Parent Information Requirement/Waiver Request
Policy Summary
The availability of Boston University scholarship funding is limited. Eligibility for BU financial
aid is based on student and parent resources, relative to the total cost of attendance.
Applicants who have living parents are required, by University policy, to submit parental
income and asset information, even if parental information on the FAFSA is not required.
While assisting qualified students meet the cost of attendance is a core Boston University
commitment, the primary responsibility for paying educational expenses rests with the
student and their parents. Students are expected to utilize available family resources,
student employment opportunities, and in most instances a reasonable level of student
loan borrowing.
Application Requirements
Applicants for BU need-based scholarships are required to submit the following:
CSS Profile
FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
Parent and Student Income Documentation
Parent Information Waiver Request
If you have a documentable extenuating circumstance which makes it impossible for you to
provide parental information on your financial aid application, you may petition for a waiver
of this requirement using the Waiver Request form below.
Complete and submit this form via MyBU portal, or if you are a returning student to:
Boston University Financial Assistance
881 Commonwealth Avenue, Fifth Floor
Boston, MA 02215 Fax: 617-358-2792
Please note that NONE of the conditions listed below, singularly or in combination, constitute
sufficient justification to approve a waiver request:
Parents refuse to contribute to the student’s education
Parents are unwilling to provide information
Parents do not claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes
Student demonstrates total self-sufficiency
Boston University
Parent Information Waiver Request
To request a waiver of the requirement that parent information be provided on the CSS Profile™ and FAFSA.
Student Name ________________________________ BU I.D. # _______________________
Permanent Address _____________________________________ ________________________
street city
_____________________________________ ________________________
state zip
Email _____________________________________ Telephone __________________________
Applying for Financial aid for: Fall ______ Spring ______ Summer ______
Please provide below a thorough explanation of exactly why it is impossible to provide parental information. Include a
description of the history and current status of your relationship with each parent, and specify the frequency of your
contact with each parent. Attach additional sheet(s) of paper if necessary.
Attach supporting documentation from at least two sources, such as legal/court documents or a letter from an attorney,
clergy, mental health professional, teacher, guidance counselor, or other non-family member who is familiar with your
circumstances and in a position to confirm your explanation of the situation. Be sure that the person writing on your
behalf includes their name, address, phone number, and relationship to you (the student).
Waiver requests submitted without supporting documentation and/or third party corroboration will be reviewed,
but tend to be less compelling and thus are less likely to be approved. Approval of a waiver request does NOT
guarantee that BU need-based scholarship aid will be offered, even if financial eligibility is established.
I request an exemption from the Boston University policy that requires parental information for consideration
for BU funds. An explanation of the circumstances is provided below. Relevant documentation is attached.
I certify that the information provided on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Student Signature Date
Please note: A decision on your application for financial aid cannot be made until we receive either the
required parents’ information or additional information and documentation sufficient to form an adequate
basis to waive the requirement.