Certified Business Analysis
Study Guide
Second Edition
Susan Weese
Terri Wagner
Senior Acquisitions Editor: Kenyon Brown
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Copyright © 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
Published simultaneously in Canada
ISBN: 978-1-119-24883-5
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ISBN: 978-1-119-24884-2 (ebk.)
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Good luck to all the planners, crammers, and refreshers getting ready to sit
for the CBAP
business analysis certification exam!
Dedicated to my family, friends, and colleagues who put up with me
spending so much time on this book.
Lovingly dedicated to my niece, Jenna, for her generous spirit, keen
analytic skills, and leadership acumen. Fueled by passion and purpose,
blended with the right mix of values, skills and experience, I have no doubt
her leadership influence will be felt around the world. And it all started with
being an awesome Business Analyst!
Thank you to Mary Beth Wakefield, Editorial Manager; Kenyon Brown, Senior
Aquisitions Editor; Rebecca Anderson, Production Editor; Kim Wimpsett, Copy
Editor; John Sleeva, Indexer; and Nancy Carrasco, Proofreader. Without all of
their contributions and assistance, this book would never have made it to the
presses. In particular, thank you to Development Editor Mary Ellen Schutz. Her
attention to detail, requests for clarity, and questions about what was really
meant kept me on target to produce the complete study guide you are reading
right now. ME, if you were here with me, I would give you a big hug! Without
your herding and nipping during the revision process, this book would never
have become such a great product. Your gentle editing is subtle, targeted, and
effective. Peter Honebein, your technical edits were right on target and made
everything in this book better.
A big thank-you goes out to the founders and supporters of the International
Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA™) and the team who developed the
contents of the BABOK® Guide. I would also like to thank my colleagues and
good friends, Ginger Sanchez, Peggy Oglesby, and Phil Bennett, for sharing their
wonderful business analysis stories and ideas that became the basis for many
tales in this book. Thanks also to Melisa Pearce of Touched by a Horse for
sharing her barn project.
This book is the result of collaboration between Susan Weese and Terri Wagner.
Susan authored the book. Terri reviewed text and lent her experience and
expertise to parts of the overall project.
Finally, Little Man, thank you for lying on my computer every morning and
helping me think through things. You are the prince of cats.
My deepest gratitude to Susan for taking the helm and navigating these waters.
Your dedication, talent, and wisdom never cease to amaze me. Thank you for all
your hard work and perseverance masterfully integrating the many
enhancements to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge into this updated
study guide. I admire your professionalism and cherish your friendship!
About the Authors
Susan Weese, PgMP, PMP, PRINCE2, MSPM, MoP Susan is a
management consultant, curriculum designer, and professional speaker
specializing in project management and requirements development process
development and implementation for complex information technology projects.
She started her work career as a software engineer, designing and developing
complex mathematical algorithms for satellite and radar systems. Halfway
through her work life, Susan crossed to the dark side of technology and became
actively involved with managing programs, projects, large consulting
organizations, and business processes. She is still having a blast and has never
looked back.
Susan founded Colorado-based Rhyming Planet, Inc., in 2000 to motivate, lead,
and enable technical and business professionals to accomplish their program
and project goals. Susan is also an adjunct faculty member at Colorado State
University, delivering courses on project management and the underlying
competencies that turn good managers into great managers.
Terri Wagner (Aurora, CO) M.A., PMP, CSM is owner/managing member
of Mentor Source, Inc., a Colorado-based project management consulting and
training company. She has co-authored and been the technical editor for several
project management and business analysis books, including the Project
Manager Street Smarts (Wiley). She has also taught project management,
portfolio management, program management, business leadership,
interpersonal skills, quality management, and other topics to state agencies,
governmental entities, corporate clients, and at the graduate level in the
university system.
Assessment Test
Chapter 1 Foundation Concepts
What Is Business Analysis?
Reviewing the Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM™)
Exploring the Business Analysis Knowledge Areas
Exploring Requirements
Understanding How This Applies to Your Projects
Perspectives on Business Analysis
Exam Essentials
Key Terms
Review Questions
Chapter 2 Controlled Start: Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
How This Applies to Your Projects
Exam Essentials
Key Terms
Review Questions
Chapter 3 Controlled Start: Strategy Analysis
Strategy Analysis
How This Applies to Your Projects
Exam Essentials
Key Terms
Review Questions
Chapter 4 Overarching Tasks: Requirements Life Cycle Management
Requirements Life Cycle Management
How This Applies to Your Projects
Exam Essentials
Key Terms
Review Questions
Chapter 5 Controlled Middle: Elicitation and Collaboration
Requirements Elicitation
How This Applies to Your Projects
Exam Essentials
Key Terms
Review Questions
Chapter 6 Controlled Middle: Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
How This Applies to Your Projects
Exam Essentials
Key Terms
Review Questions
Chapter 7 Controlled End: Solution Evaluation
Solution Evaluation
How This Applies to Your Projects
Exam Essentials
Key Terms
Review Questions
Chapter 8 Underlying Competencies
Essential Skills of Effective Business Analysts
How This Applies to Your Projects
Exam Essentials
Key Terms
Review Questions
Chapter 9 Five Perspectives on Business Analysis
The Agile Perspective
The Business Intelligence Perspective
The Information Technology Perspective
The Business Architecture Perspective
The Business Process Management Perspective
Understanding How This Applies to Your Projects
Exam Essentials
Key Terms
Review Questions
Appendix A Advice on Completing Your Exam Application
The Competency-Based Certification Model
Experience Requirements
Experience Requirements
Calculate Your Experience Hours
Additional Exam Eligibility Requirements
The Exam Application Process
Appendix B Knowledge Areas, Tasks, and Elements
Review the Six Knowledge Areas
Knowledge Areas, Tasks, and Elements
Appendix C Mapping Techniques, Stakeholders, and Deliverables to
Knowledge Areas and Tasks
Appendix D Summary of Business Analysis Techniques
Business Analysis Techniques
Appendix E Summary of Business Analysis Outputs
Business Analysis Outputs
Appendix F Answers to Review Questions
Chapter 1: Foundation Concepts
Chapter 2: Controlled Start: Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
Chapter 3: Controlled Start: Strategy Analysis
Chapter 4: Overarching Tasks: Requirements Life Cycle Management
Chapter 5: Controlled Middle: Elicitation and Collaboration
Chapter 6: Controlled Middle: Requirements Analysis and Design
Chapter 7: Controlled End: Solution Evaluation
Chapter 8: Underlying Competencies
Chapter 9: Five Perspectives on Business Analysis
List of Tables
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
TABLE 2.10
TABLE 2.11
TABLE 2.12
TABLE 2.13
TABLE 2.14
TABLE 2.15
TABLE 2.16
Chapter 3
Table 3.2
TABLE 3.10
Chapter 4
TABLE 4.10
TABLE 4.11
TABLE 4.12
TABLE 4.13
Chapter 5
TABLE 5.10
TABLE 5.11
Chapter 6
TABLE 6.10
TABLE 6.11
TABLE 6.12
TABLE 6.13
TABLE 6.14
TABLE 6.15
TABLE 6.16
TABLE 6.17
TABLE 6.18
TABLE 6.19
TABLE 6.20
TABLE 6.21
TABLE 6.22
Chapter 7
TABLE 7.10
TABLE 7.11
TABLE 7.12
TABLE 7.13
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
TABLE 9.10
TABLE 9.11
TABLE 9.12
TABLE 9.13
TABLE 9.14
TABLE 9.15
TABLE 9.16
TABLE 9.17
TABLE 9.18
TABLE 9.19
TABLE 9.20
TABLE 9.21
TABLE 9.22
TABLE 9.23
TABLE 9.24
TABLE 9.25
Appendix A
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
List of Illustrations
Chapter 1
FIGURE 1.1 Relationships between knowledge areas
FIGURE 1.2 Requirements and design cycle
FIGURE 1.3 Classes of requirements
FIGURE 1.4 Mapping the BABOK
Guide to a generic life cycle
Chapter 2
FIGURE 2.1 Task summary: Plan business analysis approach.
FIGURE 2.2 Task summary: Plan stakeholder engagement.
FIGURE 2.3 Onion diagram
FIGURE 2.4 Task summary: Plan business analysis governance.
FIGURE 2.5 Task summary: Plan business analysis information
FIGURE 2.6 Task summary: Identify business analysis performance
FIGURE 2.7 The Shewhart cycle
Chapter 3
FIGURE 3.1 Task summary: Analyze current state.
FIGURE 3.2 A fishbone diagram offers the opportunity to analyze and
FIGURE 3.3 Task summary: Define future state.
FIGURE 3.4 Relating strategy and implementation
FIGURE 3.5 Task summary: Assess risks.
FIGURE 3.6 Task summary: Define change strategy.
Chapter 4
FIGURE 4.1 Responding to changing requirements
FIGURE 4.2 Task summary: Trace requirements.
FIGURE 4.3 Task summary: Maintain requirements.
FIGURE 4.4 Task summary: Prioritize requirements.
FIGURE 4.5 Task summary: Assess requirements changes.
FIGURE 4.6 Task summary: Approve requirements.
FIGURE 4.7 A framework for configuration management
Chapter 5
FIGURE 5.1 Task summary: Prepare for elicitation.
FIGURE 5.2 Task summary: Conduct elicitation activity.
FIGURE 5.3 Applying the elicitation techniques
FIGURE 5.4 Task summary: Confirm elicitation results.
FIGURE 5.5 Task summary: Communicate business analysis
FIGURE 5.6 Task summary: Manage stakeholder collaboration.
Chapter 6
FIGURE 6.1 Task summary: Specify and model the requirements.
FIGURE 6.2 Gane-Sarson and Yourdon models for Palmer Divide
FIGURE 6.3 ERDs and class diagrams for Palmer Divide
FIGURE 6.4 Workflow mode for Palmer Divide
FIGURE 6.5 Summary-level use-case diagram for Palmer Divide
FIGURE 6.6 Task summary: Verify the requirements.
FIGURE 6.7 Task summary: Validate the requirements.
FIGURE 6.8 Task summary: Define requirements architecture.
FIGURE 6.9 Task summary: Define design options.
FIGURE 6.10 Task summary: Analyze potential value and recommend
Chapter 7
FIGURE 7.1 Task summary: Measure solution performance.
FIGURE 7.2 Task summary: Analyze performance measures.
FIGURE 7.3 Task summary: Assess solution limitations.
FIGURE 7.4 Task summary: Assess enterprise limitations.
FIGURE 7.5 Task summary: Recommend actions to increase solution
Chapter 8
FIGURE 8.1 Lines of communication
The content of this book revolves around A Guide to the Business Analysis Body
of Knowledge
Guide) Version 3.0, published in 2015 by the IIBA
headquartered in Toronto, Canada. You will notice references to the BABOK
Guide throughout this book. Its contents drive the discussions on performing
successful business analysis work across the project life cycle. In some cases,
certain phrases are used verbatim to ensure strict conformance with the
Guide. Both certification exams focus on the contents of the BABOK
Guide. Consider getting a copy of the guide to assist you while you are using this
book to prepare you for the exams.
The book contains many hints and tips about preparing for and passing the
exam and using what you have learned in your everyday work. The first tip for
anyone wanting to become familiar with the BABOK
Guide is that you need to
learn its language. Speaking this language gives you a common business analysis
language, regardless of the industry or organization you work in. The terms and
definitions found there may be different from the terms and definitions you use
at work. So, your first step is to familiarize yourself with the terms and
definitions so you are comfortable with BABOK
The second tip is that you need to be familiar with the six knowledge areas
defined in the BABOK
Guide. These knowledge areas divide your business
analysis knowledge and skills into six common areas. You will start with the
high-level definitions and then drill down into the detailed tasks and techniques
that successful business analysts use to get the job done. Let’s move on and talk
a little bit about the focus of this book.
What You Will Learn
This book helps you prepare to take the CBAP
certification exam.
exam is designed for experienced business analysts, while the
exam targets people who have less experience in the business analysis
profession. Reading this book does not guarantee that you will pass the exam,
but ideally you will find its contents motivating and helpful.
In the new certification exam structure, the CCBA
exam provides less
experienced business analysts with their first step toward obtaining the CBAP
designation. This exam targets individuals who are proficient in some aspects of
business analysis, are in the process of developing business analysis skills and
expertise, and who apply business analysis to smaller scope projects and less
complex tasks. The CCBA
certification expires after five years. The expectation
is that you will then apply to take the CBAP
exam when you have gained more
business analysis experience. You can also retake the CCBA
exam if you have
not yet met the required CBAP
exam level of business analysis experience.
What Is Covered in This Book
: Certified Business Analysis Study Guide, Second Edition
follows a simple project life cycle frequently used as the basis for many projects.
The life cycle consists of three high-level phases.
Controlled start, where you plan for your project’s business analysis
activities and define the scope of the new solution your project will create
Controlled middle, where the project work is actually being performed to
define, design, and build the new solution
Controlled end, when you wrap up your work activities and transition the
new solution into operational use
The knowledge areas of the BABOK
Guide are placed within these three life
cycle phases in order to work through the business analysis tasks and
techniques from project start to end.
To get the most out of this book, you should read each chapter from start to
finish and then check your memory and understanding with the chapter-end
elements. Even if you’re already familiar with a topic, you should skim the
chapter; business analysis is complex. There are often multiple ways to
accomplish a task, and you may learn something even if you’re already
competent in an area.
Chapter 1, “Foundation Concepts,” lays the groundwork for navigating
and understanding the content and intent of the BABOK
Guide. This
chapter gives you a high-level look at what it means to be a business analyst
and reviews the underlying competencies of the business analyst, the key
business analysis stakeholders, and the BABOK
Guide requirements
classification scheme.
Chapter 2, “Controlled Start: Business Analysis Planning and
Monitoring,” takes you through planning the business analysis activities
for your project using tasks from your first knowledge area. To achieve a
controlled start to a project or project phase, you must plan what needs to be
done, how to go about doing it, and who needs to be involved with the work.
Chapter 3, “Controlled Start: Strategy Analysis,” steps you through
translating your organization’s business strategy into a proposed new
business solution. During your project’s controlled start, you will define and
document the business requirements for your project. The business
requirements justify why a particular project should be initiated to address a
particular business need.
Chapter 4, “Overarching Tasks: Requirements Life Cycle
Management,” focuses on ensuring that the right people are involved with
developing, understanding, and approving the project requirements. In
addition, your project requirements must be accessible and managed during
your requirements development work and throughout the project life cycle.
Chapter 5, “Controlled Middle: Elicitation and Collaboration,”
guides you through gathering, organizing, and understanding the necessary
information to develop the business, stakeholder, solution, and transition
requirements for your project, and understanding what your project
stakeholders need from the new solution.
Chapter 6, “Controlled Middle: Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition,” takes your elicited requirements information and
makes sense of it. The tasks in this knowledge area focus on analyzing the
stated requirements from your elicitation efforts and building the real
stakeholder or solution requirements for your project.
Chapter 7, “Controlled End: Solution Evaluation,” focuses on
assessing proposed solutions, allocating requirements to solution
components, and validating the solution to make sure that it will meet the
business need and deliver value to the organization and its stakeholders.
Chapter 8, “Underlying Competencies,” defines the core framework of
business, technical, and domain knowledge possessed by effective business
analysts. Your core framework of knowledge is enhanced by your
management, interpersonal, business, and structured problem-solving skills.
Chapter 9, “Perspectives,” steps through five perspectives on business
analysis. You will dig into business analysis work on agile, business
intelligence, information technology, business architecture, and business
process management projects.
Appendix A, “Advice on Completing Your Exam Application,”
examines the required qualifications and application process for successfully
completing and submitting your application to sit for the CBAP
certification exam.
Appendix B, “Knowledge Areas, Tasks, and Elements,” lists the
knowledge areas, tasks, and elements to assist you in your study efforts.
Appendix C, “Mapping Techniques, Stakeholders, and
Deliverables to Knowledge Areas and Tasks,” provides you with a
coverage matrix mapping business analysis techniques, deliverables, and
stakeholders to the knowledge area tasks that use them.
Appendix D, “Quick Summary of Business Analysis Techniques,”
provides you with brief descriptions of each business analysis technique in
Appendix E, “Quick Summary of Business Analysis Deliverables,”
provides you with brief descriptions of each deliverable produced as a
business analysis task output in the BABOK
Appendix F, “Answers to Review Questions,” contains both the
answers and explanations for the chapter review questions.
Glossary: A glossary of terms is available with the online testing materials
in PDF format.
Techniques Matrix: Maps of techniques, stakeholders and
deliverables across the knowledge area tasks are available for download in
Microsoft Excel format.
How to Become CBAP®/CCBA™ Certified
and CCBA
certification exams each address all six knowledge
areas from the BABOK
Guide. The exams also test your knowledge of sources
referenced by the BABOK
Guide and your own business analysis experience.
exam is designed for experienced business analysts, while the newer
exam targets folks who have less experience in the business analysis
profession. You can apply and pay for the exams online using the IIBA
website. Most people schedule and take the exams in a testing center and
complete the questions on a computer. Feedback is immediate as to whether
you have passed or failed the exam once you submit your finished set of
questions. Let’s take a look at each exam in a bit more detail.
More on the CBAP
exam targets experienced business analysts. The exam contains 150
questions that must be answered within 3.5 hours. The questions you will be
facing are based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, which is discussed later in this section.
Requirements for candidates sitting the CBAP
exam include 7,500 hours of
business analysis work experience in the last 10 years, demonstrated experience
and expertise in four of the six knowledge areas, a high-school education or
equivalent, and 21 hours of business analysis-related professional development
in the last four years. You will also be required to provide two references from a
career manager, client, or CBAP
. These requirements to take the exam are
discussed in detail in Appendix A, “Advice on Completing Your Exam
More on the CCBA™ Exam
exam provides newer, less experienced business analysts with their
first step toward obtaining the CBAP
certification. This exam targets
individuals who are proficient in some aspects of business analysis, are in the
process of developing business analysis skills and expertise, and who apply
business analysis to smaller scope and less complex tasks and projects.
Requirements for candidates taking the CCBA
exam include a minimum of
3,750 hours of business analysis work, aligned with the BABOK
Guide, in the
last seven years with at least 900 hours in two of the six knowledge areas or 500
hours in four of the six knowledge areas, a minimum of 21 hours of Professional
Development, and a high-school education or equivalent. You will also be
required to provide two references from a career manager, client, or CBAP
certification expires after five years. The expectation is that
recipients will then apply to take the CBAP
exam as a more experienced
business analyst. There is also an option to retake the CCBA
exam if you have
not yet met the required CBAP
exam level of experience during that time
What’s on the Exams
and CCBA
exams contain 150 questions that must be answered
within 3.5 hours. The passing mark for your scored exam is calculated based on
psychometric procedures that the IIBA
does not disclose to the public. The
and CCBA
Exam Blueprints indicate the relative weight of each
knowledge area by providing you with the percentage of questions from that
knowledge area on your exam. The percentages are provided for you in Table
1.1. Because of rounding issues, some of the percentages do not add up to exactly
100 percent.
TABLE 1.1 Exam knowledge area and question breakdown
Knowledge Area CBAP
Exam % of
Exam % of
Business Analysis Planning
and Monitoring
14% 12%
Elicitation and Collaboration 12% 20%
Requirements Life Cycle
15% 18%
Strategy Analysis 15% 12%
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
32% 30%
Solution Evaluation 14% 6%
All the questions on your exam are multiple-choice questions with four possible
answers from which to select. There are no penalties for incorrect answers, so
remember to attempt to answer every question.
Types of Questions
In 1956, Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist at the University of
Chicago, proposed his Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, classifying learning
objectives into six hierarchical levels: knowledge, comprehension, application,
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. This taxonomy drives the structure and style
of the exam questions you will be seeing on your CBAP
and CCBA
exams, as
the questions will range across this entire taxonomy. Questions may also have a
scenario for reading before the body of one or more questions.
The breakdown of questions across Bloom’s Taxonomy is not provided in the
’s exam blueprint. As a rule of thumb, you should expect to see
approximately 70 percent to 80 percent of your questions taken from the easier
question types (knowledge, comprehension, application, and analysis) in the
taxonomy and 20 percent to 30 percent taken from the more difficult question
types (synthesis and evaluation).
If you are able to recognize the type of question you are being asked, you can use
this recognition to arrive at the correct answer to that question. Let’s take a look
at each question type in more detail:
Knowledge Questions Knowledge questions test your ability to know specific
facts and recall information that you have learned. This information may be
straight from the BABOK
Guide, or it may be something you have learned
from another source. These questions are straightforward and remind us of the
traditional multiple-choice questions from exams we took in our younger days.
Here is an example of a knowledge question:
Which type of requirement describes high-level organizational needs?
A. Business
B. Stakeholder
C. Functional
D. Transition
This is a “define the term” question, and the correct answer is A. As stated in the
BABOK® Guide glossary, business requirements describe the higher-level
business rationale for your project or initiative. Answering this question
correctly requires you to recall the definitions for the different types of
requirements found in the BABOK® Guide.
Exam Spotlight
Notice that the wording of the question and the correct answer may not be
word for word from the BABOK
Guide. This is something you will
commonly see in the certification exams, so be sure that you understand
what you are learning versus simply memorizing the information.
Comprehension Questions Comprehension questions require you to
interpret facts and understand meanings. This is a step up from a knowledge
question, where simple memorization and recall usually provide you with the
correct answer. Here is an example of a comprehension question:
What type of requirements contains the environmental conditions of the
A. Transition requirements
B. Stakeholder requirements
C. Business requirements
D. Solution requirements
This is a “check your understanding” question, and the correct answer is D. As
stated in the BABOK® Guide glossary, solution requirements include both
functional and nonfunctional requirements for a particular project. This
question requires understanding of the requirements types found in the
BABOK® Guide and the knowledge that environmental conditions are
nonfunctional requirements, which are a subset of the solution requirements.
Exam Spotlight
Notice that all of the answers in this example deal with the actual classes of
requirements found in the BABOK
Guide. There are no distracter answers
that jump up and tell you they are incorrect. Each possible answer is
something you have been studying. Beware of the distracter answers that
are good answers, and make sure you know the correct answer for the
question you are being asked!
Application Questions Application questions raise the bar a bit more by
asking you to use information to solve problems. These questions take your
knowledge and comprehension, combine them, and ask you to do something
with the result. Here is an example of an application question:
Transition requirements are typically prepared after which requirements
document is completed?
A. Solution requirements
B. Stakeholder requirements
C. Business requirements
D. System requirements
This is a “use the information” problem asking you about the logical sequence
for developing the types or classes of requirements on a project. Be sure to
answer using the BABOK® Guide classification scheme and a generic life cycle
versus answering from your organization’s scheme and life cycle models unless
they are exactly the same. The correct answer is A. Once the solution
requirements are defined, the transition requirements for the solution can be
Exam Spotlight
Watch for the modifiers in your exam questions, such as most, least, best, or
worst. They add difficulty to the question as they ask you to select the
correct answer that falls at the appropriate end of this sliding scale—best
versus worst or least versus most. That usually means all of the answers are
correct, but some answers may be more or less correct than others.
Analysis Questions Analysis questions are a bit more difficult to navigate.
This question type asks you to recognize patterns and seek hidden meanings in
the information you are provided. A common type of analysis question is
looking at and analyzing a series of process or activity-related steps performed
by the business analyst. Here is an example of an analysis question:
To capture the process of provisioning a circuit, the business analyst observed
an ordering supervisor for half a day. The resulting information could then be
incorporated into all of the following types of requirements except:
A. Transition requirements
B. Solution requirements
C. Stakeholder requirements
D. Functional requirements
This question is a pattern question focusing on a recommended series of steps to
be followed by the business analyst who is using observation as a technique to
elicit or analyze project requirements. The twist is that you are looking for the
wrong answer this time around. The correct (wrong) answer is A. The solution
capability is not usually found in the transition requirements for a solution.
Exam Spotlight
Watch for the positives and negatives in your exam questions, such as not or
except. If you miss the negative, it is easy to get an answer wrong, even for a
question to which you know the answer.
Synthesis Questions Synthesis questions test your ability to relate facts and
draw conclusions based on the information you are given. Here is an example of
a synthesis question:
After reviewing the existing process to approve a new cell phone order, Ginger
realized that the senior manager is not always available to manually approve the
purchase. She documented the capabilities that facilitate a faster ordering
approval process relative to the existing situation. She felt that the existing
process was inefficient and that it needed to be changed. What would be an
appropriate way for Ginger to express the cause of the current cell phone
ordering delays?
A. Blame the manual process for the inefficiencies.
B. State all of the facts in a neutral manner.
C. Express opinions on how to fix the process.
D. Insist that approvers adhere to strict deadlines.
You are being asked to “draw a conclusion” based on the specific scenario you
have been provided within the body of the question. Ginger is being asked to
effectively use her underlying competencies as a business analyst to solve a
problem. Her best choice is to confront the problem and lay out all the
information for the decision makers to analyze and then decide what to do. The
correct answer is B.
Exam Spotlight
Watch for too much information. Occasionally (as in the previous question
statement) more information is given than is needed to answer the question
correctly. Don’t let extra, unrelated information lead you to select an
incorrect answer or waste too much time on a particular question.
Evaluation Questions Evaluation questions expect you to assess ideas and
make reasoned judgments. Take a look at the following example of an
evaluation question:
To document why your project was initiated, it is appropriate to include the:
A. Business case
B. Project mandate
C. Solution approach
D. Business goals
This is a “reasoned judgment” style of question based on what you know and the
fact that you understand what is required in this particular situation. Typical
business analysis documents used to initiate a project are created in the Strategy
Analysis knowledge area and include the business case, required capabilities,
solution scope, and business need. The correct answer is A.
Exam Spotlight
When you are taking the exam, make sure you are able to read the questions
and possible answers swiftly but accurately. You need to understand what
the question is about before you can select the correct answer. Adult readers
are notorious for skimming, scanning, and searching when they read. This
can cause you to jump to selecting the wrong answer based on what you
think you just read. Train yourself out of these bad habits and learn to read
the actual question being presented.
Remember that you will face 150 questions of various question types on your
exam. You need to navigate these questions efficiently and
effectively to achieve a passing score on your exam. Although there is no
substitute for knowing and understanding how the BABOK
Guide says you
should do your business analysis job, your comfort with question types may also
be of assistance.
How to Use This Book
The book includes several testing features, both in the book and available for
download. Following this introduction is an assessment test that you can use to
check your readiness for the actual exam. Take this test before you start reading
the book. It will help you identify the areas you may need to brush up on. The
answers to the assessment test appear after the last question of the test. Each
answer includes an explanation and a note telling you in which chapter this
material appears.
An “Exam Essentials” section appears at the end of every chapter to highlight
the topics you’ll most likely find on the exam and help you focus on the most
important material covered in the chapter so that you’ll have a solid
understanding of those concepts. However, it isn’t possible to predict what
questions will be covered on your particular exam, so be sure to study
everything in the chapter.
Review questions are also provided at the end of every chapter. You can use
these to gauge your understanding of the subject matter before reading the
chapter and to point out the areas in which you need to concentrate your study
time. As you finish each chapter, answer the review questions and then check to
see whether your answers are correct—the correct answers appear in Appendix
F. You can go back to reread the section that deals with each question you got
wrong to ensure that you answer the question correctly the next time you are
tested on the material. If you can answer at least 80 percent of the review
questions correctly, you can probably feel comfortable moving on to the next
chapter. If you can’t answer that many correctly, reread the chapter, or the
section that seems to be giving you trouble, and try the questions again.
Don’t rely on studying the review questions exclusively as your
study method. The questions you’ll see on the exam will be different from
the questions presented in the book. There are 150 randomly generated
questions on the CBAP
exam and the CCBA
exam, so it isn’t possible to
cover every potential exam question in the “Review Questions” section of
each chapter. Make sure you understand the concepts behind the material
presented in each chapter and memorize all the formulas as well.
Finally, you will notice various “Real World Scenario” sidebars throughout each
chapter. These are designed to give you insight into how the various tasks and
knowledge areas apply to real-world situations.
Interactive Online Learning Environment and Test Bank
The interactive online learning environment that accompanies the
: Certified Business Analysis Study Guide, Second Edition
provides a test bank with study tools to help you prepare for the certification
exam—and increase your chances of passing it the first time! The online test
bank runs on multiple devices. It includes the following:
Sample Tests All the questions in this book are provided, including the
assessment test at the end of this introduction and the chapter tests that include
the review questions at the end of each chapter. Use these questions to test your
knowledge of the study guide material. In addition, there are two CBAP bonus
practice exams with 50 questions each, as well as two CCBA bonus practice
exams with 50 questions each. Take these practice exams just as if you were
actually taking the exams (that is, without any reference material). When you
have finished the first exam, move on to the next exam to solidify your test-
taking skills. If you get more than 85 percent of the answers correct, you’re
ready to take the real exam.
Flashcards The online text bank includes more than 100 flashcards specifically
written to hit you hard, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t ace your way
through them at first. They’re there to ensure that you’re really ready for the
exam. And no worries—armed with the review questions, practice exams, and
flashcards, you’ll be more than prepared when exam day comes. Questions are
provided in digital flashcard format (a question followed by a single correct
answer). You can use the flashcards to reinforce your learning and provide last-
minute test prep before the exam.
Other Study Tools A glossary of key terms from this book is available as a
fully searchable PDF. A BABOK
Techniques Matrix is also available as an
Excel spreadsheet.
Go to to register and gain
access to this interactive online learning environment and test bank with
study tools.
Test Taking Tips And Advice
On your exam day, it is important that you be relaxed, psychologically prepared,
and confident. Try to be well rested and adequately nourished when you take
the exam. Staying up all night before the exam for some last-minute studying is
not a good idea.
It is a good idea to make sure you know the location of your testing center prior
to exam day. We suggest that you do a “drive by” of the location so you know
where you are going and exactly how to get there. You should also call the day
before to confirm your exam date and time and the hours of operation. A friend,
Peggy, showed up at her testing center to sit a certification exam only to
discover that the testing center location had been moved the week before. Peggy
had to rush to the other location and then begin the exam. Luckily, Peggy was an
early bird, so the damage was minimal. The testing center staff told her that she
had been notified of this testing center relocation by email, but Peggy could find
no message from them in her inbox. Try to avoid that kind of last-minute stress
if you can.
When you arrive at the testing center, you will have to lock up your personal
belongings in a locker or leave them in your car for the duration of your exam.
You cannot take any food or beverages into the exam, so they must be consumed
ahead of time or stored in the locker as well. Be sure to give yourself plenty of
time to drink that extra-large latte with four shots of espresso in it. The testing
center staff will provide you with scratch paper and pencils. They will also take
you into the testing area, seat you at your computer, provide you with
headphones to muffle the noise, and confirm that the correct exam is being
provided to you.
You have some time before the exam must start if you take the tutorial on how
to use the exam software. We recommend that you take the tutorial even though
you already know how to point and click. You can use this time to jot down any
cheat sheet notes on the scrap paper that you have prepared prior to the exam.
Of course, these notes and reminders must all be in your head since you can’t
take your own paper into the testing area.
Be aware that there might be other people in the testing area taking a wide
variety of exams, so people may come and go during your testing window. If you
are easily distracted, this activity may take your attention away from your exam.
You may take a break at any time during your exam; however, the timer keeps
going while you are away from your seat.
How to Contact the Author
Feedback about this book is welcome. If you have specific questions or
comments, please send a message to Susan Weese at
You can also post questions and comments on Susan’s exam-focused blog at Her blog offers CBAP
and CCBA
exam advice and
support. Sybex strives to keep you supplied with the latest tools and information
you need for your work. Please check the book’s update page on the Sybex
website at Additional content and updates that
supplement this book will be posted if the need arises.
CBAP®/CCBA™: Certified Business Analysts Study Guide
BABOK® Guide Version 3.0 Knowledge Areas and
Underlying Competencies
Knowledge Area Chapter
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
Plan Business Analysis Approach 2
Plan Stakeholder Engagement 2
Plan Business Analysis Governance 2
Plan Business Analysis Information Management 2
Identify Business Analysis Performance Improvements 2
Strategy Analysis
Analyze Current State 3
Define Future State 3
Assess Risks 3
Define Change Strategy 3
Elicitation and Collaboration
Prepare for Elicitation 5
Conduct Elicitation 5
Confirm Elicitation Results 5
Communicate Business Analysis Information 5
Manage Stakeholder Collaboration 5
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
Specify and Model Requirements 6
Verify Requirements 6
Validate Requirements 6
Define Requirements Architecture 6
Define Design Options 6
Analyze Potential Value and Recommend Solution 6
Solution Evaluation
Measure Solution Performance 7
Analyze Performance Measures 7
Assess Solution Limitations 7
Assess Enterprise Limitations 7
Recommend Actions to Increase Solution Value 7
Requirements Life Cycle Management
Trace Requirements 4
Maintain Requirements 4
Prioritize Requirements 4
Assess Requirements Changes 4
Approve Requirements 4
Underlying Competencies
Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving 8
Behavioral Characteristics 8
Business Knowledge 8
Communication Skills 8
Interaction Skills 8
Tools and Technology 8
The Agile Perspective 9
The Business Intelligence Perspective 9
The Information Technology Perspective 9
The Business Architecture Perspective 9
The Business Process Management Perspective 9
The BABOK® Guide Version 3.0 is subject to change at any time
without prior notice and at the IIBA™’s sole discretion. Please visit IIBA™’s
website ( for the most current listing.
Assessment Test
1. Who determines what BABOK
Guide tasks are appropriate for their
A. Portfolio governance board
B. Business analysis team
C. Program or project manager
D. Key project stakeholders
2. Which statement about business analysis stakeholders is false?
A. They are likely to participate in business analysis tasks.
B. They are a set of roles that must be filled for the project.
C. They have a vested interest in the project and its outcome.
D. They interact with the business analyst in specific ways.
3. What term is used to define an area undergoing analysis, including both an
organization and its external stakeholders?
A. Domain
B. Solution
C. Requirement
D. Scope
4. Which statement best describes the relationship between the lead business
analyst (BA) and project manager (PM) when planning the resources and
tasks for business analysis activities?
A. BA manages all stakeholders; PM manages project team.
B. BA assigns all team roles; PM manages team work efforts.
C. BA oversees project processes; PM manages overall project.
D. BA manages business analysis work; PM manages overall project.
5. The business analysis plan is typically with and is a of the overall project
A. Estimated, element
B. Managed, subproject
C. Integrated, component
D. Produced, subset
6. What output is produced from conducting stakeholder analysis?
A. Stakeholder summary matrix and chart
B. Stakeholder roles and responsibilities
C. Stakeholder RACI matrix and onion diagram
D. Stakeholder list, map, or personas
7. What does the Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM™) define?
A. Roles and characteristics of stakeholder groups and individuals
B. Conceptual framework for the business analysis profession
C. Levels or types of requirements that will be defined for a project
D. Key terms and definitions used by the business analysis team
8. What describes the parts of the enterprise a change will impact?
A. Business analysis scope
B. Change scope
C. Methodologies, approaches, and techniques
D. Underlying competencies
9. Which knowledge area’s activities are often performed as pre-project work?
A. Solution Evaluation
B. Strategy Analysis
C. Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
D. Requirements Life Cycle Management
10. Your organization has received a customer complaint about errors that the
customer encountered when trying to place an order on the company
website. As a result, a business need is evaluated. At which level of the
enterprise was this business need identified?
A. Top-down
B. External drivers
C. Middle management
D. Bottom-up
11. What describes an organization’s business processes, software, hardware,
people, operations, and projects?
A. Business architecture
B. Strategic architecture
C. Enterprise architecture
D. Technical architecture
12. The business analysis team is defining new capabilities for a current software
system along with the potential value expected from these changes. Which
task are they performing?
A. Perform gap analysis
B. Analyze current state
C. Define future state
D. Define change strategy
13. Ginger has decided that making a new, innovative sales application available
to the company’s sales force is a way to increase sales revenue in the future.
Her company and their competitors have not used this technology in this
way before. Which type of risk tolerance does this example illustrate?
A. Risk-averse
B. Risk-seeking
C. Risk-neutral
D. Risk-ready
14. Which technique compares an organization’s strategies, operations, and
processes against the “best-in-class” strategies, operations, and processes of
their competitors and peers?
A. Decision analysis
B. Benchmarking
C. Feasibility study
D. Brainstorming
15. What type of elicitation is taking place when a business analyst uses a
software prototype to elicit and confirm user requirements regarding the
usability of the interface?
A. Contextual
B. Collaborative
C. Experiment
D. Research
16. Which technique is used when managing stakeholder collaboration to
stimulate teamwork and collaboration?
A. SWOT analysis
B. Observation
C. Prototypes
D. Collaborative games
17. You are preparing to elicit requirements from a group of key stakeholders.
Which of the following high-level preparation activities will you not be
A. Determine work products.
B. Conduct a contextual inquiry.
C. Decide the elicitation techniques.
D. Establish elicitation logistics.
18. All of the following are inputs, guidelines, or tools used when confirming
elicitation results except:
A. Elicitation results (confirmed)
B. Elicitation activity plan
C. Elicitation results (unconfirmed)
D. Existing business analysis information
19. As part of your elicitation efforts, you are inspecting a person’s work
environment for the tools and information assets they use to perform their
daily work. Which type of observation are you performing?
A. Active observation
B. Contextual inquiry
C. Passive observation
D. Temporary apprentice
20. What output is produced when preparing for elicitation?
A. Business analysis information
B. Stakeholder engagement
C. Elicitation results (confirmed)
D. Elicitation activity plan
21. When does the requirements life cycle begin?
A. With development of a solution
B. With representing a need as a requirement
C. With retiring all or part of a solution
D. With approval of a business case
22. What traceability relationship is used when you are including a requirement
that is necessary only if another requirement is implemented?
A. Necessity
B. Effort
C. Satisfy
D. Derive
23. Which deliverable defines how requirements will be managed for reuse in an
A. Business analysis approach
B. Governance approach
C. Requirements architecture
D. Information management approach
24. What key input should be available to the business analyst when they are
preparing to prioritize requirements?
A. Designs
B. Requirements
C. Proposed change
D. Solution scope
25. What are the things you believe to be true on your project but that you have
not actually verified?
A. Capabilities
B. Constraints
C. Assumptions
D. Limitations
26. What types of requirements are typically developed using the tasks found in
the Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area?
A. Business
B. Stakeholder
C. Solution
D. All of the above
27. Which of the following tasks is not part of the Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition knowledge area?
A. Verify requirements.
B. Allocate requirements.
C. Define solution options.
D. Validate requirements.
28. You have decided to prioritize your solution requirements based on a cost-
benefit analysis of their relative value to the organization. What is your basis
for prioritization?
A. Policy compliance
B. Business risk
C. Technical risk
D. Business value
29. You are describing the key objectives of modelling the project’s requirements
to the project manager. The first objective is to understand what models are
appropriate for the business domain and solution scope. What is the second
A. Decompose business analysis information into components.
B. Explicitly represent requirements and their attributes.
C. Articulate requirements at the right level of abstraction.
D. Define measurable evaluation criteria for each requirement.
30. Which task is an ongoing process to ensure that stakeholder, solution, and
transition requirements align to the business requirements?
A. Allocate requirements.
B. Validate requirements.
C. Organize requirements.
D. Verify requirements.
31. What is a key distinction between Solution Evaluation knowledge area tasks
and similar tasks performed as part of Strategy Analysis or Requirements
Analysis and Design Definition?
A. Iterative and incremental approach to doing work
B. Existence of a working solution or solution component
C. Involvement of the testing team and the business analyst
D. Level of detail found in the actual work efforts
32. Which of the following items is not a stage of solution development?
A. Pilot release
B. Proof of concept
C. Network diagram
D. Operational release
33. Which element is not one of the five elements used to analyze performance
A. Risks
B. Trends
C. Complexity
D. Accuracy
34. Which technique assists you in understanding current business decisions as
part of assessing solution limitations?
A. Functional decomposition
B. Business rules analysis
C. Decision analysis
D. Process modelling
35. Which tools and guidelines are used when recommending actions to increase
solution value?
A. Business objectives, current state description, and solution scope
B. Risk analysis results, change strategy, and business objectives
C. Business objectives, future state description, and change strategy
D. Risk analysis results, current state description, and solution scope
36. Sam has worked for you for 11 months and has commented several times
how much he appreciates all the coaching he has received while working for
you. He stated that he has learned a lot just by observing your leadership
style when working with others in the organization. This is an example of
which of the following types of power?
A. Reward power
B. Expert power
C. Legitimate power
D. Referent power
37. Haley is a junior business analyst assigned to job shadow a senior user to
discover how this user does their daily job. What business analysis technique
is Haley using?
A. Brainstorming
B. User stories
C. Observation
D. Interviews
38. Experienced business analysts are familiar with existing solutions and their
capabilities within the organization. This allows them to effectively:
A. Recommend appropriate team members to carry out the solution.
B. Challenge the “as-is” state and create new paradigms.
C. Identify, assess, and implement changes to those solutions.
D. Document those existing solutions to expedite project delivery.
39. What is the formula for calculating the number of lines of communication in
a network?
A. (n × (2n))/2
B. (n × (n-2))/2
C. (n × (n-1))/2
D. (n × (n-1))/4
40. You are a business analyst applying leadership and facilitation skills to help a
larger team reach a decision on a set of solution requirements. You are
exhibiting skills from which underlying competency area?
A. Analytical thinking
B. Behavioral knowledge
C. Communication skills
D. Interaction skills
Answers to Assessment Test
The chapter references given for the solutions to this exam are
chapters of this book, not the chapters of the BABOK
Guide. You will find
Guide reference information in parentheses following the
chapter reference.
1. B. The business analyst and the business analysis team determine which
Guide tasks and techniques are appropriate for their organization
and their projects. For more information, see Chapter 1. (Intro)
2. B. The list of business analysis stakeholder roles is not a set of roles that
must be filled for a project or initiative. They are a suggested set of generic
stakeholder roles that may play a role in business analysis activities. For
more information, see Chapter 1. (Intro)
3. A. A domain is the area undergoing analysis and may include both the
organization and its stakeholders. For more information, see Chapter 1.
4. D. The lead business analyst or the business analysis team needs to develop,
define, and manage the roles and tasks associated with business analysis
activities in coordination with the project manager. The business analyst is
responsible for providing clearly defined requirements deliverables for the
project. For more information, see Chapter 1. (Intro)
5. C. The business analysis plan is typically integrated with and a component of
the overall project plan. This is the responsibility of the project manager. For
more information, see Chapter 2. (BAPM)
6. D. The output from conducting stakeholder analysis is the stakeholder list,
map, or personas. For more information, see Chapter 5. (E&C)
7. B. The BACCM™ provides a conceptual framework for the business analysis
profession. The model covers six core concepts for each knowledge area:
change, need, solution, stakeholder, value, and context. For more
information, see Chapter 1. (Intro)
8. B. In the BABOK
Guide structure, the change scope defines the parts of the
enterprise a change encompasses and to what extent it impacts the
objectives and operations of the enterprise. For more information, see
Chapter 1. (Intro)
9. B. Many activities performed by a business analyst are not part of a specific
project. Strategy Analysis activities are often considered pre-project work or
an early feasibility phase of a project. For more information, see Chapter 3.
10. B. The business need evaluation was triggered by a customer complaint. This
trigger is an external driver. For more information, see Chapter 3. (SA)
11. C. The enterprise architecture describes an organization’s business
processes, software, hardware, people, operations, and projects, as well as
the relationships between them. For more information, see Chapter 3. (SA)
12. C. The Define Future State task in the Strategy Analysis knowledge area
defines new capabilities and the potential value expected from these
changes. For more information, see Chapter 3. (SA)
13. B. Risk seeking is the risk tolerance showing a willingness to accept or even
take on more risk relative to a change in return for higher potential value.
For more information, see Chapter 3. (SA)
14. B. Used during Strategy Analysis activities, benchmarking compares an
organization’s strategies, operations, and processes against the “best-in-
class” strategies, operations, and processes of their competitors and peers.
For more information, see Chapter 3. (SA)
15. C. When conducting elicitation, there are three types of elicitations the
business analyst can use: collaborative, research, or experiments.
Experiments can be either observational studies, proofs of concept, or
prototypes. For more information, see Chapter 5. (E&C)
16. D. Collaborative games are used during elicitation to stimulate teamwork
and collaboration by immersing participants in a safe and fun situation to
share knowledge and experience on a given topic. For more information, see
Chapter 5. (E&C)
17. B. When preparing for elicitation, the BABOK
Guide recommends the
following activities take place: Determine the work products to be produced
by the elicitation activity, decide the elicitation techniques to use, establish
elicitation logistics, identify any supporting materials, and foster stakeholder
collaboration. For more information, see Chapter 5. (E&C)
18. A. The elicitation results (unconfirmed) are an input to the Confirm
Elicitation Results task. The elicitation activity plan and existing business
analysis information are tools and guidelines for the task. The elicitation
results (confirmed) are the output of the task. For more information, see
Chapter 5. (E&C)
19. B. The three variations on the observation technique are active, passive, and
contextual inquiries. Contextual inquiries involve inspecting a person’s work
environment for the tools and information assets they use to perform their
work. For more information, see Chapter 5. (E&C)
20. D. The output produced when preparing for elicitation is the elicitation
activity plan. For more information, see Chapter 5. (E&C)
21. B. The requirements life cycle begins with the representation of a business
need as a requirement. For more information, see Chapter 4. (RLCM)
22. A. Necessity, a subset of depends, is the traceability relationship used when
including a requirement that should be implemented only if a related
requirement is also implemented. For more information, see Chapter 4.
23. D. The information management approach defines how requirements will be
managed for reuse in an organization as part of the Maintain Requirements
task. For more information, see Chapter 4. (RLCM)
24. B. When preparing to prioritize requirements, the key task inputs include the
requirements themselves. For more information, see Chapter 4. (RLCM)
25. C. Assumptions are agreed-to facts that may influence an initiative.
Assumptions are typically documented in the Business Case along with the
solution alternatives to be considered. For more information, see Chapter 3.
26. D. All types of requirements can be developed in more detail using the tasks
of the Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area. For
more information, see Chapter 6. (RADD)
27. B. The allocate requirements task is part of the Solution Evaluation
knowledge area. For more information, see Chapter 6. (RADD)
28. D. Business value is a basis for prioritizing requirements using a cost-benefit
analysis of their relative value to the organization. For more information, see
Chapter 4. (RLCM)
29. A. The four elements of the Specify and Model Requirements task are: 1.
Understand what models are appropriate for the business domain and
solution scope, 2. Decompose business analysis information into
components, 3. Explicitly represent requirements and their attributes, and 4.
Articulate requirements at the right level of abstraction. For more
information, see Chapter 6. (RADD)
30. B. The Validate Requirements task in the Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition knowledge area is an ongoing process to ensure that stakeholder,
solution, and transition requirements align to the business requirements.
For more information, see Chapter 6. (RADD)
31. D. An important distinction between the tasks performed in the Solution
Evaluation knowledge area and tasks performed in other knowledge areas is
the existence of an actual solution or solution component that is
implemented and operating in some form. For more information, see
Chapter 7. (SE)
32. C. A network diagram is a project planning technique and is not a stage of
solution development.” For more information, see Chapter 7. (SE)
33. C. The five elements used to analyze performance measures during Solution
Evaluation are solution performance versus desired value, risks, trends,
accuracy, and performance variances. For more information, see Chapter 7.
34. C. The decision analysis technique assists you in understanding current
business decisions as part of assessing solution limitations. For more
information, see Chapter 7. (SE)
35. A. The tools and guidelines for the recommended actions to increase solution
value task are the business objectives, current state description, and solution
scope. For more information, see Chapter 7. (SE)
36. D. Referent power is given to you by your subordinates based on their
respect and regard. For more information, see Chapter 8. (Competencies)
37. C. Haley is learning what the end user does in their job by observing how end
users do their work. For more information, see Chapter 5. (E&C)
38. C. Experienced business analysts are familiar with existing solutions and
their capabilities within the organization. This allows them to effectively
identify, assess, and implement changes to those solutions. For more
information, see Chapter 8. (Competencies)
39. C. The correct calculation for the number of lines of communication in a
network is (n × (n-1)) divided by 2, where n = the number of people or nodes
in the network. For more information, see Chapter 8. (Competencies)
40. D. Interaction skills include the ability to work as part of a larger team and to
help that team reach decisions. This is done through a combination of
leadership and facilitation. For more information, see Chapter 8.
Chapter 1
Foundation Concepts
Describe business analysis and the role of the business analyst.
Explain the Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM™).
Explore the six business analysis knowledge areas.
Recognize the basic contents, structure, and intent of the
Define the BABOK
Guide requirements classification scheme.
Map business analysis activities to a generic project life cycle.
Understand the content and intent of the BABOK
This chapter lays the foundation for navigating and
understanding the content and intent of A Guide to the Business Analysis Body
of Knowledge
Guide). It is our high-level look at what it means to
be a business analyst and how to successfully perform business analysis work.
Business analysts can be found in all facets of an organization—projects,
programs, strategic planning, operations, or other initiatives. Although the
examples in this chapter use projects and the project life cycle to step through
the discipline, remember that business analysts do not have to be members of a
project team to do their jobs. They can work almost anywhere.
The set of generally accepted best practices defined by the BABOK
provides a business analysis framework defining areas of knowledge, associated
activities and tasks, and the skills required to perform them. The scope of this
standard covers pre-project activities, the full project life cycle, and the final
product’s operational life.
What Is Business Analysis?
Let’s start with an example of how difficult it can be to do business analysis
work when you are not certain where to begin. New business analysts start their
careers in a number of ways. In the past, it was not uncommon for young
software engineers to transition into the business side of an organization when
their manager called them into their office, saying, “We are short-staffed, and I
need you to figure out what the users need this new software application to do.”
The fledging business analyst needed to discover who to talk to, what to ask,
how to ask, and how to document the information that they discovered in a way
that made sense to the development team and to the business. This was not an
easy task the first time around!
In this situation, performing basic business analysis work took a lot longer than
it seemed like it should. These unprepared rookie business analysts had great
difficulty deciding exactly how to get started. There was no process in place to
guide them and no one available to point them in the right direction. They found
themselves longing to go back to their cubicles and just write some more code.
Luckily, there is no need for business analysts to feel this way today. There are
standards, books (like this one), websites, blogs, and tons of experienced folks
out there to mentor and guide business analysts in getting the job done right.
Business analysis is the glue that holds successful organizations together. It is a
distinct discipline focusing on identifying business needs, problems, and
opportunities, and on determining the appropriate solutions to address them.
The resulting projects and initiatives may focus on systems development,
process improvement, organizational change, or some combination of the three.
Business analysis touches all levels of an organization: strategic, tactical, and
operational. Business analysts participate across the project and the product life
cycles as they look at all aspects of an organization’s enterprise architecture,
stakeholder needs, business processes, software, and hardware.
The set of generally accepted best practices defined by the BABOK
Guide make
this book an essential resource for every business analyst. You should take this
basic business analysis framework and make it work for you and your projects.
The areas of knowledge, associated activities and tasks, and the skills required
to perform them will give you a valuable starting point for introducing,
validating, or improving your business analysis processes throughout an
organization. Even better, the scope of the BABOK
Guide covers pre-project
activities, the full project life cycle and the final solution’s operational life.
Guide focuses on building underlying competencies that make for
a successful business analyst on today’s projects and initiatives. The BABOK
Guide defines business analysis as “the practice of enabling change in an
enterprise by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to
stakeholders.” Put simply, a business analyst is defined as anyone performing
these business analysis activities.
When looking at business analysis in an organization, you need to make sure
that you know how the organization views its business analysts. First, what is
the role of the business analyst? Second, what is the expected relationship
between the business analyst and the project manager? And third, who are the
stakeholders with whom the business analyst will be interacting along the way?
We will look at each of these topics next.
The Business Analyst’s Role
The linchpin of successful business analysis is the business analyst performing
the actual work. Their involvement in defining and validating solutions that
address key business needs and goals is essential to both project and business
success. According to the BABOK
Guide, “a business analyst is any person who
performs business analysis tasks described in the BABOK® Guide, no matter
their job title or organizational role.” Business analysts work as liaisons among
stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies, and operations of an
organization, and to recommend solutions that enable the organization to
achieve its goals.
So, what exactly is the job description for the business analyst? There have been
many job postings lately that came straight from the BABOK
Guide role
definition. That is a good sign. The adoption and integration of these principles
as best practices in the corporate environment will lead to stronger business
analysis process, better business analysts, and more credibility and consistency
in the role of business analysts today. Here is a short list of the business
analyst’s job responsibilities from the BABOK
Discovers, synthesizes, and analyzes enterprise information
Understands enterprise problems, opportunities, and goals in the context of
the requirements
Analyzes needs and solutions
Devises strategies and drives change
Facilitates stakeholder collaboration
In many organizations, the folks performing business analysis
work do not have the job title of “business analyst.” The business analyst
role can be filled by anyone performing business analysis work regardless of
job title. The BABOK
Guide lists a number of job roles that may do
business analysis work, such as business system analysts, requirements
engineers, process analysts, product managers or owners, enterprise
analysts, business architects, and management consultants.
Essential Skills of Effective Business Analysts
Business analysts must possess a wide spectrum of skills and knowledge. Being
a technical expert in a particular area does not guarantee success as a business
analyst on a project. In addition to the necessary business, technical, and
domain knowledge, the business analyst should have management,
interpersonal, business, and structured problem-solving skills.
Reviewing Requirements over a Cup of Coffee
Years ago, Phil was the technical team lead for a team working on an
executive compensation system for top-level management. The team needed
input from a small, closed community of senior and executive management
customers in order to define the current and future processes.
Unfortunately, his key contact from this group felt that the job of customer
interface had been given to a young, up-and-coming star who didn’t have a
clue. This made developing a rapport with the key customer contact almost
impossible. However, the project deadlines remained inflexible, as they
usually do.
Taking what little input was offered and doing significant research from
other sources, the team compiled their draft of the business requirements
document. The document was huge. It was single-spaced and double-sided,
and it filled a 3-inch binder. There was a meeting to step through it. The
customer contact was there and took her place at the head of the table. Phil
sat at the opposite end of the table.
During the meeting, the customer’s demeanor grew increasingly agitated.
She hurled the requirements document down the table along with the
exclamation, “I don’t do this kind of menial work.” Unfortunately, Phil
reacted by returning the document in the same manner. His aim wasn’t
quite as true, and the document slammed into her coffee cup sending a
spray of hot, sugary liquid into her lap. Her color changed from the red of
aggravation to the scarlet of rage. She stalked out of the room. So much for
creating rapport with the customer! In the end, it all worked out. Both
parties apologized, and the project (meeting the business requirements that
had been approved) was delivered. But how much better things could have
been if this situation had been avoided in the first place.
Technical skills and expertise are necessary on the project team, but they are
not the skills and knowledge that separate effective business analysts from
the pack. Superior business analysis skills are not necessarily derived from a
superior set of technical skills.
Soft skills and knowledge support and enable effective business analysis.
Knowing what to do and when to do it is a good start for a business analyst, but
how you actually do that work makes a big difference! The BABOK
refers to these behaviors as the underlying competencies of effective business
analysts. The underlying competencies are in addition to knowing what business
analysts produce from a work activity and a deliverable perspective. They
encompass the interpersonal skills and additional business and technical
knowledge that are necessary for doing the business analyst’s job well. These
essential skills range from applying structured analysis techniques to issue
management to addressing solution usability concerns.
Guide puts the essential skills and knowledge of effective business
analysts into six categories. Let’s take a quick look at each of these categories
that are the building blocks for the business analyst’s skill and knowledge.
Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills Facilitating solutions to
business problems would be impossible without a logical mind. Analytical
thinking and problem-solving skills enable the business analyst to assess and
understand a situation. Once that situation is fully understood, the business
analyst assesses and recommends one or more potential solutions to address the
business need, problem, or opportunity.
Behavioral Characteristics Effective business analysts apply personal
integrity and strength of character when dealing with people, including the
business analysis team, project team, and internal and external project
stakeholders. The ability to build strong, lasting working relationships serves
the business analyst, the enterprise, and the project or initiative well.
Business Knowledge It is impossible to be a liaison between the business and
the technology if you have no understanding of the business. Skilled business
analysts understand the internal and external business environment
surrounding their projects, and they use that knowledge to make good decisions
and recommendations.
Communication Skills The number-one reason for project failure is poor
communication. Business analysts must have excellent communication skills,
verbal, nonverbal, and written, in order to complete business analysis tasks.
Interaction Skills Good business analysts are team players. In large part, this
is because of their ability to interact and work well with other members of the
team. Leadership, negotiation, and facilitation skills play a key part in defining
and agreeing to a solution to a business problem or need.
Tools and Technology Software applications are typically used by the
business analyst to develop and manage requirements. This can range from
using a word processor to document project scope to using a requirements
management tool to develop detailed user and system requirements. Although
using a requirements management tool is not a required skill, the ability to
master and apply requirements management, word processing, and spreadsheet
tools are desirable traits in experienced business analysts.
The underlying competencies of effective business analysts have
numerous pieces and parts. In Chapter 8, “Underlying Competencies,” we
will discuss them in more depth along with a few additional skills that you
might want to use on your projects.
The Business Analyst and the Project Manager
There is much buzz about the potential for overlap and conflict between the
project manager and the business analyst. Interestingly enough, many project
managers perform business analysis work early in their projects—developing
feasibility studies, business cases, scope statements, and business-level
requirements as part of project selection, initiation, and scope definition. Many
project managers were part of the business analysis team earlier in their careers.
As a result, many project managers have business analysis skills to complement
and overlap their project management skill set.
The project manager’s responsibilities differ from the responsibilities of the
business analyst in several ways. The project manager focuses on meeting the
project objectives. They initiate, plan, and manage the project. The project
manager makes sure the project team delivers a solution that meets
requirements, the acceptance criteria, and the customer’s quality expectations.
The project manager juggles the many constraints present on a project, such as
scope, budget, schedule, resources, quality, and risk. On a large project, the
business analysis team is only one part of the project resources the project
manager is managing.
The business analyst and the project manager typically work closely together on
projects and must maintain good communications. However, there is potential
for the project manager and the business analyst to be in conflict with one
another. The business analyst works with key stakeholders to understand the
structure, policies, and operations of an organization and to recommend
solutions. The project manager focuses on planning and managing the project to
achieve the project objectives and deliver those solutions to the stakeholders.
Where are they going to step on each other’s toes? There are two key areas for
conflict: stakeholder communication and planning.
The project manager and the business analyst both need to communicate well
with key stakeholders. Without planning and discussion, the project manager
and the business analyst could easily come to blows about who “owns” the
stakeholders, when in actuality the project “owns” the stakeholders. A good
project-level communications plan needs to be built and followed to minimize
potential areas of political game play and conflict. As far as planning goes, the
business analysis team must remember that it is a subset of the project team. As
such, any business analysis work plans they put together must be consistent
with and roll up into the overall project plan.
Dealing with Key Stakeholders
There is no project without stakeholders. Stakeholders have a vested interest in
the project and its outcome, and they are the major source of requirements,
constraints, and assumptions for the business analyst. Remember that
stakeholder roles are like hats—one person may wear multiple hats and fill more
than one role on a project.
There are a number of generic stakeholders who will interact with the business
analyst across the project life cycle. While the list in Table 1.1 doesn’t cover every
possible role, it is a good starting point for who should be involved with your
business analysis activities. Many organizations have different names for the
same role, so don’t get excited if these are not the generic stakeholder roles with
which you are familiar. In addition to the business analyst, there are a number
of key stakeholder roles involved with business analysis activities. They are
summarized in Table 1.1.
TABLE 1.1 Key business analysis stakeholders
Stakeholder Description
Customer Uses the products, services, or solutions
Domain subject
matter expert
Possesses detailed, in-depth knowledge of a particular topic
or problem area of the solution scope or the business need
End user Directly interacts with the resulting solution when it has been
completed and deployed
Is responsible for designing and implementing potential
solutions and providing specialist expertise Subsets of the
implementation SME role include developers, software
engineers, organizational change management professionals,
system architects, trainers, and usability professionals.
Helps to keep the solution functioning by providing end-user
support or day-to-day operational support
Manages the work performed to deliver the solution
Tester Verifies that the designed and constructed solution meets the
requirements and quality criteria for that solution
Regulator Defines and enforces standards for developing the solution or
for the resulting solution itself
Sponsor Authorizes the solution development work to be performed
and controls the budget
Supplier Provides products or services to the organization
Exam Spotlight
These stakeholder role names and definitions from the BABOK
Guide are
exactly what you will see in your exam questions. The business analyst is a
stakeholder for all business analysis activities and is responsible and
accountable for their execution. Remember that stakeholder roles are like
hats. One person can wear one or many hats across the project life cycle.
The roles are not necessarily the same as their job titles; however, they do
indicate the job responsibilities and the level of accountability for the person
filling that particular role on a project.
Reviewing the Business Analysis Core Concept Model
The Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM™) provides you with a
conceptual framework that shows what it really means to be a business analyst.
This framework creates a common, generic language describing the business
analysis profession. You can use this common language to discuss what you do
with a business analyst working in a different industry.
There are six concepts in the BACCM™: change, need, solution, stakeholder,
value, and context. You need to understand all of these concepts in relation to
one another to be an effective business analyst. They are the framework for a
successful business analysis effort.
Change Change is the driving force for most projects and initiatives. Change
takes place when one responds to satisfy a need. You need to be aware of the
enterprise-level changes that will result from your project efforts and outcome.
Need Businesses and their stakeholders have needs that often result in projects.
Needs are value-driven ways to address business problems or opportunities.
Solution Solutions are the end result of projects and initiatives. They resolve
the problems or take advantage of the opportunities. Solutions satisfy needs
within the context of the enterprise and its environment.
Stakeholder Stakeholders are the people who have a relationship to the
change, need, or solution. Stakeholder analysis often groups stakeholders
relative to these relationships.
Value Value is the worth of something to a stakeholder within the context of
the enterprise. Business analysts assess value as a tangible or intangible thing.
Business analysts should assess value from the key stakeholder’s point of view.
Context Context is the environment where the change is taking place.
The BACCM™ and its six concepts help you assess the quality and completeness
of the work you are doing. As you will see, the concepts intertwine as you work
through a project. A change that affects the tasks, tools, inputs, or deliverables
covered by one of the concepts presents an opportunity for reevaluation of the
impact on the other five concepts. The magnitude of the change, as well as
where you are in the project life cycle, determines how significant the changes
may be. The effects can be felt both in your current projects and in what may
need to change moving forward.
Exploring the Business Analysis Knowledge Areas
Guide is based on a set of knowledge areas guiding the business
analyst when they perform business analysis activities at any point in the project
or product life cycle. Knowledge areas define what business analysts need to
understand and the tasks they should perform. They do not represent project
phases, and their activities are not intended to be performed in a linear fashion.
Tasks from one or more knowledge areas may be performed in any order (such
as in succession, simultaneously, or iteratively), provided that the necessary
inputs to each task are available.
Six knowledge areas are defined by the BABOK
Guide. If you are planning to
take the Certified Business Analyst Professional (CBAP®) or Certification of
Competency in Business Analysis (CCBA™) exam, you will need to memorize
the high-level definition of each knowledge area, as well as the more detailed
tasks, elements, inputs, and outputs. If you are interested in applying these
knowledge areas to your work world, you will need to master the tasks and the
skills in order to become an effective business analyst. Figure 1.1 shows the
relationships between the six knowledge areas listed here:
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
Elicitation and Collaboration
Requirements Life Cycle Management
Strategy Analysis
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
Solution Evaluation
FIGURE 1.1 Relationships between knowledge areas
Knowledge Area: Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
In the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area, a business
analyst plans how to approach the business analysis effort. The approach is a set
of processes, templates, and activities used to perform business analysis in a
specific context. The tasks organize and coordinate the performance of all other
business analysis tasks. These planning and monitoring activities take place
throughout the project life cycle. The results of this knowledge area guide the
tasks found in the remaining five knowledge areas and set the performance
metrics to be used to evaluate all business analysis work.
So, what is a business analyst to do? Well, the business analyst’s task list for this
particular knowledge area consists of the following:
Planning the business analysis approach for the project
Determining how to engage stakeholders, including stakeholder
identification, analysis, and categorization
Defining the business analysis governance activities for decision making
Addressing business analysis information management needs
Planning the requirements development and management process
Managing and reporting on the business analysis effort
Knowledge Area: Strategy Analysis
Strategy Analysis focuses on how the business analyst identifies the business
needs driving a project by performing problem definition and analysis. In
addition to defining and refining these strategic or tactical needs, the business
analyst is responsible for defining a feasible solution scope that can be
implemented by the business. This work may also include developing a business
case or feasibility study for a proposed project. Typically, the tasks in this
knowledge area occur prior to or early in the project life cycle. The business
analyst’s task list for this knowledge area includes translating business strategy
into proposed new business or enterprise solutions by doing the following:
Defining and understanding the business problem or opportunity
Assessing capability gaps in the organization by analyzing the current and
future states
Assessing risks relative to the proposed solution
Defining the change strategy for the initiative
Determining the most feasible business solution approach
Knowledge Area: Requirements Life Cycle Management
Requirements Life Cycle Management defines how the business analyst
approaches managing and maintaining requirements. Tasks and techniques for
managing changes, conflicts, and issues related to requirements are also
described. Business analysts perform requirement management tasks as part of
requirements development work by doing the following:
Managing requirements traceability
Maintaining requirements for accuracy and reuse
Addressing requirements prioritization
Determining how requirements should change
Facilitating requirements approval
Knowledge Area: Elicitation and Collaboration
Elicitation and Collaboration defines how business analysts work with
stakeholders to elicit requirements and understand stakeholder needs and
concerns. This knowledge area also addresses ongoing collaboration and
communication during all business analysis activities. The business analyst’s
task list for this knowledge area consists of the following:
Preparing for elicitation activities
Meeting with stakeholders to conduct the elicitation activity
Confirming, documenting, and recording the elicitation results
Communicating and confirming elicitation results with key stakeholders
Knowledge Area: Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition describes how the business
analyst progressively elaborates to define, refine, prioritize, and organize
requirements. In essence, the business analyst takes the elicited information
and makes sense of it to derive the real requirements for the project. This
knowledge area also focuses on graphically modeling the requirements and
resulting designs as well as documenting them. When performing these tasks,
the business analyst should ensure the feasibility of the requirements while
defining, describing, and refining the characteristics of an acceptable solution.
The business analyst’s task list for this knowledge area consists of the following:
Specifying and modeling requirements and designs
Verifying requirements and designs
Validating requirements and designs
Defining the architecture and structure of requirements
Defining solution options
Analyzing value and recommending a solution
Knowledge Area: Solution Evaluation
Solution Evaluation focuses on assessing and validating proposed, in progress,
and implemented solutions before, during, and after the project life cycle. A
business analyst’s attention is on the value that the solution will deliver to the
enterprise, including the constraints that may impact value. While many tasks
in this knowledge area take place later in the project life cycle, some solution-
focused activities may occur quite early. The business analyst’s task list for this
knowledge area consists of the following:
Defining solution performance measures
Collecting and analyzing solution performance data
Assessing solution limitations
Assessing enterprise limitations
Recommending actions to increase solution value
You will examine each knowledge area and every task within it in great detail in
the coming chapters. You will need this level of knowledge to successfully
prepare for and pass the certification exam. You will also need this level of
knowledge to be an effective business analysis practitioner in your organization.
How Are the Knowledge Areas Organized?
The BABOK™ Guide breaks down knowledge areas into tasks that specify what
work business analysts need to perform. The business analyst can dip into one
or more tasks at any time—in any order—to select a deliverable or learn to apply
a particular technique. The knowledge areas are not a road map or a
methodology; they simply break business analysis stuff into common areas.
To achieve the purpose of a particular knowledge area, the business analyst
must perform a defined set of high-level tasks. Each task has a particular
purpose and adds value to the overall effort when performed. The expectation is
that a business analyst will perform each task at least once during any project.
Each knowledge area task is broken down into the following pieces:
Guidelines and Tools
The content of each task is defined using the same structure. Let’s take a closer
look at this structure now.
Purpose Each task starts off with a short description of its purpose: why that
task is needed and what value performing the task creates.
Description The task description explains a task to the business analyst in
greater detail, including what the task actually is, why the task is performed, and
what the task should accomplish.
Inputs Inputs consist of the information and preconditions tasks require so
that task can begin. These inputs must be usable by the task that needs them.
Single or multiple business analysis tasks produce inputs externally.
Elements Elements are the detailed concepts that are necessary to perform a
particular task. For some tasks, the elements are categories of things a business
analyst must consider. For other tasks, the elements are subtasks a business
analyst performs.
Guidelines and Tools Guidelines and tools list resources a business analyst
uses to transform a task input into the resulting task output. Guidelines provide
instructions to the business analyst for executing a task. Tools provide things
the business analyst can use to perform the task.
Techniques Techniques guide the business analyst in the ways a particular
task might be done. The techniques in the BABOK
Guide are best practices
that many business analysts use. However, business analysts can certainly use
techniques that are not found in the BABOK
Exam Spotlight
When you are reviewing and learning the techniques from the BABOK
Guide, make sure you don’t miss anything! Techniques are summarized in
Appendix C, “Mapping Techniques, Stakeholders, and Deliverables to
Knowledge Areas and Tasks,” of this book and are defined in Chapter 10 of
Guide. They can be used by any task, and many are used by
more than one task.
Stakeholders All tasks come with a generic list of stakeholders who may be
involved in performing that task or who might be affected by the task and its
outcome. Interestingly enough, the business analyst is a stakeholder for every
business analysis activity found in the BABOK
Guide. This makes perfect sense
—the business analyst is responsible and accountable for making sure that these
tasks are done and done well. Remember that earlier in this chapter we took a
look at the key generic stakeholder roles that typically interact with business
analysts on their projects.
Outputs Outputs are the results that successfully completed tasks deliver. One
task can have a single or many outputs.
Exploring Requirements
Projects are successful when stakeholders, including business analysts, clearly
state and agree upon desired accomplishments. For most projects, this
statement consists of defining the high-level scope of the project along with its
more detailed project requirements. The general definition of a requirement is
something wanted or needed. Business analysts in many organizations spend a
lot of time developing requirements. This is a good thing. Defining and
documenting requirements allow a business analyst to quantify and document
the needs, wants, and expectations of project stakeholders.
Guide uses the term requirement to cover many aspects of the
business and its needs. Their broad view of requirements addresses both the
current state of the business and its desired future state. Requirements may
focus on the business, the users, or the systems and subsystems that already
exist or are being considered. Requirements range from high-level enterprise
capabilities to organizational structure and roles to processes and policies.
Information systems fall into the requirements realm, as do business rules.
Requirements analysis activities are also quite broad in nature. There is no
prescription for the correct level of detail in your project requirements other
than what is sufficient for understanding and subsequent action.
Distinguishing Between Requirements and Design
Requirements and design are closely linked. Many times, the distinction
between requirements and design is unclear. Business analysts will use the same
techniques to elicit, model, and analyze requirements and designs on their
projects. Figure 1.2 shows the relationship between requirements and design in
FIGURE 1.2 Requirements and design cycle
For the exam, remember that requirements focus on defining the opportunity or
need to be addressed. Design focuses on the solution that will result from
addressing that opportunity or need. When a business analyst is defining and
documenting project requirements, the business analyst is building a “usable
representation of a need.” When the focus of specifying and analyzing elicitation
results is on the solution, the outputs being produced are referred to as designs.
Exam Spotlight
Remember that requirements focus on the need, and designs focus on the
solution that will address that need.
Defining the Requirements Management Process
The requirements management process is a detailed subset of the business
analysis approach, targeting how the team performs requirements development
activities for a project. The process should be documented in the requirements
management plan. This deliverable defines many things, including the
How the team will deal with requirements traceability
The explicit process for developing requirements
How requirements will be prioritized
What requirements attributes will be collected
How changing requirements will be handled both during requirements
development and after the requirements are agreed upon and baselined
Who will review and approve requirements and any requested changes
In addition, the requirements management process defines the types or classes
of requirements found on the project. Often, these requirements classes are
associated with a particular requirements document. Classifying requirements
allows the business analysis team to make sure that their project requirements
are reviewed and understood by the correct stakeholders. Requirements classes
help you determine the appropriate level of detail and the specificity needed in
the project requirements, and they help you decide how many documents you
will use to define what is needed.
Requirements classes can be defined using two dimensions: focus and type.
Requirements classified by focus tend to be named in a more traditional way.
Here are some examples:
High-level business requirements
User requirements
System requirements
Software requirements
Each lower level of requirements defines the level above it in greater detail. This
is a form of progressive elaboration, where the characteristics of the solution are
determined incrementally and in greater detail as the project moves forward in
time. After all, the more information you have, the better your solution
definition will become. Solutions are typically defined at a high level of detail
early in a project or initiative and then are refined into more detail over time as
additional information is gathered and analyzed.
Classifying Requirements
Guide defines a requirement as a condition or capability needed
by a stakeholder to solve a problem or to achieve an objective. This aligns nicely
with the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
definition of requirements for software-intensive systems. Regardless of project
type, a business analyst must use project requirements to design, develop, and
deliver a solution that adds value to the business as a whole.
Different organizations use different names for requirements classes. To
implement the BABOK
Guide requirements classification scheme, a business
analyst needs to assess and map the levels of requirements in their
organization’s existing requirements process documents. While the exam
requires that you know the requirements classification scheme, you don’t have
to use BABOK
Guide requirements classes. However, it is good practice that
your requirements development approach addresses all of the BABOK
requirements classes in some way. Figure 1.3 shows the relationships between
Guide requirements classes.
FIGURE 1.3 Classes of requirements
Let’s take a closer look at each class of BABOK
Guide requirements.
Business Requirements Business requirements are the highest level of
requirements and are developed during Strategy Analysis activities. They define
the high-level goals, objectives, and needs of the organization. They also
describe and justify the high-level business functionality that is needed in the
resulting solution. To define a solution, business analysts will progressively
elaborate and decompose business requirements to the next level of detail, the
stakeholder requirements.
In the BABOK
Guide, business requirements are not contained within a single,
standalone document. They are contained in a set of Strategy Analysis task
deliverables, including the business need, the required capabilities, the solution
scope, and the business case. (We will look at these deliverables in more detail
later when we dig into this knowledge area in Chapter 2, “Controlled Start:
Strategy Analysis.”)
Stakeholder Requirements These requirements define the needs of
stakeholders and how they will interact with a solution. Stakeholder
requirements bridge between the business requirements and the more detailed
solution requirements. Many folks refer to stakeholder requirements as high-
level user requirements. They identify what is needed from the user’s
perspective and define “big picture” capabilities that the resulting solution must
Business analysts develop and define stakeholder requirements as part of the
tasks found in the Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge
area. Like with the business requirements, the business analyst will
progressively elaborate stakeholder requirements into the more detailed
solution requirements.
Solution Requirements Solution requirements are the most detailed type of
requirements found in the BABOK
Guide. They describe the solution
characteristics that meet the higher-level business and stakeholder
requirements. Typically, a business analyst divides solution requirements into
two specific types: functional requirements and nonfunctional requirements. A
business analyst develops and defines solution requirements as part of the tasks
found in the Requirements Analysis knowledge area.
Functional Requirements Functional requirements define the
capabilities that a product or solution must provide to its users. They are a
subset of the solution requirements that the business analyst develops for
the project.
Nonfunctional Requirements Nonfunctional requirements describe
quality attributes, design and implementation constraints, and external
interfaces that the product must have. They are a subset of the solution
requirements that the business analyst develops for the project, and they are
typically paired up with the functional requirements that they constrain in
some way. They would add characteristics to the functional requirements.
Transition Requirements Transition requirements define the solution
capabilities required to transition from the current state to the future state and
are no longer needed once the transition is complete. Typically, the business
analyst creates transition requirements later in the project life cycle after
defining both the current and new solutions. Business analysts develop and
define transition requirements as part of the tasks found in the Solution
Evaluation knowledge area.
Case Study: Palmer Divide Vineyards
You are a team member at Palmer Divide Vineyards, currently defining its
new green initiative. The owners would like to conserve energy and water
resources, reduce pollution, recycle more effectively, and become a certified
Green Business. Your manager has assigned you to lead the team to discover
the IT requirements for the project.
Following discussions with the IT group, you learn that the existing
information systems will not support the ongoing green initiative research
studies. You recommend that Palmer Divide’s business requirements
include the following statement: “The vineyard operation shall upgrade
existing information systems to support ongoing green initiative research
Breaking down the IT system business requirement for the vineyard yields
the following stakeholder requirement focusing on stakeholder interaction
with the system: “The research team sets up the tracking data for a new
green initiative study.” This would be one of many stakeholder capabilities
that the upgraded systems would provide.
Next, you look into the solution requirements for the stakeholder study
parameter capabilities and recommend that the project solution
requirements include the following: “The research study leader logs into
the system with study leader access privileges. The research study leader
defines the set of research study data fields for their research project.” This
would be a functional requirement.
A nonfunctional requirement accompanying the previous set of functional
requirements addresses the access and authentication parameters for
logging in to the system. “Logging in as a study leader provides read,
write, update, and delete capabilities for selected study data.
Transition requirements included data conversion activities for the
upgraded IT system.
Our favorite requirements classification scheme comes from the software
engineering standards developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. It focuses on the three Cs—capabilities, conditions, and constraints.
According to the IEEE, a requirement is a capability needed by a user to solve a
problem to achieve an objective. These capabilities must be met or possessed by
a product to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other formally
imposed documentation. Conditions and constraints together equal the
nonfunctional requirements classification found in the BABOK
Conditions are statements that determine a possible outcome, like the “if” part
of an “if-then” statement. Constraints are limits or boundary values for a
particular function or capability.
Classifying Project Requirements Your Way
The IEEE requirements classes align quite nicely with the BABOK
requirements classes. Basically, the capabilities are the functional requirements,
and the other two classes are the nonfunctional requirements. Functional
requirements define the capabilities provided to users and other interested
parties, while nonfunctional requirements define conditions of the system or
product as a whole as well as any constraints or limits on all or part of the
system. You can easily extend the three Cs to focus across the different levels of
requirements focus, such as the business, stakeholder, and solution
requirements found in the BABOK
The Requirements State Machine
When you look at requirements across the project life cycle, you will notice that
they change as the project progresses. They start as a bunch of information and
are analyzed into meaningful requirements. The analyzed requirements are
reviewed and approved by their key stakeholders. Following review and
approval, the requirements are used as the basis for designing a solution. See
the pattern? Requirements development fits nicely into a state machine
approach as the requirements change over time—they transition from state-to-
state based on actions that have been taken. Many requirements deliverables are
modified based on the state that they are in at a particular point in time. This is
particularly true for the requirements found in the BABOK
Exam Spotlight
When preparing for your exam or simply trying to apply the best practices
in the book, be aware of states and how they affect where you are in the
project life cycle relative to your business analysis work, what has been
done, and what should be done next.
You will see these different types and states of requirements used when naming
inputs and outputs to business analysis activities. This will help you recognize
where you are in the project life cycle and where you are in your requirements
development process. You may also see the term Requirements with no
modifiers attached or noted as Requirements [Any State], indicating any class
of requirement in any state. Inputs and outputs from business analysis tasks
may use this notation.
Let’s say you are developing your project’s business requirements. According to
Guide, the solution requirements include the business need, the
required capabilities, the solution scope, and the business case. This is the set of
deliverables produced by Strategy Analysis activities. The solution scope defines
the capabilities that a solution must possess in order to meet a business need. In
addition to modifying your requirements to the specific class of requirements
you are focusing on, business requirements, you can also reflect the state of
these business requirements at a particular point in time.
When you develop business requirements, you will need to elicit information
from key stakeholders about what they and the business actually need. These
stated requirements reflect what the users have told the business analyst about
what they need. As part of your elicitation results, these stated business
requirements will be analyzed, prioritized, validated, and verified prior to
becoming the accepted set of business requirements for the project. Once these
requirements have been reviewed and approved by the stakeholders, they would
be named Requirements [Approved] in the inputs or outputs for a particular
task. At this point, the business analysis team will have reviewed and obtained
approval for the requirements that were received from the users when they
expressed their needs.
The requirements state machine is worth watching; it provides the business
analyst with guidance and recommendations about what has already taken place
and what might be the logical next step in the requirements development
process. Table 1.2 summarizes the possible states and may be of assistance when
you are navigating the BABOK
TABLE 1.2 The BABOK® Guide requirements state machine summary
Approved Agreed to by stakeholders and ready for use in subsequent
business analysis or implementation efforts
Maintained Formatted and suitable for long-term or future use by the
organization; may be saved as organizational process assets
Modelled Well-structured and represented using correct modeling
Prioritized Having an attribute describing its relative importance or
assigned priority to stakeholders and the organization
Specified Well-formed requirements documented using text, matrices,
and models
Traced Having clearly defined and identified relationships to other
requirements or designs within the solution scope
Validated Demonstrated to deliver value to stakeholders; are within the
solution scope and are aligned with business goals/objectives
Verified Requirements have been checked and are of sufficient quality
to allow further work to be performed.
Keep an eye on the classes of requirements and their current states as you
navigate and use all of the knowledge area tasks. They provide valuable road
signs to keep you headed in the right direction.
Exam Spotlight
As part of your studies, be sure that you are comfortable with the
requirements classes from the BABOK
Guide. They represent
the requirements taxonomy used on the exam. If you classify your
requirements another way, try to forget about that as you take your exam! It
will also be helpful to remember which knowledge area creates which type
of requirements.
Understanding How This Applies to Your Projects
As you can tell from this first chapter, successful business analysts bring a
serious mixture of skills, dedication, and knowledge to their projects in order to
solve business problems and meet business needs. It isn’t just the ability to
execute the business analysis techniques that gets the job done, either. Effective
business analysts must also possess excellent interpersonal skills as well as a
strong set of business and technical knowledge.
The Fledging Business Analyst Makes a Mistake
Everyone has to start somewhere. Phil’s first formal solo assignment as a
fledgling business analyst was to aid in the automated tracking of key
performance measurements for one of the operating departments in a large
telecommunications firm. The process was manual, and senior management
felt that it was time to make it computer-based. Phil left his software
engineering role behind, put on his business analysis hat, and went to figure
out exactly what was required.
Phil followed the rules for being a business analyst on this new assignment.
He interviewed the client and captured every word. He parroted back the
key elements of the conversations. He carefully documented the current
processes as described. He obtained sign-off from the client sponsor. Phil
was proud of following the rules and getting this complex manual algorithm
explained in concise and well-understood terms.
When programmed (by someone else), the automated results didn’t come
close to what the manual process reported. Phil proceeded to put his
technical hat back on and spent days pouring through reams of manual
data, comparing that data with the automated results. After consulting with
the client sponsor (along with his reams of data), Phil discovered that he
had missed an unrevealed rule about how the data values were tracked on a
daily and monthly basis. Because he understood the math, the business, and
the technology of the automated system, he was able to ripple this new
requirement and deliver a solution that met the client’s requirements.
It’s OK for Phil to wear multiple hats on his projects, as long as he realizes
which hat he has on at any particular time. People often find it difficult to
leave the technical work behind and think about the business when they are
wearing their business analyst hat. Doing so can lead the fledging business
analyst into trouble, resulting in incorrect or incomplete requirements and
project problems downstream. Phil was lucky that he was able to put his
technology hat back on and address his requirements problem sooner rather
than later.
Business analysts must also be able to map the proven principles, best practices,
and deliverables of the BABOK
Guide across their organization’s project life
cycle. This allows them to create a flexible framework for the essential work
activities of the business analyst. The BABOK
Guide allows business analysts
to build a business analysis methodology providing an integrated framework of
elements for successful business analysis work that business analysts can tailor
to the project environment.
Exam Spotlight
This generic life cycle model is not on the exam. However, if you plan to use
Guide as the basis for your business analysis work activities,
you have to make it work for your organization. Mapping to your existing
life cycle model is the first step in integrating these best practices into your
own projects.
Different business analysis skills, techniques, and knowledge are used at
different places in the project life cycle. To implement the contents of the
Guide on your projects, you will need to map what needs to be done to
when you would like to do it. If you have an existing project life cycle in your
organization, this is the time to dust it off and use it. If not, it’s time to build
one. Our generic project life cycle consists of three parts: controlled start,
controlled middle, and controlled end. When you think about your projects, one
way to keep track of what needs to be done is to know “when and where” you are
in this simple model (see Figure 1.4).
FIGURE 1.4 Mapping the BABOK
Guide to a generic life cycle
Don’t confuse the six knowledge areas of the BABOK
Guide with
the phases of the project life cycle. The BABOK
Guide is not a methodology
or a road map for business analysis. Instead, it is a set of best practices that
can be used to build a framework for business analysis activities supporting
the activities and deliverables defined by an organization’s project life cycle.
The organization is responsible for mapping these best practices to their
selected project life cycle.
Controlled Start The controlled start to a project includes the pre-project
activities where you determine whether this is a viable and worthwhile project
for the business. It also covers the project initiation, where business analysts do
more detailed planning for the overall project and for the next detailed project
stage. At the end of the controlled start activities, the business analyst should
have project scope finalized, business justification in place, and the high-level
project plan built. The project team should be ready to get to work. The team
uses numerous tasks and deliverables from the Strategy Analysis and Business
Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge areas at this point in time with a
little Requirements Life Cycle Management work thrown in for good measure.
Controlled Middle The controlled middle of a project is where the technical
work gets done, one stage or phase at a time. The project manager uses the plan
to measure and monitor project performance and to control what takes place.
This is management by walking around (MBWA), where business analysts are
into everything—regular status, informal conversations, checking the health of
the project, dealing with stakeholders, forecasting future performance, and
dealing with issues and risks. The business analysis work is a subset of this plan,
and the business analyst manages and controls business analysis work
performance during this time. Business analysis tasks typically include those
from the Elicitation and Collaboration, Requirements Life Cycle Management,
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition, and Solution Evaluation
knowledge areas.
Controlled End A controlled end to a project is when the business analyst
wraps up a job well done. This can also take place if the project was prematurely
terminated for one reason or another (ideally a rare event). The business analyst
takes stock of achievements, reports on the effort, ensures objectives and
acceptance criteria are met, and transitions the final product of the project into
its operational life. There are specific tasks in Solution Evaluation that focus on
this part of the project life cycle.
Perspectives on Business Analysis
Business analysts find themselves working on many types of projects. You may
find yourself developing requirements for a back-office IT system or defining
standard operating procedures within a research laboratory. The BABOK
Guide defines five common points of view for business analysis work.
Business intelligence
Information technology
Business architecture
Business process management
Each perspective impacts how business analysts use the knowledge area tasks in
their efforts. Remember, different types of initiatives facilitate different types of
changes to the business. Make sure you have the right people, the right
methods, and the right approach to define what has to be done.
Chapter 9, “Five Perspectives on Business Analysis,” contains a
detailed explanation of each perspective and how you might change your
business analysis activities as a result of that point of view.
You covered a lot of content in this chapter! You learned that business analysis
is an essential part of every organization. Successful business analysts bring a
serious set of skills and knowledge to every project or initiative in order to liaise
among the stakeholders to address business needs and solve business problems.
Business analysis is more than just asking questions!
You looked at how the BABOK
Guide provides a business analysis framework,
defining areas of knowledge, associated activities and tasks, and the skills
required to perform them. The scope of the BABOK
Guide covers pre-project
activities, the full project life cycle, and the final solution’s operational life. It is
also the basis for the CBAP® and CCBA™ certification exams, and it provides
the backbone of this book.
Guide contains its own requirements classification scheme. This
is the scheme you will see on the certification exams. A requirement is a
condition or capability needed by a stakeholder to solve a problem or to achieve
an objective. Classifying requirements allows the business analysis team to
make sure that their project requirements are reviewed and understood by the
correct stakeholders. Requirements classes help you determine the appropriate
level of detail and the specificity needed in the project requirements and decide
how many documents you will use to define what is needed.
You visited the six business analysis knowledge areas as a part of the chapter.
These knowledge areas guide business analysts when they perform business
analysis activities at any point in the project or product life cycle. The areas
define what business analysts need to understand and the tasks they should
perform. They do not represent project phases, and their activities are not
intended to be performed in a linear fashion.
To use the BABOK
Guide at work, you will need to map its business analysis
tasks to your own project life cycle (PLC) or systems development life cycle
(SDLC). This will allow you to create a business analysis methodology that
supports your project and product-focused life cycles and will help you to keep
the lights on. This book uses a simple project life cycle as the basis for a map. It
has only three phases: controlled start, controlled middle, and controlled end.
Most life cycles are far more complex!
Because many of you are planning to use this book in your preparations to take
the CBAP® or CCBA™ certification exam, this book covers the content and
structure of the exams. It takes a lot of work to successfully prepare for and pass
these exams—they are not intended to be easy! The CBAP® exam is designed
for experienced business analysts, while the newer CCBA™ exam targets folks
who have less experience working as business analysts. The questions in each
exam are built using Bloom’s taxonomy (a method for classifying learning
objectives), and questions can be quite straightforward (testing comprehension)
or rather difficult (testing analysis).
Exam Essentials
Be able to explain the pieces and parts of the BACCM™. The BACCM™
contains six concepts that define the profession of business analysis in a
common language. Effective business analysts need to keep all six related
aspects of this model when developing requirements for their project or
Be able to list and describe each knowledge area. The names and high-
level descriptions of each of the six knowledge areas are required knowledge for
you as you prepare to take your exam. As you dig deeper into each knowledge
area, learn to also list the tasks and their key inputs/outputs/techniques as part
of your exam preparation repertoire. The six knowledge areas are Business
Analysis Planning and Monitoring, Elicitation and Collaboration, Requirements
Life Cycle Management, Strategy Analysis, Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition, and Solution Evaluation.
Be able to navigate your copy of the BABOK
Guide. Tabbing your copy
of the BABOK
Guide helps you find exactly what you need to know. You might
find it helpful to use multiple colors of durable tabs to mark the chapters in your
book, the glossary, the index, and any other information that you think will be
Be able to describe and relate the requirements classes in the
Guide. Starting at the highest level of detail, they are business
requirements, stakeholder requirements, solution requirements, functional and
nonfunctional subsets of the solution requirements, and transition
Be able to recognize the underlying competencies every good
business analyst should possess. The six high-level categories are
analytical thinking and problem solving skills, behavioral characteristics such as
trustworthiness, business knowledge, software knowledge, interaction skills,
and communication skills.
Be familiar with the key stakeholder roles. The exact role names and
definitions from the BABOK
Guide are what you will see in your exam
questions, so make sure you know each of them. Remember that the stakeholder
roles are like hats, and one person can wear one or many hats during a project
life cycle.
Key Terms
This chapter introduced the knowledge areas from the BABOK
Guide that you
will be using as a business analyst on your projects and other initiatives. You
will need to understand how to apply each of these knowledge areas at the right
spot in the project life cycle in order to be an effective business analyst.
Additionally, you will need to know each knowledge area by name and definition
in order to be successful on the CBAP
or CCBA™ exams. Each knowledge area
will be discussed in greater detail in the chapters to come.
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
Elicitation and Collaboration
Requirements Life Cycle Management
Strategy Analysis
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
Solution Evaluation
You have learned many new key words in this chapter. The International
Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) has worked hard to develop and define
standard business analysis terms that can be used across many industries. Here
is a list of some of the key terms that you encountered in this chapter:
business analysis
business analyst
business requirements
functional requirements
nonfunctional requirements
project manager
solution requirements
stakeholder requirements
transition requirements
underlying competencies
Review Questions
You can find the answers in Appendix F.
1. A business analyst is currently defining a set of changes to the current state
of an organization that allows the organization to take advantage of a
business opportunity. What is most likely being defined?
A. Project scope
B. Business need
C. Solution scope
D. Business domain
2. In what knowledge area is the business analyst most likely to be scoping and
defining new business opportunities?
A. Strategy Analysis
B. Solution Evaluation
C. Requirements Analysis
D. Enterprise Assessment
3. What project role focuses on understanding business problems and
A. Business architect
B. Project manager
C. Project sponsor
D. Business analyst
4. A capability needed by a stakeholder to achieve an objective is also called a:
A. Strategy
B. Requirement
C. Solution
D. Process
5. Your project implementation plan defines 12 capabilities of the planned
systems solution that will not be needed once the new solution is
operational. What type of requirements are these?
A. Functional requirements
B. Nonfunctional requirements
C. Reusable requirements
D. Transition requirements
6. Who is primarily responsible for achieving the project objectives?
A. Program manager
B. Project manager
C. Business analyst
D. Project sponsor
7. Inputs to a specific business analysis task may be externally produced by:
A. Requirements
B. Preconditions
C. Techniques
D. A single task
8. To determine solutions to business problems, the business analyst applies a
set of:
A. Activities and tasks
B. Inputs and outputs
C. Tasks and techniques
D. Practices and processes
9. Knowledge areas define what a business analyst needs to understand. They
do not define the project:
A. Scope
B. Techniques
C. Phases
D. Resources
10. All of the following are part of the business requirements, except:
A. Solution scope
B. Business need
C. Required capabilities
D. Business goals
11. What knowledge area contains the next most logical steps after the business
analyst has built a business case and gained management approval for a
A. Solution Evaluation
B. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
C. Requirements Life Cycle Management
D. Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
12. All of the following are knowledge areas except:
A. Solution Evaluation
B. Requirements Planning and Monitoring
C. Requirements Life Cycle Management
D. Strategy Analysis
13. The stakeholders have indicated to the business analysis team that the
documented requirements are ready for use in subsequent business analysis
or implementation efforts. What type of requirements has been developed at
this point in time?
A. Maintained
B. Verified
C. Validated
D. Approved
14. Identifying key stakeholder roles and selecting requirements activities is
done as part of which knowledge area?
A. Requirements Analysis
B. Requirements Development
C. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
D. Requirements Elicitation
15. Requirements gathering activities are also known as requirements:
A. Planning
B. Development
C. Analysis
D. Elicitation
16. What represents the information and preconditions necessary for a business
analysis task to begin?
A. Activity
B. Input
C. Output
D. Technique
17. You are a business analyst measuring alternatives against objectives and
identifying trade-offs to determine which possible solution is best. You are
most likely engaged in what activity?
A. Problem solving
B. Systems thinking
C. Creative thinking
D. Decision making
18. What defines the business analysis team roles, deliverables to be produced,
and tasks to be performed?
A. Requirements process
B. Project management plan
C. Solution approach
D. Business analysis approach
19. When does the business analyst ensure the feasibility of the proposed
requirements to support the business and user needs?
A. As part of building a business case
B. During Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
C. When organizing business requirements
D. While planning and monitoring tasks
20. The system users have stated their needs for revised online order entry
system capabilities. The users need the ability to perform online, remote
order entry when they are traveling worldwide. What type of requirements
best describe this need?
A. Stakeholder requirements
B. Business requirements
C. Transition requirements
D. Solution requirements
Chapter 2
Controlled Start: Business Analysis Planning and
Plan business analysis approach.
Plan stakeholder engagement.
Plan business analysis governance.
Plan business analysis information management process.
Identify business analysis performance improvements.
Now that you are more familiar with the discipline of
business analysis, you are ready to address planning the business analysis
activities for a project or initiative. You have learned the basic pieces of the
discipline: the underlying competencies of the business analyst, the key business
analysis stakeholders, the framework of the BACCM™, and the BABOK
requirements classification scheme. Using this foundation, you will begin to
apply business analysis tasks and techniques as we walk through the first
knowledge area, Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring.
The first skills you will put to use are analytical thinking and problem solving.
After all, before you can begin a project or project phase, it’s a good idea to know
what work you need to do. To achieve a controlled start to a project or project
phase, you must be methodical and consistent in your planning, definition, and
decisions. This is the first step in planning the business analysis work effort for a
project. Figure out what needs to be done, how you will go about doing it,
exactly who needs to be involved with the work, and how involved they should
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
The Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area focuses on
laying the groundwork for successfully defining, planning, and completing the
business analysis work for a project. The business analyst builds the business
analysis work plan by executing the knowledge area tasks. The business analysis
tasks that the business analyst puts in the work plan depend on what needs to
be done for the time period of the planning effort. Typically, the business
analysis work activities become part of the project management plan.
To focus on what is important to the business analyst early in the business
analysis efforts, let’s consider the tasks of this knowledge area with the
framework of the BACCM™. The business analyst needs to keep an eye on their
work at this point in time relative to the six concepts contained in the
framework: changes, needs, solutions, stakeholders, values, and contexts. Table
2.1 lists these responsibilities.
TABLE 2.1 The BACCM™: Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
The Business Analyst’s Responsibilities
Change Determine how changes to business analysis results are
requested and authorized.
Needs Choose a business analysis approach providing adequate analysis
for the change.
Solution Evaluate if business analysis performance contributed to
successful solution implementation.
Stakeholders Perform stakeholder analysis to ensure Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring activities reflect stakeholder needs and
Value Conduct performance analysis to ensure business analysis
activities produce sufficient value to stakeholders.
Context Ensure complete understanding of the context being analyzed in
order to develop an efficient business analysis approach.
The tasks in this planning-focused knowledge area generate several key business
analysis deliverables:
Business analysis approach
Stakeholder engagement approach
Governance approach
Information management approach
Business analysis performance assessment
We will cover each deliverable in more detail in this chapter.
The Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area also addresses
monitoring and reporting on the business analysis work being performed on a
project once the planning is complete and the work efforts are underway. This
ensures the project’s business analysis effort produces the desired outcome and
that the business analysis work is done right.
The Business Analyst’s Task List
The business analyst has five tasks to perform in the Business Analysis Planning
and Monitoring knowledge area. We will look at each of these tasks in greater
detail later in this chapter. The task list from the BABOK
Guide includes the
Defining the business analysis approach
Planning for stakeholder engagement
Setting up business analysis governance
Outlining the business analysis information management process
Identifying business analysis performance improvements
These tasks focus on planning how the business analysis team will approach a
specific effort. The business analyst is responsible for developing, defining, and
managing the roles and tasks associated with this work. We will step through
each of these tasks in greater detail later in this chapter. The goal of the project
is to define, develop, and deliver a solution that addresses a business problem,
need, or opportunity. To achieve that goal, the business analyst must have
detailed knowledge of each task, be able to apply the recommended techniques,
and produce high-quality deliverables as a result.
Exam Spotlight
Exam questions in this knowledge area are organized and presented using
this list of tasks. Expect to see approximately 21 questions about this
knowledge area on your CBAP
exam and 18 questions if you are sitting the
CCBA™ exam. It is your job (and ours as well) to make sure you know when
this work is done and how you go about actually doing it.
When Does Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Take Place?
“Begin at the beginning,” the King said gravely, “and go on till you come
to the end; then stop.”
—Lewis Carroll, Alice in
The tasks in the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area
occur throughout the project life cycle. Many of these tasks are done as a part of
pre-project activities as the basis of a project’s controlled start. The business
analysis deliverables created at the beginning of a project are used to define,
govern, and monitor the performance of all other business analysis tasks across
the project life cycle. The plans and approaches developed for the overall project
may require updates and additional details as each subsequent phase of the
project life cycle is planned.
The controlled start to a project includes the pre-project activities where teams
determine whether this is a viable and worthwhile project for the business.
Controlled start also covers project initiation activities, where you do more
detailed planning for the business analysis effort on a project and any associated
project stages or phases. At the end of a controlled start:
The solution scope is finalized.
The business case and justification are in place.
The high-level business analysis approach has been built.
Business analysis governance is defined and in place.
Business analysis information management is ready to go.
Business analysis stakeholders are identified and engaged.
Business analysis performance measures are agreed on.
The business analysis team should be ready to get to work.
Numerous tasks and deliverables from both the Strategy Analysis and Business
Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge areas are created and used during
a controlled start. Tasks in the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
knowledge area allow you to decide how to go about the business analysis work
that is required to define, develop, and deliver a solution. Tasks from the
Strategy Analysis knowledge area focus on defining the business requirements
and justifying delivery of the solution scope for the project. We will take a
detailed look at the Strategy Analysis tasks in Chapter 3, “Controlled Start:
Strategy Analysis.” Right now, we are concerned with planning how to do the
business analysis activities versus actually doing the work.
What Exactly Am I Supposed to Be Doing?
Russ discovered early in his career as a project manager that all plans are
not created equal. He was a replacement for the project manager on a fairly
complex data center consolidation project. Russ stepped in near the end of
the first major phase of project work, which was developing the user
requirements for the new data center.
One of his first tasks was to review the current project plan and evaluate the
progress to date. Russ noticed that the requirements development work was
shown as a single two-week task in the project plan with no additional
details about the requirements process itself. Because the resulting user
requirements document was shown as a completed deliverable and this task
was marked as 100 percent complete, he decided to look at the new
capabilities the project would provide to the business and its users. So he
After reading the first four pages of the document, Russ knew there was a
problem. He finished reading the user requirements document, closed the
file on his computer, and reached for the phone to call the lead business
analyst for this effort into his office. When Mary arrived, he asked her,
“What exactly is this document supposed to be? Is this just a high-level
concept that we need to now go out and define?” Mary replied that the
document was the final, approved user requirements document. All the
business analysis team had to do now was give the document to the
developers. The developers would figure out the rest.
Russ asked Mary to explain the process she and her team had gone through
to produce the deliverable. She explained that she had worked in tandem
with the development director to elicit, analyze, and specify the user
requirements for the project. Basically, the key users had not been involved
or consulted at all. As Mary was quick to point out, “That wasn’t in the plan,
so that wasn’t how I did the work.” Basically, the user requirements work
had to begin all over again and had to be done correctly the second time.
Russ worked closely with his business analysis team to plan the
requirements development work in far greater detail. This time around, the
team gave themselves adequate time to elicit and analyze the requirements
and planned the time to validate the requirements when everything was
complete. Completing the rewritten user requirements took five additional
weeks of work. Funnily enough, this didn’t impact the scheduled end date.
The original requirements would have been impossible to use for the design
and construction of the data center.
Remember that your focus is on planning and monitoring the business
analysis work for a project, not on planning and managing the whole
project. That is the responsibility of the project manager. However, in either
case, the plans need to be built and implemented at the appropriate level of
Plan the Business Analysis Approach
The first task in the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area
is to define and plan the business analysis approach. There are many ways to
approach business analysis work on a project. To get the business analysis work
started on a project, you must first decide how to go about doing it. The overall
business analysis process for performing work consists of the following:
Deciding how and when business analysis tasks will be performed
Agreeing on the techniques to be used
Defining the deliverables to be produced
Figure 2.1 summarizes the inputs, outputs, techniques, and associated tasks for
planning the business analysis approach for a project. The best business
analysis approaches are based on the organizational environment where they
will be used. The business analysis approach is a subset of the overall project
approach. It defines the set of processes, templates, guidelines, tools,
techniques, and activities used to perform business analysis on a project or
initiative. When documented, the business analysis approach creates a
formalized and repeatable methodology. In comparison, the project approach
describes the way all of the project work will be approached.
Once the business analysis approach is established for a project or initiative, it is
not expected to change significantly through that project’s life cycle. However,
the business analysis approach should be revisited at each phase of the project
to ensure that it is being followed and that no changes are required for the work
that will be started or based on business analysis performance to date.
FIGURE 2.1 Task summary: Plan business analysis approach.
Predictive vs. Adaptive Approaches
When you define and plan your business analysis approach, you must decide
where it falls across the spectrum of predictive approaches and adaptive
approaches. Predictive planning approaches focus on ensuring that the solution
is fully defined before its implementation begins. Adaptive planning approaches
are used on projects where many small iterations are defined and developed en
route to the final result. Hybrid approaches combine aspects of both types and
may require additional tailoring and scaling of the business analysis approach to
combine them well. Most organizational environments and their management
teams are likely to be more comfortable with one approach over the other.
The Project Has Two Faces, Part 1
Introduced into the exciting realm of online payment processing on a
consulting assignment, Ginger discovered that projects can successfully
incorporate both predictive and adaptive approaches to get the job done.
She was brought on board by a financial services firm to lead their efforts in
launching their new online payment processing system. Of course, before it
could be launched, it had to be defined, designed, and built from the ground
Early phases of this effort focused on building the actual system. Ginger
recommended that the project team use a predictive approach. This would
ensure a system that would be scalable as more customers came on board.
The architecture and infrastructure capabilities for the new system would be
thoroughly documented and well understood. The system’s payment
processing capabilities would be well defined, and all key stakeholders in
the organization would know what the final system looked like and what
services the product would provide. Senior management agreed with this
approach, and the work began.
Once system development was well underway, it was time to look for new
customers for this soon-to-be operational product. Ginger was asked to lead
the implementation team responsible for onboarding new customers. This
was the point where the game changed. Previously, her focus was on a well-
designed and well-defined online payment processing system. Now, her
focus was on marketing the product to and acquiring new customers as
quickly as possible. The goal was to complete each customer
implementation in less than 30 days.
To achieve this goal, Ginger recommended a very different approach from
the development team’s predictive project. She and the team decided that an
adaptive approach was the only way to get each implementation done
swiftly and accurately. The team developed requirements templates to use
as the basis for setting up each customer’s portal into the payment
processing system. The information in these templates was gathered by
telephone. Of course, billing information for each customer was also
collected. Customers had their own data repositories and a customized front
end for their shopping carts.
Use of the streamlined requirements templates enabled each
implementation manager to quickly walk their clients through the process of
getting the online payment processing system up and running on their
websites. Management was ecstatic when the money started flowing in from
happy customers. And Ginger the consultant was invited to the celebration
when everything was complete.
Predictive business analysis tries to minimize your up-front uncertainty (or risk)
and maximize your control over the business analysis activities on your project.
This is a more traditional style of development, such as the waterfall model of
software development or what you find in straightforward business process
reengineering initiatives. The biggest issue with predictive approaches is
whether or not the solution requirements can actually be well defined prior to
commencing the overall solution delivery efforts. In effect, predictive
approaches use structure to control project risk.
Another way to think of predictive versus adaptive business
analysis approaches is to call them traditional versus agile development
Adaptive business analysis approaches target rapid delivery of business value.
To achieve that goal, they accept greater uncertainty (risk) relative to the overall
solution delivery. This is an exploratory approach to finding the best solution,
using short iterations to incrementally develop components of the solution.
Adaptive approaches that you may be familiar with include agile development
methods and many continuous process improvement projects being done in
organizations. One key feature of adaptive approaches is that they use flexibility
to control project risk.
Do not confuse today’s predictive business analysis approaches
with the traditional, linear models of the past. Today’s predictive
approaches are flexible and adaptable, using time-boxing, iterative
development, and multiple releases to help folks get the job done. The
traditional linear models of the past typically use the draft-walkthrough-
revise-final-approve cycle.
Create a Business Analysis Approach
Now let’s get to the task at hand, which is planning the business analysis
approach. Every task has inputs, outputs, elements, guidelines, tools, and
techniques. This task is no exception. Let’s start with the inputs. Inputs are
either informational in nature or outputs produced by other business analysis
tasks. Inputs are acted on by the task elements and techniques, producing one
or more task outputs. Let’s take a look at the task input used when planning a
business analysis approach:
Needs The business analysis approach is impacted by the business need or
need for change that is driving the project. This makes sense. Both the project
approach and the business analysis approach will be impacted by the problem
or opportunity it is addressing. The needs for the project are defined during
Strategy Analysis.
There are additional inputs that may be used by the business analyst when
performing business analysis tasks: guidelines and tools. Guidelines are
instructions or descriptions about why or how the business analyst might
undertake a particular task. Tools are methods of conducting business analysis
tasks or shaping a task output. Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that
are applied when planning a business analysis approach:
Business Analysis Performance Assessment The business analysis
performance assessment contains results from business analysis activities on
previous projects for you to review and incorporate into your current approach
to getting things done.
Business Policies Business policies define the limits within which business
decisions must be made and how work will be completed. These policies also
frame and constrain the business analysis approach that you select.
Expert Judgment Expert judgment is used to evaluate and build the optimal
business analysis approach for your project. Your team will rely on individuals
or groups with specialized knowledge or skills in business analysis and other
aspects of the domain to assist in defining the approach.
Methodologies and Frameworks Methodologies and frameworks define
and govern business analysis work on a project. The business analysis approach
may be defined by a particular methodology, an organizational framework, or a
combination of the two. Don’t forget to look at historical information from
previous projects, such as risks, performance measures, schedules, and other
data. When you discover a business analysis asset treasure trove at one of your
clients, it means you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
Stakeholder Engagement Approach Effective business analysts make sure
that they understand their stakeholders. Stakeholder concerns and interests can
impact the pieces and parts of your business analysis approach.
Table 2.2 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools needed to plan the
business analysis approach for a project and also lists the task and knowledge
area that was the source of the input (if applicable).
TABLE 2.2 Inputs, Guidelines, and Tools: Plan business analysis approach.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source
Knowledge Area
Needs Input Define business needs. Strategy Analysis
Business analysis
and tools
Identify business
analysis performance
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business policies Guidelines
and tools
Expert judgment Guidelines
and tools
Methodologies and
and tools
and tools
Plan stakeholder
Business Analysis
Planning and
The experienced business analyst spreads their attention across six elements
when they consider the contents of the business analysis approach. The results
of each element are formally documented as part of the business analysis
approach for the project. The detailed elements necessary to plan the business
analysis approach include the following:
Planning the overall business analysis approach
Deciding degree of formality and level of detail for business analysis
Integrating the execution of business analysis activities with the overall
project plan
Determining timing of business analysis work
Considering complexity and risk
Gaining acceptance of the business analysis approach from key stakeholders
Exam Spotlight
Remember that selecting and defining your project’s business analysis
approach is situational. It depends on a number of factors, such as
organizational needs, business analysis team skills, and solution complexity.
Combining practices from predictive and adaptive approaches could result
in a stronger business analysis approach.
Let’s step through each of the elements involved in deciding on and building a
project’s business analysis approach:
Select Planning Approach Your planning approach for business analysis
activities should fit the size and type of project you are working on. It should
also fit within the organization where you work. We have already discussed the
spectrum of planning approaches available to the business analyst, ranging from
predictive to adaptive. Successful business analysts tailor their planning
approach to ensure that value is delivered to the enterprise.
Decide Formality and Level of Detail All expected business analysis
deliverables across the project life cycle should be defined in the business
analysis approach. If you forget a particular deliverable that is due later in the
life cycle or change your mind about one that has already been defined, you can
always revisit the business analysis approach and make the necessary changes.
Predictive approaches are usually quite formal and produce very detailed
document sets requiring formal approval. Adaptive approaches can be quite
informal, often limiting the documentation to a bare minimum. Project work
and business analysis deliverables are approved informally through team
interaction and feedback.
Exam Spotlight
Remember that adaptive business analysis approaches must have well-
prioritized requirements because a prioritized requirements list may well be
the only required project documentation.
Plan and Integrate Business Analysis Activities The business analyst
must decide on the process to follow for planning a project’s business analysis
activities. This requires coordination and communication with the project
manager, because this business analysis work plan is typically integrated into
the higher-level project plan. If there are planning standards to follow for the
project, the business analyst should use those standards when planning the
business analysis work. These standards could include guidelines for estimating
or specific planning and scheduling tools to be used. If the business analysis
work plan is not consistent with the project plan, it will be difficult to integrate
into the overall effort.
Determine Timing of Business Analysis Work It is critical that you
determine when the business analysis work will take place throughout the
project. This includes identifying not only the tasks to be performed but also the
business analysis resources that will perform each task. Requirements
development time is a traditionally heavy period of work for the business
analysis team. You need to know whether these efforts will align with specific
project phases early in the project (predictive) or whether the work will be done
iteratively throughout the project (adaptive).
The effectiveness of a business analyst depends on the corporate
culture. Working in a large organization seems to require more formal
written communications. We have worked in large organizations with so
many layers of management that the business analysts almost never speak
directly to a decision maker. On the flip side, many business analysts
working in smaller organizations find that formal written communications
almost never occur. In this situation, stakeholder communications are
almost always verbal and informal in nature.
Consider Project Complexity and Risk Project complexity impacts the
business analyst in a number of ways. In general, the more complex the project
is, the more complex the business analysis effort is as part of the project work.
Complex projects may result in a greater number of formal deliverables and
stakeholder review points. Complex projects can also be riskier for everyone—
the business, the project team, as well as the business analysis team and its
business analysts. Situations with a complex solution should be addressed with
more up-front modelling and planning work. Examples of complex projects
include building an airline reservation system or creating a telecommunications
circuit ordering and provisioning application.
Exam Spotlight
Be sure you remember the five factors that increase the complexity of
business analysis work. The rule of thumb is that as these factors increase,
so does the project complexity.
The size of the change
The number of business areas or systems affected
The amount and nature of risk
The technological complexity
The number of geographic and cultural considerations
Gain Stakeholder Acceptance of the Approach Key stakeholders must
review and agree to the approach the business analyst creates. In general, the
more your key stakeholders are involved with creating and thinking through the
business analysis approach, the easier acceptance will be. Some projects require
a formal sign-off on the approach from key stakeholders. Other projects may
consider the approach accepted with an email saying that a key stakeholder
agrees that all business analysis activities are identified, the estimates are
realistic, and the proposed roles and responsibilities are correct. Be sure to plan
for handling stakeholder acceptance of changes to the business analysis
approach over time as work progresses and conditions change.
There are a number of techniques that you might choose to apply when building
a business analysis approach for your project. We recommend that you use the
estimation technique in order to consider the estimate and compare the range of
costs associated with one or more business analysis approaches before making
your final decision. Let’s take a look at that technique in greater detail.
Recommended Technique: Estimation
There are many ways for the business analysis team to estimate the range of cost
and effort associated with the business analysis work on a project. These
estimates are typically developed in conjunction with the project manager and
other team members using the project-level estimating tools and techniques.
Effective business analysts use estimates to promote better stakeholder decision
making and understanding of the project. Table 2.3 summarizes of the types of
estimates commonly used for estimating business analysis efforts.
TABLE 2.3 Common estimating techniques
Technique Description
Uses similar projects as the basis for top-down estimates
Uses parameters and historical data
Estimates smaller items first and aggregates upward
Rolling wave Refines detailed estimates for increments of work over
estimation (PERT)
Estimates optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely cases
Historic analysis Uses history as the basis for bottom-up and top-down
Expert judgment Relies on those who performed similar work in the past
Delphi estimation Combines expert judgment and history
Rough order of
magnitude (ROM)
Makes a high-level estimate based on limited
information with a wide confidence interval
Additional Techniques to Consider
Guide lists some additional techniques that can be used when
building the business analysis approach for a project. They are summarized for
you here.
Brainstorming Brainstorming is an excellent way for the business analysis
team to generate a list of all possible business analysis activities, techniques, or
risks for the business analysis approach.
Business Cases Experienced business analysts look to the project’s business
case for time-sensitive, high-value aspects of the problem or opportunity that is
being addressed.
Document Analysis This technique is used to review existing organizational
assets that might assist in planning the business analysis approach.
Financial Analysis Financial analysis allows you to assess how different
approaches and delivery options affect the value being delivered to the
Functional Decomposition Functional decomposition is pretty much what it
sounds like it would be, breaking down complex business analysis activities into
smaller and easily understood pieces. It is a critical part of business analysis
planning; understanding the business analysis tasks and deliverables
sufficiently enables effective estimating.
Interviews When interviewing key stakeholders, the business analyst should
always ask the interviewees to identify additional information that might fit as
part of the business analysis approach.
Item Tracking This technique is used to track issues or risk-related items
encountered while planning the business analysis approach. Items may be
opened for the project that relate to business analysis activities. These items
should be addressed and resolved by the business analysis team.
Lessons Learned Effective business analysts compile and document
successes, failures, and recommendations for improving the performance of
business analysis activities on their projects. Be sure to use your previous
experiences (both good and bad) when building your business analysis
Process Modelling Process models document the steps of the business
analysis approach or process for a project. Think of graphically depicting a
series of business analysis process steps on a whiteboard with arrows between
them to show the sequence of events. That is a simple process map that can be
used to build and decide on a business analysis approach.
Reviews Experienced business analysts use reviews to validate the business
analysis approach with key stakeholders and team members. This is a meeting
with a tour guide. Your destination is the business analysis approach, and your
meeting agenda will walk you through the possibilities in order for the group to
decide on the approach that is right for their project.
Risk Analysis and Management Remember that the results of planning the
business analysis approach may contribute to the risks for the business analysis
effort and to the project. The people involved with your efforts can be the source
of possible risks, and they can also help the team identify additional risks that
may be important downstream.
Scope Modelling Scope models help you determine the boundaries of the
solution and its scope as an input to the planning and estimating activities.
Survey or Questionnaire Business analysts may use this technique to
identify possible business analysis activities, techniques, and risks to help build
the contents of the business analysis approach.
Workshops Conducting workshops allows you to build the business analysis
approach in a team setting. The business analyst should always ask the
participants about any additional activities, techniques, or risks that should be
considered for inclusion in the approach.
Once you have chosen one or more techniques to apply, you are ready to create
your business analysis approach. We’ll discuss that next.
Create the Business Analysis Approach
The business analysis approach specifies how the business analysis team plans
to perform the business analysis work on their project. Essentially, this
approach is the business analysis methodology for the project. If the approach is
documented and saved as a business analysis process asset, it can be revised and
reused on subsequent projects in the organization. Once the business analysis
approach is complete, it is used as an input by other business analysis tasks that
are summarized in Table 2.4. They include planning for business analysis
information management and preparing to engage your stakeholders. Both
tasks are also part of the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge
TABLE 2.4 Output: Plan business analysis approach.
Task Output Output Destinations Source Knowledge Area
Plan stakeholder engagement. Business Analysis Planning
and Monitoring
Plan business analysis
Business Analysis Planning
and Monitoring
Plan business analysis
information management.
Business Analysis Planning
and Monitoring
Identify business analysis
process improvements.
Business Analysis Planning
and Monitoring
Prepare for elicitation. Elicitation and
Conduct elicitation. Elicitation and
Communicate business analysis
Elicitation and
Manage stakeholder
Elicitation and
Analyze current state. Strategy Analysis
Define change strategy. Strategy Analysis
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
The recommended contents of the business analysis approach include the
Business analysis roles and responsibilities
Business analysis activities
Business analysis deliverables
Business analysis techniques
Timing and sequencing of business analysis work
A number of stakeholders are involved with planning the business analysis
approach for a project. Some stakeholders should participate in building all or
part of the approach; others are affected only by the approach. As previously
mentioned, the project manager must make sure that the business analysis
approach aligns with the project approach. In a similar vein, testers must ensure
that the approach facilitates appropriate testing of the resulting solution.
Stakeholder availability and involvement across the project life cycle may
impact the contents of the business analysis approach. Key stakeholders
involved with this deliverable include the following:
Domain subject-matter expert (SME)
Project manager
It is also important that the business analysis approach be compatible with the
development or implementation life cycle being used by the implementation
team. Once the business analysis approach is complete, the team needs to think
about who will be involved with the business analysis work on the project and
determine the level of their involvement. You figure that out during stakeholder
identification and analysis, which we will talk about next.
Plan Stakeholder Engagement
Think of the business analysis stakeholders on a project as members of a
professional sports team. Each stakeholder has a particular position to play as a
member of the team. Some of your stakeholders are starters and play for the
whole game; others substitute in and out during the game and play
intermittently. There are stakeholders on the team who don’t play the game but
might coach the team, bring water out onto the field, or cheer for the team from
the stands. Just like players on a sports team, some of your stakeholders will
play better than others. The business analysis team needs to know these
stakeholders and the role or roles they play in the project.
Effective business analysts recognize the importance of knowing,
understanding, and involving your project stakeholders. Stakeholder analysis
should begin early in the project life cycle when the business requirements are
being developed. The resulting stakeholder information is then revisited and
revised throughout the project life cycle. Without up-to-date stakeholder
analysis information, it is not easy to elicit, validate, or approve project
requirements with the appropriate individuals or groups.
The business analyst initially performs stakeholder analysis during the
controlled start phase of a project or as part of the pre-project activities.
Analysis activities at this point in time focus on key stakeholders who are
impacted by the business need and the proposed solution. The initial
stakeholder list, roles, and responsibilities are enhanced and revised with each
subsequent project phase as the business, stakeholder, solution, and transition
requirements are developed for the project. Figure 2.2 summarizes the inputs,
outputs, techniques, and associated tasks for conducting stakeholder analysis in
accordance with the BABOK
FIGURE 2.2 Task summary: Plan stakeholder engagement.
Losing the Sponsor’s Support
The initial stakeholder analysis helps the business analyst evaluate the
attitudes of the stakeholders regarding the project at hand. Savvy business
analysts also perform analysis periodically throughout the project to track
changes in stakeholder attitudes. This is particularly true when
institutionalized processes are the target of change. If you are not aware of
changing attitudes among your key stakeholders, there could be trouble
ahead for your effort.
This happened to Phil on a project that had been divided into three phases.
The first two phases were relatively inexpensive commitments that were
easily implemented. However, the third implementation phase involved
much higher vendor involvement at a much higher cost.
When the time came to begin the third phase of this effort and the vendor’s
work estimates, which added up to several hundred thousands of dollars,
were presented to the project sponsor, the sponsor’s support for the effort
vanished. The sponsor’s recollections of support for the previous two project
phases also disappeared. Adding insult to injury, the sponsor made a point
of disparaging the entire effort in the next executive staff meeting.
What was going on? Was there anything Phil could have done to prevent
this? Phil was fortunate that he had the signed project approval documents
to protect himself and his team from imminent doom. This is a worst-case
example. Effective business analysts have learned to keep a finger on the
pulse of their key stakeholders, especially in long-term projects. This often
provides early warning signals of potential problems.
Remember that stakeholder roles are like hats. Some individuals
may be called on to play a variety of stakeholder roles on the same project,
as well as different roles in different projects. A stakeholder may wear many
hats and play multiple team roles in your project. A job position title is
typically defined and assigned by the organization and does not necessarily
correspond to the team role an individual may play in a project. Team
roles are defined project-specific roles and responsibilities. Team roles may
occur intermittently or throughout a project.
As discussed earlier in the chapter, inputs can be guidelines, tools, or outputs
produced by other business analysis tasks. Inputs are acted on by the task
elements and techniques, producing one or more task outputs. Let’s take a look
at the task inputs used when analyzing project stakeholders and planning how
to engage those stakeholders:
Needs The focus of the Plan Stakeholder Engagement task is on the
stakeholders who will be affected by the business need that is driving the
project. Over time, you may discover and analyze new stakeholders that the
business analysis team was unaware of at the beginning of the project. You also
need to beware of the stakeholders who change their position as the project
progresses. The business need for the project is defined during Strategy
Business Analysis Approach Successful business analysts make sure that
the business analysis approach and the stakeholder collaboration approach are
in sync with one another. Consistency across these two approaches ensures that
the business analysis activities, stakeholder collaboration activities, and
communication activities are all working together.
Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that are also used to build the
stakeholder engagement approach:
Business Analysis Performance Assessment The business analysis
performance assessment contains results from business analysis activities on
previous projects for you to review and incorporate into your current approach
to working with your stakeholders.
Change Strategy Checking the organization’s or the project’s change strategy
allows for improved assessment of stakeholder impact and development of more
effective stakeholder engagement strategies.
Current State Description How things are working right now provides
context for the work being done. Being familiar with the current state can lead
to more effective stakeholder analysis and understanding relative to the impacts
the planned change will have on your stakeholders.
Table 2.5 summarizes the inputs to the Plan Stakeholder Engagement task and
also lists the task that was the source of the input (if applicable).
TABLE 2.5 Inputs: Plan stakeholder engagement.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source
Knowledge Area
Needs Input Define business needs. Strategy Analysis
Business analysis
Input Define business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business analysis
and tools
Identify business
analysis performance
Business Analysis
Planning and
Change strategy Guidelines
and tools
Define change strategy. Strategy Analysis
Current state
and tools
Business analysts building the stakeholder collaboration plan at any point in
their projects should apply three detailed elements as they build their
stakeholder list, roles, and responsibilities. The detailed elements necessary to
analyze stakeholders and document meaningful information about them include
the following:
Perform stakeholder analysis.
Define stakeholder collaboration.
Assess stakeholder communication needs.
Let’s take a look at each element in greater detail.
Perform Stakeholder Analysis
How do you figure out who needs to be involved with the business analysis
activities for your project? It can be fairly straightforward to find the key
business analysis stakeholders for a project. Because business analysts tend to
spend a lot of time developing project requirements, identifying and analyzing
stakeholders is an absolute must. It can be quite painful to miss a significant
stakeholder early on and then discover them later in the project. There can also
be indirect or hidden stakeholders out there who are waiting to be found.
Exam Spotlight
Remember that the business analysis stakeholders are individuals or
organizations that are actively involved in or affected by the project’s
business analysis activities. These stakeholders might exercise influence
over the project and its results, as well as contribute to solution scope
definition and requirements development activities.
Stakeholder analysis consists of identifying stakeholders, defining stakeholder
characteristics, and analyzing the collected information. Stakeholder analysis
should occur at both the overall project level and each project phase. Business
analysts should perform this task when a business need is identified and revisit
and revise the results for as long as business analysis work continues on the
project. The business analysis stakeholders are an important subset of the
project stakeholders, so communication and coordination with the project
manager is required.
Stakeholders may have varying levels of responsibility, authority, and
participation. Their involvement can, and often does, change over the course of
the project life cycle. Business analysis stakeholder responsibilities and
authority can range from occasional contributions to the effort to having full
responsibility for the project and its outcome.
Identifying stakeholders late in the project is risky. This can lead to new
requirements late in the project life cycle, revisions to existing requirements,
solution rework, and possibly even new solution work that was not scoped out
or planned. Many stakeholders who are not involved at the appropriate time in a
project tend to be dissatisfied and often do not buy into the resulting solution.
There are four key areas for you to consider as part of your stakeholder analysis
activities: roles, attitudes, decision making, and power. Let’s look at each area in
greater detail.
Roles Understanding where and how your stakeholders will contribute to the
business analysis efforts is critical to the success of your project. The business
analyst must discover and document which stakeholders are responsible for the
work they are tasked to perform, which are accountable for making decisions,
which must be consulted prior to work being done, and which are to be
informed after work is complete. These roles may be relative to the entire
business analysis effort, a particular business analysis task, or a specific
business analysis deliverable, such as the business analysis approach you
learned about earlier in this chapter.
Attitudes Business analysts are responsible for assessing the positive and
negative attitudes and behaviors. When doing this, they need to consider a
number of factors. Stakeholder attitudes toward the project must be assessed
and then managed across the project life cycle. At a minimum, attitudes need to
be looked at relative to the business goals, objectives, and solution approach for
the project. Additionally, attitudes must be assessed from a people perspective,
considering things like the stakeholder’s perception of the value of business
analysis work, collaboration, and the sponsor and other key team members.
Decision-Making Authority The business analysis team needs to know
exactly which stakeholders have authority over the business analysis work and
deliverables. This includes reviewing and approving deliverables (such as
requirements), requesting and approving changes, and vetoing proposed
requirements or solutions.
Level of Power or Influence Understanding the nature of influence is
essential when building effective stakeholder relationships and trust. The
business analysis team should assess the influence of key stakeholders at the
project and organization levels. The amount of influence required for a
successful project should be analyzed relative to the amount of influence
possessed by the key stakeholders. Informal stakeholder influence with the
other stakeholders cannot be overlooked, as having informal project champions
is a gift to the business analyst.
Define Stakeholder Collaboration
How do you figure out who needs to be involved with the business analysis
activities for your project? It can be fairly straightforward to find the key
business analysis stakeholders for a project. Because business analysts tend to
spend a lot of time developing project requirements, identifying and analyzing
stakeholders is an absolute must. It can be quite painful to miss a significant
stakeholder early on and then discover them later in the project. There can also
be indirect or hidden stakeholders out there who are waiting to be found.
There are many approaches used to collaborate with stakeholders across the
business analysis life cycle. It can be challenging to keep your stakeholders
involved, interested, and engaged across the life cycle of your initiative.
Stakeholder collaboration can be planned and formal. It can also take place in a
spontaneous and informal fashion. Many business analysts document their
stakeholder collaboration approach in a stakeholder collaboration plan by
looking at the timing, location, and methods to be used for regularly scheduled
stakeholder collaboration.
Stakeholder Communication Needs
You may also find yourself building a stakeholder communication plan to
document your initiative’s stakeholder communication approaches. Typically,
these plans answer questions that address several aspects of stakeholder
communication, such as the following:
What needs to be communicated?
Who is the audience?
What is the delivery method?
When should a communication occur?
How often should a communication occur?
Where are the stakeholders located?
How much detail should the communication contain?
How formal should the communication be?
We recommend that you combine your stakeholder collaboration and
communication plans for the sake of efficiency and effectiveness. Both plans will
be more detailed components of your stakeholder engagement approach.
Plan Stakeholder Engagement Approach
The more business analysis stakeholders there are, the more complicated
dealing with them can become. Complexity factors that the business analyst
should consider include the number and variety of end users for the solution, as
well as the number of interfacing business processes and systems. This data is
initially discovered as a part of stakeholder analysis and factors into the
subsequent planning activities for both business analysis work and business
analysis communications. There are a number of techniques that you can use
when you are analyzing your project stakeholders. There are two techniques that
we highly recommend you use when analyzing business analysis stakeholders:
Organizational modelling
Stakeholder list, map, or personas
We usually start off our stakeholder analysis efforts with the organizational
modelling technique to get a sense of “who goes where” in the organization
relative to a project. We also like building stakeholder maps to view our key
stakeholders relative to different aspects of our projects and define who decides
what. Let’s take a look at these two recommended techniques in greater detail.
Recommended Technique: Organizational Modelling
Most of us have seen an organization chart showing the hierarchy. This is an
example of an organizational model. The model defines the purpose and
structure of an organization or an organizational unit. When you use this
technique for business analysis, you basically build an organization chart that
shows the organizational units, lines of reporting, the roles, and the people in
those roles.
When you are working with a new client, one of the first things you should ask
for is a current organization chart. This will allow you to evaluate who sits where
in the food chain and to decide who you might initially involve in your business
analysis efforts. This is an excellent way to identify business analysis
Recommended Technique: Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas
Stakeholder lists, maps, and personas are essential to any business analysis
effort. The amount of information you put in your list is up to you. What you
draw in your graphical representation of your stakeholders depends on the
initiative itself. Personas are sometimes built to represent groups of users and
how they interact with a product, kind of like building a fictional character and
thinking about how they do things at work. Let’s take a closer look at
stakeholder maps and how they might be used when analyzing stakeholders.
Stakeholder maps are a graphical technique often used as part of stakeholder
analysis. Be aware that a stakeholder map is not the same thing as an
organization chart. While an organization chart shows people and how they fit
into the organizational reporting and common structure, a stakeholder map
looks at how these stakeholders will be involved with the resulting solution. This
takes the concept of an organizational model one step further by visually
relating the identified business analysis stakeholders to the solution, as well as
to one another.
There are two basic types of stakeholder maps: a stakeholder matrix and an
onion diagram. A stakeholder matrix provides a two-dimensional look at
stakeholder influence versus their level of interest in your efforts. By
comparison, an onion diagram depicts stakeholder involvement with the
resulting solution. Figure 2.3 shows an onion diagram.
FIGURE 2.3 Onion diagram
Another popular and useful stakeholder analysis technique is a RACI matrix.
This matrix defines business analysis stakeholder roles across four designations:
Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. You may create the matrix
for the entire business analysis effort, a particular business analysis task, or a
specific business analysis deliverable, such as the business analysis approach
you learned about earlier in this chapter.
Responsible (R) Business analysis stakeholders are responsible for the work
that they are tasked to perform.
Accountable (A) Accountability lies with the sole decision maker who makes
the required decisions for the business analysis effort task or deliverable. For
any task or deliverable, there is only one accountable stakeholder.
Consulted (C) Relevant stakeholders should be consulted prior to the work
being done if their inputs or advice is needed.
Informed (I) This is usually an “after the fact” role as these stakeholders are
notified of the outcome after work is complete.
Table 2.6 shows an example of a RACI matrix.
TABLE 2.6 Example RACI matrix
Palmer Divide Vineyards Requirements Development
Tasks William Ginger Hector Sawyer Dan Hattie Taylor
Elicitation I I R, A R R I R
Analysis I I R, A R R I R
Specification A I R C C I C
Validation I I R, A R R I R
Additional Techniques to Consider
Guide lists some additional techniques that you can use when
analyzing your business analysis stakeholders for your project. They are
summarized for you here:
Brainstorming Brainstorming is an excellent technique to use when the
business analysis team is generating a list of all possible stakeholders for the
business analysis effort. Generating ideas about who the business analysis
stakeholders are could reveal hidden stakeholders that should be involved with
your efforts.
Business Rules Analysis We think of business rules as things that define or
constrain some aspect of how a business actually does business. They may
define the business structure or perhaps control how the business behaves day
to day. Business rules analysis allows you to identify those stakeholders who are
the source of the business rules and those who abide by the rules when
performing their jobs.
Document Analysis Document analysis is used to review existing
organizational assets that might assist in planning your stakeholder engagement
Interviews When interviewing business analysis stakeholders, the business
analyst should always ask the interviewees to identify additional stakeholders.
Lessons Learned Don’t forget to look in the past for successes and challenges
your organization has faced when it comes to engaging and collaborating with
project stakeholders.
Mind Mapping This is used to identify potential stakeholders and understand
the relationships between those stakeholders.
Process Modelling Anyone involved with the business processes that are
affected by the proposed solution should be identified as a stakeholder. Process
models can assist the business analyst with that identification, as they show the
related processes and systems.
Risk Analysis and Management The results of stakeholder analysis may
contribute to the risks for the business analysis effort and to the project. The
people involved with your efforts can be the source of possible risks, and they
can also help the team identify additional risks that may be important
Scope Modelling Scope models can show the business analysis team the set of
stakeholders external to the solution scope that interact with the solution in
some way.
Survey or Questionnaire Business analysts may use this technique to
identify shared characteristics of a particular business analysis stakeholder
Workshops When conducting requirements workshops on any project topic,
the business analyst should always ask the group of participants about any
additional stakeholders.
Once you have chosen one or more techniques to apply, you are ready to create
your stakeholder engagement approach. We’ll discuss that next.
Build the Stakeholder Engagement Approach
According to the BABOK
Guide, the following information about your business
analysis stakeholders should be included in the stakeholder engagement
Special needs
Authority levels
Number of individuals in each role
Description of stakeholder influence and interest
Collaboration approach
Communication plan
Remember that there are two discrete sets of information that a business
analyst needs to collect as part of their stakeholder list, map, or personas. First,
you have the administrative data, such as names, departments, contact
information, locations, roles, responsibilities, authority, and expertise. Second
are the actual results of the stakeholder analysis. This is where the business
analysis team assesses and records stakeholder influence, interest, expectations,
involvement, and any key requirements the stakeholders might have for the
business analysis efforts and the overall project.
Once the initial stakeholder list, map, or persona information is complete, you
use it as an input for a number of other business analysis tasks summarized in
Table 2.7. They include tasks from a number of knowledge areas such as
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring, Elicitation and Collaboration, and
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition.
TABLE 2.7 Output: Plan stakeholder engagement approach.
Output Output Destinations Destination
Knowledge Area
Plan stakeholder
Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring
Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring
Plan business analysis
information management.
Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring
Prepare for elicitation. Elicitation and
Conduct elicitation. Elicitation and
Communicate business
analysis information.
Elicitation and
Manage stakeholder
Elicitation and
Define change strategy. Strategy Analysis
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
A number of stakeholders are involved with conducting stakeholder analysis for
the business analysis activities of a project. Remember that the business analyst
shares responsibility for analyzing business analysis stakeholders with the
project manager. This means that any stakeholder analysis results should align
with the project stakeholder analysis results in both structure and content.
Key business analysis stakeholders may be able to recommend other
stakeholders to include in the stakeholder analysis results. This includes the
customers, domain SMEs, end users, the project manager, sponsors, the
regulator, and suppliers.
Case Study: Palmer Divide Vineyards Stakeholder List
Business analysts often like to use a spreadsheet to capture stakeholder
information and keep it in a single location. Table 2.8 provides a populated
template for an initial stakeholder list containing roles and responsibilities
at Palmer Divide Vineyards. You can collect the data shown here or add
information to your list based on your organization and the nature of your
TABLE 2.8 Template: Stakeholder list containing roles and responsibilities
Name Position Role Responsibilities Location Influence
William Vineyard
Governance and
CO High
Ginger Product
Project scope,
schedule, budget
CO Moderate
Hector Marketing
CO Moderate
Sawyer Vineyard
Domain SME-
CO High
Dan Winemaker Domain
Domain SME -
CO High
Hattie Admin.
Coordinator Project
CO Low
Taylor IT director IT lead Implementation
CO Moderate
Plan Business Analysis Governance
Business analysis governance is the road map for what decisions need to be
made, when the decisions need to be made, and who is responsible for actually
making those decisions. The business analysis team typically plans for business
analysis governance. The governance process also directs the change control
process, defining how changes will be analyzed, approved, documented, and
Exam Spotlight
Guide governance planning activities focus only on business
analysis tasks and deliverables, such as decisions made about requirements
and designs.
Planning for business analysis governance is not much different from what the
project manager does to create a decision-making architecture for the project; it
is simply focused on business analysis work and deliverables. The business
analyst identifies how business analysis work will be approached and
prioritized, decides who has the authority to make certain types of decisions,
and figures out how to deal with the inevitable changes that will come their way.
If all goes well, the governance plan enables the business analysis team to work
well with the project manager and make the right business analysis decisions at
the right time.
Remember that a plan is a model of what needs to be accomplished for a
particular effort. Plans are frequently updated to reflect what is known at a
particular point in time. An initial business analysis governance plan often
requires revision based on issues that the team encounters, lessons learned
while work is being done, or changing business drivers and strategies that
impact the project. Figure 2.4 summarizes the inputs, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks for planning business analysis governance in accordance with
FIGURE 2.4 Task summary: Plan business analysis governance.
Planning for business analysis governance requires coordination
and communication with the project manager. The business analysis
governance should be consistent with the overarching project-level
governance that is in place.
Several key inputs for planning business analysis governance are guidelines,
tools, or outputs produced by other business analysis tasks, such as the business
analysis approach and the stakeholder engagement approach. These two
deliverables govern how the governance planning is done and who is involved
with the work to be performed. Let’s take a closer look at the two task inputs
used for planning business analysis governance:
Business Analysis Approach The business analysis approach governs
planning activities, as it defines the planning process and the development life
cycle. It is essential that you keep your business analysis governance process
consistent with the overall business analysis approach for your efforts.
Stakeholder Engagement Approach Understanding the preferences of key
business analysis stakeholders will shape the resulting business analysis
governance process to some degree. Stakeholder roles and levels of involvement
need to be understood and incorporated into your business analysis governance
Let’s also take a look at the guidelines and tools that the business analyst may
use when planning business analysis governance:
Business Analysis Performance Assessment There is nothing like looking
at the past to help effective business analysts do better at planning for the
future. You can use previous business analysis work performance data on an
earlier phase in this project or on previous efforts as part of the current business
analysis planning activities.
Business Policies Every organization has limits on what decisions can be
made. Business analysts must be aware of these limits and plan for business
analysis governance accordingly. Decision making is often bounded by
contractual, legal, or regulatory constraints.
Current State Description The current state of the business area you are
planning to change provides the business analysis team with context for the
decisions that will need to be made moving forward.
Legal/Regulatory Information The business analyst should remember to
seek out and use any existing policies, procedures, methods, and templates as
part of planning business analysis activities.
Table 2.9 summarizes the guidelines, tools, and inputs to this task, and it lists
the source of the input (if applicable).
TABLE 2.9 Inputs: Plan business analysis governance.
Task Input Input Input Source Source
Type Knowledge Area
Business analysis
Input Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
Input Plan stakeholder
engagement approach.
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business analysis
Tools and
Identify business
analysis performance
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business policy Tools and
Current state
Tools and
Tools and
When planning business analysis governance, a business analyst needs to put on
their project manager hat for a little while. Planning business analysis activities
includes four detailed elements that define how the business analyst will
approach it:
Decision making
Change control process
Plan the prioritization approach
Plan for approvals
Let’s take a look at each element in greater detail.
Decision Making
Business analysts must define which stakeholders are responsible for making
key decisions as part of the business analysis efforts. The decision-making
process in the business analysis governance approach defines who is involved in
making what decisions and to what degree. This is similar to defining the roles
and responsibilities in a RACI matrix, as we discussed earlier relative to
stakeholder engagement. Stakeholders may have many roles in decision making,
such as the following:
Participating in decision-making discussions
Providing subject-matter expertise as part of decision-making
Reviewing information
Approving decisions that are made
Business analysts also need to think about how to handle decisions when the
team cannot reach agreement or consensus. Setting forth escalation paths and
defining the stakeholders with the authority to make a final decision is a key
component of business analysis governance.
Change Control Process
The business analysis team must decide how to handle changing requirements
and designs across the project life cycle. The change control process should
address not just baselined requirements but also changes to requirements that
the business analyst develops. If the organization has a robust change
management process, the business analyst can apply it to the requirements
work on the project. If not, the business analysis governance approach needs to
address how changing requirements are to be handled. This includes
determining the process for requesting requirements or design changes,
authorizing requirements or design changes, performing impact analysis for
significant change requests, and determining how change requests are worded.
Exam Spotlight
Guide recommends that the requirements management
process spell out the components found in a request for change. At a
minimum, a change request should include cost and time estimates, an
assessment of benefits and risks associated with the change, a priority for
the requested change, and a recommended course of action.
Plan the Prioritization Approach
All requirements and designs are not created equal, nor do they deliver equal
value to the business and the stakeholders. Business analysts are responsible for
establishing the requirements, the design prioritization process technique, and
the level of formality for their projects. They are also responsible for defining
the prioritization scheme and process as early in the project as possible. This
enables the project stakeholders to understand and buy into the way the
business analysis team will prioritize the project requirements and designs at all
levels of detail and focus, including the business, stakeholder, solution, and
transition requirements found in the BABOK
Guide. We will spend more time
on this topic when we look at prioritizing requirements during requirements
analysis and design definition activities.
Plan for Approvals
Many organizations have defined sets of project deliverables, including
deliverables that are traditionally created as a result of business analysis work.
The business analysis team needs to decide where in the project life cycle the
business analysis deliverables are created, agreed upon, and updated. You can
find the full list of the recommended BABOK
Guide deliverables that may
require approvals along the way along with a brief description in Appendix E,
“Quick Summary of Business Analysis Deliverables,” of this book.
Techniques to Consider
Guide lists numerous techniques that can be used when planning
business analysis governance for your projects. They are summarized for you
Brainstorming As part of business analysis planning, decomposing and
understanding the business analysis tasks and deliverables sufficiently enables
effective planning.
Document Analysis Be sure to review existing governance processes or
templates used for business analysis activities or for the overall project. The
existing processes may have an impact on how to define and perform
governance as part of your project.
Interviews The business analysis team may use interviews as a method to
identify and select individuals who are responsible for business analysis
decision-making, change control, prioritization, or approval activities.
Item Tracking For many business analysts, item tracking is synonymous with
issue management. Be sure to keep track of your issues while planning your
governance approach.
Lessons Learned There is no need to reinvent the wheel or to make the same
mistakes when defining business analysis governance. Effective business
analysts use lessons learned on previous projects to keep them on track with
their own planning efforts.
Organizational Modelling Organizational models show the relationships
between stakeholders and the roles and responsibilities the stakeholders have
within the organization.
Process Modelling Many business analysts use process models to document
the process or flow of business analysis decision making.
Reviews Don’t forget to review your governance approach with your key
stakeholders and get their buy-in and approval on how decisions will be made
and how change control will be used.
Survey or Questionnaire The business analysis team may use surveys or
questionnaires as ways to identify and select individuals who are responsible for
business analysis decision-making, change control, prioritization, or approval
Workshops Workshops are excellent ways to work with a group and identify
and select individuals who are responsible for business analysis decision-
making, change control, prioritization, or approval activities.
Once you have chosen one or more techniques to apply, you are ready to create
your business analysis governance approach. We’ll take a look at that next.
Create the Business Analysis Governance Approach
The business analysis governance approach should resemble the project
governance approach of which it is a part. The level of detail in these plans
depends on several factors, including the business analysis approach for the
effort and the overall methodology being used for planning. According to the
BABOK® Guide, the recommended content of a business analysis governance
approach answers questions such as these:
Who has responsibility and authority to make decisions about business
analysis work?
Who sets priorities for business analysis information?
Who approves changes to business analysis information?
Who defines the change management process for requirements and designs?
Once the business analysis governance approach is complete, it is used as input
by a number of other business analysis tasks summarized in Table 2.10. They
are picked up and applied by several Business Analysis Planning and
Monitoring and Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area tasks.
TABLE 2.10 Output: Plan business analysis governance.
Task Output Output Destination Task Output Destination
Knowledge Area
Plan business analysis
information management.
Business Analysis Planning
and Monitoring
Prioritize requirements. Requirements Life Cycle
Assess requirements changes. Requirements Life Cycle
Approve requirements. Requirements Life Cycle
Any business analysis stakeholder can be involved with planning the business
analysis governance for a project. Of particular interest is the verification and
validation of key business analysis deliverables across the project life cycle. It is
essential that the project manager participates in this effort because the
business analysis plans are part of the higher-level project plan.
Key business analysis stakeholders may provide information or use the business
analysis plans for their own planning efforts. Stakeholders involved with
planning activities may include the following:
Project manager
The sponsor
The business analysis governance approach augments the stakeholder
engagement approach by identifying specific stakeholder responsibilities for
decisions about business analysis work and change control. The governance
approach also defines the process to manage requirements and design changes
across the initiative.
The business analysis team also needs to take a closer look at how they plan to
manage, store, and access all of the business analysis information produced
across the project life cycle. That is defined in the business analysis information
management approach. Let’s move on to step through how the business analysis
information management approach and its associated activities should be
planned for on a project.
Plan Business Analysis Information Management
When you ask people what business analysts do, the first answer you usually
hear is that business analysts write requirements. That’s true. However,
developing and managing requirements and design information on a project
entails significantly more than just writing skills. The business analysis team
must define their process for developing requirements and designs. They must
consider how they will approach requirements and design traceability, reuse,
requirements storage and access, and the requirements attributes to be applied.
This information is formally documented in the business analysis information
management approach.
Once the business analysis team establishes the information management
approach for a project, the approach is not expected to change significantly
across the project life cycle. However, it should be revisited at each phase of the
project to ensure that it is being followed and that no changes are required for
the work that will be started or based on business analysis performance to date.
To plan for information management, the business analyst must understand the
organizational process needs and objectives that apply to the project. These
needs and objectives may include compatibility with other organizational
processes, constraints on time-to-market, regulatory and governance framework
compliance, a desire to evaluate new approaches to solution development, or
other business objectives.
In some organizations, an information management process or approach is
already in place. If that is the case, the business analysis team needs to review
the existing process and tailor it to fit their current project and environment.
Remember that the business analysis team needs to develop project
requirements and designs before managing them across the project life cycle.
One important aspect of business analysis information
management is communicating requirements and design information across
the project life cycle. It is essential to elicit the right information from key
stakeholders about the capabilities of the desired solution and to validate
that the analyzed requirements and design information is correct and
Figure 2.5 summarizes the tasks required for Plan Business Analysis
Information Management.
FIGURE 2.5 Task summary: Plan business analysis information management.
Now let’s get to the task at hand, which is planning how to address business
analysis information management. Every task has inputs, outputs, elements,
guidelines, tools, and techniques. This task is no exception. Remember that task
inputs are either informational in nature or outputs produced by other business
analysis tasks. Inputs are acted on by the task elements and techniques,
producing one or more task outputs. Let’s take a look at the three task inputs
used when planning a business analysis information management approach:
Business Analysis Approach The information management approach
should align with the business analysis approach for your initiative, as well as
aligning with the other approaches defined in this knowledge area.
Governance Approach The governance approach identifies how to deal with
changes, decisions, approvals, and priorities for requirements and designs.
Stakeholder Engagement Approach The defined stakeholder collaboration
and communication needs guide specific business analysis information needs.
Basically, you must define what you need to know and who you need to get
information from. Then, go out and get that information.
There are other guidelines and tools that can be used. Guidelines are
instructions or descriptions about why or how the business analyst might
undertake a particular task. Tools are methods of conducting business analysis
tasks or shaping a task output. Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that
business analysts apply when planning the business analysis information
management approach:
Business Analysis Performance Assessment Be sure to review and
incorporate results of previous business analysis efforts into your business
analysis information management approach.
Business Policies Business policies define the limits within which business
decisions must be made and how work will be completed. These policies also
frame and constrain the information management approach that you select.
Information Management Tools Take a look at the tools your organization
currently uses to store, retrieve, and share business analysis information. These
may be the tools your organization requires you to use on your initiative.
Legal/Regulatory Information Sometimes legislative rules or regulations
have an impact on your business analysis information. If that is the case, you
need to address these additional constraints, such as information security or
privacy, in your information management approach.
Table 2.11 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools for this task and lists the
source of the input (if applicable).
TABLE 2.11 Inputs: Plan business analysis information management.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source
Knowledge Area
Business analysis
Input Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
Input Plan stakeholder
Business Analysis
Planning and
Input Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business analysis
and tools
Identify business
analysis performance
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business policies Guidelines
and tools
management tools
and tools
and tools
Planning the information management approach for business analysis activities
requires the business analyst to understand both the business and technical
drivers for the project. The business analyst addresses six detailed elements
when planning for requirements management activities across the project life
Organize business analysis information.
Define the levels of abstraction.
Decide the traceability approach.
Plan for requirements reuse.
Look at information storage and access.
Select requirements attributes.
Let’s take a look at each of these information management elements in greater
Organize Business Analysis Information
Organizing business analysis information is a challenging task on a complex
project. Information must be structured for efficient access and ease of use.
Duplication of requirements and conflicting requirements should be avoided.
Business analysts decide how to do this early in their projects. Planning how you
will organize your business analysis information requires consideration of the
following factors:
The type and amount of information to be collected
Stakeholder access and usage needs
Size and complexity of the change
Relationships between the types of information
When defining your organization scheme, you must also take into account how
much detail you plan to have and collect for your project. That takes us into our
next element, defining the levels of abstraction for business analysis
Define the Levels of Abstraction
Deciding the breadth and depth of business analysis information can be
challenging. Business analysis information typically ranges from very high-level,
conceptual data to very detailed data about a particular capability. Three
perspectives are essential as part of this definition: the stakeholder information
needs, the complexity of what is being explained, and the importance of the
Business analysts must also consider the relationships between the pieces of
information they collect and with which they work. That means defining the
traceability between the pieces and parts of the project data, particularly when it
comes to requirements and design information.
Decide the Traceability Approach
Traceability is a tricky thing. The business analyst wants to show the
relationships between key pieces of business analysis information while not
spending time tracing things that are not important. The information
management approach is where the business analysis team figures out how to
trace project requirements and designs. These decisions are based on project
type and complexity.
The BABOK® Guide recommends taking into account the following factors
when planning traceability for your project requirements and designs:
Complexity of the domain
Number of views of requirements that will be produced
Requirements related risks, standards, and regulations
Costs and benefits of traceability
Creating and maintaining traceability adds to the business analyst’s workload
on a project, so it should be reflected in the information management approach
as well as in all subsequent planning activities.
We will take a closer look at implementing traceability for our requirements and
designs in Chapter 4, “Overarching Tasks: Requirements Life Cycle
Management,” when we step through the trace requirements task within this
knowledge area. Now let’s move on and talk about planning for requirements
Plan for Requirements Reuse
Some requirements developed for a particular project might also be candidates
for long-term use or reuse by the organization. The requirements that you
choose to maintain might relate to infrastructure, hardware, software, or
operational capabilities that the organization must meet on an ongoing basis
versus just for your particular project. Common features or services used across
multiple systems or process are also good candidates for reuse. Reusable
requirements are structured, stored, and accessed by other business analysts in
the organization. This “ease of reuse” requires advance planning and a common
requirements storage repository.
Guide lists several types of requirements that can be reused
across projects within an organization.
Regulatory requirements
Contractual obligations
Quality standards
Service level agreements (SLAs)
Business rules or processes
Product requirements
We will take a closer look at reusing requirements and designs in Chapter 4,
when we look at the maintain requirements task within this knowledge area.
Reuse requires the ability for people to access the saved information. Let’s look
at that element next.
Look at Information Storage and Access
It is essential that the business analysis team create an information repository
for storing requirements and designs. Use of the repository should be linked to
the process defined in the information management approach and in the higher-
level business analysis approach. Documents created during the project life
cycle should be saved in a secured area.
Practically speaking, all business analysis documents, including
the project requirements, should be saved in a business analysis document
repository. If the same requirements document is required to be stored both
in the project document repository and in the business analysis storage
area, the project document repository should contain the unofficial copy.
The storage location for requirements and design work-in-progress
documentation is at the discretion of the project manager or lead business
analyst. Documents and copies (electronic or paper) that exist outside the
project or business analysis information repositories should be made the
responsibility of the document originator.
Select Requirements Attributes
Selecting requirements attributes for a project is an important step. Attributes
are intended to be of assistance in the ongoing management of requirements
across the project life cycle. Experienced business analysts know how to select
the requirements attributes that add value to the requirements information for
their project. Attributes allow the team to associate information and add context
to individual requirements or groups of requirements.
Be careful when selecting your requirements attributes. Too many
attributes can overwhelm business analysts with too much information. Too
few attributes will cause the business analysis team to miss critical
requirements information later in the project life cycle.
Guide recommends that the business analysis team consider
using one or more of the common requirements attributes listed in Table 2.12.
Business analysts can also select from additional requirements attributes that
are less frequently used, such as cost, resource assignment, revision number,
traced-from, and traced-to.
TABLE 2.12 Common requirements attributes
Attribute Description
Unique numeric or text identifier for each requirement
Author Name of the person who wrote the requirement if you have any
questions later
Complexity Difficulty in implementing the requirement
Ownership Individual or group that needs the requirement
Priority Indicates the relative importance of requirements so you can
decide which requirements should be implemented first
Risks Associated with meeting or not meeting the requirements
Source Origin of the requirement if you need more information later
Stability Indicates requirements maturity and if you can start work on it
Status Proposed, accepted, verified, postponed, cancelled, or
Urgency How soon the requirement is needed
Guide lists several techniques that you can use when planning for
business analysis information management for your project. They are
summarized for you here.
Techniques to Consider
The BABOK® Guide recommends the use of one or more techniques when you
are defining the business analysis information management approach for your
project. Let’s take a closer look at each one.
Brainstorming Brainstorming with stakeholders helps them uncover and
share ideas about what their business analysis information management needs
might be.
Interviews The business analysis team uses interviews with stakeholders as a
way to identify and define their business analysis information management
Item Tracking This technique allows for managing and tracking of issues
discovered relative to information management needs on your project or
Lessons Learned Be sure to review existing information management tools,
processes, and techniques used in your organization. The existing methods may
have an impact on how to define and perform information management as part
of your project.
Mind Mapping Mind mapping allows the business analysis team to identify
and categorize business analysis information that needs to be managed.
Process Modelling Process models graphically depict the process used to
manage business analysis information. These models can help your stakeholders
understand how to manage requirements, designs, and other data on your
Survey or Questionnaire Many business analysts use this technique to
remotely request stakeholder input about their business analysis information
management needs.
Workshops Workshops allow you to discover business analysis information
needs from groups of stakeholders versus asking people one by one.
Once you have chosen one or more techniques to apply, you are ready to create
your information management approach. We’ll discuss that next.
Define the Business Analysis Information Management Approach
The information management approach describes how business analysis
information will be stored, accessed, and used during and after your project.
Many components of this approach impact your process for developing and
managing requirements. The BABOK® Guide recommends that the information
management approach define the following aspects of the business analysis
information on your projects:
Organizing the business analysis information
Capturing information at the correct level of detail
Tracing the relationships between the information
Using or reusing the information across the enterprise
Accessing and storing information
Maintaining characteristics about the information
Once the information management approach is complete, the business analysis
team uses it as an input for a number of other business analysis tasks
summarized in Table 2.13. The approach provides information to tasks from
several knowledge areas that focus on eliciting, analyzing, and communicating
project requirements.
TABLE 2.13 Output: Plan business analysis information management
Output Output Destinations Destination Knowledge
Communicate business
analysis information.
Elicitation and
Trace requirements. Requirements Life Cycle
Maintain requirements. Requirements Life Cycle
Define requirements
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
The business analyst has the primary responsibility for creating or tailoring the
information management approach for their project. The project manager also
participates in this effort as they have responsibility for managing changes to
the project scope and are accountable for delivering the resulting solution.
Ideally, the change management approach for the project should also govern
any requirements or design changes.
Several business analysis stakeholders are impacted by the contents of the
information management approach.
Domain SMEs
The sponsor
In addition to defining the information management approach, the business
analysis team needs to take a closer look at how they plan to measure and
control business analysis work performance across the project life cycle. That is
defined in the business analysis performance assessment. Let’s move on to step
through how business analysis performance improvements should be planned
for on a project.
Identify Business Analysis Performance Improvements
There is no reason to do business analysis planning if the team isn’t going to use
those plans and approaches to measure and control business analysis
performance. The primary reason for building the previous four business
approaches in the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area is
to be able to perform, monitor, and report on the business analysis work that is
being done. This occurs at two levels: for the overall project and for each project
phase. Monitoring and measuring business analysis performance against the
business analysis approaches and the project plan ensures that the project’s
business analysis effort produces the desired outcomes and that the business
analysis work is performed efficiently.
Implementing the Two-Faced Project
Remember the two-faced project we looked at as part of the earlier
discussions on predictive versus adaptive project approaches? Well, you are
a team lead on this online payment-processing system project. The system
itself has been defined, designed, and developed. Your job is managing one
or more of the adaptive “onboarding” of new customer implementations.
One goal is to complete a successful customer implementation of this
system in less than 30 days. A large part of this work is jointly defining
customer requirements and working together with the customers to get the
payment link on their websites up and running with the customer’s look and
Ginger calls you into a meeting to review the current status of your first
implementation effort. Not only are you expected to complete the work in
less than 30 days, there is also a budget indicator attached to these efforts.
Your planned budget for your “onboarding” effort is $20,000 across the
planned 30 days of work. Currently, you are one week into the effort and
have spent $9,000 of this planned budget. This budget measurement one
week into your efforts is a metric, and it will be compared to the indicator
and analyzed to see whether all is well at this point in time.
Ginger asks about this status and why almost half of your budget has been
spent when you are only a quarter of a way through this project. Lucky for
you, this is not a negative thing. You and your team have been defining the
customer requirements for the interface and are expected to front-load the
schedule and budget to get the definition as accurate as possible. Of course,
that leaves you $11,000 for the next three weeks of work, so you will watch it
closely to make sure both the work and the spending stay on track.
Monitoring and controlling the progress and performance of business analysis
work is not simply an objective task. You don’t just look at a metric at a point in
time and say that things are good or bad. Many additional factors can come into
play. Business analysts almost always do some sort of analysis when looking at
the current state of things and what is in the business analysis plan and
approaches. This is how you determine whether a particular situation is
acceptable at a point in time or whether there are issues to be addressed.
Exam Spotlight
Capturing business analysis performance metrics is done throughout the
project life cycle. Once potential performance improvements are identified,
they become guidelines for the next time a task is executed.
The business analysis team is responsible for determining the metrics used to
measure business analysis work on the project. Indicators are specific
numerical measurements that represent a measure for a specific set of business
analysis activities or deliverables. Figure 2.6 summarizes the task.
Two key inputs are used in managing business analysis performance for a
project. The following are the specific task inputs used when managing business
analysis performance on a project:
Business Analysis Approach Business analysis performance is traditionally
measured in the same way you look at project performance. The business
analysis approach is used to measure actual progress against the planned
deliverables, activities, tasks, and estimates.
Performance Objectives (external) Many organizations define the high-
level performance outcomes that they want to achieve as a result of the projects
or initiatives. These external performance outcomes need to be factored in to
the business analysis performance improvements.
FIGURE 2.6 Task summary: Identify business analysis performance
In addition to inputs, there is an additional guideline used as an input to this
task. Interestingly enough, many of these inputs, guidelines, and tools are
metrics, standards, or expectations for performing business analysis work on a
project. Here is the guideline:
Organizational Performance Standards Many organizations have
mandated performance standards or expectations for business analysis work
and for their overall organization or enterprise as well. If this is the case, the
business analysis team must factor these into the business analysis performance
metrics for their project.
Table 2.14 summarizes the inputs to this task and lists the source of the input
(if applicable).
TABLE 2.14 Inputs: Identify business analysis performance improvements.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Performance metrics
Business analysis
Input Plan business
analysis activities.
Business Analysis
Planning and
and tools
Metrics can be tricky. A metric is a standard of measurement defined for some
aspect of business analysis performance. Metrics define a quantifiable level for
an indicator that the business analysis team wants to accomplish, such as
meeting a schedule date for an activity or staying on budget for a particular
phase of project work. Indicators identify specific numeric measurements
indicating progress toward achieving something, such as scheduled work
estimated to complete an activity or a particular budget number.
If the business analysis team does not select and define relevant metrics, it will
be difficult to measure and assess how well business analysis work is done
during the project. Identifying business analysis performance improvements
requires the business analysis team to address four detailed elements:
Performance analysis
Assessment measures
Analyze results
Recommend actions for improvement
Let’s take a closer look at each of these elements.
Performance Analysis
The business analysis team must decide on the methods to be used for reporting
tracking and archiving business analysis performance data. These reports can
range from formal, written documents and presentations to informal
conversations by the water cooler. If the reports are to be archived, then they
must be in writing. Again, many of these requirements may be set at the project
level by the project manager, so keep the lines of communication open with that
individual on your projects.
Assessment Measures
Business analysts don’t always find it easy to define the level of performance
required for effective business analysis work. It is necessary to determine the
appropriate performance measures for effective business analysis work on a
specific project. There are the traditional measures to report on, such as meeting
schedule dates for activities and deliverables that can be applied. There are also
more requirements-focused metrics, such as the frequency of requirements
changes or the number of review cycles needed.
According to the BABOK
Guide, performance metrics will
encourage certain behaviors and discourage others. Poorly chosen metrics
may drive behavior that is detrimental to the enterprise as a whole.
Performance measures may be quantitative or qualitative in nature.
Quantitative data tends to be numeric and can be measured. Qualitative data is
subjective and can be observed but not actually measured. Table 2.15 describes
potential business analysis performance measures.
TABLE 2.15 Business analysis performance measures
Measure Description
Accuracy and
Determine whether business analysis work products are
correct and relevant when delivered or if revisions are required
to gain stakeholder acceptance.
Knowledge Assess whether the business analyst has skills and/or
experience to perform the task.
Effectiveness Assess if business analysis work products are easy to use as
standalone deliverables or if they require extensive explanation
in order to be understood.
Assess if adequate resources are available to complete business
analysis activities.
Significance Consider the benefit obtained from work products and assess if
cost, time, and resource investments expended to produce the
work products were justified for the value delivered.
Strategic Look to see whether business objectives were met, problems
were solved, and improvements were achieved.
Timeliness Evaluate whether the business analyst delivered work on time
per stakeholder expectations and schedule.
Assessing the value of business analysis work is done relative to a specific target
for performance. Be sure you know who sets these targets for analyzing
performance results in the organization.
Analyze Results
Business analysts look at the performance of the business analysis deliverables,
the resources performing the work, and the overall business analysis process
relative to the defined measures. Business analysis performance can be
measured and evaluated from more than one point of view, such as the
stakeholders, the business analysis team, a personnel manager, or an
organization’s Center of Excellence.
Recommend Actions for Improvement
After business analysts have the business analysis performance measures in
hand for a particular period of time, they can assess those measures and
determine whether any problems or improvement opportunities exist.
Experienced business analysts know they must engage key stakeholders to assist
the business analysis team in identifying any corrective actions or preventive
actions that might be required.
Corrective actions occur after the fact and are ways to reduce the negative
impact of an event. In contrast, preventive actions focus on reducing the
probability of a negative event happening in the first place. There is also a
positive side of the coin: improvement actions. These actions occur when you
want to increase the probability or impact of events with positive impacts on
business analysis work and deliverables.
Exam Spotlight
Corrective and preventive actions are not the same thing. Corrective actions
are steps taken to remove the causes of existing nonconformities or errors
after they occur. Preventive actions try to stop events from happening in the
first place.
Recommended Technique: Metrics and Key Performance Indicators
Metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) are the basis for the monitoring,
evaluation, and reporting system that addresses business analysis work, the
overall project, and the resulting solution. KPIs are indicators that allow the
business analyst or business analysis team to measure performance or progress
of solutions and solution components toward strategic goals or objectives.
Metrics facilitate the more basic monitoring and evaluation of business analysis
work activities and deliverables in your quest to meet the overall solution goals.
Metrics and KPIs are essential for the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of
business analysis activities on any project. Effective monitoring, evaluation, and
reporting must address several elements: indicators, metrics, structure, and
reporting. To measure a particular aspect of a project or solution, you must have
at least one indicator. The business analyst needs to know the source of each
defined indicator, how to collect the measurement, the person or system doing
the collecting, and how often it will be done. Good indicators meet five quality
characteristics: they are clear, relevant, economical, adequate, and quantifiable.
If indicators can’t be quantified and measured when we need them, they are not
of much use.
Exam Spotlight
Metrics can be a specific point, a threshold, or a range of values based on
what is being measured. They allow the business analysis team or the
project manager to track, assess, and report on the quality of business
analysis work that is being done.
Other Techniques to Consider
These techniques assist the business analyst in building a thorough and
consistent approach to identifying business analysis improvements on their
Brainstorming Brainstorming is a good way for a group of stakeholders to
generate ideas for business analysis improvement opportunities.
Interviews Another source of business analysis performance data is to
interview key business analysis stakeholders and ask them for their assessment
of the business analysis work on the project.
Item Tracking Issue management activities take into account tracking
business analysis work performance issues that occur so those issues can be
addressed and resolved later.
Lessons Learned A lesson learned process allows the business analyst to
compile and document successes, failures, and recommendations for improving
performance of business analysis activities on future projects.
Observation This technique allows you to witness business analysis
performance in person and see for yourself how things are being done.
Process Analysis Process analysis is a technique to analyze existing business
analysis processes and suggest ways to improve them, either as a group or as an
Process Modelling Business analysis processes can be modelled and
improved using this technique. The business analysis team may find it helpful to
graphically depict the flow of business analysis work in order to improve
Reviews Sitting down in a review meeting can help the team identify changes
to business analysis processes and deliverables that can be incorporated into
future work activities.
Risk Analysis and Management One facet of this technique should focus on
identifying and managing potential risks that may impact business analysis
work activities and deliverables.
Root Cause Analysis Asking “why?” five times can help the business analysis
team identify the actual cause of problems encountered when performing
business analysis work.
Survey or Questionnaire If you can’t speak directly with your key
stakeholders, consider sending them a survey or questionnaire to ask them for
their assessment of the business analysis work performance on the project.
Workshops Workshops are used to assess business analysis performance and
generate ideas of improvement opportunities in a group setting.
Experienced business analysts apply one or more of these business analysis
techniques to manage, monitor, and control the performance of a project’s
business analysis work. On many projects, the project manager steps into this
role, looking at business analysis work as a subset of their overall project. At
other times, the lead business analyst watches what is going on, decides if all is
well, and takes action when needed. Regardless of who is monitoring the
business analysis work, the business analysis performance assessment should be
created and used by the project team. Let’s have a closer look at this key
business analysis deliverable.
Produce the Business Analysis Performance Assessment
The business analysis performance assessment helps the business analysis team
compare planned versus actual performance of business analysis work activities.
If there are significant variances from the plan or approach, this assessment
addresses the root cause of these variances and suggests approaches for
resolving issues.
The business analysis performance assessment provides ongoing performance
information to assist the team in planning future business analysis work based
on what has happened to date. As a result of assessing business analysis
performance, the business analysis team may need to revise the business
analysis processes, results, and templates that are being used. The revisions
could be adding in new approaches that increase efficiency, or they could be
correcting things that are not working well. In either case, these results should
be treated as lessons learned and incorporated into the process assets and
business analysis information of the organization.
Once the business analysis performance assessment is complete, it is used as an
input by a number of other business analysis tasks summarized in Table 2.16.
TABLE 2.16 Output: Identify business analysis performance improvements.
Output Output Destinations Destination
Knowledge Area
Business analysis
Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
Plan stakeholder
Business Analysis
Planning and
Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
Plan business analysis
information management.
Business Analysis
Planning and
Manage stakeholder
Elicitation and
The business analyst has the primary responsibility for creating the business
analysis performance assessment for their project and updating any business
analysis information. The project manager also participates in these efforts as
they have responsibility for monitoring performance and updating process
assets for the project. Ideally, the monitoring, evaluation, and reporting
approach for business analysis work should align with the project approach to
handling this data.
Several business analysis stakeholders are interested in the contents of the
business analysis performance. They include domain SMEs, the project
manager, and the sponsor.
How This Applies to Your Projects
In this chapter, you stepped through planning a serious set of business analysis
approaches for a project. Performing business analysis work is much more
straightforward if the team takes the time to think about and plan what they are
going to do and how they are going about doing it before they start doing the
work. Working on projects where the value of business analysis work is
discounted can result in little to no planning for the business analysis activities
and deliverables for the project. You will have to scramble and rely on your
business analysis experience to get the work done if you are not prepared for
everything that is needed. This is not the way to do good work. Planning
business analysis activities is an important piece of the overall project planning,
and it should be done for every business analysis effort.
The Shewhart “plan–do–check–act” cycle (Figure 2.7) is a four-step model that
forms the basis for all of the tasks and elements found in the BABOK
The concept that “we plan prior to doing the work and measure what has been
done” applies throughout the activities in the Business Analysis Planning and
Monitoring knowledge area. The business analysis team plans project or project
phase activities, deliverables, and approaches prior to actually doing the work.
After the work is done, the business analysis team looks at the results to see
what was learned and how well the work was performed. Anything that requires
improvement is addressed prior to the next round. Things that worked well are
repeated and used in subsequent efforts.
FIGURE 2.7 The Shewhart cycle
A core set of business analysis planning and documentation should be required
for all projects regardless of project size or type. For complex projects, business
analysts may choose to use the full set of BABOK
Guide deliverables across the
six knowledge areas plus any project or technical documents that are required.
In some cases, the business analysis deliverables may be combined and
simplified for change-driven or straightforward project efforts. Business
analysis documents should always be consolidated where feasible.
Some documents might not be required if the information is entered directly
into other project documentation. If you choose to use other documents to
record business analysis– specific data, make a note of this new information
location in your business analysis communication plan. When work is being
performed at a client site, additional business analysis documentation is often
required for a particular project by either the Project Management Office
(PMO), project governance, corporate quality management, or technical
management disciplines. This additional documentation is worth discovering
early on so you plan your approach and process for producing it.
Another area that requires business analyst’s attention is the process for
endorsing and approving business analysis documents. We recommend
allowing endorsement of business analysis documents for storage in the project
document repository in one of the following two ways (as long as you are not in
a regulated environment):
On Paper Sign a paper rendition of the document, scan the signature page, and
send the scanned image along with the electronic copy of the document to the
Electronic Sign-Off Ask the signatory to send an email stating that the
document has been reviewed and/or accepted, enter the words “email
signature” in the signature block of the document, and send a copy of the email
along with the electronic copy of the document to the PMO.
The five tasks of the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area
do a nice job of producing a core set of planning and process-focused
deliverables that can be referenced and applied across the project life cycle. The
focus of these plans is twofold: the overall project and its more detailed project
phases. Many planning techniques focused on defining and scheduling
activities, and deliverables come straight from the project management
Guide recommends business analysts begin their planning efforts
by building their business analysis approach. This basically defines the business
analysis methodology to be used across the project life cycle. Concurrently, the
business analysis team also identifies, analyzes, and categorizes the business
analysis stakeholders with which they will be working. The business analysis
approach and the stakeholder engagement approach are communicated,
aligned, and shared with the project manager who is responsible for overall
project success.
One of the primary roles of the business analyst is developing and managing
requirements across the project life cycle. Decision making and change control
are also defined as part of the business analysis governance approach. The
business analysis team has to decide on how to collect and store information
while performing business analysis work. This content is found in the business
analysis information management plan.
Once these key business analysis deliverables are in place, they are revisited and
revised as necessary. The business analyst should look at them whenever they
are planning a new project phase, re-planning a phase that needs attention, or
dealing with significant changes or issues that impact solution scope or project
requirements and design. The approaches are used as the basis for the ongoing
and iterative monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the performance of
business analysis work in the business analysis performance assessment. This
allows the business analysis team to see how things are going and take
corrective or preventive actions as needed along the way.
Exam Essentials
Be able to list the tasks found in the Business Analysis Planning and
Monitoring knowledge area. You will see questions about the tasks, their
associated techniques, their more detailed elements, and the key outputs that
they produce on your exam. You should memorize the six tasks of this
knowledge area and any key outputs or techniques associated with them. The
tasks are:
Plan the business analysis approach.
Plan stakeholder engagement.
Plan business analysis governance.
Plan business analysis information management process.
Identify business analysis performance improvements.
Be able to state the purpose of key deliverables. The good news is that
the key deliverables produced by the tasks in this knowledge area are easy to
remember because they align nicely with the task names. Here’s the list:
Business analysis approach
Stakeholder list, map, or personas
Business analysis stakeholder engagement approach
Business analysis governance approach
Business analysis information management approach
Business analysis performance assessment
Be able to distinguish between predictive and adaptive approaches.
Predictive approaches focus on ensuring that the solution is fully defined before
its implementation begins. Adaptive approaches are a more agile and iterative
effort to define and implement the resulting solution.
Be able to define metrics, indicators, and Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs). A metric is a standard of measurement that is defined
relative to business analysis performance defining a quantifiable level of an
indicator that the business analysis team wants to accomplish. Indicators
identify specific numeric measurements indicating progress toward achieving
something, such as an activity or deliverable. KPIs are indicators that allow the
business analyst or business analysis team to measure performance or progress
of solutions and solution components toward strategic goals or objectives.
Be able to explain the key techniques used to analyze business
analysis stakeholders. Conducting stakeholder analysis uses many
knowledge area specific and general business analysis techniques. The
knowledge area–specific techniques are a RACI matrix and stakeholder lists,
maps, and personas.
Key Terms
This chapter stepped through the contents of the first knowledge area from the
BABOK® Guide: Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring. Most of this
knowledge area focuses on planning for the business analysis deliverables,
approaches, and processes that the business analysis team will use throughout
the project life cycle.
You should understand how to apply the techniques and tasks in this knowledge
area in order to be an effective business analyst. Additionally, you will need to
know the five tasks and their associated elements and techniques from this
knowledge area in order to be successful on the CBAP® or CCBA™ exams. The
tasks include:
Plan business analysis approach.
Plan stakeholder engagement approach.
Plan business analysis governance.
Plan business analysis information management.
Identify business analysis performance improvements.
A number of new key words in Chapter 2 relate to managing and monitoring the
business analysis work on a project. Here is a list of some of the key terms that
you encountered in this chapter:
adaptive approaches
business analysis approach
business analysis communication plan
business analysis performance assessment
business case
corrective actions
governance approach
information management approach
key performance indicators (KPIs)
onion diagram
predictive approaches
preventive actions
project approach
RACI matrix
solution scope
stakeholder engagement approach
stakeholder list, roles, and responsibilities
stakeholder matrix
Review Questions
1. You are a business analyst addressing who will receive weekly business
analysis status reports containing performance against actuals for your
current project. You are performing tasks from which knowledge area?
A. Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
B. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
C. Requirements Life Cycle Management
D. Solution Evaluation
2. You are a business analyst working on a project where the timing of the
business analysis work is early in the project life cycle. What type of business
analysis approach best fits this project?
A. Predictive
B. Agile
C. Adaptive
D. Iterative
3. What technique might be used when determining the business analysis
approach on a project?
A. Decision analysis
B. Mind mapping
C. RACI matrix
D. Scope modelling
4. Who is responsible for ensuring that the business analysis plan is compatible
with the project plan?
A. Business analyst
B. Project manager
C. Implementation SME
D. Project sponsor
5. What key input is used to plan the business analysis approach for a project?
A. Business need
B. Business case
C. Business goals
D. Strategic plan
6. A RACI matrix describes the roles of stakeholders involved in business
analysis activities. What does RACI stand for?
A. Responsible, Accessible, Contacted, Informed
B. Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Involved
C. Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed
D. Responsible, Accountable, Coordinated, Involved
7. You have an implementation deadline for meeting a specific requirement on
your current project. What requirements attribute indicates how soon a
requirement is needed?
A. Status
B. Priority
C. Urgency
D. Complexity
8. Which statement about conducting stakeholder analysis for the business
analysis activities on a project is false?
A. Done as long as business analysis work continues
B. Conducted during the project phase to which it applies
C. Performed as soon as the business need is identified
D. Determines stakeholder influence and levels of authority
9. All of the following tasks are performed when planning and monitoring
business analysis activities except:
A. Plan business analysis governance.
B. Conduct stakeholder analysis.
C. Plan business analysis approach.
D. Determine solution approach.
10. Which business analysis stakeholder role is involved with all business
analysis activities on a project?
A. Domain SME
B. Implementation SME
C. Business analyst
D. Project manager
11. When identifying business analysis performance improvements, what
technique allows you to determine the metrics used for measuring
performance and determining how those metrics may be tracked?
A. Risk analysis and management
B. Metrics and KPIs
C. Surveys or questionnaires
D. Root cause analysis
12. The business analyst has defined how, when, and why the business analysis
team will work directly with project stakeholders to develop requirements.
What deliverable contains this information?
A. Governance approach
B. Stakeholder engagement approach
C. Information management approach
D. Business analysis approach
13. You are currently planning the business analysis information management
approach for your project. What activities will you be performing as part of
this task?
A. Plan traceability, plan reuse, and define decision making.
B. Define requirements attributes, plan traceability, and plan reuse.
C. Decide storage, define requirements attributes, and analyze stakeholders.
D. Plan change control, plan traceability, and decide level of abstraction.
14. What performance measures will the business analyst define for business
analysis activities and deliverables on a project?
A. Variables
B. Metrics
C. Measures
D. Forecasts
15. What business analysis deliverable is a guideline or direct input to all tasks
found in the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area?
A. Business analysis performance assessment
B. Business analysis approach
C. Business analysis governance approach
D. Business analysis information management approach
16. When planning business analysis activities, the business analyst may break
down the project tasks and then estimate the amount of work each task will
require. What technique are they using?
A. Decision analysis
B. Functional decomposition
C. Process modelling
D. Risk analysis
17. At the beginning of Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring activities,
the BABOK® Guide recommends that the business analyst create which two
planning deliverables?
A. Stakeholder Engagement Approach and Governance Approach
B. Business Analysis Approach and Stakeholder Engagement Approach
C. Governance Approach and Information Management Approach
D. Information Management Approach and Business Analysis Approach
18. What knowledge area allows the business analyst to define their approach
for tracing project requirements?
A. Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
B. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
C. Solution Evaluation
D. Requirements Life Cycle Management
19. All of the following types of requirements may be candidates for reuse on
your project, except:
A. Quality standards
B. Business processes
C. Transition requirements
D. Service level agreements
20. When planning how to address requests for change, the business analyst
should consider the cost and time estimates of the requested change, its
associated benefits and risks, and the:
A. Wording of the change request
B. Assumptions and constraints
C. Recommended course of action
D. Prioritization of the change
Chapter 3
Controlled Start: Strategy Analysis
Understand the current state of the business.
Define the desired future state of the business.
Assess the risks inherent to the change.
Develop a change strategy to achieve the desired business
To achieve a controlled start to a project or project phase, you
must be methodical and consistent in its planning and definition. The Strategy
Analysis knowledge area provides context for business analysts about the
business need, which reflects the gap between the current business situation and
a future business situation. One essential skill that the business analyst brings to
the big-picture work is knowledge of the internal and external business
environments surrounding the project. This is where experienced business
analysts begin to translate an organization’s business strategy into a proposed
new business solution.
Strategy Analysis
Now it is time to add some important context to the business analysis planning
and monitoring tasks discussed in Chapter 2, “Controlled Start: Business
Analysis Planning and Monitoring.” Planning, monitoring, and managing the
implementation of a plan isn’t going to do the team much good if you don’t have
clear goals and expected outcomes. These need to be aligned with the business
need so that everyone on the team knows the goals and expected outcomes. A
controlled project start requires a plan, but it also requires a defined target that
was developed and based upon the way things work today.
To define, design, and deliver a solution that addresses a business need or
opportunity, the team needs to define and agree on the big picture of what needs
to be done and why it needs to be accomplished. This high-level definition of the
business requirements for a project is the essential first step in producing a
successful project outcome. The BABOK
Guide defines the project’s big picture
in the Strategy Analysis knowledge area.
To focus on what is important to business analysts early in their analysis efforts,
let’s consider the tasks of this knowledge area with the framework of the
Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM™). A business analyst needs to
keep an eye on their work at this point in time relative to the six concepts
contained in the framework: changes, needs, solutions, stakeholders, values,
and contexts. Table 3.1 contains a list of the responsibilities associated with each
TABLE 3.1 The BACCM™: Strategy Analysis
Business Analyst’s Responsibilities
Change Define the future state and develop a change strategy to achieve
that future state.
Needs Identify and prioritize needs within the current state of the
business to determine the desired future state.
Solution Define the solution scope as part of the change strategy.
Stakeholders Collaborate with stakeholders to understand the business needs
and develop a change strategy and future state to meet those
Value Examine the potential value of the solution to see whether the
change is justified.
Context Consider the change strategy in the context of the existing
enterprise: stakeholders, processes, technology, and policies.
The Strategy Analysis knowledge area focuses on defining and documenting the
business requirements and solution scope for a project. As part of this effort,
business analysts document the current state of the enterprise relative to the
business needs driving a possible change in how things are done. That leads to
the business requirements, which justify why a particular project should be
initiated to address the business need.
Business requirements provide much needed context for detailed requirements
activities that take place later. A business analyst takes a close look at the
organization’s current capabilities relative to a business need, problem, or
opportunity. Once business analysts understand what needs to change, they can
define the desired future state of the business. They then define a feasible
solution scope and approach for addressing that situation.
The tasks in this business-focused knowledge area generate eight key business
analysis deliverables. (You can find a complete listing in the BABOK
We will cover these four significant deliverables in more detail in this chapter:
Business objectives
Business requirements
Change strategy
Solution scope
The Strategy Analysis knowledge area is addressed in Chapter 6 of the BABOK
Guide. The knowledge areas in this book are sequenced within the framework of
a simple life cycle—controlled start, controlled middle, and controlled end. The
Strategy Analysis knowledge area is addressed early in this book because big-
picture tasks and business-requirements-focused deliverables of Strategy
Analysis are key components of the controlled start to most projects.
Some folks view business analysis as a strategic discipline where
business analysts define marketing strategies, build pricing models, and
assess the financial position of a company. People who do not have an
information technology background often hold this strategic view of
business analysis. This differs from the more traditional take on business
analysis similar to the set of knowledge, tasks, and skills we are talking
about in this book. A master’s in business administration (MBA) degree is
typically a prerequisite for the strategic view of the business analyst role.
Guide’s more traditional view of business analysis requires a
business analyst to have an associates or undergraduate degree in almost
any subject. Augmenting this education with a business analysis certificate,
some form of training, or the CBAP®/CCBA™ designation is highly
recommended. However, there is a strategic element as part of the
traditional view of business analysis. We are going to have a look at it right
now because these big-picture activities are found in the Strategy Analysis
knowledge area.
The Business Analyst’s Task List
A business analyst has four tasks to perform in the Strategy Analysis knowledge
area. We will look at each of these tasks in greater detail later in this chapter.
The task list from the BABOK® Guide includes the following:
Analyzing the current state of the business
Defining the desired future state of the business
Determining the change strategy and solution scope
Assessing the risks of the selected change strategy
Tasks from the Strategy Analysis knowledge area focus on defining the business
requirements and justifying delivery of the solution scope for the project. A
business analyst is responsible for developing, defining, and managing the roles
and tasks associated with this work. Tasks performed as part of this knowledge
area are governed by the business analysis approach. Business analysis
performance metrics for the tasks and deliverables are also defined and tracked.
We will step through each of these tasks in greater detail.
Exam Spotlight
Approximately 23 of your 150 CBAP
exam questions focus specifically on
Strategy Analysis. On the CCBA™ exam, expect to see about 18 questions on
this knowledge area. The questions are organized and presented using this
list of tasks. It is your job (and ours as well) to make sure you know where
this work is done and how you go about actually doing it.
When Does Strategy Analysis Take Place?
The trick to forgetting the big picture is to look at everything close up.
—Chuck Palahniuk
The tasks in the Strategy Analysis knowledge area take place primarily at the
beginning of a project. Many of these tasks are done as part of pre-project
activities or the basis of a project’s controlled start. The business requirements
created for a project are like the frame on a painting: They frame and control the
desired solution scope and the work efforts required to build the solution. The
solution scope and high-level business requirements may require changes, need
updates, or be enhanced with additional details as each subsequent phase of the
project life cycle is performed.
As previously discussed, the controlled start of a project includes pre-project
activities to determine whether it is a viable and worthwhile project for the
business. At the end of controlled start, the business analysis team should have
the solution scope finalized and a compelling set of business requirements built
and approved by the senior management team.
Remember that not all business analysis work is done as part of a
project. Strategy Analysis activities may be performed as pre-project work,
part of a business initiative, or during a project’s initiation or feasibility
phase. Strategy Analysis deliverables may also be refined or revised at any
point in the project life cycle.
Analyze Current State
The business analysis team and key stakeholders must understand and be able
to articulate why a change is needed. According to the BABOK
Guide, the
business need “defines a problem or opportunity of strategic or tactical
importance to be addressed.” The business need driving the change must be
documented and agreed upon. A business analyst must understand the current
state of the enterprise today relative to this proposed change in order to have a
context for the change. Remember, not every project gets started because an
organization is having a problem. Organizations often consider adding new or
changing existing capabilities based on new market opportunities, customer
feedback, newly available technologies, or changing legal and regulatory
Setting a baseline and a context for a change involves looking at the business
drivers and issues to determine whether a change is really necessary. The
business analyst becomes the master investigator, questioning the business
need and any assumptions to make sure that the underlying problem or
opportunity relative to the business need is understood and being properly
Understanding the current state of the business starts the team and its key
stakeholders down the path of fully understanding a business problem or
opportunity. Organizations need to stay targeted on the business needs versus
reacting too quickly to problems, issues, or perceived inefficiencies. The current
state definition sets the stage for what comes next in the early part of a project,
including deciding on the following:
The range of solution options to consider
The set of stakeholders to involve
The appropriate solution approaches to evaluate
After the business need and the current state of the business relative to that
need are articulated for a project or initiative, they are not expected to change
significantly through that project’s life cycle. If the business need for a project
does change during that project’s life cycle, the business analyst will have to go
back to validate all of the high-level planning and definition work to make sure
everything is still okay.
Exam Spotlight
According to the BABOK® Guide, new business needs can be identified at
many levels of the enterprise. The four typical sources are:
Top down: To achieve a strategic goal
Bottom up: To address a current process, function, or system
Middle management: To make better decisions or perform additional
functions to meet business objectives
External drivers: To meet customer demand or business/market
Figure 3.1 summarizes the inputs, outputs, guidelines, tools, techniques, and
associated tasks for analyzing the current state of the business relative to a
problem or an opportunity.
FIGURE 3.1 Task summary: Analyze current state.
Inputs either are informational in nature or can be outputs produced by other
business analysis tasks. Inputs are acted on by the task elements and
techniques, producing one or more task outputs. Let’s take a look at the task
inputs used when analyzing the current state:
Needs Problems or opportunities must be understood as part of analyzing the
current state of the enterprise relative to a potential change in how things are
currently done.
Elicitation Results (confirmed) Elicitation results help key stakeholders to
define and understand the current state of the enterprise relative to the business
need. Elicitation information is informally confirmed to identify and resolve any
problems with the information before it is used in some way. Confirmed
elicitation results should contain no errors, omissions, conflicts, or ambiguity
relative to other information that has been gathered or is known.
Guidelines and tools also may be inputs used by business analysis tasks.
Guidelines are instructions or descriptions of why and how a business analyst
will undertake a task. Tools, on the other hand, are methods for conducting a
business analysis task or shaping a task output. Let’s take a look at the
guidelines and tools that may be used as inputs when analyzing the current
Business Analysis Approach The business analyst’s approach to analyzing
the current state of the enterprise is defined and guided by the business analysis
approach. Every time a business analyst tackles a task, they need to think about
how they will go about getting that work done. Using your organization’s
business analysis approach to performing this work can be helpful and keep you
on track. The approach can be as simple as a series of steps to produce a
deliverable or as complex as a detailed plan for gathering information and
creating a project deliverable.
Enterprise Limitation Challenges, such as the lack of resources or
knowledge/skill gaps, can exist within the enterprise relative to the business
need and the potential change. These limitations can impact the resulting
requirements and solution and must be identified and addressed.
Organizational Strategy Organizations usually have a set of business goals
and business objectives. Some of them are found in the statements of mission,
vision, and values, outlining what the organization wants to achieve and how
they see themselves doing it. A determination of how and why addressing the
problem or opportunity furthers these goals and objectives can be critical to
Solution Limitation Understanding the current state means being aware of
the limits and challenges that may be present in an existing solution. Changes to
the existing solution may impact or be impacted by the existing solution, its
capabilities, and its infrastructure.
Solution Performance Goals Most organizations measure the current
performance of the enterprise and its solutions, particularly IT solutions. These
measures of existing solution performance are the baseline for setting the
desired future state goals and improvements. These goals reflect
enterprise/solution and baselining.
Solution Performance Measures While solution performance goals are
more focused on establishing a baseline for enterprise/solution performance,
solution performance measures describe the actual performance of existing
solutions in the enterprise. Analysts can then compare the actual to the baseline
to assess change. The measures only focus on the actual state of solutions.
Stakeholder Analysis Results Identifying the business need is the first step
in defining a project’s business requirements. As part of their identification
efforts, business analysts must elicit information from key stakeholders about
their high-level needs and knowledge of the current state.
TABLE 3.2 summarizes the inputs to this task and also lists the particular task
that was the source of the input (if applicable).
Table 3.2 Inputs, Guidelines, and Tools: Analyze current state.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Needs Input Define business
Strategy Analysis
Elicitation results
Input Confirmed
elicitation results
Elicitation and
Business analysis
and tools
Plan business
analysis approach.
Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring
and tools
Assess enterprise
Solution Evaluation
and tools
and tools
Assess solution
Solution Evaluation
performance goals
and tools
and tools
Measure solution
Solution Evaluation
analysis results
and tools
Business analysts need to step through several elements to analyze, understand,
and document the current state of the business. The elements necessary to
analyze the current state are as follows:
Business needs
Organizational structure and culture
Capabilities and processes
Technology and infrastructure
Business architecture
Internal assets
External influencers
Let’s step through each of the elements involved in analyzing the current state of
the enterprise relative to a problem or opportunity.
Business Needs Business needs consist of problems and opportunities, such
as customer complaints or the emergence of a new market. They are identified
at every level of the enterprise and drive the enterprise to define and pursue a
solution to satisfy that need. Remember to express business needs from the
enterprise’s point of view versus being too stakeholder specific to eliminate bias.
A business analyst must investigate the business problem or opportunity to
ensure that there is a good reason to move forward and address the problem or
opportunity. You are looking for a way to improve the business and add value.
Consider several factors when performing this work:
Quantify any adverse impacts.
Define any expected benefits from the proposed solution.
Estimate a timeframe for addressing the problem or opportunity.
Look at the “do nothing” option as an alternative approach.
Identify the underlying cause of the problem.
Organizational Structure and Culture Part of assessing the current state is
performing a cultural assessment of the organization. The BABOK® Guide
defines organizational culture as “the beliefs, values, and norms shared by the
members of an organization. These beliefs drive the actions taken by [that]
organization.” Communications channels and working relationships are
influenced by the organization’s structure and culture and should be accounted
for as part of analyzing the current state.
Capabilities and Processes When defining the current state, be sure to look
at the activities the enterprise performs. Core capabilities or processes describe
the essential functions of the enterprise that differentiate it from other
enterprises. The current state description should define the current capabilities
and processes of an organization relative to a business need. This description
looks at the organization’s business processes, software, hardware, people,
operations, and current projects. Activities and processes are measured by
performance indicators that will help business analysts assess the benefits
associated with a proposed change.
Business analysts can take a capability-centric view of the enterprise in their
current state description. This perspective looks at innovative ways to combine
existing capabilities and produce new outcomes. The capabilities being assessed
are organized in functional hierarchies that relate them to other capabilities. On
the flip side, business analysts may choose to take a process-centric view of the
enterprise, looking for ways to improve the performance of existing activities.
Processes are typically organized in a different way than capabilities, flowing in
an end-to-end fashion across the enterprise.
Technology and Infrastructure Technology is composed of information
systems that support people as they do their work, communicate with others,
and make decisions. Infrastructure is part of the enterprise environment,
consisting of physical components and capabilities, such as computer hardware
or operating a manufacturing plant.
Policies Day-to-day decision making in an enterprise is defined by policies at
different organizational levels. Any policies that may have an impact on the
change being proposed need to be identified and understood.
Business Architecture The current state of an enterprise relative to a
business need does not exist in a vacuum. Be sure to consider the business
architecture when thinking about making a change. Business architecture is the
design, structure, and behavior of every aspect of the enterprise. This view of
how things are currently working helps the business analyst align strategic
objectives with tactical demands and possible changes downstream.
Internal Assets Assets are the tangible and intangible parts of the current
state description. They include financial resources, patents, reputation, and
brand names.
External Influencers External influences add constraints, dependencies, or
drivers to the description and understanding of the current state of things.
There are many sources of external influences on an enterprise, including
industry structure, competitors, customers, suppliers, the political and
regulatory environment, technology, and macroeconomic factors such as
unemployment or inflation.
There are a number of techniques that you may choose to apply when analyzing
the current state of the enterprise. To make sure you consider a range of
business needs and desired outcomes before settling on what is driving your
potential project, we recommend that you use the document analysis and the
root-cause analysis techniques. Let’s take a look at these two techniques in
greater detail.
Recommended Technique: Document Analysis
Document analysis allows a business analyst to elicit, confirm, or crosscheck
project requirements information by studying existing documentation and other
relevant information. These secondary sources of information allow the
business analyst to gather details for existing solutions (the “as is” situation) to
see whether they have components that can be used or should be changed for
the new solution that is being proposed (the “to be” situation).
Document analysis assumes that the existing documentation is easily available
and up-to-date. If the information is not up-to-date and valid, it will be of little
help to a business analyst in eliciting or confirming the requirements. The
“existing stuff” is information prepared for another project or purpose but
relevant to your requirements development efforts. This type of secondary data
can be quite helpful during requirements elicitation.
To conduct document analysis, the business analyst steps through three stages:
preparation, the actual document review, and wrap-up. Preparation involves
locating and evaluating the relevant system and business documentation.
During document review, you study the material, identify the relevant details
(technical and business), and document them along with any questions you
might have to follow up on with the subject matter experts (SMEs). Wrap-up is
the “get answers, review, and confirm” step.
Secondary Information Sources Checklist
Here is the checklist of secondary information sources that we use as a
reminder when performing document analysis work or even just basic
research about something. This existing stuff may include the following:
Project and system documentation
Corporate-level documents
Annual reports, strategic plans
Books and other publications
Information out on the company intranet
The company website
Websites of competitors
Organization charts, seating diagrams, phone lists
White papers
Technical standards and guidelines
Informal and casual sources
Internet research
Competitor demos and evaluations
Benchmarking studies
Trade journals
Issue registers
Quality registers
Demographic surveys
User guides
Market research information
Change requests
Problem reports
Help desk reports
Help desk logs
Meeting minutes
Information about related projects
Recommended Technique: Root-Cause Analysis
Business analysts perform root-case analysis to determine the underlying
source of a problem. This structured technique is used to examine a situation in
order to establish the root causes and resulting effects of a particular problem.
Guide recommends two common methods for root-cause
analysis: the fishbone diagram and the five whys.
Fishbone Diagram A fishbone diagram allows the business analyst to show
the causes of a problem or an effect. Fishbone diagrams are also called Ishikawa
or cause-and-effect diagrams. This diagram allows the business analyst to see all
possible causes of a result in a structured way and to make sure that everyone
understands the problem or cause that is being addressed.
The business analyst and key stakeholders will brainstorm the categories and
the possible causes in each category. Typical categories include things like
people, methods, machines, materials, measurements, and environment. After
the diagram is built, the business analyst will analyze the results and (hopefully)
determine the actual cause of what is taking place.
This fishbone example looks at the possible causes for a specific effect:
decreased wine sales revenue. The possible causes are diagrammed and broken
down across four areas: people and skills, systems, distributors, and
surroundings. A fishbone diagram, like the one shown in Figure 3.2, offers the
team the opportunity to analyze and discuss what they think is leading to this
decrease in revenue.
FIGURE 3.2 A fishbone diagram offers the opportunity to analyze and discuss.
Five Whys The five whys is a questioning technique that asks, “Why?”
repeatedly in order to get to the root cause of a problem. This technique can be
used alone or used with the fishbone diagram technique. This is a simple and
effective facilitation tool. Many business analysts customize their use of this tool
by asking, “How?” instead of “Why?” or by alternating between the two terms.
Often the root cause is identified before the five questions are asked.
Be careful when you use this technique. We were in a meeting once where the
facilitator really annoyed the senior user by repeatedly asking, “Why?” in order
to determine whether automating an existing process would improve customer
service. The senior user ended up throwing a powdered-sugar doughnut at the
facilitator, making a big white spot right on the front of the facilitator’s black
suit jacket.
Additional Techniques to Consider
Guide lists some additional techniques that can be used when
analyzing the current state for your project. They are summarized for you here:
Benchmarking and Market Analysis Benchmarking is done to compare
organizational practices against the best-in-class practices from competitors,
the government, or industry associations. Market analysis researches customers
to determine what those customers need or want. Both techniques allow you to
identify opportunities for improvement in the current state.
Business Capability Analysis This technique allows a business analyst to
define the current business capabilities of the enterprise, identify performance
gaps, and prioritize those gaps and capabilities relative to the value and risk of a
business need.
Business Model Canvas A business model canvas describes how an
enterprise creates, delivers, and captures value to and from its customers. This
technique provides an understanding of the value proposition between the
enterprise and its customers as well as the critical factors in delivering that
value and the resulting cost and revenue streams.
Business Cases Many organizations use business cases to justify a course of
action based upon the benefits of a proposed solution. When analyzing the
current state, be sure to capture information regarding the business need and
the opportunity that need presents to the enterprise.
Concept Modelling Business analysts need to capture and organize the key
terms and concepts to build a “business vocabulary” or glossary for people to
use when discussing the current state and the proposed change.
Data Mining Data mining looks for useful patterns and insights in enterprise
data, such as information on the performance of the enterprise. This can
improve the decision-making process relative to a business need.
Financial Analysis Financial analysis is used to understand the profitability
of the current state and to evaluate the enterprise’s financial capability to deliver
Focus Groups This group technique allows a business analyst to bring
together a selected group of key stakeholders to identify and discuss problems
and opportunities as part of analyzing the current state.
Functional Decomposition Functional decomposition allows a business
analyst to break down the complex systems and relationships that make up the
current state into smaller, easily understood pieces and parts.
Interviews It is essential that the business analysts talk with stakeholders to
understand the current state and any stakeholder needs relative to that current
Item Tracking This technique allows issue tracking and management relative
to the description of the enterprise’s current state. We often refer to this key
technique as “issue management” on our projects.
Lessons Learned Looking at failures and opportunities from past change
initiatives can assist with facilitating a proposed change. Lessons learned may
also highlight and drive a new business need for process improvement in one or
more areas.
Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Metrics and KPIs are
used to assess the performance of the current state of the enterprise. Be sure to
look for measurable ways to assess performance.
Remember, KPIs are indicators that allow a business analyst to
measure performance or progress of solutions and solution components
toward strategic goals or objectives. Metrics are quantifiable levels of an
indicator measured at a particular point in time.
Mind Mapping Mind mapping is a creative way of note taking that captures
ideas and information in a visual and nonlinear way relative to the current state.
This technique is used to explore relevant aspects of the current state and to
understand the factors affecting the business need.
Observation Observation allows a business analyst to gain insight into needs
by viewing how things are done within the current state. Often, observation also
helps business analysts discover new stakeholder and business needs based
upon what they observe.
Organizational Modelling Remember those hierarchical organization charts
with the rectangles and the lines connecting each level of job title? When
analyzing the current state, many business analysts use this technique to
describe the roles, responsibilities, and reporting structures that currently exist
within the organization.
Process Analysis Process analysis identifies opportunities to improve the
current state by looking at the efficiency and effectiveness of a particular process
that is part of the current state.
Process Modelling This graphical modelling technique describes how work
occurs in the current state and the current solution.
Risk Analysis and Management Risk analysis and management identifies
areas of risk or uncertainty that could negatively impact the current state. This
technique also analyzes and evaluates those uncertainties to develop responses
to deal with the risks.
Scope Modelling Ever been asked what is in scope and what is out of scope
for your project? Scope models are used to define the boundaries of the current
state description.
Survey or Questionnaire This elicitation technique helps business analysts
gain an understanding of the current state from a large, varied, or disparate
group of stakeholders in a relatively short period of time.
SWOT Analysis This tool evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats to the current state enterprise.
Vendor Assessment This technique determines whether vendors that are
part of the current state are adequately meeting their commitments or whether
changes are needed.
Workshops Workshops help engage key stakeholders as they collaboratively
describe the current state and their current or future needs relative to that state.
Business analysts select the techniques they will apply as part of analyzing the
current state. There is no need to use all of these techniques, so choose wisely.
Let’s take a look at the outputs that result from applying your selected
techniques to this task.
Analyzing the Current State
There are two related outputs from this task: the current state description and
the business requirements. The current state description provides the context
for the enterprise’s existing scope, capabilities, resources, performance, culture
dependencies, infrastructure, external influences, and significant relationships
between these elements.
The business requirements define the problem, opportunity, or constraint
defined based upon understanding the definition and inner workings of the
current state. The business requirements include the business need, describing
the problem or opportunity that an organization is facing. The business
requirements and the current state description drive the start of your project.
Table 3.3 summarizes the output from the Analyze Current State task.
TABLE 3.3 Outputs: Analyze current state.
Task Output Output Destinations Source Knowledge Area
Current state
Plan stakeholder engagement. Business Analysis Planning
and Monitoring
Plan business analysis Business Analysis Planning
governance. and Monitoring
Define future state. Strategy Analysis
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
Define change strategy. Strategy Analysis
Analyze potential value and
recommend solution.
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Assess enterprise limitations. Solution Evaluation
Recommend actions to increase
solution value.
Solution Evaluation
Define future state. Strategy Analysis
Case Study: Palmer Divide Vineyards—Business Goals, Objectives, and
As you become more involved with your Palmer Divide Vineyards work, you
decide that you need to take a quick look at the organization’s existing
business goals, objectives, and needs as part of your current state analysis.
As discussed in a recent team meeting, you would like to make sure you
have it right. The team is curious about how the green initiative and your IT
requirements development part of it fit into the organization’s strategic
plan. The team likes the idea of becoming a certified Green Business.
However, they would like to validate how this business goal fits with the
organization’s long-term strategy and make sure that the project is really
worth doing.
There are many aspects to attaining green certification, and the winery has
initiated this current project to help achieve this strategic goal. A business
objective for this effort is to conserve 20 percent of the current energy and
water resource consumption within the next 18 months. The business need
triggering the project came from combining the owner’s strategic plans, a
desire to operate an organic winery, and a perceived market advantage from
selling green-labeled organic wines to the public.
Once the current state is identified, understood, and documented, it is used as
an input or guideline by many other business analysis tasks. They include
conducting stakeholder analysis, assessing risks, and analyzing the potential
value of taking action. Additionally, the remaining three Strategy Analysis tasks
require the current state as an input or guideline for performing their big-
picture activities and completing the high-level definition of the project.
A number of stakeholders are involved with identifying and analyzing business
needs within an organization. Typically, the business analyst is responsible for
identifying and investigating the need. It is a best practice to appoint a sponsor
who owns the business need and authorizes the actions to make sure that need
is met. Often this is done by the project that was triggered as a result of the
business need being identified and addressed.
Domain SMEs and end users can provide the business analyst with an excellent
source of existing problems or limitations with systems and processes. Other
key stakeholders involved with analyzing the current state of the enterprise
relative to the business need include the following:
Implementation SME
Operational support
Project manager
The business requirements and current state description guide the
identification, definition, and selection of new capabilities, possible solutions,
and solution approaches. Remember that the business need is typically
contained in the business requirements created as an output from this task.
Using the business requirements and current state description, you will now
move to the next task and define the desired future state that meets the business
Define Future State
After the business analyst analyzes and understands the current state of the
enterprise relative to the business need, the next step is to define the new
capabilities required to address that business need. You must determine
whether the organization’s existing capabilities can meet the business need or
whether additional capabilities and conditions are necessary. Typically, projects
begin when organizations have to add new capabilities to the mix in order to
meet a business need.
Defining the future state allows the stakeholders to understand the potential
value of a range of solution options. This leads to making an informed decision
and selecting the best possible solution as part of the change strategy. We will
look at the change strategy in more detail later in this chapter. According to the
BABOK® Guide, the future state is defined to a level of detail that:
Allows for competing strategies to be identified and assessed
Provides clear definition of outcomes satisfying the business need
Details the scope of the solution space
Allows for value associated with the future state to be assessed
Enables consensus to be achieved among key stakeholders
Figure 3.3 summarizes the inputs, outputs, techniques, and associated tasks for
defining the future state at the appropriate level of detail relative to the business
need within an organization.
FIGURE 3.3 Task summary: Define future state.
Remember, the desired future state meets the business need. Let’s take a look at
the task inputs, guidelines, and tools used to assist the business analyst in
defining the future state. There is a single input to this task.
Business Requirements The business requirements are the basis for
defining the future state. Business requirements define the problems,
opportunities, or constraints that need to be addressed by the solution scope.
The business analyst is focused on what it will take to deliver the business
requirements, either by using existing capabilities or by creating new
Several guidelines and tools are also to be used as inputs when defining the
future state. They include the following:
Constraints Constraints may exist within the enterprise that limit or change
your solution options as part of the future state definition. The BABOK
includes them as considerations in the 6.2.3 model but does not specify
constraints in the list found in 6.2.5. We believe they are an important
consideration for any project.
Current State Description The current state description defines the current
capabilities of an organization relative to a business need. The description may
look at the organization’s business processes, software, hardware, people,
operations, and current projects. This is the first place you look to understand
the organization’s current capabilities relative to the business need being
addressed and the desired future state to be defined.
Metrics and KPIs When defining the future state, key performance indicators
and metrics must be considered. This allows you to determine whether the
future state has been achieved when the solution is implemented.
Organizational Strategy This strategy defines the path, method, or approach
the organization will take to achieve the desired future state. This strategy may
impact the solution that is chosen for implementation.
Table 3.4 summarizes the inputs to this task and also lists the particular task
that was the source of the input (if applicable).
TABLE 3.4 Inputs: Define future state.
Task Input Input Type Input Source Source Knowledge
Input Identify business
Strategy Analysis
Constraints* Guidelines and
Current state
Guidelines and
Analyze current
Strategy Analysis
Metrics and KPIs Guidelines and
Guidelines and
The BABOK® Guide includes constraints as considerations in the 6.2.3 model but does not specify
them in the list found in 6.2.5. We believe they are an important consideration for any project.
To define the future state, you need to address and define a number of detailed
elements within the task. Those elements are:
Business goals and objectives
Scope of solution space
Organizational structure and culture
Capabilities and processes
Technology and infrastructure
Business architecture
Internal assets
Potential value
The future state definition typically includes new, removed, and
modified components of the enterprise. This definition may also include
changes to organizational boundaries. Changes found in a future state
description may impact the following enterprise components:
Business processes
Lines of business
Organizational structure
Staff competencies
Knowledge and skills
Desktop tools
Organization locations
Data and information
Applications systems
Technology infrastructure
Let’s step through each of the 11 elements involved in defining an organization’s
future state relative to a specific business need. Many of these elements are the
same things you are analyzing when developing a description of the current
state of affairs relative to the business need. The business analyst will compare
the current state to the future state in order to see what actually needs to be
Business Goals and Objectives Early in a project or before a project even
begins, business analysts are asked to analyze the organization’s business goals
and objectives as part of defining a particular business need and the desired
future state. This strategic information is usually located in the organization’s
strategic plan, starting with the organization’s mission, vision, and values.
Many people mistake the vision statement for the mission statement.
Vision The vision describes a future identity.
Mission The mission describes why that future identity will be achieved.
Values Values provide boundaries for how an organization defines its
mission in order to achieve its vision.
Figure 3.4 depicts the levels of detail and the relationships ranging from an
organization’s vision, mission, and strategic plan to the projects being done in
order to achieve those strategic goals.
FIGURE 3.4 Relating strategy and implementation
Business goals are strategic statements describing changes that the organization
seeks to establish or current conditions that the organization wants to maintain.
A single business goal may be subdivided into one or more focus areas, such as
customer satisfaction, operational excellence, or business growth.
Business goals must be decomposed into a set of more quantitative business
objectives. Business objectives state the predetermined results toward which
effort is directed, such as a strategic position to be attained or a purpose to be
achieved. Experienced business analysts make sure that their business
objectives are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-
Exam Spotlight
Let’s take a closer look at each of these SMART criteria for business
objectives. Make sure you are comfortable with these definitions as part of
your exam preparation.
Specific A business objective is specific if it has an observable outcome.
Specific objectives allow an organization to ascertain that particular
business objectives have actually been met.
Measurable Quantifiable business objectives have measures that are used
to track and measure their observable outcomes. Remember, if you can’t
measure something, it can’t be verified.
Achievable Business objectives must also be feasible. This is true relative
to their cost, complexity, implementation, and ongoing support.
Relevant All business goals and objectives must align to the organization’s
mission, vision, and values. Otherwise, there is no need to pursue them.
Time-Bound Each business objective should have a defined timeframe for
achieving that objective. Business analysts should ensure that the timeframe
is consistent with the business need.
Scope of Solution Space The business analyst must also describe the range
of solutions and the options that will be considered to achieve the desired future
state. The target is reaching a desired outcome that delivers the most value and
can be implemented to address the business need. Do not confuse the desired
outcome with a solution; they are not the same thing. Solution options to
achieve the future state will be evaluated relative to the desired outcome to
make sure they can deliver the business benefits that are expected.
Constraints Constraints limit the current state as well as the planned future
state. Constraints may not change as part of the solution. Constraints come in
many flavors, such as budget, time, technology, infrastructure, policy, resources,
team member skills, and regulations.
Organizational Structure and Culture When assessing the future state,
remember to do a cultural assessment of the organization relative to the changes
in formal and informal working relationships that may occur. Communications
channels and working relationships are influenced by the organization’s
structure and culture and should be accounted for as part of analyzing both the
current and future states of the enterprise during strategy analysis.
Capabilities and Processes Once you have a handle on the current
capabilities, it’s time to consider the new capabilities that may be needed to
meet the business need. The business analyst is responsible for modelling and
describing these new capabilities. One common way to do this is called gap
analysis: defining what it will take to eliminate or minimize the gap between the
current capabilities and the desired future state.
Technology and Infrastructure The question you must answer is, “Does the
organization have the current business and technology capabilities to meet the
business need?” You will look at specific parts of the current technology and
infrastructure that relate to the business need. Existing technology may impose
technological constraints on solution design. If you miss something, your view
of the organization’s current technical capabilities may be incorrect and
incomplete. That will require you to spend extra time doing the research to
discover what you need to know.
Policies Day-to-day decision making in an enterprise is defined by policies at
different organizational levels. These policies might need to change as part of
the desired future state. Policies also have a bad habit of constraining the
solution space for the future state, so stay alert for these possible issues and
Business Architecture Business architecture is the design, structure, and
behavior of every aspect of the enterprise. The future state of an enterprise does
not exist in a vacuum; all these elements work together to meet (or obstruct)
business goals and objectives. This view of how things will work together in the
future helps business analysts align strategic objectives with tactical demands
and possible changes downstream.
Internal Assets Assets are tangible and intangible parts of the future state
description. The future state may require new assets or more capabilities from
existing assets.
Identify Assumptions You will have to make assumptions to define new
capabilities for the future state. Assumptions are things that are believed to be
true regarding meeting the business need. Make sure that you clearly
understand any assumptions associated with the new capabilities. Identify and
document each assumption, just in case you discover later that one or more of
them are actually false.
Potential Value There is no reason to transition to a future state if no value is
added to the enterprise as a result of the change. For the purpose of comparison,
the value should be compared to the “do nothing” option. The BABOK
defines the potential value of the future state as “the net benefit of the solution
after operating costs are accounted for.” Potential value is a key component of
the business case justifying the proposed change.
There are a number of techniques that you can use when assessing your
organization’s current capabilities relative to a new business need. You can
almost always use benchmarking and market analysis or SWOT analysis to help
you define the future state of things. Let’s take a look at those recommended
techniques now.
Recommended Technique: Benchmarking and Market Analysis
Benchmarking and market analysis studies target using new and different
methods, ideas, and tools to improve organizational performance. When
conducting such a study, the business analyst compares their organization’s
strategies, operations, and processes against the best-in-class strategies,
operations, and processes of their competitors and peers. After determining how
other companies achieve superior performance, the organization can then
propose projects to reproduce solutions that work elsewhere.
Recommended Technique: SWOT Analysis
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis lets you
look at the organization’s current capabilities relative to meeting a new business
need. There are two dimensions to this analysis: the internal strengths and
weaknesses of the organization and the external opportunities and negative
threats that are in play. SWOT analysis is done using a matrix or a grid.
Stakeholders brainstorm and complete each quadrant of the grid and then
analyze the resulting data to make sure that the business need and its
environment are well understood. Solutions for meeting the business need may
then be proposed and considered.
Additional Techniques to Consider
Guide lists (and provides a more in-depth discussion of) some
additional techniques that may be used when defining the future state for your
project. They are summarized for you here.
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria Identify what may make the future
state acceptable and how solutions options may be evaluated.
Balanced Scorecard This strategic planning and management tool is used to
set targets for measuring the organizational performance in the future state.
Balanced scorecards are outcome focused and provide a balanced view of the
enterprise by looking at four dimensions: learning and growth, business
process, customer, and financial.
Brainstorming Brainstorming is a creative way to collaboratively come up
with ideas for what the future state might be. Participants generate new ideas
and reduce those ideas into a smaller subset for subsequent analysis.
Business Capability Analysis The business analyst defines the future
business capabilities of the enterprise as part of the future state. Capability
performance gaps are prioritized relative to value and risk.
Business Cases A business case should capture the desired outcomes of the
change initiative and clearly define the desired future state.
Business Model Canvas This technique maps out the needed infrastructure,
target customer base, financial cost structure, and revenue streams required to
fulfill the value proposition to customers in the desired future state.
Decision Analysis Decision analysis is a formal way to examine and model
the possible consequences of different decisions being made in response to a
problem. During future state definition, it is used to compare the different
future state options and understand what the best choice might be.
Decision Modelling This technique is used to model complex decisions
regarding future state options. Decision models can use tables or trees to show
how data and knowledge are combined to make a specific decision.
Financial Analysis When defining the future state, financial analysis is used
to estimate potential financial returns to be delivered by that proposed future
Functional Decomposition Functional decomposition allows the business
analyst to break down the complex systems and relationships that will make up
the desired future state into smaller, easily understood pieces and parts.
Interviews During future state definition, a business analyst speaks with key
stakeholders in order to understand their needs and objectives relative to the
future state.
Lessons Learned Lessons learned can assist business analysts in determining
which opportunities for improvement will be addressed as part of the future
state and how to improve upon the current state.
Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Metrics and KPIs are
used to assess the performance of the future state of the enterprise. This
technique can help business analysts determine when the organization has
achieved the business objectives linked to the future state.
Mind Mapping Mind mapping is a creative way to develop future-state ideas
using a visual, nonlinear diagram that maps the relationships between ideas.
Organizational Modelling Organizational models are used to describe the
roles, responsibilities, and reporting structure that could exist in the future state
Process Modelling This graphical modelling technique describes how work
would occur in the future state.
Prototyping Prototypes model requirements for one or more future state
options and help users and other stakeholders determine the potential value and
feasibility of each option.
Scope Modelling Scope models define the boundaries of the enterprise in the
future state. Plan ahead and model the current state, too. Then it is an easy
comparison between where the enterprise is now and where the enterprise
wants to be relative to the business need.
Survey or Questionnaire Surveys or questionnaires allow a business analyst
to understand stakeholder needs and related business objectives that are part of
the future state. This elicitation technique is effective with a large, varied, or
disparate group of stakeholders over a relatively short period of time.
Vendor Assessment This technique assesses the potential value provided by
vendor solution options relative to the desired future state.
Workshops Workshops help engage key stakeholders as they collaboratively
describe the future state of the enterprise and their needs.
Let’s take a look at the outputs result from applying one or more of these
techniques to this task or defining the future state.
Defining the Future State
There are three outputs from this task: the business objectives, the future state
description, and the potential value. The three outputs are tightly intertwined.
The business objectives state the desired direction required for the business to
achieve the future state. The future state description defines the new, removed,
and modified components of the enterprise, and the potential value expected
from the future state.
Once the business objectives, future state, and the future state’s potential value
are identified, understood, and documented, they are used as inputs by several
other business analysis tasks. These tasks are listed in Table 3.5. They have a
strong solution focus, and they are integral pieces for defining the solution
approach and scope.
TABLE 3.5 Outputs: Define future state.
Task Output Output Destinations Source Knowledge Area
Prepare for elicitation. Elicitation and Collaboration
Manage stakeholder
Elicitation and Collaboration
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
Validate requirements. Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Analyze potential value and
recommend solution.
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Measure solution performance. Solution Evaluation
Assess enterprise limitations. Solution Evaluation
Recommend actions to increase
solution value.
Solution Evaluation
Future state
Manage stakeholder
Elicitation and Collaboration
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
Define change strategy. Strategy Analysis
Validate requirements. Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Define design options. Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Analyze potential value and
recommend solution.
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Measure solution performance. Solution Evaluation
Analyze performance measures. Solution Evaluation
Assess enterprise limitations. Solution Evaluation
Potential value Prepare for elicitation. Elicitation and Collaboration
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
Validate requirements. Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Analyze potential value and
recommend solution.
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Analyze performance measures. Solution Evaluation
A number of stakeholders are involved with defining the future state relative to
a particular business need and to the current state of the enterprise. Business
analysts usually drive this work. It is a best practice to appoint a sponsor who
owns the business need and authorizes the actions to make sure that need is
met. Often this is done by the project that was triggered as a result of the
business need being identified and addressed.
Customers and suppliers may be significantly impacted when a new future state
is defined and targeted to meet a business need. Other key stakeholders who
provide information about the strengths and weaknesses of the current
capabilities include the following:
Domain SME
End user
Implementation SME
Operational support
Project manager
You can use the current and future state descriptions to identify, prioritize, and
select the solution approach for implementing or obtaining the required
capabilities. This will be set forth as part of the change strategy and discussed
later in this chapter.
Case Study: The Boulder Barn Project
Here is an example of analyzing and documenting current and future
capabilities for acquiring property and building a new barn for an equine-
assisted learning facility in Colorado.
Equine-assisted learning is a rapidly growing field. Melisa Pearce, a lifelong
horsewoman, psychotherapist, and entrepreneur, focuses on providing
experiential horse interaction, coaching, and guidance to a wide variety of
private and business clients. Melisa works with clients and horses at her
ranch in an integrative approach consisting of ground-based horse
interaction combined with positive coaching and guidance.
Melisa’s leadership training curriculum is a unique, experiential program
where participants work with horse partners. Horses possess their own
personalities, behaviors, and attitudes and can therefore provide
participants with immediate feedback on their ability to affect actions or
change. By creating a partnering relationship with these animals to
complete specific tasks, participants learn about compromising, goal
setting, overcoming fears, effective communication, in-process adjustments,
effective teamwork, and how to act synergistically in order to create
mutually beneficial, outcome-based relationships. The significant learning
moments are applicable and transferable to both professional and personal
Existing Situation and Desired Future State
Five years ago, Melisa and her family moved to her current location in
Boulder County, Colorado. She scaled down her property from a 50-acre
ranch to 5 acres of property with an existing home. At the new location,
Melisa built a covered arena, attached barn, and retail store space to meet
her business needs and the needs of her horses and other ranch animals.
While her current location is adequate, Melisa would like to expand. She
would like a larger barn with more arena space. Ideally, Melisa would like to
sell her current ranch and purchase property in the same general area with
approximately 35 acres of land. Most properties of this type would already
have an existing home in place. Melisa would then build the following:
Office space
Barn with attached covered arena (35 feet longer and 70 feet wider than
the current facility)
Retail space with an upstairs observation and training room
Since Melisa has designed and built several ranch facilities in the past, this
project will apply the plan-driven approach. She is very clear about the
elements and materials intended for the new property, and the solution will
be fully defined before implementation begins.
Assess Risks
During Strategy Analysis, the business analyst analyzes and manages the risks
relative to the current state, the future state, and the change strategy. According
to the BABOK
Guide, the risks are analyzed in a basic way with which most of
us are familiar. The business analyst looks at the possible consequences if the
negative risk occurs, the impact of the consequences, the actual likelihood of the
risk occurring, and the potential timeframe when the risk might occur.
Exam Spotlight
In the BABOK® Guide, risks are uncertain events that can produce negative
outcomes. The focus is on the negative (threat) aspect of risks versus the
positive (opportunity) view of risk found in many methods. On your exam,
opportunities or positive risks are captured as needs and managed
Effective business analysts understand the consequences of internal and
external forces on the enterprise when working toward a desired future state.
Assessing and being aware of risks allows the business analyst to recommend
courses of actions as well as select a change strategy that fits the situation at
hand. Business analysts manage risks on their projects at any stage of the life
cycle to minimize the impact of those risks on the value of the implemented
solution or change.
Figure 3.5 summarizes the tasks involved in assessing risks during strategy
FIGURE 3.5 Task summary: Assess risks.
Table 3.6 summarizes the inputs to this task and also lists the particular task
that was the source of the input (if applicable). Let’s take a look at the task
inputs used to assess risks.
TABLE 3.6 Inputs: Assess risks.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
(internal and
Elicitation results
Input Confirm
elicitation results.
Elicitation and
Designs Input Prioritize Requirements Analysis
(prioritized) requirements. and Design Definition
Input Prioritize
Requirements Analysis
and Design Definition
Business objectives Input Define future
Strategy Analysis
Potential value Input Define future
Strategy Analysis
Business analysis
and tools
Plan business
analysis approach.
Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring
Business policies Guidelines
and tools
Change strategy Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
Current state
and tools
Analyze current
Strategy Analysis
Future state
and tools
Define future
Strategy Analysis
Identified risks Guidelines
and tools
and tools
Plan stakeholder
Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring
Remember, inputs are either informational in nature or can be outputs
produced by other business analysis tasks. Inputs are acted on by the task
elements and techniques, producing one or more task outputs. Let’s take a look
at the task inputs used when assessing risks.
Business Objectives Business objectives describe and point to the desired
direction needed to achieve the future state. They are also used to identify and
discuss potential risks along the way as part of the risk analysis efforts.
Designs (Prioritized) Prioritized designs link to and influence the risks along
the way to solution realization. Keep an eye on the designs priorities as you
perform risk analysis activities as they directly influence how you prioritize and
address the identified risks.
Elicitation Results (Confirmed) Effective business analysts make sure that
the elicitation information contains an understanding of what the stakeholders
perceive as risks in achieving the desired future state.
Influences (Internal and External) Influences are factors from inside and
outside the enterprise that can impact achieving the future state. They can be as
simple as organizational attitudes toward a proposed change in how things are
done or tangible influences such as existing or proposed infrastructure and
Potential Value Potential value is the value to be realized when a proposed
future state is implemented. This definition of business value provides a
benchmark against which risks can be assessed across the project life cycle.
Requirements (Prioritized) Prioritized requirements link to and influence
the risks along the way to solution realization. Keep an eye on the requirements
priorities as you perform risk analysis activities as they directly influence how
you prioritize and address the identified risks.
There are additional inputs that may be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Guidelines are essentially instructions or descriptions on
why and how a business analyst will undertake a task. Tools, on the other hand,
are methods for conducting a business analysis task or shaping a task output.
Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that may also be used as inputs
when assessing risks:
Business Analysis Approach The business analysis approach provides the
framework for all business analysis activities. It contains the guidelines for how
business analysts will perform risks analysis on their project.
Business Policies The limits and boundaries for decision making within the
organization live here. These policies may have an impact on the risk
management activities taking place.
Change Strategy The change strategy tells us how we plan to transition from
the current state to the future state. Risks associated with this change and the
steps of the change need to be considered when analyzing risks.
Current State Description How things are currently working provides the
context within which the new work needs to be completed. Current state risks
may come into play on your project, and you should watch for them.
Future State Description Along with the change strategy and the business
requirements, this description provides business analysts with a baseline for
determining the risks associated with achieving the future state.
Identified Risks Identified risks come from the risk analysis results and can
be used as a starting point for additional risk identification and analysis
activities relative to the current and future states.
Stakeholder Engagement Approach Stakeholders are an important source
of risks for your project. Be aware of your stakeholders and get them involved
with the risk assessment efforts across the project life cycle.
To assess risks, you will cover five areas within the task relative to one or more
risks. The elements are as follows:
Constraints, assumptions, and dependencies
Negative impact to value
Risk tolerance
Let’s step through each of these elements involved in assessing risks.
Unknowns Let’s face it, business analysts will never know everything that
might happen as the result of a change. We will never identify all of the possible
risks, either. Remember to look at lessons learned from previous projects to see
whether history provides you with additional risks to analyze and watch out for.
Stakeholder collaboration is essential when assessing risks. Working together
helps you understand the stakeholder’s view of the current and future states
relative to risks that may be encountered.
Constraints, Assumptions, and Dependencies Constraints, assumptions,
and dependencies should be analyzed for risks. Constraints are boundary
conditions or limits that might impact an organization’s ability to select certain
solution approach options. Assumptions are factors that you believe to be true,
but you have not yet confirmed them to be true. Dependencies are logical
relationships between the pieces and parts of your project, such as risks,
requirements, or activities.
Many business analysts treat constraints and assumptions as risks in and of
themselves. To do this, restate the constraint, assumption, or dependency as an
event or condition along with the consequences that could occur.
Negative Impact to Value To analyze the initial risks related to strategy
analysis and the desired future state, a business analyst needs to determine the
probability and impact of each identified risk. This is usually done with a
common scale, such as the numbers from 1 to 5 with a 1 being low and a 5 being
high. You can rank order your list of identified risks by multiplying the
probability and the impact of each risk in the list. This gives you the magnitude
of how likely a risk is to take place and how painful a risk will be if it does occur.
Risk Tolerance One key component of risk analysis is to understand your
organization’s risk tolerance. Organizations may be risk-averse, risk-neutral, or
risk-seeking. Interestingly enough, an organization’s approach to risk may
change over time. Risk-averse organizations want to reduce risks and are willing
to receive fewer benefits in return for a more certain outcome. Risk-neutral
organizations are squarely in the middle. They typically need to see that the
expected benefits equal or outweigh the costs of the proposed solution in order
to continue on with things. Risk-seeking organizations will accept high risks if
they come with high rewards for success.
Recommendation Business analysts are expected to recommend a course of
action based upon assessing the risks relative to a change strategy and business
need. Key stakeholders need to have a clear understanding of the risks relative
to the value of the change. There are five typical categories of recommendation
that can be made. The categories range from “go for it” to “do nothing.”
Pursue benefits of the change regardless of risk.
Pursue benefits of the change while investing to reduce the risk.
Increase the benefits of the change to outweigh the risks.
Identify ways to manage and optimize opportunities.
Do not pursue the benefits of the change.
Exam Spotlight
When assessing feasibility of a change to the enterprise early in the project
life cycle, be sure that you address the technical, financial, and business
risks of the proposed solution.
Technical Risks Will the new technology be able to scale up to the
performance requirements of our large organization?
Financial Risks Will estimated costs be exceeded? Might potential
benefits disappear?
Business Risks Can the organization change in order to realize the
solution benefits?
There are a number of techniques that you may choose to apply when assessing
risks for your project. Consider applying the risk analysis and management
technique to ensure that you have a full range of possible risks to consider. Let’s
take a closer look at how to successfully use this technique.
Recommended Technique: Risk Analysis and Management
The risk analysis and management technique is used to identify and manage
risks. Risk analysis and management is ongoing throughout a project. This
technique is initially used when developing the business requirements and
change strategy to identify areas of uncertainty about the technical, financial,
and business feasibility of a proposed solution or solutions. This initial risk
assessment during Strategy Analysis activities is the first step of many in the
land of “things will not go as planned.” Remember, the BABOK
Guide focuses
only on risks that are negative (threat) events.
The four steps of the risk analysis and management technique are risk
identification, analysis, evaluation, and developing treatments or responses.
Let’s take a quick look at each step in more detail.
Risk Identification Risks need to be identified before they can be analyzed.
Most business analysts enter identified risks into a risk register for a “one-stop
shopping” approach to risk analysis and management. As additional
information is analyzed regarding each risk, it can also be entered into the risk
Risk Analysis To analyze the identified risks, the business analyst determines
the probability and impact of each risk. This simple determination is usually
done with a common scale, such as the numbers from 1 to 5, with a 1 being low
impact to value and a 5 being high impact to value.
Risk Evaluation An easy way to look at the risk exposure is to take the values
you specified in Risk Analysis and add up all of the individual risk levels and
impacts to determine an overall risk value. Risk analysis results can then be
compared with the potential value of the change to see whether the overall level
of risk is acceptable for the change.
Risk Treatments or Responses The business analyst and key stakeholders
need to determine the treatment or response strategy used to deal with
significant negative risks. Five risk response strategies are listed in the
BABOK® Guide; these strategies are summarized in Table 3.7.
TABLE 3.7 Risk treatment or response strategies
Response Description
Accept Accept that the identified negative risk may occur and choose to do
nothing about it.
Avoid Take measures to ensure the identified risk does not occur.
Increase Decide to take on more negative risk to pursue an opportunity.
Mitigate Reduce the probability and/or the impact of an identified risk
Transfer Transfer the responsibility for dealing with a negative risk to a
third party.
Other Techniques to Consider
Guide lists several other techniques that can be used when
assessing risks. They are summarized for you here:
Brainstorming Brainstorming is an effective way to generate a list of
identified risks relative to the change being made from the current to the future
state. The brainstorming approach complements risk assessment activities by
enriching the list of possibilities.
Business Cases Business cases are often used to capture risks associated with
alternative change strategies prior to selecting which strategy to use to make the
change actually happen.
Decision Analysis This technique allows a business analyst to examine and
model the costs and benefits of a proposed solution and its implementation. You
can use graphical decision trees and financial valuation techniques to compare
and contrast possible outcomes.
Document Analysis Experienced business analysts analyze existing
documents for potential risks, constraints, assumptions, and dependencies.
Financial Analysis This technique focuses on the potential effects of risks on
the financial value of the solution as well as on the costs to make that change
Interviews Interviews are used to speak with stakeholders and understand
what those stakeholders think might be risks for a proposed change to meet a
business need.
Lessons Learned Lessons learned and other historical data should be used as
a source of past risks and issues that might also be risks on your project.
Mind Mapping This visual, nonlinear information-gathering technique helps
you identify and categorize potential risks and see the relationships that exist
between those risks.
Root-Cause Analysis Root-cause analysis is an effective way to work
backward to identify and address the underlying problem causing a risk. It uses
fishbone diagrams and “five whys” techniques.
Survey or Questionnaire Surveys and questionnaires are often used to
understand what geographically dispersed or large numbers of stakeholders
think might be risks and the various factors of those risks.
Workshops This technique allows groups of stakeholders to share their
thoughts on what might be risks and the various factors of those risks.
Exam Spotlight
Close your eyes and see how many of the techniques you can remember for
assessing risks during strategy analysis. The more details you can memorize
about each task in each knowledge area, the better. Details include inputs,
guidelines and tools, elements, techniques, and outputs.
Let’s take a look at the outputs that result from applying one or more of these
techniques to assess risks relative to a business need.
Producing Risk Analysis Results
Once the risk analysis results are complete, they are used as an input to multiple
tasks later in the project life cycle (Table 3.8). Let’s take a quick look at a list of
these tasks now.
TABLE 3.8 Output: Assess risks.
Output Destinations Source Knowledge Area
Risk analysis
Manage stakeholder
Elicitation and Collaboration
Define change strategy. Strategy Analysis
Analyze potential value and
recommend solution.
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Analyze performance measures. Solution Evaluation
Assess solution limitations. Solution Evaluation
Assess enterprise limitations. Solution Evaluation
The business analyst is responsible for getting this work done. The
implementation SME is responsible for providing inputs to the risk analysis in
their area of expertise. The sponsor needs to understand the risks as part of
authorizing and funding the changes. There are a number of additional
stakeholders that should be involved with risk assessment activities, including
the following:
Domain SME
Operational support
Project manager
You will use the risk assessment results as a decision-making tool when you are
building the change strategy. Let’s move on and take a look at this final
knowledge area task.
Define Change Strategy
Defining the change strategy requires developing and assessing alternative
approaches to the desired change before selecting the most appropriate
approach. Developing the change strategy produces two key business analysis
deliverables: the change strategy and the solution scope. The current state and
future state definitions are critical to the success of this task as they provide
valuable context for the change that is being driven by the business need.
Basically, the change strategy is used to justify the costs of doing a project in
terms of the value the project adds to the business and the associated business
benefits. A change strategy must look at both sides of the equation, comparing
both the costs and benefits of a proposed solution. The expected business
benefits and value of the solution should be evaluated relative to achieving
business objectives and meeting the business need.
Many templates and documents are used for a change strategy. We have worked
in organizations where the business case justifying our next project contained
very much the same information as the change strategy contains here. The
template you use for your change strategy is up to you. Just be sure that the
information it contains is adequate to support a go/no-go decision about the
project that implements the proposed solution defined in the business
requirements. At a minimum, the change strategy should address the following
Context of the change
Alternative change strategies
Justification for why a change strategy is the best approach
Investment and resources required to achieve the future state
Value of the change after the solution is delivered
Key stakeholders involved in the change
Transition states required to achieve the future state
After the change strategy is completed and approved for a project, it is time for
the detailed requirements development and other project work activities to
begin. Many times, the project manager will use the change strategy as an input
for the project charter.
According to the BABOK
Guide, the solution scope defines “the set of
capabilities a solution must deliver in order to meet the business need.” It is
derived from the business need, the desired outcome (business benefits), and
the required capabilities. The solution scope will be impacted by the solution
approach that is selected.
Solution scope focuses on the key business stakeholders of a project. This is
where the business analyst defines a recommended solution in enough detail for
these stakeholders to understand the new business capabilities the solution will
provide. This definition includes all major features, functions, and external
interactions of the solution.
Exam Spotlight
Be sure you can distinguish between product, project, and solution scope.
Project Scope Project scope defines the work needed to deliver a product,
service, or result with the specified features and functions.
Product Scope Product scope describes the features and functions
characterizing the product, service, or result.
Solution Scope Solution scope is the set of capabilities a solution must
deliver in order to meet the business need.
Figure 3.6 summarizes the inputs, outputs, techniques, and associated tasks for
defining the change strategy and solution scope.
FIGURE 3.6 Task summary: Define change strategy.
Table 3.9 summarizes the inputs to this task and also lists the particular task
that was the source of the input (if applicable).
TABLE 3.9 Inputs: Define change strategy.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Current state
Input Analyze current state. Strategy Analysis
Future state
Input Define future state. Strategy Analysis
Risk analysis
Input Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
Input Plan stakeholder
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business analysis
and tools
Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
Design options Guidelines
and tools
Define design option. Requirements
Analysis and Design
and tools
Analyze potential value
and recommend
Analysis and Design
Let’s take a look at the task inputs used to assist the business analyst in defining
the change strategy and solution scope:
Current State Description The current state description defines the current
capabilities of the organization relative to the business need being addressed
and the desired future state to be defined. When defining the change strategy,
an assessment of internal and external influences is crucial and should be found
Future State Description The future state description provides the business
analyst with a baseline and context about the desired future state.
Risk Analysis Results This input defines the identified risks and analyzes
negative exposure to value for each of those risks.
Stakeholder Engagement Approach Stakeholder communication and
collaboration needs are defined in this approach. They can assist the business
analyst in identifying change-related activities that are stakeholder related.
There are also several guidelines and tools used as inputs to this task. Let’s step
through them briefly now.
Business Analysis Approach The business analysis approach provides
guidance on how the business analyst defines the change strategy and what the
contents of that strategy might be.
Design Options There can be a number of design options that satisfy the
business need. Each option has its own challenges that need to be addressed by
the change strategy once an option is selected.
Solution Recommendations The change strategy typically offers more than
one potential solution to a business need. By identifying possible solutions, the
“best fit” solution can be selected that can be pursued to achieve the desired
future state.
When defining the change strategy, business analysts are expected to address
five essential elements when completing the task. Remember, the solution scope
and the change strategy are the two key outputs from this task. The elements are
as follows:
Defining the solution scope
Performing a gap analysis
Assessing enterprise readiness
Defining the change strategy
Looking at transition states and release planning
Let’s step through each of these elements involved in defining the change
strategy for a project:
Solution Scope The BABOK
Guide defines a solution as “the outcome of a
change that allows an enterprise to satisfy a need.” Solution scope describes the
boundaries of a solution, including the major features, functions, and
interactions of the proposed solution. You need to be sure to state both the in-
scope and out-of-scope solution components across the full enterprise
Gap Analysis Gap analysis results show the difference between the current
state and the future state of the enterprise relative to a business need. Business
analysts compare the two states and look at the capability gaps between where
the enterprise is right now and where the enterprise wants to be in the future.
The change strategy creates the missing capabilities or improves upon existing
capabilities to eliminate or minimize the gap.
Enterprise Readiness Assessment This assessment looks at the
enterprise’s capacity to make a change, use the resulting change, and
operationally support the change over time. This assessment is made relative to
realizing value from the solution, which is the outcome of the change. The
assessment looks at cultural readiness and operational readiness, the timeline
for implementing the change, and the resources available to support the change
Change Strategy In a nutshell, the change strategy is a high-level plan of key
activities for transitioning the enterprise from its current state to the desired
future state. This strategy looks at multiple options for achieving the change and
recommends which of these options are actually feasible courses of action.
A preferred change strategy is selected from the feasible options and developed
in greater detail. Many times, a business case is built for the feasible options to
help with decision making. Selection criteria for choosing the preferred change
strategy include the following:
Organizational readiness
Major costs and investments
Timelines for making the change
Alignment to business objectives
Timelines for value realization
Opportunity costs
There are pros and cons to the different change strategy options that are being
considered. Opportunity costs quantify the benefits that could have been
achieved if you selected a different change strategy.
Transition States and Release Planning When planning an
implementation, try to minimize the impacts to business activities. The desired
future state may be achieved in one big jump or in several smaller hops or
transition states. Release planning determines which requirements are included
in each stage, phase, or iteration of a change. Releases may be defined based
upon budgets, time constraints, resource constraints, or the ability of the
business to absorb change.
There are a number of techniques that you can use to define your project’s
change strategy and solution scope. A great way to begin this task is by building
a balanced scorecard. Let’s take a look at this recommended technique in
greater detail.
Recommended Technique: Balanced Scorecard
Value creation needs to be understood, measured, and optimized in order to
create sustainable performance. A balanced scorecard measures organizational
performance by focusing on outcomes. This technique takes an organization’s
vision and strategic plan to build a framework of tangible objectives, specific
measures, and targeted outcomes. This technique can be used for short,
medium, and long-term goals. The balanced scorecard has these four
Learning and growth
Business process
The learning and growth dimension looks at employee training and learning,
product and service innovation, and corporate culture. In contrast, business
process dimension focuses on how well the business is operating and meeting
their customer needs. The customer dimension measures customer focus,
satisfaction, and delivery of value. The financial dimension includes
profitability, revenue growth, and economic value.
Good metrics address both precision and accuracy. Precision
focuses on the consistency of measurements and targets repeated
measurements that yield the same value. Accuracy looks at how close the
true value is to the measured value. Closer values indicate higher reliability
and less uncertainty.
Other Techniques to Consider
Guide lists some additional techniques that can be used when
defining the change strategy and solution scope for a project. They are
summarized for you here:
Benchmarking and Market Analysis This technique compares
organizational practices against best-in-class practices and is most often used
when business analysts and key stakeholders are deciding which change strategy
is preferred.
Brainstorming Brainstorming allows a group of stakeholders to
collaboratively generate ideas for change strategies.
Business Capability Analysis Business capability analysis is a way to
prioritize the capability gaps in relation to value and risk between the current
state and the desired future state of things.
Business Cases Business cases can be used to capture information about the
recommended change strategy and other potential strategies that were assessed
and considered but were not recommended.
Business Model Canvas Business analysts can use this nine-box template to
define the changes needed in the current infrastructure, customer base, and
financial structure of the organization in order to achieve the potential value of
making a change.
Decision Analysis Decision analysis techniques compare the different change
strategies in order to choose which change strategy is most appropriate in a
given situation.
Estimation Estimating techniques can be used to determine the timelines for
activities within the preferred change strategy.
Financial Analysis Financial analysis helps people understand the potential
value associated with a specific change strategy. This technique can also be used
to evaluate strategies against targets set for return on investments.
Focus Groups Focus groups bring customers or end users together to get their
input on the solution scope and change strategy.
Functional Decomposition Functional decomposition allows you to
systematically break down the solution scope components into smaller pieces
when developing the change strategy.
Interviews This technique involves talking to stakeholders, getting them to
fully describe the solution scope and change scope, as well as sharing their ideas
on the change strategy.
Lessons Learned Remember to use lessons learned so you know what went
wrong with past changes and can do things better this time.
Mind Mapping Mind mapping is a visual, nonlinear diagramming technique
for a group of key stakeholders to develop and explore ideas for change
Organizational Modelling Use this technique to describe roles,
responsibilities, and reporting structures that are part of the solution scope and
are needed during the change.
Process Modelling Process modelling describes how work would occur in the
solution scope or during the change transitions.
Scope Modelling Scope modelling assists the business analyst in determining
what is in scope and what is out of scope for the solution and for the change that
is being made.
SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis lets you compare the costs and benefits of
implementing a potential solution or change strategy. As previously discussed,
there are two dimensions to this analysis: the internal strengths and weaknesses
of the organization and the external opportunities and negative impacts that are
in play. The business analyst is seeking to maximize strengths and minimize
Vendor Assessment When goods or services may be purchased from a third
party as all or part of a proposed solution or change strategy, an assessment of
that vendor should be included as part of the change strategy.
Workshops Workshops are used for groups of stakeholders to collaboratively
develop change strategies with stakeholders.
Let’s take a look at the outputs that result from applying one or more of these
techniques to defining solution scope and developing a change strategy.
Building the Change Strategy
The change strategy is the approach that the organization will follow to guide a
change in the way things are being done. The solution scope is achieved through
execution of the change strategy. The solution scope describes what must be
delivered to meet a business need. This includes any effects the solution might
have on the business and technology operations and infrastructure of the
organization. Solution scope can change throughout the project, based on
changes to the business environment or project scope over time.
Once the solution scope is defined and the change strategy is selected, they are
used as inputs to numerous business analysis tasks (Table 3.10).
TABLE 3.10 Outputs: Define change strategy.
Output Destinations Source Knowledge Area
Plan stakeholder engagement. Business Analysis Planning and
Prioritize requirements. Requirements Life Cycle
Assess requirements changes. Requirements Life Cycle
Approve requirements. Requirements Life Cycle
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
Define design options. Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Measure solution performance. Solution Evaluation
Analyze performance measures. Solution Evaluation
Assess solution limitations. Solution Evaluation
Assess enterprise limitations. Solution Evaluation
Solution Prioritize requirements. Requirements Life Cycle
scope Management
Assess requirements changes. Requirements Life Cycle
Approve requirements. Requirements Life Cycle
Specify and model requirements. Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Validate requirements. Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Define requirements architecture. Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Define design options. Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Analyze potential value and
recommend solution.
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Measure solution performance. Solution Evaluation
Analyze performance measures. Solution Evaluation
Assess solution limitations. Solution Evaluation
Assess enterprise limitations. Solution Evaluation
Recommend actions to increase
solution value.
Solution Evaluation
The business analyst and project manager are jointly responsible for managing
change and planning activities to complete a change. The project manager owns
the project scope, which is the work necessary to deliver the solution scope.
Detailed release planning and component allocation activities must integrate
into the project plan that drives getting the change and its resulting solution
defined in more detail, designed, and deployed. The implementation SME may
also be of assistance in allocating capabilities to solution components. After the
task is complete, the sponsor will approve the solution scope.
Numerous other stakeholders may be involved in defining the change strategy
and solution scope. They include the following:
Domain SME
End user
Operational support
Business Case: Hiking Your Way
Early in her career as a management consultant, Ginger discovered that,
during business case development, not all change strategy development
efforts run smoothly. She was sent on an assignment to a major company to
help the CIO define the business requirements for a new claims processing
system. Her business requirements and business case would be presented to
the CEO for approval. Then, a very challenging (and costly) development
effort would begin.
What Ginger didn’t know was the current state of affairs within the
executive management team regarding this proposed solution. She got an
idea that things weren’t quite right when the business analysis team drew
straws for who got to interview the CEO about this proposed new system.
Ginger got the short straw and scheduled her interview for later that
When she walked into the CEO’s office, he was very pleasant. After offering
her a cup of tea, he told her to go ahead and ask her questions. His response
to the first question about the strategic business priorities of the
organization was right on target. However, it was when she asked her
second question that things got truly entertaining.
“How will the organization measure the success of this project?”
The CEO told Ginger not to concern herself with the success of the project
because it was never going to get off the ground. He then went on to talk
about the very limited career that the CIO, who was also the project sponsor,
would be having with this company. Before Ginger could make any reply to
this outburst, the CEO asked her to leave because the interview was over.
When she got up to walk out of his office, he motioned with his hand toward
the far corner of the room.
“Go out that way,” he said.
So she did. As she put her hand on the door handle, Ginger found herself
wondering what was on the other side of the unknown door. Shark tank?
Broom closet? Bottomless pit? She opened the door and stepped out into the
executive parking lot at the back of the building. Unfortunately, getting back
to the front door of the building required a long hike through the cactus and
scrub. When Ginger arrived at the front desk, the security guard looked at
her and her tattered stockings and smiled sweetly.
“Lucky you,” he said. “I see he threw you out of his office. You know, you’re
the first one today. But I bet you won’t be the last.”
The guard then presented her with a piece of candy.
Needless to say, the change strategy and the business case containing that
strategy were not approved for this particular project. For her next business
requirements assignment, Ginger decided to wear trousers on the first day—
just in case.
How This Applies to Your Projects
In this chapter, you stepped through defining the business requirements,
current state, future state, change strategy, and solution scope for a project and
using this data to seek the sponsor’s approval to get that project underway.
Performing business analysis usually starts up at 30,000 feet on most projects.
Working on complex projects in which the initial feasibility studies and business
case development work are a project themselves can be enjoyable. It is always
fun to figure out the scope of what needs to be done and to justify why an
organization needs to do it. Understanding and defining the big picture is an
important piece of a project’s controlled start, and every business analyst should
be able to perform this work well.
It should be no surprise that projects are successful when what is to be
accomplished is clearly stated and agreed upon. The strategy analysis tasks and
their resulting outputs set the framework for the subsequent requirements
development activities. The change strategy and solution scope are defined by
negotiation between key business and management level stakeholders. Solution
scope definition restricts the detailed requirements development downstream
and allows for informed decision making and prioritization throughout the
project life cycle.
Many different project documents can be used to define the scope of a business
problem or need and justify why an organization should do something about it.
Here is a short list of possible candidates:
Business case
Business requirements document (BRD)
Project brief
Feasibility study
Opportunity assessment
Project charter
Operational concept description (OCD)
Scope definition document (SDD)
No matter which document template you use or what name you give that
document, it should contain most, if not all, of the information that the business
analyst builds and collects as part of their Strategy Analysis tasks. This includes
the business need, the justification and rationale for proceeding with the effort,
key stakeholders involved with these business-focused efforts, any business
constraints, and an initial risk assessment.
Business Requirements Document Outline
Here is a business requirements document template I frequently use.
Typically, I modify it for each organization where it is being applied, based
on their preferences. It is adapted from the IEEE’s Concept of Operations
(ConOps) document that is part of their software engineering standards.
Executive Summary
1.0 Introduction and Overview
1.1 Background
1.2 Description of Current Situation
1.3 Concepts for Proposed System
2.0 Scope of Proposed Efforts
2.1 Statement of Problem or Need
2.2 Business Areas and Goals
2.3 Business Requirements
2.4 Involved Stakeholder Organizations
2.5 Constraints
3.0 Analysis and Recommendations
3.1 Justification and Rationale
3.2 Summary of Improvements
3.3 Disadvantages and Limitations
3.4 Impacts and Risks
4.0 Referenced Documents
5.0 Signature Page
Appendix: Glossary of Terms
Appendix: Acronyms
Most organizations have their own templates, examples, and specific
requirements for writing a business case, scope definition, and/or business
requirements document. Be sure to check with your project manager to see what
is commonly used or required for your projects when you are defining the big
picture. Often, document templates provide a valuable road map for what
information you will need to gather and analyze during your Strategy Analysis
The four tasks of the Strategy Analysis knowledge area focus on defining the
business requirements for the project and justifying why that project should be
performed. The business requirements are the framework for what capabilities a
solution will deliver in order to meet a business need. The resulting business
benefits and value from implementing a particular solution will be defined, and
the means to measure them will be established. A change strategy will also be
defined to help the organization achieve and adopt the changes that are
In the BABOK
Guide, the set of Strategy Analysis task deliverables includes the
business requirements, the business objectives, the potential value of the
change, the current state description, the future state description, the solution
scope, and the change strategy. The tasks in this knowledge area are focused on
defining and getting approval for the big picture of what capabilities and
benefits a proposed new solution will provide to the organization.
The Strategy Analysis tasks address the most strategic part of business analysis
work. Often, these tasks take place before an actual project is planned or even
approved. Many organizations assess and evaluate the feasibility and value of
possible solutions to their problems and then select the most important projects
to be done. The remaining projects get to sit on the back burner and wait for an
opportunity to be initiated and done.
Business analysts focus on the strategic priorities, business goals, and business
objectives of their organizations when working at a more strategic level early on
in the project. They have to define and understand the business need and
determine the desired outcomes the organization would like to see to meet that
need. This work requires interacting with senior management to determine
what the problem or opportunity is and what they think might be done to
correct it. The underlying competencies of effective communication and
interaction are essential for success at this early point in or before the more
detailed project work begins.
During strategy analysis, a business analyst looks at ways to go about
implementing a solution that solves the problem and meets the identified
business need. The selected solution depends a great deal on the nature of the
problem and the preferences of the organization. Some organizations might
decide to outsource services to implement a solution. Other organizations may
prefer to build their own software applications and to provide those services
Business analysts work closely with the project manager in order to get the
solution scope definition in place. While the business analyst is focusing on
defining the solution scope, the project manager is working in tandem with
them, focused on the project scope. Remember, the project scope defines the
work needed to deliver a product, service, or result, with the specified features
and functions. By comparison, the solution scope defines the set of capabilities a
solution must deliver in order to meet a business need.
Risk management also kicks in as part of the Strategy Analysis tasks. The
business analyst must analyze the technical, financial, and business risks related
to the overall solution feasibility. In many organizations, a business case is the
“authorization to proceed” document. It justifies why the organization should
invest in the implementation of a solution. Once the business case is approved,
the project itself can get merrily underway.
Exam Essentials
Be able to list the tasks found in the Strategy Analysis knowledge
area. On your exam, you will see questions about the tasks, their associated
techniques, their more detailed elements, and the key outputs that they
produce. You should memorize the four tasks of this knowledge area and any
key outputs or techniques associated with them. The tasks are as follows:
Analyze current state.
Define future state.
Assess risks.
Define change strategy.
Be able to state the purpose of key deliverables. The key deliverables
produced by the tasks in this knowledge area are not always easy to remember
because they do not always align with the task names. Many tasks produce more
than one deliverable. Here’s the list:
Business requirements
Business objectives
Current state description
Future state description
Solution scope
Change strategy
Potential value
Be able to distinguish between project, product, and solution scope.
Project scope defines the work needed to deliver a product, service, or result
with the specified features and functions. Product scope includes the features
and functions characterizing the product, service, or result. Solution scope is the
set of capabilities a solution must deliver in order to meet the business need.
Be able to explain the techniques used to define the big picture.
Performing the Strategy Analysis tasks to ultimately build the business
requirements uses many business analysis techniques. Spend some time getting
familiar with these techniques and when they might be applied during Strategy
Key Terms
This chapter stepped through the contents of the second knowledge area from
the BABOK® Guide: Strategy Analysis. Most of this knowledge area focuses on
defining the big picture that the business analysis team will use to frame
subsequent work activities across the project life cycle.
You should understand how to apply the techniques and tasks in this knowledge
area in order to be an effective business analyst. Additionally, you will need to
know the four tasks and their associated elements and techniques from this
knowledge area in order to be successful on the CBAP
exams. The
tasks include the following:
Analyze current state.
Define future state.
Assess risks.
Define change strategy.
A number of new key words in Chapter 3 relate to defining the strategic view of
a project. Here is a list of some of the key terms that you encountered in this
business need
business objectives
business requirements
capability-centric view
change strategy
enterprise readiness
fishbone diagram
five whys
gap analysis
organizational culture
potential value
process-centric view
project charter
project scope
root case analysis
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound)
solution scope
SWOT analysis
transition states
Review Questions
1. What governs the performance of all Strategy Analysis tasks?
A. Enterprise analysis plan
B. Business analysis approach
C. Project management plan
D. Governance approach
2. Which Strategy Analysis task produces the solution scope as an output?
A. Define future state.
B. Define change strategy.
C. Analyze current state.
D. Define solution scope.
3. Strategy Analysis tasks focus on documenting what type of requirement?
A. Stakeholder
B. Solution
C. Transition
D. Business
4. What term describes the outcome of a change that allows an enterprise to
satisfy a need?
A. Solution
B. Opportunity
C. Benefit
D. Capability
5. What defines the business problem for which the business analyst is seeking
a solution?
A. Business case
B. Business objectives
C. Business goals
D. Business need
6. Industry structure might present constraints, dependencies, or drivers on
the current state of the enterprise. This area is a source of ____________
influencers found when analyzing the current state.
A. Internal
B. Competing
C. External
D. Business
7. What output contains the results of the business analyst assessing the
capability gaps between existing and new capabilities of the organization?
A. Business case
B. Change strategy
C. Solution scope
D. Business requirements
8. When assessing risks during Strategy Analysis, the business analyst should
consider all of the following elements except:
A. Unknowns
B. Proximity
C. Constraints
D. Dependencies
9. What four dimensions are addressed in a balanced scorecard?
A. Learning and growth, transition states, customer, supplier
B. External business process, internal business process, customer, financial
C. Gap analysis, change strategy, solution scope, business requirements
D. Learning and growth, business process, customer, financial
10. When building a change strategy, decision analysis can be used to compare
the ____________ of implementing a proposed solution against the
____________ to be gained.
A. Benefits; costs
B. Risks; benefits
C. Costs; benefits
D. Risks; costs
11. When analyzing the current state, the business analyst looks at the scope of
decision making at different levels in the organization. What element of the
current state are they looking at?
A. Internal assets
B. Business architecture
C. Policies
D. External influencers
12. Who typically approves the change strategy and solution scope and
authorizes funding for the resulting project?
A. End user
B. Sponsor
C. Domain SME
D. Customer
13. Which business analysis technique allows the business analyst to leverage
existing materials to analyze the current state of the enterprise relative to a
business need?
A. Process modelling
B. Document analysis
C. State diagrams
D. SWOT analysis
14. The business analysis team has analyzed the current state and defined the
desired future state of the enterprise. What is the team’s most likely next
A. Performing a gap analysis
B. Assessing risks
C. Defining the change strategy
D. Engaging stakeholders
15. What deliverable contains the preliminary analysis of solution alternatives or
options to determine how and whether each option can provide an expected
business benefit?
A. Change strategy
B. Business need
C. Strategic analysis
D. Feasibility study
16. What describes the specific end results an organization is seeking to achieve
and the measures to objectively assess if these end results have been
A. Business case
B. Business objectives
C. Business goals
D. Business need
17. The business analyst is looking at the current state of an existing system and
trying to figure out how to improve the efficiency of that system. What level
of the enterprise is the business need being defined from?
A. From the top-down
B. From the bottom-up
C. From middle management
D. From external drivers
18. When defining solution scope, which stakeholder role participates in
allocating new capabilities to solution components and determining what is
required to deliver those capabilities?
A. Business analyst
B. Domain SME
C. Project manager
D. Implementation SME
19. During Strategy Analysis, which technique allows the business analyst to
break down business goals into achievable objectives and measures?
A. Root-cause analysis
B. Business rules analysis
C. Functional decomposition
D. Organization modelling
20. What has been defined when all of the Strategy Analysis knowledge area
tasks are complete?
A. Solution scope and change strategy
B. Business requirements and solution approach
C. Solution scope and solution approach
D. Business case and required capabilities
Chapter 4
Overarching Tasks: Requirements Life Cycle Management
Tracing requirements and designs
Maintaining requirements for reuse
Prioritizing requirements
Assessing requirements changes
Approving requirements
It isn’t enough to just plan the business analysis activities and
get the work done. Managing and maintaining information about the
requirements being developed across the project life cycle is the responsibility of
the business analyst (that means you). If you can’t manage the requirements
from inception to retirement, how will you know whether those requirements
are implemented in the solution?
The overarching set of requirements life cycle management tasks is found in the
Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area. The tasks in this
knowledge area focus on ensuring that the right people are involved with
developing, understanding, and approving the business, stakeholder, and
solution requirements, as well as the designs. In addition, the requirements
themselves must be accessible and managed during the requirements
development work and throughout the project life cycle.
Requirements Life Cycle Management
The Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area targets managing
and sharing the project requirements and designs with the project stakeholders.
This knowledge area is also where the business analysis team deals with the
challenges of managing changing requirements and designs across the project
life cycle and ensuring that the solution implements them. Remember, for the
business analyst, requirements are focused on the need, while designs are
focused on the solution. Requirements and designs can change while they are
being developed and after they have been approved and baselined.
To focus on what is important to the business analyst across the life cycle of
their business analysis efforts, let’s consider the tasks of this knowledge area
with the framework of the BAACM™. Business analysts need to keep an eye on
their work relative to the six concepts contained in the framework: changes,
needs, solutions, stakeholders, values, and contexts. Table 4.1 describes these
TABLE 4.1 The BACCM™: Requirements Life Cycle Management
The Business Analyst’s Responsibilities
Change Manage and evaluate proposed changes to requirements and
designs across the life cycle.
Needs Ensure the business need is met by tracing, prioritizing, and
maintaining the requirements.
Solution Make sure the solution meets the business need by tracing
requirements and designs to solution components.
Stakeholders Work with key stakeholders to understand, agree upon, and
approve requirements and designs.
Value Extend value beyond the current initiative by maintaining
requirements for reuse.
Context Analyze the context of the existing enterprise to support tracing
and prioritizing requirements and designs.
Change is an interesting beast. Remember when your mother told you that
hindsight is always 20/20? Well, your mother was right. Business analysts are
experts at recognizing changing circumstances as the project life cycle moves
forward. They recognize that their level of knowledge about the solution and its
implementation improves over time. However, their ability to respond quickly
and easily to changes in the requirements decreases as the project’s delivery
date draws near. Managing changing requirements is an integral part of what
business analysts do. Figure 4.1 illustrates this strange and wonderful
relationship between what business analysts know about projects and how
quickly and easily they can respond to changes over time.
FIGURE 4.1 Responding to changing requirements
The tasks in this knowledge area consist primarily of actions taken for a
project’s business, stakeholder, or solution requirements and designs. These
tasks provide the business analysis team and the project with requirements-
related outputs that are then used in various ways downstream. The
Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area is addressed in Chapter 5
of the BABOK
Business, Stakeholder, and Solution Requirements
Let’s remind ourselves what these three types of requirements are and how
they relate to one another as part of your detailed requirements
development efforts. Remember that tasks in the Requirements Life Cycle
Management knowledge area do not typically focus on the fourth type of
requirements, which are the transition requirements.
Business Requirements Business requirements are defined early in the
project, representing the high-level goals, objectives, and outcomes for the
project. Business requirements justify the reasons for making a change in
the enterprise and define how success will be measured once that change
has been implemented. Typically, these high-level, “big-picture”
requirements are defined by tasks found in the Strategy Analysis knowledge
Stakeholder Requirements Stakeholder requirements are the bridge
between the business requirements and the more detailed solution
requirements to define the needs of stakeholders and how they will interact
with a solution. They are developed and defined as part of the Requirements
Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area. Like the business
requirements that preceded them, the stakeholder requirements will be
progressively elaborated into the more detailed solution requirements.
Solution Requirements Solution requirements are the most detailed
type of requirements that describe the solution characteristics needed to
meet the higher-level business and stakeholder requirements. Typically,
solution requirements are subdivided into two specific types: functional
requirements and nonfunctional requirements. Solution requirements are
developed and defined as part of the tasks found in the Requirements
Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area.
The Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area also addresses
monitoring the effects of changing project requirements across the project life
cycle. The business analysis team assesses the effectiveness of the actual
solution relative to the organization’s business goals and objectives. This
ensures that the project’s business analysis tracks its organizational alignment
and understanding, making it available for use on future projects. How is this
accomplished? Let’s take a look at the five tasks involved.
The Business Analyst’s Task List
The business analyst has five tasks to perform in the Requirements Life Cycle
Management knowledge area. We will look at each of these tasks in greater
detail later in this chapter. The task list from the BABOK
Guide includes the
Managing requirements traceability
Maintaining requirements and designs for reuse
Prioritizing the requirements and designs
Assessing requirements changes
Approving and agreeing on requirements and designs
These tasks focus on making sure that the project stakeholders have a common
and consistent understanding of the requirements, designs, and solution that
the requirements are defining. The business analyst is also responsible for
managing the requirements as they change across the project life cycle. We will
step through each of these tasks in greater detail later in this chapter.
When Does Requirements Life Cycle Management Take Place?
To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the
way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our
communication with others.
—Anthony Robbins, Motivational speaker, self-help author
The tasks in the Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area begin as
soon as requirements development work begins for a project. They accompany
the work being done in any knowledge area that develops requirements,
including Strategy Analysis, Requirements Analysis, Design Definition, and
Solution Evaluation. Effective business analysts make sure that their
requirements-related communication activities take place across the project life
In the Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area, the
life cycle is not meant to be a methodology or process for business analysis
work. The “life cycle” refers to the phases, states, or stages that the
requirements and designs may pass through during their development or
when they are changing in some way.
The requirements life cycle in this knowledge area works like this:
Begins with the representation of a business need as a requirement
Continues through the development of a solution
Ends when the requirements and the resulting solution are retired
Several key business analysis deliverables influence and guide managing the
requirements under development on a project. These approaches were created
as part of the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area. They
include the following:
Change strategy
Governance approach
Information management approach
The tasks in the Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area rely on
the contents of these approaches that define how you make decisions about
proposed changes, implement traceability, and store requirements and designs
information as you develop your project requirements. With that in mind, let’s
step through the first task in the Requirements Life Cycle Management
knowledge area: tracing requirements.
Exam Spotlight
Approximately 27 of your 150 CBAP® exam questions focus specifically on
Requirements Life Cycle Management. On the CCBA™ exam, expect to see
about 23 questions about this knowledge area. The questions target specific
aspects of the five tasks found in this knowledge area. Be sure you know
them well.
Trace Requirements
Requirements traceability provides the business analyst with the ability to
identify and document the lineage of each requirement and design. A
requirement’s lineage includes its relationship to other project requirements, to
work products, and to the solution components. When business analysts say
that they can trace a requirement or design, they are telling you that they can
look at that specific requirement or design and all other requirements and
designs to which it is related.
Requirements traceability begins with each project’s business needs. The
business needs are used to determine the business requirements. In turn, the
business requirements are decomposed into the more detailed stakeholder
requirements level. Stakeholder requirements get broken down once more into
the detailed solution requirements that transition the project team from
requirements definition to solution design and development. All of the
requirements that make up a project’s solution scope should trace back to one or
more business needs for that project.
Is It Real or Gold Plating?
Remember that all project requirements must be linked back to a business
need. Otherwise, a requirement is not necessary to meet the business need
and deliver the solution scope. Extra requirements that are not necessary to
deliver the solution scope are often referred to as gold plating.
Figure 4.2 summarizes the inputs, outputs, guidelines, tools techniques, and
associated tasks for tracing requirements on a project.
FIGURE 4.2 Task summary: Trace requirements.
Inputs either are informational in nature or can be outputs produced by other
business analysis tasks. Inputs are acted on by the task elements and
techniques, producing one or more task outputs. These are the task inputs used
when tracing requirements:
Requirements All requirements can be traced to other requirements on a
project. According to the BABOK
Guide, “other requirements” include goals,
objectives, business requirements, stakeholder requirements, solution
requirements, and transition requirements. All solution and stakeholder
requirements must be traceable to a business requirement. Requirements may
also have traceability relationships with solution components, business rules,
and other work products.
Designs Designs are usable representations of solutions. They can be traced to
all types of requirements, to solution components, and to other work products.
There are additional inputs that can be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Guidelines are essentially instructions or descriptions of
why and how a business analyst will undertake a task. Tools, on the other hand,
are methods for conducting a business analysis task or shaping a task output.
These are the guidelines and tools that can also be used as inputs when tracing
Domain Knowledge Tracing requirements leverages business knowledge and
expertise from stakeholders in the business domain being addressed. This
knowledge enables business analysts to put together the pieces of the
traceability puzzle correctly.
Information Management Approach The business analysis team’s
traceability decisions should be based on the information management
approach. This approach addresses and defines requirements traceability before
any actual requirements development has begun.
Legal/Regulatory Information Sometimes the business analyst must
incorporate legislative or regulatory rules into their project’s traceability
Requirements Management Tools/Repository The tools and storage for
requirements and requirement traceability must be in place prior to
commencing requirements development. Based upon the complexity of the
project and the degree of traceability formality, these tools can range from
simple spreadsheets to complex requirements management tools.
Table 4.2 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools for this task and lists the
source of the input (if applicable).
TABLE 4.2 Inputs: Trace requirements.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source
Knowledge Area
Requirements Input
Designs Input
Domain knowledge Guidelines
and tools
and tools
Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
and tools
and tools
Business analysts need to step through three essential elements to create and
manage requirements traceability for their projects. These elements are:
Deciding the level of formality
Selecting the relationships to be traced
Documenting and maintaining the traced requirements
Let’s step through each of these three elements now.
Deciding the Level of Formality The challenge for business analysts and
project teams is deciding what requirements and designs need to be traced and
what can be skipped. Traceability can be built and maintained at many levels
within a given set of project requirements. Traceability usually begins with
tracing the current requirements under development to the higher-level
requirements from which they are being derived. For example, when business
analysts build the solution requirements for a project, the first aspect of
traceability that they address is derivation from the stakeholder requirements
that preceded the solution requirements.
The business analyst needs to decide the project’s approach to traceability
before the requirements development work actually begins. It is important to
decide the level of traceability and the types of relationships to be traced ahead
of time. That allows the business analysis team to do this work concurrently
with developing the requirements.
Factors to Consider When Planning for Traceability
How do you decide whether a spreadsheet is good enough for tracking
requirements traceability? It really depends on how complicated you think
your requirements traceability will be. You should think about the following
factors as part of your decision-making process:
Number of Requirements Generally, complex projects have more
requirements, which generate a greater need for a traceability tool. In
complex systems, business analysts must strive to limit the traceability
information that is maintained to a usable and reasonable set of data. The
more requirements you have, the more relationships there tend to be
between those requirements. This may make maintaining traceability in a
spreadsheet difficult and point you toward a more sophisticated
requirements management tool that uses a database to relate the
requirements to one another.
Estimated System Lifetime The longer a system or solution will be used
within an organization, the greater the need for traceability using either a
tool or a spreadsheet. This will assist the team in evaluating the impacts of
changes to the operational solution. You also need to consider whether the
system is critical or noncritical to daily operations.
Level of Organizational Maturity Traceability tools are easier to
acquire and use when your requirements development and project
management processes are mature. Acquiring a new requirements
management tool at the beginning of a major requirements development
effort is bad timing. It will be difficult for the business analysis team to learn
to use the new tool and to do their requirements development work
Selecting Relationships to Trace Key dependencies and relationships
between requirements should be recorded so they can be traced across the
project life cycle. Creating and maintaining this information assists the business
analyst in sequencing project work activities to design and deploy the
capabilities found in the requirements. It also assists the business analyst in
correctly allocating requirements to solution components. The following are
types of relationships to consider:
Derive. Derivation is the backward traceability of a requirement to its
higher-level parent. An example of derivation is when a solution
requirement is derived from a business or stakeholder requirement.
Depends. A dependency relationship exists between two requirements
when the requirements depend upon one another in some way. There are
two types of dependency: necessity and effort. Necessity is when it makes
sense to implement one requirement only when another requirement is also
implemented. Effort is when a requirement is easier to implement when a
related requirement is also implemented.
Satisfy. The satisfy relationship exists between a requirement and a
solution component. Essentially, the solution component satisfies the
associated requirement.
Validate. This relationship exists between a requirement and the test case
or other method that validates or proves the solution fulfills the
Palmer Divide Vineyards: Concerns Over Elapsed Study Time
You are a team member at Palmer Divide Vineyards, currently defining the
IT requirements for a new green initiative. You have been assigned the task
of tracing the requirements in a particular requirements package. During
your review of the set forward and backward traceability matrices, you
notice the following stakeholder requirements:
SH1: Users will perform research studies.
SH2: Users will customize the contents of their research studies.
The children of these stakeholder requirements are the more detailed
solution requirements, which are traced back to their parents.
SH1 traces forward to one solution requirement:
S1: The system will calculate elapsed study time.
SH2 traces forward to two solution requirements:
S2: The system will allow creation of custom data queries.
S3: The system will accept customized user study data.
While you are looking at requirement S1, you find yourself wondering if the
elapsed study time will be calculated for all studies, both standard and
customized. The traceability matrix led you to this question, and you make a
note to clarify it with the involved stakeholders at your earliest opportunity.
Clarifying this concern during requirements development could save the
project team the rework costs downstream if this requirement is interpreted
incorrectly in the solution design and implementation.
Traceability Repository Traceability is usually achieved by putting the
requirements in a table, spreadsheet, or tool to manage the tracing activities.
Although traceability can be done manually using a spreadsheet, complex
projects often require a more streamlined approach. Many business analysts
prefer to use a requirements management tool or a configuration management
system to trace large numbers of requirements.
Implementing traceability for project requirements demands work from the
business analysis team, but it’s worth the effort. Traceability is used for many
things on a project. For example, traceability allows the business analyst to
thoroughly evaluate the impacts of a change request to both the requirements
and the solution components. In another example, tracing requirements back to
the business needs shows the business analyst how those objectives will be
accomplished. This also allows the business analyst to confirm that all the
business needs are included in the solution scope and the solution components.
In one last example, traceability allows the business analyst to trace the subset
of requirements that are allocated to each of the solution components.
Techniques to Consider
Guide lists some additional techniques that can be used when
tracing requirements. They are summarized for you here:
Business Rules Analysis This technique can be used to trace business rules
to the requirements that the business rules support. The technique also works in
a different direction, tracing business rules that support requirements.
Functional Decomposition Break down solution scope into smaller
components for requirements allocation. Requirements allocation assigns
requirements to be implemented by a specific solution component or
components. Functional decomposition is also used to trace high-level
components to lower-level components.
Process Modelling Process models visually show the future state process.
These models allow the business analyst to trace requirements to that future
state process.
Scope Modelling Scope models visually depict the scope and allow the
business analyst to trace requirements to the area of the scope that the
requirement supports.
Business analysts select which techniques they will apply as part of tracing
requirements. There is no need to use all of these techniques, so choose wisely.
Let’s take a look at the outputs result from applying your selected techniques to
this task.
Produce the Traced Requirements
Traced requirements have clearly defined relationships to the other
requirements and designs within the solution scope. Traceable requirements are
used by the business analyst to identify the effects on other requirements of a
requirements change or of a planned implementation.
Once the relevant stakeholders approve the requirements or designs, they are
used as inputs to another task in the Requirements Life Cycle Management
knowledge area, defining the design options. Table 4.3 summarizes these
TABLE 4.3 Outputs: Trace requirements.
Output Output
Destination Knowledge Area
Define design
Requirements Analysis and Design
Designs (traced) Define design
Requirements Analysis and Design
Business analysts have the primary responsibility for creating and managing
requirements traceability for their projects, particularly during requirements
development activities. The project managers are also part of this effort, as they
use traceable requirements to support the project-level change management
activities. Several business analysis stakeholders also have a need for traceable
requirements, including the following:
Domain subject matter experts (SMEs)
End users
Implementation SMEs
Operational support
Producing the traced requirements is an interim and necessary step in creating
the approved requirements for a project. Traced requirements are strongly
recommended as an accompaniment to the approved requirements for your
project. Let’s take a look at another aspect of producing project requirements:
maintaining requirements for reuse on future projects and initiatives.
Maintain Requirements
Requirements can and will change on your projects, even while the
requirements are being developed. Maintaining requirements focuses on the
current requirements for your project, as well as possibly reusing some of those
requirements on other projects and initiatives downstream. Requirements are
maintained so they stay current and correct across the project life cycle,
particularly after an approved change.
Some requirements developed for a particular project might also be candidates
for long-term use or reuse by the organization. The requirements that you
choose to maintain might relate to infrastructure, hardware, software, or
operational capabilities that the organization must meet on an ongoing basis
versus just for your particular project.
Requirements that can be reused on other projects must be named, defined, and
easily available to other business analysts in the organization. These
requirements are stored and managed in a requirements repository. Some
organizations save and maintain all ongoing, operational requirements to assist
support and maintenance teams in evaluating possible impacts of changes to the
deployed solutions and systems.
Figure 4.3 summarizes the inputs, outputs, techniques, and associated tasks for
maintaining requirements.
FIGURE 4.3 Task summary: Maintain requirements.
Several inputs are needed to maintain reusable requirements and designs while
a project is ongoing and after that project is complete. These key inputs are
produced by other business analysis tasks and include the requirements
themselves. Here is a closer look at these inputs:
Requirements Requirements that are maintained for reuse typically describe
the current state of an organization and the systems and solutions that are being
used to address a business need.
Designs Designs that are maintained for reuse also describe the current
systems and solutions that are being used. They can be maintained across their
life cycle.
Let’s also take a look at the guidelines and tools that may be used as inputs to
the maintaining requirements task:
Information Management Approach The business analyst’s approach for
managing requirements reuse is defined as part of the information management
approach during Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring activities.
Table 4.4 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools used by the task and lists
their source (if applicable).
TABLE 4.4 Inputs: Maintain requirements for reuse.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Requirements Input
Designs Input
and tools
Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business analysts need to step through three task elements to maintain and
potentially reuse requirements. These elements are as follows:
Maintain requirements.
Maintain attributes.
Reusing requirements
Let’s look at each of these elements now.
Maintain Requirements Maintained requirements and designs are correct,
up-to-date and available across the business analysis life cycle as well as the
project life cycle. The business analysis team is responsible for keeping
requirements current and correct while they are being developed and when a
change is requested and approved.
Maintain Attributes It is not enough to just keep the requirements for your
project up-to-date and available. The requirements attributes that were elicited
along with those requirements also need to be maintained. Typical attributes
collected during requirements elicitation include the requirements source,
priority, and complexity. Remember that requirements attributes may change
over time while the requirement itself stays the same.
Reusing Requirements Maintained and retrievable requirements can be
reused across multiple projects or initiatives. Reusable requirements are those
that the organization must meet on a continuous basis, such as contractual
obligations, quality standards, business processes, or service level agreements
(SLAs). The organization may have to prove that the ongoing, operational
requirements are met by the deployed solution.
Requirements that are met or satisfied by a deployed solution should be
maintained as long as the business stakeholders need them. This can be a great
help in getting future product enhancements and system changes done and
done well.
Exam Spotlight
Unapproved or unimplemented requirements might also be maintained for
later use on future projects or initiatives.
Techniques to Consider
The BABOK® Guide recommends several techniques that can be used as part of
maintaining reusable requirements. Here is a look at those techniques:
Business Rules Analysis Business rules that are similar across the enterprise
may be helpful in identifying requirements that are candidates for reuse on
other projects and initiatives.
Data Flow Diagram Look for information flow that is similar across the
enterprise. This consistent data may indicate requirements that are candidates
to be maintained and reused.
Data Modelling Just like data flow, data structures that are similar or
consistent across the enterprise may be pointing to requirements that are
candidates for reuse.
Document Analysis Playing detective and analyzing existing documentation
at the enterprise level may assist you in discovering requirements that may be
maintained and reused on other projects and initiatives.
Functional Decomposition When performing functional decomposition to
break something down into more detailed pieces and parts, be sure to look for
requirements associated with lower-level components of the solution that can be
Process Modelling Process modelling gives a window into the requirements
associated with the processes that might be candidates for reuse.
Use Cases and Scenarios Use cases and scenarios can help identify solution
components that can be reused by more than one solution.
User Stories User stories can be used to identify requirements associated with
the story being told that may be available for reuse as part of another solution.
Business analysts select which techniques they will apply as part of maintaining
requirements. Now let’s take a look at the outputs resulting from applying your
selected techniques to maintaining requirements.
Produce Maintained Requirements
Maintained and reusable requirements and designs often become part of the
organizational process assets (OPAs) and the enterprise architecture of an
organization. These requirements should be formatted and suitable for long-
term or future use by the organization. Table 4.5 summarizes the output from
this task and its destinations.
TABLE 4.5 Output: Maintain requirements.
Output Output
Destination Knowledge
Designs (maintained)
As a business analyst, you have the primary responsibility for formatting and
storing maintained and reusable requirements and designs after your project is
complete. It is likely that these requirements will be used by a different business
analyst at a future date, so you should make sure that the requirements are
accessible and easily understood. Several other business analysis stakeholders
also have a need for reusable and maintained requirements, including the
Domain SMEs
Implementation SMEs
Reusable and maintained requirements are not always produced on every
project. The only requirements that you should consider for this task are those
that the organization must meet on a continuous basis or those that are needed
by business stakeholders. Let’s look at another essential task in producing
project requirements: prioritizing requirements.
Prioritize Requirements
Requirements prioritization determines the relative importance of requirements
in order to gain maximum value to each other and to implement the overall
solution scope. Ranking the requirements by their importance to stakeholders is
the way most business analysts perform this task.
There are many ways to prioritize requirements. The requirements
prioritization scheme needs to be planned and defined for the business analysis
team prior to eliciting requirements information at any level of detail. The
priority of a specific requirement or group of requirements may alter over time
as the context and level of detailed knowledge changes.
A Must-Do Requirements Stew
Phil was asked to finish up a project that had languished in the
requirements development stage for years. The project approach was to
procure a commercial product to provide the required capabilities and
customize that product as needed. Contributing departments had gold
plated the project requirements to such an extent that there were no
commercial products that came close to meeting the defined needs of the
business. The solution scope had expanded from meeting a single unit’s
business need to addressing multiple business processes across
departments and organizations.
All efforts to focus on the set of core functionality required to meet the
original business need came to naught. Phil got the key users together and
attempted to prioritize the existing requirements set. No one would back
down from ranking their requirements at the highest priority, regardless of
the prioritization method Phil invoked. They tried forced ranking with no
success. They tried voting with even less success. They stuck dots on the
wall, they used sticky notes, they time boxed, and they budgeted. To add to
the confusion, the marketing department (a key player) consistently refused
to state any clear requirements other than needing total flexibility to react to
changes in the marketplace.
Phil discovered that sometimes the people creating the requirements are
incapable of objectively prioritizing the features they have spent time
dreaming up. He also found that his key stakeholders had difficulty
distinguishing between the core functionality and the optional features of a
solution. As Phil discovered, working on projects where the key stakeholders
have identified more requirements than can be economically implemented
is a serious challenge, indeed.
How did Phil solve this conundrum? He couldn’t solve it this time around. It
was impossible for any single software product on the market to meet this
diverse set of requirements stew. The project issues were escalated to senior
management, and eventually the project was scrapped. However, Phil
learned many lessons on prioritizing requirements and dealing with
stakeholders; he applied these successfully to future projects. Sometimes
the best business analysis lessons are the painful and unsuccessful ones.
Just try to keep those lessons to a minimum.
Figure 4.4 summarizes the inputs, outputs, guidelines, tools, techniques, and
associated tasks used to prioritize requirements. Remember, requirements
prioritization is a consultative and ongoing process. Your stakeholders play a
key role in prioritizing the requirements and should make the final decision on
which new solution capabilities are most important to them as well as which
capabilities are absolutely required to get the job done.
FIGURE 4.4 Task summary: Prioritize requirements.
Two inputs are used when prioritizing requirements or designs.
Requirements To prioritize requirements defining stakeholder needs and
capabilities, a business analyst needs to have those requirements available.
Requirements ready for prioritization can be in the form of text, matrices, or
Designs To prioritize any designs associated with the solution, business
analysts need to have those designs on hand in the form of text, prototypes, or
There are additional inputs that can be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Guidelines are essentially instructions or descriptions on
why and how a business analyst will undertake a task. Tools are methods for
conducting a business analysis task or shaping a task output. Here is a look at
the guidelines and tools that can also be used as inputs when prioritizing
Business Constraints Requirements priorities should align with the
regulatory statutes, contractual obligations, and business policies of the
enterprise. These constraints may drive the priority of one or more
Change Strategy The change strategy documents costs, timelines, and value
realization goals that can factor into prioritizing requirements to meet these
planned goals and measures.
Domain Knowledge Stakeholders with specific domain knowledge contribute
a lot of value to requirements prioritization activities. Their knowledge and
experience are indispensable.
Governance Approach The governance approach, built during Business
Analysis Planning and Monitoring, defines the approach for the business analyst
to take on the project when prioritizing requirements.
Requirements Architecture The requirements architecture defines the
relationship of requirements to other requirement and work products.
Requirements Management Tools/Repository Many requirements
management tools include a data field for specifying requirements priorities.
This field prompts the business analyst to prioritize the requirement and assists
in sorting and searching the requirements for the project by priority.
Solution Scope The solution scope should be kept front and center when
prioritizing requirements in order to deliver the full solution in the end.
Table 4.6 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools used by this task. It also
lists the task and knowledge area sources for each item used to prioritize
TABLE 4.6 Inputs: Prioritize requirements.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Requirements Input
Designs Input
Business constraints Guidelines
and tools
Change strategy Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
Domain knowledge Guidelines
and tools
Governance approach Guidelines
and tools
Plan business
Business Analysis
Planning and
and tools
Requirements Guidelines
and tools
Solution scope Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
When prioritizing the requirements on your projects, you should perform
several task elements, such as the following:
Defining the basis or criteria for prioritizing requirements
Considering challenges of prioritization
Address continual prioritization
Let’s look at each of these elements in greater detail.
Defining the Basis for Requirements Prioritization A number of
prioritization schemes and approaches can be used, such as prioritization based
on looking at which requirements should be implemented first in a solution. The
Guide provides you with eight factors to consider when determining
the basis for requirements prioritization, either standalone or in combination
with one another. Table 4.7 summarizes these eight factors for prioritizing
TABLE 4.7 Requirements prioritization factors
Requirements Are Prioritized to . . .
Benefit Provide the most business value and meet business goals
and objectives.
Penalty Minimize the negative consequences of not implementing
a specific requirement.
Cost Force stakeholder awareness of the implementation cost
of requirements.
Risk Spend time early on risky or difficult components to make
sure the solution can be delivered.
Dependencies Implement requirements that depend upon one another
at the same time.
Time Sensitivity Yield quick or certain successes relative to adding value to
the business.
Stability Avoid implementing unstable requirements until they are
better defined and understood.
Regulatory or
Policy Compliance
Address regulatory or policy requirements.
Considering Prioritization Challenges Facilitating a session to prioritize
requirements can be quite challenging. There is a tendency for stakeholders to
issue nonnegotiable demands relative to the importance of their requirements,
such as ranking all of their requirements as the most important requirements of
the bunch (whether they really are or not). The problems aren’t confined to the
stakeholders, though. It is not unusual to find the solution development team
trying to influence the prioritization results, perhaps because they have some
interesting technology they would like to implement. The facilitator must
recognize and focus on the need for trade-off decision making and compromise
in a session that takes on these characteristics.
Continual Prioritization Requirements priorities can be a moving target
over time as more information becomes available. As the requirements are
defined in greater detail, initial assigned priorities may need to be revisited and
revised. The basis for prioritization also changes over time. Initial priorities
based upon business benefits may be reprioritized based upon technical
constraints and the order of implementation or the cost of the requirements.
There are several techniques that you can choose to apply when prioritizing your
project requirements. The technique that we recommend is the prioritization
technique, which covers a range of ways to prioritize requirements. Let’s take a
look at this recommended technique in greater detail.
Recommended Technique: Prioritization
The prioritization technique is a catchall for several approaches to prioritizing
requirements. The priorities may be based on risk, value, implementation
difficulty, or other criteria. The four approaches are grouping, ranking, time
boxing/budgeting, and negotiation. The selection of approach is up to the
business analyst team and may change to fit the current situation and the needs
of the stakeholders. Business analysts may find themselves using one or more
approaches to prioritize their project requirements. Let’s step through each
approach in more detail.
Grouping This common prioritization approach classifies requirements or
business analysis information according to predefined categories, such as high,
medium, and low, or the Must, Should, Could, and Won’t categories of MoSCoW
analysis. Grouping helps you to reach a common understanding with your
stakeholders on the importance they place on the delivery of each requirement.
Requirements might move between prioritization groups as you iteratively apply
the technique and discuss your options with key stakeholders.
Ranking Ranking orders the requirements or business analysis information
from what is most important to what is least important. Ranking can be
explicitly sequenced to create a product backlog of requirements in an ordered
list. One recommendation is to rank your requirements so that 25 percent of
those requirements are Must, 25 percent of the requirements are Should, 25
percent are Could, and the remaining 25 percent are Won’t. If these percentages
don’t work for you, you can select numbers that fit your project and your set of
requirements to prioritize.
Time Boxing/Budgeting Time boxing/budgeting prioritizes requirements for
implementation based on the allocation of a fixed resource, usually either time
(time boxing) or money (budgeting). This technique is most effective when it is
framed by the defined solution scope for the project.
Negotiation This approach requires establishing consensus among the
involved stakeholders regarding the prioritized requirements. Conflict
management and negotiation skills can be used to encourage the group to reach
When using any of these approaches to prioritize requirements, remember that
one or more requirements might be redefined, deleted, or added to the set. Over
time, the prioritized list of requirements might change based on new
information and insight.
Additional Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends using one or more of the following additional
techniques when you are prioritizing requirements for your project. They are
summarized for you here:
Backlog Management Ranked requirements are often stored in a product
backlog consisting of prioritized requirements in an ordered list. This backlog
can be used to compare requirements to be prioritized.
Business Cases The business goals and objectives found in the business case
are used to determine the importance of requirements during the prioritization
Decision Analysis You can use this technique to examine and model the
consequences of different decisions before actually making a well-informed
decision. When prioritizing project requirements, business analysts can use
decision analysis to identify and assess high-value requirements.
Estimation Cost estimates are often used as the basis for requirements
prioritization. This can occur early in the prioritization process or later when
solution implementation specifics are being considered.
Financial Analysis These techniques can be used to assess the financial value
of a set of requirements and to look at how implementation timing can impact
that value.
Interviews Business analysts use interviews to understand how individual
stakeholders or small stakeholder groups want to prioritize requirements.
Item Tracking Item tracking allows for tracking of any issues raised by
stakeholders during prioritization activities.
Risk Analysis and Management Risky requirements often need to be
investigated further to determine what should be done with them. Some
organizations prefer to implement risky requirements early on to minimize the
costs of failure, while others prefer to defer risky requirements until later in the
life cycle in order to decide what to do with them.
Workshops Business analysts use workshops to understand the basis for how
larger stakeholder groups want to prioritize requirements.
Once you have selected and applied one or more techniques as part of your
requirements prioritization efforts, you are ready to continue with some of the
other analysis tasks at hand. We will discuss those tasks shortly.
Produce the Prioritized Requirements
Prioritized requirements and prioritized designs are requirements that have
been assigned a priority attribute indicating their relative importance to the
stakeholders and to the organization. Sometimes you will find yourself assigning
a priority value to a group of related requirements as opposed to a single,
standalone requirement. Once you have prioritized your requirements, it is time
to assess the risks inherent to those requirements. The prioritized stakeholder
and solution requirements are used as an input to the Assess Risks task in
Strategy Analysis, as summarized in Table 4.8.
TABLE 4.8 Outputs: Prioritize requirements.
Output Output
Destination Knowledge
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
Designs (prioritized) Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
A number of stakeholders are involved with prioritizing stakeholder and
solution requirements. Remember that the primary responsibility for
prioritizing requirements is shared between the business analyst and the key
stakeholders who are involved as part of the requirements prioritization
Several key business analysis stakeholders should also be involved in
prioritizing requirements. The project manager uses your prioritized
requirements during the implementation planning efforts. Other stakeholders
participating in requirements prioritization include the following:
Domain SME
End user
Implementation SME
Let’s take a look at the next task found in the Requirements Life Cycle
Management knowledge area—assessing and evaluating the implications of
proposed changes to requirements and designs.
Assess Requirements Changes
One thing is certain when it comes to developing requirements—at some point
in time, those requirements are going to change. Ideally, the changes are
handled in a consistent, formal fashion by using a change request to initiate the
process of assessing and decision making. This task is performed when a
proposed change identifies new needs or possible solutions to those needs. The
proposed change must be assessed before action is taken to approve, deny, or
modify the request.
Business analysts view proposed requirements and design changes relative to
the solution value, the current set of requirements, and the level of risk.
Experienced business analysts should ask the following questions when
assessing a proposed change. Does the proposed change:
Align with the overall strategy?
Affect the value delivered to the business or the stakeholders?
Impact the timeline or resources required to deliver the value?
Alter any risks, opportunities, or constraints?
The answers to these questions drive the outcome of assessing the proposed
change. When assessing a proposed change, remember to use the decision-
making and change control approaches defined in the governance approach that
was created by the task Plan Business Analysis Governance as part of Business
Analysis Planning and Monitoring.
A Cat in the Hat Moment: Phase 1 and Phase 2
Phil, a business analyst, had a lot of fun with a recent project in his
organization. The sales department decided that the company was lagging
hopelessly behind other retail establishments because they forced their
customers to physically sign a paper contract when purchasing services.
“After all,” they protested, “even Walmart lets you sign on an electronic
pad.” “We must have electronic contracts!” said the business side of the
And the eContract project was born.
Phil and his team started working to determine the project requirements
and define just what should, could, and must be delivered. It was an
entertaining project. Operational questions were ignored. Legal constraints
were ignored. All attempts to define eContracts in detail turned to dust.
Group-focused meeting invitations went unanswered. Private meetings
yielded conflicting and contradictory requirements.
However, at every executive management review or chance encounter in the
hallways, Phil was asked, “Why is IT late on eContracts?
In a last-ditch effort to deliver, Phil divided the project into Phase I and
Phase II. Phase I included building the storage and retrieval backbone for
contract images along with a method to scan the backlog of all existing
paper contracts into a new database. The requirements were developed,
communicated, and approved with executive management, and the project
work began.
Right about the time that Phase I was developed and ready for beta testing,
Phil was told that none of the business sponsors would accept the project in
phases. They needed to get the entire thing, Phase I and Phase 2 (kind of
like Thing 1 and Thing 2 from The Cat in the Hat). On the heels of this
revelation, Phil heard in passing that another department had taken the
same challenge and had fully developed eContracts using a PDF form
methodology. Never mind that it didn’t offer any storage, retrieval, or
integration with the sales tools. It was complete, and it was ready to rock ‘n’
Of course, the next question for Phil was how to integrate this new
eContracts PDF form methodology with the existing systems? Effective
impact analysis when assessing requirements changes can truly be an art
Figure 4.5 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks for assessing requirements changes on a project.
FIGURE 4.5 Task summary: Assess requirements changes.
Several key inputs are used to assess requirements changes during a project.
These inputs are produced by other business analysis tasks.
Proposed Change A proposed change to requirements or designs can occur at
almost any time and impact the business analysis work and deliverables
completed to date. Triggers for proposed changes include business strategy
changes, stakeholders, legal requirements, or regulatory changes.
Requirements Business analysts assess the requirements relative to a
proposed change in order to identify and quantify the impact of that change.
Designs The more solution-focused designs are also assessed relative to a
proposed change in order to identify and quantify the impact of that change and
the modifications that will be made if the change takes place.
There are additional inputs that can be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Here is a look at the guidelines and tools that can also be
used as inputs when assessing requirements changes:
Change Strategy The change strategy describes the purpose of changes and
establishes a context and direction for the changes on a project or initiative. It
also identifies the critical components for change.
Domain Knowledge Stakeholders with specific domain knowledge contribute
a lot of value to assessing proposed requirements changes.
Governance Approach The governance approach, built during Business
Analysis Planning and Monitoring, defines the approach for the business analyst
to take on the project when making decisions and dealing with change control.
Legal/Regulatory Information Legislative rules or regulations may also
impact a proposed change on a project. They must be considered when
assessing requested changes to requirements.
Requirements Architecture The requirements architecture defines the
relationship of requirements to other requirement and work products. This
architecture should be used when assessing the impacts of proposed changes to
the requirements.
Solution Scope The solution scope should be considered when assessing
proposed changes to requirements in order to fully understand the impacts of a
proposed change.
Table 4.9 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools used by the task and lists
the source of the input (if applicable).
TABLE 4.9 Inputs: Assess requirements changes.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Proposed change Input
Requirements Input
Designs Input
Change strategy Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
Domain Guidelines
knowledge and tools
and tools
Define business
analysis governance.
Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring
and tools
and tools
Solution scope Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
Business analysts step through three essential elements as they assess a
proposed change to requirements or designs. These three elements are as
Determine the change assessment formality.
Perform an impact analysis.
Provide impact resolution for the proposed change.
Here we step through each of these elements in more detail:
Determining Change Assessment Formality Methods for assessing and
deciding upon requirements changes range from the very informal to formal
requests complete with committees to consider whether the requests are
worthwhile. Determining the level of formality depends upon the information
available, the importance of the change, and the business analysis governance
approach defining change control for requirements and designs.
Predictive approaches to projects often use formal methods to assess and
determine the merits of requirement and design changes. Changes in projects
using predictive approaches to planning can cause major rework of tasks and
activities that were previously completed. In contrast, adaptive approaches to
project planning often require less change assessment formality because of their
iterative and incremental approach to getting work done.
Performing an Impact Analysis Impact analysis is done to assess or
evaluate the impacts of a proposed change to requirements or designs.
Traceability allows the business analyst to look at the impact of the change
relative to related requirements and solution components. The impacts of
changing existing requirements should be assessed across the five areas found
in Table 4.10.
TABLE 4.10 Areas of impact for changing requirements
Area What to Look For
Benefit Benefits to be gained by accepting the change
Cost Total costs to implement the change
Impact Number of customers or business processes affected
Schedule Impact to existing delivery commitments
Urgency Level of importance of the change
Providing Impact Resolution Business analysts follow the methods defined
in the governance approach when making decisions about proposed changes on
their projects. Based upon the approach, key stakeholders may be authorized to
approve, deny, or defer a proposed change. Typically, the results of the impact
analysis are documented and communicated to all stakeholders.
When considering the total costs of approving and implementing
a proposed change, be sure to look at the cost to make the change, the cost
of any associated rework resulting from the change, and any opportunity
costs such as other features that might be sacrificed or deferred if the
change is approved.
Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends that you select from a number of techniques
when assessing a proposed change to requirements or designs. Let’s step
through these techniques now, since you should make yourself familiar with all
of them.
Business Cases A business case is often used to justify a proposed change.
Business cases are particularly relevant when looking at the benefits to be
gained by accepting the proposed change to requirements or designs.
Business Rules Analysis This technique is used during impact analysis to
trace business rules to the requirements that the business rules support. The
technique also works in a different direction and can be used to trace the
business rules that support requirements.
Decision Analysis Decision analysis facilitates the change assessment process
by examining and modelling the possible consequences of different actions. This
helps the business analyst decide whether to approve, deny, or defer a proposed
change to requirements or designs.
Document Analysis Use document analysis to analyze existing documents to
help you understand the possible impacts of a proposed change to the
requirements or designs.
Estimation Estimating the cost and effort to implement a proposed change is a
necessary step in impact analysis. Estimation is an iterative process where the
act of review and revision takes place as more information is known over time.
Financial Analysis This technique estimates the financial consequences of a
proposed change to requirements or designs. Consequences include financial
viability, stability, and benefit realization.
Interface Analysis Interface analysis identifies interfaces that can be affected
by a proposed change to requirements or designs. This technique looks at
where, what, why, when, how, and for whom information is exchanged between
solution components or across solution boundaries.
Interviews Business analysts use interviews to talk with individuals and small
groups of stakeholders in order to understand the impact of the change on the
organization or its assets.
Item Tracking Item tracking or issue management tracks any issues or
conflicts that were discovered during impact analysis activities.
Risk Analysis and Management Risk analysis and management techniques
determine the level of risk associated with a proposed change as part of impact
analysis activities.
Workshops Workshops allow groups of stakeholders to collectively discuss
and understand the impacts of a proposed change or decide what to do about
one or more proposed changes.
Assessing Requirements Changes
A Requirements or Designs Change Assessment is the output of this task. This
assessment contains a recommendation to approve, modify, or deny a proposed
change to either area based upon the results of the impact analysis. Table 4.11
summarizes these outputs.
TABLE 4.11 Outputs: Assess requirements changes.
Output Output
Destination Knowledge
Requirements change
Designs change assessment
Business analysts have the primary responsibility for assessing requirements
and design changes as part of requirements development activities on a project.
The project manager reviews the requirements or design change assessment to
see what impact the change might have on the solution. Other stakeholders
involved in assessing requirements changes include the following:
Domain SME
End user
Operational support
Assessing requirements changes and deciding what to do about them occurs
throughout the project life cycle. Let’s take a look at another aspect of producing
project requirements: approving the requirements.
Approve Requirements
Much of the work that you perform as part of the Requirements Life Cycle
Management knowledge area gets your project requirements organized and
structured appropriately. After they are in good shape, you can share them with
key stakeholders for their review, understanding, and approval. This final task
holds you responsible for communicating, obtaining agreement on, and getting
approval of the requirements and designs. After receiving approval, business
analysis work can proceed or actual solution construction can begin.
Requirements communication tends to be iterative and ongoing in nature. It is
usually done in parallel with most of the other business analysis tasks found in
Guide. Requirements communication can be formal or informal in
nature and includes conversations, notes, documents, presentations, and
discussions with your stakeholders.
Approval of requirements and designs may also be formal or informal.
Predictive approaches usually perform approvals of requirements and designs at
the end of project phases or during change control meetings. On the flip side,
adaptive approaches approve requirements when construction and
implementation of the solution meeting the requirements are ready to be done.
Figure 4.6 summarizes the inputs, outputs, techniques, and associated tasks for
effectively communicating your project requirements.
FIGURE 4.6 Task summary: Approve requirements.
Several key inputs are used when approving requirements during a project.
These inputs are produced by other business analysis tasks. Here is a closer look
at these inputs:
Requirements (Verified) Verified requirements provide a set of
requirements that are of sufficient quality to be used as a reliable body of work
for further specification and development.
Designs This set of designs is ready to be used for further specification and
Additional inputs that can be used by business analysis tasks include guidelines
and tools. Here is a look at the guidelines and tools that can also be used as
inputs when approving requirements:
Change Strategy The strategy provides information that helps manage
stakeholder consensus regarding stakeholder needs.
Governance Approach A governance approach identifies stakeholders who
have the authority and responsibility to approve business analysis information,
the approval process, and their alignment to organizational policies.
Legal/Regulatory Information This information describes the legislative
rules or regulations that must be followed and may impact the approval process.
Requirements Management Tools/Repository A tool such as this
documents requirements approvals.
Solution Scope Business analysts assess scope when approving requirements
to accurately assess alignment and completeness.
Table 4.12 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools to the business analysis
task of approving requirements and lists the source of the input (if applicable).
TABLE 4.12 Inputs: Approve requirements.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Input Verify requirements. Requirements
Analysis and Design
Designs Input
Change strategy Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
Governance approach Guidelines
and tools
Plan business
analysis governance
Business Analysis
Planning and
and tools
and tools
Solution scope Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
You need to perform the elements that are part of this task in order to
communicate and gain approval of the project requirements by key
stakeholders. The four elements are as follows:
Understand stakeholder roles.
Address conflict and issue management.
Gain consensus.
Track and communicate approval.
Let’s step through each of these elements now:
Understand Stakeholder Roles The approval process for proposed changes
to requirements or designs is defined in the business analysis governance
approach. Stakeholder roles and authority levels in this process must be defined
and understood. It is essential to know who has the decision-making and sign-
off authority. Look for influential stakeholders that should be consulted or
informed about the changes, as well. These influencers can help with
communicating and gaining consensus about the changes that are proposed.
Address Conflict and Issue Management Maintaining stakeholder
support for a change to requirements or designs can be challenging. The
Guide recommends seeking consensus for the change among
stakeholders prior to requesting that they approve and sign-off on the change.
The business analysis governance approach built during Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring defines how to make decisions about changes and
resolve any conflicts that arise.
Gain Consensus Approval requires a business analyst to review requirements
changes with accountable stakeholders and request that they agree to and
approve that change. Often, this process requires facilitation of the approval
process, addressing questions and providing additional information as needed.
Approving a change confirms that stakeholders believe the change creates
sufficient value for the organization.
Track and Communicate Approval Formal requirements communication
follows the contents of the business analysis governance approach when it
comes to dealing with proposed changes. Informal communication takes place
whenever it is needed. Business analysts record the change approval decisions,
often using requirements management tools.
Stakeholders should be able to see what requirements and design changes are
approved and in the queue for implementation. Many projects require an audit
history of changes to requirements. Be sure to document what was changed, the
business analyst who made the change, the reason for the change, and when the
change was made.
Exam Spotlight
According to the BABOK® Guide, conflict resolution and issue management
occurs frequently during the change approval process. This occurs when the
business analyst reviews requirements and designs and aims to secure a
sign-off on proposed changes.
Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends five techniques to use when approving
requirements with your stakeholders. Here is a summary of each technique:
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria Stakeholders and decision-makers
define acceptance and evaluation criteria in order to make decisions regarding
proposed requirements and designs changes.
Decision Analysis Decision analysis allows you to examine and model the
consequences of different decisions before making a well-informed decision.
When resolving issues and evaluating proposed changes, business analysts use
decision analysis to resolve issues and gain agreement.
Item Tracking Item tracking allows tracking of any issues raised by
stakeholders during the agreement and approval activities.
Reviews Reviews are used to evaluate requirements and designs relative to a
proposed change.
Workshops Requirements workshops are structured meetings where a
selected group of stakeholders works together to define or refine a set of project
requirements. During a requirements workshop, specific requirements may be
presented to make everyone familiar with the existing solution scope and the
current requirements.
Once you have applied one or more of the recommended techniques and gained
approval of your requirements, those requirements are now approved
requirements. Remember that communicating requirements ensures that the
stakeholders understand what they have been told.
Approving Requirements with Your Stakeholders
Remember that proposed changes to requirements and designs are not just
communicated from the business analyst to the stakeholders. They must be
received, understood, and acknowledged by those stakeholders in order for
effective requirements communication to have taken place. Table 4.13 shows
this output trail.
TABLE 4.13 Outputs: Approve requirements.
Output Output
Destination Knowledge
Designs (approved)
The business analyst has the primary responsibility for ensuring that proposed
changes to requirements and designs are analyzed, communicated, and
approved during the requirements development activities on a project. In
tandem, the project manager identifies and manages the risks associated with
the approved changes. Additional stakeholders involved with approving
requirements include the following:
Domain SMEs
End users
Operational support
Remember that all business analysis stakeholders may have a role in this task
and could be involved with requirements approval activities across the project
life cycle. At a minimum, they may be a sender or a receiver of the
communicated requirements information.
How This Applies to Your Projects
In this chapter, you stepped through tasks that help you to manage changing
requirements across the requirements life cycle. One of the biggest challenges
that you encounter on your projects is managing changing requirements.
Sometimes it takes no more than five minutes after requirements sign-off to
start hearing the inevitable changes creeping back into what was just approved.
This can be caused by a number of factors.
Increased level of interaction and information sharing both within and
between systems
Lack of requirements traceability yielding poor understanding of
requirements dependencies
Changes in business plans and objectives that create a high-level focus shift
and impact your existing requirements
Changes in technology, law, policies, regulations, or directives
Boundary conditions and constraints that move, causing your requirements
to change as well
Customers and users who change their minds about what they need
Developers who add their own special twists, creating undocumented
features that come back to haunt us
Configuration management (CM) is the key to managing changing
requirements. Effective issue and change management is possible only if it is
supported by CM. Configuration management is a technical and administrative
activity focusing on creating, maintaining, and controlling change to the
solution and its components (a configuration) throughout that solution’s life
All organizations should have a configuration management strategy for their
projects. The strategy can be developed on a project-by-project basis or be
applied to all projects that the organization undertakes. The configuration
management strategy identifies how, and by whom, the project’s products will
be controlled and protected. It answers these questions:
How and where will the project’s products be stored?
What storage and retrieval security will be put in place?
How will the products and the various versions and variants of these
products be identified?
How will changes to products be controlled?
Where does responsibility for configuration management lie?
A configuration management strategy is typically derived from a number of
information sources, including any corporate configuration management,
quality management, or information management systems and strategies.
Typically, the strategy is based on either the user’s or the supplier’s quality
management systems and is targeted to support meeting the customer’s quality
expectations. The specific needs of the solution and the environment where it is
being developed also plays a part in this strategy, as does the project
management team structure with its identified configuration management roles
and responsibilities.
To control and protect your solution and its assets, use a configuration
management strategy focusing on the solution and the solution components of
your project. This is the best way to provide a framework ensuring that your
solution deliverables are identified, tracked, and protected. The five generic
steps are illustrated in Figure 4.7: Plan, Identify, Control, Account, Verify. Let’s
take a quick look at each step.
FIGURE 4.7 A framework for configuration management
Plan Configuration management planning defines how you will address
storage, retrieval, security, version control, and change control for the solution
deliverables. The timing for these activities should also be defined.
Identify Identification encompasses specifying and identifying all components
of the final product. This is where you would create unique identifiers and
records for each solution component.
Control Configuration control invokes the ability to approve and baseline
deliverables. Changes to approved products can be made only by following the
formal change procedure for the solution.
Account Status accounting is the recording and reporting of all current and
historical data concerning each deliverable or configuration.
Verify The project’s configuration management system should provide you
with the ability to audit actual deliverables against information recorded about
those deliverables in the system, such as current status.
The five tasks of the Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area
guide the business analyst in effectively managing requirements changes and
communicating requirements to stakeholders across the project life cycle. One
of the primary roles of the business analyst is developing and managing
requirements across the project life cycle. Effective communication skills are an
underlying competency enabling the business analyst to do this work. Successful
projects start with defining and agreeing to what is needed. Without the ability
to make these requirements understood, you will find it difficult to perform your
job well.
Guide recommends that business analysts plan for managing
changing requirements and designs before the real project work gets started.
This information can be found in the business analysis governance plan, which
was built as part of the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge
area. The same holds true for effectively communicating about changing project
requirements to the stakeholders. This information was also planned for and is
located in the governance approach.
Most of the deliverables produced in the Requirements Life Cycle Management
knowledge area focus on adding details to the stakeholder, solution, and
transition requirements as specific actions are taken by the business analysis
Exam Essentials
Be able to list the tasks found in the Requirements Life Cycle
Management knowledge area. On your exam, you will see questions about
the tasks, their associated techniques, their more detailed elements, and the key
outputs they produce. You should memorize the five tasks of this knowledge
area and any key outputs or techniques associated with them. The tasks are as
Trace requirements.
Maintain requirements.
Prioritize requirements.
Assess requirements changes.
Approve requirements.
Be able to discuss how requirements are transformed by the tasks in
this knowledge area. The key deliverables produced by the tasks in this
knowledge area focus on actions being taken to communicate project
requirements to your stakeholders and manage any changes to those
requirements. Luckily, the task name directly gives away the state of the
requirements after the task is successfully performed. Here’s a quick summary:
Approve requirements yields the approved requirements.
Trace requirements yields the traced requirements.
Maintain requirements yields the maintained and reusable requirements.
Prioritize requirements yields the prioritized requirements.
Be able to explain the difference between adaptive and predictive
approaches when assessing proposed changes. Adaptive approaches
may require less formality in assessing proposed changes. By their iterative and
incremental nature, adaptive approaches minimize the impact of changes. This
continuous evolution approach to implementation may reduce the need for
formal impact assessment. In contrast, predictive approaches may require a
formal assessment of proposed changes. Changes can generate a serious rework
of tasks, activities, and deliverables that were previously complete.
Be able to list and describe the five areas for assessing the impact of
a proposed change to requirements. Five areas should be considered when
considering changes or additions to existing requirements:
Be familiar with the factors that influence requirements
prioritization. Numerous factors may influence how requirements are
prioritized on a project. Typical factors include the following:
Time sensitivity
Regulatory or policy compliance
Be able to list and describe the five common traceability
relationships between requirements. These relationships may be tracked
and recorded during and after requirements development:
Key Terms
This chapter stepped through the contents of the third knowledge area from the
BABOK® Guide: Requirements Life Cycle Management. Most of this knowledge
area focuses on effectively managing changes and communicating about
requirements during the requirements development phase of a project.
You should understand how to apply the techniques and tasks in this knowledge
area in order to be an effective business analyst. Additionally, you will need to
know the five tasks and their associated elements and techniques from this
knowledge area in order to be successful on the CBAP
exams. The
tasks include the following:
Trace requirements.
Maintain requirements.
Prioritize requirements.
Assess requirements changes.
Approve requirements.
Several new key words in Chapter 4 relate to managing changes and
communicating requirements on a project. Here is a list of some of the key
terms that you encountered in this chapter:
grouping, ranking, time boxing/budgeting, and negotiation
impact analysis
maintained requirements
product backlog
requirement’s lineage
requirements traceability
reusable requirements
Review Questions
1. Which Requirements Life Cycle Management task seeks approval and sign-
off on requirements or designs?
A. Obtain requirements sign-off.
B. Communicate requirements.
C. Approve requirements.
D. Assess requirements changes.
2. Which document determines how the business analyst obtains approval of
business analysis information with their stakeholders?
A. Business analysis approach
B. Project management plan
C. Change strategy
D. Governance approach
3. What stakeholder is responsible and accountable for the project scope?
A. Project sponsor
B. Business analyst
C. Project manager
D. Process owner
4. The BACCM™ states that the business analyst is responsible for extending
value beyond the current initiative they are working on. This is done by:
A. Ensuring the solution meets the business need
B. Analyzing content of the current enterprise
C. Maintaining requirements and designs for reuse
D. Managing and evaluating proposed changes
5. Which of the following business analysis work products must be traceable to
a business requirement?
A. Solution and stakeholder requirements
B. Other requirements and designs
C. Solution components and scope
D. Business rules and objectives
6. Three business analysis deliverables are inputs to several Requirements Life
Cycle Management tasks. They are used to influence and guide the business
analyst in managing requirements. Which of the following deliverables is not
one of the three inputs?
A. Governance approach
B. Information management approach
C. Change strategy
D. Business analysis approach
7. You are defining the traceability approach for your requirements. You want
to make sure that the business analysis team traces the relationship between
functional requirements and the solution components that implement those
requirements. This is an example of which traceability relationship?
A. Satisfy
B. Derive
C. Validate
D. Depends
8. You are a business analyst tasked with ensuring that stakeholders with
approval authority agree about the requirements that the solution should
meet. You are most likely performing tasks from which knowledge area?
A. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
B. Strategy Analysis
C. Requirements Life Cycle Management
D. Solution Evaluation
9. Which of the following techniques can be applied when tracing
A. Data flow diagrams
B. Use cases and scenarios
C. Functional decomposition
D. Decision analysis
10. What states of requirements outputs are contained in the Requirements Life
Cycle Management knowledge area tasks?
A. Analyzed, allocated, traced, and confirmed
B. Traced, maintained, prioritized, and approved
C. Stated, analyzed, unconfirmed, and verified
D. Approved, analyzed, prioritized, and traced
11. What is another name for an organized peer-level review of a requirements
A. Business rules analysis
B. Brainstorming session
C. Focus group
D. Requirements workshop
12. Requirements that are intended for reuse reflect what view of the
A. Enterprise level
B. Current state
C. Ongoing operations
D. Future state
13. When prioritizing requirements, which prioritization factor takes into
account the likelihood that a requirement will change?
A. Penalty
B. Benefit
C. Stability
D. Dependency
14. Which guideline or tool is used during requirements prioritization to
understand the relationship with other requirements and work products?
A. Business constraints
B. Solution scope
C. Governance approach
D. Requirements architecture
15. The business analyst receives input from a stakeholder regarding the
impacts of technical dependencies on a specific stakeholder requirement.
Which stakeholder is most likely to be providing this input?
A. Domain SME
B. Implementation SME
C. Project manager
D. Operational support
16. When defining your approach to requirements traceability on your project,
what levels will you choose from when deciding how to trace the
A. Business, stakeholder, or solution
B. Capability, conditions, or constraints
C. Individual, model, or feature
D. Requirements, components, or artifacts
17. The requirements life cycle begins with the representation of a business need
as a requirement. When does the requirements life cycle end?
A. When a solution representing the requirements is retired
B. After the solution representing the requirements is developed
C. Once the solution representing the requirements is implemented
D. When the operational solution meets the business need
18. You are a business analyst assessing a proposed change to a set of
requirements. Your project is being developed in an adaptive fashion with
iterative and incremental implementation techniques. How might you
handle your impact analysis?
A. Impact analysis must be informal.
B. Impact analysis must be formal.
C. Impact analysis may be informal.
D. Impact analysis may be formal.
19. What is the basis for requirements life cycle management during a project,
ensuring that proposed requirements support business needs?
A. Business case
B. Business need
C. Solution scope
D. Desired outcome
20. All of the following are elements of the approve requirements task except:
A. Capabilities and processes
B. Understand stakeholder roles
C. Track and communicate approval
D. Conflict and issue management
Chapter 5
Controlled Middle: Elicitation and Collaboration
Prepare for elicitation.
Conduct elicitation activity.
Confirm elicitation results.
Communicate business analysis information.
Manage stakeholder collaboration.
Business analysts elicit the necessary information to develop
their business, stakeholder, solution, and transition requirements for their
projects. The five tasks in the Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area
guide you in gathering and understanding what the project stakeholders need
from a new solution. Remember that effective elicitation is not just asking
questions. It is a human-based activity in which you determine the right sources
for your requirements and decide how to gather the right information from
those sources. Elicitation is very much like a scientific investigation. You will
find yourself actively engaged in research, reading, talking, and observing what
is going on in the organization as it relates to your project requirements.
Elicitation includes organizing and evaluating the results to make sure you have
well-organized information, the right level of knowledge, and a good handle on
the scope and status of your elicitation efforts.
Requirements Elicitation
The Elicitation knowledge area focuses on gathering the right information to
develop project requirements. The requirements for your project are the
foundation for a solution that will be designed and deployed by the project and
its efforts. Elicitation is defined as “drawing forth or receiving of information
from stakeholders or other sources.” Collaboration is defined as “the act of two
or more people working together towards a common goal.”
Requirements elicitation can be very challenging. When working with your
stakeholders to define requirements, you are often faced with stakeholders who
express those requirements in their own terms. You must learn to speak the
stakeholders’ language in order to understand the capabilities that are being
described. Stakeholders don’t always tell you everything that you need to know,
at least not the first time around. Elicitation techniques must be selected to
gather as much relevant information as quickly as possible.
Requirements elicitation is performed for all types of requirements found in the
Guide: business, stakeholder, solution, and transition. Elicitation is
performed for your project’s high-level business requirements as well as your
more-detailed solution requirements. The tasks in the Elicitation and
Collaboration knowledge area are performed in parallel with other requirements
development tasks from the following knowledge areas:
Strategy Analysis (business requirements)
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition (stakeholder and solution
Solution Evaluation (transition requirements)
Strategy Analysis, Requirements Analysis and Design Definition,
and Solution Evaluation
Be sure you know which of the three knowledge areas are involved directly
with requirements development work and how they relate to the elicitation
efforts that we discuss in this chapter.
Strategy Analysis Strategy Analysis focuses on identifying the business
needs that drive a project and defining a feasible solution scope that can be
implemented by the business. This knowledge area includes developing the
business requirements for a project that define the high-level goals,
objectives, and needs of the organization, and the high-level business
functionality needed in the resulting solution.
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition Requirements
Analysis and Design Definition steps you progressively through elaborating
and prioritizing the stakeholder and solution requirements for a project.
Stakeholder requirements define the needs of stakeholders and how they
will interact with a solution. They act as a bridge between high-level
business requirements and more-detailed solution requirements. In turn,
the solution requirements describe the solution characteristics that are
needed to meet the higher-level business and stakeholder requirements.
Solution Evaluation Solution Evaluation assesses and validates the
proposed, in progress, and implemented solutions before, during, and after
the project life cycle. This is also where the project’s transition requirements
are defined. Transition requirements define the solution capabilities
required to transition from the current to a future state. They are no longer
needed once the transition is complete.
The Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area also addresses monitoring
and reporting on the performance of the elicitation activities throughout the
project. The business analysis team is responsible for assessing the effectiveness
of the techniques being used to elicit requirements. The Elicitation and
Collaboration knowledge area is addressed in Chapter 4 of the BABOK
To focus on what is important to business analysts across the life cycle of their
business analysis efforts, let’s consider the tasks of this knowledge area with the
framework of the BACCM™. Business analysts need to keep an eye on their
work relative to the six concepts contained in the framework: changes, needs,
solutions, stakeholders, values, and contexts. Table 5.1 lists these
TABLE 5.1 The BACCM™: Elicitation and Collaboration
The Business Analyst’s Responsibilities
Change Use a variety of elicitation techniques to fully identify the
characteristics of the change and any stakeholder concerns about
the change.
Needs Elicit, confirm, and communicate needs and supporting business
analysis information over time.
Solution Elicit, confirm, and communicate necessary or desired
characteristics of proposed solutions.
Stakeholders Manage collaboration with stakeholders participating in the
business analysis work.
Value Collaborate with stakeholders to assess the relative value of
elicitation information in order to confirm and communicate that
Context Apply various elicitation techniques to identify business analysis
information about the context that may affect the change.
You must learn to judge when you have elicited and acquired enough
requirements information to start documenting and analyzing what you have
learned. Experienced business analysts find themselves moving between
requirements elicitation, requirements analysis, and requirements
documentation activities many times on their projects. This is very much like
the wand on a metronome, moving left to right to left again in order to keep the
beat for the music being played.
The Business Analyst’s Task List
You have five tasks to perform in the Elicitation knowledge area. We will cover
each one of these tasks in detail later in this chapter. The task list from the
Guide includes the following:
Preparing for requirements elicitation
Conducting the elicitation activity
Confirming the elicitation results
Communicating business analysis information
Managing stakeholder collaboration
These tasks focus on obtaining the right information from the right sources in
order to develop the right requirements for your project. Remember, effective
requirements elicitation in your projects is multifaceted and requires the
The right sources
The right information
The right technique
Clear organization
Evaluation and understanding
Accurate reporting
If requirements elicitation is done correctly, the dividends that get paid
downstream in the project life cycle can be tremendous. It is like a series of
interlocking puzzle pieces. The correct project requirements lead to an
appropriate solution design. When the solution design is implemented and
deployed, the requirements are still framing the work effort, keeping the team
on track to meet the project stakeholder’s needs and expectations.
When Does Elicitation Take Place?
I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predetermined and
that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.
—Stephen Hawking
The tasks in the Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area begin early in the
project life cycle and typically peak during the more detailed requirements
development phase of the project. Requirements can be elicited at any point in
the project life cycle. Typically, you elicit information for the first time early in
the project life cycle. You will also find yourself eliciting information to clarify
things you have missed or misinterpreted along the way. Changing
requirements also trigger additional elicitation efforts later in the project life
Don’t underestimate the importance of the work that gets done by these five
tasks on your projects. Without the right requirements information from the
right people, your project will probably not succeed. Let’s step through the first
task in the Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area: preparing for a
particular elicitation effort or activity.
Exam Spotlight
Approximately 12 percent (18 questions) of the 150 question-CBAP® exam
questions focus specifically on Elicitation and Collaboration. On the CCBA™
exam, 20% (30 questions) focus on this knowledge area. The exam
questions target specific and detailed aspects of the five tasks found in this
knowledge area.
Prepare for Elicitation
The first task in the Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area is where you
prepare a detailed schedule of your elicitation activities. Your elicitation
activities can include interviewing an individual face-to-face, creating a survey
to send out to a thousand worldwide end users, or facilitating a group workshop
of 15 people. Your preparation work should include the following:
Defining the desired outcome for the elicitation activity
Determining the work product or products to be produced
Deciding the techniques to be used to produce the results
Establishing the elicitation logistics
Identifying supporting materials that are needed
Planning to foster collaboration during the elicitation activity
This preparation step ensures that the necessary stakeholder resources are
organized and scheduled in advance. This step also allows you to get all of your
ducks in a row—from meeting room logistics to required materials to attendance
and attention from the right people. Figure 5.1 summarizes the inputs,
guidelines and tools, outputs, techniques, and associated tasks used to prepare
for requirements elicitation.
FIGURE 5.1 Task summary: Prepare for elicitation.
Several key inputs are needed to adequately prepare to elicit requirements
information on your project. These key inputs are produced by a number of
other business analysis tasks, and they include the needs and the stakeholder
engagement approach. Let’s take a look at each of these task inputs in greater
Needs The business needs define the problem or opportunity being faced by
the business. This information is used to determine the information to be
elicited when developing business requirements early in the project life cycle.
Elicitation is also used to discover and flesh out these needs early in your
Stakeholder Engagement Approach Planning and preparing for elicitation
requires an understanding of how your stakeholders communicate and
collaborate. The stakeholder engagement approach is a good place to start when
you are ready to elicit business analysis information.
There are additional inputs that can be used during business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Guidelines are essentially instructions or descriptions on
why and how a business analyst will undertake a task. Tools, on the other hand,
are methods for conducting business analysis tasks or shaping a task output.
Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that can also be used as inputs when
preparing for elicitation:
Business Analysis Approach The business analysis approach is a “one-stop
shop” for the general strategy used to guide business analysis work on your
project. The approach contains stakeholder information, any business analysis
methodologies to be used, a high-level schedule, and the level of detail you will
be looking for in your resulting requirements and designs.
Business Objectives Requirements elicitation efforts focus on defining
business capabilities to achieve a desired, future state. The direction these
capabilities need to take is found in the business objectives.
Existing Business Analysis Information Existing information should not
be overlooked during your requirements elicitation efforts. This information
ranges from existing project documentation to requirements development
methods you can use to understand the business.
Potential Value Be sure you understand and can articulate the value to be
realized when the proposed future state is implemented.
Table 5.2 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools for this task and lists the
source of each input (if applicable).
TABLE 5.2 Inputs: Prepare for elicitation.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Needs Input
Input Plan stakeholder
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business analysis
and tools
Plan business
analysis approach.
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business objectives Guidelines
and tools
Define future
Strategy Analysis
Existing business
analysis information
and tools
Potential value Guidelines
and tools
Define future
Strategy Analysis
When preparing to elicit requirements information across the project life cycle,
the business analyst should perform several elements, including the following:
Understanding the scope of elicitation
Selecting the elicitation techniques
Planning the logistics of the elicitation
Securing any supporting materials
Preparing the stakeholders
Let’s step through each of these five elements now:
Understanding Elicitation Scope Successful business analysts don’t have
time to waste eliciting information about topics that are outside of the scope of
their defined effort. That said, it is important to understand the scope of the
future solution as well as focus on the exact boundaries of the information you
plan to elicit in a particular elicitation activity.
Selecting Elicitation Techniques Typically, multiple techniques are used to
elicit business analysis information. Business analysts are responsible for
choosing the right techniques and applying those techniques correctly. When
selecting elicitation techniques, look for techniques you have used in similar
situations, techniques that are suited to the current situation, and the tasks
necessary to use each selected technique properly.
Planning Elicitation Logistics Be sure to plan the logistics of your elicitation
session ahead of time. In addition to creating an agenda for the session, the
Guide recommends that you identify the goals for the activity and
provide a list of participants and their roles. Participants will also want to know
the session location, the session schedule, and the tools and techniques that will
be used.
Securing Supporting Materials Business analysts are responsible for
identifying and procuring supporting materials needed for an elicitation activity.
Required information may include specific people and what they know, or
documented data about existing systems. There may be other elicitation results
or analysis models from different facets of your project that are also needed.
Preparing Stakeholders Stakeholder understanding and buy-in is essential
to successful elicitation. Many times, stakeholders are asked to review
supporting materials prior to the elicitation activity. It is helpful to make sure
your stakeholders understand the techniques you are using and the outcome the
group is seeking.
Exam Spotlight
There are ways to add value when preparing for requirements elicitation on
your projects. You should take the time to agree with the involved
stakeholders about how you will provide them with feedback, verify the
information, and then request their sign-off as you agree on the elicitation
results. You should also make certain that you establish the ground rules up
front for dealing with individuals and groups during the scheduled
elicitation activities.
There are several techniques that you can choose to apply when preparing to
elicit project requirements. One technique that we recommend is
brainstorming, a creative, structured way to get everyone’s brain contributing
ideas as you plan what needs to take place and who needs to be involved. Let’s
take a look at this recommended technique in greater detail.
Recommended Technique: Brainstorming
Brainstorming fosters creative thinking about the capabilities of a new solution
across all levels of detail. Brainstorming enables out-of-the-box thinking in a
nonjudgmental environment. Out-of-the-box thinking is also called lateral
Using brainstorming as an elicitation technique produces numerous new ideas
from the people involved. If you haven’t used brainstorming as part of your
requirements elicitation efforts, you should try it. You can draw on the
experience and creativity of the participants in your brainstorming session,
yielding a plethora of interesting and relevant results that require further
A productive brainstorming session has two parts: idea generation and idea
reduction. Idea generation is the creative part where people share their ideas
with one another, no matter how off the wall those ideas might be. Idea
reduction is where the group takes the generated ideas and cleans them up a bit
to make the information useful for the situation at hand.
Preparing for a brainstorming session involves defining the session itself,
including the particular area of interest for the session and the amount of time
that will be spent by the participants. A longer brainstorming session is needed
for larger groups of people. The ideal brainstorming session contains six to eight
Other logistics need to be determined prior to the session start. The session’s
facilitator and participants need to be selected. Expectations for the session
should also be defined, focusing on the area of interest. The evaluation and
rating criteria for the idea reduction step should also be set and agreed to in
Over the years, we have found that the success of a brainstorming
session depends on the willingness of the participants to actually participate
and contribute. It is essential that ideas not be debated during idea
generation in order to maximize contributions from the group. Personal
feelings and organizational politics need to be set aside during the session in
order to achieve the best results.
Once the ideas are generated and recorded, they need to be analyzed and
reduced to something useful. Wrapping up is where the idea reduction part of a
brainstorming session takes place. The group discusses and evaluates ideas
using the evaluation and rating criteria that were previously defined and agreed
upon by the group as part of the meeting. Combining some ideas, deleting some
ideas, and eliminating any duplicate ideas will build a condensed list. The
resulting list will then be distributed to the appropriate parties for review.
Additional Techniques to Consider
There are many additional techniques to choose from when you find yourself
preparing to elicit business analysis information on your projects. Let’s step
through each of them here.
Data Mining This technique helps you to identify information or patterns from
existing data that require further investigation during your planned elicitation
Document Analysis Use document analysis to analyze existing documents
and supporting materials that might be helpful as part of the requirements
elicitation process.
Estimation Estimating the cost and effort to elicit business analysis
information gives you a good idea of just what needs to be done and what
getting the work done will take.
Interviews Business analysts use interviews as part of elicitation preparation
so they can identify concerns about the planned elicitation and seek authority to
proceed when necessary.
Mind Mapping Mind mapping is a visual, nonlinear, collaborative way to
discover the sources of business analysis information that you need and which
elicitation techniques might be most effective in a given situation.
Risk Analysis and Management Risk analysis and management techniques
determine the level of risk associated with eliciting business analysis
information. Elicitation plans may be designed or changed to eliminate or
minimize significant risks.
Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas This stakeholder data is used to
determine who should be consulted during elicitation preparation and who
should be involved with the actual solicitation activity.
Once you have selected and applied one or more techniques as part of your
preparation efforts, you are ready to plan the elicitation activity itself. We will
discuss that next.
Produce the Elicitation Activity Plan
The elicitation activity plan defines both the logistics and scope of a specific
elicitation activity. The logistics for the elicitation activity include the scheduled
resources and the supporting materials. The scheduled resources are exactly
what they sound like—the people, facilities, and equipment that you need for
requirements elicitation. The resource schedule should include the resource
name or names, the location of the elicitation activity, and anything else that
might be needed.
Supporting materials are anything that you need in order to perform the
elicitation activity. These materials could be required for a particular elicitation
technique, such as having a whiteboard available for a requirements workshop.
Palmer Divide Vineyards Elicitation Worksheet
The IT staff at the vineyard has a long history of projects that don’t go
according to plan. Almost every effort is over budget and behind schedule.
The team has been assessing their current project practices in order to
achieve more successful results. Taylor, the head of IT, has decided that this
has gone on for long enough. She is determined to put project management
processes in place that enable better project outcomes and less rework.
One area of weakness is the team’s approach to requirements development.
In the past, senior management has been reluctant to allot much time for
defining what needs to be done. They ask, “When will you guys be doing the
real work and producing something useful?”
For the research study project, Taylor and the team have defined a simple
requirements development process that they plan to follow. Senior
management has agreed to allot them the extra time to define requirements
before the design and coding efforts begin.
One step in Taylor’s process is requirements elicitation. She believes that
gathering the right information from the right folks makes all the difference.
Even though the vineyard is a small company, there are many opinions on
what needs to be done and what is most important. Taylor hopes to harness
that information and target defining high-quality requirements for this and
every subsequent project.
Taylor and the team have decided to plan their elicitation efforts thoroughly.
They are using an information-gathering worksheet to document the
questions they want to ask and the methods they want to use to gather that
information. The team plans to ask the same question more than once and
to organize the results by question for further analysis and decision making.
Taylor is correct in assuming that this will be the first step in a more robust,
well-planned requirements elicitation effort at Palmer Divide Vineyards.
Business analysts often like to use a worksheet to plan their elicitation efforts
and get a handle on the questions they will be asking. Table 5.3 provides an
example of a requirements elicitation worksheet populated for a round of
solution requirements elicitation at Palmer Divide Vineyards. You can use
questions and apply techniques, as shown here, or add additional information to
your worksheet based on your organization and the nature of your project.
TABLE 5.3 Palmer Divide Vineyards elicitation worksheet
Palmer Divide Vineyards Green Project
Objective: Get stated solution requirements from stakeholders about the
research study capabilities of the new system.
Approach: We will interview people individually and then follow up with a
requirements workshop to discuss the results of this elicitation session.
Elicitation Questions Whom to Ask Technique(s) to
1. What current research
study activities do you
currently perform?
Hector (marketing
director) Sawyer (vineyard
manager) Dan
(winemaker, SME) Ginger
(product manager) Taylor
(IT manager)
Interviews (individual)
Requirements workshop
(entire group) Document
analysis of existing
capabilities Observation
2. What are your job
Hector, Sawyer, Dan,
Ginger, Taylor
Interviews (individual)
Requirements workshop
(entire group)
3. What are the most
important activities the
new research study
capabilities should
Hector, Sawyer, Dan,
Ginger, Taylor
Interviews (individual)
Requirements workshop
(entire group)
4. What is the
prioritization of your
research study needs?
Hector, Sawyer, Dan,
Ginger, Taylor
Interviews (individual)
Requirements Workshop
(entire group)
5. If you could change
two or three things
about your existing
research study activities,
what would you change?
Hector, Sawyer, Dan,
Ginger, Taylor
Interviews (individual)
Requirements workshop
(entire group)
6. What better, new, or
different information do
you need to perform
research studies for the
Hector, Sawyer, Dan,
Ginger, Taylor
Interviews (individual)
Requirements workshop
(entire group)
7. What system
functionality do you
use? Not use?
Hector, Sawyer, Dan,
Ginger, Taylor
Interviews (individual)
Requirements Workshop
(entire group)
8. What capabilities do
you think the new
solution should provide
for others? Why?
Hector, Sawyer, Dan,
Ginger, Taylor
Interviews (individual)
Requirements workshop
(entire group)
9. What activities will
you perform using the
new solution?
Hector, Sawyer, Dan,
Ginger, Taylor
Interviews (individual)
Requirements workshop
(entire group)
10. From your point of
view, what are the key
new requirements for
the research study
aspects of the solution?
Hector, Sawyer, Dan,
Ginger, Taylor
Interviews (individual)
Requirements workshop
(entire group)
An elicitation worksheet helps you define your elicitation activity objectives and
allows you to prepare your questions ahead of time and review them. By
thinking through your questions and documenting them in this way, you are
also setting the basis for organizing your elicitation results.
Once you have completed your elicitation preparation, it is time to go get the
information that you need from your stakeholders. Table 5.4 shows the outputs
from your elicitation preparation activities that you will use to get the work
TABLE 5.4 Output: Prepare for elicitation.
Output Output Destinations Destination Knowledge
Elicitation activity
Conduct elicitation. Elicitation and Collaboration
Confirm elicitation
Elicitation and Collaboration
As a business analyst, you are responsible for adequate requirements elicitation
preparation. On large projects, this responsibility often falls to the collective
members of the business analysis team, who will be simultaneously eliciting
requirements information from different stakeholders. Be sure to coordinate
who is doing what, when, and make sure you plan to sit down and accumulate
what everyone has learned. Any business analysis stakeholder can be involved in
requirements elicitation. The project manager, domain SMEs, and the project
sponsor may also be involved in the elicitation prep work.
Now, let’s take a look at the next step in effective requirements elicitation—
successfully conducting the elicitation activity.
Conduct Elicitation
There are a number of ways to elicit requirements for your projects. The most
common elicitation technique is a face-to-face meeting with one or more of your
project stakeholders to gather information regarding their needs. However,
elicited information doesn’t have to come directly from people. It can also come
to you indirectly, based on your research and review of existing documents and
other data.
Exam Spotlight
The BABOK® Guide lists three common types of elicitation: collaborative,
research, and experiments. Make sure you can recognize each type of
elicitation for the exam.
Collaborative elicitation involves direct interaction with stakeholders
and relies on their experiences, expertise, and judgment.
Research involves systematically discovering and studying information
from materials or sources not directly known by stakeholders involved in
the change, such as analyzing historical data trends.
Experiments involve identifying information that could not be known
without some kind of controlled test, using observational studies, proofs
of concept, and prototypes.
Stakeholders may collaborate during elicitation by participating in the actual
elicitation activity or by researching, studying, and providing feedback on
documents, systems, models, and interfaces related to the activity and its
Figure 5.2 summarizes the inputs, outputs, techniques, and associated tasks
used to conduct requirements elicitation.
FIGURE 5.2 Task summary: Conduct elicitation activity.
Several key inputs, guidelines, and tools are needed when eliciting requirements
information. The primary input to this task is the planning you did in the
previous task when preparing for elicitation.
Elicitation Activity Plan The elicitation activity plan defines both the
logistics and scope of a specific elicitation activity. The logistics for the
elicitation activity include the scheduled resources and the supporting
materials. This plan was created by the Prepare for Elicitation task in the
Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area that we just covered in the
previous section.
There are additional inputs that may be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that may also
be used as inputs when conducting elicitation:
Business Analysis Approach The business analysis approach is a “one-stop
shop” for the general strategy used to guide business analysis work on your
project. The approach contains stakeholder information, any business analysis
methodologies to be used, a high-level schedule, and the level of detail you will
be looking for in your resulting requirements and designs.
Existing Business Analysis Information Existing information should not
be overlooked during your requirements elicitation efforts. This information
ranges from existing project documentation to requirements development
methods you can use to understanding the business.
Stakeholder Engagement Approach This approach provides the business
analyst with stakeholder preferences for collaboration and communication that
may be helpful when eliciting information.
Supporting Materials These materials are used to prepare the business
analysis team and the stakeholders prior to an elicitation activity and may be
reviewed prior to the event. Supporting materials also include information,
tools, or equipment used as part of the elicitation itself.
Table 5.5 summarizes the inputs, guidelines and tools to this elicitation task and
lists the source of each input (if applicable).
TABLE 5.5 Inputs: Conduct elicitation.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Elicitation activity
Input Prepare for
Elicitation and
Business analysis
and tools
Plan business
analysis approach.
Business Analysis
Planning and
Existing business
analysis information
and tools
and tools
Plan stakeholder
Business Analysis
Planning and
Supporting materials Guidelines
and tools
There are several elements that you should perform when eliciting project
requirements information across the project life cycle, including the following:
Guiding the elicitation activity
Capturing elicitation outcomes
Let’s look at each element in greater detail:
Guide Elicitation Activity Experienced business analysts follow their
elicitation plan to navigate the actual elicitation activity. This approach keeps
things on track by focusing on gathering business analysis information at the
required level of detail. Remember that things can change once elicitation is
underway; being flexible and adaptable relative to your elicitation plan is also an
essential skill. Keep an eye out for when you have gathered enough information.
Capture Elicitation Outcomes Eliciting requirements is an iterative and
incremental activity. Elicitation outcomes are captured and integrated into the
planned outcomes and what the business analysis team already knows.
Recording business analysis information during elicitation is essential for later
reference, integration, and use.
Guide contains numerous elicitation techniques that you should
be able to use as needed. Each technique is an excellent way to elicit
requirements. The technique you choose should be the best fit for the situation
that you find yourself in. For instance, scheduling telephone interviews with 100
individual users is not time effective. Building a survey/questionnaire to send to
them combined with a requirements workshop for a selected subset of senior or
key users may be a better approach to gathering information.
There are several techniques that you may choose to apply when prioritizing
your project requirements. Two techniques that we recommend for eliciting
requirements are focus groups and prototypes. Let’s take a look at these
recommended techniques in greater detail.
Recommended Technique: Focus Groups
Focus groups provide you with an interactive group environment to elicit ideas
and attitudes from selected stakeholders about a product, service, or
opportunity. The work done in a focus group may be similar to a brainstorming
session, but a focus group is a more structured event. Focus groups are a form of
qualitative research in which your participants are prequalified to address a set
of questions about a particular topic.
Getting Things in Focus
Ginger was assigned the task of eliciting business requirements for the
senior management team of an overseas bank. She enjoyed her trip across
the ocean and really looked forward to facilitating several focus group
sessions that targeted the definition of and the agreement to the business
requirements for developing a new IT system. Ginger believed this was
going to be an interesting and rewarding consulting assignment. She was
The initial focus group session kicked off mid-morning on Tuesday. Ginger,
in her role as moderator, arrived early to make sure the room was arranged
correctly and that all required materials were available to share with the
attendees. She made certain that the room was arranged in the traditional
U-shape that many facilitators prefer. This arrangement would allow Ginger
to facilitate effectively by walking the inside of the tables to make points,
clarify issues, and minimize any conflicts.
This particular group was a heterogeneous set of vice presidents from the
numerous operating units at the bank. The discussion guide for this session
focused on the high-level business drivers justifying the project and the big-
picture capabilities that would be required. Everyone arrived pretty much
on time, dressed for success. The coffee was poured into lovely ceramic
mugs with the bank logo on them, breakfast treats were selected,
introductions were made, and the focus group was off and running.
About an hour into the session, it became apparent to Ginger (and everyone
else in the room) that two of the vice presidents had conflicting opinions
about the definition of the new system capabilities. They were sitting right
across the tables from one another. Voices were rising, and the conflict
began to escalate. Ever the well-trained facilitator, Ginger walked briskly
down the tables in order to physically stand between them and shut down
their conflict.
Just as Ginger stepped between them, one of the angry vice presidents
threw his coffee cup across the table right at the other fellow. Alas, that
coffee cup never got to the other fellow—it hit Ginger in the face. The room
went very still as the cup fell to the floor. Ginger knelt down, picked up the
cup, and stood back up.
“Well,” she said, “Let’s get on with things, shall we?”
She then moved on to the next topic in her discussion guide.
Funny thing, there were no more conflicts in that particular focus group.
Even funnier, there were no conflicts in the sessions that followed. The
business requirements for the project were defined and agreed upon, and
the project was off and running. After she got back home, Ginger found
herself wondering if it was her strong facilitation skills that made those
focus groups go so very well or if it was her black eye that got everyone’s
undivided attention during the rest of the week.
Focus group preparation requires you to select and recruit the right participants
for the session. The BABOK
Guide recommends a focus group size of 6 to 12
attendees. A moderator and a recorder for the session should also be assigned
ahead of time. It is essential that your focus group be guided by a trained
moderator. In many organizations, the trained moderator is the business
analyst. The moderator creates a discussion guide defining the goals and
objectives of the session and five or six questions to be discussed. The focus
group location and any necessary technical services also need to be set up in
The focus group should be conducted in a one-to-two-hour session. The
moderator is responsible for guiding the discussion using the discussion guide
as a road map. The recorder is responsible for capturing the group’s comments.
It is not advisable for the moderator to be the recorder—it is quite difficult to
facilitate a focus group and take notes at the same time. An alternative is to
make audio and/or video recordings of the focus group.
Focus groups may contain homogeneous or heterogeneous
participants. Homogeneous participants all have similar characteristics;
heterogeneous participants have diverse backgrounds. For example, a
homogeneous focus group may consist of key end users who deal with the
order entry aspect of the business, discussing the order entry capabilities for
a new solution. A heterogeneous focus group would be one with a cross
section of end users from all aspects of the business being present to discuss
those very same order entry capabilities from multiple perspectives.
After the session is complete, the moderator is responsible for analyzing and
documenting the session results. A key output is group themes and perspectives.
This captures agreements, as well as disagreements, in the areas being
discussed. The moderator produces the report and sends that report to key
stakeholders, business analysts, or marketing staff.
Recommended Technique: Prototyping
Prototyping is a great way to add detail to your solution interface requirements
and integrate those requirements with the other requirements defining the new
solution. Essentially, a prototype is an initial or preliminary version of a solution
or system.
Prototypes are extremely valuable for identifying, describing, and validating
your solution needs during requirements development. There is tremendous
value in allowing early user interaction and feedback with a new solution. For
software projects, mocked-up screens or report layouts allow users to interact
with and comment on the solution.
Two categories of prototypes are defined in the BABOK
Guide: throw-away
prototypes and evolutionary or functional prototypes. Let’s take a closer look
at each category:
Throw-Away Throw-away prototypes are built to uncover and identify
solution requirements using simple tools. These tools can be paper based or
computer based. A throw-away prototype is intended to be discarded after the
final system is complete. These prototypes don’t have anything much under the
covers that would be of operational use. Throw-away prototypes are used to
gather requirements information.
Evolutionary or Functional Evolutionary prototypes are built to be the basis
for the new fully functioning system. To use them in this way, the prototypes
must be built using a specialized prototyping tool or language. They ultimately
become the working software application that is part of the solution.
Evolutionary prototypes are also called functional prototypes.
Exam Spotlight
There are two significant decisions for you to make when using prototyping
as a requirements elicitation vehicle:
Do you use a throw-away prototype (discard after system developed) or
an evolutionary/functional prototype (becomes all or part of the
Do you use a vertical perspective (narrow detailed area) versus a
horizontal point of view (broad brush of all capabilities at a very high
To prepare for prototyping, you must clearly identify the functionality that will
be modelled and select your prototyping approach. Then, build the prototype in
an iterative fashion, adding details as appropriate. It is important to make sure
that the elements of the prototype can be traced back to the solution
requirements, such as processes, data rules, and business rules. Prototypes are
intended for end users, so make sure the prototype actually meets their needs
for the new solution.
Throw-Away Does Not Mean Keep
Phil, the business analyst, frequently uses throw-away prototypes for his
user-facing software systems. He believes (and rightfully so) that
prototyping the user interface is a great way to get input before spending
enormous amounts of time and effort in actual system development and
implementation. As Phil is fond of saying to his team, end users sure seem
to know what they don’t like when they see it. By using a throw-away
prototype or storefront, Phil is frequently able to get a handle on the user’s
interaction with the new system and discover their likes and dislikes.
While working on developing a software system for a large
telecommunications firm, Phil determined that prototyping was the best
approach to use for elicitation. The development team built a storefront
prototype of an online store and then scheduled meetings with users of the
eventual system and those who received the outputs from the proposed new
Phil’s experience was interesting to say the least. The users spent hours
making suggestions on layout, color, and error messages. They concentrated
on the human interface pieces of the system. They didn’t say a word to Phil
or to the team about the functionality behind the user screens. The higher-
level managers didn’t say too much about the storefront’s functionality
either. They took one look at the screens and beamed, “Nice work, you
finished the application ahead of schedule!”
As Phil and his team learned, it is easy to get burned in your throw-away
prototyping efforts. Remember to make sure that the folks interacting with
the prototype are consistently made aware that this particular prototype is
just a shell, not the actual process or system. That way, they won’t be
surprised to learn that the throw-away prototype will be discarded (hence
the name throw-away), and the system will be designed and developed
using enhanced requirements based on the prototyping efforts. Keep
reminding everyone that throw-away prototypes typically don’t have much
substance hidden under the mocked-up user interface covers.
There are many forms of prototypes in use today. Table 5.6 describes each form
for you.
TABLE 5.6 Forms of prototypes
Form Description
Proof or Principle
or Concept
Validates the design of a system without modelling
appearance, materials, or process flow
Form Study Explores basic size, look, and feel of a product without
creating actual functionality
Usability Addresses how the end user interacts with the system
without including any properties
Visual Shows the visual aspects of the solution without modelling
complete functionality
Functional Tests software functionality, system qualities, and
workflow in a working model
Your goal when building a prototype is developing an end-to-end understanding
with your end users (and for yourself) of how the solution or part of a solution
actually works.
Other Techniques to Consider
Guide lists some additional techniques that may be used when
conducting elicitation. They are summarized for you here:
Benchmarking and Market Analysis Benchmarking studies are a source of
business analysis information, comparing an aspect of the solution with an
external baseline. Market analysis is a mechanism for determining what
external customers want and what your competition provides.
Brainstorming This technique is used during elicitation to generate many
ideas from a stakeholder group in a short period of time. The resulting ideas can
then be organized and prioritized relative to the targeted elicitation activity
outcome and what is currently known.
Business Rules Analysis When eliciting business analysis information,
business analysts must discover and factor in how decisions are made in the
organization and the rules governing organization operations.
Collaborative Games Collaborative games, such as product boxes, affinity
maps, and fishbowls, help groups of stakeholders develop a better
understanding of a problem or stimulate creative solutions to a problem.
Concept Modelling Concept models identify key terms and ideas of
importance, and the relationships between the two.
Data Mining Data mining is an analytical way to identify relevant information
and patterns from data. This technique examines and summarizes large
amounts of data from different perspectives.
Data Modelling Data modelling defines entity relationships during elicitation
activities using a diagram and textual descriptions of the pieces and parts.
Document Analysis Document analysis allows the business analyst to review
documented information about existing systems, contracts, policies, procedures,
standards, and regulations.
Interface Analysis This technique focuses on understanding the interaction
between two entities, such as systems, organizations, or individual roles.
Interviews Interviews involve asking questions of stakeholders to uncover
needs, identify problems, or discover opportunities during the requirements
elicitation process.
Mind Mapping Mind mapping is a visual, nonlinear collaborative way of
generating, organizing, and prioritizing many ideas from a group of
Observation Watching people do their work is an excellent way to gain insight
about how the work is actually done.
Process Analysis Process analysis focuses on understanding the current
processes and identifying opportunities to improve those processes as part of an
elicitation activity.
Process Modelling Process modelling is a way to understand and think about
improving processes with stakeholders during elicitation activities.
Survey or Questionnaire Surveys and questionnaires allow the business
analyst to elicit business analysis information about customers, products, work
practices, and attitudes in a structured way from a group of stakeholders.
Workshops Workshops are a collaborative and facilitated way to elicit
information about customers, products, work practices, and attitudes from a
stakeholder group.
Exam Spotlight
A great many questions for the Elicitation knowledge area will focus on the
details of how you apply the elicitation techniques. Make sure you are very
familiar with the details of these techniques.
Think of each recommended elicitation technique as a three-step process:
prepare, conduct, and wrap-up. Figure 5.3 illustrates the sequence of the steps
for you. First, you prepare to use the technique you have chosen for eliciting
requirements. The preparation activities will be driven by the technique you
have selected. Then, you conduct the elicitation activity and use the selected
technique in the appropriate way. After the elicitation activity is done, you then
are responsible for wrapping things up by reviewing, reporting, and, as needed,
further investigating what you have learned.
FIGURE 5.3 Applying the elicitation techniques
Now let’s get back to the task at hand: conducting the elicitation activity. Once
you have conducted that activity, you are ready to produce the elicitation results
that document what your stakeholders have told you. We will discuss that task
output next.
Produce the Elicitation Results
The elicitation results are just what the name says: the informally documented
results of your requirements elicitation efforts. These might be your informal
notes, scribbles, and pictures representing what you have been told. Your
informal elicitation results are then used as input to the confirm elicitation
results task. Table 5.7 summarizes this transaction.
TABLE 5.7 Output: Conduct elicitation activity.
Output Output
Destination Knowledge
Elicitation results
Confirm elicitation
Elicitation and
As the project business analyst, you have the primary responsibility for
informally documenting your elicited project requirements information. The
format that you select depends on the information you are documenting. You
may use text, graphical models, or a combination of the two. The technique or
techniques you selected to elicit requirements may also play a role in how the
elicitation results are informally collected. Other business analysis stakeholders
might be involved with providing the business analyst with the requirements
information that they are seeking.
Let’s take a look at the next step in effective requirements elicitation—
confirming your elicitation results.
Confirm Elicitation Results
The third task in the Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area is confirming
the results of your elicitation activities. Elicited business analysis information is
checked for accuracy and consistency. Any identified errors, omissions,
conflicts, or ambiguity are resolved prior to using the elicited information.
Often, we find that additional elicitation and stakeholder collaboration is
required to resolve these discrepancies. This important step ensures that you
clearly understand the stakeholder intentions and any related issues that might
impact your requirements and your project. You must make sure that you
involve all stakeholders who participated in the elicitation event in this
confirmation step.
According to the BABOK
Guide, confirming elicitation results is a less rigorous
and less formal review than what takes place during analysis.
Figure 5.4 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks used to confirm the elicitation results.
FIGURE 5.4 Task summary: Confirm elicitation results.
One key input is required to confirm the elicitation results—the elicitation
results themselves. Additional guidelines and tools can also be used. Let’s take a
look at this key input in more detail:
Elicitation Results Elicitation results are the stated and unconfirmed
requirements that represent the business analyst’s documented understanding
of the stakeholder’s intentions. They were obtained using one or more elicitation
techniques. This information has yet to be reviewed with the involved
stakeholders to make sure everything is correct and complete. This information
may also include risks, assumptions, and constraints to be confirmed and
addressed by the business analyst.
Table 5.8 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools used by this task.
TABLE 5.8 Inputs: Confirm elicitation results.
Task Input Input Type Input Source Source
Knowledge Area
Elicitation results
Input Conduct
Elicitation and
Elicitation activity plan Guidelines
and tools
Prepare for
Elicitation and
Existing business analysis
and tools
Guidelines and tools are additional inputs that can also be used by business
analysis tasks. Let’s take a closer look at the guidelines and tools that can also be
used as inputs when confirming the elicitation results:
Elicitation Activity Plan Elicitation activity plans are created as part of
preparing for elicitation. They provide the business analyst with guidance
regarding techniques to be applied, questions to be asked, and the general scope
of a particular elicitation effort.
Existing Business Analysis Information Existing business analysis
information should not be overlooked during your requirements elicitation
efforts. This information ranges from existing project documentation to
previously elicited information and requirements to requirements development
methods you can use.
When confirming requirements information, the business analyst performs two
elements of this task, which are as follows:
Comparing elicitation results against source information
Comparing elicitation results against other elicitation results
Let’s step through each of these elements now:
Comparing Elicitation Results Against Source Information Elicitation
results can come from a number of sources, including existing documents and
your project stakeholders. Many times, business analysts schedule follow-up
meetings to review elicitation information for correctness and completion
against one or more of these sources. Key stakeholders may also be asked to
review and confirm elicitation results independently.
Comparing Elicitation Results Against Other Elicitation Results
Consistency is an attribute of well-formed and accurate requirements. To
achieve consistent elicitation results that become confirmed requirements,
business analysts often compare the results against the results of other
elicitation activities. Differences are then collaboratively discussed and resolved
with the stakeholders and the team. Comparisons can also be made to historical
data or existing specifications or models.
Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends one or more techniques when confirming
elicitation results with stakeholders. Let’s take a look at them now in greater
Document Analysis Use document analysis to confirm elicitation results
against existing documents, source information, and other elicitation results.
Interviews Interviews are used to confirm business analysis information with
stakeholders at any level of detail. This technique is particularly helpful when
you are combining and integrating what you have learned to build the
confirmed requirements.
Reviews Formal and informal reviews are a way to confirm elicitation results
with stakeholders, either individually or in groups.
Workshops Workshops are another collaborative way to confirm elicited
information. Walking through elicitation results in a more structured fashion
with stakeholders allows for their feedback and correction.
Producing the Confirmed Elicitation Results
Think of the unconfirmed elicitation results as raw stakeholder information;
your stakeholders tell you what they think is needed. Stakeholder concerns are
any stakeholder issues that arise from your elicitation activities. They can be
many things, such as risks, assumptions, and constraints that accompany the
requirements information you are gathering. Once these concerns are captured
and documented, they will need to be addressed by the business analysis team.
Any stakeholder can be involved with confirming elicitation results, as needed.
Domain SMEs often bring their knowledge and experience to the table relative
to specific business analysis information that has been elicited relative to a
specific change.
Table 5.9 summarizes the full set of tasks using the confirmed elicitation results.
TABLE 5.9 Output: Confirm elicitation results.
Output Output
Destination Knowledge
Elicitation results
Analyze current
Strategy Analysis
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
Now let’s take a look at the next step in effective requirements elicitation—
effectively communicating business analysis information.
Communicate Business Analysis Information
Much of the work that you perform as part of the Elicitation and Collaboration
knowledge area gets your project requirements information elicited, organized,
and structured appropriately. After the business analysis information is in good
shape, don’t forget to share that information with key stakeholders for their
review, understanding, and approval. This task holds you responsible for
effectively communicating requirements to ensure stakeholder understanding.
Communicating business analysis information tends to be bidirectional,
iterative, and ongoing in nature. It is usually done in parallel with most of the
other business analysis tasks found in the BABOK
Guide. Communication can
be formal or informal in nature and includes conversations, notes, documents,
presentations, and discussions with your stakeholders.
Figure 5.5 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks for effectively communicating business analysis information on
your projects.
FIGURE 5.5 Task summary: Communicate business analysis information.
Several key inputs are used when communicating business analysis information
during a project. These inputs are usually produced by activities performed by
other business analysis tasks. Let’s take a closer look at these inputs:
Business Analysis Information The business analyst is responsible for
determining which business analysis information needs to be communicated to
and understood by the stakeholders. Information can be packaged and
communicated to stakeholders at any point in the requirements development
Stakeholder Engagement Approach The stakeholder engagement
approach defines how to communicate about business analysis activities,
elicited information, and deliverables with your stakeholders. Your focus is on
the requirements development tasks and the resulting deliverables.
There are additional inputs that may be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Guidelines are descriptions of why and how a business
analyst will undertake a task. Tools are methods for conducting a business
analysis task or shaping a task output. Let’s take a look at the guidelines and
tools that may also be used as inputs when communicating elicitation
Business Analysis Approach The business analysis approach is a “one-stop
shop” for the general strategy used to guide business analysis work on your
project. The approach contains stakeholder information, any business analysis
methodologies to be used, a high-level schedule, and the level of detail you will
be looking for in your resulting requirements and designs.
Information Management Approach This approach determines how
business analysis information will be stored, packaged, and communicated to
your stakeholders.
Table 5.10 summarizes the inputs to the business analysis task of
communicating requirements and lists the source of the input (if applicable).
TABLE 5.10 Inputs: Communicate business analysis information.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Business analysis
Input Plan stakeholder
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business analysis
and tools
Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
and tools
Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
You need to perform two elements that are part of this task in order to
effectively communicate business analysis information to stakeholders and
make sure they understand that information. The two elements are:
Determine the objectives and format of communication.
Communicate the business analysis package.
Let’s step through each of these elements now:
Determine Objectives and Format of Communication Formal
communication of business analysis information is done using business
analysis information packages. These packages are used to communicate
requirements, designs, quality, solution design inputs, and formal reviews and
approvals. Informal communication takes place whenever it is needed.
Business analysts develop packages to effectively share information with
stakeholders about planned changes. It is essential to analyze the audience for
the business analysis information package and make sure they can understand
the information that is being shared. Packages can be stored in online or offline
Exam Spotlight
According to the BABOK
Guide, business analysis information packages
are used for many reasons, including the following:
Communicating requirements and designs information to stakeholders
Assessing early quality and planning
Evaluating possible alternatives
Reviewing and approving proposed changes
Providing inputs to solution design
Conforming to contractual and regulatory obligations
Maintaining requirements and designs for reuse
Business analysis information packages can be formal documents, informal
documents, or presentations. They should fit both the audience and the
situation. Business analysts are expected to have good presentation skills. These
skills include creating the presentations, as well as delivering them to the
Formal documents are usually based upon a template used by the organization
and may include text, matrices, or diagrams. Formal documents are saved and
typically become part of the long-term information record for the project.
Informal documents are used during a change but are not part of the formal
organizational process.
Communicate Business Analysis Package Business analysts are expected
to provide stakeholders with details about the change so the stakeholders can
understand the information. Communicating this information allows
stakeholders to review the package, ask questions, and raise any issues
pertaining to what they have read.
Common ways to communicate business analysis information packages include
group collaboration, individual collaboration, and email or other nonverbal
methods. Group collaboration allows for immediate discussion and feedback
from a group of stakeholders regarding the package contents. Individual
collaboration is a one-on-one review of the package between the business
analysts and a single stakeholder. Nonverbal methods such as email are used
when the information is clear and few questions or explanations are expected.
Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends three techniques for communicating
requirements with stakeholders: interviews, reviews, and workshops. Let’s
summarize each of these techniques.
Interviews Interviews are typically used when communicating the contents of
a business analysis information package to a single stakeholder in a one-on-one
setting. This facilitates individual understanding of the information.
Reviews Reviews allow a group of stakeholders to understand the contents of a
business analysis information package and provide feedback on the contents.
Reviews are also used when approvals for a change are being sought.
Workshops Requirements workshops are structured meetings where a group
of stakeholders works together to provide feedback and approval of a business
analysis information package. This technique is typically used during group
Once you have applied one or more of the recommended techniques to
communicate your business analysis information, you can say that the business
analysis information has been communicated. Remember that communicating
business analysis information ensures that the stakeholders understand what
they have been told. Let’s review the concept of communicating business
analysis information one more time.
Communicating Business Analysis Information to Your Stakeholders
Once you have decided how to approach formally or informally documenting
business analysis information, you are ready to communicate the information to
your stakeholders. Remember that the communicated business analysis
information is not just transmitted from the business analyst to the
stakeholders. It must be received, understood, and acknowledged by those
stakeholders in order for effective business analysis information communication
to have taken place. There is no standardized output trail.
The business analyst has the primary responsibility for communicating business
analysis information during requirements development activities on a project.
However, all business analysis stakeholders may have a role in this task and
could be involved with business analysis information communication activities
across the project life cycle. Typical stakeholder roles involved with this activity
include end user, customer, domain SME, implementation SME, and tester.
They may be a sender or a receiver of the communicated information.
Now let’s take a look at the next step in effective requirements elicitation and
collaboration—effectively managing stakeholder collaboration.
Manage Stakeholder Collaboration
Confirming the elicitation results is not enough. Effective business analysts
foster a spirit of collaboration and teamwork with their stakeholders across the
project life cycle. Business analysis work does not take place in a vacuum.
Business analysis efforts require significant collaboration as work products are
defined, documented, reviewed, revised, and approved. Business analysts
should strive to minimize risk and maximize positive reactions by keeping the
right people “in the loop” relative to business analysis information and work
Managing stakeholder collaboration is an ongoing task for the business analyst.
As work moves forward, stakeholders are identified, their roles are confirmed,
and they receive communications at the right time about the correct topics. New
stakeholders can be identified at any point in time and must be incorporated
into the collaborative work environment the business analyst has created.
Stakeholders can also wear many hats on a project, taking on multiple roles as
the project progresses.
According to the BABOK
Guide, business analysts should strive
to actively manage relationships with stakeholders who:
Provide services to the business analyst.
Depend on services provided by the business analyst.
Participate in the execution of business analysis tasks.
It is essential to maintain good working relationships with the key stakeholders
on your project. Poor relationships can result in low-quality information from
stakeholders and a general resistance to the changes that are taking place.
Disengaged stakeholders may not support or may actively oppose the business
analysis activities that are taking place.
Figure 5.6 summarizes the inputs, guidelines and tools, outputs, techniques,
and associated tasks used to prepare for this task.
FIGURE 5.6 Task summary: Manage stakeholder collaboration.
Several key inputs are needed to adequately prepare business analysts to
perform this task. Let’s take a look at each of these task inputs in greater detail:
Stakeholder Engagement Approach This approach defines and describes
the types of engagement expected from the stakeholders and suggests ways to
manage and deal with those stakeholders.
Business Analysis Performance Assessment This assessment focuses on
how effectively business analysis tasks are being performed. The tasks being
assessed include those tasks targeting stakeholder engagement.
There are additional inputs that may be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Let’s take a closer look at the guidelines and tools that may
also be used as inputs when managing stakeholder collaboration:
Business Analysis Approach The business analysis approach is a “one-stop
shop” for the general strategy used to guide business analysis work on your
project. The approach contains stakeholder information and the level of
involvement and collaboration expected from the stakeholders during business
analysis activities.
Business Objectives Business objectives define the direction to take in order
to achieve the desired future state. These objectives are frequently used to focus
your stakeholders on a common goal for the desired changes and the resulting
Future State Description The future state description defines where the
initiative is heading and what will result when the changes have been
implemented. This description is also used to focus stakeholders on a common
goal as they work together to achieve that future state.
Recommended Actions Recommended actions suggest what should be done
to improve the value of a solution. They are part of the common goal the
business analyst can use to keep stakeholders working together and heading in
the same direction.
Risk Analysis Results Some risks identified for your project will be
stakeholder-related risks. You will need to address these risks to maintain
communication and collaboration with stakeholders across the project life cycle.
Table 5.11 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools for this task and lists the
source of each input (if applicable).
TABLE 5.11 Inputs: Manage stakeholder collaboration.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source
Knowledge Area
Input Plan stakeholder
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business analysis
Input Identify business
analysis performance
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business analysis
and tools
Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
Business objectives Guidelines
and tools
Define future state. Strategy Analysis
Future state
and tools
Define future state. Strategy Analysis
and tools
Recommend actions to
increase solution value.
Solution Evaluation
Risk analysis
and tools
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
When managing stakeholder collaboration across the project life cycle, the
business analyst performs several elements, including the following:
Gaining agreement on commitments
Monitoring stakeholder engagement
Let’s step through each of these three elements now:
Gaining Agreement on Commitments Business analysis activities typically
require time and resource commitments from the stakeholders. These
expectations are key parts of completing the business analysis work in a timely
fashion. The terms and conditions of time and resource commitments should be
discussed and negotiated as early as possible to avoid or minimize conflicts.
Remember to use your negotiation, communication, and conflict resolution
skills when managing stakeholder collaboration.
Monitoring Stakeholder Engagement Monitoring participation and
performance of stakeholders doing business analysis work is another important
task for the business analyst. The right stakeholders need to participate on the
right things in order for the work to be done correctly. Keeping stakeholders
engaged and interested in the business analysis work is also essential.
A number or risks come into play when stakeholders are involved in business
analysis work. Stakeholders can be diverted to other work activities that are not
part of your efforts. They can also provide low-quality business analysis
information that impacts your requirements and designs. Confirmation and
approval of elicitation results and other business analysis deliverables must be
completed in a timely fashion.
Collaborating Business analysts should encourage free flow of information,
ideas, and innovations when working with stakeholders. Common sense tells us
that stakeholders who feel that they are part of the team are typically more
engaged with the work that is being done. Collaboration requires regular,
frequent, bidirectional communication between the business analysis team and
the stakeholders. This stakeholder “care and feeding” is an important part of the
business analyst’s job.
There are several techniques that you may choose to apply when managing
stakeholder collab- oration. One technique that we recommend is collaborative
games, an engaging way to get your stakeholders to work as a team. Let’s take a
look at this recommended technique in greater detail.
Recommended Technique: Collaborative Games
Collaborative games stimulate teamwork and collaboration by putting
participants in an environment where they elicit information and build a joint
understanding of a problem or solution. These games are designed to facilitate
collaboration between the participants while focusing them on a specific
objective. Participants share their knowledge on a particular topic, identify
assumptions, and explore the knowledge together in creative ways. People with
different points of view learn how to work together and develop a shared model
of what is needed.
A neutral facilitator usually manages the event and enforces the rules of the
game across all participants. Most collaborative games involve a strong visual or
tactile element, such as using sticky notes, whiteboards, or drawing pictures.
Games typically have these three steps:
1. The first step is an opening step to get participants involved and aware of the
rules of the game. They may also start generating ideas during this step.
2. The exploration step is where participants engage and look for connections
between their ideas, test the ideas, and experiment with new ideas.
3. The closing step has everyone assessing the ideas and working out which
ideas are the most useful relative to the objective of the game.
At the end of the game, the facilitator debriefs the activity. Participants then
review the results and decide what needs to happen next as a result of what was
learned in the session.
Guide lists three specific examples of collaborative
games. They include the following:
Product Box Participants construct a box for a product as if it was
being sold in a retail store. This helps everyone identify the actual
features of the product included on the label.
Affinity Map Participants write down features on sticky notes, put
them on the wall, and then group them together as groups of similar
features. This is a good way to identify related or similar features.
Fishbowl Participants divide into two groups. One group speaks about
a topic while the other group listens and documents their observations.
This is a way to identify hidden assumptions or perspectives.
Additional Techniques to Consider
There are many other techniques to choose from when you find yourself
managing and encouraging stakeholder collaboration on your projects. Let’s
step through each of them here:
Lessons Learned Lessons learned provide a great way to understand
stakeholder engagement and satisfaction as part of your project team. They also
offer the opportunity to improve working relationships by making changes in
the way things are done.
Risk Analysis and Management Risk analysis and management is used to
identify and manage stakeholder-related risks, such as participation,
involvement, or engagement.
Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas This technique provides the business
analyst with a list of the stakeholders who are available to participate in
business analysis work.
Once you have selected and applied one or more techniques as part of your
efforts, you are ready to get your stakeholders engaged with your project efforts.
We will discuss that next.
Achieving Stakeholder Engagement
Guide defines stakeholder engagement as “willingness from
stakeholders to engage in business analysis activities and interact with the
business analyst when necessary.” All types of stakeholders may be involved
with the business analysis activities on a project at some point in time.
Managing these stakeholder resources effectively and keeping them engaged
with the work falls on the business analyst’s shoulders. This task output is fairly
subjective. You will be tasked with getting the stakeholders to “play pretty” and
be a part of things. All stakeholders on your project may collaborate with the
business analyst, project team members, and one another while dealing with a
proposed change.
Now let’s wrap up our review of the Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge
How This Applies to Your Projects
In this chapter, you stepped through tasks guiding you in eliciting information
for your project’s business, stakeholder, solution, and transition requirements.
Remember that requirements elicitation work is iterative and incremental in
nature. One of the biggest challenges that you will encounter in your projects is
making sure that you ask the stakeholders all of the right questions. After all,
the goal is to get the right information so you can develop correct and complete
requirements defining what capabilities the new solution has to offer. Engaging
and collaborating with your stakeholders is another essential component of a
successful project.
Many types of questions are used in gathering business analysis information.
Using all types of questions as part of your elicitation activities allows you to
organize and discover what the stakeholders need and want within the scope of
the proposed solution. Remember, skilled requirements analysts are experts at
asking questions, especially when they don’t know the answers. These are the
types of questions a skilled business analyst should be proficient with:
Research questions
Detailed questions
Directive questions
Meta questions
Open-ended questions
Closed-ended questions
We’ll take a quick look at each of these question types, but first let’s see how one
seasoned business analyst uses them in interviews.
What Is the Real Problem?
Asking different types of elicitation questions with a plan in mind really
helps us find out what the stakeholders need from our project. Design your
elicitation questionnaire like a funnel, with the top of the funnel
representing high-level, scoping questions. As you progress down the funnel
toward the ground, your questions become more and more detailed based
on what you have learned. At the bottom of the funnel, ask very specific and
detailed questions about what your stakeholders do and what they need
from your project.
The shipping team at Palmer Divide Vineyards expressed concern about the
reliability of current inventory data at the winery. Recently, several cases of
a particular wine were sold to a distributor when they were not currently in
stock. Taylor, the IT director, sat down with Bob, the shipping team lead, to
figure out what was going on.
Taylor started her information gathering at the top of the funnel with a
research question.
“What is the problem that we need to address?”
Bob responded, “Well, we have a serious issue with inventory.”
Taylor used a meta question to clarify the response.
“What makes you say that there is an inventory issue?” she asked.
Bob replied, “This organization has no idea of how many items we have in
the warehouse at any given time.”
Taylor used a detailed question to ask for more information.
“Is the issue with keeping track of incoming quantities of wine, outgoing
quantities of wine, or both?”
Bob responded, “I think it is both, but I believe that we should focus on
keeping track of incoming quantity and our current stock of each wine first.”
Taylor dug deeper for more details to provide direction for subsequent
elicitation interviews and involvement with this pending effort.
“Who should keep track of incoming quantity? What should they keep track
of? How often should they keep track of it? Where should they do it?”
Bob pointed to Warren, the warehouse manager, as the person having
primary responsibility for the current wine inventory. From a data
perspective, Bob listed the item number, item quantity, and weekly
shipments as the key data values currently being tracked. He explained that
the vineyard has a simple, spreadsheet-driven inventory system that might
require an update or replacement.
Taylor made good use of the funnel approach in her first round of elicitation
questions. She asked a high-level research question about the inventory
problem and then focused the conversation using a meta question to narrow
the discussion. She then asked several detailed questions about the current
situation. Taylor was not in a situation to use directive questions to seek
agreement or consensus during this elicitation interview. Remember, you
can mix your research, meta, detailed, and directive questions with open-
and close-ended questions to collect the right information from your
Research Questions These are general questions inviting your stakeholders
to provide you with information about their concerns, interests, and needs
relative to the solution scope. Research questions allow a skilled business
analyst to assess the stakeholder needs. People are comfortable answering
research questions when the questions are not limited or specific and the
answers are not controlled in any way. An example of a research question might
be “What constitutes success for this project?”
Detailed Questions Detailed questions focus on gathering specific
information within the predefined solution scope. These questions are typically
the step after research questions and help the business analyst focus on more
specific information that is needed. To be thorough, detailed questions should
be framed around the five Ws: who, what, where, when, and why. As your
questions become more specific, it is important to discourage one-word
answers, such as yes and no. This can often be achieved in the phrasing of each
question. An example of a detailed question is, “Who provides you with this
Directive Questions Directive questions are used primarily by business
analysts in group settings where there are contradictions in what the business
analyst has been told. Directive questions direct the other parties to an area
where agreement needs to be reached and sometimes away from an area that is
contentious. For project requirements information, these questions can be used
to get consensus on specific features and functionality and to encourage
stakeholder decision making. One example of a directive question might be,
“What is the relative priority of this key feature?”
Meta Questions Meta questions are powerful tools. They allow you to clarify
and enhance what has just been said. Basically, meta questions are questions
about questions. This communications strategy allows the business analyst to
promote open communication in a nonthreatening way. Meta questions clarify
and summarize what the business analyst has been told. They are an active
listening technique that proves that the business analyst really listened to what a
particular stakeholder said during requirements elicitation. An example of a
meta question is, “Do you mind if I ask you about . . . ?”
Both research and detailed questions can be open-ended or closed-ended
questions. Be sure you can distinguish between the two types of questions, as
this is a topic that could appear on your certification exam.
Using a good blend of question types at all levels of detail allows you to elicit
more complete and correct requirements information for your projects. Saving
your questions and reusing them is another best practice that you should apply
on all of your projects. Once you have well-written, general questions, it is easy
to use them on another project. Building requirements elicitation
questionnaires or surveys based on your proven questions often raises the
quality and quantity of business analysis information received. It also saves you
from reinventing the wheel.
The five tasks in the Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area guide a
business analyst in effectively gathering and organizing requirements
information at any level of detail. It is difficult to develop complete and correct
requirements for your project if you do not elicit complete and correct business
analysis information from your stakeholders. Remember, elicitation is not just
asking questions.
Effective communication and collaboration skills are underlying competencies
enabling a business analyst to do this work. Successful projects start with
defining and agreeing to what is needed. Without the ability to elicit high-
quality requirements information, business analysts will find it difficult to
perform their jobs well.
Your elicitation results must be documented, confirmed, and used in
subsequent requirements development activities, such as analysis and
specification. The stated, confirmed requirements and any stakeholder concerns
are the building blocks from which the real requirements for your projects will
be derived.
Exam Essentials
Be able to list the tasks found in the Elicitation and Collaboration
knowledge area. You will see questions about the tasks, their associated
techniques, their more detailed elements, and the key outputs that they produce
on your exam. You should memorize the five tasks of this knowledge area and
the key outputs associated with them. The tasks are:
Prepare for elicitation.
Conduct elicitation.
Confirm elicitation results.
Communicate business analysis information.
Manage stakeholder collaboration.
Be able to list, describe, and apply the elicitation techniques.
Understanding and applying the elicitation techniques will be a key focus for
your Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area exam questions. Be sure that
you can list and describe how to use the elicitation techniques found in the
knowledge area. Here’s the list:
Benchmarking and market analysis
Business rules analysis
Collaborative games
Concept modelling
Data mining
Data modelling
Document analysis
Focus groups
Interface analysis
Lessons learned
Mind mapping
Process analysis
Process modelling
Risk analysis and management
Stakeholder list, map, or personas
Survey or questionnaire
Be able to explain the different types of elicitation prototypes and
when they might be used. Functional scope prototypes are either horizontal
or vertical; horizontal prototypes pre- sent a shallow, wide view of the
functionality, while vertical prototypes highlight a deep, narrow slice of the
functionality. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) prototypes can be
throw-away or evolutionary. Throw-away prototypes allow you to quickly
uncover and clarify interface requirements and then discard the prototype when
the system is done. Evolutionary or functional prototypes extend your initial
requirements into the fully functional system.
Be able to distinguish between structured and unstructured
elicitation interviews. Structured interviews are driven by a predefined set of
questions. Unstructured interviews are more of an informal, open-ended
Be able to compare passive and active observation. In passive (invisible)
observation, you observe work being performed, but you do not ask questions
during that work. You record what you see, write down any questions that arise,
and stay out of the way. Once the work is finished, you can ask questions about
what you just witnessed. In contrast, active (visible) observation allows you to
observe and to talk with the user at the same time as the work is being
performed. You can ask questions, even if they interrupt what the user is doing.
Key Terms
This chapter stepped through the contents of the fourth knowledge area from
Guide: Elicitation and Collaboration. Most of this knowledge area
focuses on gathering the business analysis information you need to define the
solution capabilities being built by your project.
You should understand how to apply the techniques and tasks in this knowledge
area in order to be an effective business analyst. Additionally, you will need to
know the five tasks and their associated elements and techniques from this
knowledge area in order to be successful on the CBAP
or CCBA™ exams. The
tasks include the following:
Prepare for elicitation.
Conduct elicitation.
Confirm elicitation results.
Communicate business analysis information.
Manage stakeholder collaboration.
Chapter 5 introduced a number of new key words related to eliciting business
analysis information on a project. Here is a list of some of the key terms that you
encountered in this chapter:
business analysis information packages
elicitation results
elicitation worksheet
evolutionary or functional prototypes
focus groups
idea generation
idea reduction
requirements analysis
requirements documentation
requirements elicitation
scheduled resources
stakeholder engagement
supporting materials
throw-away prototypes
Review Questions
1. All of the following tasks are performed during elicitation except:
A. Select elicitation techniques.
B. Confirm elicitation results.
C. Prepare for elicitation.
D. Conduct elicitation.
2. You are reviewing documents for the current system in order to confirm the
existing requirements. Document analysis is an effective technique for doing
this work as long as the documents being reviewed are
A. Not current and invalid
B. Not current but valid
C. Current but not valid
D. Both current and valid
3. What is the proper sequence for conducting any type of elicitation
A. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
B. Prepare, conduct, and wrap up.
C. Prepare, analyze, and reduce.
D. Generate, reduce, and assess.
4. During an active observation session, the business analyst watches the user
carefully, asks them probing questions, and:
A. Acts as an apprentice
B. Reviews the findings
C. Takes detailed notes
D. Studies the process
5. What prototype allows you to learn about user interface needs and then to
evolve the requirements into a fully functioning system?
A. Throw-away
B. Usability
C. Evolutionary
D. Visual
6. Who may participate in requirements elicitation activities?
A. Any stakeholder
B. Stakeholder list
C. Subject matter experts
D. Project team
7. “Does the existing functionality currently meet your needs?” is an example of
what type of structured interview question?
A. Closed-ended
B. Open-ended
C. Research
D. Meta question
8. Stakeholder ____________ is defined as the willingness of stakeholders to
actively work and interact with the business analysis team.
A. Collaboration
B. Engagement
C. Willingness
D. Involvement
9. What elicitation technique might best assist you in understanding the
existing processes that are being used in an online order entry system?
A. Brainstorming
B. Observation
C. Focus group
D. Prototyping
10. When preparing for observation, you plan to ask questions while the work is
being done. You are preparing to do ____________ observation.
A. Active
B. Passive
C. Invisible
D. Proactive
11. The Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area focuses on eliciting
business, stakeholder, solution, and ____________ requirements.
A. Implementation
B. Functional
C. Transition
D. Nonfunctional
12. You are working with a group trying to build a diverse list of possible
approaches as to how the team might solve a specific business problem.
What technique should the group consider applying?
A. Observation
B. JAD session
C. Focus group
D. Brainstorming
13. You have just discovered that the business process expert, who was
responsible for the existing system currently being upgraded, is no longer
employed by the company. Which elicitation technique might you apply in
this situation?
A. Document analysis
B. Reverse engineering
C. Interface analysis
D. Elicitation workshop
14. You are planning a focus group to elicit requirements for a new online order-
entry system, addressing a wide variety of end users interacting with the
system in different ways. What type of users should you include in your focus
A. Miscellaneous
B. Heterogeneous
C. Homogeneous
D. Collaborative
15. What are the three types of interfaces typically looked at during interface
A. People, process, and project
B. User, application, and device
C. Input, output, and process
D. User, system, and software
16. The requirements elicitation technique that uncovers and visualizes the
interface requirements before an application is designed or developed is
A. Prototyping
B. Interface analysis
C. Observation
D. Reverse engineering
17. What technique provides an effective method for eliciting requirements
information from many people in a short period of time?
A. Workshop
B. Interview
C. Survey
D. Review
18. Eliciting requirements using a brainstorming session enables the
participants to exercise ____________ thinking.
A. Creative
B. Parallel
C. Focused
D. Critical
19. You and the project sponsor are informally discussing what the business
expects from a proposed new system. You came into the discussion with no
prepared questions. What type of elicitation interview are you conducting?
A. Structured
B. Functional
C. Unstructured
D. Discussion
20. All of the following are games that may be used to encourage stakeholders to
develop a joint view of a problem or potential solution except:
A. Affinity map
B. Product box
C. Business rules
D. Fishbowl
Chapter 6
Controlled Middle: Requirements Analysis and Design
Specify and model requirements and designs.
Verify requirements.
Validate requirements.
Define requirements architecture.
Define design options.
Analyze potential value and recommend solution.
Requirements analysis takes elicited information and makes
sense of it. The tasks found in the Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
knowledge area focus on analyzing the business analysis information from your
elicitation efforts and building the real stakeholder or solution requirements for
your project. The real requirements define the derived needs of your
stakeholders after your structured and collaborative requirements analysis and
design efforts are complete.
Deriving and refining requirements for a project is repetitive and systematic in
nature. Experienced business analysts find themselves moving between
requirements elicitation, requirements analysis, and requirements
documentation or specification activities many times throughout their projects.
There can be a significant difference between the business analysis information
elicited from stakeholders and the real requirements that define the resulting
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
The Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area focuses on
analyzing what your stakeholders have told you and defining which capabilities
need to be part of the resulting solution. According to the BABOK
Guide, the
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area is where you
develop your stakeholder and solution requirements for your project. Business
requirements are developed by tasks in the Strategy Analysis knowledge area,
and transition requirements are built by the Solution Evaluation tasks.
Exam Spotlight
Stakeholder requirements describe the capabilities of the solution that will
meet the stakeholder needs. Solution requirements are more detailed
requirements, describing the behavior of the solution components so that
those components can actually be created later in the project life cycle. Be
sure you know the difference.behavior sometimes and behaviour other
times. "? amznid=12506>
The tasks in this knowledge area take the elicited business analysis information
and make sense of it. The information reflects what the stakeholders have told
you about what they need. The business analysis information becomes analyzed
requirements after it is acted upon by the tasks in this knowledge area.
Analyzed requirements are defined as requirements that have been specified
and modelled.
This requirements development-focused knowledge area generates several key
business analysis deliverables. They include the following:
Specified and modelled stakeholder and solution requirements
Verified stakeholder and solution requirements
Validated stakeholder and solution requirements
Requirements architecture
Design options
Solution recommendation
We will cover each deliverable in more detail later in the chapter.
To focus on what is important to the business analyst across the life cycle of
their business analysis efforts, let’s consider the tasks of this knowledge area
with the framework of the BACCM™. The business analyst needs to keep an eye
on their work relative to the six concepts contained in the framework: change,
need, solution, stakeholder, value, and context. Table 6.1 lists these
TABLE 6.1 The BACCM™: Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
The Business Analyst’s Responsibilities
Change Transform the elicitation results into requirements and designs
defining the proposed change.
Need Analyze needs and recommend a solution that meets those needs.
Solution Define solution options and recommend the option addressing
the need that has the most value to the business.
Stakeholder Tailor requirements and designs so the stakeholders can both
understand and use them.
Value Analyze the potential value of the solution options in order to
confirm and communicate that value.
Context Model and describe the context for the proposed change in an
understandable and usable format.
Requirements analysis and design work is multifaceted and applies a wide range
of techniques for categorizing project requirements and making good decisions
about their priorities, their structure, and their quality.
Exam Spotlight
The tasks in the Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge
area apply to the stakeholder and solution requirements for your project.
The Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area also
addresses monitoring and reporting on the performance of the analysis
activities throughout the project. The business analysis team is responsible
for assessing the effectiveness of the techniques being used to analyze and
specify the stakeholder and solution requirements for their project. The
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area is addressed
in Chapter 7 of the BABOK
The Business Analyst’s Task List
A business analyst has six tasks to perform in the Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition knowledge area. We will look at each one of these tasks in
detail later in this chapter. The task list from the BABOK
Guide includes the
Specifying and modelling requirements
Verifying requirements
Validating requirements
Defining the requirements architecture
Defining design options
Analyzing potential value and recommending a solution
These tasks focus on making sure that the stakeholder and solution
requirements for your projects are thoroughly analyzed and documented for
you, your team, and your stakeholders. The goal is to use the capabilities defined
in these requirements as the basis for designing and constructing the solution.
When Does Requirements Analysis and Design Definition Take Place?
What you and I need is the right word—fat or thin, brisk or lazy. The right
word. In the right place. For the right reason.
Willard R. Espy, editor
The tasks in the Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area
begin by developing the project’s stakeholder requirements and continue until
the more detailed solution requirements are completed. Typically, defining the
stakeholder and solution requirements on your projects takes place in the
controlled middle of the project life cycle as part of the project’s requirements
development or definition phase.
The controlled middle of a project is where the actual work gets done—one stage
or phase at a time. Business analysis tasks typically include those from the
Elicitation and Collaboration, Requirements Analysis and Design Definition,
and Solution Evaluation knowledge areas, with a little Requirements Life Cycle
Management thrown in for good measure.
Exam Spotlight
Approximately 45 of your 150 CBAP® exam questions will focus on the
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area. On the
CCBA™ exam, expect to see approximately 48 questions about this
knowledge area. The exam questions target specific and detailed aspects of
the tasks, tools, and techniques that are found there.
Let’s step through the first task in the Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition knowledge area: specifying and modelling your requirements.
Specify and Model Requirements
The first task in the Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge
area is specifying and modelling the stakeholder and solution requirements for
your project. The business analyst analyzes the elicitation results and creates
representations of those results. For most projects, this work is not done all at
once. The higher-level stakeholder requirements are typically defined and
decomposed into the more detailed solution requirements. Your requirements
architecture drives how you accomplish this by defining the combination of text,
charts, diagrams, and models that you will use.
Formal textual or graphical models must follow the rules for their model type.
Typically, modelling rules are set either by your organization, by your selected
modelling tool vendor, or by a set of standards and guidelines for the particular
type of modelling technique that you have selected. That means you are
expected to consistently use the correct notation and meaning for every element
in your model. Formal models are powerful tools as long as your stakeholder
audience understands the language they are speaking. Informal models have no
formal definition, connecting elements in ways that have meaning for you and
for your stakeholder audience.
Figure 6.1 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks used to specify and model your requirements.
FIGURE 6.1 Task summary: Specify and model the requirements.
One key input is needed to specify and model the stakeholder and solution
requirements for your project: the business analysis information that was
elicited from your stakeholders and the requirements structure defining how the
stakeholder and solution requirements will be organized. Let’s take a look at this
input in greater detail:
Elicitation Results (Any State) Modelling begins when there are elicitation
results available. The elicitation results that are used can be either confirmed or
unconfirmed. Modelling and elicitation can be sequential, iterative, or
concurrent activities. Modelling often leads to the need for additional elicitation
results to clarify or expand upon what is known at a particular point in time.
There are additional inputs that can be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Guidelines are essentially instructions or descriptions on
why and how a business analyst will undertake a task. Tools, on the other hand,
are methods for conducting business analysis task or shaping a task output.
Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that can also be used as inputs when
specifying and modelling requirements:
Modelling Notations/Standards Many business analysts use standard
templates and syntax to precisely and consistently specify requirements.
Modelling Tools There are many modelling tools available to draw and store
matrices and diagrams that represent requirements. These tools may or may not
be part of a requirements life cycle management tool.
Requirements Architecture The business analyst uses the requirements and
their interrelationships to make sure the requirements and designs are complete
and consistent.
Requirements Life Cycle Management Tools These software-based
products are frequently used to record, organize, store, and share requirements
and designs.
Solution Scope Solution scope is the set of capabilities a solution must deliver
to meet the business need. The boundaries of the solution scope are also the
boundaries for the resulting requirements and designs that are being specified
and modelled.
Table 6.2 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools to this task and lists the
task and knowledge area sources for each input used to specify requirements.
TABLE 6.2 Inputs, Guidelines, and Tools: Specify and model requirements.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Elicitation results (any
Input Conduct
Elicitation and
elicitation results.
Elicitation and
Modelling notations/
and tools
Modelling tools Guidelines
and tools
and tools
Requirements Analysis
and Design Definition
Requirements life
cycle management
and tools
Solution scope Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
You should apply several elements when specifying and modelling the
stakeholder or solution requirements on your projects, such as the following:
Model requirements.
Analyze requirements.
Represent requirements and attributes.
Implement appropriate levels of abstraction.
Let’s look at each of these elements in greater detail. Working with each of these
elements to the appropriate degree is a skill found in experienced business
analysts. You must decide what to model, how to effectively model it, and how
much detail is necessary in your models.
Model requirements Models are a simplified representation or diagram of
something real. They can be textual, graphical, or a combination of both. The
phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” is certainly true when it comes to
analyzing and documenting your requirements. Many analysts find using
models—formal or informal—to be helpful during their requirements elicitation
efforts, as well as during requirements analysis.
The most common matrix type of model seen in requirements is a two-
dimensional table or spreadsheet. Requirements attributes and data dictionaries
lend themselves to being developed in a table format. A table can be much more
effective than a bunch of sentences when you are trying to show simple
relationships between pieces of your requirements information, such as
requirements priorities or traceability relationships.
According to the BABOK
Guide, there are five categories of models. Table 6.3
summarizes each category of model and suggests techniques that might be used
for each type.
TABLE 6.3 Categories of models
Category Description Techniques
People and
Represent organizations, people, and their
relationships to the enterprise and the solution
Scope modelling
Roles and
Stakeholder list,
map, or
Rationale Represent the rationale or the “why” of a change Decision
Scope modelling
Business model
Business rules
Represent a sequence of actions, or events as an
activity flow
Use cases and
User stories
Capability Represent capabilities, features, or functions of
the solution
Data and
Represent the exchange of information within a
solution and the characteristics of that
Data dictionary
Data flow
Data modelling
State modelling
You will also find yourself using textual requirements to describe your solution
capabilities, conditions, and constraints. Good technical writing skills are
essential. Writing text requirements is not an exercise in creative writing. You
want your text requirements to be written in simple sentences that are clear,
concise, and complete.
Analyze requirements. Requirements analysis requires you to decompose
the elicited business analysis information into components. According to the
Guide, a component is “a uniquely identifiable element of a larger
whole that fulfills a clear function.” Basically, you will break down what you
know about the solution into organized pieces and parts and to the right level of
detail. Be sure to look for things that are changing to meet the business need as
well as things that need to stay the same. Watch out for missing information and
beware adding in components that are not needed to attain the solution scope.
Represent requirements and attributes. Most business analysts use the
Requirements Classification Schema from the BABOK
Guide to classify their
requirements: business, stakeholder, solution, and transition. Solution
requirements can be either functional or nonfunctional. These categories are
generic enough to fit any business need.
Make sure you capture the requirements attributes associated with each of the
requirements that you specify and model. The attributes that you need to
capture for each type of requirement are defined for you in the requirements
management plan that you produced as part of the Business Analysis Planning
and Monitoring knowledge area.
Exam Spotlight
Guide makes an important distinction between requirements
and designs for this task. When the focus of the specifying and modelling
activities is on understanding the business need, the resulting outputs are
referred to as requirements. When the focus of the specifying and modelling
activities is on the solution, the resulting outputs are referred to as designs.
Implement the appropriate levels of abstraction. When the different
types of requirements found in the BABOK
Guide (business, stakeholder,
solution, and transition) are discussed, the names are provided for the different
levels of abstraction or detail found in those requirements. For example,
business requirements are high level and focus on the big picture of what an
organization requires in order to address a business need. Solution
requirements are far more detailed, providing a basis to design and develop the
capabilities needed in a new solution and its components. It is important for you
to understand the levels of abstraction in your project requirements and factor
them into your requirements elicitation and analysis activities across the project
life cycle.
There are several techniques that you may choose to apply when specifying and
modelling stakeholder and solution requirements and designs. Let’s take a look
at a number of these modelling techniques in greater detail.
Recommended Technique: Business Rules Analysis
Business rules analysis allows you to define the business policies and rules that
govern business decisions and operations in your organization. Business policies
are directives that support business goals. Business rules, by contrast, are
actionable and testable directives that support the business policies. Complex
business rules are often represented using a decision tree or table.
Business rules require you to create or to use a defined glossary of terms and an
understanding of the relationships between them. There are two types of
business rules:
Definitional business rules
Behavioral business rules
Behavioral business rules guide the actions of people who work in your
organization and are typically enforced by organizational policies. Definitional
business rules structure and categorize the knowledge and information found in
your organization. When analyzing, stating, and managing business rules, you
should do the following:
State the business rules using the appropriate terminology.
Keep the business rules independent of their implementation.
Document business rules separately from how they are enforced.
State business rules at the atomic level using a declarative format.
Separate business rules from the processes that the rules support or
Maintain the business rules in a way that allows for changes as business
policies change.
To effectively perform business rules analysis, you need to have a data
dictionary and glossary for your specific project or your organization.
Recommended Technique: Data Flow Diagrams
Data flow diagrams (DFDs) model how information flows within a system.
DFDs portray the transformation of data by looking at the following:
External entities that are sources or destinations for data
Data processes that transform the data in some way
Data stores that collect the data for some period of time
Data flows moving data between external entities, processes, and data stores
DFDs help you understand the range of data found within a solution or solution
component. They are created after a context diagram has been built that shows
you the high-level view of the solution and its associated data flow. However,
DFDs do not show you who performs the work nor do they show you any
alternative paths through the process.
Palmer Divide Vineyards: Selecting a Data Flow Diagram Notation
You are currently modelling the new functionality associated with
requesting and performing research studies at Palmer Divide Vineyards.
You choose to use data flow to model the basic capabilities that will be found
in the solution.
SH1: Users will perform research studies.
S1: The system will calculate elapsed study time.
SH2: Users will customize the contents of their research studies.
S2: The system will allow creation of custom data queries.
S3: The user will analyze the customer query results.
You draw two models using both the Gane-Sarson and Yourdon notations
just for comparison’s sake (Figure 6.2). You decide to show the models to
the project team to see whether they have a preference between them.
FIGURE 6.2 Gane-Sarson and Yourdon models for Palmer Divide
Because your project is software-development intensive, you and the team
decide to use the Gane-Sarson notation for the data models. Everyone has
seen models like this before, and they are most comfortable with that
notation. You know that either notation would work to model the data flow
for customizing research studies at Palmer Divide vineyards but think it best
to go with the one that people find easiest to understand.
DFDs can be created using a number of notations, including Yourdon or Gane-
Sarson. Stakeholders and users usually find either notation style easy to
understand and to follow. Table 6.4 compares the features found in these two
common DFD notations based on the descriptions in the BABOK
TABLE 6.4 The two common data flow diagram notations
Elements Yourdon Gane-Sarson
Labeled rectangle Labeled rectangle
Label for the data store name
between two parallel lines
Labeled rectangle with the right
side open or a labeled rectangle
with a square containing the data
store name
Labeled circle with a “verb-
object” structure naming the
Labeled rectangle with curved
corners with a “verb-object”
structure naming the process
Data flow Single or forked line with an
arrow along with a noun-
phrase descriptor of the data
being moved
Single or forked line with an arrow
along with a noun-phrase
descriptor of the data being moved
During requirements analysis, you will create additional diagrams, entity-
relationship diagrams (ERDs), to represent the user’s view of the solution and
its capabilities in terms of entities, attributes, and relationships. Often you will
refine these models during the design phase of the project, particularly if you are
defining capabilities of a software application. During design, the ERDs are
refined, and the physical data model that becomes the basis for a relational
database is ultimately created.
Recommended Technique: Data Modelling
Data models visually represent the people, places, things, and concepts that are
important to the business. The two most common types of data models are the
ERD and the class diagram. ERDs are often used for projects where a relational
database is part of the solution, while class diagrams are a better fit for object-
oriented software development efforts.
Logical data models look at the concepts, attributes, and relationships for the
information relevant to the organization in detail or at a high level. Physical
data models describe how data is stored and managed by a software application
that is part of the solution scope. Conceptual data models represent how the
business perceives its information—both the words used to describe the
information and the relationships within the information.
In data models, concepts are something significant to the organization about
which the organization needs data. Attributes are used to define specific pieces
of information associated with a concept, such as its name, acceptable values,
and a description. Relationships are significant business associations between
Palmer Divide Vineyards: Data Flow Diagrams or Data Models?
You are still in the early stages of modelling the new functionality associated
with requesting and performing research studies at Palmer Divide
Vineyards. You and the project team choose to use data flow diagrams with
Gane-Sarson notation to model the basic capabilities that will be found in
the solution. However, one of the technical team members has proposed an
alternative to this modelling technique. She believes that using data models
would be a better way to describe the people, places, and things involved
with this new functionality.
The two of you sit down and look at the requirements you were using for
selecting a modelling technique.
SH1: Users will perform research studies.
S1: The system will calculate elapsed study time.
SH2: Users will customize the contents of their research studies.
S2: The system will allow creation of custom data queries.
S3: The user will analyze the customer query results.
You consider the advantages and disadvantages of using either entity-
relationship diagrams (ERDs) or class diagrams as ways to effectively model
the solution requirements. The two of you create two simple models using
both approaches to help you evaluate the models and see if they fit your
project, as shown in Figure 6.3.
FIGURE 6.3 ERDs and class diagrams for Palmer Divide
Because your project is a traditional software development effort—
workflow-intensive, as opposed to information-intensive—you both agree
that neither one of these techniques fits your project as well as the simpler
data models. Although the models created using ERDs could become the
basis of a relational database for the vineyard’s technical data, you decide to
pass on these models during requirements analysis. You both agree, though,
that ERDs might be useful to the technical team once the project enters its
design phase.
In addition to defining the information and its relationships, data models also
describe the context, use, and validity of their business information using
metadata, or data about data. Metadata tells a business analyst when and why
information in a system is being changed in some way. Table 6.5 summarizes
and distinguishes (as defined by the BABOK
Guide) between the two types of
data models commonly used by business analysts.
TABLE 6.5 Two types of data model
Elements Entity-Relationship
Class Diagrams
Concept Uniquely identified entity in a
rectangle with the unique
identifier shown under the
entity name
Uniquely identified class in a
rectangle or square with an
optional stereotype above it in
brackets defining additional
Attributes Listed below the unique Listed in a box below the name
identifier for the entity in the
with operations listed below
the attributes
Relationships Indicated by a line which is
annotated to show cardinality,
such as any number from zero
to many, zero to one, only one,
or any number from one to
Indicated by a line which is
annotated to show
multiplicity, such as zero to
many, exactly any number
from x to y, or any number
from one to many
Data models are strong vehicles for transitioning through the planning, analysis,
design, and implementation of projects. They are subject to rigorous rules for
correctness and completeness that typically result in more accurate final
products. In some cases, your stakeholders can find detailed data models
difficult to understand, so you must be prepared to build them to the
appropriate level of detail and be able to explain them thoroughly to your
audience when required. According to the BABOK
Guide, performing data
modelling is one of the required techniques in the fundamental knowledge base
of an effective business analyst.
Recommended Technique: Nonfunctional Requirements Analysis
Nonfunctional requirements define the overall qualities or attributes of the
resulting solution or solution components. Basically, they constrain how the
solution requirements are to be met by the solution itself. Nonfunctional
requirements state the qualities of behavior or quality attributes that your
stakeholders want. Nonfunctional requirements augment the description of
solution functionality by stating the solution’s characteristics in various
dimensions that are important to the users or the developers.
You should consider using a checklist for eliciting and developing your
nonfunctional requirements. It is easiest to capture the functional and
nonfunctional requirements at the same time. Checklists can help you organize
your nonfunctional requirements by category and make sure you are not
missing anything. The BABOK
Guide recommends using a set of 15 categories
as buckets for your nonfunctional requirements. Table 6.6 summarizes each
category for you.
TABLE 6.6 Categories of nonfunctional requirements
Category Description
Availability Evaluates solution operability and accessibility when it is
required for use
Certification Defines constraints on the solution that are needed to meet
standards or industry conventions
Compatibility Most solutions today need to operate effectively and either
coexist or interact with other solutions in the same
Compliance Regulatory, financial, or legal constraints on the solution
Extensibility Evaluates the ability of a solution to incorporate new
Functionality Measures the extent to which your stakeholders can recognize
whether or not a solution meets their needs
Localization Defines requirements for local laws, languages, currencies,
cultures, and spelling
Maintainability Focuses on how easy it will be to change one solution
component without affecting other components. You also need
to consider component reuse, ease of diagnosing problems,
and the ability to implement changes without causing
unexpected failures.
Looks at the time it takes to perform activities and the
resource utilization levels for the solution
Portability You need to determine whether your solution can be migrated
to, installed in, and uninstalled from different environments
when needed.
Reliability Focuses on the solution’s availability when the stakeholders
need it. You should also look at the solution’s ability to recover
from errors or failures.
Scalability Looks at the degree with which a solution can grow or evolve
to handle more work
Security Looks at the solution’s ability to store information and protect
it from unauthorized use. Authentication of solution users and
audit reporting is also considered.
Service level
Formal agreements for solution performance between the user
organization and the provider of the solution
Usability Evaluates the ease of learning to use the new solution, its
capabilities, and how usable the solution actually is
Once you have captured your nonfunctional requirements, you will need to
document them. Nonfunctional requirements are typically documented
alongside the functional solution requirements that they constrain. That makes
sense because the functional and nonfunctional requirements are both subsets
of your solution requirements. It’s a good idea to document the nonfunctional
requirements that define your global constraints in their own section of your
requirements document because they impact all of your solution requirements
in some way.
Recommended Technique: Process Modelling
Process models organize your requirements using a hierarchy of processes and
subprocesses, and they address those processes from start to finish. Use them to
document the steps your stakeholders take to get their work done. Process
models are easy to understand and to work with. Think of graphically depicting
a series of steps to place an online order on a whiteboard with arrows between
them to show the sequence of events. That flowchart is a simple process map.
According to the BABOK
Guide, process models are visual representations of
the sequential flow and control logic of a set of related activities. Process models
may consist of manual steps performed by the stakeholders, automated steps
taken by a software system, or some combination of the two. Process models
may be developed at a high level to get a general understanding of what is going
on, or they may be very detailed steps that your stakeholders take to perform
their work.
Palmer Divide Vineyards: Are Process Models Even Better?
Your users were not pleased with the Gane-Sarson data model you
presented to show the information flow associated with the research study
project at the vineyard. They have asked you to model something more from
the user’s point of view. Several end users chimed in that they would like
models that show who needs to do what and in what order it needs to be
done. You agree to look at some other modelling techniques that may be
more workflow focused.
Once again, you review the requirements you were using for selecting a
modelling technique.
SH1: Users will perform research studies.
S1: The system will calculate elapsed study time.
SH2: Users will customize the contents of their research studies.
S2: The system will allow creation of custom data queries.
S3: The user will analyze the customer query results.
You think to yourself that perhaps a simple flow chart noting the user at
each step might just do the trick. You create one for this small set of
requirements (Figure 6.4) and ask the users what they think of this
approach. The response is an overwhelming yes, and the final decision is
that simple workflow models are the way to go on this project.
FIGURE 6.4 Workflow mode for Palmer Divide
Numerous notations can be used in your process models. The two most
common notations are flowcharts and activity diagrams. Table 6.7 summarizes
the key elements found in your process models.
TABLE 6.7 Process model notation elements
Element Description
Activity Individual steps or pieces of work being performed to execute a
business process
Forks where workflow takes different directions or merges back
together based on a decision being made
Indicates direction of the sequence of activities, typically drawn as
top to bottom or left to right
Events External factors such as actions taken or messages received that
create, interrupt, or terminate a process
Link A connection to other process maps
Role Represents a type of person or a group found in the organization
Recommended Technique: Sequence Diagrams
Sequence diagrams can be thought of as if they were tracking the information
flow between two people having a conversation. They show how the information
gets passed back and forth between the two people. Sequence diagrams are
commonly used during object-oriented analysis to show how classes and objects
interact during a scenario. You can also use them to show how the user interface
components or software components interact in your solution.
In a nutshell, sequence diagrams shows stimuli flowing between objects. The
stimulus is a message, and the arrival of the stimulus at the object is called an
event. Each object name is in a rectangle with a single vertical line drawn
beneath it called a lifeline. Messages are depicted starting at the top of the
lifeline and moving down that lifeline over time.
There are two ways to send messages between objects: asynchronous and
synchronous. Synchronous flow transfers a message to the receiving object and
waits for a response or return message before it can do anything else.
Asynchronous flow allows the sender to continue with its own processing after
sending the message to the receiver.
Recommended Technique: Use Cases and Scenarios
Scenarios and use cases offer you a way to model how your stakeholders interact
with the solution capabilities in order to get their jobs done. The stakeholder
roles are called actors. Scenarios and use cases show how actors interact with
the solution to accomplish one or more of their goals or in response to a
particular event. They are excellent ways to model the solution scope and the
behavior and goals of the actors interacting with that solution.
Palmer Divide Vineyards: Addressing Our Visual Learners
William, one of the vineyard’s co-owners, prefers to review and approve
high-level requirements by walking through graphical models containing as
little text as possible. Because William is responsible for providing funding
for the research study project, it is important that you meet his needs in
your upcoming review meetings with senior management.
On past projects, you have successfully used high-level use-case diagrams to
facilitate discussion of functionality and which stakeholders interact with
that functionality. Even though many IT project teams only build use case
diagrams when they are developing an object-oriented system, you know
that a use case diagram can be employed effectively in your more traditional
development project. The summary diagram will help you explain the high-
level use cases or processes, the key stakeholder roles (actors), and the
interactions between them (associations). If you discover an actor with no
association to any of the use cases in your model, it might be that they are
not a direct user of your system. If you have a use case with no actors
associated with it, you will question the inclusion of those capabilities in
your new system or discover who should interact with that particular
For what you hope is the last time, you take a look at the requirements you
were using for selecting a modelling technique.
SH1: Users will perform research studies.
S1: The system will calculate elapsed study time.
SH2: Users will customize the contents of their research studies.
S2: The system will allow creation of custom data queries.
S3: The user will analyze the customer query results.
You build a summary-level use-case diagram as part of your modelling
efforts to prepare for the upcoming meeting. The diagram models the new
functionality associated with requesting and performing research studies at
Palmer Divide Vineyards, as shown in Figure 6.5.
FIGURE 6.5 Summary-level use-case diagram for Palmer Divide
Scenarios and use cases are very much related. Scenarios are a series of steps
performed by a stakeholder in order to document one way in which that person
could use a solution capability to achieve a goal. Use cases consist of a set of
scenarios describing all ways that stakeholder might achieve (or fail to achieve)
a particular goal. Table 6.8 summarizes the key elements found in scenarios and
use cases.
TABLE 6.8 Use case and scenario elements
Element Description
Name Unique name for each scenario or use case within the project,
usually a “verb-noun” phrase such as Process Order
Goal Brief description of a successful outcome of the use case from
the perspective of the primary actor
Actor(s) Unique name representing the role of each external person,
system, or event that interacts with the solution through a use
Preconditions Any fact that the solution can assume to be true when the use
case begins
Trigger An event that initiates the flow of events for a use case
Flow of
Description of what the actor and the solution do during the
execution of the scenario, usually consisting of a primary flow
and alternate flows
conditions or
Any fact that must be true when the use case is complete
Recommended Technique: State Modelling
State modelling shows a sequence of states that an object, entity, or concept
goes through during its lifetime. These models also define the events that cause
a transition between these states. The functionality and behavior of a particular
object will be different based on its current state. For example, a mainframe
computer system in batch-processing mode may be unable to process real-time
queries from a user during the time it is in that state.
State models are also called state machine diagrams. A state represents a
unique condition that an object can be in or a status that the object may have.
All states for an object are mutually exclusive, which means that an object can
be in only one state at a time. All state machines have an initial state and any
number of intermediate or end states. Transitions define the behaviors that
move an object from one state to another state. They are often triggered by
completed activities or events.
Here is a simple state machine for requirements development activities using
Guide. The transitions for the requirements that are under
development are the knowledge area tasks that change the state of those
requirements as you work on them. For example during requirements analysis,
the analyzed solution requirements (those that have been specified and
modelled) go through a quality check using the verify requirements task. When
the requirements emerge from this task, they have changed to a new state and
become the verified solution requirements; are omitted or deferred to a later
release; were determined to be out of scope, unnecessary, or unworkable; or
marked as failed as a solution requirement for some other reason.
Recommended Technique: User Stories
User stories are commonly used for change-driven requirements development.
They briefly describe the functionality your solution provides to its users. You
should define acceptance and evaluation criteria for each user story so you can
prove that its functionality has been met by the solution. Business analysts write
user stories from the user’s point of view. User stories contain the following:
The actor or stakeholder benefiting from the user story
A high-level description of the functionality in the story
The business benefits that the story delivers
User stories create customer ownership of requirements by having actual users
write stories about what the solution needs to accomplish for them. You can use
these stories to support your iterative, incremental development environments.
They allow you to define key features of the solution that can be implemented by
the project team in one to three weeks. (Remember, user stories for Agile
projects are for small bites of projects, typically time bound, and short in
Additional Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends using one or more of the following additional
techniques when you are specifying and modelling the requirements for your
project. They are summarized for you here:
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria Acceptance criteria define the
requirements that must be met for a solution to be acceptable to stakeholders.
Evaluation criteria are the measures used to assess those requirements.
Business Capability Analysis This technique is used to describe what an
enterprise or part of an enterprise is able to do. These business capabilities
represent features or functions of the enterprise.
Business Model Canvas This diagnostic planning tool can be used to
describe the rationale for requirements relative to the current state of the
Concept Modelling Concept models are used to define terms and
relationships that are relevant to proposed change and the enterprise where the
change is taking place.
Data Dictionary Data dictionaries are technical in nature and are used to
define data elements, their meanings, and their allowable values. Building a
data dictionary for your project might be a necessary step in your requirements
specification and modelling activities.
Decision Modelling Decision models represent decisions and the elements of
decision making that are required in a particular model.
Functional Decomposition Functional decomposition allows you to
systematically break down the solution scope components into smaller pieces
and more detailed requirements based on similar or related functionalities or
Glossary Glossaries allow you to document key business terms along with their
definitions. Much of the information that goes into the glossary will be a result
of your business, stakeholder, solution, and transition requirements
development efforts.
Interface Analysis Interface analysis establishes a basis for interoperability
by recognizing inputs, outputs, and key data elements that enable your solution
and its components to interact with everything else that is already out there.
Organizational Modelling Most of us have seen an organization chart
showing the hierarchy. This is an example of an organizational model. The
model defines the purpose and structure of an organization or an organizational
Prototyping Prototyping is a great way to add additional details to your
solution interface requirements and integrate those requirements with the other
requirements defining the new solution. Essentially a prototype is an initial or
preliminary version of a solution or system.
Roles and Permissions Matrix This matrix separates and models the user
duties and external interfaces associated with a specific solution.
Root Cause Analysis This technique is used to model the root causes of a
problem or need as part of the rationale for a change or a new solution.
Scope Modelling Scope models visually show stakeholders the boundary of
the solution scope. During requirements analysis, the business analyst can place
capabilities either inside or outside of this scope.
Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas Identifying stakeholders and their
roles is a key part of analyzing and specifying requirements. Use the stakeholder
list, map, or personas technique to help you do a thorough job with identifying
your stakeholders and their characteristics.
Once you have selected and applied one or more techniques as part of your
requirements specification and modelling efforts, you are ready to continue with
other requirements analysis tasks. We will discuss those tasks right after we
review the output of our current task, the specified and modelled requirements
for the project.
Create the Specified and Modelled Requirements
Specified and modelled requirements are used as an input to several solution-
related tasks. Remember the definition for analyzed requirements: the modelled
and specified stakeholder and solution requirements for your project. Table 6.9
summarizes the destination tasks utilizing your analyzed requirements.
TABLE 6.9 Output: Specify and model requirements.
Output Output
Destination Knowledge
Requirements (specified
and modelled)
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Exam Spotlight
Remember, the business requirements are analyzed and created by tasks in
the Strategy Analysis knowledge area, and the transition requirements are
analyzed and created by tasks in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area.
Your stakeholder and solution requirements are created by specifying and
modelling requirements in the Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition knowledge area.
You are responsible for specifying and modelling the stakeholder and solution
requirements on your project. You will have to decide whether this work is to be
done alone or as a team effort. If you perform this task alone, you will specify
and model the requirements, create the requirements package, and then
communicate those requirements with the stakeholders for their review and/or
approval. You can also choose to involve the stakeholders in this task so that the
requirements package contents and the requirements themselves are not a
surprise to anyone.
Now let’s take a look at the next task in the Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition knowledge area—verifying requirements.
Verify Requirements
Requirements verification is a quality check of the analyzed requirements. This
task involves making sure your requirements are correct and complete and that
they meet the quality standards defined for them. Requirements verification can
be thought of as an internal check by the business analysis team and the
involved stakeholders to make sure the requirements are ready to be seen out in
public. Out-in-public requirements are ready for formal review and approval so
they can be used as the basis for subsequent project work, such as design and
Figure 6.6 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks used to verify requirements.
FIGURE 6.6 Task summary: Verify the requirements.
To verify the requirements, you need to have those requirements in hand. These
requirements can be of many types and in many states, as long as they are not
the stated requirements you elicited from your stakeholders.
The single, key input needed to verify the requirements for your project is the
specified and modelled requirements. Let’s take a look at this input in greater
Specified and Modelled Requirements Specified and modelled
requirements and/or designs are produced in the form of text, matrices, and/or
diagrams. They take the business analysis information from the stakeholders
and make sense of what was said.
There are additional inputs that may be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Let’s take a look at the tool that may also be used as an
input when specifying and modelling requirements:
Requirements Life Cycle Management Tools These software-based
products are frequently used to record, organize, store, and share requirements
and designs.
Table 6.10 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools for this task and lists
the task and knowledge area sources for each input used to verify requirements.
TABLE 6.10 Inputs, Guidelines, and Tools: Verify requirements.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
(specified and
Input Specify and
Requirements Analysis
and Design Definition
Requirements life
cycle management
and tools
Any type of requirement can be verified, including business, stakeholder,
solution, or transition requirements. Because verification is a quality check of
the analyzed requirements, the requirements cannot be the stated requirements
or the business analysis information resulting from your elicitation efforts. They
must have been analyzed, specified, and modelled.
Well-written requirements aren’t a random event—they are planned and
thoroughly reviewed and revised to meet most, if not all, of the characteristics
listed in the BABOK
Guide. The elements you focus on during requirements
verification include a set of characteristics for well-written requirements and the
work activities to make sure these characteristics are properly applied. There are
three elements that are part of this task. They include the following:
Characteristics of requirements and designs quality
Verification activities
Let’s review these three elements used to verify requirements in more detail:
Characteristics of Requirements and Designs Quality The BABOK®
Guide provides you with the nine characteristics of well-written, high-quality
requirements. Think of this as your well-written requirements quality checklist
and make frequent use of it during your requirements development efforts.
Atomic Atomic requirements are a set of requirements organized as cohesive
sets of information rather than random chunks of information. They are self-
contained and can be understood independently of other requirements or
Complete Your goal is to produce a complete set of requirements defining what
is needed for a solution or a solution component. Your requirements should
specify everything that is needed at the appropriate level of detail. While
building your requirements document, ask yourself if you have missed anything.
If you see unresolved issues or incomplete documentation, then fix it.
Concise Concise requirements do not contain any extra information or content.
There is no “gold plating,” which is extra functionality that is not required to
achieve the solution scope or meet the business need.
Consistent Consistent requirements do not contradict or conflict with one
another. If they do, they should be revised or removed. Consistency should also
be applied to the level of detail in your requirements document structure. All
requirements at a specific numbering level in your document should be written
at the same level of detail. Checking for consistency often requires a manual
review and analysis of the complete set of requirements.
Feasible Feasibility of requirements relates to implementation. The existing
infrastructure, budget, timeline, and resources of the organization should be
adequate to implement your requirements as defined. If not, your requirements
will need to be revised to include any additional capabilities that are needed to
implement them.
Prioritized Verified requirements should be ranked, grouped, or negotiated
relative to their importance and value versus all other requirements.
Requirements prioritization involves the stakeholder as well as the business
analysis team.
Testable Can you ensure that a requirement is met by your resulting solution?
If not, that requirement should be removed or revised because all requirements
must be measurable and provable in some way. Testing proves that what is
needed is indeed present in the solution. That means that each requirement in
your document must be provable as a single, standalone statement or within a
specific functional scenario. Numerous techniques exist for ensuring that
requirements are met (Table 6.11).
TABLE 6.11 Techniques for ensuring requirements are met
Technique Description
Analysis Performs analysis of the system characteristics to prove it
Demonstration Involves running the full system in the normal mode of
Execution Uses another system or testing equipment to simulate your
Inspection Looks at (inspects) characteristics of the system or its output
Recognizes that a component has already been tested and is
being used unmodified
Unambiguous Can your requirements be interpreted in more than one way? If
so, they are ambiguous. Well-written requirements have only one meaning.
People should not be able to read your requirements and come up with multiple
meanings. When terms have multiple meanings, consider defining those terms
in your glossary.
Choose the Right Word
Here is an example of why choosing the right word is not always as easy as
you might think. Let’s take a simple word: bug. Susan’s mother says that a
bug is an insect of some sort. Terri’s nephew says that a bug is something he
needs to fix in his software code. A military customer says a bug is a secret
listening device that shouldn’t be there. Funny thing is that they are all
Here’s why. In the dictionary, a bug is commonly defined in one of two
ways: any small insect or a concealed microphone. However, in the software
world, a bug is the name given to an error in software application code.
Synonyms for the word bug include germ, virus, and wiretap.
Watch your word choices. Words can mean many different things when they
are used in your requirements document. If you need to, document the word
and your selected meaning in your glossary to make sure everyone uses that
word the way you intended.
Understandable Requirements need to be understood by the key stakeholders
as well as by the members of the project team. Requirements should be written
using common terms that are understood by everyone.
Verification Activities You will find yourself verifying requirements many
times during the project life cycle. When you are doing this task, remember to
look at all of the specified requirements and designs, including text, tables, and
graphical models. Verification activities include checking for the following:
Compliance with organizational standards
Correct use of modelling notations
Completeness within each model
Inconsistencies between models
Understandable terminology and correct use of terms
Checklists Checklists are an excellent quality control technique to apply to
your requirements documentation. Checklists ensure that important items are
included in the final requirements deliverables for your project, such as the nine
characteristics of well-written requirements previously discussed. Checklists
may also contain process steps to guide you through the requirements
verification activities that should be done on your project.
There are several techniques that you can choose to apply when verifying your
requirements. Let’s take a closer look at these techniques.
Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends using one or more of the following techniques
when you are verifying project requirements:
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria As part of requirements verification,
you must determine the quality criteria against which you will evaluate your
requirements. This gives the folks verifying your requirements the metrics to
use in their evaluation of them.
Item Tracking Item tracking is one component of issue management. This
technique allows a business analyst to maintain focus on business-analysis-
related problems and issues across the project life cycle. Any problems
identified during requirements verification may be tracked using this technique.
Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Metrics are quantifiable
indicators used to measure progress. KPIs are specific numerical measurements
that represent the degree of progress toward something. Both are used to
identify and evaluate the quality of requirements and/or designs.
Reviews Reviews are frequently used to inspect requirements documentation
and identify requirements that are not of acceptable quality. A review is a
meeting with a tour guide. Your destination is the verified requirements, and
your meeting agenda will walk you through the possibilities in order for the
group to evaluate and revise the requirements.
Once you have selected and applied one or more techniques as part of your
verification efforts, you are ready to continue with the other requirements
analysis tasks in this knowledge area. We will discuss those tasks later in the
chapter. First, let’s take a look at the verified requirements produced by this
Produce the Verified Requirements
Verified requirements are well-written requirements that can be used in other
project work, such as technical design. Verified requirements must be of
reasonable quality so that the team can use them and not worry about having to
redo things later. Verified requirements are used as input to several business
analysis tasks, including validating requirements and communicating verified
requirements with your stakeholders for their review or approval. Table 6.12
summarizes these destination tasks and their knowledge areas.
TABLE 6.12 Output: Verify requirements.
Output Output
Destination Knowledge Area
Requirements Life Cycle
You are responsible for making sure that the quality criteria for your
requirements have been met. Any business analysis stakeholder may assist you
with this task, including your domain and technical experts.
Now, let’s look at the next task found in the Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition knowledge area—validating the requirements.
Validate Requirements
Validating requirements ensures that your requirements align to the business
requirements and the business objectives for your project. By definition, valid
requirements contribute directly or indirectly to the project’s business case.
Requirements validation is ongoing across the project life cycle; it ensures that
each level of detail you add to your requirements aligns with the big picture.
Figure 6.7 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks used to validate requirements.
FIGURE 6.7 Task summary: Validate the requirements.
The inputs to validating requirements include the specified and modelled
requirements that you are validating. Let’s look at this task input in greater
Requirements (Specified and Modelled) Specified and modelled
requirements and/or designs are produced in the form of text, matrices, and/or
diagrams. They take the business analysis information from the stakeholders
and make sense of what was said. Validation activities may be done on any type
of requirements or designs. Sometimes, validation activities begin before
verification activities are complete.
There are additional inputs that may be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that may also
be used as inputs when validating requirements:
Business Objectives Business analysts use the defined business objectives to
make sure that the requirements are validated and actually will deliver the
business benefits.
Future State Description Validation is incomplete unless the business
analyst can prove that the requirements will achieve the desired future state as
part of the defined solution scope.
Potential Value The potential value is used as a benchmark for assessing the
value that will be delivered to the business by the requirements after they are
Solution Scope Experienced business analysts make certain that the
requirements providing benefits to the business are within the boundaries of the
solution scope.
Refresher: Defining Business Requirements, Needs, Goals, and
Business Requirements The defined problem, opportunity, or need
based upon the current state of the business
Business Need A problem or opportunity that an organization is facing
within the framework of the organization’s business goals and objectives
Business Goal A future state that an organization is seeking to establish
and maintain
Business Objective An objective and measurable result that indicates a
business goal has been achieved
Table 6.13 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools for this task; it also lists
the task and knowledge area sources for each input used to validate
TABLE 6.13 Inputs, guidelines, and tools: Validate requirements.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
(specified and
Input Specify and
Requirements Analysis
and Design Definition
Business objectives Guidelines
and tools
Define future
Strategy Analysis
Future state Guidelines Define future Strategy Analysis
description and tools state.
Potential value Guidelines
and tools
Define future
Strategy Analysis
Solution scope Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
You need to keep a number of elements in your line of sight as you validate your
requirements. They include the following:
Identifying any assumptions
Defining measurable evaluation criteria
Evaluating your alignment with the solution scope
Let’s review each of these elements in more detail. Each of these elements deals
with a detailed area of the project’s desired future state, focusing on making
sure that the defined business benefits of the project are achievable, and
showing proof that those business benefits have been achieved.
Identify Assumptions Within a project’s business case, you might have
documented assumptions about realizing the business benefits. Any
assumptions about a specific business benefit should be documented and linked
to the requirements that deliver those benefits. This might introduce additional
risk into the premises contained in the business case, since it is possible that the
assumptions might not be true in the end.
Define Measurable Evaluation Criteria One item of interest found in your
business case is the business benefit that the project will provide to the
organization once the project is complete and the solution is up-and-running.
Business benefits can be measured only if you define the measurement criteria
and how you will evaluate whether you have achieved them. If you are lucky,
they were defined in the business case. If not, you will need to define them now
during requirements validation.
Evaluate Business Case Alignment Beware of requirements that are
beloved by your stakeholders yet add little or no business value to the
organization. The best rule to follow is that requirements that do not align with
the solution scope result in either a revised business case or their removal from
the solution scope. Watch out for the opportunity cost of implementing such
requirements. Sometimes it is best to remove requirements that don’t align with
the solution scope versus investing the time and money to make them work.
Your time and money might be better spent elsewhere. Every opportunity (or
requirement) has an associated cost.
There are several techniques that you can choose to apply when validating your
project requirements. Let’s take a look at those techniques right now.
Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends using one or more of the following techniques
when you are validating your project’s stakeholder, solution, or transition
requirements relative to the project’s business requirements and solution scope.
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria Acceptance criteria are the quality
metrics that must be met by a requirement, a solution component, or the
solution itself in order to be accepted by the project stakeholders. Evaluation
criteria are used to measure how successful a deployed or operational solution is
in providing business benefits.
Document Analysis Document analysis is used during requirements
validation activities to identify previously documented business needs.
Financial Analysis This technique allows the business analyst to define and
confirm the expected financial benefits associated with the validated
Item Tracking Item tracking makes sure that any problems or issues related
to validation are managed and resolved as part of the issue management
Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Metrics and KPIs are
used to select and define performance measures for your requirements, solution
components, or solutions.
Reviews This technique is used frequently by business analysts seeking
agreement from their stakeholders that the requirements meet their needs and
can be considered validated.
Risk Analysis and Management Risks are generated when you make
assumptions about your requirements, such as achieving the potential business
benefits or building a solution that adds value to the organization. Risk analysis
might result from the need to evaluate those assumptions and the associated
potential risks.
Let’s move on and take a look at the validated stakeholder, solution, or
transition requirements that are produced by this task.
Produce the Validated Requirements
Validated requirements are stakeholder, solution, or transition requirements
that are aligned with the business goals and objectives found in your project’s
business requirements or business case. These requirements benefit the
organization and will provide value when they are implemented by the resulting
solution. Remember that validated requirements fall within the framework of
your defined solution scope.
Validated requirements are used as an input to two business analysis tasks,
including measuring solution performance as part of the Solution Evaluation
knowledge area. Table 6.14 summarizes these destination tasks and their
knowledge areas.
TABLE 6.14 Output: Validate requirements.
Output Output
Destination Knowledge Area
Define design options. Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Measure solution
Solution Evaluation
All business analysis stakeholders are impacted by or involved in requirements
validation activities during your project. As the business analyst, you are
ultimately responsible for ensuring that the solution scope and requirements
align with the business requirements and deliver value to the organization.
Now let’s take a look at the next task in the Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition knowledge area—defining the requirements architecture.
Define Requirements Architecture
Project requirements should not be a jumble of information. Your requirements
need to be structured and organized into a cohesive set of information that is
complete, comprehensive, consistent, and understandable to your stakeholders.
You are responsible for deciding how to structure your individual requirements,
group those requirements, and show the relationships between them.
A good requirements architecture targets consistency, repeatability, and a high
level of requirements quality. The requirements should collectively support each
other and produce a useful outcome for the stakeholders.
The Requirements Architecture Answers the Following Questions for
the Business Analyst
Which models are appropriate for the business analyst to use?
How are the requirements structures relevant to different stakeholders?
In what ways do the models and requirements interact with and relate to
one another?
How do the parts of the requirements document fit into a cohesive
How do the requirements work together to achieve the overall
How can trade-off decisions about requirements within this framework
be made?
Remember that requirements architecture and requirements traceability are
not the same thing. While traceability may represent and manage the
relationships between requirements, it does not prove the solution is a
cohesive whole that will actually work.
Figure 6.8 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks used to define the requirements architecture.
FIGURE 6.8 Task summary: Define requirements architecture.
Several key inputs, guidelines, and tools are needed to help you define your
requirements architecture during requirements analysis and design. These key
inputs are produced by a number of other business analysis tasks and include
the requirements themselves, the information management approach, and the
solution scope. Let’s take a look at each of these task inputs in greater detail:
Requirements (Any State) The focus of requirements analysis and design
takes the requirements provided during elicitation and derives the real
requirements for your project. The requirements are analyzed, documented, and
modelled based on the requirements architecture you create with this task.
Information Management Approach Created during Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring, the information management approach defines how
business analysis information will be stored and accessed.
Solution Scope The selected requirements architecture must describe the
solution scope fully and from all stakeholder perspectives. Think of the solution
scope as the frame for the more detailed picture you are painting with your
project requirements.
There are additional inputs that can be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Guidelines are essentially instructions or descriptions on
why and how a business analyst will undertake a task. Tools, on the other hand,
are methods for conducting a business analysis task or shaping a task output.
Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that may also be used as inputs
when defining the requirements architecture:
Architecture Management Software Many business analysts use modelling
software to build and manage the requirements architecture. The focus is on the
volume, complexity, and version control for the information in the architecture
and the relationships it contains.
Legal/Regulatory Information Oftentimes, there are rules, regulations,
contracts, or standards-based constraints that must be incorporated into the
requirements architecture and followed.
Methodologies and Framework Many organizations have a predetermined
set of models and relationships between those models that are to be used in the
requirements architecture.
Table 6.15 summarizes the inputs, guidelines and tools to this task and lists the
task and knowledge area sources for each input used to define the requirements
TABLE 6.15 Inputs, Guidelines, and Tools: Define requirements architecture.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
(any state)
Input Plan business analysis
Business Analysis
Planning and
Solution scope Input Define change strategy. Strategy Analysis
and tools
and tools
and framework
and tools
There are several elements that business analysts should consider and address
when deciding how to structure and organize requirements on their projects,
such as the following:
Requirements viewpoints and views
Template architectures
Relate and verify requirements relationships
Business analysis information architecture
Let’s look at each of these elements in greater detail:
Requirements Viewpoints and Views Viewpoints are templates for
specific stakeholder groups, defining how requirements will be represented,
organized, and related for each group. Viewpoints typically address the types of
models and model notations to be used, attributes to be included, and
relationships to be identified and maintained. Requirements documents using a
set of viewpoints from different perspectives make a stronger set of
requirements for your project.
The actual set of requirements and designs for a solution from a particular
viewpoint are referred to as a view. A collection of views makes up the
requirements architecture for a solution. Viewpoints tell you what information
to provide for each stakeholder group while views describe the actual
requirements and designs that are produced.
Template Architectures Many business analysts use predefined, template
architectures as the starting point for building a custom requirements
architecture. These architectural frameworks are typically a collection of
standard viewpoints across the organization.
Completeness A complete set of requirements should specify everything that
is needed at the appropriate level of detail. The requirements architecture
should help you assess if you have missed anything while building your
requirements document. Structuring requirements using different viewpoints
also helps with completeness and identifying potential gaps.
Relate and Verify Requirements Relationships Applying traceability
techniques as part of the Trace Requirements task shows the relationships
between requirements. When defining or using the requirements architecture,
business analysts also need to examine the traced requirements to make sure
the relationships meet certain quality criteria. Table 6.16 defines each item.
TABLE 6.16 Requirements relationships quality criteria
Criterion Description
Defined A relationship exists between the requirements, and the type of
relationship is described.
Necessary The relationship is necessary for understanding the
Correct The elements have the relationship described.
Unambiguous There are no relationships linking elements in different or
conflicting ways.
Consistent Relationships are described in the same way with the same set
of standard descriptions in the viewpoints.
Business Analysis Information Architecture The business analysis
architecture is one type of information architecture. Interestingly enough, the
information architecture that is defined by the Information Management
Approach is a component of the requirements architecture. It defines
relationships for different types of information, such as requirements and
designs. The optimal approach is to define this architecture before setting up
information technology and infrastructure, such as requirements life cycle
management tools, architecture software, or document repositories.
There are several techniques that you may choose to apply when defining the
requirements architecture for your project. You should consider using
functional decomposition and organizational modelling to assist you in
determining what the best requirements architecture might be for your project.
Let’s take a look at these recommended techniques in greater detail right now.
Recommended Technique: Functional Decomposition
Functional decomposition breaks down or decomposes the solution scope into
its component parts based on a group of related functionalities. You can then
create a model of what needs to be done to deliver all or part of the solution.
Functional decomposition is an excellent way to break things into manageable
pieces and to understand the relationships between those pieces.
Functional decomposition is typically used during requirements analysis to
break an organizational unit or the solution scope into its component parts.
Each resulting part may have its own set of requirements. This is similar to
building a work breakdown structure (WBS) for a project where you break down
or decompose the project scope into phases, work packages, and deliverables.
Guide recommends breaking things down until the parts found at
the lowest level cannot be broken down further. You should then analyze each
part independently.
Recommended Technique: Organizational Modelling
Organizational modelling is used during requirements analysis to describe the
organizational units, the stakeholders, and the relationships between them. This
allows you the opportunity to structure your project requirements based upon
the needs of each stakeholder group.
Most of us have seen an organization chart showing the hierarchy of an
organization. This is an example of an organizational model. The model defines
the purpose and structure of an organization or an organizational unit. When
this technique is used for business analysis, an organization chart that shows the
organizational units, lines of reporting, the roles, and the people in those roles is
basically built.
Additional Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends using one or more of the following additional
techniques when you are defining the requirements architecture for your
project. They are summarized for you here:
Data Modelling Data models organize requirements by describing the
concepts and relationships between the concepts that are relevant to the defined
solution scope. Business analysts use this technique to describe the data
components of the requirements architecture.
Interviews Interviews are a way for the business analyst to speak directly to
key stakeholders to define the requirements architecture and structure in a
collaborative fashion.
Scope Modelling Scope models organize requirements based on the solution
components to which they are related. Solution components are parts of a
solution spanning the enterprise architecture of the organization, including
business processes, software applications, or hardware.
Workshops Workshops are a way for the business analyst to work with groups
of key stakeholders to define the requirements architecture and structure in a
collaborative fashion.
Once you have selected and applied one or more techniques as part of your
requirements architecture definition efforts, you are ready to continue with the
other requirements analysis tasks in this knowledge area. We will discuss those
tasks later in the chapter. First let’s look closely at the requirements architecture
output that helps you organize the requirements during your analysis work.
Produce the Requirements Architecture
The requirements architecture defines an organized structure for stakeholder
and solution requirements and the documented relationships between them.
The requirements structure defines the scope of each specific model or set of
requirements, and provides a location where each specific requirement can be
found. The requirements structure is not the same as traceability. Traceability
links related requirements. The requirements structure tells you where the
specific requirements for a project can be found.
One Size Does Not Fit All
Ginger was helping the IT department structure a set of requirements
documents for their IT projects. She was also tasked with building templates
for each of those documents so that project teams could use them
consistently across the organization. On first glance, this requirements-
focused consulting assignment seemed very straightforward. And it was—at
least until she started asking questions about the projects and the current
process for developing requirements.
The organization had projects in all sizes. They had extra-small
maintenance and support efforts lasting a few weeks and medium-size
software development projects lasting about six months or so. They were
doing agile development of their customer-facing websites and inline
capabilities in six-week sprints. They had small projects that were
noncritical and focused on a few months of work from a small team and
mission-critical complex projects lasting for a year or more and costing
millions of dollars.
Ginger quickly decided that this was not a “one size fits all” project
environment. The project teams would have to tailor her requirements
document set for their project type and scale it for the size of their efforts.
That would be the resulting requirements structure that they would use
during requirements development.
Using the project taxonomy that was provided, Ginger built a set of
requirements documents that could be tailored and scaled to fit the projects.
She also built a guidance document providing guidelines for scaling and
tailoring the requirements documents based on project type, complexity,
cost, and associated risks. This generic document set and guidance
document became part of the requirements development process and part
of the organizational process assets for the company.
Project teams used Ginger’s generic document set as an input to organizing
the requirements on their projects. They tailored and scaled the generic
documents to fit their projects within the provided framework. The resulting
requirements structure was used to document all of their project
The requirements architecture is used as an input to defining the change
strategy and for analyzing the potential value of a particular solution. Table 6.17
summarizes these destination tasks and their knowledge areas.
TABLE 6.17 Output: Define requirements architecture.
Output Output Destinations Destination Knowledge Area
Prioritize requirements. Requirements Life Cycle
Assess requirements
Requirements Life Cycle
Specify and model
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Define design options. Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
A number of stakeholders are involved with defining the requirements
architecture. Remember that the primary responsibility for deciding how to
organize requirements falls to the business analyst. The project manager uses
the resulting organized set of requirements to verify solution scope and assess
the work that needs to be done. Other business analysis stakeholders
participating in requirements organization include the following:
Domain SME
Implementation SME
Project manager
Any stakeholder can use the requirements architecture to assess the
completeness of the requirements for a project.
Now let’s move on and look at the next task in the Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition knowledge area, Define Design Options.
Define Design Options
A design is a usable representation of a solution. For example, a text description,
a screen mockup, or prototype that represents a solution. A design option is the
possible form a solution might take. There are often multiple design options or
alternatives that can satisfy a set of requirements, which a business analyst
might represent as three different prototypes. Remember that design options
are tactical in nature versus the more strategic change strategy (solution) they
will be implementing. Over time, trade-off decision making is required in order
to choose the best design option to get the job done and achieve the desired
future state.
Is It a Design or a Solution?
As you become more deeply involved in a project, it’s easy to become lost in
the details. Remember, the BABOK
Guide defines terms to help you
maintain clarity.
Design A usable representation of a solution
Solution A specific way of satisfying a need
When you assess one or more solutions, be sure to evaluate the solution or
solutions relative to the approved stakeholder and solution requirements for
your project. If the requirements are not yet approved, you will not be able to
make a final decision on whether your solution meets the requirements,
addresses the business need, and provides value to the business.
You may find yourself assessing multiple design options to determine which
option is the best. The option you choose must meet the stakeholder and
solution requirements and address the business need. You will evaluate and
compare each option with the requirements, as well as with one another. You
are in search of the design option that delivers the most value to the business, so
you will compare the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed solution.
Figure 6.9 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks used to assess a proposed design option or a set of design
FIGURE 6.9 Task summary: Define design options.
Several key inputs are needed to adequately define design options. These key
inputs are produced by a number of other business analysis tasks; they include
the change strategy and the requirements architecture discussed in the previous
section. Let’s look at each of these task inputs in greater detail:
Change Strategy The change strategy, defined during Strategy Analysis,
describes the approach that will be taken to achieve the desired future state.
This impacts the design options for tactically getting from the current state to
this future state.
Requirements (Validated, Prioritized) Prioritized and validated
stakeholder and solution requirements allow you to define design options and
solution components relative to the most important requirements on your
Requirements Architecture The requirements architecture defines the full
set of requirements and their relationships. This information is required when
defining design options to make sure you don’t miss anything.
There are additional inputs that may be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that may also
be used as inputs when defining design options:
Existing Solutions On many projects, existing products or services are
components of one or more design options. This includes third-party products
and services that were built external to the organization.
Future State Description The future state description, defined in Strategy
Analysis, describes the desired future state of the enterprise. The design options
being defined are part of this future state and should be evaluated relative to
where the enterprise wants to be when the solution is implemented and
Requirements (Traced) Traced requirements should be used when defining
design options to make sure all known requirements are fulfilled by the
Solution Scope Solution scope provides the boundaries for the design options
by telling the business analyst what is in and out of scope for the solution.
Table 6.18 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools for this task; it also lists
the task and knowledge area sources for each input used to assess the proposed
TABLE 6.18 Inputs, Guidelines, and Tools: Define design options.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source Knowledge
Input Prioritize
Requirements Life Cycle
Input Validate
Requirements Analysis
and Design Definition
Change strategy Input Define change
Strategy Analysis
Input Define
Requirements Analysis
and Design Definition
Existing solutions Guidelines
and tools
Future state
and tools
Define future
Strategy Analysis
and tools
Requirements Life Cycle
Solution scope Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
When you perform the Define Design Options task, you are expected to address
the several elements of that task. These elements guide you in getting the task
done by doing the following:
Defining solution approaches
Identifying improvement opportunities
Allocating requirements
Describing design options
Let’s take a look at each element in greater detail:
Define Solution Approaches The solution approach describes how you will
go about building and implementing the solution itself. Solution components
may be created or purchased, or perhaps some combination of “build and buy”
will be used.
Identify Improvement Opportunities Improvement opportunities often
occur when you are defining design options. There may be an opportunity to
increase efficiency by automating or simplifying the work that people perform.
The solution may be able to provide better access to information.
You might also find that your design options identify capabilities beyond the
required capabilities found in your stakeholder or solution requirements. You
will need to decide whether these additional solution capabilities provide value
to the organization, either now or in the future.
Allocate Requirements Requirements allocation assigns requirements to
solution components and releases. One goal of requirements allocation is to
maximize benefits and reduce costs for implementing the solution.
Requirements are typically allocated between organizational units, job
functions, solution components, or solution releases. This activity is ongoing,
beginning when the solution approach is determined and ending after design
and implementation of the solution.
Describe Design Options Design options are often developed in parallel with
defining the desired future state as part of Strategy Analysis. It is essential that
the design options for each design component be valid for the future state.
Design options can describe many things, such as the following:
Business policies and rules
Business processes
People operating and maintaining the solution
Operational business decisions
Software applications and application components used in the solution
Organizational structures and internal/external interactions
Several techniques are available for defining design options. For instance, you
should consider adding vendor assessment to your list of possibilities. Let’s take
a look at this recommended technique in greater detail right now.
Recommended Technique: Vendor Assessment
Vendor assessments allow you to assess an external vendor’s ability to provide
all or part of your solution. You look at their technical ability, financial stability,
staff skills, and reputation in their workspace. External vendors are often
involved in the design, construction, implementation, and maintenance
activities on our projects.
Here is a quick list of things you may want to consider:
Knowledge and expertise
Experience, reputation, and stability
Licensing and pricing models
Product reputation and market position
Contractual terms and conditions
Vendor assessments are used to ensure that your vendors are reliable and that
they will be able to meet your expectations.
Additional Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends several techniques when you are defining
design options for your project. These techniques are summarized for you here:
Benchmarking and Market Analysis Benchmarking studies are a source of
business analysis information, comparing an aspect of the system with an
external baseline. Market analysis is a mechanism for determining what
external customers want and what your competition provides. Both can be used
to identify and analyze existing solutions and market trends.
Brainstorming This technique is used during analysis to generate many ideas
from a stakeholder group in a short period of time. The resulting ideas can then
be organized and prioritized to identify improvement opportunities and design
Document Analysis Business analysts use document analysis to confirm
analysis results against existing documents, source information, and other
elicitation results. This technique provides information to describe existing
solutions, design options, and design elements.
Interviews Interviews involve asking questions of stakeholders to uncover
needs, identify problems, or discover opportunities during the requirements
analysis process. This technique is used to identify improvement opportunities
and design options.
Lessons Learned Lessons learned provide a great way to identify
improvement opportunities during requirements analysis activities based upon
what others have experienced with previous products and services.
Mind Mapping Mind mapping is a visual, nonlinear, collaborative way of
generating, organizing, and prioritizing many ideas from a group of
stakeholders. This technique can be used to identify and explore possible design
options during requirements analysis.
Root-Cause Analysis This technique helps the business analysts and the key
stakeholders understand the underlying cause of problems being addressed by a
change and to propose design options to address those problems.
Survey or Questionnaire Surveys and questionnaires allow the business
analyst to discover business analysis information about customers, products,
work practices, and attitudes in a structured way from a group of stakeholders.
During analysis, they can be used to identify improvement opportunities and
design options.
Workshops Workshops are a collaborative and facilitated way to identify
improvement opportunities and design options with a group of stakeholders.
Once you have selected and applied one or more of these techniques as part of
your design option definition efforts, you are ready to continue with the one
remaining analysis and design task at hand. We will discuss that task shortly.
Defining the Design Options
Design options describe ways to satisfy one or more needs, such as the solution
approach, potential improvement opportunities that are part of the design
option, and the components defining the design option. Each of these ways
requires the business analyst to assess the value that each design option delivers
to the business. Your project’s validated and prioritized requirements are used
as an input for defining design options. Table 6.19 summarizes the destinations
for the results of your efforts.
TABLE 6.19 Output: Define design options.
Output Output Destinations Destination Knowledge
Define change strategy. Strategy Analysis
Analyze potential value and
recommend solution.
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Remember that the design options should be based on the prioritized and
validated requirements for your project. Several key business analysis
stakeholders might be involved in the selection process when design options are
being defined. The project manager will need to plan and manage this definition
process as part of the project. Other stakeholders participating in defining
design options include the following:
Domain SME
Implementation SME
Operational support
Now let’s take a look at the next task found in the Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition knowledge area—analyzing the potential value and
recommending a solution.
Analyze Potential Value and Recommend Solution
The final task in the Requirements Analysis and Design definition knowledge
area is estimating and modelling the potential value of each design option and
figuring out which option is the most appropriate option for the enterprise.
Potential value is typically analyzed many times over the course of a change.
Remember the “do nothing” option may also be the best recommendation based
upon what you know.
The business value of design options and solution approaches changes
depending on how requirements are implemented. Some solution
implementation approaches cost more money but take less time to perform,
such as purchasing a proven commercial product versus developing your own
software application. On the flip side, some solution implementation
approaches are low cost but may eliminate capabilities in the initial deployment.
These low-cost alternatives fail to provide end users with the complete
functionality needed to do their jobs.
Figure 6.10 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks used for estimating and modelling the potential value of each
design option that was defined and figuring out which option is the most
appropriate option for the enterprise.
FIGURE 6.10 Task summary: Analyze potential value and recommend
Several key inputs are needed to analyze potential value and recommend a
solution. These key inputs are produced by other business analysis tasks. They
include potential value and the design options. Let’s look at each of these task
inputs in greater detail:
Potential Value Potential value is often described in financial terms. It can be
used as a benchmark against the value a particular design option may deliver to
the enterprise.
Design Options Design options describe ways to satisfy one or more needs,
such as the solution approach, potential improvement opportunities that are
part of the design option, and the components defining the design option.
Design options are evaluated and compared to one another in order to select
and recommend one option for the solution.
There are additional inputs that may be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that can also be
used as inputs for this task:
Business Objectives Business objectives are measurable results used to
indicate a business goal has been achieved. They can also be used to calculate
the expected benefits of a design option or solution approach.
Current State Description Defined in Strategy Analysis, the current state
describes the existing context within which the work will be completed. The
current state provides a baseline to identify and quantify the value delivered by
the solution.
Future State Description The future state description describes the desired
future state of the enterprise. The design options being defined are part of this
future state and should be evaluated relative to where the enterprise wants to be
when the solution is implemented and operational.
Risk Analysis Results Assessing risks is a necessary step in analyzing the
potential value of design options. There is a level of risk associated with each
option that needs to be explored and assessed before decisions are made.
Solution Scope Solution scope provides the boundaries for the design options
by telling the business analyst what is in and out of scope for the solution.
Table 6.20 summarizes the inputs to this task and lists the task and knowledge
area sources for each input used to assess proposed solutions.
TABLE 6.20 Inputs, Guidelines, and Tools: Analyze potential value and
recommend solution.
Task Input Input Type Input Source Source Knowledge Area
Potential value Input Define future
Strategy Analysis
Design options Input Define design
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
and tools
Define future
Strategy Analysis
Current state
and tools
current state.
Strategy Analysis
Future state
and tools
Define future
Strategy Analysis
Risk analysis
and tools
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
Solution scope Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
The elements to be considered when analyzing the potential value of design
options and recommending a solution are as follows:
Describing expected benefits
Defining expected costs
Determining value
Assessing design options and recommending a solution
Let’s look at each of these elements in greater detail:
Expected Benefits Expected benefits are the positive values that a solution
delivers to stakeholders and the enterprise. A solution’s value can consist of
benefits, reduced risk, compliance, improved usability, or any other positive
outcome. Benefits can be calculated for individual requirements, for groups of
requirements, or for the overall initiative. Benefits are typically realized over
time, often after the solution is implemented and operational.
Expected Costs Expected costs are the “flip side” of expected benefits. They
are the negative value associated with a solution, such as the cost to acquire,
build, or maintain that solution. Expected, or negative, costs include many
things, such as resources, operating costs, purchase costs, and maintenance
Exam Spotlight
Business analysts should also remember to look at the opportunity costs
when estimating the expected cost of a change. Opportunity costs are
alternative results that might have been achieved if resources, time, and
funds were allocated to a design option that was not selected. The
opportunity cost of any deign option equals the value of the best alternative
design option that was not selected.
Determine Value The potential value of a solution equals the sum of the
expected benefits and the associated costs of those benefits. A positive value
means that the benefits exceed the costs, while a negative value means that the
costs exceed the benefits. The value should be determined at the enterprise level
versus for a single group of stakeholders. This potential value is uncertain
because of the tangible and intangible costs that are part of the estimating
Assess Design Options and Recommending Solution Each design option
is assessed based on its potential value. Understanding the cost and effort
required for each solution component is an essential step in evaluating and
recommending what should be done. The BABOK
Guide recommends taking
three factors into account during this process: available resources, solution
constraints, and requirements dependencies. Table 6.21 takes a closer look at
each factor.
TABLE 6.21 Assessment factors to consider
Factor Description
Allocated resources can impact or limit getting work done to
implement the requirements. Sometimes, a business case must
be used to justify additional resources to get things done.
Regulatory requirements may impact how requirements are
implemented in the solution. They can also drive requirements
Some capabilities support other high-value requirements in the
solution yet provide limited capabilities to the organization.
There are several techniques that you may choose to apply when analyzing
potential value and recommending a solution. Let’s take a quick look at those
techniques now.
Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends using one or more techniques to analyze
potential value and recommend a solution. These techniques are summarized
for you here:
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria One best practice is defining
measurable acceptance criteria for each of your project releases. The criteria
define the set of requirements that must be met in order for your release and its
accompanying capabilities to be considered acceptable to its key stakeholders.
Test cases will be written to verify the release using this defined acceptance
Backlog Management The backlog records, tracks, and prioritizes remaining
work. Managed backlogs put work items at the top of the list with the highest
business value, making these items the next things to be worked on.
Brainstorming Brainstorming allows a business analyst to identify potential
business benefits of the requirements in a collaborative fashion with
Business Cases Be sure to compare the design options, their potential value to
the enterprise, and the resulting recommendations against the business goals
and initiatives contained in the business case.
Business Model Canvas This planning and monitoring tool is used to
understand strategy and initiatives relative to the current state of the business.
Decision Analysis Decision analysis allows you to examine and model the
costs and benefits of different requirements allocation schemes before making
or recommending a particular decision.
Estimation Estimating techniques are used to forecast the cost and effort of
meeting requirements and to provide financial information with which to rank
the design options and select the option to recommend.
Financial Analysis There are many financial techniques business analysts can
use to evaluate the financial return of different design options and choose the
best possible return on investment (ROI).
Focus Groups Focus groups allow you to get stakeholder input on which
design options best meet the requirements and to understand the stakeholder’s
value expectations relative to the solution.
Interviews Interviews are a face-to-face way to get stakeholder input on which
design options best meet the requirements and to understand the stakeholder’s
value expectations of the solution.
Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) As part of analyzing the
potential value of design options, business analysts create and evaluate the
measurements used to determine value.
Risk Analysis and Management This technique identifies and manages
risks that could affect the potential value of the requirements, the design
options, and the resulting solution.
Survey or Questionnaire Surveys and questionnaires allow for stakeholder
input on which design options best meet the requirements and understand the
stakeholder’s value expectations.
SWOT Analysis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT)
analysis is another technique that can be used to identify areas of strength and
weakness that impact the solution value.
Workshops Workshops or structured reviews are an excellent way to get
stakeholder input on which design options best meet requirements and
understand the stakeholder’s value expectations.
Once you have selected and applied one or more of these techniques as part of
your efforts, you are ready to continue with the other requirements analysis and
design tasks. First, let’s look at the key output from this task, the solution
Produce the Solution Recommendation
The solution recommendation identifies the most appropriate solution based
upon evaluating all defined design options. The recommended solution targets
maximizing the value provided to the enterprise. Table 6.22 summarizes these
destinations for the results of your task efforts.
TABLE 6.22 Output: Analyze potential value and recommend solution.
Output Output
Destination Knowledge
Define change
Strategy Analysis
A number of stakeholders are involved with analyzing potential value and
recommending a solution on your project. You should always involve project
managers in the selection process; they need to be aware of what is happening
in order to manage project scope and project work. End users should also be
made aware of your selection results because they will be impacted by the
capabilities that will be present in a given design option or solution component.
A number of additional business analysis stakeholders may be affected by your
requirements allocation work, including the following:
Domain SME
Implementation SME
Now let’s wrap up our review of the Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition knowledge area.
How This Applies to Your Projects
In this chapter, you stepped through the tasks guiding you in analyzing the
requirements for your project. One of the biggest challenges that you will
encounter on your projects is making sure that the requirements you develop for
your projects are testable. As you develop your stakeholder and solution
requirements, keep asking yourself for each and every requirement: Can I prove
that this requirement has been met in the resulting solution? If the answer is no,
then you need to rewrite that requirement to make it measurable and testable. If
the answer is yes, you need to figure out how you will acquire that proof. That
means you should put on your tester’s hat and start thinking about your fit
criteria while you are specifying and modelling your requirements. Fit criteria
define the measurable goals that determine whether solution testing satisfies
the original requirements for that solution. This is true for every requirement
that you write.
Fit criteria are quantified and testable statements of a requirement that show
the requirement has indeed been met. They can be applied to both functional
and nonfunctional requirements. Let’s take a look at more details about defining
the fit criteria for each type of solution requirement you may write, functional
and nonfunctional.
Remember, functional requirements are capabilities that the solution or a
solution component must have. Your fit criteria are the yardstick that is used to
test whether those capabilities have been successfully implemented. They are a
quantified goal, containing numbers or measurements that your solution has to
meet. As you write your functional requirements, you should ask yourself the
Has the function been successfully implemented?
Do the results satisfy the originator of the requirement?
What are the defined user acceptance criteria?
If you have a functional requirement to calculate a certain value, then the fit
criteria for that requirement are that the calculation results conform to the
intended result. Your fit criteria should satisfy the source of your requirement.
Either the source is capable of saying that they are satisfied, or the result of the
action taken will be measurable and consistent with a standard set for that kind
of action.
Nonfunctional requirements are properties or characteristics that your solution
or a solution component must have. The fit criteria quantify the necessary
behavior or quality indicated by the nonfunctional requirement. Some
nonfunctional requirements might at first seem a little hard to test. Writing fit
criteria for nonfunctional requirements is a matter of finding the appropriate
quantification. For nonfunctional requirements, you should ask yourself if you
can quantify the defined behaviors or properties that the solution using these
quality characteristics must have.
The six tasks in the Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge
area guide you as you analyze the stakeholder and solution requirements for
your project. Requirements analysis is one of the most challenging activities for
business analysts, even experienced ones. There are many ways to organize,
document, and model your requirements in order to define what your solution
will do for its users. It is up to you to be familiar with all of the options and to
make the right decisions on documentation and models based on the nature of
your project and the preferences of your organization and your stakeholders.
Effective technical writing and graphical modelling skills are an underlying
competency enabling you to do this requirements analysis work. Successful
projects start with defining and agreeing to what is needed. Without the ability
to analyze your stakeholder’s stated requirements and determine the real
requirements for your project, you will find it difficult to deliver a successful
solution to your stakeholders.
Guide recommends that you apply one or more techniques to
specify and model the stakeholder and solution requirements for your projects.
You don’t need to be an expert in every modelling technique, but most
experienced business analysts are comfortable using a representative subset of
those techniques. Each requirements modelling technique should be evaluated
to see whether it fits the nature of your project and your requirements. Using
object-oriented modelling techniques for a traditional, relational database
project would be cumbersome at best.
A number of deliverables are produced by the tasks in this knowledge area,
including the ultimate deliverable of requirements analysis: your validated
stakeholder or solution requirements for your project. These requirements form
the basis for your design and development efforts later in the project life cycle.
Exam Essentials
Be able to list the tasks found in the Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition knowledge area. You will see questions about the tasks,
their associated techniques, their more detailed elements, and the key outputs
that they produce on your exam. You should memorize the tasks of this
knowledge area and the key outputs associated with them. The six tasks are as
Specify and model requirements.
Verify requirements.
Validate requirements.
Define requirements architecture.
Define design options.
Analyze potential value and recommend a solution.
Be able to understand and apply the modelling techniques
recommended for use during requirements analysis and design.
Understanding and applying the modelling techniques to model requirements is
a key focus for your Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge
area exam questions. Be sure that you can name these techniques and that, at a
high level, you know what they are all about. Here’s the list:
Business Capability Analysis
Business Rules Analysis
Concept Modelling
Data Flow Diagrams
Data Modelling
Decision Modelling
Functional Decomposition
Interface Analysis
Mind Mapping
Organization Modelling
Process Modelling
Roles and Permissions Matrix
Root Cause Analysis
Scope Modelling
Sequence Diagrams
State Modelling
Use Cases and Scenarios
User Stories
Be able to distinguish between validated requirements and verified
requirements. Validated requirements are stakeholder, solution, or transition
requirements that are aligned with the business goals and objectives found in
your project’s business requirements or business case. Verified requirements are
stakeholder, solution, or transition requirements that have been reviewed and
are correctly defined at an acceptable level of detail. They are requirements of
sufficient quality to allow further project work based on those requirements to
be done.
Be able to list and explain the nine characteristics of well-written
requirements. The nine characteristics of well-written, high-quality
requirements are as follows:
Be able to distinguish between viewpoints, views, design options,
solution components, and the solution approach. Be sure you know the
differences between these five concepts for a particular initiative. These terms
are closely related but very different.
Viewpoints: Stakeholder-focused templates, standards, and guidelines that
define how requirements will be represented, organized, and related to one
Views: Name given to the actual requirements and designs for a particular
solution from a chosen stakeholder viewpoint. A collection of views makes
up the requirements architecture for a specific solution.
Design Options: Possible ways to satisfy one or more needs in a solution
Solution Components: Subparts of a solution, such as people,
infrastructure, hardware, or software
Solution Approach: How to go about building and implementing the
solution, such as whether solution components will be created, purchased, or
some combination of both
Be able to describe the five categories of models used in requirements analysis
and provide an example of each type. The five categories of models used in
requirements modelling are as follows:
People and Roles
Activity Flow
Data and Information
Key Terms
You have just finished stepping through the contents of the fifth knowledge area
from the BABOK
Guide: Requirements Analysis and Design Definition. There
is one more knowledge area to go after this one, so stay tuned.
You should understand how to apply the techniques and tasks in this knowledge
area in order to be an effective business analyst. Additionally, you will need to
know the six tasks and their associated elements and techniques from this
knowledge area in order to be successful on the CBAP
exams. The
tasks include the following:
Specify and model requirements.
Verify requirements.
Validate requirements.
Define requirements architecture.
Define design options.
Analyze potential value and recommend a solution.
Chapter 6 has a number of new key words related to analyzing stakeholder and
solution requirements on your projects. Here is a list of some of the key terms
you encountered in this chapter:
behavioral business rules
conceptual data models
data flow diagrams (DFDs)
definitional business rules
design option
expected benefits
expected costs
formal models
functional decomposition
informal models
logical data models
opportunity costs
organizational modelling
physical data models
potential value
process models
requirements allocation
requirements architecture
sequence diagrams
solution approach
solution components
state modelling
user stories
validated requirements
Review Questions
1. The tasks and techniques in the Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition knowledge area are used to define what types of requirements?
A. Business and stakeholder
B. Stakeholder and transition
C. Solution and stakeholder
D. Transition and solution
2. What requirements analysis task ensures that solution requirements align to
the business requirements?
A. Validate requirements.
B. Verify requirements.
C. Prioritize requirements.
D. Specify requirements.
3. When reviewing a set of related requirements, you discover that two of the
requirements describe the same feature but produce different results. Based
on your well-written requirements checklist, you would note that these
requirements are not ____________.
A. Complete
B. Consistent
C. Testable
D. Concise
4. Data flow diagrams show how ____________ flows through a system.
A. Processes
B. Requirements
C. Decisions
D. Information
5. What is the name for an abstraction representing some or all of a proposed
A. Diagram
B. Concept
C. Matrix
D. Model
6. What is defined as a sequence of repeatable activities executed in an
A. Rule
B. Event
C. Process
D. Object
7. During requirements analysis, you are selecting a modelling technique to
represent the rationale or “why” of a proposed change. Which modelling
technique would be the best choice?
A. Organizational modelling
B. Decision modelling
C. Functional decomposition
D. State modelling
8. What component of an entity-relationship diagram is contained in the
labeled rectangle and represents a source or destination of data?
A. Attribute
B. Relationship
C. Entity
D. Constraint
9. Which of the following is a task performed as part of requirements analysis?
A. Specify and model requirements.
B. Manage solution scope and approach.
C. Prepare requirements package.
D. Manage requirements traceability.
10. Activity flow models show how the system behaves over the course of time
through the:
A. Structures describing what is important to the enterprise
B. Execution of business processes or a series of events
C. Set of related set classes and associations between them
D. Business’s policies, guidelines, standards, and regulations
11. During requirements analysis, the business analysis team created the
structure for all of the requirements of the proposed change. What was
A. Requirements viewpoints
B. Requirements packages
C. Requirements architecture
D. Requirements components
12. What imposes limitations on your solution?
A. Attributes
B. Constraints
C. Assumptions
D. Priorities
13. All of the following are examples of improvement opportunities that may be
found when proposing design options except:
A. Increase efficiencies.
B. Improve information access.
C. Identify additional capabilities.
D. Include performance measures.
14. What is the purpose of nonfunctional requirements?
A. Addressing educational needs of users interacting with the solution
B. Defining quality attributes and design constraints of the solution
C. Protecting and preventing access to data that the solution uses or creates
D. Describing the likely growth of use of the deployed and maintained
solution over time
15. You are currently reviewing a specific requirement to see if it is atomic. What
is an atomic requirement?
A. Operationally feasible and fits within budget and schedule constraints
B. Logically structured in a related group and able to be changed
C. Technically feasible with a wide range of implementation options
D. Self-contained and capable of being understood independently
16. Which technique organizes your requirements based on the solution
components to which they are related?
A. Data dictionary
B. Business rules
C. Scope modelling
D. Class diagram
17. The output from specifying and modelling requirements is:
A. Specified and modelled requirements
B. Specified and traceable requirements
C. Verified and modelled requirements
D. Prioritized and validated requirements
18. What is the name for the individual pieces of information that describe an
entity in an entity relationship diagram?
A. Identifier
B. Relationship
C. Attribute
D. Cardinality
19. What is another name for the quality check performed following analysis of a
A. Verification
B. Validation
C. Approval
D. Clarification
20. Assumptions and constraints defined and clarified as requirements are
understood and documented with their associated:
A. Limitations
B. Attributes
C. Restrictions
D. Requirements
Chapter 7
Controlled End: Solution Evaluation
Measure solution performance.
Analyze performance measures.
Assess solution limitations.
Assess enterprise limitations.
Recommend actions to increase solution value.
Solution Evaluation provides care and feeding for your
selected solution across the project life cycle. The tasks found in this knowledge
area focus on assessing solution performance and the value delivered by the
solution to the enterprise. The transition requirements are also developed as
part of this knowledge area. Transition requirements define how the solution
will be implemented after the project work is complete.
Care and feeding of a solution has many facets. One important aspect is the
benefits realization aspect of a solution once that solution is being used. During
a solution’s operational life, you will want to measure its performance and
quantify the business value it delivers. Keep in mind that there are many ways to
implement a solution once it has been selected. Experienced business analysts
always make sure that the solution is defined, designed, and implemented well.
Solution Evaluation
The Solution Evaluation knowledge area focuses on ensuring that the solution
can be successfully implemented within the organization in order to meet the
business need driving your project. You must have knowledge of your business
environment and be able to assess how each of your project’s proposed solutions
would affect that environment. Communicating solution requirements and
implementation-specific information to your stakeholders is also your
According to the BABOK
Guide, this knowledge area is where you will develop
your project’s transition requirements. Transition requirements describe the
solution capabilities required to transition from the current organizational state
to the future state. Transition requirements are no longer needed once the
transition to the new solution is complete.
Remember that the business requirements are developed by tasks in the
Strategy Analysis knowledge area, and your stakeholder and solution
requirements are built by tasks found in the Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition knowledge area.
Exam Spotlight
An important distinction between Solution Evaluation and other knowledge
areas is the existence of an actual solution. Solution Evaluation tasks can be
performed on solution components in varying stages of development,
including the following:
Prototypes or proofs of concept
Pilot release or Beta release
Operational releases
The tasks in this knowledge area follow the solution from early in the project life
cycle, where the solution begins to take form, to the end of the life cycle, where
the project itself ends and the solution is deployed. This solution-focused
knowledge area generates several key business analysis outputs. They include
the following:
Solution performance measures
Solution performance analysis
Solution limitation
Enterprise limitation
Recommended actions
We will cover each output in more detail later in this chapter.
To focus on what is important to business analysts across the life cycle of their
business analysis efforts, let’s consider the tasks of this knowledge area with the
framework of the BACCM™. Business analysts need to keep an eye on their
work relative to the six concepts contained in the framework: changes, needs,
solutions, stakeholders, value, and context. Table 7.1 lists these responsibilities.
TABLE 7.1 The BACCM™: Solution Evaluation
The Business Analyst’s Responsibilities
Change Recommend a change to the solution or the enterprise in order
to realize a solution’s potential value.
Need Evaluate how a solution or solution component is fulfilling a
business need.
Solution Assess solution performance to see if it is delivering the potential
Stakeholders Elicit information from stakeholders about solution performance
and value delivery.
Value Determine if a solution is delivering potential value and examine
why a value may not be being realized.
Context Determine solution performance measures and limitations
within the context of the project and the enterprise.
Many commonly used Solution Evaluation techniques can be applied for each
knowledge area task. Solution Evaluation work is multifaceted and applies a
wide range of techniques for validating the solution and its components relative
to the business case and allocating the stakeholder and solution requirements to
the solution components and releases.
The Solution Evaluation knowledge area also addresses monitoring and
reporting on the performance of the assessment and validation activities across
the project life cycle. It includes a task specifically focused on assessing the
solution performance after the solution is operational and in use. The business
analysis team is responsible for assessing the effectiveness of the techniques
being used to assess and validate their project’s resulting solution. The Solution
Evaluation knowledge area is found in Chapter 7 of the BABOK
The Business Analyst’s Task List
A business analyst has five tasks to perform in the Solution Evaluation
knowledge area. We will look at each one of these tasks in detail later in this
chapter. The task list from the BABOK
Guide includes the following:
Measuring solution performance
Analyzing performance measures
Assessing solution limitations
Assessing enterprise limitations
Recommending actions to increase solution value
These tasks focus on making sure you select the best solution to meet your
project’s business need and that you define, design, and implement that solution
well. Your ultimate goal is to deploy the right solution that meets the business
need and adds value to the business. You know your business environment and
can assess how each proposed solution would affect that environment. You must
also ensure that your project stakeholders fully understand the prioritized and
approved solution requirements. Any implementation decisions that are being
made during Solution Evaluation should align with those requirements.
When Does Solution Evaluation Take Place?
When the territory and the map disagree, believe the territory.
—Swiss Army Manual
The tasks in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area begin early in the project
life cycle as the solution to the business problem or need is proposed, evaluated,
and agreed upon. The tasks in this knowledge area appear in both the controlled
middle and controlled end of the generic life cycle described in Chapter 1,
“Foundation Concepts.” The controlled middle of a project is where the actual
work gets done, one stage or phase at a time. Business analysis tasks during this
part of your project are typically from the Elicitation and Collaboration,
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition, and Solution Evaluation
knowledge areas with a little Requirements Life Cycle Management thrown in
for good measure.
Specific tasks in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area focus on the controlled
end to your project. In addition to wrapping things up, you also plan how you
will transition the new solution into its operational life and get ready to
measure the business benefits of the solution after it is in use. Typically,
defining the transition requirements on your projects takes place in the
controlled middle or early on in the controlled end of the project life cycle as
part of the project’s requirements development or definition phase.
Exam Spotlight
Approximately 16 percent of your exam questions focus on the Solution
Evaluation knowledge area. These exam questions target specific and
detailed aspects of the tasks, tools, and techniques that are found in the
knowledge area.
Let’s step through the first task in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area:
defining performance measures so you can collect data and actually measure a
solution’s performance.
Measure Solution Performance
The first task in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area is defining performance
measures for collecting solution performance data and measuring the
performance of a newly deployed or an existing solution. Performance is
typically measured using key performance indicators (KPIs), project goals and
objectives, process performance targets, or software application testing.
Figure 7.1 summarizes the inputs, guidelines/tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks used to measure solution performance.
FIGURE 7.1 Task summary: Measure solution performance.
Several key inputs are needed to adequately measure solution performance.
These key inputs are produced by a number of other business analysis tasks;
they include business objectives and the solution to be measured. Let’s look at
each of these task inputs in greater detail.
Business Objectives Business analysts use the defined business objectives to
make sure that the solution will deliver measurable results to the enterprise.
Implemented Solution (External) A solution or solution component is
required in order to measure performance. The solution may be an
implemented solution, a prototype, or a beta solution.
There are additional inputs that can be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Guidelines are essentially instructions or descriptions on
why and how a business analyst will undertake a task. Tools, on the other hand,
are methods for conducting business analysis tasks or shaping a task output.
Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that can also be used as inputs when
measuring solution performance:
Change Strategy The change strategy is a high-level plan of key activities and
events relative to a proposed change. Be sure to reference this information when
creating performance measures for your solution.
Future State Description The future state description provides a definition
of the boundaries for the solution scope and all of the solution components. It
also links back to the potential value expected from this future state.
Requirements (validated) Validated requirements have been analyzed and
appraised to determine their potential value.
Solution Scope Solution scope defines the solution boundaries for what is in
scope and what is out of scope. These boundaries are used to measure and
evaluate a solution.
Table 7.2 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools for this task and lists the
task and knowledge area sources for each input used to assess proposed
TABLE 7.2 Inputs, Guidelines, and Tools: Measure solution performance.
Task Input Input
Source Knowledge Area
solution (external)
Business objectives Input Define future
Strategy Analysis
Change strategy Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
Future state
and tools
Define future
Strategy Analysis
and tools
Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
Solution scope Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
When you perform the Measure Solution Performance task, you are expected to
address the three detailed elements of that task. These elements guide you in
measuring existing or new solution performance on your projects by doing the
Defining solution performance measures
Validating solution performance measures
Collecting solution performance measures
Let’s take a closer look at each of these task elements now:
Defining Solution Performance Measures The first step in defining
solution performance measures is to take a look at any existing performance
measures and methods. Make sure the existing measures are both accurate and
relevant to the new solution. Common sources for performance measures
include business goals, objectives, and processes as well as any legal or
regulatory constraints on the solution.
Exam Spotlight
Solution performance measures may be quantitative, qualitative or both,
depending on the value being measured. Quantitative measures are
numerical, countable, or finite, such as measuring amounts, quantities, or
times. Qualitative measures are more subjective in nature, such as attitudes
and perceptions of a solution and its operations. Be sure you can distinguish
between these two types of measures for your exam.
Validating Solution Performance Measures Solution performance
measures should be validated with key stakeholders to ensure the measures are
useful and relevant. More detailed performance measures should align with the
higher-level performance measures for the solution or for the enterprise.
Collecting Solution Performance Measures Statistical sampling
techniques are often used to collect solution performance measures. Be sure to
consider the volume or sample size for the initiative so you collect enough data
and achieve accurate results. The frequency and timing of measurements are
also critical. Watch the currency of your data as well. Measurements that are
more current tend to be more representative of solution performance than older
data. Additionally, effective business analysts often use qualitative measures to
estimate the value delivered by a solution with stakeholders.
Several techniques are available for defining, measuring, and collecting solution
performance measures. You should consider adding acceptance and evaluation
criteria to your list of possibilities. Let’s take a look at this recommended
technique in greater detail right now.
Recommended Technique: Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria
We think that defining and applying acceptance and evaluation criteria is a
required technique in the fundamental knowledge base of an effective business
analyst. Both acceptance and evaluation criteria can be tied to contractual
obligations, which can introduce associated legal and political issues and risks
into the project.
Acceptance criteria define a minimal set of requirements that must be met in
order for a solution or a solution component to be considered acceptable to its
key stakeholders. These criteria should be defined early in the project life cycle
and must be met in order to say that a solution is complete, correct, and worth
implementing. Test cases can and should be written that verify the solution
against these defined and agreed-upon acceptance criteria.
Evaluation criteria are a set of requirements used to choose between multiple
solutions to a particular problem. They are typically built to allow scoring of the
various solutions under consideration. To evaluate potential solutions, this set
of requirements is prioritized and ranked by order of importance. The solutions
will then be scored against the ranked set of requirements using a
preestablished evaluation scale. A must-have requirement that is not met by a
proposed solution should remove that solution from consideration.
Additional Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends several additional techniques when you are
assessing one or more proposed solutions for your project. These techniques are
summarized for you here.
Benchmarking and Market Analysis Benchmarking can be used to define
acceptable measures for a solution relative to the potential value defined in the
future state description and the change strategy.
Business Cases Business objectives are defined in the business case for the
project. Performance measures for the resulting solution can also be found here.
Data Mining This technique is used to collect and analyze the solution
performance data. Data mining is particularly useful when there is a lot of data
to analyze relative to a particular solution.
Decision Analysis Decision analysis allows you to examine and model the
consequences of different decisions before actually making or recommending a
particular decision. Effective decision analysis requires you to effectively
structure the decision problem and process, keeping in mind any relevant
values, goals, and objectives.
Focus Groups Focus groups are often used to give assessment, insight, and
impressions of a solution’s performance. The results of using this technique are
subjective in nature.
Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Metrics and KPIs are
defined and used to measure solution performance. These measures are aligned
with enterprise measures, goals, and objectives.
Nonfunctional Requirements Analysis Nonfunctional requirements
define the expected characteristics of a solution. Be sure to use this technique
and its results when defining solution performance measures.
Observation Observation is used to provide feedback on stakeholder or user
perception of a solution or to reconcile contradictory results. Sometimes it
makes things clear when you watch them personally and see what is going on.
Prototyping Prototyping is commonly used to simulate a new solution prior to
constructing that solution. Performance measures can be defined, collected, and
analyzed using the prototype as a baseline.
Survey or Questionnaire Surveys and questionnaires are often used to
collect information from stakeholders about solution performance. They are
particularly useful when you are seeking input from a large number of
Use Cases and Scenarios Use cases and scenarios define the expected
outcomes of a solution or a solution component. Performance measures can be
defined, collected, and analyzed using the use case or scenario as a baseline.
Vendor Assessment Vendor assessments allow you to assess an external
vendor’s ability to provide all or part of your solution. As part of the assessment,
be sure to look at their performance measures for the solution.
Once you have selected and applied one or more of these techniques as part of
your solution measurement efforts, you are ready to continue with the other
Solution Evaluation tasks at hand. We will discuss those tasks shortly.
Measuring the Proposed Solution
Measuring a solution or solution components requires you define the
performance measures that will be collected and analyzed. The solution
performance measures look at the solution performance relative to the value
that the solution brings to the enterprise. Table 7.3 summarizes this destination
for the results of your solution measurement efforts.
TABLE 7.3 Output: Measure solution performance.
Output Output Destinations Destination
Knowledge Area
Solution performance
Analyze current state. Strategy Analysis
Analyze performance
Solution Evaluation
Several key business analysis stakeholders might be involved in the solution
measurement. The project manager will need to plan and manage this solution
assessment process as part of the project. Other stakeholders participating in
solution assessment include the following:
Domain SME
End user
Now let’s take a look at the next task found in the Solution Evaluation
knowledge area—analyzing the solution performance measures that were
defined and collected.
Analyze Performance Measures
Analyzing performance measures typically begins once your constructed
solution is deployed and in operational use. Business analysts need to
understand the potential value of the solution and the enterprise context where
that solution is being implemented. You will find yourself looking at goals,
objectives, KPIs, risks, and other factors as part of this analysis work.
You may find yourself investigating how the solution is being used and assessing
the positive and negative impacts it has on the organization and its
stakeholders. Some folks analyze performance measures in a post-
implementation assessment performed shortly after their project is complete.
Do We Have the Right Acceptance Criteria?
In a recent consulting assignment, Ginger discovered firsthand that solution
performance evaluations can yield some surprising results. She was
performing a post-implementation review of a large software system’s
implementation at a major telecommunications company.
The new system automated the trouble-ticketing and problem-resolution
capabilities between the telecommunications company and its business
partners. Whenever a circuit problem was reported, the system would
initiate and carry on an electronic conversation between the two companies.
The conversation stepped through the problem-resolution process from
start to finish with the computer systems on each end performing the lion’s
share of the work.
Rather than talk with one another and do a lot of manual data entry and
status updates, the service representatives were able to simply check the
status of the trouble tickets and make sure the repairs that needed to be
done were actually scheduled and completed. The new system was viewed
by senior management as a system that would greatly enhance workplace
productivity by minimizing the manual transactions and telephone
conversations that took up so much of the service representative’s time.
As part of her solution performance evaluation work, Ginger visited a major
service center to see how well the new system was being used. She expected
to see a very quiet and efficient workspace with a lot of activity going on
behind the computer screens. What Ginger expected and what she
encountered on her visit were two very different things.
Ginger walked around the service center to see the end users in action. As
predicted, once the trouble ticket was opened in the new system, the
computer took over the conversation with the company responsible for
addressing the problem. However, instead of allowing the electronic
conversation to go on unaided, the service reps were on the phones with the
counterparts at the other company. As the computer systems exchanged
information and updated problem status, they were discussing what they
saw on the screens and making sure that all was going as planned. This
behavior on the part of the end users was most unexpected.
The project team and the business had failed to take into account how much
enjoyment the service representatives took from their interactions and
relationships with the folks at the other companies. They wanted to
continue those activities and found an easy workaround allowing them to do
just that—all they had to do was pick up the phone and dial.
As Ginger briefed the senior management team on the results of the post-
implementation assessment, she made the point that your solution’s end
users can be quite creative when it comes to figuring out new and
unintended ways to use the capabilities that a solution provides. Ginger told
the senior managers that the project had obviously missed defining the
acceptance criteria focusing on job satisfaction and relationship building
between the involved companies and personnel. These automated systems
are working quite well to this day—and the people-to-people conversations
are still going on right along with the electronic ones.
Figure 7.2 summarizes the inputs, outputs, techniques, and associated tasks
used to validate a solution against its business requirements.
FIGURE 7.2 Task summary: Analyze performance measures.
Several key inputs, guidelines, and tools are needed to analyze how an
operational solution is performing. These key inputs are produced by a number
of other business analysis tasks. They include the solution scope, any solution
performance measures, and the future state description. Let’s look at each input
in greater detail.
Potential Value Potential value describes the value that might be realized
from the operational solution. This estimate is often used as a benchmark when
analyzing the actual solution performance.
Solution Performance Measures Solution performance metrics define the
criteria that are used to measure and assess solution performance. They may be
quantitative or qualitative in nature. Examples of quantitative metrics include
numerical measures of time, revenue, or transaction volume. Qualitative metrics
are softer measures, such as customer satisfaction or recommendations.
There are additional inputs that can be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that may also
be used as inputs when analyzing solution performance:
Change Strategy The change strategy is a high-level plan of key activities and
events relative to a proposed change. Be sure to reference this information when
analyzing solution performance using the defined performance measures.
Future State Description The future state description provides a definition
of the boundaries for the solution scope and all of the solution components. It
also links back to the potential value expected from this future state.
Risk Analysis Results The risk analysis results from Strategy Analysis
provide a look at both the overall level of solution risk and the more specific
individual risks inherent to the solution and its components.
Solution Scope Solution scope defines the solution boundaries for what is in
scope and what is out of scope. These boundaries are used to analyze solution
Table 7.4 summarizes the inputs to this task and lists the task and knowledge
area sources for each input used to analyze solution performance.
TABLE 7.4 Inputs: Analyze solution performance.
Task Input Input Type Input Source Source
Knowledge Area
Potential value Input Define future state. Strategy Analysis
Input Measure solution
Change strategy Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
Future state
and tools
Define future state. Strategy Analysis
Risk analysis results Guidelines
and tools
Assess risks. Strategy Analysis
Solution scope Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Strategy Analysis
Five elements are involved with analyzing solution performance. The solution
being evaluated needs to be live and in operation. If it isn’t being used, there
won’t be much for you to evaluate. The detailed elements of this task include
looking at the following:
Solution performance versus desired value
Performance variances
Let’s look at each of these five elements in greater detail:
Solution Performance vs. Desired Value To analyze performance
measures, you need to collect the metrics that describe solution performance.
Some software applications might provide these metrics to you automatically.
Other types of solutions will require manual collection of quantitative and
qualitative solution metrics for evaluation.
If you have a solution that is over- or under-performing and not meeting one or
more of the business goals and objectives, it may be that your solution metrics
associated with those goals and objectives are flawed. The solution metrics
should also be validated and defined more appropriately.
Risks A lack of performance measures for a solution is considered a solution
performance risk. Performance measures may uncover new risks to the solution
or the enterprise. The new risks are identified and managed just like any other
Trends Be sure to consider the time period over which performance
measurement data is being collected. A large time period and a good sample size
of data yields a more accurate view of a solution’s performance.
Accuracy Business analysts test and analyze solution performance data to
make sure the data is accurate and reliable. The results of accurate and reliable
performance measures can be reproduced and repeated.
Performance Variances Variance is the difference between the expected and
the actual solution performance. Business analysts watch the variance and
attempt to minimize or eliminate that variance to deliver solution value.
When analyzing performance measures, you can select from many
recommended techniques. You can use one or several of these techniques to
produce the solution performance analysis that is generated as an output by this
Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends using one or more of the following techniques
when you are analyzing performance measures. They are summarized for you
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria These criteria define the acceptable
solution performance. The degree of variance in the collected data is used in
analyzing the solution performance.
Benchmarking and Market Analysis Benchmarking can be used to observe
the results of other organizations using similar solutions. This includes looking
at risks, trends, and variances relative to the solution being analyzed.
Data Mining This technique is used to collect and analyze the solution
performance data. The collected data typically includes performance measures,
trends, issues, and variances.
Interviews This technique is used with individuals or small groups. The
business analyst is speaking with them to determine the expected value of a
solution as well as how the solution’s performance is perceived.
Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Metrics and KPIs are
defined and used to measure and analyze solution performance. The measures
are used to judge how well the solution contributes to achieving business goals.
Observation Observation allows you to observe the solution in action. This
technique may reveal problems or issues that have not been noticed or reported.
It may also reveal issues that are not obvious in the collected data.
Exam Spotlight
Make sure you know the difference between a defect and an issue. Defects
are deficiencies in your solution, reducing the quality of that solution. Issues
are points or matters in dispute or in question.
Risk Analysis and Management Risks are identified and managed on an
ongoing basis during solution performance analysis. Activities include risk
identification, analysis, response planning, and management.
Root-Cause Analysis Root-cause analysis is used to determine the underlying
cause of a significant performance variance within a solution.
Survey or Questionnaire Surveys and questionnaires provide you with a
vehicle to gather quantitative and qualitative information from large numbers of
stakeholders about how they perceive a solution performs.
Once you have selected and applied one or more of these techniques as part of
your analyze performance measures efforts, you are ready to produce the key
business analysis output from this task—the solution performance analysis.
Let’s review this deliverable.
Build the Solution Performance Analysis
The solution performance analysis describes how the solution is performing
relative to the business goals and objectives that led to its creation and
implementation. It contains the results of analyzing the solution performance
measurements that were collected. The deliverable also contains the business
analyst’s recommendations relative to the results of the measurements. The
focus is on recommendations to solve any performance gaps as well as
leveraging opportunities to create more value.
The contents of analysis may be used to assess both solution and enterprise
limitations as part of the tasks found in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area.
Table 7.5 summarizes this output and the tasks that use it.
TABLE 7.5 Output: Analyze Performance Measures.
Output Output Destinations Destination Knowledge
Solution performance
Assess solution
Solution Evaluation
Assess enterprise
Solution Evaluation
The business analyst is responsible for ensuring that the solution analysis work
on the project gets done. If they are unable to follow through because of
reassignment to another project, you will need to plan for the work and hand off
the plan to another responsible party. There are a number of other business
analysis stakeholders who may be involved with this post-implementation
analysis, including the following:
Domain SME
Project manager
The project sponsor is ultimately responsible for solution operations from a
business point of view and needs to review the results of your solution
performance analysis to see whether any improvements or changes to the
solution need to be made.
Now let’s take a look at the next task found in the Solution Evaluation
knowledge area—assessing solution limitations that restrict the full realization
of value.
Assess Solution Limitations
Your next task in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area is assessing solution
limitations. This task identifies the root causes of underperforming and
ineffective solutions and solution components. This task is closely linked to
another task in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area—assessing the
enterprise limitations. We will discuss this task later in the chapter. The tasks
are often done concurrently at any point during the solution life cycle.
Solution Components
Let’s make sure you remember the definition of solution components. They
are the pieces and parts of a solution that span the enterprise architecture of
the organization including things like the following:
Business processes, policies, and rules
People along with their job functions and responsibilities
Software applications and application components
Organizational structure and its internal/external interactions
This task is often done concurrently with assessing enterprise limitations at any
point during the solution life cycle. Figure 7.3 summarizes the inputs,
guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and associated tasks used to assess
solution limitations.
FIGURE 7.3 Task summary: Assess solution limitations.
Two key inputs are needed to assess solution limitations. These inputs are
produced by a number of other business analysis tasks. They include the
implemented solution and the solution performance analysis. Let’s look at each
of these task inputs in greater detail.
Implemented Solution (External) Implemented solutions are those that
exist and can be evaluated. They may or may not be in operational use, such as a
prototype solution.
Solution Performance Analysis The solution performance analysis contains
the results of collected and analyzed solution performance measurements. It
also contains recommendations to solve any performance gaps or take
advantage of any opportunities that could improve the solution’s value.
There are additional inputs that may be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that may also
be used as inputs when assessing solution limitations.
Change Strategy The change strategy is a high-level plan of key activities and
events relative to a proposed change. Be sure to reference this information when
creating the performance measures for your solution.
Risk Analysis Results The risk analysis results document the overall level of
risk and individual risks for the solution and solution components.
Solution Scope Solution scope defines the solution boundaries for what is in
scope and what is out of scope. These boundaries are used to measure and
evaluate a solution.
Table 7.6 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools for this task and lists the
task and knowledge area sources for each input used to assess proposed
TABLE 7.6 Inputs, Guidelines, and Tools: Assess solution limitations.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source
Implemented solution (external)
requirements (prioritized and
Solution performance analysis Input Analyze
Change strategy Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Risk analysis results Guidelines
and tools
Assess risks. Strategy
Solution scope Guidelines
and tools
Define change
The elements to be considered when assessing solution limitations are as
Identifying internal solution component dependencies
Investigating solution problems
Performing an impact assessment
Let’s look at each of these elements in greater detail.
Identifying Internal Solution Component Dependencies Solution
performance can be limited by internal dependencies. It is important to identify
internal solution dependencies between components and see if there is anything
about the components that limits performance or value realization. The
performance of an entire solution can be impacted by and limited to the
performance of the least effective solution component.
Investigating Solution Problems Business analysts often use problem
analysis techniques to investigate solution performance problems. It is essential
to identify the source of the problem so the problem can be addressed and
corrected. Problems may be indicated by an inability to meet a goal or objective
or by a failure to realize a benefit. Solution outputs may not be of sufficient
quality, or potential value may not be realized.
Performing an Impact Assessment Performing an impact assessment on
one or more identified solution problems determines the severity of the
problem, the probability of the problem occurring again, the impact on the
business operations, and the capacity of the business to absorb that impact.
Problems can be resolved, mitigated, or accepted. Risks are also assessed as part
of an impact analysis.
Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends the use of one or more techniques when you
are assessing solution limitations. These techniques are summarized for you
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria These criteria define the acceptable
solution performance. The degree of variance in the collected data is used in
analyzing the solution performance and assessing solution limitations.
Benchmarking and Market Analysis Benchmarking can be used to observe
the results of other organizations using similar solutions. This includes looking
at risks, trends, and variances relative to the solution being analyzed.
Business Rules Analysis This technique shows the current business rules
and the changes to those rules that are required to achieve the potential value of
the change. Business rules may limit or constrain solution performance or
impact value realization.
Data Mining This technique is used to identify factors that may constrain or
limit solution performance. The collected data being analyzed and reviewed
typically includes performance measures, trends, issues, and variances.
Decision Analysis Decision analysis allows you to examine and model the
costs and benefits of different requirements allocation schemes before making
or recommending a particular decision.
Interviews This technique is used with individuals or small groups. The
business analyst is speaking with them to determine the problems or limitations
of a solution as well as how the solution’s performance is perceived.
Item Tracking This technique is used to record and manage stakeholder
issues related to solution limitations that are impacting value realization.
Lessons Learned Lessons learned could be used to look back and discover
what happened along the way to limit the solution and its ability to deliver
Risk Analysis and Management Risks are identified and managed on an
ongoing basis during solution performance analysis. Activities include risk
identification, analysis, response planning, and management.
Root Cause Analysis Root cause analysis is used to determine the underlying
cause of a significant performance variance within a solution.
Survey or Questionnaire Surveys and questionnaires provide you with a
vehicle to gather quantitative and qualitative information from large numbers of
stakeholders during your problem analysis efforts.
Once you have selected and applied one or more of these techniques as part of
your solution limitation assessment efforts, you are ready to continue with the
other Solution Evaluation tasks. First, let’s look at the key output from this task,
the solution limitation.
Assess Solution Limitations
The solution limitation describes the current limitation of a solution or solution
component, such as constraints and defects. Table 7.7 summarizes these
destinations for the results of your solution limitation assessment efforts.
TABLE 7.7 Output: Assess solution limitations.
Output Output Destinations Destination
Knowledge Area
Analyze current state. Strategy Analysis
Recommend actions to increase
solution value.
Solution Evaluation
A number of stakeholders are involved with assessing solution limitations on
your project. You should always involve the end users with this work; they
contribute to the actual value realized by the solution they are using and can
provide feedback on the solution.
A number of additional business analysis stakeholders may be affected by your
solution limitation work, including the following:
Domain SME
Let’s move on and take a detailed look at the next task found in the Solution
Evaluation knowledge area—assessing the enterprise limitations for a solution.
Assess Enterprise Limitations
Another interesting task in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area is assessing
the enterprise limitations of a solution. As a business analyst, you are an agent
of change; you shepherd new solutions from conception to completion. The trick
is proving that the operational solution delivers its potential value to the
enterprise. Assessing enterprise limitations identifies the root causes of specific
factors and describes how those factors can limit a solution’s value realization
Exam Spotlight
Be sure you recognize what an enterprise limitation for a solution or
solution component might be on your exam. Enterprise limitations include
the following factors:
Technical components
Stakeholder interests
Reporting structures
Many factors external to a solution may impact its ability to deliver business
value. Frequently, solutions operate across organizational boundaries within the
enterprise with many interactions and interdependencies. Solutions may
depend upon external factors, such as outsourcing your solution’s servers to a
third-party vendor.
Enterprise limitations can be assessed at any time during the solution life cycle,
from component development to full solution implementation. Existing,
operational solutions can also be assessed if the need arises.
Figure 7.4 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks used to assess enterprise limitations relative to a solution.
FIGURE 7.4 Task summary: Assess enterprise limitations.
Several key inputs are needed to assess the enterprise limitations of a solution.
These key inputs are produced by a number of other business analysis tasks, and
they include the implemented solution (also known as the constructed solution),
the current state description, and the solution performance analysis results.
Let’s look at each of these task inputs in greater detail.
Implemented or Constructed Solution (External) The implemented or
constructed solution must actually exist. It may be in operational use or a
prototype. In either case, the solution must be in use so its performance can be
measured and analyzed.
Current State Description The current state description describes the
environmental, cultural, and internal factors of the solution being measured and
Solution Performance Analysis This deliverable describes how the solution
performs relative to the business goals and objectives that led to its creation and
implementation. It contains the results of analyzing the solution performance
measurements that were collected and the business analyst’s recommendations
relative to the results of the measurements.
There are additional inputs that can be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that may also
be used as inputs when assessing solution limitations:
Business Objectives Business objectives are measurable results indicating a
business goal has been met. Be sure to consider these objectives when
measuring solution performance.
Change Strategy The change strategy is a high-level plan of key activities and
events relative to a proposed change. Be sure to reference this information when
implementing a solution and when creating performance measures for that
Future State Description The future state description provides a definition
of the boundaries for the solution scope and all of the solution components. It
also links back to the potential value expected from the future state.
Risk Analysis Results Risk analysis results contain the overall level of risk for
the solution as well as the individual risks for the solution components.
Solution Scope Solution scope defines the solution boundaries for what is in
scope and what is out of scope. These solution boundaries are used to define
what needs to be measured and evaluated.
Table 7.8 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, and tools for this task and lists the
task and knowledge area sources for each input used to assess enterprise
TABLE 7.8 Inputs, Guidelines, and Tools: Assess enterprise limitations.
Task Input Input
Input Source Source
Implemented or
constructed solution
Current state description Input Analyze current
Solution performance
Input Analyze
Business objectives Guidelines
and tools
Define future
Change strategy Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Future state description Guidelines
and tools
Define future
Risk analysis results Guidelines
and tools
Assess risks. Strategy
Solution scope Guidelines
and tools
Define change
Four key elements are found in a thorough enterprise limitations assessment.
Together they make up the bulk of your assessment findings. They are as
Enterprise culture assessment
Stakeholder impact analysis
Organizational structure changes
Operational assessment
Let’s look at each of these four elements in greater detail:
Enterprise Culture Assessment The cultural part of your assessment
focuses on the willingness of your key stakeholders to change and accept the
solution. You need to put your marketing hat on and sell this solution as part of
your business analysis activities. This involves understanding each key
stakeholder’s willingness to change and getting them on board with the changes
that are coming with the new solution. Your stakeholders need to understand
and buy into the rationale for the new solution and the benefits it provides.
Stakeholder Impact Analysis Your assessment must address how the
changes from your new solution will affect your stakeholders. There are a
number of things to consider.
Functions Your impact analysis should look at the solution capabilities that
each stakeholder group uses and address the significant work changes. Consider
new or modified processes, as well as specific applications that the stakeholders
will now be using as part of their jobs.
Locations Stakeholder location also comes into play when assessing the
impacts of change. If your stakeholders are all located in one place, it will be
easier to train and support their use of the new solution. If your stakeholders are
found in multiple locations, you will have to address how they learn to use the
new solution and get assistance when they have questions in a virtual
Concerns Stakeholder concerns and issues should also be addressed in your
analysis. There are several areas to consider, such as solution usability, work
demands, potential job loss, or changes in work satisfaction.
Organizational Structure Changes Solutions can impact and change
organizational structure. Business analysts need to assess the organizational
structure supporting a solution to make sure that structure allows the solution
to perform effectively. In addition to the formal working relationships,
knowledge of the informal stakeholder relationships within the organization can
be very helpful to the business analyst in understanding the practical, day-to-
day working structure.
Operational Assessment This part of your assessment focuses on the
capabilities that the new solution will provide and how the stakeholders will use
those capabilities. You might need to create new policies and procedures
governing use of the solution. Training might be needed so folks know how to
use the solution correctly. Systems support and maintenance also need to be
planned and put in place prior to solution implementation.
Exam Spotlight
When conducting an operational assessment for a solution, business
analysts should consider the following six areas:
Policies and procedures
Capabilities and processes
Skill and training needs
Human resources practices
Risk tolerance and management approaches
Tools and technology required for supporting the solution
There are several techniques that you may use when assessing enterprise
limitations. Let’s step through those techniques now.
Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends using one or more of the following techniques
when you are assessing enterprise limitations. These techniques are
summarized for you here:
Benchmarking and Market Analysis Benchmarking can be used to identify
existing solutions and enterprise interactions for a new solution. This
identification is done relative to the potential value of that new solution defined
in the future state description and the change strategy.
Brainstorming This technique is used to generate many ideas from a
stakeholder group in a short period of time. The resulting ideas can then be
organized and prioritized to identify solution improvement opportunities and
stakeholder concerns.
Data Mining This technique is used to collect and analyze the solution
performance data. Data mining is particularly useful when you are identifying
factors that constrain the performance of the solution.
Decision Analysis Decision analysis allows you to examine and model the
consequences of different decisions before actually making or recommending a
particular decision. This technique helps you to make decisions about
functional, technical, or procedural gaps in the solution.
Document Analysis Reviewing existing documentation is a way for the
business analyst to understand the enterprise culture, operations, and structure.
Interviews Interviews provide a forum for identifying organizational gaps or
stakeholder concerns with the new solution and discussing possible solutions or
Item Tracking This technique is used to record and manage stakeholder
issues related to solution limitations that impact value realization.
Lessons Learned Lessons learned could be used to look back at previous
initiatives and discover what happened along the way to limit the solution and
its ability to deliver value to the enterprise.
Observation Observation is used to provide feedback on stakeholder or user
perception of a solution or to reconcile contradictory results. Sometimes it
makes enterprise and solution interactions clear when you witness them and see
what is going on.
Organizational Modelling Organization models offer a view of your
stakeholder groups and stakeholders to use while assessing organizational
readiness and the need for organizational changes.
Process Analysis Process analysis assesses a process for efficiency and
effectiveness. This technique is used to identify opportunities to improve
solution performance.
Process Modelling Process models identify activities that will change when
the new solution is implemented and tell you which stakeholders perform these
activities. This allows you to focus on who is impacted by the change.
Risk Analysis and Management This technique is used to consider the risks
of a new solution relative to the enterprise across several areas: technology,
finance, and business. It is essential that the required functionality and ability of
the organization to change be considered and addressed.
Roles and Permissions Matrix The roles and permissions matrix helps the
business analyst determine roles and permissions for stakeholders and end
users of a new solution.
Root-Cause Analysis Root-cause analysis is used to determine the underlying
cause of a significant performance variance within a solution. Sometimes this
underlying cause is related to enterprise limitations.
Survey or Questionnaire Surveys and questionnaires are techniques that
give you a forum for identifying organizational gaps or stakeholder concerns
with the new solution.
SWOT Analysis The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
(SWOT) analysis technique demonstrates how a change will help the
organization by categorizing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats associated with the new solution.
Workshops Workshops, or review meetings, are used to identify
organizational gaps or stakeholder concerns about a new solution in a
structured group setting.
Once you have selected and applied one or more of these techniques as part of
your enterprise limitations assessment efforts, you are ready to continue with
other assessment tasks. Before moving on, let’s look at the key output from this
task, the description of the enterprise limitations that were found.
Build the Enterprise Limitation Assessment
Your enterprise limitation assessment describes the current enterprise
limitations of a solution. Be sure to look at how solution performance impacts
the enterprise. You always need to keep in mind that a solution isn’t a success if
people are unable to use it effectively.
Table 7.9 summarizes the enterprise limitation assessment and the task that
uses this output.
TABLE 7.9 Output: Assess enterprise limitations.
Output Output Destinations Destination
Knowledge Area
Analyze current state. Strategy Analysis
Recommend actions to increase
solution value.
Solution Evaluation
A number of stakeholders will be involved with assessing enterprise limitations
for a new solution. Domain SMEs and end users should be part of this effort
since they are close to the solution and can identify how the organization
interacts with it. Several other business analysis stakeholders might be involved
with the enterprise limitation assessment, such as the following:
Let’s move on and step through the final task found in the Solution Evaluation
knowledge area—recommending actions to create solution value.
Recommend Actions to Increase Solution Value
Estimating the potential value of a solution can be quite different from realizing
the actual value once that solution is operational. One key task performed by
business analysts is trying to align the potential value and the actual value of a
solution as much as possible. The previous four tasks in the Solution Evaluation
knowledge area collect solution performance data, measure the solution
performance, and assess solution and enterprise limitations that may impact the
actual value. This task uses the results from the other tasks to understand the
big picture of a solution’s value and recommend ways to improve solution
performance and value realization.
The New Solution Strikes Back
Russ, a project manager, held a meeting at a biotechnology company to
discuss kick-off plans for a new project targeting the upgrade of their
existing Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). This
company is a leading human therapeutics company in the biotechnology
industry, focused on providing drugs that support cancer treatments.
The current LIMS system was homegrown and had evolved over many years
to reach its current state. Although the system supported the integration of
the laboratory software, hardware, and instruments, the product quality
team felt that a newer system and solution could do a much better job of
tracking laboratory-related work, planning samples, and automating
As part of his introduction to the organization, the plant manager took Russ
on a tour of the production facility. Russ was very impressed with the plant
and its operations. At one point on his tour, Russ stopped in front of a very
large processing vat placed beneath a very large skylight.
“What an interesting piece of equipment.” Russ commented. “What is it
used for?”
Dan, the plant manager, replied that this particular piece of equipment was
used to distill the drug as part of its production.
Russ looked up at the skylight and asked, “Does the process require this
much natural light?”
Dan smiled and shook his head. “Oh, no,” he replied. “This is my daily
reminder of what happens when you don’t spend enough time planning for
Dan went on to explain to Russ that this particular piece of equipment was
ordered from Germany and shipped to the plant location in the United
States. When it arrived at the new plant building, the installation team was
stunned to discover that the vat did not fit in the doors.
To get this critical piece of equipment into the new building, Dan had to
authorize cutting a skylight in the roof and using a crane to drop the vat into
place. As Dan told Russ, the transition requirements that assist you in
implementing your project are quite critical. They are even more critical
when you discover after the fact that you missed something. Missing
something during your solution development implementation can equal
more costs, which equals less value realization from that solution.
Solution-focused recommendations look at how solutions should be replaced,
retired, or enhanced. These recommendations have a long-term perspective
over the life of the solution within the enterprise. The solution or the
organization may require adjustment in order to use the solution more
effectively and realize additional value from its use.
Figure 7.5 summarizes the inputs, guidelines, tools, outputs, techniques, and
associated tasks used to assess the readiness of your organization to adopt and
use a new solution.
FIGURE 7.5 Task summary: Recommend actions to increase solution value.
Several key inputs are needed to define transition requirements. These key
inputs are produced by a number of other business analysis tasks. Let’s take a
look at each of these task inputs in greater detail:
Enterprise Limitation Enterprise limitations look at how solution
performance impacts the enterprise relative to any limitations that enterprise
might have.
Solution Limitation Solution limitations focus on the limits, constraints, and
defects of the solution itself and how those limitations might impact value
There are additional inputs that can be used by business analysis tasks:
guidelines and tools. Let’s take a look at the guidelines and tools that may also
be used as inputs when recommending actions to increase solution value:
Business Objectives Business objectives are measurable results indicating a
business goal has been met. Be sure to consider these objectives when
evaluating, measuring, and determining solution performance.
Current State Description The current state description provides the
context of the existing enterprise where the work needs to be done. It can be
used to assess alternatives and understand ways to increase solution value.
Solution Scope Solution scope defines the solution boundaries for what is in
scope and what is out of scope. These solution boundaries are used to define
what needs to be measured and evaluated.
Table 7.10 summarizes the inputs to this task and lists the task and knowledge
area sources for each input used when recommending actions to increase
solution value.
TABLE 7.10 Inputs, Guidelines, and Tools: Recommend actions to increase
solution value.
Task Input Input Type Input Source Source
Knowledge Area
Input Assess enterprise
Solution Evaluation
Input Assess solution
Solution Evaluation
Guidelines and
Define future state. Strategy Analysis
Current state
Guidelines and
Analyze current state. Strategy Analysis
Solution scope Guidelines and
Define change
Strategy Analysis
Two key elements must be considered when you are building these
recommendations for your project. Let’s look at each of these elements in
greater detail:
Adjust solution performance measures. Sometimes a new solution does
not quite fulfill the business goals and objectives that triggered the project in the
first place. Issues, defects, problems, or discrepancies need to be recorded,
prioritized, and resolved. Another option is to change the solution performance
measures based upon what is taking place. For a particular solution, more
appropriate and achievable measures may be required.
Recommendations Recommendations describe ways to increase solution
performance. There are several common recommendations that might be made
based upon the situation. Table 7.11 summarizes these recommendations.
TABLE 7.11 Common solution recommendations
Recommendation Description
Do nothing. Remain in the current state when the value of a change is
low and the cost/risks of making the change are high.
Make changes to organizational structure or personnel,
such as automating work, simplifying work, or improving
access to information.
Reduce interface
Make it easier to share and understand work or data
between systems or people.
Meet the common needs of different stakeholder groups
with a single solution to reduce implementation costs.
Avoid waste. Remove activities that do not add value and minimize
activities that do not directly contribute to the final
Identify additional
Be aware of capabilities in the solution that exceed
requirements and make sure they will provide future
Retire the solution. Replace a solution or component because of old
technology, insourcing, outsourcing, or a solution not
fulfilling its goals.
Additional factors may impact a decision to replace, retire, or revamp a solution.
Be sure to look at the ongoing costs of operating the solution versus the initial
investment that was made to create the solution. Remember that opportunity
costs also come into play. Opportunity cost is the potential value that could be
realized from pursuing other solutions versus the solution you have on hand.
Necessity also plays a role here. Many solutions and their components have a
limited life span and must be replaced at a certain point in time. Don’t forget the
sunk costs, which are the money and effort already committed to a solution.
Many folks hold on to a bad solution versus replacing, eliminating, or
redirecting the solution because of the sunk costs that cannot be recovered.
You can select from a number of business analysis techniques when
recommending actions to increase solution value. Let’s take a look at them now.
Techniques to Consider
Guide recommends using one or more of the following techniques
when you are recommending actions to increase the value of a new solution.
They are summarized here:
Data Mining This technique is used to generate predictive estimates of
solution performance. Data mining is particularly useful when there is a lot of
data to analyze relative to a particular solution.
Decision Analysis Decision analysis allows you to examine and model the
consequences of different decisions before actually making or recommending a
particular decision. Effective decision analysis helps you determine the impact
of acting upon solution issues.
Financial Analysis There are numerous financial analysis techniques
available to assess the potential costs and benefits of a proposed change.
Focus Groups Focus groups are often used to give assessment, insight, and
impressions of a solution’s performance and the associated performance
Organizational Modelling Organization models offer a view of your
stakeholder groups and stakeholders to use while assessing organizational
readiness and the need for organizational changes.
Prioritization Many business analysts use prioritization techniques to identify
the relative value of different actions that might be taken to improve solution
Process Analysis Process analysis assesses a process for efficiency and
effectiveness. This technique is used to identify opportunities to improve
solution performance.
Risk Analysis and Management This technique is used to evaluate different
solution outcomes and their associated risks under specific conditions.
Survey or Questionnaire Surveys and questionnaires are often used to
collect information from stakeholders about solution performance. They can
help you get feedback on value realization based upon the performance
measures and analysis that has been done.
Once you have selected and applied one or more of these techniques as part of
your efforts, you are ready to continue with the work at hand. Before moving on,
let’s look at the key output from this task—your recommended actions.
Develop the Recommended Actions
The recommended actions provide a summary of what should be done to
improve the value of a solution within the enterprise. This output is picked up
by the Manage Stakeholder Collaboration task in the Elicitation and
Collaboration knowledge area. Stakeholders participate in the recommendation
review and the decision making regarding what is to be done, if anything.
Remember that the more significant the impact of a change, the more attention
is directed to managing stakeholder collaboration as part of the business
analysis activities.
Table 7.12 summarizes the task output and the task that uses it.
TABLE 7.12 Output: Recommend actions to increase solution value.
Output Output Destinations Destination Knowledge
Manage stakeholder
Elicitation and
The business analyst is responsible for recommending ways to increase solution
value and opportunities on your project. A number of stakeholders are ready
and able to assist you in defining these value-focused recommendations for a
new solution. Several other business analysis stakeholders may be involved with
your efforts, including the following:
Domain SME
End user
How This Applies to Your Projects
In this chapter, you stepped through tasks focusing on the solution that is being
built and deployed by your project. These tasks ensure that the solution can be
successfully implemented within the organization and add value once it is
operational. In many organizations, the business analyst is responsible for
supporting the business stakeholders as the solution is implemented and
facilitating their transition to the new ways of doing things. Part of your
responsibility is planning for the actual set of implementation activities down to
the right level of detail.
Your solution implementation plan and approved solution design enable you to
create data conversion requirements and build any necessary business
transition strategies. It is helpful to produce an implementation plan, a data
conversion plan, and any high-level requirements for the next solution release
as part of your preparations for transitioning from the old solution to the new
solution. A conversion plan maps data from the old solution to the new solution.
It details the business rules for data conversion and sets the timing of the work.
You might have a small set of transition requirements addressing your
implementation plan as part of your transition requirements. For example, they
may state the following:
TR 1.0 Develop an implementation plan for the constructed solution.
TR 2.0 Plan work activities to support the contents of the implementation
However, the actual implementation plan may be far more detailed based on the
solution that is being implemented. Table 7.13 provides you with a sample
implementation plan for a software solution implementation.
TABLE 7.13 Sample implementation plan
(All times
Task Description
Pre-Rollout Steps
12:00 AM
Send release notes to sys admin to post. Send support
documentation to sys admin.
12:00 AM
Update website with upcoming maintenance message via GUI
12:00 AM
Confirm production environment is ready for release rollout.
12:00 AM
Set up all new policy templates.
12:00 AM
Set up Oracle templates (release data).
12:00 AM
Set up Oracle templates (asset data).
10:30 AM
Shut down Oracle database.
10:45 AM
Drop the replication for groups that have changed.
11:30 AM
Run the table, stored procedure, and data changes.
11:30 AM
Run the database update scripts.
12:00 Noon
Verify the scripts ran successfully.
12:00 Noon
Set the billing start time to 00:05.
12:30 PM
Rebuild the changed replication groups.
2:00 PM
Restart Oracle.
2:00 PM
Join conference bridge for checkpoint.
2:00 PM
Publish build kit to lab to test rollout procedure.
4:00 PM
Copy latest/final build out to all production servers in two data
Rollout Steps
Verify that all participants have joined the maintenance bridge
and that there are no network jeopardies that would cause this
maintenance to be rescheduled.
9:00 AM
Post maintenance message on websites.
12:01 AM
Verify that billing has completed.
12:02 AM
Reset billing to its original start time.
12:03 AM
Stop services and web servers.
12:05 AM
Export a copy of the application in case you have to roll back.
12:30 AM
Shut down Oracle database (15 minutes).
7/16/10 Drop the replication for groups that have changed (45 minutes).
12:45 AM
1:30 AM
Run the table, stored procedure, and data changes (1 hour).
1:30 AM
Run the database update scripts.
2:00 AM
Verify the scripts ran successfully (5 minutes, overlapping).
2:00 AM
Rebuild the changed Replication Groups (90 minutes).
3:30 AM
Restart Oracle (5 minutes).
6:00 AM
Copy the configuration file in the SFTPFileFetcher directory to
temp to preserve the data.
6:00 AM
Publish application code to data center production servers.
6:30 AM
Copy the config file from the temp directory and verify.
6:30 AM
Move SetDBDefaults.exe to c:\netfiles\bin to run it to avoid
6:30 AM
Run the script for the web service:
DeploymentUtil\UtilityScripts\ Rollout 6.0\Run.bat.
6:30 AM
Ensure all services are running in production.
6:30 AM
Join the conference bridge for checkpoint.
6:30 AM
Verify the correct application operation over a period of time.
(unit testing).
7:00 AM
Join the conference bridge for checkpoint and quality control
8:00 AM
Quality assurance testing period begins.
8:00 AM
1 End-to-end Test of Policy Propagation (Client–Manual/Auto).
Note: Expect testing to take 10 to 12 hours.
12:00 Noon
Join the conference bridge for checkpoint.
4:00 PM
Join the conference bridge for checkpoint.
9:00 AM
Verify the billing is back up-and-running.
9:00 AM
Copy updated software download files to each of the web servers
in preparation for the Saturday deployment.
12:00 AM
Set up URL links in export server.
9:00 AM
Copy updated software download files to each of the web servers.
6:30 PM
Correct an issue with the policy feed.
11:00 PM
Request a final security scan of all servers.
12:00 AM
External system production testing.
6:00 AM
Release complete; publish management and customer
This particular solution implementation plan was built and performed for a
software upgrade at a client site in Colorado. As you can see, the two statements
—build the plan and schedule the work from that plan—exploded into a detailed
set of steps to support implementation of this software release.
The five tasks in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area guide you in effectively
assessing, selecting, and validating the solution that will be implemented in the
organization to meet the business goals and objectives. Effective problem-
solving skills are an underlying competency enabling you to do this solution-
focused work. You will be asked to analyze problems with the designed and
constructed solution and recommend ways to address any defects and issues
that you and your stakeholders find. Applying your structured problem-solving
skills results in implementing a solution that meets or exceeds its quality and
acceptance criteria.
Guide recommends applying a number of techniques as part of
your solution evaluation efforts. You don’t need to be an expert in every
technique, but most experienced business analysts are comfortable using a
representative subset of those techniques.
A number of key business analysis deliverables are produced by the tasks found
in this knowledge area. You will produce several assessments looking at the
solution, the organization’s readiness to adopt that solution, and the solution’s
performance once operational. These assessments are a key part of your role in
making sure the right solution is implemented in the right way for your
Exam Essentials
Be able to list the tasks found in the Solution Evaluation knowledge
area. You will see questions about the tasks, their associated techniques, their
more detailed elements, and the key outputs that they produce on your exam.
You should memorize the tasks of this knowledge area and the key outputs
associated with them. The five tasks are:
Measure solution performance.
Analyze performance measures.
Assess solution limitations.
Assess enterprise limitations.
Recommend actions to increase solution value.
Be able to understand and apply the techniques found in this
knowledge area. Understanding and applying the techniques to assess and
validate your solution and its performance is a key focus for your Solution
Evaluation knowledge area exam questions. Be sure that you can name the
techniques recommended here and associate them with the tasks that use them.
Be able to describe and distinguish between assessing solution and
enterprise limitations. Make sure you can define and distinguish between
the solution and enterprise limitation assessments that are created and used by
the tasks in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area.
Be able to define the three recommended statistical sampling
techniques. The BABOK
Guide uses three statistical sampling concepts for
collecting solution performance measures. Make certain you understand what
they are and how they differ.
Volume or sample size
Frequency and timing
Be able to discuss the three aspects of stakeholder impact analysis
relative to a new solution. When assessing enterprise limitations, there are
three areas to be considered as part of the stakeholder assessment.
Be able to distinguish between a solution, solution components, and
a release. A solution is a set of changes to an organization’s current state
enabling the organization to meet a business need, solve a problem, or take
advantage of an opportunity.
Solutions are made up of solution components, the parts of a solution that span
the enterprise architecture of the organization, such as new business processes,
new software applications, or new hardware. Each solution component
implements a subset of the solution requirements.
Solutions are typically implemented in releases. A release is the distribution of
all or part of a scheduled operational solution, such as a release consisting of
software application code, related documents, and support materials.
Key Terms
You have just finished stepping through the contents of the sixth and final
knowledge area from the BABOK
Guide: Solution Evaluation. The tasks in this
knowledge area focus on making sure that the defined solution can be
successfully implemented in the organization and used by its stakeholders.
To be an effective business analyst, you should understand how to apply the
techniques and tasks in this knowledge area. Additionally, you will need to know
the five tasks and their associated elements and techniques from this knowledge
area in order to be successful on the CBAP
exam. The tasks include
the following:
Measure solution performance.
Analyze performance measures.
Assess solution limitations.
Assess enterprise limitations.
Recommend actions to increase solution value.
A number of new key words in Chapter 7 relate to assessing and validating your
new solution. Here is a list of some of the key terms that you encountered in this
acceptance criteria
Beta release
constructed solution
enterprise limitations
evaluation criteria
frequency and timing of measurements
implemented solution
operational assessment
operational life
operational releases
opportunity costs
pilot release
proofs of concept
qualitative measures
quantitative measures
solution component
solution performance analysis
solution performance measures
sunk costs
transition requirements
volume or sample size
Review Questions
1. Solution Evaluation tasks can be performed on solutions in different stages
of development. You want to evaluate a solution component that is part of a
limited implementation that is not fully released. What type of solution are
you working on?
A. Prototype
B. Operational
C. Pilot
D. Proof of concept
2. Which input best provides you with the measurable result that the enterprise
wants to achieve?
A. Business goal
B. Business objective
C. Business requirement
D. Business need
3. What technique ensures that issues arising from assessing enterprise
limitations are addressed and resolved?
A. Decision analysis
B. Item tracking
C. Metrics and KPIs
D. Root cause analysis
4. According to the BACCM™, a business analyst may recommend a change
either to a solution or to the ____________ to realize the potential value
of a solution.
A. Limitations
B. Requirements
C. Solution
D. Enterprise
5. You are determining the most appropriate response to identified problems in
a delivered solution. What task are you performing?
A. Measuring solution performance
B. Assessing solution limitations
C. Analyzing solution performance
D. Assessing the enterprise limitations
6. What is the best recommendation to make when the value of a change from a
current state is low relative to the effort required to make that change?
A. Retire solution.
B. Reduce complexity.
C. Do nothing.
D. Avoid waste.
7. To evaluate solution performance, the solution must exist in some form and
be ____________.
A. Verified
B. Approved
C. External
D. In Use
8. Which stakeholder approves the potential value of a solution?
A. Business analyst
B. Sponsor
C. Domain SME
D. Project manager
9. Requirements that are associated with the solution component that will
implement them are called:
A. Verified requirements
B. Solution requirements
C. Traced requirements
D. Allocated requirements
10. You are making decisions about replacing or retiring a solution. One factor
you consider includes the money and effort that has already been committed
to this current initiative. What factor are you considering?
A. Sunk cost
B. Necessity
C. Opportunity cost
D. Ongoing cost
11. What is another name for a solution that exists in some way?
A. Designed solution
B. Constructed solution
C. Implemented solution
D. Allocated solution
12. When should you begin to allocate requirements to the solution components
that will implement those requirements during a project?
A. When the real project requirements are derived
B. When the proposed solution is being assessed
C. When the solution approach is determined
D. When solution design and construction starts
13. When should transition requirements be defined?
A. While the solution is being designed
B. After the solution has been designed
C. Before the solution is actually designed
D. When required capabilities are defined
14. What technique would you select to discover whether a solution defect is a
symptom of a deeper, underlying problem?
A. Root-cause analysis
B. SWOT analysis
C. Force-field analysis
D. Decision analysis
15. You are investigating how a solution affects a particular stakeholder group
after that solution has been deployed. What Solution Evaluation task are you
A. Assessing enterprise limitations
B. Analyzing performance measures
C. Assessing solution limitations
D. Measuring solution performance
16. When assessing enterprise limitations using the risk analysis and
management technique, what three areas of risk should be considered?
A. Strategic, tactical, operational
B. Technology, finance, business
C. High, medium, and low impact
D. Capability, condition, constraint
17. What type of requirements should address employee training, conversion of
existing information, and user acceptance testing?
A. Stakeholder
B. Transition
C. Implementation
D. Functional
18. What technique might assist you in measuring solution performance?
A. Business cases
B. Decision analysis
C. Metrics and KPIs
D. Vendor assessment
19. Which task has solution performance measures as an input?
A. Measure solution performance.
B. Assess solution limitations.
C. Analyze performance measures.
D. Assess enterprise limitations.
20. What is the best reason for involving a business analyst in Solution
Evaluation tasks?
A. They bring technical skills to the solution assessment process.
B. They have built relationships with all key project stakeholders.
C. They are most knowledgeable about the business environment.
D. They work closest with the project manager and the project team.
Chapter 8
Underlying Competencies
Business analysis underlying competencies
Analytical thinking and problem-solving skills
Key business-analysis behavioral characteristics
Business knowledge, tools, and technology
Communication and interaction skills
Successful business analysts possess a wide spectrum of skills
and knowledge. Being a technical expert in a particular area or possessing
subject matter expertise in a particular industry does not guarantee success as a
business analyst on a project. Effective business analysts possess a core
framework consisting of business, technical, and domain knowledge. This core
framework is further enhanced by your management, interpersonal,
communication, business, and structured problem-solving skills.
The required knowledge and skills range from applying structured analysis
techniques to managing issues to addressing solution usability. You must be
able to provide relevant business and domain knowledge for the organization’s
products, processes, markets, and systems, and incorporate specific business
and software application skills. The personal qualities, knowledge, behaviors,
characteristics, and skills you bring to and acquire for your role as a business
analyst are known as the underlying competencies.
Essential Skills of Effective Business Analysts
Underlying competencies describe and reflect the behaviors, characteristics,
knowledge, and personal qualities that make you an effective business analyst
on a project. The BABOK
Guide categorizes these essential skills and
knowledge into six categories. You can think of these categories as building
blocks that you bring to each of your projects when you put on your business
analysis hat, roll up your sleeves, and start working. The underlying
competencies include the following:
Analytical thinking and problem-solving skills
Behavioral characteristics
Business knowledge
Communication skills
Interaction skills
Tools and technology
This chapter of the book steps you through these core skills. A strong and
balanced set of these underlying competencies provides you with tremendous
value when performing your project’s business analysis tasks. The “Underlying
Competencies” section is found in Chapter 9 of the BABOK
Exam Spotlight
You will not find a specific percentage of questions about underlying
competencies on your certification exam. Instead, you will find questions
within the six knowledge areas that check your skills in and your knowledge
of these underlying competencies. Be sure to study this chapter thoroughly
because it is all considered testable content.
Of course, the skills and knowledge discussed here are not confined just to
performing business analysis work. They are fundamental skills required to
perform almost any role in any organization. Project managers, subject matter
experts, and senior managers are expected to possess a solid set of these
underlying competencies.
When Are the Underlying Competencies Used?
Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
—Will Rogers
The knowledge and skills found in the underlying competencies are used by
business analysts across the project life cycle as well as in their day-to-day work
that is not related to a specific project. You might find yourself selecting a
project approach by facilitating a meeting of key stakeholders and reaching
agreement on the best way to get the project underway and completed. You
might be called on to resolve a conflict between two opposing stakeholder
groups about the relative priorities of solution requirements. You might build
and deliver training on new solution capabilities to your end users.
Remember the Six Knowledge Areas
Be sure you know the six knowledge areas and the work you perform when
you are using them. These knowledge areas and their tasks are where you
apply the underlying competencies.
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring This knowledge area is
where you plan how to approach your project’s business analysis effort. The
approach is a set of processes, templates, and activities used to perform
business analysis in a specific context. The tasks govern and monitor the
performance of all other business analysis tasks. These planning and
monitoring activities take place throughout the project life cycle. The results
of this knowledge area govern the tasks found in the remaining five
knowledge areas and set the performance metrics to be used to evaluate all
business analysis work.
Elicitation and Collaboration Elicitation and Collaboration defines how
business analysts work with stakeholders to identify and gather
requirements and understand their needs and concerns. A tremendous
amount of interaction with people occurs in this knowledge area. You will
find yourself working with the project team and the stakeholders to gather
requirements information, record the elicitation results, and confirm those
results with your stakeholders.
Requirements Life Cycle Management This knowledge area describes
how you will manage and maintain requirements and design information
from the beginning of the project to the end. You will find yourself
managing changes, conflicts, and issues related to the project requirements
across the project life cycle.
Strategy Analysis Strategy Analysis focuses on identifying the current
business state that drives a project and defining a feasible solution scope
that will provide the desired future state including the change strategy and
risk assessment. This knowledge area includes developing the business
requirements for a project that define the high-level goals, objectives, and
needs of the organization and the high-level business functionality needed
in the resulting solution.
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition Requirements
Analysis and Design Definition steps you progressively through elaborating
and prioritizing the stakeholder and solution requirements for a project.
Stakeholder requirements define the needs of stakeholders and how they
interact with a solution. Stakeholder requirements act as a bridge between
high-level business requirements and more-detailed solution requirements.
In turn, the more-detailed solution requirements describe the solution
characteristics and architecture that will be needed to meet the higher-level
business and stakeholder requirements.
Solution Evaluation Solution Evaluation determines whether value is
being delivered by proposed, in-progress, and implemented solutions
before, during, and after the project life cycle. This is also where the
project’s change strategy is defined. The solution limitations would also be
assessed and recommendations provided to increase the value of the
advised solution.
These key skills and knowledge may be used to perform any task or technique
found in any of the six knowledge areas. Let’s take a look at the first set of core
skills—analytical thinking and problem solving.
Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
Facilitating solutions to business problems would be impossible without a
structured approach for addressing the problem at hand. Analytical thinking
and problem-solving skills enable you to assess and understand a situation.
Once that situation is fully understood, you can assess and recommend one or
more potential solutions to address the business need, problem, or opportunity
at hand. The BABOK
Guide breaks the essential analytical thinking and
problem-solving skills into seven more detailed areas:
Creative thinking
Decision making
Problem solving
Systems thinking
Conceptual thinking
Visual thinking
Let’s take a look at each of these areas that add up to an effective skill set in
analytical thinking and problem solving. First up are your creative thinking
Creative Thinking
Creative thinkers are able to generate new ideas, concepts, and alternative
solutions when solving business problems. Many times, the ideas being
generated are innovative and new ways to get the job done. It isn’t just about
your creative thinking skills. You also need to ask questions and challenge
assumptions in order to foster creative thinking in your other team members
and stakeholders.
Palmer Divide Vineyards: An Unexpected Freeze
Palmer Divide Vineyards recently reaped the benefits of creative thinking
and problem solving. Even though the weather at the vineyard is fairly
temperate, every now and then winter brings a freeze. There was an
unexpected freeze recently, but the vineyard watering systems suffered no ill
effects because the agriculture team quickly reacted to the cold
temperatures. Several years ago, the vineyard installed a new watering
system for the terraces of grapes it grows. The design of the new watering
system was a bit backward—starting with the water supply at the top of the
vineyard terraces and ending at ground level. Because of this creative
organization, staff members were able to turn a few knobs to drain the
watering system when the freeze hit instead of trying to find a company to
come and blow pressurized air to clear water out of the system. Using
gravity to drain the system from the terraces was both creative and
Creative thinking is just one piece of the puzzle. It is one thing to generate
innovative ideas and possible solutions to a problem and quite another thing to
decide what actually should be done in a particular situation. With that in mind,
let’s move on and talk a bit about business analysts and approaches to effective
decision making.
Decision Making
You should take a two-pronged approach to your decision making. You must
understand what is involved in making a good decision and be able to help other
project team members and stakeholders make good decisions. Decisions need to
be made in situations where you are faced with multiple ways of doing things.
You might be selecting between possible solutions to solve a business problem
or deciding which supplier will provide your project with goods or services. Your
decision analysis activities should include the following:
Gathering and breaking down relevant information
Making comparisons and evaluating trade-offs between options
Identifying the option that is most desirable
Part of your decision-making process is assessing the impacts of uncertainty and
of any new information. Remember, risk is defined as an uncertain event or
condition on your project. There are always risks associated with making
decisions. Your job is to minimize those risks by making the best decision
possible given what you know at the time.
There are several potential traps you might encounter during decision-making
activities. The first trap is accepting the initial framing of a problem without
questioning whether it is complete or correct. The second trap is the sunk cost
fallacy, where you look at what the organization already has and how much
time and money have been invested in those solutions. Based on that
information, organizations often continue on in the same vein. Another phrase
used to describe the sunk cost fallacy is “escalation of commitment to a failing
course of action.” The third potential trap is a tendency to place greater weight
on evidence confirming existing impressions instead of thinking out-of-the-box
and looking for more information.
Effective decision making is a key element for the business analyst. However,
there is more to doing your job well than just making decisions. You need to
learn from your experiences and be able to apply them to the work at hand. Let’s
take a closer look at how learning fits into our creative thinking and problem-
solving skills.
Dynamic project environments encourage business analysts and all stakeholders
to learn new things. As you develop requirements for different parts of the
business, you should absorb new business information so you can translate that
information into your requirements and their resulting solution.
It isn’t enough just to learn and remember data and raw facts. Learning can
occur from visual input, auditory experiences, and the kinesthetics of doing
something new. Experienced business analysts apply their understanding of the
information to determine what is required for a given situation. This application
is also known as analysis. You should also be able to synthesize what you have
learned in order to identify opportunities to create new solutions. After new
solutions are in place, you are also responsible for evaluating them to make sure
that the resulting new solutions are effective and then making stakeholders
aware of the new elements, which will allow for a full cycle of learning processes.
One key application of learning new business domain information is being able
to apply it properly to the business analysis tasks in your project. Let’s take a
look now at the problem-solving skills of effective business analysts.
Problem Solving
Business analysts are frequently asked to evaluate and select solutions that meet
defined business objectives. Your project’s selected solution targets solving an
underlying problem, meeting a business need in the organization, or both. Your
primary goal when addressing a business problem is solving that problem. You
get this done through a combination of problem definition, alternatives
identification, and decision making. Let’s take a look at each item.
Problem Definition You need to make sure that the problem or business
need being addressed is clearly defined and understood by your stakeholders.
Any issues related to the problem or need should be identified and shared with
the group. All conflicts between stakeholders relative to the problem or need
should also be addressed.
Alternatives Identification Often there are many ways to solve a problem or
address a business need. Solution options are developed, analyzed, and
evaluated by the group. Remember that the solution options under
consideration should meet the defined objectives and actually solve the problem
and/or meet the business need.
Decision Making Once your problem or need is clearly defined and the
solution alternatives are identified, it is time to make or recommend a decision.
Trade-off decision making may be required to select the best solution to the
problem or need. You want to avoid selecting a suboptimal solution because of
politics or preconceived notions.
Making good decisions during your project’s business analysis work requires
having the right information and involving the right people. Your ability to put
together all the pieces—what your organization does, what is known about the
problem at hand, and who needs to be involved—supports your skills in
structured problem solving and decision making. This takes us right into the
next area of competency, systems thinking.
Systems Thinking
Systems thinking looks at your ability to put all the pieces together and
understand the properties, behaviors, and characteristics of the system as a
whole—across people, processes, and technology. This information is a moving
target and can be quite unpredictable. You need to recognize that systems are
not just information technology systems. You are looking at systems in the
broader sense, consisting of not just the technology components but the people,
the processes, and almost any other factors that come into play. This holistic
approach will produce the most optimal results.
Projects and their resulting solutions are like puzzles; they possess many pieces
and parts. Changes to one part of the puzzle can impact other parts, as well as
the whole puzzle. You need to be aware of the complex systems that make up
your business operations and keep an eye out for impacts within your new
solution, as well as to the business itself, as work is being performed and
decisions are being made.
Let’s move on to the next category, one that also requires a holistic perspective.
Conceptual Thinking
Business analysts receive and process vast amounts of information and details
in the course of their work. Applying conceptual thinking to the entire data set
means that business analysts are able to identify patterns or connections
between seemingly unrelated information. This big-picture view allows you to
connect seemingly abstract, disconnected parts into something that makes
sense. Past experience, innate skills, and your creativity help bring everything
from multiple stakeholders and perspectives together in a cohesive, workable
Your ability to confirm and convey with confidence the relationship between
seemingly disparate information will help stakeholders grasp the connections
and put them into action. Sometimes, the picture becomes clearer to those we
are trying to help understand with the use of our next skill.
Visual Thinking
Effective communication is often aided by connecting the content receiver with
as many different touch points as possible. You have no doubt heard the saying
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” Visual thinking allows a business analyst
to communicate complex ideas through visual representation, such as models,
graphics, diagrams, and illustrations. Some stakeholders may prefer nonvisual
and descriptions; others may really grasp the ideas you are trying to convey once
they see the visual. Both together will give the greatest opportunity to convey
your concepts in a way that both right-brain and left-brain thinkers will be able
to understand.
Finding the patterns, visually mapping the ideas and connections, and making
comparisons may also be easier to understand when an illustration is provided.
Some diagrams or images can be universally useful for conveying a specific
thought or concept each time it is presented.
The next category in the underlying competencies is the behavioral
characteristics of the business analyst. Your effectiveness on projects is not
based totally on how well you illustrate your point, solve problems, or make
decisions. It is also impacted by the behaviors and personal values you bring to
the work you do.
Behavioral Characteristics
Effective business analysts should apply personal integrity and strength of
character when dealing with people. This includes dealing with your business
analysis team, your project team, and your internal and external project
stakeholders. Your ability to build strong, lasting working relationships serves
you and your project well. The BABOK
Guide breaks the key behavioral
characteristics into these five areas:
Personal accountability
Organization and time management
Let’s take a look at each of these essential behaviors you should exhibit in the
workplace. Our first stop is a quick look at ethics and ethical behavior.
To be respected and trusted by your team and your stakeholders, you must
behave ethically. That’s easy enough to say, but what exactly does it mean?
Ethical people know the difference between moral and immoral behavior and
understand the standards that govern their own behavior. They act in a moral
way to meet those behavioral standards.
Surprise Status
During lunch, Ginger overhears information that concerns her regarding the
current status of an important business continuity study program she is
working on for a large financial services firm. One of the new technical team
members sitting at the next table is talking loudly to a group of his friends.
He brings up a piece of information regarding the project’s status that is
inconsistent with the current status that he just reported to Ginger and Kim,
the program manager, on an area that he is responsible for in the project
“Guys, I’ve only been here six months, and I’m working on something that is
leading edge and important. I just found out from my buddy in IT that the
set of records that tracks which staff members were trained and cross-
trained on critical plant operations is gone. The data got erased in a failed
server transfer. Poof! No backup files. How weird is that? Hope they have
hard copies somewhere. But it’s cool. They’ll find what we need eventually.”
Ginger leans across the table and asks, “Wait a minute; have you told the
rest of our team about this?”
He replies, “No way, Ginger. Tomorrow someone will find the hard copies in
somebody’s cube, and I’ll look like an idiot. I just sent in my status report
anyway. I’m not revising that thing unless I absolutely have to.”
Ginger gets to her feet and collects her things.
“Come on, let’s find Kim and give him this update. That missing data affects
our results tremendously, and this can’t wait. Grab your sandwich and come
with me.”
Withholding critical project information and issues is neither good nor
ethical project team behavior. You should always be straightforward in
sharing important information so problems can be identified and addressed
as early as possible.
Your ethical behavior often comes into play during business analysis work. You
may find yourself recognizing that a proposed solution or a particular
requirement presents ethical difficulties. Ethical business analysts consider the
interests of all stakeholders when making decisions and are sure to clearly
articulate the basis of their decisions so everyone understands. Any conflicts of
interest should be promptly and fully disclosed.
Ethical behavior generates trust and respect in the workplace. Personal
accountability is another behavioral characteristic that you need to review. Let’s
do that right now.
Personal Accountability
When business analysts are responsible and answerable for their own decisions,
work, and results, the effectiveness of the team can greatly increase. Colleagues
and stakeholders will have confidence that tasks will be completed to
expectation and on time. The team is counting on the business analyst to deliver
value, achieve stated milestones and goals, and assure that the business needs
are satisfied with the right solutions. Personal accountability also means
escalating risks to appropriate parties and managing concerns while meeting the
ultimate goal.
Personal accountability and our next key behavioral characteristic go hand-in-
hand, so on to exploring trustworthiness.
Behaving ethically while performing your business analysis work effectively
generates trust between you and your stakeholders. They trust you to do the
right thing at the right time on the project and to keep their interests front and
center in your decision-making process. This allows you to engage with your
stakeholder’s needs and act in their best interests at all times.
Earning the trust of key stakeholders is a linchpin of successful business
analysis. It is difficult to develop requirements when folks won’t tell you what
you need to know to define the best solution to meet their needs. Respect and
trust can also be earned by exhibiting effective time management skills. Let’s
take a quick look at organization and time management and see how it enhances
your behavior and how you are perceived as a business analyst.
Organization and Time Management
Experienced business analysts can quickly locate needed information and use
work time efficiently. Your ability to effectively manage your time, tasks, and
information has an impact on how your team members and other stakeholders
perceive you. A disorganized business analyst is not viewed as an effective
business analyst. You should set your work priorities, be clear about what needs
to be done, and get that work done quickly and well.
Let’s move on to the next category in the underlying competencies, adaptability.
A business analyst encounters a number of stakeholders, departments, groups,
or concerns daily. It is critical to your success that you are able to adjust readily
to different conditions, situations, and changes. This may mean switching your
approach, technique, style, or tool currently in use to meet the needs of one or
more of your stakeholders.
By nature, we often think others like things or process ideas exactly the same
way we do. It is a sign of leadership to understand that sometimes it is best to
bend our ways and get out of our comfort zone to make things easier for another
to understand or process. Observing what worked, what did not, and what could
be done differently next time is a good adaptability trait to own.
Let’s move on to the next category in the underlying competencies, business
knowledge. Your effectiveness as a business analyst is defined not just by what
you do but also by what you know.
Business Knowledge
It is impossible to be a liaison between the business and the technology
stakeholders on your projects if you have no understanding of the business.
Skilled business analysts understand the internal and external business
environment surrounding their projects. They use that knowledge to make good
decisions and recommendations about what should be done to define and
deliver a solution that addresses business needs. The BABOK
Guide breaks
your business knowledge into these five areas:
Business acumen
Industry knowledge
Organization knowledge
Solution knowledge
Methodology knowledge
Let’s take a look at each of these areas, starting with assessing your business
Business Acumen
Effective business analysts are aware of the business principles and business
best practices in their organizations. This is important because you need to
incorporate and support these principles and practices in your solutions.
Business principles are defined as the characteristics common to organizations
of similar purpose and structure, such as human resources, finance, and
information technology functions. In contrast, business practices or processes
vary based on what an organization does and the size of that organization.
Business principles for a large pharmaceutical organization are very different
from the principles found at a large retail organization. However, there may be
many similarities in how their business practices work for hiring their people
and getting those folks paid every two weeks. Business acumen goes beyond just
the principles and practices of a specific organization or setting and shows that
you comprehend the business needs. Your solution will be based on all your
experience, skill, knowledge, and expertise applied to the current situation. This
also includes knowledge of your organization’s industry. Let’s take a quick look
at your expected level of industry knowledge.
Industry Knowledge
Do you have good knowledge and understanding of the industry of which your
organization is a part? If not, you should. Understanding what is taking place in
your industry can have positive impacts on your projects and their solutions.
You should be aware of your major competitors, partners, and customer
segments. Your knowledge should also encompass your organization’s common
products and product types.
Case Study: Palmer Divide Vineyards
The project team was meeting about the Research Study project effort that
was underway at Palmer Divide Vineyards. The effort had been scoped out,
and more detailed solution requirements were being developed. The key
stakeholders and team members disagreed about whether the project
should build a new software application using existing technology or
purchase a customizable software package containing the capabilities the
organization needed. Everyone was concerned about making sure that the
new system accommodated the alcoholic beverage licensing requirements.
Taylor, the IT director, was facilitating a meeting where people could not
agree on a course of action. Prior to developing the detailed solution
requirements, she felt that a decision needed to be made about the project
approach. The requirements that the group would build for a vendor
selection effort were significantly different from the more technical
requirements they would write if the development work was to be done by
the internal IT team.
Luckily, Taylor was prepared for this meeting and brought some additional
research data for the group to review. A recent issue of American Vineyard
Magazine contained a study that evaluated a number of software
applications targeting operations for smaller, regional vineyards. Among the
evaluation criterion for these packages was the requirement for meeting
alcoholic beverage licensing requirements. As the group reviewed this
information relative to the new capabilities already agreed upon for the new
system, they quickly discovered that purchasing a package would provide
them with more capabilities than they were looking for at a higher cost than
they had been planning to pay.
Using their own research and the software study, the group was able to put
together a business case and impact analysis for the two options for review
and selection by the senior management team and the vineyard owners. The
industry knowledge was invaluable in preparing their business case without
taking the time to reinvent the wheel and research each vendor product in
There are many existing assets to use during your business analysis work, such
as industry-focused resource and process documents, standard processes,
methodologies, current industry trends, market forces or market drivers, and
information pertaining to any regulatory environment where work is done.
Possessing some basic knowledge of the industry where you do business adds
great context to your project efforts. Industry and business knowledge should be
supplemented by organization knowledge. Let’s take a look at that subject right
Organization Knowledge
Understanding your organization and how things get done enables you to get
your own work done and make good decisions within that organization. This
includes understanding how your organization generates their profits and how
goals are communicated and accomplished. Your organization provides the
primary context for your work efforts. This definition of organization includes
the entire business architecture: business models, management structure and
how that relates to the organizational structure, business unit relationships, and
your key project stakeholders.
Organization knowledge includes recognizing the informal lines of
communication, authority, who the subject matter experts are, and what
internal politics are in play relative to your project. It is important that you
speak the organizational language, using the right terminology or jargon during
your work efforts. Organization, industry, and business knowledge should be
supplemented by more technical solution knowledge as well. Let’s get just a
little bit technical for the next area.
Solution Knowledge
Experienced business analysts are familiar with existing solutions and their
capabilities within the organization. This allows them to effectively identify,
assess, and implement changes to those solutions. These changes can range
from simple alterations to complex replacement projects. When change is
requested, your role is to make certain the request is accompanied by a cost-
benefit analysis so the change request can be justified by the business benefit
that will be gained through its implementation. Your solution knowledge often
reduces the time you spend developing project requirements or assisting with
solution design activities on your project. This can lead to reduced
implementation time and/or cost on a project when the change can be proven to
offer business value. When the benefit cannot be validated, wasted time and
unnecessary cost can be avoided.
Now let’s look at one last business knowledge category, methodology
Methodology Knowledge
While developing your business analysis approach, understanding an
organization’s standard methodologies sheds light on opportunities, constraints,
dependencies, and context.
Organizations may adopt industry-standard methodologies or create their own
to fit their industry, culture, adaptability, and maturity. Methodologies can also
shift based on emerging best practices or changes in the organizational
leadership. A business analyst who remains flexible and able to integrate new
methodologies quickly will be well served by this skill.
That sums up the key knowledge required of effective business analysts. This is
a lot of information about your business principles, business practices, industry,
methodology, organization, and existing solutions. As previously mentioned,
you don’t have to be an expert in everything, but a little knowledge in each of
these areas can be of great assistance on your projects. Let’s move on and look at
your knowledge and skills when using tools and technology in your role as a
business analyst.
Tools and Technology
Software applications are typically used by business analysts to support
communication and collaboration and develop and manage requirements. They
store information about model concepts, issues, risks, and requirements, as well
as track productivity. Specific applications may include a word processor to
document project scope, a requirements management tool for developing
detailed user and system requirements, or a cloud service to store all the
information. Although using a requirements management tool is not a required
skill, the ability to master and apply requirements management, word
processing, spreadsheet, and communications tools is considered a desirable
trait in experienced business analysts.
You need proficiency in three types of software applications. Office productivity
tools are the first. Second, you will need awareness and skills with business
analysis tools and technology. Third, you must be familiar with communication
tools and technology. Table 8.1 summarizes each of these types.
TABLE 8.1 Tools and technology
Type Definition Examples
tools and
Tools used to capture,
organize, dissect, study,
manipulate, store, and
distribute information
Word processing Spreadsheet
Presentation Document repositories
Cloud or web-based services (such as
document storage) Printers Digital
projectors Scanners Copiers
analysis tools
and technology
development tools used
to develop, validate,
and implement formal
models, and to
documentation and
Diagramming tools Modelling tools
Requirements management and
workflow tools Change control
Traceability Configuration
management Risk management
tools and
Tools used to
collaborate in the
planning and execution
of tasks. Allows
collaboration whether
co-located or working
with virtual team
Voice communications Instant
messaging Online chat Email
Blogging Video conferencing
Electronic white boarding Wikis
Electronic calendars Online
brainstorming tools Electronic
voting and decision-making tools
Document share tools
Diagramming tools are viewed as low-cost options that support the rapid
drawing and documentation of graphical models by providing a set of templates
for a given notation method. In contrast, modelling tools tend to be more of a
medium- to high-cost tool. They convert graphical models into an executable
form either by using a proprietary engine or by generating actual application
While proficiency with tools and technology is appreciated on your projects,
proficiency in many forms of communication is even more crucial to your
project’s success. Let’s look at the communication skills that effective business
analysts bring to their projects.
Communication Skills
A major reason for project failures is poor communication. Business analysts
must have excellent communication skills in order to develop project
requirements that correctly and completely state what the new solution will do
for its users and the business. Communication has several dimensions that are
addressed by the BABOK
Verbal communication
Nonverbal communication
Written communication
Let’s dig a little deeper into each of these areas, starting with your proficiency in
communicating verbally.
Verbal Communication
Experienced business analysts are experts at conveying facts, concepts,
opinions, and ideas in understandable ways. One way to do this is by verbal
communications. This means that you transfer ideas or information verbally to
your target audience. This exchange of information between a sender and
receiver involves more than just speaking the words. Your words are
accompanied by emotional and other nonverbal cues that can add positive
reinforcement to what is being said.
Lines of Communication
Communication becomes more complex as the number of people involved
increases. Network models are used to explain the complexity of
communications. They consist of nodes with lines between the nodes
indicating communication. You need to be able to calculate the lines of
communication in a network as part of your preparations for taking your
certification exam.
The calculation for the number of lines of communication in a network is as
(n × (n – 1))/2
where n = the number of people or nodes in the network. So, for a
project network containing five stakeholders, the number of lines of
communication is as follows:
(5 × 4)/2 = 20/2 = 10
Figure 8.1 graphically depicts these ten lines of communication between the
five nodes in the network.
FIGURE 8.1 Lines of communication
Good communicators are able to facilitate meetings and deliver presentations
and briefings. Nonverbal communication is also used when you are sharing your
knowledge and communicating with others about your project. Let’s move on
and talk a little bit about the nonverbal communication skills found in effective
business analysts.
Written Communication
As a business analyst, you will find yourself spending much time documenting
and recording your elicitation results, project requirements, and other relevant
information. This work takes place across the project life cycle. If you are not a
good technical and business writer, you will need to master those skills quickly.
You must be able to write effectively for different contexts and audiences on
your projects. The BABOK
Guide recommends that effective business analysts
possess the following written communications attributes:
Broad vocabulary
Strong grasp of grammar and style
Understanding of idioms and terms
Exam Spotlight
Be sure you are comfortable explaining the basics of information exchange
using the sender-receiver model. This model governs both written and oral
communications on your projects. Senders package or encode messages that
are sent to the receivers. The receivers then unpack or decode the messages.
Transmitting gets information from the sender to the receiver for both
spoken and written forms of communication. Decoding of the received
message is performed by the receiver. This is where the receiver converts
the message to a form that they understand.
Effective listeners, sometimes referred to as active listeners, stay focused on the
speaker and are not distracted from what is being said. Your ability to maintain
your focus on the speaker allows you to understand, interpret, and evaluate
what is being said in a calm, systematic fashion. Often, active listeners maintain
eye contact with the speaker and then paraphrase statements back to the
speaker to ensure that the listener understands what is being said. This assures
that both parties have the same understanding of the communicated message.
Your communication skills are closely linked to your interaction skills. Effective
business analysts play well with others. Let’s move on and explore those
interaction skills in greater detail.
Interaction Skills
Strong business analysts tend to be team players. In large part, this is because of
their ability to interact and work well with other members of the team. The team
is often composed of many different types of people from different
organizational areas and personalities. Organizational areas may include
executive level, client side, sponsors, colleagues, developers, vendors, users, and
subject matter experts. Personality differences may include learning and
communication styles and corporate knowledge. Leadership and facilitation
skills play a key part in defining and agreeing to a solution to a business
problem or need. The BABOK
Guide breaks the necessary interaction skills
into these components:
Leadership and influencing
Negotiation and conflict resolution
Let’s look closer at each of these components, starting with your facilitation
Strong facilitation skills serve multiple purposes for business analysts. You may
find yourself facilitating many different types of interactions between
stakeholders, such as resolving disagreements regarding the priority and nature
of requirements during requirements development. You will moderate any
number of group discussions and meetings, making sure that all participants get
to share their views and opinions on the topics being discussed. Good
facilitators must ensure that there is recognition and appreciation of differing
viewpoints across the project life cycle.
Effective facilitation on your projects must be accompanied by leadership and
influencing skills. Let’s look at this next component of interaction skills required
for a good business analyst.
Leadership and Influencing
Managing is primarily concerned with consistently producing the key results
expected by your stakeholders. Good leaders and good managers are not
necessarily the same thing. Leadership is not quite so tangible. It establishes the
vision and direction to a desired future state and enables people to work
together to get to that future state. Good leaders motivate and align people to
work toward a vision. They communicate that vision through their own words
and deeds.
You will fill many formal and informal leadership roles as a business analyst.
You are responsible for developing requirements and getting your project
stakeholders on board with the vision for a desired future state—the new
solution and its capabilities. You are an agent of change, since your new solution
will change the way people do their jobs.
Your leadership skills are directly related to your ability to influence people in
order to get things done. You must have a solid understanding of the formal and
informal organizational structure where you are working. You must be able to
apply the mechanics of power and politics to get things done, even when you
have no formal power in a given situation.
Power is the potential ability to influence behavior and change the course of
events. Power allows you to overcome resistance and get people to do what they
would not do otherwise. In comparison, politics is all about getting collective
action from people who may have different interests. Sometimes, you will find
yourself using conflict and disorder creatively in order to get things
accomplished in your organization.
There are five levels of power. Of these levels, punishment power is the least
desirable technique for obvious reasons. Although the BABOK® Guide does not
discuss the levels of power directly, they have been known to show up in
certification exam questions. Here they are for your review as part of your study
Reward Power Reward power allows you to provide people with incentives or
bonuses in order to get things done. Rewards don’t have to be money. They can
be comp time for working over a weekend or movie tickets for a team member
and their family.
Punishment Power Punishment power is not a recommended type of power
for collaborative team environments. Punishment power involves threatening
people with negative consequences (penalties) if they do not do as you say.
Expert Power Expert power allows you to influence others based on your
knowledge or abilities. In addition to your role as a business analyst, you might
also be a specialist or subject matter expert (SME) in a particular industry area.
Legitimate Power Legitimate power is associated with the formal job position
that you occupy and should be exercised carefully. You can always demand that
things be done based on your power of position. However, it is better to
collaborate with your team members and reach consensus about how everyone
will perform their work.
Referent Power Referent power is a positive source of power for you. It is
given to you by your subordinates based on their respect and regard for you.
This earned power can be used to influence and motivate your team members to
perform at a high level.
In addition to your leadership and influencing skills, you must be able to work
well in a team environment. Let’s talk a bit more about your essential teamwork
Business analysts must work closely with other project team members to
effectively define and implement new solutions. You have a role in creating the
team environment, as well as contributing to that environment where everyone
shares the ownership of the team goals for the project. Experienced business
analysts are quite good at building effective working relationships with others in
order to enhance the quality of team communications and reduce conflicts.
Modelling Team Development
The Tuckman model of team development breaks team development into
four or five stages. Each stage has distinct characteristics. Be sure you are
familiar with this model and its stages for your certification exam.
Forming Forming is the earliest stage of team development where the
team members meet and are introduced to one another and to the project.
Team members working together in this phase tend to exhibit reserved and
more formal behavior to one another.
Storming This stage is characterized by confrontations as team members
vie for position and control within the group. Everyone is jockeying for
status within the group, and things can be a bit chaotic.
Norming This is the stage where team members have adjusted to one
another. They can now focus on project issues and objectives. There is
cooperation and collaboration between folks on the team, and work is
getting done.
Performing In this stage of team development, the planets are in
alignment, and the team members work effectively and productively
together. The group shares a high level of trust and achievement.
Adjourning or Mourning Some sources added a fifth stage of this model
where the team is broken apart as work is completed and folks move on to
their next project effort.
Another key aspect of teamwork is the ability to motivate yourself and other
members of the team. You will often find yourself using your motivation skills to
energize your fellow team members and project stakeholders in order to achieve
a high level of performance and to overcome any barriers to change.
There are several common motivational theories that you, as a business analyst,
might bring into play. The BABOK
Guide does not address them in detail, but
they are known to occur occasionally in a question or two on your certification
exam. They are listed here for your review:
Achievement Theory People are motivated by a need for achievement,
power, and affiliation. Teams populated by achievement-motivated team
members are a dream come true. Many folks work hard and motivate
themselves because it is important to them that they do a good job. Other folks
may be motivated by more tangible things, such as compensation, bonuses, and
possibilities of advancement.
Frederic Herzberg’s Motivational-Hygiene Theory Herzberg’s theory of
motivation is fascinating. There are two sides to the theory. The first side
contains the hygiene factors. Hygiene factors are things that prevent people
from becoming dissatisfied (such as pay, benefits, work conditions, and working
relationships). The funny thing about these factors is that in and of themselves
they don’t motivate people. The second side contains the motivation factors.
These factors lead to work satisfaction and motivation and are quite different
from the hygiene factors. They include opportunities for advancement, learning,
challenges, and the work itself.
Expectancy Theory Expectancy theory is a little bit like the carrot and the
stick—well, at least the carrot portion of the situation. The basis of this theory is
that expecting a positive outcome creates motivation in people. This is because
the expectancy and the likelihood of a reward are linked to people’s behavior.
The rewards don’t have to be tangible things, such as money. They can be less
tangible things, such as recognition for a job well done.
Theory X and Theory Y This motivation theory has been around for quite
some time. Theory X tells us that people are inherently lazy and need to be
threatened in order to be motivated. In contrast, Theory Y states that people
seek out responsibility and respond to proper expectations in the workplace.
Theory Y is more commonly found in today’s workplace, especially among
knowledge workers.
Contingency Theory Contingency theory puts forth that the effectiveness of a
leader is dependent on the characteristics of that leader, the situation they find
themselves in, and the group in which they are a part. There is no one ideal
leader, so your management style and your methods to motivate your team
should be appropriate to the situation that is at hand. This is a more situational
approach to motivating people.
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Negotiation is often a facet of business analysis work. People don’t always agree
on things, and that needs to be sorted out. Effective negotiators are able to
identify the underlying interests of involved parties, distinguish those interests
from their stated positions, and ultimately identify solutions that satisfy the
underlying interests while still keeping the business need and objectives in
Working in teams also requires you to manage and address conflict. The basic
types of conflict are emotional and cognitive. Emotional conflict stems from
personal interactions, while cognitive conflicts are based on disagreements on
matters of substantive value or impact on the project or organization.
Resolution of cognitive conflict requires the team to focus on examining the
premises, assumptions, observations, and expectations of the team members.
Working through such problems can have the beneficial effect of strengthening
the foundation of the analysis and the solution. Many conflict situations
encompass both emotional and cognitive elements.
Increasing Your Space
Russ, a project manager, was walking down the office hallway one day when
he noticed something odd. One of the cube walls situated between the cubes
of his project’s top two systems architects had come loose from the floor.
The wall had moved over into one person’s cube and looked as though it
would require a bit of repair. It was the end of a very busy day, so Russ
made a mental note to follow up about the mysterious moving cube wall the
next morning.
The next morning, Russ was walking by with his coffee, and he noticed that
the traveling cube wall had moved yet again. Today, the wall was occupying
space in the other team member’s cube. Shaking his head, Russ decided to
do a little investigating right after the morning project status meeting.
Russ didn’t have to wait very long after the meeting to discover what was
happening with the moving cube wall. As he exited the meeting and turned
down the hallway, he was treated to a full exhibition of how the cube wall
was moving back and forth. The systems architect in the space-limited cube
was sitting on the floor, pushing the cube wall back into the other team
member’s cube with his feet.
“How interesting,” Russ thought. “I wonder what happens next.”
What happened over the next few days was a conflict in motion. Each team
member took turns shoving the cube wall into his teammate’s space. After
observing the phenomenon, Russ decided to intervene. Calling both team
members into his office, he asked them what was up with the cube wall.
“He unbolted it and started this,” complained one team member. “It was
right after the project approach meeting where my approach to solution
technology and infrastructure was selected as the solution approach for the
“My approach was the better one,” replied the other team member. “Yours
was chosen because you have worked here longer, not because it had any
technical merit.”
They continued to bicker for a short time, until Russ interrupted them.
“Since you two are obviously in need of some togetherness,” Russ said, “Let
me tell you what we are going to do. The moving cube wall will be removed,
and the two of you can share the office space for a time to see if you can
work out your differences.”
And that’s exactly what happened. Russ, knowing the men’s fast friendship,
confronted the problem and offered up a compromise solution where each
team member gave up their private space for a time. The good news is that
after a few days, the team members’ differences were resolved, and they
asked Russ to put their cubes back the way they were. The missing cube wall
was reinstalled (and bolted down with a few extra bolts) the following week.
Although it was risky to exercise a mild form of punishment power by
combining the cubes, Russ used the situation as an opportunity to stress
that the team members needed to work together. The underlying problem
was a battle of technical egos, and moving the wall was a convenient way for
each team member to be (at least temporarily) the king of the hill with the
larger cube. The two team members involved were actually good friends.
Moving the cube wall had started out as a joke and somehow escalated into
a larger conflict that was beginning to polarize the remaining team members
by implying that they should take sides.
Luckily, there was more than enough technical work to go around on this
project. The friendship was stronger than the conflict between the two
architects. Everyone discovered that the project results and the general
work environment were much better when these two systems architects
were pulling in tandem instead of pulling against one another. Russ took a
calculated risk with this approach, and he solved his problem.
There are a number of conflict resolution techniques you may choose to apply in
a given situation. Be sure you are familiar with them as you may see them
mentioned on your certification exam even though they are not specifically
outlined in the BABOK
Guide. Table 8.2 summarizes these techniques and
their outcomes for you to use in your studies.
TABLE 8.2 Summary of conflict resolution techniques
Technique Outcome Description
Forcing Win–Lose People often force others in order to resolve
conflicts. They can do this if they have power and
demand a particular outcome.
Smoothing Lose–
This technique results in a temporary reduction in
the perceived severity of a conflict but provides no
permanent solution.
Compromise Lose–
Each party reluctantly complies and gives up
something to reach a solution. This can lead to a
permanent solution if commitments are kept even,
although all parties lose something in this situation.
Confrontation Win–Win This addresses the conflict using problem-solving
methods where an analysis of facts leads to the best
solution that becomes a permanent solution.
Withdrawal Lose–
This occurs when one party refuses to even discuss
the conflict. This approach never addresses or
resolves the conflict.
You will often find yourself resolving interpersonal conflicts by using your
effective interpersonal negotiation skills. Learning to manage conflict is integral
to a high-performance team. It is important to recognize that not all conflicts
can be resolved. Effective business analysts assess and establish their own
conflict management approach and acquire skills in conflict resolution
techniques and conflict modes.
Confronting a problem is considered to be the best method for conflict
resolution with the highest likelihood of permanent solution. This involves
laying the problem and any related information out on the table, getting the
involved parties to discuss what is going on, and reaching a resolution.
Teaching is closely related to communicating with your project stakeholders.
You may find yourself operating in a teaching mode as you communicate project
issues and requirements to your stakeholders, making sure they are understood
and agreed upon. Many times, business analysts find themselves facilitating the
learning experiences of their project stakeholders, teaching them about the new
capabilities, describing a new solution, or leading a meeting to determine what a
set of requirements might be.
Effective teachers are aware of the different learning styles found in their
students and alter their teaching approach to accommodate those preferences.
There is also a practice and feedback loop in teaching, very much like the
sender-receiver model of effective communications. It isn’t enough to deliver
your information to the stakeholders. For example, you might find yourself
teaching stakeholders about a new graphical modelling technique. Whenever
you are teaching, you must provide your audience the opportunity to practice
and then confirm that your audience has learned what was needed and can
apply what they have learned.
Learners receive and process information differently depending upon the
learner, the content, and the situation. As discussed earlier in this chapter, there
are three learning styles: visual (seeing or viewing), auditory (hearing and
verbalizing), and kinesthetic (doing). Best practice for training material design
is to encode your content in a way that reflects at least two learning styles.
That wraps up your review of the underlying competencies required for an
effective business analyst. This is certainly a significant list of knowledge and
skills for any business analyst to master. Remember not to try to excel in all
areas at once. Work to your strengths and slowly improve your weak areas over
time. This is one situation where practice certainly strives to create perfection.
How This Applies to Your Projects
Professional detachment is another essential skill for business analysts. Your
ability to remain in control of yourself will be tested regularly when people
become angry or frustrated when the way things are done changes, when people
don’t get their way, or when your fellow team members and stakeholders have
straightforward personality clashes. Being self-aware and regulating your own
emotional responses in such situations will serve you well.
Mastering your professional detachment skills provides you with a new attitude
toward what happens on your projects regardless of the emotional intensity.
Professional detachment is about looking at the events from a distance without
being too emotionally involved or taking what happens on your projects
personally. Professional detachment must be nurtured to prevent
embarrassment and steer you away from making uncalculated actions and
reactions. People usually regret being provoked into instant emotional reactions
because those reactions must be followed by damage control. Analysts prefer to
handle conflict professionally and avoid the need for the damage control.
Tolerance for others and their verbal or physical actions is the key to your own
professionalism. Observe yourself and learn what your triggers are. Discover
your preferred approaches to managing conflicts. Learn to be a stronger, more
capable facilitator. Practice your presentation skills and remember how your
mother always said to count to ten before you say anything when you are angry
or irritated.
Phil’s Checklist: Dealing with the People on Your Projects
Phil, a fellow business analyst, offers up the following list of techniques that
he practices faithfully and successfully. He recently presented it at a team
meeting kicking off the requirements development effort for a major IT
project, and everyone found his practical advice to be quite useful. You will
probably like Phil’s list, too.
Compartmentalize. Focus on one task at a time. Don’t let everything pile
on you all at once. You don’t want your mind to be thinking about what you
just did or what you’re going to do, only on what’s in front of you.
Be proactive. Focus on what needs to be done and then do it. Action
creates positive energy; inactivity leads to frustration. If you don’t know
what to do, figure it out. And don’t forget that you have a business analysis
team to help you figure things out.
Have real conversations. When you talk to your clients or your team,
focus on what needs to be done, not on emotions. Don’t buy into your
stakeholder’s emotions. Rather, lead them to focus on what can be done to
solve the problem or resolve an issue.
Focus on what to do next. There’s nothing you can do about the past
except learn from it. Lessons learned are great when applied to future
situations. You never stop learning lessons when dealing with people on
your projects. And remember, hindsight is always 20/20.
Build a Plan B. To become detached from the outcome, have a
contingency plan or a Plan B for certain situations on your projects. Then,
you don’t have to worry so much about what is happening now, because you
aren’t as dependent on the outcome. You have a contingency plan to
implement if things go astray.
It is about the business, not about you. Do not internalize the
behavior and emotions of your stakeholders or business analysis team.
Acknowledge their feelings, let them know that you understand, and then
use your professional detachment to help them become more detached
themselves so they can get beyond their emotions and make rational
Objectively assess your performance. Resist the impulse to get down
on yourself. At least half of your job is looking for desired future states and
new solutions. No one’s crystal ball ever operates at 100 percent.
The skills and knowledge found in the “Underlying Competencies” section form
the basis for your work activities and people interactions on your projects. It is
difficult to work on a project without possessing a core set of skills, knowledge,
and capabilities that enhance how you perform your tasks and interact with the
people around you on a daily basis.
The underlying competencies enable you to do your work effectively in a
collaborative business environment. The skills, knowledge, and behaviors that
you bring to your projects are a significant factor in your ultimate success at
defining the right requirements and deploying a new solution that meets
everyone’s needs and expectations.
Guide recommends that you apply a subset of the underlying
competencies to every business analysis task and technique that gets done on
your projects. You don’t need to be an expert in every skill or possess knowledge
in every aspect of the business, but most experienced business analysts have a
core set of skills and behaviors that serve them well as they get the job done.
Exam Essentials
Be able to list and describe the high-level skills, knowledge, and
behaviors found in the “Underlying Competencies” section. You will
see questions about high-level skills, knowledge, and behaviors found in the
“Underlying Competencies” section throughout your certification exam. These
questions may appear in each of the six knowledge areas.
You should memorize the key competencies and make sure you understand
what they are all about. The six areas are:
Analytical thinking and problem-solving skills
Behavioral characteristics
Business knowledge
Tools and technology
Interaction skills
Communication skills
Be able to apply the additional skills and knowledge found in this chapter that
are not specifically contained in the BABOK® Guide. Several topics contained in
this chapter provide additional details to the contents of the BABOK
These topics are known to show up in certification exam questions, and they are
worth learning as part of your exam preparation activities.
Lines of communication
Tuckman model of team development
Conflict-resolution techniques
Motivational theories
The five levels of power
Be able to discuss the three types of learning styles. As a teacher, you
will typically encounter three types of learning styles. They include visual
(learning best by seeing something done), auditory (learning best by hearing),
and kinesthetic or tactile (learning best by doing themselves).
Be able to compare business principles and business practices.
Business principles are defined as the characteristics common to organizations
of similar purpose and structure, such as human resources, finance, and
information technology functions. Business practices or processes vary based on
what an organization does and the size of that organization.
Be able to identify office productivity, business analysis, and
communication tools and technology. Office productivity tools are used to
store, capture, dissect, manipulate, organize, and distribute information.
Business analysis applications consist of more sophisticated requirements
development tools that are used to develop, validate, and implement formal
models, as well as build/manage requirements documentation. Communication
tools and technology help connect team members near and far with shared
applications or easily accessible communication options.
Be able to break down each of the high-level areas of underlying
competencies into their pieces and parts. Your exam questions on the
underlying competencies may drill down into the more detailed pieces and parts
of each competency. Make sure you are familiar with each of them.
Analytical thinking and problem-solving skills consist of creative thinking,
decision making, learning, problem solving, and systems thinking.
Behavioral characteristics include ethics, personal accountability,
trustworthiness, organization and time management, and adaptability.
Business knowledge consists of business acumen, industry knowledge,
organization knowledge, solution knowledge, and methodology knowledge.
Tools and technology is composed of office productivity, business analysis,
and communication tools and technology.
Interaction skills consist of facilitation, leadership and influencing,
teamwork, negotiation and conflict resolution, and teaching.
Communication skills are composed of verbal communication, nonverbal
communication, written communication, and listening.
Key Terms
You have just finished stepping through the contents of the “Underlying
Competencies” section from the BABOK
Guide. The skills and information in
this chapter are used by the tasks in the six knowledge areas. They are the
foundation that allows you to do your job wisely and well.
Use the skills and information found in this chapter as the basis for evaluating
and improving your underlying competencies in the business analysis realm.
You will need to know this section in order to be successful on the CBAP
exams. Although there are no specific questions on this specific section,
questions about the underlying competencies can be found throughout your
exam as part of the six task- and technique-focused knowledge areas. The
underlying competencies include:
Analytical thinking and problem solving
Behavioral characteristics
Business knowledge
Interaction skills
Communication skills
A number of new key words in Chapter 8 are related to the underlying
competencies of effective business analysts. Here is a list of some of the key
terms that you encountered in this chapter:
alternatives identification
auditory learning style
business best practices
business practices
business principles
decision making
kinesthetic (tactile) learning style
methodology knowledge
organization knowledge
problem definition
solution knowledge
sunk cost fallacy
systems thinking
Tuckman model
underlying competencies
visual learning style
Review Questions
1. Business ____________ are those characteristics that are common to all
organizations with a similar purpose and structure, whether or not they are
in the same industry.
A. Processes
B. Principles
C. Practices
D. Rules
2. You have strong political ties with your stakeholders from previous work in
the organization, enabling you to get things done. Which underlying
competency will these previous relationships enhance most for your current
A. Facilitation
B. Negotiation
C. Leadership
D. Influencing
3. You understand the existing business models, structure, business unit
relationships, and people. This is an example of what type of knowledge?
A. Organization
B. Industry
C. Business
D. Strategic
4. You are deciding between three solution options early in the project life
cycle. Your stakeholders have trouble visualizing what these solutions
contain without graphical models to support the discussions. What type of
teaching method would enhance their learning?
A. Kinesthetic
B. Auditory
C. Tactile
D. Visual
5. What four stages of team development (in the order they are experienced)
would you expect your new business analysis team to go through?
A. Collecting, understanding, realization, working
B. Norming, storming, forming, performing
C. Forming, storming, norming, performing
D. Forming, norming, storming, performing
6. Confrontation as a method of conflict resolution is best for achieving a
____________-____________ solution.
A. Win-Win
B. Win-Lose
C. Lose-lose
D. Lose-Win
7. The process of gaining knowledge or skills is also known as:
A. Learning
B. Synthesis
C. Experience
D. Feedback
8. You are able to effectively manage your time by clearly defining goals and
expectations and prioritizing your work efforts. These abilities illustrate your
skills in:
A. Information retrieval
B. Politics and power
C. Time management
D. Analytical thinking
9. You are a business analyst measuring alternatives against objectives and
identifying trade-offs to determine which possible solution is best. You are
most likely engaged in what activity?
A. Problem solving
B. Systems thinking
C. Creative thinking
D. Decision making
10. Your team needs a low-cost tool that supports rapid drawing and
documentation of models. What type of tool should they choose?
A. Requirements tool
B. Modelling tool
C. Diagramming tool
D. Presentation tool
11. Knowledge management and collaboration tools that may be used to capture
and distribute knowledge throughout an organization include:
A. Discussion forums, word processors, and spreadsheets
B. Document repositories, wikis, and discussion forums
C. Presentation software, wikis, and other web-based tools
D. Email, instant messaging, and document repositories
12. You are focusing the business analysis team on examining the premises,
assumptions, observations, and expectations of its team members. What
type of conflicts are you most likely addressing?
A. Interaction
B. Emotional
C. Cognitive
D. External
13. You are developing a vision of a desired future state toward which people can
be motivated to work. After it is developed, you will encourage people to
work toward that future state. What business analysis competency are you
A. Influencing
B. Leadership
C. Interaction
D. Trustworthiness
14. The business analysis team has been working hard to meet tight deadlines
on their project. The project manager offers them a bonus and some time off
if they can meet their deadlines. Which motivational theory best describes
what the project manager just did?
A. Expectancy theory
B. Herzberg’s hygiene theory
C. Achievement theory
D. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
15. Which of the following capabilities is not part of your analytical thinking and
problem-solving skills?
A. Decision making
B. Teaching
C. Systems thinking
D. Learning
16. Effective problem solving consists of what three elements?
A. Alternative identification, facilitated discussion, and decision making
B. Problem definition, creative thinking, and decision making
C. Creative thinking, systems thinking, and problem definition
D. Problem definition, alternatives identification, and decision making
17. During an elicitation interview, you find yourself paraphrasing statements to
the speaker to reinforce that you understand what is being said. What skill
are you applying?
A. Facilitation
B. Influencing
C. Active listening
D. Learning
18. Your boss tells you that you should motivate your people by threatening
them with additional weekend work if project deadlines are not met. What
motivation theory is being suggested to you?
A. Achievement
B. Theory X
C. Theory Y
D. Expectancy
19. What method of conflict resolution offers the highest likelihood of reaching a
permanent solution?
A. Confrontation
B. Smoothing
C. Compromise
D. Withdrawal
20. The business analysis team members are jockeying for status within the
group. This is a symptom found in which stage of team development
according to the Tuckman model?
A. Performing
B. Forming
C. Storming
D. Norming
Chapter 9
Five Perspectives on Business Analysis
Describe the five perspectives on business analysis.
Elaborate the approaches used with each perspective.
Define the techniques recommended for each perspective.
Explore the knowledge area impacts of each perspective.
Recognize the underlying business analysis competencies for
each perspective
This chapter steps through the five high-level perspectives on
business analysis from the BABOK
Guide. It takes a look at what it means to
be a business analyst and how to successfully perform business analysis work on
different types of projects and from differing points of view. This content aligns
with the content in Chapter 11 of the BABOK
Remember, the set of generally accepted best practices defined by the BABOK
Guide provides a business analysis framework defining areas of knowledge,
associated activities and tasks, and the skills required to perform them. The
scope of this standard covers pre-project activities, the full project life cycle, and
the final product’s operational life.
Business analysts find themselves working on many types of projects. The
Guide defines five common points of view or perspectives for business
analysis work. Your initiatives may have one or more of these perspectives in
play. For example, you may be performing business analysis work on a project
that has an information technology component being developed using an agile
Exam Spotlight
At the time of publication, it was not decided if or how this content would
appear on the exam.
The five perspectives on business analysis equate to the common types of
projects business analysts find themselves working on in their organizations.
Recognizing the perspective or perspectives you are working in will help you
focus on the right business analysis tasks and techniques. The five common
perspectives are:
Business Intelligence
Information Technology (IT)
Business Architecture
Business Process Management
Each perspective impacts how you use the knowledge area tasks and techniques.
Remember, different types of initiatives facilitate different types of changes to
the business. Make sure you have the right people, the right methods, and the
right approach to define what has to be done. Let’s take a look at each
perspective in greater detail.
The Agile Perspective
Agile initiatives are characterized by constant change. “Flexible and adaptable”
is the battle cry for business analysts involved in agile initiatives. They find
themselves constantly reassessing, adapting, and adjusting their business
analysis efforts in order to respond to a rapid rate of change.
According to the BABOK
Guide, “agile business analysis ensures
that information is available to the agile team at the right level of detail at
the right time.” Basically, you are performing “just-in-time” business
analysis work.
Being a business analyst on an agile team requires constant communication,
facilitation, and negotiation. Business analysts help the agile team define the
business need they are trying to satisfy and decide the right thing to do to satisfy
that business need.
Change Scope
When working on a proposed change using agile methods, business analysts
work closely with the business sponsor of the initiative to define how the
proposed product or outcome aligns with the organization’s objectives.
Requirements are developed through ongoing exploration and analysis of
business needs over time.
Once the high-level product is defined, the business analyst works with key
stakeholders to decompose that “big picture” into a list of prioritized work
items. Agile teams deliver small, incremental changes and commit to prioritize
work items for a single iteration at a time. Iteration in an agile environment is
an agreed-upon period of work time.
Most agile approaches are iterative in nature. However, not all
iterative approaches are agile. There are agile approaches that are not
iterative, such as the kanban method. Kanban is a “just-in-time” approach
to getting work completed by matching the amount of work in progress to
the team’s work capacity. A kanban team is focused only on the work that is
actively in progress. Once the team completes a work item, they move to the
next work item off the top of the backlog list. As long as the most important
work items are at the top of the backlog list, the kanban team is delivering
maximum value to the business.
There are five elements to consider as part of the agile perspective and the scope
of a proposed change. Let’s step through each of those elements now in greater
Breadth of Change The most common use of agile methods is in software
development projects, although agile is being applied to process engineering
and business improvement projects as well. Agile initiatives may focus on a
single area of the business or span multiple areas across the organization.
Adopting agile principles requires an agile mind-set, a focus on continuous
improvement, ongoing changes in behavior, and continual progress.
Depth of Change Agile initiatives are often part of a larger program or project.
As mentioned previously, the agile work stream frequently focuses on software
development. Agile methods can be successfully applied in initiatives where
there is a clear commitment from the customer and engagement by the SMEs.
They also work well when the business needs are complex, complicated,
changing, unknown, and still emerging over time.
Value and Solutions Delivered Agile approaches focus on delivering value
early in a project. Ongoing feedback and review of the work performed involves
and engages stakeholders from the beginning of the effort. The business analyst
must build rapport and trust between the agile team and the stakeholders to
facilitate this collaboration and communication.
Delivery Approach Agile approaches focus on interacting with people,
transparent communications, and ongoing delivery of value. There are many
agile approaches that a business analyst can use. I recommend using The Agile
Extension of the BABOK
Guide to learn about the many agile approaches to
business analysis in more detail.
Major Assumptions There are a number of assumptions that work well in
agile projects. Here is a quick list for you:
Changing requirements are welcome at any time.
A business problem can be reduced to a set of needs that can be met.
Customers and SMEs are engaged and empowered.
Team members do not change and can perform multiple roles within the
team if required.
Multidisciplinary and co-located teams are preferred.
Team members have the continuous improvement mind-set, are
empowered, and can organize themselves.
Business Analysis Scope
Now let’s take a look at the specific elements of business analysis work as part of
the agile perspective. There are four elements to consider. We will step through
each of the four elements now in greater detail.
Change Sponsor The BABOK
Guide stresses the importance of a project
sponsor who is actively involved with the project. The sponsor should be
familiar with the agile mind-set and approach to getting work done. The sponsor
also should be able to deal with constant stakeholder feedback and trade-off
decision making. Make sure your agile sponsor accepts the use of adaptive
planning versus predictive planning and supports using a fixed period of time
for a work cycle.
Change Targets and Agents Agile projects or initiatives require intensive
collaboration, frequent communication, and incremental delivery of value to be
successful. The typical agile project team is small in size. There are a number of
roles that need to be addressed as part of an agile project. Table 9.1 describes
the agile-specific roles and responsibilities.
TABLE 9.1 Agile roles and responsibilities
Role Responsibilities
Agile team leader Facilitator of the team’s work who delegates planning,
scheduling, and prioritization activities to the team
representative or
product owner
Ensures the change addresses the requirements for
which it has been mandated
Team members Specialists or domain experts performing the work or
providing support to the team as needed
External stakeholders Parties interested in the outcome of the project who
play a supporting role
Business Analyst Position Business analysts on agile teams may perform
additional roles on the team in addition to business analysis work. Business
analysts may work on an agile team full- or part-time, be a customer
representative or product owner, or be several team members performing the
business analysis work.
Business Analysis Outcomes Business analysts on agile projects facilitate
communication and collaboration between the team and the stakeholders. They
make sure the project’s vision and direction align with the business need and
the organization’s goals. Business analysts help define strategic project
completion criteria as well as acceptance criteria. They also make sure that the
“just-in-time” and “just-enough” documentation for the project is complete.
Approaches and Techniques
There are many agile approaches to projects and initiatives. Business analysis is
a component in all of the approaches, although few of the approaches formally
define the business analyst role. Table 9.2 summarizes the agile approaches.
TABLE 9.2 Summaries of agile approaches
Approach Description
Crystal Clear Methodology defined by hardness and color. Hardness is
business criticality or potential for causing harm. Color is
heaviness of the project such as number of people and risk
Agile Delivery
Decision process framework using ideas from many agile
approaches. Customized by the team to support a project from
initiation through delivery
Framework fixing cost, time, and quality at the beginning with
contingency managed by varying the features to be delivered
Develops and delivers a system incrementally by quantifying
value for multiple stakeholders and planning increments based
on delivery of that measured value
Takes software engineering to the extreme by focusing on
technical development processes. Uses pair programming, test-
driven development, and other craftsmanship approaches
Focuses on client-driven functionality or features to develop
working software
Kanban Performs work as a continuous flow of activities by working on
one item at a time. Work begins on a new item when it is
required to maintain flow downstream and after the previous
item is complete
Scaled Agile
Implements agile practices at the enterprise level by
highlighting individual roles, teams, activities, and artifacts
Scrum Uses empirical process control to perform work in a series of
fixed length iterations, or sprints. Each sprint produced
working software that could be delivered to the customer.
There are a number of techniques used in agile projects. Some of the techniques
are found in the BABOK
Guide, while others are agile-specific and can found
in the Agile Extension to the BABOK
Guide. Table 9.3 summarizes how each
technique can be used in an agile project environment.
TABLE 9.3 Agile business analysis techniques
Approach Description
Enhancing communication between stakeholders and team
members by expressing product needs as concrete examples
Kano Analysis Understanding which product features will help drive
customer satisfaction
Producing documentation that fulfills an impending need and
does not create unnecessary overhead
Used to prioritize stories in incremental and iterative
approaches. MoSCoW stands for must have, should have,
could have, and won’t have.
Personas Fictional characters or archetypes showing how typical users
interact with a product
Collaborative workshop allowing an agile team to determine
what value can be delivered over a time period
Used to assess ideas in the context of the customer and value
Real Options Helps people know when to make decisions rather than how to
make those decisions
Team estimation using story points (representing relative
complexity of a user story) or ideal days (representing the
amount of total effort a story would take to develop)
Retrospectives Held after each agile iteration to focus on continuous
improvement of the teamwork process. Similar to the Lesson
Learned technique
Represents product requirements by deriving them from
business objectives and defining those requirements at an
appropriate level of detail
Story Mapping Visual and physical view of the sequence of activities
supported by a solution
Storyboarding Visual and textual representation of the sequence of activities
showing user interaction with a system or business
Value Stream
Complete, fact-based, time-series representation of the activity
stream required to deliver a product/service to the customer
Underlying Competencies
Agile business analysts are experts at communication and collaboration with the
project team and the stakeholders. According to the BABOK
Guide, the
required competencies for an agile business analyst include the following:
Communication and collaboration
Patience and tolerance
Flexibility and adaptability
Ability to handle change
Ability to recognize business value
Continuous improvement
Knowledge Area Impacts
Knowledge area tasks and techniques in the BABOK
Guide can be modified for
agile projects before being applied as part of your business analysis work.
Additional agile-specific techniques may also be applied to the tasks and their
elements within a knowledge area in addition to or in place of the techniques
used on more traditional projects. As a reminder, these are the knowledge areas:
Strategy Analysis
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
Elicitation and Collaboration
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
Requirements Life Cycle Management
Solution Evaluation
There are numerous BABOK
Guide techniques and Agile Extension to the
Guide techniques that are used during business analysis activities on
agile projects. Table 9.4 contains a mapping of techniques by knowledge area for
agile projects.
TABLE 9.4 Mapping BABOK
Guide techniques to knowledge areas for agile
Acceptance and evaluation criteria X X X X
Backlog management X X X X
Brainstorming X X
Business capability analysis X X X
Business rules analysis X
Collaborative games X X X X X
Concept modelling X X X
Estimation X
Interface analysis X X
Metrics and key performance indicators
Mind mapping X X
Nonfunctional requirements analysis X X X
Prioritization X X X
Process analysis X X
Process modelling X X
Prototyping X X
Reviews X X X
Scope modelling X X X X
Stakeholder list, map, or personas X X X
Use cases and scenarios X X X
User Stories X X X X
Workshops X X X X X X
Table 9.5 contains a second mapping of techniques from the Agile Extension to
Guide by knowledge area for agile projects.
TABLE 9.5 Mapping Agile Extension to the BABOK
Guide techniques to
knowledge areas
Agile Extension Technique BAPM EC RLCM SA RADD SE
Behavior Driven Development X X
Kano Analysis X X X
Lightweight Documentation X X X
MoSCoW Prioritization X X X
Personas X X X X
Purpose Alignment Model X X
Real Options X X
Relative Estimation X
Retrospective (Lesson Learned) X
Story Decomposition X X
Story Elaboration X
Story Mapping X X X
Storyboarding X X
Value Stream Analysis X X X
Use these two tables as you navigate and learn about the agile variations for
each knowledge area. Make sure you know which techniques might apply to
specific knowledge areas and activities on your agile projects.
Let’s step through each knowledge area and look at what might need to be done
differently for agile projects:
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring On agile projects, detailed
business analysis planning tends to be adaptive, deferring the planning until
work on an activity is ready to begin. An initial business analysis activity plan is
developed at the beginning of the project. This high-level plan is updated at the
start of each development cycle. Expect to see informal communication on agile
projects. Business analysis deliverables are often verbal interactions versus
written documents.
Elicitation and Collaboration Elicitation and Collaboration occurs across
the life cycle of agile projects. Typically, business analysts elicit the high-level
solution scope early in the project and build a milestone plan for product
delivery. Moving forward, each agile cycle involves eliciting details and building
a list of backlog items to be developed in that specific cycle.
The intent of elicitation activities on agile projects is to generate
just enough detail to complete the work and meet the goals for the project.
Requirements Life Cycle Management During agile projects, the scope of
the effort is defined in more detail as the project progresses and work is being
done. Often, business analysts discover that the project scope changes over time
as the needs and designs evolve. Be sure to prioritize the features being
developed as this drives the work that is done in a particular agile cycle. Solution
validation takes place at the end of each cycle and replaces a formal
requirements approval process.
Strategy Analysis Similar to Elicitation and Collaboration, Strategy Analysis
activities are ongoing across an agile project. Activities in this knowledge area
are used to define the product’s vision and build the development roadmap.
Risk analysis helps the business analyst address uncertainty about the needs
and the solution scope over time. Adapting the project to changes in the
organization’s goals is an expected component of an agile project.
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition Progressive elaboration
combined with “just-in-time” analysis and design is the key to a successful agile
project. Analysis is done prior to an iteration to estimate the planned work.
Additional analysis is done during the iteration to give the team what they need
to get the work done.
Solution Evaluation Agile projects build a solution in an incremental fashion,
iteration by iteration. Stakeholders evaluate the solution as it progresses
through its iterations to ensure the end result will meet stakeholder needs and
expectations. The business analyst facilitates these reviews.
Remember that all these knowledge area tasks and techniques can be modified
for agile projects before being used. Let’s move on and take a look at the next
perspective that business analysts need to be familiar with: looking at business
analysis work on a project from the business intelligence point of view.
The Business Intelligence Perspective
Business intelligence initiatives focus on transforming, integrating, and
enhancing data. Value-added information is the goal for business analysts
involved in business intelligence initiatives. To transform data into value-added
information, you must source, integrate, and enhance the data before you can
use it to support business decision making. I think of business intelligence as a
three-pronged approach relative to the data on hand: reporting, integration, and
Business analysts often find themselves using data-centric systems and tools to
support the acquisition, storage, and analysis of information. Business
intelligence project teams frequently use technologies and tools to deliver
information that helps their stakeholders manage strategic, tactical, and
operational performance.
Change Scope
When working on a proposed change as part of a business intelligence solution,
business analysts work closely with the business sponsor of the initiative to
define how the proposed product or outcome aligns with the organization’s
objectives. Requirements are defined to address information and decision-
making needs at the strategic, tactical, and process levels within the
The enterprise-wide view of a business intelligence solution is often a data
warehouse with operational data stores, data marts, unstructured data, and
analytical sandboxes. Infrastructure services are often developed to support a
business intelligence solution, such as data governance and metadata
There are five elements to consider as part of the business intelligence
perspective and the scope of a proposed change. Let’s step through each of those
elements now in greater detail:
Breadth of Change Business intelligence systems must consistently define
and use information across the organization. Consistency is achieved by
establishing a “single point of truth” for diverse business data. This diverse
business data can come from multiple data sources internal and external to the
Depth of Change Business intelligence focuses on providing information that
supports making decisions at strategic, tactical, and operational process levels
within the organization. In addition to the information required for effective
decision making, requirements are also developed for
communication/reporting, information analytics, and data integration.
Strategic decisions are made at the executive level within the
organization. Tactical decisions are made at the management level. Process
decisions are made at the operational level.
Value and Solutions Delivered If your business intelligence initiative is not
targeting providing folks with timely and accurate data, then the initiative is off
target. People need access to high-value, actionable information to make the
right business decisions at the right time. This decision making takes place at all
levels in the organization: strategic, tactical, and operational. Oftentimes,
performance improvements resulting from these decisions are realized as
increased revenues and decreased costs.
Delivery Approach There are a number of ways to deliver a business
intelligence solution in an organization. The solution architecture should
support the multiple levels of decision making and the information that is
required at each level. This allows the development team to progressively
introduce the solution by organizational level or by functional area. Additional
data sources may also be phased in to the solution over time. Organizations can
“build or buy” a business intelligence solution that works for them.
Major Assumptions There are a number of assumptions that work well in
business intelligence projects. Here is a quick list for you:
Existing business processes and systems can provide definable and
predictable source data.
The cross-functional data infrastructure has not been precluded by the
The organization recognizes that process reengineering and change
management is needed to realize value from a business intelligence solution.
Business Analysis Scope
Now let’s take a look at the specific elements of business analysis work as part of
the business intelligence perspective. There are four elements to consider. We
will step through each of the four elements now in greater detail:
Change Sponsor Every business intelligence initiative needs a change sponsor
to champion the effort and clear the path for getting work done. Choose a
sponsor with the highest-level organizational role you can when selecting your
change sponsor. The more power and authority your sponsor has, the more
consistent and cohesive your usage of data assets in the business intelligence
solution will be.
Change Targets Business intelligence solutions support making good business
decisions in a timely fashion. These decisions are made at different levels in the
organization and focus on different aspects of the business. Better reporting,
monitoring, and predictive modelling of performance-based data can help
people and processes make even better decisions over time.
Business Analyst Position On business intelligence projects, the business
analyst liaises between the business intelligence stakeholders and the
development team. Their focus is on eliciting, analyzing, and specifying the
business needs for the solution. Many business analysts participate in the more
technical business intelligence work, such as enterprise data modelling, decision
modelling, dashboard design, and ad hoc query design.
Business analysts on business intelligence projects often take one
or more of the following roles:
Defining business requirements and assessing potential solutions
Understanding and analyzing data mining, predictive analysis, and
developing visualizations
Defining source systems data to be used for analytical purposes
Defining source and target data structures in a logical data model
Business Analysis Outcomes Business analysts working on business
intelligence projects focus on the major components of the solution architecture.
Components include the specification of business systems to be changed as well
as the collection of data from source systems. The integration of divergent data
sources must also be addressed. Once the solution and its data are in place, the
business analyst makes sure the stakeholders have access to the information
that they need. Table 9.6 summarizes the major business analysis outcomes on
this project type.
TABLE 9.6 Business analysis outcomes on business intelligence projects
Outcome Description
Defines the high-level scope of the change, how information
will be used, and the value it provides
Identifies information requirements of each business decision
and specifies the business rules logic
Source logical
data model and
data dictionary
Providing standard definitions of required data in each source
system and the business rules applied to that data
Source data
Evaluating completeness, validity, and reliability of source
Target logical
data model and
data dictionary
Providing standard definitions of data elements and integrity
rules in the target, or new, system
Mapping source and target data elements to specify
requirements for decoding/encoding of values in the
transformation process
Defining information and communication requirements for
decision support outputs (such as reports, queries, and
analytics) including data selection and presentation rules
Giving a high-level design view of how decision support
requirements for each functional area map to the business
intelligence framework, such as where data is stored and
how/when it will be extracted
Approaches and Techniques
Business intelligence projects do not have any formal methodologies that impact
business analysis work. However, there are many informal and overlapping
approaches you can take for business intelligence projects and initiatives.
Business analysis is a component in all business intelligence projects, although
many of the approaches take an informal and flexible view of the business
analyst role. Table 9.7 lists the approaches, brief descriptions of each approach,
and the business analyst’s focus in each area.
TABLE 9.7 Summary of business intelligence approaches
Approach Description BA Focus Is On…
Using historical data to
understand and analyze past
business performance
Information and
requirements for
standard/ad hoc reporting,
queries, and dashboards
Applying statistical analysis
methods to historical data to
identify patterns, understand
relationships/trends, and predict
future events
Information requirements
for pattern recognition
through data mining,
predictive modelling,
forecasting, and condition-
driven alerts
Identifying decisions and
initiating actions to improve
business performance using
statistical optimization and
simulation techniques
The business objectives,
constraints criteria, and
business rules underpinning
the decision-making process
Improving existing information
systems by defining what data is
available. For a given cost, what
value can we deliver?
The technical goals of
improving the existing
information delivery systems
and databases and exploring
insights to be gained from
consolidated data
Providing information to improve
decision making by identifying the
needed information outputs and
tracing it back to the data source.
For a given value, what cost do
we incur?
The business goals of
providing the appropriate
information to improve
decision making that is not
based on existing database
structures or reporting
Traditional data warehouse
solutions consolidating structured
data from operational systems.
Using rules-driven templates to
ensure data integrity
Data models, data
dictionaries, and business
rules defining information
requirements and
Using semi-structured or
unstructured data with no
predefined structure, rules, or
Metadata definitions and
data matching algorithms to
define information
requirements and
Let’s change direction and take a look at the skills and competencies a business
analyst should bring to the table when working on a business intelligence
Underlying Competencies
Business analysts on business intelligence projects should possess good
communication skills and analytical competencies. These skills are essential
when you find yourself coordinating business information requirements with
business intelligence systems outcomes. Business analysts will find themselves
collaborating with and liaising between the technical project team and the
business stakeholders. According to the BABOK
Guide, the required
competencies for a business intelligence business analyst include knowledge
and experience in the following areas:
Business data and functional usage
Complex data structure analysis
Business processes, including KPIs and metrics
Decision modelling
Data analysis techniques such as basic statistics, data profiling, and pivoting
Data warehouse and business intelligence concepts and architecture
Logical and physical data models
Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) best practices
Business intelligence reporting tools
Knowledge Area Impacts
Knowledge area tasks and techniques in the BABOK
Guide may be modified
for business intelligence projects before being applied as part of your business
analysis work. Additional business intelligence–specific techniques may also be
applied to the tasks and their elements within a knowledge area in addition to or
in place of the techniques used on more traditional projects.
There are numerous BABOK
Guide techniques that are used during business
analysis activities on business intelligence projects. Table 9.8 contains a
mapping of these techniques by knowledge area for business intelligence
TABLE 9.8 Mapping BABOK® Guide techniques to knowledge areas for
business intelligence projects
Acceptance and evaluation criteria X X X
Backlog management X
Balanced scorecard X X X
Benchmarking and market analysis X
Brainstorming X X X
Business rules analysis X X X
Data dictionary X
Data flow diagrams X X X
Data modelling X X X
Decision analysis X X X
Decision modelling X X X
Document analysis X X X
Estimation X X X
Focus groups X X X
Functional decomposition X X X X X
Glossary X X X X
Interface analysis X X
Interviews X X X X
Item tracking X X X X
Metrics and KPIS X X X
Nonfunctional requirements analysis X X
Observation X X X
Organizational modelling X X X X X
Prioritization X X X X
Process modelling X X X
Prototyping X X
Reviews X X X
Risk analysis and management X X X
Roles and permissions matrix X X
Root-cause analysis X X
Scope modelling X X
Sequence diagrams X
Stakeholder list, map, or personas X X X X X X
State modelling X
Survey or questionnaire X X X
SWOT analysis X X
Use cases and scenarios X X X
User stories X X
Vendor assessment X X
Workshops X X X
Use this table as you navigate and learn about the variations on each knowledge
area. Make sure you know which techniques might apply to specific knowledge
areas and activities on your projects. Let’s step through each knowledge area
and look at what might need to be done differently on your business intelligence
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring When planning a business
intelligence project, business analysts must discover how knowledgeable their
stakeholders are regarding this type of initiative. Information and
communication requirements need to be expressed in the business intelligence
context. Interpreting those requirements for the business intelligence technical
specialists can be challenging for inexperienced business analysts. External
business intelligence solutions typically provide frameworks, tools, and
techniques to assist the business analyst in requirements development and
According to the BABOK
Guide, business intelligence solutions
that integrate multiple data sources result in many stakeholders with
overlapping information requirements. Business analysts must analyze and
synthesize these individual requirements into a complete and cohesive set of
requirements that have no conflicts or redundancies.
Elicitation and Collaboration Business analysts often find themselves using
specialized documentation tools and techniques to elicit requirements from
their business and technical stakeholders. These stakeholders often have only
partial knowledge and expertise relative to the business decisions that need
support. This partial knowledge extends into the detail of the data elements
supporting the business decisions; how data is sourced, transformed, and
integrated; and how this required information should be presented.
Business intelligence projects are often cross-functional in nature. Commercial
off-the-shelf business intelligence packages offer business analysts prototyping
tools to elicit and clarify requirements with stakeholders. Helpful elicitation
techniques include interviews, workshops, data models, data dictionaries,
decision models, and process models.
Requirements Life Cycle Management Most business intelligence
solutions require infrastructure capabilities as part of the solution. This
technology dependency within the solution can impact how and in what order
solution components are developed and delivered. Keeping solution delivery
focused on the prioritized business needs can be challenging. Implementing sets
of related requirements simultaneously might address some or all of these
Strategy Analysis During Strategy Analysis, high-level conceptual data
models are often used to map the current state of corporate information,
identify information “silos,” and assess related problems and opportunities.
Organizational models are also helpful on business intelligence projects. They
allow the business analyst to see the current data management infrastructure.
There are four high-level data models commonly used to model a future state
business intelligence strategy. They are listed and described for you in Table 9.9.
TABLE 9.9 Four common future state data models
Name Description
Provides a static solution architecture view, representing the
information portal connecting the operational data inputs with the
delivery of business information outputs
Maps the dynamic aspects of the solution by showing data in motion
and identifies architectural constructs such as latency and
Defines how business decisions are made and how data analytics are
used to meet the needs of the decisions and the decision makers
Shows the implementation environment including the data
warehouse and the data marts
The desired future state can also be mapped for data storage, conveyance, and
transformation using high-level models. This future state can be implemented
incrementally across different functional areas of the business. This allows
business analysts to define their change strategy based on business needs and
priorities, operational impacts, and usability of existing infrastructure
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition Business analysts use
data-oriented modelling techniques when specifying the data requirements for a
business intelligence solution. Techniques include data modelling, data
dictionaries, decision modelling, and business rules analysis. The first step is
modelling the existing system’s data so you can define availability, identify
redundancies, and discover any data quality issues. Sometimes this requires
reverse engineering if no documentation exists.
The future state is typically modelled using data flow diagrams that show how
source information is structured in the proposed solution. Be sure to analyze
existing reports to see if they can be replaced or repaired. Including ad hoc
query and data mining capabilities in a business intelligence solution makes the
solution more flexible and usable over time.
Solution Evaluation Many business intelligence solutions are implemented
and then not used to the full extent of their capabilities. Many stakeholders use
the solution the “old way” and don’t even try the new capabilities that are
present. Business analysts need to be aware of this underutilization and
encourage stakeholders to use the solution to the fullest. Training and a good set
of user documentation may be helpful in this regard.
Remember that all of these knowledge area tasks and techniques can be
modified for business intelligence projects before being used. Let’s move on and
take a look at the next perspective that business analysts need to be familiar
with: looking at business analysis work on a project from the information
technology (IT) point of view.
The Information Technology Perspective
Working as a business analyst in the information technology realm is never
boring. So many of our projects these days contain at least one IT system and its
associated software applications and infrastructure. As a business analyst
working on an IT project, you will be faced with a wide range of technology-
related projects. These projects can range from “bug fixes” to application
enhancements to adding new capabilities to implementing an entirely new IT
This section takes a look at the nonagile aspect of IT projects and initiatives.
Business analysts on IT projects find themselves acting as translators between
the business stakeholders and the technical project teams. Fostering
collaboration and communication between these two groups is essential for
project success and acceptance of the resulting solution.
Exam Spotlight
Watch out when using the term design on your exam. On IT projects, the
term is traditionally used to denote technical design work performed by
developers or architects after the requirements are developed by the
business analysts. To be clear what you are working on as a business
analyst, you may want to use the term solution requirements or solution
design instead of design. Your exam questions may also use these terms to
maintain this separation between the business and the technical aspects of
an IT project.
Business analysts working on IT projects do their work while keeping an eye on
three factors. The first factor to watch is the solution’s impact, which includes
the value and risk of the solution to the business. The second factor consists of
the maturity, formality, and flexibility of your organization’s change processes.
The third factor is the scope of the proposed change that is being addressed.
Change Scope
There are many ways to initiate or trigger an IT project in an organization. The
Guide lists five common ways IT projects get started:
Create a new organizational capability.
Achieve an organizational objective by enhancing an existing capability.
Facilitate an operational improvement.
Maintain an existing IT system.
Repair a broken IT system.
There are five elements to consider as part of the IT perspective and the scope of
a proposed change. Let’s step through each of those elements now in greater
Breadth of Change IT projects come in many shapes and sizes. IT projects
can address one system or many interacting systems. Systems may be developed
or maintained in-house or by a third-party vendor external to the organization.
Projects may focus on just hardware and software or reach across the enterprise
and impact how things get done. Be aware of this wide range of values when you
are working as a business analyst, as the context of the proposed change has an
impact on your work. There are five questions to ask early on about your
business analysis activities on an IT project:
What happens to the business if this system shuts down?
What happens to the business if system performance degrades?
What business capabilities and processes depend on this system?
Who contributes to these business capabilities and processes?
Who uses these business capabilities and processes?
Depth of Change Requirements for IT projects can be very detailed.
Sometimes those details dip into the technical side of things or cross many areas
and functions of an organization. Business analysts find themselves defining
interfaces between IT systems, discovering how their organization works, and
finding out just how the proposed change and an IT solution supports the
business. All of these things should allow you to define the value your solution
will bring to the business and the capabilities it brings to its end users.
Value and Solutions Delivered Typically, IT systems are implemented to
add value to the organization. This value includes the support capabilities and
processes that will use the system. The IT functionality and effects of the system
should be measurable.
Changes to IT systems can increase value in many ways, including reducing
operating costs and decreasing wasted effort. They can target an increase in the
organization’s strategic alignment. Systems can be made more stable and
reliable. Manual processes can often be automated, and problems can be
repaired. Business capabilities can be supported and enhanced, or new
capabilities can be implemented.
Delivery Approach The size and complexity of your IT solution impacts how
much business analysis work needs to be done. Small enhancements can often
be completed quickly. A single business analyst can perform their work in a
short period of time as part of a small project such as this. In contrast, large IT
solution efforts may require a multirelease, multiphase project to get things
completed. These larger efforts may involve several business analysts over a
longer period of time.
Major Assumptions There are some assumptions that go along with the IT
perspective on projects. Remember that these projects are not agile projects.
Agile projects were covered earlier in this chapter.
Business capabilities and processes that use an IT system deliver value to the
Business analysts working from other perspectives can integrate their work
with the IT business analyst’s work.
IT systems changes are mostly driven by business needs, although some may
originate from the technical side of things.
Business Analysis Scope
Now let’s take a look at specific elements of business analysis work as part of the
IT perspective. There are four elements to consider. We will step through each
of the four elements now in greater detail:
Change Sponsor Every IT project or initiative needs a change sponsor. This
person may be sponsored by the business, by the IT department, or as
collaboration between the two. Since overall organizational strategy alignment
is still critical to project success, choose a sponsor who can champion the effort
with the business and clear the path for getting work done. Many organizations
have a program or project management office within their IT department that
selects, prioritizes, and manages their projects.
Change Targets IT solutions have a business and a technical impact within
the organization. The changes that are being made require the business analyst
to have a handle on all possible departments, processes, applications, and
functions that may be impacted in some way. You need to keep your eye on both
the big picture and the little details.
Business Analyst Position On IT projects, the business analyst liaises
between the business stakeholders and the technical development team. Their
focus is on eliciting, analyzing, and specifying the solution requirements for the
change. You find business analysts with a myriad of backgrounds working on IT
projects. Sometimes the business analyst is chosen for a specific skill set, while
other times they are chosen because they are available to perform the work.
Business analysts on IT projects may be IT business analysts, SMEs, software
users, systems analysts, business process owners, technical team members, or
from an external vendor.
Business Analysis Outcomes Business analysts working on IT projects focus
on the business processes impacted by the change as well as the data and
information collected by the system. The deliverables and work effort should be
planned in advance so you don’t miss anything. Use the project’s change
approach and any organizational guidelines to make sure all business analysis
deliverables and outcomes are accounted for.
Guide lists a comprehensive set of business analysis deliverables
that IT business analysts may be responsible for on their projects. Take a look
and see how many of these deliverables are required for your IT projects. They
include the following:
Defined, complete, testable, prioritized, and verified requirements
Analysis of alternatives
Business rules
Gap analysis
Functional decomposition
Use cases and scenarios and/or user stories
Interface analysis
Process analysis
Process models
State models
Decision models
Context models or scope models
Data models
Approaches and Techniques
Solution development methodologies on IT projects are either predictive or
adaptive. Predictive methodologies have structured processes that emphasize
planning and formal documentation. Each phase of a predictive project must be
completed before the next phase can begin. Adaptive processes are more
iterative and incremental in nature. They allow for rework and greater flexibility
across the project life cycle. Some organizations use a blend, or hybrid, of these
two solution development methodologies.
There are many IT methodologies that are used on IT projects and initiatives.
Business analysis is a component in all of the methods. Table 9.10 summarizes
some established IT methodologies.
TABLE 9.10 Summary of IT methodologies
Methodology Description
Homegrown or
Derived from components of other established
methodologies and used by the IT organization to govern
their IT initiatives and projects
Engineering (RE)
Structured approach for requirements development and
management used in predictive, adaptive, and agile
Systems Analysis
and Design
Predictive development methodology focusing on
establishing logical models and separating requirements
from solutions during systems analysis and development
Unified Process
Adaptive development approach where most of the
requirements development is performed in the inception
and elaboration phases
Underlying Competencies
IT business analysts are experts at influencing, facilitating, and negotiating with
the technical project team and the business stakeholders. Although technical
skills are not required, they may also be technically skilled at programming,
database creation, system/solution architecture creation, or software testing.
According to the BABOK
Guide, business analysts on IT projects
must understand and deliver the details required in the project
requirements to support a technical solution. They must also develop
requirements that are technically feasible for their organization.
Systems thinking is a crucial competency for business analysts on IT projects.
They need to be able to see both the “big picture” of the solution within the
framework of the enterprise as well as details of the specific need and the
resulting technical solution. Identifying impacts to people, processes, and
software at both levels helps the business analyst to identify and address risks
and deliver a successful outcome.
Knowledge Area Impacts
Knowledge area tasks and techniques in the BABOK
Guide may be modified
for IT projects before being applied as part of your business analysis work.
There are many BABOK
Guide techniques that are used during business
analysis activities on IT projects. Table 9.11 contains a mapping of techniques by
knowledge area for IT projects.
TABLE 9.11 Mapping BABOK
Guide techniques to knowledge areas for IT
Acceptance and evaluation criteria X X
Backlog management X
Brainstorming X
Business capability analysis X
Business rules analysis X
Collaborative games X
Data dictionary X
Data flow diagrams X
Data modelling X
Decision analysis X X X
Decision modelling X
Document analysis X X X
Estimation X X X
Focus groups X X
Functional decomposition X X X
Glossary X
Interface analysis X X
Interviews X X
Item tracking X X X X
Metrics and KPIS X X X
Nonfunctional requirements analysis X
Observation X X
Organizational modelling X X X
Prioritization X
Process analysis X
Process modelling X X X X
Prototyping X X
Reviews X
Risk analysis and management X
Roles and permissions matrix X X
Scope modelling X X X X
Sequence diagrams X X
Stakeholder list, map, or personas X X X
State modelling X
Survey or questionnaire X X
SWOT analysis X X
Use cases and scenarios X X
User stories X
Vendor assessment X X
Workshops X X
Please refer to and review this table as you navigate and learn about each
knowledge area. Make sure you know which techniques might apply to specific
knowledge areas and activities on your projects.
Let’s step through each knowledge area and look at what might need to be done
differently for IT projects:
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Use the business analysis
approach to identify the resources required for business analysis work on your
IT project. The approach also allows you to plan the effort and integrate the
business analysis work into the overall project plan. In many organizations, IT
projects have predefined business analysis tasks and deliverables. Typical tasks
target the interoperability of business processes, software systems and data, and
the impact a change may have across the board.
Business analysts on IT projects are often part of the software development
team. In addition to working with the team members and key internal
stakeholders, the business analyst may work with external vendors who are
providing all or part of a software solution.
Elicitation and Collaboration Eliciting business analysis information on IT
projects involves both the business and the technical stakeholders for the
project. Scheduling a workshop or group session with the technical and business
stakeholders can help identify additional solution impacts on technology as well
as on the business side of things. Effective business analysts facilitate
collaboration between the business and technical staff members on their
In addition to using the Elicitation and Collaboration techniques
defined in Chapter 10 of the BABOK
Guide, try using one or more of the
following elicitation methods on your IT project:
Investigation: Using organization process assets, market research,
competitive analysis, functional specifications and observation
Simulation: Using statistical modelling and mock-ups
Experimentation: Using proof of concept, prototypes, alpha- and
beta-releases, and A/B testing
Eliciting requirements on IT projects can require the business analyst to work
across organizational boundaries. This adds risk to the effort by potentially
causing communication breakdowns and rework. It is essential to keep your key
stakeholders engaged, informed, and active during elicitation.
Requirements Life Cycle Management IT projects can change
considerably across the project life cycle. Sometimes new functionality provided
by the solution impacts the business and technology in ways that were not
considered early on. These evolving requirements must be communicated to
stakeholders and agreed upon as the project progresses. IT business analysts
must pay attention to alignment, approval, change control, version control,
traceability, and the use of requirements life cycle management tools on their
Strategy Analysis IT organizations focus their strategy analysis efforts on
technologies, systems, business units, business processes, and business
strategies that can be impacted by a proposed change. This involves
understanding the current state of the systems and processes within the
organization, as well as the desired future state that is targeted by the proposed
change. Defining the gap between the current and future state allows the
business analyst to develop and explore possible solution options.
Business analysts must also assess the risks and uncertainties relative to the
change scope and desired future state. Risks and potential benefits should be
identified and defined. Parameters for variance in known processes and
operations should be established. There may also be external vendor risks
present. Don’t forget to consider the systems and any technical risks. Solution
scalability should be evaluated along with any additional process or system
changes that may be required.
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition Remember that the term
design in this knowledge area refers to the business analyst’s point of view
versus a technical design from the development team. Business analysts
consider models of processes, user interface layouts, and report definitions to be
designs that fall within the business analysis realm.
During analysis and design definition, business analysts elicit, define, and
analyze business and stakeholder requirements, as well as define stakeholder
needs and identify the value to be realized by the proposed change and resulting
solution. They also define, analyze, and model solution designs.
The resulting requirements are documented using words and pictures. The
documented requirements should contain enough detail to allow the business
stakeholders to verify and validate the requirements. The developers should be
able to build a technical design using the documented requirements, and the
testers should be able to build test cases to show the solution performs as it
Solution Evaluation According to the BABOK
Guide, solution evaluation
activities focus on the “solution components and the value they provide.” On IT
projects, the business analyst needs to also include the interfaces between
systems and processes.
Software testing is an important component of solution evaluation work on IT
projects. Testing assures that the solution performs as defined and meets the
business needs as defined by the requirements. At a minimum, business
analysts are involved with user acceptance testing activities on IT projects.
Remember that all of these knowledge area tasks and techniques can be
modified for IT projects before being used. Let’s move on and take a look at the
next perspective that business analysts need to be familiar with: looking at
business analysis work on a project from the business architecture point of view.
The Business Architecture Perspective
Practicing business analysis in the context of business architecture focuses on
modelling and understanding the entire enterprise. Business architecture
provides architectural views and descriptions, or blueprints, of an organization.
These blueprints are used to align strategic objectives with tactical demands.
Blueprints and architectural models enable organizations to see the big picture
of the domain that is under analysis and how all of the pieces and parts fit
Business architecture blueprints follow a set of specific architectural principles.
Table 9.12 summarizes these four principles.
TABLE 9.12 Summary of architectural principles
Principle Description
Scope Scope of business architecture is the larger business context of the
Separate what the business does from the different architectural
components (such as what, how, who, why).
Each business scenario requires a different set of blueprints with a
different set of relationships and information.
Collect and catalog the different architectural components (such as
what, how, who, why) and their relationships to help answer
business questions.
Business architecture helps you keep systems and operations working well
together. Business analysts often use these models of the existing state to
analyze and assess the impacts of a proposed IT or non-IT change. The
architecture itself can also be used as a catalyst for change while staying aligned
with the enterprise’s vision, goals, and strategy.
Change Scope
Business architecture focuses both on and across the enterprise. This does not
mean that a business architecture initiative or project has to have the same
broad focus. There are many ways to construct a business architecture project in
an organization. Keep in mind that you should be aware of the entire enterprise
even if your project is addressing only a small piece of that enterprise. That’s
what business architecture is all about—keeping the entire enterprise in mind in
order to be consistent in your implementation.
There are five elements to consider as part of the business architecture
perspective and the scope of a proposed change. Let’s walk through each of
those elements now:
Breadth of Change Remember that business architecture may be done across
the whole enterprise, across a line of business within the enterprise, or across a
single functional division. Staying aligned with the enterprise’s strategic
objectives is an important part of any business architecture project.
Depth of Change Business architecture projects may be shallow or deep when
it comes to the different levels found within an organization. Typically, these
projects focus on the executive or management levels of the organization.
Executive level projects target executive decision-making capabilities, while
management-level projects target executing specific initiatives within the
Business architecture provides context to the operational decision
or process levels within an organization. Business architecture assesses
process at the level of the value stream versus actually operating at these
operational decision or process levels.
Value and Solutions Delivered Business architecture uses the separation of
concerns principle to develop models decomposing the business system,
solution, or organization into individual elements. Each element has specific
functions and interactions with other elements. Typical elements of these
models include the following:
Information and data
Reporting and management
Security strategies
Business architecture blueprints allow management to plan and execute
strategies for projects of all types. This includes strategic planning,
organizational redesign, and business remodelling efforts. Improving customer
retention can be achieved by performance measurement initiatives. Business
operations may be streamlined in some way and costs reduced as a result.
Delivery Approach The business architecture’s planning framework is
frequently used to identify required changes and make decisions about which
initiatives to perform. The insight and understanding of the organization’s
strategy alignment is the trigger for a change. For each blueprint, business
architecture may define the current state, the desired future state, and one or
more transition states between the current and future states.
A business architect familiar with the organization’s value streams, capabilities,
structures, processes, and data stores often performs business architecture
modelling. Business architects use blueprints and models to address needs
using the framework of the organization’s goals and strategy.
Successful business architecture work requires the support of the executive
team and integration with the governance processes of the organization. Any
new work must be integrated with ongoing initiatives and have access to senior
leadership within the enterprise.
Major Assumptions There are some assumptions that go along with the
business architecture perspective on projects. Remember that these projects can
be IT or non-IT projects. Assumptions include the following:
Business analysts have a view of the entire organization under analysis and
get full management team support.
Business owners and subject-matter experts (SMEs) participate.
An organizational strategy is in place.
There is a business imperative to be addressed.
Business Analysis Scope
Now let’s take a look at the specific elements of business analysis work as part of
the business architecture perspective. There are four elements to consider. We
will step through each of these elements now:
Change Sponsor The sponsor of a business architecture initiative should be a
senior executive, a business owner, or a line-of-business owner.
Change Targets Business architecture analysis typically targets changes to
business capabilities, value streams, or initiative plans. Investment and
portfolio decisions may also be involved. All management levels in the
organization can use the business architecture to guide changes within the
organization. Solution architects, project managers, and business analysts may
also rely on business architecture when dealing with a proposed change.
Business Analyst Position Business analysts working on business
architecture projects need to understand the enterprise context in order to
provide balanced insight into the elements and relationships that are part of
their projects. The models, or blueprints, of the organization come in handy as
the basis for strategic decisions regarding proposed changes. This strategic
alignment is very important as you support your projects through the
transitions between the current and future states.
The short list of skills and knowledge required of business analysts on business
intelligence projects is significant. The list includes knowledge of business
strategy and goals and conceptual business information. Knowledge of the
enterprise IT, process business performance, and intelligence architectures are
also required.
Business Analysis Outcomes General outcomes for business architecture
include the alignment of the organization to its strategy, planning change as
part of strategy execution, and ensuring that any implemented changes remain
aligned to that strategy. These strategy-focused outcomes provide the business
analyst with context for their activities.
Business capability, value stream, and organization maps are three key business
architecture deliverables. High-level process architecture, business motivation
models, and business information concept deliverables are also helpful. Let’s
move on and consider some specific reference models used as business
architecture templates.
Reference Models and Techniques
There are many approaches to business architecture projects and initiatives.
Table 9.13 summarizes business architecture reference models and the industry
where that model is used.
TABLE 9.13 Business architecture reference models
Reference Model Domain
Association for Cooperative
Operations Research and
Development (ACORD)
Insurance and financial industries
Business Motivation Model
Control Objectives for IT
IT governance and management
eTOM and FRAMEWORX Communications sector
Federal Enterprise
Architecture Service
Reference Model (FEA
Government (developed for the U.S. federal
Information Technology
Infrastructure Library
IT service management
Process Classification
Framework (PCF)
Multiple sectors including aerospace, defense,
automotive, education, electric utilities,
petroleum, pharmaceutical, and
Supply Chain Operations
Reference (SCOR)
Supply chain management
Value Reference Model
Value chain and network management
There are many techniques used commonly for business architecture projects.
Table 9.14 lists these techniques and a brief description of how that technique
may be used in a business architecture project environment.
TABLE 9.14 Business architecture techniques
Technique Description
An open-standard modelling language
Model (BMM)
Formalizes business motivation in terms of mission, vision,
strategies, tactics, goals, objectives, policies, rules, and
Models processes and interface points to provide a holistic view
of the processes existing within an organization
Hierarchical catalog of business capabilities categorized as
strategic, core, or supporting capabilities
Journey Map
Depicting the journey of a customer and their user experience
through touch points and stakeholders in a service or
Core Diagram
Models integration and standardizations of the organization
Catalogs important business concepts associated with business
capabilities and value delivery—a taxonomy of the business
Models relationships of business units to each other, to
external partners, and to capabilities and information. Focuses
on interaction between units
Models programs, projects, and portfolios to provide a view of
an organization’s initiatives
Roadmap Models actions, dependencies, and responsibilities required for
an organization to move from a current state through
transition states to a future state
Models analysis, design, and architecture of systems and
software to provide a view of an organization’s IT
The Open
A method of developing enterprise architecture focusing on
business architecture
Represents the activity stream required to deliver value as an
end-to-end process
Provides an ontology of enterprise primitive concepts based on
six interrogatives (what, how, where, who, when, why) and six
levels of abstraction (executive, business management,
architect, engineer, technician, enterprise)
Underlying Competencies
Business analysts working on business architecture projects must have a high
tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty. You need to be comfortable and
capable when interacting with executives in your organization. The ability to put
things into a higher, strategic context is a key component of success. You will
find yourself delivering short-term tactical outcomes that provide immediate
value as well as contribute to achieving the long-term business strategy.
Knowledge Area Impacts
Knowledge area tasks and techniques in the BABOK
Guide may be modified
for business architecture projects before being applied as part of your business
analysis work. Other business architecture–specific techniques can also be
applied to the tasks and their elements within a knowledge area.
There are numerous BABOK
Guide techniques that are used during business
analysis activities on business architecture projects. Table 9.15 contains a
mapping of techniques by knowledge area for business architecture projects.
TABLE 9.15 Mapping BABOK
Guide techniques to knowledge areas for
business architecture projects
Acceptance and evaluation criteria X X
Backlog management X
Balanced scorecard X X X X
Benchmarking and market analysis X X X X
Brainstorming X X X X X
Business capability analysis X X X X X
Business model canvas X X
Business rules analysis X X
Collaborative games X X X X
Data dictionary X
Data flow diagrams X
Data modelling X X X
Decision analysis X X X
Document analysis X X X
Estimation X X X X
Focus groups X X X X
Functional decomposition X X X
Glossary X X X
Interface analysis X X X
Interviews X X X
Item tacking X X X X X
Lessons learned X X X
Metrics and KPIs X X X X X
Nonfunctional requirements analysis X X
Observation X X X
Organizational modelling X X X X X
Process analysis X X X
Process modelling X X X X
Prototyping X X
Reviews X X X X
Risk analysis and management X X X X X
Roles and permissions matrix X X X X
Root-cause analysis X X X X
Scope modelling X X
Sequence diagrams X
Stakeholder list, map, or personas X X X X X X
State modelling X
Survey or questionnaire X X X X X
SWOT analysis X X X X
Use cases and scenarios X X
User stories X X
Vendor assessment X
Workshops X X X
Other business architecture–specific techniques can also be applied to the tasks
and their elements within a knowledge area. Table 9.16 contains a mapping of
these other techniques by knowledge area for Business Architecture projects.
TABLE 9.16 Mapping other techniques to knowledge areas for business
architecture projects
Business motivation modelling X
Business process architecture X X X X X
Business value Modelling X
Capability map X X X X X
Customer journey map X X X
Enterprise core diagram X X X
Project portfolio analysis X X X X
Roadmap X X X
Service-oriented analysis X X X X X
Strategy map X
Value mapping X X X X
Please refer to and review these tables as you navigate and learn about the
business architecture–related variations on each knowledge area. Make sure
you know which techniques might apply to specific knowledge areas and
activities on your projects.
Let’s look at each knowledge area, looking at what might need to be done
differently on business architecture projects.
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring When you are planning your
business analysis efforts, be sure to look at the context of the organization,
including strategy, direction, and current business and operational capabilities.
Plans and analysis for a proposed change take place within this organizational
culture and are impacted by the organization’s capacity for change. Within this
framework, you can evaluate the value proposition of your project and select the
relevant architectural viewpoints for your analysis efforts.
Governance planning and monitoring activities focus on selecting
projects that provide the most benefit relative to the business strategies. You
will also determine which business architecture models or frameworks exist
or are used in the organization.
Elicitation and Collaboration Business architecture requires inputs from
across the organization. Business analysts elicit business analysis information
from stakeholders regarding strategy, value, existing architectures, and
performance metrics. You will use both formal and informal approaches to
finding out what you need to know.
Business analysts advocate the proposed change they are analyzing and ensure
the approach and outcome supports the organization’s strategy. These tasks
require mastery of elicitation, communication, and collaboration skills.
Requirements Life Cycle Management Projects impact an organization’s
business architecture over time. Business analysts find themselves involved with
expanding, correcting, and improving that architecture. Executive support is an
essential component of business analysis success. A review board focusing on
portfolio management will make the decisions about what projects to invest in
and which projects to discard.
Strategy Analysis Business architecture and strategy analysis go hand in
hand. Business analysts use business architecture to get a view of the current
state of an organization and to define a desired future state. The organization’s
change strategies will drive decision making and direction.
There may be one or more transition states that are required to transition from
the current to that new future state. Business analysts must clearly define these
transition states and make sure that the organization can stay competitive
during the transition times. Be sure to consider cost, opportunity, and effort as
part of your strategy analysis work.
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition Business architecture
provides views into the organization using many types of models. According to
Guide, these “models provide context and information that result
in better requirements analysis and design.” Business analysts use models to
minimize risk and avoid duplication of systems, capabilities, or information.
Design work is typically done at the same time as requirements development.
Business analysts look at the strategic alignment and effects of a proposed
change. For both requirements and design development, business analysts focus
on keeping the organization working well and delivering business value.
Solution Evaluation Evaluating a solution involves assessing how well the
business is performing. Performance characteristics and measures need to be
defined and built into the solution being implemented. The outcomes must be
well defined and measurable. The information required to measure performance
needs to be available, collected, and reported. Performance measurement tends
to be done by the business owners versus the project’s business analysts.
All knowledge area tasks and techniques can be modified for business
architecture projects before being used. Now, let’s move on and take a look at
the next perspective that business analysts need to be familiar with: looking at
business analysis work on a project from the business process management
point of view.
The Business Process Management Perspective
Business process management (BPM) is a management discipline focused on
developing or improving an organization’s business processes and value
delivery. BPM projects implement improvements to the way an organization’s
work is done. This includes both manual and automated processes. In many
organizations, business process management is an ongoing effort.
Change Scope
Business analysts may find themselves working on a single process or all of the
processes within an organization. The business analyst’s focus in all cases is to
change processes in order to improve and meet an organization’s objectives.
Table 9.17 contains the four activities found in a business process management
life cycle.
TABLE 9.17 The BPM life cycle
Activity Description
Designing Identifying processes and defining the current “as-is” state to
determine the desired future “to-be” state, and analyzing the gap
between current and future states
Modelling Graphically representing the process to compare current and
future states, and providing inputs to requirements and solution
design specifications
Collecting data during the actual execution of the process to
analyze value and recommending design improvement alternatives
Optimizing Ongoing repetition and iteration of the other three phases to
modify models and designs, remove inefficiencies, and add more
There are five elements to consider as part of the BPM perspective and the scope
of a proposed change. Let’s step through each of those elements now in greater
Breadth of Change BPM initiatives can span the entire enterprise targeting
optimization of value delivery across end-to-end processes. Individual initiatives
focus on specific processes and subprocesses within an organization.
Depth of Change BPM frameworks are sets or descriptions of processes for
generic organizations, specific industries, or types of value streams. Business
analysts may use these frameworks to analyze an organization’s processes. BPM
frameworks can be high-level or very detailed in nature, such as analyzing an
organization’s supply chain by decomposing high-level processes into their
subcomponents and the individuals performing specific tasks.
Value and Solutions Delivered BPM’s goal is improving operational
performance and reducing costs and risks. Transparency into processes and
operations is also a common component of BPM projects. The business needs of
the customers are the BPM drivers, such as reducing costs, increasing quality,
or addressing risks.
According to the BABOK
Guide, operational performance
improvements address effectiveness, efficiency, adaptability, and quality.
Delivery Approach Delivery approaches for BPM projects range from tactical
methods of improving individual processes to management-centric methods
touching all processes in the organization. Table 9.18 describes the mechanisms
used to implement BPM.
TABLE 9.18 Methods used to implement BPM
Method Description
Aiming for major process redesign across the enterprise
forms of
Setting overall objectives for the process and then individual
changes to bring the subprocesses in line
Revealing and analyzing an organization’s actual processes
when they are undefined or very different from the
documentation that is available
Comparing an organization’s processes and performance
metrics to industry best practices
Applications supporting BPM initiatives that directly execute
process models and automate BPM activities
There are four process improvement approaches that may be used on BPM
projects or initiatives. They are categorized in terms of their point of origin and
whether their solutions are organizational/people-based or technological/IT-
based. Table 9.19 summarizes these four approaches for you.
TABLE 9.19 Four BPM process improvement approaches
Method Description
Initiatives orchestrated and controlled by senior management,
targeting end-to-end processes or major parts of the business
Tactical initiatives improving individual processes and department
workflows in smaller parts of the organization
People- Initiatives where the principal change is the activities and workflows
centric of an organization
Initiatives where the principal change is process automation
Major Assumptions Here is a brief list of major BPM assumptions for you to
Processes are supported by IT systems, but developing these IT systems is
not part of most BPM methods.
BPM initiatives have senior management support.
BPM systems require tight integration with organizational strategy, although
strategy development is outside of the BPM perspective’s scope.
BPM initiatives are cross functional and typically span from end-to-end in an
Business Analysis Scope
Now let’s take a look at the specific elements of business analysis work as part of
the BPM perspective. There are four elements to consider.
Change Sponsor Executives tend to be the starting point for most BPM
initiatives as they link strategic objectives to business processes and try to
increase both value and outcomes. An external trigger often generates a
business need leading to a business analyst developing a business case to justify
a BPM initiative for executive management. Once the project or initiative is
underway, process or subprocess managers at different levels in the
organization manage the resulting BPM effort.
Change Targets Table 9.20 contains a list of primary change targets for a
BPM project or initiative and defines the responsibilities associated with each
change target role.
TABLE 9.20 BPM change targets
Role Responsibilities
Customer Key stakeholder validating effectiveness of the process change
and ensuring process delivery goals align to customer
Regulator Represent compliance and risk management for the initiative
Process owner Key stakeholder with the responsibility and authority to make
final decisions about changes to affected processes
Define activities of the process being evaluated.
Manages the BPM initiative and is accountable for delivery
Converts BPM plans into functioning and integrated business
Business Analysis Position Business analysts on BPM projects may assume
many roles. Process architects find themselves modelling, analyzing, deploying,
monitoring, and continuously improving business processes using a technology-
based BPM platform. Process analysts or designers are the experts in
documenting and understanding process design and performance trends using
various BPM frameworks. Process modellers capture and document as-is and
to-be business processes for implementation or support by an IT system.
Business Analysis Outcomes Table 9.21 summarizes the five typical
outcomes for business analysts on BPM projects.
TABLE 9.21 BPM business analysis outcomes
Outcome Description
Business process
Model the as-is, to-be, and transition processes from end to
Business rules Guide business processes and assert business structure or
control business behavior.
Parameters used to identify process improvement
opportunities to align processes to business
Determine which of a set of options will be acted upon by
the process.
Measures and monitors the performance of targeted
business processes in a static or dynamic fashion
Frameworks, Methodologies, and Techniques
There are many frameworks, methodologies, and techniques used for BPM
projects. Table 9.22 summarizes the common frameworks used as part of
business process management.
TABLE 9.22 BPM frameworks
Framework Description
ACCORD Methodological framework mapping current state
models and unstructured data to conceptual models
Operations Map
Hierarchical framework used by the telecommunications
industry and other service-oriented industries
Strategic Reference
Model (GSRM)
Life cycle framework providing generic government
processes and patterns for each organizational maturity
Model-based and
Integrated Process
Cyclical framework assessing process readiness,
outlining a process under review, detailing data
collection, modelling the current process, implementing
an improved process, and reviewing the process
Framework (PCF)
Classification framework detailing processes for
benchmarking and performance measurement
In addition to the frameworks, a number of methodologies also come into play
as part of BPM projects. Table 9.23 lists them for you.
TABLE 9.23 BPM methodologies
Methodology Description
Adaptive Case
Used when processes are not fixed or static with a lot of
human interaction
Rethinking and redesigning business processes to generate
Ongoing monitoring and adjustment of existing processes to
bring them closer to goals or performance targets
Lean Eliminating waste, or work the customer will not pay for, in a
Six Sigma Statistically oriented way of eliminating variations in the
outcome of a process
Theory of
Optimizing performance by managing three variables:
process throughout, operational expense to produce
throughout, and product inventory
Total Quality
Processes provide customers with the highest quality
products/services that meet or exceed expectations.
There are many techniques used specifically in BPM projects. These techniques
are not found in the “Techniques” chapter of the BABOK
Guide. Table 9.24
lists these techniques and gives a brief description of how that technique may be
TABLE 9.24 BPM techniques
Technique Description
Cost analysis Showing detailed cost of a process by listing the cost per
activity. Also known as activity-based costing
Critical to Quality
Aligning process improvement efforts to customer
requirement by using tree diagrams
Cycle-time analysis Analyzing the time each activity takes within the process.
Also known as duration analysis
Define Measure
Analyze Design
Verify (DMADV)
Developing new or improving existing processes using a
data-driven, structured roadmap
Define Measure
Analyze Improve
Control (DMAIC)
Improving existing processes using a data-driven,
structured roadmap
Ensuring that the system constraint always functions at
the maximum possible output by having a buffer of
materials to keep the system busy
Failure Mode and
Effect Analysis
Investigating process failures and defects in the as-is
roadmap, identifying potential causes, and correcting
them in the to-be roadmap
House of Quality/
Voice of Customer
Relating customer desires and product characteristics to
organizational capabilities using a matrix
Inputs, Guide,
Outputs, Enablers
Describing process content by listing inputs and outputs,
guides, and supporting tools/information
Kaizen Event Improving value delivery in a specific process or
subprocess in a focused, rapid effort
Process Simulation Modelling the process and a set of randomized variables
to allow for multiple process variations and estimate
Suppliers Inputs
Process Outputs
Customer (SIPOC)
Summarizing inputs and outputs from multiple
processes in a table
Theory of
Constraints (TOC)
Thinking Processes
Diagnosing conflicts, identify causes of problems, and
defining future state using a logical cause-and-effect
Value Added
Identifying improvement opportunities by looking at
customer benefits added at each step of a process
Value Stream
Assessing value added by each functional area of a
business to a customer using an end-to-end process
Who What When
Where Why (5Ws)
Gathering information using a basic set of questions.
May also include “How”
Underlying Competencies
Business analysts on BPM projects are experts at challenging the status quo,
understanding the root causes of problems, assessing why things are done in a
particular way, and encouraging stakeholders to think differently in order to do
things better. According to the BABOK
Guide, the required competencies for
BPM business analysts also include the following:
Understanding/articulating internal/external process views
Interaction, facilitation, and negotiation skills
Conflict management skills
Communication skills across all levels of the organization
Executive Presence and Maintaining Professional Detachment
Working on BPM projects often involves interaction with executive
management. As part of a business analyst’s executive presence in these
situations, you need to master the art of professional detachment. Your
ability to remain in control of yourself when others become angry or
frustrated because of process changes, not getting their way, or personality
clashes will be tested. Professional detachment is about looking at the
events from a distance without being directly emotionally involved or taking
what happens outside as a personal matter. Here are a few examples:
Lack of Detachment
Horatio was assigned as a business analyst to a project that involved the
negotiation and implementation of a new national interface standard
between telecommunications companies.
Horatio’s team was invited to travel to a meeting to discuss the
implementation details with one of the major companies involved in the
effort. He and his teammates flew out, drove to the company’s headquarters,
and were ushered into a conference room to begin a two-day session of
discussions with the company’s executive management team and project
The leader of the opposite team became increasingly frustrated as
discussions went through midmorning. Her own team repeatedly corrected
the leader as she misrepresented capabilities from their software application
systems and how the team would interface their capabilities.
In an explosive display of emotion, the leader stalked out of the conference
room. Both her team and Horatio’s team were stunned. The leader had not
told anyone present when or if she would return. The group waited silently
at the table for more than an hour before one of the team members went to
find her. The team member returned telling the group that the meeting was
over and would not be rescheduled. Ouch.
Too Much Detachment
A second major company on the same project came to meet Horatio’s team
at their headquarters. Discussions were lively, cordial, and productive. One
of their representatives, Horatio’s counterpart on the project, was both a
friendly and intelligent meeting participant.
In response to the representative’s friendliness, Horatio overcompensated
and became too detached during the meeting. Questions were answered
with to-the-point and factual responses. Any hint of other than professional
responses were belayed to the point of being curt.
It wasn’t until months later that Horatio allowed himself the freedom of
actually becoming friendly with his counterpart from the other organization.
Knowledge Area Impacts
Knowledge area tasks and techniques in the BABOK
Guide may be modified
for BPM projects before being applied as part of business analysis work.
Additional BPM-specific techniques may also be applied to the tasks and their
elements within a knowledge area in addition to or in place of the techniques
used on more traditional types of projects.
There are numerous BABOK
Guide techniques that are used during business
analysis activities on BPM projects. Table 9.25 contains a mapping of
techniques by knowledge area for BPM projects.
TABLE 9.25 Mapping BABOK
Guide techniques to knowledge areas for BPM
Acceptance and evaluation criteria X X
Backlog management X
Balanced scorecard X
Benchmarking and market analysis X X
Brainstorming X X X
Business capability analysis X
Business rules analysis X X X
Decision analysis X
Decision modelling X
Document analysis X X X
Estimation X X X
Focus groups X
Functional decomposition X X
Interface analysis X
Interviews X X X
Item tracking X
Lessons learned X
Metrics and KPIS X X X
Nonfunctional requirements analysis X
Observation X X
Organizational modelling X
Prioritization X X
Process analysis X X
Process modelling X X X X X
Prototyping X X X
Reviews X X X
Risk analysis and management X
Root-cause analysis X X
Scope modelling X X X
Stakeholder list, map, or personas X X X X
Survey or questionnaire X X
SWOT analysis X
Use cases and scenarios X
User stories X
Workshops X X X X
Other business analysis techniques were included in Table 9.24. Please refer to
and review this table as you navigate and learn about the BPM variations on
each knowledge area. Make sure you know which techniques might apply to
specific knowledge areas and activities on your projects. Let’s step through each
knowledge area and look at what might need to be done differently for BPM
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Planning business analysis
work on BPM projects is an exercise in progressive elaboration. Continuous
improvement activities are also heavily involved as part of this knowledge area.
Initially, business analysts focus on analyzing and improving the business
process before considering the technology and revised work procedures that are
actually required to improve that process.
A common cause of failure for BPM projects or initiatives is the
failure to plan for ongoing monitoring of the effects of changes on the
Elicitation and Collaboration Elicitation on BPM projects is effective when
it is performed within the defined scope of the project and any affected
processes. Process modelling, process maps, and stakeholder analysis are
commonly done during requirements elicitation. The business analyst looks at
changing and improving an existing process as they gather business analysis
information. Managing stakeholders relative to the resulting changes is another
aspect of the business analyst’s job during elicitation.
Requirements Life Cycle Management BPM and the requirements life
cycle may come into conflict during a BPM project. BPM looks at ways to deliver
value in a process-focused way, while the generic requirements life cycle is a bit
more linear and predictable in nature. Rework, revision, and new requirements
can result from BPM project activities. Business processes should be
documented so all stakeholders can review and understand them.
Strategy Analysis Strategy Analysis looks at the role of the process in the
enterprise value chain. This view may expand the scope of the business analyst’s
efforts, since any process interacting with the processes affected by the project
must be looked at and potentially included in that project’s scope. The current
state of the enterprise is defined in an as-is value chain before the future state
(to-be) value chain is defined.
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition This knowledge area
focuses on defining the to-be process model on BPM projects. The requirements
architecture will include the process model, associated business rules/decisions,
information requirements, and the organizational structure. Solution options on
BPM projects typically include any changes needed to support the new or
revised process.
Solution Evaluation Solution evaluation activities take place across BPM
project life cycles to assess business process performance. Over time, processes
are refined based upon the results of these evaluations. Business analysts may
find themselves process mining using audit trails and transaction logs. The
focus is on potential value versus actual value.
Remember that all of these knowledge area tasks and techniques can be
modified or left alone on your BPM projects.
Understanding How This Applies to Your Projects
Adjusting what you do and how you do it based upon the type of project you are
working on is an essential skill for successful business analysts. Your ability to
recognize your project’s context and use the correct tasks, techniques, methods,
and tools will help keep your business analysis efforts on target and in sync. The
five project types or perspectives in the BABOK
Guide are a great starting
point: agile, business intelligence, information technology, business
architecture, and business process management.
Remember that there are many other perspectives or types of projects. Many of
my projects included more than one of these perspectives. For example, a
project may have an information technology component but is focused on
mining and using business data better for decision making as part of the
organization’s business architecture. Some projects may use multiple
development approaches, with agile methods being applied to the web-based
aspect of a new system and a more traditional life cycle model being used for the
software applications that are “under the covers.”
Many perspectives require you to turn on or turn up specific business analysis
competencies, such as your collaboration or communication skills. These
competencies may be directed at senior management as you work with and for
your project sponsor to get things done.
Approaching your business analysis work in the correct context is a win for both
you and your project team. The knowledge areas, tasks, and techniques can be
customized or tailored to fit the perspectives being used on your project.
Remember too, each of the five perspectives includes methods, techniques,
tools, and frameworks to help you get the job done.
You covered a lot of content in this chapter. You learned that business analysis
is an essential part of every organization. Successful business analysts bring a
serious set of skills and knowledge to every project or initiative in order to liaise
among the stakeholders to address business needs and solve business problems.
Business analysis is more than just asking questions!
You looked at how the BABOK
Guide provides a business analysis framework
defining areas of knowledge, associated activities and tasks, and the skills
required to perform them. The scope of the BABOK
Guide covers pre-project
activities, the full project life cycle, and the final solution’s operational life. It is
also the basis for the CBAP® and CCBA™ certification exams, and it provides
the backbone of this book.
Exam Essentials
Be able to list and describe each perspective. The names and high-level
descriptions of each of the five perspectives are required knowledge for you as
you prepare to take your exam. The five perspectives are agile, business
intelligence, information technology, business architecture, and business
process management. Be sure you are familiar with how to perform business
analysis work on these five different types of projects and work from their
differing points of view.
Be able to elaborate on the approaches used with each of the five
perspectives. Each perspective offers up its own approach to performing
business analysis work. Be sure you know how the perspective can change how
things are done on a project. For example, agile approaches focus on interacting
with people, transparent communications, and ongoing delivery of value.
Be able to explain the knowledge-area impacts of each perspective.
Each perspective impacts how you use the knowledge area tasks and techniques.
Remember, different types of initiatives facilitate different types of changes to
the business. Make sure you have the right people, the right methods, and the
right approach to define what has to be done. Take time to get familiar with
these changes and customizations, at least at a high-level.
Be able to recognize the underlying competencies for each
perspective that every good business analyst should possess. Each of
the five high-level perspectives outlines specific skills that effective business
analysts should possess when they work on those types of projects. Be sure that
you are comfortable with what it means to be a business analyst and how to
successfully navigate the unique skill sets required for each perspective or point
of view on your projects.
Key Terms
This chapter introduced the five perspectives from the BABOK
Guide that you
might find yourself using as a business analyst on your projects and other
initiatives. You will need to understand how to add to, customize, and modify
the contents of the BABOK
Guide in order to be an effective business analyst
for these specific types of project. Additionally, you will need to know each
perspective by name and definition in order to be successful on the CBAP
CCBA™ exams.
You have learned many new key words in this chapter. The IIBA has worked
hard to develop and define standard business analysis terms that can be used
across many industries. Here is a list of some of the key terms that you
encountered in this chapter:
BPM drivers
BPM frameworks
business intelligence
business process management (BPM)
process mining
professional detachment
progressive elaboration
separation of concerns principle
Review Questions
1. According to the BABOK
Guide, perspectives are used within business
analysis work to provide focus to tasks and techniques specific to the context
of the initiative. The five common perspectives include all of the following
A. Business architecture
B. Information technology
C. Enterprise architecture
D. Business intelligence
2. All of the following statements about the five business analysis perspectives
are true except:
A. Perspectives are not mutually exclusive since a given initiative may use
more than one perspective.
B. Knowledge areas are applied the same way regardless of the perspective
being used.
C. Perspectives do not represent all possible ways to perform business
D. Many methodologies, approaches, and techniques are unique to a
particular perspective.
3. Business analysis work is performed ____________ throughout an agile
initiative and relies heavily on ____________ skills.
A. Intermittently, technical
B. Continuously, technical
C. Intermittently, interpersonal
D. Continuously, interpersonal
4. During agile initiatives, scope is constantly evolving. Change and rapid
response to change are expected. What method is used to manage the
ongoing refinements and redefinition of the project scope?
A. Kanban backlog list
B. Retrospectives
C. Storyboarding
D. Planning workshops
5. You are a business analyst working on an agile project. Who is the key
stakeholder that you need to have involved with the project from the
beginning, providing continuous feedback to the team and adjusting the
product as needs change?
A. Agile team leader
B. Product owner
C. Project sponsor
D. Domain SME
6. Who can perform business analysis activities on agile teams?
A. Business analyst working on the team
B. Customer representative or product owner
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
7. The focus of business intelligence is the transformation of data into
____________ information to support business decision making.
A. Value-added
B. Reliable
C. Tactical
D. Strategic
8. You are working on a business intelligence project targeting timely, accurate,
high value, and actionable information driving decision making across the
organization. One focus of your project is customer engagement. What level
of decision-making processes are you targeting?
A. Tactical
B. Strategic
C. Operational
D. External
9. What is the business analyst’s primary role on a business intelligence
A. Designing ad hoc queries
B. Designing specialized presentations
C. Enterprise data or decision modelling
D. Liaison between stakeholders and solution providers
10. You are a business analyst capturing and documenting as-is and to-be
business processes for your business process management project. What role
are you performing?
A. Process modeller
B. Process analyst
C. Process designer
D. Process architect
11. You are a business analyst applying statistical analysis methods to historical
data to identify patterns and make predictions about future events. Your
focus is on pattern recognition through data mining, predictive modelling,
forecasting, and condition-driven alerts. What type of data analytics are you
developing requirements for?
A. Prescriptive analytics
B. Translation analytics
C. Predictive analytics
D. Descriptive analytics
12. Business analysts working in an information technology environment
consider their tasks in light of three factors. What are these three factors?
A. Solution scope, organizational structure, and change scope
B. Solution impact, organizational maturity, and design options
C. Solution scope, organizational maturity, and change scope
D. Solution impact, organizational maturity, and change scope
13. You are a business analyst working on an information technology project.
Your project is using a waterfall life cycle model to drive the development
efforts. What solution development methodology is being used?
A. Iterative
B. Adaptive
C. Predictive
D. Incremental
14. You are a business analyst working on a project with a predictive
development methodology focusing on established logical modelling and the
separation of requirements from solutions. Which of the four information
technology methodologies are you using?
A. Homegrown/organization specific
B. Requirements engineering (RE)
C. Structured systems and design method (SSADM)
D. Unified process (UP)
15. You are eliciting business requirements for an information technology
project using statistical methods and mockups to identify user needs. Which
method are you applying in your elicitation efforts?
A. Investigation
B. Simulation
C. Experimentation
D. Collaboration
16. Business architecture provides architectural descriptions and views to
provide a common understanding of the organization for the purpose of
aligning strategic objectives with tactical demands. What is another name for
these views?
A. Blueprints
B. Models
C. Structures
D. Concerns
17. For each blueprint you have created on your project, you are defining the
current state, the future state, and one or more transition states that are
used to transition to the future state. This provides insight and an
understanding of how well the organization aligns to its strategy and is a
____________ for change.
A. Baseline
B. Proposal
C. Request
D. Trigger
18. All of the listed factors are central to a successful business architecture
A. Support of the executive business leadership team
B. Integration with clear, effective governance processes
C. View of the entire organization that is under analysis
D. Integration with ongoing organizational initiatives
19. Which of the five perspectives focuses on how the organization performs
work to deliver value across multiple functional areas to customers and
A. Business intelligence perspective
B. Information technology perspective
C. Business process management perspective
D. Business architecture perspective
20. You are a business analyst on a business process management project
collecting data from the processes. Which life cycle activity are you
A. Designing
B. Modelling
C. Execution/Monitoring
D. Optimizing
Appendix A
Advice on Completing Your Exam Application
Describe the competency-based model for business analysis
Discuss experience requirements for the CBAP
and CCBA
Calculate your hours of business analysis experience.
Review additional exam eligibility requirements.
Navigate the steps of the exam application process.
This appendix steps you through the four-level competency-
based model for business analysis certification. It also helps you understand the
application requirements for the Certified Business Analysis Professional
) or Certification of Competency in Business Analysis
credentials. The focus of this appendix is on the CCBA
and CBAP
exams. It
provides suggestions for completing your application correctly to minimize the
chances of errors and application approval delays.
There are specific experience and eligibility requirements that will be used to
evaluate your fitness for taking the CBAP
exam. Both certifications
require work experience as a business analyst. Both certifications ask you to
meet or exceed the same non-work-related requirements, such as education and
professional development. In this appendix, you will look at the unique
experience requirements for each exam and then review the common set of four
eligibility requirements that apply for both exams.
The Competency-Based Certification Model
The multilevel, competency-based certification model offers four certifications
to business analysts. The model was designed to recognize the Business Analysis
(BA) professional through their career progression and to support more
opportunities for growth and development. CCBA
and CBAP
will map to levels 2 and 3, respectively, in this multilevel enhanced certification
program. These two levels are considered the global standard of practice for
business analysts.
Table A.1 summarizes each business analysis certification level.
TABLE A.1 Business analysis certification levels
Level Acronym Name Exam
1 ECBA™ Entry
in Business
Exam-based Recognizes a person’s entry into
the business analysis profession
in Business
Exam-based Requires 2 to 3 years of business
analysis experience and 3,000 to
4,500 hours of work experience
and is also exam based
Exam-based Requires more than 5 years of
business analysis experience and
7,500 to 10,500 hours of work
4 CBATL™ Certified
Requires more than 10 years of
business analysis experience.
Applicants are industry thought
leaders, give back to the BA
community, and contribute to
the evolution of the BA practice.
Level 4 requires a minimum of
15,000 hours, and is assessment
Now let’s step through the detailed requirements for CBAP
and CCBA
certification, which are the focus of this book.
Experience Requirements
designation is available to experienced business analysts.
Applicants who want to take the CBAP
certification exam must meet specific
experience and education requirements. During the application process, you
must demonstrate your competencies across the spectrum of business analysis
knowledge and skills. After your application has been reviewed and accepted,
you will be eligible to take and pass your certification exam. Table A.2
summarizes the experience-specific requirements for you.
TABLE A.2 Experience requirements for the CBAP® certification exam
Requirement Description
Minimum of 7,500 hours of business analysis work experience
aligned with the BABOK
Guide in the last 10 years
Minimum of 900 hours of business analysis work in each of
four knowledge areas, totaling at least 3,600 hours
Let’s take a closer look at the experience requirements needed to qualify for
taking the CBAP
Work Experience You must possess a minimum of 7,500 hours of business
analysis work experience aligned with the BABOK
Guide in the last 10 years of
your work life. The timeframe is measured backward from the date of your
application. You can calculate that 7,500 hours of work equals about 5 full years
of business analysis work experience during that 10-year period, or doing
business analysis stuff about half of the time.
The work experience can be you directly performing the business analysis tasks
(hands on) or time you spent coaching or mentoring others in performing those
tasks. Conducting business analysis training and performing project
management activities on your projects are not acceptable experiences to
include in your application. Be careful to select and provide experiences in your
application that are aligned with the BABOK
Guide and that are specific
business analysis tasks.
Knowledge Areas You must demonstrate business analysis experience and
expertise in four of the six knowledge areas. You must show a minimum of 900
hours of business analysis experience and expertise in each knowledge area you
choose to document. This means that you engaged in tasks specifically related to
Guide knowledge areas, so make sure that you review them
carefully relative to the work you have performed. The 900 hours in each of four
knowledge areas make up 3,600 hours of your business analysis experience.
This is a minimum requirement; it is just fine if you have experience across all
six of the knowledge areas. Actually, the more experience you document in your
application, the better off you will be. This approach provides a buffer in case
some of your experience is disqualified during your application’s review cycle, so
your application process won’t be jeopardized.
If the contents of your application do not support compliance with both of the
two experience requirements, your application will be declined. If you don’t
meet the experience requirements for the CBAP
certification, you might want
to consider applying for the CCBA
Experience Requirements
designation is available to less-experienced business analysts.
Although the experience requirements are less than those required for taking
the CBAP
certification exam, they are reviewed and enforced with equal vigor.
Applicants who want to take the CCBA
certification exam must meet specific
experience and education requirements. During the application process, you
must demonstrate your competencies across the spectrum of business analysis
knowledge and skills. After your application has been reviewed and accepted,
you will then be eligible to take your certification exam. Table A.3 summarizes
the exam eligibility requirements.
TABLE A.3 Experience requirements for the CCBA™ certification exam
Requirement Description
Minimum of 3,750 hours of business analysis work experience
aligned with the BABOK
Guide in the last 7 years
Minimum of 900 hours of business analysis work in each of
two of knowledge areas, or 500 hours in each of four
knowledge areas
Let’s take a closer look at the work experience required to take the CCBA
Work Experience You must possess a minimum of 3,750 hours of business
analysis work experience aligned with the BABOK
Guide in the last 7 years of
your work life. The timeframe is measured backward from your application
date. Again, you can calculate that 3,750 hours of work equals about 2.5 full
years of business analysis work experience during that 7-year period, or doing
business analysis stuff close to one-third of the time.
Your work experience can be you directly performing the business analysis tasks
(hands on) or time you spent coaching or mentoring others in performing those
tasks. Conducting business analysis training and performing project
management activities on your projects are not acceptable experiences to
include in your application. Be careful to select and provide experiences in your
application that are aligned with the BABOK
Guide and that are specific
business analysis tasks.
Knowledge Areas You must demonstrate a minimum of 900 hours of
business analysis experience and expertise each in two of the six knowledge
areas or 500 hours each in four of the six knowledge areas. This means that you
engaged in tasks specifically related to the BABOK
Guide knowledge areas, so
make sure that you review them carefully relative to the work you have
performed. The 900 hours in each of two knowledge areas makes up 1,800
hours of your business analysis experience, while the 500 hours in each of four
areas accounts for 2,000 hours of the required 3,750 hours.
These are minimum requirements; it is just fine if you have experience across all
six knowledge areas. Actually, the more experience you document in your
application, the better off you will be. This approach will provide a buffer in case
some of your experience is disqualified during your application’s review cycle, so
your application process won’t be jeopardized.
If the contents of your application do not comply with both of the two
experience requirements, your application will be declined. In addition to the
work experience requirements for taking either exam, you must meet some
additional requirements to qualify to take either exam. Let’s review those
requirements now.
Calculate Your Experience Hours
Guide provides explicit instructions about how to calculate the
required hours of business analysis work experience for your application. You
should use your résumé as the basis for your listed projects, the business
analysis activities you performed, and the time you spent doing them. However,
you cannot submit your résumé to meet the experience requirement—you must
parse through its contents in detail and provide the International Institute of
Business Analysis (IIBA) with a detailed list of projects, work activities, and
hours spent. One helpful suggestion is to build a spreadsheet to track everything
by project, knowledge area, and time. Then you can use your spreadsheet
summary to complete the experience section of your application.
As previously mentioned, you need to document a minimum of 7,500
experience hours for your CBAP
application and 3,750 hours for your CCBA
application. These totals are the minimum experience requirements. It is a
really good idea to document additional hours above the minimum requirement
(if you have them). If the IIBA reviewers disapprove part of your experience
hours, the additional hours can prevent the disapproval from impacting your
application process.
You need to list your projects in chronological order, starting with the most
recent project you worked on or are working on as of your application date and
then working backward. If you performed business analysis activities on a
bunch of small projects during any particular year, combine them into one
project and make sure to point out that you did this in the description of the
large project that encompassed the smaller ones.
If you are completing an online application, you will be able to select from a set
of business analysis tasks that you performed to achieve the stated number of
work hours. Read the tasks you are selecting from carefully. Do not select tasks
from the lists that are project management tasks or general management work.
Everything you enter for work experience must be business analysis work and
align with the contents of version 3 of the BABOK
Guide. If you select tasks
that are not business analysis tasks within the scope of the BABOK
those tasks and their associated hours will be deducted from your total hours.
applicants must also meet the minimum requirement of 900 experience
hours each in four of the six knowledge areas. CCBA
applicants have a lesser
experience requirement, and they can slice and dice their business analysis
experience in one of two ways, showing either:
A minimum of 900 hours of business analysis work each in two of the six
knowledge areas
A minimum of 500 hours of business analysis work each in four of the six
knowledge areas
For each project, from the list of tasks in the table, check off the tasks you have
completed that are aligned with the BABOK
Guide 3.0. Do this for each of the
knowledge areas. You can select a task when you have either performed the task
yourself or coached/mentored another business analyst in performing the task.
For each knowledge area, indicate the percentage of the total business analysis
hours you spent on the tasks you selected. The percentages across all of the
knowledge areas must total 100 within a project.
Several steps need to be taken to calculate your experience hours for each of
your documented projects and each knowledge area. For each knowledge area
specified for a particular project, the percentage of time you say that you spent
on that knowledge area is multiplied by the total business analysis hours you
entered for the project. Likewise, the percentage of invalid experience you
selected from the list of tasks for your project is calculated and deducted. The
tasks you select from are provided by the IIBA for you in your application form.
Once the experience hours for each knowledge area are calculated for each
project, they are summarized in two ways.
By knowledge area across all of your projects to see whether you meet the
minimum knowledge area requirements for the exam
Total hours across all projects to see whether you meet the experience
minimum requirement to take the exam
Both the total experience hours and the knowledge area experience hours must
be met for your application to be considered. If one or both of these
requirements falls short, your application will be declined. You will not be
allowed to apply again for another three months.
Additional Exam Eligibility Requirements
To apply for and be approved to take either the CBAP
exam, applicants must meet four additional requirements relating to education,
professional development, professional references, and code of conduct. Table
A.4 summarizes these additional requirements.
TABLE A.4 Additional exam eligibility requirements
Requirement Description
Education A high school or equivalent level of education
Minimum of 21 hours of professional development, such as
attending a training course, in the past four years
References Two references from a career manager, client (internal or
external), or a CBAP
Code of
A signed code of conduct
Education You must possess a high school education or its equivalent to take
the CBAP
exam. If you have one or more college or university
degrees, you can document them as well. Unlike other professional certification
exams, there is no reduction in your work experience requirements for any
additional post-secondary education.
Professional Development You also have a requirement to document 21
hours of professional development in the last four years. The professional
development must be directly related to business analysis, such as one or more
instructor-led training courses. Each hour of class time counts toward 1 hour of
professional development time. This professional development must be
completed prior to your application date, so if you are planning to take a
training course on business analysis as part of your exam preparations, finish
that course before you apply.
References As part of your application, you must provide two professional
references. One of those references needs to be current. These references might
be from a career manager, a client (internal or external), or a CBAP
Be aware that a project manager can be used as a reference only if they were also
the career manager responsible for completing your annual performance review.
You must have known each of these individuals for a minimum of six months.
You will be asking your references to indicate that you are a suitable candidate
for the CBAP
certification. Each reference will receive an email
message containing a recipient-specific link for them to use to complete a
candidate reference form online.
Signed Code of Conduct You will be asked to complete and sign a code of
conduct form in order to apply to take the CBAP
exam. This is the
same form you are asked to complete when you become a member of the IIBA
This form contains your agreement to act ethically, responsibly, and
professionally in your business analysis work.
Exam Spotlight
Review the current CBAP
handbooks located on the IIBA
website for complete and up-to-date information on application criteria,
fees, and specific details on how to apply. This information can change
without warning, and the data provided to you here may no longer be up-to-
Review your application contents thoroughly before submitting your
application. Aligning your business analysis work experience with the contents
of the BABOK
Guide in your application is one small step in starting your
exam preparation. Completing the application can be quite time-consuming, so
plan to put your materials together in several sittings over a number of days.
You can complete your online application contents incrementally and save your
work as you go.
Prepare your application content as if your data is going to be audited—it just
might be. Many exam candidates are randomly audited to verify and validate
their work experience and any other information that they provided in their
Now that you have reviewed the experience requirements for applying to sit the
certification exams, let’s review the exam application process.
The Exam Application Process
There are three distinct steps for you to navigate as you apply for and seek
approval to take the CBAP
certification exam. Remember that you
must meet all of the requirements in either the CCBA
Handbook or CBAP
Handbook to be eligible for the exam. The following are the steps of the
application process:
1. Apply and pay for CBAP
2. Pay for the exam.
3. Register for the exam.
Let’s take a more detailed look at each of these steps right now.
Applying and Paying for Certification You will be asked to pay two fees to
the IIBA to complete the application process. The first fee is submitted with
your completed application and supporting information. Please check the IIBA
website for the latest application and examination fee information. The
application fee is the same for IIBA members and nonmembers. The fee will not
be refunded if your application is denied. Your certification application package
should contain the following items:
Your completed application form
Your two professional references
Your agreement to adhere to the Code of Ethical Conduct and Professional
Your certification application fee
After you submit everything, the IIBA will send you an email message indicating
your application has been successfully submitted. Your application will be
reviewed and either approved or denied within 21 business days of its receipt. If
your application is approved, you are eligible to take your exam within one year
from the date of exam eligibility approval.
Exam Spotlight
Remember to print a paper copy of your completed online application for
your own records.
If your application is denied, you are not eligible to take the exam at this time.
You will be notified of the reason why your application was declined. In many
cases, applicants have had work experience disallowed and have fallen below the
minimum experience requirement threshold. You may reapply to take the exam
after three months if your reason for denial can be remedied.
Paying for the Exam The exam fee pays for your initial exam sitting after
your application has been approved. This fee is not reimbursed if you fail the
exam. You can include your exam fee with your application package, or you can
wait until you receive the results of your application and pay at that time. Please
check the IIBA website for the latest examination fee information. To receive the
IIBA member rate for your exam fee, you must be a member at the time you
submit your exam fee.
Registering for the Exam Once your exam fee has been processed by the
IIBA, you can register to take your exam at a dedicated test center or as part of a
hosted group. Check the IIBA website for a current list of test center locations.
Castle Worldwide will send you an exam registration letter with instructions for
registering online for your exam. After you register for your selected location,
date, and time, you will receive a confirmation letter that is your admission
ticket to take the exam.
If you fail your exam on your first attempt, you may pay a retake fee and can
retake the exam after three months. This waiting period must fall within your
original year of exam eligibility. You may retake the exam twice during your
eligible testing year. If you fail both retake attempts or your eligibility expires,
you must reapply to take the exam and pay the full fee again.
Appendix B
Knowledge Areas, Tasks, and Elements
Define the terms knowledge area, task, and element.
Review the six knowledge areas.
Outline the tasks and elements of each knowledge area.
This appendix outlines the six BABOK
Guide knowledge
areas, their tasks, and the elements making up those tasks. This appendix is
intended to be used as an orientation device and a study aid as you prepare for
your CBAP
certification exam. This appendix also summarizes the
intent of each knowledge area so you can refresh your memory and practice
describing them.
Review the Six Knowledge Areas
Knowledge areas divide what business analysts need to know and how they
perform their tasks into six common buckets. The business analyst can dip into
one or more buckets at any time—in any order—to select a deliverable or
perform a necessary task. The knowledge areas are not a road map or a
methodology; they simply break business analysis materials and information
into common areas. The six knowledge areas defined in the BABOK
Guide are:
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
Elicitation and Collaboration
Requirements Life Cycle Management
Strategy Analysis
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
Solution Evaluation
Each knowledge area is decomposed into the more-detailed tasks business
analysts perform. Each task has a particular purpose and adds value to the
overall business analysis effort on a project when a business analyst performs
the task.
Tasks are broken down further into elements. Elements are the detailed
concepts that are necessary to perform a particular task. For some tasks, the
elements are categories of things a business analyst must consider. For other
tasks, the elements are subtasks a business analyst performs.
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring The Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring knowledge area is where a business analyst plans how
to approach the business analysis effort. The approach is a set of processes,
templates, and activities used to perform business analysis in a specific context.
The tasks organize and coordinate the performance of all other business
analysis tasks. These planning and monitoring activities take place throughout
the project life cycle. The results of this knowledge area guide the tasks found in
the remaining five knowledge areas and set the performance metrics business
analysts use to evaluate all business analysis work.
Elicitation and Collaboration Elicitation and Collaboration defines how
business analysts work with stakeholders to identify and gather requirements
and understand stakeholder needs and concerns. It also addresses ongoing
collaboration and communication during all business analysis activities.
Requirements Life Cycle Management The Requirements Life Cycle
Management knowledge area defines how business analysts approach managing
and maintaining requirements and design information across the project or
product life cycle. Establishing traceability between requirements and designs
also takes place. It also describes tasks and techniques for communicating and
managing changes, conflicts, and issues related to requirements.
Strategy Analysis Strategy Analysis focuses on how a business analyst
identifies the business needs driving a project by performing problem definition
and analysis. In addition to defining and refining these strategic or tactical
needs, a business analyst is responsible for defining a feasible solution scope
that the business can implement. This work may also include developing a
business case or feasibility study for a proposed project. Typically, the tasks in
this knowledge area occur prior to or early in the project life cycle.
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition Requirements Analysis
and Design Definition describes how business analysts progressively elaborate
to define, refine, and prioritize requirements. In essence, a business analyst
takes the elicited information and makes sense of it to derive the real
requirements for the project. This knowledge area also focuses on graphically
modelling the requirements and resulting designs as well as documenting them.
When performing these tasks, a business analyst should ensure the feasibility of
the requirements while defining, describing, and refining the characteristics of
an acceptable solution.
Solution Evaluation The Solution Evaluation knowledge area focuses on
assessing and validating proposed, in-progress, and implemented solutions
before, during, and after the project life cycle. A business analyst’s attention is
on the solution’s value to the enterprise. While many tasks in this knowledge
area take place later in the project life cycle, some solution-focused activities
might occur quite early.
Let’s decompose each knowledge area into its tasks and elements. You can use
these outlines to help you prepare to take your certification exam. You will need
this level of knowledge to successfully prepare for and pass the certification
exams. You will also need this level of knowledge to be an effective business
analysis practitioner in your organization.
Knowledge Areas, Tasks, and Elements
The following outline decomposes each knowledge area into its pieces and parts
—the tasks and elements that provide you with more detailed direction as to
what you should be doing.
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
Plan business analysis approach
Planning approach
Formality and level of detail of business analysis deliverables
Business analysis activities
Timing of business analysis work
Complexity and risk
Plan stakeholder engagement
Perform stakeholder analysis
Define stakeholder collaboration
Stakeholder communication needs
Plan business analysis governance
Decision making
Change control process
Plan prioritization approach
Plan for approvals
Plan business analysis information management
Organization of business analysis information
Level of abstraction
Plan traceability approach
Plan for requirements reuse
Storage and access
Requirements attributes
Identify business analysis performance improvements
Performance analysis
Assessment measures
Analyze results
Recommend actions for improvement
Elicitation and Collaboration
Prepare for elicitation
Understand the scope for elicitation
Select elicitation techniques
Set up logistics
Secure supporting material
Prepare stakeholders
Conduct elicitation
Guide elicitation activity
Capture elicitation outcomes
Confirm elicitation results
Compare elicitation results against source information
Compare elicitation results against other elicitation results
Communicate business analysis information
Determine objectives and format of communication
Communicate business analysis package
Manage stakeholder collaboration
Gain agreement on commitments
Monitor stakeholder engagement
Requirements Life Cycle Management
Trace requirements
Level of formality
Traceability repository
Maintain requirements
Maintain requirements
Maintain attributes
Reusing requirements
Prioritize requirements
Basis for prioritization
Challenges of prioritization
Continual prioritization
Assess requirements changes
Assessment formality
Impact analysis
Impact resolution
Approve requirements
Understand stakeholder roles
Conflict and issue management
Gain consensus
Track and communicate approval
Strategy Analysis
Analyze current state
Business needs
Organizational structure and culture
Capabilities and processes
Technology and infrastructure
Business architecture
Internal assets
External influencers
Define future state
Business goals and objectives
Scope of solution space
Organizational structure and culture
Capabilities and processes
Technology and infrastructure
Business architecture
Internal assets
Identify assumptions
Potential value
Assess risks
Constraints, assumptions, and dependencies
Negative impact to value
Risk tolerance
Define change strategy
Solution scope
Gap analysis
Enterprise readiness assessment
Change strategy
Transition states and release planning
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition
Specify and model requirements
Model requirements
Analyze requirements
Represent requirements and attributes
Implement the appropriate levels of abstraction
Verify requirements
Characteristics of requirements and designs quality
Verification activities
Validate requirements
Identify assumptions
Define measurable evaluation criteria
Evaluate alignment with solution scope
Define requirements architecture
Requirements viewpoints and views
Template architectures
Relate and verify requirements relationships
Business analysis information architecture
Define design options
Define solution approaches
Identify improvement opportunities
Requirements allocation
Describe design options
Analyze potential value and recommend solution
Expected benefits
Expected costs
Determine value
Assess design options and recommended solutions
Solution Evaluation
Measure solution performance
Define solution performance measures
Validate performance measures
Collect performance measures
Analyze performance measures
Solution performance versus desired value
Performance variances
Assess solution limitations
Identify internal solution component dependencies
Investigate solution problems
Impact assessment
Assess enterprise limitations
Enterprise culture assessment
Stakeholder impact analysis
Organizational structure changes
Operational assessment
Recommend actions to increase solution value
Adjust solution performance measures
Appendix C
Mapping Techniques, Stakeholders, and Deliverables to
Knowledge Areas and Tasks
Mapping techniques to knowledge area tasks
Mapping stakeholders to knowledge area tasks
Mapping deliverables to knowledge area tasks
This appendix provides you with a coverage matrix that maps
the business analysis techniques, deliverables, and stakeholders to the
knowledge area tasks that use them in some way. You can use this matrix to
keep yourself oriented during your exam preparation studies as you work
through the knowledge areas and tasks. These relationships can also be used to
help you determine whether to use a specific deliverable or apply a certain
technique when performing a business analysis task at work.
The tables in this section (Tables C.1 through C.7) list and then map the
business analysis techniques to the knowledge area tasks that might use them.
The references being used are the knowledge area chapter and the task section
numbers of the BABOK
Guide. An X indicates that a specific technique might
be used by a business analyst performing a particular task.
For example, column header 3.1 references the first task in Chapter 3, “Plan the
Business Analysis Approach (Section 1),” as part of the Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring knowledge area (Chapter 3). The far-left column in the
table provides you with the chapter and section number for locating the details
about a specific technique.
For a more comprehensive view of this data, see the Techniques sheet in the
BABOKTechniquesMap.xlsx file, available for download at For your reference, Table C.1 lists all the
techniques found in the BABOK
TABLE C.1 Master list of BABOK
Guide techniques
10.1 Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria
10.2 Backlog Management
10.3 Balanced Scorecard
10.4 Benchmarking and Market Analysis
10.5 Brainstorming
10.6 Business Capability Analysis
10.7 Business Cases
10.8 Business Model Canvas
10.9 Business Rules Analysis
10.10 Collaborative Games
10.11 Concept Modelling
10.12 Data Dictionary
10.13 Data Flow Diagrams
10.14 Data Mining
10.15 Data Modelling
10.16 Decision Analysis
10.17 Decision Modelling
10.18 Document Analysis
10.19 Estimation
10.20 Financial Analysis
10.21 Focus Groups
10.22 Functional Decomposition
10.23 Glossary
10.24 Interface Analysis
10.25 Interviews
10.26 Item Tracking
10.27 Lessons Learned
10.28 Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
10.29 Mind Mapping
10.30 Nonfunctional Requirements Analysis
10.31 Observation
10.32 Organizational Modelling
10.33 Prioritization
10.34 Process Analysis
10.35 Process Modelling
10.36 Prototyping
10.37 Reviews
10.38 Risk Analysis and Management
10.39 Roles and Permissions Matrix
10.40 Root Cause Analysis
10.41 Scope Modelling
10.42 Sequence Diagrams
10.43 Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas
10.44 State Modelling
10.45 Survey or Questionnaire
10.46 SWOT Analysis
10.47 Use Cases and Scenarios
10.48 User Stories
10.49 Vendor Assessment
10.50 Workshops
TABLE C.2 Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring techniques
Section Technique 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
10.5 Brainstorming X X X X X
10.7 Business Cases X
10.9 Business Rules Analysis X
10.18 Document Analysis X X X
10.19 Estimation X
10.20 Financial Analysis X
10.22 Functional Decomposition X
10.25 Interviews X X X X X
10.26 Item Tracking X X X X
10.27 Lessons Learned X X X X X
10.28 Metrics and Key Performance Indicators
10.29 Mind Mapping X X
10.31 Observation X
10.32 Organizational Modelling X X
10.34 Process Analysis X
10.35 Process Modelling X X X X X
10.36 Prototyping
10.37 Reviews X X X
10.38 Risk Analysis and Management X X X
10.40 Root Cause Analysis X
10.41 Scope Modelling X X
10.43 Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas X
10.45 Survey or Questionnaire X X X X X
10.50 Workshops X X X X X
TABLE C.3 Elicitation and Collaboration techniques
Section Technique 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
10.4 Benchmarking and Market Analysis X
10.5 Brainstorming X X
10.9 Business Rules Analysis X
10.10 Collaborative Games X X
10.11 Concept Modelling X
10.14 Data Mining X X
10.15 Data Modelling X
10.18 Document Analysis X X X
10.19 Estimation X
10.21 Focus Groups X
10.24 Interface Analysis X
10.25 Interviews X X X X
10.27 Lessons Learned X
10.29 Mind Mapping X X
10.31 Observation X
10.34 Process Analysis X
10.35 Process Modelling X
10.36 Prototyping X
10.37 Reviews X X
10.38 Risk Analysis and Management X X
10.43 Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas X X
10.45 Survey or Questionnaire X
10.50 Workshops X X X
TABLE C.4 Requirements Life Cycle Management techniques
Section Technique 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5
10.1 Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria X
10.2 Backlog Management X
10.7 Business Cases X X
10.9 Business Rules Analysis X X X
10.13 Data Flow Diagrams X
10.15 Data Modelling X
10.16 Decision Analysis X X X
10.18 Document Analysis X X
10.19 Estimation X X
10.20 Financial Analysis X X
10.22 Functional Decomposition X X
10.24 Interface Analysis X
10.25 Interviews X X
10.26 Item Tracking X X X
10.33 Prioritization X
10.34 Process Analysis
10.35 Process Modelling X X
10.37 Reviews X
10.38 Risk Analysis and Management X X
10.41 Scope Modelling X
10.47 Use Cases and Scenarios X
10.48 User Stories X
10.50 Workshops X X X
TABLE C.5 Strategy Analysis techniques
Section Technique 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
10.1 Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria X
10.3 Balanced Scorecard X X
10.4 Benchmarking and Market Analysis X X X
10.5 Brainstorming X X X
10.6 Business Capability Analysis X X X
10.7 Business Cases X X X X
10.8 Business Model Canvas X X X
10.11 Concept Modelling X
10.14 Data Mining X
10.16 Decision Analysis X X X
10.17 Decision Modelling X
10.18 Document Analysis X X
10.19 Estimation X
10.20 Financial Analysis X X X X
10.21 Focus Groups X X
10.22 Functional Decomposition X X X
10.25 Interviews X X X X
10.26 Item Tracking X
10.27 Lessons Learned X X X X
10.28 Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) X X
10.29 Mind Mapping X X X X
10.31 Observation X
10.32 Organizational Modelling X X X
10.34 Process Analysis X
10.35 Process Modelling X X X
10.36 Prototyping X
10.38 Risk Analysis and Management X X
10.40 Root Cause Analysis X X
10.41 Scope Modelling X X X
10.45 Survey or Questionnaire X X X
10.46 SWOT Analysis X X X
10.49 Vendor Assessment X X X
10.50 Workshops X X X X
TABLE C.6 Requirements Analysis and Design Definition techniques
Section Technique 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6
10.1 Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria X X X X
10.2 Backlog Management X
10.4 Benchmarking and Market Analysis X
10.5 Brainstorming X X
10.6 Business Capability Analysis X
10.7 Business Cases X
10.8 Business Model Canvas X X
10.9 Business Rules Analysis X
10.11 Concept Modelling X
10.12 Data Dictionary X
10.13 Data Flow Diagrams X
10.15 Data Modelling X X
10.16 Decision Analysis X
10.17 Decision Modelling X
10.18 Document Analysis X X
10.19 Estimation X
10.20 Financial Analysis X X
10.21 Focus Groups X
10.22 Functional Decomposition X X
10.23 Glossary X
10.24 Interface Analysis X
10.25 Interviews X X X
10.26 Item Tracking X X
10.27 Lessons Learned X
10.28 Metrics and Key Performance Indicators
10.29 Mind Mapping X
10.30 Nonfunctional Requirements Analysis X
10.32 Organizational Modelling X X
10.35 Process Modelling X
10.36 Prototyping X
10.37 Reviews X X
10.38 Risk Analysis and Management X X
10.39 Roles and Permissions Matrix X
10.40 Root Cause Analysis X X
10.41 Scope Modelling X X
10.42 Sequence Diagrams X
10.43 Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas X
10.44 State Modelling X
10.45 Survey or Questionnaire X X
10.46 SWOT Analysis X
10.47 Use Cases and Scenarios X
10.48 User Stories X
10.49 Vendor Assessment X
10.50 Workshops X X X
TABLE C.7 Solution Evaluation techniques
Section Technique 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5
10.1 Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria X X X
10.4 Benchmarking and Market Analysis X X X X
10.5 Brainstorming X
10.7 Business Cases X
10.9 Business Rules Analysis X
10.14 Data Mining X X X X X
10.15 Data Modelling
10.16 Decision Analysis X X X X
10.18 Document Analysis X
10.20 Financial Analysis X
10.21 Focus Groups X X
10.25 Interviews X X X
10.26 Item Tracking X X
10.27 Lessons Learned X X
10.28 Metrics and Key Performance Indicators
10.30 Nonfunctional Requirements Analysis X
10.31 Observation X X X
10.32 Organizational Modelling X X
10.33 Prioritization X
10.34 Process Analysis X X
10.35 Process Modelling X
10.36 Prototyping X
10.38 Risk Analysis and Management X X X X
10.39 Roles and Permissions Matrix X
10.40 Root Cause Analysis X X X
10.45 Survey or Questionnaire X X X X X
10.46 SWOT Analysis X
10.47 Use Cases and Scenarios X
10.49 Vendor Assessment X
10.50 Workshops X
The tables in this section (Tables C.8 through C.13) map the business analysis
stakeholders to the knowledge area tasks in which they might participate. The
references being used are the knowledge area chapter and the task section
numbers of the BABOK
Guide. An X indicates that a specific stakeholder role
may participate in a particular task.
The tables map the business analyst role to every business analysis task in the
Guide. The business analysts’ level of involvement (whether formal or
informal) is not explicitly stated in the list of stakeholders for every task.
The task is identified by its chapter and section number. For example, the
column header 3.1 references the first task in Chapter 3, “Plan the Business
Analysis Approach (Section 1),” as part of the Business Analysis Planning and
Monitoring knowledge area (Chapter 3).
For a more comprehensive view, see the Stakeholders sheet in the
BABOKTechniquesMap.xlsx file, available for download at
TABLE C.8 Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring stakeholders
Stakeholder 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
Business Analyst X X X X X
Customer X
Domain SME X X X X X
End User X
Project Manager X X X X
Regulator X X X X
Sponsor X X X X X
Supplier X
TABLE C.9 Elicitation and Collaboration stakeholders
Stakeholder 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
Business Analyst X X X X X
Customer X X
Domain SME X X X X
End User X X
Implementation SME X X
Project Manager X
Sponsor X X
Tester X
Any Stakeholder X X X
All Stakeholders X
TABLE C.10 Requirements Life Cycle Management stakeholders
Stakeholder 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5
Business Analyst X X X X X
Customer X X X X
Domain SME X X X X
End User X X X X
Implementation SME X X X
Operational Support X X X X
Project Manager X X X X
Regulator X X X X
Sponsor X X X X
Supplier X
Tester X X X X
TABLE C.11 Strategy Analysis stakeholders
Stakeholder 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
Business Analyst X X X X
Customer X X X
Domain SME X X X X
End User X X X
Implementation SME X X X X
Operational Support X X X X
Project Manager X X X X
Regulator X X X X
Sponsor X X X X
Supplier X X X X
Tester X X X X
TABLE C.12 Requirements Analysis and Design Definition stakeholders
Stakeholder 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6
Business Analyst X X X X X X
Customer X
Domain SME X X X
End User X
Implementation SME X X X
Operational Support X
Project Manager X X X
Regulator X
Sponsor X X
Supplier X
Tester X
Any Stakeholder X X
All Stakeholders X X
TABLE C.13 Solution Evaluation stakeholders
Stakeholder 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5
Business Analyst X X X X X
Customer X X X X
Domain SME X X X X X
End User X X X X
Project Manager X X
Regulator X X X X
Sponsor X X X X X
Tester X
The tables in this section (Tables C.14 through C.19) map the business analysis
deliverables to the knowledge area tasks that use them as inputs or produce
them as outputs. Some of the deliverables are not part of the BABOK
and may be generated by the organization or by the project’s technical team
members during design and development. The references being used are the
knowledge area chapter and the task section numbers of the BABOK
Guide. An
I indicates that a specific deliverable is used by a particular task as an input. An
O indicates that a specific deliverable is produced as an output by a task. A GT
indicates that a deliverable is used as a guideline or tool when that deliverable is
an input to a particular task.
Each task is identified by its chapter and section number. For example, column
header 3.1 references the first task in Chapter 3 of the BABOK
Guide, “Plan the
Business Analysis Approach (Section 1),” as part of the Business Analysis
Planning and Monitoring knowledge area (Chapter 3).
For a more comprehensive view, see the Deliverables sheet in the
BABOKTechniquesMap.xlsx file, available for download at
TABLE C.14 Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring inputs,
guidelines/tools, and outputs
BA Deliverables 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
Business Analysis Approach O I I I I
Business Analysis Performance Assessment GT GT GT GT O
Business Policies GT GT GT
Change Strategy GT
Current State Description GT GT
Expert Judgment GT
Governance Approach O I
Information Management Approach O
Information Management Tools GT
Legal/Regulatory Information GT GT
Methodologies and Frameworks GT
Needs I I
Organizational Performance Standards GT
Performance Objectives (external) I
Stakeholder Engagement Approach GT O I I
TABLE C.15 Elicitation and Collaboration inputs, guidelines/tools, and
BA Deliverables 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
Business Analysis Approach GT GT GT GT
Business Analysis Information I
Business Analysis Information (communicated) O
Business Analysis Performance Assessment I
Business Objectives GT GT
Elicitation Activity Plan O I GT
Elicitation Results (confirmed) O
Elicitation Results (unconfirmed) O I
Enterprise Limitation
Existing Business Analysis Information GT GT GT
Future State Description GT
Information Management Approach GT
Needs I
Potential Value GT
Recommended Actions GT
Risk Analysis Results GT
Stakeholder Engagement O
Stakeholder Engagement Approach I GT I I
Supporting Materials GT
TABLE C.16 Requirements Life Cycle Management inputs, guidelines/tools,
and outputs
BA Deliverables 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5
Business Constraints GT
Change Strategy GT GT GT
Designs I I I I I
Designs (approved) O
Designs (maintained) O
Designs (prioritized) O
Designs (traced) O
Designs Change Assessment O
Domain Knowledge GT GT GT
Governance Approach GT GT GT
Information Management Approach GT GT
Legal/Regulatory Information GT GT GT
Proposed Change I
Requirements I I I I
Requirements (approved) O
Requirements (maintained) O
Requirements (prioritized) O
Requirements (traced) O
Requirements (verified) I
Requirements Architecture GT GT
Requirements Change Assessment O
Requirements Management Tools/Repository GT GT GT
Solution Scope GT GT GT
TABLE C.17 Strategy Analysis inputs, guidelines/tools, and outputs
BA Deliverables 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
Business Analysis Approach GT GT GT
Business Objectives O I
Business Policies GT
Business Requirements O I
Change Strategy GT O
Current State Description O GT GT I
Design Options GT
Designs (prioritized) I
Elicitation Results (confirmed) I I
Enterprise Limitation GT
Future State Description O GT I
Identified Risks GT
Influences (internal and external) I
Metrics and KPIs GT
Needs I
Organizational Strategy GT GT
Potential Value O I
Requirements (prioritized) I
Risk Analysis Results O I
Solution Limitation GT
Solution Performance Goals GT
Solution Performance Measures GT
Solution Recommendations GT
Solution Scope O
Stakeholder Analysis Results GT
Stakeholder Engagement Approach GT I
TABLE C.18 Requirements Analysis and Design Definition inputs,
guidelines/tools, and outputs
BA Deliverables 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6
Architecture Management Software GT
Business Objectives GT GT
Change Strategy I
Current State Description GT
Design Options O I
Elicitation Results (any state) I
Existing Solutions GT
Future State Description GT GT GT
Information Management Approach I
Legal/Regulatory Information GT
Methodologies and Frameworks GT
Modelling Notations/Standards GT
Modelling Tools GT
Potential Value GT I
Requirements (any state) I
Requirements (specified & modelled) O I I
Requirements (traced) GT
Requirements (validated & prioritized) I
Requirements (validated) O
Requirements (verified) O
Requirements Architecture GT O I
Requirements Life Cycle Management Tools GT GT
Risk Analysis Results GT
Solution Recommendation O
Solution Scope GT GT I GT GT
TABLE C.19 Solution Evaluation inputs, guidelines/tools, and outputs
BA Deliverables 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5
Business Objectives I GT GT
Change Strategy GT GT GT GT
Current State Description I GT
Enterprise Limitation O I
Future State Description GT GT GT
Implemented Solution (external) I I I
Potential Value I
Recommended Actions O
Requirements (validated) GT
Risk Analysis Results GT GT GT
Solution Limitation O I
Solution Performance Analysis O I I
Solution Performance Measures O I
Solution Scope GT GT GT GT GT
Appendix D
Summary of Business Analysis Techniques
Define a business analysis technique.
Review brief descriptions of the BABOK
Guide techniques.
This appendix reviews the definition of a technique and
provides a table that describes each technique in the BABOK
Guide. This
should refresh your memory about the high-level descriptions of each business
analysis technique you might see on your certification exam or use at work.
Business Analysis Techniques
Guide has 50 business analysis techniques. These techniques are
the methods and best practices used by many business analysts to perform
business analysis work. These techniques offer you options for how business
analysis tasks might be performed.
Experienced business analysts are expected to be skilled in many of these
techniques. Although you are not expected to be proficient in all of them, you
should master a decent subset of business analysis techniques that work for you.
Remember to apply your own experience and judgment when selecting and
applying one or more techniques as part of your business analysis activities.
Quick Review of Techniques
Table D.1 defines the business analysis techniques in the BABOK
Guide. They
are defined for you in much more detail in Chapter 10 of the BABOK
TABLE D.1 Business analysis techniques
Technique Description
and evaluation
Acceptance criteria define a set of requirements that must be
met for a new solution to be acceptable to its stakeholders.
Evaluation criteria are metrics and indicators used to assess
how an operational solution meets its objectives over time.
Recording, tracking, and prioritizing the remaining work that
needs to be done. Prioritization of work in the managed
backlog is typically done based upon the business value of the
work activity.
Measures organizational performance and value creation
relative to the organization’s strategic plan as a framework of
objectives and performance measures
and market
Comparing organizational practices or processes against best-
in-class practices or processes of peer organizations to identify
opportunities for improvement
Brainstorming Generating creative ideas and options to solve a problem or
meet a business need in a noncritical group environment
Describing the business capabilities of the enterprise relative to
achieving a business goal or objective
Business cases Justifying a course of action based upon the costs and business
benefits of a proposed solution
model canvas
Uses nine building blocks to describe how an enterprise
creates, delivers, and captures value to and from its customers
Business rules
Modelling and analyzing the business principles and processes
that define, constrain, and/or enable business operations and
decision making
Used when eliciting business analysis information to encourage
participants to collaborate in building a joint understanding of
a problem or a solution
Developing the core concepts of a problem, defining the
structure of the core concepts, and specifying the vocabulary to
be used
Collections of definitions used to explain the terminology used
by the business and the data relevant to each business domain
Data flow
Drawings used to visually represent how information moves
through a system by showing the external entities, processes,
data storage, and data flow
Data mining Using mathematical models to examine large amounts of data
to find useful patterns and relationships from the data
Describing and diagramming the concepts relevant to a
business area, the relationships between these concepts, and
information associated with them
Examining and modelling the possible consequences of
different decisions to make the optimal decision under
uncertain conditions
Showing how repeatable decisions are made by combining data
and knowledge
Eliciting the requirements for an existing system by studying
available documentation and identifying any other relevant
Estimation Developing the possible range of costs and effort associated
with business analysis work on your project
Assessing the financial viability, stability, and benefit
realization of a solution, solution approach, or investment
Focus groups Collections of people used to elicit ideas and attitudes about a
specific product, service, or opportunity in an interactive
Decomposing business processes, functional areas, or
deliverables into smaller parts in order to analyze the parts
Glossary Defines key terms for stakeholders so everyone uses a common
business language to communicate and exchange ideas
Clarifying the boundaries and interfaces between solutions and
solution components and defining the requirements describing
how they will interact with one another
Interviews Systematic conversations used to elicit information from a
person or group of people in an informal or formal setting by
asking questions and documenting the responses
Item tracking Capturing, assigning, and managing the responsibility for
addressing the recorded stakeholder concerns and issues
Learning about and improving a project or process by
compiling and documenting successes, opportunities for
improvement, failures, and recommendations for improving
Metrics and
Measurements used to indicate the performance of solutions,
solution components, and other matters of interest to your
Mind mapping Using a nonlinear diagram to articulate and capture thoughts,
ideas, and information about a problem or concept
Describing qualities and characteristics of a system or solution,
such as usability and performance
Observation Assessing needs and eliciting requirements by watching how
stakeholders work within their work environment
Describing roles, responsibilities, and reporting structures that
exist within an organization
Prioritization Determining the relative importance of a set of things and
determining the order in which they will be addressed
Assessing processes for efficiency and effectiveness and
recommending improvements or changes
Visually modelling the sequential flow and control logic of a set
of related activities or actions
Prototyping Building a partial or preliminary version of a system or
solution as part of your requirements development activities
Reviews An organized peer review of a deliverable, looking for errors
and omissions
Risk analysis
Assessing an identified risk and deciding on a response to that
Roles and
Using a matrix to identify roles, associate the roles with
activities, and define the levels of authority associated with
each role and activity
Performing a structured examination of an identified problem
to understand the underlying causes of that problem
Defining the boundaries of a business domain or solution
Drawings used to show how objects interact during a scenario
and the messages they exchange with one another
list, map, or
Analyzing stakeholders and their involvement with a project
using lists, matrices, or archetypes
Drawings used to show the life cycle of a data entity or class
Survey or
A set of written questions to stakeholders to collect responses
from a large group in a relatively short period of time
An evaluation of influencing factors and how they affect a
project by looking at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
Use cases and
Diagrammed and textual stories used to describe the tasks a
system or solution will perform for actors and the goals that
the system will achieve for those actors
User stories High-level, informal, and short descriptions of a solution
capability for a stakeholder in one or two sentences
An evaluation of the ability of a potential vendor to meet
commitments regarding providing you with a product or
Workshops Structured and facilitated meetings for a carefully selected
group of stakeholders to collaborate and define/refine
Appendix E
Summary of Business Analysis Outputs
Define a business analysis output.
List and briefly describe the BABOK
Guide outputs.
Appendix E reviews the definition of a business analysis
output and provides a table briefly describing each output in the BABOK
Guide. This should refresh your memory about the high-level descriptions of
each business analysis output that you might see on your certification exam or
use back at work.
Business Analysis Outputs
Guide recommends and defines a set of outputs that you can
tailor and use when planning for, defining, and managing your project's
business analysis efforts. These outputs are not always documents; they can also
be information sets that you use to measure business analysis performance, take
action, and make the right decisions at the right time. These outputs evolve over
the project life cycle and are often reviewed and updated as the project and its
associated business analysis efforts progress.
Table E.1 through Table E.6 list and define the outputs produced by the tasks in
Guide knowledge areas. It also provides the knowledge area and
task where each output is produced. Outputs used as task inputs, guidelines, or
tools that are produced outside of the scope of the BABOK
Guide and its tasks
are not addressed here.
TABLE E.1 Summary of Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring outputs
Output Brief Description Task
Defines the set of processes, templates,
techniques, and activities used to perform
business analysis on a project or initiative
Plan business
Compares planned versus actual estimates for
business analysis activities to determine the
level of effort required to complete the work
Identify business
Identifies stakeholder decision-making
responsibility and authority for business
analysis work
Plan business
Defines how business analysis information
will be stored, accessed, and used, both during
the project and after the proposed change is
Plan business
Lists stakeholders and their characteristics,
roles, and responsibilities for the project or
proposed change
Plan stakeholder
TABLE E.2 Summary of Business Analysis Elicitation and Collaboration
Output Brief Description Task
activity plan
Contains planned elicitation activities,
any associated logistics, selected
techniques, and supporting materials
Prepare for
Elicitation results Captured business analysis information in Conduct
(unconfirmed) a format specified by the elicitation
Elicitation results
Integrated business analysis information
provided by the stakeholders and agreed
upon as correct
Business analysis
Business analysis information that
stakeholders understand
business analysis
Willingness from stakeholders to engage
in business analysis activities and interact
with the business analyst
TABLE E.3 Summary of Business Analysis Requirements Life Cycle
Management outputs
Output Brief Description Task
Requirements with clearly defined relationships
to other requirements or designs within the
solution scope
Designs with clearly defined relationships to
other requirements or designs within the
solution scope
Requirements formatted for long-term use by
the organization
Designs formatted for long-term use by the
Requirements prioritized relative to one another
based on relative importance to stakeholders and
the organization
Designs prioritized relative to one another based
on relative importance to stakeholders and the
Recommends whether or not to approve, modify,
or deny a proposed change to requirements
Recommends whether or not to approve, modify,
or deny a proposed change to one or more design
Requirements agreed to by stakeholders and
ready for use in subsequent business analysis
Designs agreed to by stakeholders and ready for
use in subsequent business analysis activities
TABLE E.4 Summary of Business Analysis Strategy Analysis outputs
Output Brief Description Task
Current state
Provides the “as is” state of the enterprise relative to
scope, capabilities, resources, performance,
dependencies, and infrastructure
Defines the problem, opportunity, or constraint based
upon the current state
Points to the desired direction the business will take to
achieve the future state
Future state
Defines the “to be” state of the enterprise and the
potential value expected from the future state
Value that may be realized when the future state is
Risk analysis
Contains identified risks associated with the future
state and strategies to address those risks
Describes the approach the organization will follow to
guide change
Defines the set of capabilities that must be delivered to
meet the business need and the effect the capabilities
will have on business and technology operations and
TABLE E.5 Summary of Business Analysis Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition outputs
Output Brief Description Task
(specified and
Contains any combination of requirements
and/or designs as text, matrices, and
Specify and
Requirements of sufficient quality to allow
further work
Requirements that deliver value to
stakeholders and align with business goals
and objectives
Contains requirements, the
interrelationships between them, and
contextual information
Design options Describe various options for satisfying the
solution approach as well as potential
Define design
improvement opportunities each option
Identifies the suggested solution with
maximum enterprise value based upon
evaluating all design options
potential value
and recommend
TABLE E.6 Summary of Business Analysis Solution Evaluation outputs
Output Brief Description Task
Provide information on how well a solution is
performing or could perform
Contains analysis results of collected
measurements and recommendations to
solve performance gaps and leverage
Describes current limitations of the solution
including constraints and defects
Assess solution
Describes the current limitations of the
enterprise and how solution performance
impacts it
Recommendations that guide solution
actions to
solution value.
Appendix F
Answers to Review Questions
Chapter 1: Foundation Concepts
1. C. A solution is a set of changes to the current state of an organization made
in order to enable the organization to meet a business need, solve a problem,
or take advantage of an opportunity. It is the basis for the project scope that
implements the solution and its components.
2. A. Strategy Analysis contains pre-project or early project activities such as
assessing feasibility and building a business case for a potential business
3. D. The business analyst is responsible for understanding the business
problems and opportunities in the context of the requirements.
4. B. One definition for a requirement is a condition or capability needed by a
stakeholder either to solve a problem or to achieve an objective.
5. D. Transition requirements describe capabilities that a solution must have to
facilitate transitioning from the current to the desired future state. They are
not needed once the transition is complete and cannot be created until both
the current and new solutions have been defined.
6. B. The project manager has primary responsibility for achieving the project
7. D. Inputs represent information and preconditions necessary for a task to
begin. They are produced externally by a single task.
8. C. Business analysis is a set of tasks and techniques used to identify business
needs and determine solutions to business problems.
9. C. Knowledge areas define what a business analyst needs to understand and
the tasks they need to perform. They do not define a methodology or indicate
project phases as tasks may be done in any order as long as their inputs are
10. D. The deliverables produced by the Strategy Analysis tasks that make up the
business requirements include the business need, the required capabilities,
the solution scope, and the business case.
11. B. Building a business case is typically done as part of Strategy Analysis
activities. The next most logical knowledge area applied after Strategy
Analysis is completed would be Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
where requirements-related resources and tasks are defined.
12. B. Requirements Planning and Monitoring is not a knowledge area. The six
knowledge areas are Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring, Elicitation
and Collaboration, Requirements Life Cycle Management, Strategy Analysis,
Requirements Analysis and Design Definition, and Solution Evaluation.
13. D. The approved requirements are agreed to by stakeholders and ready for
use in subsequent business analysis or implementation efforts.
14. C. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring defines requirement-related
resources and tasks throughout the requirements development process.
15. D. Requirements gathering or requirements collecting activities are also
known as requirements elicitation.
16. B. Inputs are the information and preconditions necessary for a business
analysis task to begin. They may be generated outside of the scope of
business analysis or generated by a business analysis task.
17. A. Problem solving involves measuring alternatives against objectives and
identifying trade-offs to determine which possible solution is best.
18. D. The business analysis approach defines the methodology used for
business analysis work on the overall project and each of its phases. It
includes team roles, deliverables to be produced, how and when tasks are
performed, techniques to be used, and other aspects of the high-level
business analysis process.
19. B. The business analyst is responsible for ensuring the feasibility of proposed
requirements when defining, describing, and refining the characteristics of
an acceptable solution as part of Requirements Analysis and Design
Definition activities.
20. A. Solution requirements describe the capabilities and qualities of a solution
that meets the stakeholder requirements. Functional requirements, a subset
of the solution requirements, could also be a correct answer to this question,
although they were not one of the potential answers provided.
Chapter 2: Controlled Start: Business Analysis Planning
and Monitoring
1. B. The Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area contains
tasks for planning and monitoring of business analysis activities throughout
the project, including reporting on and identifying performance
2. A. Predictive business analysis approaches are used when most of the
business analysis work occurs at the beginning of the project or during one
single project phase.
3. D. The 15 techniques that can be used when determining the business
analysis approach are: brainstorming, business cases, document analysis,
estimation, financial analysis, functional decomposition, interviews, item
tracking, lessons learned, process modelling, reviews, risk analysis and
management, scope modelling, survey or questionnaire, and workshops.
4. B. The project manager is responsible for ensuring that the business analysis
plan is compatible with the project plan.
5. A. Needs, or more specifically business needs, are the key input used when
planning the business analysis approach for a project. The business need
defines the problem or opportunity faced by the organization.
6. C. The acronym RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and
Informed. This is a technique used when conducting stakeholder analysis.
7. C. Urgency is the requirements attribute that indicates how soon the
requirement is needed. This attribute is usually specified separately from
priority when you have an implementation deadline to meet.
8. B. Stakeholder analysis is performed as soon as a business need is identified
and is an ongoing activity as long as business analysis work is being done on
a project. It is typically conducted prior to (not during) the project phase it
applies to because the business analysis team needs to know the key
stakeholders in order to plan effectively for that phase.
9. D. The tasks in the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge
area are planning the business analysis approach, planning the stakeholder
engagement approach (which includes stakeholder analysis), planning
business analysis governance, planning business analysis information
management, and identifying business analysis performance improvements.
10. C. The business analyst is a key stakeholder for all business analysis tasks on
a project.
11. B. Metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) is the technique that
allows you to determine the metrics used for measuring performance and
determining how those metrics may be tracked as part of identifying
business analysis process improvements.
12. B. The stakeholder engagement approach describes how, when, and why the
business analyst will work directly with stakeholders relative to any business
analysis task.
13. B. The six elements of planning business analysis information management
are as follows: organization of business analysis information, level of
abstraction, plan traceability, plan reuse, storage and access, and
requirements attributes.
14. B. A metric is a quantitative measure of a process or product describing what
is to be measured.
15. C. The business analysis performance assessment is an input or guideline for
all tasks found in the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge
16. B. The functional decomposition technique is used when planning business
analysis activities to decompose the products of your project (a solution
breakdown structure) or to decompose project tasks (a work breakdown
17. B. The BABOK® Guide recommends business analysts begin their planning
efforts by building their business analysis approach, defining the business
analysis methodology to be used across the project life cycle. Concurrently,
the business analysis team also identifies, analyzes, and categorizes the
business analysis stakeholders with which they will be working as part of the
stakeholder engagement approach.
18. B. The Business Analysis Approach deliverable that is built as part of the
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area defines the
project’s approach to traceability.
19. C. Requirements that are potential candidates for reuse include regulatory
requirements, contractual obligations, quality standards, service level
agreements, business rules or processes, and product requirements.
20. C. The business analysis governance approach defines the components of a
request for change, including the cost and time estimates of the requested
change, its associated benefits and risks, and the recommended course of
action for the change.
Chapter 3: Controlled Start: Strategy Analysis
1. B. All of the Strategy Analysis tasks are governed by the business analysis
approach created as part of the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
knowledge area.
2. B. The Strategy Analysis task “Define change strategy” produces the solution
scope as an output. Option D is a tempting choice, but “Define solution
scope” is not an actual task in the Strategy Analysis knowledge area.
3. D. Strategy Analysis tasks develop the business requirements for the project
by defining the business need, business case, solution scope, and required
4. A. The solution is the outcome of a change that allows an enterprise to satisfy
a need.
5. D. The business need defines the problem for which the business analyst is
trying to find a solution.
6. C. Industry structure might present constraints, dependencies, or drivers on
the current state of the enterprise. This area is a source of external
influencers found when analyzing the current state.
7. B. The change strategy contains the results of the business analyst assessing
the capability gaps between the existing and new capabilities of the
8. B. The five elements that are part of the assess risks task are unknowns,
constraints/assumptions/dependencies, negative impact to value, risk
tolerance, and recommendations.
9. D. The four dimensions of a balanced scorecard are learning and growth,
business process, customer, and financial.
10. C. When building a change strategy, decision analysis can be used to
compare the costs of implementing a proposed solution against the benefits
to be gained.
11. C. Analyzing the current state and its capabilities has eight elements:
business needs, organizational structure and culture, capabilities and
processes, technology and infrastructure, policies, business architecture,
internal assets, and external influences. The scope of decision making at
different levels in the organization is part of the policies element.
12. B. The sponsor typically approves the business case and authorizes funding
for the resulting project.
13. B. The document analysis technique allows the business analyst to leverage
existing materials to analyze the current state of the enterprise relative to a
business need during Strategy Analysis.
14. B. During Strategy Analysis, two tasks (analyzing the current state and
defining the future state) are usually completed before the business analyst
assesses the risks and builds the change strategy and defines the solution
15. A. The change strategy contains the preliminary analysis of solution
alternatives or options to determine how and whether each option can
provide an expected business benefit.
16. B. Business objectives describe the specific and measurable ends that an
organization is seeking to achieve.
17. B. Defining a business need from the bottom up occurs when you are looking
at the current state of an existing system and trying to figure out how to
improve the efficiency of that system.
18. D. When defining solution scope, the implementation SME participates in
allocating capabilities to solution components and determining what is
required to deliver these new capabilities.
19. C. During Strategy Analysis, functional decomposition is used to break down
business goals into achievable objectives and measures.
20. A. The solution scope and change strategy have been defined when the
Strategy Analysis knowledge area activities are complete. Other key
deliverables and outputs from this knowledge area include business
requirements and business objectives.
Chapter 4: Overarching Tasks: Requirements Life Cycle
1. C. The approve requirements task may result in approval and sign-off on the
requirements or designs.
2. D. The governance approach determines how to communicate with
stakeholders and provides a basis for meeting and communication
3. C. The project manager is responsible and accountable for the project scope,
assessing the solution scope in order to define the project scope as part of the
Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area.
4. C. The BACCM™ states that the business analyst is responsible for extending
value beyond the current initiative they are working on by maintaining
requirements and designs for reuse.
5. A. The solution and stakeholder requirements on a project must be traceable
to a business requirement.
6. D. The three business analysis deliverables are inputs to several
Requirements Life Cycle Management tasks used to influence and guide the
business analyst in managing requirements are the governance approach,
the change strategy, and the information management approach.
7. A. Making sure that the business analysis team traces the relationship
between functional requirements and the solution components that
implement those requirements is an example of the Satisfy traceability
8. C. The tasks in the Requirements Life Cycle Management knowledge area are
performed to ensure that all stakeholders have a shared understanding of
the nature of a solution and to ensure that those stakeholders with approval
authority are in agreement as to the requirements that the solution shall
9. C. The four techniques that may be used when tracing requirements include
business rules analysis, functional decomposition, process modelling, or
scope modelling.
10. B. The requirements output from the Requirements Life Cycle Management
knowledge area include approved, prioritized, maintained, and traced
11. A. Structured walkthroughs are organized peer-level or team reviews of
project deliverables, such as requirements. Attendees are looking for errors
or omissions in the requirements.
12. B. Requirements that are intended for reuse reflect the current state of the
13. C. The stability prioritization factor takes into account the likelihood that a
requirement will change, because either it needs further analysis or there is a
lack of stakeholder consensus.
14. D. The requirements architecture is used during requirements prioritization
to understand the relationship with other requirements and work products.
15. B. The business analyst typically receives input from the implementation
SME regarding the impacts of technical dependencies on a specific
stakeholder requirement.
16. C. Requirements tracing may be done at the individual requirement level, at
the model level, at the package level, or at the feature level.
17. A. The requirements life cycle begins with the representation of a business
need as a requirement and ends when a solution representing the
requirements is retired.
18. D. When assessing a proposed change to a set of project requirements for an
adaptive development approach with iterative and incremental
implementation techniques, the resulting impact analysis may be informal.
19. C. The solution scope is the basis for requirements management during a
project, ensuring that proposed requirements support business goals and
20. A. The four elements of the approve requirements task are understand
stakeholder roles, conflict and issue management, gain consensus, and track
and communicate approval.
Chapter 5: Controlled Middle: Elicitation and
1. A. Elicitation knowledge area tasks include prepare for elicitation, conduct
elicitation activity, document elicitation results, and confirm elicitation
2. D. Document analysis results in improved requirements coverage as long as
the documents being reviewed are up-to-date (current) and valid.
3. B. Brainstorming involves preparing, conducting, and wrapping up. This is
true for all 10 techniques used to elicit requirements.
4. C. When conducting an active observation, the business analyst or observer
should take detailed notes and ask probing questions about why certain
tasks are being done.
5. C. Evolutionary prototypes allow designers and developers to learn about
user interface needs and evolve the system requirements.
6. A. Any stakeholder can participate in requirements elicitation activities.
7. A. Closed-ended questions elicit a single response, such as yes or no.
8. B. Stakeholder engagement is defined as the willingness of stakeholders to
actively work and interact with the business analysis team.
9. B. Observation assesses the individual’s work environment to document
details about current processes.
10. A. Active, or visible, observation is when the business analyst observes the
individual performing their job and asks questions and talks with the worker
while they are performing the work.
11. C. The Elicitation knowledge area focuses on eliciting business, stakeholder,
solution, and transition requirements.
12. D. Brainstorming promotes creative thinking, producing a broad or diverse
set of options for a specific topic or problem.
13. A. Document analysis elicits requirements of existing systems by reviewing
available documentation and leveraging existing materials to discover or
confirm requirements. It is also used when SMEs for existing systems are no
longer available.
14. B. Heterogeneous individuals have diverse backgrounds and offer different
perspectives during a focus group.
15. B. Interface types include user interfaces, external application interfaces,
and interfaces with external hardware devices.
16. A. Prototyping for requirements elicitation targets uncovering and
visualizing the interface needs before an application is designed or
17. C. A survey or questionnaire provides an effective method for eliciting
requirements information from many people in a short period of time.
18. A. The nonjudgmental environment of a brainstorming session for
requirements elicitation enables creative thinking.
19. C. Unstructured interviews are where the business analyst has no predefined
questions but sits with the interviewee to discuss what the business expects
from the target system.
20. C. Affinity maps, fishbowls, and product boxes are all collaborative games
that may be used to encourage stakeholders to develop a joint view of a
problem or potential solution.
Chapter 6: Controlled Middle: Requirements Analysis and
Design Definition
1. C. Requirements analysis tools and techniques are used to develop the
stakeholder and solution requirements.
2. A. Requirements validation ensures that all requirements support the
delivery of value to the business by ensuring that stakeholder, solution, and
transition requirements align to the business requirements.
3. B. Consistent requirements do not contradict or conflict with one another.
4. D. Data flow diagrams show how information flows through the system.
5. D. A model serves as an abstraction representing some or all of the proposed
6. C. A process is defined as a sequence of repeatable activities executed in an
7. B. Decision modelling is an example of rationale-focused models used in
requirements analysis.
8. C. Entities in an entity-relationship diagram are the things about which data
is needed. They are contained in the labeled rectangle of the diagram.
9. A. The six tasks of requirements analysis are specify and model
requirements, verify requirements, validate requirements, define
requirements architecture, define design options, and analyze potential
value and recommend solution.
10. B. Activity flow models show how the system behaves over the course of time
through executing business processes or resulting from events that occur
inside the solution scope.
11. C. The requirements architecture is the structure for all of the requirements
of a proposed change.
12. B. Constraints impose limitations imposed on the solution that do not
support the business or stakeholder needs.
13. D. Improvement opportunities include increasing efficiency, providing better
access to information, and identifying capabilities beyond what is required.
14. B. Nonfunctional requirements define quality attributes, design, and
implementation constraints, and external interfaces the product must have.
They are a type of solution requirement.
15. D. Atomic requirements are self-contained and capable of being understood
independently of other requirements or designs.
16. C. Scope modelling organizes requirements based on the solution
components to which they are related.
17. A. Specified and modelled requirements are the output from the task
“specify and model requirements.”
18. C. The four main components of an entity relationship diagram are the
entities, their attributes, unique identifiers for each occurrence of an entity,
and relationships between the entities. Attributes are individual pieces of
information that describe an entity.
19. A. Verification is a quality check performed after a requirement is analyzed.
Verification activities are typically performed iteratively throughout the
requirements analysis process.
20. B. Assumptions and constraints are defined and clarified as requirements
are understood and documented with their associated attributes such as date
identified, owner, impact, and any associated risks.
Chapter 7: Controlled End: Solution Evaluation
1. C. Solution Evaluation tasks can be performed on solutions in different
stages of development. A pilot or beta release is the name given to a solution
component that is part of a limited implementation that is not fully released.
2. B. Business objectives provide you with the measurable result that the
enterprise wants to achieve.
3. B. The item tracking technique is used to ensure that issues identified by
assessing enterprise limitations are resolved.
4. D. According to the BACCM™, a business analyst may recommend a change
to either a solution or to the enterprise to realize the potential value of a
5. B. Determining the most appropriate response to identified problems in a
delivered solution is an element of the assessing solution limitations task.
6. C. “Do nothing” is the best recommendation to make when the value of a
change from a current state is low relative to the effort required to make that
7. D. To evaluate solution performance, the solution must exist in some form
and be in use.
8. B. The project sponsor is responsible for approving the potential value of a
9. D. Allocated requirements are associated with a solution component that will
implement them.
10. A. You are making decisions about replacing or retiring a solution. One
factor you consider is the money/effort that has already been committed to
this current initiative, which is the sunk cost.
11. C. The implemented solution is a solution that exists in some way.
12. C. Requirements allocation typically begins early in the project life cycle (as
soon as the solution approach can be determined) and continues to be
performed until all valid requirements are allocated, typically through design
and construction of the solution.
13. B. Transition requirements are defined after the solution has been designed.
14. A. During solution validation, the root-cause analysis technique can be used
to ensure that the underlying reason for a defect is identified, rather than
simply correcting the output that may be a symptom of a deeper underlying
15. A. Investigating how a solution affects a particular stakeholder group (or
stakeholder assessment) is an element of the assessing enterprise limitations
task in the Solution Evaluation knowledge area.
16. B. When assessing enterprise limitations using the risk analysis and
management technique, be sure to address technology, financial, and
business risks.
17. B. Transition requirements define capabilities needed to support the
transition from the old system to the new solution, including employee
training, conversion of existing information, and user acceptance testing.
18. C. The BABOK
Guide recommends using metrics and KPIs when
measuring solution performance.
19. C. Inputs for the Analyze Performance Measures task include the solution
performance measures and the potential value. Additional guidelines and
tools used as inputs are the change strategy, future state description, risk
analysis results and solution scope, the deployed solution, any identified
defects, and the business requirements.
20. C. The business analyst knows the business environment and can assess how
each proposed solution would affect the environment. Business analysts are
also responsible for ensuring that the stakeholders fully understand the
solution requirements and that implementation decisions align with those
Chapter 8: Underlying Competencies
1. B. Business principles are those characteristics that are common to all
organizations with a similar purpose and structure, whether or not they are
in the same industry. Examples include organizational functions such as HR
and finance.
2. D. Influence skills enable you to get things done.
3. A. Organization knowledge is the understanding of the business architecture
of an organization, including business models, organizational structure,
business unit relationships, and people in key stakeholder positions.
4. D. Visual methods involve providing learners with a visual representation,
such as a graphical model of a business process or a solution.
5. C. These are Tuckman’s four stages of group development in the order they
occur. You will not find this specific information in the standard. Several
business analysis tasks require you to manage teams, and this is a well-
known model for group development.
6. A. Confrontation is considered to be the best method for conflict resolution
with the highest likelihood of reaching a permanent solution. It involves
addressing the conflict using a problem-solving method by analyzing the
facts. You will not find this specific information in the standard.
7. A. The process of gaining knowledge or skills is also known as learning.
8. C. Organization and time management skills assist you in effectively
managing tasks and information. One measure of organization and time
management is effective use of your time, which requires prioritizing,
eliminating procrastination, and clarifying goals and objectives.
9. A. Problem solving involves measuring alternatives against objectives and
identifying trade-offs to determine which possible solution is best.
Evaluating trade-offs and measurements is part of decision making.
10. C. Diagramming tools support rapid drawing and documentation of a model
by providing a set of templates for a particular notation, and they are
generally low-cost and easy-to-use. The resulting diagrams can often be
integrated into a word-processing document.
11. B. Knowledge management and collaboration tools that may be used to
capture and distribute knowledge throughout an organization include
document repositories that link with office productivity software, wikis
allowing easy creation and linking of web pages, discussion forums, or other
web-based tools.
12. C. Cognitive conflicts are based on disagreements on matters of substantive
value or impact on the project or organization. Resolution of cognitive
conflict requires the team to focus on examining the premises, assumptions,
observations, and expectations of the team members.
13. B. Effective leadership requires that a business analyst be able to develop a
vision of a desired future state that people can be motivated to work toward
and the interpersonal skills needed to encourage them to do so.
14. A. Expectancy theory links the expectancy and likelihood of a reward to
15. B. Analytical thinking and problem-solving skills are divided into five more
detailed areas: creative thinking, decision making, learning, problem solving,
and systems thinking.
16. D. Effective problem solving is a combination of problem definition,
alternatives identification, and decision making.
17. C. One aspect of effective verbal communications is your ability to use your
active listening skills. Active listeners maintain a focus on the speaker in
order to understand, interpret, and evaluate what is being said in a calm,
systematic fashion. Often, active listeners paraphrase statements to the
speaker to ensure that the listener understands what is being said.
18. B. Theory X says people are inherently lazy and need to be threatened in
order to be motivated. In contrast, Theory Y states that people seek out
responsibility and respond to proper expectations in the workplace.
19. A. Confronting a problem is considered to be the best method for conflict
resolution with the highest likelihood of a permanent solution. This involves
laying the problem and any related information out on the table and getting
the involved parties to discuss what is going on and reach a resolution.
20. C. The storming stage of the Tuckman model is characterized by
confrontations as team members vie for position and control within the
group. Everyone is jockeying for status within the group, and things can be a
bit chaotic.
Chapter 9: Five Perspectives on Business Analysis
1. C. The five common perspectives addressed by the BABOK
Guide include
agile, business intelligence, information technology, business architecture,
and business process management.
2. B. The false statement is “Knowledge areas are applied the same way
regardless of the perspective being used.” Knowledge areas are typically
modified and customized for each perspective. This can result in different
techniques, frameworks, and reference models being used as part of the
3. D. Business analysis work is performed continuously throughout an agile
initiative and relies heavily on interpersonal skills.
4. A. On agile projects, a kanban backlog list is used to manage the ongoing
refinements and redefinition of the project scope. The backlog list is
continually reviewed and reprioritized.
5. C. The sponsor is the key stakeholder that you need to have involved with the
project from the beginning, providing continuous feedback to the team and
adjusting the product as needs change.
6. C. One or a combination of the following roles can perform business analysis
activities on agile teams: a business analyst working on the team, the
customer representative or product owner, or distributing the business
analysis activities throughout the team members.
7. A. The focus of business intelligence is the transformation of data into value-
added information to support business decision making.
8. B. One focus of a business intelligence project is customer engagement,
targeting a strategic process level of decision making. Other strategic process
examples include market analysis and product development.
9. D. The business analyst’s primary role on a business intelligence initiative is
as a liaison between business intelligence stakeholders and solution
providers. Additional activities may include designing ad hoc queries,
designing specialized presentations, and modelling decisions or enterprise
10. A. A process modeller captures and documents as-is and to-be business
processes on business process management projects.
11. C. Predictive analytics applies statistical analysis methods to historical data
to identify patterns and make predictions about future events. The focus is
on pattern recognition through data mining, predictive modelling,
forecasting, and condition-driven alerts.
12. D. Business analysts working in an information technology environment
consider their tasks in light of three factors: solution impact, organizational
maturity, and change scope.
13. C. The waterfall life cycle model is an example of the predictive solution
development methodology where each phase of the process or sequence is
completed before advancing to the next phase.
14. C. The four information technology methodologies a business analyst may
encounter are homegrown/organization specific, requirements engineering
(RE), structured systems and design method (SSADM), and the unified
process (UP). SSADM is a predictive development methodology focusing on
established logical modelling and the separation of requirements from
15. B. In addition to the techniques identified in the Elicitation and
Collaboration knowledge area, three methods can be of great benefit in the
information technology discipline. They are investigation, simulation, and
experimentation. Simulations use statistical methods and mockups as part of
the elicitation effort.
16. A. Business architecture provides architectural descriptions and views, called
blueprints, to provide a common understanding of the organization for the
purpose of aligning strategic objectives with tactical demands.
17. D. For each blueprint provided, business architecture may define the current
state, future state, and one or more transition states that are used to
transition to the future state. This provides insight and understanding of
how well the organization aligns to its strategy and is a trigger for change.
18. C. There are several factors central to successful business architecture. They
include support of the executive business leadership team, integration with
clear and effective governance processes, and integration with ongoing
initiatives and access to senior leadership.
19. C. The business process management perspective focuses on how the
organization performs work to deliver value across multiple functional areas
to customers and stakeholders.
20. C. The business process management life cycle generally includes the
following four activities: designing, modelling, execution/monitoring, and
optimizing. Execution/monitoring is where data is collected from the actual
business process flow.
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