FinCEN Identier Application
Filing Instructions
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Version 1.0 January 2024
FinCEN Identier Application Filing Instructions
January 2024 - Version 1.0
Table of Contents
I. What is a FinCEN Identifier? ......................................................................................................................3
II. Where to Request and Maintain a FinCEN Identifier ...........................................................................4
III. How to Request and Maintain FinCEN Identifiers .................................................................................5
a. Recommendations for Successful Filings ..........................................................................................5
b. Item Instructions .....................................................................................................................................8
Disclaimer: These filing instructions are explanatory only and do not supplement or modify any
obligations imposed by statute or regulation. FinCEN may also revise these filing instructions to
clarify or update content. For additional and latest information, consult
FinCEN Identier Application Filing Instructions
January 2024 - Version 1.0
I. What is a FinCEN Identier?
A “FinCEN identifier” or “FinCEN ID” is a unique identifying number issued to an individual or an
entity by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. Department of
the Treasury. The Corporate Transparency Act, the law that requires certain types of U.S. and foreign
entities to report beneficial ownership information to FinCEN, requires FinCEN to issue a FinCEN ID
when an individual or entity requests one by submitting the required information. FinCEN IDs can
be reported on Beneficial Ownership Information Reports (BOIRs) submitted to FinCEN.
A FinCEN ID is a 12-digit number. FinCEN IDs for individuals start with 3, and FinCEN IDs for
entities start with 2. Example: 300000000000.
If you are applying for a FinCEN identifier for an entity, apply on the BOIR. Do not follow
these instructions. Please review the BOIR Filing Instructions instead.
Do I need a FinCEN ID? No. FinCEN IDs are not required. FinCEN IDs are optional. If you
request a FinCEN ID and provide the required information, FinCEN will issue you one. Aer you
have been issued a FinCEN ID, you cannot be issued a dierent FinCEN ID in the future.
What does a FinCEN ID do? An individual’s FinCEN ID can be reported instead of certain other
required information on a BOIR submitted to FinCEN. If you have a FinCEN ID, for example, that
FinCEN ID can be submitted on a BOIR instead of your name, date of birth, address, and unique
identifying document number, jurisdiction, and image. This will make it easier to file BOIRs.
How can I request a FinCEN ID? These instructions will explain what information you need
to provide to request a FinCEN ID for an individual. It is the same information required about
individuals on BOIRs. Aer you provide the required information, you will immediately receive
a FinCEN ID.
COMPLIANCE NOTE: If you request and receive a FinCEN ID, you are required to update or
correct the information you provided to FinCEN. You must do this on an ongoing basis to
keep the information related to the FinCEN ID up to date.
FinCEN’s website includes guidance about the beneficial ownership information reporting
requirements on its beneficial ownership information webpage. This webpage includes FAQs
about FinCEN IDs and other topics. FinCEN’s Small Entity Compliance Guide also includes
Chapter 4.3 “What is a FinCEN identifier and how can I use it?”
FinCEN Identier Application Filing Instructions
January 2024 - Version 1.0
II. Where to Request and Maintain a FinCEN Identier
To request a FinCEN identifier, first obtain a account and sign in through The website includes guidance documents about how to create an account: https://login.
Aer signing in to, access the FinCEN ID application here: http s://
Aer requesting and receiving a FinCEN ID, access the underlying personal information, and
make updates and corrections as necessary, by accessing this same website in the same manner
as when applying for a FinCEN ID.
FinCEN Identier Application Filing Instructions
January 2024 - Version 1.0
III. How to Request and Maintain FinCEN Identiers
Request and maintain a FinCEN ID by filing a true, correct, and complete FinCEN ID application. This
section includes specific recommendations and instructions to assist in filing a FinCEN ID application.
a. Recommendations for Successful Filings
1. Complete Filings
FinCEN ID application submissions must be complete before they can be filed with FinCEN.
FinCEN will not accept a FinCEN ID application submission if any items marked with a red asterisk
(*) are blank.
NOTE: Filers must provide information in EVERY field marked with the * symbol in ALL
CIRCUMSTANCES. Filers must also provide information in all fields not marked with the *
symbol that are applicable to the filer. For example, the “Middle Name” field is not marked
with a * symbol; the filer MUST provide information in that field IF the relevant individual’s legal
name includes a middle name. Notwithstanding any other instruction, filers must provide all
information required pursuant to 31 CFR 1010.380(b).
Completing a request for a FinCEN ID: Complete a FinCEN ID request by providing all the
following information:
» Full legal name;
» Date of birth;
» Complete current address (report both residential address and business address if
the FinCEN ID will be reported on a BOIR for both a beneficial owner and a company
applicant who forms or registers an entity in the course of their business);
» Unique identifying number and issuing jurisdiction from one of the following non-
expired documents:(1) U.S. passport, (2) identification document issued by a State,
local government, or Indian Tribe issued for the purpose of identifying the individual; (3)
State-issued drivers license; or (4) if none of (1)-(3) are available, a foreign passport; and
» An image of the document from which the unique identifying number was obtained.
Correcting or updating underlying FinCEN ID information: Information previously submitted
in the FinCEN ID application may need to be corrected or updated. The FinCEN ID application
information needs to be corrected if the information previously reported was wrong (for
example, a typo in the address). The FinCEN ID application information needs to be updated if
the previously reported information has changed (for example, the individual moved to a new
address). To submit corrections or updates, log in to the FinCEN ID application aer signing in
to a account. Select whether you are correcting or updating the information. Correct
FinCEN Identier Application Filing Instructions
January 2024 - Version 1.0
or update the specific piece or pieces of information that need to be changed, leaving the other
information unchanged, and click “submit.
Each time FinCEN ID application information is submitted, the filer will need to certify that the
information provided is true, correct, and complete.
2. Names of Individuals
Enter the individual’s full last name, first name, and middle name as it is shown on a valid
government identification document.
Multiple Last Names: If an individual’s name consists of a first name and multiple last names
(e.g., a fathers last name and amother’s last name) the multiple last name elements would be
entered in the last name field and the first name entered in the first name field. For example, if an
individual’s name is Juan (first name) Vega (first last name) Santiago (second last name), “VEGA
SANTIAGO” would be entered in the last name field and “JUAN” would be entered in the first
name field.
If an individual’s name typically is written with the family name first, that family name should be
entered in the last name field.
No Middle Name: If an individual’s full legal name does not include a middle name, the middle
name field should be le blank. If an individual’s full legal name does include a middle name, the
full middle name should be provided. Entry of a middle initial only is not permitted.
Multiple First Names: If an individual has two first names and no middle name, both first names
should be entered in the first name field (e.g., an individual who has “Mary Elizabeth” as a first
name, but no middle name, should enter “Mary Elizabeth” in the first name field). The middle
name field should be le blank.
Name Suix: A name suix may be abbreviated: Junior can be JR, Senior can be SR, the Third
can be III, etc.
Punctuation, abbreviations, and special characters should be used in names only when they are
part of the individual’s legal name.
3. Addresses
Addresses must be in certain data formats to be accepted.
ZIP Codes: ZIP Codes must be five or nine digits. ZIP Codes and foreign postal codes must be
entered without formatting or special characters such as spaces or hyphens. For example, the
ZIP Code 12345-6120 should be entered as 123456120. The foreign postal code HKW 702 should
be entered HKW702.
U.S. Territories: When an address is in a U.S. Territory, select the U.S. Territory from the Country/
Jurisdiction drop-down menu in the FinCEN ID application.
Non-U.S. Addresses: When an address is not in the United States, enter the street address, city,
country/jurisdiction, and foreign postal code. If a foreign address contains information that
FinCEN Identier Application Filing Instructions
January 2024 - Version 1.0
does not exactly match the FinCEN ID application address fields, provide the foreign address
information in the existing FinCEN ID application address fields regardless of whether the field
fully matches the address information. All foreign address information should be reflected
somewhere in the address fields provided.
No abbreviations are permitted in city names, which must be completely spelled out. A U.S. city name
must match the city name used by the U.S. Postal Service for the associated State and ZIP Code.
4. Unique Identifying Numbers
Enter all unique identifying numbers as a single text string without formatting or special
characters such as hyphens or periods. An identifying number in the format NNN-NN-NNNN
should be entered as NNNNNNNNN.
5. Identifying Document Image Attachment
Individuals must attach identifying document images to FinCEN ID application submissions. As
discussed above, several types of identifying documents may be used, including a non-expired
U.S. passport or State-issued drivers license. A complete, clear, and readable image of the
page or side of the identifying document containing the unique identifying number, and other
identifying data must be provided. An attachment to a FinCEN ID application submission cannot
be larger than four (4) megabytes of data.
6. Prohibited Words and Phrases
Do not use the following words or variations of these words in text fields of the FinCEN ID
a. AKA
b. DBA
c. NMN
j. T/A
m. XX
FinCEN Identier Application Filing Instructions
January 2024 - Version 1.0
b. Item Instructions
The item instructions show a line item, or field, of the FinCEN ID application followed by line-by-
line instructions on how to fill out each item. The FinCEN ID application does not number these
items; however, the items are numbered here for organizational purposes.
NOTE: Filers must provide information in EVERY field marked with the * symbol in ALL
CIRCUMSTANCES. Filers must also provide information in all fields not marked with the * symbol
that are applicable to the filer. For example, the “Middle Name” field is not marked with a *
symbol; the filer MUST provide information in that field IF the relevant individual’s legal name
includes a middle name. Notwithstanding any other instruction, individuals must provide all
information required pursuant to 31 CFR 1010.380(b).
If an individual has already requested and received a FinCEN ID, the FinCEN ID and the date the
information was last amended will automatically populate at the top of the FinCEN ID application
aer the individual has logged in.
FinCEN ID Item 1:
Full legal name and date of birth:
1. * First name
Instructions for Item 1 – First name:
Enter the individual’s legal first name.
FinCEN ID Item 2:
2. Middle name
Instructions for Item 2 – Middle name:
Enter the individual’s middle name if the individual’s legal name has a middle name. Leave this
item blank if the individual does not have a middle name.
FinCEN ID Item 3:
3. * Last name
Instructions for Item 3 – Last name:
Enter the individual’s legal last name.
FinCEN ID Item 4:
4. Suix
Instructions for Item 4 – Suix:
Enter the individual’s suix such as JR, SR, III, etc., if the individual has a suix to their legal name.
Leave this item blank if the individual’s legal name does not include a suix.
FinCEN Identier Application Filing Instructions
January 2024 - Version 1.0
FinCEN ID Item 5:
5. * Date of birth
Instructions for Item 5 – Date of birth:
Enter the individual’s date of birth using the format MM/DD/YYYY where MM = month, DD = day,
and YYYY = year (e.g., 01/25/1970). The month, day, and year must be provided; no partial dates
are accepted.
FinCEN ID Item 6:
6. * Address type (select checkbox 6a or 6b)
a. Residential address
b. Business address
Instructions for Item 6 – Address type:
Indicate address type as “Residential address” or “Business address” for the individual. For
a company applicant who forms or registers an entity in the course of their business, such
as paralegals, report the street address of such business. In any other case, the individual’s
residential street address must be reported. Multiple addresses may be provided. Add an
address by clicking the “+ Add additional address” button or remove an address by clicking the “-
Remove address” button. Report both the individual’s residential address and business address
if the FinCEN ID will be reported on a BOIR as both a beneficial owner and a company applicant
who forms or registers an entity in the course of their business.
FinCEN ID Item 7-11:
7. * Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.)
8. * City
9. * Country/Jurisdiction
10. * State
11. * ZIP/Foreign postal code
Instructions for Item 7-11 – Individual address:
Enter the individual’s street address information, including the city, country or jurisdiction, State,
and ZIP code or foreign postal code. U.S. Territories are included in the drop-down menu for
“Country/Jurisdiction.” Item 10 “State” is required if the country selected in item 9 is the United
States, Canada, or Mexico.
FinCEN Identier Application Filing Instructions
January 2024 - Version 1.0
FinCEN ID Item 12:
Form of identification and issuing jurisdiction:
12. * Identifying document type (select one from list, 12a-12d)
a. State-issued drivers license
b. State/local/Tribe-issued ID
c. U.S. passport
d. Foreign passport
Instructions for Item 12 – Identifying document type:
Select the individual’s identifying document type from the list of acceptable documents: a
non-expired State-issued driver’s license, a non-expired State/local/Tribe-issued identification
document issued for the purpose of identifying the individual, a non-expired U.S. passport, or,
only if the individual does not have one of these identifying documents, a non-expired foreign
FinCEN ID Item 13:
13. * Identifying document number
Instructions for Item 13 – Identifying document number:
Enter the identifying document number from the individual’s identifying document.
FinCEN ID Item 14:
14. * Identifying document issuing jurisdiction
a. Country/Jurisdiction
b. State
c. Local/Tribal
d. Other local/Tribal name
Instructions for Item 14 – Identifying document issuing jurisdiction:
Enter in item 14 the jurisdiction that issued the individual’s identifying document. The FinCEN
ID application populates fields 14a-14d depending on the identifying document type selected in
item 12; therefore, items 14a-14d may not all appear on the individual’s FinCEN ID application.
Item 14a is required if item 12a, 12b, or 12d are selected. If item 12c is selected, the FinCEN
ID application recognizes the country/jurisdiction as the United States, and item 14 will not
populate on the FinCEN ID application.
If a U.S. Territory issued the identifying document, select the applicable U.S. Territory in item 14a
(the same U.S. Territory will then be automatically populated in item 14b “State” as a result).
Item 14b is required when the country/jurisdiction selected in 14a is the United States.
Item 14c is required if a local or Tribal government issued the identifying document. Select
FinCEN Identier Application Filing Instructions
January 2024 - Version 1.0
“United States” in item 14a and then select the applicable local or Tribal description in item 14c.
If the name of the relevant local or Tribal jurisdiction is not included in the drop-down menu in
item 14c, select “Other” and enter the name of the local or Tribal jurisdiction in item 14d.
FinCEN ID Item 15:
15. * Identifying document image
Instructions for Items 15 – Identifying document image:
Drag a file or click “choose from folder” to attach a clear, readable image of the page or side of the
identifying document referenced in item 15 containing the unique identifying number and other
identifying data. You can change the attached image, if necessary, by selecting “change file.” An
attachment to a FinCEN ID application submission cannot be larger than four (4) megabytes of
data and must be in one of the following formats: JPG/JPEG, PNG, or PDF.