Select Bus Service changes the way buses
operate and makes your ride faster and more
reliable. In addition to customers paying before
they board, this service features dedicated bus
lanes, enforcement against traffic violators,
cameras that catch illegally parked cars and
trucks, and traffic signal priority, all contributing to
faster, reliable service.
Note: Fare payment and boarding on the S79
SBS operates the same as local or express
buses. Continue to board at the front of the
bus and pay with your student MetroCard.
How it works for SBS (except S79 SBS)
Select Bus Service stops all have clearly
marked signs, shelters, and buses.
You MUST pay your fare before boarding.
Pay at the bus stop where you will board.
Use a MetroCard Fare Collector or Coin Fare
Collector machine to pay.
Your ticket is proof of payment.
Your ticket is NOT a transfer and is NOT valid
on any other bus or subway.
You MUST board at the stop where you
paid your fare and complete your trip
within one hour.
Board through any of the doors.
Keep Your Ticket!
Hold onto your ticket for the entire trip.
It shows that you’ve paid.
You can’t pay and get a ticket once you’ve
Fare inspectors on the bus randomly check
tickets. If you don’t have a ticket or refuse
to show it, you could be issued a fare
evasion summons.
Your ticket is valid only for the SBS route you
paid for, not on other SBS routes or any other
bus route.
Two Ways to Pay Before You Board
1. MetroCard Fare Collector
Use this machine if you have a
Student MetroCard OR you have a
Half-Fare Student MetroCard that
you swiped on a previous bus
before getting on the Select Bus.
$$$22222 5555500000
A. Press the start button.
B. Insert your Student MetroCard
face up into the slot.
C. You will get a ticket
automatically. SAVE IT.
D. Board the bus at the stop where you paid;
you must board and complete your trip within
one hour.
If You Have a Problem with the Machine
If the machine doesn’t work, please board the bus
and tell the bus operator.
If the machine doesn’t give you a ticket or fails to
return your Student MetroCard:
Write down the machine number, date, time
and direction of travel.
Tell the bus operator.
Note the time and bus number.
Inform the Transportation Coordinator at your
school to get a new card.
Transfers: MetroCard transfers remain the same.
Your MetroCard has an encoded transfer on it.
Fare collection machines accept fares and issue
tickets. The machines can’t sell or refill a
A ticket is NOT a transfer and is NOT valid on any
other bus or subway.
2. Coin Fare Collector
Use this machine if you have a Half-Fare
Student MetroCard and your first trip is on a
Select Bus.
Pay your fare with coins, exact
change only.
The machine doesn’t take dollar
bills, half-dollars, or pennies.
A. Press the yellow button.
B. Insert Half-Fare (one half the
base fare) in coins, exact
change only.
C. You will get a ticket
automatically. SAVE IT.
D. Board the bus at the stop where you paid;
you must board and complete your trip within
one hour.
To CANCEL the transaction, press the red button
before you deposit your last coin.
If You Have a Problem with the Machine
If the machine doesn’t work, please board the bus
and tell the bus operator.
If the machine doesn’t give you a ticket or return
your coins:
Write down the machine number, date, time,
and direction of travel.
Tell the bus operator, and ask for a business
reply envelope; call 511, or report it online at
eFIX at
Transfers: Board at the front of the bus, show
your ticket, and ask the bus operator to give
you a transfer.
Fare collection machines accept fares and issue
tickets. These machines don’t make change.
Other travel tips:
Can I make any transfer I want? Can I get off
the bus and then back on again?
Transfers from a local bus to a limited bus and
from a limited bus to local buses are allowed in
the same direction. You can’t get back on the
same bus you started on, though.
There are also some other bus transfers that are
not allowed.
You cannot transfer between the following
Grand Concourse: Bx1 and Bx2
No transfer allowed between a bus going south
on Grand Concourse and one going north.
Tremont/Burnside Avenue: Bx40 and Bx42
Madison/Fifth Avenue: M1, M2, M3 and M4
No transfer allowed between southbound
Fifth Avenue buses and northbound Madison
Avenue buses.
Lexington/Third Avenue: M101, M102 and M103
No transfer allowed between southbound
Lexington Avenue and northbound Third Avenue
96th Street: M96 and M106
I have a Half-Fare Student MetroCard. How do
I use it?
You can use your Half-Fare Student MetroCard
only on the bus. You do not get a free transfer to
the subway. You can transfer only to another bus.
To use your Half-Fare Student MetroCard, first put
your card into the slot on top of the farebox.
When you see the words “Insert Coins” in the little
window, pay your reduced fare (one half the base
fare) in coins. The farebox will put a free transfer
on your card. Then, if you need to take a second
bus, just use your Student MetroCard again when
you transfer. You’ll see “Transfer OK” in the little
Student MetroCard
Subject to applicable terms and conditions. Name (print)
Only valid for student named above on days when student's school is in session.
Student Transportation
Grades K-6
Valid Monday to Friday,
5:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m.
Subject to applicable terms and conditions. Name (print)
Only valid for student named above on days when student's school is in session.
Student Transportation
Grades 7-12
Valid Monday to Friday,
5:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m.
Way to
and from
Way to
and from
About Your Student MetroCard
Student MetroCard is a special MetroCard that
allows students to get to and from school. It’s
good for the whole school semester, and it
means you don’t have to wait at the subway
gate to show an agent or show the bus operator
your pass unless specifically requested. You just
swipe or dip, and go.
How does my Student MetroCard work?
Do I need to pay?
You don’t need to pay to use a Student MetroCard
unless you have a Half-Fare Student MetroCard
(see the inside panel for more Half-Fare Student
MetroCard information). You can use it as soon
as you get it, and it's good at every subway
station and on local buses only. Student
MetroCards cannot be used on express buses.
When can I use my Student MetroCard?
You can use your Student MetroCard only
on school days, during the hours specified on
your card.
It’s important to remember that you can only
use your Student MetroCard on days when your
school is in session and only for transportation to
and from school-related activities. If your school
is closed, you can’t use your card.
If you attempt to use your Student MetroCard
on days when your school is closed, it will be
confiscated and you will be issued a penalty with
a summons of $100.
How many trips can I take each day?
You can use a Student MetroCard for three trips
each school day. On most trips you can also
transfer free from the bus to the subway, from a
bus to another bus, or from the subway to the
How do I use my Student MetroCard on the bus?
The way to “dip” your Student MetroCard on the
bus is to hold the card with the word “MetroCard”
facing you and the end with the cut-off corner at
the top (and the “M” on MetroCard at the bottom).
Insert the card into the slot on the top of the
farebox and wait for it to pop back out to you.
How do I use my Student MetroCard on
the subway?
The way to swipe your Student MetroCard on the
subway is to hold the card with the word
“MetroCard” facing you right side up. Without
lifting the card, slide it through the slot on the
If you swipe too fast or too slow, it might not work.
If you don’t see “GO” in the little window on the
turnstile, try again at the same turnstile.
What if my card doesn’t work?
Make sure you’re using your Student MetroCard
the right way. If you have trouble, ask the station
agent or the bus operator for help. If your card
still doesn’t work, give it back to your school pass
coordinator and ask for a new one.
Are there any other rules about using
the card?
Yes. Take good care of your Student MetroCard.
Don’t bend it or scratch it.
What if my Student MetroCard is lost
or stolen?
Your Student MetroCard has a number located
below the word EXPIRES on the back. Write the
number down as soon as you get the card and
keep it in a safe place. It will help to trace the
card if it’s lost or stolen.
If your card is lost or stolen, tell your school
pass coordinator right away. The pass coordinator
will report the missing card and help you get
another one.
Can I let someone else use my Student
No. You are not allowed to let someone else use
your Student MetroCard. A Student MetroCard is
to be used only by the student whose name
appears on the card.
What can happen if I lend it to someone?
Your school, a police officer or transit personnel
can take away your Student MetroCard if they find
out you’re letting somebody else use it. You
MUST also present them with your Student
MetroCard upon their request. They can also
confiscate your card if you alter it, damage it on
purpose, or use it in any other way than the way
it’s supposed to be used. You could be subject to
arrest and/or a $100 fine for improper use of your
Student MetroCard.
How do I transfer with my Student MetroCard?
It’s easy. If you start your trip on the bus, dip your
card. It will let you on the bus and put a free
transfer on your card. Then you can continue
your trip for free on the subway or the bus, as
long as you transfer within two hours. When you
swipe or dip again, the little window will say
“Transfer OK.”
You can only make one free transfer, which you
must do within two hours of your first trip. It’s
okay to transfer from subway to bus, from bus to
subway, or from bus to bus. However, once you
have left the subway or the bus and made a
transfer, you can’t go on another bus or enter the
subway again without using another one of your
allocated rides.
Travel Safely
In the subway…
Stand Back from the platform edge.
1. Stand behind the yellow line, away from the
platform edge. In 2017, there were 181
incidents involving customers who came in
contact with trains; 44 people died.
Don’t become a statistic.
2. Do not play games. Jumping over the tracks,
kidding around on the platform, riding
skateboards/bicycles or endangering your
friends might all lead to disaster. Things can
turn deadly in a hurry.
3. Subway Surfing–riding on a train roof or
hanging on the side of a moving train—is
DANGEROUS. If you fall, your injuries may be
4. Keep off the tracks. They contain more
than 600 volts of electricity. If you drop
something on the tracks, leave it. Ask a
Transit employee or police officer for help; or,
if available, use a station Help Point or
Customer Assistance intercom.
5. Do not put your head or hand in the path of a
train. Trains move faster than you think and
may not stop in time to save your life.
6. Step aside to speed your ride. When you let
others off first, the train can take you on your
way sooner.
7. Do not walk or stand between subway cars.
The cars shift, and if you slip there’s
no getting up.
8. Remain alert and aware. You need to see
and hear what’s going on around you. Do
not be distracted by your mobile devices.
9. During non-rush hours, wait for trains in the
designated waiting areas.
10. Avoid empty subway cars, and use subway
exits where there is the most activity.
When traveling by bus…
1. Walk—do not run—to catch a bus.
2. If standing, hold a handrail.
3. Keep your head and arms inside the bus.
4. After exiting, do not cross in
front of the bus.
5. Stay alert. Do not be distracted
by cell phones, headphones, and
other devices.
Protect yourself while traveling
Keep electronic devices out of sight. Avoid
listening to music so that you can remain alert
enough to hear surrounding sounds.
If someone suspicious is behind or ahead of you,
cross the street. If necessary, crisscross from one
side to the other.
Walk close to the curb to avoid passing too close
to shrubbery, dark doorways, and other places of
Follow your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable
about a person or location, remove yourself
immediately from the area.
Become knowledgeable about the neighborhood
around your station and bus stop—which stores,
restaurants, and businesses are open.
Always know your location. You must have your
exact location if you call 911.
Visit to learn what to do or how to make a
report if you encounter improper sexual conduct in
our transportation system. Unwanted sexual
conduct should not be part of your ride. Do not
second-guess yourself or feel ashamed, or be
afraid to speak. Call 911 to immediately report an
attack or incident.
Please have a safe trip.
If you see something, say something
Remember: If you see something, say something—
whether an unattended package or anything else
that appears suspicious—tell a police officer or
MTA employee, or call the Terrorism Hotline:
1-888-NYC-SAFE (692-7233).
Public service information provided by the
New York City Police Department,
Detective Bureau and MTA New York City Transit.
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