Pennsylvania Department of Health 2013-2014 Annual C.U.R.E. Report
Carnegie Mellon University 2011 Formula Grant Page 1
Carnegie Mellon University
Annual Progress Report: 2011 Formula Grant
Reporting Period
July 1, 2013 June 30, 2014
Formula Grant Overview
The Carnegie Mellon University received $943,032 in formula funds for the grant award period
January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2014. Accomplishments for the reporting period are
described below.
Research Project 1: Project Title and Purpose
Correlated Structure in Motor Cortical Populations Motor control is one of the most important
tasks the brain performs, and disorders of motor control affect millions of people. Although a
wealth of psychophysical studies have led to good descriptions of the phenomenological
processes underlying motor control and adaptation, the neural implementations of these
processes are not well understood. One problem is that motor control is inherently a neural
population phenomenon: movements are generated by groups of neurons that must work in a
coordinated fashion to produce precisely timed muscle activation patterns. Using brain-
computer interfaces, we will study how various features of the motor task act to shape the
correlation structure of cortical population activity.
Anticipated Duration of Project
1/1/2012 12/31/2014
Project Overview
Volitional motor control is inherently a neural population phenomenon: to generate movements,
neural activity from collections of neurons across multiple brain areas must be coordinated to
result in precisely timed muscle activation patterns. This coordination is expressed by statistical
dependencies in the tuning of groups of neurons, the so-called signal correlation, which arises
from network constraints such as common inputs into groups of neurons. In motor control, these
common inputs relate to the cognitive and behavioral factors underlying movement generation.
By studying how signal correlations relate to various features of the task, like feedback or
redundancy, we can probe how these parameters coordinate population activity in motor cortex
and, ultimately, shape motor planning.
This project is a coupling of experimental and computational approaches to characterize the
flexible correlation structure of motor neuronal populations. We will have monkeys implanted
with chronic multielectrode recording arrays perform a combination of motor tasks including
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arm reaching and brain-computer interface (BCI) cursor control. Data from these tasks will be
used to build a statistical model that fits the correlation structure as a function of both
volitionally controllable driving inputs and task-dependent sensory feedback. Ultimately, the
lessons we learn from the formulation of these models will improve our understanding of the
cognitive and computational principles of motor control, and unite the neural encoding of
movement with behavioral theories of motor control.
Specific Aim 1: Dissociate volitional from non-volitional dependencies in correlation patterns.
Specific Aim 2: Describe how correlation patterns change as a function of task redundancy.
Principal Investigator
Steven M. Chase, PhD
Assistant Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
115 Mellon Institute
4400 Fifth Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Other Participating Researchers
Andrew Schwartz, PhD employed by the University of Pittsburgh
Expected Research Outcomes and Benefits
We anticipate several potential outcomes and benefits resulting from this study. (1) This
research has direct implications for improving neural prosthetic devices, which have the potential
to improve the quality of life for a substantial population of patients living with neurological
movement disorders. Results from this study will be leveraged to current, ongoing clinical trials.
(2) Robotic controllers generally lack the flexibility and robustness exhibited in physiological
motor control. By furthering our understanding of the basic mechanisms of motor control, our
findings could improve the design and performance of general autonomous control systems
across a wide variety of applications. (3) Graduate students supported by this grant will be
extensively cross-trained in both computational and experimental approaches to systems
neuroscience, placing them at the forefront of a rapidly growing field. (4) Methodologies
developed during this study will be directly incorporated into the classes taught by the Principal
Summary of Research Completed
Milestones for reporting period:
Present Aim 1 preliminary results at conference.
Finish Aim 2 experiments.
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Implant electrode array into hemisphere 2 and start Aim 1 experiments using neurons
from second hemisphere.
Research accomplished during this reporting period
Last reporting period we acquired a non-human primate and were in the process of training him
to perform arm reaching tasks. In this project period, we completed the training and performed
surgery to implant a chronic multielectrode recording array in primary motor cortex (M1). The
surgery was a success, a sample of recordings from the array are shown in Fig. 1.
Since our theoretical work has progressed more quickly on Aim 2 than on Aim 1, we started
collecting data from the experiments outlined in Aim 2. To examine the effects of task
redundancy on neural recruitment in M1, we have been collecting data in a novel reaching task
where the subject needs to make movements constrained to varying numbers of dimensions. An
example of initial findings in this direction is given in Fig. 2.
In off-line data analysis on previously collected data, we tested the hypothesis that changes in
neural tuning observed during changes in task redundancy are coordinated across neurons. The
data do not support this hypothesis: rather, it appears the changes in each neuron are independent
of the changes in other neurons, a finding that is not predicted by current theories of how
populations of neurons work together to encode movement. These results were reported at the
Computational Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) annual meeting in Feb. 2014:
Rasmussen, Schwartz, and Chase (2014) Dynamic range adaptation in motor cortical
neurons. Cosyne.
Also in off-line data, we have been attempting to further our understanding of neural correlations
and coordination during movement by investigating the information carried by populations of
neurons about movement parameters. Results of this analysis for arm speed and direction of
movement were published this year in an article that acknowledges CURE funding:
Golub, Yu, Schwartz and Chase (2014). Motor cortical control of movement speed with
implications for brain-machine interface control. J Neurophysiol. 112:411-29.
Although data collection has started, progress on the experimental side of this project is running
slightly behind schedule. We will be requesting a one year no-cost extension so that we may
complete the experiments.
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Figure 1: Screen shot of recordings from the multielectrode recording array chronically implanted in the primary
motor cortex of the monkey on this project. Recordings are shown roughly two months post-surgery. Most
channels show clear signs of action potentials emitted from well-isolated neurons.
Figure 2: Estimates of the information carried by the neural population about target direction, when different
numbers of targets are presented in two dimensions only (left) or three dimensions (right). Note that in the 3D
case, the information carried by the population runs much closer to the theoretical upper limit (dotted lines),
indicating that some task configurations are more efficiently encoded than others.
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Research Project 2: Project Title and Purpose
Non-invasive Optical Imaging of Perceptual Learning and Development The reliability and
consistency of ordinary sight and hearing makes it natural to presume that perceptual systems are
hard-wired and stable. Instead, however, they are highly dynamic and adapt flexibly to allow
perceivers to discover regularities in the environment. In fact, over time perceptual expertise
develops such that the brain’s response to some classes of highly significant stimuli (faces,
written words, speech) is markedly distinct. Our ultimate objective is to understand the learning
mechanisms that serve the development of perceptual expertise to better understand
developmental disorders (autism, dyslexia) and brain injuries that affect perception and to
engineer devices to improve perception among those with impairments.
Anticipated Duration of Project
1/1/2012 12/31/2014
Project Overview
Our ultimate goal is to understand how perceptual systems are shaped by experience to develop
perceptual expertise for some classes of stimuli. Humans exhibit such expertise for faces and
native-language speech sounds and, later with developing literacy, for printed words. Human
perceptual expertise for recognizing and categorizing these stimuli well exceeds the capacity of
even the most sophisticated software for face and speech recognition. Understanding the learning
mechanisms involved with extracting perceptual regularity from an inherently noisy and variable
environment will provide insight about how to improve automatic machine recognition systems.
It will also inform how to remediate perceptual problems arising from brain injury and
developmental disorders and how to build effective rehabilitation programs for individuals with
perceptual impairments.
The specific long-term aim is to address the development of perceptual expertise among pre-
school aged children, a developmental window during which perceptual systems are thought to
be highly malleable and during which time developmental disorders that impact perceptual
expertise (autism, specific language impairment) tend to be discovered. The present research is
unique and innovative because it allows for simultaneous measurement of brain and behavioral
responses in young children who are unable to participate in many other forms of neuroimaging
research, thus allowing us to probe the development of perceptual expertise. In the present
project, we test the hypothesis that adaptation of an optical neuroimaging signal will serve as a
more sensitive measure of children’s phonetic representations than their behavioral responses
and 2) that acoustic context will further shape these representations. At a broad level, achieving
our aims will set the stage for Carnegie Mellon University’s faculty to focus its research
expertise toward innovative new approaches to studying the development of perceptual expertise
and its health implications.
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Principal Investigator
Lori L. Holt, PhD
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Other Participating Researchers
Kai-Min Chang, PhD; Marlene Berhmann, PhD; David Plaut, PhD; David Rakison, PhD;
Erik Thiessen, PhD; Anna Fisher, PhD; Nathan Urban, PhD; Michael Tarr, PhD employed by
Carnegie Mellon University
Theodore Huppert, PhD employed by the University of Pittsburgh
Expected Research Outcomes and Benefits
Perceptual learning is a robust phenomenon, measurable throughout the lifespan in humans and
other species that is thought to support a variety of basic cognitive, perceptual and language
functions. It is important because changes in the way that perceptual input is processed and
represented impact all subsequent processing at higher levels. Understanding brain function as it
relates to developing perceptual expertise for particular classes of stimuli will allow us to
generate models of how perceptual learning can be harnessed to improve perceptual processing
(such as training physicians to better detect tumors in visually-noisy scans) and remediate
everyday perception when perceptual systems go awry. Deficits in perceptual learning are
observed across a variety of brain disorders including schizophrenia for auditory processing,
autism for faces and speech, specific language impairment and dyslexia for spoken language and
words, and in response to traumatic brain injury, stroke, and seizure. Determining how to
engineer systems to remediate brain disorders affecting perceptual processing requires an
understanding of the relationship of brain function to perceptual learning and how perceptual
expertise for specific classes of stimuli develops. Neuroimaging tools that can be used effectively
to study the developing brain are necessary in this endeavor. The present project exploits
functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) as a neuroimaging technique suitable for use with
children and therefore significant for measuring brain development. By understanding how the
brain changes with development of perceptual expertise, we believe we can better understand the
causes of perceptual symptoms for brain disorders.
Summary of Research Completed
Milestones for reporting period: Collect data to test hypotheses with child participants; analyze
data and prepare report(s) of results.
Research accomplished during this reporting period
In the present project year we achieved our objective to authorize near infrared spectroscopy
(NIRS) as “minimal risk” for use in research with children and adults, as it is on other campuses
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internationally (and as are other neuroimaging techniques like functional magnetic resonance
imaging, fMRI). This opens the opportunity to test children at the Carnegie Mellon Children’s
School in our experiments. The approval process involved a great deal of coordination, visits
from international experts to discuss ethics with our review panel, and multiple meetings with
the Carnegie Mellon University Institutional Review Board.
With approval to conduct research, we have begun training researchers ranging from graduate
students to faculty in NIRS research, experimental design, and research protocols. We have
benefited from the expertise of Dr. Theodore Huppert of University of Pittsburgh in leading
these efforts. During the past year, we met our milestone of pilot testing our new NIRS system
with adult participants. We were unable to enroll child participants during this period due to
delays in moving our protocol through the process to certify NIRS as minimal risk and thereby
suitable for testing children at the Carnegie Mellon Children’s School. Now that we have full
approval for research with adult and child participants we wish to expand the research by one
year to complete this work.
We have also achieved scientific objectives. Dr. Marlene Behrmann’s laboratory at Carnegie
Mellon University has initiated a study of the hemodynamic response in the visual cortex as
individuals (adult participants) view a series of achromatic grating patterns. The patterns have
either a drifting or vibrating motion and vary in contrast. The ultimate purpose of this research is
to investigate basic sensory-evoked responses in individuals with autism. The project has
received Institutional Review and is underway.
Drs. Anna Fisher and Erik Thiessen of Carnegie Mellon University are collaborating to pursue
NIRS as a measure of the development of selective sustained attention through the preschool and
elementary school years. They address several key issues using a novel paradigm for assessing
selective sustained attention in young children. A broad aim is to examine selective sustained
attention and specify developmental trajectories of selective sustained attention in 2- to 7-year-
old children thereby establishing a baseline contributing to the efforts of refining the cognitive
phenotype of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The use of NIRS will bear
on the often-hypothesized developmental changes in the contribution of exogenous and
endogenous factors to selective sustained attention. In this project period, Drs. Fisher and
Thiessen submitted a grant proposal entitled “Development of Selective Sustained Attention in
Preschool and Elementary School Children,” they trained their laboratories in NIRS protocols,
established software to link their behavioral experiments to the time course of NIRS data
collection, and developed a collaborative relationship with Dr. Theodore Huppert who is a local
expert in NIRS. The project has passed Institutional Review and is ready to begin pilot testing
with children.
Our scientific achievements also involved pilot testing behavioral protocols suitable for pairing
with NIRS among both adult and child participants.
Through extensive preliminary research we have verified the effectiveness of a simple incidental
training paradigm, the Systematic Multimodal Associations Reaction Time (SMART) task, in
training listeners to categorize sounds. This task mimics critical aspects of learning in natural
environments (multimodal associations, predictive relationships, indirect training, no explicit
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instruction or feedback), but its simple task demands are amenable for use among patients and
In the SMART task, participants must rapidly detect the appearance of a visual stimulus among
four possible screen locations and report its position with a key press (Figure 1). A brief sound
precedes the appearance of each visual target. Unknown to participants, each sound is an
exemplar drawn from one of four distinct sound categories. In the first three blocks and the fifth
experiment block the relationship between the sound category and the visual target location is
fixed such that the sound category is consistently associated with one of the visual target
locations (Training Blocks, 100 trials/block). In the fourth block, this association is destroyed by
random assignment of sound categories to visual target locations (Test Block Random). On
each trial of each block, the task is rapid visual detection. However, if participants incidentally
learn about the sound categories due to the consistent pairing of sound category exemplars with
the location of the visual target in the Training Blocks, we expect reaction time to detect the
visual target to be slower in the random Test Block when the relationship between sound and
visual target is arbitrary. We refer to this implicit measure of auditory category learning as the
RT cost (RT
). We also measure category learning and generalization to novel
exemplars explicitly via an explicit sound categorization task that follows the SMART task. In
this task, participants hear a sound exemplar drawn from the sound categories experienced
during the visual detection task, but not heard previously. They indicate which box an “X” would
be most likely to appear (although no visual targets appear in this task and there is no feedback
about the correctness of responses). Each sound is presented 20 times in a random order. This
presents the opportunity to collect both implicit and explicit measures of auditory category
learning as well as to examine the extent to which the measures are in agreement. Our results
(Figure 2) demonstrate the effectiveness of this indirect training task in producing robust
nonspeech auditory and non-native speech category learning among typical adults. Each measure
shows evidence of generalization of acquired category knowledge to novel category exemplars
not heard in training, a hallmark of robust category learning. In all, the entire task takes about 40
minutes for control participants to complete. It is simple and easily administered. We expect
patients and children to be slower to respond in the SMART task relative to control participants.
What is unique about the SMART task is that it capitalizes on a simple, overt visual detection
task to incidentally train participants to learn to learn auditory categories. It is extremely well-
suited for use with NIRS due to its block structure.
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