Elementary School
Elementary School
Earl Elementary School
641 East Second Street
1001 Montgomery Avenue
22 Schoolhouse Road
Boyertown, PA 19512
Boyertown, PA 19512
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 369-7462
(610) 369-7427
(610) 369-7504
Gilbertsville Elementary
New Hanover Upper Frederick
Elementary School
Washington Elementary
36 Congo Road
2547 Big Road
1406 Route 100
Gilbertsville, PA 19525
Frederick, PA 19435
Barto, PA 19504
(610) 369-7485
(610) 754-9580
(610) 754-9589
Middle School East
Middle School West
Boyertown Area Senior High
2020 Big Road 380 South Madison Street 120 North Monroe Street
Gilbertsville, PA 19525 Boyertown, PA 19512 Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 754-9550
(610) 369-7471
(610) 369-7435
Boyertown Area School District
911 Montgomery Avenue
Boyertown, PA 19512
District Administration
Marybeth Torchia, Superintendent Michael Stoudt, Assistant Superintendent
Patricia Denicola, Chief Financial Officer Virginia Fredericksen, Chief Human Resource Officer
Board of School Directors
Anthony Panarello, President Roger Updegrove, Vice President James Brophy
Ruth Dierolf Brian Hemingway Lisa Hogan
Christine Neiman Marianne Scott Jeffrey Zawada
Student Board Representatives
Lexy Bacino, 12
Grade Rep Liliana Myers, 11
Grade Rep
2023-2024 Board of School Directors’ and Committee of the Whole Meeting Calendar
Annual Notices and Notifications
Policy Item 103 Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students
The Board declares it to be the policy of this district to provide an equal opportunity for all students to achieve their maximum
potential through the programs and activities offered in the schools without discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, creed,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, marital status, pregnancy or handicap/disability.
The Board also declares it to be the policy of this district to comply with federal law and regulations under Title IX prohibiting sexual
harassment, which is a form of unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex. Such discrimination shall be referred to throughout this
policy as Title IX sexual harassment. Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX to the district may be referred to the Title IX
Coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, or both.
The district is committed to the maintenance of a safe, positive learning environment for all students that is free from discrimination
by providing all students course offerings, counseling, assistance, services, employment, athletics, and extracurricular activities
without any form of discrimination, including Title IX sexual harassment. Discrimination is inconsistent with the rights of students
and the educational and programmatic goals of the district and is prohibited at or in the course of district-sponsored programs or
activities, including transportation to or from school or school-sponsored activities.
Violations of this policy, including acts of retaliation as described in this policy or knowingly providing false information, may result in
disciplinary consequences under applicable Board policy and procedures.
The Board directs that the foregoing statement of Board policy be included in each student and staff handbook and that this policy
and related attachments be posted to the district’s website.
Policy Item 103.1 Non-discrimination Qualified Students with Disabilities
The Board declares it to be the policy of this district to ensure that all district programs and practices are free from discrimination
against all qualified students with disabilities. The Board recognizes its responsibility to provide academic and nonacademic services
and programs equally to students with and without disabilities.
The district shall provide to each qualified student with a disability enrolled in the district, without cost to the student or
parent/guardian, a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). This includes the provision of education and related aids,
services, or accommodations which are needed to afford each qualified student with a disability equal opportunity to participate
in and obtain the benefits from educational programs and extracurricular activities without discrimination, to the same extent as
each student without a disability, consistent with federal and state laws and regulations.
Policy 104 Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Staff
The Board declares it to be the policy of this district to provide to all persons equal access to all categories of employment in this
district, regardless of race, color, age, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, marital status, genetic
information, pregnancy or handicap/disability. The district shall make reasonable accommodations for identified physical and mental
impairments that constitute disabilities, consistent with the requirements of federal and state laws and regulations.
The Board also declares it to be the policy of this district to comply with federal law and regulations under Title IX prohibiting sexual
harassment, which is a form of unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex. Such discrimination shall be referred to throughout this
policy as Title IX sexual harassment. Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX to the district may be referred to the Title IX
Coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, or both.
The Board directs that the foregoing statement of Board policy be included in each student and staff handbook and that this policy
and related attachments be posted to the district’s website.
Directory Information Notice
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records. The
law requires that Boyertown Area School District (“district”) obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally
identifiable information from your child’s education records. Consent, however, is not required in all instances. The district may
disclose appropriately designated “directory information without written consent unless you have advised the district to the
contrary in accordance with district procedures. Federal law and the United States Department of Education define directory
information as information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and
dates of attendance.
The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the district to include this type of information from your child’s education
records in certain school publications. Examples include:
A playbill showing your child’s role in a drama production
The annual yearbook
Honor roll or other recognition lists
Graduation programs
Sports activity sheets, i.e., such as wrestling, showing the weight and height of team members
Directory information can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations
include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require
local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide
military recruiters, upon request, with three directory information categories names, addresses, and telephone listings unless
parents have advised the LEA that they do not want their child’s information disclosed without their prior written consent.
If you do not want the district to disclose directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written
consent, you must notify the district in writing by September 15
of each school year. The district has designated the following
information as directory information:
Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
Telephone listing
Weight and height of members of athletic teams
Degrees, honors, and awards received
Date and place of birth
Major field of study
Dates of attendance
Grade Level
The most recent educational agency or institution attended
Notification of Rights for Elementary and Secondary School Students
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who reach the age of 18(“eligible students”)
certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are:
1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the school receives a
written request for access.
Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to
inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place
where the records may be inspected. The district is not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as
great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes
is inaccurate or misleading.
Parents or eligible students may ask the school to amend a record they believe is inaccurate or misleading. Parents should
write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or
misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will
notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for
amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student
when notified of the right to a hearing.
These laws are: Section 9528 of the ESEA (20 U.S.C. 7908), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001(P.L. 107-
110), the education bill, and 10 U.S.C. 503, as amended by section 544, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2002 (P.L. 107-107), the legislation that provides funding for the Nation’s armed forces.
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records,
except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational
interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff
member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a
person or company with whom the school has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical
consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance
committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational
interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities. Upon
request, the school discloses education records without consent to officials or another school district in which a student
seeks or intends to enroll. The additional disclosures the school may make without parent consent are explained in the
school’s Student Records Plan, available from the child’s principal.
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the school to
comply with the requirements of FERPA.
The name and address of the office that administers FERPA are:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-5920
Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
The Protection of Pupil Rights Act (PPRA) affords parents and students who are 18 or emancipated minors (“eligible students”)
certain rights regarding the Boyertown Area School District’s conduct of surveys, collection, and use of information for
marketing purposes and certain physical examinations. These include the right to:
1. Written Consent:
Before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following protected areas (“protected
information survey”) if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education:
1.1 Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent
1.2 Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family
1.3 Sex behavior or attitudes
1.4 Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior
1.5 Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships
1.6 Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers
1.7 Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents
1.8 Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility
2. Receive Notice and An Opportunity to Opt a Student Out of:
2.1 Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding
2.2 Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening required as a condition of attendance,
administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student,
except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening permitted or required under
Pennsylvania law
2.3 Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students for marketing or
to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others
3. Inspect Upon Request and Before Administration or Use:
3.1 Protected information surveys of students
3.2 Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above marketing, sales, or
other distribution purposes
3.3 Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum
The district will develop and adopt policies, in consultation with parents regarding these rights, as well as arrangements to protect
student privacy in the administration of protected surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for
marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes.
The district will directly notify parents and eligible students of these policies at least annually at the start of each school year
and after any substantive changes.
The district will also directly notify parents and eligible students, such as through U.S. Mail or email, at least annually at the start of
each school year of the specific or approximate dates of the following activities and provide an opportunity to opt a student out of
participating in:
Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution
Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education
Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above. Parents/eligible students who believe their
rights have been violated may file a complaint with the following:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-5920
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
The Boyertown Area School District participates in an IPM Program for managing insects, rodents, and weeds. The district
communicates with parents/guardians on an annual basis regarding this program.
Protected Handicapped Students
In compliance with state and federal law, the Boyertown Area School District will provide to each protected handicapped student
without discrimination or cost to the student or family, those related aids, services, or accommodations which are needed to
provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of the school program and extracurricular activities to the
maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities. In order to qualify as a protected handicapped student, the child must have
a physical or mental disability that substantially limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the school program.
There are numerous conditions that would cause a student to be eligible for protected handicapped status. Included are students
diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD if the condition limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the school program.
For further information on the evaluation procedures and provision of services to protected handicapped students, contact your
child’s school counselor.
Required School Board Policies
While all board policies are essential to the running/governing of our district, specific policies require annual public
notification and/or inclusion in our student handbook. To view our full list of policies, please click on the link above,
select ‘Policies’ in the upper right-hand corner, and navigate to the appropriate policy.
Resolving Complaints
In addressing pertinent concerns, parents are urged to use the following guidelines:
The classroom teacher should be contacted in situations that concern the student/teacher/classroom relationship.
The school principal should be contacted if the parent cannot resolve a problem with a classroom teacher or in matters dealing
with general school policies and district concerns.
2023-2024 School District Calendar and Schedules
BASD 2023-2024 School District Calendar
This list is a sampling of our days off for the year. To view the
entire calendar, please use the link provided.
First Day for Students
Labor Day (No School)
Thanksgiving Holiday (No School)
Winter Break (No School)
Winter Break (No School)
Martin Luther King Day (No School)
Presidents’ Day (No school)
Spring Holiday (No School)
Spring Holiday (No School)
Memorial Day (No School)
Last Day for Students
Regular School Hours
Start Time
End Time
Boyertown Area Senior High
7:40 AM
2:48 PM
Middle Schools
7:35 AM
2:35 PM
Elementary Schools 1 – 5
8:45 AM
3:25 PM
AM Kindergarten
8:45 AM
11:25 AM
PM Kindergarten
12:45 PM
3:25 PM
Pre-K Counts BASH and WES
8:45 AM
2:30 PM
Early Dismissal Dates 2023-2024
All BASD Students will have early dismissal on the following dates:
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 Wednesday, October 11, 2023 Monday, November 20, 2023
Tuesday, November 21, 2023 Wednesday, November 22, 2023 Friday, December 22, 2023
Friday, January 12, 2024 Friday, March 22, 2024 Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 Wednesday, 29, 2024 Thursday, May 30, 2024
Friday, May 31, 2024
Early Dismissal School Hours
Start Time
End Time
Boyertown Area Senior High
7:40 AM
11:48 AM
Middle Schools
7:35 AM
11:35 AM
Elementary Schools 1 – 5
8:45 AM
12:25 PM
AM Kindergarten
8:45 AM
10:35 AM
PM Kindergarten
10:35 AM
12:25 PM
Pre-K Counts BASH and WES
8:45 AM
11:30 AM
Table of Contents
Topics Include:
o Policy Item #204 Attendance
o BASD Athletes Who Attend Outside Cyber/Charter Schools
o Custody Issues
o Educational Trips
o Educational Trips during Mandatory Testing Dates
o Home Schooling
o Releasing Students During School Hours
o Policy Item #200 Enrollment and Policy Item # 201 Admission of Students
o Registration Kindergarten/New Students
o Residency/Transfers/Change of Information
Discipline- Policy Item #218
Topics Include:
Agency Interview and Police Apprehension
Assault of a Fellow Student
Policy Item #249 Bullying/Cyberbullying
Consequences and Punishment
o Major Offenses
o Policy Item #222 Tobacco/Nicotine/Vaping
o Policy Item 218.1 Weapons Policy
Dress and Grooming
Emergency Situations
Topics Include:
Delayed Opening
Emergency Delays/Dismissals/Closings
Emergency Drills
Flexible Instructional Days
Infinite Campus
Limerick Generating Station
o Parental Responsibilities
o Reminders
Food Services- Policy Item #808
Topics Include:
Policy 808
Insufficient Funds
Non-Discrimination Disclaimer
Health and Safety
Topics Include:
Child Abuse Reporting
o Confidentiality of Medical Information
o Excusal from Fitness Classes and/or Recess
o Guidelines for Students Taking Medication on Field Trips
o Helpful Links for Parents/Guardians and Students
o Illness or Injuries During the School Day
o Immunizations
o Policy Item #209 Mandated Health Screenings
o Policy Item #210 Medications
o Policy Item #823 Naloxone
o Policy Item #210.1 Possession/Administration of Asthma Inhalers/Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
o Procedures: Students' Use of Crutches, Wheelchair, Cane, Walker, Or Other Assistive Devices in School
o Reportable Diseases
o Safe2Say Something
o Safety Concerns
o Safety in Fitness Class
o School Security
o Social Distancing
o Standing Order Medications for Grades K-12
o Policy Item #211 Student Accident Insurance
Homeless Students
Instructional Programs and Student Procedures
Topics Include:
Policy Item #815 Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers, and Network Resources
BASD Virtual Academy
o Chapter 4
o Charitable Solicitation
o Policy Item #105.2 Exemption from Instruction
o Gambling
o Policy Item #121 Field Trips
o Policy Item #247 Hazing
o Policy Item #130 Homework
o Posting Signs
o Policy Item #212 Reporting Student Progress
o Policy #105.1 Review of Instructional Materials by Parents/Guardians and Students
o Six-Day Cycle
o Solicitations, Sales, Dissemination of Written Materials
o Student Visitors
o Testing Program
o Title 1
o Video Conferencing
Personnel and Staffing
Topics Include:
o Paraprofessionals
o Reading Specialists
o School Counselors
o Student Teachers
Special Instructional Services
Topics Include:
o Adaptive Physical Education
o Homebound Instruction
o Remediation Plan
o Screening or Evaluation Procedures (District) for Possible Child Find
Special Education
Topics Include:
o Bus Stop Change Requests
o General Information
o Loitering in Bus Area
o Private Vehicles
o Release of Health Care Information
o Rules and Regulations
o School Bus Disciplinary Procedure
o Policy Item #810.2 Transportation Video/Audio Recording
Volunteers/Parent Organizations/Community
Topics Include:
o Charitable Solicitations
o Parent/School Organizations
o PlaygroundsPolicy Item #707 Use of School Facilities
o Volunteers
Based on a student’s grade level and school assignment, our buildings have additional processes and procedures in place in support
of the information contained in the first section of our handbook. Please visit the appropriate Additional Information section(s)
Elementary Students ONLY: Additional Information for Our Elementary Schools
The topics included in this section are listed in alphabetical order.
Middle School Students ONLY: Additional Information for Our Middle Schools
The topics included in this section are outlined in a separate Table of Contents.
High School Students ONLY: Additional Information for Our High School
The topics included in this section are outlined in a separate Table of Contents.
The Student Handbook is published for information purposes and to help parents, guardians, students, and school
personnel work together. The schools retain the right to alter or vary the application of these rules. This handbook
can be amended at any time at the discretion of Boyertown Area School District and without notice as new policies or
regulations are developed by the Board of School Directors or State or Federal Statutes.
The district’s official Board Policy Manual is posted on our website. If ANY information contained in this handbook differs in any
way from what is posted on BoardDocs, the documents posted on BoardDocs
shall prevail.
All clip art images used throughout this handbook are purchased through
The official BASD bear logo is protected under copyright law.
Policy Item 204 Attendance
Regular school attendance is necessary to ensure students receive the instruction and support needed to demonstrate progress
toward their academic, social, and physical development at school. The Pennsylvania Compulsory Attendance Law and Boyertown
Area School District policy mandate school attendance for students, with exceptions for illness, approved family trips, religious
holidays, healthcare, and other absences approved by the principal.
The following regulations are used by all Boyertown Area School District schools to monitor and address student attendance:
1. Parents/Guardians are required to provide written notification (handwritten note, email, or electronic excuse blank
) to the
school for each day their child is not in attendance. Absences shall be treated as unlawful until the district receives a
written excuse explaining the absence, to be submitted within three (3) days of the absence. The district will not change
the attendance code for written notifications received after (3) three days.
2. Parents/Guardians will receive written notice of unlawful absences #1,2,3,6 and 10. An unlawful absence is defined as
any student absence not documented by a legitimate excuse for students of compulsory age to age 18.
3. The local magistrate will be notified when a
student compiles three (3) or more unlawful absences during one (1) school
4. Parents/Guardians are required to provide excuses from a healthcare provider for additional absences if their child has
received ten (10) or more days of absence (excused, unexcused, and/or unlawful) during a school year. Absences previously
excused through notification by a healthcare provider or approved family trips will not be included in this total.
5. Students who are age 18 or older will be removed from the district’s active attendance rolls if ten (10) consecutive school
days of unexcused absences are recorded.
6. Principals will attempt to facilitate meetings with students and parents/guardians to explore reasons
for absence,
determine any additional support the student may need, and offer assistance from the school district in an effort to
return the student to a pattern of regular school attendance.
7. Parents who have questions or concerns about these regulations or their child's attendance should contact the
building principal.
Religious Holidays: School law provides that students may be legally absent for certain religious observances. The school should be
notified prior to an absence of this type, and the parent should receive permission for the child to be excused. The district will confirm
(using on-line resources) religious holidays across faiths and will recognize the child's absence for observance of their holiday.
BASD Athletes Who Attended Outside Cyber/Charter Schools
Students who attend outside cyber/charter schools or are home school students are permitted to participate in Boyertown Area
School District athletics. To participate in Boyertown athletics, outside cyber/charter or home school students must register with
the district as outlined in the Registration Kindergarten/New Students section below.
Custody Issues
It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to notify the school principal of the circumstances regarding custody of the child and
to provide the district with a copy of the current custody agreement.
The position of the school district is as follows:
1. When a Court establishes custody, the school-parent relationship will be maintained consistent with the decision of the
2. When custody is not formally established, the school will presume the parent with whom the child resides is the parent
responsible for reports, excuse forms, and authorization of any deviation from the routine transportation arrangements
for the child.
3. The non-custodial parent may receive progress reports and/or review the child's permanent record by contacting the
building principal.
Educational Trips
Students of the district may be legally excused from school attendance to accompany parents on a tour or trip during the school
term at the expense of the family when such a tour is evaluated by the building principal as being of an educational value sufficient
to merit an excused absence.
A total of 10 days of such absence for trips of this nature is permitted. A request beyond ten days will require special consideration.
A brief statement by such a parent/guardian assessing the reasons why in his/her opinion, the trip has educational value shall be
provided at the request of the principal. Upon return, students have three school days to make-up assignments/tests.
Please use the Educational Trip Request
form to request such an absence.
Failure to submit an Educational Trip Request prior to departure will result in trip days being counted as unlawful absences.
Educational Trips During Mandatory Testing Dates
Please note the dates of mandatory testing in the district, which are listed below. BASD recommends that families do not take
educational trips during the mandatory testing windows. We appreciate your help in making sure all our students are available for
the testing.
2023-2024 Testing Windows:
December 4 15, 2023 Keystone Exams Algebra I, Biology, Literature
April 22 May 10, 2024
PSSA Testing
May 13 24, 2024
Keystone Exams
Algebra I, Biology, Literature
Additional details regarding testing dates will be provided by your child’s school.
Home Schooling
The Boyertown Area School District believes education is an investment in the future that requires a partnership between schools
and the community members they serve. In accordance with Act 169 of 1988, the Boyertown Area School District works in a
cooperative and supportive role with those families that have selected home education as their choice of schooling. The
Colebrookdale Elementary Principal serves as the district’s Homeschool Coordinator for home education. Parents wishing to explore
the home education option should contact the Homeschool Coordinator at 610-323-7427.
Releasing Students During School Hours
Students will be granted permission to leave school for an appointment with a doctor, dentist, or other important reasons. Seldom
should a child be absent for the entire day for one of these appointments. Early release, on a regular basis, for private lessons and
instruction will not be granted if the request includes any loss of student instructional time at school. Parents should notify the
school in writing in advance, giving the date and time of the child's release. The parent, or other designated person, must call for
the child in person at the school office.
Policy Item 200 Enrollment and Policy Item 201 Admission of Students
Registration Kindergarten/New Students
If you are new to the District or the parent/guardian of a school-aged child, the Boyertown Area School District has developed an
online registration portal that allows the parent/guardian to complete the registration process. Information for online
registration can be found on the Boyertown Area School District website in the Parents & Community tab /Registration or at the
following link
When registering a student within the Boyertown Area School District, an original birth record, proof of mandatory immunizations,
and appropriate residency verification must be presented.
To be eligible for admission to kindergarten, a child must have attained the age of 5 years, 0 months on or before September 1 of
the year of proposed admission. For the child to be enrolled in first grade without having attended kindergarten in the Boyertown
Area School District, such child must have attained the age of 6 years, 0 months on or before September 1 of the year of proposed
admission or must have been promoted to first grade by a bona fide kindergarten.
The purpose of the kindergarten experience is:
To help children learn to work, play, and share with others.
To teach children to act as independent individuals.
To establish basic patterns of behavior necessary for school success.
To provide a combination of activities to help children be ready for first-grade work.
Residency/Transfers/Change of Information
Parents are responsible for reporting to the principal, administrative assistant, or teacher any change in address, telephone
number, or other pertinent information which occurs during the school term. Reporting these changes is necessary for the safety of
our students. These changes not only determine a child’s home school building. They are also updated within Infinite Campus and
are used for contacting our families in the event of an emergency, determining evacuation locations, et cetera.
To aid in the transfer from one school district to another, the parent/guardian should notify the school of the withdrawal date
several days in advance and come to the school office to complete the appropriate form. A transfer form is completed by the school
official to be presented to the principal's office at the receiving school. Upon request from the receiving school, the Boyertown Area
School District will transfer the authorized records.
Policy Item 218 Discipline
Discipline should begin in the home at an early age. A well-disciplined child will direct his/her interests, efforts, and abilities toward
greater achievement. Those who are well-disciplined take advantage of their individual opportunities and help create a conducive
learning environment for themselves and their classmates.
Section 1317 of the School Laws of Pennsylvania states, “every teacher, vice principal and principal in the public schools shall have
the right to exercise the same authority as to conduct and behavior over the pupils attending his school, during the time they are in
attendance, including the time required in going to and from their homes, as the parents, guardians or persons in parental relation
to such pupils may exercise over them.” This law permits the teacher to use reasonable measures to maintain decorum in or around
the school. Possession or use of substances prohibited by law (i.e., alcohol, tobacco products, etc.) will be subject to disciplinary
action. Board Policy, following Pennsylvania legislation, now allows a child to be fined for possession of tobacco or tobacco-related
products on school property.
District policy determines the approach to discipline and punishment. District employees are prohibited from administering corporal
Parents should expect to be informed of discipline problems that are serious or persistent. Communication between all persons
dealing with the problem is vital if the problem is to be dealt with effectively.
Agency Interview and Police Apprehension
In the event a student is to be interviewed in school by a representative of Children and Youth Services regarding possible child
abuse, school officials will encourage the caseworker to contact the parents first. However, the school cannot require the parents
to be contacted and cannot prevent the interview.
In the event an elementary student is to be interviewed in school by police for the purpose of gathering information, a school
official will be present. If, however, the purpose of the interview is accusatory, the school will make all reasonable efforts to contact
the parents and attempt to secure their presence.
Assault of a Fellow Student
Students need to be aware fighting with a fellow student may result in charges of aggravated assault. In all instances, the
educational and legal consequences may be serious.
Policy Item 249 Bullying/Cyberbullying
Bullying is not permitted at school or at any school or district functions. All Boyertown schools offer education for students, training
for staff, and information for parents to work toward the elimination of bullying. Students or parents/guardians who have
questions or concerns related to bullying should contact their building principal.
Consequences and Punishment
All employees have the responsibility to reinforce the school's standards and expectations for students. Initial disciplinary action can
result in a reprimand, loss of privileges, etc. Detention and in- or out-of-school suspension require the school principal's
Major Offenses
The violations listed below are considered major offenses and are subject to consequences up to and including out-of-school
suspension and/or expulsion. Imposition of these consequences will be done in consultation with the Assistant Superintendent.
1. Weapons offenses
2. Terroristic threats
3. Extortion
4. Offenses related to controlled substances, including illegal drugs, tobacco, and/or alcohol
5. Sexual harassment or other violations of a sexual nature
6. Violations of mandatory school attendance laws
7. Assault or related offenses
8. Defiant behavior
9. Theft
10. Vandalism or related offenses
Note: When deemed appropriate, local law enforcement officials may be involved as part of the disciplinary procedures involving
these offenses, and legal charges may be filed.
Policy Item #222 Tobacco/Nicotine (and Vaping Policy)
Act 145 of 1996 amends the Crimes Code to include language-prohibiting students from possessing or using tobacco in a school
building, on a school bus, or on school property. School districts are granted the authority to initiate prosecution for any such
offense. BASD has implemented a practice of testing all vapes and their contents and confiscated vape oil for illegal substances.
Confiscated items will not be returned. Upon conviction, a student will be found guilty of a summary offense and subject to a fine,
penalties, and court costs. The court may admit the student to an adjudication alternative in lieu of the fine. Such a summary
offense is not reportable as a criminal act. This is in addition to disciplinary action taken by the school. All vaporizers and e-
cigarettes will be treated as a violation and are subject to school discipline. Students found to be vaping / in possession of a vape
pen or like the device will be charged a $50.00 school fine for the first offense, $75.00 for the second offense, and $100.00 for the
third or additional offenses. Each vape will be tested a minimum of two times and will constitute a $15.00 testing fee per kit per
vape. Please note that all devices will be destroyed during the testing process.
Policy Item #218.1 Weapons
Policy Statement: Berks County Juvenile Court
Juvenile Court records indicate a significant upswing in the number of youth carrying dangerous weapons into our local schools. This
represents a serious risk to the safety of everyone present in our schools and is unacceptable behavior by those involved. Therefore,
it is the policy of the Berks County Juvenile Court that if a juvenile carries a gun or any other dangerous weapon onto a school
setting, absent extraordinary and compelling reasons, that youth will be placed outside his/her home when such a case is referred to
the Juvenile Court. In order to implement this policy, the Court urges all Berks County schools to adopt a working procedure of
requesting immediate police investigation of all incidents involving the possession of dangerous weapons on school grounds. The
Court also urges that an immediate request for emergency detention be made to the Juvenile Probation Office for any youth
implicated in the transportation or possession of a dangerous weapon on school property. To some, this policy may seem unduly
harsh, particularly if there is no injury or attempt to actually use the weapon. Nonetheless, if this Juvenile Court Policy is to serve its
intended deterrent effect, it is important that all students recognize the severity with which violations of this nature will be treated.
Law Enforcement agencies will be called in regard to any violation of the Crimes Code of Pennsylvania. The offenses could consist of
possession of a weapon on school property, prohibited offensive weapons, or possession of a firearm by a minor.
The possession of a weapon on school property or on a school bus has been classified as a misdemeanor of the first degree in
accordance with Act 167 of 1980. Similarly, assault on a fellow student or school staff member is a misdemeanor of the first degree.
Students and parents should be aware of several conditions in this law:
1. A misdemeanor of the first degree is punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and/or imprisonment of up to 5 years.
2. A weapon is defined broadly as any instrument which can do bodily harm.
3. Any attempt to cause bodily injury to a member of the school staff, a school official, or a fellow student is classified
as aggravated assault and is a misdemeanor of the first degree.
In conjunction with state and federal law requirements regarding weapons on school property or at school activities, Board Policy
mandates the immediate suspension of a student who has a weapon in school, at a school-sponsored activity, on school grounds, or
on a school vehicle. Further, consistent with state law, possession of a weapon on school grounds for reasons that do not meet the
exceptions under the school code will result in a recommendation for the expulsion of the student.
Board Policy supports the recommendation for expulsion as a consequence of having any weapon in school. Board Policy considers
weapons to include guns, knives, and “look-alike or replica weapons,” which are not necessarily operable. Also, local law
enforcement departments routinely report weapons offenses to the county juvenile courts, which may result in incarceration while
awaiting a preliminary hearing.
These laws and procedures represent substantial changes in dealing with weapons offenses. Any legal charges, which may result
from such offenses, are supplementary to the discipline procedures outlined in this handbook. Parents should review this topic with
their children and strongly advise them not to carry pen knives or any instrument which may be considered a weapon (any
instrument which can do bodily harm) while in school or at school activities. They should further advise their children not to carry
any items that can be mistaken for weapons (toy guns, knives, etc.). Those who carry such items will be punished accordingly.
Dress and Grooming
Policy Item 221 Dress and Grooming
Section I General
Excessively revealing spandex or skin-tight outfits of any type or material is not permitted unless an accompanying top
covers the hips, buttocks, and cleavage in an appropriate manner.
Excessively baggy clothing that poses a safety hazard is not permitted.
Excessively torn or ripped clothing that exposes undergarments and/or is revealing is not permitted.
Undergarments should not be exposed.
Pajamas/night clothes are not permitted.
Excessive make-up or face paint deemed by the administration to be a distraction to the learning environment or unsafely
compromising the identity of a student is not permitted.
Section II Tops
Tops may not be “low cut” or exposing. Off-the-shoulder shirts/tops, midriffs, and backs are not permitted to be exposed.
The following are unacceptable school attire:
o Tank tops/muscle shirts; Spaghetti strap/halter/mesh tops; Fishnet stockings; See-through blouses or shirts; Tube
tops/crop tops; Any top that is skintight or allows the midriff, cleavage or undergarments to be exposed is not
Coats, jackets, or garments designed for protection from the outside weather are not to be worn in school without
administrative permission.
Section III Pants/Shorts/Skirts/Skorts
Pants, shorts, and skorts must be secured and worn no lower than the hip. Low riding/sag style is not permitted.
Excessively long pants are not permitted.
Boxer shorts worn as outerwear are not permitted.
All shorts, skirts, skorts, and slits in skirts must touch the bottom of the fingertips with arms fully extended.
Section IV Offensive Dress
Clothing, tattoo(s), patches, buttons, pins, jewelry, and backpacks are not permitted if they:
Have sexually suggestive writing/pictures
Advocate violence
Advertise or promote the use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs
Have innuendos or obscene language
Are disrespectful
Section V Footwear
Some sort of shoe must be worn at all times.
Any shoe that poses a safety hazard is not permitted.
Shoes with laces must be tied.
Slippers are not permitted.
Section VI Jewelry
Spiked jewelry, wallet chains, choker chains, or any jewelry that could cause injury or constitute a hazard are not permitted.
Section VII Headwear
Hoods, hats, caps, bandanas, sunglasses*, visors, sweatbands, and other head coverings are not permitted.
Cloth face masks for medical purposes (example: Coronavirus) Students will receive direction from the administration
based on the current CDC, state, and district guidance at the time. Face masks must comply with Section IV of the dress
code. Masks should cover the mouth and nose. Costume masks are prohibited.
*May not be worn unless a physician’s note deems it necessary. A doctor’s note must state the length of time the student needs to
wear the sunglasses.
Section VIII Health & Hygiene
Any apparel that is judged to be unhealthy or unsanitary is not permitted.
Each student is expected to maintain good personal hygiene.
These rules and procedures have been developed according to the Board policy regarding student dress and grooming. However,
solutions to situations not specifically covered are the responsibility of building-level administrators. Appropriate decisions will be
made based on the intent and spirit of Board policy. Students and parents are expected to exercise careful judgment in the selection
of appropriate attire for school.
Emergency Situations
Delayed Opening
If there is a two-hour delay, AM kindergarten will be bused to school with grades 1-5 and will remain at school until the afternoon
kindergarten students arrive (approximately 12:45 PM). The morning kindergarten classes will be transported home approximately 1
hour and 20 minutes later than normal. PM kindergarten will have a regular schedule with dismissal at the regular school closing
Emergency Delays/Dismissals/Closures
We ask that you please review any closing messages thoroughly for information regarding Flexible Instructional Days, including
Cycle Day and other pertinent details.
Heavy snowfall, other serious weather conditions, or other emergencies may make it necessary to delay openings, close schools, or
dismiss early. In such cases, Boyertown Area School District will utilize our Infinite Campus Messenger Service to notify our staff,
our families, and our communities via text, email, and telephone.
Because the distribution of messages through IC Messenger can take some time due to the volume of messages being sent, we will
post a pop-up message to all district homepages and update the district's Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram. Please note that
the pop-up messages and social media posts may appear prior to receipt of IC Messages. Finally, we will use the following additional
media outlets to complement our emergency preparedness procedures.
KYW-AM (1060) - District #893
WFMZ-TV - Channel 69
Emergency Drills
Complying with state regulations, every school building in the Boyertown Area School District will conduct a fire drill once a month.
During a drill, all staff and students will be evacuated from the building and remain at a safe distance from the building until all
students and staff are accounted for. In addition to fire drills, students will participate in other emergency drills that may include
active shooter/intruder and severe weather.
Flexible Instructional Days (FID)
Each school year, BASD builds three snow days into the district calendar. Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, the
Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) approved the use of Flexible Instruction Days (FID) as an alternate form of instruction
in place of a day otherwise canceled due to inclement weather or a building emergency. Please visit PDE's website
for full details
regarding the program. BASD applied for the program beginning with the 2020-2021 school year and received approval from PDE
for three years.
The district believes that using a Flexible Instructional Day will allow students and teachers to continue the learning process while
responding to a weather closure or emergency in an efficient manner. Flexible instruction allows students to complete classwork at
home should a situation occur which would prevent normal operations in one school or throughout the district. Flexible
instructional programs may be online, offline, or a combination of the two. PDE will count this as a full day of school. The District has
been approved to use up to a maximum of five (5) FID for this school year. For the 2022-2023 school year, we can use up to eight
inclement weather/building emergency days prior to adding additional days to the district calendar.
Infinite Campus®
BASD uses Infinite Campus’ Messenger service to convey emergency messages, including weather delays, dismissals, or closings to
parents/guardians. Based upon the information provided to us by parents/guardians, families will receive notification via up to
three methods: a recorded phone message, an email, and/or a text. It is extremely important your school has your current
telephone numbers and email addresses, so you will not miss any emergency communications. After registering with the district,
you will be asked to update your information each year during our Annual Student Information Verification period. If you change
your telephone numbers or email addresses after the Annual Student Information Verification period ends, please remember to
update them with your child’s building administrative assistant.
Limerick Generating Station
The Limerick Power Plant has been in operation for over 25 years with an excellent safety record. In the unlikely event of a problem
at the power plant, the school district is prepared to deal with an emergency situation whenever students are in school, en route to
or from school, or at a school-sponsored activity. Communication is sent home annually to all Boyertown parents and guardians,
providing details of the Limerick emergency plan and seeking permission to transport students in an emergency. Please visit
Limerick’s ‘What to Do in an Emergency’ Website
for information for your family regarding what to do in case of an emergency.
KI (Potassium Iodide) Medicine
The PA Department of Health recommends the availability of the KI pill for those living or working within 10 miles of a
nuclear power plant (Limerick Generating Station). This has been revised to include students attending schools within this
10-mile limit. Boyertown Area School District guidelines call for parents to provide the school with the necessary
medication, parent permission, and doctor’s permission in order for the district to provide for the administration of
medication. Necessary forms are distributed to entering students and are available through the school building office for
current students.
Parental Responsibility
Parents are expected to anticipate early dismissal due to inclement weather and to make appropriate provisions for their children.
1. If there is no announcement from Infinite Campus Messenger, the previously listed radio and television stations, or on
the district website, parents can be assured the schools will remain open.
2. Please limit phone calls to the school so the telephone lines may remain open for emergency use. The BASD district
website will have current information regarding the schedule for the day.
3. When schools are closed for emergency reasons for one day, they will reopen the next day unless the radio,
television stations, and/or district website carry information that schools will remain closed.
Food Services
Policy Item 808 Food Services
Boyertown Area School District participates in the National School Breakfast and Lunch program administered by the United States
Department of Agriculture (“USDA”). A household letter will be emailed/mailed to parents/guardians at the start of the new school
year with information on applying for free or reduced meals. The information is also available on the BASD website. It is the
parent/guardian’s responsibility to apply for free or reduced-price benefits through
The following procedure will be implemented in coordination with School Board Policy 808.
No student who requests a meal will be denied the main lunch option unless the student’s parent or guardian has
provided written permission to withhold a school lunch.
A student’s tray is to never be taken away from them after being served due to the student’s inability to pay for the meal or
the amount owed. The meal will be charged to the student’s account.
Ala cart sales will not be allowed if a student carries a negative balance. A student will be informed that they can only
purchase a meal. An ala cart item will be removed from a student’s tray at the register if they carry a negative balance.
Parents are strongly encouraged to enroll in to set up notification alerts and view their child’s account.
Emails can be set to notify a low or negative balance. It is recommended to be set at $5.00. If you prefer, you have the
option to make online payments through this website with a fee of $1.35 per transaction. We will still accept checks and
cash in an envelope marked with your child’s name, homeroom, and ID number. You also have the option to make
restrictions or limits on ala cart purchases. Requests must be made in writing or emailed to your child’s building Food
Service Manager.
A student will not be used as a communication channel with the parent/guardian. All communications must be directed
to the parents/guardians, NOT the students, regarding negative accounts.
Communication, such as emails or letters, will be sent to the parent/guardian when a student’s account reaches $ 5.00
or less.
If a child’s account falls into the negative, a balance notification email will be sent daily. If a parent/guardian does not have
access to email, a written notification will be mailed weekly.
The building Principal will be informed by the food service manager when a student’s account reaches a negative balance of
$25.00. When a negative balance of $25.00 or greater exists, the building principal will contact the parent /guardian and
will follow up with a written letter/email.
If there is a non-response to the principal, the Chief Financial Officer will be informed, and additional collection
measures will be pursued.
Employees cannot charge meals or ala cart items.
All debts must be paid off at the end of the school year.
Any negative balance left at the end of the school year will be considered an obligation and are to be paid.
Food Service Staff will be trained annually on the guidelines of Policy 808 and the meal charging procedure.
No student who owes money or does not have money for a school meal will be publicly identified, stigmatized, or required
to do work or chores.
Insufficient Funds Fee: There is a $45.00 charge for Checks returned for insufficient funds.
Non-Discrimination Disclaimer:
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this
institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual
orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative
means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language) should
contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and
TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination
Complaint Form, which can be obtained online at:
17Fax2Mail.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain
the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail
to inform the
Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form
or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
(1) mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
(2) fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
(3) email: program.i[email protected]ov
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Health and Safety
The Boyertown Area School District provides school health services in a safe environment to support the growth, development, and
academic achievement of all students in grades PreK-12. Parents and/or guardians share this critical role in ensuring a student’s
health and well-being for learning. During school hours, a certified school nurse or licensed staff nurse will provide health services by
assisting students with first aid, administration of authorized medication(s), medical emergencies, and notifying parents of illness or
injury that may require further medical treatment or continued care at home, mandated health screenings, maintaining health
records, and providing education on health-related matters. These services are provided for illnesses and/or injuries that occur
during the school day. For any illness or injury that occurs prior to the start of school, after school, or at home, the parent/guardian
should contact their health care provider for further directives regarding treatment and care.
Child Abuse Reporting
All district employees that come in contact with children in the course of their employment are mandated reporters of suspected
child abuse. Child abuse is an act or failure to act that causes bodily or mental injury to a child. Whenever there is a reasonable
cause to suspect child abuse, school officials are required by law to report these cases to county and state agencies. These
responding agencies have the legal right to interview students at school without parental consent.
Confidentiality of Medical Information
Student medical information is only shared with school district personnel directly involved with the student’s education. Due to the
enactment of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in April 2003, most medical offices will not fax forms or
medical information to the school. If a healthcare provider will not fax a form or medical information, it will be the parent/guardian's
responsibility to provide the medical form/ information to the school.
Excusal from Fitness Classes and/or Recess
Students who are to be excused from fitness classes and recess for medical reasons must bring a note from the parent/guardian
stating the reason for the exclusion. The note must be taken to the classroom teacher and the fitness instructor. In cases
involving excusal for more than one fitness period or one week of recess, a physician's excuse with the reasons stating the level
of activities and the length of exclusion must be provided to the school nurse.
Physical restrictions for physical education classes are also applied to recess. Normal activity cannot be resumed without a
physician’s written order. If an injury has occurred and no physician’s note is received, the most conservative activity level will be
implemented for the health and safety of the student. The school nurse will notify the classroom teacher and the fitness instructor
of the student’s physical restriction. Even though excused from participation, the student will be required to attend the fitness class
unless otherwise stipulated by a physician.
Guidelines for Students Taking Medication on Field Trips
Medication taken by a student during a field trip or an extra-curricular activity will only be permitted when:
Failure to take such medication would jeopardize the health of the student.
The student would not be able to participate in the field trip or extra-curricular activity if the medication was not made
If your child requires medication on a field trip, please check the appropriate box on the Field Trip Permission Form given to
your child by the teacher. The completed Field Trip Permission Form requires the following:
A parent/guardian signature
Emergency contacts
Medical concerns
A list of medications that are necessary during the length of the trip.
If your child needs a particular medication that is NOT already on file in the nurse’s office, then a Medication Authorization Form
MUST be completed and submitted prior to the field trip (see the above procedure for completing the Medication Authorization
In certain situations, such as field trips or extra-curricular activities, the student may self-administer his/her prescription or over-the-
counter medication with the approval of the parent/guardian, physician, and Certified School Nurse in compliance with the BASD
medication policy. Authorization for School Medication Administration form, which needs to be signed by the parent/guardian
AND the prescribing physician, can be obtained from all health rooms or downloaded at
A copy
of the Authorization for School Medication Administration form will be completed and kept in the health suite. The physician and
parent will indicate on the form the student is responsible and able to self-administer the medication. The district bears no
responsibility for ensuring the medication is taken.
Helpful links for Parents/Guardians
Often parents/guardians and students wish to look for mental health, physical health, and safety resources beyond our district. Our
School Counseling Services provide resources for these families to use. To see a list of these resources, please visit
Effective July 2022, people can dial 988 to reach the nationwide mental health
Illness or Injuries During the School Day
Students who become ill or injured during the school day are to report directly to the nurse’s office. The nurse will evaluate the
illness or injury and provide services according to the BASD first aid procedure as written and reviewed by the BASD School
Physician. A parent or guardian will be contacted if the illness or injury requires outside medical attention or if the student must be
sent home. Students are discouraged from using a cell phone, email, social media, or texting to contact a parent for pickup.
Below are guidelines for keeping your child home from school. We recommend that you consult with your child’s primary health
care provider for:
1. A cough interfering with your child’s sleep or ability to participate in school activities or is associated with shortness of
2. Fever: A temperature equal to or greater than 100 degrees without the use of fever-reducing medication. Your child
must be fever free for 24 hours prior to sending him/her to school.
3. Vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea lasting longer than 24 hours.
4. Unusual skin eruptions, hives, or rash.
5. Redness or drainage from the eyes.
6. Excludable Conditions: according to Pa. Code 27.71, students may be excluded from school for these specific diseases and
infectious conditions until deemed non-infectious by a physician/school nurse: Diphtheria, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis
(whooping cough), Rubella, Chickenpox. Respiratory streptococcal infections, scarlet fever, Infectious conjunctivitis (pink
eye), Ringworm, Impetigo contagiosa, Pediculosis capitis/Pediculosis corpora (lice*), Scabies, Trachoma, Tuberculosis, and
*BASD Lice Procedure: Prevention and control of head lice begin in the home; therefore, parents should routinely check their
children for head lice and not allow them to share hats, clothing, brushes, combs, or sleeping bags with other children.
Parents/guardians are to contact the school if their child is found to have head lice so the school nurse can discuss proper treatment
to allow the student to return to school. Head lice procedures can be found at
or by
contacting the school nurse. If the school nurse detects head lice or nits (eggs) on a student, the parents/guardians will be
contacted immediately. The student will be excluded from school and riding the bus until they have received proper treatment with
an approved pediculicide and are deemed non-contagious by the school nurse. Parents must provide proof of the pediculicide used
for the treatment (empty box or receipt). The school nurse will discuss the second treatment procedure with the parent/guardian.
Students who do not return to school within three calendar days will be deemed unlawfully absent. Unless, at that time, the
parent/guardian brings their child in on a daily basis to be checked by a nurse until deemed noncontagious.
28 Pa.Code, Chapter 23, Subchapter C requires all children in any grade, Pre-kindergarten through 12th, including all public, private,
parochial, intermediate unit, homeschooled, and virtual students, to show proof of immunization before they can attend school.
The certified school nurse is required to ensure all students’ immunizations are in compliance with 28 Pa. Code, Chapter 23,
Subchapter C in regard to minimum requirements, scheduling, and proper spacing between immunization doses.
Current regulations now require the following vaccines for ALL students in grades K-12:
4 doses of tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (1 dose on or after the 4
4 doses of polio (4
dose on or after the 4
birthday and at least 6 months after the previous dose given)
2 doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (usually given at MMR)
3 doses of hepatitis B
2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) or evidence of immunity
For attendance in 7
grade: Proof must be provided by the first day of school.
1 dose of tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Dose must be given at 11-12 years of age)
1 dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine
For attendance in 12
grade: Proof must be provided by the first day of school.
1 dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine
All students must adhere to the Pennsylvania School Immunization Regulation and Schedule. If these requirements are not met, your
child in grades K-6 must receive the immunization(s) within the first five days of school or risk exclusion (except where noted
differently). If the next dose is not the final dose of the series, the child must also provide a medical certificate/plan signed by your
physician within the first five days of school for obtaining the required immunizations or risk exclusion. Your child in grades 7-12
must have one dose of the required immunization(s) on the first day of school or risk exclusion. Please provide an updated
immunization record to the school nurse with the completed immunizations.
The only exceptions to the school laws for immunization are as follows: medical reasons and religious/moral beliefs. If your child is
exempt from immunizations, your child may be removed from school for up to 21 days during a disease outbreak.
Medical exemption. A child is exempt if a physician provides a written statement that immunizations may be detrimental to the
health of the child. When the physician determines that the immunization is no longer detrimental to the health of the child, the
child shall be immunized according to 28 Pa. Code, Chapter 23, Subchapter C.
Religious/moral exemption. A child is exempt if the parent, guardian, or emancipated child objects in writing to the immunization on
religious grounds or on the basis of a strong moral or ethical conviction similar to a religious belief.
Please provide an updated immunization record or documentation directly to the school nurse.
Mandated Health Screenings
Policy Item 209 Health Examinations/Screenings
The Pennsylvania School Public School Code requires the following:
Growth Screening (Height/Weight/Body Mass Index or BMI Percentile): all students in grades PreK-12 will have their height
and weight measured. Based on these measurements, a student’s BMI and BMI percentiles will then be calculated, and all
data will be recorded on their individual health records.
Hearing Screenings: for students in special education, grades Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 7, and 11.
Vision Test: all students will be screened for near and far vision on a yearly basis. Additionally, students are tested for color
vision, hyperopia, and depth perception.
Scoliosis: grades 6 and 7
Dental Examinations
All students in kindergarten/first, third-grade, and seventh-grade students with incomplete health records are required
to have a dental examination. This mandate can be completed privately or by a dentist at school.
If completed by a family dentist, the cost is the responsibility of the parent. An exam completed within one year prior to
the start of school will be accepted. Please submit a copy of the exam to the school nurse.
If parents choose to have their child examined by the school dentist, please contact the nurse’s office for an appointment.
Physical Examinations
All students in Pre-K, kindergarten/first, sixth, and eleventh grades, and students with incomplete health records
are required to have a physical examination. This mandate can be completed privately or by a physician at school.
If the exam is completed by a private physician, the cost is the responsibility of the parent. An exam completed within
one year prior to the start of school will be accepted. Please submit a copy of the exam to the school nurse.
If parents choose to have their child examined by the school physician, please contact the nurse’s office.
Annual “Screening Notification Letters” will be posted to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal at the end of the school year. If you have
any questions or do not receive your child’s Screening Notification Letter in IC, please contact your child’s health suite.
Policy Item 210 Medications
The school district has established a medication policy to allow a student to take (or be given) medication at school, on field trips, or
at extra-curricular activities. For purposes of this policy, medication shall include all medicines prescribed by a licensed prescriber
and any over-the-counter medicines. For purposes of this policy, licensed prescribers shall include licensed physicians (M.D. and
D.O.), podiatrists, dentists, optometrists, certified registered nurse practitioners, and physicians’ assistants.
Guidelines for Medication Administration
Complete a Medication Authorization form, which needs to be signed by the parent/guardian AND the
prescribing physician. Forms are available at
The completed medication form and/or action plan must be sent to the nurse for review. Once reviewed, the school nurse
will contact the parent/guardian to schedule an appointment for drop-off.
All medication, whether over-the-counter or prescription, must be in its original container and labeled with the
child’s name, drug name, dosage, and time to be given in school.
It is the responsibility of the student to come to the nurse’s office at the time designated for the administration of
the medication.
Each time the parent/guardian/adult brings the prescribed medications to school, the number of tablets will be
counted and documented by both the parent/guardian/adult and the school nurse.
At the end of the school year, a parent/guardian or adult designee must pick up any unused medication. Any
unclaimed medication remaining will be destroyed.
PLEASE NOTE: Medication Authorization Forms are active for the current school year only. A new Medication Authorization Form
and/or Action plan must be completed yearly for ALL medication administered in school or on field trips. If the above procedures are
not followed, the nurse will not be able to administer the medication at school.
Policy Item 823 Naloxone
Policy Item 210.1 Possession/Administration of Asthma Inhalers/Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
In compliance with the PA Health Bill 1113 (2003), ALL students at the elementary and secondary level may carry and use his/her
prescribed inhaler or EpiPen® during the school day. For your child to carry and administer these medications, the following steps
are also required:
An asthma and/or allergy action plan needs to be completed and returned to the nurse.
The physician and parent must agree the student is able and responsible enough to carry and self-administer
his/her inhaler/EpiPen® during school activities.
The school nurse will assess the health status of the student, document the use of the medication, and arrange for
further medical attention as needed.
If a student uses his/her inhaler or EpiPen® during the school day, the student must notify the school nurse as soon as
Emergency Epi-pen is used to counteract anaphylaxis, a rapid, severe, life-threatening allergic reaction that can cause skin
itching and hives, throat tightness, wheezing, and inability to breathe and may result in death. Common allergens that can
cause anaphylaxis include food, bee sting venom, medications, and latex. A life-threatening reaction can occur within
minutes or hours after exposure to an allergen. The treatment for anaphylaxis is prompt administration of epinephrine and
transport by emergency medical services (EMS) to the nearest hospital emergency department.
*Section 1414.2 of The Pennsylvania Public School Code allows a parent to exempt their student from receiving the epinephrine
auto-injector in the case of anaphylaxis. Please contact the Certified School Nurse to complete the Emergency Epinephrine Opt-
Out form. This form must be completed at school and witnessed by a nurse or administrator.
Procedures: Student Use of Crutches, Wheelchair, Cane, Walker, or Other Assistive Devices in School
Students that require the use of a mobility assistive device in school, for example, crutches, wheelchair, cane, scooter, splint/cast,
sling, or walker, must provide documentation to the nurse’s office from a health care provider. To provide a safe environment, this
documentation should include the following:
1. Duration of use with start and end dates.
2. Any physical activity restrictions. (Physical restriction for gym classes also applies to recess. Normal activity cannot be
resumed without a physician’s written order. If an injury has occurred and no physician’s note is received, the most
conservative activity level will be implemented for the health and safety of the student. Students will be required to
attend gym class, but participation will be based on their restrictions).
3. Any other accommodations.
The nursing staff will review the documentation and communicate any accommodations or restrictions to teachers. The
parent/guardian must provide all assistive devices. Please contact your school nurse should you have any questions or concerns.
Reportable Diseases
The School is required to report some diseases to the Pennsylvania Department of Health by contacting the county State Health
Center, County Municipal Health Department or by calling 1-877-PA-HEALTH. The school nurse will notify the parent, the building
principal, and the local Health Department as required by PA Code Title 28, Chapter 27. The report will contain the student’s name,
date of birth, and parent/guardian contact information. The local health department staff may contact the student’s family to do
further follow-up and investigation. A list of the PA reportable Diseases is listed at
Safe2Say Something
Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General. The program
teaches youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a
threat to themselves or others and to “say something” BEFORE it is too late. With Safe2Say Something, it is easy and confidential to
report safety concerns to help prevent violence and tragedies. A tip can be submitted online at
Safety Concerns
If there is a concern or observation of something that may affect the safety of the students, please notify the school principal.
Safety in Fitness Class
There are several areas of safety to be considered in fitness classes:
All students are required to wear sneakers with tied laces. If jewelry is worn to school, the students will be asked to remove
The wearing of jewelry, which includes earrings, necklaces, watches, rings, bracelets, and other body piercing
accessories, during physical activity is a safety hazard for those wearing them and for those who may come in contact
with those wearing such items. It is the position of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education that jewelry
is to be removed before participation in fitness classes, interscholastic and intramural sports.
Students who wear eyeglasses and need them for fitness class will be required to wear protective goggles unless the
parent signs a waiver form which is available from the fitness teacher.
School Security
All Boyertown Schools have implemented the Raptor Identification System. This system is located in each school office. All visitors
are required to report immediately to the school office using the designated entrance. Upon entering the school, all visitors will be
required to provide a driver’s license or other government-issued identification card. School personnel will swipe the card through
the Raptor Identification System. In most cases, the visitor will be given a temporary badge and will be able to proceed into the
school as planned. Individuals who need to drop off or pick up materials in the school office will not be required to use the system.
Parents/Guardians are expected to meet their children for appointments or at dismissal at the office or other designated areas and
not at the classroom. All school employees will be enforcing these regulations. Doors are locked for security.
Social Distancing
Directives and recommendations for social distancing may be issued during times of contagious diseases. Based on the directives
and recommendations at a specific time, modifications to scheduling, transportation, and other areas of the school may be
Standing Order Medications for Grades K - 12
The school district’s physician has authorized the administration of the following medications: Benadryl, Epi-pen, Narcan, Calamine
lotion, creams, and Bacitracin ointment.
Policy Item 211 Student Accident Insurance
A group plan for accident insurance for BASD students is available. Parents/guardians who wish to have or supplement existing
insurance plans are encouraged to participate in this program. In many cases, school insurance covers medical costs not covered by
a student’s primary insurance plan.
Each year the Board of School Directors designates an insurance company to underwrite a group policy for BASDstudents. Literature
on the plan, features of the plan, cost, and procedures for filing claims are available in each school office. While the school district is
not liable for accidents that occur during the regular operation of the school, all student accidents that occur at school need to be
reported to the school nurse.
which a claim should be made, the injured student or his/her family should report the pertinent facts concerning the accident at
once to the school nurse and also secure the proper claim forms from the main office. These forms must be completed and
submitted (according to the instructions given) to the company by the parents. The school does not file the claim(s).
Homeless Students
Education Rights of Homeless Children and Youth
The Boyertown Area School District works collaboratively to enroll children and youth who are homeless. If you are homeless or
know of a child or youth that is homeless, please contact the Student Services office or the district homeless liaison, who will
provide information and assistance.
Who is considered homeless? Any child or youth who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence is considered
homeless and includes those who are sharing housing with others due to loss of housing or economic hardship. It also includes
children and youth who are living in hotels, campgrounds, emergency shelters, cars, bus stations, or other similar settings. If you are
not sure, please call.
What are the education rights of homeless children and youth? Our schools provide equal and comparable access to all
students regardless of their home living situation. Homeless children and youth have specific rights that include:
1. Immediate enrollment in school and, when desired or feasible, at the school of origin.
2. Prompt provision of necessary services such as transportation and meal programs.
3. Appropriate support services and programs for which they are eligible such as programs for gifted, children with disabilities,
vocational education, preschool, etc.
4. Academic assistance through the district’s federally funded Title I program.
5. Parent or guardian involvement in school activities.
What is the school of origin? The term “school origin” means the school the child or youth attended when permanently housed or
the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled. It is the district’s responsibility to consider the best interests of the child or
youth when deciding what school he or she should attend. Consideration must be given to placement at the school of origin unless
doing so is so contrary to the wishes of the parent or guardian. What if there is a disagreement regarding school placement? The
parent, guardian, or unaccompanied youth (youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian) may appeal the placement
decision if the district makes a placement in a school other than the school of origin or a school requested by the parent, guardian,
or unaccompanied youth. The student will be immediately enrolled in the school in which enrollment was requested by the
student or parent while an appeal is pending. The district homeless liaison will provide information and assistance regarding such
an appeal. No Child or Youth Should Be Denied Access to a Free and Appropriate Public Education.
Homeless Liaison, Kristen Horton: 610-473-3678 or kh[email protected]
Student Services Office: 610-473-3488 Homelessness Web Pages
Instructional Programs and Student Procedures
Policy Item 815 Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers, and Network Resources
The Board supports the use of computers, the Internet, and other network resources in the district's instructional and
operational programs in order to facilitate learning, teaching, and daily operations through interpersonal communications
and access to information, research, and collaboration.
The district provides students, staff, and other authorized individuals with access to the district’s computers, electronic
communication systems, and network, which includes Internet access, whether wired or wireless or by any other means.
The district realizes that by providing access to computers, the Internet, and all other forms of technology available, it cannot
regulate or monitor all information received or sent by persons who use the Internet and email, and the district cannot ensure that
users who engage in these technologies will be prevented from accessing inappropriate or offensive material. The district firmly
believes that the information and interaction available using these technologies reduces the possibility that users may procure
material that is not consistent with the educational and business goals of the district.
For instructional purposes, the use of network facilities shall be consistent with the curriculum adopted by the district as well as the
varied instructional needs, learning styles, abilities, and developmental levels of students.
The Acceptable Use Policy
has been developed to help students and parents understand what is considered to be acceptable
Internet practice. This policy is provided to students and parents as part of the Annual Student Information Verification (within
Infinite Campus) process prior to the start of the school year. This policy is published in a public area of the district web site.
Students who fail to abide by the policy shall be subject to disciplinary action as determined by the discipline code of the district. If
desired, parents have the option to deny independent Internet use by their children.
BASD Virtual Academy
BASD recognizes that families and students often seek an educational format that is more flexible yet maintains a high level of rigor
with a solid connection to the school community. The BASD Virtual Academy program aims to provide a virtual learning model to
our BASD students that is closely aligned with our district vision/mission and in-person educational goals. This virtual model is a
viable alternative for Cyber Charter Programs. We do not offer a BASD Virtual Academy option for our kindergarten students at this
Chapter 4
The Pennsylvania State Standards and Assessment Regulations were developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education,
assisted by various representatives, including parents, business and community leaders, teachers, higher education professors,
school administrators, and Department of Education staff. National benchmarks, state academic standards, and international
academic standards were reviewed and adopted.
Chapter 4, which was ratified by the Pennsylvania State Legislature in January 1999, replaces Chapters 3, 5, and 6 along with the 53
learning outcomes. Chapter 4 establishes rigorous academic standards and assessments to facilitate the improvement of student
achievement and to provide parents and communities with a measure by which school performance can be determined. Chapter 4
provides a single, clear, concise, and comprehensive regulation to govern the educational offering of the public schools of the
Charitable Solicitation
The raising of money by students is for the sponsoring school organization, not for the individual student or for the students’
account. The principle of charitable solicitation is that the student is raising the money for a non-profit, charitable organization, not
for the individual herself/himself. The right of draw can only take place if the sponsoring school organization gives permission.
Policy Item 105.2 Exemption from Instruction
This Board policy ensures that parents/guardians have the right to have their children excused from specific instruction that conflicts
with their religious beliefs.
The rights granted by this policy are granted to parents/guardians of students enrolled in this district when the students are under
the age of eighteen (18) and to the students themselves when the student is eighteen (18) or over.
The district shall excuse any student from specific instruction, subject to the following conditions:
1. To assist the school district in ensuring that the student is excused from the correct specific instruction, the request must be
made in writing and must detail the specific instruction from which the student is to be excused.
2. The written request to be excused shall be sent by the parent/guardian or student to the building principal.
One (1) copy of the request shall be retained in the student's permanent school records, one (1) copy kept by the
school principal, and one (1) copy submitted to the teacher from whose instruction the student is to be excused.
It shall not be the responsibility of the district or any of its employees to ensure that the student exercises his/her right to
be excused in accordance with a parental request. It shall be the responsibility of the student to request permission to leave
class when the specific instruction objected to is presented. When the student seeks to be excused, the teacher shall excuse
the student if the teacher or principal has a copy of the written request and the written request adequately describes the
specific instruction.
The written request must contain a statement that the specific instruction described conflicts with the religious beliefs of
the student or of the parents/guardians.
The parent/guardian and/or student may request suggested replacement educational activities. The only permissible
educational activity for this purpose shall be in the nature of replacement instruction that is consistent with the
learning objectives set for the course and does not require the provision of any extra resources by the district.
The building principal shall determine where the student shall report during the time the student is excused.
All students excused from specific instruction shall be required to achieve the academic standards established by the
district as necessary for graduation.
Policy Item 121 Field Trips
Teachers are encouraged to broaden the educational experience of students by taking them on appropriate study trips. Depending
upon the nature of the trip, students may be responsible for paying a portion of the cost of these trips. Permission slips signed by
parents must be returned to the teacher before the day of the trip.
Generally, parents will not be permitted to transport children in personal vehicles as part of a school trip. Medical conditions may
necessitate an exception to this rule.
Teachers planning the field trip are responsible for informing parents of field trips. For out-of-district trips, this notification will
require formal written parent permission. For in-district trips, notification will be limited to written communication to parents that a
field trip is scheduled. This written communication may be accomplished through inclusion in classroom newsletters or through a
separate letter to parents. Announcement of field trips in the school newsletter will not suffice to meet the notification
Security Guidelines - These guidelines are for any school-sponsored trip.
o Trip Arrangements
If possible, trips are to be arranged with a guarantee that monies will be refunded if the trip is canceled.
Parents will be notified in writing if there may be a loss of money due to trip cancellation.
Due to circumstances beyond the control of district officials, field trips may be postponed or canceled
at the discretion of the district or building administration.
o Field trips are subject to change. The Superintendent shall reserve the right to cancel any travel upon
determination of excessive risk. U.S. State Department advisories shall be major determining factors along with
local, state, and other federal authorities deemed as reliable sources.
o Homeland Security Alert System
If Homeland Security issues an imminent threat alert for the nation, all field trips will be canceled.
If a city in the United States is placed on imminent threat alert status, all field trips to that city will be
If a country on a field trip itinerary is placed on the Department of State website as a risk to United States
travelers, the itinerary will be rearranged to exclude that country, or the trip will be canceled.
If Homeland Security issues an elevated threat alert, Administration will consider each trip individually
based on grade, destination, and current situation.
Depending on circumstances, trips to the metropolitan areas from Boston to Washington, D.C., may
be canceled.
Gambling in any form is strictly forbidden on school property. Gambling device(s) will be confiscated, and discipline will be given
at the discretion of the administration.
Policy Item #247 Hazing
BASH has many fine extracurricular teams and organizations, and we want to encourage every student to participate fully. In order
to make membership as attractive as possible and to prevent embarrassment, the school prohibits any form of initiation, initiation
rite(s), or hazing. Coaches and sponsors will be diligent in advising members that initiations and hazing are prohibited. Individuals
who conduct or participate in initiation rites or hazing will be punished in accordance with the discipline code, and their
membership in the club, organization, or team will be terminated for the balance of the school year.
Policy Item #130 Homework
The purpose of homework assignments should be to:
1. Provide practice and reinforcement of skills presented by the teacher.
2. Provide opportunities for parents/guardians to know what their child is studying.
3. Encourage parent/guardian and child interaction.
Each student shall be responsible for completing homework assignments as directed.
Homework shall complement classroom instruction and be planned and evaluated with respect to its purpose, appropriateness, and
completion time.
The demand of homework upon the students’ time shall be consistent with the best interests of the students in regard to other
valuable experiences to be gained outside of school.
Homework shall not be assigned as a form of punishment.
Posting Signs
Students may not post signs or objects in the school without prior administrative approval. Approved objects may only be posted in
designated areas.
Policy Item 105.1 Review of Instructional Materials by Parents/Guardians and Students
The Board adopts this policy to ensure that parents/guardians and students have an opportunity to review instructional materials
and have access to information about the curriculum, including academic standards to be achieved, instructional materials, and
assessment techniques.
Upon request by a parent/guardian or student, the district will make available existing information about the curriculum, including
academic standards to be achieved, instructional materials, and assessment techniques.
The following conditions shall apply to any request:
1. Assist the school district in providing the correct records to meet the needs of the requesting party. The request must be in
writing, setting forth the specific material being sought for review.
2. The written request will be sent to the building principal.
3. The district will respond to the parent/guardian or student within ten (10) school days by designating the time and
location for the review.
4. The district may take necessary action to protect its materials from loss, damage or alteration and to ensure the integrity
of the files, including the provision of a designated employee to monitor the review of the materials.
5. No parent/guardian or student shall be permitted to remove the material provided for review or photocopy the contents of
such file. The taking of notes by parents/guardians and students is permitted.
6. No more than one (1) request per semester may be made by any parent/guardian or student for each enrolled child.
Under federal law, the rights provided to parents/guardians to inspect any instructional materials used as part of the student’s
educational curriculum transfer to the student when the student turns eighteen (18) years old or is an emancipated minor. These
rights do not transfer under state law; therefore, parents/guardians retain their rights to access information about the curriculum
and to review instructional materials.
Six-Day Cycle
All BASD schools follow a six-day cycle. Instead of defining a week as Monday through Friday, it takes six days labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
and 6 and uses them as a cycle throughout the school year. So, Day “1” may fall on a Monday one week, and it may be a Thursday
another week. The important piece is to know which day in the cycle we are on versus which day of the week it is.
It is important to know the day of the cycle because it affects your child’s schedule. For example, instead of Physical Education being
every Wednesday, it might be every day “3”.
The six-day cycle also comes into play with school closings due to weather, Flexible Instructional Days, et cetera. For example, if our
last day before winter break is day “5,” our first day back from winter break will be day “6.” If we leave school at the end of day “1”
and then close school the next day due to snow, our first day back will be day “2.” For a full explanation of cycle days and Flexible
Instructional Days, please visit
Solicitations, Sales, Dissemination of Written Materials
The BASD Board of School Directors feels that proper management of its school affairs and the welfare of the students would be
adversely affected by, and therefore, prohibits the following activities either on the school premises itself or as affecting students
during the time necessarily spent in coming to and returning from school:
There shall be no solicitation for funds by individuals, business enterprises, and charitable, political, or religious groups.
There shall be no sales offerings by individuals, business enterprises, and charitable, political, or religious groups.
There shall be no dissemination of books, newspapers, newsletters, advertisements, political or informative pamphlets, or
like materials by individuals, business enterprises, and charitable, political, or religious groups except by prior approval of
the chief school administrator or principal.
This ruling does not apply to school-sponsored activities, activities sponsored by approved school-related organizations, or written
material prepared by students in attendance in a district school. The principal may prohibit the distribution of such communicative
material when it is: in poor taste, when it is obscene, erotic, or pornographic, when it is in violation of federal or state regulations,
and when its purpose is to disrupt or impede the standard operation of the school. The principal must approve the method of
distribution of written material.
Student Visitors
Due to limited classroom space and the possibility of classroom disruption, students from other school districts are not permitted to
visit our schools while they are in session. Any exceptions to this procedure must be directed to the building principal in advance of
the requested visit.
Title I
Title I is a federally funded program that serves children in eligible elementary schools. It provides supplemental instruction for
students who are achieving below-expected levels in reading. Other buildings will receive similar support services through non-Title I
Video Conferencing
The Boyertown Area School District has made reasonable efforts to ensure that videoconferencing is confidential and access is
limited to students in the assigned groups. However, some of these services will be provided in a group format, and when this
occurs, students will be able to see other students in the group. In addition, the Boyertown AreaSchool District is unable to control
who else may be in the room in which a student is receiving these services remotely, including other family members or others who
are living with the other students, who may observe the session and what other students are in the group.
Due to the nature of distance learning, which may include Zoom meetings, Google Meet Hangouts, and other internet-based
platforms, parents also acknowledge and agree that the District (although it will take precautions to try to do so) may not be able to
ensure confidentiality per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)and Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act
(COPPA). Please see the links below for the Privacy Policies for both Zoom and GSuite.
Zoom for K-12 Schools and Districts Privacy Policy
GSuite for Education Privacy Notice
Personnel and Staffing
Paraprofessionals are employed on a part-time basis to assist in classrooms or to support specific students. These paraprofessionals
work with students under the direct supervision of the teachers. They may also serve on playgrounds during recess and in
Reading Specialists
A reading specialist serves each elementary school. In addition to providing remedial help to students, the reading specialists
coordinate the reading program of the school and assist classroom teachers in assessment and program placement. This
professional is also available to confer with parents.
School Counselors
Each school has the services of a certified school counselor who encourages all students’ academic, career, and personal/social
development by working together with the students, parents, school staff, and community resources. Through collaboration,
guidance programs, and individual contact, school counselors promote student achievement and a positive learning environment.
School counselors encourage parents to contact them with questions or concerns.
Student Teachers
The Boyertown Area School District cooperates with colleges and universities in the area by offering opportunities for the training of
students who will become teachers. They are given the opportunity to do actual classroom teaching under the observation and
supervision of the teacher, who reports to the student teacher's college supervisor. The usual period of practice teaching for these
students is nine weeks. Students are expected to give student teachers cooperation and respect. Any question concerning this
relationship should be discussed with the child's regular classroom teacher.
Special Instructional Services
Adaptive Physical Education
Students who cannot participate in regular physical education classes because of a medically verified physical condition may be
provided with an adapted physical education program. This program will provide these students with the benefits of physical
education even though they are limited in their ability to participate. The building principal is responsible for the approval of an
adaptive physical education program.
Homebound Instruction
When a child is temporarily unable to attend school for an extended period because of illness or injury but is able to benefit from
instruction, a district-supplied teacher in the home may provide limited instruction. A special form for use by the physician to
recommend homebound instruction is available through the office of the principal.
Remediation Plan
School districts in Pennsylvania must develop a remediation plan that will assist the students in acquiring the knowledge and skills
necessary to achieve the ‘proficient’ level. Our school district provides this additional instruction through various resources.
Screening or Evaluation Procedures (District) for Possible Child Find
Parental concerns should be discussed with the student's teacher(s), and then, where necessary, a written request should be
directed to the principal of the building where the student is enrolled. Requests for screening or informal evaluation of a student
may be initiated by the student's teacher, school counselor, or other professional staff or by the parent. The student's classroom
performance, the results achieved on standardized educational and physical development tests, behavioral conduct, demonstrated
concerns relating to sensory development (hearing, vision, speech and language, or motor skills), or a combination of these may be
used as the rationale for requesting intervention.
Parents may also request a formal evaluation if they believe their child has a disability or is gifted. To obtain a formal evaluation,
parents should submit a request in writing to the principal.
No student may receive a formal evaluation for the purpose of determining eligibility for special education services without the
written authorization of the parents. A referral to a multidisciplinary evaluation does not constitute eligibility for special education
services or assurance that special education services will be provided. Eligibility for services is based on fulfilling the criteria for
specific special education exceptionalities established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Special Education
The Boyertown Area School District has the responsibility of educating all student residents. Because of physical or learning
disabilities, some students need special instruction or supplemental services in order to succeed. A brief review of the district's
commitment to meet the needs of all students is reviewed here. Detailed materials regarding available special education services
and programs and the rights to due process are provided, upon receipt of inquiry, by the building principal in each school building,
as well as in the district's administration office. For additional information, contact the Special Education Office at 610-473-3610.
Policy Item 113 Special Education
The following special education services are provided for eligible students:
Policy Item 114 Gifted Education
Gifted Support(GS) Program - for exceptional students identified as mentally gifted
Emotional Support (ES) Program - for exceptional students whose primary identified need is for emotional or
behavioral support
Learning Support (LS) Program - for exceptional students whose primary identified need is academic learning Life
Skills Support (LSS) Program - for exceptional students who require services primarily in the areas of academic,
functional, vocational skills, and community-based instruction necessary for independent living.
Deaf/Hearing Impaired Support (D/HIS) Program - for exceptional students who are deaf or hearing impaired
Blind or Visually Impaired Support (B/VIS) Program - for exceptional students who are blind or visually impaired
Speech and Language Support (SLS) Program - for exceptional students who have an identified need in the area of speech
or language
Autistic Support (AS) Program - for exceptional students characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal
communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.
Quigley Bus Services, Inc. (Quigley) provides BASD’s transportation services. Student transportation information can be located
using the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Bus Stop Change Requests
Parents/Guardians may request that a student be reassigned to a different bus stop and/or a different bus route than the original
assignment only for the following reasons:
Change of residence
Change of permanent day care, babysitter.
Legal shared custody, with the student residing in two (2) different district households.
Nonrecurring emergency situations, including family illness, death, or other extenuating circumstances.
On days of school delays or early dismissals, students will be allowed to use a bus stop on the same route other than the assigned
stop for purposes of childcare. Written parental permission must be submitted to the building principal at the beginning of the
school year.
Request Procedure
Request for Transportation Change
forms will be available on the district’s website and in the Transportation Department office.
Parent/guardian must complete and submit to the Transportation Supervisor the TransportationChange Request form, allowing at
least (4) days for the request to be processed.
Quigley will review the requested change in accordance with the following criteria:
Route operates from the student’s assigned school.
Route does not have to be changed or extended.
Load on the vehicle will not exceed the legal limits for the bus.
Change does not increase the cost to the district by requiring additional buses.
Change will be reasonably long-term, except for emergencies.
Transportation Change Guidelines for Childcare
All transportation change requests must arrive in the district’s transportation office by July 1 for processing prior to the start of
the new school year. All transportation change requests must be submitted annually. No change request will automatically roll
over to the next year.
Requests for Childcare Transportation changes will be approved in accordance with the following rules:
o The childcare provider must be in the same attendance area as the student’s school.
o All childcare transportation arrangements will be daily, five days a week, every week throughout the school year.
o Students may board (AM) at their assigned bus stop from home and depart (PM) at their deviated bus stop. The
assignment must be five days a week.
o Students may board (AM) at the daycare provider and depart (PM) at the day care provider. The assignment
must be five days a week.
o Students may board (AM) at the daycare provider and depart (PM) at home. The assignment must be five days
a week.
o Seating must be available on the bus. Requests will be honored on a first-come-first-served basis.
Examples of change requests that will not be approved include but are not limited to, the following: “as
needed,” “every other day,” “every other week,” “as my child tells the driver,” “based on my varying work
schedule,” “if the weather is bad,” “as per my personal schedule,” a request containing numerous dates, etc.
o A parent’s note to the bus driver will not be approved until submitted to the school building principal or designee.
Shared Custody Busing
Shared custody busing must be requested by a written Transportation Change Request for two bus stops. In addition, both
addresses must be within the student’s school attendance area. It is not the responsibility of the driver to know which day each
bus stop is for. Both parents must provide the District with proof of residency before submitting the Change Request.
Change requests for two different bus stops on the same bus/same route will be approved. However, it is not the responsibility
of the driver to know which day each bus stop is for.
The Transportation Supervisor will determine if the request is approved or denied, will complete and return the form to the
building principal, and will inform the requesting parent/guardian of the decision.
Process of Appeal
Parent(s) or guardian(s) requesting an explanation because a change request was denied should contact the
Supervisor of Transportation at 610-473-3473. In the event a parent or guardian is not satisfied with the Supervisor’s
explanation, appeals may be taken to the Assistant Superintendent. If satisfaction is not received, the assistant
Superintendent’s decision may be appealed to the Superintendent of Schools. The decision of the Superintendent of
Schools shall be final.
General Information
1. Be at the authorized school bus stop five minutes before the designated time and wait one-half hour after the designated time.
2. Wait until the school bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter the school bus.
3. Bus drivers will not pick up students at places other than authorized bus stops.
4. Exchanging buses is prohibited, except in emergency situations upon request of parent/guardian with written approval
of the principal.
5. Students are not permitted to exchange bus stops without written permission from the parent and principal.
Loitering in Bus Area
Students are not permitted to loiter in the bus arrival/departure area at any time. Students must enter the building upon arrival in
the morning and board the buses immediately after leaving the building at the end of the school day.
Private Vehicles
Although not encouraged, parents may transport their children to and from school. Each school has its own regulations regarding
parking areas and other details. No student is to arrive at school more than 15 minutes before school begins unless the permission
of the principal has been secured.
Release of Health Care Information
Due to current federal privacy laws, it is the parent’s discretion and responsibility to share any medical information concerning their
child with their child’s bus driver. The school district personnel cannot release any information without the parent’s written consent.
Rules and Regulations
Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner while waiting for and riding on the school bus. Student
transportation is a privilege that can be denied to students whose behavior becomes a safety issue. The driver is in charge
of the vehicle and is expected to take initial disciplinary action. Serious or persistent violations of transportation rules will
result in a report to the school principal, who has the right to suspend transportation privileges.
The following bus rules and regulations are in effect for students in the Boyertown Area School District:
1. Students need to be in sight of the bus driver at the bus stop, not watching and waiting from the house.
2. Students should be at the authorized school bus stop five minutes before the designated time and wait one-half hour after
the designated time. They should be careful when walking to and from the schoolbus stop and must stay off the road at all
times while waiting for the school bus.
3. Students must wait until the school bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter the bus.
4. Students are not permitted to walk across a road to get onto a school bus until receiving a hand signal from the school bus
5. The school bus driver will not pick up or discharge students at places other than authorized bus stops.
6. School bus drivers will permit their assigned students to enter and/or leave the bus at a bus stop other than their
assigned stop ONLY upon the presentation of an approved change request form or an emergency bus pass.
7. Only authorized district students may ride school vehicles.
8. Students must board the school bus immediately after leaving the school building.
9. After entering the school bus, students should take their assigned seats right away. They are not permitted to leave
the school bus after boarding.
10. All parts of the body must be kept inside the school bus at all times.
11. Windows should not be adjusted without the driver's permission.
12. Students are to assist in keeping the school bus safe, sanitary, and litter-free at all times. The following are examples
of activities that will not be tolerated on school buses:
Throwing articles out windows, loud talking, yelling, eating, chewing gum, singing, stomping of feet, standing, changing seats,
throwing objects, fighting, bringing drinks on the bus, illegal use of the emergency door, profane or vulgar language,
discarding paper, laying down, or any other distraction to the school bus driver.
13. Parents will be held responsible for any willful damage by the student to the school bus.
14. No books, lunches, or other articles should be left on the school bus. The district, all school personnel, and all its
contracted services shall not be held responsible for articles remaining on, or damaged on, the school bus.
15. In case of a road emergency, students are to remain on the school bus and stay in their assigned seats.
16. Radios or similar devices without headphones or earbuds are not permitted to be played on the school bus.
17. No weapons of any kind shall be carried on the school bus.
18. Students shall be courteous to fellow students, school bus drivers, and school bus driver assistants. The school bus drivers
shall be addressed with respect.
19. Aisles must be kept clear.
20. Musical instruments shall be held by the student or transported by the parent if the instrument is too large to hold.
(Instrument must be able to be held in child’s lap and must not impede aisle walkway.)
21. Upon arriving at school, students must report immediately to the school building or assigned area and remain there.
22. Students are not permitted to approach the school bus at the school-loading zone until the schoolbuses have been brought
to a complete stop.
23. Students shall leave the school bus only after receiving permission from the school bus driver. They should cross the road at
least five feet in front of the school bus, but only after looking to be sure no traffic is approaching from either direction.
They should be alert to the danger signal from the school bus driver.
24. At any time that the bus/van cannot drop your student off at their regularly assigned bus stop due to road closure of any
kind, your student will be brought to the closest elementary school when the run is completed. Someone at the school
will be there to assist your student in calling a parent or guardian. If you happen to be aware of the road closure
beforehand, you can notify your student's school with a note to have your student dropped off at another existing stop
within your attendance area. Your student will be issued an emergency bus pass to give to the driver of the bus/van.
25. School bus stop locations are designated by the Supervisor of Transportation. All school bus stop locations are selected
for safety, efficiency, and convenience. If any student causes harm to another student or property damage at the school
bus stop, this is a local police matter.
The above rules and regulations apply to any trip under school sponsorship. Students also must comply with any
additional regulations established by the chaperone.
School Bus Disciplinary Procedure
1. The bus driver is in full charge of the bus and students and, therefore, has the authority to take initial disciplinary action
as required by the student’s actions.
2. The bus driver may report any student who violates bus rules to the appropriate principal.
3. The administration of each school has the authority to determine the appropriate additional disciplinary action,
including suspending the bus privileges of any student who violates school bus rules.
4. Students who misbehave on buses and are reported to the principal through a written bus report may be suspended
from riding the bus for up to three days.
5. Parents are then responsible for getting the students to school.
6. If a student is reported misbehaving a second time, he/she can be suspended from riding the bus for an indefinite period.
Policy Item #810 Transportation
The safety of students is of utmost importance to the Boyertown Area School District. The use of a video system on District vehicles
will assist in safety by attempting to identify undesired behavior and will enhance the effectiveness of discipline by identifying
offenders. To that end, the transportation supervisor is authorized to randomly place video cameras and equipment on District
vehicles. Additionally, the transportation supervisor may place video recording equipment on buses at the request of District
Volunteers, Parent Organizations, and Community
Charitable Solicitations
The raising of money by students is for the sponsoring school organization, not for the individual student or for the student’s
account. The principle of charitable solicitation is that the student is raising the money for a non-profit, charitable organization, not
for the individual herself/himself. The right to withdraw money can only take place if the sponsoring school organization and
principal permit it.
Parent-School Organizations
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to become active members of the parent-school organization at their child's school. Active
membership provides opportunities to work with school staff and ensure quality education for all students. Many opportunities to
directly assist the parent organization and the school arise throughout the year.
School playgrounds are closed to unorganized activities after dark. This provision does not apply to those areas lighted for nighttime
activity. Restrictions on the use of playgrounds and parking areas are posted at each school. Requests for group use of outdoor
facilities require the completion of forms available at each school office.
Policy Item #707 Use of School Facilities
Permits for the use of school buildings will be issued in accordance with Board Policy. An individual or group wishing to use a school
building/ground should visit that building to review the policy and receive an application.
All schools welcome and encourage parent involvement. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available within the schools,
such as tutoring in reading and math, assisting in the library, and working with students on the computer. The school district has a
policy in place regarding volunteers and security. Please contact the building principal for more information if you are interested in
volunteering time and service.
2023-2024 Additional
Information for Our
Elementary Schools
Boyertown Elementary
1641 East Second Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 369-7462
Colebrookdale Elementary
1001 Montgomery Avenue
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 369-7427
Earl Elementary School
22 Schoolhouse Road
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 369-7504
Gilbertsville Elementary
36 Congo Road
Gilbertsville, PA 19525
(610) 369-7485
New Hanover Upper
Frederick Elementary School
2547 Big Road
Frederick, PA 19435
(610) 754-9580
Washington Elementary
1406 Route 100
Barto, PA 19504
(610) 754-9589
Activity Fee
There will be an activity fee in place in the Boyertown Area School District for the 2022-2023 school year for students who
participate in extra-curricular activities. Additional information will be provided to students and parents/guardians when students
register for these activities.
Animals in the Classroom
Animals/pets may be brought into schools for educational purposes only. They must be appropriately housed in clean areas,
humanely cared for, and properly handled. Animals must be vaccinated appropriately, and all wild animals must be handled by a
professional handler. Persons bringing animals/pets into schools must have prior written approval from the principal. Approval must
identify the type of animal/pet, educational purpose, dates, and type of housing at school.
Teacher(s) must assume primary responsibility for the proper treatment of all animals/pets in the school. Only the teacher or
designated students may handle the animals/pets. Animals/pets are not to be kept in the schools on days when classes are not in
session. Arrangements for the care and safety of all animals/pets are the responsibility of the teacher.
Bus Departure
Kindergarten students will not be permitted to leave a school bus or van without a parent/guardian or designated person for said
student at the specified stop. Each elementary school in our district uses the Kindergarten Transportation form
(green paper).
Parents fill out this form for their kindergarten students. It shows the school bus driver who will be at the school bus stop to
receive the kindergarten student. If someone else is at the stop and is not listed on the green paper, per board policy, the school
bus driver will not allow the student to depart the school bus and will return the student to his/her school. Forms may be picked
up at the child’s school. Students in first grade and above will be permitted to leave a school bus or van at a designated stop
without the presence of an adult to accompany the child. No other arrangements will be made for students in first grade or higher.
Cellular Telephones and Other Devices
Cellular telephones and other devices must be: (1) turned off; (2) kept in the student’s book bag upon arrival at school and remain
there until dismissal unless the device is approved for student use by an administrator. Repeat offenders must have the
parent/guardian retrieve the phone and may be subject to disciplinary measures. The Boyertown Area School District is not
responsible for lost or stolen cellular telephones at school.
Elementary Dress Code
Student Dress: Parents should establish standards for and with their children, which will ensure safety, neatness, and cleanliness,
and which will reflect acceptable dress practices.
The school may restrict the wearing of clothing or other adornments which is disruptive or distracting to school operation and
discipline. This also includes adornment or clothing which is destructive to the school and/or personal property of others, such as,
but not limited to, floors, floor coverings including carpet, and school furniture.
Gift Giving
School regulations discourage the giving of gifts by students to teachers or other school employees. Gift exchange programs among
students in school are prohibited.
The following principles guide the homework practices of our elementary schools.
The teaching of self-discipline and the assigning of homework should be hand-in-hand.
The purpose of homework should be to help a child, not to punish him/her. Homework is not assigned as a disciplinary
measure, nor is it assigned in every grade every night.
Good work habits require the budgeting of time and a continual concentrated effort toward the accomplishment of
an objective.
The value of homework is to help students acquire good work habits and to practice needed skills.
Instrumental Music
Orchestra Instruments
At the beginning of each school term, the orchestra program opens enrollment to all interested students in grades three,
four, and five. Instructors will help students select an appropriate instrument for instruction. Instruments include violin,
viola, cello, and bass. A lease program is available for parents wishing to rent instruments. The school district owns a
limited number of the larger and more expensive orchestra instruments and provides them for student use, depending
upon availability.
Group lessons are scheduled once per week during the school day. All orchestra students will also participate in district-
wide orchestra rehearsals that are held at a central location before the school day begins. Parents are only responsible for
providing transportation to the rehearsal. Because of space limitations, very large instruments will not be permitted on the
school bus. Parents are requested to transport those instruments to and from school. School lessons are geared to the
development of skills for large-group performance. Private music lessons are encouraged for students to further their
Band Instruments
At the beginning of each school term, the band program opens enrollment to all interested students in grades four and five.
Instructors will help students select an appropriate instrument for instruction. Instruments include flute, oboe, clarinet,
saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, drums, and bells. A lease program is available for parents wishing
to rent instruments. The school district owns a limited number of the larger, more expensive band instruments and
provides them for student use, depending upon availability.
Group lessons are scheduled once per week during the school day. All band students will also participate in district-wide
band rehearsals that are held at a central location before the school day begins. Parents are only responsible for providing
transportation to the rehearsal. Because of space, very large instruments are not permitted on the school bus. Parents are
required to transport those instruments to and from school. School lessons are geared to the development of skills for
large-group performance. Private music lessons are encouraged for students to further their proficiency.
Summer Music Programs
Elementary band and orchestra students are afforded an opportunity to participate in a summer instructional program in
instrumental music. All eligible students are notified of scheduling prior to the end of school. A participation fee is
In accordance with school district policy, all students who attain the age of five on or before September 1 of that year may be
admitted to kindergarten at the beginning of the school term. An official document stating the child’s date of birth is required either
at registration or before the student begins kindergarten. A student and parent orientation program is scheduled to familiarize
parents and children with the kindergarten program.
The purpose of the kindergarten experience is:
To help children learn to work, play, and share with others
To teach children to act as independent individuals
To establish basic patterns of behavior necessary for school success
To provide a combination of activities to help children be ready for first-grade work
Learning Materials
Public funds provide all textbooks and other learning materials. In order to help control these costs and develop a feeling of respect
and responsibility for public property, students and parents will be required to pay for any damages which result from abuse or loss.
Library facilities are available to all students. The libraries include books and other types of media. Circulation procedures follow
standard practices. Books are checked out for one week. Students may renew them. If the student has a book that is overdue, they
may not take others from the library. Should some damage occur to the book while it is in the child's possession, it must be reported
to the librarian, who has special tapes and glue for making repairs. The student or his/her parents must pay for the book(s) which
are lost or ruined so the book may be replaced.
Volunteers assist with the circulation of materials, help students find materials, and contribute time to process new books. This
support is of utmost importance to the library program because it enables the librarian to do those things which are necessary for a
successful program instruction in library skills, selection of new books and materials, development of units of study, and assistance
to students and teachers.
The district observes the movie/TV rating guides as instituted by the Motion Picture Industry. “G” rated films may be shown in the
classroom without parental permission. PG-rated movies require administrative and parental permission.
Opening Exercises
Opening exercises consist of a brief period of silence and the Pledge to the Flag.
Paraprofessional Assistance
Paraprofessionals are employed on a part-time basis to assist in classrooms or to support specific students. These paraprofessionals
work with students under the direct supervision of the teachers, usually in the areas of reading and mathematics. They also serve on
playgrounds during recess and in lunchrooms.
Parent-School Organizations
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to become active members of the parent-school organization at their child's school. Active
membership provides opportunities to work with school staff and ensure quality education for all students. Many opportunities to
directly assist the parent organization and the school arise throughout the year.
Parties and Social Observances
The elementary schools permit certain social functions for kindergarten students and some limited activities in connection with the
observance of certain holidays for the other grades.
The twenty (20) minute recess periods are supervised by playground aides. Teachers may take their classes outside at their
discretion. All students are required to go outdoors for recess when the weather is suitable. Please note when the wind chill is 18°
Fahrenheit or below, students will remain inside. The building principal will determine the location of recess based on all weather
conditions. If a child has a cold or should not be outdoors for some other physical reason, a note stating the reason must be sent to
the teacher. A doctor's written statement is required if a child is to remain indoors for a period of one week or more. Appropriate
footwear must be worn, or students may not be permitted to participate in certain playground activities. For example, sandals
prohibit a child from running or kicking games and climbing on equipment.
Reading Specialists
A reading specialist serves each school. In addition to providing remedial help to students, the reading specialists coordinate the
reading program of the school and assist classroom teachers in assessment and program placement. This professional is also
available to confer with parents.
Religious Holidays
School law provides that students may be legally absent for certain religious observances. The district maintains a list of holidays of
various faiths and will recognize the child's absence for observance of them. The school should be notified prior to an absence of this
type, and the parent should receive permission for the child to be excused.
Remediation Plan
School districts in Pennsylvania must develop a remediation plan that will assist the students in acquiring the knowledge and skills
necessary to achieve the ‘proficient’ level. Our school district provides this additional instruction through various resources.
The Boyertown Area School District provides remediation assistance in each building during the school day for kindergarten
through fourth-grade students and time before and after school for fifth-grade students.
Remediation focuses on students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade who are not successfully meeting the district’s
identified proficient skills in the areas of reading, writing, and/or math.
The classroom teacher first consults with the remediation teacher to determine if remediation services are appropriate.
The classroom teacher then completes a student referral form and submits the form to the remediation teacher.
Multiple sources of evidence determine student eligibility for remediation.
Remediation teachers will collaborate with the reading specialists and/or literacy first teachers (if appropriate) to develop a
plan that best meets students’ academic needs.
When a child with an IEP is not meeting academic standards in an area not identified in their IEP, the IEP team will meet to
determine if additional special education services are needed. If it is determined additional special education services are
not appropriate, then remediation services may be provided.
Classroom teachers notify parents by phone of students being recommended for remediation. Parents will receive a follow-
up confirmation letter.
The length of remediation services varies depending on the needs of the student.
In addition to the regular report card, students in kindergarten through fourth grade receive a quarterly report completed
by the remediation teacher.
Parents who decline remediation services for their child must send a letter of refusal to the building principal.
Policy Item #212 Reporting Student Progress
Student progress is reported through report cards and parent conferences. In grades kindergarten through fifth grade, a report card
conference will be held at the conclusion of the first trimester. Report cards are issued at the end of each trimester. Spring
conferences are scheduled as needed for grades kindergarten through fifth. Parents may request a conference at any time during
the school year. The report card serves as a major communication tool for the teacher. The purpose of our standards-based report
card is to inform parents/guardians about their children’s progress toward specific learning standards set forth by the Pennsylvania
Department of Education and adopted by the district. These standards serve as the basis for the Boyertown Area School District’s
model of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. As such, the report card lists the state standards along with descriptions of what
specific skills/content students should know and demonstrate by the end of their specific grade levels.
The scoring system, along with the criterion, reflects the students’ levels of achievement of each standard and related skill. Report
cards for kindergarten through fifth grade use a number system for all trimester scoring and end-of-year standards achievement.
The teacher will schedule parent-teacher report card conferences at a time convenient to both parties. The conference will provide
the teacher and the parents the opportunity to discuss the child's academic progress. Parents are encouraged to attend
Any or all of the following activities may be included in the evaluation leading to grades: tests, homework, class participation,
logs/journals, demonstrations, oral presentations, projects, reports, notebooks, and applications in other class work.
School Counselors
Each school has the services of a certified school counselor who encourages all students’ academic, career, and personal/social
development by working together with the students, parents, school staff, and community resources. Through collaboration,
guidance programs, and individual contact, school counselors promote student achievement and a positive learning environment.
School counselors encourage parents to contact them with questions or concerns.
Selling Involving Students
There will be no buying or selling of any kind, either by teachers or students, unless it is directly related to a school-sponsored
activity and approved by the principal. All students must have signed parent permission forms to engage in solicitations. Students in
grades K-5 must have the signed parent permission forms prior to beginning any fund- raising activity, including assembly
Student Pictures
Individual pictures are taken of students each year. Group, composite, or school yearbooks may also be made available. Parents
wishing to have a pictorial record of their students may purchase these photographs on a prepaid basis. The individual school
benefits from the profits realized from the sale of these pictures.
Testing Program
In addition to tests that teachers ordinarily give to their students, the school district may use certain group tests in elementary
schools. The results of these tests indicate how a school compares with other schools on a state or national average. A student’s
performance on the tests serves as an aid in planning his/her school program. A standardized achievement test administered in
several grades is an example of this type of testing. Parent notification occurs prior to testing.
In some instances, certain reading tests are used to assist in diagnosing the strengths and weaknesses in a child’s reading
development and aid in establishing the reading group placement for the student.
In some instances, certain reading tests are used to assist in diagnosing the strengths and weaknesses in a child's reading
development and aid in establishing the reading group placement for the student.
Please note the dates of mandatory testing in the district, which are listed below. BASD recommends that families do not take
educational trips during the mandatory testing windows. We appreciate your help in making sure all our students are available for
the testing.
PSSA ELA Assessment
Gr. 3 – 5
April 22 thru May 10, 2024
PSSA Math Assessment
Gr. 3 – 5
April 22 thru May 10, 2024
PSSA Science Assessment
Gr. 4
April 22 thru May 10, 2024
Additional Information
for Our Middle Schools
Middle School East
2020 Big Road
Gilbertsville, PA 19525
(610) 754-9550
Middle School West
380 South Madison Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 369-7471380 South
Middle School Student Handbook & Code of Conduct
Middle School East
Mr. Andrew Maoury, Principal amaour[email protected]rg
Mr. Eric Marsch, Assistant Principal [email protected]
Middle School West
Mrs. Amy Dombrowski
Mr. David Schmaldienst, Assistant Principal dschmaldi[email protected]rg
School Counselors
Middle School East
Ms. Angela Bellino, Grade 6
Ms. Charlee Malfaro, Grade 7
Ms. Allison Thomson, Grade 8 athomso[email protected]
Middle School West
Ms. Grace Turnbull, Grade 6
 
Ms. Leandra Jones, Grade 8 ljone[email protected]
Table of Contents
I. 
II. 
III. Behavior/Code of Conduct
IV. Counseling Services
V. 
VI. Grading
VII. Steps for Opening a Locker
 School Sports,
Middle School Musicals, Select Strings, Combined Jazz Band, Marching Band, and Show Choir. The form can also be found online and
sights into
teamwork, self-discipline, and life itself.
The high-- esteem.
that privilege are
the student also agrees to accept
The student-
chool District
The student-, unless excused in advance by the coach or absent from school.
Each athlete that competes in any sport must acknowledge that all school-issued equipment must be returned at the end of the season,
regardless of the 
The student- 
a suspension (in-school or out-of-
, where applicable.
Insubordinate and abusive behavior or profane language will not be tolerated and could mean suspension or dismissal from the 
immediate suspension from the
ty is strictly prohibited and will result in
ined to be in
 be dismissed from the team or squad for the remainder of the season.
The student shall also be referred to his or her school’s Student Assistance Team.
of extremely serious drug or alcohol-related incidents, a student may be 
nder the school
sion or expulsion
from classes and/or police involvement. The decision as to whether or not certain behavior would be serious enough to invoke the student
Middle School East and Middle School West
ollowing reasons:
The second cut will be a one-game or two-s.
--day suspension will result in removal from the team.
from the team.
Athletes should be in school no later than 10:15 
Eligibility Rules
rn the eligibility of our students for all inter-
The following applies:
al as a
full-of the
d. The
from the beginning of a grading period and shall be reported on a weekly basis. If an athlete is not passing four full-credit subjects,
the athlete is ineligible for the following week.
In order to be eligible for interscholas-credit subjects, or the equivalent,
during the previous grading period. Back work may be made up, providing it is in accordance with the regular rules of the school.
In cases where a st
ading period.
New pupils must meet eligibility requirements on the 
requirements of the curriculum rules. The standing required for the preceding grading period or previous year shall be obtained
its for
the last grading period shall be used to determine his/her eligibility for the next grading period.
of a varsity or junior varsity team provided:
The director agrees.
The coach agrees.
The student agrees.
ipate in any inter-
s he/she has been examined by a licensed
r. The student-
, 
during the school year. PIAA rules require that the comprehensive physical done at school or by your family physician shall not be given
earlier than June 1. A student-athlet
winter and/or spring sports. These packets can be downloaded from the school district’s website, or the forms will be available in the main
before the winter and spring seasons. However, the student-athlete will not need to get a doctors signature unless he/she answers
d by the student
rance card. Therefore, any
ollment are
 have a waiver form completed by the parents before
for the cheerleading squad.
Parents should e-t student absence from school.
Middle School East 
Middle School West 
Tardiness and Absence
All students must be seated in their homeroom areas by 7:35 AM each morning. Homeroom teachers wil
  AM, if a
parent/guardian accompanies the student into school, the student and the parent must report direct
-West and Room
209- 
(Room 16) for a late pass.
ly acceptable
excuses for lateness are medical-dental appointments, sickness, or a late bus. Students who are consistently late for school because of
ted into
equivalent half-d
o present a
, and/or unlawful) may be
accumulated into equivalent half-tudents are
At the middle schools, there are two types of tardiness; one is late arrival to school from home, and the other is late arrival from one class to
y of an extra-
presented upon his/her arrival to school.
, and assignments for which you are
 
and hand in
completed assignments.
Early Dismissal
MS East- 
and the reason for leaving. Before you leave, show the note to the teachers of the classes from which you will be absent. Sign in
MS West- a note signed by your parent or guardian must be presented to your classroom teacher a
school counselor, or administrator.
Unlawful Absence
Any absence of a student who is of compulsory school age for which a valid excuse report is not provided to the school principal within the
uant if absent without the knowledge and consent of his/her
 
parents/guardians of students who have accumulated six or more unlawful absences.
g in the district, 
December 4-15 Grade 8 Keystone State Algebra I Exams
Students Enrolled in Geometry Only
April 22-26 Grades 6-8 PSSA ELA
April 29-May 3 Grades 6-8 PSSA Math
April 29-May 3 Grade 8 PSSA Science
May 13-24 Grade 8 Keystone State Algebra I Exams
If a pupil moves to another r
ut a new
residency ve
Behavior/Code of Conduct
 Behaviors
should be d by
the speaker/performer.
 faculty member. Students are
Students misbehaving may be removed from the auditorium.
Building Cleanliness
Students should be proud to -equipped as ours. In order to retain this beauty, each pupil
equipment inside the building or deface the interior or exterior in any way are subject to discipline and referral to law enforcement.
Students who deface, break, destroy, or lose school property are responsible for full payment of the damaged or missing equipment.
Cafeteria Procedures
The cafeteria is provided as a place to eat during the lunch period.
Display your best manners.
The throwing of food or making mixtures and messes with foods/trays is not acceptable.
Students should not bring bookbags and Chromebooks to the cafeteria.
Stand in line quietly and choose food quickly. (Checking the posted menu before lunch helps to accomplish this.)
Have money ready; unfold bills; count your change.
Do not cut the line.
Have your student ID number ready to punch in the computer pay system.
Food and beverages may not leave the cafeteria.
 be given an
Discipline Mission Statement
o Teaching students to manage their behavior.
o 
Discipline Code
Students are expected to 
refusing to work in class and being late for class, etc., 
he code is to establish a clear,
nt which violates
Note: Any inf
the orderly
Discipline Level System
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Level I 
Examples of Level I Infracons
Academic Dishonesty
Abuse of Pass
Being in an Unauthorized Area
Defacing Property
Food/Beverages Outside of
Inappropriate use of Technology
Prohibited Item
Unexcused Late to Class
Unexcused Tardiness
Intervenon Opons
Contact with Parent/Guardian
Temporary Removal from
Special Assignment
Level II 
Examples of Level II Infracons
Cut Class
Failure to Serve Consequences
Inappropriate Language
Leaving School Without Permission
Inappropriate Gestures/Picture
Opening/Accessing Another
Students Locker
Images/Videos Taken on Electronic
Possession of Lighters/Matches
Repeated 
Intervenon Opons
1-3 Days of ISS/OSS
Loss of Privileges
Level III 
Examples of Level III Infracons
Intervenon Opons
1-10 Days of ISS/OSS
Informal Hearing
Loss of Privileges
Level IV 
Examples of Level IV Infracons
Illegal Substances/Drugs
Major Inappropriate Use of
Making a False Alarm/Threat
That 
a Hazard to Self and/or Others and
School Program
Performing Sexually Immoral or
Degrading Acts on School Property,
Busses, or During a School
Possession of Counterfeit Money
Assault School Personnel
Sexual Harassment
Intervenon Opons
1-10 Days of ISS/OSS
Informal Hearing
Loss of Privileges
Expulsion Hearing
Any 
30-minute session.
60-minute session.
o Middle School East
Monday & Wednesday 2:45 PM-3:45 PM
Tuesday & Thursday 6:30AM-7:30AM
o Middle School West
Tuesday & Thursday 2:40 PM-3:40 PM
Wednesday 6:30AM-7:30AM
 
Drugs, Alcohol, Drug Paraphernalia
Students who have drugs or alcoholic beverages in their possession at school, on school buses, 
suspension for a period of up to ten days with possible expulsion. Such incidents are also subject to Board Policy #227. Students who
distribute drugs or alcohol (or look-alike dr
Students may not wear drug-, or otherwise have drug paraphernalia in their possession while
at school. Any such paraphernalia found by school personnel shall be turned over to the principal, 
raphernalia may be
turned over to the police for analysis when appropriate.
Electronic Devices
Electronic devices, including but not limited to smartphones, Bluetooth speakers, smartwatches with cameras and/or data plans, and
portable video game systems, 
the approval of your teacher. Taking photos/videos while on school district property, during a
, 
internet will result
in add
Students and families are encouraged to leave valuable and/or expensive items at home, such as phones and/or earbuds. Unfortunately,
, and the school may not be held responsible for these items and may not be able to assist in
Students using a cellphone or other unapproved electronic device during the school year will receive consequences following the matrix
Students who refuse to turn their phones 
Food & Beverages
ly in the
rohibited, with
A few rules to observe in the halls:
Walk. Do not run.
Keep noise and talking at a minimum.
Keep the hallways clean. Pick up your trash.
Keep to the right when moving in the halls.
Late(s) to School/Class
the chart below.
Minutes will Accrue to Become “Unlawful” Days.
Law Enforcement Agencies
Whenever necessary, to protect the rights of all students and school employees, the middle school will involve the appropriate law
, 
scth the Boyertown
Area School District Police and local law enforcement when appropriate.
Prohibited Items
boards, scooters, radios, laser pointers, cameras, bandanas, video games, portable speakers, and recording devices
may not be brought to or used in school except for school-the approval of your teacher and principal. Cell phones,
Smart devices, and other related devices may be brought to school but must be secured in your locker during school hours. Tobacco
products, including vapes of any kind, on of beer cans, itching
m will subject the
Students and families are encouraged to leave valuable and/or expensive items at home, such as phones and/or earbuds. Unfortunately,
, and the school may not be held responsible for these items and may not be able to assist in
 
y enjoyed by
members of the student body who are in good standing.
signed a point value. Refer to the chart below.
Point Value
1 Point Per Session Assigned
2 Points Per Session Assigned
Bus Suspension
1 Point Per Day Assigned
3 Points Per Day Assigned (Maximum of 12 points per
es as spectators
for a 6-calendar week period. These events include but are not limited to, -
Students who have received  will have 3 points removed from their total for every 6 calendar weeks without
a discipline incident.
 calendar weeks.
Any student that receives discipline during the 6-c
Policy Item 233 Suspension and Expulsion
There are two types of suspension at the middle school level.
In-school suspension (ISS) 
Out-of-school suspension (OSS) Students are at home under the control and supervision of their parents/guardians.
Students are in -
Students will be assigned su
the Board Policy Manual of the School District. When a student is assigned to in-
conferences ene
with the student as appropriate on a case-by-case basis. The suspended student is required to complete schoolwork as assigned by his/her
regular teachers.
Personal electronic devices will be collected by the suspension monitor at the beginning of the day and will be returned at the end of the
The principal or person in charge of the school may suspend any student for disobedience or misconduct for a period of one (1) to ten (10)
 
is suspended.
er own
 
health, safety, -school
day period.
When a suspension exceeds three (3) school days, the student and parent/guardian shall be given the opportunity for an informal hearing
 
ve (5) days of the suspension.
Informal hearings under this provision shall be conducted by building or district-level administrators.
Counseling Services
School Counseling Services
, specially trained school counselors who work with all students. The
e and foster
students’ academic, social-
Our counselors welcome th
Safe2Say Something
the 
youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to
themselves or others and to “say something” BEFORE i
. F
Student Assistance Program (SAP)
students experiencing non-academic barriers to
lp students
and families connect to local resources.
Our school SAP teams do not di
make informed choices.
Student Record Policies
, 
records. Within the provision of the policies, parents and/or students have the right 
om the
ht of access to the child's record, even if only one parent has custody of
rding local policies
General Information
Agenda Book/Hallway Passes
At the beginning of the school year, each student is given an agenda book containing student passes.
Always have your agenda book with you.
Agenda books are non-transferable under any circumstances.
teacher for review.
Chromebooks & Technology
-provided technology for
and other technology-
Policy (AUP) and the Student Code of Conduct.
The BASD Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) may be found here
The following guidelines have been established for Middle School dances:
Dances will be held from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
Students should be picked up promptly at 9:00 PM.
Students who have received a 
Students will be required to show his/her student ID prior to entering the dance.
orderly manner will be required to contact their 
consequences may also be issued based on the severity of the behavior.
Students are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct.
Dance Dress Code:
o East Dress Code varies per dance. Most dances are casual. For dress-
o West Dress Code: Tucked-
pants or skirts, blouses, and shoes. Strapless, single-strap, and open-The shirt/blouse
must have two straps with widths of at least two inches. Skirts and dresses 
No work boots or denim.
Student dress should be in good taste, 
Entering the Building
o East 6th-grade students who enter the building before 7:30 AM must report to the gym. 7th & 8th-grade students who enter the
building before 7:30 AM must report to the auditorium. If a student chooses to eat breakfast, they must report to the cafeteria.
 
o West Students who enter the building before 7:25 AM must report to the auditorium. If a student chooses to eat breakfast, they
 AM, a bell will ring,
 AM.
Field Trips
Field trips are a special part of school life at the middle school. Students are expected to follow all school rules and conduct themselves in
determining if he/she is to
, including dances. 
child by the teacher. The completed permission form requires a parent's signature, emergency contacts, medical concerns, and any
th any
Food in Classrooms
It is recognized that there are students in our school that have food allergies which can cause serious medical emergencies. For the safety of
onal topic which has been
approved by the school nurse and building administrator.
Homework Help
guidance. A teacher supervises homework help.
East  PM-3:45 PM.
 PM-4:30 PM
West 
Each studene to all
he ID is lost, a new ID can
l classes within three minutes. If a student
rom his/her
teacher to go to the lavatory. Any student found loitering in a lavatory a
he/she should get a pass from the teacher and 
Library Hours: 7:30 a.m. 2:35 p.m.
ports and
enriches the school curricula and provides for the individual needs, interests, maturity levels, and cultural backgrounds of all students. The
Library Passes
Passes are required when students visit the library from a class or study hall.
Circulaon of Books and Materials
Students may have up to three books and/or materials checked out on their accounts.
library doors.
Students should renew or return books at or before the end of the ten-school day loan period.
o The due date of the book is stamped on a due date card at the back of the book and placed in the book pocket.
o 
teachers weekly.
Books may be placed on hold by students if they are not available.
 be made to obtain it from another school in our district. If a book is being
borrowed from the senior high, a parent's signature is required on the book request form.
Using Desny
where they have internet access. Logging in allows students to browse
o Click on the name of your school.
o Click “log in” in the top right-hand corner.
o Enter your school computer login info.
o 
o Click the “Catalog” tab at the top to search 
Library Resources
Flash drives are available for student use.
Student Behavior
Students are expected to use the library in a quiet, orderly manner. Any student who misbehaves or disrupts the academic environment
will be sent back to the study hall immediately.
All Boyertown Area School District computer policies and procedures will be enforced for computer usage and accessing the internet.
-shelving cart. Students should not
re-shelve books themselves; they should place the books on the re-shelving carts instead.
Students must check out the materials that they wish to borrow from the library.
 one. Your
responsibility for lost or stolen
tudents are not
Students may use their lThe beginning of the
Lost and Found
To recover a lost item, the student must prove that he/she is the owner.
Morning Announcements
At 7:35 AM each morning, students will receive video announcements. The program will last approximately 7 minutes and will provide
important updates and reminders regarding school events. Students are expected to have their computers closed during the
announcements and to be listening quietly.
o East Red shirt and black shorts
o West 
o Required to change into uniform for class.
o No cut-
o All students must be in gym uniform unless excused by a physician.
o 
o 
o Wearing jewelry during PE class is prohibited.
o Includes but not limited to earrings, necklaces, watches, rings, bracelets, and other body piercing accessories.
o Students must provide and may tape a new stud earring for six weeks or remove the items. A note must be sent specifying the
piercing date.
Protecng Personal Belongings During Physical Educaon
Each student must be responsible for the security of their personal belongings during phys. ed. classes. THE SCHOOL CANNOT ASSUME
LIABILITY FOR LOST OR STOLEN ARTICLES. Students are instructed to follow the procedures outlined below to protect their personal
1. Individual lockers will be available to students during phys. ed. classes. Students should lock their belongings in the locker with a
2. Valuables, as well as clothing, should be secured in the lockers.
3. The locker room is a NO TECHNOLOGY ZONE. Laptops must remain closed, and cellphones should be in hallway lockers.
 
Medical Excuses for Physical Educaon Class
Students who are to be excluded from phys. ed. for medical reasons must bring a medical doctor's excuse. The excuse must be presented to
the nurse. Any doctors excuse must include a start date and an end date for the excuse. A child may be excused with a parental note for one
d be a scorekeeper or
Locker Rooms
coach designates you to be therStudents found
Student Searches
e authority to lawfully search students or their belongings, including lockers, school-owned electronic devices,
purses, backpacks, clothing, and other possessions, without a warrant, when in school, on school grounds, or when otherwise under school
supervision, if there is reasonable suspicion that the place or thing to be searched contains prohibited contraband, material that would pose
, Board policy, or
traband, or
g searched.
The school recognizes that, on rare occasions, a student may need to use the phone. If the need arises, students should obtain a pass to the
ed to use their personal cellphones during
the school day.
Students will receive textbooks for some of their courses. These textbooks may be physical or digital. Students are expected to take care of
books provided by the school. Students whose 
responsible for providing covers for their textbooks.
Title I
Middle School West has been designated as a Title I school. Title I is a federal program designed to help students who are reading below the
expected achievement level. Strategies are taught that will enable the students to become successful and independent readers. 
 program in 1966 in elementary schools and in 2017 at
the middle school.
ELA (English Language Arts) teachers and Reading Specialists use a variety of district benchmark reading assessments at the start of the
school year to determine the literacy-related strengths and needs of students. This data is then used to determine eligibility for Title I
 teacher and
reading specialists will work with all students in the class, including the Title I students, jointly throughout the year. Parents of any child who
 at all about the Title
I program, please do not hesitate to reach out to the MSW Reading Specialist.
Academic Reports Ongoing
Honor Roll
 
trimesters, an honor roll will be publicized. There are two honor rolls, "high honors" and "honors.” In order to be named to one of the honor
rolls during any one of the trimesters, the following requirements must be met:
High Honors: A point average of 3.6665 or higher will qualify for high honors.
Honors: A point average of 3.000 up to and including a 3.6664 will qualify for honors.
 Grade  Grade Quality Points
93% -- 100% A 4.00
90% -- 92% A- 3.67
87% -- 89% B+ 3.33
83% -- 86% B 3.00
80% -- 82% B- 2.67
77% -- 79% C+ 2.33
73% -- 76% C 2.00
70% -- 72% C- 1.67
67% -- 69% D+ 1.33
63% -- 66% D 1.00
60% -- 62% D- 0.67
0% -- 59% F 0.00
to the number of
periods they meet per cycle. A grade of “D, “F,” or Incomplete will disqualify a student from the honor roll. Below is an example of how to
calculate the GPA.
6th, 7th, 8th Grade Core Subjects
ated by averaging the marking periods, 
6th, 7th & 8th Grade Related Subjects
It is the pupil's responsibility to acquire and make-up any class work or assignments missed while absent fr
in any school-
 -up
between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. It is the parents responsibility to go to the locker for his/her students books. Any absence of less than
three days will require students to gather assignments on their own. Each student should pre-plan to get assignments from a "buddy" in
their classes.
Each child's progress is judged on an individual basis by the teachers, the school counselor, and, 
a child haill be
ent fails
three or more core courses, the student will be retained in their current grade during the next school year. All students must pass math, ELA,
science, and social studies in order to be promoted to the next grade.
Report Cards
Report cards will the closing of
school because of inclement weather, are November 16, 2023, February 26, 2024, and May 31, 2024. The approximate dates of report cards
being posted should be within 1 week of each marking period ending.
Parent/guardian conferences are scheduled for :
November 20, 2023 (1:00 PM-3:00 PM, 4:30 PM-7:30 PM)
November 21, 2023 (1:00 PM-3:00 PM)
March 6, 2024 (4:30 PM-7:30 PM)
Steps for Opening a Locker
2022-2023 Additional Information
for Our High School
Boyertown Area Senior High
120 North Monroe Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 369-7435
Director of Athletics
(610) 369-7452
Attendance Office
(610) 369-7437
School Counseling
(610) 369-3690
Senior High Student Handbook
Dr. E. Wayne Foley, Principal
Mr. Matthew Bergey, Grade Level Principal Class of 2026, Od-Z Class of 2027
Mrs. Karen E. Evans, Grade Level Principal Class of 2024, Gp-Oc Class of 2027
Mr. Jared Sparks, Grade Level Principal Class of 2025, A-Go Class of 2027
Kalyn Bartman, Director of Special Education
Mr. Nick Palladino, Director of Athletics
Ms. Mercedes Erb, Assistant Director of Athletics
Mr. Donald French, School Police Officer
Main Office Staff
Mrs. Eileen Rossman,
Dr. Foley’s Assistant
Mrs. Nicole Hess, Dr. Bergey’s’ Assistant
Mrs. Karin Derstine, Mrs. Evans’s Assistant
TBD, Mr. Sparks’s Assistant
Mrs. Brenda Snyder,
Counseling Office Staff
Ms. Crystal McArthur: 10
Grades: Last Names A-Det
Mrs. Beth Shive: 10
Grades: Last Names:Deu-Her
Mrs. Sandra Gallagher: 10
Grades: Lat Names Hes-McC
Ms. Christen Mazzie: 10
Grades: Last Names McD-Sal
Mrs. Christy Greener: 10
-12th Grades: Last Names: Sam-Z
TBD: 9
Grade Lasst Names: A-Z
Mrs. Kathy Hiryak: Counseling Sec.
Mrs. Michelle Bright: Career Sec.
Custodial Staff BASH Security
Mr. Bob Eshbach Head Custodian Joanne Gehman Security Staff
Mrs. Pat Renninger Shipping/Receiving Mrs. Terry Curley Security Staff
Table of Contents
Academic Dishonesty and Integrity
Activities and Services
Differentiated Discipline
General Information
Library Services
Musical Organizations
Physical Education
Promotion Policy
School Counseling Services
2022-2023 BASH Bell Schedules
Academic Dishonesty and Integrity
Academic Dishonesty
Academic Dishonesty / Plagiarism: Plagiarism shall be defined as the use of another’s work with the intent of presenting it as one’s
own. Presenting the work of another person, whether from print text or the internet, without giving full credit for the work is
Cheating: Cheating shall be defined as intentionally copying another’s work with the intent of presenting it as one’s own, willingly
providing one’s own work to another student to claim as his/her own, and/or utilizing unauthorized materials (e.g., electronic
- cell phone) during an assessment (e.g., test, quiz, projects, etc.). Examples of cheating are copying work from another person’s
test, quiz, or project; copying another person’s homework, classwork, or project; utilizing technology (electronic device - cell phone)
to copy and/or distribute to others, etc.
Students committing the offense of plagiarism and/or cheating in any class shall be penalized as follows:
The teacher will notify parents and an administrator regarding the plagiarized
or cheated assignment
The administrator will meet with the student and parent (if necessary)
The student will be referred to Guided Instructional Support (GIS) for
plagiarism/cheating review lessons
The student will receive a maximum of up to 50% credit for the remediated assignment.
o For example, if the original assignment is worth 100 points and the student earned 80 points on the remediated
assignment, the student would receive 40 points
The student must continue his/her GIS/remediation sessions until a minimum grade of 70% is attained on the
assignment. Remediated scores below 70% will not be accepted as completed.
The student must remediate the plagiarized/cheated work through evening detentions, GIS, in-school suspension, and/or
summer school, at the discretion of the administration, to successfully pass the course for the year.
*Habitual/additional plagiarism and/or cheating may result in the assignment of a “0” grade for the particular assessment as
consistent with BASH’s differentiated discipline policy.*
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity involves honesty in the research, preparation, and submission of assignments. This includes but is not limited to
sharing answers to assignments, cheating on tests, plagiarism, falsifying information, misuse of technology, etc. Students are
expected to uphold the highest level of academic integrity at every stage of the learning process. Students who do not do their own
work or who falsify information cannot achieve their educational goals. In addition, the legal and moral implications in society
demand that academic dishonesty not be condoned or go undisciplined within our school community. Students who submit work
exhibiting academic dishonesty will be subject to academic and/or disciplinary consequences. Teachers will use any means at their
disposal to ensure that students maintain a high level of academic integrity. These methods may include but are not limited to,
software programs and other library and media sources.
In order to ensure the integrity of all tests and to decrease distraction during testing, all electronic devices and cell phones must be
turned off and placed on the teacher’s desk, phone caddie, or teacher-designated area in the classroom. Any students who do not
comply will be subject to a search of the electronic device and other school disciplinary consequences.
Activities and Services
All students are encouraged to become involved in the total school program. This includes participation in some form of
extracurricular activity such as athletics, student government, or by membership in one of our school clubs or activity programs.
Interested students should contact the coach, advisor, or school counselor for additional information. A student holding a major
office in one organization does not have to resign from an office in order to run for a major office in another organization. If elected
to the other office, however, the student would be expected to resign from the present office before assuming duties in the new
office. A major office is defined as President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Code of Conduct for All Participates in Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities
By making the decision to join any school-sanctioned extracurricular or co-curricular club, group, or organization or to accept any
position of class or school leadership, a student also agrees to abide by a higher standard of behavior than those students who do not
make the commitment to represent their school. Students who aspire to represent their school either in clubs or activities or to lead their
fellow students in school government positions also agree to accept the greater responsibilities for the privilege and trust they have been
If a student compromises the trust and responsibility he has been given, it is understood that he or she may lose the privilege of
involvement or leadership that has been extended to him or her. At no time shall a member of a school-sanctioned extracurricular
or co-curricular group conduct himself/herself in a manner that brings discredit to the school organization. Any student involved in a
school-sanctioned extracurricular or co-curricular activity found to be in violation of selling, providing, possessing, using, or being
under the influence of drugs or alcohol at any time or found to have seriously discredited the school or organization shall be
suspended from participation in that activity for a period of 30-45 days. Subsequent violations will then result in a longer suspension
consistent with the code of conduct for all participants in extracurricular and co-curricular activities adopted by the Board of
Education. In the case of student leadership positions, such as class or Student Council officers, a student may be removed from
office at any time for misconduct and/or academic reasons that seriously compromise that student’s ability to effectively provide
leadership for his fellow students. The decision to suspend a student from participating in an extracurricular or co-curricular activity
or to remove a student in compliance with this policy is to be made by the building administration in consultation with the activity
advisor or director. This decision, especially when involving a student’s out-of-school behavior, is not to be made lightly and must be
based on definite evidence or testimony and not on hearsay. Students and/or parents who desire to appeal a decision made on the
building level can do so by contacting the Superintendent of Schools or his designee.
BASH is a member of the Pioneer Athletic Conference and, as such, participates in a full schedule of league activities. Fall sports
include football, cross country, golf, girls field hockey, boys soccer, girls volleyball, competitive spirit, girls soccer, and girls tennis;
winter sports are wrestling, girls basketball, boys basketball, competitive spirit, boys swimming & diving, girls swimming & diving,
boys winter track, and girls winter track; spring sports include boys tennis, boys lacrosse, girls lacrosse, boys track, girls track, boys
baseball, and girls softball. All athletic activities are conducted under the rules and regulations set forth by the PA Interscholastic
Athletic Association. A student may not begin to participate in any sport, inter-scholastic or intramural, during the duration of the
sport season currently in session, wherein the student had begun participation in that sport and then quit that sport unilaterally at
any time for whatever reason unless the coach of the sport which the student quit states in writing that the ruling may be waived.
The decision of the coach in such instances, barring very unique extenuating circumstances, shall be considered binding. In the event
a student is dropped from the squad for lack of ability or due to injury, the restriction shall not apply. However, a student dropped
from a squad for disciplinary reasons, stated at the time dismissal takes place, shall be subject to the regulation as though the
student had quit the sport. “Participation” shall be considered to have taken place when the student reports for a scheduled
practice following the submission of a fully completed P.O.E. card (or its subsequent equivalent) in interscholastic sports, reporting
for any scheduled event in the case of intramural sports.
Student Eligibility for Athletics
Any student at BASH who shall have attained a satisfactory scholastic standard and shall qualify under the rules laid down by the
Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA), who shall not in any way detract from the high standards of honor upheld
by BASH, shall be eligible for participation in interscholastic athletics.
Student Athletic Discipline Code
The BASD recognizes the vital role that athletics play in promoting the physical, mental, social, emotional, and moral development
of students. Involvement in these activities affords students the opportunity to gain valuable experiences and insights into
teamwork, self-discipline, and life itself. The high-profile status of athletics in school gives many students a chance to experience
success and develop confidence and self-esteem. Participants in athletics often earn the respect of their fellow students and are
viewed as leaders within the school society. It is important to note, however, that while education is a right, participation in athletics
is a privilege, and along with that privilege are certain additional responsibilities. When a student joins an athletic team and decides
to represent his or her school, the student also agrees to accept the training rules, regulations, and responsibilities as set forth by
individual coaches and the school district.
1. The student-athlete is accountable to the rules and regulations set forth in the section entitled Differentiated
Discipline dealing with the athletic program and individual team rules and regulations. These include all rules and
regulations set forth by the PIAA and the BASD regarding attendance and eligibility.
2. The student-athlete shall attend all practices, contests, team meetings, etc., unless excused in advance by the coach
or absent from school.
3. The student-athlete who is assigned to detention on a specific date in conflict with a practice/event is ineligible to
participate in the practice/event at that time. In the case of suspension, in-school or out-of-school, the student is ineligible
to participate in practices or events during the entire suspension period, including weekend participation, where
4. Insubordinate and abusive behavior or profane language will not be tolerated and could result in suspension or
dismissal from the athletic team.
5. The possession and/or use of a tobacco product or vaporizer in any form is not permitted and will be cause for
immediate suspension from the team, consistent with provisions as set forth in the BASD Athletic Drug and Alcohol
6. The selling, providing, possession, or use of steroids, other drugs, or alcohol on or off school property, is strictly
prohibited and will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the school district’s drug and alcohol policy. In addition,
any student-athlete determined to be in violation of any of the above rules, on or off school property, will be dismissed
from the team or squad for the remainder of the season. The student shall also be referred to the school’s Student
Assistance Team.
7. Certain serious behavior of a student in the context of the athletic program may subject the student not only to discipline
under the school athletic discipline code but also under the general student discipline code, which could include but not
be limited to suspension or expulsion from classes and/or police involvement. The decision as to whether or not certain
behavior would be serious enough to invoke the student discipline code will be within the sole discretion of the
*Any subsequent drug or alcohol violation will constitute a repeat offense, and the student shall be subject to disciplinary action
as set forth in the BASD Athletic Drug and Alcohol Policy, including one year or permanent suspension from participation in
athletics or cheerleading.*
Eligibility Rules
Rules of the PIAA govern the eligibility of our students for all interscholastic competitions. The following applies:
Section 1: To be eligible for interscholastic athletic competition, a student must pursue a curriculum defined and approved
by the principal as a full-time curriculum. Where required, this curriculum or its equivalent must be approved by and conform to the
regulations of the State Board of Education and the Pennsylvania School Code, as well as any local policies established by the local
school board. The student must maintain an acceptable grade in such approved curriculum, as certified by the principal. Eligibility
shall be cumulative from the beginning of a grading period and shall be reported on a weekly basis. If an athlete is not passing four
full credit subjects or the equivalent, the athlete is ineligible for the following week.
Section 2: In order to be eligible for interscholastic athletics, a student must have passed at least four full-credit subjects, or
the equivalent, during the previous grading period. Back work may be made up, providing it is in accordance with the regular rules of
the school.
Section 3: In cases where a student’s work in any preceding grading period does not meet the standards provided for in
this article, said student shall be ineligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for the first fifteen (15) school days of the next
grading period.
Section 4: New students must meet eligibility requirements on the curriculum. Students, who are enrolled for the first time,
must comply with the requirements of the curriculum rules. The standing required for the preceding grading period or previous year
shall be obtained from the records of the last school that the student has attended.
At the end of the school year, the student’s final grades and credits in his/her subjects rather than
his/her grades and credits for the last grading period shall be used to determine his/her eligibility for the next grading period.
Medical Examinations
Physical examinations are necessary before a student begins practice. No student shall be eligible to represent his/her high school in
any interscholastic athletic contest unless a licensed medical physician, osteopath, or certified school nurse practitioner has
examined the athlete before his/her first sports season of that academic year. The examination for fall sports cannot be given earlier
than June 1. Any athlete who has the fall physical done may be recertified for a winter and/or spring sport, providing the athlete has
had no serious injuries or illnesses since the fall physical. A parent must sign the recertification section of the appropriate CIPPE
form. Each student who intends to participate in any form of athletics must be covered by the student accident insurance or have on
file with the director of athletics a parent liability insurance card. Therefore, any student who intends to participate in any form of
sports should immediately subscribe to the insurance program when the dates for enrollment are announced.
Conflict Between Athletic Practice and/or Games and Study Trips
Students will be required to miss a study trip because of a conflict between athletics and study trip only in the event that the game
or contest is played on the day of the study trip. If the game is played on any other day, the students will be excused from practice
on the day of the study trip dance without consequence.
Awards for Participation in Athletics
The official award for participating in the athletic activities of the school shall be a Varsity letter and/or certificate. The Varsity letter
awarded to those who competed at the Varsity level shall be a red and black “B.” The Varsity letter will be awarded to the student-
athlete the first year. In the succeeding years/seasons, the recipient will receive a gold pin symbolizing the sport in which they have
achieved a Varsity letter. This pin can be attached to the red and black “B.” Varsity rosters and letter winners are awarded at the
coach’s discretion.
Policy Item 204 Attendance
Regular school attendance is necessary to ensure that students receive the instruction and support needed to demonstrate progress
toward their academic, social, and physical development at school. The Pennsylvania Compulsory Attendance Law and BASD Policy
mandate school attendance for students, with exceptions for illness, approved family trips, religious holidays, healthcare, and other
absences approved by the principal. The following regulations are used by all BASD schools to monitor and address student
1. Parents/Guardians are required to provide written notification to the school for each day their child is not in
attendance within three school days of the absence or return to school.
a. Parents/guardians may send an email to
from the email address of the
parent/guardian on file with the district by 9:00 am on any day that their child will be absent or tardy. This form
of communication will not need a phone call or follow-up handwritten note.
b. Parents/guardians may use the district website/app and fill out the absence note by 9:00 am on any day that their
child will be absent or tardy. This form of communication will not need a phone call or follow-up handwritten
c. Parents/guardians may call the attendance line (610) 369-7437 by 9:00 am on any day that their child will be
absent or tardy. However, absences must still be followed up with a handwritten parent/doctor's note or scan the
handwritten note and email it as an attachment to the school attendance secretary at
within three days of the student’s return to school. Failure to submit the
appropriate note within three days will result in the absence being coded as unlawful, and this coding cannot be
reversed even if a note is handed in after the three-day window. Once a student has received three unlawful
absences, a truancy elimination plan may be enacted. This plan could lead to a citation from the District
2. Parents/Guardians will receive written notice of the first three absences that are considered unlawful. An unlawful absence
is defined as any student absence not documented by a legitimate excuse for students of compulsory age (Ages 6-18).
3. Parents/Guardians and the local magistrate will receive written notification from the school when a student compiles three
(3) or more unlawful absences during one (1) school year.
4. Parents/Guardians may be required to provide a signed excuse(s) from a healthcare provider for additional absences if their
child has received ten (10) or more days of absence (excused, unexcused, and/or unlawful) during a school year. Absences
previously excused through notification by a health care provider or approved family trips will not be included in this total.
5. Students who are age 18 or older will be removed from the district’s active attendance rolls if ten
(10) consecutive/continuous school days of unexcused absences are recorded.
6. Principals will attempt to facilitate meetings with students and parents/guardians to explore reasons for absence,
determine any additional support the student may need, and offer assistance from the school district in an effort to
return the student to a pattern of regular school attendance.
7. If the proper written notification is not submitted within three days, the absence will be considered
unexcused/unlawful, and a zero grade will be given for any work missed.
Parent/ Guardian Responsibility
When a student is absent from school, Boyertown Area School District Attendance Policy #204.
This policy requires that all student
absences shall be treated as unlawful or unexcused until the district receives a written excuse explaining the absence, to be
submitted within three (3) days of the absence. The note should be turned into the attendance office. If not returned within three
days, the absence will be considered unexcused/unlawful, and a zero grade will be given for any work missed.
Excused School Absence Defined
The Pennsylvania Compulsory Attendance Law also spells out approved reasons for absences. These reasons are listed in Title 22,
Pennsylvania Code, Chapter 11, and Student Attendance of the Regulations of the State Board of Education of Pennsylvania. Only
the following stand as approved reasons for excused absences:
Religious holidays; Health care; Illness or other urgent reason; Educational tours/trips; other (approved by the principal)
Unexcused/Unlawful School Absence Defined
An unexcused/unlawful school absence is a day of nonattendance in school and occurs whenever:
A student misses school for any other reason than those approved by state compulsory attendance laws.
A school absence remains unexcused or unlawful because a written parent/guardian excuse or signed doctor excuse has
not been given to the attendance office within three school days of a student’s return.
A student misses school without the knowledge or consent of the parent/guardian.
Absences/lateness will be recorded as unexcused/unlawful, but not limited to the following reasons (zero for
missed work): oversleeping, car trouble, driver’s test, personal reasons, missed the bus, job interview, and
unauthorized trips.
Accumulated Absences
After an accumulated total of ten days of absence in a single school year, the parent/guardian will be notified by mail of the absence
pattern and of the consequences of continued irregular attendance. Once notified, the parent/guardian will be informed to provide
a physician’s statement for all future absences. The requirement to provide a physician’s statement for each succeeding absence
may be waived if, on the authorization of the parent/guardian, the physician verifies the presence of the illness to the school nurse
and agrees that the absence is justified. Days that will not be counted as part of the ten days described above are:
Days for which a principal’s approval has been obtained for a family trip
Days for which a signed physician’s statement has been provided for an extended illness
Or other days that, in the judgment of the principal, were caused by urgent reasons.
After 10 days of absence and/or the same class period(s) missed, a doctor's excuse is necessary to make up missed assignment(s)
for credit. It is the student’s responsibility to show teachers the doctor's excuse to receive credit for the day’s assignment.
Failure to show adequate cause for absence in excess of the above-defined ten days within a single school year may make the
student ineligible for class credit for the school year. Class cutting and unexcused minutes tardy may also be accumulated into
equivalent full days to count toward the ten days defined above.
Tardiness Defined
With approximately 2200 students arriving daily at BASH and moving in the hallways between every class, it is crucial for everyone
to be on time in order to maintain order and minimize disruptions. For these important reasons, all tardiness is closely monitored in
the high school program.
At BASH, there are two types of tardiness: one is late arrival to school from home, and the other is late arrival from one class to
another. Students arriving after 10:15 a.m. may not participate in extracurricular activities (including, but not limited to, music
events, interscholastic athletic events, and sports practices) unless a signed doctor’s excuse is presented upon his/her arrival to
Students are considered tardy to school if they do not arrive in homeroom by 7:40 AM. A pass must be obtained from the
Attendance Office in order to be admitted to class after 7:40 AM. Students will be given three warnings, and parents/guardians will
be notified after the third warning. On a student’s 4th through 10th tardy, one detention will be issued for each portion of a period
missed up to the 3rd period. A student arriving during the 4th period and beyond will receive one detention. Should a student be
tardy an 11th time and thereafter, additional consequences will be assigned unless a signed doctor’s note is provided.
Any absence of a student who is of compulsory school age for which a valid excuse is not provided to the school within the
specified time shall be construed as an unlawful absence. Students who are unlawfully absent are subject to a truancy citation. In
such instances, the provisions of notification of the parent/guardian provided in Section 1343 of the School Code shall be observed.
Following each of the first three (3) days of unlawful absence, the parent/guardian shall be notified in writing of the penalties for
violation of the Compulsory Attendance Laws. School officials shall initiate action against parents/guardians of students who have
accumulated in excess of three days of unlawful absence.
Guidelines for Excusing Students for Educational Trips
Upon receipt of a written request from the parent or guardian of the students involved, students of the BASD may be legally excused
from school attendance to accompany parents on a tour or trip during the school term at the expense of the family when such a tour
or trip is evaluated by the building principal as being of an educational value sufficient to merit an excused absence of three or more
days in duration.
A total of 10 days of such absence for trips of this nature is permitted. A request beyond ten days will require special consideration.
A brief statement by such parent or guardian, assessing the reasons why in his/her opinion, the trip has educational value, shall be
provided at the request of the principal. Upon return, students have three school days to make up assignments/ tests.
Being Excused During School
Consistent with the school code, students are expected to be in school throughout the entire school day unless there is a compelling
reason for absence. If at any time a student’s parent/guardian finds it necessary to have the student leave school before the end of
the day or to miss an entire day of school for a reason other than personal illness or death in the family, the student must bring to
the office a written request signed in ink by the parent/guardian, stating the time the student is to leave and the reason for his
leaving. Please do not use “personal” as a reason. Telephone requests to have a student dismissed from school cannot be honored
except for emergencies.
At the designated time for the student to leave school, he/she must turn in to the attendance office his/her written request and
also scan out via his/her school-issued photograph identification badge. Upon the student’s return to school, he/she again reports
to the attendance office and follows the same scanning procedures followed by obtaining a pass and reporting immediately to
his/her class. A student who becomes ill during the school day may not be excused from school unless permission is obtained from
the school nurse. Students will not be permitted to leave school for driver’s tests, haircut appointments, or other commitments that
can be scheduled on weekends or after the school day.
Procedure for Being Excused from School
Submit to the attendance office a written request, signed by the parent/guardian, stating the specific reason, not
personal, and the time the student is to be excused. The request should be submitted one day prior to the date of the
requested early dismissal.
After the request is approved, the teacher(s) from whose classes the student will be absent must then initial the request.
At the designated time for the student to leave school, he/she must return the note to the attendance office and scan out.
In the case of an emergency, should a parent or guardian wish a student to be excused from school and no note has been
sent in advance, the parent/guardian must come to the attendance office in person to request excusal and to sign the
student out of school. Parents, too, have the option of forwarding a fax to the attendance office.
If the student returns to school the same day, he/she again reports to the attendance office, presents the signed
physician’s note (if applicable), scans in, obtains a pass, and reports immediately to his/her class.
Once a student arrives at school, he/she may not leave school property without permission from an administrator.
Students may be excused during school hours to go to the doctor, but medical appointments should be made after
school whenever possible. A signed doctor’s excuse must be submitted to the attendance office verifying the
Students excused from school are responsible for making up all school work missed within one - three days upon return. If
a student misses one day, he or she is expected to turn in assignments and make up the missed work the next day. If a
student misses two days, he or she has two days to make up the work. For additional days, the student must complete the
missed work in three days. Extended excused absences will be given flexibility at the discretion of the grade level principal,
school counselor, and teacher to make up missed work.
*This procedure also applies when asking permission to observe a religious holiday.*
The dining room serves excellent low-cost meals to all students. Menus are issued by the dining room staff one month in advance
and are posted so that students may see them.
1. Students should clean up their eating areas and should return their own trays, trash, silverware, etc., to the proper
area before the last five minutes of the period.
2. Students may socialize and may move around; however, students should sit at the table, not on it. Students are not to sit
at the ends of tables because this causes congestion in the aisles.
3. Students should not throw food or objects or engage in horseplay. The noise level should be reasonable.
Students must report to the cafeteria during their assigned lunch period. If a student wishes to leave the cafeteria
(restroom, locker), they MUST sign out at the monitor table.
4. No food/drinks may be removed from the cafeteria. Eligible seniors and junior open campus students who choose to can
scan to go out for lunch may not enter the cafeteria upon their return. Career Technology Center (CTC) students may not
enter the cafeteria.
5. Students who damage cafeteria supplies, tables, or chairs will pay for the damage(s) and will lose cafeteria privileges.
6. Students should promptly return to class at the end of the lunch period.
When a student misbehaves, cafeteria monitors have the following options:
Warning; Assigned seat in the cafeteria; Student assigned to clean up assistance; File a discipline report; Assign ISS Lunch
Off-Campus Lunch Privilege
Students are not permitted to leave BASH during their designated lunch period without the approval of the school and a
parent/guardian. A form requesting permission to leave the school at lunchtime will be given to eligible eleventh-grade & twelfth-
grade students at the beginning of the school year. This is to be completed by the parent/guardian, returned to the homeroom
teacher, and kept on file in the high school office. If a student has permission to leave school, he/she will be issued a lunch pass,
which must be in his/her possession anytime he/she leaves school property during the lunch period. Students electing to leave
school at lunchtime must do so within the first 5 minutes of the lunch period and may not return until 5 minutes before the end of
the lunch period.
Students must use the Main/Administrative entrance to leave BASH for off-campus lunch. They must show their lunch pass to the
staff member on duty in order to leave the school. They will not be permitted to leave the school without this item. When returning
from lunch, students must enter the building at the Main/Administrative entrance and go directly to class. Students going to lunch
may not use any other exits/entrances. Students may not drive or ride in anyone’s vehicle or utilize any other form of
transportation during lunch. Students who wish to go into a private residence (family only) during off-campus lunch MUST have
permission from their grade level principal. Students who go off campus are held to the same expectations for their behavior as they
would be while seated in the cafeteria. Any student who has police contact during off-campus lunch will also receive BASH
consequences. Off-campus lunch privilege may be revoked at the discretion of the administration. During early dismissal or special
schedule days, students are not permitted to utilize this privilege.
Ninth, tenth, and eleventh-grade non-open campus students are not permitted to leave school property during the lunch period or
to be in any off-limits area during the lunch period. Violation will result in detention or suspension.
Senior students may have their lunch privileges revoked if they are found with a freshman, sophomore, or junior who has left the
school building for lunch. Any student trespassing on private property within a three-block perimeter of the senior high school
property between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. may be subject to a fine for Defiant Trespass without additional prior notice.
Differentiated Discipline Policy Item 218 Student Discipline
It is the goal of BASH to foster good work habits and promote self-discipline. In order to do so, the administration will respond to
inappropriate student behaviors through one or more of the following: denial of any privileges, school service, guided study hall,
evening detention, PM detention, community service, restricted lunch, in-school suspension, out of school suspension, expulsion, or
placement of the student in an alternative educational setting.
In certain cases, notification of the local police department may also be warranted. When consequences are issued, the
administration will consider a student’s intent, cooperation, past behavior, and honesty. Students who are dishonest will receive
more severe consequences than students who are cooperative and honest. In addition, students who repeatedly violate the same
rule(s) will receive more severe consequences.
Other examples of behavior that could warrant discipline are abusive language, being in an unauthorized area, disruptive behavior,
repeatedly being unprepared for class, leaving an area without permission, and loitering in the building. The following are examples
of behaviors that may result in 1 10 days of suspension: Habitually cutting class(es), possessing any type of weapon on school
property or while on school-sponsored activities, possessing, using, and/or under the influence of alcoholic beverages on school
property or while on school-sponsored activities, possessing, using and/or under the influence of mood-altering substances or illegal
chemical substances (or substances represented as mood-altering or illegal chemical substances) on school property or
while on school-sponsored activities, selling or distributing alcoholic beverages, mood-altering substances, or illegal chemical
substances (or substances represented as alcoholic beverages or illegal chemical substances) on school property or while on school-
sponsored activities.
These lists are not meant to be comprehensive. The administration reserves the right to issue student discipline, withhold activities,
and/or suspend students that commit any inappropriate act while under school jurisdiction. This may include but is not limited to,
dances, school trips, and any other school-related functions. This model is designed to become progressively more severe and to
attempt to find a successful consequence. For this reason, students are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and learn
from their mistakes as they develop into productive citizens.
Detention and Evening Detention
Detention is offered Monday Friday after school (2:45 3:30 in ISS Room). PM Career Tech Center students must serve detention
on Mondays or Thursdays and must report to detention within five minutes after the bus has returned to the high school and
remain for 45 minutes. Students are required to serve all detentions assigned and report with academic work to study/read. Failure
to serve assigned detentions will result in either lunch detentions or three-hour evening detention (3:30-6:30) for each assigned
detention not served. Students with an early dismissal pass must report to the 9th-period originally assigned study hall. Evening
detention is held in the in-school suspension room from 3:30-6:30 on Monday & Thursday evenings. Students are expected to
report with 3 hours of academic work. One day ISS or one Saturday Community Service and the evening detention will be
rescheduled for each evening detention not served by the assigned date. Three days of ISS will be assigned for not serving any
rescheduled evening detention in addition to maintaining the assigned three-hour detention.
Extra-curricular Activities Exclusion
Depending on the severity of the offense(s), a student may be denied permission to participate in extracurricular activities. This
includes but is not limited to dances, trips, or any school-related functions.
In-School Suspension (ISS)
A student assigned to in-school suspension will be notified as to the time, place, and number of days he/she is to report. Daily
assignments that have been furnished by the classroom teachers will be given to the suspended student for completion before
he/she is readmitted to classes. Talking, sleeping, and cell phones are not permitted in the suspension room. Students assigned
to ISS may not participate in any school event during the period of their suspension.
During the period of in-school suspension, the student will not be excused to participate in co-op, Career Tech, early dismissal,
music, or athletic programs. The in-school suspension will begin immediately upon arrival at school and continue until the end of
the school day. In certain cases, special assignments may be required in place of in-school suspension. This option is provided at the
discretion of the principal or grade-level principal. Students who fail to cooperate in ISS may be assigned additional consequences.
Loss of Privileges
In accordance with our Differentiated Discipline Policy, it is the goal of BASH to foster good work habits and promote self-discipline,
which leads to privileges. At times, students make choices that are not always in the best interest of themselves or others. As a
result, students are assigned consequences for those poor choices. Consequences may include the loss of privileges/activities.
Some privileges are lost due to violating the conditions of the privilege. The privileges afforded to our students include (but are not
limited to) the following:
Lunch pass, open campus, parking, & early dismissal
Additional privileges are lost due to the severity of repeated offenses. A student may be denied additional privileges for 20
consecutive school days if any of the following circumstances are reached:
A second citation; Three separate suspensions; For the third time, neglects to fulfill his/her assigned consequence;
Four separately assigned evening detentions
These additional privileges include (but are not limited to):
School-sponsored class trips; Formal/semi-formal dances/prom
If a student receives no further disciplinary office referrals resulting in the assignment of a consequence during the twenty days of
denied privilege(s), he/she may resume the privilege(s). If a student has a subsequent suspension, evening (3-hour) detention
assignment, citation, or fails to fulfill an assigned consequence, he/she may lose one or all of the aforementioned privileges for
the remainder of the school year or a defined period of time, as per the Differentiated Discipline System. In most cases, any fees
paid for activities cannot be refunded.
Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
Students may be assigned out-of-school suspension for more severe infractions. Students with OSS will be considered to be
trespassing if they return to school during the suspension period.
Restricted Lunch
Students who abuse their cafeteria privilege will have that privilege removed. Students assigned to restricted lunch will receive a
BEAR bag or pack their own lunch from home. Poor behavior exhibited by any student could result in that student being assigned,
for a period of time to be determined by the grade level principal, to isolated lunch. They will report to the ISS room during their
regularly assigned lunch period. While in restricted lunch, students will eat their lunch in silence and will remain for the entire
period. Restricted lunch may also be assigned as a consequence until after-school detentions are served.
School Bus Code of Conduct
1. Follow the driver’s direction - the first time
2. Stay properly seated
3. No swearing or loud talking
4. No fighting, pushing, shoving, or teasing
5. Keep your bus clean, do not damage the bus, and do not eat, drink, or smoke.
6. No hot beverages on the busses.
7. All school rules apply.
8. The bus driver will not discharge at places other than the authorized school bus stop.
9. The written permission of the principal and parent/guardian is mandatory to exchange bus stops in an emergency.
Student Behavior - ACT 167
Students who break school rules should be advised that if the behavior is also a violation of civil or criminal law, the matter might be
referred to local law enforcement agencies. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Possession of a weapon, disorderly conduct, controlled substance, or assault.
Law Enforcement Agencies
Whenever necessary to protect the rights of all students and school employees, BASH will involve the appropriate law enforcement
agencies. Therefore, students who threaten, disrupt, assault, harass, fight, or do any act to harm the educational climate of the
school and violate the law are subject to charges. The criminal charges may include terrorist threats, disorderly conduct, simple or
aggravated assault, harassing/stalking, institutional vandalism, criminal mischief, criminal or defiant trespassing, indecent exposure,
or purchase, consumption, possession, or transportation of liquor, malt, or brewed beverages.
BASH Discipline Appeals
If, at any time, a student feels he/she has been unfairly treated with respect to the application of disciplinary action, he/she may
next appeal to the administration for another hearing. The right of appeal shall continue through BASH administration to the
Assistant Superintendent.
General Information
Career Portfolio (Graduation Requirement)
The graduation requirement will be a career portfolio for the students at BASH. Students will utilize Smartfutures, a web-based
program designed to provide meaningful career-oriented experiences. The portfolio process will provide every student with
maximum opportunities to research careers and come to an educated, informed decision as to what next steps need to be taken to
ensure success beyond high school. The homeroom teacher will meet with the students throughout the year to assess progress
toward the completion of yearly goals. Incomplete portfolios will result in a loss of privileges the following school year and a failing
homeroom grade. For information, please use the following link to the BASH website:
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Cellular telephones and electronic devices may be used responsibly in the common areas of the building at any time. In the
classroom and Study Hall, students must receive direct permission from the teacher/monitor. Students not following
teacher/monitor directions will be subject to device confiscation. Confiscated devices will be returned to the student at the end
of the day with a warning after the first offense. Subsequent offenses will require a parent/guardian to pick up the device and
may warrant additional school consequences.
Change of Address
It is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY that any change of address by a student be reported to the school counseling office immediately,
along with acceptable proof. The student must include the following items when reporting such a change: name, old address, new
address, and new telephone number, the date on which he/she moved, and the name of the nearest neighbor if known.
Cutting Class
When a student cuts a class or other assignment, a zero grade will be recorded for any assignment, and appropriate disciplinary
action will be taken in accordance with the established differentiated discipline. If a student habitually cuts the same class, credit
toward graduation may be denied.
Damaged Clothing / Property
Any student whose inappropriate behavior causes damage to another person’s clothing or property shall be liable for the cost
of that clothing or property.
School dances are a privilege. That privilege may be revoked at the discretion of the BASH administration. Guests must be in at least
9th grade and under the age of 21 at the time of the event. Guest passes must be submitted by the established due date and
approved by the administration. Guest passes may be revoked at any time based on newly provided information with no refunds.
All student obligations must be cleared in order to purchase tickets for dances, including the prom.
Students with identified disabilities of high school age that, through due process or by agreement between the parties, receive their
required educational program in a setting intended for students with identified disabilities, other than a full school day vocational
educational program, are permitted to attend dances, proms, and other social functions at the high school. In the event a student’s
individual education program (IEP) addresses the issue of attendance at these functions, the IEP will be followed.
Students who withdraw from school will be prohibited from attending school dances, including the prom. Students must be in
attendance on the day of the dance in order to attend. Students who must leave school early for other reasons may not attend the
School Dance Regulation
Dances are only for BASH students and their approved guests. Guests may have to present themselves in person in order
to gain approval during regular business hours prior to the day of the event. The guest will be approved or disapproved by
a BASH principal only if a completed guest pass, completed and approved by the guest’s school administration, is
presented to the BASH administration prior to the announced deadline. If approval is granted for a guest, the principal will
forward the guest pass to the advisor/chaperone prior to the date of the dance. All school rules, including those pertaining
to behavior, dress, and smoking/drinking, will be in effect and are applicable to everyone attending a school dance. The
advisor/chaperone will not permit individuals to enter the dance if their dress does not comply with school regulations.
Example: Torn/cut-off clothing, hats, etc. BASH students must have their current student I.D. card with them to be
admitted. Students are not permitted to leave the dance and then return. Individuals leaving a dance early must scan out
at the door and immediately leave school property. Scan-out sheets include the time of departure and will be kept on file.
Students may not be admitted to a dance after the first hour. Students are reminded that laws covering junior driver’s
licenses are in effect and must be observed. Individuals not attending the dance will not be permitted to loiter on school
Food in Classrooms
It is recognized that there are students in our school that have food allergies which can cause serious medical emergencies. For the
safety of all students, food items are prohibited in classrooms. The exception is food related to a specific curricular/instructional
topic that has been approved by the school nurse and building administrator.
Foreign Exchange Programs
Since 1962-63, we have been fortunate to have many foreign exchange students attend BASH for varying periods of time. Also,
several of our students have had the opportunity to visit foreign countries through foreign exchange programs. Some visited and
attended school, while others visited only during the summer. Interested students are to contact their school counselor. Please
note that the number of accepted foreign exchange students in any given school year is at the discretion of the building principal.
Hallway Conduct
Students are reminded that, because of the size of our student body, poor hall conduct affects safety. Students should move
through the halls in an orderly fashion, staying to the right. Students may not loiter in the halls. Sitting in the halls is a safety hazard
and is not permitted. Unbecoming behavior, such as obvious displays of affection, should not occur. It is the expectation that ALL
BASH students follow our BEAR Essentials of RESPECT. RESPONSIBILITY, and SAFETY.
Hall Passes
If it becomes necessary for a student to leave a homeroom or classroom during the scheduled time for that activity, the student
must first obtain a pass from the teacher. If a student is issued a pass to go to the lavatory, locker, or other location, he/she must
sign out before leaving the room and sign in upon returning to the room. Upon request, the pass must be presented to any
teacher/staff or administrator. Violation of this regulation will result in the assignment of detention. Students using a lavatory pass
must use the lavatory closest to the classroom from which the pass was issued.
Home School Communications
In order for each student to gain the maximum benefit from this educational year, we believe that the school and the home must
work together as a team. Each member of that team has the same goal-the best education for each student. It follows, then, that
there must be a concerted effort on the part of both team members to keep the necessary lines of communication open.
Excusal from Physical Education Classes
Students who are asking to be excused from a fitness class for medical reasons must bring a note from their parent/guardian stating
the reason for the exclusion. The note should be submitted directly to the teacher/fitness instructor. In cases involving excusal for
more than one fitness period,* students must provide a written note from a healthcare provider. The excuse must include the
reason, the level of activity permitted, and the length of the exclusion. The school nurse will provide a copy of the excuse to the
fitness instructor, and the original gym excuse will be kept on file in the student’s individual health record. Normal activity cannot
be resumed without a healthcare provider’s written order. If an injury has occurred and no physician’s note is received, the most
conservative activity level will be implemented for the health and safety of the student, pending a written note from a healthcare
*Even though excused from participation, the student may be required to attend the fitness class.*
The elevator is available to students who are unable to climb stairs due to a medical injury or illness. In such situations, the
following procedures are to be followed:
1. A note from the doctor indicating the length of time the elevator will be required.
2. A $6.00 deposit will be refunded when an elevator key is returned.
3. Students should report to the nurse with the doctor’s note and $6.00 to obtain an elevator key. The student’s teachers
will be contacted to notify them that the student may leave class 3 minutes early or arrive late. Students using the
elevator without permission will receive consequences.
Please note: A student that helps a physically disabled student DOES NOT have permission to leave class early or use the elevator.
The helper may still carry the books for the student in need but should leave class when the bell rings and walk to the next class.
Flex, Intervention, Enrichment
All students will have time built into their schedule for academic support/enrichment. Any student having difficulty grasping
concepts in class or consistently showing an inability to complete homework in a timely manner will be assigned to one of three
intervention centers. Students will be notified of the referral, the purpose of the intervention, and the assigned time frame.
Students may be referred for disciplinary action for refusal to comply with assigned interventions.
Flex - A 25-minute period designed to provide students with an opportunity for remediation, enrichment, or a quiet study
hall. Students can select from several enrichment opportunities or elect a quiet study hall. Flex is also a multi-tiered
level of support for struggling learners. Based on data and teacher recommendations, some students will be required to
participate in remedial instruction to continue to support their learning and growth.
OC - Open Campus. Students who have grades C- or higher and appropriate citizenship
SH - Study Hall. Students who have a Final grade from the year before (or the previous quarter in that school year) of D+ or
lower or failed HR. Students may also request SH placement. Students may be placed in SH as a consequence of causing
issues during the OC period.
HIC - Homework Intervention Center. Students who consistently struggle with work completion do not work well independently
and need close monitoring.
Lost and Found
All articles that are found, including books, should be brought to the main office or given to a classroom teacher. Books will be
returned to the department leader of the department involved, and students losing books should check with that person. All other
articles that are found will be kept in the main office. Students should report all losses to the office so that if found, they can be
A hall locker will be provided for each student at BASH. The hall lockers will have either keys or built-in combination locks. Students
are not permitted to share lockers. If a student loses his/her key, a photo identification card must be shown, and $5.00 paid for a
replacement. Students are responsible for the contents of their lockers. They may not display stickers, obscene pictures, or items
related to drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. The school can assume no responsibility for lost or stolen articles. School lockers are
considered part of school property and, therefore, subject to inspection by school officials. School officials may search a student’s
locker and seize any illegal materials. Such materials may be used as evidence against the student in disciplinary proceedings. If
school authorities have a reasonable suspicion that the locker contains materials that pose a threat to the health, welfare, and
safety of students in the school or school environment, a student’s locker may be searched without prior warning. ALL LOCKERS ARE
Medication for Field Trips and/or Extra-Curricular Activities
Medication taken by a student during a field trip or an extracurricular activity will only be permitted when: failure to take such
medication would jeopardize the health of the student and/or the student would not be able to participate in the field trip or
extracurricular activity if the medication was not made available.
If your child requires medication on a field trip:
Indicate the need for medications on the Field Trip Permission Form or contact the school nurse. On the form, provide
a parent/guardian signature, a list of Emergency contacts, a list of medical concerns, and a list of medications that are
necessary during the length of the trip.
If your child needs a particular medication that is NOT already on file in the health suite, then a Medication Authorization Form
MUST be completed and submitted prior to the field trip (refer to the above Medication Administration Procedures). The
Medication Authorization form, which needs to be signed by the parent/guardian AND the prescribing physician, can be obtained
from all health rooms or downloaded here.
A copy of the Authorization for School Medication Administration Form will be
completed and kept in the health suite.
Students may carry and self-administer medication(s) with proper authorization from the parent/guardian, healthcare provider, and
Certified School Nurse in compliance with the BASD medication policy. The physician and parent will indicate on the form the
student is responsible and able to self-administer the medication. The District bears no responsibility for ensuring the medication is
taken. It is a BASD policy violation for a student to be in possession of any substance used for medicinal purposes without the proper
medication authorization on file in the health suite for the current school year.
Military Recruiters / Directory Information
Section 9528 of the No Child Left Behind Act, also known as the Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Students and Student Recruiting
Information, requires schools to provide directory information to military recruiters and other institutes of higher education. Under
FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act), parents are given the option to opt out of the release of directory information. It is
the parent's responsibility to annually notify the school of their desire to exclude their child from this directory information.
Boyertown Area High School has designated the following information as directory information: ·Student’s Name; Participation in
officially recognized activities/sports; Address, telephone listing, grade level; Weight & height of members of athletic teams;
Electronic mail address; Photograph; Degrees, honors, and awards received; Date and place of birth; Major field of study; Dates of
attendance; Grade level; The most recent educational agency or institution attended.
Open Campus - Scanning
Open Campus is a privilege offered to BASH students. Open Campus is held in the cafeteria during periods 1 3 and 8 9 and will be
in the freshman auditorium during periods 4 7.
Students must scan in for Open Campus. Students may scan out to one allowable destination and remain there.
Individual eligible students must personally scan out using the QR code.
Students may go to the library or teacher's classroom with prior permission only if the teacher will remain in the room
for the period. The cafeteria is not an option during lunch periods.
If any student abuses open campus privileges, the student will be subject to discipline including, but not limited to, loss of
privileges, assignment to study hall and detention.
Students wishing to go to the school store must scan out using the QR code.
Physical Examinations
In accordance with the Pennsylvania School Act, all students in 11th grade and students with incomplete health records are required
to have a physical examination. This mandate can be completed privately or free of charge by a physician at school. If completed by
a private physician, the cost is the responsibility of the parent. It can be completed within one year prior to the start of the school
year the exam is required, and a Private Physical Examination form must be completed by the family physician and brought to the
health room or a parent/guardian note which states: the date the examination was completed and the name of the healthcare
provider. With written consent, parents/guardians may choose to have their child examined by the school physician. Pennsylvania
State Physical Examination forms can be found in any health room or printed from the school website at
Prohibited Items
The following items are not permitted on school property: gambling devices, water pistols, laser devices, weapons of any nature,
roller blades/skateboards, and like items. This is not a comprehensive list. These are not permitted from 7:40 a.m. - 2:48 p.m.
without prior permission from the school principal.
Restricted Areas
Students are not permitted to leave the school building during the school day except for the following reasons:
“Off-campus” lunch privilege
Accompany a teacher for class
Leave for an approved appointment
Go to Career Tech school with a driving pass
Leave with the permission of the principal/school nurse
Locker rooms are off-limits to all students except when a student is scheduled for a gym class or school activity or has written
permission from a faculty member to be in a locker room. Certain areas of the three-story building are also off-limits unless a staff
member accompanies the student. In addition, students are not permitted to be in any of the parking areas during the school day
except for arriving and leaving school or with an administrative pass. No loitering is permitted in the parking areas.
Scheduled Early Dismissal Policy
Early dismissal is available to students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 who are assigned to open campus. Students who are assigned to
study hall during 9th period may also seek permission to leave early. An application for early dismissal must be completed by the
parent/guardian in the school, or the signature of the parent must be notarized. No schedule changes will be approved to allow for
early dismissal time. The student is not to loiter in or around the school or community. The school will not be responsible for the
student after he/she is dismissed. Students are issued early dismissal cards that must be shown upon demand to school authorities.
detention must report to his/her originally assigned study hall 9th period. Violations of the above-stated rules will result in the loss
of this privilege. The school also reserves the right to withhold or revoke early dismissal passes from any student failing any classes.
In theory, students with grades below a “D” or with incomplete work in any school subject should be in study hall or tutoring for
remediation of any unsatisfactory, incomplete, or failing work. Once passing work is attained in all subject areas, early dismissal
privileges may be reinstated.
School Store
The school store is open in the morning before homeroom from 7:30-7:40 as well as at other times throughout the day. The store
sells a variety of school-related needs. The school store is not a valid reason for being late to homeroom or class. Please plan
accordingly. Only those students in open campus or at lunch are allowed to sign out to the school store.
Students are hereby informed that their hall lockers, gym lockers, band instrument storage cases, book bags, cars located on school
property, and other “publicly” accessible locations are subject to search by school officials at any time and without additional prior
Student Identification Cards
Student identification cards should be worn or carried at all times during the school day and when attending any school-sponsored
activity. The identification card must be visible/presented to any teacher, administrator, or staff member upon request.
Student Parking Policy Item 223 Bicycles and Motor Vehicles
Students who hold a valid driver’s license shall be permitted to drive to and from school, provided school regulations are obeyed. In
the event of inclement weather, students are urged to take the transportation offered to them by the school district. Parking spaces,
offered exclusively to 11th and 12th graders on school property, are limited in number. They are issued on a first come, first served
basis, starting with seniors. As a result, students who want to drive to school and park on school property must obtain a parking
permit tag by completing the appropriate application form and returning it as soon as possible to security. There will be a fee for the
parking permit tag, which is determined at the beginning of the school year. Parking permits are non-transferable as well as non-
refundable. All vehicles must be family owned and registered with the school, even those used on a temporary basis. The school
resource officer will assign permits up to the number of spaces available for student use. When students receive a permit, they will
park in their assigned space. Parking permits must be displayed by hanging the tag face out on the rear-view mirror. Students may
not park in spaces designated for faculty, visitors, or handicapped. Handicapped spaces will be available for students with a valid
BASH permit and approved documentation due to medical problems; please contact the school resource officer for more
information. Students should only use the Montgomery Avenue entrance to access the BASH student parking lots. Students are not
permitted to drive through the faculty parking lots via Madison Street at any time or the bus loop. The use of sound amplification
devices which create a disturbance will not be permitted.
Students who repeatedly violate noise rules will be subject to loss of privileges. Driving to BASH is a privilege, not a right. Failure to
abide by these rules may result in a parking citation as well as loss of parking privileges for up to 45 days or longer for repeat
offenses. A parking violation is $15.00. Students, who receive two citations or do not pay parking fines within ten school days, will
have their parking privileges revoked for up to 45 days or longer for repeat offenses. Career Tech Center parking permits are not
valid at BASH. Cars improperly parked, in a faculty space, or without a properly displayed permit will be issued a citation and towed
at the owner’s expense. The Boyertown School District and local police strictly enforce these parking regulations.
Study Hall
Study halls give students the opportunity to complete assignments and/or to prepare themselves for upcoming classes. This is most
effectively done in a quiet environment; therefore, study halls will not be a time for socializing. Rather, a study hall is to be quiet.
Students are assigned to study hall for one or more of the following reasons: any course grade below 70%, incomplete career
portfolio by a given timeline, any obligation not fulfilled by a given timeline, or by request of a student. Records are reviewed for
each student at the end of each marking period. Students are placed in study halls for a full marking period. Study halls are to enable
students to complete class work and homework and to study in an environment conducive to learning by:
Students may bring water; however, food is not allowed
Cell phones must be off and out of sight
Students are not allowed to sign out to the school store
Summer School
According to school policy, only recommended students may register for failed courses at summer school. Such recommendations
are based on classroom performance and school attendance and are made after teacher and administrator review. If a student is
ineligible for summer school, he/she will not be allowed credit for that course from another summer school program.
True Emergencies, Emergency Drills & Fire Drills
Intruder or RunHideFight Drills and Fire Drills are very important practices in any school.
The signal for an Intruder Alert will be a PA announcement with the location of the intruder with staff then deciding how to move
forward. In the case of an Intruder Alert Drill, a follow-up announcement will be made giving notice of it being a drill. During a drill,
all students shall conduct themselves in the same manner as they would during a true emergency by listening and following all
staff instructions.
The signal for a fire drill is identical to that for a fire emergencythe continuous ringing of the fire alarm in the corridors. Fire
alarms should never be ignored, whether they sound during the regular school day, in the evenings, or on weekends. All must
evacuate the building BUT shall do so only after checking the corridor for possible intruders or other safety concerns.
General instructions to facilitate the evacuation of the building are as follows:
1. Students will leave in an orderly fashion.
2. The students that are seated nearest to the windows shall close all windows prior to exiting the room.
3. In case any exit is blocked, please go directly to the nearest exit.
4. As the students leave the room, all talking must cease. Exit quickly & quietly.
5. The first students to approach an exit will hold the doors open.
6. The teacher or staff is the last person to leave the classroom, closing the door behind them.
7. In the event that a non-ambulatory student is in the classroom, that student shall shelter in the nearest tower with their
teacher or another evacuating staff member.
8. Teachers or staff should take an accurate roll call outside the building and report anyone not accounted for to the
principal per the Emergency Response binder.
Students will return to the building in an orderly fashion when instructed to do so.
Withdrawing From School
Students planning to withdraw from school or who are moving to another school district should adhere to the following two guidelines:
1. Arrangements for withdrawal from school should be made with the school counselor secretary at least two days in advance
of the student’s last day of attendance.
2. Students that withdraw from school and are beyond the age for compulsory school attendance may return only at the
start of the school year only if their education has been interrupted for a significant period of time. An accumulation of
more than 20 days of absence during the school year is considered a significant period of time.
Working Papers
All students between the ages of 14 and 17 are required by Pennsylvania School Law to secure an Employment certificate, known as
“working papers,” before they may begin to work. Students, who have reached 18 by state law, do not need working papers.
Exceptions to this regulation are 17-year-olds who have graduated or have officially withdrawn from school.
Working Papers may be obtained from the Boyertown Senior High School, 120 North Monroe Street. Monday through Friday
between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except on holidays.
Steps to follow:
Request for Working Papers must be made by the parent or legal guardian. Minors cannot make the request on his/her
own behalf. It is not necessary for the minor to be with the parent when the request is made.
Application for Employment Certificate is issued to the parent or legal guardian who must sign the application in the
presence of the issuing officer. If the parent or legal guardian cannot sign for the working papers in front of the
issuing officer, they must agree to take the paperwork to a Notary and sign it in front of them. No facsimiles accepted.
Verification of age must be supplied by the use of birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport or driver’s license. Upon
issuing Working Papers a second time to the student, no evidence of age is required.
The Employment Certificate must be taken by the minor, parent or legal guardian to the employer who must
complete Section C as explained on the certificate.
State law requires that before issuance of the first Employment Certificate the student must have a physical examination
and have Section D signed by the examining physician. If there is a hardship which prevents a student from getting a
physical, a form is available to fill out and receive permission to get a physical through the school district Physician for
The completed application must be returned to the Working Papers office at the Education Center. Signatures of
the Employer and Doctor must be legible to read. If not, print the name so it can be read.
The issuing officer will process the completed Employment application for the ages of 14 and 15 and forward a certificate to the
employer. Students ages 16 and 17 will receive a Blue Transferable card which they have to sign in front of the issuing office. The
Blue card will be their working papers for any job/s until they reach the age of 18 or graduate. After that, under state law, they no
longer need working papers. When the application is completed and returned, students are then able to begin work.
Letter Grade and Quality Points
*A teacher may designate a student’s superior performance using A+ (= 4.0)
Class Rank
Official class rank is calculated at the end of each school year. The final grade in each subject is used to determine the total quality
points and total credits accumulated by each student. After a student’s grade point average (GPA) is calculated, the student will be
ranked with students in the same class. Accumulated GPA is the average a student has achieved during his/her tenure in grades 9-
Course Assessments - Midterms and EOCAs (final exams)
Midterms and EOCAs are administered as part of the BASD assessment plan to measure what we want students to know and be able
to do at the middle and end of each course. Midterms will be administered in January, near the semester break, during their
regularly scheduled classes. Midterms will count as 10% of the overall course grade, including Algebra I, Biology, and ELA 10. EOCAs
will be administered in math, English, world language, social studies, and science during the last week of school, following a specially
designed schedule. EOCAs for the related studies will be administered during regular class periods. EOCAs will account for 10% of the
overall course grade with the exception of Algebra I, Biology, and ELA 10, where the Keystone will serve as the student’s final exam.
Educational trips will NOT be approved during EOCAs. Students who opt out of Keystone exams are required to take the final exam
in Algebra I, Biology, and ELA 10 during Keystone testing days.
Honor Roll
Students must meet minimum competency in all courses taken during a quarter to be eligible for honor roll consideration.
The minimum quarterly GPA for the honor roll will be 3.000.
The minimum quarterly GPA for the high honor roll will be 3.667.
Quality points awarded for letter grades (including plus and minus) will be used in calculating quarterly GPA to determine the honor
roll. A grade of D, F, or incomplete disqualifies a student from the honor roll.
Weighted Grades for Honors, Concurrent Enrollment, and Advanced Placement Courses
.2 will be added to the cumulative grade point average (GPA) of a student for each full-year advanced placement (AP)
course(s) in which the student has achieved at least a grade of C and based on the weight of the courses’ credit.
.1 will be added to the cumulative grade point average (GPA) of a student for each full-year honors course and/or
concurrent enrollment (CE) course in which the student has achieved at least a grade of B- and based on the weight of the
courses’ credit.
*Beginning with the class of 2025, the class ranking will be determined in a decile system.*
Library Services
Hours: * Monday Thursday: 7:15 AM 4:00 PM * Friday: 7:15 AM 3:00 PM
Circulation of Library Materials
Most books and periodicals circulate for two weeks. Borrowed materials may be returned to the circulation desk or
placed in a book-drop slot located in the hallway near the library doors. Fines are charged for late items ten cents per
day on regular library materials and fifty cents per day on overnight items. Students that have lost or damaged books
will be charged for a replacement. Students are expected to pay fines promptly.
Library Policies/Services
Students that wish to use the Library during an Open Campus period should go directly to the Library to have their current
ID scanned.
Students wishing to use the library during their lunch period must have a teacher-signed pass. Students must be working
on a teacher-assigned project during their time in the library.
Internet: The District’s Acceptable Use Policy is in effect. Students who are creating documents or searching the internet
must have a purpose that is based on a teacher assignment or a graduation requirement.
InterLibrary Loan: The High School Library is a member of ACCESS PA. Materials can be requested from other schools and
universities across the state.
Using the library during open campus:
o Students must be working productively, completing homework, studying, collaboratively and productively
working/studying in quiet voices, and/or utilizing library resources.
o Students who are not working productively completing homework, studying, collaboratively, and productively
working/studying in quiet voices will be asked to return to their previous location by library staff.
Musical Organizations
Choral Groups
CONCERT CHOIR, whose members are selected by audition only, is open to students in all curricula who can meet the requirements.
The concert choir meets as a separate unit three times a cycle. This group is called upon to perform throughout the year, and
attendance is required at all engagements.
SHOW CHOIR members are selected by audition only. This group is called upon for performance and competitions throughout the
year. This group also rehearses one evening per week throughout the school year.
CHAMBER CHOIR is a separate small group selected by audition. Rehearsals are after school. The choir performs throughout the
school year.
Instrumental Music
The CONCERT BAND and ORCHESTRA meet six periods per week throughout the school term. The band and orchestra perform in
concert for school district events and for the public throughout the school year.
The MARCHING BAND and BAND FRONT meet three days per week after school during the fall football season and during the
months that offer performance opportunities. The unit performs at football games, band competitions, and parades throughout the
school year.
The JAZZ ENSEMBLE rehearses two times per week throughout the school term. The ensemble performs in concert for school
district events and for the public throughout the school year. The rehearsals are after school.
The SELECT STRING ENSEMBLE rehearses once a week throughout the school term. The ensemble performs in concerts for school
district events and for the public throughout the school year. The rehearsals are held after school.
Physical Education
Physical Education Lockers
It is highly recommended that locks be placed on lockers. Lockers are provided only for class use; students must provide their own
locks. This procedure will help protect a student’s personal belongings while he/she is in class. The school will not be responsible
for valuables or money left in gym lockers, whether locked or NOT. Such items should be given to the physical education teacher
If the medical excuse is assigned for a period of time extending beyond two weeks, it is recommended that the student have his/her
physician complete the Adapted/Adaptive Physical Education Form. This form should be returned to the health suite. (Fax 610-369-
7350). Please note that in order for option one to be chosen on the parent/guardian letter, this form needs to be completed and on
file in the health suite. If a student is excused for a shorter period of time, he/she may select from two options for their participation
grade. In order to select one of these options, the student must return the parent/guardian letter to his/her instructor: Peer
Assessment (option one); Article Reflection (option two). Students must complete the provided work to meet the standards of the
rubric provided for each assignment. Each assignment must be turned in to the physical education teacher at the end of the period
being excused. Failure to follow the directions and the rubric may result in a loss of points for that particular day.
The nature of some activities in physical education requires strict adherence to all rules. Any student disregarding rules
concerning safety will be subject to consequences. Students are encouraged to make up classes that are considered to be excused
as per the school attendance policy. The wearing of jewelry is a safety hazard for those wearing it and for those who may come in
contact with those wearing such items; therefore, all jewelry will be removed for a physical education class. New piercing(s) may
be covered with tape. The tape will not be provided. To ensure safety, proper attire for students will consist of gym shorts, a t-
shirt with sleeves, athletic socks, and sneakers with laces tied.
Promotion Policy
In order to be eligible to graduate within 4 years (9-10-11-12) at BASH, it is required that you carry and pass the following minimum
number of credits in each grade to be successfully promoted. By the end of:
9th Grade - 6 credits in a planned course sequence including English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Physical
education outlined in the Program of Academic Studies.
10th Grade - 12 total accumulated credits in planned courses outlined in the Program of Academic Studies.
11th Grade - 17 total accumulated credits in planned courses outlined in the Program of Academic Studies; and
12th Grade - 24 total accumulated credits in planned courses outlined in the Program of Academic Studies to meet ALL
the graduation requirements. A student is eligible for graduation at the end of his/her twelfth-grade school year when all
graduation requirements are fully completed.
If a student fails to accumulate 24 credits, complete his/her career portfolio or BCTC senior project graduation requirement, and
other requirements set forth by the state of Pennsylvania by the end of the twelfth-grade school year, he/she will not receive a
diploma. If a student fails to meet the recommended credits necessary for promotion, he/she will be retained in the grade-level
homeroom based on credits earned.
According to school policy, only recommended students may remediate failed courses at summer school. Such recommendations
are based on classroom performance and school attendance and are made after teacher and administrator reviews.
Commencement Ceremony
Commencement practice is held the morning before or the morning of the commencement ceremony. Student attendance at the
practice is MANDATORY. Students will NOT be permitted to participate in the commencement ceremony if they are not in
attendance at the practice. The commencement ceremony is a time to celebrate years of hard work in a respectful and dignified
manner. Proper decorum relative to behavior and attire is expected. A dress or skirt and top, dress pants, shirt, and tie are
required. Sneakers, shorts, or jeans are unacceptable. In addition to the traditional cap and gown that must be worn by all
graduates, only
certain regalia are acceptable for adornment during the ceremony. The National Honor Society Sash, FBLA Sash, Green Cord Service
Award, and Active Military are permitted. Any organization wishing to display their specific sash/cords at graduation must go
through a process and submit an application to the BASH principal no later than November 1st. All student credit requirements
must be met, and all obligations must be cleared in order to be eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony.
Accent, a literary-art magazine, provides a showcase for the finest creative writing and art talents of BASH students. Accent features
original stories, poems, plays, essays, and artwork. The publication is financed by student subscriptions. Manuscripts are solicited
from the entire student body. Staff members are expected to devote their time generously to the various duties essential to
The Bear
The Bear, BASH’s yearbook, is a student-run publication that portrays all facets of school life. While it features the seniors in its
picture section, it is a yearly record of the activities for the entire school. Its coverage includes the classroom, the school social
scene, the co-curricular program, and the athletic program. The book is planned, written, compiled, and edited by the students. An
annual promotion campaign is held by The Bear, where all students are encouraged to order a yearbook. Extra copies are generally
not available at the close of the school year.
The Cub
The Cub, the BASH student newspaper, is published regularly during the school year. Produced wholly by student effort, it strives to
report and comment upon all the school, community, and world news of concern to the school community. An advertising
campaign and subscription drive are held each September. The staff includes editors, reporters, photographers, artists, and typists.
School Counseling Services
The school counselors endeavor to assist all students in their educational and vocational planning through individual and group
conferences with students, parents, and faculty members. The assistance of outside agencies may be requested as needed. Any
student wishing to make an appointment for a conference with a school counselor may do so by contacting the school counseling
office secretary. Parents and others wishing to arrange a conference with a school counselor can do so by calling the secretary at
(610) 473-3690 between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Conferences may concern academic progress, course selection, career
information, college choice, employment, or other topics.
College Entrance Tests
The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test serves as a practice test for the SATs and as the
qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program. This test is administered in October, at the district’s expense, to all
juniors. Dates and registration deadlines for additional test dates may be obtained in the counseling center.
The ACT is a college entrance exam accepted by all colleges and universities. This test is scheduled to be administered at Boyertown
Area Senior High School in June. Various other national test dates can be registered for and taken at neighboring schools. A
complete listing of the dates and registration information can be obtained from the school counseling office or the ACT website at
Students with IEPs and 504s should work with their case managers to apply for standardized testing
The SAT I: Reasoning Tests and the SAT II: Subject Tests are scheduled to be administered at Boyertown Area Senior High School in
November, March, or April of each school year. Various other national test dates can be registered for and taken at neighboring
schools. A complete listing of SAT I and SAT II administration dates and registration materials can be obtained from any counselor or
the College Board website at
Students with IEPs and 504s should work with their case managers to apply
for standardized testing accommodations.
The PreACT test, administered in grade 10, predicts student performance on the ACT and can be used as an indicator of college and
career readiness. Reports include data to help teachers and school counselors target interventions, inform classroom instruction,
and guide students in course selection.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps
predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered twice annually on a volunteer basis.
Keystone Exams
The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to evaluate proficiency in the subject areas of Algebra I, Biology, and
Literature. The Keystone Exams are continually being evaluated and refined. The state assessments are conducted upon the
completion of the aforementioned courses. Beginning with the Class of 2023, Proficiency on all Keystone Exams is required for
access to a BASH diploma. Any student scoring Below Basic or Basic will be scheduled to retake the exams or a project-based
assessment until proficiency is reached. Educational trips WILL NOT be approved during testing dates within the Keystone Exam
testing window.
More information regarding the Keystone Exams as a graduation requirement can be found by clicking here.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Scholarship opportunities vary greatly from one year to another and are so numerous it would be impractical to list them all.
Seniors are informed of these by announcements received by the high school. Lists of scholarships are also distributed in
homeroom. This information is also posted on the counseling department bulletin board and the school district website.
Scholarships fall into three general groups:
1. Those offered by colleges and universities
2. Those offered by organizations on a regional or national scale
3. Those offered by local organizations or individuals
Of special interest to Boyertown students is the Leidy Rhoads Foundation. The purpose of this trust is to supply funds for the
following purposes:
1. For the training and education of qualified Boyertown students in trades and vocations that will assist them in earning
a living
For the college or university training of qualified students who show persistent interest and zeal in their undertakings
and desire to continue their education.
Any student residing in the borough of Boyertown is eligible to apply for these funds. Applications are available at the Education
Center. In general, scholarship awards are made on the basis of competitive examinations and/or the scholastic record of the
applicant. Participation in school activities, character, citizenship, financial need, and the resources of the family are taken into
account. A file of scholarships is available in the counseling office. The counselors welcome inquiries from students and parents
regarding colleges and scholarship opportunities. In addition, the department sponsors an annual financial aid night program to
provide information about the various financial aid resources available to college-bound students and their parents. This program is
held the second week in January in the high school auditorium. Other informational programs are announced and presented from
time to time.
It is a special time and cause for celebration when graduating seniors decide on their “next step” in life after high school. Therefore,
all students are expected to inform and communicate with their school counselor after all acceptances to post-secondary schools,
military commitments, job hiring, and/or whatever their “next step” will be. Students who are offered scholarships and grants to
post-secondary schools are asked to inform their counselor of this information as well. Promoting these achievements not only
recognizes and honors the hard work and efforts of our students but also serves as motivation and encouragement to our younger
students as well as the Boyertown community at large.
Student Assistance Program (SAP)
The Student Assistance Program (SAP)
is a process for identifying students who are experiencing behavior and/or academic
difficulties that pose a barrier to their learning and success in school. SAP offers support to those students and their families. If you
would like to speak with or write a member of the student assistance team because you, or a friend of yours, are dealing with
problems like those mentioned above, just ask any teacher, counselor, principal, or secretary for the names of our SAP team
members. The core of the Student Assistance Program is a team who have received specialized training from Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania-approved SAP training providers and other related continuing educational support groups. One of the most important
tasks of the student assistance team is to build a partnership with families, focusing on the student’s success as its common goal.
The SAP coordinator’s telephone number is (610) 473-3678.
BASH Bell Schedules
BASH Regular Day Bell Schedule
4 (Lunch)
5 (Lunch)
6 (Lunch)
7 (Lunch)
4-Minute Passing Time
AM BCTC Students will receive Flex during 5
Period upon their return to BASH (11:20 11:52)
PM BCTC will receive Flex during the common Flex time
BASH AM Assembly Bell Schedule
Please dismiss assembly students (graduation class/classes specific) to the assembly program immediately upon taking
AM homeroom attendance.
4-Minute passing; 40-minute lunch
AM BCTC students (graduating class/classes specific) will have their BCTC bus held until the conclusion of the
assembly program.
AM BCTC students will receive FLEX 5th period upon their return to the building (11:20-11:52)
PM BCTC will receive FLEX during the common flex time.
4 (Lunch)
5 (Lunch)
6 (Lunch)
7 (Lunch)
BASH 2-Hour Delay Bell Schedule
4 (Lunch)
5 (Lunch)
6 (Lunch)
7 (Lunch)
4-Minute passing; 29-minute classes; 30-minute lunch
AM BCTC will NOT report to their BCTC assignment today.
AM BCTC students in attendance this morning will report to open campus for periods HR - 3
AM BCTC students will eat lunch during period 4
AM BCTC students will FLEX (as per regular bell schedule) period 5
PM BCTC students are to be excused at their regularly scheduled time (11:08 AM), early from their period 3 class, and
excused from their period 4 class assignment.