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Abdul Aziz
SMP Islam Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak
Abstract : The study aims to determine the associative cooperation between board
and accommodation OSIS SMP Islam Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak in West Borneo
period 2015-2016. The method used is descriptive with problem solving procedures
investigeted by describing or depicting the state of the subject or object of research.
In the study sample are seven members of the total board OSIS twenty four
members. The analysis showed that the cooperation between board OSIS has
worked well for the cooperation ehich is always enhanced by the whole OSIS and
coaching are continually done by coach OSIS SMP Islam Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak,
although still les than perfect because of several obstacles that accur within board
Keywords: Theory of Cooperation, Social Interaction, OSIS Board
Social interaction is a general
form of social processes, because
social interaction is a key condition
for social activities. Social interaction
will occur if it meets two conditions,
namely social contact and
communication. If social contact and
communication are fulfilled and run
well, good social interaction is
formed, good social interaction takes
the form of associative social
interaction. Associative social
interactions that lead to unity, in the
process between individuals or
groups with one another must
understand each other and realize that
they have the same interests to
achieve a common goal. As explained
by Nina (2012: 96) associative social
process is "a process that occurs,
where there is mutual understanding
and mutual cooperation between
individuals or groups with one
another, and this process results in
achieving common goals".
According to Soerjono (2014:
55) social processes are "interrelated
ways that can be seen if individuals
and groups meet each other and
determine the system and form of the
relationship or what will happen if the
changes that cause shaky ways life
that already exists ".
In the life of the community it is
also necessary to have a forum that
can be used to channel the aspirations
of views, thoughts and opinions for
the achievement of common goals,
therefore an organization is formed.
Many forms of organization in
society both legal entities and non-
legal entities, but basically the
(J-PSH) Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Dan Humaniora
Volume 10 Number 2 Oktober 2019
Volume 10 | Number 2| Oktober |2019, Page 46-55 p-ISSN: 2087-8451
purpose of the formation of these
organizations is to prosper the
Likewise with organizations in
the school environment, where the
purpose of forming student
organizations, OSIS is channeling the
aspirations of students to school
leaders such as school principals,
vice-principals, teachers and so on.
Not always decisions made by school
leaders can be accepted by students,
so the means to channel these
aspirations through this organization
is conveyed. The student council
organization is very important in our
lives and is pervasive in community
life and the school environment,
because in reality most people live in
organizations and spend their lives as
members of organizations (social,
work, school, etc.).
Indeed, sometimes we see that
organizations can run smoothly,
efficiently and quickly and are
responsive to human needs and
sometimes also can disturb or confuse
us. However, the organization can at
least achieve its objectives efficiently
and effectively if the ability of
technical skills and managerial skills
can be applied well into a solid unit
which is a good collaboration to
achieve organizational goals.
Based on the pre-research results
conducted by researchers through
interviews with Mr. Andrianto, S.Pd.
as the OSIS Trustees at Pontianak's
Ashabul Kahfi Middle School, on
Monday December 9 2018 at 08: 00-
09: 00 WIB at Pontianak's Ashabul
Kahfi Middle School. Stating that in
an organization it must be based on
good and solid cooperation between
the members, so that the organization
will run well in accordance with the
goals and ideals and for mutual
Researchers conducted pre-
research on Monday 14 - Saturday 19
December 2018, researchers
conducted pre-research that coincided
with Class Meeting activities that
were being carried out by the Islamic
Boarding School Student Boarding
School, Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak
Pontianak Period 2018/2019 and was
accompanied by the Student Council
Counselor, Ashabul Kahfi School,
Pontianak, namely Mr. Andrianto
S.Pd. After the researchers conducted
an observation in the field during the
Class Meeting, there were indeed
many unfavorable collaborations,
when the activities took place, such as
Volleyball competition between
classes, there were several OSIS who
became the Coordinator or the person
in charge of the match instead of
being around. field to monitor the
course of the match, while fellow
student councilors do not want to help
replace friends who are not in the
field. Not only in the Volly match, but
in the Batik Design and Table Tennis
competition also did not go well,
other than that the availability of
match equipment was not prepared by
the student council committee who
became the organizing committee, so
the match could not run properly.
Apart from that the
commissions did not go well between
the coordinators of the competition,
the coordinators or the organizers of
the competitions did not
communicate with each other they
seemed to be walking on their own, so
that when there were problems in the
implementation of the competition
such as lack of equipment as
supporters of the competition there
(J-PSH) Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Dan Humaniora
Volume 10 Number 2 Oktober 2019
Volume 10 | Number 2| Oktober |2019, Page 46-55 p-ISSN: 2087-8451
was no alertness and activeness to
directly take and provide equipment.
As a result, the competition is often
not timely and in accordance with the
predetermined agenda of the activity
does not look so cornering, but what
happens in the field even the race
coordinator runs independently do not
coordinate with each other between
the coordinator. Therefore, there are
not all activities that can run well and
are successful due to the lack of
cooperation between the race
Based on this background,
researchers are interested in
conducting further research in order
to examine the Process of Associative
Social Interaction Between the
Student Council of Islamic Junior
High School Ashbul Kahfi Pontianak.
The method used is descriptive
method. Problem-solving procedures
that are investigated by describing or
describing the state of the subject or
object of research (a person,
institution, community and others) at
the present time based on the facts
that appear, or as they are. And
matters relating to this motede
include the following.
The location of this research is in
the Ashabul Kahfi Islamic Middle
School Pontianak. Jl. National
Awakening Kel. Batu Layang Kec.
North Pontianak.
The instrument in this
qualitative research is the researcher
himself. As an instrument,
researchers must have readiness when
conducting research starting from the
beginning of the study until the end of
the research process.
Data Sources: (1) Primary data
sources Primary data sources are data
sources obtained directly through
interviews with informants.
According to Satori and Komariah
(2011: 145), primary data sources are
"Data sources that directly provide
data to data collectors". The
informants in this study were the
Islamic Boarding School Students of
Islamic Middle School Ashabul Kahfi
Pontianak in the 2018-2019 period.
(2) Secondary data sources.
Secondary data sources are data
obtained indirectly from sources such
as student council activities and
evaluations from management and
student council coaches.
In this research, several data
collection techniques will be used,
namely: (1) Interview (2) Observation
(3) Documentation Study.
1. Data reduction. Reducing data
means summarizing, choosing the
main points, focusing on the
important things, looking for
themes and patterns and removing
unnecessary. Thus the reduced
data will provide a clearer picture,
and make it easier for researchers
to do further data collection, and
look for it if needed. In this case
the researcher focused on the
pattern of collaboration and
interaction between the student
council board of the Ashabul Kahfi
Middle School Pontianak.
2. Data display. At this stage many
researchers are involved in the
presentation or appearance of the
data collected and analyzed
(J-PSH) Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Dan Humaniora
Volume 10 Number 2 Oktober 2019
Volume 10 | Number 2| Oktober |2019, Page 46-55 p-ISSN: 2087-8451
beforehand. Presentation of the
data is directed so that the resulting
reduction data is organized,
arranged in a relationship pattern
so that it is easier to understand
and plan further research work.
Presentation of data display is
intended to make it easier for
researchers to be able to see the
overall picture or certain parts of
research data. The data is then
sorted and set aside for sorting
according to the group and
arranged according to similar
categories to be displayed so that it
is consistent with the problem at
hand, including temporary
conclusions obtained at the time of
data reduction. In presenting the
data, the researcher was directly
involved with the OSIS activities
of the Pontianak Islamic Middle
School, Ashabul Kahfi, among
others: a relaxing walk and a flag
ceremony every Monday on April
11, 2019.
3. Decision making and verification.
Verification is an activity carried
out during the research both at the
beginning of entering the research
site, retrieval of research data until
the time of presenting data. The
data obtained were verified from
an insulated data source used in
this qualitative study. The more
data obtained, the more clear the
conclusions the data obtained from
the problem at hand.
Testing the validity of the data:
(1) Extension of observations, The
purpose of this extension of
observation is that the relationship
between researchers and resource
persons will be increasingly formed,
more familiar and open, and
trustworthy so that no information is
hidden anymore. The time needed to
extend the observation depends on the
depth, breadth and certainty of the
data the researcher found. (2)
Observations made to complete the
data in this study carried out until
August, which coincides with the
activities of August 17 by holding
competitions held by the board of
student council of Pontianak Ashabul
Kahfi Middle School. (3)
Triangulation, based on the above
opinion, the researcher compares
each data obtained from observational
data, study documentation data, and
interview data. For the type of data
obtained based on observations and
interviews conducted with reference
to the observation guidelines and
interview guides that will be
developed. The results of
observations such as observation lists
and interviews are processed to
describe qualitatively as facts found
in the field. While the document is
used to support and complete the
description before it is processed with
triangulation research. The types of
triangulation used in this study are: 1)
Triangulation of sources. 2)
Triangulation of techniques. 3) Time
travel. Triangulation of sources, the
source used as a benchmark in the
results of the study was the results of
interviews with informants in this
case the board of student council of
Islamic Junior High School Ashabul
Kahfi Pontianak as the informant. In
addition to interviews, other sources
used were OSIS activities such as,
casual walks and flags every Monday
also became a source of triangulation
in this study in order to find out the
validity of the data and in accordance
with the problems examined in the
(J-PSH) Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Dan Humaniora
Volume 10 Number 2 Oktober 2019
Volume 10 | Number 2| Oktober |2019, Page 46-55 p-ISSN: 2087-8451
Research Results
Observation data in this study
were obtained based on observations
made by the researchers themselves
during 2 observations on 9 and 11
April 2019 at 07: 00-10: 00 WIB, to
the management of Islamic Boarding
School Islamic Boarding School
Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak, where each
conducted observation activities and
researchers conducted in-depth about
associative social interaction in the
form of cooperation and
accommodation where researchers
conducted research directly as
outlined in the form of observation.
Observations made by
researchers namely on 9 and 11 April
2019, this was done by researchers
after going through various stages of
approach, approval, and preparation
in its implementation. In addition,
researchers also filter and present data
so as not to deviate from the focus of
research and the main target in this
thesis is about "Analysis of the
associative social interaction process
between the management of Islamic
boarding school Islamic Middle
School Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak".
The findings are as follows.
Observation Findings on
April 9, at 07: 00-10: 00 WIB. In the
management of OSIS there must be
fields that carry out OSIS work
program for 1 year of management, in
this case the physical fitness field
carries out its work program, one of
which is a relaxing walk every 2
weeks, involving all student council
officials and all students and the
teacher council Ashabul Kahfi
Islamic Middle School Pontianak.
Casual walking activities are
carried out every 2 weeks by the
management of Islamic Junior High
School student OS Ashabul Kahfi to
maintain the health of all
administrators and students, which in
this case the coordinator of their
activities is Riky Priyanto, while the
field of physical fitness is not only the
field of physical fitness that works in
this activity but also in collaboration
with all other student council officials
also collaborated in this activity,
especially in maintaining the line of
students who are running so that it is
organized and does not disturb traffic
around the National Awakening and
Sinar Pelita roads, in order to
maintain order, every 15 people a line
was placed by one student council
official to maintain order. This
activity was carried out at 07.00-
10.00 WIB, the leisurely walk started
from the National Awakening road
and turned to the Sinar Pelita road
back to School which took
approximately an hour and a half in
carrying out the leisurely walk. After
returning to the student council board
of students and students of Islamic
Middle School Ashabul Kahfi
Pontianak take a short rest after that
students are invited to join
extracurricular activities that they
enjoy such as playing volleyball, table
tennis and badminton until they end at
10:00 WIB.
Observation Findings on 11
April 2019 At 06: 45-08: 00 WIB. At
06:50 IWST, the school entrance bell
rang, the student council immediately
rushed over to the class that had been
appointed a few days earlier as the
flag ceremony officer on Monday,
and the person responsible for calling
(J-PSH) Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Dan Humaniora
Volume 10 Number 2 Oktober 2019
Volume 10 | Number 2| Oktober |2019, Page 46-55 p-ISSN: 2087-8451
the flag ceremony officer from the
designated class was the student
council official nation and state.
After the flag ceremony
officer was summoned and dropped
out to the field to carry out the flag
ceremony after that the student
council also told all students of the
Islamic Middle School Ashabul kahfi
Pontianak to go down to the field
assisted by the teacher council to take
part in the flag ceremony on Monday.
After all had been done in the
field both the officials and
participants of the ceremony were
ready before the flag ceremony
began, in the implementation of the
flag ceremony all the student council
organizers were placed in each class
row to maintain the enjoyment of the
flag ceremony so that participants
would participate calmly and with
wisdom. Monday's flag ceremony
was attended by approximately 190
students and also followed by 5
council of teachers. The flag
ceremony was dreamed by the
headmaster of the Islamic Middle
School Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak, Mr.
Juraiji, S.Pd.I, as the coach for the
Monday flag ceremony, and the last
flag ceremony at 07.30 WIB.
Observational data in this
study were obtained based on
observations made by the researchers
themselves during 2 observations on
9 and 11 April to the management of
Islamic Boarding School Islamic
Junior High School Ashabul Kahfi
Pontianak, where each made
observations and activities,
researchers conducted in-depth about
associative social interactions in the
form of accommodation in where
researchers conduct research directly
as outlined in the form of
Observations made by
researchers namely on 9 and 11 April
2019, this was done by researchers
after going through various stages of
approach, approval, and preparation
in its implementation.
In carrying out activities
carried out by the student council
management sometimes face
obstacles that occur in the student
council board, which is related to
cooperation that is less compact
because some student council
organizers have different views, so
the activities sometimes run long.
As with the observation
findings on April 9, 2019 which
coincided with the routine activities
of two weeks, namely the leisure walk
activities which became the
permanent agenda of the student
council, in the implementation of
experiencing a few obstacles, in the
implementation of class meting
activities there were some student
council organizers who were a little
forced to assist students and keep the
ranks in order during the activity,
when something like that happens
usually the other student council
officials ask for help from the teacher
who is present to ask the student
council officials who are lazy to want
to work together, small things like
that sometimes make the activity run
a little slow from time which is
Interview result
The following will be
presented the results of interviews
conducted by researchers with 9
student council officials on 12 and 13
April 2019 at 08.00-10.00 WIB,
which researchers took to conduct
(J-PSH) Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Dan Humaniora
Volume 10 Number 2 Oktober 2019
Volume 10 | Number 2| Oktober |2019, Page 46-55 p-ISSN: 2087-8451
research at the Ashabul Kahfi Islamic
Middle School in Pontianak. The
results of the interview are as follows.
1) Since when did you join the student
Nuraini: The board of student council
of Islamic Boarding School Ashabul
Kahfi Pontianak joined to become
student council of the Student
Council on September 7 2019 as well
as the appointment of other student
council fields.
2) Why are you interested in
becoming a student council
Akmal Shaleh: Student of Islamic
Boarding School Islamic Middle
School Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak
interested in becoming Student
Council of Student Council is looking
to experience and learn in organizing
at the junior high school level and
learn to work well together
3) What is the form of cooperation
between the student council officials?
Usfiatul: From the discussion of the
student council officials in the
interview session that the
collaboration between the student
council is in the form of mutual
cooperation, please help and help one
4) Do you often find difficulties in
carrying out your duties as student
council student?
Bambang Fajar: In carrying out the
task that the management of the
student council is not too difficult, but
sometimes there are some student
council officials who do not
understand their tasks.
5) How do you maintain cooperation
between the student council officials?
Alfil Khairussaleh: To maintain good
cooperation between OSIS teachers,
which is always doing activities
together, namely chatting together,
going to the canteen together with the
student council and with other
students, and doing sports activities
such as playing volleyball together
for the student council with the
Ashabul Kahfi Islamic Middle School
Pontianak students. (interview
Tuesday, April 12, 2019)
Based on the results of
observations made by researchers
twice on the informant about social
interaction in the form of cooperation
between the management of the
Islamic Junior High School student
OS Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak showed
that the informant had done social
interaction skills well, especially the
initial level of cooperation skills
carried out when carrying out leisure
walk activities and Monday's flag
In this case all aspects went
well, as well as the field of national
and state life that had carried out the
program, namely the flag ceremony
every Monday and the appointment of
the flag ceremony officer, in the
implementation of each student
council board worked according to
their duties as administrators even
though it was not their field, but they
willing to do it even though
sometimes a little forced because
there are some student council
officials who are sometimes lazy to
guard the flag ceremony rows as well
as the officials from each class who
are sometimes reluctant to become
officers so that they must involve the
teacher to appoint ceremonial
On Friday 9 April 2019
observation at 07.00-10.00 WIB,
there was a relaxing walk with all the
(J-PSH) Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Dan Humaniora
Volume 10 Number 2 Oktober 2019
Volume 10 | Number 2| Oktober |2019, Page 46-55 p-ISSN: 2087-8451
students of Pontianak Islamic
Ashabul Kahfi Middle School, where
the relaxing walk became an OSIS
work program especially in the field
of physical fitness which was carried
out every 2 weeks every day Saturday
by involving all students and all
student council officials and teachers
who were present that day.
Then observations on Monday,
April 11, 2019 at 6:45 to 8:00 pm,
clearly visible forms of cooperation
between members, such as they
prepare the flag ceremony officers on
the previous day to become Monday
flag ceremony officers which in this
case are responsible, namely the field
national and state life and assisted by
other student council organizers
during the flag ceremony.
The casual walk and flag
ceremony every Monday which
became the routine agenda of the
Islamic Boarding School student
board of Islamic Boarding School
Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak was running
well even though there were a few
obstacles, but the obstacles were not
too disturbing so that the activity
could continue to run according to the
routine agenda of the student council.
On April 9, 2019 observation at
06.45-16.00 WIB, on Saturday, it was
seen that the social interaction of
accommodation in the form of leisure
walk activities carried out by the
student council officials every two
weeks could be carried out well, there
were no significant problems,
although in the implementation there
were indeed few issues such as the
order of the students who took the
relaxing walk were a bit messy due to
the lack of supervision from the
student council officials to keep each
row neat and not disturb the existing
traffic. In this case all the student
council officials were instructed by
the student council president and by
the coach to do their job properly for
the smooth running of activities that
have become the OSIS work program
of Islamic Middle School Pontianak
Ashabul Kahfi School.
Furthermore, based on the
results of interviews conducted by
researchers to the management of
Islamic Boarding School Islamic
Boarding School Boarder Ashabul
Kahfi Pontianak, getting information
from all informants who revealed the
accommodation problem is "lack of
cohesiveness within the student
council, so that this sometimes
becomes an obstacle in carrying out
work programs and routine activities.
student council".
Problems may be common and
may not be avoided because of the
dozens of management must have
different thoughts, in line with the
results of interviews with student
council officials who revealed that if
there is a difference of opinion then
the council coach and chairman of the
OSIS "provides understanding and
guidance that differences of opinion
within an organization or the group is
normal, but how to find a middle
ground and positive things that can be
learned", through the information
obtained by researchers through
interviews with the student council
officials, it is clearly implied that the
association of associative social
interaction in the form of good
accommodation between student
council board of Islamic Middle
School Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak, this
is in line with the theory of
accommodation by (Gillin in July
2011: 21) is an understanding used by
(J-PSH) Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Dan Humaniora
Volume 10 Number 2 Oktober 2019
Volume 10 | Number 2| Oktober |2019, Page 46-55 p-ISSN: 2087-8451
sociologists to describe a process of
social relations which is the same
meaning as the understanding of
adaptation used by biologists to find
show in a process where living things
adjust themselves to the natural
Based on the results of research
and discussion that researchers have
done, the conclusions in this study are
as follows: Associative social
interaction in the form of
collaboration based on observations
and interviews conducted by
researchers about social interactions
in the form of cooperation between
the management of Islamic Boarding
School Student Islamic Boarding
School Ashabul Kahfi Pontianak
shows that it has been running good
and running harmoniously, as
evidenced by the activities carried out
by the student council organizers
namely relaxing walking activities
and the flag ceremony on Monday.
The activity was to foster students so
that the spirit of nationalism and the
love of the motherland, as well as for
the student council officials could
increase their cooperation by helping
one another to train students who
were ceremonial officers. Associative
social social interaction in the form of
accommodation does not occur
significant problems, although in its
implementation there are indeed a
few problems but it does not
necessarily interfere with all work
programs that have been planned or
that have been carried out by the
management of Islamic Junior High
School Boarder Ashabul Kahfi
Based on the conclusions
presented above, the following
suggestions were put forward: To
realize associative social interaction
in the form of cooperation and
accommodation for the management
of Islamic Boarding School Islamic
Boarding School Islamic Boarding
School Pontianak, it is expected that
all student council officials can
increase awareness and a sense of
volunteerism through routine
activities that have been carried out
and realize that humans are social
beings who cannot live alone, so
humans must not discriminate with
one another. For all students of
Islamic Boarding School Islamic
Middle School Ashabul Kahfi must
further enhance the sense of
brotherhood solidarity so that in
carrying out their duties and
responsibilities as student council
officials can be based on mutual
cooperation and the principle of
brotherhood between fellow OSIS
officials so that the planned program
can run well and be successful.
(J-PSH) Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Dan Humaniora
Volume 10 Number 2 Oktober 2019
Volume 10 | Number 2| Oktober |2019, Page 46-55 p-ISSN: 2087-8451
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