Penta Career Center
This handbook highlights the College Credit Plus options offered through our
partnering colleges, Bowling Green State University and Owens Community College,
for the 2023-2024 school year.
Information stated in this handbook is pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3365: College
Credit Plus Program and is subject to change.
Table of Contents
Penta Career Center Contact Information ................................................................................................... 3
College Credit Plus ................................................................................................................................................ 4
General Information ............................................................................................................................................. 6
The College Difference ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Bowling Green State University’s Enrollment Procedures ................................................................11
Owens Community College’s Enrollment Procedures ..........................................................................14
Statewide College Credit Transfer ................................................................................................................18
Terminology ..........................................................................................................................................................19
15 and 30 Hour Pathways Aligned to Associate Degree Programs .................................................21
Penta Career Center Forms:
Letter of Intent to Participate in College Credit Plus ..............................................................23
College Credit Plus Textbook Agreement ....................................................................................24
Penta Career Center College Credit Plus Contact Information
College Credit Plus Course Selection and Forms Completion:
Penta Career Center Counselors:
Kristen Benner
School Counselor
(419) 661-6506
Serving: Bowling Green, Elmwood, Swanton,
and Woodmore
Callie Haas
School Counselor
(419) 661-6474
Serving: Northwood, Oak Harbor, and
Mindy Moeller
School Counselor
(419) 661-6472
Serving: Anthony Wayne, Otsego, and
Dan Stoots
School Counselor
(419) 661-6475
Serving: Genoa, Lake, and North Baltimore
Leslie Zilba
School Counselor
(419) 661-6473
Serving: Eastwood, Maumee, and Rossford
General Information:
Sonia Herman
Curriculum and Instruction Supervisor
(419) 661-6496
Erik Johnson
Student Services Supervisor
(419) 661-6480
Rose Wilson
Curriculum and Instruction Secretary
(419) 661-6482
College Credit Plus
What is College Credit Plus?
The goal of the College Credit Plus (CCP) is to prepare Ohio students for college and career
readiness. Under the College Credit Plus program, qualified students in grades 7 through
12 have the opportunity to take non-sectarian college level-course work at an institution of
higher education within the state. Students participating in CCP earn transcripted credit.
College Credit Plus eligibility criteria:
To earn college credit through a Penta Career Center Career-Technical lab, a student must
be enrolled in an eligible Penta program. Course offerings vary by which Career-
Technical program a student is enrolled in.
To earn academic college credit, requirements vary by the college or university that the
student is seeking credit from. More specific information is provided below.
If you are a male who is 18 years of age you must provide your Selective Service number
to the college/university you are attending per the law. If you turn 18 during the
semester in which you are enrolled, you must provide your Selective Service number to
the college/university within 30 days of your 18th birthday. If you do not submit your
Selective Service number, you will not be considered a CCP student for that current
semester and will be responsible for any tuition, textbooks, or fees associated with the
classes for which you are enrolled.
Enrollment Options:
A student can choose option A or option B under the CCP program.
Option A permits eligible students to enroll in college courses for college credit. Students
electing this option will be required to pay all costs incurred, including tuition, books, and
fees. The student can elect at the time of enrollment, whether to receive only college credit
or high school and college credit for the course(s).
Option B permits eligible students to enroll in college courses for college and high school
graduation credit. Under this option, state funds from the high school are used to pay the
tuition and fees for the course. The high school is responsible for the cost of the textbooks
under this option.
CCP at Penta Career Center:
Eligible students may take a variety of courses which are described in this booklet. Currently,
there is no course fee. The student must meet the entrance requirements for the college that
is issuing the credit. This includes having a qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT or SAT test score.
Refer to the Bowling Green State University section and the Owens Community College
section for specific scores.
CCP students at the high school:
Are taught by either Penta Career Center faculty that meet college faculty
requirements or college faculty.
Use the college textbook, syllabus, and course materials.
Follow the college/university course objectives and learning outcomes.
Earn the same credit they would have earned at college if they successfully complete
the course.
Earn high school credit.
Will have the CCP course(s) appear on their high school transcript.
Will be starting/continuing their college transcript.
General Information
College Textbooks:
All Penta Career Center CCP students must complete a College Credit Plus Textbook
Agreement Form. Students are responsible for returning textbooks to the instructor at the
end of the course. Students failing to return a textbook will be fined the cost of the book and
a financial hold will be placed on the Career Passport until the fine is paid in full.
Transportation and Parking Expenses:
Students who participate in CCP are responsible for providing their own transportation to
and from the college or university. Parking expenses are also the cost of the student.
Scheduling College Classes:
Participation in CCP on a part-time basis means that you must schedule classes at Penta
Career Center and at a college or university. Yearly schedules and vacation times usually are
different between the two institutions. Sometimes it may be difficult (or impossible) to take
courses at both the high school and college or university because of scheduling conflicts.
College courses need to be scheduled around the student’s courses at Penta Career Center.
Students may take online courses or courses at the college in the evenings or on the
Consequences of Non-Attendance or Failing a Course:
The consequences of not completing a course in which the student enrolls could result in the
1. All costs affiliated with any CCP course, which the student drops or does not attend, will
be the responsibility of the student and/or his/her parents.
2. The final grade that a student receives in any CCP course will be included in the student’s
grade point average exactly as reported by the college.
3. Failure or non-attendance may result in a lack of award in financial aid from the
government upon graduation.
Graduation Requirements:
Any student participating in CCP, must meet their member school graduation requirements
in order to earn a high school diploma. Be certain that the number and types of courses taken
in CCP will meet member school graduation requirements. In order for a college class to
satisfy a graduation requirement in a specific subject area, the college program of study must
be comparable to the Penta Career Center program of study. Keep in mind that the grades
earned in college courses may impact a student’s grade point average, eligibility to graduate,
and scholarship opportunities. Each student should review the requirements and his or her
academic standing with the school counselor.
The College Difference
Every student interested in participating in the CCP must meet certain academic criteria.
There are other things for students to consider when determining whether or not they are
ready for college coursework, however. The first step is to understand the difference
between high school and college.
What is the difference between high school and college?
High School
Structured Environment
Daily schedule is routine
Day begins and ends as a school group
Attend five days a week
Few course choices
Mandatory attendance
Manage Your Own Time
Routine changes every day
Classes may be online, face-to-face, or a
combination of both
Not all instructors take attendance
It may appear that you have “free time”
Parents and Teachers as Guides
Direct interventions from parents
Teachers hold students accountable
Expectations are repeated often and reminders
are issued
Student Balances Responsibilities
Students are treated as adults
Students are expected to initiate contact if
assistance is needed
Students are expected to follow the course
syllabus on their own
Homework Counts
Grades are given for most assigned work
Consistent good homework may raise your grade
Testing is frequent over small sections
Tests and Major Papers Count
Tests are infrequent and often cover large
amounts of material
Review sessions are rare
Students must organize their study topics and
prepare to be tested
Make-up tests may not be available
Minimal Outside Classroom Work
Assigned readings are often done in class
Discussion is teacher led
Listening in class is enough
Lessons are read and reviewed
Significant Outside Classroom Work
For every hour you spend in class, you should
plan on three hours of outside studying and
(For a 3 credit hour class, you are in class for
about 2.5 hours which equals 7.5 hours of
Effort Counts
You can improve your grades with perfect
attendance and extra credit
Results Count
Your grade is the result of your performance on
tests and papers
Other Things to Consider:
Students are responsible for transportation costs to and from the college campus. Plan
for reliable transportation and budget for gas money.
College courses are more difficult, and the grades earned in those courses count toward
graduation. Students must consider how this will impact grade point averages and class
Even if there are school delays or cancellations due to inclement weather, students are
still expected to attend college classes.
Withdrawing from a Course:
If you decide you will no longer participate in CCP before the term has ended, you must file
withdrawal forms with the college or university and meet with your high school counselor
to develop a new course schedule. Withdrawal deadline dates are established by the college
or university. Failure to file the necessary forms may result in a failing grade. Withdrawal
from the college course may result in a financial obligation for your parents.
*This is the same when you add a new class at the college or university. You must have
a current college schedule on file with your Penta counselor at all times.
**Important Notice: Seniors who plan to use federal dollars for financial aid may
jeopardize their ability to borrow or receive grants (for up to one year) if a ‘W’ or
withdrawal appears on their transcript. Withdrawals are treated as non-progress
grades for federal aid purposes. This could impact eligibility based on Satisfactory
Academic Progress (SAP). Any senior thinking of a withdrawal will need to check with
the college they plan to attend in regards to their eligibility to receive Federal Pell
Grants, Federal SEOG, Federal Direct Subsidized Loans, Federal Direct Unsubsidized
Loans, Federal Perkins Loans, and Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students
CCP Advantages:
CCP could benefit students in several ways.
1. Have the opportunity to take courses that may not be offered by the high school.
2. Have the opportunity to experience college-level work and college life prior to making a
final decision about post-secondary education.
3. Can take classes that academically challenge them or are of interest to them.
4. Can take college courses and receive both high school and college credits.
CCP Potential Risks:
These are some possible disadvantages to participating in CCP.
1. Will have an increased responsibility for learning.
2. Could have increased financial obligations for education, if they choose Option A or if
their college course requires special tools or equipment.
3. May have reduced opportunities or time for participating in high school activities
(athletics, music, band, etc.) and part-time employment.
4. Grades in college course(s) could impact their high school grade point average and class
standing, which also could impact scholarship opportunities.
5. Will need to plan for increased travel time to and from the college or university and
increased study time.
6. Have no guarantee that they will get the courses they want.
7. Will be expected to participate in a collegiate interactive classroom environment with
other students who could range in age from 18 to 25 or older.
8. Who fail or withdraw from a college course can be negatively impacted in relation to the
credits they need to graduate from high school.
9. Who withdraw from a course or do not attend a course, can be held financially
responsible for the cost of the course.
Participating in the College Credit Plus Program:
1. Talk with your Penta Career Center counselor. Discuss your interest in taking college
courses and how it fits in with your overall academic plan and career goals.
2. Prior to March 1st, your member school district will provide information about the
College Credit Plus program to all students in grades 7-12. An informational session will
be held and all colleges and universities within a 30-mile radius will be invited to attend
before March 30th. If you cannot attend, schedule an appointment with your Penta
Career Center counselor.
3. *Even if you were enrolled in College Credit Plus courses at Penta Career Center during
the prior school year, you still must complete the Letter of Intent to Participate in
College Credit Plus.
Penta Career Center is requesting that all students complete the Letter of
Intent to Participate in College Credit Plus and submit to Penta Career
Center by April 1st. Signing the form does not require that you participate
during next school year and you may decide not to participate without
consequence. After April 1st, you will need permission from the Penta
Career Center Superintendent to participate.
4. You and your family should refer to the College Credit Plus Information Handbook
located on the Penta Career Center website at The
College Credit Plus Information Handbook provides detailed information regarding
the College Credit Plus program, college enrollment procedures, college class types, 15
and 30 hour pathways, college courses, and more.
5. You and your family should contact colleges for information, application forms, and
criteria for acceptance into College Credit Plus. Some materials are available in Penta
Career Center’s College Credit Plus Information Handbook, in addition to the
college’s website. You must go through the procedures established by the
colleges/universities to apply to College Credit Plus and to enroll in the course(s). You
may have to take a college placement test to make sure you are college-ready.
6. Prior to college class attendance, your Penta Career Center counselor will assist you in
determining a course’s equivalency to a high school course(s).
College Credit Plus: How to Get Started
Bowling Green State University Enrollment Procedures
High school students who qualify for College Credit Plus at Bowling Green State University
(BGSU) have the opportunity to challenge themselves with college courses. Students may
also take advantage of services at BGSU such as career counseling, college degree advising,
and tutoring at no extra cost.
Eligibility Requirements:
A cumulative high school grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on high school transcript
and school counselor approval is necessary to apply for College Credit Plus at Bowling Green
State University.
1. Apply for Admission:
a. Complete an online BGSU College Credit Plus Application for Admission by going to: Be sure to select Penta Career Center as the
high school you are attending.
b. Ask your Penta counselor to send an official copy of your high school transcript from
your member school counselor to Bowling Green State University.
c. Complete and sign the Intent to Participate form and return them to your Penta
Career Center counselor.
d. Your school counselor will submit official credentials to BGSU at:
Office of Admissions
110 McFall Center
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0085
419-372-6955 (fax)
e. All students will be required to take placement assessments in English and Math if
they intend to take courses in these or related areas. Students are encouraged to take
the ACT or SAT and submit scores to BGSU accordingly. Send ACT or SAT scores to
BGSU (if not included on high school transcript). An ACT Reading score of 22 or an
SAT Reading score of 480 is required for acceptance.
f. Accuplacer - BGSU Admissions will accept the Accuplacer Reading score of 80+ in
place of the ACT/SAT. Consult with your school counselor to determine how and
when to take the Accuplacer. The Accuplacer will also be given on-campus at BGSU
throughout spring as well as at Penta Career Center. To be eligible to take the
Accuplacer, you MUST apply to the BGSU CCP program prior to testing. To reserve a
seat please call 419-372-1537 at least 48 hours in advance as spaces are limited. Visit for more information.
Application Deadlines:
Fall Semester May 15, 2023 Spring Semester November 15, 2023
*Special Notes*
College Credit Plus students must pass all BGSU classes in order to continue in the program.
Participation in BGSU’s College Credit Plus On-Campus Program does not constitute
undergraduate admission to BGSU. Students who plan to attend the University upon
completion of high school must apply for formal admission during their senior year.
The CCP program at Bowling Green State University is available for students in grades 7-12;
however, the program is recommended for high-achieving students in grades 9-12. There
are currently three options in which students can enroll in college courses:
On Campus:
Opportunity to enroll in college courses on BGSU’s main campus or through online
Option to receive both high school and college credit after successfully passing the
college course.
Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their high school counselor and
college advisor when making college course selections.
Dual Enrollment:
Receive college credit that also fulfills high school graduation requirements or
elective choices.
College classes will be offered on the high school campus if the high school has
partnered with BGSU to offer courses under one of the course delivery modes of
o Option 1: High school teacher meets BGSU adjunct qualifications and teaches
the course on the high school campus with oversight and mentoring provided
by a BGSU faculty member.
o Option 2: High school teacher does not meet BGSU adjunct qualifications, but
is enrolled in a graduate degree/certificate program. BGSU faculty co-teaches
via BGSU faculty recommended method of course delivery.
Opportunity for high school students to take college-level coursework, when College
Credit Plus state funding is not available.
High school students choose to pay the costs of college coursework. Students and
parents are financially responsible for paying all tuition and textbook-related
expenses of the course.
Eligible students can take a maximum of 15 hours of coursework each semester
during the academic year.
Students have the opportunity to decide if they want the college class to also count
for high school credit (with exception of remedial courses).
Students can enroll in summer courses and decide at the conclusion of the summer
semester once the grade is issued if they want to receive high school credit for the
Owens Community College Enrollment Procedures
Owens Community College (OCC) is excited to offer students the opportunity to take college-
level coursework under the College Credit Plus program. Owens boasts two locations for
classes as well as online courses to fit busy students' schedules. The college also provides a
variety of services to students including tutoring, academic advising, student clubs, and
career exploration. In addition, College Credit Plus students at Owens can take advantage of
college facilities, such as the libraries, fitness centers, and computer labs.
1. Apply for Admission:
Complete the Owens Community College online application by going to and clicking on “Apply Online. Be sure to select that you are
submitting a College Credit Plus application or else you will be applying as a general
self-paying student.
Application Deadlines:
Fall Semester September 12, 2023 Spring Semester February 15, 2024
2. Ask your Penta counselor to send an official copy of your high school transcript
from your member school counselor to Owens Community College.
3. Complete and sign the Intent to Participate form. After completing and signing the
Intent to Participate form, return the forms to your counselor at Penta Career Center.
4. Meet with your Penta school counselor to complete the Owens College Credit Plus
Authorization Form which includes sending your official high school transcript.
Your Penta school counselor will submit all required documents to finalize the admission
process to:
Owens Community College
Attn: Records Office
P.O. Box 10,000
Toledo, OH 43699-1947
Your school counselor will help you choose classes that will fulfill your high school
graduation requirements.
5. Complete the Placement Testing or Submit ACT/SAT Scores:
Starting with the 2018-2019 school year, students are required to show college
readiness by earning an “Assessment Threshold Score” on a placement/eligibility test.
Students must place into college-level classes on the Reading, Math and Writing
assessment for most classes.
For general acceptance, a 3.0 unweighted high school GPA or placement test scores are
Eligible scores:
Reading 22, English 18 or Math 22 (Accepted); Reading 20-21, English 16-17, Math 20-
21 (Conditional); or complete the Accuplacer Test with a Reading score of 250
(Accepted)/243 (Conditional), Writeplacer score of 5+ (Accepted)/4+ (Conditional), or
QAS score of 263 (Accepted)/259 262 (Conditional).
Students may also earn the following scores on the SAT to be considered eligible: Reading
& Writing (480) or Math (530). Owens Admissions will accept the Accuplacer Reading
score of 80+ in place of the ACT/SAT.
These scores will allow students general acceptance to participate in CCP. Please note
that many courses have additional subject-specific placement testing requirements to
meet eligibility.
Consult with your school counselor to determine how and when to take the Accuplacer.
The Accuplacer will be given on-campus at Owens throughout spring, as well as at Penta
Career Center. To be eligible to take the Accuplacer, you MUST apply to the Owens CCP
program prior to testing. Call Owens Testing Services at 567-661-TEST (8378) or visit if you have questions.
6. Meet with Your Owens CCP Academic Advisor:
Upon acceptance, make an appointment for academic advising and registration. Contact
the Advising Office on the OCC Campus you plan to attend.
Toledo: (567) 661-7777
Findlay: (567) 429-3509
All College Credit Plus students are required to meet with an academic advisor. Your
advisor will contact you prior to the withdraw deadline each semester to schedule an
Class Types:
Owens Community College offers four different course delivery options with the College
Credit Plus program:
At the High School with a Penta Career Center Instructor:
Courses are taught at Penta Career Center by Penta Career Center faculty, who meet the OCC
and Ohio Board of Regents requirements for teaching college level courses.
At the High School with an Owens Instructor:
Courses are taught at Penta Career Center by OCC faculty.
On Campus (Face-to-Face):
If you choose to take a class on OCC’s main campus, you will find yourself in a traditional
classroom similar to what you experience in your high school. Classes are offered at a set day
and time, and an instructor will lead the class in lecture, group projects, and other activities.
Classroom sizes at OCC average 15 students, which allow the instructor to really get to know
the students and offer one-on-one assistance with coursework.
Online (web) classes have all content, assignments, projects, discussions, and tests online.
There are no scheduled class times, so students can complete the coursework whenever
their schedule permits. It is important to note that online classes still have due dates and
deadlines students must meet in order to keep pace with the class.
Owens Community College Things to Note:
CCP students are college students, and must complete all required coursework. The
courses are rigorous, and students must adhere to all course requirements, such as
attendance and deadlines.
Students are expected to be in class based on the college academic calendar, regardless
of the student’s high school schedule. This includes holidays, service days, and Spring
To View a Complete List of Course Descriptions and Course Numbers:
Please visit:
OCC Calendar and Schedules:
Visit to access OCC Calendars and
Schedules for up-to-date information on:
Important Semester Dates (semester start and end, holiday breaks, etc.)
Withdraw Calendar
Exam Schedule
Complete Course Schedule
Owens Community College, Toledo Campus
30335 Oregon Road
Perrysburg, OH 43551
(567) 661-7777 or 1-800-GO-OWENS, Ext. 7777
Statewide College Credit Transfer
The Ohio Board of Regents has implemented several initiatives to help ease the transition
for students who are interested in transferring from one public college or university to
Transferology is a nationwide online resource designed to help students who are planning
on transferring credits from one college or university to another public college or university.
To access the site, please visit: Registration is free.
Transferology was first released in the spring of 2014. The goal of Transferology is to save
students time and money by providing a quick, intuitive way of getting their college transfer
credit questions answered. Students can answer the question "Will my courses transfer?" by
adding coursework, exams, and/or military learning experiences to see how many schools
in the Transferology network have matching courses that may be awarded when they
transfer. They can also find out what their options are for taking classes over the summer
(or whenever) at another school to transfer back to their current school by using the "Find a
Replacement Course" feature.
It is strongly recommended that students check with the colleges or universities they may
be thinking of attending to guarantee the college course(s) will fulfill a degree course or
elective requirement. All credits earned from courses marked Ohio Transfer Module
Course or (CT)
will transfer to an Ohio Public College or University.
Remember, the college or university that a student attends after high school graduation has
the last and final word of what college courses are accepted for degree course requirements.
It is the student’s responsibility to contact the college admissions and verify. It is strongly
recommended that the student keep each course syllabus and obtain a college transcript at
the end of each year to verify that all the college credits completed at Penta Career Center
appear on the college transcript. Penta Career Center does not assume any liability or
responsibility for what appears on the student’s college transcript.
ACT (American College Test) - A group of tests administered by ACT and required or
recommended by most colleges as part of the admission process. ACT scores range from 1-
36. Cost is $60 for the ACT (No Writing) test and $85 for the ACT plus Writing.
ACCUPLACER - An integrated system of computer-adaptive assessments designed to
quickly, accurately, and efficiently evaluate students’ skills in reading, writing, mathematics,
and computer skills. Delivering results immediately and precisely, ACCUPLACER offers
diagnostics and intervention support to help students prepare for academic course work.
ARTICULATED CREDIT - Credit earned in high school and awarded when the student is
accepted at a college that has pre-approved the credit from the high school. To be eligible for
credit, the high school would have a pre-approved agreement with the receiving college. This
is directed at one specific college that has the agreement with the program and is not usually
transferrable because no grade is attached. This allows a student to have advanced standing
at the college. There is no cost to the student.
- Articulated credit that may be accepted by
many colleges on a larger scale. Credit is awarded if the sending high school and the receiving
college have successfully demonstrated that their course content for a particular course
meets the state established guidelines. The courses are technical courses. If (CT)
courses are
available in a high school program at Penta, three asterisks (***) will be denoted beside the
college courses listed on the pathways. There is no cost to the student. Presently five areas
of transfer are being developed: nursing, engineering technology, medical assisting,
information technology (networking), and automotive technology.
DUAL ENROLLMENT CREDIT - (Now called College Credit Plus) Students earn credit for
high school and college at the same time. The high school and college have agreed that the
course content meets the college expectations and the teacher is qualified to teach at the
college level. The students will be awarded a transcript from the college and can access the
transcript upon request. The student will need to contact the college he/she will be attending
to determine if the transcript credit is accepted. There is no cost to the student.
LETTER OF INTENT - A form signed by the student and parent that serves as official
notification of the student’s intent to participate in the College Credit Plus program. The
Letter of Intent must be provided to the school on or before April 1st. After April 1st,
students will need permission from the school district superintendent to participate.
OHIO TRANSFER MODULE CREDIT - The Ohio Transfer Module (OTM), which is a subset
or a complete set of a public college's or university's general education requirement that
represents a common body of knowledge and academic skills, is comprised of 36-40
semester hours of courses in the following fields: English composition and oral
communication; mathematics, statistics and formal/symbolic logic; arts and humanities;
social and behavioral sciences; and natural sciences. Additional elective hours from among
the five areas make up the total hours for a completed Transfer Module.
PATHWAY - A grouping of college courses and course sequences that total at least 15 and
30 college credit hours.
TEST SCORES - A copy of the student’s ACT, SAT or ACCUPLACER score is required when the
student is enrolling for the first time or taking a course with different test score
TRANSCRIPT - The official record of high school or college courses and grades, generally
required as part of the college application. To obtain an official high school transcript,
students must contact their member school counselor. Penta Career Center does not have
access to students’ official transcripts.
TRANSCRIPTED CREDIT - College credit that is granted by an institution of higher
education and is reflected on a student's official record (transcript) at that institution upon
completion of a course.
15 and 30 Hour Pathways
Aligned to Associate Degree Programs
Students should meet with their school counselor and CT Program teacher to create a 15 and
30 hour pathway based on their desired career path. Each career tech program has specific
CCP pathways available through Owens Community College. Below is a sample pathway that
aligns to one of our career tech programs.
A Sample 15-30 College Credit Hour Pathway
Related Penta Career Center Program: Advanced Manufacturing
Owens Community College Associate Degree Program: Applied Engineering
Technology, AAS
ENG 111
Composition I**
MTH 143
Applied Industrial Mathematics
IST 131
Computer Concepts and Apps
STM 105
Technology in Society
CAD 120
Manual Drafting
AIM 110
Principles of Mechanical Sys
CAM 122
CNC Mill Applications*
CAM 160
Machining I*
CAM 161
Machining II*
ENV 110
OSHA General Safety
PSY 111
Indust/Organization Psych
PHY 143
Applied Industrial Physics
*Denotes Dual Enrollment Courses Offered in the High School Program
**Denotes Ohio Transfer Module Course
***Denotes Career Technical Credit Transfer: (CT)2
Additional college credits earned in the related high school program not aligned to this
associate degree program:
AIM 130: Fundamentals of Fluid Power Systems 3 Credit Hours
CAD 125: Production Drawing 3 Credit Hours
***CTS001 OSHA 10-Hour Safety
The Curriculum and Instruction Office at Penta Career Center continues to seek
opportunities for additional college credit with institutions of higher learning. We also
partner with Bowling Green State University and The University of Toledo.