).
Except in very large samples with a valid model predicting
the reasons for non-completion that could be applied to
a comparison group (Angrist, Imbens and Rubin, 1996),
comparisons of completers with a control group not offered the
treatment are inherently biased (Gorman, 2005). This applies
equally to contemporary and historical controls (see eg Stone et
al, 1998, which is excluded for that reason). Such studies are thus
also excluded as evidence of the impact of RJ. For related reasons,
correlational studies comparing offenders who do and do not
get RJ (level 1) are also excluded, as well as before/after studies
RJ_Text_FINAL 5/2/07 10:51 Page 14
(level 2) that are vulnerable to regression-to-the-mean.
Our key findings, summarised in tables 1 to 5, rely on 23
reasonably unbiased point estimates of the impact of RJ on
repeat offending, six estimates of effects on victims, and five
estimates of effects of diversion from prosecution to RJ on
offences brought to justice. The studies and their key data are
listed in tables 1 to 5 below. While all level 5 studies employed
random assignment to determine whether or not a case received
RJ, some of the conclusions (or what statisticians call “point
estimates”) are derived from subgroups of the full sample that
was included in the random assignment sequence (Piantadosi,
1997: 211).
Missing evidence
In assessing the prospects for a major expansion in the use of RJ,
the review found no evidence of the kind that might be needed
to roll out a national policy. That evidence about the effects of
up-scaling RJ for widespread use – whether it would produce
collateral benefits” or harms for entire communities beyond
those we can observe in studies limited to comparisons of
individual cases – would include the following questions:
• Would broader use of RJ encourage more witnesses to come
forward to help police solve more crimes, bringing more
offences and offenders to justice by more public confidence
in justice and the law?
• Would broader use of RJ encourage more offenders to accept
responsibility for their offences, increasing offences brought
to justice?
• If an entire community or basic command unit adopted RJ as
the initial response to most crimes, would that policy weaken
the general deterrent effects of the law – or strengthen
compliance with the law by increasing its legitimacy?
• If RJ became more widely known and understood by the
public through far more frequent use, would it attract even
more victim and offender consent to participate than the
substantial levels it has achieved in some pilot tests?
These and other questions about large-scale RJ could be
answered with evidence generated by the scientific method,
using communities as the unit of analysis. They cannot, however,
be answered with evidence generated solely at the individual or
case level in small-scale pilot tests. Thus the implication of this
conclusion is that progress in evidence-based restorative justice
is likely to depend on whether future testing of RJ is conducted
on a neighbourhood-wide or community-wide basis (section 15).
The reasons why
One key question the Smith Institute asked us to examine is why
RJ works when it does work. The short answer is that we cannot
tell much from the available evidence, but there are some
theories that could guide further analysis. The modern revival of
RJ has been long on theory, but shorter on tests of those theories.
Even when RJ itself is subjected to rigorous testing, the theories
that could explain its effects are often much harder to test. This
situation is not uncommon in science, as in the case of
antibiotics, which cure infections for reasons that are not fully
understood. Yet there is no doubt that understanding the reasons
why RJ works – or doesn’t – could help improve predictions and
policies about when to use it or not.
A central theory about RJ highlights a massive difference from
the theory of conventional justice – and also explains why
conventional justice fails to deter repeat convictions far more
often than not (see section 11). That theory, based on “defiance
theory” (Sherman, 1993), is that:
• People who commit crimes often believe, or convince
themselves, that they are not acting immorally.
• RJ engages such people in a moral discussion about whether
crime is wrong.
• An RJ discussion can lead offenders to redefine themselves as
law-abiders, and to agree that they are not the kind of people
who would do immoral things.
• That discussion would lead to the conclusion that what they
did was in fact immoral, and that they should therefore not
repeat such behaviour. (Whether they do anyway remains the
key empirical question about this theory.)
In contrast, criminal law doctrine presumes that people know
they are doing wrong, and that only fear of punishment can stop
them from repeating their crime. Thus punishment is required in
order to deter them (and others) from doing such wrongs. While
such neoclassical theory therefore centres on punishment, RJ
centres on persuasion. The aim of punishment is to enhance fear
of further punishment; the aim of persuasion is to enhance
moral support for voluntary obedience of the law (Braithwaite,
1989; Tyler, 1990; Sherman, 1993, 2003). A theory of obeying
the law by persuasion is thus the ultimate commitment to a
rule of law.
The rule of law
One frequent objection to RJ is that it may undermine the rule of
law, encouraging community abuses of individual rights at the
expense of universal principles and rights. This review finds no
evidence for this concern. As long as RJ is conducted under
the United Nations principles for RJ (see section 5), the major
issue for the rule of law will be one that has long plagued
conventional justice as well: disparity in severity of penalty. Both
RJ and CJ appear equally subject to challenges of disparities and
a wide variance of discretion, as former Lord Chief Justice Woolf
pointed out in his advice to judges on the testing of RJ in 2002.
9 As a report to the Canadian government has noted, “reasonably well-designed
studies of the impact of restorative justice programmes on recidivism are few” (Bonta
et al, 1998: 4). For example, McCold’s (1997) bibliography of 552 reports on restorative
justice identified only two reports that had a comparison group and provided
recidivism outcome data.
RJ_Text_FINAL 5/2/07 10:51 Page 15
SMS (internal
validity) level
Pennsylvania, USA
Level 5
Canberra, Australia
Level 5
(subgroup analysis)
Sherman, Strang,
Barnes and Woods,
defendants under 30
N = 97
Diversion to face-to-
face RJ conferences,
with consent of
offender prior to
victim consent
Conventional juvenile
RJ-assigned had 84
fewer arrests per 100
offenders per year than
(P = .026)
Canberra, Australia
Level 5
(subgroup analysis)
Sherman, Strang,
Barnes and Woods,
Aboriginal defendants
under 30
N = 14
Diversion to face-to-
face RJ conferences,
with consent of
offender prior to victim
Conventional juvenile
Subgroup sample size
too small for adequate
power to test effect
Indianapolis, USA
Level 5
McGarrell et al, 2000 Youth
N = 251
Face-to-face RJ
Conventional juvenile
diversion to a range of
other programmes
28% rearrest rate at six
months for RJ vs 34%
for CJ (P < .05);
effect decays by 12
and Labrador, Canada
Level 4
Northumbria, UK
Level 5
(subgroup analysis)
Northumbria, UK
Level 5
(subgroup analysis)
West Yorkshire, UK
Level 4
West Midlands, UK
Level 4
Kings County
(Brooklyn), New York,
Level 5
Total = 10 Reductions = 6
Increases = 0
No effect = 4
Davis et al, 1981 Adult felony
defendants (family =
50%; acquaintance =
40%; violent = 60%;
property 40%)
N = 465
Diversion from
prosecution to direct
mediation; 56%
Prosecution as usual:
27% conviction rate;
72% dismissed or
absconded; jail
sentences = 2.5%
No difference in four-
month post-disposition
(control absconders
excepted!) rate of
calling police:
RJ =12%;
prosecution = 13%.
Arrests of victim OR
defendant = 4% in
both groups
Miers et al, 2001 Young adult violence
and property offenders
(52% given custodial
N =147
Pre-sentence only;
offenders told
mediation would be
reported to court and
could help reduce
Offenders’ own
predicted recidivism
rate, based on external
model (OGRS2 score)
Two-year reconviction
rate 44% vs 57%
(P =.01)
Miers et al, 2001 Young adult violence
and property offenders
(58% given custodial
N = 153
Pre-sentence indirect,
some direct mediation,
requiring victim
participation but
rarely face-to-face;
not reported to
sentencing court
Offenders’ own
predicted recidivism
rate, based on external
model (OGRS2 score)
Two-year reconviction
rate = 44% vs 58%
(P = .01)
Sherman, Strang,
Barnes and Newbury-
Birch, 2006
Male youth
N = 64
Face-to-face RJ
conferences in
addition to final
warnings by police
Conventional final
warnings by police
No RJ-CJ difference
Sherman, Strang,
Barnes and Newbury-
Birch, 2006
Female youth
N = 44
Face-to-face RJ
conferences in
addition to final
warnings by police
Conventional final
warnings by police
118 before/after fewer
arrests per 100
offenders in RJ group
vs 47 fewer arrests in
CJ group
(P =.012)
Pennell and Burford,
Violent families
N = 32
Face-to-face RJ
Conventional criminal
justice and social
service response
N = 31
50% before/after
reduction in frequency
for RJ families vs 27%
increase for CJ families
(P = .005)
McCold and Wachtel,
Hispanic (51%) and
white youth
N = 111
Diversion to face-to-
face RJ conferences,
prior to victim
or offender consent
Conventional juvenile
No difference in
analysis; high refusal
rate post-random
Reference Population Intervention Comparison Outcome
Table 1: Reasonably unbiased tests of RJ effects on repeat offending after processing for violent crime
RJ_Text_FINAL 5/2/07 10:51 Page 16
SMS (internal
validity) level
Northumbria, UK
Level 5
(subgroup analysis)
Sherman, Strang,
Barnes and Newbury-
Birch, 2006
Male youth
N = 100
Face-to-face RJ
conferences in
addition to final
warnings by police
Conventional final
warnings by police
RJ = 88 fewer arrests
per 100 offenders per
year before/after vs 32
fewer for CJ
(P < .05)
Northumbria, UK
Level 5
(subgroup analysis)
Sherman, Strang,
Barnes and Newbury-
Birch, 2006
Female youth
N = 28
Face-to-face RJ
conferences in
addition to final
warnings by police
Conventional final
warnings by police
Subgroup sample size
too small for adequate
power to test effect
Canberra, Australia
Level 5
(subgroup analysis)
Sherman et al, 2006a White youth arrested
for crimes with
personal victims
N = 228
Face-to-face RJ
Conventional juvenile
No difference
Canberra, Australia
Level 5
(subgroup analysis)
Sherman et al, 2006a Aboriginal youth
arrested for crimes
with personal victims
N = 23
Face-to-face RJ
Conventional juvenile
Comparing two years
after to two years
before, RJ = 288 more
arrests per 100
offenders per year;
CJ = 66 fewer arrests
per 100 offenders per
year (P = .049)
Pennsylvania, USA
Level 5
McCold and Wachtel,
Hispanic (51%) and
white youth
N = 181
Face-to-face RJ
Conventional juvenile
analysis shows
marginally significant
(P = .11) higher
offending in RJ
Indianapolis, USA
Level 5
McGarrell et al, 2000 Youth
N = 381
Face-to-face RJ
conferences, with
consent of offender
Conventional diversion
to a range of non-RJ
RJ = 15% repeat
offenders at six
months, vs CJ = 27%
(P <.05); difference
fades by 12 months
Clayton County,
Georgia, USA
Level 5
Schneider, 1986 Youth
N = 128
RJ = 26% decline in
arrest frequency vs no
change in CJ (P value
not reported)
Boise, Idaho, USA
Level 5
Schneider, 1986 Youth
N = 181
Eight days in jail on
No difference
Oklahoma City, USA
Level 5
Schneider, 1986 Youth
N = 182
No difference
Washington, DC, USA
Level 5
Schneider, 1986 73% youth property
offenders; 27%
violent offenders
N = 411
restitution, with
consent of offender
(40% dropout)
Intention-to treat case
RJ = 12% less arrest
frequency before/after;
CJ = 7% increase
(P < .05)
Winnipeg, Canada
Level 4
Bonta et al, 1998 Male adult property
(61%) and violence
(35%) offenders,
accepted at a 33% rate
from defence lawyer
referrals, all likely to
be sent to prison for
at least six months
N = 142
financial restitution
and RJ face to face
(10%) or by letter of
N = 75
Matched prison
inmates with similar
N = 67
Two-year reconviction
rate for 75 RJ = 11%,
for 67 ex-prison
inmates = 37%
(P < .05)
New Zealand
Level 4
Triggs, 2005 Court-referred
offenders who
completed RJ (25%)
N = 192
Face-to-face RJ
conference with
diverse participants
Offenders’ own
predicted recidivism
rate, based on
external model
No significant
difference in two-year
reconvictions between
RJ (41%) and predicted
Reference Population Intervention Comparison Outcome
Table 2: Reasonably unbiased tests of RJ effects on repeat offending after processing for property crime
Total = 12 Reduction = 5
Increase = 2
Match or beat
custody = 2 of 2
RJ_Text_FINAL 5/2/07 10:51 Page 17
SMS (internal
validity) level
Canberra, Australia
Level 5
Sherman, Strang and
Woods, 2000
offenders caught in
random breath tests
N = 900
Face-to-face RJ
conferences with
five family members
or supporters;
sometimes community
Prosecution in court,
six months’ loss of
driver’s licence, name
published in
No RJ-CJ difference in
before/after difference
of frequency in repeat
Canberra, Australia
Level 5
Sherman, Strang and
Woods, 2000
Youth shoplifters
N = 143
Face-to-face RJ
conferences with five
family members or
supporters; sometimes
store represented
prosecution in
juvenile court
No RJ-CJ difference in
before/after difference
of frequency in repeat
Indianapolis, USA
Level 5
McGarrell et al, 2000 Youth public order
N = 143
Face-to-face RJ
Conventional diversion
to a range of non-RJ
RJ = 28% rearrest
after 12 months;
CJ = 45%
Total = 3 No difference = 2
RJ decrease = 1
RJ increase = 0
Reference Population Intervention Comparison Outcome
Table 3: Tests of the effects on repeat offending of RJ for samples of all or partially non-victim offences
RJ_Text_FINAL 5/2/07 10:51 Page 18
SMS (internal
validity) level
Canberra, Australia
Level 4.5
Strang, 2002 Victims of violent
crime by offenders
under 30, or of
property crime by
offenders under 18
N = 232
(Two separate RCTs
Diversion to face-to-
face RJ, with consent
of offender prior to
victim consent
prosecution in
juvenile or adult court
Anger at justice
CJ = 32%
RJ = 18%
Desire to harm
CJ = 20%
RJ = 7%
Preference for process:
RJ = 69%
CJ = 48%
Satisfaction with
RJ = 60%
CJ = 46%
(All with P = .05 or less)
London, UK
Level 4.5
Angel, 2005 Victims of robbery or
N = 216
(Two separate RCTs
Face-to-face RJ in
addition to CJ, with
consent of offender
prior to victim consent
prosecution in court
without RJ
Post-traumatic stress
symptoms scores for:
RJ = 9
CJ = 14
(P < .01)
London, UK
Level 4.5
Angel, 2005 Victims of robbery or
N = 207
(Two separate RCTs
Face-to-face RJ in
addition to CJ, with
consent of offender
prior to victim consent
prosecution in court
without RJ
Post-crime impact on
employment scores for:
RJ = 16%
CJ = 25%
(P < .12)
Canberra, Australia,
and London, UK
Level 4.5
Sherman et al, 2005 Eight-point estimates
of male and female
victims of violent and
property crimes
Total N = 445
(Four RCTs
disaggregated by
Face-to-face RJ
conferences in
addition to or instead
of CJ, with consent
of offender prior to
victim consent
prosecution in court
Mean proportions
desiring violent
revenge against
RJ = 4%
CJ = 14%
(P < .001)
Level 4.5
McGarrell et al, 2000 Victims of youth
offenders, latter aged
seven to 14
N = 92
(Low response rates,
data “descriptive”)
Diversion to face-to-
face RJ
Any of 23 court-
ordered diversion
Satisfied with how
case was handled:
RJ = 90%
CJ = 68%
Would recommend to
other victims:
RJ = 98%
CJ = 25%
Pennsylvania, USA
Level 1
McCold and Wachtel,
Victims of violent and
property crime by
offenders under 18
N = 180
Diversion to face-to-
face RJ before consent
of offender or victim
prosecution in
juvenile court
Satisfied with the way
case was handled:
RJ = 96%
RJ decline = 73%
CJ = 79%
(P < .01)
Satisfied offender was
held accountable:
RJ = 93%
RJ decline = 77%
CJ = 74%
(P = .05)
Total six tests
summarised with 10-
point estimates
In 10 of 10 estimates,
victims favour RJ over
Reference Population Intervention Comparison Outcome
Table 4: Reasonably unbiased estimates of effects of RJ on crime victim outcomes
RJ_Text_FINAL 5/2/07 10:51 Page 19
SMS (internal
validity) level
Kings County
(Brooklyn), New York,
Level 5
Davis et al, 1981 Adult violent and
property felony
N = 465
Diversion to
direct face-to-face
Offences brought to
RJ = 56%
CJ = 28%
Ratio 2:1
Canberra, Australia
Level 5
Strang et al, 1999 Defendants under age
30 charged with
violent offences
N = 65
Diversion to face-to-
face RJ, with consent
of offender prior to
victim consent
Offences brought to
RJ = 89%
CJ = 44%
Ratio 2:1
Canberra, Australia
Level 5
Strang et al, 1999 Youth under 18
charged with property
crimes against personal
N = 126
Diversion to face-to-
face RJ, with consent
of offender prior to
victim consent
Offences brought to
RJ = 92%
CJ = 27%
Ratio 3:1
Canberra, Australia
Level 5
Strang et al, 1999 Licensed drivers
arrested for drink-
N = 773
Diversion to face-to-
face RJ, with consent
of offender prior to
victim consent
Offences brought to
RJ = 99%
CJ = 87%
Ratio 1.1:1
Canberra, Australia
Level 5
Strang et al, 1999 Youth arrested for
shoplifting from large
N = 87
Diversion to face-to-
face RJ, with consent
of offender prior to
victim consent
Offences brought to
RJ = 93%
CJ = 18%
Ratio 4:1
Five tests
Ratio 5:0
tests of RJ increases of
offences brought to
justice over CJ
Reference Population Intervention Comparison Outcome
Table 5: Reasonably unbiased estimates of effects of RJ on offences with victims brought to justice
RJ_Text_FINAL 5/2/07 10:51 Page 20
Any “balanced” perspective on criminal law is a subject of intense
academic and public debate. Adding victims’ benefits and crime
prevention into the mix of criminal law offends a purely
retributive view of “just desserts”, leading some scholars to find
RJ incompatible with traditional criminal justice (see section 5).
Yet those concerns are also present in CJ, with RJ seen by others
as a way to help rebalance CJ itself. The evidence shows that RJ
leads to more opportunities for offenders to help both victims
and themselves, posing a win-win scenario more often than the
zero-sum game assumed by RJ opponents (Strang, 2002: 155-191).
The major factor affecting disparity of severity is the problem of
victim refusal to participate when an offender is willing. That
problem, however, has been resolved in part by R v Barci. This
case requires judges to give offenders mitigation of time in
prison based on their willingness to participate in RJ, regardless
of any victim’s agreement to do so. Victim-absent conferences
are also possible under those circumstances, which could allow
the theory of RJ to be implemented in a similar fashion to what
happens when victims are present (see section 3).
Concerns about inconsistency in the severity of punishment
associated with RJ can also be dealt with in a variety of ways,
including judicial review (as in New Zealand) and good practice
for insuring compliance with outcome agreements, as
demonstrated by the Metropolitan and Northumbria police (see
section 7). It can also be managed by Crown Prosecution Service
oversight, under the Criminal Justice Act 2003. These and many
other solutions are possible if evidence continues to grow of the
benefits to be gained from making RJ more widely available. That
evidence, however, must distinguish between cases in which RJ is
likely to work, have no effect, or even cause more crime.
Reliance on evidence to decide when RJ is “appropriate” can yield
very different decisions from relying on theory or subjective bias.
One example is the usual proposal to limit the use of RJ to
“lesser” crimes, including juvenile offences, but not to allow it for
“serious” crimes. Yet the evidence suggests RJ may be most
effective when the crimes are most serious. For minor crimes,
RJ is no better than CJ in reducing repeat offending among
shoplifters, drink-drivers, and teenage property offenders in
Canberra. For major crimes RJ has succeeded better than CJ in
reducing repeat offending among felony defendants in New York
City, violent white people under 30 in Canberra, and violent
white girls under 18 in Northumbria. Banning RJ for serious
crimes would destroy the chance to prevent many thousands
more such offences. Nor is it clear that there is any principled
basis for selectively allowing, or banning, RJ – other than the
principle of harm reduction, which indicates its use with
serious crime.
Predicting RJ effects on repeat crime by offenders
The question of repeat offending is often thought to be a small
or limited part of the crime problem. UK evidence suggests
otherwise. According to Home Office data, 76% of all persons
sentenced for indictable offences in 2003 in England and Wales
were people with prior convictions.
If prior arrests had been
used, the percentage of convicted criminals who had indications
of prior crime would probably have been even higher. Based on
people either caught or actually punished, then, most crime is
repeat crime.
How can we tell how much crime RJ might prevent? A reliable
prediction of how RJ will affect repeat offending by offenders
attending conferences must first be based on unbiased evidence.
Much of the evidence about RJ, even with very large sample
sizes, is uninformative for this purpose because it is plagued with
the bias of self-selection (eg Vignaendra and Fitzgerald, 2006).
This means that the kinds of offenders who complete RJ may be
substantially different from those who do not, in ways that may
predict their risk of repeat offending regardless of RJ. If people
with lower risk of repeat offending are more likely to be offered,
accept or complete RJ than people with higher risks of repeat
offending, then the reason why RJ cases had less repeat
offending would not be the result of RJ. The correlation with RJ
would be what statisticians call a “spurious” association that
reflects some third, underlying cause, rather than the effect of
RJ. Much of the positive evidence on RJ suffers from this fatal
flaw, especially the direct comparisons between RJ completers
and RJ refusers (see section 6).
Much of the evidence claiming that RJ does not reduce crime
may suffer a different bias: the bias of measurement. Using
police records on thousands of cases, for example, as the sole
measure of the delivery of RJ may fail to detect an enormous
variability in the content and intensity of the RJ experience.
When RJ (or any programme) is rolled out quickly on a wide scale,
there is a risk that many conferences will just “go through the
motions” to “tick off a box”, rather than treating each case as a
kind of surgical procedure requiring careful advance planning,
preparation and follow-up. With such heterogeneity of the RJ
being delivered, the research is biased against finding any effect
of “good practice” RJ, because no measurement was taken of the
elements of good practice (see section 6).
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) provide the best opportunity
to control both selection and measurement biases. RCTs generally
remove selection bias because they first obtain consent and then
assign RJ to some (but not all) of those consenting. RCTs also
measure consistency of delivery of RJ, so it is clearer just what is
being tested. Finally, the best RCTs analyse their data based on
assignment rather than completion of RJ, so that any self-
selection bias in completion is eliminated. While this procedure
dilutes the effects of RJ, it maintains the capacity of the research
to rule out spurious causes of a difference in repeat offending.
RCTs are not the only kind of evidence that can help predict the
effects of RJ on crime, but they are now available in greater
11 Home Office, Sentencing Statistics 2004, table 6.2 (available at
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abundance for RJ than for any other response to crime ever tested.
These controlled tests show that face-to-face RJ, consistently
delivered by facilitators (mostly police officers) trained by the
same Australian RJ training firm, has reduced repeat offending
on three continents, for highly specific populations, all of which
are identified by characteristics that existed before random
assignment and are therefore considered by statisticians to be
appropriate for subgroup analyses that produce statistically
significant within-group differences by treatment (see section 10):
• violent offenders under age 30 in Canberra (main effects);
• violent girls under 18 in Northumbria;
• male property offenders under 18 in Northumbria;
• property and violence offenders aged seven to 14 in
Tests of other varieties of RJ, primarily court-ordered restitution
or intervention of various descriptions, has also reduced crime
• violent families in Newfoundland and Labrador;
• adult male property and violence offenders diverted from
prison in Winnipeg (and recidivism no worse than from jail
for youth in Idaho);
• youth property offenders in Clayton County, Georgia;
• youth violence and property offenders in Washington, DC.
The rigorous RCT methods, however, have also found evidence
that the same kind of RJ delivered by the same facilitators
made little or no difference in repeat offending rates among
police-selected samples of:
• property offenders under 18 in Canberra;
• violent males under 18 in Northumbria;
• property offenders under 18 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Most important, these same RCT methods have found that face-
to-face RJ offered as a diversion from court causes a substantial
increase in the frequency of arrests among a small sample of
Aboriginals under 18 in Canberra arrested for property crimes,
when compared with Aboriginals randomly assigned to court for
similar offences (see section 11). The Bethlehem findings, with
many Hispanics in the sample, also veer close to significance
(P = .11) in the same direction.
These findings raise important “reason why” questions about the
relationship between RJ and social “marginality”, with both
negative and positive implications (see section 11). One question
is whether offenders from deeply alienated social groups, such as
Australian Aboriginals or American Hispanics, will react very
badly to appeals for obedience to the laws of a government they
perceive as illegitimate, if they do not believe their crimes to be
wrong. The same question could be raised about Islamist radicals
(who believe murder in the name of God to be moral) or certain
Afro-Caribbean gangs (who may see violence as part of the moral
rules of a business enterprise).
The other question is whether the emotional power of RJ could
be customised to engage whatever authority structure may
be effective inside such alienated groups. Mobilising older
Aboriginal males to attend RJ conferences, for example, could
increase the perceived legitimacy of the process among such
offenders – changing their minds about the morality of obeying
the law more than a white police officer or white crime victim
might be able to.
Insight about other reasons RJ results, in general, vary widely
among different kinds of offenders can be gained from a quasi-
experimental (non-RCT) study of differences in repeat offending
among offenders under age 18 in South Australia. This found,
controlling for other predictors of recidivism, that the lowest
repeat offending rates followed conferences during which
offenders showed remorse, and in which agreements were
reached by a clearly consensual process among the people in the
room (Hayes and Daly, 2003). Similar findings (Morris and
Maxwell, 2005) have been reported in long-term follow-up of
juvenile cases in New Zealand (see section 10).
The large magnitude of the RJ effects in this evidence – both
good and bad – suggests that RJ is like a powerful drug that
needs to be carefully tested for specific kinds of cases before it is
put into general practice. Just as penicillin can cure infections,
but cannot cure cancer or diabetes, RJ can reduce crime for some
kinds of offenders but not others. And just as some people are so
allergic to penicillin that it can almost kill them, some offenders
may find RJ so enraging or humiliating that they are provoked
into committing even more crime than they would have done
without RJ. This evidence might be taken as a reason to ban RJ
altogether, but only one such very strong reaction has been
found to date, among a small sample of Australian youth.
All interventions in medicine, or agriculture, or public health
(such as vaccination programmes) cause harm under some circum-
stances. Yet that is rarely sufficient reason to impose a complete
ban on a treatment that offers benefits under some conditions.
Instead, the usual response is to predict as reliably as possible
when there will be harm, and then to apply limited prohibitions
of the intervention under those specific circumstances. That
approach has allowed antibiotics to save millions of lives. It could
also allow restorative justice to prevent millions of crimes.
Predicting RJ effects on victims
The evidence on victims is far more consistent than it is on
offenders. On average, in every test available, victims do better
when they participate in RJ than when they do not. Victims may
report dissatisfaction in the (very infrequent) cases when
offenders refuse to accept responsibility, or if offenders fail to
appear at a conference as agreed, or when offenders fail to
complete outcome agreements. Yet the very high rate of
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offender attendance, remorse and apologies in RJ conferences
far outweighs these exceptions, protecting victims from being
“re-victimised” during the RJ. Instead, from Canberra to London
to Indianapolis, victims who go to RJ conferences report that
they are glad they went. The benefits they describe include less
fear of the offender, less anger at the offender, and greater
ability to get on their lives (see section 9).
The reductions in anger at the offender extend to victims
admitting they have less desire for physical revenge against the
offender after RJ than before – a result confirmed in some tests
by far higher levels of desire for vengeance among victims assigned
to control group status than those assigned to an RJ conference.
In London, the effects of RJ on victims of burglary and robbery
include large reductions in their post-traumatic stress symptoms.
Compared with victims willing to meet with willing offenders but
who were not randomly assigned to RJ, victims who were
assigned to (and completed) RJ reported greater ability to return
to work, to resume normal daily activities, to sleep better at night
and to stop their “racing thoughts”. Long-term data on these
victims may reveal how much RJ has improved their health, given
other evidence that comparable levels of post-traumatic stress
elevate risks of coronary heart disease (Kubzansky et al, 2007).
That, in turn, could potentially reduce National Health Service
costs in an amount sufficient to justify spending on RJ as a
disease prevention strategy for crime victims.
Could RJ reduce government spending?
Healthcare for crime victims is only one of several possible
avenues by which RJ could reduce government spending (see
section 14). Perhaps the largest opportunity is in the reduction of
the prison population, especially (as Lord Woolf has suggested)
in the area of short sentences. Two cases in the Court of Appeal
(Collins and Barci) have already ruled that length of custody
should be reduced for offenders who offer to participate in RJ.
For somewhat less serious offences in which courts may be
inclined to give a short custodial sentence, the addition of RJ
could possibly tip the balance to keep them out of custody
altogether. Even in robbery cases, London Crown Court judges
have said that they had withheld a custodial sentence due to
offender participation in RJ (see sections 2 and 4).
The possible substitution of RJ for prison is even more attractive
if it would result in less crime. The reduction of reconvictions in
Winnipeg (Bonta et al, 1998) with RJ as an alternative to prison
provides evidence of that possibility. Even if there is merely no
increase in crime, the cost savings could be achieved with zero
impact on public safety. Evidence that in Boise, Idaho, youths did
no worse with RJ than they did with eight days in jail is especially
relevant to the debate over short sentences in the UK. At the pro
rata cost of some £35,000 per year for each UK prison sentence,
one offender kept out of prison for one year would cover the
costs of more than 50 RJ conferences (at £25 per hour of police
work for an average of 20 hours per conference, plus supervisory
and overhead costs). That would equal one week of custody for
each RJ conference.
Put another way, if only one in 50 RJ conferences prevented a
year in custody, that alone could cover the costs of the
conferences. The money for one year could thus be saved in one
of two ways: by reducing sentence length, or by reducing the
costs of repeat offending and reincarceration.
Another way that RJ could save money is in fees paid to lawyers
by the government for appearances in court and at police
stations. This would require many more defendants than at
present to admit guilt in anticipation of a conditional caution
involving RJ (see section 14). Each admission of guilt – and
diversion to RJ – could save thousands of pounds in legal fees for
both defence and prosecution.
How can RJ best be delivered?
RJ has often been delivered badly in the UK by programmes
operated on a take-it-or-leave-it philosophy. Courts have been
asked – even in person by the Lord Chancellor – to refer cases
prior to sentencing, but they did not. Victims have been sent
letters inviting them to attend referral panels (on a non-
negotiable date), but they did not. Prosecutors have been asked
to approve cases for diversion to RJ as conditional cautioning,
but they did not. Magistrates have been asked to delay sentence
so that RJ conferences might be held, but they did not. RJ was
there for the taking, but the current system just left it. The
exception may be the youth conferencing programme in
Northern Ireland, which – unlike RJ in England and Wales – is
statutory. The evaluation indicates that the Northern Ireland
programme works well, with cases routinely referred to RJ by
criminal justice agencies as the law intends (Beckett et al, 2005;
Campbell et al, 2006).
It thus appears likely that RJ programmes can be successfully run
only via statutory and regulatory engineering of the criminal
justice system (see sections 3, 13 and 15). Statutory requirements
could ultimately include an adjournment after each guilty plea to
allow police to visit victims and offenders, who could then decide
whether to participate in RJ. That decision could be informed by
risk assessments conducted by police, who would also draw on
the latest research about the kinds of cases for which RJ may be
more or less effective (or could potentially backfire). Statutes
could also allow or require custody suite sergeants to explain the
possibility of diversion to RJ in a conditional caution if offenders
admit their guilt upon arrest, which is exactly what police in
Canberra were able to do without legislation. Such a practice
would be contentious in the UK if seen as an “inducement”, but
could be cast as part of a standard information package that
would be provided to all arrestees.
Other requirements could include the “best practice” methods of
contacting victims face to face by knocking on doors when
victims cannot be reached by phone or by post. Similar standards
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could be set for contacting offenders on bail, and for mobilising
all participants the day before, and the day of, an RJ conference.
Most of the rigorous evidence on RJ to date is based on police
administration of the RJ processes. Yet the expense of trained
officers providing these services makes some police leaders
reluctant to commit that expense to RJ. While there are no direct
comparisons between RJ provided by police or members of other
professions (with similar cases), there is a (still untested) way to
reduce the cost of restorative policing. Testing police community
safety officers assigned as “RJ officers” to work with a small
number of sworn constables could offer a way of providing the
benefits of association with police protection, as well as
incorporating more community-based knowledge of the cultural
dimensions of bringing together offenders and victims.
A competing viewpoint is that RJ facilitators should have no
affiliation with criminal justice agencies (Roche, 2003). There is
no evidence to suggest, however, that this practice can even
attract substantial numbers of crime victims, let alone produce
powerful reductions in offending or victim harm. The New
Zealand system of social workers leading RJ conferences, for
example, has a much lower victim attendance rate than the
police-led programmes evaluated elsewhere (Maxwell and Morris,
1993). The best evidence for large-scale delivery of RJ, at present,
is associated with police-organised and -led conferences.
More justice, less crime: a way forward
Restorative justice offers a strategy for holding more offenders
accountable, with many more victims helped, with more crimes
prevented, and with the costs of government reduced. The
evidence so far suggests that many elements of this strategy can
work with some kinds of offenders and offences. That evidence is
far more extensive, and positive, than the evidence base for most
national roll-outs of new criminal justice policies in any govern-
ment. This conclusion would support a decision to roll out RJ as well.
Building on the promise of the evidence requires two conditions.
In the short run, it requires an institutional focus for the
development of RJ as a major shift in justice policy, as distinct
from a minor programme on the margins. In the long run, it
requires a continuing growth in the evidence of its effectiveness
in order to withstand theoretically based attacks that it is not
“tough” enough or may cause more crime. Both of these may be
achieved by creating a stand-alone RJ agency comparable to
the Youth Justice Board.
A “Restorative Justice Board” (RJB) could provide the focus and
leadership for overcoming the obstacles to delivering RJ on a
widespread basis in England and Wales. It could consist of five or
seven members drawn from diverse constituencies concerned
with justice policy, including victims, courts, police, probation,
prisons, treatment professionals and the public. It could be
empowered to set standards and make recommendations for
statutory and policy changes. It could be given a budget to
deliver two products. One would be the implementation of high-
quality RJ on a much wider scale, fostered by investing the most
in communities achieving the most RJ and by recommendations
for statutory or other systemic changes needed to broaden
access to RJ. The other focus of the budget would be research
and development, investing in testing new ways to deliver RJ
even in communities most challenged by crime.
This second focus of the RJB would thus be able to fill the major
evidence gap found in this review: community-level impact
assessments. Unlike the abundant evidence of the effect of RJ on
individual victims and offenders, there is no evidence on how a
widespread use of RJ would affect community rates of crime and
respect for the law. In order to estimate the effects of RJ as a
general (national) policy, it is necessary to conduct evaluations
using neighbourhood crime rates, rather than individual
offending patterns, as the unit of analysis. This review found no
such tests to date. Such evidence could, however, be far more
relevant to policy making than further research using individual
cases as the unit of testing. Rolling out RJ right across a
neighbourhood – from every stage of the criminal justice system
to every civic organisation and governmental institution dealing
with harms – could yield the best evidence on the effects of
building a restorative society. It could also help to inform an
RJB of the best practices to encourage in making funding
decisions and setting standards.
Best practice for RJ
The ultimate purpose of this review is to identify “best practice”
for RJ. To do that in an evidence-based way requires a focus on
the two best-studied forms of RJ, face-to-face conferences and
court-ordered restitution. The evidence is far from definitive, but
it is at least suggestive. That suggestion is the following “best
practice” in at least setting priorities for investments in RJ:
• RJ seems to work best when it is focused on the kinds of
offences that have a personal victim, who can – at least in
principle – be invited to meet with the offender. The major
criteria for “working” in this claim include helping victims and
reducing reoffending.
• RJ seems to work best when it is focused on violent crime,
rather than property crime, with major exceptions: burglary
victims gain reduced post-traumatic stress symptoms, and
property offenders may commit less crime in future (or at
least no more) if they get RJ than if they get prison.
• RJ may be best able to reduce court and imprisonment costs,
as well as crime and its medical and financial impact on
victims, if it is used as a form of diversion from CJ – including
prosecution, or on a post-conviction basis, as a diversion from
likely incarceration.
With the benefit of this evidence, and increasing dissatisfaction
with the rising costs of prisons, restorative justice offers the
entire UK a 21st-century alternative response to the challenge
of crime in a free society.
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2. A tale of three RJ conferences
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A tale of three RJ conferences
This section presents three examples of the most tested form of
RJ, face-to-face conferences. The examples all show how victims
are helped, even when – as in the first example – the offender’s
pattern of violent crime continues unabated. The cases are not
intended to be representative, except of cases with the most
serious injuries. These cases illustrate both the possibility and the
benefits of using RJ in such cases, against conventional wisdom.
The cases also show, by contrast to conventional justice
procedures, just how much does not happen – that could happen
– in the UK to deal with the emotional impact of crime on the
social network of caring people connected to offenders and
2.1. A robbery in London
Two crime victims sat facing each other in HMP Holloway one
October night in 2002. The younger one – call her Natalie – had
been raped at age 19 and 21, and indecently assaulted when she
was eight years old. The older one – call her Carol – had been
violently robbed of her handbag, with a glass bottle smashed
over her head; her injury required over 70 stitches. Natalie (the
rape victim) was 21 years old. Carol (the robbery victim) was 56.
Both were Afro-Caribbean women. The reason the two victims
sat across from each other in prison was that Carol’s robber was
They met that night to discuss the harm caused by the robbery,
to which Natalie had just pled guilty in Crown Court. Carol never
knew that Natalie had been a crime victim, let alone been raped.
She did not know whether the meeting would affect the length
of prison sentence Natalie would receive. Carol did know that for
seven months, since Natalie robbed her, Carol had been unable to
return to her job as a caregiver in a nursing home. Not since the
attack had Carol carried a handbag, nor even left her home. Carol
was suffering from severe post-traumatic stress symptoms, not
unusual for victims injured in crimes. Such stress can foster
disease and reduce the quality of life. Thus her daughter and
her daughter’s partner went along as her “supporters” for the
conference, at the invitation of Nick Cole, the experienced Met
police officer who organised and led the event.
PC Cole opened the conference by introducing everyone present,
and said that the group was there to discuss three questions:
• What happened?
• Who was affected by it and why?
• What should be done to try to repair the harm?
At the end of the meeting, he said, the group would prepare a
written statement of what Natalie had agreed to do. He and
Natalie would sign the agreement, and submit it to the Crown
Court judge in the case. The judge was free to ignore the
statement or take it into consideration as a possible “mitigation”
of the harm done by the crime.
PC Cole turned to Natalie to describe what she was doing that
night in May, and how the robbery had happened. Natalie said
she was using crack cocaine at the time, and needed money to
buy her next hit. She was looking for someone to rob. Carol was
the first woman with a handbag that Natalie saw. She had tried
to grab the handbag and run, but Carol had held on to it tightly.
So Natalie had hit Carol over the head with the bottle to get her
to release the bag. Carol had let go, and Natalie had run off.
PC Cole asked Carol if she wanted to add anything to that
description. Carol said not a word. She sat there with her arms
folded and her head facing down, showing no emotion, as if
in a catatonic state. But Carol’s daughter quickly chimed in,
describing the injuries in great detail. She also described the
sudden change in Carol’s life in the aftermath of the crime.
When PC Cole asked “who was affected and how”, Carol’s daughter
described the ripple effects of the crime on the many family
members supported by Carol as head of the family. More effects
were described by Natalie’s grandmother, who was horrified to
hear the details of the crime. “Suppose somebody had hurt me
the way you hurt Carol,” said Natalie’s grandmother, looking
directly at Natalie. “Would you want somebody to do that to me?”
Now in tears, Natalie said she would not want anyone to do that
to her grandmother, or to Carol. She said how sorry she was that
she had done it. She stood up and crossed the circle to kneel
directly in front of Carol, who she asked to forgive her. But Carol
remained silent, eyes down.
Natalie pleaded again for forgiveness, saying it was just the
drugs; she had never meant to hurt Carol. That led the discussion
to PC Cole’s third question, “What should be done to repair the
harm?” Carol’s daughter stressed the need for drug treatment,
which Natalie’s family supported as well. Someone also raised the
idea of an anger management course, which Natalie said she
would be happy to attend.
Everyone assumed that Natalie would be sent to prison for the
robbery. They all hoped that prison would provide a chance for
drug treatment and rehabilitation. Natalie promised she would
work hard at her treatment. But no one discussed just how much
Natalie had to do to turn her life around.
New Scotland Yard’s first crime report on Natalie named her as
the victim of an indecent assault at the age of eight. The next
report named her as an offender arrested for assault at age 16.
Between March 1997 and May 2002 – about five years – Natalie
was arrested 28 times in London, averaging over five arrests per
year. Four of those arrests were for robberies, including the May
2002 attack on Carol. Natalie was also named as the victim in
these crimes and dates: a rape in 2000; an assault in 2000;
another rape in 2002.
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Natalie had received a series of community sentences (probation)
for her previous crimes, culminating in an 84-day prison
sentence from which she had been released just 75 days before
robbing Carol on 25 May 2002. She was arrested for that crime
on 1 June, and had been in prison awaiting trial and sentence for
exactly five months on the night of the restorative justice
conference. The question for her, and everyone else present that
night, was whether Natalie’s remorse for having hurt Carol so
badly would be enough to help her turn her life around.
The question, in other words, was what would happen by placing
the present victim – Carol – at the centre of a face-to-face
process of justice, one that is far more up close and personal
than the formal rituals she had already been through in a Crown
Court. Would it prevent Natalie from committing more crimes?
Would it help Carol to heal the trauma that had kept her from
going back to work?
The answer was that the process helped Carol immensely, but had
no apparent effect on Natalie. Carol had not spoken throughout
the RJ conference. When it was over and the participants stood
up to take tea and biscuits, Carol stayed in her seat. After general
conversation was under way, Carol suddenly said loudly, “Young
lady, come over here!” Natalie stood before Carol, who took her
hand and started to pray that Natalie would turn her life around.
Natalie, once again moved to tears, promised she would.
The items in the outcome agreement were as follows:
• Natalie to receive help for drug problem.
• Natalie to attend anger management course.
• Natalie to contact victim when ready (contact details through
PC Cole).
• Natalie promises to behave herself and become a better person.
Carol went out the next day to buy a handbag. Then she went
back to work. The RJ conference had restored and transformed
Carol’s life.
It had not changed Natalie’s.
Natalie was sentenced to five years in prison. With time off for
good behaviour and time served before sentence, she was
released 24 months later, in late 2004. Six weeks after her release,
she was arrested for yet another robbery. As of autumn 2006,
she was still in prison.
2.2. A serious assault in Canberra
Ten years ago in the Australian capital city of Canberra, two
heroin addicts sat in a circle with a uniformed Australian Federal
Police officer and a Protestant pastor. They were discussing an
assault by one addict that had almost killed the other, knocking
out his teeth and causing massive loss of blood.
The crime had occurred shortly after one heroin addict, Bob, had
been released from prison. He was filled with ideas of revenge. He
had heard that while he was in prison his girlfriend had been
raped by the other addict, Sam. Bob knew Sam slightly because
they both patronised the same heroin dealer. Bob came looking
for Sam on the day of his release. When he found Sam, months
of rage fuelled the beating Bob gave him. He left Sam with
broken bones, his front teeth all knocked out, bleeding profusely.
Sam lost three litres of blood and would have died if he had not
been found in time. Bob was soon arrested. He most certainly
would have gone back to prison if he had been charged and
found guilty in court of this assault. Instead, police decided that
an RJ conference might work better. After submitting the case to
the randomised controlled trial of RJ at the Australian National
University’s RISE (Reintegrative Shaming Experiments) Project,
the case was randomly assigned to a conference.
Usually RJ conferences are attended by the family and friends of
both the victim and the offender, but Bob and Sam had no one
who wanted to come with them. Only the church pastor, Joe,
who knew both of them because of his work with the drug-using
community, offered to come and to support them both.
In the conference Bob freely acknowledged responsibility for the
injuries he caused to Sam. He had no remorse at all. The RJ police
facilitator asked Bob what he had been thinking when he
attacked Sam. Bob explained about his girlfriend (with whom he
had broken up since the time of the assault). Sam was sheepish
about this accusation – the first explanation he had heard for
what happened – and responded by saying, “I didn’t go out of my
way to rape her.”
An hour’s discussion ensued in which Bob insisted on the moral
rightness of his actions, while Sam spoke only of the injuries he
had suffered. In Sam’s own estimation, the attack had been
completely unjustified, despite his admitted rape of Bob’s former
girlfriend. Sam was particularly concerned about his teeth – he
had found out they would cost A$3,000 to repair. When he said
he wanted A$3,000 from Bob, Bob laughed.
Bob knew, however, that if this RJ conference failed, he would
have to go to court – and almost certainly go back to prison. In
the time between the incident and the conference his anger had
cooled and he was now feeling some regret, if not remorse. Sam,
for his part, knew that if the conference failed he would be living
in fear of the next time he encountered Bob – a very likely
event given their way of life, and use of the same heroin dealer.
Sam trusted neither his own feelings of anger and vengefulness,
nor Bob’s, in that eventuality.
Finally Joe, the pastor, proposed that Sam would forgo his claim
against Bob for monetary restitution of damages. In return, Bob
would agree always to stay 500 metres away from Sam, even
when they were both visiting their drug dealer. Six weeks after
the conference Sam said he was still unhappy about his teeth,
but enormously relieved that there had been no further trouble
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with Bob. Nor did he expect there to be. Five years later, neither
Bob nor Sam had been arrested again in Canberra – for any
offence against anyone.
2.3. Another robbery in London
One night in December 2004, a young man walked into a room
in a Highgate (London) police station with a young woman and
their baby. Sitting in the room awaiting their arrival were a
middle-aged couple, Anne and Terry, as well as a criminologist
(Heather Strang) and two male cameramen. Two cameras were
set up (by advance consent of all parties) to videotape the
A Scotland Yard police constable in plain clothes, PC
Mark Davies, introduced everyone and began an RJ conference.
Anthony and his partner, Christy, had fallen on hard times. Both
were young newcomers to London and had faced many
difficulties since the birth of their son. Anthony had worked in
the building industry until an accident resulted in his being off
work for several weeks prior to his offence. Both he and Christy
had also been the victim of robbery, in separate incidents. Their
social isolation meant that there was no one they could turn to
for assistance when their precarious situation led to a financial
crisis. Anthony’s attempted robbery of Anne’s purse in the street
near where both of them lived was amateurish. He was quickly
When Anne, a journalist, and her husband, Terry, a school
headmaster, arrived at the RJ conference they were extremely
sceptical about Anthony’s motives for meeting them. They were
unimpressed by his repeated apologies and said they believed
that Anthony had committed many such offences before this
one. Anthony, with his many tattoos and body piercings, may
have given the impression of prison experience. This robbery was,
however, his first recorded offence. In expressing his remorse, he
said he could well understand that Anne and her husband would
feel quite unforgiving. That is why he wanted to tell them face to
face how very sorry he was for causing them trouble and pain.
Anne responded that she had not been traumatised by the
incident, but she felt angry about it because it diminished
feelings of trust and confidence in the local community. At this,
Anthony’s partner, Christy, said that she had felt the same way
when she had been the victim of an attempted street robbery.
Christy’s robber had hurled their baby in his pushchair into the
road. This was why she had been so angry at Anthony for his
Christy went on to describe her own feelings of outrage and
disgust when she found out what Anthony had done. As Anthony
cradled their sleeping child in his lap, she described eloquently
the consequences of the incident for their relationship: she said
that she had no patience at all with Anthony’s excuses for his
actions, even though she acknowledged their poverty and
anxiety about the welfare of their son. As far as she was
concerned there was no possible justification for the robbery
attempt. She had come close to leaving Anthony, despite her
own desperate circumstances, because she found it so hard to
forgive him. She then said that his extreme remorse gave her
some hope about their remaining together because she loved
him for that, though she did not expect Anne and her husband
to set any store by it.
Christy’s description of the state of her relationship with
Anthony proved to be a powerful turning point for the
conference. After a moment’s silence Terry turned to Anthony
and said: “You may go to prison on Monday, but you are a very
lucky man.” Anne and Terry agreed that the best outcome of
the conference as far as they were concerned would be for
Anthony to get himself some job training and to get back into
employment as soon as he was able. They hoped very much that
he would not receive a custodial sentence and that he and
Christy would be able to survive the stresses and strains of their
present circumstances. As one viewer of the videotape, Malcolm
Gladwell, quoted their exact words in the New Yorker:
“If there is anything I can do, please say it,” Anthony says.
“I think most of what you can do is between the two of you,
actually,” Anne says to Anthony and Christy. “I think if you can
put your lives back together again, then that’s what needs to be
After the conference, the Crown Court judge in Anthony’s case
was informed that there had been an RJ conference, and that it
had been filmed. He asked to see the three hours of videotape
from both cameras: only rushes were available, so the judge
watched six hours of conference proceedings. In view of
Anthony’s remorse and previous good character, the judge said in
court that he had decided for the first time in his career not to
impose a custodial sentence for a robbery. Twenty-one months
later there was no record of Anthony having reoffended.
2.4. What can we conclude from these cases?
Little can be concluded from three examples about the average
effects of RJ on key outcomes. But much can be concluded about
the nature of the process itself, and the central importance of
narrative in the emotional processing of the aftermath of a
crime. As Malcolm Gladwell wrote of the third case (Anthony the
robber) in his review of a book about how people crave, offer and
understand explanations for events (Tilly, 2006):
Watching the conference is a strange experience, because it is
utterly foreign to the criminal process of which it is ostensibly a
12 This case was excluded from the sample of the randomised trial in order to
minimise any heterogeneity in the way in which RJ was delivered, since it was the only
case to be videotaped.
13 The resulting videotape of this conference was viewed by New Yorker magazine
writer Malcolm Gladwell (author of The Tipping Point) and analysed in that publication
in 2006, the text of which (called “Here’s Why”) is posted online at
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part. There is none of the oppressive legalese of the courtroom.
Nothing is “alleged”; there are no “perpetrators”. The formal
back-and-forth between questioner and answerer, the
emotionally protective structure of courtroom procedure, is
absent. Anne and Terry sit on comfortable chairs facing Christy
and Anthony. They have a conversation, not a confrontation.
They are telling stories, in Tilly’s sense of that word: repairing
their relationship by crafting a cause-and-effect account of
what happened on the street.
Why is such storytelling, in the wake of a crime, so important?
Because, Tilly would argue, some social situations don’t lend
themselves to the easy reconciliation of reason and role …
Tilly argues that [conflicts between narratives and codes] are
endemic to the legal system. Laws are established in opposition
to stories. In a criminal trial, we take a complicated narrative of
cause and effect and match it to a simple, impersonal code:
first-degree murder, or second-degree murder, or manslaughter.
The impersonality of codes is what makes the law fair. But it is
also what can make the legal system so painful for victims, who
find no room for their voices and their anger and their
experiences. Codes punish, but they cannot heal.
So what do you do? You put Anne and her husband in a room
with Anthony and Christy and their baby boy and you let
them talk.
Gladwell’s analysis does not apply fully to all forms of restorative
justice; only the face-to-face conference allows the chance to
“let them talk”. But the craving for a “story”, an explanatory
narrative for why and how a crime happened, may be present in
almost all victims. Similarly, the craving to offer an explanation
may be present in many or even most offenders, once they come
into direct contact with their victims. To the extent that
explanations do help to repair relationships, this may explain why
victims derive so much benefit from (at least face-to-face) RJ.
To the extent that giving such explanations to victims may
encourage remorse by offenders, it may be one of the most
emotionally powerful tools in the armament of criminal justice.
Whether these effects are differentially produced, if at all, from
different kinds of RJ remains an unanswered question. The
question we can answer is what varieties RJ can take in the
modern world.
15 Gladwell at
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3. Varieties of restorative justice
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Varieties of restorative justice
Restorative justice means different things to different people.
The evidence on repeat offending in this report focuses heavily
on the use of face-to-face meetings of victims, offenders, and
their respective families and “supporters”, in response to what is
recognised by all those parties as a criminal act. The purpose of
this section is to clarify that focus in light of other approaches to
RJ, regardless of the evidence or theoretical power that may be
associated with them.
This section briefly describes some varieties of restorative justice
found in the world today, as well as throughout human history.
It does so by focusing on the major dimensions on which RJ
varies – the fundamental choices people make about who is to
be brought to RJ, for what kinds of actions, in what kind of
relationship to conventional justice – rather than by attempting
to describe the thousands of RJ programmes in use today in
India, China, South Africa and many other parts of the world.
But underlying all of these dimensions is a definition of RJ that
has been widely accepted across the modern world, and adopted
in publications and research grants by the Home Office. That
definition builds on the ancient customs of human societies from
Europe to New Zealand, from the Arctic to Arabia, from Kenya
to Bangladesh. Just as those ancient customs varied on such
process dimensions as the involvement or exclusion of women, or
such outcome dimensions as the cost of reparations to be paid in
compensation for the harm caused by different kinds of crimes,
the modern revival of RJ varies widely on similar dimensions of
process, scope and outcome.
What all definitions of restorative justice share is a common
moral vision: that justice requires more than the infliction of a
“just dessert” of pain on an offender. Whether RJ should include
such pain is a point of controversy and difference across the
varieties of RJ. But the evidence suggests that RJ starts with the
common premise that offenders should somehow try to make
the world a better place than they left it after they committed a
crime. Once that cornerstone is laid, RJ can then be built in two
major ways: by authorities imposing on the offender an act of
restitution, or, less controversially, by a process involving the
people most affected by a crime – including the offender, whose
consent to a collective agreement is considered essential to the
definition of RJ. However RJ is achieved, it is consistent with the
moral vision of redemption through acknowledgement of
responsibility for having caused harm.
3.1. One definition of restorative justice
The most generally used definition of “consensual” RJ is now
almost a decade old (Marshall, 1999):
… a process whereby all the parties with a stake in a particular
offence come together to resolve collectively how to deal with
the aftermath of the offence and its implications for the future.
This definition is far from universal, but it serves as a starting
point. There are many varieties of RJ that achieve what Marshall
describes. These include:
• face-to-face conferences of victims, offenders and
• face-to-face mediation (without supporters present);
• indirect, “shuttle diplomacy” mediation;
• victim-absent discussions with offender and supporters
about crime;
• offender-absent discussions with victim and supporters
about crime;
• sentencing circles led by a judge (First Nations people in
Notably, Marshall’s definition of restorative justice does not
include a penalty of court-ordered restitution to a victim, which
is central to the meaning of the term in many locations, and in
many of the empirical tests of RJ. Thus the extent to which RJ
represents a voluntary agreement by an offender is the first of
many dimensions found in the actual use of the concept of RJ by
people processing crimes around the world. Some, like the
authors of the UN standards, would say that it is not RJ if it is
not voluntary. Empirically, however, it is necessary only to
classify each test correctly on this dimension, and to call the
reader’s attention to this distinction in reading and interpreting
the evidence in tables 1 to 5.
3.2. Major dimensions of restorative justice
(a) Scope: criminal versus non-criminal
RJ is a conflict resolution technique not confined to incidents
defined by law as criminal. It is increasingly used in school and
workplace settings. It is also the basis for attempts to resolve the
consequences of transgressions by the state through truth and
reconciliation commissions, most notably in South Africa.
(b) Standing: diversion versus supplementation
RJ in criminal justice has been most commonly used to divert
offenders from the formal justice system. These are usually,
but not always, juveniles, often first-time offenders, who have
committed minor offences. In some cases (see section 2)
diversion has also been used with extremely serious adult cases.
RJ is also used in addition to normal prosecution through the
criminal courts for offences too serious, given our current state
of knowledge, to be dealt with exclusively by RJ.
(c) Whose harm: personal versus collective victims
While the theory of RJ predicts it will work most effectively when
personal victims are involved, RJ is also feasible when the victims
are a collectivity. Collective victims include both corporations
(such as with shoplifting) and communities (such as with
disorder offences or vandalism of such public property as schools
or parks). We note that stakeholders to crimes are defined by
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their emotions, regardless of a crime’s physical impact on them
or on property that they own. Some might say that certain
stakeholders in a collectivity are really “personal victims” of a
crime, if the crime caused them enough emotional harm. One
example is the zookeepers at a Midlands zoo where youths
abused and killed a wallaby. The deep pain felt by the zookeepers
led them to participate in a police-led RJ conference with the
(d) Process: face-to-face versus all other methods
Face-to-face RJ entails direct deliberation among those affected
by a crime. The emotional power generated in this way may be
critical to the process. When one or all of the parties are
unwilling to meet, however, indirect mediation or discussion with
only the victim or the offender is often used to process the crime.
(e) Convening: negotiator or facilitator
Victim-offender mediation programmes typically involve a
mediator whose responsibility is to negotiate between the parties
to achieve a satisfactory outcome. This may take place with both
parties present or by the mediator shuttling between them.
Conferencing programmes typically involve a facilitator whose
responsibility is to provide a forum in which the parties can
negotiate directly with each other. The facilitator’s role is to
ensure that the parties stay focused on the reasons for the
meeting and remain civil in their communication. The facilitator
is not expected to participate or lead the substance of the
(f) Outcome: restitution-centred versus other restoration
RJ in the form of court-based restitution programmes and
some victim-offender mediation programmes usually focus on
financial restitution to the victim. These typically pay less
attention to victims’ emotional harm.
3.3 Why focus on face-to-face RJ?
The evidence and the vision considered in this report are
primarily, but not exclusively, about face-to-face RJ. Given the
limits of length in a document addressed to busy policy makers,
the report largely takes this focus for three reasons. First, the
principles of the moral vision of RJ to strengthen interdependent
communities resonate more with face-to-face RJ than with any
other approach. Second, a preponderance of unbiased evidence
about RJ comes from the face-to-face variety. Third, the
criminological theory derived from the evidence on patterns of
criminal offending and desistance over the life-course predicts
that only face-to-face RJ could provide an experience with enough
emotional power to substantially reduce repeat offending.
3.4. Stages in the criminal process: inventory of face-to-
face RJ models in relation to conventional justice
Within the domain of face-to-face RJ, a further variety of
settings for RJ have emerged in relation to the criminal process.
These include, but are probably not limited to, the following
• police diversion from prosecution to a caution, even for very
serious offences (such as the Canberra RISE model);
• in youth justice, as a way of delivering standard cautions,
reprimands or final warnings, or referral panels;
• diversion from prosecution by prosecutors (for example,
conditional cautioning under the Criminal Justice Act 2003);
• diversion from prosecution by court order or statute (for
example, various Australian mainstream models, the New
Zealand mainstream model for juveniles and to a more
limited extent for adults);
• “sentencing circles” combining elements of traditional First
Nations conflict resolution techniques with formal court-
based justice (in Canada);
• victim-offender mediation and victim-offender reconciliation
programmes (scattered throughout Europe and the US, often
• conditional caution preserving possibility of prosecution (UK
test model);
• post-conviction, pre-sentence (UK test model);
• post-sentence, case management (UK test model);
• post-sentence, pre-release (UK test model);
• consensual processes not brought to the attention of the
formal justice system (UK restorative policing).
3.5 Summary
The label of “restorative justice” has been applied to a wide range
of programmes, with one common element: offenders doing
something constructive to make the world a better place, rather
than simply having pain inflicted on them. This broad definition
is an opportunity for flexibility as well as for confusion.
Confusion results when, for example, the term “restorative” is
used to describe prison inmates cleaning up a rubbish-filled lot,
or when juvenile delinquents are required by a youth offending
team referral panel to remove graffiti from park benches. While
it is true that in such activities offenders are in some sense
“restoring” the world to the status quo before the rubbish or
graffiti was there, such efforts do nothing to put the victim at
the centre. That is, the restoration to the community has no
connection to the restoration to the actual victims of the
offenders performing such activities.
From the perspective of the personal victims of these offenders’
crimes, such community service per se offers little restoration of
the emotional or psychological state the victims were in before
the crime occurred. Even from the perspective of the offenders
themselves, the experience of such “constructive” work is unlikely
to cause an emotional revelation of the moral truth that harming
other people is wrong. And from the perspective of the loved
ones and friends – of both victim and offender – who were
affected by the crime, the mere act of community service has
not been tested to see if it can mitigate the psychological harm
of crime.
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The kind of RJ that could have wide-ranging benefits for
everyone directly affected by a crime requires more than
community service. Restoring victims, reducing repeat offending,
and building community commitment to the rule of law are all
part of the moral vision of RJ. The evidence about whether RJ
can achieve those results is largely limited to the variety of RJ
designed to achieve them: face-to-face meetings. That design is
also consistent with criminological theories based on thousands
of criminal careers about “epiphanies” and “narratives” about
who ex-offenders are and what they do (Maruna, 2001; Giordano
et al, 2002). For these reasons of goals, evidence and theory, most
of the report focuses on what we know about face-to-face
restorative justice: its processes, compliance levels, and long-
term effects on offenders and victims.
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4. The process of restorative justice
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The process of restorative justice
RJ depends entirely on a process of bringing offenders and
victims together, either in person or by communication through
third parties. The process consists of a sequence of three key
stages: finding cases, getting consent and reaching agreements.
When RJ is used as a supplement to CJ processes, a fourth stage
may arise: the transmission of an agreement to criminal justice
decision makers.
In some tests, this process has been completed in substantial
volume, despite the lack of public familiarity with the idea. In
other tests, the process has been mired in the first or second
stages. Either no cases can be found (or referred by officials), or
offenders and victims refuse to consent.
These problems might be due to sheer start-up inertia. They may
fade away if RJ is pump-primed with enough cases to become
commonplace to the public (and perhaps appear in television
dramas). Whatever the evidence shows to date on the extent to
which victims and offenders are willing to communicate, it is
reasonable to predict that take-up rates for RJ should increase
steadily as public awareness of the process increases. As in any
other “tipping point” of social change in technologies, from fax
machines to mobile phones, public acceptance of the technology
rises with greater experience and a critical mass of participation
(Gladwell, 2000). The problem, to which we return in section 13,
is how to get to that tipping point.
4.1. Finding cases
Many evaluation reports on RJ in the UK (Meirs et al, 2006;
Shapland et al, 2004, 2006) stress the difficulty of recruiting
victims and offenders into RJ processes. Where this problem is
found, it is usually associated with a decision to test RJ as an
add-on” to an agency or organisation that already has plenty of
other work. In contrast, when a team of people has been funded
to do RJ – and nothing but RJ – all the time, the case-flow of
case recruitment has been far more successful.
At its peak in Canberra in 1995-97, for example, the RJ unit in the
Australian Federal Police/Australian Capital Territory was organising
and conducting up to five conferences a week in a community of
under 300,000 people. This was in an agency with a total
strength of some 500 officers, 100 of whom had been trained to
lead RJ conferences on request of a central RJ co-ordinating unit.
Scaled up in terms of London police numbers, that would equal
some 300 RJ conferences a week, or almost 16,000 per year. The
production of RJ was simplified by two conditions: 1) many
conferences addressed victimless crimes, and 2) AFP procedures
required no formal consent of victims – who were simply asked
to name a time and date they could attend such a conference.
More important, perhaps, was the in-person or telephone
conversations police officers had with the victims, offenders and
sometimes supporters before a conference occurred, which
produced a very high show-up rate for all parties (Strang, 2002).
The most important reason the Canberra RISE project found so
many cases, however, was that it was able to work with some 500
arresting police officers as independent decision makers. Each
one of the officers was empowered to refer a criminal case to RJ
as a diversion from prosecution. Under ACT policies, police
constables were given broad discretion, in consultation with the
station sergeant in the custody suite booking area, to decide
whether an arrest should result in a police caution, a prosecution,
or a diversion to RJ. In the UK, by contrast, these powers have
now been relocated with the Crown Prosecution Service, which
by written policy (and statute) has excluded many of the kinds of
cases that were referred to RJ in Canberra.
Similarly, the five youth offending teams that co-operated with
the Northumbria police in testing RJ for youth justice agreed as
a matter of policy to refer all cases resulting in a reprimand or
final warning to the police RJ unit. This provided a very high
volume of cases for the specially trained RJ officers to work on,
yielding both victim and offender consent in over a third of all
property and assault crimes brought to justice without
prosecution (Shapland et al, 2006).
Northumbria’s adult cases for similar crimes in magistrates’
courts, in contrast, were far harder to identify. Neither CPS nor
court clerks actually implemented agreements to notify the
police of eligible cases as convictions were reached. Only after
months of trying alternative strategies was the RJ unit able to
find an effective link for case referral: the pre-sentence report
(PSR) staff of the regional branch of the National Probation
Service. Each time a PSR was requested for an offender convicted
of an eligible offence type, probation staff faxed a copy of the
request to the police RJ unit, which in turn was able to contact
the offender and victim to organise RJ cases prior to the
offender’s sentencing date.
The Northumbrian adult cases, however, also illustrate the
precarious position of RJ programmes in seeking cases without
statutory requirements, even when the Lord Chancellor meets
with the people concerned. For several years, in 2001-04, police
and Home Office officials asked the magistrates’ courts not to
sentence cases “there and then” when offenders offered guilty
pleas, and where no PSR would be requested – the majority of
the adult convictions for eligible cases. Instead, police asked the
courts to adjourn the cases for sentencing four weeks later, to
allow time to organise RJ before sentence. Court officials said
they would do so, but in practice the courts continued to
sentence “there and then”. Even a meeting of some 200
magistrates with the Lord Chancellor failed to change the local
custom, which made RJ-before-sentence impossible to organise
in the majority of eligible cases.
The question of “finding” a case is closely linked to the step in the
criminal process at which RJ is being attempted. A time window
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deadline is associated with most cases, determined by the date at
which the next step in the process must occur by law. An arrest
must generally be diverted before the case is prosecuted; a
conviction must not lead to immediate sentencing if RJ is to
occur pre-sentence; a probation plan cannot be based on RJ
unless an RJ process occurs at the very beginning of the
sentence; and inserting RJ into a prison pre-release process must
be done before the inmate is actually released. The advantage of
tying RJ to these deadlines is that they provide a focus, and some
incentive, for offenders to co-operate with the process and
accept responsibility for their crimes. The disadvantage of tying
RJ to these deadlines is that the CJ officials with primary control
of the case can use the deadlines to foreclose the possibility
of RJ.
While some tests of efforts to refer high volumes of cases to RJ
have succeeded in the UK, other tests provide evidence of a need
for statutory requirements for referral (see section 13).
4.2. Consent to RJ
Once cases can be identified in good time, the UK record on
obtaining consent to RJ from victims and offenders is excellent.
Compared with the scepticism often heard about crime victims
meeting or communicating with their offenders, the rates of
victim take-up have been substantial – at least in pilot tests
focused on RJ.
The low rates of victim involvement in routine
youth justice, however, indicate the challenge of making RJ
succeed without a unit with a special brief for RJ. If RJ is one of
dozens of performance indicator targets to be met, it seems
unlikely to get top priority. If RJ is the only performance target a
unit must meet, however, the track record is far better.
The best track records in the UK so far have been found in adult
probation (Meirs et al, 2001) and in the Metropolitan Police-led
London Crown Court cases, as well as with youth reprimands and
final warnings led by a specialist RJ team in Northumbria
(Shapland et al, 2006). In these settings, consent and completion
of RJ processes all happen with enough frequency to maintain
morale and competence in facilitating the actual content of RJ.
This includes the critical work of preparing for a conference or
other RJ process, delivering the process to a mutually satisfactory
agreement, and then ensuring that the agreements are met by
the offender.
The typical process in these units is to offer RJ to offenders first,
without saying whether the victim is willing. This practice is
based on a desire not to bother crime victims with the emotional
work of deciding whether or not to communicate with the
offender – unless the offender is willing to communicate and
appropriately takes responsibility. Thus in the initial meetings
with offenders by RJ facilitators, the primary concern is whether
an offender is suitable for RJ, regardless of stated intent. If
offenders deny their guilt, express intense anger or give other
indications of posing a risk to victims or supporters in an RJ
process, facilitators have readily excluded them.
At the same time, there has been no attempt to require evidence
of “remorse” as a precondition for RJ. Many offenders agree to
RJ in a matter-of-fact way, in a one-on-one meeting with a
facilitator. It is when they get into an RJ process that they
may become quite emotional and make apparently sincere
expressions of remorse and apology. As facilitators often say, “RJ
doesn’t screen for remorse; it aims to achieve remorse.” This basis
of the facilitator’s consent to have an offender participate has
resulted in no documented cases (to our knowledge) of offenders
verbally abusing victims, let alone behaving violently, in any RJ
process in the UK.
Once an appropriately willing offender has given consent, RJ
facilitators contact victims to seek their consent. This is a key
issue for “best practice”, since there are at least three ways to
obtain victim consent: by letter, by phone call, or in person. Our
evidence suggests that best results are likely to be obtained by
facilitators meeting in person with victims prior to any RJ
process, especially face-to-face RJ conferences. By contrast, it is
common youth justice practice to send crime victims invitations-
by-letter before a youth offender panel meets with their
offenders. This practice yields a low victim take-up rate. It may
also yield problems in victim or offender reaction to a meeting
with three or more people who had no direct stake in the crime
– in stark contrast to Marshall’s (1999) definition of RJ.
Whether victims choose to participate in RJ depends on many
considerations: who asks them, in what fashion, and with what
kind of priority given to their convenience and emotional state.
All these factors appear to influence the likelihood of victims
taking part. The resulting take-up rate can vary enormously.
For example, Gehm (1990) found that 47% of the victims from
six US victim-offender reparation programmes (VORPs) agreed to
meet their offender, after strenuous efforts to reach agreement.
Where efforts have not been so strenuous, as with the New
Zealand family group conferencing programme (Morris and
Maxwell, 1993) or the referral panels operated by the Youth
Justice Board (Miers et al, 2001), victim involvement has been
much lower.
Within England and Wales, some of the highest victim take-up
rates are for the most serious offences. About half of all victims
of serious burglary and robbery who were approached (after
offender consent) by Metropolitan Police officers in the Justice
Research Consortium’s London Crown Court studies agreed to
meet their offenders.
Comparable if somewhat lower rates were
found for victims of violent offenders sentenced to prison or
probation in the Thames Valley, who were approached by the
16 In the JRC experiments as of mid-2003, victim take-up ranged from 38% for the
Thames Valley prison study to 78% for the Northumbria youth property study.
Offender take-up ranged from 57% for the Northumbria magistrates’ court adult
property study to 82% for the Northumbria magistrates’ court adult assault study.
17 JRC, or the UK studies of the Jerry Lee Program of Randomized Controlled Trials in
Restorative Justice.
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National Probation Service-Thames Valley/HM Prison Service RJ
team for the JRC tests.
The highest overall take-up rates we have found were in the
Northumbrian youth justice experiments, in which 39% of
eligible youth assault cases and 46% of eligible youth property
crime cases resulted in a joint victim-offender agreement to
complete RJ. Without a special RJ unit in youth offending teams,
however, only 5% to 15% of invited victims attend youth referral
panel meetings (Crawford and Burden, 2005; Newburn et al,
2002). This range of response reflects the importance, and
structural conditions, of the substantial efforts taken to
encourage victim participation in RJ.
For example, Crawford and Burden (2005: 38) report that with
youth justice referral panels: “[A]dministrative pressures of time
militate against active encouragement of victim attendance, in
particular the 20-day timetable for the initial panel meeting as
set by national standards [and the fact that] attending panels
can place an inconvenient burden upon victims.” Lack of
awareness by the general public about RJ may also contribute
to the low take-up in youth justice, given the difficulties of
suggesting the value of attending an event about which there is
little public knowledge.
By contrast, the facilitators involved in organising RJ conferences
for the JRC experiments in RJ spent on average 18 hours in
organising each successful conference. This included time spent
talking to offenders, but in general more time was needed to
explain the process to victims. They also arranged conferences as
far as possible to suit victims’ convenience. Notwithstanding the
need to conduct most of the London and Thames Valley
conferences within prison, with all the attendant difficulties of
bringing people together in that setting, these efforts paid off in
90% or higher rates of victim attendance as promised. (RJ in
prison also has the advantage of allowing RJ facilitators to find
non-appearing offenders, who are occasionally too ashamed or
fearful of meeting their victim to come out of their cells.)
4.3. Reaching victim-offender agreements
Even when RJ facilitators succeed in getting both offenders and
victims to agree in principle to undertake RJ, there are a number
of reasons why RJ conferences may not go ahead to reaching a
victim-offender agreement. While we lack good evidence on
indirect RJ, we have ample data on face-to-face processes, which
define full success as an agreement completed at a conference
with both victim and offender present. For many reasons, this
may be harder than simply sentencing an offender in court – a
process that is far from perfect due to offender failure to appear.
But it is possible to make it easier, as the evidence shows.
It is a common experience of victims in the UK that the RJ event
cannot be held at a time and place convenient to them, so they
decline to attend. There are also many reasons why offenders
prevent face-to-face RJ from being delivered as promised. The
offender may withdraw his/her admissions or guilty plea;
something may be discovered to render the case ineligible for RJ;
at the last minute the offender perhaps cannot be found; the
offender may fail to attend the conference. Most rarely, offender
and victim meet but a satisfactory outcome agreement cannot
be reached.
These offender compliance (and sometimes facilitator delivery)
obstacles in the process pose a major issue for RJ. When, for
whatever reason, victims have been promised an RJ conference
that is not held, they are often very dissatisfied. In RISE, for
example, about a third of victims assigned to CJ described
themselves as “angry” about their experience – three times as
many as those who completed RJ. But proportionately even more
victims were angry if they had been promised RJ that never
actually happened.
The evidence suggests that these problems can be solved, at least
in the UK, when special RJ units are employed to do face-to-face
RJ and nothing else. For indirect RJ, we have no precise evidence
about rates of completing agreements given consent. But for the
face-to-face RJ tests, we can be very specific and even hopeful.
Across the eight Justice Research Consortium tests in 2001-04, a
total of 883 cases were randomly assigned to RJ or CJ status. Of
the 444 cases assigned to RJ, 372 (84%) were completed with
both victims and offenders present for a face-to-face discussion.
Of the remaining 16%, some 8% (35) of the cases had no
conference at all, 8% (34) had a conference with the offender
that the victim declined to attend, and two had a conference
with the victim present but no offender. The 92% offender
completion rate compares favourably with the 74% offender
appearance rates in a London court, as reported in recent years.
The evidence is clear that systems can be designed to bring the
RJ process to completion. The key problem is not whether such
systems can be created, but whether sufficient funding and
statutory support will be provided to create them (see section 13
below). When the processes are completed, they produce an
agreement based on a discussion of the kinds of issues that
victims – at the centre of the process – wish to discuss.
Issues for discussion
Here again, we rely on the evidence about face-to-face RJ. In
personal discussions among victims, offenders and other
stakeholders to the crime, the following issues usually arise. It is
less clear whether these issues arise or are discussed to the
same degree during indirect RJ processes. But we can say that
victims of crime widely share these concerns. They want to have
a discussion of:
• What happened? (This includes “Why me?” or how the
offender picked the victim for the crime; the answer that it
18 Lord Chancellor’s Department Extended Court Sitting Hours: Pilot Final Evaluation
Report v 1.0 (21 November 2002), p.ii
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was “chance” or opportunistic is usually assuring to the
• Who was affected by the crime and how?
• What should be done to try to repair the harm?
Robust discussions of these questions can last from one to three
hours. The first hour can be an emotionally intense period of
venting anger. The second hour can be a time for expressions of
remorse, apologies and forgiveness. Whatever happens in the
beginning and middle of an RJ conference, the third and final
phase almost always reaches an agreement on what the offender
should do. This agreement has at least two dimensions. One is its
emotional meaning for the participants in the room. The other is
its symbolic meaning for people outside the room, especially
those charged with assessing what it means for community
standards of justice.
In a face-to-face conference, the discussion of what should be
done can become a dance of mutual altruism. Offenders say they
want to help the victim. Victims often say they just want the
offender to help himself. Offenders often focus on promises of
material reparation. Victims often refuse those promises, asking
instead for promises that offenders will seek and complete drug
treatment, rehabilitation or education. If no one has any ideas,
police facilitators may sometimes suggest some. Canberra
facilitators, for example, often suggested community service
work for the Salvation Army, a donation of money to the victim’s
favourite charity, or a donation of blood to the Red Cross. The
facilitator’s iconic power is the one-page “outcome agreement”
form on which something must be written. Unless the group
agrees on what to write on the form, the facilitator will (usually)
not adjourn the conference. Only rarely is resistance by the
offender an obstacle to adjournment. More often it may be a
sheer lack of ideas or knowledge of available programmes.
The tea break: building social bonds
When an agreement is finally (or speedily) reached, the group’s
reward for its work – if its facilitator has been trained by the
Australian school of police-led RJ in many of the RCTs (tables 1
to 4) – is a break for tea or coffee with biscuits. While the
facilitator writes up and makes photocopies of the agreement, an
informal discussion occurs among the participants. This is a
frequent opportunity for building social bonds across the divide
of offenders’ supporters and victims’ supporters. These bonds
may then help to create informal controls that support the
offenders’ compliance with the “outcome agreement”.
After the tea break, the facilitator asks the group to sit down again.
The facilitator reads the agreement, and asks again if everyone is
happy with it. At that point the offender and the facilitator sign
the agreement. In some cases, a victim may sign as well. The
agreement then becomes an icon for a promise to keep, a symbol
of the offender’s commitment to repair the harm. It also becomes
a tool for future monitoring of the offender’s compliance with
the agreement. That part of the process, like the completion of a
criminal sentence, may take years after the case is “resolved”. Due
to its connection with crucial issues of crime prevention, it merits
a further discussion later in the report (see section 8).
4.4. Reporting RJ to officials
Once an RJ agreement is reduced to writing, it can be used for
many serious purposes. From length of sentence to the elements
of a probation plan, the RJ agreement can represent a major
moral and material part of an offender’s life. But because it is
designed to reflect a group consensus in an emotionally intense
discussion, it is not intended to look like a court document, a
medical report, or a pre-sentence report. It is, rather, as short as
a single sentence may be, for example, as written in the minutes
of a business meeting. To those who were not present at an RJ
conference, it may even appear trivial or insufficient. Crown
Court judges in London who have read them for the Justice
Research Consortium experiments have been far less impressed
with the signed paper promising to, for instance, ”seek drug
treatment” than they have by actually observing a videotape of a
conference, or even attending a conference in person (but not for
a case in their own court).
A less labour-intensive solution (than watching an entire RJ
conference) is the kind of report that the Justice Research
Consortium used in London, with support from the Esmée Fairbairn
Foundation, in the second part of its test of RJ for burglary cases.
After consulting with several Crown Court judges about the format
for such a report, the JRC consistently followed the protocol used
below. What follows is a verbatim copy of what was submitted to
the sentencing judge in this case, with only the names of the
parties involved being altered to protect their anonymity.
As the case shows, the participants chose to include their views
on whether the offender should be sentenced to prison. This
issue often arose in pre-sentence conferences, but with a variety
of responses. Some victims said they had no desire to influence
the sentence, and even said it would be wrong for them to do so.
More often, victims were inclined to recommend against custody.
After sitting with the offender for up to three hours, sceptics
may suggest that this was another example of the “Stockholm
syndrome” of victim identification with an enemy. Yet the ways
in which victims have talked about this issue suggest that they
see it as in their own interest, and society’s, to try to prevent
another crime by the offender. They express little confidence that
prison will prevent that crime.
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Protocol for an RJ conference record, as submitted to
sentencing judge
This is a chronological summary of the conference that led to
the attached outcome agreement. The report includes some
direct quotes and “summarised quotes” from participants. It also
includes specific information identified by the judges as
important to the report. These are as follows.
• Remorse expressed by defendant.
• Degree to which defendant takes responsibility for crime.
• Defendant’s commitment to change.
• Victim statements about defendant, offence or conference
- offender remorse;
- relief at learning the crime occurred by chance with
little planning;
- increased feelings of safety and security;
- empathy for the offender;
- views about sentencing.
Conference details
Date of conference: 12-11-2003
Time: 7:45PM-10:45PM
Place of conference: North London Restorative Justice Centre
Offence: Burglary
Offence date:
Date of next appearance:
1. PC Mark Davies – conference facilitator
2. Joe Bloggs – defendant
3. John Doe – victim
4. Frank Sinatra – victim’s friend (1)
5. Matthew Perry – victim’s friend (2)
6. Ginger Rogers – defendant’s girlfriend
Produced by conference observer
Sarah Bennett
Restorative Justice Centre
407-409 Archway Road
London N6 4NW
Tel: 020 8345 2225
Mobile: 07980 834 072
Part 1: What happened
The facilitator introduced all the participants and asked the
defendant to describe what happened. The defendant described
how he had recently been released from prison and, following
an appointment with his probation officer, was walking home
with no money to purchase heroin or a present for his son’s
birthday. He came to the victim’s house, which appeared to be
unoccupied. He knocked on the door and when no one answered,
explored the exterior of the house until he located a side window
where the frame was in poor repair and was able to gain entry.
Once in the house, the defendant used gloves found in the
victim’s house to search through his belongings and ultimately
stole a stereo and jewellery. When he left the house, he removed
the gloves and dropped them in the victim’s garden. DNA
evidence from these gloves identified the defendant four months
later. The defendant sold the items for £40 – £20 went towards
heroin and he gave £20 to his son.
The victim asked how the defendant could know that no one was
at home at the time. The defendant replied that he picked
the house for no other reason than that it was empty and he
had a “gut feeling” but he knocked on the door to be sure. The
defendant said that whilst he was not proud of it, he had a
certain skill for identifying empty houses. The victim asked several
questions including whether the defendant had committed the
crime on his own, how long the defendant had been a prolific
burglar and if he had committed any crime since. The defendant
replied that he did not have a co-offender and whilst he had
committed a lot of crime in the past and had “been in every
prison except Holloway” he had not offended since this burglary.
The defendant said he “felt disgusted when I found out it [the
house] belonged to an older person”. “If I had known it was a
pensioner’s house I would have come right out.” To this the
victim’s friend said “it was not the point” whose house he stole
from but that he chose to steal at all. When he was caught, the
defendant said he felt a huge relief. He explained that he wanted
to clean up his life and whilst he had always given “no
comment” interviews, he had pleaded guilty right away, against
his solicitor’s advice. In the time between the offence and the
arrest, he had taken active steps to deal with his heroin
addiction by referring himself to a drug treatment programme
and was now self-employed as a painter and decorator with
guaranteed work with a building company.
The victim and defendant debated throughout the conference
what jewellery had been stolen. The defendant agreed that he
had taken some of the items listed but “with hand on heart”
vehemently denied taking any of the watches, locket or bracelet.
The victim said: “I know what is gone … the things that went
were of great sentimental value.”
Part 2: Who was affected and how
The facilitator asked all present how they were affected by the
burglary at the time and how things had been since. The victim
replied that he returned home following an appointment with a
hip replacement specialist. He entered the house and saw the
box in which he kept his parents’ jewellery on the floor. The
victim explained that he was very sentimental and when his
mother died three years ago (and his father some years before)
he had made a choice to keep their jewellery and possessions in
drawers that he used daily so he would always be reminded of
them. The victim said he did not sleep the night of the burglary
as he was afraid someone might return and therefore spent most
of the night attempting to secure the place by screwing down
windows, which was very painful given his bad hip. The victim
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commented how surprised he was that the defendant had not
knocked over, destroyed or vandalised anything in the house.
The defendant stated: “If I am not going to take it, I’m not going
to break it.”
Since the burglary, the victim said he had paid thousands of
pounds to install a burglar alarm and new windows. However, he
is “terrified” when he leaves the house and constantly wonders
“what am I going to come back to … I don’t see that I will ever
relax again.” Despite this expense however, the victim said what
he wanted most out of the meeting was to get back the jewellery
that had great sentimental value.
The victim’s friend said he was worried about the victim and
joked about how the phone bills have been “racking up”. He and
his son (victim supporter 2) had driven all the way from Preston
to be at the conference and would be returning right after the
conference (arriving back home at 4am). The friend went on to
say how impressed he was that the defendant had taken such an
active step in his own drug rehabilitation and employment.
The defendant’s girlfriend highlighted how she had found out
about the offence when the defendant gave her son £20 which
she knew he did not have earlier that day. The girlfriend said:
“I was hurt at the time; I have a dad your age and I could not
stand for this to happen to him.” She had thrown him out of the
house but in time he had made real efforts to sort his life out.
She highlighted that the defendant “has changed” and she was
so proud of the steps he had taken since committing the offence
in terms of his drug addiction and employment.
Part 3: What can be done to repair the harm caused
The victim said that he had not been looking forward to the
conference as he thought it would “rake everything up again
and I would wring your neck”. However, he felt much better for
attending and said: “I consider myself to be a good judge of
character and you have come across favourably … I am upset
that you categorically deny taking the items but if I take what
you say as genuine then we have a mystery.” The defendant said:
“I assure you, if I had seen a gold watch – I would have seen it
and taken it.”
The defendant stated that he had never seen what people go
through as a result of his offending and had never met someone
like this before. “This has been a real eye opener; I know my
apology may be an insult but I genuinely mean it.”
The defendant offered to decorate the victim’s house from “top
to bottom”. The victim declined, however, as he said his house is
a shrine to his mother and being very sentimental he did not
want to change a thing. The defendant offered to paint the
exterior of the house, which the victim declined as well as it had
been painted this year. The defendant offered to buy a dog for
security purposes, but the victim said he likes to travel and might
not be able to take it with him.
All participants agreed that the defendant had made active
steps to deal with his heroin addiction, a catalyst for his
offending behaviour. The defendant stated that he thought it
was likely that he would get a custodial sentence. The victim’s
friend said “to send you back to prison now would be a waste –
you are off drugs, you have a job; I personally think you should
be given 12 months’ probation. Going to prison for you right now
… I don’t see the point of it.” The victim said he did “not consider
prison to be a deterrent at all … It is to your credit that you have
got off heroin.” The defendant replied that the sentencing judge
would be looking at all his prior offending and “has to be seen
as giving justice”.
The conference ended with all participants shaking hands.
The outcome agreement
1. Joe has made a commitment to move out of his estate and
will start researching areas and letting agents in an effort to
do so, after Christmas.
2. Joe wants to work with diverting youth from drugs. He will
consult probation and social services on which schemes are
3. Joe has agreed to write to all participants to apprise them of
his progress. This was agreed by all present.
4. All participants (victim and supporters) agreed that prison is
not an appropriate sentence. They felt community sentence
would achieve more.
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While the narrative report is far more informative than the RJ
outcome agreement printed – in its entirety – in the final section
on page 41, it is not clear how much of that detail would be
absorbed by a Crown Court judge. A survey of Crown Court
judges for the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation found that almost
half of the judges to whom these reports had been sent could
not recall having seen one. While judges may be flooded with
paperwork in making sentencing decisions, it is also true that the
delivery of paperwork to a judge’s office does not guarantee that
it will find its way, in time, into the case file. In the absence of a
statutory requirement for such reports to be produced and
reviewed prior to sentence, it may be that the use of such reports
will fail to have much impact on sentencing practices.
Nor did the outcome agreements themselves have any apparent
influence on sentencing, despite the Collins and Barci cases.
Several JRC comparisons between the pre-sentence cases
randomly assigned RJ and those not found no difference in the
length of sentence. While reduction in custody length was
manifestly not a purpose of the project, it was a question raised
by numerous participants. Some may even welcome the news
that RJ did not affect sentencing, in hopes that it will
nonetheless affect future criminal behaviour. At the least, the
result controls for sentencing effects, so that any differences in
subsequent arrest rates can be attributed to the RJ process as an
add-on to otherwise consistent criminal justice practices.
What the role of RJ reports does raise is questions about the rule
of law. Since RJ has been accepted by the High Court in relation
to the law of mitigating harm as a sentencing criterion, it would
seem to be essential for counsel to make any RJ known to the
court before sentencing. The fact that this does not always
happen does not mean that RJ, per se, violates the rule of law. It
does, however, raise one more item for a long list of matters that
could be tidied up by a sustained institutional commitment to
developing RJ as an enhancement to the rule of law.
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5. Restorative justice and the rule of law
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Restorative justice and the rule of law
Restorative justice is an ancient practice that has been codified
in Roman law, Sharia law, and many other documents.
Restorative justice is arguably the most common approach to
law in most societies throughout most of human history
(Braithwaite, 1998). Whether that makes it compatible with the
principles of the “rule of law” that emerged during the 18th-
century European Enlightenment, however, is a different
question from its ample precedents.
Lord Justice Bingham has recently addressed the definition of a
rule of law.
He notes that there is a need for greater clarity in
both legislative and judicial uses of the concept, and proposes
eight “sub-rules” to define the rule of law. Each of these
principles, we conclude, is potentially consistent with the use of
restorative justice in all of its varieties noted above. As in any
other system of administering justice, there is always a potential
for mal-administration that breaks the rules of the system itself.
But that is a different question from the one put to us by
the Smith Institute: whether “RJ is philosophically compatible
with traditional approaches to criminal justice, or whether it
represents a conflicting paradigm” (emphasis added).
There is no doubt that RJ represents an alternative paradigm to
the conventional approaches to criminal justice of the past
century or so. In that respect, it is a possible response to Lord
Woolf’s (1999) call for the discipline of criminology to develop a
more effective alternative to conventional approaches, which
have, in his view, been failing to achieve their goals. We conclude
that this paradigm is both a promising alternative to those
conventions and a compatible extension of them, under the
principles articulated by Lord Bingham:
1. The law must be accessible and so far as possible intelligible,
clear and predictable.
Comment: The statutes prohibiting assault and robbery, burglary,
car theft and other crimes are just as clear under RJ as under
conventional justice (CJ).
2. Questions of legal right and liability should ordinarily be
resolved by application of the law and not the exercise of
Comment: RJ is clearly not a system for resolving issues of legal
right and liability. It is a system for dealing with the question
imposed by decisions of legal right and liability. Whether an
offender pleads guilty in court, or tells a police officer he would
be willing to meet with the crime victim and take responsibility
for the harm he has caused (or “decline to deny the offence”, as
it is put in New Zealand), the question of liability for the crime is
always resolvable under the rule of law, and not by the discretion
of the stakeholders in an RJ deliberation. The discretion entailed
in RJ is no different in principle from the discretion found in CJ:
in the decisions to arrest, to charge and to sentence, but not to
decide whether someone is liable for a crime despite their denial
of liability. RJ simply transfers discretion, after an accused person
has voluntarily accepted responsibility for a crime, about “what
should be done to repair the harm” to the people vitally
concerned with the question. All of the ground rules for that
transfer and the decisions to be reached can be established and
regulated by case law or statute.
3. The laws of the land should apply equally to all, save to the
extent that objective differences justify differentiation.
Comment: RJ is clearly based upon principles of equality, and
may reinforce them in powerful ways through the intensely
personal exchanges among parties affected by crimes.
4. The law must afford adequate protection of fundamental
human rights.
Comment: The voluntary and consensual nature of RJ processes
has, to date in the UK, consistently allowed for rights to
withdraw from the process and return to a CJ approach.
5. Means must be provided for resolving, without prohibitive cost
or inordinate delay, bona fide civil disputes which the parties
themselves are unable to resolve.
Comment: While RJ has been evaluated primarily in relation to
criminal processes, it could well be extended into alternative
dispute resolution for civil matters. Its costs are potentially far
lower than litigation, and may provide greater access to dispute
6. Ministers and public officers at all levels must exercise the
powers conferred on them reasonably, in good faith, for the
purpose for which the powers were conferred and without
exceeding the limits of such powers.
Comment: This principle has been applied in many RJ projects
by police officers, prosecutors and other officials who convene
or facilitate RJ resolutions.
7. Adjudicative procedures provided by the state should be fair.
Comment: To the extent that adjudication is defined as a
determination of legal liability (or guilt), RJ does not alter
adjudicative procedures at all. To the extent that it may supplant
determinations as to sanctions for crime, it is only by mutual
consent of all concerned. Whether the community is adequately
19 Lord Justice Bingham “The Rule of Law”, sixth Sir David Williams Lecture, Faculty of
Law, University of Cambridge, 16 November 2006.
20 Letter from Wilf Stevenson (30 June 2006).
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represented in a stakeholder conference is an important issue
that future RJ projects must continue to address. Many systems
for insuring community interests, such as the possibility for
judicial review of RJ decisions in New Zealand, are available for
addressing this concern. Thus RJ is not, in principle, at all
incompatible with Lord Bingham’s requirement of fairness, given
the existing discretion in sentencing and the current variation
in sentences for apparently similar offences committed by
offenders of similar backgrounds.
8. The rule of law requires compliance by the state with its
obligations in international law, the law which whether deriving
from treaty or international custom and practice governs the
conduct of nations.
Comment: RJ neither entails nor requires a breach of this
The underlying tension between RJ and CJ is not about the rule
of law. It addresses a question that Lord Bingham does not even
include in his definition of the rule of law. That question is: “Who
owns a crime?” As Norwegian criminologist Nils Christie (1977)
has suggested, the rise of European monarchy resulted in
offences against people becoming transformed into offences
against the Crown – and, by modern extension, against the state.
In Christie’s argument, the Crown “stole” the offences against the
people, and used them to seize assets of offenders for the
monarch’s own use rather than to provide compensation to
A 21st-century view of this question need not view crimes as
“property” owned by victims or states, but rather as problems to
be addressed jointly by nation-states and their citizens most
directly affected by specific crimes. In this view, RJ can become a
“rebalancing” of the interests of crime victims and the state that
may improve public respect for law. RJ may afford the
opportunity for maintaining the capacity of justice to protect the
community in future, and maintain fairness about past actions.
At the same time, it may promote a greater sense of achieving
what is fair to victims. The evidence reported here suggests that
there is a substantial improvement in victims’ own sense of
fairness when RJ is added to the tools of justice than when RJ is
not available.
United Nations principles
One reassuring safeguard in best practice for RJ is adherence to
the UN principles. In mid-2006, for example, the Northern Ireland
Office adopted these principles in its Draft Protocol for
Community-based Restorative Justice Schemes, at point 6:
Subject to the other provisions of this Protocol, schemes will
adhere to the relevant sections of the UN “Basic Principles on the
use of Restorative Justice Programmes in Criminal Matters”, in
particular the following:
• restorative processes should be used only with the free and
voluntary consent of the parties (which may be withdrawn
at any time);
• agreements should be arrived at voluntarily and should be
reasonable and proportionate;
• disparities leading to power imbalances, and the safety of
the parties, should be taken into consideration in referring a
case to, and during, a restorative process;
• parties should have the right to legal advice about the
• before agreeing to participate, parties should be fully
informed of their rights, the nature of the process, and the
possible consequences of their decision;
• neither victim nor offender should be coerced, or induced by
unfair means, to participate in the process or to accept the
Most of the RJ programmes reviewed for this report, and all of
the 12 controlled tests of RJ that the authors have conducted in
the UK and Australia, have followed these UN principles. They
are strongly supported by British (as well as Irish) culture, and
would seem likely to achieve high levels of compliance. Even
conventional criminal justice (CJ), of course, has occasional
lapses, as when a judge falls asleep during a trial. The question of
such lapses is not whether to abolish the system of justice, but
rather how to hold it accountable to scrutiny and correction. In
terms of visibility to anyone besides the offender, CJ rarely has
more people in the room than RJ (Roche, 2003: 194-198). RJ
would therefore seem to have just as much (or more) potential
for detection of violations of relevant rules as CJ.
In sum, we conclude that, on the evidence so far, RJ does not
conflict with the rule of law. Nor does it necessarily conflict with
the basic framework of common law. What it does offer is an
alternative to conventional interpretations of that framework as
they have developed in the industrial world. As a public safety
strategy for the post-industrial era, RJ may offer better results
within the same basic principles. By providing more opportunities
for questions and answers, face-to-face or otherwise, it may
actually make law far more accessible to the people. The evidence
of satisfaction with RJ suggests that it may reinforce the rule of
law. There is no evidence that wider use of RJ would undermine
the rule of law.
21 See Lord Woolf’s letter to Crown Court judge David Pitman at
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6. How we know what works – and
what doesn’t
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How we know what works – and what doesn’t
6.1. The logic of cause and effect
One of Britain’s greatest gifts to the world is the scientific and
statistical understanding of cause and effect (Salsburg, 2001).
The stunning achievements of British thinkers in this domain,
including immigrants and citizens from other nations who
trained or worked here, is often forgotten in modern discussions
of evidence-based policy. While Isaac Newton is well
remembered for discovering the uniformity and invariant nature
of gravity, less famous British scientists discovered how to reveal
causation of the widely variable phenomena that are
characteristic of criminal justice.
Foremost among these contributions is the work of Sir Ronald
Aylmer Fisher, whose research on agriculture in the 1920s laid
the foundation for studying all phenomena that are diverse and
variable (including human responses to medicine, music and
criminal sanctions). Fisher’s (1935) invention of randomised
controlled trials (RCTs) was first employed in medicine in 1948
to demonstrate that a new antibiotic could cure tuberculosis.
Since then an estimated 1 million RCTs worldwide have been
undertaken to test medical procedures.
The basic logic of causation within diverse populations, Fisher
suggested, lies in a comparison of outcomes between members
of a population with a certain characteristic and those without
it. If all other characteristics are identical (or “held constant”),
then any difference in outcomes can be attributed to the one
characteristic that differs. Thus if 500 tuberculosis patients are
divided into two groups at random (with an equal chance of
placement in either group), the groups will usually not differ on
the average age, weight or other characteristics that could affect
their health. So if one group is given an antibiotic, while the
other is not, any difference in death rates between the two
groups can be said to be caused by the antibiotic.
While other methods are used to test causation in diverse
populations, they are often described as “approximations” of
Fisher’s experimental design. The term “quasi-experiment” is
sometimes used to describe groups that are selectively matched,
rather than assigned at random. Such quasi-experiments vary in
their ability to rule out selection bias, or pre-existing differences
in characteristics of populations that are the true cause of
differences in outcomes (like death or crime), rather than the
treatment being evaluated. Such quasi-experiments have been
ranked from 1 to 5 on a scale of internal validity (Sherman et al,
1997) called the “scientific methods scale” (SMS) or “Maryland
scale” that has been adapted by the Home Office in its reviews
of evidence on what works to prevent crime.
The evidence presented on RJ is a mix of RCTs, quasi-experiments
and matched comparisons. This review uses the Maryland scale
to identify a threshold of results that are reasonably unbiased by
self-selection into or out of RJ. As in the Maryland report to the
US Congress on what works to prevent crime (Sherman et al,
1997), the present report uses level 3 on the SMS as the
minimum criterion for inclusion in the list of findings included in
tables 1 to 5 above. This means that at least one population
receiving RJ is compared with a similar population not receiving
RJ, with the definition of “similar” excluding the idea that one
group accepted RJ but the other group declined. While such
comparisons have been reported in the evaluation literature, the
decision to reject or accept RJ is so fundamentally related to its
effects that it creates a strong suspicion of influencing the
outcomes of crime rates or victim satisfaction.
Within the Home Office scale of approximations of Fisher’s
randomised experiments, tables 1 to 5 employ two variations on
the theme. One is the use of subgroups of randomly assigned
cases, identified on the basis of fixed characteristics that
preceded random assignment. These include gender and race.
While the cases were not randomly assigned with separate
randomisation formulae for each subgroup (called “blocking”),
they are virtually the equivalent of that procedure from the
standpoint of removing self-selection bias.
The other variation
on the Home Office scale is the designation of “4.5” for RCT
findings about victims (table 4 above). Because the victims were
not themselves randomly assigned to RJ, but were closely tied to
the cases that were randomly assigned, we treat the effects of RJ
on victims as unlikely to be influenced by self-selection bias, but
not as unlikely as if they had been randomised themselves.
Sample sizes are an important part of our assessment of the
evidence, although we follow no rigid formula for inclusion or
exclusion. Because both the diversity of people within the sample
(which statisticians call standard deviation or variance) and the
magnitude of effects can affect statistical power, we avoid any
minimum sample size as a cut-off criterion; this approach differs
from Home Office practice.
Tables 1 to 5 display sample sizes in two ways, in order to
emphasise the difference between experimental and non-
experimental findings. Where allocation has been based on
random assignment of cases, a single sample size (designated by
the letter “N”) is shown to indicate the total population allocated
– usually with about half the cases placed in the RJ group. Where
allocation has not been based on random assignment, the sample
size of the treated population is indicated under the “population”
column, with the “N” size of the matched comparison sample
(if any) indicated under the “comparison” column.
In sum, how we know what we know about the effects of RJ is
based on comparisons of similar groups according to the same
22 As one statistician notes, “… simple randomization in each of several strata is
equivalent to randomization overall. Because a simple random process has no memory
of previous assignments, stratification serves no purpose …” Piantadosi, 1997: 211.
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outcomes, such as future crime. These comparisons are made by
making the groups as similar as possible, so that the main
difference between them is that one group went through (or at
least began) RJ processes and the other did not, after both
groups said they were willing to do so.
6.2. Searching for eligible tests of RJ
This review is based in part on a systematic search of the
following databases from 1986 through to 2005 (the terms
“restorative justice” and “conferencing” were not in use prior to
• [US] National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS);
• Criminal Justice Abstracts;
• Sociological Abstracts;
• Criminal Justice Periodicals Index;
• Dissertation Abstracts;
• Social Science Abstracts.
The search terms used were “restorative” and “justice” or
conferenc/e/ing” with “reoffending”, or “recidivism”, or
evaluation”. In addition, reviews of the effects of restorative
justice on repeat offending and victim reactions, including
satisfaction with the handling of their cases, were examined for
references. Experts in the field were also contacted. Unpublished
evidence is included where available, including up-to-the-
minute analyses of the 12 main tests and additional subgroup
analyses of the Jerry Lee Program of Randomized Trials in
Restorative Justice. The review is also based on qualitative
evidence on implementation and theoretical issues. The reviewers
searched reference lists, contacted other authors, conducted
electronic searches, and examined all reports related to
restorative justice in the programme of the American Society of
Criminology from 1997 to 2005.
While some databases were restricted to particular periods of
time, electronic searches were not otherwise limited by date.
Indexes were searched in which non-English publications were
expected to appear, but only reports written in English were
considered for the review. In January 2005, one reviewer
electronically searched 24 databases related to criminal justice,
law, and related areas of social science. The most common search
was applied to databases indexed by Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts; these databases were searched using the following
terms: ((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR
mediation OR restitution OR conferencing AND ((criminal OR
offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR
recidiv* OR victim) AND (ab=random* OR ab=controll*). All
databases searched and the particular terms used to search each
database are listed in figure 1.
6.3. Selecting the eligible studies
One reviewer checked titles and abstracts to identify studies that
could be excluded based on information provided in the title or
abstract. When a study could not be excluded based on that
information, more information was obtained by retrieving the
article or by contacting the authors.
The search identified articles in languages other than English. The
reviewers are not aware of any completed or on-going RCTs or
level 3 or 4 tests that have not been reported in English, but the
reviewers are unable to conclude that none would be identified
by combing these articles or by conducting a broader search.
Two reviewers extracted information from the full text of
articles when published reports were available. Other information
was obtained directly from investigators, including our own
on-going work.
In order to update the 2005 search for the present (non-
systematic) review, we examined the abstracts or full reports for
all of the tests of RJ currently listed by the Restorative Justice
Consortium in London. Three reviewers participated in this
process, again applying the level 3 threshold to anything that
claims a “result” or “consequence” of RJ, or that RJ “caused” an
outcome. The surviving studies of all these searches are listed
and summarised in tables 1 to 5 above.
In summing up the evidence, this review does not employ meta-
analyses, forest graphs or other summary tools for averaging the
results of effectiveness research. By NICE standards, there is too
much diversity in populations, interventions and comparisons to
yield a meaningful average of outcomes. This review takes the
more conservative approach of listing results that specify
populations and comparisons (summarised above in tables 1 to
5), and discussing any discernible tendencies towards patterns.
RJ_Text_FINAL 5/2/07 10:51 Page 49
Figure 1: Electronic searches
Academic Index
1) (restorative OR mediat* OR restitution OR conferencing) AND victim AND random*; 2)
(restorative OR mediat* OR restitution OR conferencing) AND offender AND random*; 3)
(restorative OR mediat* OR restitution OR conferencing) AND crim* AND random*
Bibliography of
Nordic Criminology
("restorative justice" or mediation or conference or restitution) AND (criminal OR offender
OR perpetrator) AND (random or randomly or randomized)
Criminal Justice
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR
conferencing AND ((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR
recidiv* OR victim) AND (ab=random* OR ab=controll*)
Criminal Justice
in Denmark
("restorative justice" or mediation or conference or restitution) AND (criminal OR offender
OR perpetrator) AND (random or randomly or randomized)
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR
conferencing AND ((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR
recidiv* OR victim) AND (ab=random* OR ab=controll*)
Dissertation Abstracts
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc?)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR
conferencing AND ((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend? OR
recidiv? OR victim) AND ab(random? OR controll?)
Bibliography of the
Social Sciences
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR
conferencing AND ((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR
recidiv* OR victim) AND (ab=random* OR ab=controll*)
Index to Current
Urban Documents
1) restorative justice; 2) conferencing; 3) mediation 1
Index to Foreign
Legal Periodicals
1) kw criminal OR kw offender OR kw perpetrator; 2) kw restorative justice or kw mediation or kw
conferencing or kw restitution; 3) #1 & #2
Infotrac Onefile
1) (restorative OR mediat* OR restitution OR conferencing) AND victim AND random*; 2) (restorative OR
mediat* OR restitution OR conferencing) AND offender AND random*; 3) (restorative OR mediat* OR
restitution OR conferencing) AND crim* AND random*
NCJRS Abstracts
Database (NCJRS
Virtual Library)
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR conferencing AND
((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR recidiv* OR victim) AND
(random* OR controll*)
PAIS International
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR conferencing AND
((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR recidiv* OR victim) AND
(ab=random* OR ab=controll*)
PILOTS Database
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR conferencing AND
((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR recidiv* OR victim) AND
(random* OR controll*)
PolicyFile 1) Keyword: restorative justice; 2) Keyword: conferencing; 3) Keyword: victim mediation 8
Political Research
Subject: restorative justice 10
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR conferencing AND
((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR recidiv* OR victim) AND
(ab=random* OR ab=controll*)
Social Services
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR conferencing AND
((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR recidiv* OR victim) AND
(ab=random* OR ab=controll*)
Social Work Abstracts
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR conferencing AND
((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR recidiv* OR victim) AND
(ab=random* OR ab=controll*)
Sociological Abstracts
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR conferencing AND
((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR recidiv* OR victim) AND
(ab=random* OR ab=controll*)
Sociology: A SAGE
Full-Text Collection
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR conferencing AND
((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR recidiv* OR victim) AND
(ab=random* OR ab=controll*)
Keyword Anywhere: ("restorative justice" mediation conference restitution) AND Keyword Anywhere:
(criminal offender perpetrator) Keyword Anywhere: (criminal offender perpetrator)
Worldwide Political
Science Abstracts
((restorative AND (justice OR sentenc*)) OR (mediate OR mediation OR restitution OR conferencing AND
((criminal OR offender OR perpetrator) AND victim))) AND (reoffend* OR recidiv* OR victim) AND
(ab=random* OR ab=controll*)
Total Hits
Search(es) Hits
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7. Restorative justice in the UK:
the four settings
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Restorative justice in the UK: the four settings
Recent RJ practices in England and Wales have been developed
in at least four major settings: adult and youth justice, schools,
and neighbourhood policing.
7.1. Adult justice
As recent Home Office reports show (Miers et al, 2001; Shapland
et al, 2004, 2006), RJ has been used in multiple settings for
adult justice. These programmes have almost all used RJ as a
supplement to CJ, rather than as an alternative to it. One of the
earliest and most common forms of RJ is in the post-sentencing
stage of the criminal process. Probation agencies have been early
prime sponsors and advocates of such efforts to bring victims
and offenders together. Until the major Home Office initiatives
funded in 2001 (Shapland et al, 2004), probation programmes
created the greatest volume of adult RJ (Miers et al, 2001). In
these programmes, communicating with victims, either by letter
or face to face, became part of the process of serving a
community sentence.
More recently, RJ has been conducted after a guilty plea but
before a sentencing decision (see cases in section 2). In these
settings, the RJ process becomes information that a judge can
use to decide the appropriate sentence. The fact that RJ occurred
or that the offender offered to undertake it can then be treated
as mitigation of the harm of the offence.
The most striking aspect of RJ in adult justice is the wide range
of offenders and offences for which RJ has been employed.
Contrary to the conventional wisdom heard in discussions with
government officials as recently as November 2006, RJ has not
been limited to minor offences, and certainly not to juveniles.
Since the 1980s, RJ has been used in UK cases of relatively
serious violence and property crime. From 2001 through to 2005,
RJ was used in the UK with robbery and burglary offences, many
of them committed by offenders with long criminal histories.
Offenders with up to 50 or more prior convictions have met with
victims and apologised for their actions, with demonstrable
benefits for the victims – including reductions in post-traumatic
stress symptoms (see section 9). This programme, however, has
been discontinued due to lack of funding.
Even the most widespread form of violence – domestic violence,
long considered off limits to RJ by central government policy –
has been the subject of RJ efforts for adults in Hampshire. The
“Dove Project” has conducted RJ-style family group conferences
on the Pennell and Burford (2000) model under the auspices of
Hampshire County Council, which has supported up to 600
conferences a year. While it is not clear from published sources
how cases are referred, one Hampshire Constabulary report
describes the Hampshire model as the one used previously with
effective results in Canada:
• Stage 1 – the family (includes wider family and friends) meet
with professionals and information is shared regarding the
incidents and problems surrounding the violence.
• Stage 2 – the family have a time together in private without
professionals present, to plan ways of making the home a
safer place.
• Stage 3 – is a chance to confirm the plan with the agencies
to ensure it is supported by all present.
These conferences appear to be led by non-profit community
organisations under grants from Hampshire County Council.
And as noted in table 1, a level 4 Canadian evaluation
demonstrated substantial reductions in family violence relative
to similar families not receiving RJ, the results of which were
presented in the constabulary report in 2002.
Other RJ efforts may be under way across the UK, well under the
research radar. There may well be, for example, traditional forms
of RJ being used in communities of South Asian Britons, even
with criminal offences that may or may not have been reported
to police. The robust tradition of RJ in such communities is not
always consistent with the rule of law, especially if it results in
agreements for imposing physical punishments on offenders. But
in a related example, there was a public outcry across Australia
over a youth agreeing, in an RJ conference, to wear a T-shirt
saying, “I am a thief.” The challenge of law is not necessarily to
foreclose such community justice, but rather to monitor and
regulate it under nationally agreed principles.
What is not clear in the UK is the future of diversion from
prosecution in adult RJ. While the Home Office (2003)
consultation document and the Criminal Justice Act 2003
adopted it in principle, diversion on a wide scale has been
difficult to achieve. This might have been easier to accomplish
when charging decisions were still made by police rather than by
co-located Crown Prosecution Service lawyers. But the advent of
conditional cautioning, based on offenders’ agreement to
undertake RJ, coincided in history with the transfer of charging
decisions to the CPS (in early 2004). There may be some RJ under
way on this basis around England and Wales, but if so it has not
been visible. With half the offences in the country, London’s CPS
was barred by national policy from pursuing a high volume of
cases as diversion to RJ. These issues are considered further in
section 13.
7.2 Youth justice
The Crime & Disorder Act 1998 was intended (among other
things) to make RJ a major part of youth justice in the UK. The
act also provided for new institutions, including the creation of
23 Chief Inspector Paul Bright, Hampshire Constabulary, Report of a 2001-2002
Fulbright Scholarship, found at
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multi-agency youth offending teams (YOTs) to manage young
offenders and to convene community leaders in “youth offender
referral panels” to help guide community sentences to
delinquents. But the act also required the Youth Justice Board
and YOTs to manage custodial sentences of young offenders in
HM prisons, with many other tasks related to court convictions.
In general, the evidence suggests that these other missions have
created constraints on the capacity of YOTs to deliver RJ to
victims, especially in first offender cases receiving reprimands
and final warnings. The evidence on these questions is reviewed
below (see section 9) in the discussion of victim effects. It is fair
to say that youth justice in the UK is not predominantly delivered
in ways that are based on RJ principles, although there is ample
statutory room to introduce them on a case-by-case or more
general basis.
7.3 Restorative justice in schools
Perhaps the least-known arena for RJ lies at the borders of
criminal and youth justice, in the management of antisocial
behaviour in schools. Because it lies outside the criminal process,
we go beyond mere description in this subsection in order to
offer a more complete picture of what is known about the
varieties of school-based RJ, as well as what little is known about
its effects on students’ behavioural problems.
Persistent problems in the school environment have long been
addressed outside the criminal process by using restorative
techniques. In recent years, those approaches have become more
formalised as comprehensive and replicable programmes for
addressing a wide range of school problems. These include
bullying, truancy, disciplinary issues arising from defiant and
disrespectful behaviour, everyday conflicts, disputes and petty
Following a programme introduced into Australian schools in
the mid-1990s (Cameron and Thornsborne, 2001), similar RJ
interventions have been tried in the US and the UK. These range
from proactive, informal practices in everyday interaction
between students and staff – usually known broadly as
restorative practices – through to full-blown RJ conferencing to
address specific and serious incidents of harm in the school
environment (Wachtel and McCold, 2001; Hopkins, 2004). A
number of programmes have been devised (mainly in the US) to
teach RJ principles for managing relationships within schools. If
a public health framework is employed, these can be described as
primary-level interventions, trying to prevent harm in as-yet-
unharmed populations. The Collaboration for Academic Social &
Emotional Learning, based at the University of Illinois at Chicago,
was established in 1994 by Daniel Goleman (author of Emotional
Intelligence). It has described (but not evaluated) many of these
programmes on its website (see
Although there have been high hopes for RJ in schools, problems
have frequently been encountered in implementation. Traditional
disciplinary approaches tend to predominate, even in schools
experimenting with RJ on a limited basis. Anything short of a
whole-school RJ approach appears to be difficult to manage and
difficult to assess in terms of impact. Evaluation has been patchy
and usually not rigorous, but the following programmes have
been subjected to some level of evaluation.
RJ as conflict resolution
Some programmes have used restorative principles for
responding to conflicts in a non-violent manner, but without the
intervention of an RJ facilitator. Instead, students are taught in
advance how to deal with any conflicts they may have in future.
The Help Increase the Peace Project (HIPP) in Baltimore, for
example, takes students through a series of workshops designed
to develop mutual respect and understanding. A pre-post
evaluation (Woehrle, 2000) indicated that students who
completed the workshops dealt more constructively with
Another programme focused on student conflict resolution skills
is the Resolving Conflict Creatively (RCC) programme in New
York City. This ambitious K-12 intervention involved the
development of social and emotional skills through 25 or more
workshops over the course of a school year. The subject of a
major pre-post evaluation effort involving 5,000 students, 300
teachers and 15 elementary schools (Aber, Brown and Henrich,
1999, as cited in Morrison, 2005), the programme reduced crime
and antisocial behaviour among participants compared with
non-participants. There were, however, fewer positive outcomes
for boys, younger students and high-risk students.
The Responsible Citizenship Programme piloted in an Australian
elementary school also aimed to build school community and
resolve conflict peacefully (Morrison, 2001, 2006b). It involved 30
students aged 10-11 years. A pre-post evaluation found that
students’ feelings of safety at school increased along with levels
of respect, empathy and participation in the school community.
Responding to incidents
More intensive programmes that are focused on incidents of
harmful behaviour affecting the whole school community
include peer mediation and problem-solving circles, both of
which entail a third person initiating dialogue among those
directly affected by an incident. This dialogue does not, however,
rise to the level of organisation of a professionally led RJ
Peer mediation attempts to employ fellow students trained in
mediation techniques as the neutral party to resolve conflict.
Despite their wide popularity, with thousands of programmes
in existence in many countries, a systematic review shows
non-significant or weak effects (Gottfredson, 1997).
Problem-solving circles aim to improve students’ capacity for
collective dispute resolution by introducing them to the
structures of RJ conferencing and encouraging them to solve
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classroom problems for themselves. The evaluation of a
programme in an Australian elementary school (Morrison and
Martinez, 2001, as cited in Morrison, 2005) compared one
classroom (N = 12 students) with two other classrooms acting as
controls. Teachers reported a number of benefits to the
experimental classroom, including the provision of a safe place to
express problems, the open expression of feelings, and better
communication and support between students. Students said
they thought teachers held bullies more accountable and that
bullying had decreased.
The face-to-face RJ conference is the most intense and personal
kind of RJ, focused on specific incidents and individuals. In the
school setting it has been structured along similar lines to
conferences in criminal justice. These conferences have been
attended by the person responsible for the harm, the person
experiencing the harm, and their respective communities of
support. This model has been used in Australia, Canada and the
UK. Some limited evidence is available about its effectiveness in
resolving school conflicts and disputes.
The first evaluation of school-based RJ conferencing was
reported by Cameron and Thorsborne (2001). Describing
outcomes from 89 conferences in Queensland, the report details
RJ for serious assaults (about half of all cases), bullying, property
damage, theft, truanting and other more minor criminal
incidents. The report shows positive findings from all participants
on measures of engagement with the process, procedural
fairness and satisfaction with the experience. It also shows high
levels of compliance by offenders with agreed conference
outcomes. Morrison (2006a) reports that these results have been
largely replicated in studies she cites by: Calhoun (2000) in
Calgary, Canada; Hudson and Pring (2000) in Thames Valley, UK;
Ierley and Ivker (2002) in Colorado; and Shaw and Wierenga
(2002) in Victoria, Australia. Findings reported are from post-
conference interviews, with no comparison group.
Another study focused on conferencing for disciplinary problems
was carried out by the University of Waikato in 34 New Zealand
schools. It found that RJ was successful in reducing the number
of suspensions (Dravery et al, 2006), although that measure can
be interpreted either as a reduction in conflict or as a reduction
in punitive response to conflict. Despite the high level of interest
generated by the programme, there has been no systematic
introduction of restorative conferencing into New Zealand
schools. The authors conclude that conferencing for incidents of
crime and discipline in the school environment is not enough.
They say that for RJ to be accepted as an alternative to
traditional punitive responses, it is necessary for restorative
practices of all kinds to be used in all kinds of interactions.
An evaluation of Hampshire County Council’s application of
family group conferencing in schools, as part of its extensive RJ
programme in social welfare and justice settings, has been
conducted by the University of Sheffield. The programme was
designed to address the needs of students involved in truancy,
bullying or other behavioural difficulties. It worked through
referral to the county council’s Project in Education, rather than
being located in the schools themselves. Morrison (2005) reports
that the evaluation (cited as Marsh, 2004) consisted of interviews
with students, their families and professionals. Most participants
were positive about the process and links between home and
school appeared to be improved, though only if schools were
closely involved with the programme.
Whole-school programmes
Whole-school approaches of the kind recommended by the
Waikato team include a variety of RJ practices as primary,
secondary and tertiary interventions. The largest evaluation of
RJ in schools in the US using RJ practices in staff-student
interactions – as well as conferencing for specific incidents – was
conducted by the Minnesota Department of Children, Family &
Learning (MDCFL, 2002). Its primary outcome measure concerned
the effectiveness of RJ at reducing the use of suspensions and
expulsions. It concluded that restorative measures of many
different kinds could be an effective alternative in addressing
disciplinary issues. However, baseline data are incomplete,
outcomes varied from school to school and the evaluation
reports are so varied in their content that the results are unclear
(Morrison, 2006a).
The whole-school approach was also evaluated by a Scottish
study carried out by the University of Edinburgh and the
University of Glasgow (Kane et al, 2006). The evaluation of RJ
trialled in 18 schools of different levels and settings consisted of
interviews with staff and students, observation of RJ in operation
and surveys of participants. It found evidence of a change in
culture towards disciplinary practices in elementary schools but
less in high schools, where considerable staff resistance was
encountered towards restorative alternatives to punishment.
A national evaluation of a whole-school approach in the UK via
the Restorative Justice in Schools Programme was carried out by
the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB, 2004). This
involved nine local youth offending teams working with 26
schools across the country. The programme included informal
restorative practices as well as formal RJ conferences of varying
kinds, though the actual restorative practices varied widely from
place to place. Almost 600 conferences were held for incidents of
bullying, name calling, gossiping, family feuds, conflict with
teachers, and minor property and violent crime. The report
concluded that if a conference was held, it was usually successful
in resolving the dispute.
The YJB (2004) evaluation used a comparison school in each of
the nine project areas for evaluation purposes. It found through
a student survey that the three schools using RJ for the full three
years of the evaluation had less bullying behaviour. It found no
significant differences between project and comparison schools,
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however, in the remaining 23 schools, where the programme
had lasted only 18 months. A teacher survey also indicated
encouraging differences between the programme and non-
programme schools in improved student behaviour, though staff
remained firm in their view that exclusion was an effective way
of dealing with behaviour problems. Inconsistent reporting
practices meant that it was not possible to conclude whether or
not RJ approaches affected the level of exclusion in the schools.
In addition, almost half of all staff in the RJ schools reported at
the end of the evaluation they knew little or nothing about RJ;
those who felt they did know about RJ often had significant
The YJB (2004) report concluded that if RJ is implemented
correctly” (without specifying exactly what this meant), “it may
be a useful resource that improves the school environment and
enhances the learning and development of young people” (YJB,
2004: 65). Moreover, while there were no statistically significant
effects on student attitudes, the RJ programme schools reported
some important within-school improvements in student attitude
compared with non-programme schools. The report observed
that since the programme came to an end in 2004, there was
little value in making specific recommendations, though it did
suggest that any future introduction of RJ in schools should
seriously involve the Department for Education & Skills, should
require a whole-school approach, and should clearly articulate
what RJ means in the school context.
RJ in schools remains an attractive possibility. Insufficient
evidence is so far available about its effectiveness. Evidence that
is available suggests that:
• Tensions frequently exist between restorative principles and
prevailing practices for school discipline, typically involving
punishment. Such tension militates against successful
implementation. Staff resistance to testing such a radically
different approach (as RJ frequently appears to be) requires
careful explanation and a great deal of support.
• Successful implementation of RJ, even on a pilot basis for fair
evaluation, requires broad institutional commitment within
the relevant educational authority, the involvement and
strong support of the school leadership, and adequate
training in restorative techniques for staff.
• Evaluations require more clarity about outcome measures.
Culture change is a difficult concept to measure, while
simpler indicators such as numbers of suspensions and
expulsions may not be sufficiently clear as measures of
harmful conduct.
• Using restorative conferencing for specific incidents, isolated
from other restorative practices, appears to have limited value
for school conduct generally.
• A whole-school approach, with RJ being used throughout the
institution, rather than limited to specific classes or specific
circumstances, appears to be essential for a satisfactory
test of RJ.
The implication of these conclusions for the future of RJ in
criminal justice may be similar. All tests of RJ to date in criminal
justice have been limited to case-specific tests. Perhaps whole
communities or court areas need to adopt RJ in order to give it a
fair test as a crime prevention strategy (see section 15).
7.4. Neighbourhood policing
The use of restorative policing in neighbourhood policing is an
evolving idea. Police community safety officers or regular
constables may find opportunities to divert cases from the
criminal process if they can be resolved more effectively with RJ
in collaboration with parents, neighbours or community leaders.
The potential for this approach may depend on both the extent
of social capital in a neighbourhood and on the extent to which
local police have mapped the social networks that can be
mobilised for RJ. But where both requirements are met, there
appears to be great potential for returning to what is often
celebrated as the “golden era” of neighbourhoods.
In this era, it is said, village bobbies on foot who knew everyone
could operate a system of less formal justice. Their use of local
knowledge to handle crime often prevented the escalation of
conflicts into serious violence, but it entailed the risks attendant
to all unaccountable processes. Whether such neighbourhoods
or villages ever existed in quite this way is open to debate
(see eg Banton, 1964; Cain, 1973). Nonetheless, the value of such
conditions seems theoretically powerful in contemporary society.
It is even possible that RJ itself may help to foster the social
cement that holds neighbourhoods together. The current
discussions of neighbourhood-based RJ properly address the
question of how such “street” practices can be made transparent
and accountable to the wider society. They could also, in
principle, become a way to reintroduce police diversion decisions
on the Australian model, at least on a pilot basis, to see what
crime reduction effects it might achieve on a “whole-
community” basis.
The four institutional settings for RJ each provide opportunities
for growth and development. Of these four, the greatest
potential lies in adult justice. That is where large volumes of
crimes go unsolved, probably for lack of victim and witness
confidence in the system. Adult justice is where some 65,000
offenders are incarcerated, and many more are under community
supervision. That is where most of the serious violence is treated,
for which recidivism rates remain high. That is also where the
lion’s share of the costs of crime are borne by the entire nation.
The rest of this report therefore focuses on the evidence about
adult – and, to a lesser extent, youth – justice as a setting for
restorative strategy.
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8. Keeping promises versus following orders:
how RJ compares
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Keeping promises versus following orders:
how RJ compares
Motivating offenders to keep promises is a key step in reducing
repeat offending. RJ shares with CJ the tough question of how to
ensure that offenders keep their promises in the aftermath of a
crime. Problems of compliance in conventional criminal justice
include ensuring attendance at court, at probation and at drug
treatment or other rehabilitation programmes, payment of fines,
payment of restitution to victims, and other promises.
Supporters of CJ assume that custody is an effective “stick” and
that RJ may not benefit from that threat. Yet the data on
compliance with CJ are not encouraging as evidence of deterrent
effects of the custody “stick”. Offenders often return to prison for
breaking promises, not for committing new crimes. Rather than
being deterred by returning to prison, they often seem surprised.
Rather than using more prison to enforce promises offenders
make, RJ could provide an alternative. It may be that RJ can do
as well by providing a better “carrot” or motivation to keep
promises. When offenders agree to terms that are dictated by a
sentence, they have little emotional connection to the court
officials offering those terms. But when offenders sit face to face
with a crime victim for two to three hours, they may – or may
not – develop a strong emotional commitment to that victim.
Compliance with outcome agreements is important for the
integrity and reputation of the RJ programme as well as for the
sake of victims. Measured simply by average rates of promise
keeping, the evidence to date is indeed encouraging that RJ
may do better.
Compliance with outcome agreements
The key test of RJ on this point is whether offenders fulfil the
outcome agreements they have reached in a consensual group
discussion. Such agreements are reached with offender consent
in a very high proportion of cases: 98% of JRC conferences held
succeeded in reaching consensual outcome agreements across
eight experiments in London, Northumbria and the Thames
Valley, according to the University of Sheffield’s evaluation
(Shapland et al, 2006). A similar percentage was reported in the
four Canberra RISE tests (Strang, 2002). The number of items in
each agreement varied, but almost always there were several
components. The timescale for completion was usually within six
months. Both offenders and victims often emphasise altruistic
reasons for taking part (Shapland et al, 2006: 65).
The data are less clear, but still promising, for offender fulfilment
of those consensual agreements. We reach this conclusion in part
because of, and not just despite, patchy compliance checking in
the Australian RISE project – where police claimed a compliance
rate of around 70% of all conferenced offenders. Learning from
this earlier experience, police and probation facilitators in the
UK’s JRC studies developed an intense monitoring regime to
determine whether offenders had in fact fulfilled their
agreements. When offenders were found not to have complied,
facilitators encouraged them to do so if the outcomes were
feasible. In general, offenders could not walk away from their
agreements without at least being prodded to fulfil them –
repeatedly if necessary.
Sometimes the offenders’ undertakings proved not to be
achievable. For example, offenders who had agreed to pay
compensation were often unable to do so because of receiving a
custodial sentence. Those who had promised to comply with
drug treatment were not always able to be placed on a drug
programme (Shapland et al, 2006: 68). Across all eight Justice
Research Consortium UK experiments, Shapland et al report that
36% of all agreements were fully completed and a further 52%
were partially completed, leaving only 11% definitely not
completed. They conclude (p68): “Given the seriousness of the
offences and the entrenched nature of many of these problems,
these are in fact very low failure rates.”
Despite the paucity of evidence on compliance with RJ outcome
agreements in other projects, what evidence we have shows that
RJ exceeds the rate of compliance with court-ordered outcomes.
In the Canadian meta-analysis of 22 studies that examined the
impact of 35 RJ programmes, Latimer et al (2001) found that
participation in RJ significantly improved the likelihood of
offenders complying with restitution agreements over court-
ordered payments. Cormier (2002) reports that a (non-
randomised) evaluation of a Canadian victim-offender mediation
programme conducted by Nuffield (1997) estimated that victims
seeking restitution for material harm were more than four times
as likely to receive it as victims whose cases went to court.
There also appears to be substantial evidence that compliance
with court-ordered fines is problematic. An Australian study in
the state of Victoria found that 79% of fines were unpaid for
more than one year, and that the overall recovery rate was 44%
(Victoria Auditor-General, 1998). This comports with a study in
South Australia reported by Chapman et al (2003) that found a
collection rate of 51%. Similarly, the Canberra (ACT) magistrates’
court clerk estimated that during the RISE experiments only
about 40% of court-imposed fines were ever collected (personal
communication to H Strang, 2000). The situation in England and
Wales is little better: Chapman et al (2003) report that the
estimate of the UK select committee of public accounts was less
than two-thirds of fines collected, at vast public cost: in 2000/01
alone, £74 million in financial penalties were written off.
Once again, the evidence from three highly developed, long-term
RJ programmes in the UK shows a documented success. Across
the eight separate tests of the RJ units in the Metropolitan Police,
the Northumbria Police, and the Thames Valley probation and
prisons services, 89% of promises made in RJ were kept, at least
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in part. By simple comparison to 66% of UK fines collected, RJ
does better.
Whether the comparison is reasonable depends on how difficult
it may be to pay a fine versus meeting the RJ agreement. Even if
there was less money to be paid in the RJ outcomes, that does
not mean that it was easier than paying a fine. For a chronic
offender to attend a drug treatment programme is a big step
forward. If such results are more likely with RJ than with CJ, we
may have found the “missing link” between sentencing and crime
prevention. If RJ can foster more commitment to completing
rehabilitation programmes, then it could be focused on
specifically indicated programmes for each offender. While this
approach has not been attempted or tested, it is a logical next
step in building on the promising evidence to date.
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9. Reducing harm to victims
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Reducing harm to victims
One observation about the cost-effectiveness of RJ focuses
entirely on victims. Even if RJ has no effect on crime, it may still
be a useful strategy if it helps victims. And if by helping victims
it reduces the costs of other services to victims by more than the
cost of RJ, then RJ would be cost-effective. On the grounds solely
of reducing cost to taxpayers, RJ may be a very beneficial strategy.
On the grounds of putting victims at the centre, RJ may be a very
appealing strategy. On the grounds of helping victims for the
intrinsic merit of that goal, the evidence for RJ is compelling.
To be sure, this evidence has limits. Most victims will never learn
who committed a crime against them, since most crimes go
unsolved. RJ cannot help those victims directly. Even when an
offender is identified, some offenders will refuse to accept
responsibility, or to engage in RJ on any basis. RJ cannot help
their victims. And even when offenders are willing to engage in
RJ, some victims (or their families) will prefer not to. RJ cannot
help those who will not help themselves.
All of these categories of excluded victims could, in theory, shrink
steadily if RJ became more widely available. RJ could be more
appealing to offenders’ families and friends, who might be
moved more often to turn in their loved ones and offer evidence
against them – if only as a way to get them into RJ. More
offenders could agree to it because they would become more
familiar with RJ. So could more victims, who might have
attended other people’s RJ conferences as supporters.
Thus while the evidence to date is limited to the “pioneers” of RJ,
there is no reason to assume that the proportions of criminal
cases they represent must always be that small. Nor does it mean
that RJ would have the same effects on a broader sample of all
victims. The only way to find out is by testing RJ on a widespread
basis. The evidence to date supports, at least, the cost-
effectiveness of such a test.
9.1. Effects of RJ on victims
While the effect of RJ on offenders appears variable, the effect of
RJ on victims who agree to participate are far more consistent.
Evaluation results almost always indicate a high level of
satisfaction with the process, despite a wide range of rigour in
those tests. The quality of many evaluation studies in relation to
victims is as problematic as it is for offenders; often they are the
same studies. Yet the results stand up to the toughest test:
comparing all victims randomly assigned to RJ (whether or not it
was delivered or completed) to similar victims whose cases
received normal CJ processing.
Less compelling is the evidence that victims who completed RJ
were more satisfied than victims who refused RJ. Such findings
may reflect pre-existing differences in personality, or even
opinions about RJ, rather than the effects of RJ itself. The
problem of “completers’ evidence” runs through all the victim
studies that do not compare victims whose cases are randomly
assigned (or not) to RJ. Indeed, even in these studies, it is not
possible to have the views of the victims who did not consent to
be considered for RJ. In any event, it is likely that some of the
reluctance is due to the unfamiliarity of the general public with
RJ, plus some misconceptions about what it entails. Greater
availability of RJ, together with information about the very
positive views of the victims who have chosen to participate, is
likely to increase the proportion of victims willing to participate
in the future.
Some reluctance by victims to risk encountering their offenders
is undoubtedly due to anger, fear and other emotions. The level
of reluctance appears to be mediated by the setting and perhaps
by the seriousness of the offence. We do not know whether
victims who choose to participate have the capacity to
self?select in such a way that they are more likely to benefit than
victims who decline.
There is also good reason to think that RJ is not a remedy that is
right for every victim. For a small minority within well-conducted
studies, it is clear that RJ was a negative experience that did
not improve their situation and may have made it worse.
Conferences are inherently more risky ventures than normal
criminal justice processing: the latter may do little to help
victims, but little to harm them either when they have no role to
play. Confronting the (fortunately rare) unremorseful offender
in an RJ conference, however, may appear to be a significant
risk – even if the payoff is substantial when the encounter
results in a sincere expression of apology.
At present we do not have the tools to predict for which victims
RJ is likely to be beneficial and for the (probably rare) cases in
which it will be counterproductive. Nevertheless, such strong and
consistent positive findings about victim benefits in the great
majority of cases lead us to conclude that victims will generally
benefit from participation whenever they have the opportunity
to do so.
9.2 Evidence from randomised controlled trials
(a) RISE
(Sherman et al, 2005; Strang, 2002)
Even though RISE employed a randomised design, the victim
analysis constitutes a quasi-experimental analysis only (level 4.5)
because it was the case rather than the victim that was randomly
assigned. However, the high participation rate of eligible victims,
as well as their high interview response rate (approximately
90%), gives us confidence that there was little selection bias
inherent in the research design (Strang, 2002). If anything, the
study underestimates the effects of RJ because 23% of victims
who were promised a conference did not actually attend one,
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due to various difficulties of implementation (Strang, 2002: 81).
When victims were asked whether they were satisfied with the
way their case was dealt with by the justice system, there was a
statistically significant difference between the court-assigned
and the RJ-assigned victims (46% vs 60%). Significantly more of
those who actually experienced an RJ conference were satisfied,
compared with those whose cases were dealt with in court
(70% vs 42%). There was no difference here between property
and violence victims.
As a further indicator of overall treatment satisfaction, all RISE
victims were asked whether they were pleased with the way their
case had been dealt with (whether by court or by conference), or
whether they would have preferred the alternative treatment.
Significantly more conference victims than court victims agreed
they were pleased to have been treated the way they were
(69% vs 48%). Property victims were slightly more pleased than
violence victims.
Victims thought offender apologies were important in bringing
about emotional restoration. Ninety percent of all victims,
whether assigned to court or to conference, felt they should
receive an apology. One of the most important differences was
thus found in the prevalence of apologies for each group. For
those victims assigned to a conference, 72% said their offender
had apologised (and 86% of those who actually experienced a
conference) compared with 19% of those assigned to court.
Furthermore, more conference-assigned victims than court-
assigned victims said they felt the apologies they received were
sincere (77% vs 41%).
It seems likely that these findings are related to another striking
difference between the conference-assigned and court–assigned
victims: desire for revenge. Overall, 20% of court victims said
they would harm their offenders if they had the chance,
compared with 7% of conference victims. This difference was
especially stark for victims of violent crime whose cases went to
court, nearly half of whom (45%) wanted to harm their
offenders, compared with 9% of those who went to a conference
(Strang, 2002). Table 4 shows that when we extended this
analysis to London, computing separate point estimates for men
and women victims in each of four separate experiments, the
pattern across the eight tests of the revenge-reduction
hypothesis was supported as statistically significant and
substantial. On average, there was two-thirds less desire for
revenge across the eight groups receiving RJ than their
comparison victims receiving CJ (Sherman et al, 2005).
(b) Bethlehem Restorative Policing Experiment
(McCold and Wachtel, 1998)
Results from these experiments with first-time juvenile property
and violence misdemeanour offenders are complicated by the
fact that consent of participants was sought after random
assignment rather than before. As a result, a substantial number
of victims or offenders assigned to the conference group
declined to participate in RJ and their cases went to court.
Conferences were conducted in only 42% of cases randomly
assigned to conference. Because victim impact results were not
reported according to the randomised assignment (as “intention-
to-treat”), but rather were reported on the basis of treatment as
delivered, we actually code this study not as a randomised trial
(level 5) but as a correlation study (SMS level 1). We include it in
table 4 to provide clarity about its status among readers familiar
with the study. Victim results for the two experiments (violence
and property) were combined in the original report.
Among the RJ completers, McCold and Wachtel found 96%
victim satisfaction with cases randomly assigned to conferences
(and where the case was dealt with in a conference), compared
with 79% when cases were assigned to court and 73% among
victims whose case went to court after the option of a
conference was declined. Victims who attended a conference
also more often felt that the process was fair (96%), that the
offender was held accountable (93%), that their opinion had
been adequately considered (94%) and that the offender had
apologised (96%). It is important to note that the satisfaction
level was lowest among those victims who were promised, but
did not get, RJ. This provides evidence in support of the practice
of asking offenders first, before even raising the prospect of RJ
with victims who may later have it denied. Similar results were
found among the victims in RISE whose cases were randomly
assigned to the RJ group but who were not ultimately given RJ.
What we cannot tell from this design, as implemented and
reported, is what the effects of RJ would be on victims if consent
had been sought prior to random assignment. A comparison
between victims of criminals who were willing to do RJ, but not
offered it, would be necessary to draw an inference about the
causation of victim outcomes by RJ rather than selection bias.
(c) Indianapolis Juvenile Restorative Justice Experiment
(McGarrell et al, 2000)
This study of young (seven to 14 years) first-time property and
minor assault offenders and their victims also found markedly
higher levels of satisfaction among victims whose cases were
randomly assigned to a conference rather than an array of
other court diversions. In this experiment, however, random
assignment was almost always followed, so that analysis suffers
less offender self-selection bias than in Bethlehem. Furthermore,
97% of victims said they felt involved with the way their case
was dealt with, compared with 38% of victims in the control
group, and 95% felt they had been able to express their views,
compared with 56% of the control group.
(d) Justice Research Consortium’s eight trials of RJ in London,
Northumbria and Thames Valley
(Shapland et al, 2006)
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The University of Sheffield’s evaluation of the JRC’s series of
randomised trials in the UK does not directly compare the views
of victims whose cases were assigned either to normal CJ or to
normal CJ plus RJ. However, it contains a number of measures of
victims’ experience of RJ, derived from interviews from over 200
of the approximately 450 victims involved in RJ in the eight trials.
Overall they found that about 85% of victims (and 80% of
offenders) were satisfied with their experience. In particular, only
12% of victims (and 10% of offenders) expressed any doubt
about the outcome agreement reached at the end of the
conference, and almost all thought it was fair. Looking at various
dimensions of satisfaction, the evaluation found that more than
70% of victims in all eight experiments said they found the
conference useful and fair and that it had given them a sense of
closure about the offence. Interestingly, given the highly variable
length of time that had elapsed between the incident and the
conference (from a very few weeks to several years), most said
that the RJ had been held about the right length of time after
the incident.
Besides the findings relating to macro-level victim satisfaction
concerning both process and outcome in the London trials, there
are strong indications of psychological benefits to traumatised
victims at the individual level. A study embedded in the larger
RCT was conducted to determine the effect of RJ on post-
traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) experienced by burglary and
robbery victims (Angel, 2005). While few of these crime victims
had PTSS symptoms severe enough to be classified as having a
clinically diagnosable disorder (PTSD), their symptoms were
nonetheless substantial.
A total of 137 individuals whose cases had been randomly
assigned either to court only or to court plus RJ were assessed
using a standardised psychological instrument (the “impact of
event scale revised”) to measure PTSS. Victims who had
experienced RJ consistently scored lower than control
participants, both immediately after their cases were finalised
and also six months later. The item concerning return to
employment and normal activities is reported separately in table
4, even though the significance level is marginal, for two reasons.
One is that a substantial effect of RJ on employment could
produce major cost savings for government and economic
productivity. The other reason is that the magnitude of the effect
of RJ on return to employment is quite substantial, as distinct
from its 12% probability of error. It suggests that robbery and
burglary victims take 50% longer to return to work without RJ
than if they have received it.
Given the low propensity of victims to seek assistance for trauma
associated with their experience and the sometimes devastating
consequences in terms of health, employment and quality of life,
RJ offers encouraging prospects for victim recovery that are not
otherwise available. The long-term effects of lowering even
sub-clinical PTSS symptoms is suggested by a prospective study
of PTSS among almost 3,000 military veterans, almost all of
whom fell below the threshold of clinical PTSD. Nonetheless,
their PTSS levels predicted substantial increases in coronary heart
disease (CHD) and myocardial infarctions (Kubzansky et al, 2007).
These biomedical consequences of PTSS suggest that a broader
view is needed of the true costs of crime, and of the cost-saving
benefits for helping crime victims with their PTSS.
Another striking finding from the London trials, as noted above,
concerned victims’ unresolved anger towards their offenders and
their desire for revenge, which mirrored the results from RISE
referred to above. Indeed, remarkably consistent results emerge
across violent and property crime and for male and female
victims in both sites. While victims of violent crime in both
Canberra and London showed higher levels of desire for revenge
than victims of property crime, nonetheless, for both offence
types and both sexes, RJ reduced vengeance in the predicted
direction (Sherman and Strang, forthcoming).
9.3. Evidence from non-RCT studies
Victim benefits have been remarkably similar in findings from
both RCTs and other evaluations. Broadly speaking, victims who
agree to participate report extremely high levels of satisfaction
with the process on the outcomes they say matter most – the
opportunity to confront their offenders and express themselves
directly to them. Consistent with findings from conferencing
programmes (see eg Strang, 2002), victims tend to show
satisfaction based on greater participation in the justice process
rather than according to the extent of financial or other material
restitution ensuing from the encounter with the offender.
Like the RCT-design studies, these evaluations consistently show
that RJ appears to benefit victims along several dimensions. It
can reduce victim anger, anxiety and fear of revictimisation and
increase their perceptions of fair process. The meta-analysis of 35
RJ programmes carried out by Latimer, Dowden and Muise (2001)
found that they increased victim (and offender) satisfaction
generally. The following studies relate to various forms of
RJ, including victim-offender mediation, victim-offender
reconciliation programmes and family group conferencing and
its effects on victims:
(a) Victim-offender mediation in North America
(Umbreit and Coates, 1992, 1993; Umbreit, 1994, 1995, 2001;
Umbreit, Coates and Kalanj, 1994; Umbreit, Coates and Roberts,
2000; Umbreit, Coates and Vos, 2001; Nugent et al, 2003).
25 As part of their evaluation, the University of Sheffield team also reported on two
non-RCT schemes that the Home Office funded under the same arrangements as the
JRC, Connect and REMEDI. Both these schemes offered both direct and indirect
mediation, giving the evaluators an opportunity to make a preliminary assessment of
the relative merits of the two techniques. They observe that, while victims may initially
be more attracted to indirect contact with their offenders, indirect mediation makes it
difficult to have an agreed outcome or to refer to future-oriented matters and that it
is associated with lower levels of satisfaction. They further observe that almost all
victims who experienced a face-to-face meeting with their offenders did not regret it
and conclude that direct mediation is more helpful than indirect.
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In a series of studies, mostly relating to juvenile offenders,
stretching over more than a decade, Umbreit and his colleagues
consistently report high levels of victim satisfaction arising from
the opportunity to tell their offenders directly about the effects
of the crime and to negotiate restitution. They also found that
restitution per se was the least important issue for the victims
who completed the process.
(b) 1990s RJ evaluations in England and Wales
(Miers et al, 2001)
This major evaluation of seven RJ schemes operating across the
country in the late 1990s was mixed in its findings, though many
of the problems reported concerned issues of implementation
rather than dissatisfaction among participants. Interviews with
23 victims found that while most felt the intervention had made
an impact on the offender, they were not always convinced that
the offender had made sufficient amends. Nevertheless, they
indicated that they appreciated the opportunity to be involved
and to get the information they wanted and over two-thirds said
that they were satisfied with their involvement.
(c) Before/after RJ effects in RCTs
(Strang et al, 2006)
In RISE and the JRC tests in the UK, victims who had participated
in RJ conferences were asked a series of questions after the
conference about how they felt both before and after the
conference. Although there are shortcomings in asking the
respondent to remember feelings from before the event, the
consistency of responses lends confidence to the findings; in any
event, it was not practical to obtain baseline information on
emotional dimensions beforehand. Nor was it practical to ask
control victims similar questions on a before-and-after basis.
The findings therefore have the status of quasi-experimental,
level 2 results that are more qualitative than quantitative. While
they do not meet the threshold for inclusion in the tables, they
are presented here because they address substantial issues of
victim impact.
In these before/after, retrospective comparisons, consistent and
statistically significant differences were found. When victims
reported on their before-conference and after-conference
feelings, there were large differences in Canberra, London and
Northumbria on all the following dimensions: fear of the
offender (especially for violence victims); perceived likelihood of
revictimisation; sense of security; anger towards the offender;
sympathy for the offender and the offender’s supporters;
feelings of trust in others; feelings of self-confidence; anxiety.
9.4. Victims’ opinions of RJ across the process
The quality of studies relating to victims’ opinions or views of RJ
are highly variable: they rarely include an explicit comparison
group and almost never do they consider the views of victims
who consented to RJ but for whom the RJ was not delivered for
any reason. Nonetheless, across all these studies including many
kinds of offence type the conclusions are clear: when victims
consent to meet their offender in an RJ conference they are
usually satisfied with their experience provided that 1) the RJ
meeting happens as promised and 2) the offender complies with
the undertakings they made during the conference. Furthermore,
available evidence shows that these victims are far more satisfied
than their counterparts whose cases are dealt with in the formal
justice system (Strang, 2002; McCold and Wachtel, 1998;
McGarrell et al, 2000).
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10. Reducing repeat offending
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Reducing repeat offending
The variable effects of RJ on repeat offending are listed in tables
1 to 3 above. The patterns we have been able to discern from this
evidence so far are reported in the summary. The key finding is
that RJ may work better with more serious crimes rather than
with less serious crimes, contrary to the conventional wisdom.
The research is therefore discussed in this section in the same
structure as in tables 1 to 3: organised by results for violent,
property and non-victim crime.
10.1. Recidivism after violent crime
The success of RJ in reducing, or at least not increasing, repeat
offending is most consistent in tests on violent crime (table 1).
Whether we consider just randomised experiments, or include
quasi–experiments as well, we find no evidence of increased
repeat offending with RJ after violent crime. We also find, in
some tests, substantial reductions in recidivism after violent crime.
Randomised experiments
The largest effect of RJ on recidivism after violent crime found in
a randomised experiment so far has been in the Canberra RISE
project. In a two-year-before, two-year-after comparison, the
frequency of arrest among white people under 30 years of age
who were assigned to RJ dropped by 84 per 100 offenders more
than in the control group. This effect was found despite a
less-than-perfect implementation of RJ in the group assigned to
that treatment. The arrest measure included all kinds of crimes,
from offences with victims to non-compliance with court
appearances. These effects were not found among Aboriginal
offenders, but the sample size for that stratum was too small for
an adequately powered test (Sherman et al, 2006a).
Almost as impressive was the effect found among girls in
Northumbria (Sherman et al, 2006b). Females under 18, whose
parents joined in their consent to an RJ conference as part of a
final warning for assault, were randomly assigned to either the
conference or a standard “talking-to” by a police officer with a
parent present. Those who were assigned the conference almost
always attended one. Compared with those not assigned a
conference, they had twice as great a reduction in arrests per 100
offenders (118 fewer in the year-before/year-after comparison)
than the CJ group (only 47 fewer). Thus we can estimate that RJ
among predominantly poor, violent white girls in Northumbria
prevented 71 crimes leading to arrest per 100 offenders, relative
to CJ.
Similar effects were found among children aged seven to 14 in
Indianapolis (McGarrell et al, 2000). Youth accused of violent
crime were randomly assigned to RJ conferences or a wide range
of other programmes of diversion from prosecution. None of
the comparison treatments involved a meeting with the victim.
The RJ group was reported to have had a 28% prevalence of
rearrest at six months (after only) compared with 34% for the
control group.
The first reported randomised experiments in diversion from
prosecution to RJ – those conducted in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
– are included in table 1 for clarity, even though little can be
concluded from them (McCold and Wachtel, 1998). As noted
above, the random assignment in these experiments was done
prior to seeking offender consent, which guaranteed a high
refusal rate. (Most experiments seek consent first and then
randomise cases to RJ or controls, answering the question of
“what effect RJ has on those who say they are willing to
undertake it”.) Since it is possible to combine the refusers and
completers into a comparison of the groups randomly assigned
to RJ and control, that analysis stands as a level 5 RCT. The result
is no difference in repeat offending between the two “intention-
to-treat” groups. With some half of the RJ offenders refusing to
undertake RJ, however, it is difficult to draw any conclusions
from this experiment about the effect of RJ on recidivism after
violent crime.
Much the same can be said for the Brooklyn, New York,
experiment in diversion to RJ for (predominantly) violent felony
cases (Davis et al, 1981). While the evidence is reported as a level
5 intention-to-treat analysis, 44% of the cases assigned to RJ
never undertook it. Similarly, 72% of offenders prosecuted in
court had their cases dismissed or absconded. The comparison of
27% of prosecutions resulting in criminal convictions to 56% of
RJ cases with completed mediations across 100% of both groups
yielded no difference in recidivism.
A better test of RJ also failed to show an effect (Sherman et al,
2006b). The white male youths in Northumbria, in the same
experiment that found a strong effect of RJ on violent white
girls’ recidivism, had similar recidivism rates regardless of how
their final warning was delivered. Meeting with the victim in an
RJ conference yielded no less recidivism than a “talking-to” by a
police officer. Equally important, it yielded no increase in
recidivism. This finding stands in clear contrast to the reductions
in recidivism after RJ found in RCTs among white male youth in
Canberra and Indianapolis, but it is unwarranted to analyse this
question as a vote count. Rather, the question remains why RJ
works in some samples and not others.
Quasi-experimental tests
As is often the case in evaluation research generally, the less-
than-RCT evidence is far more consistent in showing benefits of
treatment (see Weisburd et al, 2001). Three reasonably strong
quasi-experimental tests of RJ on violent (or groups of
predominantly violent) offenders all found substantial reductions
in repeat offending after RJ compared with CJ.
Perhaps the least known of these tests is the Canadian
programme of RJ for violent families (Pennell and Burford, 2000).
This comparison of families offered a family group conference
(as described in section 7) with families not offered such a
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conference (in the same years) addresses a very volatile issue in
RJ. While the sample size is small, the apparent effects of RJ
are large. In the RJ group, for example, emergency visits to the
home dropped from the before to the after period by over half,
compared with a 50% increase in the comparison families. Nearly
identical differences were found in reports of child abuse or
neglect. While the sample included many aboriginal Inuit people,
the sample size was too small to compute separate effects by
Two UK evaluations of (mostly) indirect RJ in the 1990s found
statistically significant, although smaller, differences between
predicted and actual offending rates after RJ treatment (Meirs et
al, 2001). In West Yorkshire, a mixed sample of violent and
property offenders were given a mix of indirect and direct RJ
treatments. The predicted rate of reconviction based on their
record prior to the treatment was then found to be about a third
higher than the observed rate of reconviction after RJ, for a
relative reduction in recidivism of 25% after RJ. A West Midlands
pre-sentence mediation programme prior to sentencing
produced almost identical results with a similar size and mix of
sample. In both tests, slightly over half of the offenders also
received custodial sentences.
10.2. Recidivism after property crime
The use of RJ for property crime produces less consistency and
magnitude of effects on recidivism than is found in RJ for violent
crime (table 2). The evidence here includes two findings of
increased offending, as well as five findings of crime reductions.
More impressive, however, is the fact that RJ did as well as, or
better than, prison time as measured by recidivism in two
separate tests.
Randomised experiments
The best result of RJ for property crime in the UK so far is found
among white male youth in poverty areas of Northumbria
(Sherman et al, 2006). Randomly assigned RJ conferences
among youths whose parents joined in their consent to RJ were
delivered to half of the cases in which victims were also
willing to undertake RJ. The other half received the standard
final warning “talking-to” by a police officer. The one-year
before/after comparison of arrest rates in the RJ group showed
88 fewer arrests per 100 offenders. In the control group, the
reduction was only 32 fewer arrests per 100 offenders. Thus RJ
had more than twice the size of the reduction in offending
measured by arrest as did CJ. The number of females enrolled in
the sample was too small to yield a valid estimate of RJ effects
for that stratum, but large enough to drive the effects on the
overall sample into a difference that failed to achieve statistical
The Northumbria results stand in sharp contrast to the Canberra
results (Sherman et al, 2006a), where non-Aboriginal youths
under 18 had no different rates of arrest frequency after RJ
than after CJ (in a two-year before/after comparison). The good
effects of RJ on Northumbrian youth property crime stand in
even sharper contrast to the Canberra results for Aboriginal
youth, a small sample of whom (N = 23) showed such a large
negative effect of RJ that the result was statistically significant
(P = .049). RJ caused an increase of 228 arrests per 100 offenders
per year among Aboriginal property crime arrestees, while
conventional juvenile prosecution caused a reduction of 66
arrests per year per 100 offenders. This means that RJ roughly
tripled the detected offending rates of these people under 18.
Why that happened, and its broader implications, are discussed
below in section 11.
The Indianapolis experiment with youths aged seven to 14 did
much better than its counterpart in Canberra did with older
juveniles of both races (McGarrell et al, 2000). Unfortunately, no
breakdown by race in recidivism results has been published for
the Indianapolis test. But the main effects show that RJ
conferences cut in half the percentage of juveniles who had any
new arrest after random assignment, relative to the control
group that was not given RJ (15% vs 27%).
Most of the randomised trials of RJ for property crime, however,
did not employ the face-to-face RJ conference strategy. Rather,
they were primarily experiments in indirect RJ conducted by
Anne Schneider (1986) in a nationwide evaluation of restitution
programmes in the US in the 1970s. These programmes varied in
their details of treatment and consent, but were consistently
implemented and reported as level 5 RCTs. Two of the four RCTs
showed that court-ordered restitution, randomly assigned,
yielded lower rearrest rates than conventional probation. This
was despite one of the tests (in Washington, DC) suffering a 40%
dropout from its consent-based programme. The intention-to-
treat analysis preserved the level 5 test, showing 12% lower
arrest frequency for consenting cases assigned to RJ and a 7%
increase for consenting cases assigned to non-RJ probation. This
stands in contrast to a similar comparison in Oklahoma, where
no effect on recidivism was found.
Perhaps the most important finding of the four Schneider (1986)
experiments is the Boise, Idaho, result. In this test, court-ordered
restitution in the community was compared with a sentence of
eight days in jail, served primarily on weekends. With a sample of
181 randomly assigned cases, this test may be one of the best
tests of the “short, sharp shock” theory long popular with British
courts. What it found was substantively significant because the
outcome lacked statistical significance. That is, there was no
benefit from putting offenders in jail, compared with restitution,
despite the far higher costs of incarceration.
Quasi-experimental tests
An even more impressive comparison of RJ to prison was found
in a quasi-experimental test in Canada (Bonta et al, 1998). In this
test, 142 predominantly (61%) property offenders coupled
indirect or (in 10% of cases) face-to-face RJ with court-ordered
restitution. All of them were rated after conviction but before
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enrolment as “likely” to be sent to prison for six months, but most
of them were not. They were matched with a comparison group
of 67 inmates with similar profiles who had not been offered this
programme. The two-year prevalence of reconviction for the
comparison group after they were released from prison was 37%
– three times the 11% rate of the RJ group. This difference was
statistically significant evidence that RJ after serious crimes can
reduce recidivism better than six months or more in prison. If
that comparison were to hold up in the UK, it might be possible
to use RJ to cut the prison population in half with no change, or
a reduction, in the crime rate.
RJ performed less well in the New Zealand pilot of court-referred
RJ for adults (Triggs, 2005: 15). In this study, only 25% of referred
offenders actually completed the RJ as requested. The actual
two-year prevalence of reconviction (41%) among the 193
completers was then compared with their predicted reconviction
rate (45%), with the difference not enough to be statistically
significant. The broad mix of property, violent and non-victim
offences (including traffic) in this sample, however, limits what
we can conclude from it.
10.3. Recidivism after non-victim crime
This subsection examines the effects of RJ on recidivism after
offences such as shoplifting, drink-driving, and public disorder
(table 3). While RJ is often most widely acceptable when used for
such low-seriousness offences, it generally does worse in these
tests than in tests on more serious crimes.
Randomised experiments
Two of the four RCTs in the Canberra RISE project drew samples
from these offences (Sherman et al, 2000). One was for drink-
driving, detected by random breath tests at police roadblocks.
Anyone with a measured blood alcohol content of .05 or higher
was then randomly assigned to RJ or prosecution. The difference
meant no criminal record or publication of the offender’s name
in the newspaper if they received RJ. It also meant that they did
not lose their driver’s licence for six months or pay a mandatory
fine, although they often agreed to pay larger amounts to a
charity voluntarily in the RJ agreement. In terms of drink-driving
behaviour, there was no difference in repeat offending. In the
initial analysis, in fact, there was a small increase in total
offending associated with RJ.
A second RISE experiment employed a sample of shoplifters
under 18 caught by security staff in large department stores. In
these cases, the store sometimes sent a security employee as a
representative, but they could not claim to have suffered from
the offender’s conduct (indeed, their jobs depended on the
sustainability of crime, as Karl Marx pointed out about law
professors). We therefore treat this test as a non-victim crime. No
difference in repeat offending was found between the RJ and CJ
The best result for RJ in RCTs of non-victim offences has been
reported by McGarrell et al (2000). This sample focused on such
“public order” offences as making noise, drinking under age, and
youth curfew violations. In this Indianapolis test of RJ with
youths aged seven to 14, the group randomly assigned to non-
victim RJ conferences had half the prevalence of repeat arrest of
those assigned to other diversion programmes: 28% for RJ versus
45% for the comparison over the next six months after
disposition. Whether this effect can only be achieved among
very young offenders is a question the evidence cannot yet
answer – one that can be raised about all the Indianapolis results.
We found no quasi-experiments that met our minimum
eligibility criteria for testing RJ with non-victim crime cases.
10.4. Missing evidence on recidivism
The results discussed above generally support the conclusion that
RJ works most consistently to reduce repeat offending – and
not increase it – with violent crime. The effects of RJ are less
predictable, and sometimes counterproductive, for property
crime. The evidence is least compelling for the use of RJ with
non-victim crime. While it would be inappropriate to quantify
this ranking any more precisely than saying it in words connotes,
it is still a reasonable summation of the evidence.
The missing evidence, however, could change the content of that
summation. More tests of RJ on more specific kinds of offences,
organised by such criteria as stranger versus acquaintance crime,
injury versus non-injury crime, and other salient criteria, could
yield different conclusions about seriousness. Until and unless
such tests are conducted, however, the finding on this evidence
can stand: RJ works better with more serious offences. The
reason why may be consistent with the apparent emotional basis
for RJ: that offender remorse for having harmed a victim –
perhaps especially victims “like them” rather than socially distant
by class, race or income – is what drives any reduction in repeat
offending that follows RJ.
Beyond the conclusion that RJ may reduce crime more
effectively with more serious crimes, the evidence does not
readily allow accurate predictions of the kinds of offences or
offenders for whom RJ is more likely to be effective. Such
obvious patterns as consistency by race and gender are elusive;
the opposite effects of RJ for property crime by young white
males in Northumbria versus Canberra is a prime example.
What we can predict, based on the evidence, is that except in rare
circumstances RJ is unlikely to cause more repeat offending than
CJ. That, combined with clear and consistent average benefits
for victims, means that RJ could proceed on a much larger scale,
as long as:
1) criminogenic effects of RJ are not more widespread than is
apparent; and
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2) we can tackle the remaining question about the effects of RJ
on crime: how does RJ affect general deterrence?
As several criminologists have pointed out, the second question
is central to the foundation of criminal law. What effect would
living in an “RJ community” have on potential offenders,
knowing that their first offence would almost always be dealt
with by a restorative process? Would that knowledge encourage
more primary offending, even if RJ reduced repeat offending?
Only a randomised comparison of communities with widespread
RJ to communities without it can answer that question.
Because of the great importance of the issues of “how rare” the
backfiring effects of RJ might be, and what effect RJ would have
on general deterrence, we highlight our discussion of them in the
next two sections, respectively.
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11. Rare events: when RJ backfires –
and why
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Rare events: when RJ backfires – and why
For many people, the fundamental rule of justice should be the
same as in the Hippocratic oath: first, do no harm. The extensive
evidence on RJ effects provides substantial reassurance that RJ
has a very low risk of causing harm to past crime victims, or to
communities and victims suffering from higher rates of repeat
offending that might have been caused by RJ. The exceptions to
that evidence so far, as reported in section 10, are rare. So far
negative evidence is scattered and weak. But any evidence at all
of criminogenic effect merits close examination. This section first
revisits the evidence. Then it examines the theory that could
explain past findings and predict future results.
11.1 Three findings to consider
There are three findings worth discussing on this issue. One is the
large effect of RJ on a small sample of Australian Aboriginal
youth arrested for property crimes against white victims. A
second is the initial evidence of a small increase in total arrests
for Canberra offenders assigned to RJ after arrest for drink-
driving. The third is a marginally significant increase in offending
among Bethlehem (Pennsylvania) youth who were offered RJ
after arrest for property crimes.
Effects of RJ on Aboriginal property crime offenders
The clearest evidence of criminogenic effects of RJ is limited to
23 Australian Aboriginal youth charged with property offences.
This RCT did not set aside the Aboriginal defendants for a
separate, block-randomised sample. The finding, rather, is from
what statisticians call a subgroup analysis, or the analysis of
interaction effects within a stratum of the larger experiment. The
very large magnitude of the effect, however, meant that the
effect was clearly not due to chance, even though the sample
size was small. While certain governmental rules and systematic
reviews exclude findings with samples that are small, there is no
statistical necessity to distrust significant findings from small
samples when the effect sizes are large and appropriate tests
have been used.
Whatever the internal validity of the finding, its external validity
– the capacity to generalise from these results to other
populations – remains unclear. We do not, and cannot ethically,
know whether this finding would apply even in another sample
of Aboriginal youth in Canberra. We do not know whether it
would apply to Aboriginal offenders in other cities in Australia, in
other age groups, or other offence types. We certainly do not
know what the limits of the finding are for other minority groups
in other countries – especially minority groups of colour with
disproportionately high rates of incarceration. We do not know
whether there is a potential for criminogenic reactions whenever
minority offenders of colour meet with white victims, but not
when such offenders meet with victims of their own race. We do
not know whether the finding could be limited to the specific
context of property offending in the wealthy and highly
educated community of Australia’s capital – or if it could be
predictive of RJ effects in all cities, rich and poor, across the
developed world. There is no way to answer this question
without further evidence.
It is therefore appropriate to say that the question of minority
group effects remains a major gap in the evidence on RJ in the
UK, as elsewhere. Further analysis of existing studies may shed
some light on it, especially as recidivism data accumulate on
the Crown Court experiments in London. Ample numbers of
minority group offenders in those experiments provide a robust
opportunity to explore issues of race and RJ.
Even more useful may be experiments specifically designed for
the purpose of the comparison of RJ effects with different
combinations of races or ethnicities of offenders. One example
would be a suite of four RCTs testing RJ on samples of crimes
with, respectively, white offenders and Afro-Caribbean victims,
white offenders and white victims, Afro-Caribbean offenders
with white victims, and Afro-Caribbean offenders with Afro-
Caribbean victims.
RJ for drink-driving
In the first year after random assignment to either RJ or
prosecution, Canberra drink-driving offenders in the RJ group
had 83% more arrests for all offences in the year after than in
the year before (Sherman et al, 2000). The prosecution group,
however, had only 30% more arrests. The probability that this
difference was due to chance was 13%, or slightly outside the
conventional margins of statistical significance. The difference
also disappeared at two years before/after, so the effect was
transitory. The question is whether it has any significance.
Answering that question requires further evidence on the
conferences themselves. In some of the conferences, police
invited a “community representative” who lived in the
neighbourhood where the arrest occurred. This volunteer citizen
was often highly critical of the offenders, all of whom had been
required by police to invite five family members or friends. These
statements may have been emotionally toxic to the offenders, as
an analysis of subgroup results indicated. RJ increased total
arrests among cases at which community representatives had
been present, but it reduced total arrests among offenders who
had no community representative present.
Interpreting these findings has been complicated by the finding
in repeated transfers of arrest data from the police that the
criminal history of the offenders – for the same years – was
different in different data sets transferred. This probably
represents the effects of changes in both hardware and other
aspects of record keeping. Nonetheless, the finding did appear, in
one data set, for the first year of the experiment. It also fits into
a larger possible explanation for any criminogenic effects.
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Juvenile property crime defendants in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
A majority of the property crime offenders assigned to diversion
for RJ in the Bethlehem experiment refused to undertake RJ. This
group had the highest prevalence of repeat arrests among the
three groups compared by the authors: accepters, refusers and
controls. When the repeat offending is combined for both
refusers and accepters assigned to RJ, however, the result is a
small increase in the RJ group compared with the controls. The
difference is again just over the boundary of conventional
significance levels, at 11%. Yet given the random assignment of
cases, there should not have been a difference in repeat
offending between the groups if the refused offer to do RJ had
no effect on recidivism. Rather, the data suggest that merely
offering RJ to the refusers somehow made them more criminal.
In that sense it appears that this majority Hispanic population
experienced a criminogenic effect from the way in which their
local police may have presented the invitation to RJ.
11.2. Theoretical and policy implications
It is important to note that none of these three findings
would be reportable under current Home Office standards of
publication. The Aboriginal sample is too small to meet the Home
Office minimum, even with random assignment. The other two
findings are not within the boundaries of statistical significance.
The drink-driving differences also disappeared over time. These
are reasons to disregard the findings altogether.
There are two good reasons to give the findings further
consideration. One is the implications they may have for the
criminological theory of RJ. The other is the implications they
may have for policy decisions on scaling up RJ.
All three findings are consistent with predictions made by
defiance theory (Sherman, 1993): that some people who are told
they have behaved immorally by other people they neither trust
nor like will become more criminal in future, rather than less.
Defiance theory specifies some characteristics of such people
who are “allergic” to criticism from sanctioning authorities they
perceive to be illegitimate. They are disproportionately likely to
be lacking in conventional “stakes” in conformity, such as jobs,
marriage or respect of mainstream people. They may also be
constitutionally sensitive to criticism due to trauma or abuse at
an early age, or perhaps nutritionally deficient in foods that
promote equanimity.
While it may be impossible to screen for such reactivity to RJ at
the individual level, it may be possible to predict at the
neighbourhood or community level of analysis. It may be that RJ
simply does not work well where there is a preponderance of
such offenders. That may be what happened in both the
Aboriginal and Bethlehem samples. And it may also be that the
dynamic only applies to property crimes. It is arguable, for
example, that a victim of property crime can be seen as part of
an unfair system. A victim of violent crime, however, could be
seen by the offender as someone who hurts – physically – just
like them, and who is worthy of the offender’s sympathy or
Predominantly white and employed drink-driving offenders also
may fit defiance theory, when exposed to criticism from a
community representative they have not elected or ever met
before. The stinging words of a stranger may evoke anger on a
bus or in a playground, let alone in front of a police officer and
close friends. Activating the limbic system with a fight-or-flight
reaction, such criticism could be carried around in the offender’s
head for some months or years. That, in turn, may cause an
increased propensity to “get back” at an illegitimate accuser
through defiance of such people as representatives of the wider
society. It may just make them “mad as hell and not going to take
it any more”.
These connections make the three findings more significant in
theory than they are in practice. They suggest that policy
development may need to be guided by more theory, as well as
by more data, just to be sure at every stage of scaling up RJ we
“first, do no harm”.
26 See, for example, Gesch et al, 2002.
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12. Other effects on crime
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Other effects on crime
Just as RJ may work best in schools when it is used as a “whole
school” strategy rather than for isolated incidents, RJ may work
best when it is used across an entire community. Small pilot
studies cannot generate such conditions. Public knowledge of RJ
does not become wide enough with such pilots to influence
community-level effects. But such effects could be the result of
a synergy of many cases being handled by RJ at the same time.
A high proportion of community residents, for example, might
attend the RJ conferences, and begin to understand the process.
Evidence to date also suggests they would see it favourably. This
raise the question of what benefits – or harms – there may be
from RJ on which we have yet to gain evidence.
If RJ became a widespread first response to crime by the criminal
justice system, there could be two major effects on crime and
justice that cannot be seen in the evidence to date. One is that
many more crimes could be detected and brought to justice.
The other is that many more crimes could be committed. The
evidence to address both these possibilities is missing at present,
but could be gathered before very long.
12.1. Bringing more crimes to justice
At the individual level of analysis, there is good evidence that RJ
can bring more crimes to justice (table 5). If RJ is scaled up across
a large portion of all offences in a community, the benefits could
be even greater. The major barrier to bringing offences to justice
is victim and witness reluctance to risk retaliation or – more
important – their time, from involvement with legal formalities.
They may also distrust or fear the system itself, in terms of
imposing excessive or inappropriate punishments on their loved
ones. Hence the vast majority of crimes go unsolved, despite
many citizens having the knowledge that could lead to a
criminal conviction.
RJ could change all that. If it worked widely and well, it would
logically encourage more people to come forward to participate
in a process that would be more predictable and convenient than
going to court. If offenders themselves accept responsibility at a
higher rate because they become more familiar with the RJ
process, that would also help solve more crimes. The evidence
that RJ can improve trust in justice is substantial (see Strang et
al, 1999). That trust could be translated into putting more crimes
in the arms of justice, because those arms would be seen as
helpful rather than harmful.
12.2. Undermining general deterrence?
There is good evidence for discarding the worry that RJ would
undermine general deterrence. That worry posits an opposite, but
possibly simultaneous, effect of widespread RJ in a community
causing more crime as well as solving more crimes. Removing the
threat of punishment, it could be argued, would encourage more
people to commit their first offence. In principle, it could be seen
as giving a lifetime “juvenile offender” status to all adults in the
community. The implication of “one free crime” might be too
attractive to resist, unless other reasons besides the prospect of
jail time make people restrain from offending.
It is important to note that this question has not been addressed
to date in any study, with any research design. The question, in
fact, can only arise when RJ is used on such a broad scale that it
could theoretically alter the calculations of offenders or potential
offenders in deciding whether to commit a crime. Suppose, for
example, that a city were to divert over half of all its arrests
for violent offences into RJ, as opposed to CJ. Some might
argue that a level of diversion that high would undermine the
effectiveness of the threat of punishment that results from the
expectation that offenders who are arrested will be prosecuted
and punished. Many readers may nod their heads in agreement
with this hypothesis.
The evidence shows, however, that in England and Wales,
diversion of half of all arrests for violent crime already occurs.
That is, one report claims that around half of all arrests for
violent crimes result in a police caution. These cautions are
unlikely to involve much restorative work by offenders in relation
to victims, based on the evidence of current RJ operations.
What effect they have at the individual or community level is
unknown. But because it is current practice, rather than the myth
of 100% prosecution, which forms the baseline for discussing
changes in policy, we may actually be justified in ruling out the
“loss of deterrence” scenario.
One policy response to that conclusion might be the opposite:
that there should be no cautioning of any violent crime
defendants, and that all should be brought into court. Yet these
cautions may reflect problems of evidence, limited resources, or
other factors associated with the complex requirements of
proving a case in court. Many of those requirements vanish when
offenders accept responsibility, and proceed directly to a
discussion of how they could repair the harm.
It is not clear whether an RJ discussion would decrease – or
perhaps increase – the burdensome consequences of committing
a crime. From a deterrence standpoint, an RJ agreement could
possibly even increase the general deterrent effects of law
enforcement on crime. This could be even more likely in contrast
to an unconditional caution.
There is no way to resolve this question in theory. What is
required to undertake a full assessment of the effects of RJ
on crime is a demonstration of RJ as a community-wide
phenomenon, a default option by which all cases are initially
processed unless offenders or victims refuse. We have predicted
27 Ford, Richard “Violent Criminals are Avoiding Jail as Police Issue More Cautions”,
The Times (24 November 2006).
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that if RJ is used on a much larger scale, from schools to policing
to probation, take-up rates may well increase. If and when they
do, it would be possible to assess the effects of RJ on a wide
range of outcomes, at least if there is a systematic comparison
between communities using this approach and similar
communities that do not.
Other effects of RJ on society and government could be obtained
from community-level tests that have never been done. For
example, would an RJ community produce a level of social
capital and community building such that those factors alone
would help to reduce crime levels? Irrespective of general
deterrent effects, would less crime result from an increase that RJ
might cause in such characteristics of communities as
“intergenerational closure” (where parents know the parents of
the young people their own children play with, and vice versa)?
Would face-to-face recognition of community residents increase
to a point where more informal surveillance would provide a
greater level of general deterrence? Would RJ increase
community respect for the law, and legitimacy of the police, in
ways that would also increase compliance with the law? Or
would none of these effects occur?
Related questions could be raised about community support for
the rehabilitation of offenders. RJ is often hypothesised as
something that could help motivate offenders to seek and
complete rehabilitation. It is just as plausible that RJ could
motivate law-abiding community members to support offender
resettlement in far more powerful ways than at present. RJ
agreements between offenders and victims to stay in touch are
not uncommon. If a sufficient density of such agreements in a
community were to be put in place, it could create a new culture
around the idea of helping offenders go straight. The growing
use of “circles of support and accountability” for sex offenders
serving community sentences, such as the Quaker partnership in
Thames Valley, is but one example of such long-term support.
Finally, the evidence that RJ consistently reduces victim desire for
violent revenge against their offenders could result in a reduced
level of such violence in RJ communities. Many crimes of
violence may be committed out of motives of revenge. Nipping
that motivation in the bud with an RJ process could become
a further mechanism for RJ to reduce crime. All of these
mechanisms, if properly tested, could then be entered into the
cost-effectiveness calculations of RJ to be applied by Treasury
analysts in estimating the value of investing in its development.
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13. Getting cases brought to justice
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Getting cases brought to justice
Before RJ can be rolled out in high volume, substantial barriers
to giving more victims RJ must be removed. The evidence
shows that when diversion to RJ is available, many more
offences can be brought to justice than when it is not (table 5).
Current policies and statutes in England and Wales, however,
bar the widespread use of diversion to RJ. This section reviews
that evidence. It then describes the barriers to diversion,
and concludes with an alternative strategy of intensified
supplementation of conventional justice with RJ.
13.1. RJ effects on offences brought to justice
Table 5 summarises five RCTs testing diversion from court to RJ.
One of these tests was conducted in Brooklyn, New York, where
prosecutors approved a high volume of serious felonies to be
diverted to victim-offender mediation. These cases were all
felonies, or crimes punishable in New York State by more than
one year in prison. The other four RCTs were in Canberra,
encompassing over 1,000 arrests for violent, property, shoplifting
and drink-driving crimes.
Table 5 compares the rate at which the randomly assigned cases
were “brought to justice” in both the RJ and control groups. The
concept of diversion from prosecution is often misunderstood
to imply that prosecution would otherwise occur in 100% of
the cases. What is actually meant, however, is that prosecution
will proceed in the usual way, with offenders absconding and
charges dismissed for lack of witnesses. Both these and other
contingencies affect the rate at which offences are brought to
justice, as the British government defines that phrase, both by
prosecution and by other means.
In the Brooklyn experiment (Davis et al, 1981), for example,
almost three out of four cases randomly assigned to prosecution
as usual were never brought to justice. Dismissals and
absconding accounted for most of the case attrition. In the RJ
(mediation) group, by contrast, 56% of the offences completed
the process. From the perspective of both victims and offenders,
it seems fair to say that these mediation cases were “brought to
justice”. Certainly, victims were more satisfied in these cases than
in the prosecution cases (p51). When the percentage of randomly
assigned cases that were resolved in each group is compared as
a ratio, the odds of bringing the crime to justice were over 2 to
1 in favour of RJ.
Some might object that the defendants may have been factually
innocent in the prosecution group, and that there was no
offence to bring to justice in those cases. That hypothesis,
however, can largely be eliminated by random assignment. The
proportion of truly innocent defendants should have been
roughly the same in each group. The fact that offenders in the RJ
group were twice as likely to accept an ultimate decree of justice
as offenders in the CJ group says much more about the process
than it says about true guilt or innocence.
A similar procedure in the four RISE experiments shows
surprisingly favourable odds for diversion to RJ over prosecution
as usual. A case of violent crime against a youth under 30 is
twice as likely to be brought to justice with RJ as with CJ, just as
in Brooklyn. A case of property crime with a personal victim
against a Canberra juvenile is three times more likely to be
brought to justice with a completed RJ conference than a case
assigned to prosecution as usual. A case of shoplifting from a
department store showed the biggest effect of RJ, with four
times higher odds of an offence being brought to justice for the
RJ group than for the CJ prosecution group. The only offence
type in which the odds of justice were not different was
drink-driving, for which the result was largely determined the
moment offenders failed the breathalyser test.
Understanding these results does not require the reader to
accept a special magic from RJ. Rather, it requires understanding
just how difficult it is to bring offences to justice under the strict
requirements of the formal legal process. This issue has received
public attention in recent years in the UK, but perhaps
insufficient nuance. The high attrition rates in prosecution are
not necessarily due to incompetence or even intimidation. They
are more likely to indicate a disconnection between the
unpredictable, multi-day court procedures for trial and the
predictable, one-off structure of an RJ conference. Consider how
many people must appear at exactly the right time on how many
different days in order to achieve a criminal conviction at trial.
Every one of those deadlines holds the potential of losing the
case to justice. RJ lowers that risk level by lowering the number
of times and dates, and even more by making it predictable – and
convenient – to the key parties concerned.
The fact that many more offenders take responsibility for the
crimes with RJ does not necessarily indicate any kind of unfair
inducement. It may simply indicate their preference for a path of
least resistance. If RJ makes it quicker and easier for them to
“give it up” and get it over with, they may prefer to game the
system that way rather than by playing cat and mouse with the
court process. Evidence of such attitudes may be indicated by
the substantial differences in rates of guilty pleas across
demographic groups and regions within Britain. Whether or not
we want defendants to think in such terms will not change the
truth about how they in fact make such calculations.
Whether getting more offenders to calculate their way into an
OBTJ will reduce repeat offending remains unknown. The only
way we can find out, of course, is to make RJ much more widely
available in the UK, on the same lines as in the US and in
Australia. That course of action, however, faces obstacles of
policy and statute.
13.2. Getting cases and opening doors to RJ
The basic barrier to more widespread use of RJ is the reluctance
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to make decisions that could divert offenders from a custodial
sentence. While individual judges in London have changed their
views on custodial sentences based on RJ, it may be more
difficult for policy makers and prosecutors to make such
decisions. The fear of something terrible being done by an
offender who was diverted from custody may lead to a decision
that RJ is “not in the public interest”. As long as such rules are
discretionary and based on unspecified criteria for what is in the
public interest, RJ leaders will find it difficult to shift such
decisions from their current course.
Ironically, there is actually little chance of most potential
diversion cases ever resulting in a sentence, let alone a custodial
sentence, as shown by the evidence cited above. Yet the one
case in a million that becomes a cause célèbre of “soft justice” is
enough to prevent the rest from being diverted to RJ.
The failed effort to introduce conditional cautioning with RJ
in London in 2004-05 provides ample evidence of this problem.
Yet the source of the problem was arguably not with the CPS,
nationally or locally. Rather, the statutory restrictions in the
Criminal Justice Act 2003 made diversion almost impossible,
despite its stated intent to implement Lord Justice Auld’s
recommendation for such RJ-based cautions.
This 2003 act required full admissions of a crime in order for
an offender to become eligible for RJ diversion. It did not
acknowledge the evidence that such admissions are almost never
made in the early stages of criminal processing. This provision of
the act was inserted after questions were raised in the House of
Lords, focused on the propriety of any “inducement” of the
offender to make admissions. While the UN standards forbid any
unfair inducement, they do not forbid inducement altogether.
As a matter of practice, the option of a caution is “explained” to
offenders all over the UK every day. Whether it constitutes an
inducement is a matter of debate.
What is not a matter of debate is that diversion to RJ via
conditional caution simply did not happen in London. Despite
substantial investments of public and private funding to train
police and prosecutors, to search for eligible cases and bring
them forward, and to provide a team of experienced police
officers to lead RJ, prosecutors approved fewer than 10 cases
in one year. The full admissions requirement for cautioning via
RJ effectively prohibited them from doing more, under the
requirements of the 2003 act.
In order for RJ to be used more widely, and to bring far more
offences to justice, these obstacles must be altered. An evidence-
based review of the full admissions requirements, based on the
evidence of what is possible, is needed in order to allow more
victims the possibility of electing to meet with their offenders.
That is not possible as long as offenders are required to meet a
bar that is far higher than the standard for diversion eligibility
that is widely used in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US.
13.3. Getting victims RJ with CJ
While diversion may offer the greatest potential for increasing
the proportion of offences brought to justice, supplementation
may offer more victims RJ. It is also possible to offer more
supplementation in the short run, since the process is tested and
feasible under current UK practices.
The highest priority for supplementing CJ with RJ would be
serious cases under Crown Court review for sentencing decisions.
It is these cases in London for which victim benefits have been so
clearly demonstrated, with potential cost savings to government
as well. Cases are readily identified by pre-sentence report
requests from judges to the National Probation Service – as long
as pre-sentence reports themselves continue to be conducted.
The Metropolitan Police RJ unit that provided conferences in
such cases could be reactivated with central government
funding, at least in the short run. It could also test the concept
of civilian “restorative justice officers”, drawn from more diverse
communities than the constabulary. Other regions could
replicate the London approach, with broad national benefits for
Another priority would be to resume police-led RJ for youth
reprimand and final warning cases of violence and property
crimes. The Northumbrian tests could be replicated on more
ethnically diverse samples, in order to reduce concern about
criminogenic effects in minority populations. The test, and RJ as
a policy, could also be extended into RJ conferences after court
convictions, via youth offender referral panels.
We are still awaiting results from the post-sentence adult
experiments, which may also benefit victims. If there is no
indication of criminogenic effects with these populations
(inmates and probationers on community sentence), the benefits
of RJ for victims could be extended even further.
The supplementation strategy could make RJ far more
widespread in the short run. That could lay a foundation of
public support for increasing use of diversion. As a first step, it
provides the clearest path to getting more cases brought to
(restorative) justice.
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14. Could RJ reduce the financial costs
of justice?
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Could RJ reduce the financial costs of justice?
Whatever the evidence on the benefits of RJ, it cannot be
expanded without a consideration of costs. That consideration
entails two options. One is adding new money to the criminal
justice system: a budget increase. The other is reallocating
existing funding for criminal justice: no budget increase. Of the
two, the second is clearly more feasible.
There are at least three ways in which RJ could reduce costs to
government. One is to reduce the use of courts for processes that
fail to bring offences to justice. A second is to reduce the use of
prisons for offenders whose incarceration does not prevent total
crime. The third is to reduce the health costs incurred by failure
to treat crime-related post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS).
RJ versus courts
The evidence shows that, when it is allowed, diversion from court
to RJ conferences can increase offences brought to justice. What
is does not show is just how much money could be saved by such
a policy. Diverting more cases from court that would ultimately
be dismissed might bring down the costs of prosecution with no
impact on offences brought to justice. It could even raise the
count of total offences brought to justice, while bringing down
the cost per offence brought to justice. These costs would include
legal aid solicitors and barristers, court security and clerical
personnel, and time spent by police and prison officials in going
to and from court. The costs of organising a single RJ conference
appear likely to be far less, even with substantial monitoring of
post-conference compliance with agreements.
Better and more realistic estimates of these savings, however,
require cost calculations that are not bogged down by start-up
costs associated with a pilot. A “scaling up” of RJ to a level of
volume in which economies of scale could bring down the unit
cost per case would provide more realistic estimates. That is
exactly the kind of evidence that could result from the testing of
the concept of “RJ communities” (see section 15).
RJ versus custody
At £35,000 per year for each offender in custody, even a 10%
reduction in custodial population in favour of an RJ alternative
could yield substantial cost savings. The evidence that RJ does as
well as custody is admittedly modest, but consistent. The debate
over short sentences could be addressed by pitting RJ against
short sentences, to see which approach costs less and yields less
crime over a multi-year follow-up period. Short sentences are
especially vulnerable to the result of more total crime than no
custody, on the theory that a short sentence increases offender
anger (and desire for revenge) more than enough to make up for
any crimes prevented by mere incapacitation behind bars for a
short time.
Reduced health costs from RJ
The effects of RJ on PTSS may have substantial impact on long-
term health costs. These savings have not been estimated, so
they pose another evidence gap in thinking about RJ. But they
could be measured in collaboration with the National Health
Service or the Medical Research Council. Offering the possibility
of discoveries in basic science as well as in treatment outcomes,
a long-term test of the effects of RJ could show another way by
which RJ could pay for itself.
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15. More justice, less crime: a way forward
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More justice, less crime: a way forward
This section begins with a restatement of various conclusions
and recommendations offered throughout the report. It then
offers a description of the kind of restorative community that
could be tested prior to a wider national roll-out of such a
concept. It concludes by suggesting an institutional mechanism
that could provide energy and guidance for increasing the pace
of development for RJ in the UK.
15.1. Conclusions and recommendations
Conclusions from the evidence
1. Crime victims who receive restorative justice do better, on
average, than victims who do not, across a wide range of
outcomes, including post-traumatic stress.
2. In many tests, offenders who receive restorative justice
commit fewer repeat crimes than offenders who do not.
3. In no large-sample test has RJ increased repeat offending
compared with CJ.
4. RJ reduces repeat offending more consistently with violent
crimes than with less serious crimes.
5. Diversion from prosecution to RJ substantially increases the
odds of an offender being brought to justice.
6. Diversion from prosecution to RJ is almost impossible in the
UK because of an evidentiary requirement that far exceeds the
bar found in other common law nations.
7. The best evidence on success in implementing RJ from tests
to date is associated with specially trained police officers
providing RJ from a base in a police RJ unit.
8. RJ does not conflict with the rule of law, nor does it depart
from the basic paradigm of the common law of crime.
9. RJ can do as well as, or better than, short prison sentences,
as measured by repeat offending.
10. RJ reduces stated victim desire for violent revenge against
Recommendations for evidence-based policy in the UK
1. RJ can be rolled out across the country with a high
probability of substantial benefits to victims and crime
reductions for many kinds of offenders.
2. RJ can be resumed and expanded immediately as a
supplement with substantial victim benefits in cases awaiting
Crown Court sentencing.
3. RJ can be resumed and expanded immediately as a supplement
with substantial crime reduction effects to young offenders in
final warnings: girls for assault, boys for property crime.
4. RJ as a supplement can be resumed and expanded for victims
with inmates about to return from prison, as soon as repeat
offending results in Thames Valley are completed to show no
risk of increase from RJ.
5. RJ as a supplement can be continued for offenders sentenced
to community sentences, pending repeat offending results in
Thames Valley.
6. RJ as diversion could provide the basis for far more general
use of RJ, with possibly substantial crime reductions, less victim
post-traumatic stress, and more offences brought to justice.
7. A “Restorative Justice Board” (RJB) or similar institution is
needed to provide guidance, set standards, monitor
programmes, and provide research and development for
continuously improving best practice.
8. An RJB could develop RJ in an evidence-based way, on a
continue-to-learn-as-you-go basis.
15.2. Testing restorative communities
The major evidence gap in restorative justice is the evidence on
its scaling-up. What would happen if RJ were delivered on a
widespread basis, rather than in small pilot tests that affect a tiny
fraction of cases in any local justice system? Answering that
question requires some precision about what such a community
would look like. Most important, we must be clear on how its
criminal justice system would work.
A short answer to these complex questions is that a restorative
community would employ graduated sanctioning of its
offenders, using restorative solutions first and then increasingly
coercive solutions for those who persist in harming others. This
model is derived from Braithwaite’s (2002) sanctioning pyramid,
with the highest volume of cases at the bottom, at the level of
the most restorative responses to crime. As the community goes
up the pyramid, to fewer crimes committed respectively by
second, third, fourth and fifth repeat offenders, the criminal
penalties become correspondingly less restorative for offenders –
but no less so for victims.
Offenders would be subjected to increasing constraints on their
freedom if they persisted in crime, but they would always be
encouraged to meet with their victims to explain the crime and
offer to make amends. The challenge at these higher levels will
always be to balance past victim needs against the potential for
creating future victims. Electronic tagging and home detention
would come into play along with making amends at a relatively
low to middle level of the pyramid. When offenders’ crimes become
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serious enough, the community would simply have to remove
the offender altogether, as in a life sentence for murder. Even
then, however, it may benefit the survivors to be able to meet
with the offender, as they have done in both the US and the UK.
Most important in this pyramid is what happens at the bottom.
That is where a “default” response to first crime at any age would
be to seek a restorative process, possibly with diversion from
prosecution (up to, but not beyond, offences as serious as those
tested in Brooklyn by Davis et al, 1981). This default response may
even continue well beyond the first offence, if the offenders
seem sincere and victims are willing.
Among neighbourhood police, RJ could become the tool of first
resort for responding to matters when they are called in by
citizens. Their operating framework could shift from the recent
emphasis on such questions as “Was any law was broken here?”
or “Is the evidence sufficient to charge anyone with a crime?” to
Sir Robert Peel’s historic emphasis on preventive policing (Miller,
1977) with such questions as these:
• What happened?
• Who was affected by it and how?
• What can be done to repair the harm?
• Does anyone accept responsibility for having caused the harm?
• If so, would responsible parties be willing to negotiate how to
repair the harm?
• Even if there is sufficient evidence that a crime has occurred,
and that a certain person is responsible, is arrest and criminal
prosecution the most effective way to deal with the harm –
or is a negotiated agreement more likely to repair past harm
and prevent future crime?
• If the effort to reach such an agreement in the first instance
fails, is there a police or RJ unit with special skills that could
undertake a second or third attempt to bring offender and
victim together in a way that can restore the status quo ante,
rather than potentially inflaming the case with legal actions
that may harden emotions of anger and distrust?
• What sanction, if any, is required in addition to the repair of
material or emotional harm?
There will continue to be many cases in which police decide to
proceed by arrest and prosecution. It is for repeat offenders in
such cases that the Canadian idea of sentencing circles, with a
judge or magistrate in the room, along with victims and offenders,
may need to replace purely community-based justice. Reaching
an agreement that can become the basis of a criminal sentence by
restorative processes could add extra force to its crime prevention
effects. But there must also be safeguards for compliance with
sentencing guidelines and other national policies.
The underlying idea is to maximise restorative practices, even
while staying within the range of current sentencing outcomes.
The same sentence, reached by RJ, may be far more effective in
curbing future crime than if it is imposed without such deliber-
ations. This hypothesis can be tested, along with many others like
it, in a “nested” design of experiments within experiments.
Communities with these and other strategies could provide a
variety of models of restorative communities, based upon local
preference. That, in turn, could provide the basis for a much larger
test comparing restorative communities – possibly centred on
magistrates’ court areas – to conventional justice communities.
Among the general public, an RJ community would feature
familiarity with RJ processes and their use in resolving conflicts.
RJ in schools, for example, could proceed by offering classes to
parents or the general public in the RJ processes schools use to
deal with bullying, thefts and minor violence among students.
Parental involvement in some of these processes would further
educate adults in the restorative framework for win-win responses
to harms, made possible both by victims’ willingness to talk to
those who have harmed the victims, and a harmer’s incentive to
take responsibility for their actions as the first step in repairing
the harm. This might prepare neighbours to deal with more of
their own problems, from barking dogs to parking space disputes,
rather than consuming expensive police time on such matters.
In sum, the key features of restorative communities would be,
subject in all cases to victim and offender consent:
• diversion to RJ if there is a willing personal victim on a first
offence, for all offences included in the Brooklyn test
(Davis et al, 1981);
• consideration of diversion for subsequent offences;
• post-guilty plea, pre-sentence RJ for subsequent offences;
• experimentation with sentencing circles;
• post-sentence restorative sentence planning for community
• combinations of home detention and tagging with RJ;
• RJ in prison for those about to be released;
• RJ upon resettlement to form support circles and reintegration;
• RJ in other community conflicts, including schools and
The key hypotheses to be examined for such communities,
compared with conventional justice communities, would be that
RJ communities, other things equal, would have:
• less crime;
• better reduction in harm to crime victims;
• more offences brought to justice;
• less cost of justice;
• greater public confidence in justice.
There is an enormous difference in the capacity to test these
hypotheses between developing major pilot sites and conducting
small randomised trials. All tests of RJ done to date, as both a
diversion and a supplement, have been mere blips on the justice
radar screen. None of them have confronted the multiple dimens-
ions of turning RJ into CJ, in a mainstream way rather than as an
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exotic but rare option. The evidence required must tackle a systemic
change in how everyone thinks about justice in a community, from
the general public to officials right across every agency of justice.
Only then can research determine both the problems of imple-
mentation, and the evidence on results, of a large-scale use of RJ.
The crucial decision in testing RJ communities is the definition of
a “community”. For this purpose, the scope of a community must
be larger than a police beat but smaller than an entire police
authority. A valid test would require a large volume of cases
ranging across the spectrum of crime seriousness, without too
large an area to measure reliably. Perhaps the ideal solution is to
link a magistrates’ court to one or several police basic command
units, or the evolving equivalent. Several hundred police officers
would then become the core of the test, in their application of
the questions listed above to the full array of events they are
asked to resolve.
The link to a magistrates’ court would provide a coherent focus
for using RJ within the criminal justice process. Training of court
clerks and magistrates could be focused not only on principles
but also on evidence. Progress reports on a monthly or quarterly
basis could show how well crime is being prevented (in
comparison with OGRS2 scores or predicted local trends) and
how many victims are being served by RJ compared with a
baseline period. This process of encouraging and supporting an
RJ community could be led by existing services, such as
probation, or by an evolving institution similar to youth
offending teams. Interagency, multidisciplinary, adult-focused RJ
teams could provide both the expertise and local evidence for a
community-wide drive to increase justice and prevent crime.
There is no doubt that such tests would reveal many problems
with the administration and implementation of RJ. By analysing
those problems in relation to the operation of CJ, however, the
tests we propose would focus on the difference between the
systems rather than on some ideal of perfection. Even targets
could be defined in relation to such differences, rather than in
absolute terms. The evidence needed, like the evidence in hand,
is not to show that RJ is a perfect system. All the evidence that
we have to date, and all that new tests would need to confirm, is
that conventional justice can do better with RJ in its toolbox.
15.3. How can development and testing of RJ be
In the past five years, several parts of government have been
engaged in developing RJ. None, however, has been able to take
primary responsibility. The Home Office has invested the most
funding, but the cases have remained in the province of the
courts, the CPS, the Department for Constitutional Affairs, and
even the Department for Education & Skills. No one minister or
ministry can be said to have a portfolio for restorative justice
that cuts right across government.
The time may be right to pinpoint responsibility and
accountability for leading on restorative justice. An institutional
framework for doing that has a precedent in the form of the
Youth Justice Board. Such a board brings in representatives of
diverse constituencies affected by the policies under
development. It may also speak as a body that is quasi-
independent of government, and hence able to push the
envelope of innovation somewhat further and faster. In contrast
to the YJB, however, a “Restorative Justice Board” need not take
over any massive on-going operations of a justice system. It need
not create RJ teams around the country, although that could be
an option to explore. It need not manage a large prison estate,
or see its budget consumed by sentencing decisions beyond
its control – all of which have restricted the YJB.
Similarly, an RJB could avoid the pitfalls of a national roll-out
with no institutional oversight. The conversion of the New
Zealand youth justice system to RJ almost two decades ago, for
example, lacked such a board. New Zealand also failed to engage
some half of the crime victims whose offenders were brought
to justice (Maxwell and Morris, 1993). Had there been the
accountability and oversight provided by an RJB in New Zealand,
there might have been more successful efforts to increase victim
participation in the process, thereby greatly increasing the
potential return on a national investment in RJ.
Similarly, we note that efforts to advance RJ to date have
required extensive consultation across agencies of government.
The leadership in such consultations is unclear because each agency
is in theory co-equal with all others. Designating a board to take
the lead would cut through the unavoidable issues of separate
departments sharing pieces of the criminal justice process.
Rather than serving as an operating agency, an RJB could
become more of a national improvement agency for restorative
justice. Much like the National Police Improvement Agency, an
RJB could use information systems, research and standards to
foster innovation and improvement. With a reasonable budget, it
could provide grants of local assistance to criminal justice
agencies willing to invest in RJ, test RJ, or even just explore RJ.
Its budget could support projects as modest as reinstituting the
Crown Court RJ services, or as broad as piloting a restorative
community or two. It could also become a repository of research,
training and consultation, providing technical assistance to
community groups, schools and human services agencies, as well
as justice agencies.
As a board with multiple members, an RJB could have
memberships designated for expertise in policing, prosecution,
defence, adjudication, probation, prisons, rehabilitation and
community organisation. While there are other ways to provide
such expertise, such diversity would offer legitimacy to its voice
that could help gain public understanding of how RJ works.
Whether as a board or some other structure, an agency with
pinpointed responsibility to take RJ forward may be the best
option for making the most of the evidence so far.
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