Salaries for Casual Staff Policy HR 25.0
Human Resources
Version: September 2010 Revised:
Original Date: December 2001 Revised:
Next Review: April 2011 Revised:
Policy Holder: Human Resources Revised:
Page 1 of 5
Policy Title: Salaries for Casual Staff
Policy Approver: President’s Office
Policy Holder: Human Resources
Category: Operational
Original Date: December 2001
Last Revised: September 2010
Next Review: April 2011
Approval Statement
With the approval of the President of Yukon College, this policy is hereby deemed in effect the
day of September, 2010.
September 24, 2010
____________________________________ ____________________________________
President, Yukon College Date
Salaries for Casual Staff Policy HR 25.0
Human Resources
Version: September 2010 Revised:
Original Date: December 2001 Revised:
Next Review: April 2011 Revised:
Policy Holder: Human Resources Revised:
Page 2 of 5
1. Purpose of Policy
1.1. Employment
A casual employee is any employee who does not hold a permanent or term position in a
position classified as union, excluded or management.
Casual employees will be hired in accordance with the University’s Recruitment of Staff
Policy and the restrictions of the University’s Nepotism Policy.
The categories of casual staff are:
- Student hire, including co-operative education placements
- Non-instructional support
- Instructional, including sessional assignments
- Special contracts of employment
- Elder appreciation
The length of employment of a casual employee in any category must be in accordance
with the limits set by the Collective Agreement between the Yukon University Board of
Governors and the Public Service Alliance of Canada.
1.2. Salary Scale
All casual staff will be paid in accordance with this policy.
Casual staff may be paid by timesheet submission or on an authorized bi-weekly schedule.
Instructional staff will be paid for appropriate instructional and preparation time
according to the divisional standards for the assignment.
All salary rates in this policy are inclusive of legislative requirements for vacation pay (4%)
and statutory holiday pay (4.2%).
a) Student Hires
Salaries for Casual Staff Policy HR 25.0
Human Resources
Version: September 2010 Revised:
Original Date: December 2001 Revised:
Next Review: April 2011 Revised:
Policy Holder: Human Resources Revised:
Page 3 of 5
The salary rate for student hires shall be 40.0% above the Yukon minimum wage (i.e.,
$12.01 per hour based on $8.58 X 1.40) effective September 2008. Co-operative
education (CO-OP) students working a co-op placement term will receive 75.0% above the
Yukon minimum wage (i.e., $15.02 per hour on $8.58 X 1.75 ) effective September 01,
2008. Other student hire rates may be paid when third party funding providers (e.g. STEP,
YES, etc.) specify the rate as a condition of the funding.
These rates will be adjusted on April 1st of each subsequent year as the Yukon minimum
wage is adjusted (the rate is usually announced in mid-February by Yukon Labour Services
and the adjustment is based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index.
b) Non-Instructional Support Employees
The inclusive salary rate for a non-instructional support employee will be 93% of the entry
level salary for a similar union position or for a union position with similar complexity and
responsibility levels. An employee may be paid an inclusive rate of 98% of the entry level
salary if the employee has accumulated 1120 hours of non-instructional support service to
the University.
c) Instructional Employees Including Sessional Assignments
Effective September 01, 2008, the inclusive pay band for instructional casual employees
will be 87% of instructor Wage rate outlined in the Collective Agreement between the
Yukon University and Yukon University EmployeesUnion. The hourly rates in effect as of
October 04, 2010 will be:
$30.29 $31.50 $32.76 $34.07
Casual instructors will be hired initially at the entry level of the pay band. Casual
instructors may progress through the band on the basis of one increment for either every
8 sessional courses or 1080 accumulated hours of paid instruction and preparation,
whichever occurs first. It is the responsibility of the Division to monitor the accumulation
of service hours and advise Human Resource Services when an increment is approved.
Salaries for Casual Staff Policy HR 25.0
Human Resources
Version: September 2010 Revised:
Original Date: December 2001 Revised:
Next Review: April 2011 Revised:
Policy Holder: Human Resources Revised:
Page 4 of 5
In implementing this policy, casual instructors who have worked previously for the
University will not suffer a loss in wage rate as a result of this policy implementation. On
rehire he/she will be placed on the scale according to the increment calculation, but in no
case at a rate lower than that which was previously received.
Initial placement within the pay band, but at other than the first step in the pay band,
must have a rationale attached to the employment agreement. Placement at a rate above
entry level may occur when there is substantial labour market pressure such that an
instructor with appropriate qualifications is otherwise difficult to hire or where the
candidate has directly relevant teaching experience.
d) Special Contracts of Employment
Salaries that are outside the pay bands for casual non-instructional support or
instructional employees may occur in unique situations (e.g. consultants, contractors,
workshop facilitators, where the salary is specified within a third party funded contract or
contribution agreement or are consistent with comparable industry rates). In these cases,
a rationale must be provided with the Employment Agreement and approved by the
Director, Human Resource Services.
e) Elder Appreciation
The inclusive salary rate to recognize elders for speaking to classes, participating on
planning committees, and in other activities at Yukon University where they contribute
their knowledge, wisdom and culture will be $25.00 an hour.
2. Governing Legislation and Relevant Documents
Board Policies
Collective Agreement
Employment Standards Act
Nepotism Policy
Recruitment of Staff Policy
Income Tax Act
Salaries for Casual Staff Policy HR 25.0
Human Resources
Version: September 2010 Revised:
Original Date: December 2001 Revised:
Next Review: April 2011 Revised:
Policy Holder: Human Resources Revised:
Page 5 of 5
3. Procedures
1. Select a casual employee in accordance with the University’s Recruitment Policy and
the restrictions within the University’s Nepotism Policy.
2. For a non-instructional support position, consult with your Human Resource Advisor
for the appropriate pay rate.
3. Complete a Terms and Conditions of Casual Employment at Yukon University form and
arrange for the employee to sign it.
4. Attach a Casual Appointment Rationale for Employment Rate Exceeding or Below
Policy Rate if you are recommending a salary outside the normal pay band for a casual
5. Attach a Pre-Authorized Time Sheet for Casual Staff to Receive Scheduled Bi-Weekly
Payments if the employee will not be paid through submission of timesheets.
6. Attach a completed TD1, TD1YT and Direct Deposit form.
7. Forward the employment form and attachments to your Human Resources Advisor for
the Director, Human Resource Services’ approval.
8. Retain the employee’s resume in a departmental file in case of audit.
9. Notify Human Resource Services of any changes to the length of the contract, pay rate,
organizational coding, or when an employee is to receive an increment on the casual pay
scale by submitting an Employment Agreement Time Sheet Amendment form.
4. Other Related and/or Accompanying Documents
B. FORMS (available on the Yukon UniversityIntranet - Secure Login Policies/Forms)
Terms and Conditions of Casual Employment at Yukon University
Casual Appointment Rationale for Employment Rate Exceeding Policy Rate
Pre-Authorized Time Sheet for Casual Staff to Receive Scheduled Bi-Weekly Payments
Employment Agreement Time Sheet Amendment