Student Athletic
Superintendent: Dr. Douglas Killian Athletic Director:
Mike McEachern
Board President: Vernagene Mott Assistant Athletic Director: Deena Bosier
STUDENT-ATHLETE HANDBOOK -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ATHLETIC CODE OF CONDUCT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
NOTICE OF DISCRIMINATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STUDENT-ATHLETE EXPECTATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
SERIOUS MISCONDUCT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HAZING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
UIL ELIGIBILITY (High School) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
UIL ELIGIBILITY (Middle School) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
TESTING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
PHYSICAL GUIDELINES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
TRAINING ROOM GUIDELINES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
HEALTH AND WELFARE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
HEALTH AND HYDRATION GUIDELINES ----------------------------------------------------------------
MULTIPLE SPORT PARTICIPATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
SEPARATION FROM TEAM (QUITTING) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 14
EQUIPMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
AWARDS/LETTERING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
SOCIAL MEDIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
PARENT/COACH RELATIONSHIPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT CHAIN OF COMMAND ----------------------------------------------------- 18
BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS FOR SPECTATORS ------------------------------------------------------- 19
VIRTUAL LEARNING (COVID) UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------
RECEIPT OF PFISD ATHLETIC HANDBOOK ------------------------------------------------------------ 21
The establishment of a uniform athletic handbook reflects the district’s concern for the
safety, well-being, and conduct of its athletes participating in all athletics. Since
extracurricular athletics are optional, those who choose to participate will be held to higher
standards of behavior and performance in and out of school. This handbook is neither a
contract nor a substitute for the official district policy manual. PfISD policies and procedures
can change at any time. Additionally, athletes and parents are reminded that
participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege, not a right. In addition to obeying
rules set forth in the PfISD Student Code of Conduct, all athletes in grades 6 through 12
participating in PfISD athletics will be required to comply with the following guidelines and
disciplinary regulations.
Athletics is not a requirement for graduation and participation is strictly voluntary. Athletics,
as a discipline, stresses work ethic, teamwork, sportsmanship, integrity and sacrifice. Should
the actions of an athlete fail to exhibit these same characteristics, the privilege of
participating in athletics may be revoked. All coaches will work within the guidelines of the
athletic department to help every athlete succeed. However, when an athlete violates the
guidelines it is up to the appropriate coach to address the situation. Because participation in
athletics is a privilege and not a right, Pflugerville ISD is authorized to set higher standards
for athletic activities than it would for those who choose not to participate. Therefore, this
Athletic Code of Conduct extends beyond the Pflugerville ISD Student Code of Conduct not only
in types of behavior prohibited, but also in corresponding consequences and jurisdiction for
imposing discipline.
It is the policy of the PfISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
age, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and
activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the
Age Act of 1975, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. No provision
of an extracurricular behavior standard shall have the effect of discriminating on the basis of
the athlete’s sex, race, disability, religion, or ethnicity.
As representatives of PfISD, athletes in grades 7 through 12 who participate in
extracurricular activities are expected to demonstrate exemplary behavior and dedication,
whether at school or away. Nothing in the Extracurricular Code limits or otherwise restricts
the authority of the coach or administrator to limit or restrict participation, or assign
consequences for offenses included and not included in this handbook. Before an athlete is
suspended or removed from participation in an extracurricular activity, and before any other
consequence is imposed as provided in this handbook, the alleged infraction will be
documented and a reasonable investigation of the allegation shall occur. The coach shall then
schedule a conference with the athlete and the athlete’s parent/guardian to explain the
reasons for which the action is being taken and to offer the athlete an opportunity to discuss
the matter. An athlete may appeal the decision through the procedures set forth in PfISD
Board Policy FNG (Local). Note: The athlete may not participate in the activity during the
appeal process.
An athlete in grades 7 through 12 participating in any PfISD extracurricular activity
shall comply with the following rules of conduct 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, and
52 weeks per year in addition to obeying the rules set forth in the PfISD Student Code of
Conduct, the particular extracurricular activity’s constitution, handbook, rule book, and/or
regulations, if any, or rules otherwise communicated to the athlete by the activity’s coach.
Athletes who participate in extracurricular activities shall comply with the following rules
at all times, on or off campus, regardless of whether school is in session:
1. Demonstrate respect for all PfISD employees and staff;
2. Participate in every practice, competition and event required by the coach, unless
the coach has granted an excused absence;
3. Arrive promptly and properly attired to every practice, competition, etc., unless
the coach has granted an excused absence;
4. Do not possess or use any tobacco or tobacco-related products, this includes e-
5. Demonstrate sportsmanlike behavior at all sporting events;
6. Demonstrate a positive attitude;
7. Be courteous and polite to others;
8. Respect possessions of others;
9. Display academic integrity.
Dress and Grooming
Athletes who participate in any sport shall comply with the district’s policy on athlete dress
and grooming and the coach’s specific requirements for the activity in-season.
An athlete must be in attendance as a full-time student at a PfISD school in order to
participate in any sport, including tryouts, at their PfISD campus of enrollment or in the case
of an 8th grade athlete being promoted to high school, at their PfISD middle school campus
of enrollment, which must be within the feeder pattern of the PfISD high school of enrollment
during the athlete’s 9th grade year.
Practice regulations
Athletes are responsible for:
o Informing his/her coach of any anticipated absence prior to any practice or
games. Failure to do so may result in suspension from the team. Unexcused
absences and/or failure to communicate with a coach about any absence may
result in the loss of playing time at the next game.
o Following all expectations given by the coach
o Refraining from the use of profanity, vulgar or disrespectful language
o Contributing their best at all times
Athletes engaged in extracurricular activities are expected to participate in all practices,
competitions, and other events identified by the coach. Academically ineligible athletes can
practice with other athletes, but are restricted to travel and participate in a competition.
Athletes’ absences from extracurricular activities shall be excused only for those reasons set
forth in the student handbook. Excessive unexcused absences may result in suspension or
dismissal from the activity. Such decisions shall be made in consultation with the campus
principal and are subject to appeal through PfISD Board Policy FNG (Local).
Athletes with injuries will be allowed to attend any practice, competition, or other events
relating to the activity and allowed to participate only to the extent authorized by written
order of the athlete’s physician. All documentation from a physician must be given to the
athletic trainer or the coach at the particular campus.
Athletes will be excused from participation in any practice or competition if they are
observing holy days, including days of travel to or from a site where the athlete will observe
holy days. Excused days for travel shall be limited to not more than one day for travel to and
one day for travel from the site where the athlete will observe the religious holy days.
Athletes are responsible for notifying the coach of any need to be absent for religious reasons
prior to the absence.
Athletes should make every effort to schedule health care appointments at times that will
not interfere with school or activity participation. If a conflict is unavoidable, the athlete
shall inform the coach prior to the appointment.
Athletes who have the opportunity to travel in connection with the PfISD athletic event are
representatives of the district and must exhibit exemplary behavior at all times. Athletes who
dress or act inappropriately while traveling to or from a PfISD activity may be suspended or
removed from the event, depending upon the nature.
All athletes who participate in school-sponsored trips are required to ride in transportation
provided by the school to and from the event. An exception can be granted if a parent makes
arrangements for their student to ride with the parent. Athletes are not allowed to drive
themselves to out-of-district events.
An athlete who is involved in Serious Misconduct is subject to disciplinary consequences
in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and may also receive consequences or
experience loss of privileges in athlete organization(s). Athletes who are removed from
the home campus for disciplinary reasons are not eligible to represent their home campus
during the period of removal. Athletes who are placed in In-School Suspension (ISS) may
practice but may not participate in extracurricular activities until the completion of their ISS
An athlete in grades 7 through 12 shall lose the privilege of participation in
extracurricular activities during any period of suspension, placement in a
disciplinary Alternative Education Program, or Expulsion.
In order for an athlete to be considered in violation, one or more of the following must
Athlete admits to the violation
Parent of the athlete admits to the violation
A PfISD staff member witnesses the athlete in violation
A PfISD administrator has reason to believe that an athlete has committed an
A local agency report or violation is filed
A local agency of the law makes a verbal report of a violation
Theft (on campus)
Taking things from other players, students, school, etc. will not be tolerated. Head Coach
and Athletic Coordinator will handle individual consequences, in addition to school
consequences received.
Citations or arrests on and off campus may result in suspension or dismissal from the
program. The head coach must be notified immediately upon any arrest or citation.
The following infractions are strictly prohibited:
1. Using, possessing, or being under the influence of marijuana, a controlled
substance, a dangerous drug, abusable glue, aerosol paint, steroids, or any other
mood-changing, mind-altering, or behavior-affecting drug;
2. Using, possessing, or being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage;
3. Engaging in lewd, disruptive, or other offensive conduct that affronts school
district standards of propriety;
Upon the administration’s determination that a PfISD athlete in grades 7 through 12 has
violated any one of the three infractions enumerated above, the athlete shall be subject to
disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and shall lose the privilege of
further participation in that activity as provided below:
1st Offense in athlete’s attendance at PfISD (measured from Grade 7): 30 hours of
community service approved by the campus coordinator
**Note: On a first offense only, if a student self-reports, the community
service will be reduced to 15 hours..
2nd Offense in athlete’s attendance at PfISD (measured from Grade 7): 100 hours of
community service approved by the campus coordinator
3rd Offense in athlete’s attendance at PfISD (measured from Grade 7): the athlete
shall be suspended from further participation for one calendar year. An athlete may
be referred to counselors, and/or drug and alcohol education programs, as
appropriate. An athlete or parent may appeal the athlete’s loss of extracurricular
privileges through PfISD Board Policy FNG.
Loss of privilege-selling or delivering
Selling or delivering marijuana, alcohol, a controlled substance, a dangerous drug, abusable
glue, aerosol paint, steroids, or any other mood-changing, mind-altering, or behavior-
affecting drug is strictly prohibited and will result in consequences as outlined in the PfISD
Student Code of Conduct and an athlete’s elimination from further participation in all
extracurricular activities for:
1st Offense, one calendar year
2nd Offense, for the remainder of the athlete’s school career
Loss of privilege-Deferred Adjudication, Felony or Class A Misdemeanor
An athlete in grades 7 through 12 shall lose the privilege of participation in extracurricular
activities during any period of:
deferred adjudication in connection with either a felony or any offense punishable
as a Class A Misdemeanor, whether the felony or offense was committed on or off
while under indictment for a felony, or while awaiting a final determination of guilt
or innocence in connection with either a felony or any offense punishable as a Class
A Misdemeanor, whether the felony or offense was committed on or off campus.
I. Complete assigned period of placement in OC/JJAEP
II. Cases involving a felony or Class A Misdemeanor:
A. In incidents involving felony or Class A Misdemeanor cases extracurricular
privileges will be lost from the time the athlete is charged until all legal obligations
are fulfilled (e.g. released from incarceration, fines and restitution paid; probationary
periods completed; deferred adjudication completed)
B. Where tryouts are applicable – Meet the requirements of (A) above as well as:
1. The athlete must complete the required days of suspension and required
number of school approved community service hours before they can
participate in inter-school competition.
2. If tryouts are completed before their release from the alternative
placement the athlete will not be able to compete on the team during the
current season, because no extension of tryouts will be offered.
3. If the athlete is back on campus before tryouts begin, they can participate
in tryouts while completing their suspension and school approved
community service, but they cannot participate in inter-school competition
including scrimmages.
C. Where tryouts are not required – Meet the requirements of (A) above as well as:
1. Athletes may participate in practices and intra-school competition during
the time they are completing their suspension and school approved
community service hours.
2. Athletes will regain the privilege of participating in inter-school
competition when they have completed their suspension and school
approved community service hours.
Hazing is defined as an act that subjects a student to potential harm and is affiliated with
initiation into a student organization or team. Hazing may involve an act committed against
a student or a situation in which a student is coerced into committing an act.
These acts run counter to the educational mission of athletics, regardless of the victim’s
willingness to participate. The list below provides examples of some types of hazing. This list
is not meant to be comprehensive.
Being yelled, cursed or sworn at;
Being publicly harassed;
Being expected to act as a personal servant to an older group member;
Being coerced/forced to eat certain foods;
Being thrown or forced to go into a pond, ocean, toilet or other body of water;
Being pressured to be tattooed, pierced or shaven
Being coerced/forced to participate in drinking contests to the point of intoxication;
Being forced/coerced to participate in any physical or illicit activity that causes the
victim to pass out;
Being forced/coerced to destroy or vandalize property;
Being forced/coerced to inflict pain on yourself or others
The University Interscholastic League (UIL) is the governing body for public school
interscholastic athletics in Texas. The following guidelines are from the University
Interscholastic League Constitution and Contest Rule Manual.
First 6 Weeks
UIL participants are eligible to participate in contests during the first 6 weeks of the school
year provided the following standards have been met:
Students beginning grade 9 and below, must have been promoted from the previous
grade prior to the beginning of the current school year.
Students beginning their second year of high school must have earned 5 credits which
count toward state high school graduation requirements.
Students beginning their third year of high school either must have earned a total of
10 credits which count toward state high school graduation credits or have earned a
total of 5 credits which count toward state high school graduation requirements
during the 12 months preceding the first day of the current school year.
Students beginning their fourth year of high school either must have earned a total of
15 credits which count toward state high school graduation credits or have earned a
total of 5 credits which count toward state high school graduation requirements
during the 12 months preceding the first day of the current school year.
a) When a migrant student enrolls for the first time during a school year, all criteria
cited above applies. All other students who enroll too late to earn a passing grade for
a grading period are ineligible.
b) High school students transferring from out-of-state may be eligible the first six
weeks of school if they meet the criteria cited above or school officials are able to
determine that they would have been eligible if they had remained in the out-of-state
school from which they are transferring. Students who are not in compliance with
these provisions may request a hardship appeal of their academic eligibility through
the UIL state office. Local school boards may elect to adopt these standards for all
activities in order to avoid having different standards for student participants (e.g.,
football, drill team, cheerleading, and all other extracurricular activities as defined by
Commissioner of Education rule [19 TAC Chapter §76]).
After First 6 Weeks
A student who receives, at the end of any grading period (after the first six weeks of the
school year), a grade below 70 in any class (other than an identified class eligible for
exemption) or a student with disabilities who fails to meet the standards in the Individual
Education Plan (IEP) may not participate in extracurricular activities for 3 school weeks. An
ineligible student may practice, however. The student regains eligibility after the 7 calendar
day waiting period has ended following a grading period or the 3 school week evaluation
period when the principal and teachers determine that he or she has earned a passing grade
(70 or above) in all classes, other than those that are exempted.
Additional UIL rules and regulations may be found in the TEA-UIL Side by Side
Advanced Courses for Possible Waivers
High School students who fail a Pre-AP/AP course with a grade between 60 and 69 may apply
for a waiver which will allow them to continue to participate in extracurricular activities.
Waiver requests require parent and teacher signatures. The principal may approve the
waiver and communicate with the appropriate coach. Courses for which a waiver may be
requested are as follows:
English Language Arts – Pre/AP classes
Languages Other than English – Pre/AP classes
Mathematics – Pre/AP classes
Science – Pre/AP classes
Social Studies – Pre/AP classes
Extracurricular Absences
PfISD Board Policy provides that no distinction shall be made between absences for UIL
activities and absences for other extracurricular activities. A student shall be allowed, in a
school year, no more than ten extracurricular absences not related to post-district
competition, five absences for post-district competition prior to state, and two absences for
state competition.
**This section on eligibility does not include all eligibility standards. Additional
explanation of eligibility requirements can be found in the UIL Side By Side publication,
or the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules.**
Students are eligible so long as they have been in attendance and are passing all
classes in accordance with state law and rules of the State Board of Education and the
Texas Education Agency.
Eighth grade students who are over-age for eighth grade athletics may participate on
the freshman team at the high school in their attendance zone.
A player on the eighth-grade team may not have reached his/her fifteenth birthday
on or before September 1 of the current school year.
A player on the seventh-grade team may not have reached his/her fourteenth
birthday on or before September 1 of the current school year. Only over-age seventh
grade students may compete on the eighth-grade team. In addition, a student must
meet the following academic requirements:
o Beginning at the seventh-grade year, has been promoted from the sixth grade
to the seventh.
o Beginning at the eighth-grade year, has been promoted from the seventh grade
to the eighth.
STARR Testing – State Board of Education
A school may not schedule an extracurricular activity or a public performance to occur on
the day immediately preceding or evening immediately preceding the day on which the
administration of the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STARR) test is
scheduled for Grades 3-12.
PfISD policy regarding practice during the STARR testing period; all athletic practices will
end by 6:00 p.m. and students must be off the campus by 6:30 p.m. on the day prior to a
STARR testing day. Practice during the week of final exams shall be limited to teams whose
sport is in season and must conclude by 6:00 p.m. the day before an exam.
Extracurricular Activities during Final Exams
For grades 7-12 there shall be no school-sponsored extracurricular activities scheduled the
day before or during final examination days in the fall and spring semesters, except those of
advancing state playoff teams. Care and consideration should be taken to avoid conflicts
whenever possible.
Each athlete must be cleared by the athletic trainer prior to participation at the high school
level. Each athlete must be cleared by one of the coordinators prior to participation at the
junior high level.
All required forms must be completed in their entirety and returned to the athlete’s head
coach or athletic trainer before a student participates in any try-out, practice, athletic
competition, travels, etc. with an athletic team for any purpose.
All Physicals with a Date of Examination PRIOR to April 15, 2022 will EXPIRE at the end
of the 2021-2022 school year.
All Physicals with a Date of Examination after April 15, 2022 will cover the athlete for
the FULL 2022-2023 school year.
The required forms include:
High School
UIL Pre-Participation Physical
Steroid Acknowledgement Form
UIL Cardiac Awareness Form
Concussion Acknowledgement Form
UIL Acknowledgement of Rules
Athletic Student Handbook Signature Page
Medical Records Release
Emergency Release Form
Middle School
UIL Pre-Participation Physical
UIL Cardiac Awareness Form
Concussion Acknowledgement Form
Athletic Student Handbook Signature Page
1. Treatments are to be administered only to athletes from a PfISD high school or middle
school that are injured during certain school sponsored activities.
2. Only athletes who are involved in a UIL activity will be treated.
3. Any athlete who is under the care of a physician must provide written documentation
of treatment protocol, restrictions, and/or release for return to play.
4. Athletes who are members of a school sponsored activity who are injured in non-UIL
activities will only receive first aid care until they are evaluated by a physician. The
physician must provide, in writing, a treatment protocol for the athletic trainer to
Non-Athletic Injuries
Non-athletic injuries will be seen in the athletic training room under the following
1. Due to liability concerns, the athlete must first see a medical doctor prior to being
treated by the athletic training staff.
2. The athlete must provide a prescription for treatment/rehabilitation from the
medical doctor. The information must be specific as to what type of rehabilitation is
to be done.
3. No injuries that are the result of a motor vehicle accident will be seen.
Every athlete involved in extracurricular athletics must have a medical emergency
information sheet on file with the coach. All athletes must obtain an annual physical,
recorded on the UIL designated form, before practicing or participating in any sport.
All injuries should be reported immediately to the coach. Doctor’s notes should also be made
available to the coach.
Practice or competition in hot and humid environmental conditions poses special problems
for student-athletes, heat stress and resulting heat illness is a primary concern in these
conditions. Although deaths from heat illness are rare, constant surveillance and education
are necessary to prevent heat-related problems. The following practices should be observed.
General Considerations for Risk Reductions
1. Encourage proper education regarding heat illnesses (for athletes, coaches, parents,
medical staff, etc.) Education about risk factors should focus on hydration needs;
acclimatization, work/rest ratio, signs and symptoms of exertion related heat
illnesses, treatment, dietary supplements, nutritional issues, and fitness status.
2. Assure that onsite medical staff has authority to alter work/rest ratios, practice
schedules, amount of equipment, and withdrawal of individuals from participation
based on environment and/or athlete’s medical condition.
Participation in multiple sports is encouraged as it creates cross-training and increases the
ability for the athlete to be more coachable. In cases where a sport overlaps, an athlete must
complete that season’s sport before entering the next sport unless agreed on by both head
coaches. No coach shall discourage any athlete from participating in multiple sports.
There will be times when an athlete finds it necessary to quit playing a sport before, during,
or after the season. The following steps should be taken in order to quit a sport:
The athlete should meet with the coach. If needed, the coach should also have a face
to face conversation with the athlete’s parent regarding this decision.
The student may need to be placed into a Physical Education class in order to
complete the credit begun in athletics or stay in the athletic period until such time as
a schedule change can occur, which could be the next semester.
All equipment issued must be returned or paid for.
It shall be the coach’s decision whether to allow that student to return to the sport
in the future.
An athlete shall not join another sport until the end of the season of the sport he/she has
o If an athlete chooses to begin a new sport during the next season, there must
be a mutual decision between both sport’s coaches.
Any district equipment issued to an athlete is the financial responsibility of the athlete and
for the athlete’s use while participating in a school-related activity. At no time is district
equipment for personal use.
Athletes must care for district-issued equipment as if it were their own. Equipment must be
stored in a proper location and shall be kept clean and maintained. Athletes who lose or
damage district equipment due to negligence will be required to pay for the cost of
All district equipment must be returned at the end of the season or school year, as directed
by the coach.
Individually owned equipment is the sole responsibility of the athlete; PfISD will not be
responsible for any loss or damage that occurs to athlete-owned equipment.
As uniforms are required for all sports, the athlete shall be required to ensure that the
uniform is worn only at appropriate times and is neat and clean for the practice,
performance, and/or competition.
All awards to athletes for participation in any sport must meet criteria set forth in the
individual activity guidelines, as established by the coach leading the activity and approved
by the appropriate district level official. Awards must be in accordance with UIL guidelines
for those activities governed by the UIL. This information will be distributed to athletes and
parents before the season begins.
If at any time an athlete quits or is eliminated from athletics in or out of season, he/she gives
up all rights to any honors/awards which he/she has earned, but not yet received.
Any athlete may receive a letter in any one of the four years in high school if they fulfill the
lettering requirement for that sport. A participant may letter at the coach’s discretion if the
participant is considered to have been of exceptional value to the team.
General requirements for lettering:
Must complete season and school year at the Varsity level following all school and
athletic procedures and policies.
All issued equipment must be accounted for.
Severe disciplinary action can forfeit letter award.
Special consideration will be given to injured players and seniors not receiving
proper playing time.
Head coaches may add additional requirements if necessary.
Middle School Program
A participation certificate may be awarded to each athlete for every sport he/she
participates. Criteria for these awards will be set by each campus coordinator.
Everything posted in social media is public information – any text or photo placed online is
completely out of your control the moment it is placed online – even if security settings are
listed as “private”. Information (including pictures, videos, and comments) may be accessible
even after removed. Once a photo or comment on a social networking site has been posted,
that photo or comment becomes the property of the site and may be searchable even after
being removed.
Similar to comments made in person, Pflugerville ISD will not tolerate disrespectful
comments and behavior online, such as:
Derogatory language or remarks that may harm other teammates, coaches, athletes,
or representatives of other schools, including comments that may disrespect
Incriminating photos or statements depicting violence; hazing; sexual harassment,
full or partial nudity; inappropriate gestures; vandalism, stalking; underage drinking,
selling, possessing, or using controlled substances; or any other inappropriate
Creating a serious danger to the safety of another person or making a credible threat
of serious physical or emotional injury to another person.
Indicating knowledge of an unreported school or team violation—regardless if the
violation was unintentional or intentional.
Violations of the Student Code of Conduct will also be handled by campus administration in
conjunction with the PfISD athletic discipline process.
Booster clubs can be extremely important when managed correctly. Athletic booster clubs
are under the supervision of the campus athletic coordinator and director of athletics.
Booster clubs must operate within the guidelines and procedures as set forth by PfISD. Head
coaches will be held responsible for UIL/PfISD compliance.
UIL Rules and Regulations – UIL Website
Both parenting and coaching are very difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding
between coaches and parents, both are better able to accept the actions of the other and
provide a more positive experience for everyone. Parents have the right to know, and
understand, the expectations placed on them and their children. Coaches have the right to
know that if parents have a concern, they will discuss it with the coach at the appropriate
time and place.
Communication parents should expect from their child’s coach:
1) Coach’s philosophy.
2) Expectations the coach has for your son or daughter, as well as other players on the team.
3) Locations and times of practices and contests.
4) Team requirements, i.e., fees, special equipment needed, school & team rules, off-season
5) Procedures that will be followed if your child becomes injured during participation.
Communication coaches expect from parents:
1) Concerns regarding their son or daughter expressed directly to the coach at the
appropriate time and place.
2) Specific concerns in regard to the coach’s philosophy and/or expectations.
3) Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance.
As your child becomes involved in interscholastic athletics, they will experience some of the
most rewarding moments of their lives. It’s important to understand there may be times
when things do not go the way you or your child wishes. These are the times discussion with
the coach is encouraged.
Appropriate concerns to discuss with a coach:
1) The mental and physical treatment of your child.
2) What your child needs to do to improve.
3) Concerns about your child’s behavior.
It is very difficult to accept your child is not playing as much as you may hope. Coaches make
decisions based on what they believe is in the best interests of all students participating. As
you can see from the list above, certain things can and should be discussed with your child’s
coach. Other things, such as those listed next, must be left to the discretion of the coach.
Issues NOT appropriate for discussion with your child’s coach:
1) How much playing time each athlete is getting.
2) Team strategy.
3) Play calling.
4) Any situation that deals with other student-athletes.
There are situations that may require a conference between the coach and parent. These are
not discouraged, as it is important for each party to have a clear understanding of the other's
position. When these conferences are necessary, the following procedure is suggested to
help promote resolution to the issue.
If a parent has a concern to discuss with the coach, the following procedure should be
1) Call the coach to set up an appointment.
2) If the coach cannot be reached, call the athletic coordinator and ask him or her to set up a
meeting with the coach for you.
3) Think about what you expect to accomplish as a result of the meeting.
4) Stick to discussing the facts, as you understand them.
5) Do not confront the coach before, during or after a practice or contest. These can be
emotional times for both the parent and coach. Meetings of this nature do not promote
resolution of the situation, but often escalate it. Wait 24 hours before contacting the coach.
What should a parent do if the meeting with the coach didn’t provide satisfactory resolution?
1) Schedule a meeting with the campus athletic coordinator, coach, and parent present.
2) At this meeting, an appropriate next step can be determined, if necessary.
Assistant Athletic
Middle School
Middle School
Chain of
Remember that you are at the contest to support and yell for your team, and to enjoy the skill
and competition-not to intimidate or ridicule the other team or its fans.
Remember that school athletics are a learning experience for students and that mistakes are
sometimes made. Praise student-athletes in their attempt to improve themselves as
students, as athletes, and as people, just as you would praise a student working in the
Learn the rules of the game, so that you may understand and appreciate why certain
situations take place.
Show respect for the opposing players, coaches, spectators and support groups.
Respect the integrity and judgement of game officials. Understand that they are doing their
best to help promote the student-athlete, and admire their willingness to participate in full
view of the public.
Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
Use only cheers that support and uplift the teams involved.
Be a positive role model at events through your own actions and by censuring those around
you whose behavior is unbecoming.
Parents and spectators should be aware that the school can (and should) remove them from
the premises and can prohibit them from attending future contests due to undesirable
Game officials can ask that school administrators have unruly fans removed from a contest
The school is responsible for the behavior of their spectators. The school district can be and
will be punished for actions of patrons in violation of UIL standards and rules.
PfISD will make all athletic courses available to all PfISD secondary students. All courses will be
offered and taught by the PfISD coaching staff both virtually and on campus.
If in person instruction is not permitted, courses will have daily strength and conditioning
assignments along with periodic sport specific skill development. These workouts will not
require any additional equipment. Coaches will distribute that information through multiple
platforms such as Hudl, Google Classroom, and the SportsYou App. How to sign up for these
platforms will be communicated at the beginning of the course.
Once in person instruction is permitted, all athletics classes will be offered on campus and
students enrolling in those classes will be expected to attend the class and practice in person
regardless of the student's choice of virtual or in person schooling. PfISD will not provide
transportation for those students choosing virtual schooling and participation in athletics.
Athletics is a very fluid situation at this time. Please refer to the PfISD website for the most up
to date information along with the UIL website.
Receipt of PfISD Athletic Handbook
Acknowledgement of Athlete
I acknowledge that a copy of the PfISD Athletic Handbook has been issued to me. I have read,
understand, and shall abide by the information contained in the handbook.
Athlete’s Name (please print): _
Student ID#: __
Athlete’s Signature: Date:
Acknowledgement of Parent/Guardian
I understand and consent to the athlete responsibilities set forth in the PfISD Athletic
Handbook. I also understand and agree that my child shall be held accountable for the
behavior expectations and consequences set forth in the PfISD Athletic Handbook.
I understand that in addition to obeying rules set forth in the PfISD Student Code of Conduct,
all athletes participating in PfISD athletics will be required to comply with the guidelines and
disciplinary regulations contained in the PfISD Athletic Handbook.
I understand that the PfISD Athletic Handbook is not a substitute for the PfISD Student Code
of Conduct or the official PfISD policy manual. I understand that the PfISD policies and
procedures can change at any time. Additionally, I have been advised that my child’s
participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege, not a right. Since athletics are optional,
I understand and agree that those who choose to participate will be held to higher standards
of behavior and performance in and out of school.
Parent/Guardian’s Name (please print):
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: Date:
Please fill out and return this form to your coach