1. Facility to handicapped Persons for Train Reservation
i) Separate counters are earmarked at various Passenger Reservation System(PRS) centres
for dealing with the reservation requisitions received from Physically handicapped
persons, Senior Citizens, Ex. MPs, MLAs, accredited journalists and freedom fighters, if
the average demand per shift not less than 120 tickets. ln case there is no justification for
earmarking of an exclusive counter for any of these categories of persons including
handicapped persons, one or two counters depending upon the total demand are
earmarked for dealing with the reservation requests for all these categories of persons.
ii) A reservation quota of two sleeper class berths has been earmarked in all trains running
on non-suburban sections for handicapped persons performing their journey on
handicapped concessional ticket. The person accompanying the handicapped person as
escort is also allotted the berth out of this quota.
iii) In sub-urban trains, separate accommodation for handicapped persons has been
iv) The Following instructions have been issued for convenience of handicapped persons>
(a) Instructions have been issued that on trains where SLRD coaches have been
provided in the trains' composition, the SLRD may be defined in the PRS system for booking
of berths by handicapped persons and their escort travelling on handicapped concessional
ticket. In these trains the existing handicapped quota of two sleeper class berths (lower berth
for handicapped person and upper berth for their escort shall be withdrawn and merged with
the general reservation quota.
(b) Instructions also exist that in the tickets issued through Computerized Passenger
Reservation System, to extent feasible, one lower berth should be allotted to the handicapped
person and the person accompanying the handicapped person as escort should be allotted
middle/upper berths near the handicapped person subject to availability of accommodation.
(c) After departure of the train, if there are vacant lower berths avai lable in the train,
and if any physically handicapped person booked on the authority of handicapped
concessional ticket, who has been allotted upper/middle berth, approaches for allotment of
vacant lower berths, the Conductor/Train Ticket Examiner (TTE) has been authorized to allot
the vacant lower berth to them making necessary entries in the chart.
..... 2/-
I0 RTI/Brief - 2008 128
2. Additional Facility
(a) For the convenience of the physically challenged persons, facilities like Wheel Chairs have been
provided at all important stations on the Indian Railways.
(b) In allotment of STD/PCO booths operated from the Railway Stations, 25% booths have been
reserved for physically handicapped persons(including blind disability 40% and above).
(i) As per Railway rules, concession in fares is admissible to four categories of disabled persons, and
that too in extreme cases. The names of these four categories, and the element concession
admissible, are as under:-
75% in Second, Sleeper, First, AC
Chair Car
AC 3-tier and 50% in AC
50% 50%
persons who cannot travel
2-tier and AC First Classes
without an escort.
Mentally retarded persons 75% in Second, Sleeper, First, AC
who cannot travel without
Chair Car
AC 3-tier and 50% in AC 50%
an escort.
2-tier and AC First Classes
Completely Blind persons
75% in Second, Sleeper, First, AC
travelling alone or with
Chair Car
AC 3-tier and 50% in AC 50%
an escort.
2-tier and AC First Classes
4. Totally Deaf
Dumb 50% in Second, Sleeper, First Classes
persons (both afflictions
together in the same
50% 50%
person) travelling alone
or with an escort.
'} <;t.
My Docurnents/RTI/Brief - RTI - 2008 53
New Delhi, dated:
Chief Commercial Managers,
All Zonal Railways.
(Commercial Circular No. 45 of 2009)
Sub: Travelling of handicapped persons in the compartments
earmarked for them in Garib Rath trains
Instructions were issued vide this office letter No.2006/TG-
lI20/handicapped dated 01. 12.2008(Commercial Circular No. 63 of 2008),
wherein it has been advised that SLRD coaches should be treated as reserved till
preparation of charts for booking by handicapped persons travelling on concession
and at the time of preparation of charts, the berths which have not been booked
will be kept vacant for use by roadside handicapped unreserved passengers. Since
Garib Rath trains are fully reserved trains, the logic of keeping the unutilized
accommodation in handicapped coaches vacant after preparation of charts needs to
be reviewed.
2. Queries are also being received seeking clarification as to when concession
is not allowed to handicapped persons in Garib Rath trains which are having
subsidized fare structure, how handicapped persons will book tickets in these
trains. On telephonic enquiry,
was found that different Railways are adopting
different practice on this account.
3. The matter has been examined and it has been decided as under:-
i) Whenever any handicapped person desires to book ticket in the
coach earmarked for handicapped persons in Garib Rath trains,
he/she will be required to produce an attested photocopy of the
concession certificate along with the requisition and book the
accommodation on payment of full fare of 3AC class of Garib
Rath Express train. However, the original concession certificate
should be carried by the passengers for verification.
My Document/Reservation facility/ietler 20()Q 2S
- 2-
ii) The unutilised accommodation in the coaches earmarked for
handicapped persons in Garib
Express trains should be
released to RAC/waitlisted passengers at the time of preparation
of charts.
Necessary instructions may be issued to all concerned.
This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry .
of Railways. ~~../:-_' .
(Chand4kha Mukherjee)
Executive Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board.
New Delhi, dated:
Copy to:
CAO, All Zonal Railways
Directort Audit), All Zonal Railways
EDF(C), DF(C), F(C)Branch
For financial CommissionerlRailways
Copy, to:
.1. CCM(PS)s & CCM(PM)s of all Zonal Railways.
V(SS), Railway Board.
3. DirectorlPRS,
Chanakypuri, New Delhi.
4. Director General, Professor/Training
Professor/Comml., Railway
Staff College, Vadodara.
5. Managing Director/Konkan Railway Corporation Limited.
:6. Managing Director, Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation, 2
Churchgate Station Building, Mumbai-400020
7. The Director, IRICENlPune, IRlEENlNasik Road, IRlMEE/Jamalpur,
IRl SET/Secunderabad
8. General Secretary, National Federation of Indian Railwaymen(NFIR), 3
Chelmsford Road, New Delhi.
9. General Secretary, All India Railwaymen Federation(AIRF), 4, State
Entry Road, New Delhi.
10. Secretary General, Federation of Railway Officers Association(FROA),
Room No. 265-A, Railway Bhawan, New Delhi.
11. Secretary General, Indian Railway Promotee Officers
Federation(IRPOF), Room No. 268, Rail Bhawan, new Delhi.
12.General Secretary, All India RPF Association, New Delhi.
My Document/Reser vetion facrfuy/lener 2009 26
Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Malltralaya)
(Railway Board)
No. 2006ITG-I/201 handicapped
New Delhi, dated: Itl/2008
. Il':>-I~)(.~
Chief Commercial Managers,
All Zonal Railways.
Sub: Earmarking of seats/berths for physically handicapped persons in
SLRD coaches.
Please refer to this office letter of even No. dated. 09.1 0.2006(Commercial
Circular No. 74 of 2006) on the subject quoted above wherein it has been inter-alia
advised that unutilized handicapped quota in the SLRD coaches should be released to.
the general passengers at the time of preparation of charts.
2. The matter has been reviewed and it has been decided as under:-
i. SLRD coaches should be treated as reserved till preparation
of charts and the handicapped persons booking on
handicapped concession can reserve their seats/berths in this
coach on first come first serve basis.
ii. At the time of preparation of charts, the bel ths which have not
been booked will be kept vacant. As such, the extant practice
of releasing vacant berths in SLRD coaches if any, to RACNVL
passengers will henceforth be discontinued. The vacant berths
after preparation of charts will be available for road side
handicapped unreserved passengers.
iii. The unreserved passengers boarding from road side stations
wil! board these coaches on purchasing of second class ticket.
3. CRIS will make necessary modifications in the software and advise the
date of effect to all Zonal Railways as well as this office.
4. Necessary instructions may issued to all concerned and receipt of ithe letter
acknowledqed. / . .
. I
This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Railway ~9~r~. '. /
. ( ....-1 (/l "
(Rakesh Kuni'ar Tandon)"
Executive Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board,
No. 2006ITG-1I20/ handicapped
New Delhi, dated: /1n~f200n
Copy to:
FABtCAO, All Zonal Railways
Director(Audit), All Zonal Railways.
EDF(C), DF(C), F(C) Branch.
for Flnancn Comrniss.loner/Rallwavs