1© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
ISCC Licensing
Scheme for
Brand Owners
2© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
Advantages of the ISCC
licensing scheme
Third-party verification is an effective and proven way
for brands to increase consumer trust
Tailor-made solution for brand owners no audit
necessary to receive a license
With a valid license brand owners can communicate
and use ISCC logos and claims (on- and off-
product) in a credible way
ISCC certification will become known among
consumers which benefits brand owners
ISCC can protect its integrity, because brand
owners at the end of the supply chain are covered
under an ISCC license agreement
The license database will increase credibility and
transparency towards NGOs and the general public
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The ISCC licensing scheme only applies to companies at
the downstream end of the supply chain
The licensee receives an
ISCC certified final product
is filled or packed by the
licensee AND
cannot be fundamentally
altered by the licensee
The supplier of the ISCC
certified final product
holds a valid ISCC certificate
at the time of delivery AND
issues ISCC Sustainability
Declarations for each batch
of delivery to the licensee
The licensee is
a brand owner at the end of
the supply chain under whose
brand name the finished good
goes into the market OR
a retailer that would like to
actively advertise ISCC
finished goods
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Is a license applicable for
my company?
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My company is a brand
owner and receives an ISCC
finished good/packaging from
an ISCC certified entity.
License not applicable
– Certification needed
My company will (also)
communicate on-product and
the supplier prints the ISCC
logo on the ISCC certified
finished good/packaging.
License is applicable.
At least one of the following
applies to our production process:
Minimum 1,5% scrap
Chemical modification of the ISCC
certified material (other than sealing)
Cutting films on a roll
License not applicable
– Certification needed
My company transfers and/or attributes
sustainable shares across several
( à mass balance calculations necessary)
License not applicable
– Certification needed
The amount of certified incoming
material and certified outgoing
finished goods/packaging is
verifiable and documented.
License is applicable.
License not applicable
– Certification needed
Please note that the decision tree only provides guidance as to whether a license could be possible. ISCC reserves the right at all times not to
grant a license and to require certification if there is any uncertainty that a certification is needed to ensure traceability along the supply chain.
My company will
communicate off-product
License is applicable.
My company wants to make
ISCC related claims.
License and/or certification is
not necessary
Decision tree
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Applicable license set-up - example 1: The brand owner receives certified finished
good/packaging with the ISCC on-product logo and/or on-product claim
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Applicable license set-up - example 2: The brand owner only promotes the use of
ISCC certified finished good/packaging via external communication channels (website,
social media, etc.)
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Applicable license set-up - example 3: The brand owner prints the ISCC on-product
logo and/or claim on the certified finished good/packaging or on an additional packaging
Brand Owner
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How does the licensing
scheme work?
10© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
The license agreement consists of a master agreement and
(several) individual agreement(s)
The master agreement includes all legal clauses of the ISCC licensing scheme.
The contract can be set on a global or regional level or a specific
division/business unit. It is up to the company how to set up the license
responsibilities and depends on their corporate structure. Preferrably, it should be
signed by the responsible person, who has an overview of all brands that market
ISCC certified material.
Brand A
License number
Authorized signatory
Licensed brand
Compliant material
Finished goods
Effective date
Contractual territory
License fee
For each brand that markets ISCC
certified material, an individual agreement
needs to be drawn up. It sets forth all the
relevant information regarding the
licensed brand and certified finished
good/packaging in the contractual
territory. The contractual territory could be
global, regional or country-specific – this
is up to the licensee and should be
signed by the brand responsible. The
number of products is not limited.
Brand B
License number
Authorized signatory
Licensed brand
Compliant material
Finished goods
Effective date
Contractual territory
License fee
11© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
Example: master agreement per global headquarter
Background info:
The global company DairyLove has multiple brands MilkLove, YoghurtLove and CheeseLove. They would like
to receive an ISCC license for several finished goods of the brand MilkLove for the European Market and of
the brand YoghurtLove for the Mexican and US market, in order to be allowed to print the ISCC on-product
logo on ISCC certified finished goods.
master agreement
signed by DairyLove global headquarter responsible
individual agreement
Licensed brand: MilkLove
Contractual territory: Europe
Licensed fee: based on the annual turnover
of MilkLove in the European market
individual agreement
Licensed brand: YoghurtLove
Contractual territory: Mexico, US
Licensed fee: based on the sum of the
annual turnover of YoghurtLove in the
Mexican and the US markets
12© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
Example: master agreement per region 1
Background info:
The global company DairyLove has multiple brands MilkLove, YoghurtLove and CheeseLove. They would like
to receive an ISCC license for several finished goods of the brand MilkLove for the European Market and of
the brand YoghurtLove for the Mexican and US market, in order to be allowed to print the ISCC on-product
logo on ISCC certified finished goods.
master agreement
signed by DairyLove Europe responsible
individual agreement
Licensed brand: MilkLove
Contractual territory: Europe
Licensed fee: based on the annual turnover of
the MilkLove for European market
individual agreement
Licensed brand: YoghurtLove
Contractual territory: Mexico, US
Licensed fee: based on the sum of the
annual turnover of the YoghurtLove in the
Mexican and the US markets
master agreement
signed by DairyLove North America responsible
13© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
Example: master agreement per region 2
Background info:
The global company DairyLove has multiple brands MilkLove, YoghurtLove and CheeseLove. They would like
to receive an ISCC license for several finished goods of the brand MilkLove for the European Market and of
the brand YoghurtLove for the Mexican and US market, in order to be allowed to print the ISCC on-product
logo on ISCC certified finished goods.
master agreement
signed by DairyLove Europe responsible
master agreement
signed by DairyLove North America responsible
for MilkLove
in different
individual agreement
Licensed brand: MilkLove
Contractual territory: Spain
Licensed fee: based on the
annual turnover of the MilkLove
for Spanish market
individual agreement
Licensed brand: MilkLove
Contractual territory: Germany
Licensed fee: based on the
annual turnover of the MilkLove
for German market
individual agreement
Licensed brand: YoghurtLove
Contractual territory: Mexico, US
Licensed fee: based on the sum of the annual
turnover of the YoghurtLove in Mexican and
the US markets
14© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
Example: master agreement per division
Background info:
The global company FairCare covers the babycare sector with various brands (HappyBaby, WellBaby, etc.) as
well as the food sector with various brands (Chocolatery, BreadStar, etc.) globally. They would like to receive
an ISCC license for several finished goods of the brand HappyBaby for the European Market and of the
brand BreadStar for the Asian market, in order to be allowed to print the ISCC on-product logo on ISCC
certified finished goods.
master agreement
signed by FairCare babycare responsible
individual agreement
Licensed brand: HappyBaby
Contractual territory: Europe
Licensed fee: based on the annual turnover of
HappyBaby for the European market
individual agreement
Licensed brand: BreadStar
Contractual territory: Asia
Licensed fee: based on the annual turnover of
BreadStar for the Asian market
master agreement
signed by FairCare food responsible
15© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
Licensees can add more brands into their ISCC
portfolio easily
Q: Is the new brand part of the structure of the company that signed a master agreement?
Yes à The licensee can add an individual agreement for the new brand under the existing master
No à The licensee needs to sign a new set of master agreement and individual agreement for
the new brand
16© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
Updates/Additions in individual agreement(s)
Brand Owners can update/add the following information within the individual
agreement anytime after the license agreement is valid:
Compliant material
Finished goods + effective date
Contractual territory + license fee (depending on annual turnover)
How does the update work?
1. Licensee sends the updates/additions via e-mail to [email protected]
2. After internal review, ISCC will send an updated schedule of the individual agreement to the
licensee as a confirmation à no additional signature needed
3. Integration of updates/additions in the license database after the agreed-upon effective date
17© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
How does the licensing
application work?
18© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
Licensing application process
1 2 3 4 5
Application ISCC Review
Annual report
on sales
The company
applies for the
scheme on the
ISCC website
ISCC will
review the
request and
may ask for
ISCC sends
the master-
and individual
to the licensee
to be signed
The finished
goods of the
licensee will be
published in
the license
database. The
licensee is
allowed to use
the ISCC logo
(upon approval
by ISCC!)
The licensee
reports its amount
of certified
incoming material
and certified
outgoing finished
to ISCC annually
19© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
1) Application process
§ Brand owners can apply for the licensing
scheme by filling in a form on the ISCC website
§ The following information must be provided:
General information about the brand owner and the
ISCC contact person
Brand- and product-related information (e.g.
contractual territory, brand and product name)
Information about the ISCC certified material (e.g. the
type of material, the composition), the supply chain
set-up and the potential logo use
Click here for the form
20© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
2) ISCC review and
3) License agreements
§ ISCC will review the application internally and
may ask for additional information
§ The license agreements will be filled in by
ISCC. Depending on the information already
available, the schedules of the individual
agreement will be filled in by the licensee
The master agreement will include all the legal
The individual agreement will include all the
product- and brand-related information
21© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
4) License Database
§ All licensees appear in the license database after the effective date
§ The license database enables the verification of the correct use of the ISCC logos and/or claims
and strengthens the credibility for end consumers
22© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
5) Annual reporting
§ The licensees have to report on the certified incoming materials and certified outgoing finished
goods/packaging on an annual basis (01.Jan. /effective date – 31.Dec.)
§ The annual reporting deadline is 31. March for the previous year
23© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
ISCC License Fees
Annual license fees
Annual turnover*
(in Euro)
Fees per license
Fees per license agreement
(ISCC e.V. members)
< 10 Million 1,500 € / year 1,200 € / year
< 50 Million 2,500 € / year 2,000 € / year
< 250 Million 4,000 € / year 3,200 € / year
< 500 Million 6,500€ / year 5,200 € / year
< 1 Billion 10,000 € / year 8,000 € / year
< 2 Billion 15,000 € / year 12,000 € / year
< 4 Billion 20,000 € / year 16,000 € / year
< 7 Billion 25,000 € / year 20,000 € / year
< 10 Billion 30,000 € / year 24,000 € / year
> 10 Billion 35,000 € / year 28,000 € / year
Fee calculation
*The license fee is charged per individual
agreement, based on the annual turnover of the
entire licensed brand in the contractual territory.
24© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
ISCC license fees example 1
Master agreement with DairyLove
Annual turnover of MilkLove in
Europe is 150 million
Agreement for
The individual
applies in
Not a member
of the ISCC
(ISCC e.V.)
Annual license fees
Annual turnover
(in Euro)
Fees per license
Fees per license
(ISCC e.V. members)
< 10 Million 1,500 € / year 1,200 € / year
< 50 Million 2,500 € / year 2,000 € / year
< 250 Million 4,000 € / year 3,200 € / year
< 500 Million 6,500€ / year 5,200 € / year
< 1 Billion 10,000 € / year 8,000 € / year
< 2 Billion 15,000 € / year 12,000 € / year
< 4 Billion 20,000 € / year 16,000 € / year
< 7 Billion 25,000 € / year 20,000 € / year
< 10 Billion 30,000 € / year 24,000 € / year
> 10 Billion 35,000 € / year 28,000 € / year
The license fee for the individual agreement is 4,000 € / year
25© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
ISCC license fees example 2
Master agreement with FairCare food
Annual turnover of the
BreadStar in Asia is 750 million
The License
applies in
Member of
the ISCC
(ISCC e.V.)
License fee for the individual agreement is 8,000 € / year
Agreement for
Annual license fees
Annual turnover
(in Euro)
Fees per license
Fees per license
(ISCC e.V. members)
< 10 Million 1,500 € / year 1,200 € / year
< 50 Million 2,500 € / year 2,000 € / year
< 250 Million 4,000 € / year 3,200 € / year
< 500 Million 6,500€ / year 5,200 € / year
< 1 Billion 10,000 € / year 8,000 € / year
< 2 Billion 15,000 € / year 12,000 € / year
< 4 Billion 20,000 € / year 16,000 € / year
< 7 Billion 25,000 € / year 20,000 € / year
< 10 Billion 30,000 € / year 24,000 € / year
> 10 Billion 35,000 € / year 28,000 € / year
26© ISCC System GmbH: For personal use only. Reproduction and distribution is prohibited.
Thank you!
ISCC System GmbH
Hohenzollernring 72, 50672 Cologne, Germany