Cell Phone Contract
Calling & Texting
No calls or text after 9:00pm or before 7:30am.
Answer the phone when it is Mom or Dad - ALWAYS.
Verify the caller or texter Do not respond to numbers you do not know.
If a “friend” sends you a mean message, take a deep breath and turn off
your phone. Talk to them the next day, face to face about it. Never say
anything in a text or email that you wouldn’t say face to face.
Mom and dad may review texts and email anytime without warning.
Keep cell phone on when out with friends so Mom or Dad can reach you if
Be Respectful - both to the people you are texting and those around you.
Be Careful - assume that even private text can become public.
Ask permission - Before you snap someone’s picture, take a video, or
forward something, ask if it’s Okay.
Apps and Downloads
Mom and Dad must approve apps and downloads.
Parental controls are enabled to filter out age appropriate content, restrict
downloads, and prevent in-app purchases.
Be selective - NOT impulsive.
Be safe - Never broadcast your location.
Never write or forward a photo, or anything in a text or email, that you
would not want forwarded to everyone in your school, church, principal
and parents.
Never post your cell phone number or broadcast it beyond your friends.
Your phone has limited Data No downloading apps, streaming music
(Pandora, Spotify) or Movies (Netflix, etc.) when not connected to WiFi.
I will alert mom or dad when I receive suspicious or alarming phone calls
or text messages from people I do not know.
If you have any question; ask mom or dad. We are here to help.
I understand having a cell phone is a privilege, and if I fail to adhere to this
contract, my cell phone privilege may be revoked.
__________________________ _________________________
Child’s Signature & Date Mom & Dad Signature & Date