E12865 / Revised Edition / April 2017
Warranty Card
ASUS Warranty Information Form
Mr/Mrs/Miss: _____________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Purchase Date (DD/MM/YY): ________________________________________________________
Dealer’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Dealer’s Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________
Dealer’s Address: __________________________________________________________________
Serial Number *:
IMPORTANT! Please store this card in a secured location for future reference. ASUS reserves the
right to request this document before accepting repair requests. This does not aect or limit your
mandatory statutory rights.
This ASUS manufacturer warranty (hereafter referred to as the Warranty”) is granted by ASUSTeK
Computer Inc. (hereafter referred to as ASUS”) to the purchaser (hereafter referred to as “You”) of the
ASUS computer system (hereafter referred to as the “Product”). This warranty is being delivered with
the Product, subject to the following terms and conditions. ASUS accredited Service Agents and Repair
Centers will provide the services covered under this Warranty.
Warranty period of the Product
This warranty applies for the period dened on the label sticker at the back of the Product (“Warranty
Period”). For example: 24M means 24 months, and 36M means 36 months from the date the Product was
rst purchased by an end-customer (“Date Of Purchase”). If proof of purchase cannot be provided, the
manufacture date as recorded by ASUS will be deemed to be the start of the Warranty Period.
Statutory Guarantees
This warranty is given independently of any statutory rights that may apply in the country of purchase
and does not aect or limit such statutory rights in any manner whatsoever.
1. General
ASUS warrants the Product to be free from defects in workmanship and materials for the Warranty Period,
provided that the coverage of bundled accessories warranty may vary by dierent countries, please refer
to ASUS ocial website of the country of purchase for details. If the Product fails during normal and
proper use within the Warranty Period, ASUS, at its discretion, will repair or replace the defective parts
of the Product, or the Product itself, with new or reconditioned parts or products that are functionally
equivalent or superior to those originally supplied.
This Warranty applies only if the Product was newly manufactured on the Date of Purchase and not sold
as used, refurbished or manufacturing seconds. Please keep the proof of purchase and this warranty
card for future service request. This Warranty does not include failure caused by improper installation,
operation, cleaning or maintenance, accident, damage, misuse, abuse, non-ASUS modications to the
product, any third party software programs, normal wear and tear or any other event, act, default or
omission outside ASUS’ control. For further details, see section 5 of this Warranty Card.
All components that an ASUS Service Center repaired or replaced will be under warranty for three
months or for the remainder of the warranty period, whichever is longer. The Repair Center may recover
the originally congured operation system bundled with the Product. ASUS will not restore or transfer
any data or software from the Products original storage media. If the Product is repaired, all user
generated data may be permanently deleted.
If the Product is under Warranty, You hereby agree to transfer the ownership of replaced defective parts
and such parts shall automatically become the property of ASUS.
2. Software Support
Any software delivered with the Product is provided “as-is. ASUS does not guarantee uninterrupted or
error-free operation of any software provided with the Product.
This warranty covers the hardware of the Product. ASUS will provide technical support for the Product’s
preinstalled software only when it concerns the proper functioning of the hardware. For other problems
with the software, we advise You to review the user manuals, the ASUS support web site and/or other
online resources. Third party software may require support from the respective vendors.
3. TFT LCD Defect Policy
Despite the highest possible standards, the intricate manufacturing of thin lm transistor (TFT) liquid
crystal display (LCD) screens may still produce slight visual imperfections. These visual imperfections do
not impair the performance of Your Product.
However, ASUS will provide the warranty service for Your ASUS Product's TFT LCD screen only if there are
at least:
3 bright pixels or 5 dark pixels or 8 bright and/or dark pixels in total; or
2 adjacent bright pixels or 2 adjacent dark pixels; or
3 bright and/or dark pixels within an area 15 mm in diameter.
NOTE: A bright pixel is a white or sub-pixel that is always on under BLACK pattern. A dark pixel is a dark
or sub-pixel that is always o under patterns excluding black.
The inspection conditions are:
Not less than 30cm distance, in a straight line, between TFT screen and inspector
Room temperature between 20~40
Lighting is between 300 and 500 lux
4. Customer responsibility
When using the Product
Read the user manual rst and use the Product only according to the user manual.
Do not leave the Product connected to the power supply once it is fully charged and not turned
on. Some electrical items are not designed to be left connected to the power supply for extended
periods of time.
Periodically back up your data stored on the Product.
Keep the original packaging. In case the Product needs to be returned for repair, original packaging
provides a better protection for the Product during transportation.
Please check the manual and the ASUS support website for troubleshooting solutions, before
contacting the customer service.
If the Product is designed with the TPM (Trusted Platform Module) function, keep the embedded
security chip pre-boot password in a safe place (Note: Due to the design of TPM, it is not possible
for ASUS to reset the embedded security chip pre-boot password. If the password is lost, the
Product can only be repaired by replacing the entire motherboard, which is not covered under
the Warranty.)
When contacting ASUS Customer Service
Before contacting ASUS technical support, ensure that You have the Product in front of You and that it
is turned on, if feasible. Please also be ready to provide the Product’s serial number, the model name
and proof of purchase.
Technical support hotline phone number can be found at http://www.asus.com/support.
You will be requested by ASUS to perform some of the Product’s troubleshooting tasks or actions,
which may include the following:
Restoring the Product’s operating system, factory-installed drivers, and applications to the factory
default settings.
Installing updates, patches or service packs.
Running diagnostic tools and programs on the Product.
Allowing the ASUS technical support agent to access the Product with remote diagnostic tools
(when available).
Performing other reasonable activities requested by ASUS, which will assist in identifying or
resolving the problems.
If the problem is not solved remotely, ASUS Call Center will instruct you on how to get the hardware
repair service (this process is called “RMA”). ASUS may issue an RMA number for Your Product. Please
record Your RMA Number for tracking purposes. For further details, see section 5 of this Warranty
Describe the problem clearly and completely on the RMA request form.
Enclose a copy of this completed warranty card and a copy of Your proof of purchase. (Please note:
ASUS reserves the right to request the original documents.) If You do not provide the requested
documents for warranty validation then the manufacture date of the Product as recorded by ASUS
will be deemed to be the start of the Warranty Period.
Ensure that You have fully backed up all the data stored on Your Product and removed any
personal, condential, or proprietary information before any service process is started. ASUS
may delete any data, software, or programs installed on the Product without restoring them.
ASUS shall not be held liable for the permanent loss, damage, or misuse of your data.
If you will have to return Your Product for repair, pack the Product in safe and stable packaging.
The original packaging may be useful for this purpose. In any case, the packaging should meet the
following requirements:
Use a rigid box with aps intact
Remove any labels, hazardous materials indicators, and other previous shipment markings on the
box that are no longer applicable
Wrap all items separately
Use adequate cushioning material
Use strong tape designed for shipping
Do not use string or paper over-wrap
Use a single address label that has clear, complete delivery and return information
Place the RMA request form inside the package
Please do not send in anything but the Product itself unless specically requested by ASUS. Please
remove any accessories as well as any removable storage devices such as memory cards, discs, ash
drives, from the Product. ASUS shall have no liability for the loss, damage or destruction of accessories
or removable storage devices, unless they are caused by willful or gross negligent acts by ASUS.
Remove or provide any password that You assigned to the Product. If access to the Product is blocked
by passwords, then ASUS may not detect and repair all failures of the Product.
If the Product is designed with the TPM (Trusted Platform Module) function, provide the embedded
security chip pre-boot password.
5. RMA methods
If RMA is necessary, below are the types of warranty support service that may be applicable to the
product or service you have purchased. These services may not be available in all countries or regions,
and may have fees or restrictions accordingly by dierent countries. For more details, please contact
ASUS Call Center indicated on ASUS Support site at http://www.asus.com/support
It will be required that the defective product be brought to an ASUS Repair Center for repair. You need
to pay for any transportation, taxes, or duties associated with transporting the product to and from
the ASUS Repair Center location. In addition, you are responsible for insuring any product shipped or
returned to ASUS Repair Center and assume the risk of loss during transportation.
It will be required that the defective product be delivered to an ASUS Repair Center for repair. You need
to prepay any shipping charges, taxes, or duties associated with transporting the product to and from
the ASUS Repair Center location. In addition, you are responsible for insuring any product shipped or
returned to an a ASUS Repair Center, and you assume risk of loss during transportation. ASUS Repair
Center will ship the repaired product to you without any logistics cost.
Pick up &return
ASUS will pick up the defective product from your location, repair it, then return it to you. ASUS will incur
logistics and insurance fee for the service.
On-site service
If ASUS determines your product is covered by On-site service warranty, and remote diagnosis cannot
solve your problem, ASUS may schedule a visit to the product location from an ASUS technician for repair
service. An on-site service will be scheduled during standard oce hours. Standard oce hours are
typically 9:00AM to 5:00 PM (09:00 to 17:00), Monday to Friday, but may vary with local business practices.
The visit time may vary, and additional charges may be incurred, depending on travel constraints and
distance from the nearest ASUS Repair Center location.
To nd the phone numbers of the nearest ASUS Repair Center, please visit the ASUS Support site Contact
Us for more details, at http://www.asus.com/support/Service-Center-All- Countries/
To receive on-site support, you must:
If the products are being used in an environment with potential health or safety hazard to ASUS
engineer, please move your product to an easily accessible, and safety location with enough space.
Have a representative present with knowledge of the Product when ASUS technician arrived at
product location.
Subject to its reasonable security requirements, provide ASUS technician with sucient, free, and
safe access and full access to Your Product, information, and systems determined necessary by ASUS
to provide timely support.
Ensure that all ASUS labels and proof of purchase (such as serial numbers) are in place, accessible, and
Maintain an environment consistent with product specications and supported congurations.
6. Exclusions from this limited Warranty Service
ASUS does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of this Product. The warranty only covers
technical hardware issues during the Warranty Period and in normal use conditions. It applies to rmware
issues but not to any other software issues or customer induced damages or circumstances such as but
not limited to:
(a) The Product has been tampered with, repaired and/or modied by non-authorized personnel.
(b) The serial number of the Product, components or accessories has been altered, cancelled or removed.
(c) The warranty seals have been broken or altered.
(d) Obsolescence.
(e) Damage (accidental or otherwise) to the Product that does not impact the Product’s operation and
functions, such as without limitation to rust, change in color, texture or nish, wear and tear, and
gradual deterioration;
(f) Damage to the Product caused by war, terrorism, re, accident, natural disaster, intentional or
accidental misuse, abuse, neglect or improper maintenance, and use under abnormal conditions.
(g) Damage to the Product caused by improper installation, improper connection or malfunction of an
external peripheral device such as printer, optical drive, network card, or USB device, etc.
(h) Damage to the Product caused by an external electrical fault or any accident.
(i) Damage to the Product resulting from use outside of the operation, storage parameters, or
environment detailed in the Users Manual.
(j) Damage to the Product caused by third party software or virus(es); or there is software loss or data
loss that may occur during repair or replacement.
(k) Unusability due to forgotten or lost security passwords.
(l) Unusability of or damage to the Product caused by contamination with hazardous substances,
diseases, vermin, or radiation.
(m) Fraud, theft, unexplained disappearance, or damages/detrimental circumstances caused by a willful
act of the customer.
(n) Unusability or damage to the Product caused by installing and using the Unlock Device App, which is
a utility that will unlock your Product's boot loader but will render the Warranty null and void.
7. Limitation of Liability
Except as provided in this warranty and to the maximum extent permitted by law, ASUS is not
responsible for direct, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any breach of warranty
or condition, or under any other legal theory, including but not limited to loss of use; loss of revenue;
loss of actual or anticipated prots (including loss of prots on contracts); loss of the use of money; loss
of anticipated savings; loss of business; loss of opportunity; loss of goodwill; loss of reputation; loss of,
damage to or corruption of data; or any indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever caused
including the replacement of equipment and property, any costs of recovering or reproducing any data
stored on or used with the Product. The foregoing limitation shall not apply to death or personal injury
claims, or any statutory liability for intentional and gross negligent acts and/or omissions by ASUS. Some
jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages; to the
extent such jurisdiction is governing this Warranty the above limitations do not apply to You.
8. Privacy
It is necessary for ASUS to collect, transfer, and process personal data in order to facilitate the requested
service; and for this purpose Your data may be transferred to and processed in any country where ASUS
or its aliated companies maintains oces, which include countries outside of the European Union, the
mandatory laws of which do not guarantee a data protection level equivalent to the laws of EU member
states. However, ASUS will use and protect Your personal data at any time and in any country subject to
the ASUS Privacy Policy. Please access and read the ASUS Privacy Policy at:
9. Out-of-Warranty cases
Returning the Product to the ASUS Repair Center during the Warranty Period does not automatically
mean that it will be repaired free of charge. Upon receiving Your Product, ASUS reserves the right to check
the validity of Your Warranty and Your request for Warranty service. If the Warranty Period has lapsed or if
any of the exclusions in section 5 apply, Your request will be deemed out of warranty (“OOW”).
If Your service request is OOW, a Service Charge List with an oer for repair will be provided to You, which
You may accept or reject. If You accept the repair we will provide You with an invoice for the repair labor,
spare parts and other costs stated in the Service Charge List. You must pay the invoice within 4 weeks of
the invoices date of issue. The repair will only be completed after the invoice is settled.
10. Abandoned Property
After Your Product has been repaired/replaced, or if You do not agree to the repair oer, ASUS will return
your repaired product /product replacement via the agreed RMA method. If You do not pick up Your
Product, or if delivery is not possible at the address provided by You, ASUS will send You a notice at the
address You provided when requesting the service. If You still fail to pick up the Product within a period
of 90 days from sending the notice, ASUS reserves the right to claim damages from you, including the
cost of storage; to dispose the product in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations; and any
statutory right of lien for unpaid charges.
11. Warranty and Support
This Warranty applies in the country of purchase. Product purchased in European Union is eligible for
ASUS Warranty Service within European Union.
In this Warranty:
Service procedures may vary by country.
Some service and/or spare parts may not be available in all countries.
Some countries may have fees and restrictions that apply at the time of service, please visit the ASUS
Support site at http://www.asus.com/support for more details.
Localized spare parts (such as keyboard/ keymats) may be replaced with the version available in the
country where the repair is requested.
Certain countries may require additional documentation, such as proof of purchase or proof of proper
importation, prior to performing ASUS Warranty and Support, please visit the ASUS Support site
Contact US for more details, at http://www.asus.com/support/contact-ASUS
To enjoy comprehensive ASUS warranty service, visit ASUS Service Center website at http://www.
asus.com/support/contact-ASUS for detailed locations.
ASUS reserves the right to interpret the provisions in this ASUS Warranty Information. The information
in this warranty card may change without prior notice. Please visit the ASUS Support site at http://www.
asus.com/support for current and complete ASUS warranty information.
ASUS contact details
This warranty is provided by:
ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
No. 15, Li-Te Road, Peitou
Taipei 112, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-2894-3447