Accessing super
due to financial
Accessing super
Super is your savings for your future when you stop
working, so there are some rules around when
you can access it. Generally you need to wait until
retirement, but if you’re facing financial hardship,
you may be able to apply to release some of your
super early.
Check eligibility
To apply for a payment under financial hardship
you must meet the eligibility criteria for the claim
type that applies to you. You must meet both
conditions shown under either option below.
Claim Type 1
(under preservation age)
You have been on eligible Commonwealth income
support payments for a continuous period of 26
weeks and continue to be on those support payments
at the date of your financial hardship application.
You are unable to meet reasonable and immediate
living expenses.
Claim Type 2
(must be over your preservation age plus 39 weeks)
You have been on eligible Commonwealth income
support payments for a cumulative
period of 39 weeks after you have reached your
preservation age.
Note: if you have reached your preservation age plus 39 weeks
and do not qualify under this claim type you may be eligible to
make an application under Claim Type 1.
You were not gainfully employed on a full-time or
part-time basis on the date of application.
Am I eligible to withdraw my super?
Find your preservation age
Your preservation age is generally the earliest age
you can access your super, and it’s calculated
based on your date of birth.
Date of birth Preservation age
1 July 1960 – 30 June 1961 56
1 July 1961 – 30 June 1962 57
1 July 1962 – 30 June 1963 58
1 July 1963 – 30 June 1964 59
From 1 July 1964 60
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Issued by H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd ABN 66 006 818 695 AFSL 235249, the Trustee of HESTA ABN 64 971 749 321. This information is of a general nature. It does not take into account your objectives,
financial situation or specific needs so you should look at your own financial position and requirements before making a decision. You may wish to consult an adviser when doing this. The
target market determination for HESTA products can be found at Before making a decision about HESTA products you should read the relevant Product Disclosure
Statement (call 1800 813 327 or visit for a copy) and consider any relevant risks (visit
contact us | 1800 813 327 | Locked Bag 5136, Parramatta NSW 2124 |
Check you have given us the required
1. Identity
As well as your membership and supporting information
about your financial circumstance you will need to give
us your identification details – this is to help us make
sure we’re releasing your benefit to you. You need to
provide either:
your ID document details and consent to verify your
identity electronically e.g. Medicare, passport or
Drivers Licence, or
send us certified copies of identity documents via
email or post.
2. Government support
Provide your Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)
and authorise us to check that you’ve been receiving
eligible Commonwealth income support payments, or
If you do not give us your CRN you will need to provide
us with an original Centrelink income support payment
confirmation letter. The date of the confirmation letter
must not be more than 21 days from the date of your
financial hardship application.
3. Claim amount and bank account
Tell us how much you are applying for and where to pay
the funds.
Important things you should know
If you have made personal contributions during the
year you might be able to claim a tax deduction.
To claim a tax deduction for personal super
contributions, you must send us a Notice of intent
to claim or vary a deduction for personal super
contributions form before you withdraw your super
benefit, transfer any part of your account to a
retirement income account or close your account.
For more information see
Unless you’ve reached your preservation age and
39 weeks, the most you can withdraw is $10,000.
Applicable tax will be taken out of the amount
approved (up to 22% if we have your Tax File Number).
For most people, this means the maximum net amount
you may receive is $7,800.
If you instruct us to withdraw your full account balance:
you should check that any contributions have gone
into your account before you complete this form.
If we receive any late contributions, we will need to
open a new account for you.
If you have any insurance cover it will cease if
you don’t have enough funds remaining in your
super account to pay insurance fees or upon full
withdrawal of this benefit.
You’re not eligible to apply for a payment on
financial hardship grounds if you’re a temporary
resident in Australia.
If you don’t meet the criteria to access your super on
grounds of financial hardship, you may still be able
to apply on compassionate grounds. Applications on
compassionate grounds are made via the Australian
Taxation Office. You can read our guide to learn
more about applying for an early release of super on
compassionate grounds. For more information visit
When will my claim be paid?
When we have all the information required,
and you are eligible to access your super
on the grounds of financial hardship,
your application and payment will be
processed within 3-5 business days.
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Please tick the relevant boxes below to indicate the type of
monthly living expenses you expect you are or will be unable
to meet and estimate the amount in whole dollars below:
Rental payments
Home Loan, personal loan and other debt repayments
in arrears including minimum credit card repayments.
Utilities (e.g., electricity, gas, water, telephone)
Car related expenses (e.g., repairs and maintenance,
registration, and insurance)
Other (e.g., home insurance, education, food, petrol,
and medical expenses)
Total approximate amount of expenses
(insert whole dollars only)
I declare and confirm the following statements are true and
correct (you must tick the relevant box below for the Claim Type
you are applying). Choose one from the below.
Claim Type 1 – the amount I am requesting is necessary
for me to meet my reasonable and immediate living
expenses and I have not made any other Financial
Hardship claims with any other super funds in the last
12 months;
Claim Type 2 – the amount I am requesting is necessary
for me to meet my reasonable and immediate living
expenses and I’m not gainfully employed in a full time
or part time basis.
I do not hold any financial assets (such as cash holdings,
term deposits, investments, shares) that can be used to
meet my expenses.
We are authorised by law to ask for your TFN. You do not
have to provide it but if you don’t, you may end up paying
more tax than you need to. See Why we ask for your TFN at for further details.
My TFN is:
2. Your Tax File Number (TFN)
Member name:
Member number:
Date of birth:
Residential address:
Postal address (if different):
Do you give us permission to contact you via email?
Telephone number (after business hours):
1. Member details 3. Financial shortfall of reasonable living expenses
You must complete all sections of this form using a pen.
If you need any help completing this form you can call us on 1800 813 327.
application for benefit payment
financial hardship
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Specify amount up to $10,000 before tax.
(whole numbers only);
Full account balance to be withdrawn (up to a
maximum of $10,000 before tax) and close my account.
The maximum amount you can claim is $10,000 (before-tax) in
any 12-month period. Applicable tax will be deducted from the
amount approved (up to 22% and provided we have your TFN).
This means for most people, the net amount you receive is $7,800.
Specify amount
(whole numbers only);
Full account balance to be withdrawn less any applicable
tax and close my account.
If you are over age 60, your payments are generally tax free.
5. Amount you are claiming
If you meet the eligibility criteria specified in the Financial hardship factsheet, you may request a payment under the specific
Claim Type that applies to you at the date of this application. The maximum amount you may be eligible to claim will depend on
whether you are under or over your preservation age. If you are over preservation age and still working you may be able to eligible
under Claim Type 1. Choose one from the below.
If you select the full account balance, we will close your account and any insurance cover you have will also stop.
Payment will only be paid via electronic funds transfer (EFT). Provide all details as requested below.
Name of bank account holder:
Note: Your nominated bank account must be held in your name or, if it is a joint account, you must be one of the account holders.
Please ensure the information you have provided is correct as it may not be possible to recover
your money if it is paid to an unintended recipient. HESTA will not verify your bank details.
Bank account number:
6. Give us your banking details
4. Your Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)
Confirm you are receiving Commonwealth income support payments.
You can authorise us to confirm electronically with Centrelink that you are in receipt of an eligible Commonwealth income support
payment — you’ll need to provide us with your CRN.
If you’re not sure if you qualify, or to access your CRN details, you must contact Centrelink directly.
If you give us your CRN and by signing the declaration on page 5 of this form, you authorise HESTA and the Fund’s Administrator,
Australian Administration Services Pty Limited (AAS) to use Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS) to perform a confirmation
enquiry of my customer details. Services Australia to provide the results of that enquiry to HESTA and AAS.
If you do not wish to provide us with your CRN, you will need to send us an original Centrelink income support payment
confirmation letter.
My CRN is:
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To apply for the early release of super on the grounds of financial hardship, you will also need to provide us with identification
documents. This is to protect you from the risk of identity fraud, and to ensure your super is paid to you..
There are three ways you can provide us with your ID.
1. you can provide document details and your consent for us to verify your identity electronically, or
2. scan your certified identification documents and email all requirements to: or
3. you can provide certified documents in hard copy and mail all requirements to: HESTA, Locked Bag 5136, Parramatta NSW 2124.
7. Proving your identity
I consent to the Trustee of HESTA verifying my identification via electronic means including in the event my certified documents
have not been correctly certified or if I apply for IP or TPD and have been approved for payment.
Signature: Date signed:
Verification of identification
Option 1: Electronic proof of identity Option 2: Provide certified copies of ID documents
Please provide at least TWO of the following for verification.
Electronic verification
If you select this option you do not have to attach any
certified documents. We will do all the checks for you.
I authorise the use of the below information for this purpose
(complete ‘Verification of identification’ on this form):
My Medicare number is:
Exp. date:
I am person number
on this Medicare card
My Australian Driver licence number is:
Card number: (see Driver licence card number under Proof of
identification at
Exp. date: State of issue:
My Australian passport number is:
Exp. date:
Place of birth:
Country of residence:
Name on citizenship document (if applicable):
Family name at birth:
This step-by-step guide details the types of documents we can
accept as proof of your identity and what you need to do to
certify them correctly.
Hard copy verification
If you select this option you must attach all certified
Acceptable documents
A certified copy of a primary photographic identification
current photographic driver’s licence issued under state or
territory law (copy of the front and back)
current passport (including English translation where
A certified copy of a primary non-photographic identification
birth certificate
citizenship certificate issued by the Commonwealth of
pension card issued by Centrelink that entitles you to
financial benefits.
A certified copy of a secondary identification document:
a notice issued by a local government body or utilities
provider within the preceding three months that shows
your name and residential address.
notice issued by Commonwealth, state or territory
government within the past 12 months that shows your
name and residential address. For example:
Tax Office notice of assessment
a notice recording the provision of financial benefits
i.e. a Centrelink assistance payment.
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How to certify
The person authorised to sight and certify documents must:
sight the ORIGINAL and the copy and make sure they are
identical, and
write or stamp ‘certified true copy’ on all copied pages
followed by their signature, printed name, qualification
(e.g. Justice of the Peace), registration number (if applicable)
and date.
What does a certified document look like?
Samantha Sample has provided a photocopy of her
identification that included signature, full name, date of birth,
and current residential address.
The certifying authority has sighted the original
identification, and confirmed that the copy is a true copy.
Details for the certifying authority are included: full name,
qualification, registration number (if applicable), date
and signature.
I certify that this document is a true copy of
the original”
Name: Kate Anderson Qualification: JP
31 Ju
ly 2015
egistration no:
Who can certify my identification document?
For a full listing of people who can certify your documents,
see Schedule 2 of the Statutory Declarations Regulations 2018.
Some of the people who can certify copies of originals as true
copies are:
a medical practitioner
a nurse
an optometrist
a psychologist
a pharmacist
a chiropractor
a veterinary surgeon
an accountant (member of ATMA, CA ANZ, CPA or IPA)
a teacher permanently employed full time or part time basis
at a school or tertiary institution
an officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of
an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL), having five
or more years continuous service with one or more licensees
a notary public
a police officer
a Justice of the Peace
a magistrate
a bank officer with 2 or more continuous years of service
a marriage celebrant
a member of the Governance Institute of Australia Ltd
a permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation
with 5 or more years of continuous service
a SES employee of the Commonwealth.
What if I don’t certify my identity documents correctly?
If the identification documents you send with your application
are not certified or incorrectly certified, we may call you to verify
your identity over the phone. If you’re unable to give us enough
information to identify you over the phone, you may need to
resend certified proof of identity documents. This will lead to
delays in processing your application.
Alternatively you can give your consent for electronic verification
of your documents to be completed in the event that your
documents have not been correctly certified, please sign
the consent section under ‘Verification of identification’.
Return your completed form
Scan and email all requirements to
or mail to: HESTA, Locked Bag 5136, Parramatta NSW 2124
Do proof of identity and/or linking documents need
to be translated?
If your proof of identity and/or linking documents are in a language
that is not understood by the person carrying out the verification,
they must be accompanied by an English translation prepared
by an accredited translator.
Have you changed your name or are you signing on behalf of another person?
If you’ve changed your name or are signing on behalf of the applicant, you’ll need to provide a certified linking document proving
a relationship exists between two (or more) names.
For a change of name you can request linking documents (eg Marriage certificate, Deed poll, Change of name certificate,
Divorce decree or Registered relationship certificate) from the Births Deaths and Marriages Registration Office.
If you are signing on behalf of the applicant, you will need to provide Guardianship papers and Power of Attorney documents.
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By signing this application for benefit payment, financial hardship, I am making the following statements:
1. The information provided and statements made on this form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
2. I am an Australian or New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident of Australia and I am not a current or a former temporary
resident of Australia.
3. I understand that the payment of my benefit is not guaranteed, and the decision will be made by HESTA after receiving my
completed application and relevant supporting documentation and HESTA may request further information or documentation
from me to support my application.
4. I understand that if the fund does not hold my TFN, and I am under age 60, I may have additional tax deducted from my benefit
and the taxed component will be taxed at the highest marginal rate plus applicable levies.
5. I understand that any insurance cover I may have, will cease if I don’t have enough funds remaining in my super account to pay
insurance fees or upon full withdrawal of my benefit.
6. I understand that if my full account balance in HESTA is paid, the Trustee of HESTA shall be released from all claims, liabilities
and obligations in respect of my interest in HESTA.
7. I authorise my benefit to be paid by HESTA as instructed on this form. I am aware that I have the right to request more
information if required to understand my benefit entitlements in HESTA, including any fees and charges that may apply to the
benefit withdrawal.
8. I understand that unit prices will apply to the amount withdrawn on the day the withdrawal is processed from each investment
option my balance is invested in.
9. I understand if I have not provided evidence that I have been in receipt of Commonwealth income support payments (or that
evidence is more than 21 days old) that I will not qualify to access my benefits (only applicable if CRN has NOT been provided).
10. I have read and understood HESTAs Privacy Collection Statement which is available at or by calling
1800 813 327 and accept that the information on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I consent
to my personal information being collected and used by the Trustee for the ongoing administration of my membership by the
fund administrator and other service providers.
8. Member declaration
I have provided my CRN in Step 4.
I understand that:
Services Australia will disclose information to Australian Administration Services Pty Limited (AAS) based on whether I have been
in receipt of a qualifying Centrelink payment for a specified period to confirm my eligibility for early release of superannuation on
the grounds of financial hardship.
Services Australia will disclose to AAS my personal information including my name, date of birth and payment status.
This consent, once signed, remains valid while I am a customer of HESTA unless I withdraw it by contacting HESTA or
Services Australia.
I can get proof of my circumstances/details from Services Australia and provide it to HESTA to confirm my eligibility for early
release of superannuation on the grounds of financial hardship.
If I withdraw my consent or do not alternatively provide proof of my circumstances/details, I may not be eligible for the financial
hardship benefit payment provided by HESTA.
Centrelink Confirmation eServices Declaration
Member signature: Date signed:
Check here to see if you have provided us with the required information to assess your application.
I have completed application form in full and provided the relevant information in all sections and signed and dated the
member declaration on this form.
Identification documents attached or document details provided.
CRN in section 4 provided to verify my Centrelink income support payments payments or attach my letter from Centrelink.
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5208 01/24
Issued by H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd ABN 66 006 818 695 AFSL 235249, the Trustee of HESTA ABN 64 971 749 321. This information is of a general nature. It does not take into account your objectives,
financial situation or specific needs so you should look at your own financial position and requirements before making a decision. You may wish to consult an adviser when doing this. The
target market determination for HESTA products can be found at Before making a decision about HESTA products you should read the relevant Product Disclosure
Statement (call 1800 813 327 or visit for a copy) and consider any relevant risks (visit
contact us | 1800 813 327 | Locked Bag 5136, Parramatta NSW 2124 |
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