Isolation, characterization and analysis of
bacteriophages from the haloalkaline lake
Elmenteita, Kenya
Juliah Khayeli Akhwale
*, Manfred Rohde
, Christine Rohde
, Boyke Bunk
Cathrin Spro
, Hamadi Iddi Boga
, Hans-Peter Klenk
, Johannes Wittmann
1 Leibniz Institute DSMZ German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, Braunschweig,
Germany, 2 Department of Zoology, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi,
Kenya, 3 Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Central Facility for Microscopy, Braunschweig, Germany,
4 Taita Taveta University College, Voi, Kenya, 5 School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle
University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
These authors contributed equally to this work.
As a step towards better understanding of diversity and biology of phages and their hosts in
haloalkaline Lake Elmenteita, phages were isolated from sediment samples and overlying
water using indigenous bacteria as hosts. 17 seemingly different phages of diverse morpho-
types with different dimensions and partly exhibiting remarkably unusual ultrastructures
were revealed by transmission electron microscopy. 12 clonal phage isolates were further
characterized. Infection capability of the phages was optimum at 30–35˚C and in alkali con-
dition with optimum at pH 10–12. Structural protein profiles and restriction fragment length
polymorphism analyses patterns were distinct for each of the phage type. Complete nucleo-
tide sequences of phages vB-VmeM-32, vB_EauS-123 and vB_BhaS-171 genomes varied
in size from 30,926–199,912 bp and G + C content of between 36.25–47.73%. A range of
56–260 potential open reading frames were identified and annotated. The results showed
that the 12 phages were distinct from each other and confirmed the presence and diversity
of phages in extreme environment of haloalkaline Lake Elmenteita. The phages were
deposited at the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures and three of their
genomes uploaded to NCBI GenBank.
Viruses that infect bacteria called bacteriophages (commonly referred to as phages) are known
to exist in essentially every possible niche where bacteria reside [1] and profoundly influence
ecosystems by infecting and subsequently killing their hosts, thereby impacting the cycling of
carbon and nutrients [2]. In environments of extreme temperature, pH, salinity, or a combina-
tion of these conditions, viruses of archaea are well represented [3]. In these extreme environ-
ments, viruses are the only known predators of prokaryotes. Virus particles in hot springs have
PLOS ONE | April 25, 2019 1 / 19
Citation: Akhwale JK, Rohde M, Rohde C, Bunk B,
Spro¨er C, Boga HI, et al. (2019) Isolation,
characterization and analysis of bacteriophages
from the haloalkaline lake Elmenteita, Kenya. PLoS
ONE 14(4): e0215734.
Editor: Rui Lu, Louisiana State University, UNITED
Received: August 27, 2018
Accepted: April 8, 2019
Published: April 25, 2019
Copyright: © 2019 Akhwale et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and its Supporting
Information files.
Funding: This work was supported by The German
Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) within a PhD
scholarship award for J.K. Akhwale (REF NO. A./
12/91556) and was complemented by in-house
resources of the DSMZ Department of
Microbiology to cover material costs. The funders
had no role in study design, data collection and
been observed by electron microscopy [4] and also cultured on bacteria and archaea isolated
from these ecosystems [5][6][7][8]. Witte et al [9] isolated a novel archaeal virus, ɸCh1 from a
haloalkalophilic archaeon Natronobacterium magadii upon spontaneous lysis. Danovaro et al
[10] evaluated the selectivity of viral infections on deepsea floor by using several independent
approaches, including an innovative molecular method based on the quantification of archaeal
versus bacterial genes released by viral lysis. Since many viruses are strain-specific, when a par-
ticular microbial strain becomes dominant in a system, the number of its viral predators
increases exponentially and kill it off leaving a niche for another microbial strain to grow into,
that will subsequently be killed off by another viral type. This “kill-the-winner” hypothesis
explains much of the observed microbial diversity and changes in community structure [11].
Natural phage communities are reservoirs of considerable uncharacterized genetic diversity
on Earth [12] and provide a valuable resource to development of modern biotechnology [13].
Complete phage genomes facilitate studies of phage evolutionary history and relationships,
biodiversity, biogeography and identification of novel phage taxa [14][15][16]. Insight into
understanding of phage biology can be exploited to generate a broad application spectrum like
novel nanotechnologies, bacterial detection strategies and biological control of pathogenic bac-
teria on an industrial scale [17][18]. Despite their importance and ubiquitous abundance, far
too little is known about their diversity in natural ecosystems [19][20][21][22]. The best stud-
ied groups of phages are those examples infecting bacterial pathogens. Most studies on natural
populations of phages and their host relationship have been performed in terrestrial, marine,
and freshwater environments and very few in unusual or extreme habitats [23][24][25] where
over 90% of the earth’s bacterial diversity is thought to reside [26][25]. Furthermore, most
known phages are from North America and Europe, while little is known of phages in the envi-
ronment of vast regions such as Africa and South America [27].
Soda lakes are strongly alkaline lakes, typically with a pH of 8.5 to >12, high concentrations
of carbonate ions and with salinities ranging from brackish to hypersaline [28]. The groups of
microbes able to grow under alkaline conditions in the presence of high salt are referred to as
haloalkaliphiles [29]. They possess special adaptation mechanisms to survive and grow under
high salinity and alkaline pH. These properties of dual extremity of halophiles and alkaliphiles
make them interesting from both fundamental research and biotechnological points of view
[30]. Kenya’s Great Rift Valley contains this type of Lakes namely Elmenteita, Magadi, Bogoria,
Nakuru and Sonachi [31]. Studies on diversity and isolation of bacterial species from Lake
Elmenteita have been highly documented [32][33][34]. However, viruses from these environ-
ments are particularly under-studied at present. Hence, rich reservoirs of enormous genetic
and biological diversity therefore remain to be explored and analyzed. Previous studies on the
Soda lakes include isolation of phages from Lake Magadi by Jamison et al [35] and Muruga
et al [36]. Moulton et al [37] also isolated and studied a phage infecting an alkaliphilic Vibrio
metschnikovii from Lake Magadi. Peduzzi et al [38] carried out an electron microscopic study
of cyanophages that affect African flamingo population in Lake Nakuru.
As a step towards better understanding of the diversity and biology of phages and their
hosts in haloalkaline Lake Elmenteita, phages were isolated from sediments and overlying
water using indigenous bacteria as hosts. The phages were characterized by their morphology,
host range analysis, structural protein profile analysis, restriction endonuclease patterns analy-
sis and genome size estimation by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). A further goal of
this research was to sequence, annotate and analyse the genome of some phages from the
haloalkaline Lake Elmenteita using various available bioinformatics tools.
The study site, Lake Elmenteita, is situated at 0˚ 27´ S 36˚ 15´ E on the floor of the Kenyan
Rift Valley at 1776 m above sea level and has no direct outlet [39]. The region is characterized
by a hot, dry and semi-arid climate with a mean annual rainfall of about 700 mm [40]. Due to
Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages
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analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
the high temperatures there are very high evaporation rates during the drier seasons, leading
to a seasonal reduction in the total surface area. The size of Lake Elmenteita is roughly 20 km
and the depth rarely exceeds 1.0 m [33]. The alkalinity of the water is high with a high concen-
tration of carbonates (1200 mg Na
), chlorides and sulphates [32]. The water tempera-
ture ranges between 30 and 40˚C and the pH is above 9.
It is expected that the genomic sequences will give insight into genome architecture and
content in terms of gene function as well as the level of their similarity compared to currently
available phages. To our knowledge, these experiments represent the first report of isolation
and characterization of bacteriophages from the haloalkaline Lake Elmenteita.
Materials and methods
Research authorization in Kenya was given by the National Commission for Science, Technol-
ogy and Innovation (NACOSTI), Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and National Environmental
Management Authority (NEMA).
Isolation and characterization of bacterial host strains
Sediment sample plus the overlying water were collected (March, 2013) into sterile jars, capped
on site and preserved in cooled boxes for transportation to the molecular laboratory in Jomo
Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). In the laboratory the samples
were packaged for transfer to Leibniz Institute—DSMZ in Braunschweig, Germany and stored
at 8˚C.
Approximately 2 g of sediment was used to make a mastermix using filter (0.20 μm pore
size) sterilised water (10 ml) from the lake and the solution serially diluted using the same
water. Aliquots (100 μl) of serial dilutions were plated onto solid LB medium adjusted to
approximately pH 9.5 with Sodium Sesquicarbonate (4.3 g NaHCO
/5.2 g NaCO
/100 ml dis-
tilled water). The plates were incubated at 28˚C for 3 days. Colonies appearing on the plates
were purified by three consecutive single colony passages. Isolated bacterial strains were used
as hosts for the detection of lytic bacteriophages from the same lake. Susceptible strains were
stocked in LB broth (pH 9.5) with 15% glycerol (v/v) at -20˚C.
Growth of the strains on different media (LB, Nutrient agar and Horikoshi 1) at 28˚C was
assessed. Growth was also assessed at temperature 20–45˚C (in increments of 5˚C), pH values
from 5.0–13.0 (in increments of 1.0 pH unit) using LB as the basal medium. The colony fea-
tures were observed under a binocular microscope [41]. Cell morphology (size, shape, arrange-
ment) was determined by phase-contrast microscopy (magnification, 400×) after 3 days of
incubation at 28˚C. Gram stain was performed using the KOH test [42]. Bacterial hosts’
genomic DNA extraction, PCR-mediated amplification of 16S rDNA gene using universal bac-
terial primer sets 27F (5’-AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG-3’) and 1492R (5’-TACGGYTAC
CTTGTTACGACTT-3’), and purification of PCR products was carried out as previously
described by Kim et al [43]. Identification of phylogenetically closest taxa and calculation of
pairwise 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity was performed using the EzTaxon server (http:// [44]. The genomic homogeneity of the strains was also examined in com-
parison with their close relatives by Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight
(MALDI-TOF) mass spectra (MS) analysis [45].
Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages
Bacteriophage propagation and purification. LB medium supplemented with 2mM
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) adjusted to approximately pH 9.5 using 1M Sodium-
Sesquicarbonate (4.3 g NaHCO
, 5.2 g NaCO
, 100 ml distilled water; 1 ml in 10 ml medium)
Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages
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was used. Approximately 1 g of sediment sample was suspended in 9 ml LB broth in a sterile
15 ml centrifuge tube and mixed thoroughly on an overhead shaker for 1 hour at room tem-
perature. The sample was thereafter centrifuged at 7,500 r.p.m. for 15 minutes then the super-
natant further filtered through a 0.45 μm pore size syringe filter (Millipore corp, Billerica,
MA). The supernatant (5 ml) was added to equal amount of double strength LB broth and
inoculated with an early log-phase (0.1 ml) host culture. After overnight enrichment at 28˚C
with gentle shaking, the culture was centrifuged at 7,500 r.p.m. for 15 minutes [46]. This
enrichment procedure was repeated thrice. The supernatant obtained from the final enrich-
ment step was filter sterilized through a 0.45 μm pore size syringe filter and checked for the
presence of phages by the soft agar overlay method. The soft agar was prepared by adding
100 μl phage lysate to 200 μl of an overnight culture of indicator strain and mixed with 5 ml of
liquid soft agar at 45˚C. This mixture was spread on solid LB medium, incubated overnight at
28˚C and checked for the presence of plaques [47]. Uninfected host strain was used as negative
control for checking bacteriocin reactions to confirm the validity of plaques [48]. Underlay
procedure for phage purification [46] was followed. Phage particle from a well isolated plaque
was streaked on solid LB medium as though attempting to obtain single colony isolates from a
bacterial culture, followed by overlay containing host cells poured over the surface of the plate
and incubated after setting. The procedure was repeated three times.
To recover phages, phages were collected from plates with confluent lysis and eluted by
transferring agar overlayer aseptically into 10 ml of mid-log host cell culture in LB broth and
incubated at 28˚C with gentle shaking (overnight). The phage supernatant was collected by
centrifugation at 7,500 r.p.m. for 15 minutes, filtered (0.45 μm) and the phage stock stored at
4˚C. The titer of the stock was determined by the soft agar overlay method. 1 ml of the phage
lysate was transferred aseptically to 10 ml of the mid-log host cell culture in LB broth and incu-
bated at 28˚C with gentle shaking until clearing was observed (overnight). The phage superna-
tant was collected by centrifugation at 7,500 r.p.m. for 15 minutes (Sorvall RC6, F10S-6×500y
rotor). The fresh lysate (10 ml) was added to 200 ml of mid-log host cell culture and repeated
as above. Phages were concentrated by centrifugation at 12,000 r.p.m. for 2 hours (Sorvall
RC6, F21S-8 × 50 rotor). Phages were purified using CsCl density-gradient ultracentifugation.
The phage pellet was re-suspended in 1 ml of TE buffer (20 mM Tris [pH 7.5], 50 mM NaCl)
[49]. 1.5 ml concentrated phage suspension was overlaid onto a four-step Cesium Chloride
(CsCl) gradient containing 0.7 ml each of 1.7 g/ml, 1.5 g/ml, 1.4 g/ml and 1.3 g/ml CsCl (Opti-
cal grade, Gibco) in a 4.3 ml ultracentrifuge tube (Beckman Coulter). Phages were centrifuged
for 2 h at 20˚C and 22,000 r.p.m. in ultracentrifuge (Beckman Coulter, Optima L-XP; SW 60
Ti 12E873 rotor). Phage-containing bands (white-to-grey) were extracted by puncturing the
wall of the ultracentrifuge tube using a needle, and the CsCl removed by dialysis (visking dialy-
sis tubing: Type (inch) 8/32, wall thickness (mm) 0.050, width (mm) 10, Ø (mm) 6.3; ROTH)
for 15 h with two changes of TE buffer (10 mM Tris [pH 7.5], 50 mM NaCl) [49].
Negative staining and electron microscopy of bacteriophages. Thin carbon support
films were prepared by sublimation of a carbon thread onto a freshly cleaved mica surface.
Phages were adsorbed onto the carbon film and negatively stained with 2% (w/v) aqueous ura-
nyl acetate, pH 5.0 [50]. Samples were examined in a TEM 910 transmission electron micro-
scope (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen) at an acceleration voltage of 80 kV. Images were taken at
calibrated magnifications using a line replica. Images were recorded digitally with a Slow-Scan
CCD-Camera (ProScan, 1024×1024, Scheuring, Germany) with ITEM-Software (Olympus
Soft Imaging Solutions, Mu¨nster, Germany). The phenotypic diversity of the bacteriophages
was determined using the morphological criteria outlined by the International Committee of
Taxonomy of Viruses [27].
Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages
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Thermal and pH stability tests. The thermal stability of the phages was examined by pre-
incubating phage suspensions at different temperatures (20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50˚C respec-
tively) at pH 7.0 for 6 hours. After the incubation, phage suspensions were immediately cooled
in ice water and the surviving phages were tittered by the double agar layer method. The pH
stability of phages was examined by pre-incubating the phage suspensions of different pH lev-
els (2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 respectively) at 25˚C for 6 hours. The surviving phages were immedi-
ately counted by the double agar layer method [51].
Host range analysis of bacteriophages. To evaluate the lytic spectrum of the obtained
bacteriophages, all the susceptible bacterial strains isolated in this study were used. Double
layer agar plates with different bacterial strains were prepared. The lysis spectrum of isolated
phages was determined by spotting 10 μl of phage lysate on each agar plate with different bac-
terial strains. The plates were incubated at 28˚C overnight and examined for clearing zones
[52]. Observed inhibition of growth as marked by clearing where the lysate was spotted, was
denoted as susceptibility of the bacteria.
Stuctural protein profiles. Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE) was performed by the method of Laemmli [53]. A sample of 50 μl purified phage
particles (5×10
pfu/ml) was dissolved in 50 μl loading buffer (50 μl Mercaptoethanol, 950 μl
Laemmli sample buffer (2×) for SDS-PAGE; SERVA electrophoresis). After heating at 95˚C
for 5 min, the samples were subjected to electrophoresis in 12% SDS-PAGE gel along with pro-
tein marker (PageRuler Broad Range Unstained protein ladder; Thermo Scientific) with Tris-
glycine as running buffer. After electrophoresis, proteins were visualized by staining with Coo-
massie Brilliant Blue R250 dye (Sigma).
Bacteriophage genomic and phylogenetic analysis
DNA extraction. DNA was extracted from CsCl purified high-titre stocks of phage using
phage DNA isolation kit (Norgen Biotek Corp., Thorold, ON, Canada) according to the manu-
facturer’s instructions. The purity and the concentration of the DNA were determined using
spectrophotometer (Invitrogen Qubit).
Genome estimation. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used to estimate the
genomes sizes for the 14 phage isolates according to the protocol published by Lingohr et al
[54]. Plugs were prepared according to procedure and gel run at 5 V/cm for 24 h at 14˚C with
initial switch at 5s and final switch 15s.
Restriction digestion patterns. For comparison of DNA fragment patterns, phage geno-
mic DNA was digested with different restriction endonucleases according to the instructions
of the manufacturer (Fermentas life sciences, UK). A total of five restriction endonucleases
namely; DraI, EcoRI, HindIII, KpnI and PstI were used. Restriction fragments were separated
by electrophoresis (1h, 90V) on 1.0% agarose (Sigma, USA) gel stained with ethidium bro-
mide. DNA molecular weight marker (mi-1Kb DNA Marker; Metabion, Germany) was used
for size determination of DNA fragments [55].
PacBio library preparation and sequencing. Three bacteriophages of this study;
vB-VmeM-32, vB_EauS-123 and vB_BhaS-171, were randomly chosen for complete genome
study. SMRTbell template libraries were prepared according to the instructions from Pacific
Biosciences, Menlo Park, CA, USA, following the Procedure and Checklist Greater than 10 kb
Template Preparation and Sequencing using a multiplex workflow with symmetric barcoded
adapter of 16 nucleotides (F1 to F3), each for one of the phages. Briefly, for preparation of
10kb libraries ~ 4μg genomic DNA isolated from phages were sheared applying g-tubes from
Covaris (Woburn, MA) according to the manufacturer´s instructions. DNAs were end-
repaired and ligated overnight to hairpin adapters applying components from the DNA/
Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages
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Polymerase Binding Kit P5 from Pacific Biosciences, Menlo Park, CA, USA, respectively. Reac-
tions were carried out according to the manufacturer´s instructions. DNAs from phages were
combined equimolar. SMRTbell template was exonuclease treated for removal of incompletely
formed reaction products. Conditions for annealing of sequencing primers and binding of
polymerase to purified SMRTbell template were assessed with the Calculator in RS Remote
(Pacific Biosciences, Menlo Park, CA, USA). SMRT sequencing was carried out on the PacBio
RSII (Pacific Biosciences, Menlo Park, CA, USA) taking one 180-minutes movie.
Demultiplexing, genome assembly and annotation. Data from one SMRT Cell was
demultiplexed according to barcodes F1 to F3 using the “RS_Subreads.1” protocol included in
SMRTPortal version 2.2.0. Hereby, the “barcoding” option was activated and “symmetric” bar-
coding was selected in the barcode option pulldown menu. A FASTA-file containing all bar-
codes was uploaded prior analysis to the “Reference” section of SMRTPortal and selected
within the protocol. Output of demultiplexing workflow (barcoded-fastqs.tgz) was used to
create whitelists of polymerase reads for each barcode (compare
PacificBiosciences/Bioinformatics-Training/wiki/HGAP-Whitelisting-Tutorial). Hereby, a
bash script named “ “assisted in creating the necessary folder structure,
generating the whitelist.txt files as well as the settings.xml file for each subsequent genome
assembly. Whitelisted SMRT sequencing data from each phage was assembled independently
using the “RS_HGAP_Assembly.3”protocol in SMRTPipe with minimum subread lengths of 1
kbp and an estimated genome size of 50 kbp with exception of phage vB_VmeM-32 (200 kbp).
Each phage assembly revealed the fully resolved chromosomes as one contig. The assemblies
where either linearized due to recognition of distinct start and end points in the phage assem-
blies or circularized removing artificial redundancies at the ends of the contigs. Validity of the
assemblies was checked using SMRTView and IGV [56]. Finally, the genomes were annotated
using Prokka 1.8 [57] with subsequent manual curation in Artemis [58].
Two criteria were used to define potential protein coding genes; they had to contain greater
than 25 codons and employ ATG, GTG or TTG as initiation codons. Genome size, G+C %
content, coding density, total number of genes and additional elements such as inspection of
the sequence to search start and termination codons was determined using ARTEMIS tool for
sequence visualization [59]. The intergenic genome regions of the phage were searched for
transcriptional regulation elements. A search for tRNA genes was done with the tRNAscan-SE
program v1.2.1 [60] and ARAGORN v1.2.36 [61]. Homology assignments were based on
amino acid sequence alignment searches (BlastP) and were accepted only if the statistical sig-
nificance of the sequence similarities (E value) was less than 1x10
, the percentage query cover
was 60% and the percentage identity between the aligned sequences was 35%.
Termini phylogenetic analysis. Sequences for termini phylogenetic analysis were chosen
by large terminase gene products of BlastP. The sequences were aligned with other phage
sequences with known DNA packaging strategies from a reduced set used by Fouts et al [62]
using the program ClustalW [63] with default parameters in MEGA v.7 (Pairwise alignment: gap
opening penalty = 10, gap extension penalty = 0.1. Multiple alignment: gap opening penalty = 10,
gap extension penalty = 0.2. Protein weight matrix = Gonnet. Delay divergent cutoff = 30%)
[64]. Phylogenetic tree was inferred using the Maximum—Likelihood method [65] based on the
Poisson correction model [66]. Bootstrapping was set to 1000 replicates and the tree rooted.
Isolation and characterization of bacterial host strains
Nine bacterial isolates from Lake Elmenteita were found to be susceptible to phages. They all,
apart from Vibrio metschnikovii, were Gram-positive, grew well on alkaline nutrient (DSMZ
Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages
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medium 31), basal media for alkaliphilic micro-organisms; Horikoshi-1 (DSMZ medium
1081) and LB (DSMZ medium 381) media, over a temperature range of 25–45˚C (optimum,
30–35˚C) and pH range of 7.0–12.0 (optimum, pH 10.0–12.0). The comparative analysis of
partial (approximately 900 bp) 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that they all, apart from
Vibrio metschnikovii, belong to the order Bacillales. The level of similarity between the isolates
and their closest known relatives was between 98–100%. This was supported by MALDI-TOF
protein spectra analysis. The bacteria showed different morphologies as indicated in Table 1.
A summary of selected physiological properties to further characterize the isolates, as indi-
cated by API 20NE and API ZYM (bioMe
rieux) identification systems are presented in
S1 Table.
Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages
A total of 17 seemingly morphologically different phages were isolated following enrichment
of sediment. Transmission electron microscope revealed tailed forms of bacteriophages with
variety of structural features, to be present in this lake. According to Ackermann’s classifica-
tion [67], they were all tailed phages similar to those belonging to order Caudovirales and con-
sists of three families; Myoviridae, Siphoviridae and Podoviridae (Fig 1).
Among them, nine (vB_BpsS-36, vB_EauS-123a, vB_EauS-123b, vB_BboS-125, vB_BhoS-
126, vB_BcoS-136, vB_BpsS-140, vB_BhaS-171 and vB_EalS-137b) were siphoviruses, seven
(vB_EauM-23, vB_VmeM-32, vB_BpsM-61, vB_EalM-132, vB_EalM-137, vB_EalM-137a and
vB_VmeM-196) myoviruses and one (vB_BhoP-126) podovirus. The capsid diameters ranged
between 47–130 nm and tail lengths measured from the bottom of the neck to the base plate
ranged between 37–546 nm. The bacteriophages were further named according to the recom-
mendations outlined by Kropinski et al [68]. Results are summarized in Table 2.
Thermal and pH stability tests
After 6 h of incubation under different thermal conditions, at 20˚C generally the phages had
lost infectivity as no plaques formed. Plaque forming units however increased exponentially
from 25˚C with maximum at 35˚C. The infectivity of the phages was highest at 30–35˚C, but
was lost with increasing temperature with non at 50˚C as they had lost their infection capabil-
ity. After 6 h of incubation under different pH conditions, at pH 2 and 4 no plaques were
observed as the infectivity had been hindered by the low pH. Plaques formed from pH 7 and
increased with increasing pH values with maximum at pH 10. Infection capability of the
phages was highest between pH 10–12 (Fig 2).
Table 1. Summary of bacterial hosts’ characteristics. Hosts and their characteristic morphologies as observed under phase contrast microscope (×400).
Host reference No. Name Morphology
1 HS32 Vibrio metschnikovii vibrio
2 HS61 Bacillus pseudofirmus short rods
3 HS123 Exiguobacterium aurantiacum cocci
4 HS125 Bacillus bogoriensis rods
5 HS126 Bacillus horikoshii long rods
6 HS132 Exiguobacterium alkaliphilum cocci
7 HS136 Bacillus cohnii short rods
8 HS140 Bacillus pseudalcaliphilus long-rods
9 HS171 Bacillus halmapulus long rods
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Fig 1. Transmission electron micrographs. Micrographs of bacteriophages from Lake Elmenteita showing different morphotypes. CsCl-purified bacteriophage
preparations were negatively stained with 2% (w/v) aqueous uranyl acetate (pH 5.0). Samples were examined in a TEM 910 transmission electron microscope (Carl
Zeiss, Oberkochen) at an acceleration voltage of 80 kV.
Table 2. Bacteriophage morphology and naming. Structural characterization, classification and naming of phages isolated from Lake Elmenteita.
Host Family Name Phage size (nm)
Head diameter Tail length Total size
1 Bacillus pseudofirmus myovirus vB_BpsM-61 66 192 258
2 Exiguobacterium aurantiacum myovirus vB_EauM-23 60 125 185
3 Exiguobacterium aurantiacum siphovirus vB_EauS-123 49 138 187
4 Exiguobacterium aurantiacum siphovirus
vB_EauS-123b - - -
5 Bacillus bogoriensis siphovirus vB_BboS-125 61 179 240
6 Bacillus horikoshii siphovirus vB_BhoS-126 57 119 177
7 Bacillus horikoshii podovirus vB_BhoP-126 47 37 85
8 Exiguobacterium alkaliphilum myovirus vB_EalM-132 85 161+160 406
9 Bacillus cohnii siphovirus vB_BcoS-136 59 145 204
10 Exiguobacterium alkaliphilum myovirus
vB_EalM-137a - - -
11 Exiguobacterium alkaliphilum siphovirus
vB_EalS-137b - - -
12 Exiguobacterium alkaliphilum myovirus vB_EalM-137 62 214 276
13 Bacillus pseudalcaliphilus siphovirus vB_BpsS-140 83 546+179 809
14 Bacillus halmapulus siphovirus vB_BhaS-171 58 117 175
15 Bacillus pseudalcaliphilus siphovirus vB_BpsS-36 57 110 167
16 Vibrio metschnikovii myovirus vB_VmeM-32 130 109 239
17 Vibrio metschnikovii myovirus vB_VmeM-196 77 159 236
The phage dimension was not determined as the culture was not clonal
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Host range analysis revealed that the bacteriophages exhibited high specificity for their host
bacteria and did not infect other bacteria strain tested (S2 Table).
Structural protein profiles
The molecular weights of the structural polypeptides ranged from 10 to 100 kDa. While the
minor bands varied in position, most phages had the major band at 20 kDa (Fig 3).
Genome size estimation
The genome sizes of all the 12 phages ranged between ~30 to 200 kb. Bacteriophages
vB_VmeM-32, vB_EalM-132, vB_BcoS-136 and vB_VmeM-196 had the largest genomes of
this study ranging between ~140 to 200 kb. The rest of the phages had genome sizes ranging
between ~30 to 60 kb (Fig 4).
Restriction digestion patterns
The patterns of restriction digest profiles for each phage were different (S1 Fig). Endonuclease
EcoRI was able to digest all genomes. DraI also digested all the genomes but vB_BpsS-140.
Most phages showed insensitivity to restriction endonucleases PstI (all but vB_EauM-23,
vB_BboS-125 and vB_BpsS-36) and BamH1 (all but vB_BpsM-61) (S3 Table). Restriction
digests further confirm that the phages are double stranded DNA viruses.
Fig 2. Thermal and pH stability experiments. Infection capability of the phages was highest at 30–35˚C and more
infective in alkali condition of between pH 10–12.
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Genome characteristics and annotation
The genomes of phages vB_VmeM-32, vB_EauS-123 and vB_BhaS-171 have genome sizes of
199,912 bp, 30,925 bp, and 38,975 bp, respectively. A total of 260 open reading frames (ORFs)
were predicted for phage vB_VmeM-32 while 56 ORFs were predicted for vB_EauS-123 and
67 ORFs for vB_BhaS-171. Phages vB_VmeM-32 and vB_EauS-123 encoded 6 transcriptional
terminators each and vB_BhaS-171 encoded 5 transcriptional terminators. 3 tRNA genes
, Arg
and Asn
) were detected in the genome of phage vB-VmeM-32 clustered at
region 27879–28124 bp, while vB_EauS-123 and vB_BhaS-171 did not encode any tRNA gene.
See summary in Table 3.
Fig 3. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic profiles of phage structural proteins. (M) broad range Page Ruler
protein molecular weight marker (Thermoscientific), (1) vB_BpsM-61, (2) vB_EauM-23, (3) vB_EauS-123, (4)
vB_BboS-125, (5) vB_BhoP-126, (6) vB_BhoP-126, (7) vB_EalM-132, (8) vB_BcoS-136, (9) vB_EalM-137, (10)
vB_BpsS-140, (11) vB_BhaS-171, (12) vB_BpsS-36, (13) vB_VmeM-32, (14) vB_VmeM-196, Numbers to the left
indicate band size in kDa.
Fig 4. Pulsed-field gel of the 13 phage genomes. Lane, (1) vB_EauM-23, (2) vB_VmeM-32, (3) vB_BpsS-36, (4)
vB_BpsM-61, (5) vB_EauS-123, (6) vB_BboS-125, (7) vB_BhoP-126, (8) vB_EalM-132, (9) vB_BcoS-136, (10)
vB_EalM-137, (11) vB_BpsS-140, (12) vB_BhaS-171, (13) vB_VmeM-196, (M) Low range PFGE DNA marker in Kb
(Biolabs, England).
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Most of the ORFs of phages vB_EauS-123 and vB_BhaS-171 are located on the reverse
(minus) strand while vB-VmeM-32 has all its genes transcribed on the forward (plus) strand
(Fig 5).
Based on sequence similarity (E value < 10
), 135 out of 260 (52%), 40 out of 66 (61%) and
24 out of 55 (44%) of the protein-coding genes for phages vB-VmeM-32, vB_EauS-123 and
vB_BhaS-171, respectively, share significant sequence similarity to known protein sequences
contained in the GenBank non-redundant protein database. Genome wide comparison of the
phages with other genomes in the non-redundant NCBI database showed no significant
sequence similarity hence novel. Further analysis of vB_VmeM-32 genome revealed genes
with suggested functions like putative N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase (VmeM-
32_00065) for host cell lysis and a putative DNA polymerase (VmeM-32_00094) for replica-
tion. Gene for a putative helicase (VmeM-32_00016), exonuclease protein (VmeM-32_00081)
and endonuclease protein (VmeM-32_00138) were also identified. We identified structural
genes with conserved domains in phage vB_EauS-123 that showed no similarities to other
phages (EauS-123_00048, EauS-123_00051). Further analysis of this genome revealed few
more genes for proteins with suggested functions like a putative N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine
amidase (EauS-123_00053) for host cell lysis, a putative recombinase (EauS-123_00055), a
putative phage regulatory protein (EauS-123_00008), a putative Holliday junction resolvase
(EauS-123_00012), a putative dUTPase (EauS-123_00020) and two proteins for replication,
containing a DnaC (EauS-123_00004) and DnaD domain (EauS-123_00003) respectively. The
rest of genome did not show any similarity to any other genes with known functions so far.
Most of the few similarities vB_BhaS-171 shared with other phages were assigned to temperate
phage 11143 that was induced from Bacillus cereus strain NCTC11143 [69]. These included
genes of the cluster for DNA packaging and head morphogenesis (BhaS-171_00005 and BhaS-
171_00012), e.g. genes for two terminase subunits and a portal protein, and a gene for a puta-
tive helicase (BhaS-171_00053). Generally, vB_BhaS-171 had a typical gene cluster for head
and tail proteins, though most of those genes were annotated based on conserved domains at
amino acid level and not based on similarities to other known viruses. Downstream the lysis
cluster, we also identified genes for an FtsK/SpoIIIE-like protein and a putative replication/
Table 3. General features of genomes vB_VmeM-32, vB_EauS-123 and vB_BhaS-171. A summary of genome characteristics.
Phage Genome size (bp) G +C % content Coding % CDS tRNAs Transcriptional Terminators Start Codon
1 vB-VmeM-32 199, 912 36.25 91.2 260 3 48 246 3 11
2 vB_EauS-123 30, 925 47.73 91.5 56 - 6 52 2 2
3 vB_BhaS-171 38, 975 40.82 91.6 67 - 5 50 8 9
Fig 5. Genome maps of bacteriophages vB-VmeM-32, vB_EauS-123 and vB_BhaS-171 respectively, drawn to
scale. First track show forward transcribed ORFs and second tracks show reverse transcribed ORFs respectively. Third
track shows terminators (red). Moving inward, the track show the %GC content (purple = low %GC) and innermost of
the genome map GC skew ([G-C]/[G+C]).
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relaxation protein similar to vB_BpsS-36. The replication cluster revealed some genes similar
to deep-sea thermophilic bacteriophage GVE2 [69][48], e.g. for a helicase (BhaS-171_00053), a
Ssb protein (BhaS-171_00061) and an endonuclease (BhaS-171_00057). Additionally, this
phage harbored a gene with a conserved domain for an NTP-PPase and a cytosine-C5 specific
DNA methylase. A comprehensive list of protein coding genes carried by the phages along
with the corresponding positions, sizes, and sequence homologies are presented in S4, S5 and
S6 Tables.
A phylogenetic tree for large terminase subunit generated using Maximum—Likelihood
method revealed that phage vB_VmeM-32 cluster together with T4-like phages with a low
bootstrap value of 43%, while Bacillus phages vB_BhaS-171 and vB_EauS-123 clustered with
T5-like phages with low bootstrap values of 34% and 30% respectively (Fig 6).
Nine bacterial host strains obtained in this study from the haloalkaline lake Elmenteita,
showed physiological characteristics similar to previously isolated bacteria from this lake [70]
which include growth in alkaliphilic conditions and temperatures above 30˚C, with order
Bacillales being the most abundant and easily isolated bacteria [33][34].
Besides genomics, the most important criterion for phage taxonomy is ultrastructure [67].
The phenotypic diversity of the 17 bacteriophages was examined by electron microscopy. The
phages were identified using morphological criteria outlined by the International Committee
of Taxonomy of Viruses and the species concept of Ackermann et al [67]. All the bacterio-
phages belong to the order Caudovirales characterized by tailed phages. The order has three
common virus types; myoviruses, siphoviruses and podoviruses. Siphovirus and myovirus
Fig 6. Phylogenetic analysis of large terminase subunits compared to phages with known DNA packaging
strategies. The maximum—Likelihood tree was inferred based on ClustalW alignment of large terminase subunits
amino acid sequences. The tree was rooted via midpoint rooting. The numbers at the nodes represent bootstrap values
based on 1,000 resamplings.
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phages were prevalent morphotypes compared to podovirus. Most of the phages have morpho-
logical features that have been described previously from a marine environment by Sime-
ngando et al [71]. Few showed unique structures that have not been reported previously for
haloalkaliphilic viruses. The unique structural features, different phage dimensions and plaque
morphology all indicate diversity within the various families. The stability of phages under dif-
ferent thermal and pH conditions was investigated based on infectivity of phages after treat-
ment. Infection capability of the phages was highest at 30–35˚C. Phages were more infective in
alkali than acidic environment. Optimal temperature and pH for bacteriophage growth and
plaque formation was similar to that of bacterial host strains.
The bacteriophage exhibited high specificity for their hosts. This characteristic has been
previously reported for marine phages by Børsheim [72]. Because of their specificity, the
phages can therefore be applied to map the distribution of bacteria. Phage mapping is a very
sensitive tool for tracing specific groups of bacteria, compared to using taxonomy of bacteria
Protein profiles assessment exhibited variations. The molecular weights of the structural
polypeptides as indicated by SDS-PAGE, ranged from 10 to 100 kDa. While the minor bands
varied in position, most phages had the major band at 20 kDa, which might represent the
major capsid protein. The minor bands were varied and might be responsible for host-specific-
ity or the characteristics specific to a particular phage [73]. Resistance to restriction enzymes as
indicated by the phages of this study to endonucleases Pstl and BamH1 is common and has
been reported previously [74][75]. Several explanations have been proposed for this anti-
restriction mechanisms. Among these explanations is elimination of restriction sites as an evo-
lutionary response of phages to pressures from their host restriction enzymes [76], integration
of unusual bases in the viral DNA such as hydroxymethyl uracil or hydroxymethyl cytosine
that make DNA somewhat refractory to endonuclease cleavage. Alternatively, phage genomes
may encode methyltransferases that modify specific nucleotides within the recognition site of
one or more of the restriction endonucleases [77][78].
28% of the vB_VmeM-32 genes would result in proteins of less than 100 amino acid resi-
dues. 58.5% of putative vB_VmeM-32 genes resulted in BLASTp hits with identities to various
biological groups (Phage and Bacteria) but few lacked any database matches (Hypothetical).
The phage genes were further subdivided on the basis of their best blastp hit (BLASTp values E
). A high degree of similarity in most protein coding genes was with a Schizo T-even
Aeromonas phage Aeh1, an Aeromonas hydrophila phage isolated from a sewage treatment
plant in Wisconsin [79]. SchizoT-evens phages comprise the subgroup of T4-types that have
diverged significantly from the T-evens and infect host distant from E. coli e.g., Aeromonas
and Vibrio [80]. Genome sequencing and assembly of Phage vB_BhaS-171 and phage
vB_EauS-123 and comparison with other phage genomes via BLASTN showed they share only
few similarities with other phages.
The large terminase sub-unit is considered the most universally conserved gene sequence
in phages hence used to construct phylogeny to decipher evolutionary relationships among
phages belonging to different families [79][81]. Casjens and Gilcrease [82] have also shown the
phylogeny of large terminase sub-unit proteins is correlated with the virus DNA packaging
strategy. Since the sequence of Vibrio phage vB-VmeM-32 clustered phylogenetically with the
T4-like phages which are known to package DNA by a headful packaging mechanism, we
therefore conclude that phage vB-VmeM-32 also package DNA by the same headful packaging
mechanism. Phage vB_VmeM-32 can therefore be classified as a new member of the T4-like
phages, subgroup Schizo T-evens, and infecting bacteria of the genus Vibrio. vB_EauS-123 and
vB_BhaS-171 clustered with T5-like phages which show long exact direct repeat ends mecha-
nism of DNA packaging.
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The effective use of bacteriophage in all applications must be preceded by detailed understand-
ing of the bacteriophages themselves and analysis of their physiologic characteristics. Isolation,
characterization and comparative analysis of phages were the main accomplishments of this
study, as an outcome the phages turned out to be different in identity. The taxonomic group-
ing based upon ultrastructural characteristics, structural proteins, restriction endonuclease
patterns and genome size analysis is therefore an effective approach to the classification of the
phages. Although we investigated only a small part of the viral community, we established that
there is great morphological and genetic variation in the bacteriophages, which leads to high
levels of species and strain diversity. Molecular studies of the phages based on GC-ratios, and
DNA-DNA similarity between the phages is necessary to confirm the taxonomic status of the
groups and provide more information into interaction of phages and hosts. Genome sequenc-
ing and computational analysis of the three phages revealed basic and important information
about the DNA structure, genome organization and layout and phage relatedness. Further
investigations of phage ecology are also recommended in order to gain a more complete
understanding of microbial interactions in Lake Elmenteita.
Nucleotide sequence accession numbers
The bacteriophages were accessed to the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cul-
tures (DSMZ) under the following Accession numbers: vB_EauM-23 (DSM 29710),
vB_VmeM-32 (DSM 29703), vB_BpsS-36 (DSM 29701), vB_BpsM-61 (DSM 29705),
vB_EauS-123 (DSM 29709), vB_BboS-125 (DSM 29706), vB_BhoS-126a (DSM 29707),
vB_BhoP-126b (DSM 29708), vB_BcoS-136 (DSM 29699), vB_BpsS-140 (DSM 29700),
vB_BhaS-171 (DSM 29702), vB_PmeM-196 (DSM 29704) and the genome sequences depos-
ited at NCBI GenBank under the accession numbers vB_VmeM-32 (KU160494), vB_EauS-
123 (KU160495) and vB_BhaS-171 (KU160496).
Supporting information
S1 Fig. Restriction profiles. Restriction profiles of the phages after digestion of DNA with
restriction enzymes, overnight at 37˚C and electrophoresed on 1% agarose gel. Different
restriction enzymes were used which cut wherever the recognition sequence was present.
(A) DraI, (B) KpnI, (C) PstI (D) HindIII (E) EcoRI and (F) BamH1 all from Fermentas. Lane
(1) vB_BpsM-61, (2) vB_EauM-23, (3) vB_EauS-123, (4) vB_BboS-125, (5) vB_BhoP-126, (6)
vB_BhoP-126, (7) vB_EalM-132, (8) vB_BcoS-136, (9) vB_EalM-137, (10) vB_BpsS-140, (11)
vB_BhaS-171, (12) vB_BpsS-36, (13) vB_VmeM-32, (14) vB_VmeM-196, (M) 1kb DNA
marker (Metabione). Numbers to the right indicate band size in kb.
S1 Table. Physiological properties. Selected phenotypic characteristics of host bacteria as
indicated by API identification system.
S2 Table. Host range analysis of bacteriophages. Evaluation of the lytic spectrum of the
phages against bacterial strains isolated in this study.
S3 Table. Grouping of restriction endonucleases by cutting pattern. Non cutters produced
only one high molecular weight band by gel electrophoresis. Poor cutters produced few bands,
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good cutters produced five or more bands and complete cutters caused complete digestion of
S4 Table. Overview of bacteriophage vB_VmeM-32 ORFS and summary of homology
searches. ORFs are arranged according to their position (Start-End) in the genome. Significant
database matches are given in the column marked Putative homolog. Tools used to search for
similarity are blastn (nucleotide Blast search) or blastp (protein Blast search). Scores and E-val-
ues obtained in the Blast searches are given in the last three columns. Homology assignments
were accepted only if the statistical significance of the sequence similarities (E value) was less
than 1x10
, the percentage query cover was 60% and the percentage identity between the
aligned sequences was 35%.
S5 Table. Overview of bacteriophage vB_EauS-123 ORFS and summary of homology
searches. ORFs are arranged according to their position (Start-End) in the genome. Significant
database matches are given in the column marked Putative homolog. Tools used to search for
similarity are blastn (nucleotide Blast search) or blastp (protein Blast search). Scores and E-val-
ues obtained in the Blast searches are given in the last three columns. Homology assignments
were accepted only if the statistical significance of the sequence similarities (E value) was less
than 1x10
, the percentage query cover was 60% and the percentage identity between the
aligned sequences was 35%.
S6 Table. Overview of bacteriophage vB_BhaS-171 ORFS and summary of homology
searches. ORFs are arranged according to their position (Start-End) in the genome. Significant
database matches are given in the column marked Putative homolog. Tools used to search for
similarity are blastn (nucleotide Blast search) or blastp (protein Blast search). Scores and E-val-
ues obtained in the Blast searches are given in the last three columns. Homology assignments
were accepted only if the statistical significance of the sequence similarities (E value) was less
than 1x10
, the percentage query cover was 60% and the percentage identity between the
aligned sequences was 35%.
We would like to gratefully acknowledge the help of Bettina Henze, Simone Severitt, Nicole
Heyer and Sabrina Willems for technical assistance (DSMZ, Braunschweig). The work was
done at the Leibniz Institute-DSMZ (German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cul-
tures) Braunschweig.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Manfred Rohde, Christine Rohde, Hamadi Iddi
Boga, Hans-Peter Klenk, Johannes Wittmann.
Data curation: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Manfred Rohde, Christine Rohde, Boyke Bunk, Cath-
rin Spro¨er, Hamadi Iddi Boga, Hans-Peter Klenk, Johannes Wittmann.
Formal analysis: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Manfred Rohde, Christine Rohde, Boyke Bunk,
Cathrin Spro¨er, Hamadi Iddi Boga, Hans-Peter Klenk, Johannes Wittmann.
Funding acquisition: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Hamadi Iddi Boga.
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Investigation: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Manfred Rohde, Christine Rohde, Hamadi Iddi Boga,
Hans-Peter Klenk, Johannes Wittmann.
Methodology: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Manfred Rohde, Christine Rohde, Boyke Bunk,
Johannes Wittmann.
Project administration: Manfred Rohde, Hamadi Iddi Boga, Johannes Wittmann.
Resources: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Cathrin Spro¨er, Hamadi Iddi Boga, Hans-Peter Klenk,
Johannes Wittmann.
Software: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Manfred Rohde, Boyke Bunk, Johannes Wittmann.
Supervision: Manfred Rohde, Christine Rohde, Boyke Bunk, Cathrin Spro¨er, Hamadi Iddi
Boga, Hans-Peter Klenk, Johannes Wittmann.
Validation: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Manfred Rohde, Cathrin Spro¨er, Hamadi Iddi Boga,
Hans-Peter Klenk, Johannes Wittmann.
Visualization: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Johannes Wittmann.
Writing – original draft: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Manfred Rohde, Christine Rohde, Boyke
Bunk, Hamadi Iddi Boga, Hans-Peter Klenk, Johannes Wittmann.
Writing – review & editing: Juliah Khayeli Akhwale, Boyke Bunk, Johannes Wittmann.
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