ever to excel
Table of Contents
Preparing for a Liberal Arts Education 2–33
Preparing for a Liberal Arts Education 2
Complex Problem and Enduring Question Core Courses 3–6
Unique Opportunities 7–8
Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences 9–20
Carroll School of Management 21–24
Lynch School of Education and Human Development 25–29
Connell School of Nursing 30–33
Preparing for Orientation 34–39
Advanced Placement Units 34
International Baccalaureate 35
British A Levels 36
French Baccalaureate, Italian Maturità, German Abitur,
Swiss Maturité, College Courses Taken During High School,
and Advanced Standing 37
Language Proficiency Requirement 38
Placement and Proficiency Testing Information
for Foreign Languages 39
Preparing for Registration 40–47
Preparing for Registration 40
Frequently Asked Questions 41–42
EagleApps Course Information and Schedule 43
EagleApps Registration Plans 44
Course Evaluations 45
Welcome to Boston College! We look forward to
getting to know you as you embark on your
academic journey at BC. We understand that this is
a time of great excitement and anticipation, and we
are with you every step of the way as you acclimate
to the rigors of college study. In the meantime, we
invite you to read this Academic Planning Workbook
carefully before you arrive on campus so that you
will be prepared for your first semester.
As a student at Boston College, you will pursue a
liberal arts education through a carefully balanced
program of Core, major, minor, and elective courses.
Core courses are the foundation of your studies and
will allow you to explore the humanities, natural sci-
ences, and social sciences. The ideas you encounter
will show you how others from diverse backgrounds
have lived and thought, and they will help shape
who you will become.
A list of Core requirements and approved courses
may be found on the University Core Curriculum
website at First-year students have the
unique opportunity to register for Complex Problem
and Enduring Question courses, which fulfill up to
three requirements. Details about these innovative,
interdisciplinary courses may be found at
Core courses give you a foundation and breadth of
learning while your major courses provide an inten-
sive, in-depth experience in one discipline. Elective
courses in chosen interest areas will complement Core
and major courses. Some students use elective cours-
es to study another major or to minor in a discipline
different from their primary major. The experience
of carefully putting together a program of studies will
enrich your learning and contribute greatly to your
intellectual development.
At Boston College, you will find a rich variety of
opportunities, programs, courses, and experiences
that can help you develop your individual talents and
interests to the fullest while simultaneously expand-
ing your technical skills and understanding of many
aspects of the modern world. An education, however,
is a process that will be of greater or lesser value
depending on the initiative and energy you devote to
pursuing it. You must actively engage in this process.
As a Jesuit, Catholic university, Boston College shares a
nearly 500-year-old tradition of integrating the intellectu-
al, moral, and religious development of its students. The
centerpiece of Jesuit education has always been a common
curriculum that emphasizes the study of the defining works
of the humanities, arts, natural sciences, and social sciences.
Boston College first-year students have the opportunity to ful-
fill these Core Curriculum requirements through innovative,
collaboratively taught, interdisciplinary courses that deal with
the most pressing questions of our time.
In Fall 2024, five of these courses are built on the Complex
Problem model, and seven are Enduring Question paired
courses, described below. Each Complex Problem course
or Enduring Question course pair fulfills up to three differ-
ent Core requirements. For more information, please visit
Fall 2024 Complex Problem
Complex Problem courses are six-credit courses team-taught
by two professors from different disciplines. Students meet
multiple days each week for lectures and once per week for
lab. Students and faculty also gather for weekly Reflection
sessions, which may involve group activities, guest speakers,
or field trips off campus. Each Complex Problem course ful-
fills up to three Core requirements. If you have any questions
about these courses, please email [email protected].
Climate Change and the Corporation: Risks, Rewards, and
Responsibilities EESC1704 + UNAS1733
Tara Pisani Gareau, Environmental Studies
Mary Ellen Carter, Carroll School of Management
Courtney Humphries, Core Fellow, Environmental Studies
Fulfills 1 Natural Science + 1 Social Science + Cultural
Climate change is a complex, existential threat to humanity,
manifesting in heat waves, droughts, wildfires, and flood-
ing. Corporate America is a contributor to climate change
through greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, corpora-
tions are impacted by climate change as it threatens their
physical assets and their ability to supply goods and ser-
vices. Through an integrated approach that blends scientific
analysis of climate change with case studies of corporations,
students will learn the science behind climate risk and
study how businesses are managing and communicating
to stakeholders both the impacts of climate change on the
firm as well as the firm’s impact on the environment.
Making the Modern World: Design, Ethics, and Engineering
ENGR1801 + HIST1627
Kristen Conroy, Engineering
Jenna Tonn, Engineering
Luke Perreault, Core Fellow, Engineering
Héctor Rodríguez-Simmonds, Core Fellow, Engineering
Fulfills 1 Natural Science + History II + Cultural Diversity
Together we will consider how engineers and other stake-
holders navigate risks related to industrial and environ-
mental disasters, balance financial, technological, and reg-
ulatory pressures associated with complex socio-technical
problems, and negotiate technical and political liabilities
surrounding artificial intelligence, surveillance, and cli-
mate adaptation. Engineering systems present pressing
technical, ethical, and moral problems that we must
grapple with as engaged global citizens. In this course,
students will explore the social, cultural, and institutional
history of engineering, learn foundational skills in quan-
titative analysis of real-world engineering designs, and
understand the political, environmental, economic, and
ethical tradeoffs associated with building the modern
world. Students will collaborate on group design projects
based on human-centered engineering.
Real Estate and Urban Action: Transforming Communities and
Increasing Access to Opportunity ECON1704 + UNAS1725
Georey Sanzenbacher, Economics
Neil McCullagh, Carroll School of Management
Andrei Guadarrama, Core Fellow, History
Fulfills 2 Social Science + Cultural Diversity
This course explores concepts of social, economic, and racial
inequality with a focus on the interaction between housing,
labor markets, and the ultimate accumulation of wealth.
Housing will be examined through a study of the history of
affordable housing, an exploration of the transformation of
Columbia Point Public Housing Development to Harbor
Point, and an applied simulation. Labor markets will be
explored at the theoretical level (e.g., labor supply/demand,
human capital, discrimination) before diving into data
and literature on how changes over the last 40 years have
expanded inequality. The course will conclude with how the
lack of both affordable housing and quality labor market
opportunities can interact to restrict intergenerational wealth
accumulation and opportunity. Through field projects, sim-
ulations, and a practical final project, the course will chal-
lenge students to explore and test solutions for transforming
distressed communities into safe, desirable neighborhoods
that produce better outcomes for all residents.
Exchange and Values: Stories and Measures of Inequality
ENGL1738 + ECON1503
Kalpana Seshadri, English
Can Erbil, Economics
Peter Giraudo, Core Fellow, Political Science
Fulfills Literature + 1 Social Science + Cultural Diversity
This course explores inequality through a blend of liter-
ature and economics, providing a rich, interdisciplinary
perspective. By examining real-world cases, literary narra-
tives, and economic data, students will understand differ-
ent forms of inequality in society. The course is organized
around five key themes and includes interactive lectures
and labs for in-depth analysis. It is designed to foster crit-
ical thinking about social justice, encouraging students to
reflect on their values and aspirations in relation to societal
inequities. This engaging course aims to deepen students’
awareness and understanding of the economic and social
aspects of inequality.
Planet in Peril: The History and Future of Human Impacts on
the Planet SOCY1509 + HIST1505
Juliet Schor, Sociology
Prasannan Parthasarathi, History
Gayathri Goel, Core Fellow, Environmental Humanities
Fulfills 1 Social Science + History II
The twenty-first century opened with crises of climate,
biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning. In this course,
we address ecological overshoot from the perspectives of
sociology and history, emphasizing the role of inequality,
the state, and power. The course combines contemporary
analyses with a long historical record of human impact,
considering both the familiar and the novel in the realm
of ecological challenges. We devote substantial attention
not only to causes but also to solutions. Topics to be cov-
ered include the Columbian exchange, forests, agriculture,
water, climate change, toxics, and population. Solutions
include state policy, social movements, individual action,
and social innovation.
Fall 2024 Enduring Question
Enduring Question courses are paired three-credit courses,
each taught by a professor from a different discipline. The
same nineteen students take both courses. Four times during
the semester, students and faculty gather for Reflection ses-
sions, which may involve group activities, guest speakers, or
field trips off campus. Each pair of Enduring Question cours-
es fulfills up to three Core requirements. If you have any
questions about these courses, please email [email protected].
Aesthetic Exercises: Engagement, Empathy, Ethics MUSA1701
Spiritual Exercises: Engagement, Empathy, Ethics THEO1701
Daniel Callahan, Music
Brian Robinette, Theology
Fulfills 1 Theology (Christian Theology) + Arts
How might we train for encounters with beauty and the sacred?
One objective of these linked courses is to help students
realize that their own personal experiences can be the
departing point for—and even the subject of—scholarly
inquiry, that theology, the arts, and philosophy are not
mere disciplines to be learned but practices that are indis-
pensable to being alive and serving the common good.
Another aim is for students to realize that deeply meaning-
ful experiences—whether of the true, the beautiful, and the
good, or the divine in the world and in one’s self—often
don’t just happen. Instead, such experiences are usually
the result of being situated in the right place and time with
the right preparation and mindset; in other words, they are
usually the result of a certain type of exercise.
A Life of Virtue: The Wisdom of the Ancient Greek Tradition
A Life of Virtue: The Wisdom of the Judeo-Christian Tradition
Deborah De Chiara-Quenzer, Philosophy
L. Matthew Petillo, Theology
Fulfills 1 Philosophy + 1 Theology (Christian Theology)
What does it mean to be virtuous and why does it matter?
These courses will consider what it means to be virtuous and
how that contributes to living a flourishing life. Both courses
begin with ancient texts—the Bible and writings of Plato and
Aristotle—and introduce students to foundational ethical and
religious notions of virtue. Each course, in its own distinctive
manner, will invite students to think about how notions of
virtue relate either to famous literary figures (Philosophy
course) or to the works of later philosophers and theologians
(Theology course). The texts of Plato and Aristotle will serve
as a point of connection between the two courses.
Why Do the Wicked Prosper? Portraits of Good and Evil in
Literature UNAS1728
Why Do the Wicked Prosper? Portraits of Good and Evil in
Film FILM1702
Susan Michalczyk, Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences
John Michalczyk, Art, Art History, and Film
Fulfills Literature + Arts
Why do the wicked prosper?
At the heart of so many stories told through the centuries
is the question, “Why do the wicked prosper?” It remains
without an answer, as authors and artists offer endless
interpretations—lessons with or without morals—to an
audience eager for explanations. Students will have oppor-
tunities to study narratives of heroes and villains and
reflect upon the ways in which writers influence how we
think about good and evil in the world, how we react to the
unfairness we see happening around us, and how we come
to terms with our own choices and understanding of the
complexities of human nature.
From Hiroshima to K-Pop: Historical Perspectives UNAS1716
From Hiroshima to K-Pop: Filmmakers’ Perspectives
Ingu Hwang, International Studies
Christina Klein, English
Fulfills Arts + History II + Cultural Diversity
What is the relationship between politics and popular culture?
How did East Asia emerge from the wreckage of the
Second World War to become the dominant political, eco-
nomic, and cultural force it is in the world today? What
is the relationship between politics and popular culture?
Since 1945, East Asia has experienced the Cold War, civil
war, communist revolution, modernization, capitalism,
democratization, and economic booms and busts. It has
also become a powerhouse producer of popular and art
cinema. In these paired courses, students will explore the
relationship between politics and culture as they learn how
historians and filmmakers have grappled with the tumultu-
ous events of the past 75 years.
Roots and Routes: Reading Identity, Migration, and Culture
Roots and Routes: Writing Identity, Migration, and Culture
Elizabeth Graver, English
Lynne Anderson, English
Fulfills Literature + Writing + Cultural Diversity
How does migration in today’s world shape questions of identity,
borders, and belonging and lead to a reimagining of home?
In these paired courses, students will read a range of
fiction, nonfiction, and poetry (including spoken word
poems) by authors whose migration stories to the United
States offer multiple ways to think about what it means
to be an outsider and build a new life and home. They
will explore their own migration stories, the routes that
brought them here, and the ways in which their family
roots shape their identities. Some of the questions stu-
dents will consider include: What are the gifts and chal-
lenges of making a home across cultures? Of being mul-
tilingual? What do you know, and what don’t you know,
about your own family’s migration story, whether recent
or more removed? How might that story intersect with
the topics we encounter in our texts? How does the writer
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk on the danger of
the single story invite us to ask questions about power,
memory, silence, and voice? What does it mean to migrate
in a globalized, wired, yet often divided world? Reflection
sessions will include an author talk, a museum visit,
creative writing, and several shared meals.
Finding the Animal: Beasts and Boundaries in Literature
Humans and Other Animals: The Mental Life of Animals
Robert Stanton, English
Jerey Lamoureux, Associate Dean, Morrissey College of Arts and
Sciences & Psychology
Fulfills Literature + 1 Social Science
What is a human and who is an animal?
What is a human and who is an animal? Humanism has
questionably attributed reason, morality, speech, ritual, and
the capacity to imagine future worlds to humans alone. All
major philosophies and religions try to separate humans
from animals. For instance, in Genesis, God distinguishes
Adam and Eve from the beasts, then instructs Adam to
name them. Humans still grapple with the ethics of eating,
wearing, and experimenting on animals, as well as with
understanding how various mental abilities are represented
across species. These courses use comparative psychology
and literary study to interrogate the blurry and problematic
boundaries between human and non-human animals.
The Self and Its Limits: Classical and Contemporary
Perspectives PHIL1727
The Self and Its Limits: Greco-Roman Slavery CLAS1706
Dermot Moran, Philosophy
Thomas Sapsford, Classical Studies
Fulfills 1 Philosophy + Literature + Cultural Diversity
What is the relationship between the individual self and its
social roles?
These paired courses examine what factors make us free
individuals and how that freedom has historically been
removed from certain people. One course will explore the
nature of the self in historical and contemporary perspec-
tives from East and West to look at the nature of self-con-
sciousness and personhood. The other will investigate how
ancient Greeks and Romans justified the enslavement of
individuals for material gain and how ancient slavery influ-
enced American society both in terms of its use of slave-
labor and in the arguments made for abolition.
Cornerstone Program
Cornerstone seminars are designed to enhance first-year students’ experience of academic advising. In each of these
courses, the professor serves as the student’s academic advisor for the entire first year until they move into their
major sometime in their sophomore year. Students may choose only ONE of the following options.
The Courage to Know (UNCS2201)
The Courage to Know (CTK) is a three-credit seminar of
eighteen students, one instructor, and two senior mentors.
This introduction to student formation in the Ignatian
tradition offers first-year students the opportunity to ask
deeply personal and profound questions: Who am I? What
am I good at? Who am I called to become? These questions
are explored through the lens of developmental psychology
and/or philosophy using literature, film, articles, and guest
lectures to examine the roles that family of origin, race,
class, gender, sexuality, faith, intimacy, and vocational dis-
cernment play in becoming our authentic selves. With their
instructors as guides, students will have the opportunity
to participate in less formal group activities outside of the
classroom that explore Boston’s cultural offerings.
As an initiative to strengthen the student experience of
academic advising, the CTK instructor will serve as the
academic advisor for each of the students in the section
until they are assigned to a major advisor sometime in their
sophomore year. Students in the Carroll School and the
Lynch School will be assigned academic advisors in their
respective school. All students who take the spring offer-
ing of CTK will maintain the academic advisor they were
assigned in the fall while their CTK instructor will serve as
an informal advisor and mentor.
Space is limited—offered fall and spring
Please direct questions about Courage to Know to the
Director, Elizabeth Bracher ([email protected]).
Freshman Topic Seminar (UNCS2245)
The First-Year Topic Seminar (FTS) is a twelve-week,
one-credit elective that offers first-year students in the
Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences the opportuni-
ty to meet with a faculty member once a week to enjoy
small group discussions (limited to fifteen students) on a
research topic in which the instructor has expertise. FTS
are designed to allow students to explore academic areas of
interest as instructors guide them in an application of their
academic discipline.
With their instructors as guides, students will have the
opportunity to participate in less formal group activities out-
side of the classroom exploring Boston’s cultural offerings.
The instructor will serve as the students’ academic advisor
until they are assigned an academic advisor in their major
sometime in their sophomore year.
The course ends just before Thanksgiving and is graded
Space is limited—Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
students only
In certain designated sections of the following Core cours-
es, highlighted in Course Information and Schedule (www., the professor is also the academic advisor
and will meet with students regularly to discuss their
program of study:
Perspectives on Western Culture I and II
First-Year Writing Seminar (ENGL1010)
Note: advising sections of Core courses have the same
content as non-advising sections of the same course.
Please direct questions about the Cornerstone Program to
the Director, Elizabeth Bracher ([email protected]).
Perspectives on Western Culture
Perspectives on Western Culture (PHIL/THEO1090) is
a year-long, 12-credit course guided by the fundamental
question of the best way to live. It is reading and writing
intensive, and fulfills Core requirements in Philosophy and
In the first semester, students begin by encountering two
“spiritual eruptions”: the rise of Greek philosophy, and the
Judeo-Christian experience of God’s self-revelation in history.
This ancient encounter between “Athens” and “Jerusalem”
contributed significantly to the emergence of the European
intellectual culture of the middle ages, and to the understand-
ing of the good life as one oriented towards transcendence
and guided by the complementary truths of faith and reason.
The second semester continues the investigation of the best
way to live by examining the understandings of faith, reason,
justice, nature and the human person that emerge in the
modern world. However, rather than presenting the modern
world as a rejection of ancient and medieval thought, or as a
simple process of secularization, modern thinkers are put in
conversation with the thinkers of the ancient and medieval
world. The resulting clarification by contrast allows students to
appropriate, in a critical and dialectical manner, contemporary
ideas of the good life.
Love of Learning and the Desire
for Excellence: The Perspectives
Residential Living and Learning
Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?
The Perspectives Residential Living and Learning Program is
a unique opportunity for freshmen to experience a communi-
ty of intellectual friends and mentors who will help them inte-
grate their intellectual and cultural lives and guide them to
a greater understanding of themselves and the world around
them. They will explore fundamental questions of identity,
community, calling, and search for answers to such questions
as: How do I live a creative and examined life? How ought I to
truly live my life? What are my gifts and talents?
The Perspectives Living and Learning Program is offered
through three sections of the Perspectives on Western
Culture course that will bring faculty and students into con-
versation with ancient, modern, and contemporary thinkers.
Perspectives on Western Culture, a year-long double-credit
Core course in philosophy and theology, will give students the
opportunity of working out for themselves a set of coherent
answers to the enduring questions—particularly the question
that began philosophy: What really is the life of excellence?
Students who choose to participate in this program will
be housed in Duchesne Hall on the Newton campus. The
Wednesday night class (common to all Perspectives classes)
will also be held on the Newton campus. The two sections of
Perspectives on Western Culture designated as Residential
Living and Learning are listed below.
PHIL/THEO1090 Perspectives on Western Culture
Professor Matthew Petillo
PHIL/THEO1090 Perspectives on Western Culture
Professor Matthew Petillo
Registration will be limited to 50 students (25 per class) on
a first-come, first-served basis. To request both the course
and housing in Duchesne Hall prior to summer registration,
please send an email to [email protected].
The first year in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences is a time for explor-
ing academic interests and talents. Boston College’s curriculum and advising
structures support that exploration.
Through the Boston College Core Curriculum, undergraduates acquire a com-
mon intellectual foundation. They experience an intensive grounding in the
defining works of the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences, intro-
ducing them to the forces that have shaped world history and culture. This
focus broadens their horizons while shaping their characters and helping them
learn how to discern well—preparing them for meaningful lives and rewarding
careers. Intensive work in a major field provides depth in a chosen discipline.
Students will strengthen and round out their liberal arts education with the
study of a foreign language and a wide variety of electives.
To graduate, a student must take at least 120 credits over eight semesters.
Ninety-six (96) of the 120 credits must be from MCAS departments. While
many entering students indicated on their applications for admission tentative
plans to major in particular departments or to pursue specific professions, stu-
dents in MCAS officially select their undergraduate majors near the close of
freshman year. In fact, many continue to explore options and wait to declare
their choice until their third or fourth undergraduate semester.
Use the Core to explore your academic interests in the Morrissey College of
Arts and Sciences. Complex Problem and Enduring Question courses are
open to first-year students only, designed to engage students by grappling with
universal questions and by searching for solutions to global problems. Other
opportunities to expand your world and yourself include Perspectives, PULSE,
seminars in the Cornerstone Program, and other excellent courses. Importantly,
in the Morrissey College, we want to help you begin a process of discernment to
uncover your intellectual gifts and find your passions.
University Core Curriculum
The following fifteen courses comprise the University Core
Curriculum and are required for all students at Boston
College to graduate. All Core courses must be three credits
or more and cannot be taken pass/fail. In addition to the spe-
cific courses named below, Complex Problem and Enduring
Question courses count for Core credit and are limited to first-
year students. Please visit for more information.
1 course in Arts
Art History, Studio Art, Film, Music, or Theatre
1 course in Cultural Diversity
The Cultural Diversity requirement may be fulfilled by an
approved course taken to fulfill a Core, a major or minor
requirement, or an elective. Engaging Difference and Justice
as well as Difference, Justice, and the Common Good courses
satisfy the Cultural Diversity requirement and can be found
on the Core website.
2 courses in History
One History I course (pre-1800) and one History II course
1 course in Literature
Classical Studies, English, Romance Languages and
Literatures, or Eastern, Slavic, and German Studies
1 course in Mathematics
Mathematics, Computer Science
2 courses in Natural Science
Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Environmental Studies, or Physics
2 courses in Philosophy
One Philosophy I course and one Philosophy II course,
PHIL1070–1071 Philosophy of the Person I and II (in
sequence), PHIL/THEO1088–1089 Person and Social
Responsibility I and II (PULSE) (in sequence), or PHIL/
THEO1090–1091 Perspectives on Western Culture I and
II (in sequence), Complex Problem or Enduring Question
courses may fulfill one Philosophy Core course.
2 courses in Social Science
Economics, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology
2 courses in Theology
One Christian Theology (CT) and one Sacred Texts and
Traditions (STT) course, THEO/PHIL1088–1089 Person and
Social Responsibility I and II (PULSE) (in sequence), THEO/
PHIL1090–1091 Perspectives on Western Culture I and II
(in sequence), or Complex Problem or Enduring Question
Theology courses
1 course in Writing*
* Students for whom English is not their first language have
special options for meeting this requirement.
In addition to the fifteen Core requirements, students in the
Morrissey College will be expected to demonstrate proficiency
at the intermediate level in a modern foreign language or in a
classical language. Refer to pages 38–39 of this workbook for
a more detailed description of the language requirement.
Course Selection Guidelines
for the Morrissey College
Ideally, the 15 credits in your first semester of college should
include courses in the following areas: a Writing or Literature
course, introductory course(s) for your prospective major if
you have already made a tentative choice, and courses that
fulfill other Core and language requirements. If you are
unsure of a major, choose one or two courses that will intro-
duce you to potential fields. Take a broad spectrum of courses
so that you may discover a variety of disciplines.
You are expected to take a minimum of 15 credits each
semester of your first year. Core courses may be taken at any
time during your four years at BC. As you are planning your
program, try to balance the kinds of courses you take while
you are meeting requirements. If you are interested in study-
ing abroad during junior year, you should plan to take Core,
major, and language courses during your first two years.
Faculty Advisement
During Orientation, you will meet with a faculty advisor from
the Morrissey College who will talk with you about your aca-
demic program and help you create a list of possible courses.
In August, you will be assigned a pre-major advisor who will
provide academic guidance throughout your first year.
A listing of the introductory course(s) required for each major
follows. Consult your faculty advisor during Orientation or at
the start of the fall term, call the Academic Advising Center, or
confer with the appropriate department if you have questions
about combinations of courses in your fall term
schedule or questions about course placement levels.
Specific Guidelines for Selecting
The following guidelines will help you select the courses for
your first semester. The descriptions of these courses may
be found under the appropriate department in the Boston
College Catalog ( All students should
select ENGL1010 First-Year Writing Seminar, or an approved
Literature Core course (which includes select Complex
Problem and Enduring Question Literature Core courses) plus
the courses designated by the department(s) in which you
are most interested as listed below. Also choose the specified
number of additional courses.
African and African Diaspora Studies
Required course: AADS1110 Introduction to African Diaspora
Studies is the foundation course for both the AADS major
and minor. We would direct first-year students to our intro-
ductory courses: AADS1110 Introduction to African Diaspora
Studies, AADS1114/THEO2114 Introduction to African &
African Diaspora Religions, AADS1139/SOCY1039 African
World Perspective, AADS1155/SOCY1043 Introduction
to African-American Society, AADS2199 Introduction to
Caribbean Writers, AADS/ARTH2250 Introduction to
African Arts and Visual Culture, and AADS/ENGL2483
Introduction to African American Literature.
Art History
Required courses: ARTH1101 Art from Prehistoric Times
to the High Middle Ages and/or ARTH1102 Art from the
Renaissance to Modern Times, each of which also fulfills
the University Core requirement in the Arts. We’d also sug-
gest taking two of the following three courses: ARTH2212
East Asian Art and Architecture, ARTH2213 Islamic Art and
Architecture, ARTH2250 Introduction to African Art and
Visual Culture. Students entering with an AP score of 4 or
5 in Art History may waive either ARTH1101 or ARTH1102
and should select an ARTH2000 level course instead
(consult advisor for choices).
Applied Physics
Required courses: PHYS2200 Introductory Physics I and
PHYS2050 Introductory Physics Lab I. It is important that
students considering a major in Applied Physics or Physics
take the Introductory Physics course sequence with labs
during their first year.
Students must also take either MATH1102 Calculus I
(Mathematics/Science majors), or MATH1103 Calculus
II (Mathematics/Science majors), or MATH2202
Multivariable Calculus. Students with a score of 5 in the
full year of AB Calculus should enter MATH1103 immedi-
ately, while students with a score of 5 in a full year of BC
Calculus and strong skills are encouraged to begin with
MATH2202. Please consult the Mathematics Department
for further information on math placement.
Required courses: During the first semester, Biochemistry
majors are advised to take CHEM1109 General Chemistry
I and CHEM1111 General Chemistry Lab I, and a calcu-
lus course, depending on their calculus background (see
below). During the first year, Biochemistry majors are
advised to enroll in BIOL2000 Molecules and Cells and
BIOL2010 Ecology and Evolution (in any order). BIOL2010
may be substituted with BIOL3030 Introduction to
Physiology (fall only).
Students who earned a 5 on the Biology AP exam in
their senior year may choose to bypass the 2000-level
lecture courses (BIOL2000 and BIOL2010) and take
6 credits of additional biology courses, level 3000 or
above, in subsequent semesters. If you have questions
about bypassing the 2000-level courses, please con-
sult a Biology advisor during registration. Students
with high school calculus background should enroll
in MATH1100 Calculus I or MATH1101 Calculus II,
depending on AP scores. Students with a strong calcu-
lus background may enroll in MATH1102 Calculus I or
MATH1103 Calculus II (Mathematics/Science majors) or
MATH2202 Multivariable Calculus, after consultation with
a Mathematics advisor. Students without a pre-calculus
background or with questions about calculus preparedness
should see a Math advisor during registration or contact
Juliana Belding ([email protected]) in the Math depart-
ment to enroll in MATH1002 Functions and Differential
Calculus I. Biochemistry majors cannot use AP credits to
place out of Calculus II.
Required courses: Biology majors in the regular B.S. and
B.A. programs are advised to enroll in CHEM1109 General
Chemistry I and CHEM1111 General Chemistry Lab I and a
calculus course (see below) during their first semester.
For incoming freshmen who feel they are lacking the
preparation necessary to take General Chemistry during
their first year, a spring semester chemistry course will be
available for a limited number of students that emphasizes
relevant problem solving and math skills, in addition to an
introduction to basic general chemistry topics. Interested
students can contact Lynne O’Connell ([email protected]),
Director of Undergraduate Studies, for more information.
Students with a high school calculus background should
enroll in MATH1100 Calculus I or MATH1101 Calculus II,
depending on AP scores. Students without a pre-calculus
background or with questions about calculus preparedness
should see a Math advisor during registration or contact
Juliana Belding ([email protected]) in the Math depart-
ment to enroll in MATH1002 Functions and Differential
Calculus I.
Students with strong high school preparation in math
and science may take BIOL2000 Molecules and Cells or
BIOL2010 Ecology and Evolution during the fall semester
in addition to General Chemistry and a calculus course.
Students who received a score of 5 on the AP Biology exam
in their senior year of high school may wish to consider the
advanced placement substitute of BIOL3040 Cell Biology
for BIOL2000. Students considering this option should
enroll in BIOL2010 in the fall (there is no AP substitution
for BIOL2010); in the spring they either choose the AP
option and enroll in BIOL3040 or they take BIOL2000. For
further information you may email Sile Ni Scanlain (sile.
[email protected]), Assistant Director of Undergraduate
Programs or Rebecca Dunn ([email protected]),
Director of Undergraduate Studies. Freshmen who are
interested in biology but feel unprepared to go directly into
BIOL2000 or who simply want to explore the discipline
should consider enrolling in BIOL1100 General Biology
(fall), a Core class that satisfies the Natural Science Core
but cannot be applied to the Biology major.
Required courses: CHEM1109 General Chemistry I and
CHEM1111 General Chemistry Lab I or CHEM1117
Honors Modern Chemistry I and CHEM1119 Honors
Modern Chemistry Lab I and one of MATH1102 Calculus
I (Mathematics/Science majors), MATH1103 Calculus
II (Mathematics/Science majors), or MATH2202
Multivariable Calculus. PHYS2100 or PHYS2200
Introductory Physics I (Calc) and PHYS2050 Introductory
Physics Laboratory I are recommended for first-year
students, but not required.
Students without a pre-calculus background or with ques-
tions about calculus preparedness should see a Math
advisor during registration or contact Juliana Belding
([email protected]) in the Math department to enroll in
MATH1002 Functions and Differential Calculus I.
Classical Studies
There are two tracks within the Classical Studies Major:
Classical Language and Classical Cultures. The former
emphasizes study of the ancient world through Latin and
Greek while the latter offers interdisciplinary study of ancient
literature, history, art, performance, science, and more in
English. We also offer minors in Latin, Ancient Greek, and
an interdisciplinary minor in Ancient Civilization.
Recommended courses, Classical Language: A course in
Ancient Greek or Latin at the appropriate level. Students
who received a 3 or 4 on the AP Latin exam should take
CLAS1058 Advanced Intermediate Latin (fall only). Students
who received a 5 on the AP Latin exam should enroll in a
3000-level Latin course. A placement test we offer can also
help students determine their Latin level. Students interest-
ed in majoring or minoring in Classical Languages should
take a language class as soon as possible; they should also
consider taking a course in ancient civilization.
Recommended courses, Classical Cultures: We recommend
starting with one of our foundational courses: Classical
Mythology (CLAS2230), Greek History (CLAS2205),
Roman History (CLAS2206), Greek Civilization
(CLAS1186), or City of Rome (CLAS2262).
Required course: One or more of the following courses:
COMM1010 Rhetorical Tradition, COMM1020 Introduction
to Media Studies, or COMM1030 Public Speaking.
Computer Science
Required course: Students interested in Computer Science
normally take CSCI1101 Computer Science I in their first
semester. First-year students who have achieved a score
of 4 or higher on the Computer Science AP Exam and
those entering with significant programming backgrounds
should speak with the Computer Science Department’s
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Assistant Professor of
the Practice Maíra Marques Samary, about proper course
placement. You may email her at [email protected].
Students interested in Data Science normally take CSCI1090
Data Science Principles in their first year. CSCI1090 and
MATH2250 Mathematical Foundations of Data Science
must be completed before the end of sophomore year in
order to be accepted into the Data Science Minor.
Students interested in the Computer Science B.A.,
Computer Science B.S., or the Data Science Minor should
take MATH1102 Calculus I for Math/Science Majors and
MATH1103 Calculus II for Math/Science Majors (if the
student has no Math AP) before the end of their sopho-
more year. Visit
for more information about selecting the appropriate cal-
culus course. Students interested in the Computer Science
B.S. should complete a two-semester laboratory science
sequence during their first year (courses that are accept-
ed are listed here:
Required courses: ECON1101 Principles of Economics.
MATH1102 (recommended for quantitatively inclined
students) or MATH1100 if the student has not completed
AP courses. Students interested in economics should take
these courses as soon as possible. Calculus I is a corequi-
site for the major and must be taken before beginning the
Intermediate Theory courses (ECON2201 and ECON2202).
Students who have not satisfied the Mathematics Core
requirement with calculus courses (AP-AB or equivalent)
should register for MATH1102 (preferred) or MATH1100.
Students with a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Microeconomics
exam and AP Macroeconomics exam should consid-
er taking the respective Intermediate Theory courses
(ECON2201 and ECON2202), provided they have satisfied
the calculus requirement. Students might also consider
taking Statistics (ECON1151) during their first year, and
may also consider enrolling in one of the Intermediate
Theory courses after having completed ECON1101 and
the Calculus corequisite. After completing Statistics, the
Econometric Methods course should be taken as soon as
possible, preferably by the end of the sophomore year as
Econometric Methods is a prerequisite for many upper-
level elective courses.
Students with strong math skills and who are interested
in a more rigorous version of the Intermediate Theory
courses should consider taking the Honors versions of
these courses (ECON2203 and ECON2204). Departmental
permission is required and will consider a student’s per-
formance in Calculus I (or the AP exam equivalent) and
ECON1101 (or the AP exam equivalents).
Students considering graduate work in economics or relat-
ed disciplines should take additional mathematics courses,
roughly the equivalent of a minor in mathematics.
Required courses: Ordinarily students fulfill the English
Core requirements through First-Year Writing Seminar
(ENGL1010) and Literature Core (ENGL1080). Some students
may choose to fulfill the two English requirements through
Enduring Question, Complex Problem, and/or crosslisted
courses noted as English Core. Bilingual students may fulfill
both Core requirements by taking First-Year Writing Seminar
for Multilingual Students (ENGL1009) and Literature Core
for Multilingual Students (ENGL1079). Bilingual students
should contact Lynne Anderson ([email protected]) for
placement information. It is highly recommended that stu-
dents take both courses during their first year. Students may
place out of one or both of these courses with the appropriate
AP or IB scores as noted on pages 34 and 35 of the workbook.
Students who have fulfilled both English Core requirements
through AP or IB and are considering a major or a minor
in English, including the Creative Writing Concentration,
are encouraged to enroll in Studies in Poetry (ENGL2131) or
Studies in Narrative (ENGL2133). Students who have fulfilled
both English Core requirements through AP or IB and are
planning on another major are encouraged to further their
proficiency in critical thinking and writing by enrolling in an
English elective of interest to them. Students can consult the
English department web page located at
for a listing of elective courses. Students with questions about
the English Core, declaring the major, minor, or selecting an
elective should contact Marla De Rosa ([email protected]).
Environmental Geoscience
Required courses: For those students who would like to
explore the major in Environmental Geoscience, it is sug-
gested that students take two to four of the Environmental
Systems courses with laboratories (EESC2201–EESC2208)
or Exploring the Earth with laboratory (EESC1132) during
their first year. The corequisite science requirement
(Calculus II (MATH1101, MATH1103, or MATH1105) and
Chemistry, Physics, or Biology with labs) should be taken
during the first or second year.
Environmental Studies
All students are welcome to declare an ENVS minor
by emailing [email protected]. Majors, however, are
only accepted by application in early February of their
first year. First-year students who are interested in the
Environmental Studies major should consider taking
University Core courses with an environmental focus,
such as BIOL2010 Ecology and Evolution; CHEM1105 and
CHEM1106 Chemistry and Society I and II; EESC1170
Rivers and the Environment; EESC1174 Climate Change
and Society; HIST1505/SOCY1509 Planet in Peril: The
History and Future of Human Impacts on the Planet;
HIST1513/EESC1507 Powering America: The Past and
Future of Energy, Technology, and the Environment;
BIOL1706/ENVS1075 Understanding and Protecting Our
Oceans in the Wake of Climate Change, or EESC1704
Climate Change and the Corporation. For more infor-
mation on the major and minor, please visit our website
To reach us with questions, please email [email protected].
Film Studies
Required course: FILM2202 Introduction to Film Art.
Students will learn about film history and analysis, which
will provide the necessary foundation for the Film Studies
major and minor. Note: Introduction to Film Art is not a
production course.
Geological Sciences
Required courses: The following courses are recommended
for first-year Geological Sciences majors, if their schedules
permit: Exploring the Earth I with laboratory (EESC1132),
Earth Materials with laboratory (EESC2220), two semesters
of Calculus (MATH1102–1103), two semesters of Chemistry
(CHEM1109–1110) with laboratories (CHEM1111–1112).
German Studies
In addition to helping students fulfill their foreign language
proficiency requirement, German Studies offers a major
and a minor for students interested in the German language
and culture, as well as an interdisciplinary minor for those
interested in courses on German topics taught in English.
We encourage students to deepen their cultural competence
with us and to study abroad to jumpstart their careers.
Recommended courses: Students interested in German
should take a German-language course at an appropriate
level in their first semester, either GERM1001 for true
beginners or a higher-level course after taking the online
placement exam. German Studies offers courses in English
and German that fulfill the Literature Core, Arts Core,
and the Cultural Diversity requirements, which also count
toward the major and minors. Visit for a list of
applicable courses. Students with questions about gauging
language levels and placement, declaring the major or one
of the minors, choosing an elective, or studying abroad
should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies,
Professor Daniel Bowles ([email protected]).
Required Courses: Students should complete the History
Core, consisting of a two-semester sequence, History I and
History II. The History Core offerings are marked as such
in Course Information and Schedule and are also listed
on the BC History Department website. Students may
also fulfill the History Core by taking Complex Problem
and Enduring Question Core History courses, which are
described elsewhere in this workbook.
Recommended Courses: History electives, 2000-level and
4000-level courses, are open to all BC students. Given the
significant reading and writing requirements in History
electives, however, we have some recommendations for
incoming students. Students who have fulfilled the History
Core through Advanced Placement should begin with a
2000-level course before moving to 4000-level courses. If
you are confident in your reading and writing skills and
want to take a 4000-elective before taking a 2000-level,
we recommend that you get in touch with the instructor to
discuss the class. The history major consists of 10 classes;
the minor is 5. While the History Core classes do not count
toward the major or minor, all other history electives do.
Human-Centered Engineering
Required courses: First-semester Human-Centered
Engineering majors should enroll in ENGR1102 Physical
Modeling and Analysis Lab, ENGR1702 First-Year Human-
Centered Engineering Reflection 1, and PHYS2200
Introductory Physics 1 (Calc). They should also take either
ENGR1026: Innovation Through Engineering Design or
ENGR1801/HIST1627 Making the Modern World: Design,
Ethics, and Engineering. Students should take a Calculus
1 course determined in consultation with their advisor.
Students do not need to enroll in PHYS2050 Introductory
Physics Laboratory 1.
International Studies
Although the International Studies (IS) program accepts
all students into the minor, majors are only accepted by
application in early February of freshman year. We encour-
age freshmen who are considering an IS major to enroll
in one or more classes that take up international issues,
are approved for the IS core, and/or are taught by an IS
faculty member. There are no specific courses you must
take to apply for the IS major, but introductory courses
that also count for the University Core requirements are a
good start (e.g., ECON1101 Principles of Economics), and a
comparative politics course in the IS program or Political
Science department could be a useful way to test the waters.
We strongly encourage taking foreign language courses
throughout your time at BC. We also encourage freshmen
to take interdisciplinary Core Renewal courses or others
that meet University Core requirements, especially if they
have an international component. See our website for infor-
mation about the requirements for the IS major and minor:
Islamic Civilization and Societies
Required foundation course: ICSP1199 Islamic Civilization.
Majors also choose a course based on a track within
ICS-Political Science (POLI1041 and POLI1042), Arts
(any 2 Arts Core), Theology (Core courses: any Theology
Core, THEO1431 preferred), History (any History Core),
Language and Culture (NELC2061 and NELC2062).
Students interested in the Islamic Civilization and
Societies major should contact Professor Kathleen Bailey
Strongly recommended course: LING3101 General Linguistics,
offered every fall. There may also be additional courses
offered in either the fall or spring semesters that are appro-
priate starting points for the study of Linguistics. Consult
with Professor Margaret Thomas ([email protected])
for more information.
Required course: MATH1102 Calculus I (Mathematics/
Science majors), MATH1103 Calculus II (Mathematics/
Science majors), or MATH2202 Multivariable Calculus.
Students with a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus AB
exam should enroll in MATH1103, and students with
a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam should
enroll in MATH2202. Students with exceptionally strong
backgrounds should consider MATH2203 Honors
Multivariable Calculus.
Students without pre-calculus background or with ques-
tions about calculus preparedness should discuss with
an advisor about taking MATH1002–1003 Functions and
Differential Calculus sequence which fulfills the Calculus I
math major requirement.
In addition to taking a Calculus course, students interested
in majoring in math may also consider taking MATH2210
(Linear Algebra) and MATH2216 (Introduction to
Abstract Mathematics) in their first year. MATH2210 and
MATH2216 can be taken in any order and simultaneous-
ly with any Calculus courses. For further information or
advice, consult a Mathematics advisor or visit the website:
Required course: MUSA1100 Fundamentals of Music Theory.
Students who have equivalent knowledge through Advanced
Placement or similar programs may qualify for MUSA2100
Harmony, but should contact Professor Ralf Gawlick (ralf.
[email protected]) for placement. Theory is required for
possible music majors and minors. Others wishing sim-
ply to fulfill the Arts Core could also consider MUSA1200
Introduction to Music, MUSA1300 History of Popular
Music, or possible offerings in Enduring Question courses.
Required courses: The following four courses should be dis-
tributed across the first two semesters: PSYC1110 Brain,
Mind, and Behavior, BIOL2000 Molecules and Cells,
CHEM1109/1110 General Chemistry I and 2 with lab,
and MATH1100 Calculus I or MATH1102 Calculus I. The
mathematics course can be deferred to a later semester.
Required course: One of the following two-semester
Philosophy Core sequences: PHIL1070–1071 Philosophy
of the Person I and II; PHIL1088–1089 Person and
Social Responsibility I and II (PULSE); PHIL1090–1091
Perspectives on Western Culture I and II.
Students should take part I of each sequence before taking
part II. PULSE and Perspectives are offered on a year-long
schedule only, beginning each fall. It is possible, however,
to begin Philosophy of the Person I in the spring.
The department also offers Enduring Question Core cours-
es available to freshmen only. Students may satisfy the
Philosophy Core by completing a one-semester Enduring
Question Core course, paired with one semester of
Philosophy of the Person. Consult the Enduring Question
Core section of this workbook for more information.
It is strongly recommended that students complete the
two-semester Philosophy Core requirement by the end of
sophomore year. Students with questions about Philosophy
Core, declaring the major or minor, or selecting an elec-
tive should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies,
Professor Marius Stan ([email protected]).
Required courses: PHYS2200 Introductory Physics I and
PHYS2050 Introductory Physics Lab I. It is imperative that
students considering a major in Physics or Applied Physics
take Introductory Physics with labs during their first year.
Students must also take either MATH1102 Calculus I
(Mathematics/Science majors), or MATH1103 Calculus II
(Mathematics/Science majors), or MATH2202 Multivariable
Calculus. Students with a score of 5 in the full year of AB
Calculus should enter MATH1103 immediately, while stu-
dents with a score of 5 in a full year of BC Calculus and
strong skills are encouraged to begin with MATH2202.
Please consult the Mathematics Department for further
information on math placement. Students interested in
majoring in chemistry, computer science, engineering, or
mathematics should also enroll in PHYS2200 Introductory
Physics I and PHYS2050 Introductory Physics Lab I.
Students interested in majoring in biology or biochemistry,
as well as pre-health students who are not physical science
majors, typically delay taking physics until their junior year
and then enroll in PHYS2100 Introduction to Physics I and
PHYS2050 Introductory Physics Lab I. Please consult the
Physics Department website ( for further
information on physics courses, or students may email
the Physics Program Administrator or the Undergraduate
Program Director (see website for contact information) or
call 617-552-3575.
Political Science
Required courses: Students must complete two courses,
one each from two separate categories, for the introduc-
tory requirement for the major. Students can satisfy the
first part by one of the following two courses: POLI1041
Fundamental Concepts of Politics (fall/spring), or
POLI1021 How to Rule the World (fall). For the second
part, students can take one of the following: POLI1042
Introduction to Modern Politics (fall/spring), POLI1061
Introduction to American Politics (fall/spring), POLI1081
Introduction to International Politics (fall/spring), or
POLI1091 Introduction to Comparative Politics (fall).
Students are not required to complete one part before the
other; however, most students start the major by taking
either POLI1041 or POLI1021 in the fall semester. Students
who received a 4 or 5 on the AP U.S. Government or
the AP Comparative Government exam have the option
to waive the second introductory course and take an
additional elective in its place.
Psychology B.A.
Required course: PSYC1110 Brain, Mind, and Behavior or
PSYC1111 Self, Mind, and Society. Students may enroll in
both courses simultaneously or sequentially, in either order.
Psychology B.S.
Required course: PSYC1110 Brain, Mind, and Behavior or
PSYC1111 Self, Mind, and Society. Students may enroll in
both courses simultaneously or sequentially, in either order.
Romance Languages and Literatures (French, Italian,
Portuguese, Spanish)
The majority of university students around the world speak
at least two languages fluently. We encourage you to join
them as you prepare yourself for your career.
Note: The Boston College Language Proficiency require-
ment (Intermediate II or equivalent) is different from the
Romance Languages and Literatures major and minor pro-
grams. Students who have satisfied the proficiency require-
ment are particularly well prepared to continue their study
of language and culture.
Students with proficiency levels above Intermediate II, as
well as native and heritage speakers, will be individual-
ly advised and should contact the appropriate Language
Coordinator in French, Italian, or Spanish. For the list of
current Coordinators, see the department contact web page
Romance Languages and Literatures offers both a major and
minor in French Studies, Hispanic Studies, and Italian Studies.
Recommended courses: Romance Language and Literature
courses are taught in the target language. Students enter
the program at the level appropriate for their linguistic
For French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies, the lowest
entry-level course for the major and minor is Conversation,
Composition, and Reading I (CCR I).
Students with questions about the major and minor pro-
grams, particularly students planning to study abroad in
French-, Spanish- or Italian-speaking countries, should
consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies. For the
name and e-mail of the current DUS, visit the department
contact web page:
Romance Languages and Literatures offers courses that fulfill
the Literature Core requirement and the Cultural Diversity
requirement, which also count toward our majors and minors.
Visit for a list of applicable courses.
The Russian program provides in-depth training in the
Russian language and in the Russian-language literatures
and cultures of the past and present. It is a close-knit and
dynamic community with numerous co-curricular activities,
such as Russian Tea and trips to the Boston Symphony.
Students have gone on to first-rate law and graduate
schools and won prestigious fellowships such as Fulbright,
Truman, Rangel, and Critical Language Scholarships.
Required course: Russian language SLAV1121 Elementary
Russian I or appropriate level. Consult with Professor Tony
Recommended Core: SLAV2162/ENGL2227 Classics of
Russian Literature or SLAV2173/ENGL2228 Twentieth-
Century Russian Literature or SLAV2169 Introduction to
Slavic Peoples and Cultures.
Slavic Studies
The Slavic program provides broad training in languages, lit-
eratures, and cultures of Slavic lands, peoples, and nations.
It is a close-knit and dynamic community with numerous
co-curricular activities, such as Russian Tea or Slavic Club.
Students have gone on to first-rate law and graduate schools
and won prestigious fellowships such as Fulbright, Truman,
Rangel, and Critical Language Scholarships.
Required course: Russian language SLAV1121 Elementary
Russian I or appropriate level, or SLAV1417 Introduction to
Polish I. Consult with Professor Tony H. Lin
Recommended Core: SLAV2162/ENGL2227 Classics of
Russian Literature or SLAV2173/ENGL2228 Twentieth-
Century Russian Literature or SLAV2169 Introduction to
Slavic Peoples and Cultures.
Required courses: An introductory course, either SOCY1001
(Introductory Sociology) or SOCY1002 (Introduction to
Sociology for Healthcare Professions), is a requirement
for majors and minors and is open to first-year students.
Students planning to major or minor in sociology are
encouraged, but not required, to take SOCY100101, a sec-
tion reserved for major and minors. Further, all Sociology
Core courses (SOCY1001–1999) are appropriate for first-
year students, regardless of major.
Studio Art
Required courses: Students interested in the Studio Art
major are required to take two from the following intro-
ductory courses (the Studio Art minor requires one
introductory course): ARTS1101 Drawing I, ARTS1102
Painting I, ARTS1104 Design: Seeing is Believing,
ARTS1138 Introduction to 3D: Sculpture, ARTS1141
Ceramics I, ARTS1156 Photoshop and Illustrator, ARTS1161
Photography I, or ARTS1163 Introduction to Digital
Photography. Three of these courses (Drawing I, Painting I,
Design: Seeing is Believing) fulfill the Arts Core. The oth-
ers courses may be applied toward the major, but are not
Core courses. Students entering with an AP score of 5 in a
Studio Art discipline may waive one introductory level class
and should select an ARTS2000 level course instead (con-
sult advisor for choices). ARTS1103 Issues and Approaches
to Studio Art is a required course for the major and minor,
but is suggested for the sophomore year after taking at least
one of the above 1000 level courses.
Theatre Arts
Required course: THTR1172 Dramatic Structure and
Theatrical Process. This course, which satisfies the Arts Core
requirement, is only offered in the fall semester and should
be taken by incoming Theatre majors, Theatre minors, and
others with a serious interest in theatre and drama study.
Incoming majors should plan to take THTR1130 Elements
of Stagecraft in the spring semester of the first year and
THTR1103 Acting I: Fundamentals of Performance in either
the fall or the spring term of the first year.
Required courses: One Christian Theology (CT) course and
one Sacred Texts and Traditions (STT) course:
Christian Theology (CT) Courses
THEO1401 Engaging Catholicism
THEO1402 God, Self, and Society
An Enduring Question Core Theology course identified
as counting toward the Christian Theology requirement
Sacred Texts and Traditions (STT) Courses
THEO1420 The Everlasting Covenant: The Hebrew Bible
THEO1421 Inscribing the Word: The New Testament
THEO1422 The Sacred Page: The Bible
THEO1430 Buddhism and Christianity in Dialogue
THEO1431 Islam and Christianity in Dialogue
THEO1432 Hinduism and Christianity in Dialogue
THEO1433 Chinese Religions and Christianity in Dialogue
THEO1434 Judaism and Christianity in Dialogue
An Enduring Question Core Theology course identified
as counting toward the Sacred Texts and Traditions
For Enduring Question Core courses see pages 4–6 of this
workbook. Note: a student may not fulfill their Theology
Core with two Enduring Question Core Theology courses.
Students considering the Honors Theology Major are
encouraged to take either THEO1420 or THEO1421 to
begin to fulfill the required Scripture Sequence.
Students can also fulfill their Theology Core require-
ments with one of the following two-semester sequences:
THEO1088–1089 Person and Social Responsibility I and
II or THEO1090–1091 Perspectives on Western Culture I
and II.
Pre-Health Program
The Core curriculum at Boston College is an advantage for
students interested in professions in the health field, as it
allows students to explore their unique talents and passions.
The skills acquired in the study of the sciences and the
humanities are readily transferable to careers in the field of
health and medicine.
“Science is the foundation of an excellent med-
ical education, but a well-rounded humanist is
best suited to make the most of that education.”
David Muller, Dean for Medical Education and
Professor and Chair of the Department of Medical
Education and Co-Founder of the Visiting Doctors
Program at Mount Sinai Medical School (Julie Rovner
of KHN; Kaiser Health News, May 27, 2015).
Finding purpose in an academic program of study remains
one of the most important decisions for BC students con-
sidering a career in the health professions. English majors
acquire analytical skills needed for absorbing medical text.
Philosophy majors develop critical thinking skills needed for
differential diagnoses. Theology majors evaluate tenets ben-
eficial in medical ethics and palliative care. History majors
develop the ability to ask the pertinent questions in formulat-
ing patient history. According to the Association of American
Medical Colleges’ 2022–2023 Report of Applicants and
Matriculants to U.S. Medical Schools, the percentage accep-
tance rate of students majoring in the humanities was higher
overall than for those majoring in other disciplines. Listed,
as follows, are the acceptance rate percentages by discipline
for the 2022–2023 application cycle: Humanities—50%,
Mathematics and Statistics—45%, Physical Sciences—46%,
Biological Sciences—40%, and Social Sciences—40% (derived
from data supplied in Table A-17 of the AAMC summary).
“The humanities provide an outstanding
foundation for understanding complexity and
human variability, the conceptual basis for
understanding medicine.”
Charles M. Wiener, MD, Professor of Medicine and
Director Emeritus, Osler Internal Medicine Training
Program at John Hopkins Medical Institute (Beth
Howard—AAMC Medical Education, December 12,
Pre-Health students are encouraged to reflect on who they
would like to become as health professionals. Eighty-two per-
cent of BC students participate in campus service and volun-
teer organizations. This augments the formation of students
to be “men and women for others” in the health career of
their choice. Health professions graduate schools are inter-
ested in students who demonstrate a commitment of service
to the underserved and the poor, including populations his-
torically underrepresented in patient care. This dedication
for others expands and informs their decision to pursue a
career in the health field which supports comprehensive
patient care and health equity for all. Students entering the
Pre-Health program are encouraged to reflect on the mission
of the Core curriculum to refine a purposeful and authentic
life that integrates academic disciplines and the building of
relationships. Each semester, a student should be engaged in
a course (or courses) that inspires them and creates an aware-
ness and a curiosity to explore and grow. Furthermore, Pre-
Health students considering their program major are encour-
aged to reflect upon “The Three Key Questions” posed by Fr.
Michael Himes, Professor of Theology at Boston College:
1. What brings me joy?
2. What am I good at?
3. What does the world need me to be?
The Pre-health program in the Morrissey College of Arts
and Sciences is an open program for all students in every
major program of study at Boston College. There is no
minimum GPA requirement. The program provides
support and comprehensive advising to undergraduates and
alumni of Boston College interested in medical, dental, or
veterinary careers, as well as other areas of health profession
study. Students benefit from majoring in any of the varied
academic disciplines offered at BC, which would help them
address the three aforementioned questions. As a Jesuit,
Catholic institution, Boston College is dedicated to the con-
tinual process of intellectual inquiry and student formation.
Students are encouraged to examine the full spectrum of
options and to select a major and find an enriching program
of study in which they will excel.
Irrespective of major (humanities or STEM), the BC Pre-Health
team meets with students at every stage of their Pre-Health
portfolio development, from prospective freshmen to seniors
and alumni. The Pre-Health team assists with all aspects of
planning when considering a career in the health professions,
including selection of a major, course selection, gaining
health-related experience, evaluating extracurricular activities,
preparing for professional exams (MCAT, DAT, GRE) and
all aspects of the pre- and post-application process for health
profession schools. If you are considering a career in a health
profession, please set up an appointment with our office by
emailing [email protected]. For up-to-date information about
the Pre-Health program, please email us in order to receive
notifications regarding programming and upcoming events.
Our office resides within the Academic Advising Center and is
located in Stokes Hall S132.
It is important to note that medical, dental, and veterinary medi-
cal school admissions committees accept a wide variety of majors.
Therefore, it is imperative for students to decide on the par-
ticular major that would lead to their success as they embark
on their unique career path.
Students are invited to think, explore, and discern in order to
learn across disciplines and develop their minds and educa-
tional experiences to the fullest potential. The goal is to gain
the ability to think critically, both broadly and deeply, and at
Boston College a liberal arts education is focused on the whole
person. The liberal arts have always been at the center of the
Jesuit, Catholic intellectual tradition, which promotes the inter-
gration of students’ academic and personal goals, inspiring
them to reflect on who they are, who they want to become, and
how they want to engage in the world for the common good.
Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., Dean of the Morrissey College of
Arts and Sciences shares, “At Boston College, we hope our
students become women and men of depth of thought and
creative imagination, who are ready to engage the needs of
our world and well-prepared for meaningful lives of leader-
ship, scholarship, and service.”
In choosing a major, we encourage students to allow their
choice of major be shaped by academic experiences and
exploration in programs of study which resonate with the
student’s interests, skills, and talents. For example, a student
may want to reflect upon evidence of previous academic suc-
cess in a certain area when selecting a major. However, if a
student is considering a major program of study that is new
to the student, without prior foundational coursework, then
the student may wish to weigh the pluses and minuses in
forging new territory, as opposed to leveraging prior academ-
ic success. Exploring the groundwork for future immersion
in a discipline is the primary tenet of the Core curriculum
which fosters a broad and diverse perspective of the human-
ities and arts, the sciences, and the social sciences.
The BC Pre-Health team works with students to strategize
on the optimal timeframe and coursework necessary to
complete the foundational requirements. Keep in mind that
course requirements vary when applying to health profes-
sion schools. Irrespective of any major at Boston College
(humanities or STEM), below is a summary of the necessary
Pre-Health program requirements. The Pre-Health team
encourages interested students to research the requirements
for specific medical or dental schools of interest, as well as
research elective coursework helpful in preparation for
standardized entrance exams.
Suggested Foundational Curriculum for Pre-Health Students:
Two semesters of Biology with Lab
Two semesters of General Chemistry with Lab
Two semesters of Organic Chemistry with Lab and/or one
semester of Organic Chemistry with one semester of
Two semesters of Physics with Lab (either Calculus-based
Physics or Algebra-based Physics is acceptable; refer to
major program requirements as well.)
Two semesters of English
*It is incumbent on the prospective applicant to be knowledgeable of
individual medical school requirements when planning his or her course
selection. We suggest meeting with a member of the Pre-Health team if
The required courses for the professional school of interest
may be taken during any of the four undergraduate years
in any order with the exception of the General Chemistry–
Organic Chemistry sequence. In order to apply to health
profession schools directly upon graduation from BC, the stu-
dent must complete all course requirements in three years,
in addition to successful completion of standardized testing.
Most BC applicants, however, elect to distribute the Pre-
Health coursework over four years of undergraduate study
and apply to medical, dental, or veterinary school as seniors
and/or as alumni. The average age of a student matriculating
into medical school is approximately 25 years old; there-
fore, electing to take one or more “growth” years to explore,
reflect, and act on a specific health-related problem, clinical,
or scientific inquiry may inexorably improve the competi-
tiveness of a student’s candidacy. At Boston College, the Pre-
Health team operates as a cohesive advising unit that closely
collaborates with students during each undergraduate year of
portfolio development to help create a career narrative.
Freshman Year: Interested students should attend the fresh-
man meeting and set up an initial consultation with the Pre-
Health program office to learn and capitalize on the benefits
of drop-in advising sessions and explore resources.
Sophomore Year: Interested students should attend the soph-
omore meeting and review progress and achievements with
the Pre-Health team. Specific attention should be given to
gaining relevant health-related experiences.
Junior Year/Senior Year: Interested students should attend
the application meeting and meet regularly with the Pre-
Health team to ensure that all materials are complete to initi-
ate the BC committee letter application process.
The BC Pre-Health program collaborates closely with BC
alumni and the greater professional community to offer stu-
dents the full gamut of possible pathways leading to a mean-
ingful career in the health field. A unique aspect of a valued
service that BC offers students interested in medical or
dental school is the opportunity to obtain a committee letter
of recommendation endorsed by the Boston College faculty
committee. This letter presents a comprehensive assessment
of the student under review by the committee and showcases
the accomplishments and achievements of an applicant in a
personalized portfolio. Additionally, during the application
process students receive one-on-one expert advising from an
individual faculty member on the committee. While the Pre-
Health team is dedicated to ushering students through the
process of applying for professional health programs, it is
important to note that the onus is on students to reflect, dis-
cern, and act in order to pursue their unique career path.
Freshman Pre-Health Checklist:
1. Register for Pre-Health program announcements at
2. Attend the freshman meeting (first week in September
—email invitation will be sent out)
3. Read the freshman checklist online
4. Make an appointment with a member of the Pre-Health
team by calling 617-552-4663
5. Cultivate a mentor (get to know your professors and other
administrative sta)
6. Develop study skills, attend oce hours, and seek tutoring
assistance from the Connors Family Learning Center and/
or academic support when warranted
7. Visit academic departments to research programs of study,
minors, and concentrations
8. Get involved with a health-related club (e.g., Mendel
Society, Predental Society)
9. Get involved judiciously with on- or o-campus service
organizations and extracurricular activities
Carroll School of Management students complete the University’s Core
Curriculum in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences, a Management
Core which imparts a “common body of management knowledge,” and at least
one concentration. Concentrations are available in Accounting, Accounting for
Finance and Consulting, Business Analytics, Finance, General Management,
Information Systems, Management and Leadership, Marketing, and Operations
Management. We also have available a co-concentration in Entrepreneurship.
Many students choose a second concentration within management. Some com-
plete a full major in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences in addition to a
Management concentration. Still others complement their concentration with a
minor program.
First-year students need not worry about choosing or crafting a concentration
immediately. For virtually all of the first year, and most of the second, Carroll
School students are working on the University Core and completing, by the end
of sophomore year, some portion of the Management Core. Most work on a con-
centration begins in earnest in junior year. So, if you are undecided, don’t worry.
You have plenty of company, and you will have many opportunities to gather
information to make a good decision about your choice of concentration(s).
It is important to choose courses in the first year which will challenge you and
provide a good foundation for later work. There are many ways to do this. One
exciting option is to enroll in a Complex Problem or Enduring Question class
offered as alternatives to the traditional Core. You might consider the challenge
of a lab-based science. Solid language study prepares you for interesting study
abroad opportunities and lends tremendous value to your resume when you
start your job search.
We know that you are eager to embark upon the study of business courses,
and all of you will do so through our Portico program. We also hope that your
interest will be caught by one or more subjects which you encounter in the
University Core and that you will decide to invest some of your free electives
pursuing that interest. That pursuit is important for many reasons, but the chief
one is this: when you study what you love, you become a better, happier person.
(If you think this is a cheap sentiment, think again after you have encountered
Aristotle in your Portico course.)
For registration guidelines, reference the Registration Worksheet: Carroll
School of Management on page 24.
University Core Curriculum
Carroll School of Management students must complete at
least 120 credits to earn the bachelor’s degree and normal-
ly complete 30 credits during the freshman year. The 15
requirements in the University Core Curriculum are dis-
tributed as follows for CSOM students. All courses must be
three credits or more and cannot be taken pass/fail.
1 course in Arts
Art History, Studio Art, Film, Music, or Theatre
1 course in Cultural Diversity
The Cultural Diversity requirement may be fulfilled by an
approved course taken to fulfill a Core, a major or minor
requirement, or an elective. Engaging Difference and Justice
as well as Difference, Justice, and the Common Good courses
satisfy the Cultural Diversity requirement and can be found
on the Core website.
2 courses in History
One History I course (pre-1800) and one History II course
1 course in Literature
Classical Studies, English, Romance Languages and
Literatures, or Eastern, Slavic, and German Studies
1 course in Mathematics
CSOM students must take BZAN1135 Statistical Analysis.
2 courses in Natural Science
Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Environmental Studies, or Physics
2 courses in Philosophy
One Philosophy I course and one Philosophy II course,
PHIL1070–1071 Philosophy of the Person I and II (in
sequence), PHIL/THEO1088–1089 Person and Social
Responsibility I and II (PULSE) (in sequence), or PHIL/
THEO1090–1091 Perspectives on Western Culture I and
II (in sequence), Complex Problem or Enduring Question
courses may fulfill one Philosophy Core course.
2 courses in Social Science
CSOM students must take ECON1101 Principles of
Economics and one additional Social Science Core course.
2 courses in Theology
One Christian Theology (CT) and one Sacred Texts and
Traditions (STT) course, THEO/PHIL1088–1089 Person and
Social Responsibility I and II (PULSE) (in sequence), THEO/
PHIL1090–1091 Perspectives on Western Culture I and II
(in sequence), or Complex Problem or Enduring Question
Theology courses
1 course in Writing*
* Students for whom English is not their first language have
special options for meeting this requirement.
Registration Procedures
for the Carroll School
We expect Carroll School freshmen to take five 3- or 4-cred-
it courses each semester with all students registering for
Portico (PRTO1000) in the fall. That is a total of ten courses
in the first year.
Of the ten courses to be completed in the freshman year, we
specify four, plus a one-credit Excel course. (You may have
completed one or more of these via AP credit.) Other than
Portico, you may take these courses in either semester, but
we discourage scheduling them all at the same time (e.g.,
taking Writing and Literature in the same semester). The
courses are:
Portico (PRTO1000)
Statistical Analysis (BZAN1135)
the First-Year Writing Seminar (ENGL1010)
a Core literature course
Excel for Business Analytics (BZAN1037, 1 credit)
For the remaining courses, you may choose to pursue:
other elements of the University Core (e.g., Philosophy,
Theology, Natural Science, Arts, History, Cultural Diversity)
a language course (to build or maintain proficiency, or
begin acquisition)
Principles of Economics (ECON1101)
Introduction to Business Law (BSLW1021)
any other course, provided you meet established
prerequisites as noted in the Boston College Catalog
Registration Examples
The following are sample worksheets. Refer also to the sample at the bottom of the Carroll School worksheet on the next page.
Register for Portico as well as Core courses in Writing and/or Literature; otherwise, you may tailor your course selections to fit your
interests. (If you select a science course, consider the challenge of registering for a laboratory-based course.) Refer to the course
descriptions in the Boston College Catalog (, and do not be afraid to choose rigorous courses or to try something
unusual. Remember that you will have an opportunity to discuss your ideas with a faculty advisor during Orientation.
Sample Worksheet #1
Sample registration for a student.
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
PRTO1000 Portico
ENGL1010 First-Year Writing Seminar
PHIL1090 Perspectives on Western Culture I
THEO1090 Perspectives on Western Culture I
BZAN1135 Statistical Analysis
PRTO1000 Portico
ENGL1701 Truth-Telling in Literature
HIST1701 Truth-Telling in History
MATH1100 Calculus I
BSLW1021 Intro to Law
BZAN1037 Excel for Business Analytics (1 credit)
Required Course for First-Year Management Students
PRTO1000 Portico (3 credits)
This course is required for all Carroll School students and is
taken in the fall semester of their freshman year.
This is the introductory course for Carroll School of
Management’s first-year students. Topics will include
ethics, leadership, globalization, economic development,
capitalism, innovation, entrepreneurship, vocational dis-
cernment, and the functional areas of business. This will
be an interactive 3-credit seminar, serving as one of the five
courses in the fall semester and fulfilling the ethics require-
ment for the Carroll School. The instructor will serve as
academic advisor during the student’s first year.
Lab Lab
I. PRTO100o Portico
II. ENGL1010 First-Year Writing Seminar
III. PHIL1090 Perspectives on Western Culture I
IV. THEO1090 Perspectives on Western Culture I
V. BZAN1135 Statistical Analysis
PRTO100o Portico
ENGL1701 Truth-Telling in Literature
HIST1701 Truth-Telling in History
MATH1100 Calculus I
BSLW1021 Intro to Law
BZAN1037 Excel for Business Analytics
PRTO1000 Portico
Guidelines for this worksheet
Check to be sure that you have designated five different courses as preferences and alternates. Please refer to Course Information and
Schedule for more information.
Section I. All Carroll School freshmen register for PRTO1000 Portico in the fall semester.
Course No. Course Title
Section II. List ENGL1010 First-Year Writing Seminar or Literature Core (ENGL1080, ENGL1184, or select Complex Problem and
Enduring Questions Literature Core courses). Students receiving a 4 or 5 on the AP English Language exam are exempt from the
Writing Core. Students receiving a 4 or 5 on the AP English Literature exam are exempt from the Literature Core.
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
Section III. List a Core or elective, including the course you prefer and an alternate. Note: If you are taking a 6-credit course such as an
Enduring Questions or Complex Problems course, list the first number in this section and then the second number in Section IV.
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
Section IV. List a Core or elective. Note: If you are selecting a science course with lab, list both here.
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
Section V. Indicate course selection in Statistics, Intro to Law, or a University Core.
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
Sample Worksheet
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
The Lynch School of Education and Human Development (LSEHD) was found-
ed in 1952 as the first co-educational undergraduate college on the Chestnut
Hill campus. Its specific purpose, to be achieved in a manner consonant with
the broader University goals, is to prepare undergraduate students to serve
diverse populations in a variety of future professional roles including as teach-
ers, administrators, human service providers, psychologists, researchers, policy
analysts, instructional designers, and other roles within business human capital
and talent development, government, NGOs, foundations, and cultural orga-
nizations. Programs are designed to ensure that students receive a liberal arts
education, professional preparation, and specialized coursework and experiences
in their major and minor field(s).
Students Entering Lynch School of Education and Human Development Programs
Students in the LSEHD who are elementary or secondary education majors
must successfully complete 120 credits which must include the University
Core curriculum and the elementary or secondary education major. Secondary
education students must also complete an appropriate second major. Students
who are Transformative Educational Studies majors or Applied Psychology and
Human Development majors must successfully complete 120 credits which
must include the University Core curriculum and their major requirements.
The Boston College University Core Curriculum offers an essential liberal arts
foundation that grounds and informs most of the coursework you will explore
during your time at Boston College. Although some students complete much
of the Core by the end of sophomore year, we suggest that you consider Core
course options carefully. The interdisciplinary Complex Problem and Enduring
Question Core courses are available to freshmen only and fulfill up to three
Core requirements.
LSEHD students who wish to enroll in Complex Problem or Enduring Question
Core courses should select them carefully. Some LSEHD major requirements
also satisfy part of the University Core Curriculum, including Social Science,
Cultural Diversity, and Philosophy II. Please consult the pages that follow. At
the conclusion of this section, you will find a worksheet that will help you plan
your course schedule for the fall semester.
University Core Curriculum
The 15 requirements in the University Core Curriculum are
distributed as follows for LSEHD students. All courses must
be three credits or more and cannot be taken pass/fail.
1 course in Arts
Art History, Studio Art, Film, Music, or Theatre
1 course in Cultural Diversity
LSEHD students take APSY/EDUC1031 Family, School, and
Society or FORM1051 Reimagining School and Society.
2 courses in History
One History I course (pre-1800) and one History II course
1 course in Literature
Classical Studies, English, Romance Languages and
Literatures, or Eastern, Slavic, and German Studies
1 course in Mathematics
LSEHD students may fulfill this requirement by taking
APSY2217 Statistics for Applied Psychology (required for
Applied Psychology and Human Development major)
or MATH1190 Fundamentals of Math I (required for
Elementary Education major).
2 courses in Natural Science
Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Environmental Studies, or Physics
2 courses in Philosophy
One Philosophy I course and one Philosophy II course,
PHIL1070–1071 Philosophy of the Person I and II (in
sequence), PHIL/THEO1088–1089 Person and Social
Responsibility I and II (PULSE) (in sequence), or PHIL/
THEO1090–1091 Perspectives on Western Culture I and
II (in sequence), Complex Problem or Enduring Question
courses may fulfill one Philosophy Core course. FORM1050
The Educational Conversation satisfies the Philosophy II
Core course for LSEHD students.
2 courses in Social Science
LSEHD students can fulfill this requirement by taking
APSY/EDUC1030* Child Development and either APSY/
EDUC1031* Family, School and Society or FORM1051
Reimagining School and Society.
2 courses in Theology
One Christian Theology (CT) and one Sacred Texts and
Traditions (STT) course, THEO/PHIL1088–1089 Person and
Social Responsibility I and II (PULSE) (in sequence), THEO/
PHIL1090–1091 Perspectives on Western Culture I and II
(in sequence), or Complex Problem or Enduring Question
Theology courses
1 course in Writing†
* Students who plan to major in either Elementary Education or Secondary
Education should register under the EDUC prefix for EDUC1030 Child
Development and EDUC1031 Family, School, and Society, when they take
these courses. See course options under each major.
Students who only declare Applied Psychology and Human Development as
their primary Lynch School major should register under the APSY prefix for
APSY1030 Child Development and APSY1031 Family, School, and Society.
† Students for whom English is not their first language have special
options for meeting this requirement.
Majors and Minors for Students
in the Lynch School of Education
and Human Development
All students in LSEHD pursuing an Elementary Education
major leading to state endorsement for certification are not
required to declare a second major or minors; however, many
students declare a second major in a Lynch School interdis-
ciplinary major such as: American Heritages, Mathematics/
Computer Science, Perspectives on Spanish America, or
a major in Transformative Educational Studies, Applied
Psychology and Human Development, or in one subject
discipline in the Morrissey College. For those declaring a
Secondary Education major, students must choose a specific
second major through MCAS. Those majors include: Biology,
Chemistry, English, Environmental Geosciences, History,
Mathematics, and Physics. This requirement is a result of
Massachusetts regulations for certification and will cover all
students who apply for teacher certification in Massachusetts.
Students who are pursuing Transformative Educational
Studies or Applied Psychology and Human Development as
their primary major are not required to undertake a second
major or minor; however, many declare and complete second
majors and minors. The minimum number of credits accept-
able for most minors is 18, which may include applicable BC
Core courses. Students are encouraged to consider a Lynch
interdisciplinary major or specialized minor.
Specific acceptable areas of study for both majors and minors
are listed in the Boston College Catalog (
Direct inquiries to the Office for Undergraduate Student
Programs, 617-552-4204, [email protected].
Registration Procedures
All students select ENGL1010 First-Year Writing Seminar
(FWS) or a Core Literature course. Students receiving AP
credit for the English Language exam and/or English Liter-
ature exam should refer to the list of acceptable Advanced
Placement scores located in this workbook.
ERAL1100–1112 First-Year Experience, Reflection, Action—
Fall and Spring is a two-semester, 3-credit graded course (1
credit in fall and 2 credits in spring) that is taken as a “sixth
course and is a requirement for all first-year LSEHD students.
All first-year LSEHD students will learn more about the
course during their group Orientation advisement session.
Major sequence as outlined below.
Students who have not declared a major and are listed as
Undeclared should follow the course requirements listed for
Transformative Educational Studies or Applied Psychology
and Human Development major(s).
Elementary Education
Students should enroll in EDUC1030 Child Development.
This course will also satisfy one Social Science requirement.
In the spring, students should enroll in EDUC1031 Family,
School, and Society. This course will satisfy one Social
Science and the Cultural Diversity requirement. Students
may also elect to begin the sequence for their second major,
if applicable.
Secondary Education
Students can elect to enroll in either FORM1050 The
Educational Conversation (Philosophy II Core) or
EDUC1030 Child Development (Social Science Core) in
the fall. In the spring, students should enroll in EDUC1031
Family, School, and Society (Social Science and Cultural
Diversity) or FORM1051 Reimagining School and Society
(Social Science and Cultural Diversity). Students may also
elect to begin the sequence for the desired second major.
In particular, students declaring a major in mathematics
or the sciences should strongly consider beginning those
majors in the first year. Students may prepare to teach
in the following disciplines: biology, chemistry, English,
environmental geoscience, history, mathematics, physics.
Students pursuing these majors should follow the require-
ments set by the specific Department in the Morrissey
College section of this workbook. NB: The requirements
for either English or history majors, with a Secondary
Education major, are slightly different from those for
non-Secondary Education English and history majors.
Transformative Educational Studies
Students should enroll in FORM1050 The Educational
Conversation. This course will also satisfy Philosophy II
Core requirement. In the spring, students should enroll in
FORM1051 Reimagining School and Society. This course
will satisfy one Social Science and the Cultural Diversity
requirement. This major does not require a second major
or minor, but students may elect to begin the sequence for
a second major or for minor(s).
Applied Psychology and Human Development
Students should enroll in APSY1030 Child Development.
This course will also satisfy one Social Science require-
ment. In the spring, students should enroll in APSY1031
Family, School, and Society. This course will satisfy one
Social Science and the Cultural Diversity requirement.
This major does not require a second major or minor,
but students may elect to begin the sequence for a second
major or for minor(s).
It is recommended that students choose one of the follow-
ing options: (1) the History BC Core during the first year
and the Philosophy and Theology sequence BC Core during
the sophomore year; or (2) Philosophy and Theology in the
first year and the History BC Core in the sophomore year.
Students who plan to major in History are encouraged to
enroll in the History BC Core during freshman year.
Courses for Lynch Students
All first-year students in LSEHD must register for
FORM1050 The Educational Conversation (3 credits) or
EDUC/APSY1030 Child Development (3 credits).
Students will also register for ERAL1100 First-Year
Experience, Reflection, Action (fall) for a minimum of 16
credits in the fall semester.
ERAL1100 First-Year Experience, Reflection, Action (1 credit for
the fall semester and 2 credits for the spring semester)
As part of the ERAL1100–1112 First-Year Experience,
Reflection, Action (ERA), first-year students meet with
instructors for one 90-minute session each week to discuss
topics of academic, individual and formative development
discernment, design-thinking tools and processes, critical
decision-making, college adjustment, human and material
resources and supports, course and program require-
ments, and research topics in Transformative Educational
Studies, Applied Psychology, and Human Development
and Teacher Education areas. The ERA First-Year Program
is for first-year Lynch students only and is required in both
the fall and spring semesters for a total of 3 credits.
I. FORM1050 or EDUC/APSY1030 The Educational Conversation or Child Development (3 credits)
II. ENGL1010 or ENGL1080 First-Year Writing Seminar (3 credits) or Literature Core (3 credits)
VI. ERAL1100 First-Year Experience, Reflection, Action—Fall (1 credit for fall semester)
FORM1050 or EDUC/APSY1030 The Educational Conversation or Child Development
ERAL1100 First-Year Experience, Reflection, Action—Fall
Guidelines for this worksheet
Be sure that you have designated five different 3-credit courses (plus labs where appropriate) in addition to 1-credit ERAL1100 First-Year
Experience, Reflection, Action in your plan. You may also note preferences and alternatives. Please refer to Course Information and
Schedule for more information.
Section I. All LSEHD first-years must register for FORM1050 or EDUC/APSY1030. Please refer to requirements for each major.
Course No. Course Title
Section II. Students receiving a 4 or 5 on the AP English Language exam are exempt from the Writing Core. Students receiving a 4 or 5
on the AP English Literature exam are exempt from the Literature Core. If you do not need to take the English Core freshman year, then
list a preferred alternative Core course.
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
Section III. If your prospective major specifies a required course, list it here (with a lab if the course requires one). Otherwise, list a
preferred and alternate Core course.
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
Section IV. Select a preferred and alternate Core course.
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
Section V. Select a preferred and alternate Core course.
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
Sample Worksheet
Course No. Course Title
Section VI. All LSEHD first-years register for ERAL1100. This course is required in addition to the five 3-credit course requirements.
Course No. Course Title
Founded in 1947, the Boston College Connell School of Nursing was the first
day school at Boston College to admit women. Its program of study leads to a
Bachelor of Science degree and eligibility to take the national examination for
licensure as a registered nurse (R.N.).
To be eligible for graduation, students must successfully complete the courses
that comprise the curriculum, including the required University Core courses,
nursing requirements, and electives. Students are required to earn a minimum
of 117 credits for graduation. For registration guidelines, reference the Connell
School of Nursing Worksheet on page 33.
University Core Curriculum
The 15 requirements in the University Core Curriculum, plus
two additional courses in Natural Science required for CSON
students, are distributed as follows. All courses must be three
credits or more and cannot be taken pass/fail. It is strongly
advised that students take Philosophy or Theology early in
their plan of study.
1 course in Arts
Art History, Studio Art, Film, Music, or Theatre
1 course in Cultural Diversity
The CSON curriculum satisfies the Cultural Diversity
2 courses in History
One History I course (pre-1800) and one History II course
1 course in Literature
Classical Studies, English, Romance Languages and
Literatures, or Eastern, Slavic, and German Studies
1 course in Mathematics
CSON students must take MATH1180 Principles of Statistics
for the Health Sciences (spring).
4 courses in Natural Science
ADBI1130/1131 Anatomy and Physiology I, ADBI1132/1133
Anatomy and Physiology II, CHEM1161/1163 Life Science
Chemistry, BIOL2200/2210 Microbiology
2 courses in Philosophy
One Philosophy I course and one Philosophy II course,
PHIL1070–1071 Philosophy of the Person I and II (in
sequence), PHIL/THEO1088–1089 Person and Social
Responsibility I and II (PULSE) (in sequence), or PHIL/
THEO1090–1091 Perspectives on Western Culture I and
II (in sequence), Complex Problem or Enduring Question
courses may fulfill one Philosophy Core course.
2 courses in Social Science
CSON students must take NURS2122 Nursing Assessment
Theory and NURS4264 Role of Professional Nurse
2 courses in Theology
One Christian Theology (CT) and one Sacred Texts and
Traditions (STT) course, THEO/PHIL1088–1089 Person and
Social Responsibility I and II (PULSE) (in sequence),
THEO/PHIL1090–1091 Perspectives on Western Culture
I and II (in sequence), or Complex Problem or Enduring
Question Theology courses
1 course in Writing*
* Students for whom English is not their first language have special
options for meeting this requirement.
Program for Students Entering
the Connell School of Nursing
First Semester Credits
Life Science Chemistry with lab 4
Anatomy and Physiology I with lab 4
Core Program (Theology or Philosophy)* 3
Core Program (Writing or Literature)* 3
Nursing Professional Development Seminar 1
Second Semester Credits
Mathematics—Principles of Statistics
for Health Sciences 3
Anatomy and Physiology II with lab 4
Core Program (Theology or Philosophy)* 3
Core Program (Writing or Literature)* 3
Introduction to Professional Nursing 2
* Other Core or elective courses may be substituted in certain situations
(e.g., the student has AP credits or wishes to continue foreign language
study, or the student wishes to enroll in PULSE or Perspectives).
Faculty Advisement
During Orientation, you will meet with a faculty member
from the Connell School of Nursing who will assist you with
registration for the fall. In August, you will be assigned an
advisor who will guide you through the Nursing Program.
If you have any questions, call the Boston College Connell
School of Nursing at 617-552-4925 and the undergraduate
office staff will assist you.
On page 33, you will find the Registration Worksheet:
Connell School of Nursing that will help you plan your
course schedule for the fall semester.
Courses for Connell School of
Nursing Students
BIOL1300 Anatomy and Physiology I
Continues in second semester
Corequisite: BIOL1310
An intensive introductory course designed to bring out the
correlations between the structure and functions of the var-
ious body systems. Each system discussed is treated from
microscopic to macroscopic levels of organization.
BIOL1310 Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I
Continues in second semester
Laboratory exercises are intended to familiarize students
with the various structures and principles discussed in
BIOL1300 through the study of anatomical models, phys-
iological experiments, and limited dissection. One 2-hour
laboratory period each week is required.
CHEM1161 Life Science Chemistry
Corequisite: CHEM1163
This course introduces basic chemical principles in prepa-
ration for a discussion of the chemistry of living systems
that forms the major part of the course. Organic chemical
concepts will be introduced as necessary, and applications
will be made whenever possible to physiological processes
and disease states that can be understood in terms of their
underlying chemistry.
CHEM1163 Life Science Chemistry Laboratory
Laboratory required of all students enrolled in CHEM1161.
One 3-hour period per week.
NURS1010 Professional Development Seminar
This seminar will introduce freshman nursing students to
the college culture and to the profession of nursing. Small
group sessions led by upperclass nursing students will pro-
vide opportunities for networking and information sharing
about relevant personal, professional, and social topics.
One hour per week.
BIOL1300 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL1310 Anatomy and Physiology Lab I
I. CHEM1161 Life Science Chemistry
Ia. CHEM1163 Life Science Chemistry Lab
Ib. CHEM1165 Life Science Chemistry Discussion
II. BIOL1300 Anatomy and Physiology I
IIa. BIOL1310 Anatomy and Physiology Lab I
III. PHIL1090 Perspectives on Western Culture I
IV. THEO1090 Perspectives on Western Culture I
V. NURS1010 Professional Development Seminar
THEO1402 God, Self, and Society
ENGL1010 First Year Writing Seminar
CHEM1161 Life Science Chemistry
CHEM1163 Life Science Chemistry Lab
Guidelines for this worksheet
Please check your worksheet carefully. Please refer to Course Information and Schedule for more information.
Section I (Ia). List CHEM1161 and CHEM1163 Life Science Chemistry and Lab.
Course No. Course Title
Section II (IIa). List BIOL1300 and BIOL1310 Anatomy and Physiology and Lab.
Course No. Course Title
Section III. In this section and Section IV, list your choices for Core classes. Students should prioritize First-Year Writing Seminar,
Literature, Theology, and Philosophy.
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
Section IV. See instructions above in Section III.
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
Sample Worksheet
Course No. Course Title Course No. Course Title
Advanced Placement Units
There are a number of ways to earn advanced placement units at Boston College including qualifying scores on College Board Advanced
Placement (AP) exams, International Baccalaureate exams, British A Level exams, French Baccalaureate exams, as well as results from the
German Abitur, the Swiss Maturité, and the Italian Maturità. Official results from all testing should be sent to the Office of Transfer Admission
for evaluation. Qualifying scores will be assigned advanced placement units as outlined briefly below and detailed at
Advanced Placement
Art History
4 3 Arts Core
4 6 2 Natural Science Core
Calculus AB (or AB
4 3 Math Core/MATH1100 or
MATH1102 course equivalent
Calculus BC
4 6 1 Math Core/MATH1100,
MATH1101, MATH1102, or
MATH1103 course equivalent
4 6 2 Natural Science Core
Chinese Language
and Culture
4 6 2 Slavic Language Electives &
Language Proficiency
Computer Science
(A or Principles)
N/A N/A Students must consult with
the department to determine
if any placement within the
major is appropriate.
**Economics (Micro)
4 3 1 Social Science Core/No
placement for ECON1101
**Economics (Macro)
4 3 1 Social Science Core/No
placement for ECON1101
English Language
4 3 Writing Core
English Literature
4 3 Literature Core
4 3 1 Natural Science Core
European History
4 6 History Core I and History
Core II
French Language and
Demonstrates Language
1 Romance Language Elective
& Language Proficiency
4 6 Demonstrates Language
U.S. Government
and Politics
4 3 1 Social Science Core
Government and
4 3 1 Social Science Core
Human Geography N/A N/A No BC equivalent
Italian Language and
Demonstrates Language
1 Romance Language Elective
& Language Proficiency
Japanese Language
and Culture
4 6 2 Slavic Language Electives &
Language Proficiency
College Board Advanced Placement (AP)
Advanced Placement
Latin 4 6 2 Classical Language
Electives & Language
Music Theory 4 3 Arts Core
Physics 1 4 3 1 Natural Science Core
Physics 2 4 3 1 Natural Science Core
Physics C: Electricity
and Magnetism
Physics C: Mechanics
1 Natural Science Core
1 Natural Science Core
Precalculus N/A N/A No BC equivalent
Psychology 4 3 1 Social Science Core^
Research N/A N/A No BC equivalent
Seminar N/A N/A No BC equivalent
Spanish Language/
Literature and
Demonstrates Language
1 Romance Language Elective
& Language Proficiency
Statistics 5 3 Fulfills Business Statistics
Requirement for CSOM
Studio Art 4 3 1 Fine Art Elective
U.S. History 4 6 Units included when
students apply for Advanced
Standing. No University
Core/department placement
World History 4 6 History Core I and History
Core II
* Advanced placement elective units cannot be used to fulfill the four Arts and Sciences
electives required for CSOM, but can count toward the 30 units required to be eligible to apply
for advanced standing. Electives do not count toward the degree in any other scenario because
Advanced Placement Units are generally used for placement only—not credit. Advanced
placement units will not fulfill the six elective credits required for CSON students. CSON
students fulfill their Natural Science and Mathematics Core Curriculum requirements through
coursework taken during their freshman year. Therefore, qualifying exam scores cannot be
used to fulfill those requirements for nursing students.
**Beginning with students entering the Spring 2022 term and later, a qualifying score in
both Macroeconomics and Microeconomics earns placement for ECON1101 Principles of
Economics, which fulfills 1 Social Science Core. Students with qualifying scores in both
Macroeconomics and Microeconomics would still need to satisfy the second Social Science
Core requirement.
^ Please consult with the Psychology and Neuroscience Department to determine how
placement toward the major is appropriate.
International Baccalaureate
Each score of 6 or 7 on Higher Level exams will earn advanced placement units and will generally satisfy a corresponding Core
requirement. For further details, visit
Dance N/A N/A N/A
Film 6/7 3 1 Arts Core
Music 6/7 3 1 Arts Core
Theatre 6/7 3 1 Arts Core
Visual Arts 6/7 3 1 Arts Core
Business and
Economics 6/7 3 1 Social Science Core/For
Economics majors/minors,
will also satisfy Principles of
Economics (ECON1101).
Geography N/A N/A N/A
Global Politics 6/7 3 1 Social Science Core
History of the
6/7 6 History Core I and II
History of Asia and
6/7 6 History Core I and II
History of Europe 6/7 6 History Core I and II
Technology in a
Global Society
Islamic History 6/7 3 No Core/History Elective
Philosophy 6/7 3 1 Philosophy Core
Psychology 6/7 3 No Core/1 Psychology Elective
Social and Cultural
6/7 3 1 Social Science Core
World Religion 6/7 3 1 Theology Elective
Individuals and Societies
Analysis and
6/7 3 1 Math Core
Applications and
6/7 3 1 Math Core
Mathematics 6/7 3 1 Math Core
6/7 3 1 Math Core
English A
Language and
6/7 3 Writing and Literature Core
English A
6/7 3 Writing Core
English B
Foreign Language 6/7 6 MCAS Language Proficiency
Modern Classical
6/7 6 MCAS Language Proficiency
* IB elective units cannot be used to fulfill the four arts and sciences electives required for
CSOM, but can count toward the 30 units required to be eligible to apply for advanced standing.
Electives do not count toward the degree in any other scenario because IB Units are generally
used for placement only, not credit.
^ Students interested in the Computer Science major must consult with the Computer Science
department to determine if these electives can in any way apply to the major.
Sports, Exercise & Health Science IB is not recognized by Boston College.
Biology 6/7 6 2 Natural Science Core
Chemistry 6/7 6 2 Natural Science Core
Computer Science 6/7 3 1 Computer Science Elective^
Design Technology N/A N/A N/A
6/7 3 1 Natural Science Core
Physics 6/7 6 2 Natural Science Core
British A Levels
A Level Examination Exam Score Advanced Placement Units Requirements Fulfilled
Accounting N/A N/A N/A
Ancient History A/B/C 3 History Core I
Art and Design N/A N/A N/A
Art History A/B/C 3 1 Arts Core
Art (Fine Art) A/B/C 3 1 Arts Core
Astronomy A/B/C 3 1 Natural Science Core
Biology A/B
2 Natural Science Core
1 Natural Science Core
Business N/A N/A N/A
Business Studies N/A N/A N/A
Chemistry A/B
2 Natural Science Core
1 Natural Science Core
A/B/C 3 Students must consult with the department to
determine if any placement within the major is
Economics A/B
1 Social Science Core/Placement for ECON1101
1 Social Science Core
English Language A/B/C 3 Writing Core only
English Literature A/B/C 3 Literature Core only
Film Studies A/B/C 3 1 Arts Core
Geography N/A N/A N/A
History A/B/C 6 History Core I and II
Islamic Studies N/A N/A N/A
Languages other than English A/B/C 3 1 Foreign Lang. elective/Language proficiency
Maths/Further Maths A/B
1 Math Core/1 Math elective
1 Math Core
Music N/A N/A N/A
Photography N/A N/A N/A
Physics A/B
2 Natural Science Core
1 Natural Science Core
Psychology A/B/C 3 1 Psychology Core
Religious Studies A/B/C 3 1 Theology Core
Sociology A/B/C 3 1 Social Science Core
Statistics N/A N/A N/A
Theatre Studies A/B/C 3 1 Arts Core
There are other A level courses offered that do not apply to a degree at Boston College. If the course is not listed here, no advanced placement
units can be earned.
French Baccalaureate
Scores of 14 or higher* will be considered for a maximum
of six credits for each 12th grade Spécialité subject.
A minimum score of 12* for each 12th grade Spécialité
subject will be considered for a maximum of three credits.
Students completing the French Baccalaureate with
International Option (OIB) may earn advanced placement
units in English and history for corresponding exam scores.
Scores below 10 do not qualify.
Units may be used to fulfill corresponding University Core
or major requirements.
*Advanced Placement is based on the French Baccalaureate exam results
and is considered in the context of departmental review. Boston College
reserves the right to change this policy, as is determined by campus
Italian Maturità
For students who earn an exam score of 70 or higher on the
final exam, advanced placement units will be awarded only
for subjects in which the written exam was taken (no place-
ment for oral exams) and the average score for the final exam
over the last two years is 7 or higher. No advanced placement
units can be earned for English.
German Abitur
Placement will be considered for the four subjects scored in
the Abitur final exams. For two subjects listed as the “main
subject,” scores of 10 or higher will earn 6 advanced place-
ment units in corresponding subject areas. For two additional
“basic courses” with scores of 10 or higher, 3 advanced place-
ment units will be earned in corresponding subject areas. No
advanced placement units can be earned for English.
Swiss Maturité
Advanced placement units can be earned for exam scores of 4 or
better. No advanced placement units can be earned for English.
College Courses Taken During
High School
Advanced placement units can be earned for college courses
taken during high school according to the following guidelines:
Students enrolled in courses designated as “college courses”
that are taken at the high school with a high school teacher
may only earn advanced placement units if corresponding
College Board AP exams are taken and qualifying scores are
earned. A college transcript alone cannot be used to earn
advanced placement units for these courses.
College coursework taken on a college campus with a college
professor and with other college students either during the aca-
demic year or over the summer may be evaluated for advanced
placement units. Only courses that are deemed equal in depth
and breadth to coursework taught at Boston College and are
being used to supplement high school coursework (and not to
fulfill high school requirements) will be considered.
Each 3 or 4 credit course with a grade of B or better will earn
3 advanced placement units. Students will still be required
to take the full 120 credits necessary for graduation, unless
they have the equivalency of 30 credits, in which case they
may qualify for Advanced Standing and would be eligible to
graduate from Boston College in 3 years. College transcripts
for these courses as well as the verification form signed by a
high school administrator should be submitted to the Office
of Transfer Admission by August 1. Students who enroll at a
local college to satisfy high school graduation requirements
are not eligible for advanced placement units unless they take
the corresponding College Board AP exams and earn
qualifying scores.
Advanced Standing
Students who earn a total of 30 advanced placement units
may be eligible for Advanced Standing and have the option
to complete their undergraduate studies in three years.
Students interested in this option should be in touch with
their Dean following completion of their first semester at BC.
No decision on Advanced Standing will be made prior to this
time. Students seeking Advanced Standing must be able to
complete all degree requirements by the proposed graduation
date and be approved for Advanced Standing by the Dean
before the start of the third year of undergraduate study.
Language Proficiency Requirement
The study of language, literature, and culture other than one’s own enables the Jesuit-educated student to appreciate the world bet-
ter, to seek commonalities, and honor cultural differences. Therefore, students in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences will
demonstrate intermediate-level proficiency in a foreign or classical language in order to graduate from Boston College. Intermediate
proficiency is defined as completing the fourth semester of a language. Students continuing a language previously studied will take
one to four courses, depending on their placement. First-year students should begin/complete the language requirement during
their first semester.
The Advanced Placement (AP) test scores below demonstrate intermediate-level proficiency at Boston College.
Subject AP Score
Chinese 4
French 3
German 4
Italian 3
Japanese 4
Korean N/A
Latin 4
Modern Hebrew N/A
Spanish 3
Other Exams and Exam Score Minimums
British A levels: Languages other than English A/B/C levels
International Baccalaureate: Higher level foreign or
modern classical language 6 or 7
General Certificate of Education: German A level
DELE exams (Diplomas de Español como Lengua
Extranjera): B1 or higher level
Successful demonstration of native proficiency by
documentation. Documentation of native proficiency
ordinarily assumes evidence of post-elementary school
education in the native language.
Fulfillment of the proficiency requirement by the
examinations listed above does not confer course credit.
Course Work Meeting Language Proficiency Requirement
Successful completion of the second semester of an
intermediate-level Boston College modern or classical
language course
Successful completion of one Boston College modern or
classical language course beyond the intermediate level
Students may not take foreign language courses on a pass/
fail basis until they have completed the university’s language
proficiency requirement. Language courses will count as
Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences electives. Students
with documented learning disabilities may be exempt from
the foreign language requirement and should consult with the
Connors Family Learning Center (
If you have taken the AP Test but have not yet received your score, take the placement test and register for the course recommended
when you complete the test. When you receive the AP score, you may make necessary changes. If you have questions, speak with
the language advisor at your registration session.
Placement and Proficiency
Testing Information for
Foreign Languages
Students who need to fulfill the MCAS foreign language
proficiency requirement (Intermediate II or equivalent)
should enroll beginning with their first semester, or they may
risk not graduating. Language courses will be more challeng-
ing the longer one waits to complete the requirement. All
language placement exams will need to be completed prior to
your arrival for summer Orientation and registration.
Students will note their plan to fulfill the language proficiency
requirement prior to Orientation, and will be contacted by the
relevant academic department with specific information on
placement. Students should closely monitor their BC email.
Students who are beginning the study of a new language
should register for the Elementary I course. Students who are
continuing the study of a language may need a placement test
to determine the appropriate level. Placement tests are con-
ducted, in the appropriate foreign language departments, for
a number of foreign languages, including, but not limited to
Arabic, Bulgarian, Mandarin Chinese, French, Greek (Classical
or Modern), Japanese, Korean, Latin, Russian, and Spanish.
Information on placement tests, including who to reach out
to schedule an exam, is available on the Degree Requirements
web page of the Academic Advising Center website: www.
degree-requirements/. Online placement exams are offered for
some languages, including Latin.
Placement Guidelines for French
AP Language Exam Score
or Language Experience
4 or 5
Consult Professor Andréa Javel
3 FREN2209 CCRI (French)
Less than 3
Take online placement test
(instructions to follow)
Did not take AP
Language Exam
Take online placement test
(instructions to follow)
Never studied French FREN1009 Elementary
Placement Guidelines for Italian
There is no placement test for Italian. General guidelines are
AP Language Exam Score
or Language Experience
4 or 5 ITAL2213 CCRI (Italian)
3 ITAL2213 CCRI (Italian)
4+ years of high school Italian ITAL2213 CCRI (Italian)
2 years of college-level Italian ITAL2213 CCRI (Italian)
3–4 years of high school Italian ITAL1113 Intermediate Italian
1 year of college-level Italian ITAL1113 Intermediate Italian
2–3 years of high school Italian ITAL1004 Elementary Italian 2
Less than 1 year of high school Italian ITAL1003 Elementary Italian
Never studied Italian ITAL1003 Elementary Italian
Placement Guidelines for Spanish
AP Language
Exam Score
or Language
IBLE Score
or Language
5 N/A SPAN3392 Advanced Spanish
6/7 higher
3 N/A
Take placement test if you wish to
continue further studies in Spanish
Less than 3 N/A
Take placement test
(instructions to follow)
Did not take AP
Language Exam
Did not take
Take placement test
(instructions to follow)
Never studied Spanish SPAN1015 Elementary Spanish I
Native or heritage speaker Consult department ([email protected])
Academic planning and registration may seem intimidating,
but Boston College has many resources to help you make
informed decisions. You will receive specific instructions
about registration during Orientation, but before your ses-
sion, you should spend some time reviewing this workbook,
the Boston College Catalog (, and the various
websites listed below.
Carroll School of Management:
Connell School of Nursing:
Lynch School of Education and Human Development:
Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences:
For the Core Curriculum, please visit
You can browse the online catalog at for degree,
major, minor, and concentration requirements. You may also
want to search Course Information and Schedule available on
the Student Services website at for the upcom-
ing semester’s course offerings, including the course number,
title, instructor, day, time, and location. For information about
Advanced Placement,International Baccalaureate, etc., please
The University’s staff is also available should questions arise.
The Academic Advising Center, located in Stokes Hall
South Room 132, is a place where all first-year and pre-ma-
jor Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences students can get
academic advice and guidance. All first-year students are
assigned to a pre-major advisor for the academic year. The
Academic Advising Center website is, and the
email address is [email protected].
During Orientation, new Carroll School students will be
assisted by their first-year Portico instructors and the advis-
ing sta of the Undergraduate Dean’s Oce. During the
academic year, the Portico instructor will be the students’
primary academic advisor, but additional help is available in
the Undergraduate Dean’s Oce.
Lynch School of Education and Human Development
students may contact the Oce of Undergraduate Student
Services at 617-552-4204 or by email at [email protected].
Connell School of Nursing students will be assisted by a
faculty member during their Orientation session and will
be assigned an advisor in September who will guide them
through their program.
Your dean will present you with an overview of your school,
its philosophy, and its requirements during your summer
Orientation session.
Your Orientation leader is a trained peer advisor who is
always ready to answer any questions or address a concern.
Academic advisors will be available to help you choose
classes for registration.
In certain designated sections of Perspectives in Western
Culture I and II (PHIL1090–1091/THEO1090–1091) and the
First-Year Writing Seminar (ENGL1010), which are listed in
Course Information and Schedule, the professor is also the
academic advisor for MCAS students and will meet with them
regularly to discuss their course of studies.
In all sections of The Courage to Know (UNCS2201) and
First-Year Topic Seminars (UNCS2245), instructors serve as
the MCAS students’ academic advisors for the entire first year.
In all sections of Portico (PRTO1000), required for CSOM
students, instructors serve as their students’ academic
First-Year Experience, Reflection, Action (EDUC1100) and
Professional Development Seminar (NURS1010) are required
small group sessions for LSEHD and CSON students respec-
tively to discuss college adjustment, course and program
requirements, and career plans.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I only register for Core courses?
Most first-year students enroll in several Core courses, but you
should also consider a course in your prospective major or an
elective. When doing so, please consult with your faculty advi-
sor or academic administrator to make sure there are no pre-
requisites. For more information, please visit
How do I fulfill the Cultural Diversity Core requirement?
The Cultural Diversity requirement may be fulfilled by an
approved course taken to fulfill a Core, a major or minor
requirement, or an elective. Engaging Difference and Justice
and Difference, Justice, and the Common Good courses
satisfy the Cultural Diversity requirement and can be found
on the Core website. As an integral part of a liberal arts edu-
cation in the twenty-first century, Cultural Diversity courses
challenge students to envision societies in which all can
flourish in freedom, integrity, and fullness of life.
CSON students will fulfill the requirement through the
nursing curriculum.
What if I want to transfer to another school within the
Students may apply for internal transfer to the Connell
School of Nursing, the Lynch School of Education and
Human Development, and the Carroll School of Management
at the end of their freshman year. Students must have com-
pleted their first two semesters at Boston College. Enrollment
is limited, and internal transfer may not be possible.
Students may apply for internal transfer to the Morrissey
College of Arts and Sciences after completing the first
semester of their freshman year.
Students should be in good academic standing (some schools
may require a 3.0 GPA; the Carroll School of Management
requires a 3.4 GPA). All students must complete at least
three (four in LSEHD and CSON) semesters of full-time
study after the transfer.
Applications must be submitted to the Associate Dean by the
last class day of each semester. Morrissey College of Arts and
Sciences applications should be submitted to Associate Dean
Treseanne Ainsworth.
Applicants who wish to transfer to the Connell School of
Nursing should reach out to the Associate Dean to discuss
requirements and course sequencing. The only access point
for transferring into CSON is the start of sophomore year.
Internal transfer applications are due in March for a fall start.
Please note there are several prerequisites students must
complete in order to be admitted. Students should contract
[email protected] for more inquiries about transferring into
CSON. It is recommended that students reach out by the
end of their first semester for academic planning required to
complete prerequisites.
Will I have to register again for the spring semester?
During your Orientation session, you will register only
for your fall semester courses. You will register again in
November for your spring semester courses. Courses that con-
tinue through the second semester will appear automatically
on your spring registration.
Where do I go if I have questions about Advanced Placement
or International Baccalaureate credit?
For additional information on Advanced Placement or
International Baccalaureate credit, please call the Office of
Undergraduate Admission at 617-552-3100.
What is a degree audit, and where do I get one?
The degree audit lists your minimum degree and major
requirements and matches those courses that you have com-
pleted or have registered for against these requirements. You
can access your degree audit via the Agora Portal. See the
Student Degree Audit Guide available at
(user authentication required).
How do I locate faculty and specifically my faculty advisor?
In August, you will be assigned a faculty advisor. Faculty
e-mail addresses are listed online at under
Directory Search.
How do I drop or withdraw from a course?
For the 2024–2025 academic year, students may, with the
permission of their dean, drop a course no later than Monday,
September 30, 2024 for the fall semester and Monday,
February 17, 2025 for the spring semester. Dropping a course
means that it will not appear on your transcript.
After the drop deadline, students may withdraw from a course
until Monday, December 2, 2024 for the fall semester and
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 for the spring semester. A withdrawal
means that the course will remain on your transcript with a W
instead of a grade.
Whom should I notify if I must miss my classes due to illness
or family emergency?
You should contact your professor and the Associate Dean of
your school:
Ethan Sullivan, Carroll School of Management
Colleen Simonelli, Connell School of Nursing
Julia DeVoy, Lynch School of Education and Human
Joseph Desciak, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
What is a credit deficiency?
A credit deficiency is incurred any time you do not success-
fully complete the expected number of credits (usually 15) in
a semester because of failure, course withdrawal, or under-
loading. Credit deficiencies are normally made up during
the summer.
Do failures or “F” grades remain on my permanent transcript?
Yes. Failures do remain on the student’s permanent transcript.
How do I change my address on school records?
Personal information can be changed at or in
the Office of Student Services in Lyons Hall.
Is academic tutoring available at BC?
Academic tutoring is available in a variety of subjects at the
Connors Family Learning Center in O’Neill Library (617-552-
0611). The Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center
and Student-Athlete Academic Services also offer tutoring for
eligible students.
Does BC oer services for students with learning disabilities?
The Connors Family Learning Center provides services for
students with learning disabilities. If you have questions about
those services, contact Dr. Kathleen Duggan. For more infor-
mation regarding students with medical disabilities, please con-
tact Rory Stein, Assistant Dean for Students with Disabilities.
When is Family Weekend?
Information about Family Weekend, including dates, events,
and resources, can be found at
Are there any other forms of advice available to me in advance
of my FYE Orientation?
Absolutely. In addition to this book and the Boston College
Catalog (, there is plenty of information on the
internet. You should visit
and individual schools’ and departments’ websites.
We encourage you to send your questions to the Office of
Student Services at [email protected]. Morrissey College
of Arts and Sciences students may also email BC’s Academic
Advising Center at [email protected] or call 617-552-9259.
The EagleApps Course Information and Schedule link available at offers the features listed below:
Course instructors and scheduling information by semester
Course descriptions
Meeting times and room assignments
You may search by term, school, subject, course level, and keyword. You can further customize your search by selecting course
meeting days and times, number of credits, delivery method, requirements fulfilled, and registration permissions. Remember to
clear your filters when you begin a new search.
Select the side-pointing caret to show section details for a particular course, including meeting days and time, location, instructor,
and number of students registered.
EagleApps Course Information and Schedule is limited to members of the BC community, so you must authenticate by logging in to A more restrictive view is available to guests at
The EagleApps Registration Planning tool is the most popular tool for Boston College students to plan their schedules for the
upcoming semester, thanks to its direct connection to the course catalog and features such as displaying the total number of credits
in a proposed schedule. The website is simple to use, and students can build two registration plans, including an alternate plan in
case seats in their preferred classes fill up.
Students can also use filters, such as subject area, number of credits, or if a course fulfills Core requirements, to narrow down their
To access the Planning and Registration Module, sign in to the Agora Portal using your BC credentials and select the EagleApps
Planning and Registration link in the Academics and Courses area.
For more information on how to use the planning module, visit and view the Student Planning and
Registration Guide PDF.
Boston College uses an online course evaluation system which is fast, easy, convenient, secure, anonymous, confidential, and, above
all, important! Course evaluation results are used by faculty to improve teaching, and they are a significant component in the pro-
motion and tenure process.
Students may view results of past course evaluations to assist with course selection and registration. To access course evaluation
results log in to and click on “Course Evaluations.”
Boston College
Office of Student Services
Lyons Hall
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3804