Austin Elementary
Student Handbook
5321 Roberts Drive
Dunwoody, Georgia 30338
Items contained in this handbook will be updated as needed to remain
current with school and district policies and practices.
As of 12/09/2021- Items are subject to change
Austin School Mission Statement:
The mission of Austin School in partnership with staff, parents, and community is to
provide a safe, nurturing environment where challenging and creative teaching occurs
utilizing state of the art resources. Individual learning needs will be met and students
will develop into confident, productive members of society.
School Colors: Navy and white
School Mascot: The Austin Eagle
School Hours: 7:45 A.M. 2:30 P.M. Students may arrive no earlier than 7:25.
Arriving and Departing School
Walkers should use sidewalks wherever possible. Children should be instructed to stay
on the sidewalks and to respect the property of others. Upon reaching the crosswalk at
the school, students should remain on the sidewalk until the crossing guard instructs
them to cross.
Students in grades PreK- 3 need an adult to walk with them to and from school.
Bike racks have been provided for parking bicycles. For security reasons, all bikes
should be locked to the rack. Bicycles are not to be ridden on school grounds or on
the easement leading from Witham Drive. It is strongly recommended that no children
under grade 3 ride bicycles to school. Students should not arrive prior to 7:10 A.M.
The warning bell will ring at 7:40. The final bell will ring promptly at 7:45 A.M. Students
who report to school after the 7:45 A.M. bell will be considered tardy.
In order for a student to be counted present for a day, a student must be in attendance
for at least one-half of the instructional day according to the Georgia Department of
Education (arriving or departing prior to 11:15 am).
2:10 Buses and Day Care Vans
2:15 Independent Walkers and Bikers
2:20 Carpool and After Care students
The School Bus
School bus transportation is provided for all students who reside at least 1.5 miles from
the school. Students are to ride only the bus assigned to them. Unruly behavior on the
bus will not be tolerated. The safety of all students on the bus is jeopardized when one
student misbehaves. A student who refuses to abide by the rules may be suspended
from riding the bus.
Early Dismissal
Except when going home at regular dismissal time, students are not allowed to leave
school grounds. Should it become necessary for a child to leave school early, a parent
or guardian must report to school and sign out the child before the child will be
dismissed. The adult checking the student out must show proper identification. This
regulation is necessary for the safety and protection of our children.
No one will be checked out after 1:50. If there is a change in the way your child goes
home at the end of the day, a Change of Dismissal Form must be completed and sent
to the teacher the day the change will occur. If you don’t hear back from the teacher by
12:00, please reach out to the front office to assure the teacher is notified of your
change. The form can be located on our school website under Parent Resources. An
email will also suffice.
Attendance Policy
Austin Elementary will follow the guidelines for unexcused absences/tardies as
outlined by the Code of Student Conduct booklet: Unexcused Absences and/or
Lawful absences are defined by Georgia Law as follows: illness; death in the
family; religious holiday; instances which attendance could be hazardous as
determined by the DeKalb County School System; service as a page in the
State law indicates any parent/guardian who does not comply with compulsory
attendance mandates (O.C.G.A 20-2-690.1[a]) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine not less than $25 and not
greater than $100, imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, community service, or
any combination of such penalties, at the discretion of the court having
jurisdiction. Each day’s absence from school in violation of this part after the
child’s school system notifies the parent/guardian of five unexcused days of
absence shall constitute a separate offense (O.C.G.A. 20-2690.1[b]).
The following apply to all unexcused absences:
Number of
School Action
Per Occurrence
1 - 2
School notifies the parent of absence.
3 - 5
School notifies the parent of absence and refers student to
the counselor or assistant principal who will then meet with
the student and/or parent for the purposes of discussing the
reasons for absences and signing an attendance contract.
6 - 7
Letter sent to parent/guardian informing him/her of the
student’s absences and the administrative and legal
consequences of continued absence from school.
Counselor will make a referral to the school social worker to
conference with the parent/guardian and student for
assessment and/or possible referral to Juvenile Court,
Solicitor-General’s Office, DFACS, or other agency.
Late to School
Students are expected to be seated and ready to begin work at 7:45 a.m. It is important
that students be at school on time each day. If a student arrives after 7:45, parents must
escort and sign their child in at the Main Office. Students who are tardy are required to
sign in with a parent and are given a slip to admit them to class. Parents are not to
escort children directly to class. Tardiness not only has a negative impact on the
student, but it also interrupts the instructional program in the classroom. Medical and
dental appointments are examples of an excused tardy to class. Examples such as
traffic, oversleeping, and car trouble will result in an unexcused tardy to class.
Withdrawal from School
A note should be sent to the student’s homeroom teacher and/or front office staff
several days before withdrawal. The note should state the child’s last day and new
school that the child will attend. Please make sure all textbooks, Chromebooks and all
library books are returned, any fines paid, and all lunch charges are paid in full.
School Visitors/Volunteers
The DeKalb County School District is an open system and encourages parent
participation and involvement. To assure safety of all students, parents must ring the
bell, present a picture ID, and sign in at the front office upon arrival at the school. All
visitors and volunteers will also be required to wear a visitor/volunteer badge. Please
call ahead to schedule a time with an administrator if you would like to visit a
classroom. Classroom observations will be scheduled for 20 minutes in length and
parents will be accompanied by an administrator. Parents should limit activities that
would distract students or teachers. The rights of all students to privacy and a proper
learning environment must be strictly observed.
Dress for Success (School Uniform) Information
Uniform participation is expected. These guidelines have been created to establish and
maintain a positive learning environment for all students. Clothing and shoes that are a
distraction to learning will not be permitted. (i.e. light-up shoes, spaghetti strap shirts
and dresses)
Boys: Pants or dress shorts should be solid navy or khaki, neat and fitted at the
waist. Blue jeans or athletic shorts (Austin spirit wear included) may be worn. Baggy
pants are not allowed. Monday through Friday, shirt (short/longsleeved) should be
solid navy, white or light blue, with or without Austin logo. Logos, other than the
Austin logo, should be no larger than the size of a quarter. Shirt styles include polo,
turtleneck, button-down and crew neck. Austin spirit wear shirts may also be worn with
uniform pants Monday through Friday. Students are encouraged to tuck in shirts.
Girls: The same clothing listed above, with the addition of skirts, skorts, jumpers or
capri pants in solid navy or khaki, or the Austin blue plaid. These items, including
shorts, should be no shorter than three to four inches above the top of the knee with or
without tights or leggings. Shorts should be worn under skirts and jumpers for P.E.
Athletic or tennis shoes are appropriate footwear and should not leave black
scuffmarks. Hats and bandannas should not be worn inside the school except on
theme days or if special (i.e., religious, medical, etc.) circumstances exist. Scout
uniforms, Chess Club T-shirts, etc, are permitted on their designated meeting days
only. All other items such as hair accessories, jewelry, socks, belts, jackets and
backpacks should be appropriate for school.
Students who do not comply with the Austin Uniform policy will be sent to clinic to
change clothes and parents will be notified.
Toys, etc.:
Radios, electronic games, toys, and toy-like items are not to be brought to school.
These items will be collected and held for parents to pick up.
Telephone Use
The school phone number is 678-874-8102. In an emergency, telephone messages will
be taken to students. Please discourage the use of the phone for any other purpose.
Personal responsibility is enhanced if students learn it is their job to remember lunch
money, lunch box, homework or projects. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Electronic devices, radios and cell phones
Radios, iPods, electronic games, and toy-like items are not to be brought to school. If
these items are present during the instructional program, these items will be collected
and held for parents to pick up. If a student has a need to bring a cell phone to school,
it must remain off and in the book bag during school hours. No one is allowed to take
pictures or video of other persons at school without the expressed permission of the
principal (O.C.G.A. 20-2-1183).
Personal Belongings
Students should not bring money, toys, jewelry, or expensive items to school. The
school is not responsible for such items that are lost or stolen at school.
For the safety of all, we ask everyone to cooperate in keeping pets off the school
Teacher Conferences
All teachers welcome the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress. Morning or
afternoon conferences can be arranged by scheduling through the teacher.
Additionally, afternoon/evening conferences will be scheduled twice a year.
Please note: The first and most important job of the teacher is student instruction.
Therefore, you are requested not to go to the classroom during instructional time. You
may stop by the office if something needs to be delivered or you may write a note and
leave it in the teacher’s mailbox. To protect instructional time, teachers are not allowed
to confer with parents during the time they have responsibility for students. You are
requested not to go to your child’s class during this time.
Student lunches are $2.60. Adult lunches are $3.50. Extra milk may be purchased for
an additional $.60. Additional items may be available for purchase as well. Meal
prepayments can be processed quickly at any time via www.SchoolCafe.com. For your
convenience, our menu is posted monthly on the DeKalb County School District (DCSD)
website www.dekalbschoolsga.org/school-nutrition.
With this program, you can check lunch balances and fund the account from your
computer, phone or fax. If you are sending a check or cash, please send prepaid
money in an envelope that is labeled with your child’s name, homeroom teacher, and
what the money is for (ex. 4 lunches and 2 ice creams).
Based on School Council recommendations, Austin Elementary has a policy of no
outside fast food in the cafeteria. This includes carbonated soft drinks and items not
brought from home. Such a policy maintains a focus on the nutritional program of our
school as set forth by the DeKalb County School District. In addition, it provides an
environment of equity and fairness for all of our children who do not have the
opportunity for “special treat” lunches. The school administration and Council
appreciate your support in adhering to this policy.
You are welcome to join your child for lunch. Please send a note with the student so
that we can include you in the lunch count. We ask that you sign in at the visitor desk
in the front hall and wear a VISITOR BADGE which will be available at the sign-in desk.
The clinic, located adjacent to the main office, provides the students and faculty of
Austin with minor first aid when needed and takes care of sick children until a parent or
guardian can pick them up. The clinic is staffed by a health care registered nurse from
7:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Teachers will never give medication. If a student must have
medication while at school the parent must obtain a medication consent form from the
nurse, have the physician complete the form and return it to the clinic. Medication
containers must be clearly labeled in original packaging and will be secured in the
clinic. All medication will be administered by the nurse.
Despite all precautions and supervision, accidents will occur. In the event your child is
injured, we will provide first aid if needed, make every effort to make him/her
comfortable, and then contact the parent immediately. In cases of serious injury, action
will be at the direction of parents if they can be contacted. For the safety and security
of your child, it is vital that the office has updated telephone numbers on file at all
Accident Insurance
Parents may purchase student insurance for their child. This insurance is provided by a
reputable insurance company designated by the DeKalb County School System. The
insurance covers a student from the time he/she leaves home in the morning until
he/she returns home in the afternoon. A preferred plan and a basic plan are available
for purchase. Applications and cost of coverage will be provided to each
parent/guardian at registration and may be purchased at any time during the school
year. No other insurance is carried on students by the school or school system.
Sudden Emergencies
DeKalb School officials deal with sudden emergencies caused by storms or tornadoes
with efficiency and concern for safety of students and staff members. However, it is
most important that parents be aware that they are responsible for their children if
dismissal from school takes place. When severe weather watches are announced,
immediate emergency procedures are taken for student safety in schools or to dispatch
students to their homes. The DeKalb School Superintendent or his designee makes the
final decision as to whether or not to dismiss school. The DeKalb School System never
dismisses students without this authorization. The school principal makes essential
decisions about the safety of all personnel and students under his/her supervision.
Change in Family Situations
It is vital that you notify the school as soon as possible when any change in the family
situations occur that affects the custody of the child either permanently or temporarily.
Please make sure that the school has current telephone numbers (at least two) and
email addresses where the parents/guardian can be reached at any given time. Any
court documents containing custody information and visitation rights must be on file at
the school in the Main Office. Any information regarding who may and may not pick-
up the child must be on file in the Main Office, and the classroom teacher needs to be
Lost and Found
Any article of clothing or book found on the school grounds is taken to the lost and
found cabinet located in the cafeteria. All unclaimed articles are given to a charitable
organization periodically. Parents will be notified prior to items being donated.
Because of this, parents are strongly urged to clearly label all their child's personal
possessions, and to check the lost and found cabinet to retrieve any lost items.
The DeKalb County School District issues a Code of Student Conduct handbook to each
student yearly. Every student (PreK-5) is subject to the rules and regulations as
outlined in this handbook. Each student or parent is given the handbook during the
first week of school. The acknowledgement receipt should be signed and returned to
This handbook is reviewed with all students during the first week of the school year and
immediately following each school break. Parents are asked to discuss the school
system’s rules to ensure that your child has a full understanding.
Austin Elementary is committed to providing a learning atmosphere that encourages
study and focus on improvement of skills. For that reason, Austin School guidelines are
developed within the framework of the DeKalb district policy, which reflect
commitment to an orderly classroom instructional setting. Each teacher has developed
a Classroom Discipline Plan, which is discussed with students, posted in the classroom
and sent home to parents. This plan will clarify behavior expectations for every child.
All staff members are responsible for establishing and maintaining effective discipline
within the school. The DeKalb County School District believes that the educational
environment must be favorable if students are to take advantage of its comprehensive
program of educational services.
Good discipline is essential to a productive and meaningful learning environment.
Each student who receives a Student Discipline brochure, will have the opportunity to
review and discuss the contents with the teacher, and will pass a county designed test
on the contents of the brochure and those that are outlined in the classroom. The
Austin character education program also supports self-discipline by emphasizing
respect for self and others and respect for school.
Media Center
Students have flexible access to the library media center when it is open throughout
each school day from 7:30 A.M. 2:00 P.M. (with teacher permission). The teacher-
librarian and teachers collaborate to include information literacy and technology skills
into subject area lessons. Students may check out up to five books (depending on
grade level) for a 2-week period. Overdue notices are sent home bi-weekly, with
students having their checkout privileges suspended until books are returned or paid
for. Please see the Library Handbook link on the Media Center page of
AustinElementary.com for more information.
Instructional Program
An educational program should encourage the total development of each individual
and should promote intellectual curiosity, independence, objectivity and creativity in
these individuals. At Austin, the instructional program ensures that each student will
experience the enjoyment of a challenge, the excitement of success and the
development of a good self-image. This is accomplished by employing innovative
teaching strategies, cooperative learning and by exposing students to the total
curriculum. In addition, in the spring of each school year we welcome parents to
complete a “Confidential Placement Concern Form” that allows the parents the
opportunity to identify any specific concerns that would assist us in properly placing
the student for the upcoming academic year. Classes are carefully balanced and any
request to move a student is only considered by the administration when it becomes
an academic concern that cannot be resolved in the child’s current placement.
Textbooks are furnished to your child by the DeKalb County School District on a loan
basis and should be treated as borrowed property. It is the student’s responsibility to
protect textbooks. Students must pay for loss or damage to textbooks. Students who
lose textbooks shall be assessed according to the DeKalb County listed price for the
lost textbook. Students who return textbooks that show wear more than what can be
attributed to normal use will be assessed according to the damage.
Adopted Text
My Math/consumables
Storytown; Units of Study
for Writing
Social Studies
Houghton-Mifflin Grade
1 Harcourt Grades K, 2, 3,
4, 5
Students are allowed to carry book bags that are appropriate for elementary school (no
distracting slogans, no stuffed animal toy bags). Students are encouraged to keep book
bags tidy and cleaned out each night.
Homework is a very important part of the instructional program and is one means by
which families can spend quality time together and support the school in improving
student learning. Homework will be required daily as part of the course of study.
Homework encourages independent work, responsibility, proficiency and good study
Make-up Work for Excused Absences
It is the student’s responsibility to secure and complete any assignments missed due to
an excused absence. In the case of an excused absence, students will be allowed 3
days to make up missed assignments. Please allow 24 hours for the teacher to get the
assignments ready. Teachers are not required to provide make-up work for unexcused
absences. In addition, teachers will not provide make-up work prior to a student being
Report Cards
DeKalb Schools are on a semester system. A Progress Report is sent home on the
, 9
, 13.5
week of each semester. The Progress Reports will give you information
on the performance at that point in the semester. Report Cards are sent home at the
and 36
week. These are the grades that become a part of a student’s permanent
record and transcript. The grading system for DeKalb County is:
Below 70
Deficiency Reports
Deficiency reports are a means of reporting to parents that a student is not progressing
satisfactorily in either academic work or conduct. These deficiencies should be signed
by the parents and returned to the teacher.
Parties are held for each class twice a year. Winter and Valentine’s Day parties are
planned by the room mothers in cooperation with the teachers. There are no end-
of-year parties.
We do not have birthday parties at school. Parents may send in one small treat
which will be shared during lunch time with the class the student sits with at lunch.
Parents are not to share birthday treats with students in any other class. No
classroom time will be devoted to birthday celebrations. In addition, birthday favors,
goodie bags, balloons, and gifts are not allowed at school. Students are not allowed
to sing Happy Birthday or light birthday candles while in the cafeteria. Please do not
send birthday party invitations to be distributed at school.
Right to Know Professional Qualifications of Teachers and Paraprofessionals
Austin Elementary
Date: August 15, 2018
Dear Parents,
In compliance with the requirements of the Every Students Succeeds Act, Austin Elementary would like to
inform you that you may request information about the professional qualifications of your student’s teacher(s)
and/ or paraprofessional(s). The following information may be requested:
Whether the student’s teacher—
o has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the
teacher provides instruction;
o is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing
criteria have been waived; and
o is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
If you wish to request information concerning your child’s teacher’s and/ or paraprofessional’s qualifications,
please contact the principal, Dr. Ann Culbreath at 678-874-8102.
Dr. Ann Culbreath
Please retain this notice for future reference.
Carpool Bike Riders Walkers Bus Riders Daycare Van Riders
Austin Elementary Arrival-Dismissal Procedures
NOTE: Each family is given a carpool number tag (to be hung from rear-view mirror
during car pickup), no matter how your child will normally arrive at and leave school.
Although the number is not necessary for arrival, it is essential for an efficient and
orderly dismissal, especially during an emergency situation. Please feel free to ask for a
replacement tag if it becomes worn.
School begins promptly at 7:45 am. We have a warning bell that rings at 7:40 am.
Bus students who arrive before 7:20 am will immediately report to cafeteria upon
Earliest arrival for walkers, bikers, and carpoolers is 7:10 am. Please report
immediately to homeroom. The bike rack is located in the front of the school. Bikes
must be locked. There are two carpool lanes in the morning.
Student safety patrols and school adults are on duty to assist students.
Parents will designate ONE means of dismissal for the student at registration:
walk/bike, daycare van, bus, or carpool. All dismissal changes must be submitted to
the child’s Home Room teacher and front office if no response from the Homeroom
teacher. Please submit forms by 12pm. E-mailed notices will suffice. If no written
notice is provided, the child will be dismissed as designated by the parent on the
registration form.
Early DismissalIf you need to check out students early, please do so before
Bus & Daycare Van DismissalStudents will be called to board buses and daycare
vans starting at 2:10 PM.
Bike Rider and Walker DismissalStudents walking or biking home will be dismissed
at 2:15 PM and are expected to leave school grounds immediately to clear
pedestrian traffic before carpool begins.
Carpool Dismissal and Triple A At 2:20 PM. Carpool students must remain quiet to
hear carpool numbers called over the teacher’s walkie-talkie. Only after a student’s
carpool number is calledindicating that someone has arrived to pick him up
does he report to the flagpole area outside.
Students wait at the flagpole area until they see their cars in the appropriate loading
lane. Once your child is in your car, please take down your carpool tag to let the
monitors know that your carpool is complete. If your child is not at the flagpole,
please leave your carpool tag up. We will ask you to pull up into the holding lane
(marked with cones) and wait while we re-announce your carpool number.
Make sure that you have (or anyone else who will pick up your child has) the
assigned number showing during dismissal. If a car does not have a carpool number
showing, we will expect the driver to park and check out students in the main office.
Do not park your vehicle along the front curb at any time. This is a fire lane and
you/your car may be ticketed. If you need to park, do so in a designated parking
Students are not allowed to cross carpool traffic for any reason. Students will exit
and enter cars via passenger-side doors and at the curb ONLY. Our goal is to take
advantage of green traffic lights and have the maximum number of cars in
loading/unloading areas. This may mean that your car will not stop in a spot closest
to the front entrance of Austin. In consideration of others, please pull your vehicle
forward as far as possible when “waved up” by duty staff or patrols so that we can
use all appropriate space.
If you are the firat car, please pull forward until you reach the cones near the end of
the sidewalk or pickup.
Please be aware that we have only enough room for one lane of traffic in each
direction. Do not pass cars while in the carpool line for any reason!
As a courtesy, duty staff will do their best to assist students with opening car doors.
However, students may get out/in on their own as long as the carpool line is not
moving or being waved on and the child’s car is stopped in an appropriate area.
Please encourage your child to exit/enter your vehicle independently at an
appropriate place.
Please be aware of your speed as you proceed through carpool, especially if you’re
running late or are in a hurry. Safety first!
COVID Safety:
Due to COVID there are a few changes to our normal. Please see them below:
Walking students to class the first day of school:
We ask that you say your goodbyes in carpool or at the front of the school. However, if needed PreK,
Kindergarten, and 1
grade students can be walked by one Parent on the first day of school.
**Mask are required
Lunch update:
At this time, parents are not allowed to eat lunch with their students. If this changes, all parents will be
Breakfast and Lunches are free for all students. However, a la carte items will still require money on the
student's account.
We love birthdays! Teachers have worked hard to find fun ways to celebrate our students on their big day
here at school. While we can’t have treats sent in, your babies will have fun things waiting for them!!
We can have volunteers for outside events or in set areas around school, but not in the classroom at this time.