Report to: DEVELOPMENT & REGULATION (28 July 2023)
Continuation of development of the Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) with
deletion of condition 66, approved details thereunder and associated conditions (Plan of
Action if development not taken forward within 5 years) of planning permission
ESS/34/15/BTE. ESS/34/15/BTE was amended planning permission for "The Integrated
Waste Management Facility comprising: Anaerobic Digestion Plant treating mixed organic
waste, producing biogas converted to electricity through biogas generators; Materials
Recovery Facility for mixed dry recyclable waste to recover materials e.g. paper, plastic,
metals; Mechanical Biological Treatment facility for the treatment of residual municipal and
residual commercial and industrial wastes to produce a solid recovered fuel; De-inking and
Pulping Paper Recycling Facility to reclaim paper; Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP)
utilising solid recovered fuel to produce electricity, heat and steam; extraction of minerals to
enable buildings to be partially sunken below ground level within the resulting void;
visitor/education centre; extension to existing access road; provision of offices and vehicle
parking; and associated engineering works and storage tanks."
Ref: ESS/39/23/BTE
Applicant: Indaver Rivenhall Limited
Location: Land at Rivenhall Airfield Coggeshall Road, Braintree, CO5 9DF
Report author: Chief Planning Officer (County Planning and Major Development)
Enquiries to: Claire Tomalin Tel: 03330 136821
The full application can be viewed at
Object to the principle of a waste facility
close to Silver End, as moved to the area
for green surroundings and better air
quality. The facility would reduce air
The principle of the IWMF was
established through the original
planning permission determined
following a call-in inquiry.
Object as removal of condition 66 ensure
the facility is built in accordance with the
agreed plans.
See appraisal
The application raises further complex
planning and legal matters a
consequence of numerous changes of
plans and failure to bring into operation
any facility.
See appraisal
The planning conditions give assurance
to the public that the impacts of the
development will be controlled.
See appraisal
Past permissions have watered down the
recycling elements of the proposal and
increased the waste incineration facility
to nearly 600,000tpa.
See appraisal
Applicants state that the changes would
not result in additional impacts on the
local community, but it’s not clear what
will be built.
See appraisal
All aspects keep changing and recently
developers announced plans to build
huge glasshouses all around the waste
site on land agreed to be restored to
meadows, woodland and agricultural
See section 7
Application should be refused and either
Applicant’s should be required to build all
what they have planning permission for
or make a new planning application for
what they wish to build, with full
consultation to avoid decades of planning
See appraisal
Indaver (the applicant) have stated that
they will not build or unlikely to build all
the elements of the IWMF, thus not
delivering the AD, MRF or the paper
pulping plant that the Inspector took into
account in 2009/10 when making his
recommendation for approval.
See appraisal
Applications considered since 2010 have
reduced the recycling elements of the
IWMF, increased the proportion of
incineration and demonstrated the lack of
viability of an integrated facility.
See appraisal
ECC imposed conditions in determining
the submission under condition 66 to
require all elements of the IWMF to be
built, but the applicant’s stated the would
not build all elements as they were
See appraisal
Applicant argues condition 66 was only
imposed as at the time no Environmental
Permit had been obtained. But if all
elements of the IWMF are not to be built,
the EA have stated an amended EP
would be required, which potentially they
may not get that amended EP.
See appraisal
Glasshouses are being considered linked
to the IWMF which would significantly
change the approved restoration scheme
for the surrounding quarry.
See section 7
Applicant considers partial
implementation of the planning
permission is lawful, but not clear what
partial means.
See appraisal
Current application introduces yet more
uncertainty and further undermines any
residual confidence that local
communities have in what will actually be
built and what environmental impacts
there would be.
See appraisal
If current application approved it would
give blank sheet of paper (in planning
terms) to build whatever parts of the
See appraisal
current permission they wish to build and
nothing more.
If the applicant only builds the EfW it
would not be an integrated facility.
See appraisal
Appendix A Conditions for ESS/39/23/BTE
This planning permission will have deemed to have been implemented and
commenced from the date of the planning permission. The development
permitted under planning permission ESS/34/15/BTE was notified as commenced
on 1 March 2016 by letters dated 1 March 2016 and 3 March 2016 from Holmes
and Hills Solicitors. The commencement was acknowledged by the Waste
Planning Authority under reference ESS/34/15/BTE/1/1 on 14 March 2016.
Reason: To comply with section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
(as amended).
The development hereby permitted shall only be carried out in accordance with
planning application ECC ref ESS/37/08/BTE (PINS Ref.
APP/Z1585/V/09/2104804) dated 26 August 2008 (as amended) and
As amended by Non-Material Amendment application reference
ESS/37/08/BTE/NMA2 dated 4 September 2012, accompanied by letter from
Berwin Leighton Paisner dated 29 August 2012 and email dated 18 September
2012 as approved by the Waste Planning Authority on 25 October 2012.
As amended by planning application reference ESS/44/14/BTE dated 5 August
2014, accompanied by letter from Holmes & Hills dated 5 August 2014, report
entitled “Business development since obtaining planning permission” dated
August 2014, report “Changes in the Case for Need since September 2009” dated
August 2014 and letters from Honace dated 5 August 2014 and Golder
Associates dated 4 August 2014 and granted by the Waste Planning Authority on
4 December 2014.
As amended by planning application reference ESS/55/14/BTE dated 12
December 2014, accompanied by letter from Holmes & Hills LLP dated 12
December 2014, SLR report “Justification for Removal of Fuel Sourcing
Conditions” Rev 4” dated December 2014 and letter from Honace dated 5 August
2014 and Golder Associates dated 4 August 2014.
As amended by planning application reference ESS/34/15/BTE dated 4 August
2015 and drawing numbers:
Drawing Ref
Land Ownership & Proposed Site Plan
Proposed Planning Application Area and
Site Plan
Typical Arrangement and Architectural
Schematic Arrangement of Woodhouse
Simplified Process Flow
Integrated Process Flow
Site Plan Layout
Building and Process Cross Sections
Dec 2015
Building and Process Layout and Cross
Dec 2015
Upper Lagoon & Wetland Shelf
Services Plan
General Arrangement & Front Elevation
Dec 2015
Landscape Mitigation Measures
Proposed Improvements to Site Access
Road Junction with Church Road
Proposed Improvements to Site Access
Road Junction with Ash Lane
Tree Survey
The Constraints and Protection Plan
Base Plan Woodhouse Farm
IWMF Roof Layout Plan
As amended by Non-Material Amendment application reference
ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA1 dated 10 August 2021, accompanied by letter from RPS
dated 9 August 2021 as approved by the Waste Planning Authority on 30
September 2021.
As amended by Non-Material Amendment application Reference
ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA2 dated 10 December 2021 accompanied by letter from RPS
dated 16 December 2021 as approved by Waste Planning Authority on 31
January 2022.
As amended by Non-Material Amendment application reference
ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA4 dated 10 December 2021 accompanied by covering letter
dated 16 December 2021 as approved by the Waste Planning Authority on 13
January 2022.
As amended by Non-Material Amendment application reference
ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA5 dated 25 April 2023 accompanied by covering letter dated
20 April 2023 as approved by Waste Planning Authority on 31 May 2023.
As amended by Non Material Amendment application reference
ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA6 dated 5 May 2023 and covering letter dated 3 May 2023
as approved by the Waste Planning Authority on 7 June 2023.
And in accordance with any non-material amendment(s) as may be subsequently
approved in writing by the Waste Planning Authority and except as varied by the
following conditions:
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt as to the nature of the development hereby
permitted, to ensure development is carried out in accordance with the approved
application drawings, details (except as varied by other conditions), to ensure that
the development is carried out with the minimum harm to the local environment
and in accordance with Essex and Southend Waste Local Plan 2017 (WLP)
policies 1, 3, 10, 11 and 12 and Braintree District Local Plan 2022 (BDLP)
policies SP1, SP7, LPP1, LPP47, LPP52, LPP57, LPP63, LPP64, LPP65, LPP66,
LPP67, LPP70, LPP71, LPP72, and LPP77.
The total number of Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV
) movements associated with the
excavation of materials (i.e. overburden, sand, gravel, and boulder clay) and
import and/or export of materials associated with the operation of the completed
Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF
)hereby permitted shall not exceed
the following limits:
404 movements 202 in and 202 out per day (Monday to Friday);
202 movements 101 in and 101 out per day (Saturdays);
and shall not take place on Sundays, Public or Bank Holidays, except for
clearances from Household Waste Recycling Centres between 10:00 and 16:00
hours as required by the Waste Disposal Authority and previously approved in
writing by the Waste Planning Authority. No HGV movements shall take place
outside the hours of operation authorised in Conditions 34 & 36 of this permission.
An HGV shall be defined as having a gross vehicle weight of 7.5 tonnes or more.
IWMF shall be defined as the buildings, structures and associated plant and
equipment for the treatment of waste at the site.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety, safeguarding local amenity and to
comply with, WLP policies 10 and 12 and BDLP policies LPP52 and LPP66.
The total number of HGV vehicle movements associated with the construction of
the IWMF (including deliveries of building materials) when combined with the
maximum permitted vehicle movements under Condition 3 shall not exceed the
following limits 404 movements 202 in and 202 out per day (Monday to Sunday).
No HGV movements shall take place outside the hours of operation authorised in
Condition 35 of this permission.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety, safeguarding local amenity and to
comply with, WLP policies 10 and 12 BDLP policies LPP52 and LPP66.
A written record of daily HGV movements into and out of the site shall be
maintained by the operator from commencement of the development and kept for
the previous 2 years and shall be supplied to the Waste Planning Authority within
14 days of a written request. The details for each vehicle shall include the identity
of the vehicle operator, the type and size of the vehicle, the vehicle registration
number, and an indication of whether the vehicle is empty or loaded.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety, safeguarding local amenity and to
comply with, WLP policies 10 and 12 and BDLP policies LPP52 and LPP66.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to the extended access road and crossing points
with Public Right of Way. The approved details include the application for
approval of details reserved by condition dated 4 August 2015 and include the
following drawings:
Drawing Ref
Horizontal & vertical alignment
of extended access road Sheet
Horizontal & vertical alignment
of extended access road Sheet
Extended access road cross
sections, Sheet 1
Extended access road cross
sections, Sheet 2
Extended access road cross
sections, Sheet 3
Extended access road cross
sections, Sheet 4
Extended access road cross
sections, Sheet 5
Typical drainage details
May 2015
Typical access road detailed
cross sections
May 2015
Drainage long section detail,
Sheet 1
May 2015
Drainage long section detail,
Sheet 2
May 2015
116 C
Access road longitudinal section
Access road cross sections
Jun 2015
Widening details for access
road between Church Road and
Ash lane
Footpath crossing typical detail
Reason: In the interests of highway safety, safeguarding local amenity and to
comply with WLP policies 10 and 12 and BDLP policies LPP42, LPP52 and
No works on the construction of the IWMF shall commence until the access road
extension and widening and all footpath cross-over points have been constructed.
Reason: In the interests of highway and pedestrian safety, safeguarding local
amenity and to comply with, WLP policies 10 and 12 and BDLP policies LPP42,
LPP52 and LPP66.
No vehicles shall access or egress the site except via the access onto the
Coggeshall Road (A120 trunk road) junction as shown on application drawing
Figure 1-2.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety, safeguarding local amenity and to
comply with WLP policies 10 and 12 and BDLP policies LPP42, LPP52 and
No vehicles shall park on the access road between the A120 and Ash Lane.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety, safeguarding local amenity and to
comply with WLP policies 10 and 12 BDLP policies LPP42, LPP52 and LPP66.
Intentionally blank
NB Condition fully discharged see application reference ESS/55/14/BTE/10/01
Intentionally blank
NB Condition fully discharged see application reference ESS/55/14/BTE/11/1
Reason: To ensure that any heritage interest has been adequately investigated
and recorded prior to the development taking place and to comply with WLP
policy 10, BDLP policy LPP57 and in accordance with the NPPF.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
ecological works and works to the Woodhouse Farm moat approved on 17 August
2022 under condition 12 of planning permission ESS/34/15/BTE. The approved
details are set out in the application for approval of details reserved by
condition dated 12 November 2021, email from Indaver/RPS dated 27 Jul7 2022
and document “Rivenhall IWMF – Moat Plan of Action.
Reason: To make appropriate provision for conserving and enhancing the natural
environment within the approved development, in the interests of biodiversity and
to protect the setting of the Woodhouse Farm Listed Buildings and in accordance
with, WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP47, LPP57, LPP63, LPP64, LPP65,
LPP66 and LPP67.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to the signage, telecommunications equipment and
lighting within the Woodhouse Farm complex (comprising Woodhouse
Farmhouse, the Bakehouse, and the listed pump together with the adjoining land
outlined in green on Plan 1 [which can be found in the S106 legal agreement
dated 30 October 2009 associated with ESS/37/08/BTE]). The approved details
include: the application for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4
August 2015 and the following drawings & documents:
Drawing Ref.
Site plan & signage proposals
Jul 2015
APC Communications solutions
Internet & voice solutions V2
Pell Frischmann Exterior lighting
Proposed lighting layout
Proposed lighting to car parking and
pedestrian areas
The Pharos LED bollard Urbis
The Axia (the Green light) - Schreder
The signage, telecommunications equipment and lighting shall be implemented in
accordance with the details approved.
Reason: To protect the setting of the Listed Buildings and in the interest of visual
amenity and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies SP1, SP7, LPP52,
LPP57, LPP70 and LPP77 .
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to the design and maintenance of the stack. The
approved details include: the application for approval of details reserved by
condition dated 4 August 2015 and the following drawings and specifications:
Drawing Ref.
Chimney stack top cladding details plan &
Chimney stack top cladding details fixing
Alucobond reflect- technical data sheet
Alucobond cleaning & maintenance of
stove-lacquered surfaces
Genie Self-propelled telescopic booms -
Genie Self-propelled telescopic booms -
The stack shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the approved
details throughout the life of the IWMF.
Reason: In the interest of visual amenity and to protect the countryside and to
comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP1, LPP47, LPP52, LPP57 and
Prior to construction of the IWMF buildings or the structures to the rear of the
main building details of the IWMF buildings and structures including the design
and samples of the external construction materials, colours and finishes of the
external cladding of the, and design and operation of the vehicle entry and exit
doors, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Waste Planning
Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the details
and samples approved.
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt, in the interests of visual and landscape
amenity and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies SP7, LPP1 and
Intentionally blank
NB Condition not used by SoS in 2010
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to the management plan for the CHP plant to
ensure there is no visible plume from the stack. The approved details include: the
application for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4 August 2015 and
documents referenced:
S1552-0700-0008RSF entitled “CHP Management Plan for Plume
Abatement” Issue no. 5 dated 16/02/16 by Fichtner; and
S1552-0700-0013RSF entitled “Plume Visibility Analysis” both by Fichtner.
The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: In the interest of visual amenity, to protect the countryside and to comply
with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies SP7, LPP47, LPP52, LPP67 and LPP70.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to the green roof for the main IWMF building. The
approved details include the application for approval of details reserved by
condition dated 4 August 2015, statement by Honace “Condition 18 Green Roof”
and document entitled “Bauder extensive biodiverse vegetation (XF301)”. The
green roof shall be implemented in accordance with the details approved.
Reason: In the interests of visual and landscape amenity and enhancement of
ecological biodiversity and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies SP7,
LPP47, LPP52, LPP63 and LPP66.
No works to install process equipment or plant within the IWMF shall commence
until details of the IWMF process layout and configuration have been submitted to
and approved in writing by the Waste Planning Authority. The development shall
be implemented in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To ensure the layout and configuration of the process equipment and
plant would not give rise to impacts not assessed as part of the application and
Environmental Statement and to protect local amenity and to comply with WLP
policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP52 and LPP70.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to construction compounds and parking of all
vehicles and plant and equipment associated with the extraction of materials and
the construction of the IWMF. The approved details include the application for
approval of details reserved by condition dated 4 August 2015 and as set out on
drawing CCE-HZI-50043049 Rev 0.3 dated 17/12/15. .
Reason: In the interest of visual amenity, to protect biodiversity and the
countryside and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies SP7, LPP47,
LPP52, LPP57, LPP63, LPP67, LPP70 and LPP77.
No beneficial operation of the IWMF shall commence until details of the provision
to be made for and the marking out of parking spaces for cars, HGVs and any
other vehicles that may use the IWMF have been submitted to and approved in
writing by the Waste Planning Authority. The parking provision and marking out
shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details. The parking areas
shall be retained and maintained permanently for manoeuvring and parking. No
HGVs shall park in the parking area adjacent to Woodhouse Farm complex
except in relation to deliveries for the uses at Woodhouse Farm complex.
Reason: In the interest of visual amenity, to protect biodiversity and the
countryside and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies SP7, LPP47,
LPP52, LPP57, LPP63, LPP67, LPP70 and LPP77
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to foul water management. The approved details
include: the application for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4
August 2015 and the following drawings and documents:
Drawing Ref
Proposed drainage layout Sheet 1
of 2
Proposed drainage layout Sheet 2
of 2
Drainage Construction details
And email from Honace with enclosures dated 22/01/16 (17:13).
The foul water management scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the
Reason: To minimise the risk of pollution on ground and surface water, to
minimise the risk of flooding and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies
LPP70 and LPP77
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to surface water drainage and ground water
management. The approved details include: the application for approval of details
reserved by condition dated 4 August 2015 and the following drawings and
Drawing Ref
Proposed drainage layout Sheet
1 of 2
Proposed drainage layout Sheet
2 of 2
Drainage Construction details
And email from Honace with enclosures dated 22/01/16 (17:13).
The surface water drainage and ground water management scheme shall be
implemented in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To minimise the risk of pollution on ground and surface water, to
minimise the risk of flooding and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies
LPP70 and LPP74.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to the scheme of ground water monitoring. The
approved details include: the application for approval of details reserved by
condition dated 4 August 2015 and the following drawings and documents:
Drawing ref
SOD-24 Rev A
Ground water borehole monitoring points
Groundwater Monitoring points
13 Rev A
Ground water Monitoring points
As-built borehole locations
Drainage Construction details
Appendix A Bradwell Quarry Groundwater Monitoring plots Jan 2008 to
Jul 2015
CC Ground Investigations Ltd Key to exploratory hole logs
CC Ground Investigations Ltd Rotary borehole log for borehole nos.
BH10 (sheets 1 to 4) dated 2014, BH11 (sheets 1 to 6) dated 2014, BH19
(sheets 1 to 4)dated 2014,
Email from Honace dated 11/02/16 (09:19)
Email from Honace dated 11/02/16 (13:59)
Reason: To minimise the risk of pollution to ground and surface water and to
comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policy LPP70.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to land contamination and land remediation and
mitigation measures where contamination is identified approved on 16 February
2016 under condition 25 of planning permission ESS/55/14/BTE. The approved
details include: application for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4
August 2015 and the following documents:
Condition 25 Contaminated Land by Honace
Rivenhall Record Site Plan & Schedule of buildings
Analytical Report Number : 14-59380 dated September 2014 by i2
Analytical Ltd
Drawing no. 213033-150 As-Built Borehole Locations dated 14 July 2014
Reason: To minimise the risk of pollution to ground and surface water, to minimise
the risk of flooding and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policy LPP70.
The market de-inked paper pulp plant shall only source its heat steam and energy
from the IWMF with the exception of periods of start-up and maintenance and
repair of the IWMF.
Reason: To ensure the market de-inked paper pulp plant only remains at the site
as a direct consequence of its co-location with the IWMF and to protect the
countryside from inappropriate development and to comply with WLP policies 10
and 11 and BDLP LPP71 and LPP72.
No waste, except pre-sorted waste paper and card and Solid Recovered Fuel,
shall be brought on to the site other than that arising from within the administrative
area of Essex and Southend-on-Sea. Records indicating the origin of all waste
consignments and tonnages brought to the site shall be kept and made available
for inspection by the Waste Planning Authority for at least 2 years after receipt of
the waste. The records shall be made available to the Waste Planning Authority
within 14 days of a written request.
Reason: In the interests of the environment by assisting the Essex and Southend-
on-Sea waste planning authorities to become self-sufficient for managing the
equivalent of the waste arising in their administrative areas, ensuring that the
waste is transported in accordance with the proximity principle, minimising
pollution and minimising the impact upon the local environment and amenity and
to comply with WLP policies 10 and 11.
Intentionally blank
NB condition removed following planning permission reference ESS/55/14/BTE.
No waste other than those waste materials defined in the application shall enter
the site for processing or treatment in the IWMF plant. No more than 853,000tpa
of Municipal Solid Waste and/or Commercial and Industrial Waste shall be
imported to the site.
Reason: To ensure the scale of the facility would not give rise to impacts not
assessed as part of the planning application and Environmental Statement and to
protect local amenity and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP SP1, SP7,
LPP52 and LPP70.
Intentionally blank
NB condition removed following planning permission reference ESS/55/14/BTE.
No waste brought onto the site shall be deposited, handled, stored, composted or
otherwise processed outside the IWMF buildings and structures.
Reason: To ensure minimum disturbance from operations, to avoid nuisance to
local amenity and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP SP1, SP7, LPP52 and
All waste materials shall be imported and exported from the site in enclosed,
containerised or sheeted vehicles.
Reason: To ensure minimum nuisance from operations on local amenity,
particularly litter and odour and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP SP1,
SP7, LPP52 and LPP70..
No vehicle shall leave the IWMF site without first having been cleansed of all
loose residual mineral or waste materials from the vehicle’s body and chassis.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety, safeguarding local amenity and to
comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP52 and LPP70.
No removal of soils or excavation of overburden, boulder clay, sand and gravel
shall be carried out other than between the following hours:
07:00-18:30 hours Monday to Friday; and,
07:00 -13:00 hours Saturdays;
and shall not take place on Sundays, Bank and Public Holidays except for water
pumping, environmental monitoring and occasional maintenance of machinery,
unless temporary changes are otherwise approved in writing by the Waste
Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of limiting the effects on local amenity, to control the
impacts of the development and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies
LPP52 and LPP70.
The construction works (including deliveries of building materials) for the
development hereby permitted shall only be carried out between 07:00-19:00
hours Monday to Sunday and not on Bank and Public Holidays except for
occasional maintenance of machinery for the pouring and finishing works to
concrete between May 2023 and December 2023, unless temporary changes are
otherwise approved in writing by the Waste Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of limiting the effects on local amenity, to control the
impacts of the development and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies
LPP52 and LPP70.
No waste or processed materials shall be imported or exported from any part of
the IWMF other than between the following hours:
07:00 and 18:30 hours Monday to Friday; and,
07:00 and 13:00 hours on Saturdays,
and not on Sundays, Public or Bank Holidays except for clearances from
Household Waste Recycling Centres on Sundays and Bank and Public Holidays
between 10:00 and 16:00 hours as required by the Waste Disposal Authority and
previously approved in writing by the Waste Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of limiting the effects on local amenity, to control the
impacts of the development and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies
LPP52 and LPP70.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to the signage for Public Rights of Way where they
cross the access road. The approved details include: the application for approval
of details reserved by condition dated 4 August 2015 and the following drawing
no. IT569/S278_01G entitled “Footpath crossing typical detail” dated 12/11/15.
The signage for Public Rights of Way implemented in accordance with the
approved details and shall be maintained throughout the life of the IWMF.
Reason: In the interest of the safety of all users of both the Right of Way and the
haul road and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP42 and
During the commissioning and beneficial operation of the IWMF,except for
temporary operations, as defined in Condition 42, between the hours of 07:00 and
19:00 the free field Equivalent Continuous Noise Level (LAeq 1 hour ) at noise
sensitive properties adjoining the Site, due to operations in the Site, shall not
exceed the LAeq 1 hour levels set out in the following table:
Noise Sensitive Properties Location:
Herring's Farm
Deeks Cottage
Allshot's Farm
The Lodge
Sheepcotes Farm
Greenpastures Bungalow
Goslings Cottage
Goslings Farm
Goslings Barn
Bumby Hall
Parkgate Farm Cottages
Measurements shall be made no closer than 3.5m to the façade of properties or
any other reflective surface facing the site and shall have regard to the effects of
extraneous noise and shall be corrected for any such effects.
Reason: In the interests of residential and local amenity and to comply with WLP
policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP52 and LPP70.
The free field Equivalent Continuous Noise Level (LAeq 1 hour) shall not exceed
42 dB(A) LAeq 1hour between the hours of 19:00 and 23:00, as measured or
predicted at noise sensitive properties, listed in Condition 38, adjoining the site.
Measurements shall be made no closer than 3.5m to the façade of properties or
any other reflective surface facing the site and shall have regard to the effects of
extraneous noise and shall be corrected for any such effects.
Reason: In the interests of residential and local amenity and to comply with WLP
policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP52 and LPP70.
The free field Equivalent Continuous Noise Level (LAeq 1 hour) shall not exceed
40 dB(A) LAeq 5min between the hours of 23:00 and 07:00, as measured and/or
predicted at 1 metre from the façade facing the site at noise sensitive properties,
listed in Condition 38, adjoining the site.
Reason: In the interests of residential and local amenity and to comply with WLP
policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP52 and LPP70.
Noise levels shall be monitored at three monthly intervals at up to five of the
locations, listed in Condition 38, the five locations shall be agreed with the Waste
Planning Authority. Monitoring shall begin upon commencement of the
commissioning phase of any element of the IWMF. The results of the monitoring
shall include the LA90 and LAeq noise levels, the prevailing weather conditions,
details of the measurement equipment used and its calibration and comments on
the sources of noise which control the noise climate. The survey shall be for four
separate 15 minute periods, two during the working day 0700 and 1830, and two
during the evening/night time 18:30 to 07:00 hours, the results shall be kept by the
operating company during the life of the permitted operations and a copy shall be
supplied to the Waste Planning Authority. After the first year of operation of the
IWMF, the frequency of the monitoring may be modified by agreement with the
Waste Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of residential and local amenity and to comply with WLP
policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP52 and LPP70.
For temporary operations at the site in relation to the excavation of materials, the
free field noise level at sensitive properties, listed in Condition 38, adjoining the
site shall not exceed 70dB LAeq 1 hour, due to operations on the site. Temporary
operations shall not exceed a total of eight weeks in any continuous 12 month
period for work affecting any noise sensitive property. Not less than 5 days
written notice shall be given to the Waste Planning Authority in advance of the
commencement of any temporary operation. Temporary operations shall include
site preparation, bund formation and removal, site stripping and restoration, and
other temporary activity as may be agreed, in advance of works taking place, with
the Waste Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of amenity and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP
policies LPP52 and LPP70.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to lighting. The approved details include: the
application for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4 August 2015 and
the following documents:
Condition 43 Construction lighting By Honace; and
Hilcare Ltd Project P118536R2a Reschemed scheme as a flat open
area using 6m columns and the specified number of flood lights dated
03/08/2015 including with data sheets, light locations and light level
The lighting shall be erected, installed and operated in accordance with the
approved details throughout the life of the IWMF. The lighting details with
respect to excavation of materials shall not be illuminated outside the hours of
0700 and 1830 Monday to Friday and 0700 and 1300 Saturday and at no time on
Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays except for security and safety lighting activated
by sensors. No lighting for construction of the IWMF shall be illuminated outside
the hours of 0700 and 1900 Monday to Sunday and at no time on, Bank or Public
Holidays except for security and safety lighting activated by sensors. The lighting
shall be maintained such that no lighting shall exceed 5 lux maintained average
Reason: In the interests of residential and local amenity and protection of the
environment and in the interest of protecting biodiversity and in the interests of
highway safety and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP52 and
No lighting for use during operation of the IWMF within the site shall be erected or
installed until details of the location, height, design, sensors, times and luminance
have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Waste Planning Authority.
The lighting details shall be such that no lighting shall exceed 5 lux maintained
average luminance. The lighting details shall be such that the lighting shall not be
illuminated outside the hours of 0700 and 1830 Monday to Friday and 0700 and
1300 Saturday and at no time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays except for
security and safety lighting activated by sensors. The details shall ensure the
lighting is designed to minimise the potential nuisance of light spillage from the
boundaries of the site. The lighting shall thereafter be erected, installed and
operated in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: In the interests of residential and local amenity and protection of the
environment and in the interest of protecting biodiversity, in the interests of
highway safety and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP52 and
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to phasing of the construction of the access road,
creation of the retaining structures around the site of the IWMF and extraction of
the minerals. The approved details include: the application for approval of details
reserved by condition dated 4 August 2015 as amended by Non Material
Amendment applications ref. ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA2 application dated 10
December 2022 and ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA5 dated 25 April 2023 and the following
Drawing Ref
Access Road construction phasing
Jul 2015
Proposed earthworks sequencing
Reason: In the interests of residential and local amenity and protection of the
environment and in the interest of protecting biodiversity, in the interests of
highway safety and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies SP7, LPP52
and LPP42, LPP63, LPP70.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to soil handling, soil storage and machine
movements and the end use of soils as approved on 16 February 2016 under
condition 46 of planning permission ESS/55/14/BTE. The approved details
include: application for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4 August
2015 and the following documents:
Condition 46 Soil Handling by Honace
Figure 5-1 Agricultural land classification Rivenhall Airfield RCF dated 10
July 2006
Figure 5-2 Soil types Rivenhall Airfield RCF dated 10 July 2006
Drawing no. 5-4 Agricultural Land Classification Site A2 Bradwell Quarry
dated 11 May 2011
Drawing 5-5 Soil types Site A2 Bradwell Quarry dated 11 May 2011
Reason: To minimise structural damage and compaction of the soil and ensure
sustainable use of surplus soils and to aid in the restoration and planting of the
site and to comply with WLP policy 10.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Waste Planning Authority, no topsoil,
subsoil and/or soil making material shall be stripped or handled unless it is in a
dry and friable condition
and no movement of soils shall take place:
During the months November to March (inclusive);
(a) When the upper 50 mm of soil has a moisture content which is equal to or
greater than that at which the soil becomes plastic, tested in accordance with the
‘Worm Test’ as set out in BS1377:1977, ‘British Standards Methods Test for Soils
for Civil Engineering Purposes’; or
(b)When there are pools of water on the soil surface.
The criteria for determining whether soils are dry and friable involves an
assessment based on the soil’s wetness and lower plastic limit. This assessment
shall be made by attempting to roll a ball of soil into a thread on the surface of a
clean glazed tile using light pressure from the flat of the hand. If a thread of 15cm
in length and less than 3mm in diameter can be formed, soil moving should not
take place until the soil has dried out. If the soil crumbles before a thread of the
aforementioned dimensions can be made, then the soil is dry enough to be
Reason: To minimise structural damage and compaction of the soil and to aid in
the restoration and planting of the site and to comply with WLP policies 10.
No minerals processing other than dry screening of excavated sand and gravel or
in the reformation of levels using Boulder or London Clays shall take place within
the site.
Reason: To ensure that there are no adverse impacts on local amenity from the
development not previously assessed in the planning application and
Environmental Statement and to comply with, WLP policy 10 and BDLP LPP52
and LPP70.
Any fuel, lubricant or/and chemical storage vessel whether temporary or not shall
be placed or installed within an impermeable container with a sealed sump and
capable of holding at least 110% of the vessel’s capacity. All fill, draw and
overflow pipes shall be properly housed within the bunded area to avoid spillage.
The storage vessel, impermeable container and pipes shall be maintained for the
duration of the development.
Reason: To minimise the risk of pollution to water courses and aquifers and to
comply WLP policy 10 and BDLP policy LPP70.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to temporary and permanent site perimeter fencing.
The approved details include: the application for approval of details reserved by
condition dated 4 August 2015 and as by Non Material Amendment application
ref. ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA4 dated 3 January 2023 and the following documents
and drawings:
Drawing Ref
Rev 0.3
Construction site layout
732.1/08A HDA D1
Rabbit proof fence detail
Jun 2015
732.1/10A HDA D3
Tree protection fencing BS
Jul 2015
GA-C-1602 P03
Site Wide Fencing Details
Sept 2022
SHA 1359
Arboricultural Method Statement
Report by Sharon Hosegood
Jan 2023
The fencing and gates shall be erected in accordance with the details approved
and maintained throughout the life of the IWMF.
Reason: In the interest of visual amenity, to protect the countryside and to comply
with WLP policy 10 and BDLP SP7, LPP52, LPP63, LPP65, LPP67.
(a) The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with
the details submitted with respect to a scheme and programme of measures for
the suppression of dust as approved on 16 February 2016 under condition 51a of
planning permission ESS/55/14/BTE. The approved details include: application
for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4 August 2015 and the
following documents:
Condition 51a Dust minimisation scheme by Honace; and
Construction dust HSE Information Sheet no. 36 (revision 2).
(b) No beneficial operation of the IWMF shall commence until a scheme and
programme of measures for the suppression of dust, have been submitted to and
approved in writing by the Waste Planning Authority. The scheme shall include:
(i) The suppression of dust caused by handling, storage and processing of
waste; and
(ii) Dust suppression on haul roads, including speed limits.
In relation each scheme provision for monitoring and review.
The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved
schemes and programme for the duration of the development hereby permitted.
Reason: To reduce the impacts of dust disturbance from the site on the local
environment and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP66 and
(a) The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with
the details submitted with respect to measures to control fugitive odour from the
excavation of materials and construction of the IWMF as approved on 16
February 2016 under condition 52a of planning permission ESS/55/14/BTE. The
approved details include: application for approval of details reserved by condition
dated 4 August 2015 and the following document “Condition 52a – Odour
minimisation scheme by Honace”
(b) No beneficial operation of the IWMF shall commence until details of equipment
required to control any fugitive odour from the handling/storage/processing of
waste have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Waste Planning
Authority. The details shall be implemented as approved.
Reason: In the interests of local amenity and to comply with WLP policy 10 and
BDLP policies LPP52 and LPP70.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to the ecological information and mitigation. The
approved ecological information and mitigation includes the following:
Ecological information approved on 27 July 2011 in accordance with condition 53
of planning permission Ref. APP/Z1585/V/09/2104804 (ECC ref ESS/37/08/BTE).
The details approved included letter dated 19 May 2011 from Golder Associates
with accompanying application form and Ecology report dated October 2010.
The application for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4 August 2015
and the information contained within the Ecological report by Green
Environmental Consultants dated July 2015 and Appendix 7-1 Baseline ecology
report August 2008.
Ecological mitigation shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details
throughout the life of the IWMF.
Reason: To make appropriate provision for conserving and enhancing the natural
environment, in the interests of biodiversity and in accordance, WLP policy 10 and
BDLP policies LPP64, LPP63, LPP65, LPP66 and LPP67.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to the habitat management plan. The approved
details include: the application for approval of details reserved by condition dated
4 August 2015 and the “Habitat Management Plan revised July 2015 report
number 499/10” by Green Environmental Consultants and appendices A to E.
The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved habitat
management plan throughout the life of the IWMF.
Reason: To make appropriate provision for conserving and enhancing the natural
environment, in the interests of biodiversity and in accordance with, WLP policy
10 and BDLP policies LPP63, LPP64 , LPP65 and LPP66 and LPP67.
No demolition, excavation works or removal of hedgerows or trees shall be
undertaken on the site during the bird nesting season [1 March to 30 September
inclusive] except where a suitably qualified ecological consultant has confirmed
that such construction etc. should not affect any nesting birds. Details of such
written confirmations shall be sent to the Waste Planning Authority 14 days prior
to commencement of the works.
Reason: To make appropriate provision for conserving and enhancing the natural
environment, in the interests of biodiversity and in accordance with WLP policy 10
and BDLP policies LPP63, LPP64 , LPP65 and LPP66 and LPP67.
Only one stack shall be erected on the site to service all elements of the IWMF.
The height of the stack shall not exceed 85m Above Ordnance Datum.
Reason: In the interest of visual amenity, to protect the countryside and to comply
with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies SP7, LPP47, LPP52, and LPP66 and
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to bunding and planting. The approved details
include: the application for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4
August 2015 as amended by Non-Material Amendment applications ref.
ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA2 application dated 10 December 2022 and
ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA5 application dated 25 April 2023 and the following
Drawing Ref
732.1_07B HDA
Soft landscape proposals site access
Jun 2015
732.1_02G HDA
Soft landscape proposals sheet 1 of 5
732.1_03G HDA
Soft landscape proposals sheet 2 of 5
903.2/04E HDA
Soft landscape proposals sheet 3 of 5
April 2023
903.2/05E HDA
Soft landscape proposals sheet 4 of 5
April 2023
903.2/06D HDA
Soft landscape proposals sheet 5 of 5
April 2023
732.1_09 HDA
Standard tree pit detail
Jun 2015
In respect of area W2-A only
Outline Planting W2-A
IWMF W2-A Outline Landscape
Reason: To comply with section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
(as amended), to improve the appearance of the site in the interest of visual
amenity, to protect the countryside and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP
policies SP7, LPP47, LPP52, LPP63, LPP66 and LPP67..
Any tree or shrub forming part of the retained existing vegetation or the planting
scheme approved in connection with the development that dies, is damaged,
diseased or removed within the duration of 5 years during and after the
completion of construction of the IWMF, shall be replaced during the next
available planting season (October-March inclusive) with a tree or shrub to be
agreed in advance in writing by the Waste Planning Authority.
Reason: To comply with section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
(as amended), to improve the appearance of the site in the interest of visual
amenity, to protect the countryside and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP
policies SP7, LPP52, LPP63 and LPP66 and LPP67.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to tree retention and protection measures. The
approved details include: the application for approval of details reserved by
condition dated 4 August 2015 and as amended by Non Material Amendment
application ref. ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA5 application dated 25 April 2023 and the
following drawings:
Drawing Ref
732.1_07B HDA SA1
Soft landscape proposals site access
Jun 2015
732.1_02G HDA SL1
Soft landscape proposals sheet 1 of 5
732.1_03G HDA SL2
Soft landscape proposals sheet 2 of 5
903.2/04E HDA SL3
Soft landscape proposals sheet 3 of 5
903.2/05E HDA SL4
Soft landscape proposals sheet 4 of 5
903.2/06D HDA SL5
Soft landscape proposals sheet 5 of 5
732.1_10A HDA D3
Tree protection fencing
Jul 2015
732.1_08A HDA D3
Rabbit proof fence detail
Jun 2015
The tree protection measures shall be implemented at the time of planting and
maintained throughout the life of the IWMF.
Reason: In the interest of visual amenity, to ensure protection for the existing
natural environment, including adjacent TPO woodland and to comply with WLP
policy 10 and BDLP policies SP7, LPP52, LPP63, LPP64, LPP65, LPP66 and
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to management and watering of trees adjacent to
the retaining wall surrounding the IWMF. The approved details include: the
application for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4 August 2015 and
the statement by HDA entitled “Rivenhall Integrated Waste Management Facility
Condition 60” dated 8 June 2015. The management and watering shall be carried
out in accordance with the approved details throughout the life of the IWMF.
Reason: In the interest of visual amenity, to ensure protection for the existing
natural environment, including adjacent TPO woodland and to comply with, WLP
policy 10 and BDLP policies SP7, LPP52, LPP63, LPP64, LPP65 and LPP66 and
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to the layout of parking area including hard and soft
landscaping and lighting adjacent to Woodhouse Farm. The approved details
include: the application for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4
August 2015, the Statement by Honace entitled “Condition 61 Woodhouse Farm
Parking & Lighting” and the followings drawings:
Drawing ref
IT569/CP/01 Rev B
Woodhouse car park layout and typical
732.1_05G HDA
Soft landscape proposals sheet 4 of 5
Rev p1
Proposed lighting layout
The parking, lighting and landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the
details approved throughout the life of the IWMF.
Reason: To protect the setting of the Listed Buildings and in the interest of visual
amenity and to comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies SP7, LPP52 and
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to traffic calming measures designed to reduce the
speed of traffic using the access road in the vicinity of the River Blackwater. The
approved details include: the application for approval of details reserved by
condition dated 4 August 2015 and the following drawings:
Drawing Ref
Footpath crossing typical detail
Vole and otter crossing
SignPlot v3.10
“Vole and otter crossing” sign
The traffic calming measures shall be maintained throughout the life of the IWMF
in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To make appropriate provision for conserving and enhancing the natural
environment within the approved development, in the interests of biodiversity and
in accordance with WLP policy 10 and BDP policies LPP63 and LPP66.
The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the
details submitted with respect to the lining and signing of the crossing points of
the access road with Church Road and Ash Lane. . The approved details include:
the application for approval of details reserved by condition dated 4 August 2015
and the following drawings:
Drawing ref
IT569/S278/03 C
Proposed improvements to site access
road junction with Church Road
June 2015
IT569/S278/04 C
Proposed improvements to site access
road junction with Ash Lane
June 2015
SignPlot v3.10
“Heavy Plant crossing” sign
SignPlot v3.10
“Stop” sign
SignPlot v3.10
Priority sign
The lining and signing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved
details throughout the life of the IWMF.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety, safeguarding local amenity and to
comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policies LPP52, LPP42, LPP70.
Intentionally blank
NB Condition fully discharged see application ESS/55/14/BTE/64/1 as amended
by ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA1.
There shall be no use of the access road from the A120 to the IWMF except by
traffic associated with the IWMF, Bradwell Quarry or to access agricultural land for
agricultural purposes.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety, as traffic movements above those
associated with the IWMF, Bradwell Quarry and existing agricultural movements
would need to be considered afresh and to comply with , WLP policy 10 and
BDLP polices SP7, LPP42 and LPP52.
Intentionally blank
NB condition removed following planning permission reference ESS/39/23/BTE.
Intentionally blank
NB Condition fully discharged see application reference ESS/34/15/BTE/67/01.
Woodhouse Farm and buildings shall be refurbished to a visitor and education
centre no later than 1 March 2022.
Reason: To ensure the timely refurbishment of the Listed Buildings and their
being brought into beneficial in order to protect these heritage assets and to
comply with WLP policy 10 and BDLP policy SP7 and LPP57 and the NPPF.
Following the approval of details required by condition 19 and prior to the
installation of process equipment and plant, an updated noise assessment shall
be undertaken and submitted to the Waste Planning Authority for approval to
demonstrate that the maximum noise levels set out in condition 38 would not be
exceeded. Installation of process equipment and plant for the IWMF shall not
commence until the updated noise assessment has been approved by the Waste
Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of residential and local amenity and to comply with WLP
policy 10 and BDLP policies LL52 and LPP70.
Informative: This planning permission shall be read and construed in conjunction
with the Legal Agreement dated 20 October 2009, as amended by deeds of
variation dated 1 December 2014, 26 March 2015, 26 February 2016 and [date to
be confirmed].