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Challenges of native android applications : obfuscation
and vulnerabilities
Pierre Graux
To cite this version:
Pierre Graux. Challenges of native android applications : obfuscation and vulnerabilities. Cryptogra-
phy and Security [cs.CR]. Université Rennes 1, 2020. English. �NNT : 2020REN1S047�. �tel-03164744�
Mathématiques et Sciences et Technologies
de l’Information et de la Communication
Spécialité : Informatique
Pierre Graux
Challenges of Native Android Applications:
Obfuscation and Vulnerabilities
Thèse présentée et soutenue à Lieu, le 10 décembre 2020
Unité de recherche : IRISA
Thèse :
Rapporteurs avant soutenance :
Guillaume Bonfante Maître de Conférences HDR, Université de Lorraine
Christian Rossow Professor, Saarland University
Composition du Jury :
Examinateurs : Marie-Laure Potet Professeur des Universités, Grenoble INP
Erven Rohou Directeur de Recherche, Inria
Sarah Zennou Research engineer, Airbus
Dir. de thèse : Valérie Viet Triem Tong Professeur, CentraleSupelec
Co-dir. de thèse : Jean-François Lalande Professeur des Universités, CentraleSupélec
Encadrant : Pierre Wilke Enseignant Chercheur, CentraleSupélec
Android is the most used operating system and thus, ensuring security for its applications is an essential task.
Securing an application consists in preventing potential attackers to divert the normal behavior of the targeted
application. In particular, the attacker may take advantage of vulnerabilities left by the developer in the
code and also tries to steal intellectual property of existing applications. To slow down the work of attackers
who try to reverse the logic of a released application, developers are incited to track potential vulnerabilities
and to introduce countermeasures in the code. Among the possible countermeasures, the obfuscation of
the code is a technique that hides the real intent of the developer by making the code unavailable to an
adversary using a reverse engineering tool. Mobile applications are complex entities that can be made of
both bytecode and assembly code. This creates new opportunities to enhance obfuscation techniques, and
also makes deobfuscation a more difficult challenge.
Obfuscating and deobfuscating programs have already been widely studied by the research community,
especially for desktop architecture. For mobile devices, ten years after the first release of Android, researchers
have mainly worked on the deobfuscation of the intermediate language, named Dalvik bytecode, executed by
the embedded virtual machine. Nevertheless, with the growing amount of malware and applications carrying
sensitive information, attackers want to hide their intents and developers want to protect their intellectual
property and the integrity of their application. Thus, a new generation of obfuscation methods based on
native code has appeared. Studying the consequences of mobile native code has not so far received the
same amount of attention as desktop programs even though more than one third of the available applications
embed assembly code.
This thesis presents the impact of native code on both reverse-engineering and vulnerability finding applied
to Android applications. First, by listing the possible interferences between assembly and bytecode, we
highlight new obfuscation techniques and software vulnerabilities. Then, we propose new analysis techniques
combining static and dynamic analysis blocks, such as taint tracking or system monitoring, to observe the
code behaviors that have been obfuscated or to reveal new vulnerabilities. These two objectives have led us to
develop two new tools. The first one spots a specific vulnerability that comes from inconsistently mixing
native and Java data. The second one extracts the object level behavior of an application, regardless of whether
this application contains native code, embedded for obfuscation purposes. Finally, we implemented these
new methods and conducted experimental evaluations. In particular, we automatically found a vulnerability
in the Android SSL library and we analyzed several Android firmware to detect usage of a specific class of
[1] Pierre Graux
, Jean-François Lalande, and Valérie Viet Triem Tong. ‘Etat de l’Art des Techniques
d’Unpacking pour les Applications Android’. In: Rendez-Vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la
Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information. La Bresse, France, May 2018.
Jean-François Lalande, Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Mourad Leslous, and
Pierre Graux
. ‘Challenges for
reliable and large scale evaluation of android malware analysis’. In: 2018 International Conference on
High Performance Computing & Simulation. Orléans, France: IEEE, July 2018, pp. 1068–1070.
[3] Pierre Graux
, Jean-François Lalande, and Valérie Viet Triem Tong. ‘Obfuscated Android Application
Development’. In: 3rd Central European Cybersecurity Conference. Munich, Germany: ACM, Nov. 2019,
pp. 1–6.
Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Cédric Herzog, Tomàs Concepción Miranda,
Pierre Graux
, Jean-François
Lalande, and Pierre Wilke. ‘Isolating Malicious Code in Android Malware in the Wild’. In: 14th
International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software. Nantucket, MA, USA: IEEE, Oct. 2019.
Jean-François Lalande, Valérie Viet Triem Tong,
Pierre Graux
, Guillaume Hiet, Wojciech Mazurczyk,
Habiba Chaoui, and Pascal Berthomé. ‘Teaching android mobile security’. In: 50th ACM Technical
Symposium on Computer Science Education. Minneapolis MN, USA: ACM, Feb. 2019, pp. 232–238.
Jean-François Lalande,
Pierre Graux
, and Tomás Concepción Miranda. ‘Orchestrating Android
Malware Experiments’. In: 27th IEEE International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation
of Computer and Telecommunication Systems. Rennes, France: IEEE, Oct. 2019, pp. 1–2.
[7] Pierre Graux
, Jean-François Lalande, Pierre Wilke, and Valérie Viet Triem Tong. ‘Abusing Android
Runtime for Application Obfuscation’. In: Workshop on Software Attacks and Defenses. Genova, Italy:
IEEE, Sept. 2020, pp. 616–624.
[8] Pierre Graux
, Jean-François Lalande, Valérie Viet Triem Tong, and Pierre Wilke. ‘Preventing Serializa-
tion Vulnerabilities through Transient Field Detection’. In: 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied
Computing. Gwangju, Korea: ACM, Mar. 2021, pp. 1598–1606.
Acknowledgments - Remerciements
First and foremost, I would like to thank a lot Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Jean-François Lalande and Pierre
Wilke, who have advised this thesis. They were always available to give great advises. I can measure the luck
to have them as advisors. They taught me to look at problems as a researcher and no longer as an engineer.
I would like to give a special thank to Marie-Laure Potet, who helped me when looking for a thesis and drove
me to find the CIDRE team. I made my first step in the research world with her, I wouldnt have carried this
thesis without her help. I am glad she accepted to examine it and I hope it will fulfill her expectations.
I would like also to thank Christian Rossow and Guillaume Bonfante, who have accepted to review my thesis
and helped me to improve it, and Erven Rohou and Sarah Zennou, who have followed my work annually
during each Comité de Suivi Individuel (CSI) where they gave me useful and relevant advises. By giving me
part of their time they have allowed me to expose my ideas to benevolent external point of views.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all my relatives, my friends and my colleagues. Despite giving
technical advises, they gave me moral support, necessary to conduct research work which can, sometimes, be
Abstract iii
Publications v
Acknowledgments - Remerciements vii
Contents ix
Glossary xvii
Acronyms xviii
Prologue 1
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Problem statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.1 Android core security features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.2 Challenges in analyzing native applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Analyzing native Android applications: state of the art 9
2.1 Research goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Android application datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Analysis techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.1 System side-effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.2 Application metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.3 Bytecode level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.4 Framework, runtime and system level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4 Challenges implied by native applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Security issues introduced by native interferences in Java Android applications 21
3 Security issues introduced by interferences in Java code 23
3.1 Modification of the Java bytecode by the native code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.1.1 Full unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1.2 Unpacked bytecode hiding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1.3 Partial unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1.4 Android framework bypassing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2 Replacement of the Java bytecode by native code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2.1 Bytecode compiler used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2.2 Types of bytecode modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Removing the bytecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Replacing the bytecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Modifying the bytecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Comparison of the three bytecode modification sub-techniques . . . . . . . . 29
3.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4 Security issues introduced by interferences in Java data 31
4.1 Injection of native data in Java data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
CVE-2015-3837: Example of a vulnerable transient field in an open source cryptography
library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.1.2 Formal definition of problematic transient fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2 Modification of Java data by native code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2.1 Legitimate implementation: DirectByteBuffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2.2 Naive implementation: memory lookup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2.3 Advanced implementation: reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Detection of native interferences in Java Android applications 41
5 Static detection of native interferences in Java code 45
5.1 Detecting native interferences in DEX files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.2 Detecting native interferences in OAT files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.2.1 Detecting removed bytecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.2.2 Detecting nopped bytecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.2.3 Detecting replaced bytecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Future work on detecting BFO usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
6 Detection of native interferences in Java data 53
6.1 Taint-analysis across native and Java interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6.2 Analyzing dataflow between native and Java at the source code level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6.2.1 Statically detecting reference fields in source code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Reference field patterns in source code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Static patterns detection using taint analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Static analysis limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
6.2.2 Analysis architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
6.2.3 Validation of the detection method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Constructive validation of the patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Catching known errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Checking a large open-source application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Analysis time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6.3 Monitoring the interface between Java and native code at the execution time . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Reverse-engineering of multi-language Android applications 67
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications 71
7.1 Adapting instrumentation system to multi-language applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7.2 OATs’inside architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.2.1 Runner module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
7.2.2 CFG creator module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7.2.3 Memory Dumper module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
7.2.4 Concolic analyzer module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
7.2.5 Unit test results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
7.3 OATs’inside output on obfuscated application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
7.3.1 Obfuscated application presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
7.3.2 OATs’inside output on the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
7.3.3 Final words on OATs’inside output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.4 Performance overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.5 OATs’inside stealthiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
7.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8 OATs’inside: implementation challenges and solutions 93
8.1 Runner and Memory Dumper modules: libart modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8.1.1 Analysis initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
8.1.2 Communication channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
8.1.3 Methods white-listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.1.4 Garbage Collector internal structures browsing and resolution caching . . . . . . . . . 95
8.1.5 Signal handlers management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
8.1.6 Single-stepping and atomic instructions management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
8.1.7 Multi-thread management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
8.2 CFG Creator module: NetworkX implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
8.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Epilogue 103
9 Conclusion 105
9.1 Thesis contribution summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
9.2 Perspectives for future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Appendices 109
A List of tested firmwares 111
B Java behavior unit tests 113
B.1 unobfuscated unit tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
B.2 Obfuscated unit tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
C Concolic analysis functioning proof 123
Résumé substantiel en français 129
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
1.1 Sécurité du système Android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
1.2 Applications natives et sécurité . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
1.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
2 Problèmes de sécurité induits par les interférences natives dans les applications Android Java 131
2.1 Problèmes portant sur le bytecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
2.2 Problèmes portant sur les données du bytecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
3 Détection des interférences natives dans les applications Android Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
3.1 Détection des interférences sur bytecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
3.2 Détection des interférences sur les données du bytecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
4 OATs’inside: rétro-ingénierie des applications Android natives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
5 Travaux futurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Bibliography 137
List of Figures
1.1 Exploitable window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1 Ratio of recognized malware by at least x antivirus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2 Classical representation of Android system architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.1 Packing technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2 Bytecode Free OAT technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3 Bytecode modification example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.4 Classification of Bytecode Free OAT (BFO) sub-techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.1 Address space of processes serializing X509 Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.2 Set view of targeted problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.3 Direct Heap Access (DHA) technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.4 Memory layout of Java objects in Android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.1 Bytecode entropy for methods of AOSP Android 7.0 APKs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.1 Set view of targeted problem, Reminder of Figure 4.2 Section 4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
6.2 Architecture overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
6.3 Reference fields in Android application source code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6.4 Representation of reference flow tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6.5 OpenSSLX509Certificate Java analysis output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
7.1 OATs’inside architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
7.2 Expected output for SimpleTestPIN.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
7.3 Runtime patch architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
7.4 Method invocation hooking process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
7.5 Object-level control flow graph of SimpleTestPIN.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
7.6 Object-level control flow graph of SimpleTestPIN.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
7.7 Extract of MainActivity$1.onClick olCFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
7.8 SimpleTestPIN.set
pin olCFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
7.9 SimpleTestPIN.test olCFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
7.10 SimpleTestPIN.set
pin olCFG after symbolic analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
7.11 SimpleTestPIN.test olCFG after symbolic analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.12 Runner module overhead with No. of actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
B.1 Non obfuscated testConditionObjectEq method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
B.2 Obfuscated testConditionObjectEq method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
1 Bytecode Free OAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
2 Direct Heap Access (DHA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
3 Représentation du suivi des flux de références mémoires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
4 Architecture de OATs’inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
List of Tables
1.1 Number of CVE containing the keyword Android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Extract of security additions in Android system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.1 Interferences between native code and Java code, in an Android application . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.1 Packer detection for various datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.2 Packer detection evolution inside AndroZoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3 Nopped methods in firmware dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.4 Difference percentage for one firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6.1 Sources and sinks for detecting reference field patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6.2 Flows reported for Telegram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
6.3 Analysis time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.4 Number of Direct Heap Accesses (DHAs) detected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.5 Classes and libraries detected to be using DHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
7.1 State-of-the-art solutions against native obfuscations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
7.2 Monitoring of object actions for different types of executed code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
7.3 OATs’inside against native obfuscations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
7.4 Time overhead and number of actions/events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
7.5 Dump size depending on the APK size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
A.1 List of tested firmwares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
1 Nombre de CVE contenant le mot-clef Android” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
2 Détection de packing dans plusieurs datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
3 Détection de packing selon les années . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
4 Nombre de DHAs détectés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
List of Listings
4.1 conscrypt/src/main/java/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLX509Certificate.java . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.2 conscrypt/src/main/native/org_conscrypt_NativeCrypto.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.3 boringssl/src/crypto/asn1/tasn_fre.c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.4 boringssl/src/include/openssl/x509.h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.5 DHA using DirectByteBuffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.6 Retrieving DirectByteBuffer address without JNI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.7 DHA using memory lookup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.8 Retrieving field offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.9 DHA using reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.1 Example of false positive for nopped bytecode search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
7.1 Simplified PIN test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
7.2 Runner module output on SimpleTestPIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7.3 Concolic Analyzer module output on SimpleTestPIN.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
7.4 Unobfuscated activity code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
7.5 SimpleTestPIN unobfuscated Java code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
7.6 SimpleTestPIN unobfuscated C++ code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
7.7 List of executed method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
B.1 JNI test cases helpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
B.2 Java method test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
B.3 JNI method test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
B.4 Java allocation test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
B.5 JNI allocation test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
B.6 Java access test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
B.7 JNI access test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
B.8 Java operations test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
B.9 JNI operations test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
B.10 Java condition test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
B.11 JNI condition test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
B.12 Java typing test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
B.13 JNI typing test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
B.14 Java exception test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
B.15 JNI exception test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
B.20 Application compilation command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
B.21 Obfuscator-LLVM command line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
B.16 monitor test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
B.17 JNI exception test cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
B.18 DEX file location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
B.19 Packer decode method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
B.22 Example of DHA unit test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
List of Algorithms
6.1 C/C++ analyzer taint management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
8.1 Create an iCFG and separate events between methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
8.2 Create olCFG for a given method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
8.3 Remove useless blank nodes from an olCFG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
C.1 Get taken conditions algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Mechanism in charge of reserving and freeing memory areas. 4.0.0, 7.2.1
Stands for Android Open Source Project, open source code of Android. 2.3.4, 3.1.0, 4.2.3, 5.2.0, 5.2.2,
7.4.0, 7.6.0, 8.1.0, 8.3.0, 9.2.0, 0.0
Bytecode Free OAT
Android obfuscation technique which consists in deleting bytecode from OAT files. 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.0,
4.2.0, 5.0.0, 5.2.0, 5.2.1, 5.2.3, 5.3.0, 6.4.0, 7.1.0, 7.2.0, 7.2.5, 7.3.0, 7.3.3, 9.1.0, B.0.0, B.2.0, 0.0
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
System that list publicly known compter security vulnerabilties and exposures. By extension, a publicly
known compter security vulnerabiltie or exposure. 1.1.1, 4.1.1, 6.2.0, 0.0
Concolic Analysis
Symbolic analysis that relies on values obtained during a classical execution called concrete execution.
7.2.0, C.0.0
Concrete (value/execution)
Execution, or values obtained during this execution, that is used during a concolic analysis. 2.3.3, 7.2.4,
Control Flow Graph
Graph that represents how the different instructions of code can be chained. Nodes are instructions and
two nodes are connected by a directed edge if the destination node can be executed after the source
node. 1.3.0, 2.1.0, 7.2.0, 7.2.2, 7.2.4, 7.2.5, 8.2.0, 9.1.0, B.2.0
Dependency between the variables of a code. 2.3.3, 6.0.0, 6.2.0
Stands for Dalvik EXecutable, file format used to store Dalvik bytecode. 2.3.3,, 3.2.1, 3.2.2,
4.3.0, 5.0.0, 5.1.0, 5.2.0, 5.2.3, 5.3.0, 7.1.0, 7.2.1, 7.2.5, 7.4.0, B.0.0, B.1.0, B.2.0, 2.1, 0.0
Direct Heap Access
Android obfuscation technique which consists in modifying Java values using native code without the
help of Java Native Interface (JNI)., 4.3.0, 6.0.0, 6.3.0, 6.4.0, 7.1.0, 7.2.1, 7.2.5, 7.3.0, 7.3.1, 7.3.3,
9.1.0, B.0.0, B.2.0, 0.0
Dynamic Analysis
Analysis that do run the analysed code. 3.2.0, 6.0.0, 7.2.0, 7.2.4
Set of files installed on a smartphone by the smartphone constructor. It includes, among other, the
Android system and the defaults application. 2.2.0, 3.2.1,, 5.3.0, 9.1.0, A.0.0, 0.0
Memory area where allocated entities are stored including objects. 4.1.1,, 6.1.0, 6.3.0, 6.4.0,
7.1.0, 7.2.1, 7.3.2, 7.4.0, 8.1.3, 8.1.4, 8.1.6, 8.1.7, B.1.0, B.2.0
File that describes an application. It contains, among other, requiered permissions or activities and
services classes name. 2.1.0, 2.3.2, 5.1.0
Replacing instrucions by No-OPerations, that is by instructions that have no special effects. 3.2.2, 5.2.2,
5.3.0, 9.1.0
Unknown acronym, file format used to store compiled Dalvik bytecode. 2.4.0, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 4.3.0, 5.0.0,
5.2.0, 5.2.3, 5.3.0, 7.2.1, 7.2.5, 7.3.1, 7.4.0, B.2.0, 2.1, 0.0
Tool that ciphers all or part of a program code without modifying its overall behavior., 3.1.4,
5.0.0, 5.1.0, 6.4.0, 0.0
Android library in charge of runtime the applications. 1.1.1, 2.1.0, 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.4.0, 3.2.0, 4.0.0, 4.2.0,
4.2.3, 5.0.0, 6.0.0, 6.3.0, 7.0.0, 7.1.0, 7.2.0, 7.2.1, 7.2.5, 7.4.0, 8.0.0,, 8.1.4, 8.3.0, 0.0
Process of converting an object into a stream of bytes. 4.1.0, 4.1.2, 6.2.3, 0.0
Memory area where variables and parameters may be stored. 7.1.0, 7.2.2, 7.2.5, 7.3.3, 8.1.3, B.1.0
Static Analysis
Analysis that does not run the analysed code. 2.1.0, 2.3.0, 2.3.3, 2.4.0, 6.2.1, 7.0.0, 7.1.0, 7.2.5, 9.1.0
Symbolic Analysis
Analysis that consists in observing the execution of a code by replacing value by abstract values called
symbols and evaluating the code instructions in the abstract value space. 1.2.0, 7.0.0, 7.1.0, 7.2.4, 7.3.2,
9.1.0, C.0.0, 0.0
Taint Analysis
Analysis that consists in checking if some values, generated by expressions called sources, can reach
expressions called sinks. 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.4.0, 4.1.2, 6.1.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.2
Java field keyword that indicates that the qualified field is not pat of the serialization process.,
6.0.0, 6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.3
Tool that reverses the obfuscation made by a packer.
ABI Application Binary Interface.
AIDL Android Interface Definition Language.
AOSP Android Open Source Project.
AOTC Ahead Of Time Compilation.
ASLR Address Space Layout Randomization.
AST Abstract Syntax Tree.
BFO Bytecode Free OAT.
CFG Control Flow Graph.
CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures.
DEX Dalvik EXecutable.
DHA Direct Heap Access.
GC Garbage Collector.
IPC Inter-Process Communication.
JGRE Java Global Reference Exhaustion.
JIT Just In Time.
JNI Java Native Interface.
MMU Memory Management Unit.
NDK Native Development Kit.
PIE Position Independent Executable.
SLOC Single Line Of Code.
VM Virtual Machine.
1: Common Vulnerabilities and Expo-
sures, publicly known vulnerabilities
3: Address Space Layout Randomization
4: Position-Independent Executable
Introduction 1
1.1 Problem statement
1.1.1 Android core security features
Android is the prevalent operating system for modern smartphones.
Due to the tremendous number of users, Android has attracted lots of
malicious activities [9]
[9]: Mohamed and Patel (2015), Android
vs iOS security: A comparative study’
. As shown in Table 1.1, since the release of the
first version of Android, vulnerabilities are searched and found in this
system. More than six thousand CVEs
contain the keyword Android”.
Very critical vulnerabilities, such as Full Chain with Persistence (FCP)
zero click, can be sold for more than $2,500,000
< 2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
18 23 89 169 123 1686 422 872 1191 457 771 528
Source: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=Android
Table 1.1:
Number of CVE containing the
keyword Android
Because of the increasing number of Android users, and the increas-
ing number of applications handling sensitive information, Google has
brought a lot of attention to securing the Android platform. Indeed, they
have adopted a security-oriented architecture for running Android appli-
cations that mainly relies on two core features:
application sandboxing
permission management
. Each application is run by a dedicated
Unix user, allowing application isolation using tried-and-tested kernel
mechanisms. Additionally, applications cannot access device features
without owning specific capabilities called permissions. These permis-
sions are reviewed and granted by the user himself. For example, an
application will be able to send SMSs only if it has been granted the
permission. Furthermore, each new version of Android comes
with specific security features. Table 1.2 shows an excerpt of security
features added in each new Android version. In this table, we can see that
features target all aspects of security. For example, hardening techniques
such as ASLR
or PIE
have been added to the system. The operating sys-
tem constrains the accesses to resources using SELinux mandatory access
control. Network communications such as DNS queries are ciphered.
However, securing the whole Android system is not enough. Indeed,
applications installed by the user are potentially malicious or vulnerable.
An application is considered vulnerable if it can be diverted into per-
forming malicious operations. Since Android is a system built for mobile
platforms, these operations can differ from desktop ones [10, 11]
[10]: Faruki, Bharmal, Laxmi, Ganmoor,
Gaur, Conti, and Rajarajan (2014), An-
droid security: a survey of issues, malware
penetration, and defenses’
[11]: Sadeghi, Bagheri, Garcia, and Malek
(2016), A taxonomy and qualitative com-
parison of program analysis techniques for
security assessment of android software’
. We can
cite as notable malicious operations:
Premium SMS services: an application can send SMS to premium
services, i.e. services that include fees.
Privilege escalation: an application can exploit system vulnerabili-
ties to perform actions while not being granted the corresponding
1 Introduction
Table 1.2:
Extract of security additions in
Android system
Added feature
4.0 Oct. 2011
Address Space Layout Randomization
(ASLR) support
4.1 Jul. 2012
Position Independent Executable (PIE)
4.1 Jul 2012
Read only relocation (RelRO) binaries
4.2 Nov. 2012
SELinux support
4.3 Jul. 2013
SELinux enabled by default
4.4 Oct. 2013
SELinux set in enforcing mode
5.0 Nov. 2014
Support of non-PIE executable dropped
6.0 Oct. 2015
App permissions granted at runtime
9 Aug. 2018
DNS over TLS
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android
Permission leakage, colluding applications: an application can
perform privileged operations when requested by other applica-
tions and omit to check requester permissions. If the omission is
intentional, the application is colluding.
Privacy leakage: an application can steal users’ private data such
as SMS contents or contact list, or spy on the user by, for example,
recording the microphone.
Ransomware: an application can make smartphone data, such as
pictures or contacts, unavailable by ciphering them and ask money
from user in exchange for the stolen data.
Application cloning: an application can copy the code of another
and replace the Google Ads ID of the real owner of the application
by its own in order to steal its wages.
Aggressive advertisement: an application can display numerous
advertisements by, for example, modifying the smartphone back-
ground or spawning pop-up windows.
I Botnet: an application can participate to massive network attacks.
Denial of Service: an application can stress resources such as the
CPU or the battery of the smartphone to make it unusable.
Unfortunately, relying on application isolation and permission restriction
to keep the user safe is not enough. Indeed, the permission system is
misunderstood and harmful permissions may be granted to malicious
applications [12, 13]
[12]: Felt, Ha, Egelman, Haney, Chin, and
Wagner (2012), Android permissions: User
attention, comprehension, and behavior’
[13]: Benton,Camp, and Garg(2013),‘Study-
ing the effectiveness of android applica-
tion permissions requests’
. For example, in 2014, a fake copy of the eagerly
awaited video game Pokémon Go has been created and distributed to
countries where the official game was not released yet. The fake version,
which contained a malware called Droidjack, was installed by users
impatient to play the game and willing to grant any permission asked by
the application.
The security mechanisms provided by Android cannot prevent this type
of attack. Malicious or vulnerable application will eventually be installed
on some users’ smartphone. To minimize the impact of this phenomenon,
this thesis tackles the two following problems:
Detecting malicious or vulnerable applications in order to remove
them from the Google Play store.
1.1 Problem statement
6: Formerly Android market
8: https://research.checkpoint.com/2020/google-
New obfuscation
New detection
Safe Exploitable Safe
Figure 1.1: Exploitable window
Understanding the behavior of such applications in order to evalu-
ate the damage after a compromision.
Of course, Google already started, since 2012, to set up an automatic
service, called bouncer,
to address the malicious application detection
problem. Since the
architecture is not public, we have no clue
on how and if the vulnerability detection problem is addressed.
This service scans applications available on the Google Play store
, the
Android application official repository, in order to find malicious and
unsafe applications. When detected, applications are removed from the
store, therefore preventing users from installing them. Improving on the
bouncer service, Google released Google Play Protect
in 2017. In addition
to the features provided by bouncer, this new service offers the possibility
to scan applications offline, i.e. observe the behavior of applications while
they are running directly on the users’ smartphone.
Despite all these efforts, some malicious applications still find their way
to the Google Play store,
and vulnerabilities are still found in Android
applications, as shown in Table 1.1.
We believe that one of the reasons that malicious and vulnerable
applications can still bypass analysis systems is the usage of native
code inside applications. This thesis focuses on this specific problem.
The following section explains why the presence of native code makes
code analysis more difficult for malicious or vulnerable application
1.1.2 Challenges in analyzing native applications
Problems involved in malware and vulnerability detection, such as
determining if a given program is equivalent to an other, are undecidable
in the general case [14]
[14]: Selçuk, Orhan, and Batur (2017), ‘Un-
decidable problems in malware analysis
. Thus, countermeasures such as the bouncer or
Google Play Protect can only partially solve these problems. This keeps
the door open for malicious applications to hide from program analysis.
Similarly, perfect obfuscation techniques do not exist [15]
[15]: Beaucamps and Filiol (2007), ‘On the
possibility of practically obfuscating pro-
grams towards a unified perspective of
code protection’
, i.e. obfuscators
always leave information about the behavior of the original program.
Consequently, the race between malicious applications and analysis
services takes the form of a cat and mouse game: malicious applications
hide their intent using new techniques, analysis services adapt their
detection, and so on. Unfortunately, as shown in Figure 1.1, this race is in
favor of malicious applications since malware can take advantage of the
time that separate the usage of a new technique and its detection (
Thus, computer security researchers should focus on reducing this time
developing more general analysis (increasing
): this makes the
creation of new obfuscation techniques harder.
predicting future obfuscation techniques (decreasing
): thisallows
to faster adapt detection technique.
It is worth noting that this assessment also applies to new vulnerabilities
exploitation and detection.
1 Introduction
In this context, Android security researchers have shown that native
applications are more and more present in Google Play store and that
state-of-the-art tools should improve their analysis on this kind of appli-
cations [1618]
[16]: Afonso, Geus, Bianchi, Fratantonio,
Kruegel, Vigna, Doupé, and Polino (2016),
‘Going Native: Using a Large-Scale Analy-
sis of Android Apps to Create a Practical
Native-Code Sandboxing Policy’
[17]: Tam, Feizollah, Anuar, Salleh, and
Cavallaro(2017), ‘The evolution of android
malware and android analysis techniques’
[18]: Sadeghi, Bagheri, Garcia, and Malek
(2017), A taxonomy and qualitative com-
parison of program analysis techniques for
security assessment of android software’
Applications are traditionally written in Java or Kotlin, compiled into
bytecode and run by a Virtual Machine. This machine enforces the
correct execution of this bytecode as expected by the developer and is the
privileged interface for observing an execution. A native application is an
application that contains both Dalvik bytecode and assembly code. Due
to optimization purposes, Android supports applications that embed
assembly code obtained from, for example, C or C++ source code.
The usage of native code opens two new challenges:
Native code usage allows to highly obfuscate applications. Indeed,
the cat and mouse game for obfuscating and desobfuscating as-
sembly code is a well studied area since the seventies, that is way
older than Android. Thus, the attacker can easily adapt advanced
assembly obfuscation techniques and bypass analysis tools.
Native code usage may introduce vulnerabilities in applications.
The languages in which native code is typically written (C or C++)
are known to be error-prone. That is to say, it is easy for developers
using these languages to leave security vulnerabilities in their
programs. Indeed, contrary to Java/Kotlin, these languages do not
implement security mechanisms such as strong type verification
or security context execution. Then, allowing native code inside
Android applications drastically increases the attack surface for
malicious intents. Additionally, tips and best practices given by
Google for native Android application development
, are not
enforced when the applications are running. Native code and
bytecode run in the same context and the same address space[19,
[19]: Sun and Tan (2014), ‘Nativeguard:Pro-
tecting android applications from third-
party native libraries’
[20]: Athanasopoulos, Kemerlis, Portoka-
lidis, and Keromytis (2016), ‘NaClDroid:
Native Code Isolation for Android Appli-
, which allows native code to interfere with bytecode.
In this thesis, we mimic the cat and mouse game by building obfuscation
techniques and exploiting vulnerable applications and in a second time,
proposing associated detection techniques and analysis tools. We limit
our study to the challenges linked to the usage of native code inside
Android applications.
1.2 Contributions
, Lalande, and Viet Triem Tong
(2018), ‘Etat de l’Art des Techniques d’Unpacking
pour les Applications Android’
[2]: Lalande, Viet Triem Tong, Leslous, and
(2018), ‘Challenges for reliable and
large scale evaluation of android malware
, Lalande, and Viet Triem Tong
(2019), ‘Obfuscated Android Application
, Lalande, Wilke, and Viet Triem
Tong (2020), Abusing Android Runtime
for Application Obfuscation’
, Lalande, Tong, and Wilke(2021),
‘Preventing Serialization Vulnerabilities
through Transient Field Detection
The contributions of this thesis are the following:
We propose two new obfuscation methods of the java bytecode,
one targeting the code and the other targeting the data [1, 3, 7].
We conducted two experimental studies of the usage of these
obfuscation methods in the wild [2, 7].
We developed an analysis framework, named OATs’inside, which
combines dynamic and symbolic analysis to retrieve the behavior
of obfuscated Android applications.
We designed and implemented a new detection method of applica-
tion vulnerabilities due to forgotten transient keyword [8].
1.3 Outline
1.3 Outline
This dissertation is divided in five parts. The first part contains this
introduction and Chapter 2, that gives the necessary background about
Android native and non-native application analysis techniques.
In order to describe the contributions of this thesis we reflect the cat and
mouse game by dividing the manuscript in two supplementary parts.
Chapters 3 and 4 explore attackers’ possibilities. They describe how
native code can lead to security issues, i.e. code obfuscation or vulnerable
code. These security issues are split on whether they impact Java code
(Chapter 3), or the Java data (Chapter 4). In addition to already known
issues, we introduce new obfuscation techniques.
The next two chapters, Chapters 5 and 6, tackle these security issues by
proposing detection methods and measuring their presence in the wild.
These two chapters are also divided into code and data issues.
The last two chapters before concluding, Chapters 7 and 8, present
OATs’inside, a new Android analysis tool and the technical challenges
involved in its implementation. OATs’inside is a stealth analysis framework
that recovers object-level CFGs of Android applications despite all known
obfuscation techniques.
Finally, Chapter 9 summarizes the contributions of this thesis and gives
perspectives for future work.
Analyzing native Android
applications: state of the art 2
This chapter reviews the contributions related to the security analy-
sis of Android applications. We will focus on approaches that output
qualitative and detailed information about the analyzed application.
During this review, we will recall the technical notions about the Android
At the end of the chapter, we focus on the impact of native code on the
challenges introduced in Chapter 2.1, i.e. obfuscation of applications and
vulnerabilities in applications.
We will make a review of the articles of the state-of-the-art that tries
to solve the aforementioned challenges. More thorough comparisons
with our work will be given later in the appropriate chapters of this
Section 2.1 presents goals that researchers follow when analyzing
Android applications. Then, Section 2.2 details the datasets available
for evaluating analysis methods. Section 2.3 reviews the techniques
that are used to achieve the previously described goals. Finally,
Section 2.4 highlights the challenges that native code raises for using
these techniques.
2.1 Research goals
Android applications analyses take an APK file as input. An APK file is
an archive that contains three types of files:
metadata: a
file that declares the permissions, the services
and the activities of the application.
code: files that contain Dalvik bytecode, usually obtained from the
compilation of Java or Kotlin source code.
I resources: additional files such as pictures, fonts, or sounds.
APK files can be processed in various ways: static approaches that only
look at the file itself, or dynamic ones that observe its execution.
Independently of the method used, security researchers have different
common goals in mind:
Detecting malicious applications: decide whether a given applica-
tion is malicious or benign.
Studying code protection: find new obfuscation techniques and
associated countermeasures.
Exposing vulnerable applications: spot security vulnerabilities
inside applications.
2 Analyzing native Android applications: state of the art
1: This runtime is described in Section 2.4
Detecting malicious applications
Malicious application detection can
be declined in different annex problems. While some researchers focus
on deciding the maliciousness of an application [2126], others try to
classify malicious applications into families [2733]. The definition of
what a family is depends on the context. For example, family can desig-
nate the malicious operation performed such as ransomware, Remote
Access Tool (RAT), adware. It can also designate different versions of
the same malware. Some also try to identify clones and repackaged
applications. Here the goal is to detect when an attacker has introduced
his code inside an other application. These goals are often treated using
artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms that uses APK
characteristics and artifacts obtained at execution time.
The problem of detecting malicious applications is outside of the scope
of this thesis: as stated in Chapter , we focus on studying code protection
and exposing vulnerable applications. Thus, we will not describe the
entirety of works related to this problem. Nevertheless, we highlight
DroidClone [30] which focuses on a problem close to this thesis: de-
tection of native Android malware specifically. DroidClone provides a
mechanism to build malware signatures. It operates on assembly code
but handles both native code and bytecode by compiling the bytecode
using the compiler provided by the ART runtime
. This idea is an elegant
way to handle bytecode and assembly code simultaneously. We used a
similar approach to propose a new obfuscation method in Chapter 3.
Studying code protection
Studying code protection consists in two
opposite goals that both need to be explored. One may want to make the
analysis of an application more difficult. This process is called obfuscation.
At first sight, it could be surprising that some security researchers
try to invent new obfuscation techniques or improve existing ones
since they are used by malicious applications to circumvent analysis
tools. However, benign applications can legitimately use obfuscation,
for example, to protect their intellectual property or to avoid being
repackaged. Additionally, as mentioned in Chapter 2.1, determining
what kinds of obfuscations malware will potentially use in the future
allows to develop countermeasures and tackle malicious application
On the contrary, some researchers try to break obfuscation. Breaking
an obfuscation technique can itself be divided in different goal varia-
tions discussed hereinafter. It can consist in detecting the usage of the
obfuscation, retrieving the original code, or getting information about
the real application behavior while being agnostic about the targeted
Detection techniques are useful to determine if a specific obfuscation
technique is used by applications in the wild. It can be used as a first
step, to determine if a deobfuscation technique, potentially resource-
consuming, should be launched. Most of the time detection techniques
try to spot artifacts that reveal traces of the usage of a known obfuscation
technique. Consequently, unknown obfuscation methods are not detected
since their artifacts are also unknown.
When a tool tries to analyze an obfuscated application, it may fail, for
example if an obfuscation technique ciphers the code, therefore making
2.1 Research goals
it unavailable for static analysis. Facing this problem, the first solution
is to retrieve the original code of the application in order to work as
if the application had never been obfuscated. This process is called
Since deobfuscation is the principal threat of obfuscation, sophisticated
techniques aim at preventingit. In some cases, such as the usage of packers
or reflection methods, the obfuscation cannot be fully reverted. Then,
analysis tools need, in order to work properly, to determine information
that is relevant for their goal but invariant with the obfuscation. For
example, malicious application detection can be conducted over network
communications [34] or system calls patterns [35].
Discussions about code obfuscation in the specific context of native
applications are developed in Sections 3.1 and 5.1.
Exposing vulnerable applications
Exposing vulnerable applications
consists in determining if a given application is vulnerable to security
attacks. This goal seems to be inherently malicious. But, this is also
legitimately used by developers or companies that want to check, before
using it, that an external library or an application is safe. It is also used
by developers to check their own application and, if a vulnerability is
found, patch their application.
First, security researchers can manually look for vulnerabilities and
highlight new problematic issues. For example, Peles and Hay [36]
showed that a missing
keyword in a Java field can lead to
severe exploits if such a field contains a native address. This approach is
precisely described in Section 4.1 because a solution of this problem is
one contribution of this thesis.
Then, for particularly widespread vulnerabilities, researchers design
methods targeting them. This can be done by statically analyzing the
bytecode. Lu et al. [37] and Zhang and Yin [38] looked for component
hijacking vulnerabilities and Sounthiraraj et al. [39] for SSL man-in-
the-middle vulnerabilities. Gu et al. [40] found JNI Global References
exhaustion (JGRE) by statically analyzing native code and bytecode. These
solutions have a high accuracy for detecting the considered vulnerability
but keep bounded to this specific vulnerability.
Some researchers adopt a more generic approach. They do not search
for a specific vulnerability but have designed methods that can work for
different ones. For example, Qian et al. [41] transform the bytecode of
an application into an annotated CFG and translate vulnerabilities into
graph-traversal properties. Dhaya and Poongodi [42] built a machine
learning system that translates application code into N-grams and au-
tomatically learns to recognize vulnerable applications. However, these
approaches [41, 42] do not evaluate their detection ratio but only report
vulnerabilities found in application datasets. While these approaches are
useful in the wild, they cannot prove that a given application is safe.
Some researchers focus on generic dynamic approaches. Sounthiraraj
et al. [39] run the application and redirect external SSL connections to
a crafted server that attempts to perform man-in-the-middle attacks.
Yang et al. [43] and Sasnauskas and Regehr [44] developed an Intent
fuzzer. A fuzzer is a tool that consists in generating invalid and faulty
2 Analyzing native Android applications: state of the art
2: Android Interface Definition Language
3: Inter-Process Communication
inputs and pass them to a system under attack. This approach is well
suited for Android. Indeed, in Android, applications communicate with
each other using Intents. Intents are Java objects that are sent trough
the binder, the Android IPC mechanism. In order to work properly, the
binder requires applications to declare, in an AIDL
file, the types of
Intents they are willing to receive. This file is stored in the APK archive
and fuzzers exploit this AIDL file to generate inputs that are not rejected
by the application, revealing vulnerabilities. Similarly to the preceding
generic approach, the accuracy detection is difficult to evaluate.
Finally, researchers develop solutions to improve and facilitate the cor-
rection of vulnerabilities. For example, Zhang and Yin [38] automatically
propose a patch for vulnerable bytecode and [45] developed a system to
patch the Android system when manufacturers do not update properly
the system.
In this thesis, we have studied a specific vulnerability involving native
code introduced by Peles and Hay [36] for which we have built a dedicated
The implementation of some of the solutions presented above introduces
additional challenges. First, dynamic systems that emulate Android are
not transparent. This means that malicious applications can detect that
they are being analyzed, and then choose to behave differently. This is
called emulation system evasion [46, 47]. Another challenge, extensively
studied in Android, is the problem of code coverage [4852]. The Android
application architecture is very modular and event-driven. Applications
are composed of multiple activities and services, that can be triggered
using various ways such as user interaction and IPCs
. These services and
activities constitute multiple entry-points of the Android application, in
contrast with classic desktop executables that only have one single entry-
point. This is problematic when a dynamic system wants to stimulate
the execution to cover as much code as possible. For example, Abraham
et al. [49] propose to explore exhaustively the graphical interface of
applications under analysis.
These challenges have not been faced during this thesis and thus, these
solutions are not further described.
2.2 Android application datasets
As in any research field, the Android security community needs datasets
to evaluate their methods and produce easily reproducible experiments.
Thus, various datasets exist [53]:
Google Play store: official Android application repository. It con-
tains more than two million applications. However, this dataset
is not suitable for scientific experiments since it highly dynamic:
applications are added, removed or updated frequently. It not
easily retrievable: Google does not provide an API to download
applications. Finally, applications are not labeled as goodware or
malware since malware are removed from the store.
2.2 Android application datasets
4: https://www.virustotal.com
6: https://koodous.com/
7: Arbitrarily set to 27 in the graph.
8: See Chapter
Genome [54]: ground-truth dataset of more than 1,200 malware
samples. This dataset is qualified as ground-truth, meaning that
every application has been manually verified to be malicious. Unfor-
tunately, the service is no longer maintained by the authors. Copies
of this dataset are still available but it is no longer representative of
malware in the wild [55].
Drebin [56]: a dataset of 123,453 applications and 5,560 malware.
Malware have been detected using VirusTotal
, an online malware
detection service. This dataset is largely used as a detection bench-
mark in the research community, such that at the time of writing, it
has been cited more than two thousands times. However, similarly
to the Genome dataset, it is getting old and not representative. For
example, it contains only very few native applications.
AndroZoo [57]: a dataset of more than 13 million applications.
The authors are continuously downloading new samples from
various stores, including the Google Play store. Samples come with
metadata such as size, checksum and retrieve date. Additionally,
they also tag if the application is malicious using VirusTotal.
AMD [58]: a ground-truth dataset of 24,553 malware classified
among different families.
GM19 [4]: contains two balanced sets of 5,000 goodware (GOOD)
and 5,000 malware (MAL) with an homogeneous distribution of
dates (2015-2018) and APK size to avoid statistical biases.
Contagio mobile
: web repository containing 252 malicious appli-
: web repository containing 19 million malware out of 66
million applications.
It is worth noting that Drebin, AndroZoo and GM19 datasets use Virus-
Total, an online detection service which aggregates the results of around
50 antivirus, to classify applications between goodware and malware.
However, we believe that this approach is not reliable. In [2], we collected
2,000 malware samples by downloading each day 20 recent samples from
the Koodous repository and 30 random samples from the AndroZoo
repository. As shown in Figure 2.1, 48% of samples are not recognized by
any antivirus used by VirusTotal. Figure 2.1 shows that there is no obvi-
ous threshold to decide that a sample has been recognized by enough
antiviruses to classify it as a malware. We were expecting a drop of
detection for a certain number of antiviruses
, as represented by the
light blue curve. Additionally, these results may change with time, as the
pool of antiviruses used by VirusTotal frequently updates their signature
database. From this experiment, we conclude that using VirusTotal as an
oracle for confirming that a sample is malicious is not reliable, especially
for recent samples.
All the aforementioned datasets are used to test malicious detection
techniques. For obfuscation studies of this thesis, as we do not attempt to
detect malicious applications, we only use datasets to detect the presence
of obfuscation techniques in the wild and thus, focus on recent datasets:
AndroZoo, AMD and GM19.
Also, we have not found any dataset of firmware applications, that
is applications pre-compiled and installed on the smartphone by the
manufacturer or the firmware vendor. Since we have developed an
obfuscation technique specifically for this kind of applications
, we have
2 Analyzing native Android applications: state of the art
Figure 2.1:
Ratio of recognized malware
by at least x antivirus
9: Alcatel, Archos, Huawei, Samsung,
Sony, Wiko
constructed one for our experiments. We have downloaded 17 firmwares
from six different brands
. All the firmwares run Android 7.0 or 7.1.
For each firmware, all compiled applications have been extracted. The
complete list of firmware is available in Appendix A.
For the detection of vulnerable applications, we found only one dataset
named Ghera [59]. It is an open source repository of vulnerable and
safe applications. For each vulnerable application, details about the
vulnerabilities present in the application are provided. Unfortunately,
this dataset does not contain samples for the vulnerability we have
studied in this thesis: missing transient keyword.
2.3 Analysis techniques
To achieve their goals (detecting malicious applications, studying code
protection and exposing vulnerable applications), researchers rely on
several techniques, used as building blocks that can be tuned and com-
bined together to tackle specific problems. This section reviews these
different techniques. Classically, techniques are separated between static,
that study the data and the code of the applications, and dynamic ones,
that observe executions of the applications.
However, these two sets of techniques are not disjoint. For example,
symbolic execution is a static technique since it does not execute the
application. Nevertheless it attempts to mimic a possible set of executions.
On the other side, some dynamic techniques, such as fuzzing, rely on
a preliminary static analysis phase used to configure the subsequent
dynamic phase.
In this section, we have chosen to present techniques from high-level to
low-level. Indeed, this thesis deals with applications composed of Java
and assembly code, that are languages of completely different levels.
Such a classification is relevant in this context.
2.3 Analysis techniques
10: Description shown in the Google Play
store and written by the application devel-
11: Dalvik EXecutables
12: Just-In-Time
2.3.1 System side-effects
We consider as high level techniques, the ones that work with artifacts left
by the execution of the analyzed application rather that the application
itself. For example, Shao et al. [60] observe the network communications
to detect unsafe applications that accept remote commands without
any preliminary authentication phase. Bhatia et al. [61] analyze memory
snapshots and reconstruct a timeline composed of, for example, activities
and services that have been launched. These approaches are too high-level
for handling specifically native code.
2.3.2 Application metadata
Looking at techniques getting closer to the application and the system,
researchers can work on the application metadata. Metadata about
Android applications is stored in the APK archive inside a file called
Manifest. This file contains:
I The list of permissions required by the application.
I The list of activities: classes that represent an interface window.
I The list of services: classes that are launched in the background.
The list of receivers: classes that are able to receive messages sent
by other application or by the system.
Metadata-based techniques can work on permissions and API calls [62] or
permissions and application description
[63]. Actually, all the informa-
tion stored in the
can be used to achieve malicious detection [64].
Again, such approaches cannot be of interest for native code.
2.3.3 Bytecode level
Techniques can look at the application bytecode. This bytecode is stored
inside the APK archive as DEX
files. New DEX files can be loaded
during the execution by the bytecode itself. That means static analysis
cannot, in the general case, cover all the code. This bytecode is named
Dalvik bytecode, after the name of the virtual machine that interprets
or JIT-compiles
it: the Dalvik VM. This bytecode is a register-based
version of the Java bytecode. Bytecode level analysis techniques are
widely used by researchers because the bytecode is clearly the place
where the behavior of the application is described.
In order to analyze application bytecode, solutions can use bytecode
simplification techniques before conducting their analysis. This allows to
reduce the amount of resources needed to process an application. For
example, SAAF [65] proposes to compute slices of the bytecode according
the dataflow of this instruction. An instruction is part of a slice if, given
a value (variable, object field, ...), this instruction participates to the
computation of this value. Similarly, Harvester [66] slices the program
according to the dataflow of a given value. Then, it executes the obtained
slice and logs, at runtime, the value.
To simplify their analysis, tools can also use Intermediate Representation
(IR) such as Jimple [67]. An Intermediate Representation (IR) is a language
that abstractlower-level languages. It is used to make writing optimization
2 Analyzing native Android applications: state of the art
Figure 2.2:
Classical representation of An-
droid system architecture
talled apps, user-installed apps
Activity Manager, Package Manager, Content Providers, ...
libc, SSL, OpenGL, Vendors libs, ...
Core libs, Dalvik VM
Memory manager, Proccess scheduler, Drivers, ...
: modified by vendors
13: International Mobile Equipment Iden-
tity, number that identify uniquely a mo-
bile device
14: Android Open Source Project:
rules easier. For example, AppSealer [38] uses program slicing according
to dataflow performed over Jimple, rather than on the bytecode, to search
for component hijacking vulnerabilities.
Taint analysis is a common analysis conducted on application bytecode.
In particular, we have used the taint analyzer provided by FlowDroid [68]
to perform the analysis conducted in Section 6.2. A taint analysis consists
in identifying, for a given list of sources, all the sinks that can receive
a taint. Usually, in bytecode analysis, sources and sinks are calls to
framework methods and taints are the return values of the sources. It
allows to represent, for example, the leakage of the IMEI
using the
method as a source and methods such as
File.write as sinks. In this case, the taint is the IMEI number.
An other common analysis technique is symbolic execution [6971]. It
consists in following the program instructions and recording, for each
value, the constraints that are applied. This is midway between the static
and the dynamic execution: the code is run “symbolically” using abstract
values instead of concrete ones. In particular, it is used to compute all
the possible values that a variable can contain during an execution or to
determine if a given instruction could be reach during an execution.
2.3.4 Framework, runtime and system level
Analyzing only the bytecode of an application does not allow to easily
manipulate the application behavior. Indeed, for introducing or modify-
ing a specific behavior into an Android application, one has to translate
this behavior into bytecode and inject this bytecode in the application
To overcome this limitation, some techniques propose to modify the
framework, the runtime or the system. As shown in Figure 2.2, applica-
tions rely on these three elements to be executed. Thus, by modifying
these low-level architecture elements, solutions can manipulate and
instrument applications freely. These elements can be modified by re-
searchers since they are open-source: the system is a Linux kernel and
provides the source code of the framework, the libraries and
the runtime. However, Android systems installed on smartphones are
customized by the smartphone provider (also called vendor) in order to
2.4 Challenges implied by native applications
15: “.so” extension
16: Android 5.0 "Lollipop"
17: Just In Time
18: Android 7.0 "Nougat"
19: We could not find an official definition
for this acronym.
20: This denomination comes from the
Android source code.
provide a functional device. This limits the portability of the techniques’
Thus, numerous framework, runtime or system level techniques have
been proposed. For example, AndroBlare [72, 73] enhances the system
using Linux modules to hook system calls and perform taint analysis.
TaintDroid [74] modifies the Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) interpreter
to manage taints. CopperDroid [75] runs Android inside the QEMU [76]
emulator and introspects this emulator to reconstruct the behavior of the
application such as activity launching and SMS sending.
These kinds of contributions are very tuned and propose a complete
overview. Thus, most of them handle native code, which is the subject of
the following section.
2.4 Challenges implied by native applications
The Android runtime allows applications to embed native libraries
using the classical shared object file format
and to call native code
from Java code. Such applications are called native applications. The
communication between Java and native code is realized through a
dedicated interface called the Java Native Interface (JNI). This interface
allows not only to call native functions from the Java world, but also
gives native code the opportunity to access Java objects and fields.
Since 2014, the usage of native Android applications is rising. Indeed,
researchers have started reporting usage of obfuscation techniques de-
signed for assembly code [77]. More recently, Afonso et al. [16] performed
a large-scale analysis to evaluate the usage of native code in a dataset of
1.2 million Android applications, and showed that more than one third
of these applications potentially used native code.
Additionally, Android released a new runtime called ART in 2014
. This
runtime no longer interprets or JIT
compilesthe bytecode of applications
but instead compiles the bytecode into assembly before the execution.
This is called AOTC for Ahead Of Time Compilation. Two years later
Android has reintegrated the interpreter and the JIT compiler on top of
the AOTC-compilation. Since then, Android applications are not fully
compiled. A method is compiled only when it is frequently executed.
The resulting assembly is stored using a new file format called OAT
For the sake of clarity, when the differentiation between assembly codes
stored in shared objects and OATs file is needed, the assembly code from
OAT is named quick
The usage of native obfuscation techniques and the compilation of
application bytecode have increased the needs for adapting solutions to
the assembly world. As discussing in details all the contributions of the
literature would be technically difficult at this stage of the manuscript,
we propose to briefly categorize the different objectives of authors. Then,
later in the manuscript, we point out the limitations of each approach for
the specific problem we solve. Globally, the research community has:
I Studied new obfuscations
: Researchers have developed solutions
to tackle the new rising obfuscation technique called packing [78
2 Analyzing native Android applications: state of the art
80]. This technique consists in ciphering the bytecode to make it un-
available for static analysis. The various deobfuscation techniques
are detailed in Section 3.1 and the associated detection methods
are presented in Section 5.1. In Section 3.2, we proposed new na-
tive obfuscation techniques and associated detection techniques in
Section 5.2.
I Exposed new vulnerabilities
: New vulnerabilities targeting An-
droid applications have been discovered [36, 40]. In Section 4.1,
we precisely describe the vulnerability proposed by Peles and Hay
[36]: a field that stores a native address can be exploited if it is not
. We propose, in Section 6.2, a solution to the
unresolved problem of detecting such vulnerable fields.
I Ported taint analysis across the Java Native Interface:
works [8184] aimed at tracking the information flow during the ex-
ecution of a native Android application. For example, NDroid [81]
propagates taints generated by TaintDroid [74] by hooking the
Android framework methods that call native code and all JNI entry
points. All proposed solutions rely on JNI to perform their analysis
which, as stated in Section 4.2, it is possible to bypass. Also, as
discussed in Section 6.1, they cannot achieve taint analysis that
requires the type of assembly values.
I Improved instrumentation systems:
Several works have presented
generic framework solutions [8588] where the analyst can insert
some hooking code to audit native code actions. These frameworks
can be used to observe, for example, virtual method calls [85] (vtable
hooking) and library calls [86] (PLT hooking). While these solutions
bridge the gap between native code and bytecode analysis, we show
in Section 7.1 that they are not resilient to all native obfuscations.
We propose a new approach in Section 7.
While numerous articles focus on solving specific challenges implied
by native applications, no systematic studies about the impact of native
code on the security of Android applications in its entirety has been
conducted. This is one of the contributions of this thesis.
2.5 Conclusion
We discussed the different global goals of researchers when dealing with
Android security. We focused our research efforts on code protection
ensured by obfuscation techniques and the research of vulnerabilities.
The chapter summarized the state of the art for these two problems and
we identified that the introduction of native code in applications brings
new challenges. The precise discussion of the articles that are close to our
contributions are discussed in the relevant chapter. We also summarized
the analysis building blocks that are classically used when analyzing
statically and dynamically applications. Some of them will be reused in
our contributions.
As new challenges that the thesis address are brought by the interaction
between the native and bytecode codes, we conduce a systematic review
of all interferences between native and bytecode worlds, both at code and
data level, respectively in Chapter 3 and 4. We demonstrate that these
interferences help the developer to create new obfuscation techniques, but
2.5 Conclusion
in the meantime, can introduce vulnerabilities. Then, the next part of the
manuscript gives solutions to detect these interferences in Chapter 5 and 6.
Finally, in the last part, we describe in Chapter 7 a generic analysis solution
for obfuscated applications and gives insight on its implementation in
Chapter 8.
Security issues introduced by native
interferences in Java Android
Security issues introduced by
interferences in Java code 3
Android applications, when developed in Java or Kotlin, are composed of
Dalvik bytecode
. This bytecode works at the object level, that is, bytecode
instructions use the abstractions defined in object-oriented programming.
Here are a few examples of Dalvik bytecode instructions that realize
object-level actions:
I move-object vA, vB
: moves an object from the register
to the
register vA;
I check-cast vAA, type@BBBB
: throws a
the reference in the given register
cannot be cast to the type
indicated by type@BBBB ;
I invoke-virtual vC, vD, vE, vF, vG, meth@BBBB
: invokes the
virtual method meth@BBBB using vC-G as arguments.
On the other side, functions in C/C++ can be compiled into assembly
code and inserted into an Android application. This assembly code
changes depending on the underlying smartphone processor
2: x86/x86_64 for Intelprocessors,ARMv7/v8
for ARM processors, MIPS32/MIPS64 for
MIPS processors.
: assembly
instructions are architecture-dependent. Thus, assembly code is low-
level, compared to the Dalvik bytecode. Object-oriented programming
abstractions such as methods, types, memory managementare completely
absent from assembly code. Because assembly code has access to the
processor architecture, it can perform operations that Dalvik bytecode
cannot. For example, it directly accesses the memory and so can manage
it entirely. It also has access to kernel system calls and can, if given the
appropriate system permissions, tune the kernel.
Consequently, assembly code is harder to understand than bytecode.
Therefore, application developers may want to leave native code instead of
Dalvik bytecode in their applications in order to prevent them from being
analyzed. However, developers are not likely to develop applications in
C/C++ rather than in Java. Indeed, the lack of high-level abstractions
complicates the development of C/C++ only applications. Developing
an application in C/C++ for the sole purpose of obfuscation is therefore
not conceivable. Even if native code cannot totally replace bytecode, it
can still be used to hide or to alter Dalvik bytecode behavior and, thereby,
fool analysis tools.
This chapter describes two obfuscation techniques that use native
code to hide Dalvik bytecode. The first technique, presented in Sec-
tion 3.1, is called packing and consists in ciphering the bytecode using
native code. The second technique, presented in Section 3.2, is called
AOTC-based bytecode hiding scheme and consists in replacing all the
bytecode by native code.
3 Security issues introduced by interferences in Java code
Figure 3.1: Packing technique
In memory
3.1 Modification of the Java bytecode by the
native code
A packer is a tool that aims to make reverse-engineering of a program
more complex, while retaining its original behavior, by ciphering all or
part of the program code. Packersare not specific to Android and therefore
have already been widely studied, especially for the x86 environment [89]
[89]: Ugarte-Pedrero, Balzarotti, Santos,
and Bringas (2015), ‘SoK: Deep packer in-
spection: A longitudinal study of the com-
plexity of run-time packers’
These works study the effects of packers at the operating system level.
However, they are not applicable to Android [7880]
[78]: Zhang, Luo, and Yin (2015), ‘Dex-
hunter: toward extracting hidden code
from packed android applications
[79]: Yang, Zhang, Li, Shu, Li, Hu, and Gu
(2015), Appspear: Bytecode decrypting
and dex reassembling for packed android
[80]: Xue, Luo, Yu, Wang, and Wu (2017),
Adaptive unpacking of Android apps’
. Indeed, AOSP
introduces an additional level between the kernel and the application
which is not present in classical operating systems, and which must be
taken into account.
A packer creates a new application, called a packed application, from
the original one. This process can be split into two main phases which
happens at compilation time and are depicted in Figure 3.1. First, the
packer ciphers the original code which is contained in the DEX
3: The file that contains the bytecode of
the application. See Section 2.3.3.
of the
original application and therefore creates a new DEX called packed
DEX. Second, it adds a decryption routine, called unpacker, to this
packed DEX. This routine is in charge of deciphering the DEX file and
loading it dynamically during the execution. This mechanism is generally
implemented in a native library.
Thus, the DEX file of a packed application does not contain the original
bytecode but a stub that calls the native decryption routine. Statically
analyzing this DEX file would lead to analyze the decryption routine
which would be expensive and difficult. Manual techniques, that is to
say, understanding the complete functioning of the decryption to apply
the reverse function to all packed DEX files, are not processed as they
vary for each packer and therefore pose a scalability problem.
The evolution of packers has followed the evolution of unpackers, that is
the tools that aims to retrieve the original application from the packed
one. The remaining of this section traces this cat-and-mouse game.
3.1 Modification of the Java bytecode by the native code
4: All DEX files begin by the following
bytes: 64,65,78,0A,30,33,35,00
3.1.1 Full unpacking
The decryption routines of the first packers fully decrypt the packed
DEX file before using the Android framework to dynamically load the
whole unpacked DEX file [77, 90]
[77]: Yu (2014), Android packers: facing
the challenges, building solutions
[90]: Strazzere and Sawyer (2014), ‘An-
droid hacker protection level 0’
. The original DEX file is therefore
present in memory when the application is executed. Thus, the first
unpacking techniques consist in running the packed application. Once
it is launched, the unpacker searches for the signature of the DEX file
inside the memory. For example, it is possible to search for its magic
number, i.e. the characteristic bytes of the start of a DEX file
. When the
original DEX file is found, traditional analyses can be launched on the
recovered DEX file.
3.1.2 Unpacked bytecode hiding
When the Android framework loads a DEX file, some parts, for example
the magic number, are not used. It is therefore possible to modify them
without changing the behavior of the application. By altering these
specific points, some packers manage to prevent the localization of the
unpacked DEX file in memory. Thus, previously described unpackers
become ineffective. In any case, the Android framework needs to know
the location of the unpacked DEX file and so, this address is supplied by
the packer during the dynamic loading of the DEX file. The unpackers
have therefore chosen to overload the functions of the Android framework
responsible for loading the DEX files [9193]
[91]: Kim, Kwak, and Ryou(2015), ‘Dwroid-
dump: Executable code extraction from
android applications for malware analy-
[92]: Park (2015), ‘We can still crack you!
general unpacking method for android
packer (no root)’
[93]: Bashan and Makkaveev (2017), ‘Un-
boxing Android: Everything You Wanted
To Know About Android Packers
. Thanks to this method, the
memory location of the unpacked file is available to them which allows
them to recover the original bytecode of the application even if some
characteristics of the DEX are altered.
3.1.3 Partial unpacking
In order to prevent the original DEX file from being unpacked entirely,
the behavior of the decryption routines was subsequently changed to
no longer leave the DEX file completely unpacked in memory. DEX is
deciphered by parts. So a deciphering routine deciphers only one function
or one class, right before using it, and then re-ciphers it. Unpackers
have therefore also evolved in order to be able to recover the different
parts of the DEX file before assembling them again [78, 79, 94]
[78]: Zhang, Luo, and Yin (2015), ‘Dex-
hunter: toward extracting hidden code
from packed android applications
[79]: Yang, Zhang, Li, Shu, Li, Hu, and Gu
(2015), Appspear: Bytecode decrypting
and dex reassembling for packed android
[94]: Jiang, Zhou, Liu, Jia, Liu, and Zuo
(2017), ‘CrackDex:Universalandautomatic
DEX extraction method’
. They
overload the Android framework functions that are responsible for
loading classes, methods, and opening a DEX file. When overloaded
functions are called, the unpacker retrieves each corresponding part. At
the end of the execution of the application, all parts are assembled in
one final DEX. These techniques, although automatic, suffer from not
fully retrieving the original DEX. Indeed, only the parts that are loaded
during a specific execution are retrieved. Some unpackers [94] fix this
problem by, for example, simulating class loading by directly calling the
function of the Android framework that loads classes. It assumes that
the method decryption is performed when loading the class.
3 Security issues introduced by interferences in Java code
5: Using tools such as Valgrind [96]
[96]: Nethercote and Seward (2007),
‘Valgrind: a framework for heavyweight
dynamic binary instrumentation
6: Since Android 7.0 (Nougat, 2016), the
Android runtime compiles methods of the
application when they are frequently run.
7: AOTC stands for Ahead Of Time Com-
3.1.4 Android framework bypassing
The last type of packer that have appeared are the packers which embed
their own copy of the Android framework [80, 95]
[80]: Xue, Luo, Yu, Wang, and Wu (2017),
Adaptive unpacking of Android apps’
[95]: Wong and Lie (2018), ‘Tackling runtime-
based obfuscation in Android with TIRO’
. They use their
own functions to load the different elements of the DEX file. Thus, the
function overloading made by unpackers are ineffective since the Android
framework is never called. Unpackers that manage this type of packers
are not fully automatic [80, 95]. They propose to trace the execution
of the packed application while monitoring modifications of the DEX
files present in memory. This trace is realized by hooking numerous
Android framework functions, system calls and all store instructions
By analyzing such traces, it is then possible to determine the moment
when a part of the DEX is unpacked. This is down manually by Xue et al.
[80] and automatically by Wong and Lie [95]. These points are used as
collecting points during a new run of the packed application. During
this new run, a new trace is also made and new collecting points can
be defined. The process is repeated until no new collecting points are
3.2 Replacement of the Java bytecode by native
Assembly code is harder to understand than Dalvik bytecode. Thus,
writing application fully in C/C++ is better for obfuscation purposes
than in Java. However, the low level of abstraction proposed by C
and C++ makes the development of such applications very difficult
and error prone. If the manual creation of full native applications is not
conceivable, the bytecode can be translated, compiled, into assembly. This
is not uncommon: the Android runtime performs this compilation, for
optimization purposes, when installing applications
. Such compilation,
which happens before executing the application, is called “ahead-of-time”,
in opposition with “just-in-time”, which corresponds to a compilation
happening during the execution of the application.
This section presents an obfuscation technique named AOTC-based
bytecode hiding scheme which consists in compiling the Dalvik bytecode
into assembly code and then modifying the bytecode in order to make
the bytecode unavailable for analysis. Thus, the original bytecode, which
no longer exists, is protected against both static and dynamic analysiss.
This technique can be characterized by the type of compiler used and the
type of modifications made to the bytecode.
3.2.1 Bytecode compiler used
The bytecode of obfuscated methods can be compiled using a custom
compiler [97]
[97]: Bao, He, and Wen (2018), ‘DroidPro:
An AOTC-Based Bytecode-Hiding Scheme
for Packing the Android Applications’
or the one given by Android system. If a custom compiler is
used, the resulting assembly is put into a shared library that is added to
the application and the DEX file is modified to remove bytecode and set
the method as
. This step is mandatory because Android does not
support that a method tagged as
, has bytecode. Finally, calls to
obfuscated methods are converted into Java Native Interface (JNI) calls.
3.2 Replacement of the Java bytecode by native code
Figure 3.2: Bytecode Free OAT technique
8: Compilers can hardcode offsets of sys-
tem libraries functions for example.
If the Android compiler is used, the resulting assembly cannot be put
into a shared library file. Indeed, the Android compiler outputs code
which is supposed to be stored inside an OAT file. This assembly, named
quick code, differs from classical native code. The Android compiler
is customized to optimize the code for the smartphone on which the
compilation is made
. Additionally, native and quick code have different
calling conventions and thus can not be used interchangeably.
Since OAT files cannot be distributed through classical application mar-
kets, using the Android compiler to obfuscate the application would be
particularly well-suited to firmware vendors: these companies provide
their applications already pre-compiled for a specific phone model.
We have called this specific technique, represented in Figure 3.2, Bytecode
Free OAT (BFO). After the compilation, the OAT file is directly modified
to change the bytecode inside the DEX. Contrary to shared libraries,
OAT files support interleaved bytecode and assembly. When Android
executes an application, the quick code is always executed, if it is available,
regardless of whether bytecode is present or not. Thus, an attacker could
tamper with the bytecode without modifying the executed quick code.
Thereby, the application behavior is not changed but the analysis of the
bytecode would be erroneous since it is not performed on the actual code.
Possible bytecode modifications are discussed in the following section.
3.2.2 Types of bytecode modifications
Depending on how the bytecode is tampered with, we propose three
different BFO sub-techniques in the next three following sections: remov-
ing, replacing or modifying the bytecode. These techniques are classified
according to three criteria: their robustness, their stealthiness and the
possibility to automate them. Since assembly code works at a lower
abstraction level than the bytecode, we consider that analyzing bytecode
is simpler than analyzing assembly. Consequently, we consider that an
obfuscation technique is more robust than another if it requires to analyze
more assembly code. On the other hand, we consider that an obfuscation
technique is stealthier than another if the difference between the behavior
described by the bytecode and the one observed is smaller: analysts only
look at the assembly code if the result of the bytecode analysis seems
incorrect with respect to the behavior of the application.
3 Security issues introduced by interferences in Java code
9: No-OPeration, assembly instruction
that does not have any effect except in-
creasing the instruction pointer
10: For example, a method that checks the
PIN code can be replaced by a hello world
11: 0xedb88320 in this case Removing the bytecode
The first variant of this BFO technique consists in removing or “nopping”
the bytecode. This means replacing the bytecode by nop
instructions or,
by extension, by instructions that do not have any special effect. Removing
the bytecode is allowed by the OAT file format in order to represent
methods. The native part, which is always executed regardless
of whether bytecode is present, is not modified, in order to preserve the
application behavior.
This technique perfectly fools bytecode analysis tools since the informa-
tion on which they perform their analyzes is deleted. Instead, the reverse
engineering of the application needs to be done directly on the assembly
code. Additionally, this technique is easily automatable since the modifi-
cations applied to the bytecode are the same for all applications and do
not depend on the removed bytecode. However using this technique is
not stealthy since bytecode analysis cannot give any result if there is no
bytecode provided at all. Replacing the bytecode
As previously stated, removing or nopping the bytecode is not stealthy. A
stealthier approach is to replace the bytecode: the bytecode of a sensitive
method can be replaced by a benign method
. Thus, the robustness of
the obfuscation technique is kept while improving its stealthiness: the
bytecode still does not give any information about the behavior of the
application and analysis tools generate wrong results since they do not
have the right bytecode to work on.
The automation of this technique is still possible but is not trivial. The
bytecode cannot be replaced by repetitive patterns of bytecode because
this would be easily detectable. The automation can neither generate
random patterns because this would result in incorrect bytecode instruc-
tions, which is also easily detectable using a bytecode verifier. Thus,
automating this technique requires to generate random valid bytecode,
that is, bytecode which respects, among other, the signature of the re-
placed methods. While it is still doable, it requires some engineering
work, and is left as future work. Modifying the bytecode
Finally, if the stealthiness of the obfuscation is considered more important
than the robustness, a third BFO technique can be used. This technique
consists in slightly modifying the bytecode. Instead of completely modi-
fying the bytecode behavior, only a few instructions that are chosen very
carefully are minutely touched.
For example, if someone wants to protect a code that contains a CRC
check of incoming network packets, obfuscating the creation of the CRC
table would be a typical goal. The bytecode corresponding to such a
method is presented in Listing 3.3a. This bytecode has been obtained by
compiling an application containing CRC computations and inspecting
the resulting DEX file. At line 8, the bytecode initializes the polynomial
that is used to compute the CRC table
. If only this line is modified,
3.3 Conclusion
1 1200 | const/4 v0, #int 0
2 1301 0800 | const/16 v1, #int 8
3 3510 1400 | if-ge v0, v1, 14
4 dd01 0401 | and-int/lit8 v1, v4, #int 1
5 1212 | const/4 v2, #int 1
6 3321 0a00 | if-ne v1, v2, 11
7 e201 0401 | ushr-int/lit8 v1, v4, #int 1
8 1402 2083 b8ed | const v2, #edb88320
9 9704 0102 | xor-int v4, v1, v2
10 2803 | goto 12
11 e204 0401 | ushr-int/lit8 v4, v4, #int 1
12 d800 0001 | add-int/lit8 v0, v0, #int 1
13 28eb | goto 02
14 1500 00ff | const/high16 v0, #int -16777216
15 b740 | xor-int/2addr v0, v4
16 0f00 | return v0
(a) Original CRC32 bytecode
1 1200 | const/4 v0, #int 0
2 1301 0800 | const/16 v1, #int 8
3 3510 1400 | if-ge v0, v1, 14
4 dd01 0401 | and-int/lit8 v1, v4, #int 1
5 1212 | const/4 v2, #int 1
6 3321 0a00 | if-ne v1, v2, 11
7 e201 0401 | ushr-int/lit8 v1, v4, #int 1
8 1402 2ed8 31eb | const v2, #eb31d82e
9 9704 0102 | xor-int v4, v1, v2
10 2803 | goto 12
11 e204 0401 | ushr-int/lit8 v4, v4, #int 1
12 d800 0001 | add-int/lit8 v0, v0, #int 1
13 28eb | goto 02
14 1500 00ff | const/high16 v0, #int -16777216
15 b740 | xor-int/2addr v0, v4
16 0f00 | return v0
(b) Modified CRC32 bytecode
Figure 3.3: Bytecode modification example
in the modified bytecode
almost automatable
non automatable
Figure 3.4:
Classification of BFO sub-
as shown in Listing 3.3b, the bytecode analysis of the application does
not raise any alarm: the result is consistent with the behavior of the
application. Nevertheless, using the wrong polynomial
would not
allow the analyst to generate correct CRCs.
However, this technique presents two main drawbacks. First, it is less
robust. Even if the bytecode differs from the assembly, it still gives a lot
of insight about what is the behavior of the application. Second, it is
not automatable. Indeed, modifications that are made to the bytecode
require a very precise knowledge about the behavior of the bytecode to
be obfuscated. Comparison of the three bytecode modification
The three BFO sub-techniques previously described are classified in Fig-
ure 3.4 according to their robustness, their stealthiness and the possibility
to automate them. Removing the bytecode is the one that is the easiest to
automate. However it is the least stealthy. Replacing the bytecode can be
viewed as an improvement of simply removing it, since it improves the
stealthiness while not reducing the robustness. Nevertheless, its process
is harder to automate. Finally, modifying the bytecode is the stealthiest
sub-technique but reduces robustness of the obfuscation and requires
manual editing.
3.3 Conclusion
This chapter has presented the possible interferences occurring on the
Java code from the native code. These interferences are particularly useful
for a developer who wants to obfuscate the bytecode of an applica-
tion. Different techniques of unpacking have been presented and we
introduced a new hiding technique, called BFO, where the native code
replaces the bytecode of a compiled pre-installed application. Chapter 5
will present the detection methods for these obfuscation techniques.
3 Security issues introduced by interferences in Java code
In the next chapter, we continue to review the possible interferences of
the native code over the bytecode world by moving our attention from
the code to the data: more precisely, we will study the possible impact of
the native code on Java data.
1: Java defines eight primitive types:
boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float,
and double
2: Runtime library is stored in the file
3: This task is not trivial and numerous
GC algorithms exist.
4: In the sense of class hierarchy
5: Integer, floating-point value, boolean,
Security issues introduced by
interferences in Java data 4
Java is an object-oriented programming language. That means data is
represented as small functional entities named objects. These objects
contain values named fields. These fields, in Java, can be either an other
object or a primitive type
The memory managementof theobjects is not handled by theprogrammer
but rather by a library, called runtime
, in charge of running the Java
program. This library contains, among other, an allocator and a Garbage
Collector (GC). When an object is created, its corresponding memory
is reserved by the allocator. In Java, there is no standard way to delete
an object. Instead, the GC is in charge of detecting unused objects by
tracking references to objects and deleting them when they are no longer
referred to
. The implementation of the runtime library is not specified.
During the compilation, the types used in Java code are checked. In a
word, it checks that when a value is assigned to another, types of both
values are compatible
. When such checks are not doable at compilation
time, the compiler adds type checking instructions inside the code. If
the check fails, then a runtime exception is raised. This exception can be
caught and the problematic case can be handled at runtime. Additionally,
checks that do not focus on type checking but rather on performed
operations are also inserted at runtime. For example, before accessing
an array, the index is compared with the array size in order the raise an
exception if a buffer overflow or underflow occurs. When trying to use an
object that has not been initialized, a
exception is raised.
Whereas C++ is also an object-oriented programming language and
represents data as objects, the proposed data abstraction differs from the
Java language. Multiple primitive types
exists depending on the size
used to store them in memory. For example, an integer typed
is stored
on 32 bits and can contain values ranging from
, while an
integer typed
unsigned short
is stored on 16 bits and can represent non
negative values from
. Additionally, C/C++ propose types
used to represent the address of entities. This types are called pointers
and are recognized using the
character. For example,
unsigned int
the type of a pointer which stores the address of an unsigned integer.
C/C++ offers a data abstraction that is closer to the processor behavior
than that of Java. No garbage collector is provided, that is, programmers
have to manually free allocated memory when using these languages.
Moreover, no runtime-checks are added: if the compiled code tries to
perform operations forbidden by the operating system, the program
crashes and no standard way exists to recover from such errors.
When developing Android application using both Java and C/C++
languages, a developer may want to manipulate and transfer data from
one language to another. The conversion between data abstraction is
made by a dedicated interface called Java Native Interface (JNI). This
interface allows the developer to receive and modify Java data in C/C++
functions and so, C/C++ values can be spread in Java ones.
4 Security issues introduced by interferences in Java data
6: Object instance inside an other object
7: For example cereal (
) or boost (
As mentioned above, the data abstractions offered by Java and by C/C++
gives different guarantees: C/C++ data are more permissive and ex-
pressive than Java ones. Thus, interferences between Java and C/C++
data can lead to security issues. In this chapter, we describe precisely
two types of security issues introduced by the duality between Java and
C/C++ code. Each issue belongs to a different type of security research
The first issue belongs to the field of vulnerability detection: the
injection of native data in Java data can lead to security vulnerabilities
since untrusted data may be used by Java as “trusted” data. This first
point is described in Section 4.1.
The second issue belongs to the field of obfuscation techniques: the
developer can intentionally bypass the JNI in order to directly modify
Java data using C/C++ code. This can be used as an obfuscation
technique. This second point is described in Section 4.2.
4.1 Injection of native data in Java data
Java and C/C++ data do not guarantee the same properties. Because
C/C++ languages are lower-level programming languages than Java,
some abstractions and data specifications, that are available in Java, lack a
C/C++ equivalent. A good example of such a property is the
keyword that can qualifies Java fields. An Android developer uses this
keyword to customize the serialization process of classes. Its functioning
is described in the following.
Android applications are composed of multiple components that are
running concurrently. Components communicate together by sending
intents. This messaging mechanism is also used to communicate between
different applications. At the implementation level, an intent is composed
of bytecode objects that are serialized. Serialized data is deserialized by
the called component. To tune the serialization process, developers can
declare fields as
. A transient field is a field that is not part
of the persistent state of an object, and thus, should not be serialized.
Transient fields can, for example, be used to accelerate the serialization
process by not transmitting fields that can be recomputed using other
fields. Additionally, the
keyword is used to avoid serializing
fields that have a meaning only in the current process state. For example,
a field storing a memory address should not be sent to another process
because the memory layout is randomized for each process. That is
why, each object reference
should be declared transient since its value
is the address of the referred object. To avoid such a time-consuming
and error-prone task, the serialization process is able to handle object
references automatically and reconstructs the references in the destination
However, serialization is not part of C/C++ language standard. Serializa-
tion should be implemented either manually or using external libraries
Thus there is no equivalent to the
keyword in C/C++ and no
test can be made, either statically or dynamically, to check if the transient
property is kept when data is transferred between C/C++ and Java. For
4.1 Injection of native data in Java data
Address Space
Address Space
Figure 4.1:
Address space of processes
serializing X509 Certificate
8: long or int
12: https://www.openssl.org/
13: Commit: 8d57b9d
example, if an integer
field is set to an address by some native code, the
serialization process cannot determine whether it refers to a memory
address or not. Then, it is processed as a number value and sent to the
other process.
Peles & Hay [36] have shown that breaking the transient property can
lead to severe vulnerabilities. If the transient value set by C/C++ is
serialized and used by the receiver without any verification, the receiving
application may process data that has no meaning in its current context.
Hence, developers have to carefully declare fields as transient when they
receive transient data from C/C++. This task is not straightforward and
developers sometimes forget to do it. The following section describes an
example of such an error.
4.1.1 CVE-2015-3837: Example of a vulnerable transient
field in an open source cryptography library
concerns the cryptography Java library named con-
. This library provides a Java interface to BoringSSL
, a fork of
. This CVE was patched in May 2015, and is referenced in
conscrypt by the bug ID 21437603. The patch commit
is very interesting
since, besides some new tests, it only adds the
keyword to the
of the class
. This sole addition
is enough to remove the vulnerability.
Before the patch, the class
contained a field of
, declared as
. This field is
used to store the address of a
instance, an OpenSSL struct allocated
in C++. The
class extends
a serializable class which is part of the Java default API
Thus, any application that uses an unpatched version of BoringSSL could
receive an Intent containing an instance of
4 Security issues introduced by interferences in Java data
15: Intents carry information of non-
primitive types through so-called extra
16: A complete exploitation chain and sev-
eral payloads can be found in [36].
as an extra object
. Such extra objects are automatically deserialized
upon reception. Thus, a malicious application could send any forged
instance of this vulnerable class. The resulting memory layout is repre-
sented in Figure 4.1. Both the sender’s and the receiver’s address spaces
are shown. In the illustrated case, the
field is not null and
points to a C++ allocated area. Because this field is not
, the
exact same value is sent to the second process. When deserializing the
object, the
field does not point to
instance since Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
may have moved the C++ heap around the memory, as represented in
the Figure 4.1. The field
now points to an arbitrary address
that has been chosen by the malicious sender.
However, injecting an arbitrary address into the targeted process does
not lead to any bug or exploitation as long as this value is not used. Since
the malicious object is not intended by the targeted application, no usage
will be made of it. Unfortunately, when the object get eventually freed
by the GC, the
method shown in Listing 4.1 is called. This
method calls an other native method named
shown in Listing 4.2. This method takes the
field in argument
and frees it using the OpenSSL function presented in Listing 4.3. This
method, if called with an
instance as argument, decrements the field
of the given instances. The
struct is defined as in
Listing 4.4. If after decrementing the value becomes zero, the
is freed. By sending numerous forged
, the at-
tacker can decrement a value at a known address in the target application
process. This is called a “constrained write what where” primitive. Using
this primitive, an attacker can make the targeted application execute
arbitrary code, leading, for example, to privilege escalation
Listing 4.1
: conscrypt/sr-
1 @Override
2 protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
3 try {
4 if (mContext != 0) {
5 NativeCrypto.X509
6 }
7 } finally {
8 super.finalize();
9 }
10 }
Listing 4.2
: conscrypt/src/main/na-
1 static void NativeCrypto
env, jclass, jlong x509Ref) {
2 X509
x509 = reinterpret
free(%p)", x509);
5 if (x509 == nullptr) {
6 jniThrowNullPointerException(env, "x509 == null");
free(%p) => x509 == null", x509);
8 return;
9 }
11 X509
12 }
Listing 4.3
: boringssl/src/cryp-
1 static void asn1
pval, const ASN1
int combine)
2 {
3 [...]
4 if (!asn1
zero(pval, it))
5 return;
6 [...]
4.1 Injection of native data in Java data
17: By declaring them transient.
: Problematic fields non-targeted
: Problematic fields targeted (F
Figure 4.2: Set view of targeted problem
7 }
Listing 4.4
: boringssl/src/in-
1 struct x509
2 {
3 X509
4 X509
5 ASN1
6 int valid;
t references;
8 [...]
9 } /
Thus, due to a missing
keyword for the
field of
class, every application that links an un-
patched version of BoringSSL library is vulnerable to an arbitrary code
execution exploit. The
should have been declared
because its value, a pointer, has been set by the C++ code. This highlights
the need for detecting such C/C++ interferences into Java data.
4.1.2 Formal definition of problematic transient fields
As shown in the previous section, fields that are not declared transient
but that should be because they store native pointers, may leave severe
vulnerabilities inside their application or library. Thus, it is essential
to be able to remove them from source code
. For this purpose, we
need to formally define the fields that are problematic. It is noteworthy
that a problematic field is not necessarily exploitable. Indeed, missing
keywords of not-serializable classes cannot be exploited but
could bring vulnerabilities if a developer updates these classes into
making them serializable.
We represent Java fields using a set view, shown in Figure 4.2. Since
keyword is meaningful only for serializable classes, only
fields from such classes are taken into account here. The set of fields (
is divided between fields that should be transient (
) and those which
should not (
). Among
, some of the fields should be transient because
they store references (
). Technically, in the source code such
references can be encoded inside object references but also in
If a field is typed as an
or a
, it is difficult to determine if it stores
a reference or simply a value, and thus needs to be declared transient by
the developer.
As a consequence, the developer has to declare the fields that are transient
). The fields declared transient should be equal to the fields that should
be transient (
). However, the developer can forget to declare some
transient fields:
T \D
. More dangerous, if the forgotten field should
be transient because it stores a reference (
), the programming
error might make the application vulnerable to serialization attack [36]
[36]: Peles and Hay (2015), ‘One Class to
Rule Them All: 0-day Deserialization Vul-
nerabilities in Android’
This set of fields is named exploitable fields, F
In Chapter 6, we will introduce a method for detecting missing
keywords in applications composed of Java and C/C++, based on a cross-
language taint analysis.
4 Security issues introduced by interferences in Java data
Figure 4.3:
Direct Heap Access (DHA)
18: The same example is used to illustrate
Bytecode Free OAT (BFO) with bytecode
modification in Section
4.2 Modification of Java data by native code
When Java and C/C++ source codes exchange data, they need to use
the provided JNI. This interface is in charge of hiding to the developer
the differences in data representation between the two languages. This
interface contains methods that allow the native code to access the heap,
the area where Java objects are stored. Developers use it extensively
because, first, the Java language does not constrain how data is stored in
the heap. Second, C/C++, which are languages whose data representation
are closer to the underlying processor architecture, may handle data
storage and manipulation differently depending on the smartphone
model for which the code is compiled. Using JNI, developers can avoid
to treat all these potential different cases separately.
JNI is well known: analysis tools are able to setup hooks in this interface in
order to retrieve the behavior of the assembly part of an application and
to model how native code modifies the Java fields [81, 83, 84]
[84]: Wei, Lin, Ou, Chen, and Zhang (2018),
‘JN-SAF: Precise and Efficient NDK/JNI-
awareInter-languageStatic AnalysisFrame-
work for Security Vetting of Android Ap-
plications with Native Code’
[83]: Xue, Zhou, Chen, Luo, and Gu (2017),
‘Malton: Towards On-Device Non-Invasive
Mobile Malware Analysis for ART’
[81]: Qian, Luo, Shao, and Chan (2014), ‘On
tracking information flows through jni in
android applications’
. However,
for obfuscation purposes, developers may hide how data is modified. For
example, for hiding a ciphering-key stored in a Java field, the developer
could initialize it with a dummy value and modify it in native code. By
hiding this modification, the analyst could be mislead into thinking that
the used key is the dummy one.
This section presents Direct Heap Access (DHA), a new obfuscation
technique that consists in using native code to modify Java object fields
directly on the heap without relying on bytecode or runtime functionali-
ties. Indeed, obfuscation techniques can consist in stealthily modifying
values of carefully chosen fields.
Modifying Java fields without JNI by directly modifying their value
allows to bypass the aforementioned state-of-the-art tools. This is the
purpose of DHA. The Dalvik virtual machine does not give any guarantee
on how fields are stored in the heap. Consequently, directly reading or
writing the heap without using JNI is not straightforward. We provide
three ways to implement a DHA. They are ordered increasingly on
the amount of knowledge required about Android runtime internals to
implement them. The first implementation we provide, in Section 4.2.1,
describes a solution based on a legitimate use of
, a
specific class provided by Android. Section 4.2.2 gives a naive way of
doing a DHA by scanning the whole heap memory. Finally, Section 4.2.3
gives an advanced implementation which is able to navigate through the
internal structures of the Dalvik virtual machine.
Each implementation is shown using the same example. In this example,
the obfuscation aims at modifying the value of the polynomial used to
compute a CRC table. The polynomial is stored in an integer field named
”. The field is initialized with a dummy value
and should be changed to 0xedb88320
4.2.1 Legitimate implementation: DirectByteBuffer
While implementing a DHA seems technically difficult, it is facili-
tated by the Java class
which provides a way to allocate
a buffer directly accessible by the native code. This buffer, named
4.2 Modification of Java data by native code
Listing 4.5
: DHA using
1 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL bytebuffer(JNIEnv
env, jobject thisObj,
jobject buf) {
2 void
addr = env->GetDirectBufferAddress(buf);
(unsigned long
)addr = 0xedb88320;
4 }
Listing 4.6
: Retrieving
DirectByteBuffer address without JNI
1 Field field;
2 field = Buffer.class.getDeclaredField("address");
3 field.setAccessible(true);
4 long addr = (long) field.get(directBytebuffer);
, has an
field, that locates the bytes in the
memory heap. It is created using the
DirectByteBuffer was introduced for native optimization purposes.
However, the
field is not visible. That is why JNI provides
to directly access it, as shown in Listing 4.5.
To avoid using JNI, which is the goal of DHA, this field can be retrieved
using reflection. This is done in Listing 4.6. Using the obtained address,
native code can directly access the contents of the
In any case, the native code needs to receive or retrieve the byte buffer
address which can be detected by state-of-the-art tools[83, 84]. Thus,
does not fulfill the obfuscation goal of realizing
a stealthy access.
4.2.2 Naive implementation: memory lookup
Native code can avoid the need of receiving the address of the field.
Indeed, if the field has a specific unique value, such as
in the
CRC example, the native code can scan the memory to retrieve its location.
Listing 4.7 shows this process by reading the special
file. This file contains the memory mapping of the process that reads it,
including the memory area named “dalvik-main space” which is the one
that stores the fields. By searching for the obfuscated field value inside
this area, its address can be retrieved.
Even if this memory lookup fulfills the obfuscation goals, which are
modifying a Java field value without using anything from the Java code,
it still has two main drawbacks. First, the lookup incurs a high time
overhead: in order to modify a single field, the native code has to scan
the whole heap which can grow to tens or hundreds of megabytes [98]
[98]: (2020), Android Compatibility Defini-
tion Document
(depending on the Android version). Second, the field has to be initialized
to a unique value. This can lead to errors if the whole application code
is not obfuscated at the same time. For example, an application can be
obfuscated after adding a library that has been already obfuscated by its
owner. In this case, fields from both the application and the library have
been initialized to magic values. Some of them may be equal because
when obfuscating the application the potential library magic values are
not known.
4 Security issues introduced by interferences in Java data
Listing 4.7: DHA using memory lookup
1 #define SEARCHED
VALUE 0xeb31d82e // Value of the searched field, known at
compilation time
2 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL memLookup(JNIEnv
env, jobject thisObj)
3 // Read "/proc/self/maps" file line by line
file = fopen("/proc/self/maps", "r");
5 if (file == NULL) return;
6 char
line = NULL;
7 size
t n = 0;
8 while (getline(&line, &n, file) > 0) {
9 char
path = strchr(line, ’/’);
10 if (!path) continue;
12 // Retrieve the \gls{heapL} area
13 if (strcmp(path, "/dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space\n")!=0 && strcmp(path,
"/dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)\n")!=0) continue;
15 // And get corresponding addresses
16 unsigned long vm
start, vm
17 char r, w, x, s;
18 if (sscanf(line, "%lx-%lx %c%c%c%c", &vm
start, &vm
end, &r, &w, &x, &
s) < 6)
19 continue;
20 if (r != ’r’ || w != ’w’) continue;
22 // Search for the field value inside the \gls{heapL} area
23 for(unsigned long i=0; i < vm
start-sizeof(unsigned long) ; i
++) {
24 if(
(unsigned long
)((unsigned char
) start + i) == SEARCHED
25 unsigned long
ptr = (unsigned long
)((unsigned char
start + i);
27 // When found, \gls{dhaL} is realised
ptr = 0xedb88320;
29 }
30 }
31 }
32 }
20: This allows the garbage collector to
move objects around the memory without
having to change all references to it but
only one.
21: AOSP source code,
4.2.3 Advanced implementation: reflection
Native code can avoid the need of scanning the heap memory of a field
by introspecting the obfuscated object itself. This requires to understand
how the runtime stores objects and fields in memory and what native
code has access to. This layout is presented in Figure 4.4. Native code has
access to Java objects and fields through handles, respectively
. These are returned by the JNI and no guarantees are given
about their implementation.
However, by looking at the source code of the Android runtime, we
observe that they are pointers. A
is a pointer to an instance
of the
class. This class is used, inside the runtime, to store
information about the field such as its declaring class, its access flags
) or even the offset of the field within an instance object
). These pieces of information are set up by the class linker.
is a pointer to an another pointer that refers to the actual
. This object stores the addresses of the different fields of the object.
Fields are sorted alphabetically, grouped by type. The order is wanted
“relatively stable [...] so that adding new fields minimizes disruption of
C++ version such as Class and Method.”
4.2 Modification of Java data by native code
+ 3
+ offset
Input to native code
Figure 4.4:
Memory layout of Java objects
in Android
Listing 4.8: Retrieving field offset
1 #define OFFSET
2 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL retrieve
env, jobject
thisObj) {
3 jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(thisObj);
4 jfieldID fid=env->GetFieldID(cls,"polynomial","I");
5 unsigned long offset =
((unsigned long
6 }
Listing 4.9: DHA using reflection
1 #define OFFSET 0x10
2 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL reflection(JNIEnv
env, jobject thisObj)
3 unsigned long
thisPtr =
(unsigned long
4 unsigned long
ptr = &thisPtr[OFFSET/4];
ptr = 0xedb88320;
6 }
Thus, in order to implement a DHA trough reflection-like mechanism,
the code has to first, retrieve the value
, which is the offset of
the field address inside an object instance. This operation is realized in
Listing 4.8. The
instance of the field is retrieved at Line 4 and
Line 5 retrieves the
value by accessing the third
of the
instance. This offset (
) has been hardcoded at Line 1. Second,
using the obtained
, the code modifies directly the field value.
This is realized in Listing 4.9. The instance of the object is retrieved Line 3
by dereferencing two times the calling object. Then, at Line 4, the field
address is obtained using the
value previously retrieved. It has
to be noted that the first operation, Listing 4.8, requires to use JNI. To
avoid being detected by JNI hooks, the value is computed and hardcoded
in the Listing 4.9, at Line 1. This way, the Listing 4.9, which is the code that
is finally embed in the application, does not have any calls to JNI. Both
listings have been successfully tested from Android 7.0 up to Android 10
without changing neither the value of
(0x10) nor the offset of
in ArtField class (3).
4 Security issues introduced by interferences in Java data
4.3 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have reviewed the possible interferences of native code
over Java data. Two consequences are presented. First, Java fields owned
by a serializable class should be declared transient if they store native
addresses. Indeed, if not, an attacker can send an arbitrary pointer to the
application, potentially leading to a vulnerability exploitation. Second, a
field object can be accessed directly by the native code, bypassing the JNI
interface. We named this bypassing method Direct Heap Access (DHA).
These two problems are solved in Chapter 6. We have also proposed
several implementations of DHA to show its practicability. The usage of
this technique in the wild is evaluated in Section 6.3 of Chapter 6.
Detection of native interferences in
Java Android applications
Detection of native interferences
in Java Android applications
Code interferences Data interferences
Obfuscation Packer / AOTC DHA
Vulnerabilities - Missing transient
Table 4.1:
Interferences between native
code and Java code, in an Android appli-
In the previous part, we have seen that the presence of assembly code
inside Android applications allows interferences between the native code
and the Java part of the application. These interferences are summarized
in Table 4.1. They can happen on the Dalvik bytecode or on the Dalvik
data. This creates two types of issues. First, obfuscation issues: an attacker
can use assembly code to modify or replace the Dalvik bytecode itself or
the data the bytecode handles and thus, complicating the analysis of the
application. Second, vulnerability exploitation issues: a developer can
accidentally break Dalvik bytecode security properties by using assembly
code and leave vulnerabilities exposed for malicious exploitation.
Four distinct interferences have been presented:
I Packing
: assembly code can load Dalvik bytecode at execution
time, making bytecode unavailable for static analysis.
I AOTC-based bytecode hiding scheme
: Dalvik bytecode can be
compiled into assembly code and then removed, again making
bytecode unavailable for static analysis.
I Missing transient fields
: storing memory addresses coming from
assembly into Dalvik serializable fields can make applications
vulnerable and potentially exploitable if these field are not properly
declared transient.
I Direct Heap Access
: assembly code can modify Dalvik data with-
out using the standard JNI interface in order to obfuscate data
In this part, we will describe methods to detect these interferences. Indeed,
detecting them is the first step towards tackling their corresponding
issues. For obfuscation issues, when the interference is detected, a specific
tool to deobfuscate the application can be used or the interference can be
taken into account by a more generic solution. Such a solution, that deeply
analyzes an application, will be presented in Chapter 7. For vulnerability
issues, when the problematic interference is detected, the developer can
patch the code to remove the issue.
Chapter 5 tackles code interferences. We present detection methods,
which consist in statically checking that the bytecode is not altered
either in the DEX file or in the OAT file. Then, Chapter 6 targets
data interactions. The solutions we propose consist in observing the
interface between the assembly and the bytecode data both on the
source code, or directly during the execution of an application. For
both chapters, detection techniques will be used to determine if the
discussed interferences are already present and used in the wild.
1: Several applications are re-
leased each minute:
2: The DEX file format does not allow
more than 65,536 (
) methods. Thus,
a single application can contain several
DEX files.
3: Alibaba Inc., Baidu Inc., Bancle Inc.,
Ijiami Inc., Qihoo360, Tencent Inc.
Static detection of native
interferences in Java code 5
As we have seen in Chapter 3, the assembly part of an Android application
can modify or replace its Dalvik bytecode. Since assembly code is harder
to understand than Dalvik bytecode, this allows to obfuscate the code.
These obfuscation techniques, when used, fool analysis tools into drawing
erroneous conclusions. Automatic systems, such as antiviruses, may not
properly handle applications if they do not use specific deobfuscation
methods. Hence, it is necessary to be able to detect native interferences
in Java code.
Due to the tremendous number of applications created each day
, anal-
ysis tools must work in a limited time. It is necessary to automatically
determine in a short amount of time if an application is likely to be
malicious. If so, a more thorough analysis can be performed. Hence, it is
necessary to develop both methods that scale very well, and methods that
provide very precise information about how an application behaves.
Dalvik bytecode obfuscation, and by extension, native interferences in
Java code, should be treated with the same principle. Detecting that an
application bytecode is obfuscated needs to be fast and not requiring the
execution of the application. However, this task is not trivial. Indeed, the
studied obfuscation methods, that is packers and AOTC-bytecode hiding
schemes, prevent static analyzers to access the bytecode. Additionally,
as shown in Section 3.2, the obfuscation can be realized in a stealthy
way: the application under analysis may contain bytecode which is never
executed (because quick code for the same methods is available). Thus,
relying only on the absence of bytecode is not trustworthy.
In the Android runtime, bytecode is stored in DEX files
. When the
application is compiled ahead of time, the DEX file is stored in an OAT
file. Each file format is targeted by a specific obfuscation technique:
packers obfuscate DEXs when Bytecode Free OAT (BFO) targets OATs.
This chapter presents the detection methods corresponding to these
techniques, as well as the results of their usage in the wild. Section 5.1
tackles native interferences in DEX files, that is packer obfuscations,
while Section 5.2 deals with native interferences in OAT files, that is
BFO obfuscations.
5.1 Detecting native interferences in DEX files
Detection method:
A packer ciphers the DEX file of an application,
replaces it by a code that deciphers and loads the original code during
the execution. This technique was described more precisely in Section 3.1.
Numerous packing services exist online
. They allow users to submit
applications on their platform, so that they receive a corresponding
packed application. Each service uses its own packer and thus it is
possible to list, for each of them, artifacts that allow to detect their
5 Static detection of native interferences in Java code
Table 5.1:
Packer detection for various
GOOD [4] MAL [4] AMD [58] Drebin [56]
Total 4999 4991 24552 5560
3 542 31 0
0.06% 10.86% 0.13% 0%
Table 5.2:
Packer detection evolution in-
side AndroZoo
Year 2008-2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Packed app. 0 1 4 5 7 7
5: Using APKiD
usage. Public and collaborative databases containing such artifacts can be
found on the web
4: APKiD:
. For example, specific classes or file names inside an
application can reveal that it is packed [78]
[78]: Zhang, Luo, and Yin (2015), ‘Dex-
hunter: toward extracting hidden code
from packed android applications
. This method is very precise
since it allows not only to detect that a packer has been used but also to
identify which packer was used. However, it cannot detect new packers
until they are analyzed.
In order to statically detect unknown packers, detectors can use the
file [94]
[94]: Jiang, Zhou, Liu, Jia, Liu, and Zuo
(2017), ‘CrackDex:Universalandautomatic
DEX extraction method’
. This file, which is read by the Android system when
applications are installed, defines the activities and the services of the
application. A packer cannot alter this file: the
is read by
Android before the application execution, i.e. before the deciphering
routine could decipher it. However, the classes that are referenced (as
activities or services) in this file may have been packed and thus, cannot
be found by statically analyzing the applications DEX file. Thus, a class
referred to in the
but not found in the application code is a
good indicator that the application under analysis has been packed.
Detection in the wild:
To determine how much the packing technique
is used in the wild, we have searched for common known packing
inside four datasets: AMD [58], Drebin [56], GM19 [4] (split
into GOOD and MAL datasets) and an extract of 9,041 applications
randomly picked from AndroZoo [57]. These datasets are more precisely
described in Section 2.2. Results are reported in Table 5.1 and 5.2.
In Table 5.1, when comparing goodware (GOOD dataset) and malware
(MAL dataset), it is clear that packing methods are more frequently used
in malware samples. Indeed, malicious applications very likely want to
prevent analysts from reverting them. Table 5.2 shows that the usage
of packers has increased starting from 2014. This explains why Drebin,
which is older than 2014, does not contain any packed application, even
if it is composed of malware. On the other hand, AMD, which is also a
dataset of malicious applications, contains a very low number of packed
applications. This can be explained by the fact that AMD is a manually
crafted dataset, i.e. every application has been manually reversed. This
tends to show that packing is a very effective technique to prevent reverse
5.2 Detecting native interferences in OAT files
Section 3.2 introduced an obfuscation technique called BFO, which
consists in compiling the Dalvik bytecode into assembly code and then
modifying the bytecode in order to make the bytecode unavailable for
5.2 Detecting native interferences in OAT files
6: DEX files contain the bytecode of the
7: Nougat, 2016
analysis. Thus, the original bytecode, which no longer exists, is protected
against both static and dynamic analyses.
When Android compiles a DEX file
, it creates an OAT file which contains
both the original bytecode and the obtained assembly code. Both bytecode
and assembly code are stored method by method, i.e. it is possible that
only a subset of the applications methods is compiled to native code.
Similarly, the BFO obfuscator can work at the granularity of the method.
For each method it can remove, nop or replace the bytecode. This section
presents, for each case, a detection method and results when applied in
the wild.
The experiments will be conducted over two datasets:
AOSP dataset: all the compiled applications from the AOSP An-
droid 7.0
firmware. These applications are used to validate that
methods do not generate false positives since they are not obfus-
Firmware dataset: all the compiled applications from 17 firmwares
from various brands. This dataset has been described in Section 2.2
and the complete list is available in Appendix A.
5.2.1 Detecting removed bytecode
Detection method:
The detection of bytecode removal is straightfor-
ward since it only consists in searching for methods that have assembly
code but no bytecode. We have also tried to develop a naive technique
to detect partially removed bytecode. It consists in, first, computing, for
each method, the ratio of the length of the bytecode over the length of the
assembly code and, then, checks if it exceeds a given threshold. Indeed,
one could say that number of assembly instructions used to represent a
bytecode instruction is bounded. However, compiler optimizations defeat
this relation between bytecode and assembly. For example, compilers
can decide that a method should be inlined, or that a condition can be
removed because it is always true or false. Thus, this method generates
too many false positives to be usable.
Detection in the wild:
We have searched for methods containing as-
sembly code while not containing bytecode inside the precompiled
applications of the firwmare dataset. This would have been the evidence
of BFO usage. However, no such method has been found. This shows that
BFO based on removing the bytecode is, at least for studied firmwares,
not actively used in the wild.
5.2.2 Detecting nopped bytecode
Detection method:
Detection of nopped bytecode can be achieved
using statistical properties such as entropy. Since nopping code consists
in rewriting bytecode using always the same pattern, it lowers its entropy.
By using an entropy threshold, the nopping can be detected. For each
method of the tested application, we compute the entropy of the bytecode.
A small entropy reveals a nopped bytecode. To determine the threshold
that reveals a nopped method, we have computed the entropy of the
5 Static detection of native interferences in Java code
Figure 5.1:
Bytecode entropy for methods
of AOSP Android 7.0 APKs
Listing 5.1
: Example of false positive for
nopped bytecode search
1 // Entropy: 0.197
2 public static final float[] horizontalFlipMatrix() {
3 return new float[] { -1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F,
0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F };
4 }
5 // Entropy: 0.180
6 public static final float[] identityMatrix() {
7 return new float[] { 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0
F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F };
8 }
9 // Entropy: 0.197
10 public static final float[] verticalFlipMatrix() {
11 return new float[] { 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F,
0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F };
12 }
methods of all applications of the AOSP dataset. This corresponds to
255,309 methods. These applications are not obfuscated, so their entropy
should be higher than the threshold. The obtained entropy for each
bytecode size is shown in Figure 5.1. For methods whose bytecode size is
lower that 20, the entropy does not reveal anything and is too fluctuating
to be able to set a threshold. Three thresholds are drawn on Figure 5.1:
0.1, 0.2 and 0.3. Results shows that 0.1 is too strict while 0.3 generates
too many false positives. Using a threshold of 0.2, only one method is
falsely reported which is completely acceptable. Thus, by considering
only bytecode of 20 bytes or more and by setting a threshold of 0.2, we
should be able to detect nopped bytecode.
Detection in the wild:
We applied this detection technique to the
firmware dataset. As shown in Table 5.3, few methods have an entropy
less than 0.2. We manually checked these methods by looking at their
bytecode. Unfortunately, no true positive has been found. Listing 5.1
shows examples for three methods that are false positives. The code is
not a nopped code, but rather the initialization of several arrays. This
initialization is composed of many repetitions of the same value, which
lowers the entropy. However, this could have been a nopping pattern
5.2 Detecting native interferences in OAT files
< 0.1 < 0.2 < 0.3
Alcatel APKs 338
2 firmwares Methods 2,716,821
Archos APKs 110
1 firmwares Methods 246,962
Huawei APKs 271
3 firmwares Methods 1,146,585
Samsung APKs 795
5 firmwares Methods 1,817,146
Sony APKs 1,412
4 firmwares Methods 5,463,229
Wiko APKs 188
1 firmwares Methods 1,709,624
Total APKs 3,114
16 firmwares Methods 13,100,367
Table 5.3:
Nopped methods in firmware
used to obfuscate applications. Thus, we believe that this method is able
to detect nopped patterns to be confirmed by manual investigations.
5.2.3 Detecting replaced bytecode
Detection method:
Detection of bytecode replacement consists in de-
tecting if a given assembly code is the result of the compilation of a
given bytecode. This can be done by compiling the bytecode and then
comparing the result of this compilation to the given assembly. For each
precompiled application (OAT file), we extract the bytecode file (DEX)
from the OAT file. Then, we recompile it using the compiler present
in the emulator provided by Google. We carefully choose the emulator
to reflect the Android version and the processor architecture used by
the real smartphone. Compiling using the same environment as the
firmware constructor is impossible since applications are cross-compiled
on vendor computers and no documentation is available about their
build systems. Finally, we compared the obtained assembly code with
that of the firmware. If no BFO techniques have been used, they should
be equal.
However, in practice, the output of a compiler is highly dependent on
the configuration of a particular system and many of them use non-
5 Static detection of native interferences in Java code
Table 5.4:
Difference percentage for one
> 0% > 25% > 5% > 75%
8: Immediate values directly wrote inside
assembly operands.
deterministic algorithms [99]
[99]: Dullien, Carrera, Eppler, and Porst
(2010), Automated attacker correlation for ma-
licious code
. Thus, the obtained assembly code and the
firmware’s one are slightly different, for almost all methods.
In order to investigate how much the codes are different, we have dis-
assembled them and removed the hardcoded
values, which usually
correspond to offsets that are very likely to change between two compila-
tions. Then, we proceeded to perform a textual diff where each assembly
instruction constitutes a line. Finally, we computed the following ratio:
di f f erence_percentage
This ratio, which is comprised between zero and one, has been calculated
for all the pre-compiled applications of one firmware. Table 5.4 shows
that more than twenty percent of the compiled methods differs from the
native code present in the firmware by at least one instruction out of
By manually investigating the differences, we observed that they are due
to subtle choices made by the compiler. For example, we saw that multiple
if else
structures are, sometimes, compiled into
structures. That
is, instead of having multiple comparisons and jumps, one version of the
assembly computes an index and jumps at an address stored in a vector.
Also, we saw that the compilers did not choose to store the class fields at
the same offsets.
That is why, we tried to use state-of-the-art binary diffing tools [99, 100]
[99]: Dullien, Carrera, Eppler, and Porst
(2010), Automated attacker correlation for ma-
licious code
[100]: Flake (2004), ‘Structural comparison
of executable objects’
such as bindiff
or diaphora
, however they did not achieve to detect
more accurately if codes are the same. Indeed, these tools rely heavily
on the callgraph of the analyzed codes, which is almost nonexistent for
assembly code: due to its object and framework oriented compilation, all
calls are indirect and cannot be resolved statically. Future work on detecting BFO usage
Thus, no BFO usage has been found in the wild for BFO consisting in
removing or noping the bytecode. For the replacement case, no suitable
detection technique is known. Thus, more specific techniques need to be
developed. Indeed, we have conducted a syntactic detection: we tried to
mimic the compiler used by the studied application and to remove incon-
sistent part of assembly code in order to minimize differences between
studied code and recompiled code. But, even in this case, compilers
outputs differ a lot. In such conditions, semantics-based approaches have
shown to be more resilient than syntactic ones [101]
[101]: Gabel, Jiang, and Su (2008), ‘Scalable
detection of semantic clones’
. Semantics-based
approaches work on high-level representations of programs and func-
tions. For example, code can be converted into dependency graph [101]
5.3 Conclusion
or functions can be summarized as formulas that represent their com-
putation [102]
[102]: Pewny, Schuster, Bernhard, Holz,
and Rossow (2014), ‘Leveraging semantic
signatures for bug search in binary pro-
. This allows not to take into account low-level features of
the code that are highly volatile and very probably change between two
versions of the same code.
Such approaches have be conducted in the Android context [29, 30, 103]
[29]: Crussell, Gibler, and Chen (2012),
Attack of the clones: Detecting cloned ap-
plications on android markets
[103]: Crussell, Gibler, and Chen (2013),
Andarwin: Scalable detection of semanti-
cally similar android applications’
[30]: Alam, Riley, Sogukpinar, and Carkaci
(2016), ‘Droidclone: Detecting android mal-
ware variants by exposing code clones’
While most of them target only bytecode [29, 103], some handle native
code by converting both bytecode and assembly to the same intermediate
language and conduct their analysis on this language [30]. However,
these works do not aim at matching application functions together but
rather match whole applications. Outside the Android context, numerous
assemblyfunctions matching methods have been developed [104, 105]
[104]: Rattan, Bhatia, and Singh (2013),
‘Software clone detection: A systematic
[105]: Roy, Cordy, and Koschke (2009),
‘Comparison and evaluation of code clone
detection techniques and tools: A qualita-
tive approach’
. It is
noteworthythatassemblycode of OAT files differs from the one of classical
desktop programs: dependency between functions is almost nonexistent.
Thus, state-of-art semantic-based methods should be adapted to this
context. This is left as future work.
5.3 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have measured how much native interferences for
obfuscating the code are used in the wild. It is clear that packers are
widely used by malicious applications, and we can believe that normal
applications will also tend to resort more and more to these obfuscation
We investigated the use of our new proposed obfuscation method, BFO,
that creates an OAT file without leaving the original DEX file intact.
Results indicate that the full nopping of bytecode is not used yet. If slight
modifications are introduced in the DEX part, detecting an inconsistency
between the compiled part and the modified DEX is a difficult problem.
We proposed a first approach but did not spot any application in our
dataset that performs such a complex obfuscation pattern. This result
could indicate that no application in the analyzed firmware have used
this technique which is a reasonable hypothesis or that our detection
method missed such a usage. Building a reliable detection technique
remains an open problem.
1: Section 4.1.
2: Section 4.2
Detection of native interferences
in Java data 6
At stated in Chapter 4, native code can interfere with bytecode data.
These data interferences have been classified into two types:
Data injection
: assembly code can unintentionally break properties
guaranteed by the Dalvik virtual machine on its data by storing
untrusted values inside Java fields. Doing so leaves vulnerabilities
inside the application by storing native data into Dalvik ones.
keyword for Java fields storing native addresses
is an example of such a vulnerability.
Data modification
: assembly code can circumvent the Java Native
Interface (JNI), the interface given by the Android runtime, to
stealthily modify bytecode values and bypass reverse-engineering
tools. This is called Direct Heap Accesses (DHAs).
These interferences are the cause of vulnerability and obfuscation issues.
The vulnerabilities should be detected before releasing the application
to users, in order to avoid spreading unsafe applications which, even
if a patch is proposed, might not be updated by users. The obfuscation
issues should be taken into account by analysis tools. However, creating
and maintaining tools that handle this kind of interferences complicates
a lot the analysis of applications. In Chapter 7, we will describe the
architecture of OATs’inside, a tool we developed that tackles this very
issue. Consequently, it is necessary to detect in advance if applications in
the wild already actively use this technique.
Thus, both types of interferences should be detected. They consist in
dataflow between two languages. of phenomenon is naturally made
by analyzing their interface, in this case JNI. Nevertheless, detection
methods of these two interferences do not happen at the same place: for
data injection, inside the source code and for data modification, inside the
compiled application. Indeed, data injection, which leaves vulnerabilities
inside the application, should be treated by developers on their source
code and data modification, which bypasses JNI at runtime, should
be handle by dynamic analysis tools. To date, multiple efforts focusing
on observing dataflow in such contexts have already been conducted.
for data injection, already existing dataflow tools do not model the
transient property.
for data modification, already existing methods rely on the JNI
interface and are, due to the inherent principle of DHA, bypassed.
This chapter presents the detection methods corresponding to the
aforementioned interferences and their associated issues. Section 6.1
reviews the contributions related to taint analysis of native Android
applications. Section 6.2 tackles missing
keywords and
illustrates the proposed detection method on open-source applications.
On the other hand, Section 6.3 describes how to detect DHAs and
presents their usage in the wild.
6 Detection of native interferences in Java data
3: International Mobile Equipment Iden-
tity (IMEI), number that uniquely identi-
fies a mobile device
4: Classically through JNI
5: As part of the continuous integration
tests, for example.
6.1 Taint-analysis across native and Java
Conducting taint analysis across the interface between native and Java has
already been conducted in the Android context [84, 106108]. Typically,
taint analysis is concerned with finding information flows from so-called
sources of sensitive information into sinks, that leak this information.
Android taint analysis are usually used to track privacy leaks made by
applications [72, 74]. For example, the
method is considered as
a source while
are potential sinks.
Researchers try to find privacy leaks in applications without the source
code in order to be able to vet applications that come from untrusted
developers. Thus, contrary to our solution proposed in Section 6.2, they
work on bytecode and assembly rather than the source code. Dynamic
solutions [106108] store the taints among the value of the carriers by,
for example duplicating the size of the heap and using an integer to
represent the taint of each integer stored on the heap. Static solutions [84]
follows the code flow to summarize the stores that can happen during
the execution of the analyzed application.
Unfortunately, theseapproaches cannot be used for modeling the transient
property: they cannot capture if the value of a field has been computed
using a native pointer. Indeed, they work on assembly code and assembly
registers are not typed: a register is a value that can be interpreted as any
type such as pointer, integer or character.
These approaches, that can also be used to defeat obfuscation, are detailed
in greater detail in Section 7.1.
6.2 Analyzing dataflow between native and
Java at the source code level
We have seen in Section 4.1 that native and Java data do not have the
same nature, they do not carry the same types of data, and that Java
data gives more guarantees over its data than assembly. Then, we have
seen that when native data is transferred into Java data
, Java values’
properties, such as their type, may be broken and vulnerabilities may
be generated inside the application. In particular, Section 4.1 described
deeply how breaking the transient property is very dangerous and can
lead to arbitrary code execution inside the application scope.
In order to ensure users’ security, this kind of vulnerability should be
removed from any application. Since spotting them requires advanced
security knowledge and involves analyzing dataflow between different
languages, developers may miss some of them. Thus, it is necessary to
provide them with tools that automatically detect missing
keywords. Since the tool is intended for developers, it can directly work
on the source code and, this way, not suffer from information loss inherent
to the compilation process. Additionally, the tool does not need to be run
frequently during the development cycle but rather only once before the
application is released
and thus, its analysis is not time-constrained.
6.2 Analyzing dataflow between native and Java at the source code level
: Problematic fields non-targeted
: Problematic fields targeted (F
Figure 6.1:
Set view of targeted problem,
Reminder of Figure 4.2 Section 4.1
This section presents a method that detects Java fields that stores ref-
erences without being declared
. After giving the method
architecture and its implementation, this section shows its effective-
ness by analyzing both a known CVE and the open-source Telegram
6.2.1 Statically detecting reference fields in source code
The solution presented in this section is able to detect exploitable fields
) that are reference fields, not declared transient. For the sake of clarity,
Figure 4.2 which represents missing transient properties using a set
view, has been reproduced here in Figure 6.1. To compute this set, the
analysis has to compute
. The set of declared fields (
) is
easily obtained by looking at the Java definition of fields. Computing
the set of reference fields (
) requires for each field to determine if it
encodes a memory address. As the type is not enough to decide, the
usage of this field in the code needs to be tracked. If it stores a reference
then it should be used at some point as a pointer. We propose a static
method to track the references manipulated in C/C++ code inside the
Java code using taint analysis. The difficulty lies in the duality of an
Android application: while the Java code declare fields, the C/C++ part
of the application code can manipulate them by writing into the memory
of the application.
The overall architecture of the proposed solution is given in Figure 6.2.
First, the C/C++ code is analyzed to list the fields that are manipulated
as pointers. This is the first part of the reference fields (
). Moreover,
the C/C++ analyzer lists all pointers that interface with the Java code.
Using this list, the Java analyzer conducts its own taint analysis to track
fields that interact with these pointers. This is the second part of the
reference fields (
). Finally, the declared fields (
) are extracted and
subtracted from the reference fields (
, in order to compute
the exploitable fields (F
). Reference field patterns in source code
In order to determine precisely which taint analysis to conduct, we have
listed all possible implementations of reference fields (
). Like every
variable or field, a reference field can be either written or read. Because
C/C++ Analyzer
Java Analyzer
Java src
Figure 6.2: Architecture overview
6 Detection of native interferences in Java data
1 public transient long referenceField;
jobject thisObj) {
3 jclass cid = env->FindClass("ThisClass");
4 jfieldID fid = env->GetFieldID(cid, "
referenceField", "L");
5 unsigned long ptr;
6 ptr = (unsigned long) malloc(sizeof(char));
7 env->SetLongField(thisObj, fid, ptr);
8 }
(a) Native only assignation
1 public transient long referenceField;
jobject thisObj) {
3 jclass cid = env->GetObjectClass(thisObj);
4 jfieldID fid = env->GetFieldID(cid, "
referenceField", "L");
5 unsigned long ptr = env->GetLongField(thisObj,
6 free((void
7 }
(b) Native only usage
1 public transient long referenceField;
2 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL native
jobject thisObj) {
3 return (unsigned long) malloc(sizeof(char));
4 }
5 public void java
method() {
6 this.referenceField = this.native
7 }
(c) Native to Java assignation
1 public transient long referenceField;
2 public void java
method() {
3 this.native
4 }
jobject thisObj, jlong arg) {
6 free((void
7 }
(d) Java to native usage
Figure 6.3: Reference fields in Android application source code
pointer values
cast to pointer
Native code
x = nativeCall()
field = x
y = field
Java code
tunneled source/sink
tunneled source/sink
information flow
information flow
information flow
Java to native usage
Native only usage
Native only assignation
Native to Java assignation
Figure 6.4: Representation of reference flow tracking
Table 6.1:
Sources and sinks for detecting
reference field patterns
Native source code Java source code
Sources Sinks Sources Sinks
assignation Pointers
Set fields
Get fields
Casts to
assignation Pointers
6.2 Analyzing dataflow between native and Java at the source code level
only native code is able to handle raw memory addresses, assignation or
usage can happen either directly in native code or within a mix of native
and Java code. This results in four distinct code patterns. These patterns
are shown in Listings 6.3a, 6.3b, 6.3c, 6.3d and are the following:
1. Native only assignation
: an address, or pointer in C/C++, is used
to set a field through JNI. For example in Listing 6.3a, the address
retrieved from
at Line 6, is set to the field
ID fid at Line 7 using the JNI SetLongField method.
2. Native only usage
: a value obtained from a field through JNI is cast
to a pointer. For example in Listing 6.3b, the field value retrieved at
Line 5 using JNI GetLongField method, is cast to a pointer at Line 6.
3. Native to Java assignation
: an address that is returned by a native
method is assigned to a field in a Java method. For example in
Listing 6.3c, the address returned by the C++
Line 3 is assigned to the field
by Java code at Line 6.
4. Java to native usage
: a field is used, in a Java method, as an argument
to a native method that casts this argument to a pointer. For example
in Listing 6.3d, the field
, is used as an argument
when calling the C++
at Line 3. During this call, the
field is cast to a pointer at Line 6.
Focusing on the aforementioned patterns, we have the guarantee that
our approach will exhaustively retrieve all the reference fields (
) and
therefore successfully build the list of fields whose
is missing (F
). Static patterns detection using taint analysis
In order to detect the patterns that we just presented, we compute
information flows where sources and sinks are associated to fields or
memory pointers. All possible sources and sinks, i.e. the elements of the
native or Java source code that may produce a flow, are summarized in
Table 6.1. For example, a “Native only assignation” flow exists if the native
code manipulates a pointer (source) and calls a JNI Set field method
using this pointer as an argument (sink). For patterns that are composed
of Java and C/C++ code, the information flow is more complex as at
least two parts of the code have to be analyzed together. For example, a
“Native to Java assignation” flow starts in the native code when a pointer
is used and returned by a method called in the Java code, and ends in the
Java code when the returned value is set to a field. This is symbolized by
an asterisk in Table 6.1 and we call this a "tunneled source/sink" because
the sink of the native code becomes a source for the Java code. When a
taint reaches a tunneled sink, in a given programming language, it does
not report a problematic flow but instead creates a new tunneled source,
in the other language.
All information flows associated to assignation/usage patterns are illus-
trated in Figure 6.4. When analyzing the code, the sources and sinks are
created using the following rules:
1. Native only assignation
: all pointers, i.e. all values whose type con-
or any cast to such a type, are considered as sources. All
methods are considered as sinks. Thus, in Listing 6.3a,
Line 6 generates a taint that is propagated until the sink at Line 7.
6 Detection of native interferences in Java data
2. Native only usage
: all field values retrieved using a JNI
method are sources and every cast to a pointer type is considered as a
sink. Thus, in Listing 6.3b, Line 5 generates a taint that is propagated
until the sink at Line 6.
3. Native to Java assignation
: in native source code, every pointer is
considered as a source and return operations are tunneled sinks.
Then, in Java source code, every return of a method corresponding
to a tunneled sink, is a tunneled source. The sinks are all the field
assignations that happened in Java. Thus, in Listing 6.3c, Line 3
generates a taint (malloc returns a pointer) and sinks this taint since
it is a return operation. Then, Line 6 generates an other taint, because
is a tunneled source. Finally, the same Line 6 sinks
the taint during the assignation.
4. Java to native usage
: in Java source code, all field values are sources
generating taints that may be sunk passing through native method
arguments. Then, in the native source code of these specific methods,
the argument that has sunk a field value is a tunneled source. The
taint finally sinks when reaching a cast to the pointer type. Thus, in
Listing 6.3d, Line 3 propagates the taint of the field
to the first argument of the
. Thus, the third argument
at Line 5 generates a taint that is propagated until the cast at Line 6.
Thus, a tool which correctly conducts all these taint analyses is able to
detect any pattern usage, in other words any reference field (T
). Static analysis limitations
Due to its static nature, the proposed analysis suffers from common
static Android taint analysis drawbacks. In particular, when a field is
manipulated through reflection, the analysis cannot determine which
field is used and so cannot report a potential missing
leading to false-negative generation.
Moreover, the Java analysis has to match the name of the native method
in the C/C++ source code to the one in the Java source code. Even though
the Android native method loader uses a convention for the naming of
native methods, developers can register their own names by using the
JNI method
. As this registration is done at execution
time, this behavior cannot be retrieved by the static analysis and may
generate false positives and negatives. However, the developer could
inform about his specific mappings.
6.2.2 Analysis architecture
In practice, our taint analysis has been implemented following the
architecture presented in Figure 6.2. The source code is first split between
Java and C/C++ and each language is handled by its own analyzer which
are described in this section.
6.2 Analyzing dataflow between native and Java at the source code level
6: version 2.7.1
C/C++ analyzer
For the C/C++ part, the taint analysis is built over
clang [109]
[109]: Lattner (2008), ‘LLVM and Clang:
Next generation compiler technology’
. Clang provides an event-driven API for developing static
analyzers. After converting the C/C++ source code into an Abstract
Syntax Tree (AST), clang offers the possibility to call hooks before or
after the evaluation of specific expressions. Our hooks are reported in
Algorithm 6.1.
For optimization purposes, all four taint analyses are conducted at the
same time withthreedifferent types of taints:
for the method arguments;
for the fields got using JNI;
for the pointers. Taints are applied to
C/C++ expressions. If no taint has been applied to an expression, then
this expression is considered to carry the taints of its sub-expressions
(e.g. a+b carries the taints of a and those of b).
Finally, the C/C++ analyzer outputs a JSON file that contains:
a list of fields that have been detected through “native only assignation”
and “native only usage” patterns;
a list of methods whose return values are pointers. This corresponds
to the native part of the “native to Java assignation” pattern;
a list of method arguments that are used as pointers that coincide
with the “Java to native usage” pattern.
Java analyzer
For the Java part, the taint analysis is built over Flow-
[68]: Arzt, Rasthofer, Fritz, Bodden, Bartel,
Klein, Le Traon, Octeau, and McDaniel
(2014), ‘Flowdroid: Precise context, flow,
field, object-sensitive and lifecycle-aware
taint analysis for android apps’
. Flowdroid provides the same event-driven programming
fashion as clang. It also gives an additional class hierarchy lookup mech-
anism that is used to filter and treat only fields from serializable classes.
The Java analyzer takes as input the Java code, the list of methods and
the list of method arguments generated by the C/C++ analyzer. Using
these lists to setup its taints and sinks, Flowdroid generates a list of fields
detected through “native to Java assignation” and “Java to native usage”
patterns. Here no special taint management is made since the two taint
analyses are not mixed.
Final reporting
Finally, a union is made between the two field lists
generated by respectively the C/C++ and Java analyses. This set is an
under-approximation of the reference fields (
). By parsing the code,
the fields declared as transient (
) are retrieved and the potentially
exploitable fields set
is computed by subtracting the set of declared
transient fields to the set of reference fields (T
6.2.3 Validation of the detection method
In order to evaluate and validate our novel approach, we need to analyze
the full source code of applications. To get a chance to find vulnerabilities
related to serialization, these applications should have native code and
additionally, should manipulate objects from both sides. Finding such
open source applications is very difficult, as most of candidate appli-
cations from the Google Play store do not release their source codes.
Moreover, by construction of our approach, systematic testing is not
easily automatable as the recompilation process needs fine-tuning. Thus,
large-scale benchmarking of our approach becomes unrealistic.
6 Detection of native interferences in Java data
Algorithm 6.1: C/C++ analyzer taint management
while after function call do
if called function is JNI Get Field then
Result expression is tainted with taint F
end if
end while
while before value declaration do
if value is an argument of the analyzed function then
Value expression is tainted with taint A
else if value is a variable then
Value expression is tainted with taint P
end if
end while
while before function call do
if called function is JNI Set Field then
if second argument of the called function is tainted with P then
print native only assignation
end if
end if
end while
while before function return do
if return value expression is tainted with P then
print native to java assignation
end if
end while
while before casting expression do
if expression is cast to a pointer then
if cast expression is tainted with F then
print native only usage
end if
if cast expression is tainted with A then
print java to native usage
end if
end if
end while
Table 6.2: Flows reported for Telegram
Reported fields F
Native to Java
Java to native
Native only
Class name Field name
tgnet.TLObject ip ipv6 peer
messenger.BaseController currentAccount
SQLite.SQLiteDatabase sqliteHandle
tgnet.NativeByteBuffer address
6.2 Analyzing dataflow between native and Java at the source code level
Telegram, tag: release-5.15.0_1869
Nevertheless, we performed the following tests that clearly show the
benefit of the proposed methodology. We analyzed three cases:
1. Constructive validation
: we construct an application that regroups
the four patterns described in Listings 6.3a, 6.3b, 6.3c, 6.3d. These
cases can be seen as unit tests that confirm that the tool works as
2. Literature confirmation
: wereview the
from the conscrypt
library, as according to Peles & Hay [36]
[36]: Peles and Hay (2015), ‘One Class to
Rule Them All: 0-day Deserialization Vul-
nerabilities in Android’
, this
class contains a field named
which should be vulnerable
for not being transient. This test shows that our tool can reproduce
previous results automatically, enhancing the results of Peles et al.
who discovered the vulnerabilities manually.
3. At-scale verification
: we select, based on its popularity and its robust-
ness, the Telegram application
as it constitutes a large open-source
Android application with more that 1 million lines of code spread
across Java and C++. This test shows the benefit of our tool when
analyzing the full source code of an application.
In a nutshell, instead of seeking exhaustivity, our experimental protocol
focuses on validating our approach and aims at showing that: a) our pat-
terns are catchable; b) the previously known vulnerabilities are retrieved
automatically; and c) our solution can be used to check large open-source
applications. Finally, on a different dimension, we also discuss the perfor-
mances of our approach in terms of computational time and resources
consumption. Constructive validation of the patterns
As intended, all four transient fields have been detected by their respective
pattern. For patterns “native to Java assignation and “Java to native
usage”, the analysis has logged the transient field names and their class
names. It also logged the name of the native method responsible for
setting or using the transient field. For “native only” patterns, the analysis
only logged the name of the transient fields. It also recovered the class
name for native only assignation but did not manage for the native
only usage pattern. This pattern, see Listing 6.3b, uses the JNI method
(line 3) instead of
whose argument is the
class name. As mentioned in Section, this method is not handled
yet. Catching known errors
When running the C/C++ analyzer over the
class source code, no field were reported using the native only patterns.
For the “native to Java assignation pattern, the C/C++ analyzer has
reported 127 native methods whose return value is a pointer, that is
127 tunneled sinks. On the Java side, the analyzer has not reported any
corresponding information flow because the returned values are used
for initializing fields that are object references. Object references do not
need to be declared transient, cf. Section 4.1. For the “Java to native usage”
pattern, the C/C++ analyzer has reported 111 native method arguments
treated as pointers inside the native code, i.e. 111 tunneled sources. The
6 Detection of native interferences in Java data
1 Source: <OpenSSLX509Certificate: long mContext>
2 Sink: $l4 = staticinvoke <NativeCrypto: long X509
notAfter(long,OpenSSLX509Certificate)>($l3, r0)
3 Source: <OpenSSLX509Certificate: long mContext>
4 Sink: $l2 = staticinvoke <NativeCrypto: long X509
notBefore(long,OpenSSLX509Certificate)>($l1, r0)
5 Source: <OpenSSLX509Certificate: long mContext>
6 Sink: staticinvoke <NativeCrypto: void X509
free(long,OpenSSLX509Certificate)>($l2, r0)
Figure 6.5: OpenSSLX509Certificate Java analysis output
9: 12 threads, 2.60GHz
Java analyzer has reported 3 corresponding information flows, all related
to the field
, which is the one that was previously reported
vulnerable [36]
[36]: Peles and Hay (2015), ‘One Class to
Rule Them All: 0-day Deserialization Vul-
nerabilities in Android’
. Thus, the analysis has reported no false positive and has
detected the three vulnerabilities.
The source / sink couples are reported in Figure 6.5. As shown in this
Figure, the fields are clearly identifiable and the output could be read by
any developer even without specific security-oriented knowledge. Checking a large open-source application
We applied our detection method for missing transient keywords to the
open-source Telegram application. The warnings generated during the
analysis of this application are reported in Table 6.2. In order to assess
that the analysis scales with huge code bases, we have analyzed all classes,
including non-serializable ones. The C/C++ analysis of Telegram has
reported three fields using the “native only” pattern:
For all these fields the class name was not recovered since the C/C++
code uses
to retrieve the class of the accessed fields. By
manually looking at the source code, we found that the three fields are
declared several times in subclasses of the
class. The
three fields are
fields: they are references to objects, which are
automatically handled by the serialization process. Thus, they do not
need to be declared transient and are false positives. For the “native to Java
assignation pattern, the C/C++ analyzer has reported 26 native methods
whose return value is a pointer (tunneled sinks). The Java analyzer then
reported 5 fields that should be transient. On the other hand, for the “Java
to native usage” pattern, the C/C++ analyzer has reported 62 method
arguments that are treated as pointers (tunneled sources) which has led
the Java analyzer to report 3 fields. Since 2 fields are reported by both
patterns, we finally obtained flows of
fields that should be
transient. Nevertheless, the 6 corresponding declaring classes are not
serializable. As a consequence, the forgotten
keywords do
not lead to vulnerabilities, in the current state of Telegram. The results
reported are programming errors that could bring vulnerabilities if a
developer updates these classes into making them serializable. Analysis time
We have recorded the time elapsed during the analysis of the three cases
(non-serializable classes omitted for Telegram analysis). The times and
the number of Source Line Of Code (SLOC) analyzed are reported in
Table 6.3. Analyses have been run using 26G of DDR4 RAM and an
Intel Core i7-8850H
processor. Even for the huge Telegram application
(encompassing more than 1 million lines of code), the analysis terminates
6.3 Monitoring the interface between Java and native code at the execution time
Java C++
SLOC duration SLOC duration
Patterns example 26 1.508s 42 0.34s
OpenSSLX509 663 5.499s 8,269 356.93s
Telegram 511,519 6min 6s 628,864 5h 02min
Table 6.3: Analysis time
10: Originally introduced for optimization
11: https://play.google.com/store
but takes five hours. The proposed method is not intended to be used
frequently during the development cycle but rather only once before the
application release, as part of the continuous integration tests.
6.3 Monitoring the interface between Java and
native code at the execution time
Section 4.2 introduced a technique called DHA, which consists in access-
ing Java data using assembly code without using JNI. For this purpose,
the native code directly accesses or modifies the heap, the memory area
where Java objects are stored. While Android provides a specific class
to realize this operation
, we have shown
that an application could inspect the memory itself, therefore bypassing
state-of-the-art tools.
Since DHA is a newly proposed obfuscation technique that relies on
already known optimization mechanisms, we would like to determine
if and how DHA is used in the wild. This section presents a detection
method and its results when applied in the wild.
The experiments will be conducted over two datasets:
Androzoo [57]
[57]: Allix, Bissyandé, Klein, and Le Traon
(2016), AndroZoo: Collecting Millions of
Android Apps for the Research Commu-
: a dataset of about 13,000,000 different applications
retrieved from various market including Google Play
. Thus, ap-
plications can be either malware or goodware. The experiment will
be conducted on a subset of 100,000 applications chosen randomly.
AMD [58]
[58]: Wei, Li, Roy, Ou, and Zhou (2017),
‘Deep Ground Truth Analysis of Current
Android Malware1’
: a ground-truth dataset of 24,552 malware that have
been reversed and classified among different malware families.
Detection method:
In order to detect DHA, the analysis tool has to
track all reads or writes that are made to the heap. Statically determining
the addresses accessed by a piece of assembly code is an open research
problem. On the other hand, determining it during an execution of
the analyzed application is easier: this is done by disallowing, using
, any access to the heap addresses when running native code.
Then, when native code tries to access the heap, it generates a
signal which can then be caught. By parsing the internal structures of
the garbage collector, the tool retrieves the type of the accessed value.
Finally, the access is authorized and the execution is resumed.
We intentionally gave an insight of this detection method, which avoids
giving implementation details. It may give the feeling that implementing
this method is straightforward. In reality, this detection method is part
of a more global tool, OATs’inside, that is fully described in Chapter 7.
Technical challenges have been discussed apart, in Chapter 8.
6 Detection of native interferences in Java data
Table 6.4: Number of DHAs detected
Dataset Total ARMv8 DHA
DHA without
system libs
Androzoo [57]
[57]: Allix, Bissyandé, Klein, and Le Traon
(2016), AndroZoo: Collecting Millions
of Android Apps for the Research
100,018 10,661 8,158 (76.5 %) 4,021 (37.7 %)
AMD [58]
[58]: Wei, Li, Roy, Ou, and Zhou (2017),
‘Deep Ground Truth Analysis of Current
Android Malware1’
24,552 349 194 (55.6 %) 103 (29.5 %)
Total 124,570 11,010 8,352 (75.9 %) 4,124 (37.5%)
Table 6.5:
Classes and libraries detected
to be using DHA
System libraries WebView Other
samples classes samples classes samples classes
Androzoo [57] 74.7% 1,797 37.3% 1,424 0.4% 7
AMD [58] 54.7% 154 29.5% 221 0% 0
12: Nougat, 2016
13: e.g.
Detection in the wild:
The detection has been implemented for ARMv8
and Android version 7.0
. The datasets were first filtered to keep only
the compatible APKs, and we checked that these applications can be
launched correctly. Column ARMv8” of Table 6.4 reports the number of
applications obtained after applying this filter.
We analyzed these filtered datasets and logged all performed DHAs, i.e.,
each time the heap was accessed from the native code. Note that each
application was run from only the main activity and without any user
interaction. Consequently, the results presented in Table 6.4 are a lower
bound on the actual usage of DHA. For each DHA, we logged the class
of the accessed value and the name of the library performing the access,
obtained from
. The implementation of this logging
mechanism is available in Section 8.1.4.
Globally, between 55% and 76% of the applications performed DHAs.
This lower bound shows that DHA cannot be ignored when building
an analysis tool. When investigating which libraries perform DHAs, we
noticed that most accesses are done by systems libraries
. However, we
have still detected that 37% of applications perform DHAs using custom
A comparison of the statistics retrieved for Androzoo and AMD datasets
showed that DHA usage does not discriminate a malicious behavior from
a benign one. In fact, according to the name of the libraries performing
DHA, it seems to be used mostly to increase performance.
We investigated the name of the classes accessed by DHA, the number
of unique class names is reported in Table 6.5. As expected, system
libraries access a large variety of objects of different classes as these
libraries are part of the runtime internals. Additionally, we separated a
specific library,
, because it manipulates a lot of internal objects
of the browser. Finally, remaining libraries modify seven different classes.
Almost every sample uses
which confirms that developers mainly use DHA as Google recommends,
without bypassing their guidelines [110]
[110]: (2019), JNI tips
. In particular, we notice that
one library,
, accesses the
OpenSSLX509CertificateFactory classes using DHA.
These results comfort the idea that DHA is not yet used as a way to
bypass analysis, even in the security community [97]
[97]: Bao, He, and Wen (2018), ‘DroidPro:
An AOTC-Based Bytecode-Hiding Scheme
for Packing the Android Applications’
. However, due to
6.4 Conclusion
the high number of benign DHA, a few malicious ones could be hidden
and remained undetected. This highlights the need for tools and methods
that take into account this kind of accesses, such as the one described in
Chapter 7.
6.4 Conclusion
In this chapter we addressed the problem of interferences of native code
over Java data, presented before in Chapter 4. Two use cases have been
considered: an interference that would bring a vulnerability and an
interference that would be used for obfuscating a modification of an
object on the heap from the native code. For these problems, we designed
two independent solutions.
First, we designed an approach based on data flows, working across the
native and bytecode world. Contrary to other tainting approaches of the
literature, the proposed solution handles the source code of an application.
It enables to detect a missing
keyword that possibly flaws
a memory pointer. We carefully designed unitary tests for covering all
combinations of flows going from native to native, native to Java and
Java to native. We confirmed the already known vulnerability of the
this time automatically, and not manually –,
and we investigated the Telegram code source. We found programming
errors for Telegram that cannot be considered as vulnerabilities, but that
would be if a developer decides to serialize the concerned class. Observed
performances for Telegram, that contains more than one million lines
of code, show that our tool can be used when preparing a release of an
Second, we designed a new method for detecting DHA that bypasses the
Java Native Interface. DHAs is widely used for optimization purpose and
our manual investigation of the suspicious uses show that no malicious
or obfuscation usage is present in the analyzed datasets. This is not
surprising as such a technique is introduced by this thesis [7].
Nevertheless, as an obfuscation method could be based on DHAs in the
near future, we develop a dedicated tool for handling such an obfuscation
technique. This is the contribution presented in the next part of this
Reverse-engineering of multi-l anguage
Android applications
Reverse-engineering of
multi-language Android
In Chapters 3 and 4, we presented three obfuscation techniques: packers,
Bytecode Free OAT (BFO) and DHA. In Chapters 5 and 6, we showed
that the packers and DHA obfuscation techniques described in the first
part are actively used in the wild. No evidence of usages of BFO has been
found, but the detection techniques that have been implemented only
focus on the simple forms of this obfuscation and may have missed some
Thus, it is necessary for reverse-engineering tools that intend to work on
Android applications to handle these obfuscation techniques. However,
existing state-of-the-art tools do not work with BFO and DHA, the new
obfuscation techniques we introduced. Additionally, generally speaking
these tools try to recover the unobfuscated form of the bytecode of the
analyzed application. Although when successful, this approach is ideal
since it totally removes any benefit from using obfuscation techniques,
this forces tools to handle specifically every possible obfuscation. When
a new obfuscation technique appears, a corresponding deobfuscation
technique has to be developed and integrated inside the tool. This cat-
and-mouse game is in favor of the obfuscated applications since it is
very hard for analysis tool developers to correctly guess what the future
obfuscation techniques will be.
We believe that detecting if an application is a malware or analyzing
a malware does not require to have the full code of the application.
Indeed, understanding the overall behavior of an application does not
require to understand all the effects of all the instructions that compose
it. In this part, we focus on building OATs’inside, an hybrid tool that is
able to retrieve the behavior of an Android application regardless of
the potentially used obfuscation techniques. To this extent, OATs’inside
observes and reports, at execution time, all the effects of the application
on the Android system and create, statically after the execution, a graph-
based model of the application’s behavior. This allows to generically
study the application.
Chapter 7 describes the architecture of OATs’inside, a new analysis tool
that generically handles the new obfuscation techniques presented
in this thesis. Chapter 8 describes the implementation challenges
encountered when developing OATs’inside and their corresponding
OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior
of multi-language applications 7
As shown in the first part of this manuscript, state-of-the-art Android
analysis tools can be defeated by obfuscations based on native inter-
ferences. Additionally, it has shown that static analysis can be easily
hindered. That is why this part presents OATs’inside, a new dynamic tool
that takes these interferences into account.
This tool is intended to analyze Android applications and retrieve their
behavior. It is noteworthy that it does not intend to retrieve the source
code of the analyzed application: it outputs graph representations of
what the application realizes. These graphs are composed of Java-level
behaviors, e.g. method invocations or object modifications. While this
representation misses low-level native events, it allows to understand how
the application manipulates the Android environment. When manually
used, OATs’inside proposes to the analyst to conduct a symbolic analysis
on a method of special interest. This additional static analysis retrieves
the data flow between the different element of the output graphs.
Additionally, OATs’inside does not modify the analyzed application. That
is, all its analysis is conducted inside the Android runtime or on the
analysis computer. This prevents applications from crashing due to
unstable modifications.
Section 7.1 reviews the contributions in the literature related to na-
tive applications analysis and highlights gaps that OATs’inside fills.
Section 7.2 presents the architecture and the different modules of
OATs’inside, a new Android hybrid analysis tool. An example of ob-
fuscated application analysis using OATs’inside is given in Section 7.3.
Then, Section 7.4 shows the overhead induced when analyzing an
application using OATs’inside. Finally, Section 7.5 discuses the stealth-
iness of OATs’inside.
7.1 Adapting instrumentation system to
multi-language applications
As stated in Section 2.4, analysis techniques for native applications have
been mainly declined in three fields: unpackers [95], taint analysis [84,
106] and application instrumentation [83, 88].
To assess how these tools would perform their analysis on obfuscated
applications, we designed unit tests, as reported in Table 7.1. As these
tools are most of the time unavailable, we minutely read the papers
describing these fives tools: TIRO [95], ARTist [88], TaintART [106], JN-
SAF [84], and Malton [83]. In Table 7.1, each reported column corresponds
to a tool.
To build the test cases, we read the Dalvik bytecode specification
enumerate all possible Java source statement behaviors. These behaviors
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications
Table 7.1: State-of-the-art solutions against native obfuscations
Original source code Bytecode Native
Case DEX only Pack DEX Bytecode Free OAT (BFO) JNI JNI+obf Direct Heap Access (DHA)
Evaluated tool A Ta T J M A Ta T J M A Ta T J M A Ta T J M A Ta T J M A Ta T J M
Method Invoke / Return - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Object - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Allocation Primitive variable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Primitive Array - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Object Field - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Access Primitive variable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Primitive Array - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Object Field - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Operations Primitive variable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Primitive Array - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Object Field - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Condition Primitive variable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Primitive Array - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Check - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cast - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Exception Throw / Catch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Monitor Enter / Exit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
O: OATs’inside; A: ARTist [88]; Ta: TaintART [106]; T: TIRO [95]; J: JN-SAF [84]; M: Malton [83]
Retrieval is : fully, : partially, -: empty
: not applicable
2: Obfuscation technique described in Sec-
tion 3.1
3: Obfuscation technique proposed de-
scribed in Section 3.2
4: Obfuscation technique proposed in Sec-
tion 4.2
are divided into 8 families and 20 categories listed in the two first
columns of Table 7.1. For each category of behaviors, we distinguish,
when relevant, three Java types: object, primitive variable or primitive
array. For example, the condition category represents changing the
execution flow (e.g.
statements), depending on the value of an object
field, a primitive variable allocated onto the stack, or primitive array
element. Then, the test cases were packaged in a single application
obfuscated in five different versions:
I DEX only: test cases made in Dalvik bytecode.
I Pack DEX: packed
version of DEX only.
version of DEX only. BFO consists in compiling the DEX
file into assembly and then, keeping only the resulting assembly.
I JNI: test cases implemented in C++ using JNI.
JNI+obf : resulting from the usage of Obfuscator-LLVM [111] on the
JNI version.
version of JNI. DHA consists in obfuscating heap
accesses, then other tests cases are irrelevant (grayed in Table 7.1).
Unit tests are precisely described in Appendix B.
We present below the evaluation of state-of-the-art tools on the designed
test cases.
TaintART [106] and ARTist [88] rely on
, the Android compiler
responsible for compiling Dalvik bytecode into assembly code. Both
approaches add instrumentation instructions during the compilation
step by customizing
. Since
can only compile Dalvik
bytecode, these tools can only work on this bytecode. That is why they
can only retrieve behaviors for the DEX only version.
7.1 Adapting instrumentation system to multi-language applications
5: Accesses to Java fields
TIRO [95] is an unpacker. Thus, it can output the loaded bytecode of the
Pack DEX version. Then, the bytecode being available, the analyst can
retrieve all the application behaviors. However, excluding the behavior
related to code loading, which is not an elementary Java behavior, TIRO
does not analyze any native code. That is why it cannot work for other
JN-SAF [84] is a static analysis-based taint tracking tool. It uses angr [112]
to statically track information flows. The key idea is to initialize the JNI
entry point table with symbolic addresses representing the different
JNI methods. Then, JN-SAF can represent their effects symbolically. All
these approaches provide all the sensitive information flow between
methods, but retrieve only the behaviors involved in the information
flow. Therefore, it does not care about allocations, typing, exceptions, or
monitoring of events, and do not output them at all. Owing to its static
nature, it cannot work with the Pack DEX version. Moreover, JN-SAF
targets only native methods and does not handle AOTC-compiled code
and, thus, it misses the BFO version. Because JN-SAF aims at tracking
flows, it does not log explicitly the conditions and the operations made
by the code. However, these elements are taken into account when
computing a data flow. That is why some partial information about
operations and conditions is captured. Finally, because JN-SAF relies
on classical symbolic execution, obfuscated assembly can overload its
analysis by, for example, adding conditional instructions that depend on
the application inputs [113]
[113]: Banescu, Collberg, Ganesh, New-
sham, and Pretschner (2016), ‘Code obfus-
cation against symbolic execution attacks’
. This prevent the JNI+obf version from being
Malton [83] is a hybrid analysis platform that performs data taint tracking
over framework libraries and system calls. It relies on Valgrind [96] to
hook method calls, ART, and framework libraries. It stores the address
of every Java and native method and then checks, for every jump, if the
destination address is the address of a method. Then, Malton reconstructs
the Java objects corresponding to the arguments by parsing the memory.
It also hooks framework methods responsible for loading code and the
JNI entry points, and intercepts all system calls. Finally, it propagates
taints through every assembly instruction. Moreover, Malton leverages
concolic execution to trigger or force the execution of specific, manually
tagged, code areas. The output only focuses on information flow and
thus, does not include allocations, typing, exceptions, or monitoring
of events. Moreover, Malton cannot hook methods from the analyzed
APK, but only the runtime and framework ones. Therefore, it does not
retrieve information about the internal code methods and classes. That is
why all its outputs are qualified as partial. Moreover, because Malton is
dynamic, it can handle the Pack DEX version. The symbolic analysis that
is conducted is concolic: it follows the execution and, thus, is not sensitive
to obfuscation (unlike JN-SAF) and can tackle the JNI+obf version. Finally,
Malton works with the BFO version because it does not rely on the APK
structure but bases all its analysis on executed assembly instructions.
Additionally, all these tools relies, when they monitor native heap ac-
, on the JNI interface. Thus, as stated in Section 4.2, they all
miss the DHA version since DHA obfuscation consists in bypassing this
Thus, we design OATs’inside such that:
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications
It handles all forms of Android applications: Dalvik bytecode,
compiled bytecode (BFO) and native code.
It handles all Java instructions, including: operation, condition,
typing, exception and monitoring.
It does not rely on the usage of the Java Native Interface (JNI),
hence it handles DHA.
7.2 OATs ’inside architecture
To address native-based obfuscated Android applications, we describe
OATs’inside, a deobfuscator that supports every application that performs
Java operations, even if it is protected by full-native-based and runtime-
based obfuscation techniques. OATs’inside combines dynamic analysis
with symbolic execution. The dynamic analysis gathers sequences of
low-level events, and the symbolic execution is driven by these events.
OATs’inside outputs a CFG that can be passed to existing security analysis
tools such as GroddDroid
[49]: Abraham,Andriatsimandefitra, Brunelat,
Lalande, and Tong (2015), ‘GroddDroid: a
gorilla for triggering malicious behaviors
[50]: Wong and Lie (2016), ‘IntelliDroid: A
Targeted Input Generator for the Dynamic
Analysis of Android Malware’
[49], IntelliDroid [50], or directly to a human
analyst. The CFG is said to be at the object level because it contains instruc-
tions acting on objects such as calling methods or setting object fields.
It describes the contents of each method, the conditional expressions
involved in the control flow instructions, the data flow between actions,
and the interprocedural calls.
OATs’inside adopts a two-step analysis: first, a dynamic analysis, followed
by a concolic analysis. These steps are based on four main modules as
described in Figure 7.1.
During the dynamic step, the Runner module executes the application
and logs every action dealing with objects. As an application requires
external inputs, the execution is either driven manually or via a dedicated
exploration tool [49, 50, 52, 114]
[49]: Abraham,Andriatsimandefitra, Brunelat,
Lalande, and Tong (2015), ‘GroddDroid: a
gorilla for triggering malicious behaviors
[50]: Wong and Lie (2016), ‘IntelliDroid: A
Targeted Input Generator for the Dynamic
Analysis of Android Malware’
[52]: Hao, Liu, Nath, Halfond, and Govin-
dan (2014), ‘PUMA: programmable UI-
automation for large-scale dynamic analy-
sis of mobile apps’
[114]: Machiry, Tahiliani, and Naik (2013),
‘Dynodroid: An input generation system
for android apps’
. The CFG Creator module initializes
a first version of the CFG from the actions obtained from the Runner
During the concolic step, the Concolic Analyzer module performs a
symbolic execution based on the actions logged by the Runner module
and memory snapshots issued by the Memory Dumper. It enriches the
CFG by recovering conditional expressions at branching nodes and data
dependencies between actions.
To illustrate OATs’inside’s methodology, we developed
, a PIN
verification application written in Java. It runs transparently on an An-
droid 7.0 smartphone. We will use this application as a running example
throughout the rest of this section. For the sake of readability, we give a
simplified version of its source code in Figure 7.1.
has three possible behaviors. If the
field of the calling object (
) is
negative, an exception is thrown. It returns true when the
is the cor-
rect one (1337) and false otherwise. SimpleTestPIN.test is obfuscated
using BFO technique: the bytecode is compiled into assembly and then
The whole analysis is driven by a human analyst who runs the application
twice with two different PINs: a negative (
), which generates an
exception, and a wrong positive (
). The final objective of OATs’inside is
7.2 OATs’inside architecture
y Dumper
y Dumper
oncolic Analyzer
method name
Overall system.
: O
ATs’inside module.
Input output.
Figure 7.1: OATs’inside architecture
Listing 7.1: Simplified PIN test
1 // Two executions: test() with pin = -42 and pin = 42
2 public class SimpleTestPIN {
3 public int pin = 0;
4 public boolean test() throws Exception {
5 if(this.pin < 0) throw new Exception("Negative PIN");
6 if((this.pin ^ 0x2323) == 9754) // 1337^0x2323=9754
7 return true;
8 else return false;
9 }}
to compute a CFG that best approximates the complete CFG which is,
for this example, given in Figure 7.2.
7.2.1 Runner module
The Runner module is in charge of running the analyzed application and
logging every object-level action performed by the application. There are
nine different object-level actions
: invoking or returning from a method,
reading from or writing to an object field, allocating an object, entering
or exiting a monitor session, and throwing or catching exceptions.
Applications contain three types of code: DEX, OAT, or native. State-of-
the-art approaches suffer from one or more of the following limitations:
they do not support OAT, arguing that the DEX bytecode is always
available [84, 88, 95]
[95]: Wong and Lie (2018), ‘Tackling runtime-
based obfuscation in Android with TIRO’
[84]: Wei, Lin, Ou, Chen, and Zhang (2018),
‘JN-SAF: Precise and Efficient NDK/JNI-
awareInter-languageStatic AnalysisFrame-
work for Security Vetting of Android Ap-
plications with Native Code’
[88]: Backes,Bugiel,Schranz,Styp-Rekowsky,
and Weisgerber (2017), ‘Artist: The an-
droid runtime instrumentation and secu-
rity toolkit’
; they do not collect all the possible actions [81, 83,
84, 87]
[87]: Yan and Yin (2012), ‘DroidScope:
Seamlessly Reconstructing the OS and
Dalvik Semantic Views for Dynamic An-
droid Malware Analysis
[81]: Qian, Luo, Shao, and Chan (2014), ‘On
tracking information flows through jni in
android applications’
[83]: Xue, Zhou, Chen, Luo, and Gu (2017),
‘Malton: Towards On-Device Non-Invasive
Mobile Malware Analysis for ART’
[84]: Wei, Lin, Ou, Chen, and Zhang (2018),
‘JN-SAF: Precise and Efficient NDK/JNI-
awareInter-languageStatic AnalysisFrame-
work for Security Vetting of Android Ap-
plications with Native Code’
; or they are bypassed by DHA obfuscations because they rely on
JNI [83, 84]. The Runner module lifts these limitations by using simple
monitoring methods inside the ART library when possible and low-level
debug methods otherwise.
Table 7.2 summarizes how each action is monitored, depending on the
binary code type. If the action goes through the ART (all actions in the
Dalvik bytecode, and object allocation, monitoring of the entry or exit,
and exception handling in all code types), then a direct event is generated
by adding a call to the logger inside the runtime. Otherwise, the action is
retrieved by generating a low-level event based on debugging or memory
protection capabilities. In particular, an OAT code that accesses (read
or write) an object field is captured by disabling the heap memory: all
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications
Figure 7.2:
Expected output for
READ self.pin
va.lang.Exception: "Negative PIN"
pleTestPIN.pin > 0x0
pleTestPIN.pin < 0x0
pleTestPIN.pin ^ 0x2323
== 0x261a
pleTestPIN.pin ^ 0x2323
!= 0x261a
Table 7.2:
Monitoring of object actions for
different types of executed code
Analyzed binary DEX OAT Native
Method interpreter class linker class linker
Event type direct breakpoint breakpoint
Field access
Method interpreter
disable heap
or JNI
Event type direct SEGV
Method allocator allocator allocator
Event type direct direct direct
or catch
Event type direct direct direct
heap accesses will generate a
event. The same applies to native
code when bypassing the JNI interface. Additionally, an OAT or a native
code that invokes a method without calling the runtime is captured by
hooking the address table and generating a breakpoint event.
Consequently, three types of events are generated or captured: 1. direct
events: allocating an object, entering or exiting a monitor session, and
throwing or catching an exception; 2. breakpoint events: invoking and
returning a method; 3.
events: reading or writing an object field.
To manage these events, we built the Runner module, a patch of the
Android runtime whose main components are represented in Figure 7.3,
where the three types of events are annotated as (D) for direct events,
(B) for breakpoint events, and (S) for
events. The runtime has
information about high-level structures such as classes, signatures, and
objects, and also knows low-level entities such as register values, heap
addresses, and kernel signals. Thus, patching the runtime allows bridging
the semantic gap between the assembly and the bytecode world. The patch
is divided into two entities: the
and the
handles high-level events. It is the interface between
the runtimeand theoutput file when actions are logged.It logs object-level
7.2 OATs’inside architecture
untime Features
(B) (S)
Figure 7.3: Runtime patch architecture
actions when they occur. The
handles low-level events. It
sets breakpoints, handles kernel signals, and notifies the
to log associated actions.
logs each event with its associated instruction address.
This allows linking of the bytecode events to the assembly code and
will be used by the Concolic Analyzer module (cf. Section 7.2.4). The
thread identifier from which the event originates is also logged, to avoid
concurrent execution issues. In the following, we detail how the three
types of events are handled by the Runner module.
Direct events
These events, indicated as “direct” in Table 7.2, are
generated by the runtime library code. For example, when an object is
allocated, the runtime allocator is called. The allocator allocates memory
and returns it to the application. A call to the
, containing
the class of the allocated object, is added to the allocator, before returning
to the APK code. This part of the Runner module links the assembly
world (the allocated address) and the bytecode world (the object class,
independently of the executed code type). Entering or exiting a monitor
session and throwing or catching an exception are logged using similar
mechanisms in the runtime monitor and exception handler.
Breakpoint events
These events correspond to invoking or returning
from a method. To log the invoke action, the Runner module needs to be
notified when the first instruction of the method is executed. The classical
way to do this would be to set a breakpoint at this address, catch the
breakpoint (
signal), log the action, remove the breakpoint, and
resume the execution. However, removing the breakpoint would prevent
catching of future calls to this method. At first glance, instead of directly
resuming the execution, a possible improvement would be to step one
instruction, reset the breakpoint, and resume the execution. In this way,
the breakpoint would be available for further calls. However, removing
and then resetting the breakpoint would generate a concurrency issue if
multiple threads execute the same method. In practice, every application
runs more than five threads (garbage collector, intents, profiler, etc.).
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications
Figure 7.4:
Method invocation hooking
Code ptr
Original ptr
Class ptr
Method struct
Method code
Hook area
To solve this problem, the Runner module modifies the address of all the
methods linked by the class linker in the runtime. As shown in Figure 7.4,
the real address of the method (
code ptr
) is replaced by the address of a
new dedicated area (
hooking area
). It contains a breakpoint instruction,
for generating the invoke action; the original address of the method’s
code (
original ptr
); and a pointer to the runtime internal structure
representing the method. This last pointer is used, when the breakpoints
is hit, to easily access the information about the hooked method such as
its name or the list of its parameters.
The same problem exists for catching the return event and is thus solved
similarly. When this type of event occurs, as the breakpoint only carries
the information about the executed address, we retrieve the method
signature by using the runtime internal structure of the dedicated areas.
This bridges the semantic gap between the assembly (instruction address)
and the bytecode (method signature) world.
SEGV events
These events correspond to accesses, by reading or writ-
ing, to object fields stored on the heap. Catching such accesses requires
watching every load or store instruction to detect those that target heap
addresses. To this end, the
uses the system page protec-
tion mechanism: it forbids all accesses to the heap memory pages using
, causing any access to object fields to generate a fault, a
kernel signal, which is caught by the
, which retrieves
the faulty address.
Then, the garbage collector’s internal structures are leveraged to map
the assembly address to an object field. This is then transmitted to the
ProbeManager, which in turns logs this heap access.
Finally, for an application to run as expected, the heap access should
actually be performed. The heap is re-enabled, and a single instruction is
executed before disabling the heap again. To avoid concurrent accesses to
the heap in the meanwhile, a thread-oriented
has been added
to the kernel [115]
[115]: Razeen, Lebeck, Liu, Meijer, Pistol,
and Cox (2018), ‘SandTrap: Tracking Infor-
mation Flows On Demand with Parallel
. More details about this thread-oriented
given in Section 8.1.7.
Running example output
Listing 7.2 gives the actions outputted by
the Runner module for the running example, from lines 2 to 18 for the
first execution and lines 21 to 28 for the second one. When these logs
and the source code of Listing 7.1 are compared, it shows that most of
the elements are retrieved. The access to the
field (lines 5 and 6,
and lines 24 and 25) is present for each execution of the method. The
is divided into four events: the string creation (lines 8 and 9), the
initialization of the exception object and its associated return (lines 11 and
12, and lines 14 and 15), and the throw itself (lines 17 and 18). Finally, the
7.2 OATs’inside architecture
Listing 7.2
: Runner module output on
1 # first run
2 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236427828
3 invoke SimpleTestPIN;test()
5 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429712
6 read SimpleTestPIN;pin => -42
8 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429884
9 newObj String => 315654920
11 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429832
12 invoke java/lang/Exception;<init>((String) 315654920)
14 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429836
15 return void
17 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429844
18 throw java.lang.Exception("Negative PIN")
20 # second run
21 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236427908
22 invoke SimpleTestPIN;test()
24 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429712
25 read SimpleTestPIN;pin = > 42
27 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236427912
28 return false
return false
(lines 27 and 28) is detected. However, some Java actions
are missing. The
return true
, which is never executed in our case, is
not logged. The conditions are also lacking, as well as the usage of the
allocated string (lines 8 and 9), which is a dependency of the
(lines 11 and 12). Obtaining these pieces of information is the purpose of
the remaining modules.
7.2.2 CFG creator module
The CFG Creator module is in charge of creating the CFG. In fact, this
graph is the union of the interprocedural call graph (iCFG) and the
methods’ object-level control flow graphs (olCFGs). These CFGs are built
sequentially, using the events outputted by the Runner module: first,
actions are split by method and the iCFG is created, and then the olCFG
of each method is computed.
iCFG computation
The logs are split by method. The boundary of a
method is defined by two properties of the Dalvik bytecode
. First, each
method begins with an invoke and ends with a return. Then, each return
comes after its corresponding invoke action. An invoke action is not
necessarily followed by a return: methods may never return (for example,
the main loops of graphical engines are infinite loops). Second, there is
no jump across method bodies (“
”-like statement). Thus, if a method
is invoked after a method
, the return of
cannot occur before
the return of
. Invocations cannot be interleaved. Thanks to this last
remark, we can easily split actions by method by reconstructing the call
stack. During the call stack computation, the iCFG is made: when an
invoke event occurs, an edge is added between it and the last method.
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications
Figure 7.5:
Object-level control flow graph
of SimpleTestPIN.test
EXEC 1 - INVOKE (SimpleTestPIN 0x12ce53e0).test()
EXEC 2 - INVOKE (SimpleTestPIN 0x12ce53f0).test()
43aba190: EXEC 1 - READ (SimpleTestPIN 0x12d06400).pin -42
EXEC 2 - READ (SimpleTestPIN 0x12d06400).pin 42
43ab9a88: EXEC 2 - RET False
43aba23c: EXEC 1 - NEWOBJ String; 0x12d08308
43ab9a84: EXEC 1 - INVOKE (Exception 0x12c9dc40).<init>((String)0x12d08308)
43aba20c: EXEC 1 - RET void
43aba214: EXEC 1 - THROW java.lang.Exception: "Negative PIN"
8: Address Space Layout Randomization
Note that actions are mixed between different threads. The inclusion
of the thread identifier in logs allows each thread CFG to be built
olCFG computation
This algorithm takes as input the sequence of
actions of a method. Each node is uniquely characterized by the address
of the assembly instruction generating the action. Thus, if the same
address is executed multiple times (several executions of the method or
loops in the method’s body), the node representing this action contains
the details of all executed actions. For example, in Figure 7.5, the node
contains two read actions from two different executions: the
first read obtains the value -42, and the second one, 42.
A special root node is added to mark the beginning of the method. When
iterating over the sequence of actions, the algorithm creates an edge
from the current instruction to the next one. When a node holds several
actions, several destinations can follow, hence revealing the existence
of a condition whose nature is not known yet. Note that, if ASLR
activated, addresses change between two different executions, breaking
the node unicity previously mentioned. Nevertheless, using offsets to
the base address of the loaded binary solves this problem.
Running example output
Figure 7.5 shows the olCFG computed for the
method. This is a human-readable representation
of Listing 7.2. The same elements are missing: the “return true” case is
not present, the condition expressions are missing, and the dependency
between the allocation and the invocation is not explicit. Thus, the analyst
cannot retrieve the correct PIN number: he/she cannot identify the
conditions that need to be satisfied because they are not present.
7.2 OATs’inside architecture
7.2.3 Memory Dumper module
The Memory Dumper module is responsible for making snapshots of the
memory. This module is called just before the execution of a method
and dumps the whole memory of the process. These snapshots give the
method’s code and data to the Concolic Analyzer module in charge of
the symbolic execution. In this way, if a method is used as a place holder
for several unpacked assembly codes, each snapshot will provide the
current version of the code. This module can be either activated by the
Runner at each method execution (but it considerably slows down the
analysis) or activated on demand by the human analyst.
7.2.4 Concolic analyzer module
The Concolic Analyzer module symbolically executes the dumped
assembly code and uses the values observed from the actions logged by
the Runner module. The first step allows building a CFG describing the
execution paths explored during the dynamic analysis; however, it lacks
both conditional expressions and how variables are manipulated by the
actions. Such knowledge is important for the analyst because it helps
to understand the behavior execution. For example, in Figure 7.5, the
parameter (
) of the invoke (
) should be linked
with the preceding allocation.
The Concolic Analyzer module takes as input the list of actions logged by
the Runner module and all the memory snapshots made by the Memory
Dumper module, and then it generates the conditional expressions at
branching nodes and the data dependencies between variables. This is
done in three steps:
Assembly breakpoints: in the assembly code returned by the Mem-
ory Dumper module, a breakpoint is set for all generated actions.
For example, we set a breakpoint at the address
field action), which corresponds to the instruction
w2, [x1, #12].
Symbolic execution: the symbolic execution is initialized: the
set to the entry point of the method and a symbolic value is created
for each method parameter. The symbolic execution can stop for
one of three reasons: a breakpoint, a condition, or the end of the
method is reached.
Analysis stop and concretization: when the symbolic execution
is stopped, the analysis flow is guided and symbolic values are
managed. Two types of stops are handled:
Breakpoint: first, if the action type is allocation, read, or
return, a new symbolic value is created, named according
to the Java class or field name. For example, the read at
creates a symbol “SimpleTestPIN.pin,”
as shown in Listing 7.3, line 7. The instruction output register
is set to this new symbolic value. Second, if the action type
is read, write, or invoke, the read register or memory value is
retrieved. If this expression is symbolic, it is outputted. For
example, the parameter of the invoke is logged in line 18 with
the name created previously in line 14.
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications
9: Unit tests are precisely described in
Appendix B.
Condition: the symbolic engine provides the two symbolic
conditions corresponding to the two branches. They are con-
cretized: symbolic values are replaced by the concrete value
given by the trace. The condition that holds is logged and
the symbolic execution is resumed, taking the corresponding
path. Note that the concretization happens only for logging
and choosing the branch; however, registers and memory stay
symbolic to continue tracking data dependencies.
One key point of this symbolic analysis is that no SMT solver is ever
called. Instead, only value replacement (concretization) is made. More-
over, the analysis always follows only one path. This saves the analysis
from the usual drawbacks of symbolic analysis that could lead to high
execution time or memory space overhead [116]
[116]: Baldoni, Coppa, D’elia, Demetrescu,
and Finocchi (2018), A survey of symbolic
execution techniques’
. Additionally, we prove
in Appendix C that the Concolic Analyzer module terminates and is
correct (gives the expected results).
Finally, the results of the Concolic Analyzer module are sent to the
CFG Creator module to improve the olCFG. Blank nodes are added,
which represent the computation of a condition or branches that have
never been taken during the dynamic analysis step. This is the final
human-readable output of OATs’inside.
Running example output
After the Concolic Analyzer execution on
the snapshot and the actions retrieved for the running example, the
enriched list of actions is given in Listing 7.3. Compared to Listing 7.2,
three new condition events have been added (lines 9 and 10, 34 and 35,
and 37 and 38). The first two (lines 9 and 10 and lines 34 and 35) are
the opposite because they represent the same condition that is taken or
not. It corresponds to the check that the
field is positive, which is
expressed in the condition expression written in the listing. The third
condition (lines 37 and 38) is the comparison to the correct pin value,
which is XORed. The symbol SimpletestPIN.pin has been concretized
by 42 using line 31 to choose the branch to execute.
Moreover, four symbolic annotations have been added (lines 7, 14, 18,
and 32). The two lines attached to the read (lines 7 and 32) and the line
attached to the allocation (line 14) represent the new symbolic values
created. The remaining one (line 18) shows that the symbol representing
the output of the allocation (line 14) is directly used as an invocation
parameter when calling the constructor exception <init>.
The updated olCFG of the
method is shown in Fig-
ure 7.6. An analyst can now easily understand how the PIN is handled.
7.2.5 Unit test results
Coming back to the unit tests that we introduced in Section 7.1
, we
evaluated if OATs’inside succeeds in capturing all Java source statement
behaviors. Results are reported in Table 7.3.
OATs’inside retrieved almost every behavior. When the payload of the
APK is executed through bytecode (DEX only and Pack DEX versions),
OATs’inside passes all the test cases because it hooks the bytecode inter-
preter in the runtime. For other versions, executed through assembly
7.2 OATs’inside architecture
EXEC 1 - INVOKE (SimpleTestPIN 0x12ce53e0).test()
EXEC 2 - INVOKE (SimpleTestPIN 0x12ce53f0).test()
43aba190: EXEC 1 - READ (SimpleTestPIN 0x12d06400).pin -42 #SimpleTestPIN.pin
EXEC 2 - READ (SimpleTestPIN 0x12d06400).pin 42 #SimpleTestPIN.pin
43aba23c: EXEC 1 - NEWOBJ String; 0x12d08308 #new_ui64
43ab9a84: EXEC 1 - INVOKE (Exception 0x12c9dc20)
.<init>((String)0x12d08308 #new_ui64)
43aba20c: EXEC 1 - RET void
43aba214: EXEC 1 - THROW java.lang.Exception: "Negative PIN"
43ab9a88: EXEC 2 - RET False
2 -
(LShR(SimpleTestPIN.pin, 0x1f)
& 0x1) == 0x0
1 - (LShR(SimpleTestPIN.pin, 0x1f)
& 0x1) != 0x0
2 -
^ 0x2323)
!= 0x261a
Figure 7.6:
Object-level control flow graph
of SimpleTestPIN.test
Original source code Bytecode Native
Case DEX only Pack DEX BFO JNI JNI+obf DHA
Method Invoke / Return
Allocation Primitive variable
- - -
Primitive Array
Object Field
Access Primitive variable
- - -
Primitive Array
Object Field
Operations Primitive variable
- - -
Primitive Array
Object Field
Condition Primitive variable
- - -
Primitive Array
? ? ?
Exception Throw / Catch
Monitor Enter / Exit
: Retrieved by the Runner module
: Retrieved by the Concolic Analyzer module
: Retrieving would require more static analyses
: not applicable
Table 7.3:
OATs’inside against native ob-
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications
Listing 7.3
: Concolic Analyzer module
output on SimpleTestPIN.test
1 # first run
2 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236427828
3 invoke SimpleTestPIN;test()
5 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429712
6 read SimpleTestPIN;pin => -42
7 symb: "SimpleTestPIN.pin"
9 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429716
10 condition "(LShR(SimpleTestPIN.pin, 0x1f) & 0x1) != 0x0"
12 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429884
13 newObj String => 315654920
14 symb: "new
16 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429832
17 invoke java/lang/Exception;<init>((String) 315654920)
18 symb: ["new
20 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429836
21 return void
23 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429844
24 throw java.lang.Exception("Negative PIN")
26 # second run
27 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236427908
28 invoke SimpleTestPIN;test()
30 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429712
31 read SimpleTestPIN;pin => 42
32 symb: "SimpleTestPIN.pin"
34 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429716
35 condition "(LShR(SimpleTestPIN.pin, 0x1f) & 0x1) == 0x0"
37 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236429736
38 condition "(SimpleTestPIN.pin ^ 0x2323) != 0x261a"
40 tid: 3520, event
address: 512236427912
41 return false
instructions, only two classes of operations were missed that we detail in
the rest of the section. Nevertheless, we can state that, globally, OATs’inside
is robust against obfuscation and can analyze any type of APK.
For allocations, accesses, operations, and conditions realized on an
assembly variable, OATs’inside missed, as expected, these behaviors.
Indeed, it corresponds to manipulation of registers and the stack, which
are areas that are not monitored by the proposed method. It has to
be noted that watching them is not trivial. Stack and registers store
numerous different pieces of information such as return addresses,
arguments, and clobbered registers, and finely distinguishing between
them is a very difficult task. Missing these variable-oriented behaviors
for native code is not an important limitation because they are still
considered by the symbolic execution. For example, a Java field copied in
an assembly variable and copied back to another field would be detected
by OATs’inside as a data dependency between the two fields, silently
dropping the variable.
Second, type checking (for the OAT only version) and casting are not
retrieved by OATs’inside either. Indeed, these behaviors are performed
7.3 OATs’inside output on obfuscated application
at compile time and are never present in the generated assembly code.
However, the lost information could be retrieved by carrying out more
static analyses on the obtained CFG. Analyses such as type propagation
and checking [117]
[117]: Cardelli and Wegner (1985), ‘On Un-
derstanding Types, Data Abstraction, and
could be used to detect missing typing operations.
This work is left as future improvement for OATs’inside.
7.3 OATs ’inside output on obfuscated
In order to show OATs’inside output we have modified the running
example to integrate DHA accesses and native code obfuscation, while
still using BFO. Section 7.3.1 presents the resulting application and
Section 7.3.2 describes how a user could employ OATs’inside to conduct
an analyst of the application by playing, our-self, the role of the user.
7.3.1 Obfuscated application presentation
The test application is composed of two classes. The first one, see List-
ing 7.4, is a simple activity. This activity is composed of an edit area,
a button and a text area. When the button is pressed, it retrieves the
content of the edit area, uses the
class to check if this content
corresponds to the correct PIN and updates the text area accordingly.
Listing 7.4: Unobfuscated activity code
1 package pg.testpin;
2 import [...]
3 public class MainActivity extends Activity {
4 static { System.loadLibrary("native-lib"); }
5 public SimpleTestPIN pin = new SimpleTestPIN();
6 @Override
7 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
8 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.
9 Button bt1 = findViewById(R.id.button);
10 bt1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
11 @Override
12 public void onClick(View v) {
13 TextView tv = findViewById(R.id.textView);
14 EditText pinview = findViewById(R.id.editText);
15 int entered
16 try {
17 entered
pin = Integer.parseInt(pinview.getText().
18 pin.set
19 } catch (NumberFormatException e) { tv.setText("Incorrect
format"); }
20 try {
21 pin.test();
22 if(pin.validated) tv.setText("Good PIN");
23 else tv.setText("Wrong PIN");
24 } catch (Exception e) { tv.setText("Incorrect format"); }
25 }
26 });
27 }
28 }
class, shown in Listings 7.5 and 7.6, is composed of two
, see Listing 7.6, is implemented in C++.
It adds
to its paramater value and stores it inside the
field using
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications
DHA. Thus, no JNI call are made.
, see Listing 7.5, is implemented in
Java. It throws an exception if the
field is lower than
(that is if
the entered PIN is negative). Then, it sets
field to false if the
field value is different from 8668 (0x2ff^0x2323=8668).
Listing 7.5
: SimpleTestPIN unobfuscated
Java code
1 package pg.testpin;
2 public class SimpleTestPIN {
3 public int pin = -1;
4 public boolean validated = true;
5 public void test() throws Exception {
6 if (this.pin < 7331) throw new Exception("Negative PIN");
7 if ((this.pin ^ 0x2323) == 0x2ff) validated = true;
8 else validated = false;
9 }
11 public native void set
pin(int pin);
12 }
Listing 7.6
: SimpleTestPIN unobfuscated
C++ code
1 #include <jni.h>
2 #define PIN
3 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL
4 Java
env, jobject thisObj, jint
pin) {
5 unsigned int
thisPtr = (unsigned int
(unsigned int
6 unsigned int
ptr = &thisPtr[PIN
ptr = pin;
ptr += 7331;
9 }
Additionally, when compiling the native code, we use Obfuscator-
LLVM [111]
[111]: Junod, Rinaldini, Wehrli, andMichielin
(2015), ‘Obfuscator-LLVM Software Pro-
tection for the Masses’
compiler to add opaque predicates and control flow flattening
to the assembly code. On the other side, the bytecode of the application
is compiled and removed from the APK and the OAT file.
7.3.2 OATs’inside output on the application
First, when analyzing an application using OATs’inside, the analyst has
to run the application and browse it. In our example, we have run the
application and we entered two PINs. First, we have entered
and we
saw the application complaining about the PIN format. Then, we entered
and saw that the application has rejected the PIN. We stopped our
first run here.
After this analysis, OATs’inside gave the list of analyzed method. This list
is shown in Listing 7.7. Since the PIN verification seems to be triggered
by the button, we chose to start our investigation by having a look at
Listing 7.7: List of executed method
1 pg/testpin
2 |-- MainActivity
3 | |-- <clinit>
4 | |-- <init>
5 | ‘-- onCreate
6 |-- MainActivity$1
7 | |-- <init>
8 | ‘-- onClick
9 ‘-- SimpleTestPIN
10 |-- <init>
11 |-- set
12 ‘-- test
7.3 OATs’inside output on obfuscated application
Figure 7.7: Extract of MainActivity$1.onClick olCFG
Thus, we requested OATs’inside to build the olCFG of this method. For
sake of clarity, we have reported in Figure 7.7 only the relevant part of this
graph. In this graph, we noticed that the method
have been called with the PINs we entered as parameter (
Straight after,
is called and a branching is generated:
either an exception is caught or a String is created. Using this graph we
made a preliminary conclusion:
is used to set the
entered PIN and SimpleTestPIN.test checks if it is correct.
Naturally, we continued our analysis by digging into the olCFGs of
, respectively shown in Fig-
ures 7.8 and 7.9. Here, the analysis started to become a bit tricky with the
only information we had. Indeed, for
, we noticed
than the value stored inside the
) field differs from
the PINs we entered (
) and we had no clue of how and if
these values were related. For
, we guessed, using string
related to the throw, that the exception is generated when a negative PIN
is entered. However, we had no indication on how and if the
field can be set to True.
Since the elements that we missed for continuing our analysis were: data
flow (for
) and potential conditions (for
), we decided to conduct a symbolic analysis on these two methods.
To this extend, the application was re-run and the memory snapshots
were made when calling these two methods. During this second run
we only entered a positive PIN (
). Indeed, we already knew what
happen for negative PIN and thus we did not need to investigate more
this case.
After running the symbolic analysis on
, we obtained
the olCFG shown in Figure 7.10. This new graph does not contain new
nodes but nodes are annotated by symbolic value. In particular, we
noticed that the last write value (
) corresponds to the previous PIN
value plus 7331 (
). Since the previous PIN value has been set to the
PIN we entered (
), we concluded that the PIN check is made on PIN
entered plus 7331. It is noteworthy that no data flow has been detected
between the parameter (
) and the first write. Indeed, parameters are
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications
Figure 7.8: SimpleTestPIN.set
Figure 7.9: SimpleTestPIN.test olCFG
Figure 7.10: SimpleTestPIN.set
pin olCFG after symbolic analysis
7.4 Performance overhead
Figure 7.11: SimpleTestPIN.test olCFG after symbolic analysis
10: stored on the stack
stored on the heap and thus are not tracked by OATs’inside.
After running the symbolic analysis on
, we obtained
the olCFG shown in Figure 7.11. As expected, new unexplored branching
path have been added. First branching condition (
32 >=s 0x1ca
), corresponds to the negativity check. Indeed, we saw
using the olCFG of
field is added to
so being superior to this value correspond to enter a positive PIN. The
second branch condition (
32 ^ 0x2323 != 0
) is about the
field value. By combining this formula with the one
of the
method, we deduced that the other branch is
taken if we entered
as PIN value (
(0x2ff ^ 0x2323) - 0x1ca3
). Finally,
we tested the
value in the application and observed that the PIN is
accepted. The analysis was over.
7.3.3 Final words on OATs’inside output
Thus, using OATs’inside, we have been able to easily understand the
behavior of an obfuscated application. DHA, BFO and obfuscation of the
native code have been handled without any effort. While the usage of
native code prevent us from getting the data flow of the used variables
we can still conduct useful analysis.
7.4 Performance overhead
To quantify the overhead of the Runner module, we ran an AES-128 over
a 16-byte block of data using OATs’inside and a Sony Xperia X under
AOSP Android 7.0. We used two implementations: one in full Java that
stores intermediate results in Java arrays (hereinafter AES-J), and the
other is a native implementation manipulating C variables (hereinafter
AES-C). AES-J intensively stresses the heap, either from the interpreted
version (AES-J DEX) or from the compiled version (AES-J OAT). Indeed,
the runtime was dominated by heap accesses. The results are given in
Table 7.4. The overhead was reasonable for the AES-J DEX implementation
and non-existent for the AES-C implementation. For these versions, most
of the time (around
) was consumed by protobuf for sending logs to
the host. For AES-C, no performance overhead is observed because, as
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications
Table 7.4:
Time overhead and number of
Bare-Metal Total 5.8 0.199 0.007
103 656 0.007
×18 ×3,296 ×1
72 481 0
70 % 73 % 0 %
31 175 0.007
30 % 27 % 100 %
No. of
Allocation 2 1 0
Access 5,287 11,384 0
Methods 6,828 6,828 0
No. of
SEGV 0 21,136 0
BP 2 27,965 1
Table 7.5:
Dump size depending on the
APK size
APK name Hello world 7146b3c02f0f4e3420c4471c2034de9d
APK size 174 Kb 140 Mb
Dump size 1.5 Gb 1.7 Gb
Dump time 8 sec. 687 ms 9 sec. 257 ms
expected, no events are generated. The overhead was much higher for
the fully compiled version (OAT): a factor of 3,296 was observed because
of the generation of the SEGV and BP events.
To quantify the evolution of the overhead depending on the number of
actions, we crafted special applications that perform a fixed number of
actions of type direct, breakpoint, and SEGV. The results are shown in
Figure 7.12: time is in nanoseconds and is represented with a logarithmic
scale. We observed that the overhead was linear with the number of
actions. The highest overhead was induced by SEGV actions.
To assess the overhead of the Memory Dumper module, we dumped the
contents of two applications: a simple “hello world” and the biggest
ARMv8-compatible APK from AndroZoo, which was retrieved in 2019
(md5 given in Table 7.5). The results are shown in Table 7.5. The dump
time and the size of the dump varied by only
for an application that
is 1000 times bigger. Indeed, most of the memory contained libraries.
7.5 OATs’inside stealthiness
Number of actions
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Time in nanoseconds
bare−metal SEGV OATs inside SEGV bare−metal BP
OATs inside BP bare−metal Direct OATs inside Direct
Figure 7.12:
Runner module overhead
with No. of actions
7.5 OATs ’inside stealthiness
Obfuscated applications could try avoiding being analyzed [17]
[17]: Tam, Feizollah, Anuar, Salleh, and
Cavallaro(2017), ‘The evolution of android
malware and android analysis techniques’
. Then, it
is important to assess the stealthiness of OATs’inside, i. e. its capacity of not
being detected. One could argue that the behavior of OATs’inside is finger-
printable by detecting the generation of
signals. However,
these signals can never be caught by the application (cf. Section 8.1.5),
making them stealthy.
Additionally, OATs’inside induces a time overhead when running the
application. Then, an application could fingerprint the time of the execu-
tion. A more sophisticated approach would be to measure the difference
between the time spent for accessing a variable or a field. Such techniques
can be defeated by hooking the syscall
and changing its
return value to a nominal one [80]
[80]: Xue, Luo, Yu, Wang, and Wu (2017),
Adaptive unpacking of Android apps’
Also, a standard way to avoid being debugged is to check that no
breakpoints have been set up, or that the code has not been modified by
using checksums. However, OATs’inside does not modify the application
code but rather modifies call and return addresses to redirect them to
breakpoints. One could argue that an application can scan specifically
these addresses, trying to detect specifically OATs’inside. OATs’inside
controls the MMU and could disallow read and write accesses to the
breakpoint area, and redirect the accesses to the legitimate code area [95]
[95]: Wong and Lie (2018), ‘Tackling runtime-
based obfuscation in Android with TIRO’
making them stealthy. This is left as future work.
Finally, OATs’inside is not based on any emulation tool but is run on a real
smartphone. Then, all the numerous techniques [47]
[47]: Petsas,Voyatzis,Athanasopoulos, Poly-
chronakis, and Ioannidis (2014), ‘RageAgainst
the Virtual Machine: Hindering Dynamic
Analysis of Android Malware’
that detect specific
environments are ineffective.
7.6 Conclusion
This chapter has described OATs’inside, a tool that retrieves Java-level
behaviors even if they are obfuscated with native code. By observing
very finely the memory operations, OATs’inside catches the native code
that bypasses the Java Native Interface. By combining the observations
collected during a set of executions, with a concolic execution of the
code currently in memory, a control flow graph of a specific method
7 OATs’inside: Retrieving behavior of multi-language applications
can be extracted with the conditions involved in the branching nodes.
This is particularly useful for an analyst who investigates an obfuscated
Experiments show a high overhead. Being agnostic of the obfuscation
technique and relying on the capture of reads and writes to the memory
incurs a high cost. However, we put a lot of efforts into optimizing
OATs’inside but the complexity of AOSP increases this challenge. This it
not the only challenge we had to face. In the next chapter we discuss the
most difficult technical issues of the implementation that we solved.
2: 32-bit ARM architecture
3: Android runtime functionalities have
not changed a lot since Android 7.0.
OATs’inside: implementation
challenges and solutions 8
Chapter 7 presented the overall architecture of OATs’inside and the
algorithms that we used to build it. OATs’inside is composed of four
distinct modules: Runner, CFG Creator, Memory Dumper and Concolic
Analyzer. This chapter presents the challenges that we faced during the
implementation of these modules. We developed our techniques on a
Sony Xperia X smartphone, running Android 7.0
1: Nougat, 2016
on an ARMv8 [118]
[118]: (2017), ARM Architecture Reference
Manual. ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture
64-bit processor. It has to be noted that the implementation could be
easily ported to am ARMv7
or to a newer Android version
since the
functionalities of the ART runtime that we modify and hook have not
The Runner and the Memory Dumper are implemented inside the Android
runtime, which is the
library, and thus are installed on
the smartphone. The two other modules are executed on the analysis
computer and are programmed in Python.
No technical challenges regarding the approach proposed in Section 7.2.4
has been encountered during the implementation of the Concolic Ana-
lyzer module. It was developed using angr [112]
[112]: Shoshitaishvili, Wang, Salls, Stephens,
Polino, Dutcher, Grosen, Feng, Hauser,
Kruegel, and Vigna (2016), ‘SoK: (State of)
The Art of War: Offensive Techniques in
Binary Analysis’
as a symbolic execution
engine. A dedicated angr backend has been created to load memory
values from the dump file and a custom symbolic evaluation function
is used to replace calls to the SMT by concretization of values, as was
explained in Section 7.2.4. Thus, this chapter does not describe in more
detail the implementation of the Concolic Analyzer module.
Section 8.1 describes the challenges implied by modifying the Android
runtime library to implement the Runner and the Memory Dumper
modules. Section 8.2 shows algorithms involved in the CFG Creator
8.1 Runner and Memory Dumper modules:
libart modifications
The ART runtime implementation is provided by AOSP, the Google open
source project associated with Android. Thus the whole source code
is available. However, no real documentation is provided. That is, to
understand how it works, one has to directly read the source code and
guess the role of the entities using their name. Also, very few comments
are present in the source code. The
library is mainly written in
C++ and in assembly for the processor specific parts, and so are the
Runner and Memory Dumper modules.
This section presents the technical challenges for developing the logging
of Runner module events, as described in Section 7.2.1.
8 OATs’inside: implementation challenges and solutions
4: Effective User ID
5: Android Debug Bridge, a command
line tool used to manage a smartphone
6: Protobuf:
7: Java, Python, Objective-C, C++, Dart,
Go, Ruby, and C#
8.1.1 Analysis initialization
Modifications of the runtime code affects all applications
and not only the one we want to observe.
Indeed, the runtime library is copied into the memory of every
application. When an application is launched, a process named
is forked: this process contains all the basic libraries required to execute
an application, including the runtime library
. Thus, the modified
version of this library is embedded into every application. If, as soon
as an event is captured, it is logged, the events of every application are
logged. However, to reduce the time overhead, only the events coming
from the application under analysis should be reported.
Inside the runtime, an easy way to distinguish which application the
library is running for is to use the process
. The
, which is
a number, identifies the user that runs a process. In order to sandbox
applications, each Android application is run by a different user. Thus,
, we start OATs’inside only when the library
the user corresponding to the application to be analyzed.
8.1.2 Communication channel
Observed events sent from Android to OATs’inside on the
PC side overloads the adb connection when streamed as full text.
When an event is captured, the runtime needs to send it to the
analysis computer. The smartphone is connected via USB to the computer.
Hence, we create, using
, a reverse socket connection. Inside the
runtime, information is serialized and sent using a socket connection.
Using a classical socket allows further extensions of OATs’inside, such as
remote application analysis.
To reduce the amount of data send, we use protobuf
, which helps
compress the data into a binary form. Protobuf, which is developed
by Google, is a language that allows to formally define data structures
intended to be sent. A set of libraries for several programming languages
is available. Protobuf parses the protocol definition and manages all the
communication and memory allocations necessary.
Currently, the information is sent synchronously, that is, when an event
is captured, the data is encoded and send directly. If the socket is busy,
the runtime waits for logging to end before resuming the execution.
We plan, as future work, to create a thread dedicated to information
logging. When an event is captured, it will be written into a shared
memory and the application execution will resume almost immediately.
This asynchronous communication, as mentioned in Section 7.4, would
improve the time overhead.
8.1 Runner and Memory Dumper modules: libart modifications
8: Starts with
9: Stored in “/system/framework/”
10: Offset of fields are saved by the run-
time to allow object introspection.
8.1.3 Methods white-listing
Android system native libraries generate a huge amount
of events on the memory, drastically slowing down the execution.
Due to its intensive usage of signals, OATs’inside suffers from
time overhead. To reduce this overhead, we have white-listed all Android
system libraries. Indeed, their methods are well-known and common
to every application and do not need to be analyzed. When a method
is called, we use the
function to retrieve the name of the library
which contains it. If the name corresponds to a system library
, the
method is white-listed. We also white-list all Java libraries
for the same
When a method is white-listed, its invocations, and its returns, are still
logged since they are part of the calling method’s events. However, during
its execution, the heap is enabled and no
signals are generated. The
heap is disabled when a non-white-listed, or “tracked”, method is called,
or when the white-listed method returns.
To keep track of the current protection applied to the heap, a stack
(composed of integers) that represents the state of the heap, is built
during the execution. This stack is maintained when OATs’inside hooks
method invocations and returns inside
. Every time a tracked
method is called the number at the top of the stack is incremented. When
the method returns, it is decremented. When a white-listed method is
called, respectively returns, a zero is pushed onto, respectively popped
from, the stack. Hence, when a zero is written on top of the stack, the
heap is enabled. When a zero is overwritten, it is disabled.
8.1.4 Garbage Collector internal structures browsing and
resolution caching
Finding the object field corresponding to a memory address
is very slow, because we need to scan the full garbage collector structure.
As mentioned in Section 7.2.1, when an object field is accessed, a
signal is generated and the garbage collector’s internal structures
are leveraged to map the assembly address to an object field.
Indeed, in order to being able to free objects when needed, the heap
provides a visitor to walk on every allocated object. To determine the the
owning object of an address, we can then walk over every object on the
heap and check if the address is comprised inside the memory range of
the object. When the owner object is found, we use the offset between
the accessed address and the object address to determine the accessed
While practical, this method induces a huge time overhead: for every
field accessed, the whole heap is processed. To reduce this overhead, we
cache the mapping between addresses and object fields. This cache is
flushed when the garbage collector is triggered because it may move
objects around. Using a cache length of 512 entries, we noticed more than
8 OATs’inside: implementation challenges and solutions
11: Google Breakpad:
12: ACRA:
13: For example after a corrupt memory
access that generate a SEGV signal.
14: Execution of one assembly instruction.
15: Such as gdb
16: These instructions are defined for sev-
eral read/write sizes.
80% of successful cache requests, hence suggesting that the flushes are
not too frequent and that caching indeed improves the performance of
8.1.5 Signal handlers management
Application developers are free to overload signal handlers.
As we catch the signals
, our handlers may be overwritten
by the applications code.
The Runner and the Memory Dumper modules heavily rely on
two signal handlers set up for the
signals. To prevent them
from being replaced or removed by the application, we added a new
syscall to the Linux kernel. This syscall sets up definitive signal handlers
whose addresses are given in the parameter. OATs’inside uses it to register
its own signal. The
kernel syscall has been modified so that
when the set up of a new handler is requested, the handlers set up by
OATs’inside are kept. In order to preserve the behavior of the analyzed
application, that might want to set up its own handlers, the new handler
passed to
is saved and is called whenever a generated signal
is not handled by OATs’inside.
This implementation allows to set up transparent signals and thus, make
OATs’inside stealthier, as mentioned in Section 7.5. Additionally, it solves
practical problems due to library helpers for native development such as
Google Breakpad
or Application Crash Reports for Android (ACRA)
These libraries, that are used by many applications, set up their own
handlers to show debug information when a crash occurs
8.1.6 Single-stepping and atomic instructions
Some assembly instructions that OATs’inside interrupt gen-
erate an infinite loop.
As mentioned in Section 7.2.1, when an analyzed method realizes
an access to a field, a
signal is generated, the heap is enabled for a
single step
, after which the heap is disabled again. In order to realize
this single-step, the next assembly instruction, that is the instruction that
follows the one which realizes the access, is replaced by a breakpoint.
Thus, when the execution resumes, only one instruction is executed
before generating a new TRAP that is retrieved by OATs’inside. Then, the
original instruction is re-written over the breakpoint and the execution
can continue. This is the usual way for debuggers
to implement single-
While this implementation is fully practical with most ARMv8 assembly
instructions, it breaks atomicity properties. Indeed, ARMv8 instruction
set contains twin instructions:
, for LoaD eXclusive, and
, for STore
. The semantics of these instructions are the following: an
instruction succeeds only if no other process or thread has performed a
8.1 Runner and Memory Dumper modules: libart modifications
more recent store to the address that has been previously read using an
ldx [118]
[118]: (2017), ARM Architecture Reference
Manual. ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture
However, when running a method analyzed by OATs’inside, if an address
stored by an
instruction is located inside the heap, the store generates
. Then, OATs’inside logs the value contained at that address before
the store instruction occurs. This breaks the atomicity property and
fails when single-stepping. Since these instructions are used to
create mutexes, this creates a deadlock: the application retries infinitely
to perform the
and then the
. These kinds of operations are
used in particular to implement the
Java keyword. This
keyword indicates that a portion of the code cannot be run concurrently.
An associated mutex is in fact stored as a field inside the object that is
referred to by the
keyword. This is exactly the problematic
case we described previously.
To overcome this limitation, OATs’inside emulates the semantics of
instructions. When a
signal occurs, OATs’inside checks if the
faulty instruction is a
instruction. If it is a
, OATs’inside saves
that the current thread held the faulty address. If it is a
, OATs’inside
checks if the thread holds the address. If yes, the
is replaced by
a classical store instruction and is single-stepped. After the step, the
is re-written. If the thread does not hold the address, the
is single-stepped. The store fails, which is the correct semantics. We
have not encountered other problematic instructions, but in such cases,
the same resolution principle could be used: emulating the semantics of
the instruction.
8.1.7 Multi-thread management
An Android application contains always more than 7
threads. Monitoring and interrupting threads other than the one under
analysis is useless and slow down the execution.
As stated in Section 7.2.1, the Runner module needs a thread-
. In a vanilla Linux kernel, all threads of the same
process share the same address space and thus, the same write protections
on their memory pages. However, we want OATs’inside to be able to
disable or enable the heap on a per-thread basis. Hence, we have added
to the kernel the possibility for processes to have two address spaces
with different write protections and to switch between them, following
the approach in [115]
[115]: Razeen, Lebeck, Liu, Meijer, Pistol,
and Cox (2018), ‘SandTrap: Tracking Infor-
mation Flows On Demand with Parallel
. In one of the address spaces, the heap is enabled,
while in the other, the heap is disabled. This allows to disable or enable
the heap for specific threads. Additionally, this speeds up the process of
enabling or disabling the heap: OATs’inside no longer has to walk over all
the heap pages and change their protections but rather only change the
address space pointer.
8 OATs’inside: implementation challenges and solutions
17: https://networkx.github.io/
18: Thread ID
8.2 CFG Creator module: NetworkX
When detecting a conditional jump, the graph should
contain two branches, but only one is executed and we may miss the
alternative node.
The CFG Creator module runs on the analysis computer. It is
in charge of creating the iCFG (interprocedural CFG) and the olCFGs
(object-level CFGs). It implements, in Python, the algorithms described in
Sections 7.2.2 and 7.2.4, using the NetworkX library
to perform graph
operations efficiently.
First, it creates the iCFG by splitting the events between methods, as
shown in Algorithm 8.1. Since events that occur in different threads might
be mixed inside the list of events, the structures (lines 2, 3 and 4) are
dictionaries indexed by the TID
of the events. By tracking the current
method that is executed (line 11), the call-stack is built (lines 10 and 14).
During this operation, the iCFG is built incrementally (line 12).
Algorithm 8.1:
Create an iCFG and separate events between methods.
Input: events
Output: icfg, methods_events
1: icfg EmptyDirectedGraph()
2: call_stack {}
3: current_method {}
4: methods_events {}
5: for all event events do
6: tid event.tid
7: methods_events[tid][current_method[tid]].append(event)
8: if event is “invoke” then
9: last_method[tid] current_method[tid]
10: call_stack[tid].push(current_method[tid])
11: current_method[tid] event.method
12: icfg.add_edge( (last_method[tid], current_method[tid]) )
13: else if event is “return then
14: current_method[tid] call_stack[tid].pop()
15: end if
16: end for
Second, it creates the olCFG of the method, as shown in Algorithm 8.2.
It assumes that actions performed at a specific address originate from
the same instruction (line 14). While processing the events, the graph
edges are built (line 17). The events retrieved for a given method might
describe several executions of this method, the invocations and returns
are tracked (line 39) to determine when the next event is not linked with
the current one but instead is a new execution of the method (line 45).
Then, the olCFG is built from the dummy ROOT
NODE (line 46).
Special care is given to condition events (line 20). Indeed, as stated
in Section 7.2.4, when a conditional jump occurs, two “blank” nodes
are added (lines 25 to 31) to keep the information that a conditional
path has been taken. These blank nodes are then removed, according to
Algorithm 8.3, when the blank node follows an event and is followed by
8.2 CFG Creator module: NetworkX implementation
an other event. Indeed, in this case, the path taken is already represented
in the graph by the edge between the two events. The blank nodes that
finally remains are the ones that have no successors, that is a path that
has not been taken, or the ones that follows an other blank node, that is
two conditions that have occurred successively.
8 OATs’inside: implementation challenges and solutions
Algorithm 8.2: Create olCFG for a given method.
Input: method_events
Output: olCFG
1: olCFG EmptyDirectedGraph()
2: number_of_invoke_without_return 0
3: execution_number 1
4: olCFG.add_node(ROOT_NODE)
5: previous_node ROOT_NODE
7: // Create olCFG with blank nodes
8: for all event method_events do
9: addr event.event_address
11: // General case
12: if event is not “condition” then
13: // Update the node label
14: olCFG.nodes(addr).append( (execution_number, event) )
16: // Link the previous event with the current one
17: olCFG.add_edge(previous_node, addr)
18: previous_node addr
20: // Handle blank nodes for condition events
21: else
22: // Create or retrieve blank nodes if they already exist
23: cond_value event.condition_value
24: target event.target
25: if olCFG.blank_node_exists(target) then
26: blank_node_1 olCFG.blank_node(target)
27: blank_node_2 olCFG.blank_node(-target)
28: else
29: blank_node_1 olCFG.create_blank_node(target)
30: blank_node_2 olCFG.create_blank_node(-target)
31: end if
33: // Update graph with blank nodes
34: blank_node_1.append((execution_number, event))
35: olCFG.add_edge(previous_node, blank_node_1)
36: olCFG.add_edge(previous_node, blank_node_2)
37: end if
39: // Track when the last return of the method is reached
40: if event is “invoke” then
41: number_of_invoke_without_return += 1
42: else if event is “return then
43: number_of_invoke_without_return -= 1
44: end if
45: if number_of_invoke_without_return == 0 then
46: previous_node ROOT_NODE
47: execution_number += 1
48: end if
49: end for
8.3 Conclusion
Algorithm 8.3: Remove useless blank nodes from an olCFG.
Input: olCFG
Output: olCFG
1: for all node olCFG.nodes do
2: if node.is_blank_node() then
3: if len(node.next_nodes) == 1 then
4: next_node = node.next_nodes[0]
5: if not next_node.is_blank_node() then
6: for all previous_node in node.previous_nodes do
7: olCFG.add_edge(previous_node, next_node)
8: end for
9: olCFG.remove(node)
10: end if
11: end if
12: end if
13: end for
8.3 Conclusion
A lot of challenges have been faced during the implementation of
OATs’inside. It shows that modifying the Android kernel and the An-
droid runtime is not a straightforward task. Nevertheless, the developed
patches are placed in components that should be relatively stable in fu-
ture versions, according to the modifications that have already occurred
in past AOSP releases. Thus, porting OATs’inside for new version of
Android is possible, unless some major changes are brought by Android
Conclusion 9
9.1 Thesis contribution summary
This thesis has presented the following contributions.
First, we have introduced Bytecode Free OAT (BFO) and Direct Heap
Access (DHA), two new obfuscation techniques that are fully applicable
to Android native applications. We have proposed, tested and classified
several implementations in order to evaluate their practicality. These
techniques, until now, were not known by the scientific community and
thus are able to bypass state-of-the-art tools.
Since their usage in the wild would be dangerous, we developed corre-
sponding detection techniques. Then, we used them to search for obfus-
cated applications inside application stores and smartphone firmwares.
Results are lukewarm: while we are able to detect obvious obfuscation
techniques, such as nopping or deleting the bytecode, the detection of
slighter modifications in the code remains an open problem.
We have detected a lot of DHA usage. These usages were legitimate and
driven by optimization goals. Thus, we are confident that we would also
be able to detect malicious usages of DHA. Then, appears a new problem
that is telling malicious DHA apart from benign ones.
Regarding the vulnerability issues, we have developed a tool that is able
to detect missing
keywords. We have confirmed automatically
the manual results of Peles et. al. on the
library. The proposed
technique suffers for usual static analysis limitations. These limitations
are classically treated by asking the developer to annotate application
code, which is possible since the method works on the source code. Our
study of the Telegram application has shown the usability of the tool:
several flows were found, although none are directly exploitable.
Additionally, even though the proposed method has targeted the specific
keyword problem, it could be applied to more general security
issues. For example, leakage of file descriptor numbers to external sockets
could be treated similarly. Similarly to DHA detection, the difficulty now
resides in distinguishing legitimate from malicious leakage.
Finally, we synthesize the knowledge obtained about Android obfusca-
tion to build OATs’inside, a new tool that is independent from potential
obfuscation techniques used by analyzed applications. OATs’inside com-
bines dynamic and symbolic analysis to retrieve the object-level behavior
of obfuscated Android applications. OATs’inside outputs an object-level
CFG that contains instructions acting on objects such as calling methods
or setting object fields, even when these actions are performed by native
code. It describes the contents of each method, the conditional expres-
sions involved in the control flow instructions, the data flow between
actions, and the interprocedural calls. This information is particularly
useful for an analyst who studies a particular obfuscated method. This
highly precise analysis is very costly in terms of time overhead. This is the
9 Conclusion
1: Android Automotive
2: Android Wear
3: Android TV
4: Android Things
5: Netflix
consequence of the very fine granularity of observation. Since we detect
instruction-level behaviors, we are forced to stop the execution during
the analysis of the involved instruction. The more details we observe,
the more the execution is slowed down. We believe that this scientific
obstacle cannot be solved at the software level but requires modifications
of the underlying hardware.
9.2 Perspectives for future work
We suggest three axes for extending this thesis work.
First, we believe that this thesis work could be applied to other system
platforms. Indeed, the Android ecosystem is very wide: connected cars
, TVs
and various connected devices
. All these platforms
have their own specificities but rely on the same Android AOSP core.
Thus, the work presented in this thesis, in particular OATs’inside, would
be usable in these new contexts. These specificities may modify malicious
intents: for example, there is no gain in crafting a ransomware for a smart
watch that has no personal data. Consequently, we believe that our work
should be adapted to different malicious intents.
Since the devices are usually closed-source, device vendors pre-install a
lot of applications and sometimes force users to use them. For example,
in modern televisions, a well-known streaming platform
is pre-installed
due to commercial agreements. The need for protection for these applica-
tions would push vendors to use security techniques such as obfuscations
and vulnerability detection. This highlights that adapting our work to
these new contexts is urgent.
Second, we suggest that this thesis work could be applied to other
languages. Indeed, Android is not the only system that allows developers
to mix one high-level language with a lower one. For example, the
reference Python interpreter, named CPython, allows to extend Python
scripts with assembly code and provides an interface to help Python and
C/C++ languages to operate together. Similarly to Android, CPython
does not enforce the usage of this interface and let assembly interact
freely with bytecode. Obviously, tools implementations presented in
this thesis are not directly usable in this context. We could evaluate if
proposed techniques can be adapted to the target context.
Third, we believe that Android should be modified in order to harden
the interface between bytecode and native code. Indeed, the challenges
described during this thesis are the consequences of an ill-defined and
too permissive interface between these two languages. Rebuilding a new
interface from scratch, while keeping in mind the issues described in this
thesis, will remove these challenges.
We could draw inspiration from web browser implementations of
Javascript and WebAssembly. These languages are used for creating
interactive web pages. Javascript is a high-level language that is executed,
inside the web browser, by a virtual machine. WebAssembly is a low-level
language that looks like assembly code, and is used for optimization
purposes. Similarly to Android, the web browser virtual machine offers
an interface that allows these languages to interact together. However,
9.2 Perspectives for future work
WebAssembly is run inside a sandbox that is instantiated and controlled
by the Javascript code. For example, Javascript code uses the API of the
interface to define memory areas that are accessible by WebAssembly.
Nevertheless, modifying Android in a such way will lead to backward
compatibility issues. Thus, we should design a solution that both de-
fines a new interface and allows to port current applications to this new
system transparently for application developers. This solution, even if
incompatible with existing applications, should be more restrictive while
allowing legitimate usage of native code.
1: Solution presented in Chapter 7
List of tested firmwares A
Table A.1 lists all the 17 firmwares that constitute the dataset on which
we conducted experiments in Section 5.2. These firmwares have been re-
trieved on
, a web site that provides firmwares
and drivers for more than fifty brands.
We have chosen 6 brands among the most commonly distributed brands
and downloaded the firmwares of all their devices. We have limited
our dataset to one firmware by device and kept only firmwares that run
Android Nougat (7.x), the Android version targeted by OATs’inside
Brand Phone model Android version
1T 10 7.0
OneTouch A3 Plus 5011A 7.0
50f Neon 7.0
Ascend Mate 9 MHA-AL00 7.0
Enjoy 7 Plus TRT-TL10A 7.0
P10 VRT-AL00 7.0
Galaxy A3 SM-A310M 7.0
Galaxy C7 Pro SM-C710F 7.1.1
Galaxy Note 5 SM-N920A 7.0
Galaxy S6 Edge SM-G925S 7.0
Galaxy A5 SM-A510M 7.1.1
Sony Xperia
Touch G1109 7.0
L1 Dual G3312 7.1.1
M2 Aqua D2403 7.0
Z5 Premium E6853 7.0
Z5 501SO 7.1.1
Jerry 2 7.0
Table A.1: List of tested firmwares
2: Invocations with numerous arguments,
in common Application Binary Interface
(ABI), are handled differently than “small”
Java behavior unit tests B
This appendix presents unit tests used in Sections 7.1 and 7.2.5. Section B.1
describes the unobfuscated versions of the unit tests that is the DEX only
and the JNI versions. Section 2 describes the obfuscation techniques used
to generate the four other versions: Pack DEX, Bytecode Free OAT (BFO),
JNI+obf, Direct Heap Access (DHA).
B.1 unobfuscated unit tests
Unit tests are gather in two applications. One has implemented the
different test in Java, the other in C++. The DEX only and the JNI versions
correspond to a vanilla compilation of the code presented here, using
Android studio. Each application is composed of a single activity. This
activity class contains a method for each test case and seven fields, one
for each primitive type
. Test cases (i.e. methods) are grouped in eight
families, each family standing for a Java behavior. All tests are launched
when the activity is created, inside onCreate method.
In order to help the writing of JNI test cases, two helpers are available in
the JNI test case application. They are shown in Listing B.1 and allow to
easily retrieve the JNI ID of a class or of the primitive fields.
Method behaviour
This family is divided in two categories: invoke and
return. For each method we verify that the tested tool correctly reports
the invocation and the return behavior with the types and the values of
the method arguments and return value. Two other marginal tests have
been added: one that checks invocations using numerous arguments
are also handle
and one that checks multi-level of invocations are all
handled correctly.
Allocation behaviour
This familyis divided in threecategories, whether
an object, a primitive variable or primitive array variable is allocated. For
each method, we verify that the tested tool correctly reports that an entity
has been allocated (on the heap for object and primitive array variables,
on the stack for primitive variables).
1 #define GET
CLS jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(instance)
3 /
Usage: GET
FIELD(int, Int, "I"); for getting intField, GET
FIELD(char, Char, "C"); for getting charField, ...
4 #define GET
FIELD(type, Type, sig) \
5 jfieldID fid = env->GetFieldID(cls, #type "Field", sig); \
6 j##type type##Field = env->Get##Type##Field(instance, fid);
Listing B.1: JNI test cases helpers
B Java behavior unit tests
1 public int testInvokeReturnInt(int intVar) { return intVar; }
2 public char testInvokeReturnChar(char charVar) { return charVar; }
3 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
4 public int testInvokeManyIntArgs(int arg1,int arg2,int arg3,int arg4,int arg5,int arg6,int arg7,int arg8,int arg9,
int arg10,int arg11) { return arg1+arg2+arg3+arg4+arg5+arg6+arg7+arg8+arg9+arg10+arg11;}
5 public long testSubInvokeReturn() { return testInvokeReturnInt(1) + testInvokeReturnLong(2) + testInvokeReturnByte
Listing B.2: Java method test cases
1 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL testInvokeReturnInt(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jint intVar) { return intVar;
2 [...] /
char, long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
3 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL testInvokeManyIntArgs(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jint arg1, jint arg2, jint
arg3, jint arg4, jint arg5, jint arg6, jint arg7, jint arg8, jint arg9, jint arg10, jint arg11) { return
4 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL testSubInvokeReturn(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) { GET
CLS; jmethodID mid;
jlong res = 0;
5 mid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "testInvokeReturnInt", "(I)I");
6 res += env->CallIntMethod(instance, mid, (jint)1);
7 mid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "testInvokeReturnLong", "(J)J");
8 res += env->CallLongMethod(instance, mid, (jlong)1);
9 mid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "testInvokeReturnByte", "(B)B");
10 res += env->CallByteMethod(instance, mid, (jbyte)3); return res; }
Listing B.3: JNI method test cases
Access behaviour
This family is divided in three categories, whether
the access is performed on an object field, a primitive variable or primitive
array variable. For each method, we verify that the tested tool correctly
reports that a read-access and a write-access has been performed and
reports the read value, the written value and the overwritten value. The
variables are not local to the method to avoid aggressive optimizations
from the compiler.
Operations behaviour
This familyis divided in threecategories, whether
the operation uses an object field, a primitive variable or primitive ar-
ray variable. For each method, we verify that the tested tool correctly
reports that an operation has been conducted and reports the formula
corresponding to the operation. The variables are not local to the method
to avoid aggressive optimizations from the compiler.
Condition behaviour
This familyis divided in threecategories, whether
the condition depends on an object field, a primitive variable or primitive
array variable. For each method, we verify that the tested tool correctly
reports that a conditional path has been taken and reports the formula
1 /
2 public class AllocatedClass {int varI; char varC; long varL; byte varByte; boolean varB; double varD; float varF;}
3 public AllocatedClass testAllocateObject() {return new AllocatedClass();}
4 /
Primitive variable
5 public void testAllocateVariable() {int varI; char varC; long varL; byte varByte; boolean varB; double varD; float
6 /
Primitive Array
7 public void testAllocateArray() {int[] varI={}; char[] varC={}; long[] varL={}; byte[] varByte={}; boolean[] varB
={}; double[] varD={}; float[] varF={};}
Listing B.4: Java allocation test cases
B.1 unobfuscated unit tests
1 /
Object field
2 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL testAllocateObject(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
3 jclass cls = env->FindClass("pg/nativetests/TestLauncher$AllocatedClass"); return env->AllocObject(cls);}
4 /
Primitive variable
5 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL testAllocateVariable(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
6 jint varI; jchar varC; jlong varL; jbyte varByte; jboolean varB; jdouble varD; jfloat varF;}
7 /
Primitive Array
8 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL testAllocateArray(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
9 jintArray varI = env->NewIntArray(1);jcharArray varC = env->NewCharArray(1);jlongArray varL = env->NewLongArray
(1);jbyteArray varByte = env->NewByteArray(1); jbooleanArray varB = env->NewBooleanArray(1);jdoubleArray varD
= env->NewDoubleArray(1);jfloatArray varF = env->NewFloatArray(1);}
Listing B.5: JNI allocation test cases
1 /
Object field
2 public int testAccessObjectInt() { int tmpInt; tmpInt=intField;intField=3000;return tmpInt;}
3 public char testAccessObjectChar() {char tmpChar; tmpChar=charField;charField=’o’;return tmpChar;}
4 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
5 /
Primitive variable
6 public int testAccessVariableInt(int intVar) { int tmpInt; tmpInt=intVar;intVar=3000;return tmpInt;}
7 public char testAccessVariableChar(char charVar) {char tmpChar; tmpChar=charVar;charVar=’o’;return tmpChar;}
8 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
9 /
Primitive Array
10 public int testAccessArrInt(int[] intVar) { int tmpInt; tmpInt=intVar[0];intVar[0]=3000;return tmpInt;}
11 public char testAccessArrChar(char[] charVar) {char tmpChar; tmpChar=charVar[0];charVar[0]=’o’;return tmpChar;}
12 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
Listing B.6: Java access test cases
1 /
Object field
2 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL testAccessObjectInt(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
FIELD(int, Int, "I");jint tmp = intField;env->SetIntField(instance, fid, 3000);return tmp;}
4 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jchar JNICALL testAccessObjectChar(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
FIELD(char, Char, "C");jchar tmp = charField;env->SetCharField(instance, fid, ’o’);return tmp;}
6 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
7 /
Primitive variable
8 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL testAccessVariableInt(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jint intVar) {
9 jint tmp=intVar; intVar=3000;return tmp;}
10 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jchar JNICALL testAccessVariableChar(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jchar charVar) {
11 jchar tmp=charVar; charVar=3000;return tmp;}
12 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
13 /
Primitive Array
14 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL testAccessArrInt(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jintArray intVar
) {
15 jint
intVar = env->GetIntArrayElements(intVar
, NULL);jint tmp = intVar[0];intVar[0] = 3000;env->
, intVar, 0);return tmp;}
16 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jchar JNICALL testAccessArrChar(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jcharArray charVar
) {
17 jchar
charVar = env->GetCharArrayElements(charVar
, NULL);jchar tmp = charVar[0];env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(
, charVar, 0);return tmp;}
18 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
Listing B.7: JNI access test cases
1 /
Object field
2 public int testOperationsObjectInt() {return intField + 1;}
3 public char testOperationsObjectChar() {return (char)((int)(charField) + 2);}
4 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
5 /
Primitive variable
6 public int testOperationsVariableInt(int intVar) { return intVar + 1; }
7 public char testOperationsVariableChar(char charVar) { return (char)((int)(charVar)+2); }
8 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
9 /
Primitive Array
10 public int testOperationsArrInt(int[] intVar) { return intVar[0] + 1; }
11 public char testOperationsArrChar(char[] charVar) { return (char)((int)(charVar[0])+2); }
12 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
Listing B.8: Java operations test cases
B Java behavior unit tests
1 /
Object field
2 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL testOperationsObjectInt(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
FIELD(int,Int,"I");return intField+1; }
4 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jchar JNICALL testOperationsObjectChar(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
FIELD(char,Char,"C");return charField+2; }
6 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
7 /
Primitive variable
8 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL testOperationsVariableInt(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jint intVar) {return
9 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jchar JNICALL testOperationsVariableChar(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jchar charVar) {
return charVar+2;}
10 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
11 /
Primitive Array
12 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL testOperationsArrInt(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jintArray intVar
) {
13 jint
intVar = env->GetIntArrayElements(intVar
, NULL);jint res = intVar[0];env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(intVar
, intVar, 0);return res+1;}
14 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jchar JNICALL testOperationsArrChar(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jcharArray charVar
) {
15 jchar
charVar = env->GetCharArrayElements(charVar
, NULL);jchar res = charVar[0];env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(
, charVar, 0);return res+2;}
16 [...] /
long, byte, boolean, double and float cases removed from snippet
Listing B.9: JNI operations test cases
1 /
Object field
2 public boolean testConditionObjectEq() {if( intField == 42) return true; else return false; }
3 public boolean testConditionObjectInfEq() { if( intField <= 42) return true; else return false; }
4 public boolean testConditionObjectSup() { if( intField > 42) return true; else return false; }
5 /
Primitive variable
6 public boolean testConditionVariableEq(int i) {if( i == 42) return true; else return false; }
7 public boolean testConditionVariableInfEq(int i) { if( i <= 42) return true; else return false; }
8 public boolean testConditionVariableSup(int i) { if( i > 42) return true; else return false; }
9 /
Primitive Array
10 public boolean testConditionArrEq(int[] i) {if( i[0] == 42) return true; else return false; }
11 public boolean testConditionArrInfEq(int[] i) { if( i[0] <= 42) return true; else return false; }
12 public boolean testConditionArrSup(int[] i) { if( i[0] > 42) return true; else return false; }
Listing B.10: Java condition test cases
corresponding to the condition taken. The variables are not local to the
method to avoid aggressive optimizations from the compiler.
Typing behaviour
This family is divided in two categories, whether
argument type is checked or the argument is cast. For each method, we
verify that the tested tool correctly reports the check or the cast and gives
the types used.
Exception behaviour
This family is divided in two categories, whether
an exception is raised or caught. For each method, we verify that the
tested tool correctly reports the exception. A supplementary test has
been added to test if inner method calls that leave exceptions are also
Monitor behaviour
In this family, we verify that the tested tool correctly
reports the beginning and the ending of a Java monitored session.
B.2 Obfuscated unit tests
1 /
Primitive variable
2 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL testConditionVariableEq(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jint i) { if( i == 42
) return true; else return false; }
3 [...] /
<= and > removed from snippet
4 /
Primitive Array
5 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL testConditionArrEq(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jintArray i
) {
6 jint
i = env->GetIntArrayElements(i
, NULL);
7 if( i[0] == 42 ) {env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(i
, i, 0);return true;}
8 else {env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(i
, i, 0);return false;}}
9 [...] /
<= and > removed from snippet
10 /
Object field
11 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL testConditionObjectEq(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
12 GET
FIELD(int, Int, "I"); if(intField == 42 ) return true; else return false;}
13 [...] /
<= and > removed from snippet
Listing B.11: JNI condition test cases
1 public class Toto {}
2 public class Tata extends Toto {}
3 public class Tutu extends Toto {}
4 public boolean testCheckType(Toto t) {return t instanceof Tata;}
5 public Tata testCastType(Toto t) {return (Tata)t;}
Listing B.12: Java typing test cases
B.2 Obfuscated unit tests
The Pack DEX version is built from the DEX only version. We
employed the home-made packer
described in [5]:
The DEX only application is copied. The copied version, once
building, constitutes the Pack DEX version.
2. The DEX file of the original DEX only application is extracted.
The extracted DEX is xored with an hardcoded key (
) and is
stored in the resource folder of the copied application using an
other name (butterfly.png).
The DEX file of the copied application is noped by replacing all the
DEX instructions by const/4 v1, 0x1 instruction.
A native library is added to the copied DEX file. Before calling each
test method, the decodeMethod of this library is called to unpack the
test. This method, see Listing B.19:
a) retrieves the location of the DEX file by browsing the
/proc/self/maps file, see Listing B.18.
b) retrieves the address (APK
) and the length
) of the noped method by parsing
the DEX file.
loads the xored file (
) and retrieves the address
) of the xored method by browsing the DEX file
un-xors the xored method and writes the results over the
1 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL testCheckType(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jobject t) {
2 jclass cls = env->FindClass("pg/nativetests/TestLauncher$Tata"); return env->IsInstanceOf(t, cls);}
4 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL testCastType(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jobject t) {return t;}
Listing B.13: JNI typing test cases
B Java behavior unit tests
1 public void testThrow() { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Testing throw"); }
2 public void testNoCatch() { testThrow(); }
3 public void testThrowCatch() { try { testNoCatch(); } catch (Exception e) {} }
Listing B.14: Java exception test cases
1 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL testThrow(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
2 jclass cls = env->FindClass("java/lang/IllegalArgumentException");env->ThrowNew(cls, "Testing throw");}
3 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL testNoCatch(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
CLS;jmethodID mid= env->GetMethodID(cls, "testThrow", "()V");env->CallVoidMethod(instance, mid, (jint)1);}
5 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL testThrowCatch(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
CLS;jmethodID mid= env->GetMethodID(cls, "testNoCatch", "()V");env->CallVoidMethod(instance, mid, (jint)1);
if(env->ExceptionCheck() == JNI
Listing B.15: JNI exception test cases
5: Primitive arrays are also stored on the
noped-method bytecode.
The BFO version is built from the DEX only version. The DEX
only application is installed on the test-smartphone (or the test-emulator).
Then, all the methods of the application are compiled into OAT using
the command presented in Listing B.20. This command is run on the
test-smartphone. Finally, the DEX file of the application and the DEX file
of the OAT file are noped on the smartphone. They are located inside the
folder on the test-smartphone. This
folder constitutes the BFO version.
Listing B.20
: Application compilation
1 cmd package compile -m speed -f unit
Native obfuscation
The JNI+obf version is built from the JNI ver-
sion. Instead of using the classical Android studio compiler (clang),
the IDE is set-up to use Obfuscator-LLVM [111]. The parameters passed
to Obfuscator-LLVM are shown in Listing B.21. These options activate
opaque predicate usage (
-bcf -mllvm -bcf
) and control flow
flattening (-mllvm -split -mllvm -fla)
Listing B.21
: Obfuscator-LLVM command
1 -mllvm -bcf -mllvm -bcf
prob=100 -mllvm -split -mllvm -fla
To illustrate the effect of Obfuscator-LLVM, we show here the resulting
Control Flow Graphs
4: Retrievedusing IDA,
method. Figure B.1 shows
the unobfuscated CFG (JNI version). Figure B.2a, resp. Figure B.2b, shows
the CFG of
method when opaque predicates, resp.
control flow flattening, are applied to testConditionObjectEq.
The DHA version is built from the JNI version. In fact, DHA
obfuscation only applies when an object field or a primitive array
is read
or written. This happens only for the access, operation and condition
behaviors. For these behaviors the read and the write operations that
are performed using JNI, are replaced by a direct memory access, see
Listing B.22.
1 public void testMonitor(int i) {synchronized(this){try{Thread.sleep(i);} catch(InterruptedException e){}}}
Listing B.16: monitor test cases
B.2 Obfuscated unit tests
1 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL testMonitor(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance, jint i) {
2 env->MonitorEnter(instance);
4 jclass cls = env->FindClass("java/lang/Thread");
5 jmethodID mid = env->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "sleep", "(J)V");
6 env->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls, mid, i);
8 if(env->ExceptionCheck() == JNI
9 env->ExceptionClear();
11 env->MonitorExit(instance);
12 }
Listing B.17: JNI exception test cases
1 void
getDexFileLocation() {
3 fichier = fopen("/proc/self/maps", "r");
4 if(fichier != NULL) {
5 char
line = NULL;
6 size
t n = 0;
7 ssize
t nb
read = 0;
9 while((nb
read = getline(&line, &n, fichier)) > 0) {
10 if(nb
read > 6) {
11 if (line[nb
read - 6] == ’.’ && line[nb
read - 5] == ’o’ && line[nb
read - 4] == ’d’ && line[nb
read - 3]
== ’e’ && line[nb
read - 2] == ’x’) {
12 fclose(fichier);
14 void
addr = (void
) strtoll(line, NULL, 16);
16 line[nb
read-1] = ’\0’; // Remove ending ’\n’
17 char
location = strchr(line, ’/’);
19 /
Already loaded so it only retrieves the handle
20 void
handle = dlopen(oat
location, RTLD
21 void
addr = dlsym(oat
handle, "oatdata");
22 Dl
info info; dladdr(oatdata
addr, &info);
23 unsigned long oatdata
offset = (unsigned long)oatdata
addr - (unsigned long)info.dli
24 dlclose(oat
26 void
addr = (void
addr + oatdata
28 unsigned int dex
count =
(unsigned int
addr + 20);
29 unsigned int key
size =
(unsigned int
addr + 68);
30 unsigned int oat
size = 72 + key
32 /
We only read the first \gls{dexL}
33 void
header = (char
addr + oat
34 unsigned int dex
size =
(unsigned int
35 unsigned int dex
pointer =
(unsigned int
header + 8 + dex
37 return (void
addr + dex
38 }
39 }
40 }
41 fclose(fichier);
42 }
43 return NULL;
44 }
Listing B.18: DEX file location
B Java behavior unit tests
1 /
Constants than can move between different libart \gls{runtimeL}
2 #define OFFSET
3 unsigned int getCodeItemOffset(JNIEnv
env, jclass thisClass, const char
methodName, const char
4 void
method = (void
) env->GetMethodID(thisClass, methodName, methodSignature);
5 unsigned int code
offset =
(unsigned int
) ((char
method + OFFSET
6 return code
7 }
9 void
GetCodeItemInstructions(const void
addr, unsigned int code
offset, unsigned int
size /
/) {
10 void
item = (void
addr + code
size =
(unsigned int
) ((char
item + 12);
12 void
= (void
) ((char
item + 16);
13 return insns
14 }
16 const void
env, jobject thisPtr, jclass thisClass) {
17 jmethodID getAssetsId = env->GetMethodID(thisClass, "getAssets", "()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;");
18 jobject jMgr = env->CallObjectMethod(thisPtr, getAssetsId);
19 AAssetManager
mgr = AAssetManager
fromJava(env, jMgr);
20 AAsset
asset = AAssetManager
open(mgr, "butterfly.png", AASSET
21 off64
t start, length;
22 int fd = AAsset
openFileDescriptor64(asset, &start, &length);
23 return AAsset
24 }
26 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void
28 decodeMethod(
29 JNIEnv
30 jobject thisPtr,
31 jstring jMethodName,
32 jstring jMethodSignature) {
33 /
Convert jstring to char
* *
34 const char
methodName = env->GetStringUTFChars(jMethodName, 0);
35 const char
methodSignature = env->GetStringUTFChars(jMethodSignature, 0);
37 jclass thisClass = env->GetObjectClass(thisPtr);
39 unsigned int code
offset = getCodeItemOffset(env, thisClass, methodName, methodSignature);
41 void
location = getDexFileLocation();
43 const void
location = GetXoredApk(env, thisPtr, thisClass);
45 unsigned int APK
46 void
= GetCodeItemInstructions(dex
location, code
offset, &APK
48 unsigned int PNG
49 void
= GetCodeItemInstructions(mmaped
location, code
offset, &
51 /
Change right on APK instruction page
52 void
addr = (void
- ((unsigned long)APK
53 mprotect(base
addr, (size
2 - (char
55 /
Copy all the instruction
56 unsigned int i;
57 for(i=0 ; i < APK
; i++) {
+ 2
i) =
+ 2
i) ^ 0x42;
+ 2
i + 1) =
+ 2
i + 1) ^ 0x42;
60 }
62 /
Release created char
* *
63 env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jMethodSignature, methodSignature);
64 env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jMethodName, methodName);
65 }
Listing B.19: Packer decode method
B.2 Obfuscated unit tests
Figure B.1:
Non obfuscated
testConditionObjectEq method
1 #define INTFIELD
2 extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL testAccessObjectInt(JNIEnv
env, jobject instance) {
3 unsigned long
thisPtr =
(unsigned long
4 unsigned long
ptr = &thisPtr[INTFIELD
5 jint tmp =
ptr = 3000;
7 return tmp;
8 }
Listing B.22: Example of DHA unit test
B Java behavior unit tests
Figure B.2:
testConditionObjectEq method
(a) Opaque predicate obfuscation
(b) Control flow flattening obfuscation
Concolic analysis functioning
proof C
This appendix presents a proof of the functioning of the concolic analysis
presented in Section 7.2.4.
Definition 1.
A dump
d D
is the whole memory of a process at a given
time. It comprises both data and code areas.
Definition 2.
A location
l Loc
is either a CPU register or a memory
address. The special register
(Program Counter) is the register that
identifies the current instruction address.
Definition 3.
A symbolic value
sv VSalue
is an expression over
values (v V alue) and symbols (s Symbol).
Definition 4. A symbolic state is a tuple (θ, π, ρ) S where:
I θ : Loc VSalue
θ associates every location to a symbolic value.
I π
is the current condition path, i.e. the set of conditions needs to
be satisfied in order to reach to current instruction.
I ρ : Symbol V alue
is the concretization function that associates symbols to their
corresponding concrete value.
By extension we note
ρ : Condition Condition
the func-
tion that replaces symbols with their corresponding values in a
Definition 5.
A state
s S
is satisfiable, written
, if all its conditions
s.π are satisfiable when concretized.
Definition 6.
A symbolic engine
E : S × D S
is a function that
associates a state and a dump to a new state, resulting of the execution of
one instruction.
Definition 7. An action a A is one of the following:
I read r s ymb v
, a memory read, returning the symbol
s ymb
cretized by value v, stored in register r;
I write l s ymb v
, a memory write at location
of the symbol
s ymb
concretized by value v;
I invoke n (l, s ymb, v)
, an invocation of a method named
, with
each potential parameter being a symbol
s ymb
written at location
l and concretized by value v;
I ret r s ymb v
, a return of a method, returning the symbol
s ymb
concretized by value v, stored in register r;
I throw l s ymb v
, a throw of the symbol (exception object)
s ymb
concretized by value v, stored in register l;
I catch l s ymb v
, a catch of the symbol (exception object)
s ymb
concretized by value v, written in register l.
C Concolic analysis functioning proof
Contextualized actions are tuples
(addr, act, next_addr)
the address of the corresponding assembly instruction,
act A
is an
action, and next_addr is the address of the next instruction.
Definition 8.
The application of an action to a state, written
appl y :
A × S S, reflects the effect of an action on a state.
For a read, a write, a ret, or a catch: a (addr, (l, symb, v), next_addr),
appl y(a, s) (s.θ[l 7→ symb, PC 7→ next_addr], s.π, s.ρ[symb 7→ v])
, or a
, only the
is updated. Note that the instruction
following an invoke, resp. a throw, is always a ret, resp. a catch.
Applying an action to a state generates the state in which subsequent
actions will be executed.
The algorithm described in Section 7.2.4 is reported in Listing C.1. This
algorithm outputs the conditions taken during the execution of a method
using the actions and the dump given by OATs’inside. This concolic
algorithm symbolically executes the instructions corresponding to the
specific execution recorded by OATs’inside. Conditions are evaluated
based on the values recovered from the execution traces, so only one
single path is explored.
The correctness of the concolic analysis of Algorithm C.1 is supported by
the following theorem:
Theorem 1.
Given a dump, a list of actions, the entry point of a method
and the list of parameters, the algorithm in Listing C.1 accurately generates
the conditions taken by the execution and all assertions always hold
(lines 17 and 27).
Under the hypothesis that the implementation of OATs’inside is accurate,
that is:
OATs’inside gives the complete list of actions (read, write,
new, throw, catch, invoke, ret, monitor enter and exit) occurring during
the execution of the analyzed method.
Proof. Proving Theorem 1 requires to show that:
the algorithm generates accurately the conditions associated to the
path taken during the concrete execution;
for any generated symbolic state, the algorithm generates only one
satisfiable state (asserts lines 17 and 27 hold).
The proof is achieved by induction over the number of instructions
symbolically executed.
Base case: After the initialization (line 2), clearly only one state is generated
). No instruction has yet been executed thus no condition appears.
Induction step: Let
the symbolic state generated by the symbolic
execution of the
instruction. Assuming the two previous properties
hold until the generation of
, we prove that these properties still hold
for the generation of S
I all occurring conditions are accurately logged;
the next state is unique (asserts lines 17 and 27 hold) and accurate
unless the end of the method is reached.
instruction can be either an instruction corresponding to an
action outputted by OATs’inside or not.
First case
instruction corresponds to an action (line 7). This in-
struction cannot be a conditional branchinginstruction because OATs’inside
does not log such actions (note that throw and catch action can generate
non-conditional branching). Thus, no condition is generated for the
execution of the
instruction which obviously keeps the generation of
conditions accurate.
The next step is generated by skipping the current instruction i.e. jumping
to the next instruction executed by the concrete execution. Thus, the
state is unique. Moreover,
state is accurate because it
has been updated accordingly to the actions outputted by OATs’inside
(line 9), which is, by hypothesis, accurate.
Second case
instruction does not correspond to an action ob-
served by OATs’inside. The algorithm generates, line 14, the set
possible next symbolic states.
If there is only one generated state i.e. the executed instruction is
not a conditional branching instruction, the next state is unique
and logged conditions are still accurate (line 20).
If there is more than one state generated, the algorithm has to
determine which state has been taken during the concrete execution
and to log the taken condition.
To determine the next state, the algorithm obtains all the satisfiable
states among the generated ones by replacing the symbols with
concrete values inside the state condition (
) and checking that all
conditions are still satisfiable (line 24).
All the symbols added by the algorithm (line 9) have a correspond-
ing concrete value. The others, added by the symbolic engine
(line 14), would correspond to registers or memory areas. Such
symbol cannot correspond to an unknown memory area because all
memory is initialized using the dump. Moreover, this symbol can-
not correspond to an uninitialized register: a well-formed method,
i.e., one respecting the ABI, only uses registers initialized by itself
or by the calling method which is done by the algorithm during
the initialization (line 1). Thus, when concretizing, all symbols are
replaced with concrete values.
Because a real execution cannot be in several states at the same time,
only one state remains satisfiable when replacing all the symbols.
Thus, only one next state is generated (assert line 27 hold).
The algorithm needs to log the exact condition that has determined
why this specific state has been taken rather than the other states
generated. In fact, the condition corresponds to the difference
between the previous state condition,
, and the conditions
of the new selected state,
(line 28). The previous state
being accurate and the symbolic engine being correct, the condition
computed by difference is also accurate.
C Concolic analysis functioning proof
is accurate, its symbolic execution generates at least the
state taken by the concrete execution (assert line 17 hold).
If there is no generated state, it means that the symbolic engine
considers that the program has crashed. Yet, the concrete execution
has not crashed, which is contradictory.
Nevertheless, the only potential case that could crash the symbolic
engine is a syscall because its code is not provided to the symbolic
engine. However, their results and effects can be easily retrieved
by OATs’inside. Then, the symbolic analysis can treat them as any
other action by applying syscall effects to the symbolic state instead
of trying to execute syscalls. This way, crashes are avoided.
In all cases, the algorithm generates an accurate and unique next state
and logs the eventual accurate conditions. This proves the induction step
and, thus, the overall theorem.
Algorithm C.1: Get taken conditions algorithm.
Input: c C, actions A
, entr ypoint V alue,
parameters_values V alue
, engine E
Construct an initial state according to the entrypoint address and the
method parameters given by OATs’inside.
2: S
(θ {PC 7→ entr ypoint}, π , ρ {re gs 7→
3: Get the first action.
4: a
= actions.pop()
5: While PC is in analyzed method.
6: while S
.θ(PC) method do
7: If current address corresponds to the next action.
8: if S
.θ(PC) == a
.addr then
9: Execute this action.
10: S
= appl y(S
, a
11: Get the next action.
12: a
= actions.pop()
13: else
14: Execute symbolically one instruction.
15: S en gine(S
, c)
16: At least one state must have been generated.
17: assert (len(S) 1)
18: If only one state has been generated.
19: if len(S) == 1 then
20: Go to this next state.
21: S
= S[0]
22: If several states have been generated.
23: else
24: Get all the satisfiable states.
25: S
{s | s S sat(s)}
26: Exactly one state must be satisfiable
27: assert (len(S
)  1)
Output the conditions that are present in this satisfiable state
but not in the previous state.
29: LOG(S
[0].π \ S
30: The next state is this satisfiable state.
31: S
= S
32: end if
33: end if
34: end while
1: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures,
vulnérabilités connues publiquement.
2: Comme l’envoi de SMS ou l’accès à la
liste des contacts.
Résumé substantiel en français
1 Introduction
1.1 Sécurité du système Android
Android est le système d’exploitation le plus utilisé dans les smartphones
modernes. C’est pourquoi il constitue une cible de choix pour les per-
sonnes malveillantes comme en témoigne le grand nombre de CVEs
reportées chaque année, voir Table 1. Google apporte donc un soin tout
particulier à développer une architecture sécurisée pour Android. Cette
dernière repose sur deux points :
L’isolation des applications : chaque application est exécutée par
un utilisateur UNIX différent. Cela permet d’utiliser les mécan-
ismes d’isolation éprouvés du noyau Linux afin de séparer chaque
Une gestion fine des permissions : les opérations sensibles
uniquement réalisables par les applications disposant de la per-
mission adéquate. Ces permissions sont accordées par l’utilisateur
< 2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
18 23 89 169 123 1686 422 872 1191 457 771 528
Source: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=Android
Table 1:
Nombre de CVE contenant le mot-
clef Android”
Néanmoins, sécuriser le système Android n’est pas suffisant. En effet, les
applications installées par les utilisateurs sont potentiellement malveil-
lantes ou vulnérables. Une application est considérée vulnérable si elle
peut être détournée par un attaquant afin de réaliser des opérations
malveillantes telles qu’envoyer des SMSs à des services payants, con-
tourner le système de permissions, obtenir des informations privées de
l’utilisateur, diffuser de la publicité intempestive.
Malheureusement, faire reposer la sécurité d’Android uniquement sur
l’isolation et l’emploi de permissions n’est pas fiable. Le système de
permissions est notamment mal compris par les utilisateurs, qui peuvent
octroyer des permissions dangereuses à des applications [12, 13]
[12]: Felt, Ha, Egelman, Haney, Chin, and
Wagner (2012), Android permissions: User
attention, comprehension, and behavior’
[13]: Benton,Camp, and Garg(2013),‘Study-
ing the effectiveness of android applica-
tion permissions requests’
. Puisque
le système Android ne peut se prémunir contre ce type d’attaque, il est
de détecter les applications malveillantes ou vulnérables afin de
les retirer des plateformes de diffusion d’application
3: Notamment le Google Play store, plate-
forme officielle de Google.
de comprendre le comportement de ces applications afin de pouvoir
évaluer et résorber les dommages commis après une compromis-
S’engage alors un jeu du chat et de la souris entre d’une part les analystes
et chercheurs qui tentent de mettre au point des systèmes de détection
et d’analyse, et d’autre part les applications malveillantes qui tentent
d’échapper à ces derniers en inventant de nouvelles techniques et en
trouvant de nouvelles vulnérabilités.
1.2 Applications natives et sécurité
Dans ce contexte, un nouveau type d’applications Android voit, depuis
2014, son utilisation de plus en plus fréquente : les applications na-
tives [1618]
[16]: Afonso, Geus, Bianchi, Fratantonio,
Kruegel, Vigna, Doupé, and Polino (2016),
‘Going Native: Using a Large-Scale Analy-
sis of Android Apps to Create a Practical
Native-Code Sandboxing Policy’
[17]: Tam, Feizollah, Anuar, Salleh, and
Cavallaro(2017), ‘The evolution of android
malware and android analysis techniques’
[18]: Sadeghi, Bagheri, Garcia, and Malek
(2017), A taxonomy and qualitative com-
parison of program analysis techniques for
security assessment of android software’
. Ces applications, contrairement aux applications classiques
développées en utilisant uniquement les langages Java et Kotlin, contien-
nent également du code assembleur, résultant de la compilation de code
C/C++. Android fournit une interface appelée Java Native Interface (JNI)
afin de permettre au code assembleur de communiquer avec le bytecode
Dalvik provenant de Java ou Kotlin.
Il est donc nécessaire d’adapter les techniques d’analyse fonctionnant
sur le bytecode au code assembleur. Ainsi, il convient de:
Étudier les possibilités offertes par le code natif pour développer
de nouvelles techniques d’obfuscation et proposer des méthodes
de détection associées.
Trouver quelles vulnérabilités pourraient être introduites par la
présence de code natif dans une application Android.
Développer, fort des résultats obtenus dans les études précédentes,
de nouvelles techniques d’analyse capables de prendre en compte
le code natif des applications Android.
Le domaine de l’étude de la sécurité des applications natives n’est
cependant pas vierge de recherches.
En effet, Yu [77]
[77]: Yu (2014), Android packers: facing
the challenges, building solutions
a révélé l’utilisation, par les applications malveillantes,
d’une nouvelle technique d’obfuscation native appelée packing. Depuis,
de nombreux travaux [7880] ont proposé des contre-mesures à cette
technique. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons, dans les Sections 2.1 et 2.2,
de nouvelles techniques d’obfuscation utilisant le code natif.
Par ailleurs, des vulnérabilités impliquant le code natif ont également été
trouvées [36, 40]. Dans la Section 3.2 nous proposerons une méthode ainsi
qu’un outil, qui détecte automatiquement les vulnérabilités présentées
par Peles [36]
[36]: Peles and Hay (2015), ‘One Class to
Rule Them All: 0-day Deserialization Vul-
nerabilities in Android’
Enfin, différentes techniques d’analyse d’applications Android ont été
adaptées aux applications natives [83, 84, 88, 95, 106]. Cependant, nous
montrerons que ces outils ne parviennent pas à analyser des applications
natives obfusquées à l’aide des méthodes que nous proposons et nous
finirons par présenter un outil, appelé OATs’inside, capable de gérer de
telles applications dans la Section 4.
1.3 Contributions
Cette thèse présente:
Deux nouvelles méthodes d’obfuscation pour les applications
Android utilisant le code natif [1, 3, 7]
, Lalande, and Viet Triem Tong
(2018), ‘Etat de l’Art des Techniques d’Unpacking
pour les Applications Android’
, Lalande, and Viet Triem Tong
(2019), ‘Obfuscated Android Application
, Lalande, Wilke, and Viet Triem
Tong (2020), Abusing Android Runtime
for Application Obfuscation’
Le résultat des expérimentations évaluant l’utilisation de ces tech-
niques dans la nature [2, 7]
[2]: Lalande, Viet Triem Tong, Leslous, and
(2018), ‘Challenges for reliable and
large scale evaluation of android malware
, Lalande, Wilke, and Viet Triem
Tong (2020), Abusing Android Runtime
for Application Obfuscation’
Un nouveau framework d’analyse, appelé OATs’inside, qui combine
analyses dynamique et symbolique afin de récupérer le comporte-
ment des applications Android obfusquées.
Une nouvelle méthode de détection de vulnérabilité portant sur
l’oubli du mot-clef
au sein des applications Android
Figure 1: Bytecode Free OAT
5: Une analyse qui n’exécute pas
6: Une analyse qui exécute l’application.
7: Aucune explication officielle n’est
fournie pour cet acronyme.
2 Problèmes de sécurité induits par les
interférences natives dans les applications
Android Java
Afin de lister l’ensemble des problèmes que peut poser la présence de code
natif dans une application Android, nous allons, dans cette section, lister
de manière systématique l’ensemble des interférences que le code natif
peut produire sur le code Java. Seront alors mis en lumière les différents
points faibles des analyses préexistantes. Nous présenterons d’abord
les interférences qui concernent le code Java, dans la Section 2.1, pour
ensuite étudier celles qui concernent les données, dans la Section 2.2.
2.1 Problèmes portant sur le bytecode
Le bytecode Dalvik est plus simple à analyser que le code assembleur.
En effet, le bytecode Dalvik
est un langage haut-niveau puisqu’il utilise
la programmation orientée objet pour définir les objets sur lesquels il tra-
vaille. À contrario, le code assembleur est très proche de l’architecture du
téléphone puisqu’il change en fonction du processeur qui l’exécute. C’est
pourquoi, un développeur qui souhaite protéger son application peut
vouloir remplacer le bytecode qu’elle contient par du code assembleur.
L’écriture d’applications en assembleur étant fastidieuse et sujette aux
erreurs, il est nécessaire d’employer des techniques d’automatisation.
Nous avons vu dans l’état-de-l’art une telle technique appelée packing [77]
[77]: Yu (2014), Android packers: facing
the challenges, building solutions
Elle consiste à chiffrer le bytecode de l’application et à le remplacer par une
routine de déchiffrement appelée unpacker. Cet unpacker, au moment de
l’exécution de l’application, déchiffre le bytecode original de l’application
et l’exécute. Ainsi, une analyse statique
ne peut pas accéder au code de
l’application et est rendue caduque. Une évaluation de l’utilisation de
cette méthode dans la nature est proposée dans la Section 3.1.
Cependant, l’emploi de cette technique ne prémunit pas contre une anal-
yse dynamique
. La technique que nous proposons, appelée Bytecode-
Free OAT (BFO) consiste à compiler l’application en utilisant le compila-
teur d’Android, comme montré dans la Figure 1. Ce dernier, à des fins
d’optimisation, transforme le bytecode de l’application en code assem-
bleur, stocké dans un fichier au format OAT
. Le bytecode original est
8: Par exemple, ajouter un entier et une
chaîne de caractère n’a pas de sens.
Figure 2: Direct Heap Access (DHA)
9: Espace mémoire sont stockés les
objets bytecode.
alors modifié. Le code assembleur étant exécuté à la place du bytecode, le
comportement de l’application n’est pas modifié mais un analyste ou un
outil qui ne prend en compte que le bytecode obtient un résultat faussé :
il ne se base pas sur le bon code. Une méthode de détection associée à
cette technique est proposée dans la Section 3.1.
2.2 Problèmes portant sur les données du bytecode
Les données décrites par le code Java offrent plus de garanties de
sécurité que celle décrites par les langages C/C++. En effet, le code Java
est fortement typé et la machine virtuelle qui l’exécute vérifie que les
données qu’elle manipule sont cohérentes
. D’un autre coté les langages
C/C++ sont très permissifs et permettent de manipuler librement les
données qui sont vues comme des suites de bits. Malheureusement un
développeur peut, par inadvertance, injecter des données assembleur
dans les données bytecode qui ne respectent pas les garanties offertes
par ces dernières. Peles [36]
[36]: Peles and Hay (2015), ‘One Class to
Rule Them All: 0-day Deserialization Vul-
nerabilities in Android’
a notamment montré que le stockage de
pointeurs mémoires (données assembleurs) dans un champ (donnée
bytecode) d’une classe sérialisable peut rendre l’application vulnérable
si le champ n’est pas déclaré
. Une solution à ce problème est
proposée dans la Section 3.2.
En plus de ces injections de données, un développeur d’application peut
volontairement modifier les données Java depuis le code natif à des
fins d’obfuscation. Classiquement, cela est réalisé en utilisant l’interface
JNI fournie par Android. Tout naturellement, les différents outils de
l’état-de-l’art reposent sur cette interface pour prendre en compte les
effets du code natif sur les données bytecode. Afin d’outrepasser ces
analyses nous proposons une technique, appelée Direct Heap Access
(DHA), représentée par la Figure 2. Elle consiste à accéder directement au
afin de modifier les données bytecode sans utiliser JNI. Une méthode
de détection de cette technique est proposée dans la Section 3.2.
3 Détection des interférences natives dans les
applications Android Java
Dans la section précédente, nous avons montré que les interférences
entre le code assembleur et le bytecode peuvent être utilisées à des fins
d’obfuscation ou peuvent introduire de nouvelles vulnérabilités. Dans
cette section, nous nous attachons à donner de nouvelles méthodes pour
détecter ces interférences et à évaluer leur utilisation dans la nature.
3.1 Détection des interférences sur bytecode
Concernant l’utilisation de packing, des solutions de détection sont déjà
proposées [78, 94]
[78]: Zhang, Luo, and Yin (2015), ‘Dex-
hunter: toward extracting hidden code
from packed android applications
[94]: Jiang, Zhou, Liu, Jia, Liu, and Zuo
(2017), ‘CrackDex:Universalandautomatic
DEX extraction method’
. Afin de montrer l’utilisation de cette technique
dans la nature, nous avons utilisé l’outil APKiD
sur trois datasets:
un comprenant des malwares (MAL), un comprenant des goodwares
(GOOD) et un dernier dont les APKs sont plus ou moins datés. Comme
GOOD [4] MAL [4]
Total 4 999 4 991
3 542
0,06% 10,86%
Table 2:
Détection de packing dans
plusieurs datasets
Année 2008-2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
App. packée 0 1 4 5 7 7
Table 3:
Détection de packing selon les
11: CVE-2015-3837:
le montrent les Tables 2 et 3, l’utilisation du packing est prévalente chez
les malwares et est en progression.
BFO étant une nouvelle technique, l’état-de-l’art ne propose aucune solu-
tion. Nous avons donc proposé une nouvelle méthode pour détecter son
utilisation. Elle consiste à compiler le bytecode de l’application et com-
parer le code assembleur obtenu à celui déjà présent dans l’application.
Si les codes sont différents alors c’est que la technique BFO a été utilisée.
Nous avons utilisé cette technique de détection sur les applications de 17
firmwares sans trouver aucune utilisation de BFO.
3.2 Détection des interférences sur les données du
Total ARMv8 DHA
DHA sans
libs. systèmes
100 018 10 661 8 158 (76,5 %) 4 021 (37,7 %)
Table 4: Nombre de DHAs détectés
Afin de détecter l’utilisation de DHA au sein d’une application, nous
proposons de l’exécuter tout en interdisant le code natif d’accéder au tas.
Pour cela nous modifions la machine virtuelle d’Android qui exécute les
applications pour interdire, à l’aide de
, l’accès au tas lorsque
du code natif est exécuté. Nous avons utilisé cette méthode sur une partie
(100 000 applications) du dataset Androzoo [57]
[57]: Allix, Bissyandé, Klein, and Le Traon
(2016), AndroZoo: Collecting Millions of
Android Apps for the Research Commu-
et trouvé qu’une majorité
des applications utilisent du DHA. Les résultats sont reportés dans la
Table 4. Cependant, après investigation, nous n’avons pas été capables
d’isoler un cas d’utilisation à des fins d’obfuscation. En effet, DHA semble
n’être, pour l’instant, utilisé que pour optimiser l’application en évitant
d’utiliser JNI qui est une interface coûteuse en temps.
Pour détecter la vulnérabilité proposée par Peles [36]
[36]: Peles and Hay (2015), ‘One Class to
Rule Them All: 0-day Deserialization Vul-
nerabilities in Android’
, il faut trouver
tous les champs, non déclarés
, d’objets bytecode qui peuvent
recevoir un pointeur mémoire. Pour cela nous proposons de conduire sur
le code-source une analyse de teinte, comme représentée dans la Figure 3.
Deux analysessont conduites. Durant la première, les pointeurs mémoires
sont considérés comme des sources, l’écriture dans un champ comme
un puits. Cela permet de détecter tout pointeur qui est enregistré dans
un champ. Durant la seconde, les lectures de champs sont considérées
comme des sources, et l’utilisation d’un pointeur (cast en pointeur) est
considérée comme un puits. Cela permet de détecter tout champ qui est
utilisé comme un pointeur. L’utilisation de cette technique nous a permis
de retrouver une vulnérabilité connue
dans la librairie SSL d’Android
et de trouver, au sein de l’application Telegram, des mot-clefs
manquants mais non exploitables.
pointeurs mémoires
cast en pointeur
Code natif
x = appelNatif()
champ = x
y = champ
Code Java
Source/puit tunnelée
Source/puit tunnelée
Flot d’information
Flot d’information
Flot d’information
Utilisation Java vers natif
Utilisation native seule
Assignation native seule
Assignation natif vers Java
Figure 3: Représentation du suivi des flux de références mémoires
12: Modification de champs, appels de
méthodes, levées d’exceptions, ...
13: Ces graphes sont des Control Flow
Graph (CFG).
4 OATs ’inside: rétro-ingénierie des applications
Android natives
Comme nous avons vu dans la Section 2, les outils de l’état-de-l’art ne
sont pas capables de prendre en compte tous les problèmes que le code
natif introduit dans les applications Android. En particulier, ils ne sont
pas capables de prendre en compte correctement BFO et DHA.
C’est pourquoi nous proposons un nouveau framework d’analyse ap-
pelé OATs’inside. L’analyse qu’il conduit est composée de deux phases
représentées par la Figure 4. Durant la première, l’application est exécutée
sur un téléphone dont la machine virtuelle est modifiée pour enregistrer
toutes les actions objets
réalisées par l’application. Sont notamment
enregistrés les accès directs au tas (DHA), comme décrit en Section 3.2,
et les actions réalisées par le bytecode compilé (BFO). Ces actions, qui
constituent l’ensemble du comportement objet de l’application, sont
ensuite envoyées à un ordinateur d’analyse qui les présente sous forme
de graphe
à un analyste. Ce graphe montre de quelle manière les
actions de l’application s’enchaînent. L’analyste peut alors choisir une
méthode du code qu’il trouve particulièrement intéressante à investiguer.
Une seconde exécution est alors effectuée pour récupérer l’état de la
mémoire (snapshot) lors de l’exécution de cette méthode. À l’aide de ce
snapshot, OATs’inside conduit une analyse symbolique qui enrichit le
graphe précédant en indiquant comment les données sont transmises
entre les différentes actions. Ce graphe final permet à un analyste de
comprendre correctement le comportement d’une application Android
native même obfusquée.
p mémoire
p mémoire
yse symbolique
nom de méthode
Actions de la
Système global.
Module OATs’inside.
Entrées sorties.
Figure 4: Architecture de OATs’inside
14: Android pour voitures connectées.
15: Android pour télévisons connectées.
5 Travaux futurs
Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons montré que la présence de code
natif au sein d’une application Android permet l’utilisation de nouvelles
techniques d’obfuscation et introduit de nouvelle vulnérabilités. Nous
avons également proposé des méthodes de détection correspondant à
ces deux problèmes ainsi qu’un framework d’analyse d’applications
Android natives obfusquées.
Dans un premier temps, nous pensons que ces travaux de thèse pour-
raient être appliqués à d’autres systèmes Android, comme Android
ou Android TV
. Ils pourraient également être adaptés à
d’autres langages comme Python qui est également capable d’exécuter
du code natif.
Dans un second temps, nous pensons qu’il est nécessaire de redéfinir
l’interface entre le code natif et le bytecode afin de mieux contrôler leurs
interactions. Pour cela, nous pourrions nous inspirer de l’implémentation
que font les navigateurs web de Javascript et de WebAssembly. En effet,
ces deux langages fonctionnent de la même manière que Java/Kotlin et
C/C++. Cependant, au sein des navigateurs web, ils sont fortement isolés
et c’est Javascript, le langage haut-niveau, qui déclare explicitement les
points d’interface avec WebAssembly. Cela permet de mieux contrôler et
d’analyser cette interface.
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Titre : Défis pour les Applications Android Natives : Obfuscation et Vulnérabilités
Mot clés : sécurité, Android, natif
Résumé :
Android est le système d’exploitation le plus utilisé et donc,
assurer la sécurité des applications est essentiel. Sécuriser
une application consiste à empêcher les attaquants poten-
tiels de corromprele comportement attendu de l’application.
En particulier, l’attaquant peut s’appuyer sur des vulnéra-
bilités laissées dans le code par le développeur, mais aussi
voler la propriété intellectuelle d’une application existante.
Pour ralentir le travail de l’attaquant qui essaie de re-
verser la logique applicative, le développeur est incité à
chercher les vulnérabilités potentielles et à introduire des
contremesures dans le code. Parmi les contremesures pos-
sibles, l’obfuscation de code est une technique qui cache
l’intention réelle du développeur en faisant en sorte de
rendre le code non disponible à l’adversaire qui utilise des
outils de reverser. Avec l’augmentation des applications soit
malveillantes, soit manipulant des informations sensibles,
obfusquer le code et chercher ses vulnérabilités devient
Cette thèse présente l’impact du code natif sur, à la fois le
reversing et la recherche de vulnérabilités, appliqué à des
applications Android. Premièrement, en listant les inter-
férences possibles entre l’assembleur et le bytecode, nous
mettons en évidence des nouvelles techniques d’obfuscation
et vulnérabilités logicielles. Ensuite, nous proposons de nou-
velles techniques d’analyse combinant des blocs d’analyse
statiques et dynamiques, tels que la propagation de teintes
ou la surveillance du système, afin d’observer le comporte-
ment du code qui a été obfusqué ou de révéler de nouvelles
vulnérabilités. Ces deux objectifs nous ont menés à dévelop-
per deux nouveauxoutils. Le premier cible une vulnérabilité
spécifique due à l’interaction du natif et des données Java.
Le second extrait le comportement d’une application au
niveau objet, que l’application contienne du code natif
d’obfuscation ou non. Enfin, nous avons implémenté ces
nouvelles méthodes et les avons évaluées expérimentale-
ment. En particulier, nous avons trouvé automatiquement
une vulnérabilité dans la librairie SSL d’Android et nous
avons analysé plusieurs firmware Android pour détecter
l’usage d’une classe spécifique d’obfuscation.
Title: Challenges of Native Android Applications: Obfuscation and Vulnerabilities
Keywords: security, Android, native
Android is the most used operating system and thus, ensur-
ing security for its applications is an essential task. Securing
an application consists in preventing potential attackers
to divert the normal behavior of the targeted application.
In particular, the attacker may take advantage of vulner-
abilities left by the developer in the code and also tries
to steal intellectual property of existing applications. To
slow down the work of attackers who try to reverse the
logic of a released application, developers are incited to
track potential vulnerabilities and to introduce countermea-
sures in the code. Among the possible countermeasures,
the obfuscation of the code is a technique that hides the
real intent of the developer by making the code unavailable
to an adversary using a reverse engineering tool. With the
growing amount of malware and applications carrying
sensitive information, obfuscating the code and searching
vulnerabilities becomes essential.
This thesis presents the impact of native code on both
reverse-engineering and vulnerability finding applied to
Android applications. First, by listing the possible interfer-
ences between assembly and bytecode, we highlight new
obfuscation techniques and software vulnerabilities. Then,
we propose new analysis techniques combining static and
dynamic analysis blocks, such as taint tracking or system
monitoring, to observe the code behaviors that have been
obfuscated or to reveal new vulnerabilities. These two ob-
jectives have led us to develop two new tools. The first
one spots a specific vulnerability that comes from inconsis-
tently mixing native and Java data. The second one extracts
the object level behavior of an application, regardless of
whether this application contains native code, embedded
for obfuscation purposes. Finally, we implemented these
new methods and conducted experimental evaluations.
In particular, we automatically found a vulnerability in
the Android SSL library and we analyzed several Android
firmware to detect usage of a specific class of obfuscation.