FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY 40601 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D
General Certification--Nationwide Permit # 13
Bank Stabilization
This General Certification is issued December 18, 2020, in conformity with the
requirements of Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1977, as amended (33
U.S.C. §1341), as well as Kentucky Statute KRS 224.16-050.
For this General Certification and all General Certifications of Nationwide Permits
(NWP), the term ‘surface water’ is defined pursuant to 401 KAR Chapter 10, Section
1(72): Surface Waters means those waters having well-defined banks and beds, either
constantly or intermittently flowing; lakes and impounded waters; marshes and wetlands;
and any subterranean waters flowing in well-defined channels and having a demonstrable
hydrologic connection with the surface. Lagoons used for waste treatment and effluent
ditches that are situated on property owned, leased, or under valid easement by a
permitted discharger are not considered to be surface waters of the Commonwealth.
As required by 40 CFR Part 121 State Certification of Activities Requiring a
Federal License or Permit, all conditions include a statement explaining why the condition
is necessary to assure that any discharge authorized under the general permit will comply
with water quality requirements and a citation to federal, state, or tribal law that authorizes
the condition. The statements and citations are included with each condition. The
statements are written entirely at the end of the certification under the section Statements
of Necessity.
Agricultural operations, as defined by KRS 224.71-100(1) conducting activities
pursuant to KRS 224.71-100 (3), (4), (5), (6), or (10) are deemed to have certification if
they are implementing an Agriculture Water Quality Plan pursuant to KRS 224.71-145.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky hereby certifies under Section 401 of the CWA
that it has reasonable assurances that applicable water quality standards under Kentucky
Administrative Regulations Title 401, Chapter 10, established pursuant to Sections 301,
302, 303, 306 and 307 of the CWA, will not be violated for the activity covered under
NATIONWIDE PERMIT 13, namely Bank Stabilization, provided that the conditions in the
certification are met. Activities that do not meet the conditions of this General Certification
require an Individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification.
General Certification--Nationwide Permit # 13
Bank Stabilization
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1. Activities occurring within surface waters assessed by the Kentucky Division of
Water as designated or Outstanding State Resource Waters, National Resource
Waters, Cold Water Aquatic Habitat, Exceptional Waters, or identified as candidate
Outstanding State Resource Waters or candidate Exceptional Waters are not
authorized under this General Certification and require an Individual Certification.
[Statement A and citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(1),
Section 1(2), & Section 1(3); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 4(2) & Section 8]
2. Activities impacting surface waters assessed by the Kentucky Division of Water as
impaired for warm water or cold water aquatic habitat where the parameter or
source is related to habitat* are not authorized under this General Certification and
require an Individual Certification. [Statement B and citations KRS 224.70-110 and
401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
*These include waters impaired by the parameter 'habitat assessment', 'combined biota/habitat
bioassessment' or any parameter from the parameter group 'habitat alterations, and/or waters
where the parameter identified as a cause of impairment has a source from the source group
'habitat impacts'.
3. Activities impacting surface waters assessed by the Kentucky Division of Water as
full support for warm water or cold water aquatic habitat are not authorized under
this General Certification and require an Individual Certification. [Statements A and
B and citations KRS 224.70-110 and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
4. The activity will not occur within surface waters identified as perpetually-protected
mitigation sites (e.g., deed restriction or conservation easement). [Statement C
and citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(3); and 40 C.F.R.
5. Activities with cumulative temporary and permanent impacts greater than 1/2 acre
of wetland or 500 linear feet of surface waters are not authorized under this
General Certification and require an Individual Certification. If opposite banks are
stabilized, impacts to both banks are summed together to calculate the cumulative
impact. [Statement A and citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section
1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
6. Surface water impacts covered under this General Certification and undertaken by
those persons defined as an agricultural operation under the Agricultural Water
Quality Act must be completed in compliance with the Kentucky Agricultural Water
Quality Plan (KAWQP). [Statements A and F and citations KRS 224.71-145(1),
401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section
2 & Section 4]
7. Stream relocation, realignment, straightening, and/or widening are not authorized
under this General Certification and require and Individual Certification. [Statement
D and citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, section 1(3)(b) & Section
1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
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Bank Stabilization
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8. The use of creek rock for bank stabilization; grouted rip-rap; unformed, poured
grout; unformed, poured concrete; poured asphalt; or asphalt pieces is not
authorized under this General Certification and requires an Individual Certification.
Poured concrete or grout will be authorized under this General Certification when
contained by tightly sealed forms or cells. Equipment shall not discharge waste
washwater into surface waters at any time without adequate wastewater
treatments. [Statement A and citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section
1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
9. New stormwater detention/ retention basins constructed in surface waters or
modifications to stormwater detention/ retention basins resulting in the reduction
in reach or that cause impairment of flow of surface waters are not authorized
under this General Certification and require an Individual Certification. [Statement
A and citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(3)(b) & Section
1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
10. Erosion and sedimentation pollution control plans and Best Management Practices
(BMPs) must be designed, installed, and maintained in effective operating
condition at all times during construction activities so that violations of state water
quality standards do not occur. [Statements A and D and citations KRS 224.70-
110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031,
Section 2 & Section 4]
11. Sediment and erosion control measures, such as check-dams constructed of any
material, silt fencing, hay bales, etc., shall not be placed within surface waters,
either temporarily or permanently, without prior approval by the Kentucky Division
of Water’s Water Quality Certification Section. If placement of sediment and
erosion control measures in surface waters is unavoidable, design and placement
of temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in such a manner
that may result in instability of streams that are adjacent to, upstream, or
downstream of the structures. All sediment and erosion control devices shall be
removed and the natural grade restored within the completion timeline of the
activities. [Statements A and D and citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030,
Section 1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
12. Measures shall be taken to prevent or control spills of fuels, lubricants, or other
toxic materials used in construction from entering surface waters. [Statements A
and D and citations [KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(3)(b) & Section
1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
13. Removal of riparian vegetation shall be limited to that necessary for equipment
access. [Statements A and D and citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030,
Section 1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
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14. To the maximum extent practicable, all in-stream work under this certification shall
be performed under low-flow conditions. [Statements A and D and citations KRS
224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR
10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
15. Heavy equipment (e.g., bulldozers, backhoes, and draglines), if required for this
project, should not be used or operated within the stream channel. In those
instances in which such in-stream work is unavoidable, then it shall be performed
in such a manner and duration as to minimize turbidity and disturbance to
substrates and bank or riparian vegetation. [Statements A and D and citations KRS
224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR
10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
16. Any fill shall be of such composition that it will not adversely affect the biological,
chemical, or physical properties of the receiving waters and/or cause violations of
water quality standards. If rip-rap is utilized, it should be of such weight and size
that bank stress or slump conditions will not be created because of its placement.
[Statements A and D and citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section
1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
17. If domestic water supply intakes are located downstream that may be affected by
increased turbidity and suspended solids, the permittee shall notify the operator
when such work will be done prior to construction. [Statement E and citations KRS
224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR
10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
18. Should evidence of stream pollution or jurisdictional wetland impairment and/or
violations of water quality standards occur as a result of this activity (either from a
spill or other forms of water pollution), the Kentucky Division of Water shall be
notified immediately by calling (800) 928-2380. [Statement A and D and citations
KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR
10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
19. The Kentucky Division of Water requires submission of a formal application for any
federal applicant that is not required to submit a Preconstruction Notification that
would typically be required of any non-federal applicant. [Statements A and D and
citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and
401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
20. The Kentucky Division of Water may require submission of a formal application for
an Individual Certification for any project that has been determined to likely have
a significant adverse effect upon water quality or degrade surface waters so that
existing uses of the water body or downstream waters are precluded. [Statement
A and citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030, Section 1(3)(b) & Section
1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
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21. If the final issued General Permit for Nationwide Permit #13 Bank Stabilization
changes significantly, the Division of Water may opt to deny certification for this
permit. [Statements A and D and citations KRS 224.70-110, 401 KAR 10:030,
Section 1(3)(b) & Section 1(4)(b); and 401 KAR 10:031, Section 2 & Section 4]
Statements of Necessity
A. This condition is necessary to protect waters categorized under the anti-degradation
policy to protect the designated and existing uses and to maintain the associated
water quality criteria necessary to protect these water resources.
B. This condition is necessary to protect existing uses and the level of water quality
necessary to protect those existing uses shall be assured in impaired water.
C. This condition is necessary for long-term protection of compensatory mitigation sites.
D. This condition is necessary to provide for the prevention, abatement, and control of all
water pollution and to conserve water resources for legitimate uses, safeguard from
pollution the uncontaminated waters, prevent the creation of any new pollution, and
abate any existing pollution.
E. This condition is necessary to protect domestic water supply use.
F. This condition is necessary to evaluate, develop, and improve best-management
practices in conservation plans, compliance plans, and forest stewardship
management plans; establish statewide and regional agriculture water quality plans;
and otherwise promote soil and water conservation activities that protect surface
waters from the adverse impacts of agriculture operations within the Commonwealth.
Violation of Kentucky state water quality standards may result in civil penalties and
remediation actions.
For assistance contact the Kentucky Division of Water, Water Quality Certification Section
by email ( or by phone (502)-564-3410.