Classroom Aquaponics
Copyright Bechtel’s Zoo Division of the STEM Curriculum
Classroom Aquaponics participants have permission to reproduce this page
Grade Level:
Lesson Title:
Why water leaves aquaponics system/ water cycle evaporation
RI.2.3 Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or
concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text. (2-ESS2-1)
K-ESS2-1 Earth's Systems Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe
patterns over time.
Patterns in the natural world can be observed. (2-ESS2-2),(2-ESS2-3)
After examining the change in the aquaponics system, and dramatic
decrease in water, students will think of at least one reason as to why
this occurred.
After reading A Raindrop’s Journey, students will conclude the raindrop's
feelings throughout the book by answering at least one comprehension
After listening to a water cycle song, students will act out actions that
represents the movement in order to exit class (exit ticket).
Book(s) or Supported Reading(s):
A Raindrop's Journey by Suzanne Slade.
Materials & Supplies LISTED:
- Enough bags for each student
- Blue Dye
- Water Cycle Color Worksheet (at bottom)
- Watch Bag (shows cup) Worksheet (bottom)
- A Raindrop's Journey by Suzanne Slade.
- Aquaponics system set up previously (levels of water marked with sharpie over previous
Anticipatory Set/ Enticement (Pre-reading & Prerequisite Skills):
We can review the previous day of my measurements of the aquaponics system’s water levels each
day before this lesson (slowly decreasing).
I can ask:
- “Where did this water go?”
- “Did someone drink it?”
- “What do you think happened to my water”
- “Today we will be learning where this water went with an investigation through books
and videos! We will then conduct our own experiment to see if this really happens or
someone is just drinking our water every day.
Modeling/ Explanation (I can):
I can have mini bulletin board made:
- Move the cut out ‘raindrop as you review the vocabulary.
Review words: (act out each)
Classroom Aquaponics
Copyright Bechtel’s Zoo Division of the STEM Curriculum
Classroom Aquaponics participants have permission to reproduce this page
- Precipitation: water falls from clouds (act like a full cloud/ rub stomach and say “yummy
- Evaporation: water turns into gas (act like gas/ invisible/ act like looking for invisible gas)
- Condensation: gas pulled down and forms with water (make fingers act like rain is falling
Read book: A Raindrop's Journey by Suzanne Slade. Pause at each change in water cycle.
Have students act out action as to what the water is doing (above).
Comprehension questions:
- “What happened to the raindrop?”
- “Why did he not want to stay on the leaf?”
- “Where did he belong?” “What did he go through” (Each student can list one step/ all
act out step once it is listed)
Guided Practice/ Engagement & Exploration (We can):
We can listen to song and sing: (start to 2:24)
- “How is this water cycle like our aquaponics system?”
- “What happened to our water?”
- “Did someone drink it?”
We can review our next activity: coloring water cycle worksheet then set up bag of water.
We can draw illustrations from video on bag. Example:
(I will show example on promethean board/ if not available draw picture on white board &
hand out my own design)
Independent Practice/ Elaboration (You can):
- You can color water cycle worksheet
- You can fill bag with water (with teacher’s help). You can come to teacher so they can
add blue dye.
- Re-listen to song; singing and acting out each part. Review each vocab with action.
Assessment/ Evaluation
- Exit ticket: act out water cycle process using coloring.
- Checklist as to who gave a reason for the water being gone.
- Completion of coloring
Enrichment/ Extension
Classroom Aquaponics
Copyright Bechtel’s Zoo Division of the STEM Curriculum
Classroom Aquaponics participants have permission to reproduce this page
Students will be continuously filling out the rates of water worksheet (although it may be cups
instead of bags). Levels of water will be marked each day with a sharpie and colored in on worksheet.
For students who do not understand the process for each, they will
take home this worksheet with more pieces to reviews.
For students advanced and know lots about the water cycle, they
can draw a picture showing how mountains help contribute to the
water cycle.
Student name:
Gave a reason:
Classroom Aquaponics
Copyright Bechtel’s Zoo Division of the STEM Curriculum
Classroom Aquaponics participants have permission to reproduce this page