State of California
Qualified Applicator License Packet
. 1/24)
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Licensing and Certification Program
Sacramento, California
Contains the following documents:
Licensing Requirements
Application & Instructions
Licensing Visa/Mastercard Transaction Form
Qualified Applicator License
State of California
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Qualified Applicator License Requirements
(Rev. 7/23)
Qualified Applicator License Requirements
Do you need
this license?
You must possess a valid Qualified Applicator License (QAL) if you do any of the
Apply or supervise the application of federally restricted use pesticides or
state restricted materials for any purpose or on any property other than that
provided by the definition of a private applicator
(Title 3 of California
Code of Regulations [3 CCR], section 6000)
Supervise the pesticide applications made by a licensed pest control
business and are responsible for its safe and legal operation. The QAL
shall include the categories of pest control activities they supervise
(Food and Agricultural Code [FAC] sections 11701-11709)
agent privilege
Under this license, you may also act as a licensed pest control dealer designated
agent, which allows you to actively supervise all operations at a pest control dealer
Basic licensing
You may obtain a QAL by submitting the application, appropriate fees, and passing
the required examinations. A minimum age of 18 years old must be met prior to
admission to examinations. You must submit a copy of valid government-issued
documentation with your application to verify the minimum age requirement.
Examinations You must pass the Law
s, Regulations, and Basic Principles examination and at least
one pest control category examination with a score of 70 percent or higher (3 CCR
section 6504). The pest control categories for this license are as follows:
A Residential, Industri
al, and Institutional
B Landscape Maintenance
C Right-of-Way
D Plant Agriculture
E Forest
F Aquatic
G Regulatory
H Seed Treatment
I Animal Agriculture
J Demonstration and Research
K Health Related
L Soil Fumigation
M Non-Soil Fumigation
’s Licensing and Certification Program is now offering computer-based exams
at testing centers state-wide for all individual licenses and certificates. Applications
for all exams must be mailed to DPR's Licensing and Certification Program. You can
find more exam information on our website.
Continued on next page
An individual who uses or supervises the use of a pesticide to produce an agricultural commodity on property
owned, leased, or rented by him/her or his/her employer.
Qualified Applicator License
(Rev. 7/23)
Page 2
Preparing for
To prepare for the examination, you should read the appropriate study materials
listed on the Suggested Study Material Source List. Many of the study materials have
practice test questions at the end of each chapter that can help you evaluate whether
you know the material well enough to pass the exam. DPR has Knowledge
Expectations on our web site that outline the type of information you will be
expected to know when you take the exam.
Application fee The
application fee is $80 for this license (3 CCR section 6502). This fee allows
an applicant a 12 month period to become licensed.
The examination fee is $50 (3 CCR section 6505) for each examination requested,
including adding categories and rescheduling due to failure to appear or to obtain a
passing score.
Second -year
A new applicant passing the required examinations may be required to pay a Second-year
Fee. If you receive this notice, an additional $60 is required to place you on the correct
renewal cycle. The 2-year cycles are illustrated in the table below.
If your last name begins with
Then your license will…
A through L
Expire on December 31 of even numbered
years (e.g. 2024, 2026, 2028, etc.)
M through Z
Expire on December 31 of odd numbered
years (e.g. 2023, 2025, 2027, etc.)
Valid licenses
List of valid licenses and certificates may be viewed online
Refer to the table above
for expiration date.
Once you pass the examinations and receive your license, you must accumulate a
ermined amount of approved continuing education (CE) hours. DPR will inform you
of the number of approved CE hours you are required to complete.
After your first
renewal, you are required to accumulate at least 20 hours of approved CE every two years
before license renewal. Four of the 20 hours must cover the topic of pesticide laws and
regulations (3 CCR section 6511).
QAL holders who have Category H only are required to complete four hours of approved
CE after their first renewal. Two of the hours must cover pesticide laws and regulations
(3 CCR section 6511). It is your responsibility to ensure that you complete the number of
hours required in each CE category prior to submission of your QAL renewal. For more
information on CE requirements and the list of DPR-approved CE courses
visit our
Continued on next page
Some new license holders may require fewer CE hours for their first renewal depending on when the license was issued. The number of
required CE hours will be specified on your transmittal card when you receive your new license.
Qualified Applicator License
Renewal fee
The renewal fee is $120 for the 2-year cycle (3 CCR section 6502).
A late fee of 50 percent of the total renewal fee will be charged for each license
postmarked after December 31 of your expiration year.
The following chart lists possible miscellaneous fees.
You must immediately notify the Licensing and
Certification Program in writing (3 CCR section 6508).
You must submit a copy of government-issued proof
certifying the name
A new license will be automatically issued for all name
The Address C
hange/Name Change/Replacement
Card Form is available on our website.
You must immediately notify the Licensing and
Certification Program in writing (3 CCR section 6508).
This fee is only required if you request a new license.
Address Change/Name Change/Replacement
Card Form is available on our website.
This fee applies to requests for a duplicate or
replacement license.
Address Change/Name Change/Replacement
Card Form is available on our website.
Name and/or address change fees are waived when adding a pest control category or
when a license is renewed.
Continued on next page
Qualified Applicator License
Requirements (Rev. 7/23)
Page 4
The most common app
lication errors are
Incorrect fees
Application not signed
Failure to submit a copy of valid government-issued documentation to
verify minimum age requirement
You can avoi
d these errors by reading the application instructions carefully.
epartment of Pesticide Regulation
Attn: Cashier MS-4A
PO Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95812-4015
For more
Please E-Mail us at L
Note: Your application and materials must be mailed to DPR. We cannot
accept electronic submittals.
This page intentionally left blank for doublesided printing.
State of California
Qualified Applicator License Application
LIC-001 (Rev. 07/23) Page 1 of 2
The mailing address you indicate on this application is your address of record for your license,
therefore it is public information. You may wish to use a post office box in lieu of a physical address.
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Licensing and Certification Program
PO Box 4015
Sacramento, California 95812-4015
Web site:
A. Application Type. Check the appropriate box(es).
For Complete Instructions, See Page 2.
New Application
New Application fee of $80 is required and a copy of valid
government-issued documentation See Instructions)
Reexamination Fail or No Show
on Previous Exam
Adding Pest Control Category(ies)
B. Applicant Information.
Name (Last)
(Middle Initial)
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
QAL Number
(If applicable)
Mailing Address (Number and Street or PO Box) Work Phone Number
(City) (County) (State)
(ZIP Code)
Cell or Home Phone Number
Current Employer
(Check only one box)
City County Sta
te Federal P
est Control Business Maintenance Gardener
Other or N/A
Private Business
E-Mail Address
Employer Name and Mailing Address (If Applicable) (Number and Street, PO Box, City, State, ZIP Code)
C. Examination - Laws, Regulations, and Basic Principles.
Laws, Regulations, and Basic P
rinciples $50
This examination must be passed in addition to one or
more categories in Section D to become a QAL.
No fee or examination is required if
(1) Have a valid PCA, APC, JPC or QAL
(2) Have passed this exam within the last 12 months
License/Certificate Number:
Application #
D. Examination - Categories. Indicate the examination(s) you want to take by checking the appropriate box(es). One or more of the following exams must be
passed in addition to the exam in Section C to obtain a QAL. You may only select a maximum of four examinations per application (including Laws,
Regulations, and Basic Principles).
Residential, Industrial, and Institutional $50
cape Maintenance $50
Right-of-Way $50
Plant Agri
culture $50
Forest $50
Aquatic $50
Regulatory $50
Seed Treatment
(I) Animal A
griculture $50
(J) Demonstration and Research $50
(K) Health Related $50
(L) Soil Fum
igation $50
(M) Non-Soil Fumigation $50
E. Examination Schedul
e. To complete this section, see DPR’s Web site for the examination schedule for available months and locations. DPR will assign
the exam date. Your exam date and location choices are not guaranteed.
First Choice Examination Month & Location
Second Choice Exami
nation Month & Location
F. Reasonable Accommodation.
Check if you need reasonable accommodation to take an exam.
Fees. A
fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.
Amount Total Am
- New Application Fee (Fee is valid for 12 months) (If required per Section A) $80 $_________
- Laws, Regulations, and Basic Principles Examination Fee (If required per Section C) $50 $_________
- Category Examination Fee(s) (if required per Section D)
(Enter the # of categories)
$50 X __________ = $_________
Total Fees Due
H. Read Befor
e Signing.
During the last three y
ears have you had any administrative, civil, or criminal action taken against you for violation of any State or
federal laws or regulations relating to the application or use of pesticides that resulted in disciplinary action or in which any disciplinary action is pending?
Yes (Attach explanation on separate page.) No
I. I declare under penalty of perjury, under laws of the State of California, that the information submitted is true and correct.
Applicant Signature
Date Signed
: ______________________
State of California
Qualified Applicator License Application Instructions
LIC-001 (Rev. 07/23) Page 2 of 2
Failure to complete or provide the requested information may delay the processing of your application.
DPR will only disclose personally identifiable information, such as home phone number and personal email address,
to third parties as required by state or federal law or regulation and consistent with the Information Practices Act
(Civ. Code, sections 1798-1798.78).
A. Application Type: Check the appropriate box(es).
Application: If you:
Are applying for a Qualified Applicator License for the first time. *
Failed to obtai
n your license within 12 months from the first date you scheduled your examination.
Failed to meet the renewal requirements.
*Applications for a new license shall include
an attached copy of valid government-issued documentation verifying that the
applicant will meet the required minimum age of 18 years old prior to admission to the examination. The applicant’s name
included on the submitted application shall match the name stated on the valid government-issued documentation submitted.
Reexamination: Schedul
ing an examination on which you failed to obtain a passing score or failed to appear for a
previously scheduled examination.
Add Pest Control Category(ies): Requesting to take pest control category examinations not yet taken. If passed, the
es) will be added to your existing license.
B. Applicant Information: Enter your name (name shall match the submitted valid government-issued documentation); Qualified
Applicator License or Application Number (if applicable); date of birth; mailing address; E-Mail address; cell or
home and work
phone numbers; employment type; and current employer (if applicable).
C. Examination Laws, Regulations, and Basic Principles:
This examination is required of all new QAL applicants. Exemption:
(Check the appropriate box, if appl
icable). No fee or examination is required if you: have a current Pest Control Adviser License
(PCA), Journeyman Pilot Certificate (JPC), Apprentice Pilot Certificate (APC), or Qualified Applicator License (QAL). To qualify for
this exemption, you must
enter the number from your current license or certificate next to the (1) exemption, or (2) have passed
the Laws, Regulations, and Basic Principles
exam within the past 12 months. A Qualified Applicator Certificate (QAC) does not
meet the exemption requirements.
D. Examination Categories: Indicate the category(ies) y
ou want to take by checking the appropriate box(es). In addition to the
Laws, Regulations, and Basic Principles examination, each new applicant must successfully pass at least one of the pest control
categories (A-M) before a Qualified Applicator
License is issued. You may only select a maximum of four examinations per
application, including the Laws, Regulations, and B
asic Principles examination. You may only apply once per month
, exceptions
to this are evaluated on a case by case basis. See Qualified Applicator License category descriptions and suggested study
material source list in the Qualified
Applicator License Application Packet.
E. Examination Schedule: Provide your first
and second choice for taking your exam(s). Indicate the exam month and location for
each choice in the appropriate boxes. Your exam date and location choices are not guaranteed. Go to DPR’s Web site to find
current exam information. If you selected an exam date, your application must be postmarked by the final filing date for the
earliest choice you provided. DPR will
assign your exam date.
F. Reasonable Accommodation: Reasonable accommodation will be provided to
applicants who need assistance to take an
exam. If you check “Yes”,
you will be contacted.
G. Fees: All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.
New Application Fee: $80………………………………………………….(See Section A)
Laws, Regulations, and Basic Principles Examination Fee: $50………..(See Section C)
Category Examination Fee(s): $50
per exam …………………………………..(See Section D)
H. Read Before Signing: Check appropriate box and provide explanation on separate page, if necessary.
I. Declaration/Signature Block: Sign here to indicate that all of the information submitted is true and correct.
Mailing Instructions: Enclose a check, money order, or credit card information payable to “Cashier, DPR” and mail to:
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Attn: Cashier MS-4A
PO Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95812-4015
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Pest Control Category Descriptions (Rev. 01/24)
Pest Control Category Descriptions
Qualified Applicator Certificate (QAC) & Qualified Applicator License (QAL)
This document provides general information to help applicators identify the most appropriate category
for the type of pest control they will be performing or supervising. For the specific descriptions of the
categories, please refer to Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3 CCR) sections 6530 and 6531.
Contact the Licensing Program at
with questions.
“Pest control” means the use of any pesticide, as well as the use of any substance, method, or device to
control pests or to prevent, destroy, repel, mitigate, or correct any pest infestation or disorder of plants.
Except for Subcategory Q, certification in a category allows you to legally use or supervise the use of
restricted pesticides on use sites in the category. Note that a Restricted Material Permit or Operator
Identification Number from the County Agricultural Commissioner may still be required. For a pest
control business, State law requires the QAL-holder supervising the operations of the business to have
the category(ies) appropriate to the pest control operations of the business.
Residential, Industrial, and Institutional Pest Control (Category A)
Certification in Category A covers pest control:
On sites classified as “Home use” as defined in 3 CCR section 6000. This includes residential
areas around households and immediate environments.
On sites classified as “Industrial use” as defined in 3 CCR section 6000. This includes pest
For or in a manufacturing, mining, or chemical process; or
In, on, or around sites such as: airports; construction sites; factories; food handling
establishment (including delis, bakeries, or restaurants); manufacturing or processing
plants (including packing houses); oil fields and tank farms; ports and shipyards; power
generation plants and electrical substations; structures or areas which protect stored,
processed or manufactured products (including warehouses and commercial grain
elevators); timber yards and timber mills; and water or sewage treatment plants.
On sites classified as “Institutional use” as defined in 3 CCR section 6000. This includes pest
control on property necessary for the operation of schools, hospitals, libraries, auditoriums,
amusement parks, prisons, and office complexes.
On non-landscaped outside areas directly related to the operation of a building, such as,
walkways, parking lots, and storage yards.
Using antimicrobial pesticides on sites within the scope of this Category, such as:
Treatment of cooling towers and evaporative condensers;
Sanitizing potable water lines and systems, dairy milk lines at a manufacturing plant, and
other similar areas;
Providing disinfecting and/or sanitizing services, or deep cleaning” to control a virus,
bacteria, or other microorganism as part of, or in addition to, cleaning services.
Pest C
ontrol Category Descriptions (Rev. 01/24)
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Using wood preservation pesticides on sites within the scope of this Category, such as in-
service wooden fencing or wood treatment plants.
Using sewer line root control pesticides on sites within the scope of this Category.
This Category does not include:
1. Use of pesticides for landscape maintenance pest control for hire covered by Category B,
2. Use of any pesticide labeled as a fumigant, or
3. Structural pest control required to be done under a license or company registration from the
Structural Pest Control Board. Structural pest control involves the control of household pests,
wood destroying organisms, or other pests which may invade households or other structures.
For more information, contact the Structural Pest Control Board
Landscape Maintenance Pest Control (Category B)
Certification in Category B covers pest control in:
Maintenance of preexisting, planted, or artificial ornamental* plants and turf surrounding
areas such as residences, parks, streets, and commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings.
It also includes indoor landscaped areas and plants in enclosed shopping centers and malls.
*Ornamental is defined in 3 CCR section 6000 as trees, shrubs, flowers, and other plantings intended
primarily for aesthetic purposes in and around habitations, buildings, and surrounding grounds.
This Category does not include:
1. Direct application to running or standing water, or
2. Use of any pesticide labeled as a fumigant.
you ha
y but
n or work for a licensed Maintenance Gardener Pest Control
Business, the areas where you can legally conduct pest control, including use of pesticides, are limited
to incidental pest control on sites included in the scope of the Maintenance Gardener Pest Control
Business license. For more information, see Subcategory Q below or the Maintenance Gardener Pest
Control Business License packet.
Right-of-Way Pest Control (Category C)
Certification in Category C covers pest control in:
Maintenance of rights-of-way, such as roadsides, power lines, telephone lines, pipelines, canals,
railways; and any landscaping associated with the right-of-way.
Wood preservation on sites within the scope of this Category, such as in-service wooden utility
s not
1. Direct application to running or standing water, or
2. Use of any pesticide labeled as a fumigant.
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Pest Control Category Descriptions (Rev. 01/24)
Agricultural Pest Control [Plant] (Category D)
Certification in Category D covers pest control in:
Production of an agricultural commodity, as defined by 3 CCR section 6000;
Rangelands, pastures, and grasslands;
Non-crop agricultural lands which will not in the foreseeable future be used to grow food, feed,
or fiber crops, or to pasture animals; this includes but is not limited to: wildlands, farm roads and
shoulders, ditches, and on-farm equipment yards.
This Category does not include:
1. Applications to running or standing water, other than rice and similar crops grown in wet or
flooded fields, or
2. Use of any pesticide labeled as a fumigant.
Forest Pest Control (Category E)
Certification in Category E covers pest control in:
Forest, forest nurseries, and forest seed-producing areas; including: preparation for forest planting,
conifer release, brush control projects, and stump treatment.
s not
1. Direct applications to running or standing water, or
2. Use of any pesticide labeled as a fumigant.
Aquatic Pest Control (Category F)
Certification in Category F covers pest control in:
Standing or running water.
s not
clude pest control covered under Category D (Plant Agriculture),
Category G (Regulatory Pest Control), Category J (Demonstration and Research), or Category K
(Health Related Pest Control).
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Pest Control Category Descriptions (Rev. 01/24)
Regulatory Pest Control (Category G)
Certification in Category G covers pest control in:
Government-sponsored programs for the control of regulated pests*.
*Regulated pest means a particular species of pest subject to State or federal regulatory restrictions,
regulations, or control procedures intended to protect hosts, humans, or the environment. Examples
of regulated pests are CDFA A- or Q-rated pests subject to government-sponsored eradication
programs including, but are not limited to: Asian Citrus Psyllid, Asian Longhorn Beetle, Diaprepes
Root Weevil, Emerald Ash Borer, European Grapevine Moth, False Codling Moth, invasive fruit
flies (e.g., Caribbean, Guava, Malaysian, Mediterranean, Melon, Mexican, Oriental, etc.), Japanese
Beetle, Spongy Moth, and Spotted Lantern Fly.
This C
ategory does not include:
1. Pest control covered under Category K (Health Related Pest Control), or
2. Use of any pesticide labeled as a fumigant.
Seed Treatment (Category H)
Certification in Category H covers use of pesticides:
On seeds in seed treatment facilities.
This C
ategory does not include the use of any pesticide labeled as a fumigant.
Agricultural Pest Control [Animal] (Category I)
Certification in Category I covers pest control:
On animals or in facilities in which the animals are confined, including managed apiaries.
This Category does not include:
1. Direct application to running or standing water, or
2. Use of any pesticide labeled as a fumigant.
Demonstration and Research (Category J)
Certification in Category J covers pest control with California restricted materials to:
Demonstrate to the public proper use and application techniques;
Conduct field research outside of a laboratory setting.
This Category is not required of applicators that demonstrate proper techniques, provided they hold
the specific category(ies) covering the type of pest control being performed. Note that a Research
Authorization (RA) may also be required for those doing experimental pesticide applications.
This Category does not include the use of any pesticide labeled as a fumigant.
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Pest Control Category Descriptions (Rev. 01/24)
Health Related Pest Control (Category K)
Certification in Category K covers pest control in:
Government-sponsored programs for the management and control of pests having public
health importance.
This C
ategory does not include the use of any pesticide labeled as a fumigant.
This Category is not required for applicators holding a valid Vector Control Technician certificate
issued by the State Department of Public Health and employed at a government public health agency.
Soil Fumigation (Category L)
Certification in Category L covers pest control using a pesticide labeled as a fumigant to:
Control soil pests in sites including: fields, forests, golf courses, greenhouses, and individual
tree or vine hole sites.
This C
ategory does not include non-s
ns covered by Category M – Non-Soil Fumigation.
Non-Soil Fumigation (Category M)
Certification in Category M covers pest control using a pesticide labeled as a fumigant to:
Fumigate enclosed areas* containing:
o Agricultural commodities for post-harvest fumigation; or
o Nonfood/nonfeed materials including but not limited to: pallets; dunnage; furniture;
burlap bags; planting medium, including potting soil and potting mix; and wine barrels
and corks.
Fumigate pest burrows in sites including, but not limited to: fields, rights-of-way, ditches,
landscaping, and equipment yards.
Fumigate sewer lines, in-service utility poles, or other fumigations not covered by Category L
Soil Fumigation.
*Enclosed areas include: tarpaulin-covered structures and commodities, vaults, chambers,
greenhouses, vans, boxcars, ships, planes, and vehicles.
This Ca
tegory d
tructural pest control required to be done under a license or company
registration from the Structural Pest Control Board. Structural pest control involves the control of
household pests, wood destroying organisms, or other pests which may invade households or other
structures. For more information on structural pest control, contact the Structural Pest Control Board.
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Pest Control Category Descriptions (Rev. 01/24)
Maintenance Gardener Pest Control (Subcategory Q) - QAC ONLY
Certification in Subcategory Q covers pest control and use of non-restricted pesticides
to your overall ornamental and turf maintenance activities on ornamental and
turf plantings:
In commercial parks
; and
Surrounding structures
Non-restricted pesticides: Subcategory Q does not allow the purchase, use, or supervision of any
pesticide classified as a California restricted material; this includes all pesticides with the “Restricted
Use Pesticide” box on the front panel. The remaining “general use pesticides” are available for purchase
by anyone. These pesticides must be applied according to labeling instructions and in support of
maintenance gardening activities.
Incidental is defined in 3 CCR section 6000 and means pest control that ensues from, or is a minor
consequence of, a businessoverall ornamental and turf maintenance activities. The use of pesticides
for pest control is a minor, or complementary, aspect of the physical landscape maintenance work.
Pest control separate from ornamental and turf plantings does not qualify.
Commercial park is defined in 3 CCR section 6000 and means a tract of land where several
commercial establishments (e.g., stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses, or factories) are located.
This includes, but is not limited to, business parks, industrial parks, office parks, and shopping centers
or malls.
This includes buildings, brick walls, fountains, fences, or statues, etc., where the ornamental or turf
planting is near or close to the structure yet distinct and separate from any planting which may
constitute a larger landscaped open space (i.e., park, cemetery lawn, golf course turf, etc.).
A person engaged in the business of maintenance gardening who engages in pest control for hire
incidental to the maintenance gardening business must also obtain a Maintenance Gardener Pest
Control Business License. See the
Maintenance Gardener Pest Control Business License (
packet for more information.
Subcategory Q is a subcategory of Category B (Landscape Maintenance). A person that regularly
engages in landscaping pest control activities should obtain a Category B. Subcategory Q is intended
specifically for those performing incidental pest control work in support of the maintenance gardening
activities of a licensed MGPCB and would not be appropriate otherwise.
This Ca
s not
1. The purchase or use of California restricted materials listed in 3 CCR section 6400, or
2. Direct application to running or standing water.
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Suggested Study Material Source List
(Rev. 01/24)
Suggested Study Mat
erial Source List
Qualified Applicator Certificate (QAC) & Qualified Applicator License (QAL)
Studying the suggested study material can make the difference between passing and failing Department of
Pesticide Regulation (DPR) QAC and QAL examinations. The examinations are based on the study materials
listed below. Options for obtaining study materials include purchasing, viewing, or downloading from the web
and borrowing from public or college libraries.
Laws, Regulations, and Basic Principles of Safe and Effective Pesticide Use (Core Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Laws, Regulations, and Basic Principles of Safe and Effective Pesticide Use
(Core Exam).
Laws and Regulations Study Guide, Third Edition. DPR, 2020.
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. University of California Integrated Pest
Management (UC IPM) Program, 2016.
o O
rder through the
versity of Ca
culture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) online
catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
Residential, Industrial, and Institutional Pest Control (Category A Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Residential, Industrial, and Institutional (Category A).
Residential, Industrial, and Institutional Pest Control, Second Edition. P.J. O’Connor-Marer, 2006.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
Landscape Maintenance Pest Control (Category B Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Landscape Maintenance (Category B).
Landscape Maintenance Pest Control. P.J. O’Connor-Marer, 2006.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
Right-of-Way Pest Control (Category C Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Right-of-Way (Category C).
Forest and Right-of-Way Pest Control. S.H. Dreistadt, 2013.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
Agricultural Pest Control [Plant] (Category D Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Plant Agriculture (Category D).
Plant Agriculture Pest Control: A Study Manual for Applicators. UC IPM Program, 2019.
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
Forest Pest Control (Category E Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Forest (Category E).
Forest and Right-of-Way Pest Control. S.H. Dreistadt, 2013.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
Aquatic Pest Control (Category F Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Aquatic (Category F).
Aquatic Pest Control. P.J. O’Connor-Marer and K.K. Garvey, 2001.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
Regulatory Pest Control (Category G Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Regulatory (Category G).
California Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) Division 6, Division 7, & Division 13.
Plant Quarantine Manual. California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
Seed Treatment (Category H Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Seed Treatment (Category H).
Seed Treatment A National Pesticide Applicator Study Manual. Pesticide Educational Resources
Collaborative (PERC).
o O
rder through the N
ide Safety Education Center website.
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
Agricultural Pest Control [Animal] (Category I Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Animal Agriculture (Category I).
Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage. S.E. Hygnstrom, R.M. Timm, and G.E. Larson, University
of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 1994.
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
Demonstration and Research (Category J Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Demonstration and Research (Category J).
Demonstration and Research Uses of Pesticides. D. Clarke, 2003.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
Title 3, California Code of Regulations, Division 6 Sections:
o 6260
o 6261
o 6262
o 6263
o 6264
o 6266
o 6268
o 6270
o 6272
o 6602
o 6618
o 6619
o 6761.1
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
Health Related Pest Control (Category K Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Health Related (Category K).
Residential, Industrial, and Institutional Pest Control, Second Edition. P.J. O’Connor-Marer, 2006.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
Additional resources:
o Mosquitos. UC IPM
o Rabbits. UC IPM
o Mosquito Control. United States
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA).
o I
ntroduction to Pesticide Drift.
. E
o Module 5 - Managing Mice and Rats in and
around Child Care. U.S. EPA.
o The Biology and Control of Mosquitoes in
California. California Department of Public
Health (CDPH).
o H
epatitis A.
o Hepatitis A. Center for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC).
o Hepatitis A Factsheet. World Health
Organization (WHO).
o Viral Hepatitis: Q&As for the Public. (CDC).
o Viral Hepatitis: Q&As for Health
Professionals. (CDC).
o Typhus Fevers: Flea-borne (murine) typhus.
o V
orne diseases. (
o Pesticide Application & Safety Training for
Applicators of Public Health Pesticides.
o A
rthropods of Public Health Significance in
California. (CDPH).
o Vertebrates of Public Health Importance in
California. (CDPH).
Soil Fumigation (Category L Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Soil Fumigation (Category L).
Soil Fumigation, Second Edition. S. Whithaus and L. Blecker, 2023.
o Order print copies through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849
o Order digital copies through Google Books.
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
Non-Soil Fumigation (Category M Exam)
Knowledge Expectations: Non-Soil Fumigation (Category M).
Non-Soil Fumigation: A Pesticide Applicator Study Guide. S. Tomasko, 2023.
o Order print copies through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
o Order digital copies through Google Books.
The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, Third Edition. UC IPM Program, 2016.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
Maintenance Gardener Pest Control (Subcategory Q) QAC ONLY
Knowledge Expectations: Maintenance Gardener (Subcategory Q).
University of California IPM Maintenance Gardener Exam Preparation Help Page.
Lawn and Residential Landscape Pest Control: A Guide for Maintenance Gardeners. S. Cohen, M.L.
Flint, and N. Hine, 2009.
o Order through the UC ANR online catalog or by phone: (800) 994-8849.
Jardinero de Mantenimiento (Subcategoría Q) PARA QAC SOLAMENTE
Lista de Expectativas de Conocimientos para la licencia de certificado de aplicador de pesticidas para
jardineros de mantenimiento (Subcategory Q).
Página de ayuda de preparación de exámen de control de plagas de jardinero de mantenimiento.
Control de plagas para cesped y jardines residenciales: Una guia para jardeneros de mantenimiento. S.
Cohen, M.L. Flint, and N. Hine, 2009.
o Realice su pedido a través del catálogo ennea de UC ANR o por teléfono: (800) 994-8849.
-- -- --
State of California
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Sacramento, CA
Web site:
DPR-105-A (Rev. 7/20)
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