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Title Page No.
Part A:
A summary of the Conditions
Part B:
Part C:
Planning your journey and buying your Ticket 5
Part D:
Using your Ticket 11
Part E:
Making your Train Journey 14
Part F:
Your refund and compensation rights 20
Part G:
Special Conditions applying to Season Tickets 25
Part H:
Appendix A:
List of Train Companies to which the National Rail
Conditions of Travel apply as of 28
May 2023
Appendix B:
Definitions 30
Appendix C:
Code of Practice:
Arrangements for interview meetings with applicants in
connection with duplicate
These National Rail Conditions of Travel apply from
February 2022
Any reference to the
National Rail Conditions of Carriage
on websites, Tickets, publications
etc. refers to these National Rail Conditions of Travel.
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Part A: A Summary of the Conditions
The terms and conditions of these National Rail Conditions of Travel are set out below in Part
C to Part H (the
”). They comprise the binding contract that comes into effect
between you and the Train Companies
that provide scheduled rail services on the National
Rail Network, when you purchase a Ticket.
This summary provides a quick overview of the key responsibilities of Train Companies and
passengers contained in the contract.
It is important, however, that you read the Conditions if you want a full understanding of the
responsibilities of Train Companies and passengers.
We have included a number of ‘information’ panels and/or footnotes to help you understand
the meaning of certain Conditions. Please note that these panels and footnotes are for
explanations only and do not form part of a Train Company’s contract with you.
The key responsibilities of Train Companies (‘
’) are:
Prior to departure and during your journey, we will make available information that will
help you to plan and successfully complete your journey on the National Rail Network. This
will wherever possible be done in a way in which people with sight and/or hearing difficulties
can understand.
We will make available clear information about the range of Tickets to help you make
a well-informed choice about the most appropriate and best value Ticket for your journey.
We will provide a range of ways in which you can buy a Ticket before your journey
and will ensure that you are treated fairly if you are unable to purchase a Ticket because
advertised facilities are unavailable.
If you have a disability, we will provide assistance upon request to help ensure that you
enjoy your journey on the National Rail Network at no additional cost.
If things go wrong, we will, in the circumstances set out in this document below, refund
your Ticket, pay you compensation, make sure you get home by another means of
transport or provide you with overnight accommodation.
The key responsibilities of passengers (‘
’) are:
You must purchase, where possible, a valid Ticket before you board a train service on
the National Rail Network.
You must look after your Ticket and present it for inspection when asked by a member
of rail staff.
You must use your Ticket in accordance with the specific terms and conditions
associated with it (for example, your Ticket might be restricted to certain routes or certain
You must not engage in anti-social or criminal behaviour when using the National Rail
Words in capital letters are defined in Appendix B
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Part B: Introduction
When you buy a Ticket to travel on scheduled train services on the National Rail Network you
enter into a binding contract with each of the Train Companies whose trains your Ticket
allows you to use. The Conditions set out the rights and obligations of passengers and the
Train Companies listed in Appendix A.
Copies of these Conditions are available at, on the websites of all
Train Companies and online Licensed Retailers and, upon request, from any staffed Ticket
These Conditions apply to travel within Great Britain only and are governed by the law of
England and Wales, except where a Ticket is bought in Scotland for travel wholly within
Scotland, in which case these Conditions will be governed by Scots law. In addition to these
Conditions, you also have rights under the Rail Passengers’ Rights and Obligations
Regulation, as it applies in GB law,
including the ‘Uniform Rules concerning the Contract for
International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail’ (commonly known as CIV’).
Further information on CIV arrangements can be found at or you can ask at a
station Ticket office for details.
We have tried to make the Conditions as simple and easy to understand as possible. However,
as they are a legally binding contract between Train Companies and passengers, we sometimes
have to use legal expressions. To make the Conditions easier to understand, we use some
words in
capital letters
, which are defined in Appendix B and, where appropriate, we provide
some explanation of certain legal expressions.
When you are at stations, on train services or other facilities on the National Rail Network,
you are also subject to the Railway Byelaws. A copy of these can be found at
government/publications/railway-byelaws or you can ask at a station Ticket office for details.
Please note that neither a Train Company’s staff, nor a Licensed Retailer’s staff has the
authority to waive or change the Conditions unless they are specifically allowed to do so
within the Conditions.
For details of your rights under these Conditions to get your money back and to make other
claims, please refer to Part F below. Most Train Companies operate a
Passenger’s Charter
that offers additional passenger rights on their services. A list of Train Companies with
Passenger’s Charters can be found at
If things go wrong, in addition to the industry arrangements set out under these Conditions
and Passenger’s Charters, you are also able to rely on statutory rights. For example, the
Consumer Rights Act 2015 provides consumers with various rights, e.g., rights where a
service is not performed with reasonable care and skill. For information regarding your rights
when you are travelling as a consumer, including under the Consumer Rights Act 2015,
If you are not satisfied that a Train Company or Rail Service Provider has dealt with your
complaint fairly, you may contact the Rail Ombudsman at
or by
telephone at 0330 094 0362 or by post to Rail Ombudsman, 1st Floor, Premier House,
Argyle Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2AD
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Part C: Planning Your Journey and Buying Your Ticket
1. Planning your journey
We will help you plan your journey on the National Rail Network by making available
information on train times, the range of Tickets available for you to purchase, the stations you
might use and other relevant information such as refund and compensation arrangements.
We will also make available more specific information on related matters such as the
additional assistance provided to passengers with a disability or taking your cycle or
luggage on the train.
Buying your Ticket
We want you to make a well-informed choice when buying your Ticket, and to feel
confident that you have purchased the most appropriate and best value Ticket for your
The ‘National Rail Guide to Tickets’ leaflet, available from
to-tickets, provides information on the range of Tickets that can be purchased and is
available from all staffed railway stations. The National Rail Enquiries website at provides comprehensive information on the range of
Tickets available for your journey.
When purchasing your Ticket, we will make available information on specific restrictions that
apply to your Ticket (for instance the train services on which you can use your Ticket or the
route(s) you are entitled to use) and, where possible, any known changes to planned
Once you have bought your Ticket, you should check that you have the correct Ticket(s) for
the journey you intend to make. If you think a mistake has been made by the Train Company
or Licensed Retailer that sold you the Ticket, you should tell them as soon as possible.
3. Reserving Seats
It is possible to reserve seats on many train services. Where this is the case, it will
generally be shown in the timetable information provided by National Rail Enquiries, Train
Companies, Licensed Retailers and other information providers.
Some types of Ticket (for instance advance” Tickets) require you to make a reservation
when buying your Ticket. For other Tickets you can request a reservation either when
buying a Ticket, or before the departure of your train on presentation of a valid Ticket, at
most staffed stations. You are allowed a maximum of one seat reservation per person
for each train that forms part of your journey.
Seat reservations for reservable services are normally
up to two hours before the departure of a train (or up to the previous
day for very early morning departures). Please check with the Train Company
if you require details of the latest booking times for a specific service.
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Unless you have made a reservation, please note that your Ticket does not automatically
entitle you to a seat, and at busy times you may have to stand. You will not be entitled to
any refund in these cases unless you hold a first class Ticket and no first class seats were
available on a train service where the timetable indicated that first class seats would be
provided. More information on the refund to which you are entitled in such circumstances
can be found in Condition 31.
4. Your Ticket
Your Ticket is evidence of your entitlement to travel on the National Rail Network, as
allowed by the type of Ticket you have purchased. It is your responsibility to keep it safe
and it should be looked after with care.
Some Tickets are held as an electronic record on a smartcard or electronic device or may
be transmitted to you for you to show or print out yourself. In such cases you will be
advised of (and must comply with) the specific conditions applying to Tickets held in
those formats.
You may only buy your Ticket from a Train Company or Licensed Retailer, otherwise it
may not be valid.
Some Tickets entitle you to goods or services from another party (for instance the right
to travel on bus services). Where this is the case, your Ticket is also evidence of a
contract between you and that other party, whose own conditions will apply when using
their services.
If you lose or mislay a Ticket or it is stolen, it will only be replaced or (subject to the
specific conditions associated with the Ticket) refunded provided that the original Ticket
can be cancelled. In such cases you should apply to the Train Company or Licensed
Retailer from where it was purchased.
Special conditions apply to Season Tickets and more information can be found in Part G.
You should not tamper with a Ticket in any way. If you do so it will not be valid for travel.
If a Ticket is damaged to the extent that it is not legible and cannot (where applicable)
be scanned or otherwise validated, it will not be valid for travel. However, if you return it
to the Train Company or Licensed Retailer that sold it to you, they will arrange for a
replacement Ticket to be issued to you unless there is reason to suspect that it has, or
will be, used for fraudulent or improper purposes. You may have to pay a reasonable
administrative charge (not exceeding £10) for the replacement.
5. Transfer of Tickets
A Ticket may be transferred by the person who bought that Ticket to another person, but
only if:
the Ticket has not been made out in the passenger's name (which includes where
the passenger is identified by a designated Railcard, photocard or other identifying
means); and
the journey has not begun (for example, if you intend to transfer a return Ticket you
must not have used the outward portion of that return Ticket, or if you intend to
transfer a Season Ticket you must not have used it for any
journeys already); and
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transfer is not a resale for more than the price paid for the Ticket by the person
who first purchased it from a Train Company or a Licensed Retailer.
A Ticket which is validly transferred remains subject to all the conditions of travel originally
applicable to it.
6. Your Requirement to Have a Valid Ticket to Travel
In order to be valid, some Tickets must be activated or
endorsed with a date of travel before you board a train. This is made clear in
the terms & conditions of those Tickets.
‘Ticket’ includes a validated contactless payment card where accepted. The
‘Ticket’ definition in Appendix B gives more information.
You must hold a valid Ticket or authority to travel before you board a train where there was
the opportunity to buy one unless one of the following circumstances applies:
At the station where you start your journey, there is no means of purchasing a
Ticket, either because there is no Ticket office open or a self-service Ticket machine
is not in working order, or will not accept your only available method of payment
(card or cash); and where notices indicate that Penalty Fares may apply from
that station, you purchase a Permit to Travel if there is a working Permit to Travel
issuing machine at the station where you start your journey – see Condition 10 for
more information about Penalty Fares; or
The station is staffed, and you are specifically permitted to board a train service
by an authorised member of staff, or you have received a written notice or heard
an audible announcement to this effect
; or
At the station where you start your journey, there is no means of purchasing a
Ticket, because
the Ticket office is closed; or
a self-service Ticket machine is not in working order, or will not
accept your preferred method of payment (card or cash); or
You have a disability and Ticket purchasing arrangements at the
station you are departing from are not accessible to you.
In these cases, you must, as soon as you are reasonably able, buy an appropriate
Ticket to complete your journey. The price of the Ticket you purchase will be the same
as if you had bought a Ticket at the station from which you first departed.
This means that you should buy a Ticket from the conductor
on the train if there is one available; at an interchange station provided there is
sufficient time before your connecting service; or, if neither of these is possible,
at your destination.
Children under five years of age may travel free of charge without a Ticket providing that
they are travelling with a passenger holding a valid Ticket or other authority to travel.
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Unless Condition 6.4 applies, children aged between 5 years and 15 years must have a
valid Ticket for travel but are entitled to a “child” discount on most Tickets. If a discount is
not available, it will be made clear to you when you buy your Ticket.
Special arrangements apply for accompanied children aged under 11 in the London pay
as you go zonal fare area. For details, please go to:
Personal Identification
Some types of Tickets are only valid with a specific form of personal identification.
Where this applies it will be made clear when buying your Ticket, and in these cases,
you must ensure that you have the identification with you when you travel.
This applies, for example, for some types of self-print Ticket
which are only valid when carried with the appropriate ID stated at the time of
If you use a Railcard to purchase a discounted Ticket, you must carry the Railcard (and
have it available for inspection) when you travel. The Railcard must be within its period
of validity when you travel (in other words it should not have expired).
The Railcard may have additional restrictions which will apply to any Tickets you buy
when using it.
If you have a Railcard, you must ensure that the information on it can be read by rail
staff. On occasions this printed information may fade over time. If your Railcard starts
to become illegible for this reason, we will replace it without charge. This can
be done at
any station with a Ticket office or through the Licensed Retailer from which it was
When you buy a national Railcard the full terms and conditions will be provided. They
are also available from, and on request from all staffed Ticket
If you are travelling with a Railcard discounted Ticket and are unable to present the
Railcard when asked by the staff or authorised agents of a Train Company, you will be
treated as having joined a train without a valid Ticket and Conditions 9.1 9.5 will apply.
However, if you were unable to present the Railcard because you had forgotten to carry
it on that particular journey or mislaid it, the Train Company concerned will refund any
fare or Penalty Fare paid in accordance with Condition 10.
In order to claim such a refund, you will need to contact the customer service
department of the Train Company that charged you the additional fare or Penalty
providing the full details of your Railcard, together with the additional Tickets you have
purchased or any Penalty Fares notices. A maximum of one such claim will be considered
in any 12-month period.
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Travelling Without a Valid Ticket
Travelling without a valid Ticket (which includes, where relevant, any supporting
documentation such as a Railcard or a Ticket that has not been validated as required
by its terms and conditions) or being unable to present them when asked is
a serious
matter. Condition 6 sets out the only circumstances where you may board a train without a
valid Ticket.
If you believe that one of these circumstances applies to you, or that there is another reason
that led to you travelling without a valid Ticket or being able to present one, then you should
explain this to the member of Train Company staff who has asked to inspect your Ticket
If you are unable to present a valid Ticket when asked and the conditions set out in
Condition 6 do not apply, we are permitted in law to take one of the following measures:
To charge you the full undiscounted “anytime” single fare to a station
directly served by the train that you are on. You will not be entitled to any
discounts or special terms, or to a Ticket to a station other than one served
by the train that you are on; or
To charge you a Penalty Fare on certain trains and stations (see Condition
10 below); or
To report you for prosecution.
If you are unable to present a valid Ticket or to pay a fare (including a part payment of a
Penalty Fare to the value of the Ticket required) when requested, you will be required to
provide your name and address so that the matter can be followed up.
It is an offence under the Railway Byelaws to fail to provide your name and address
when requested.
Where you are using a Ticket valid on a specific train service or train services (such as
an “advance Ticket) and you miss a service because a previous connecting train
service was delayed, you will be able to travel on the next train service provided by the
Where you:
are using a time-restricted Ticket (such as an “off-peak” or “super-off-peak”
Ticket) that is correctly dated but
invalid for the service on which you are
travelling; or
are using a route for which your Ticket is not valid; or
break your journey when you are not permitted to do so;
you will be charged the difference between the fare that you have paid and
the lowest price Ticket that is valid for the train you are using.
All Train Companies adhere to a Code of Practice which sets
out the procedures we will follow when dealing with ticketing irregularities.
A copy can be found at
Page 10
Penalty Fares
Some Train Companies issue Penalty Fares. More information
on Penalty Fares and a list of the Train Companies operating such schemes can
be found at
Train Companies are required to ensure that warning notices are clearly displayed at
stations where Penalty Fares apply. You may be charged a Penalty Fare if:
You travel on a train service without a valid Ticket or Permit to Travel; or
You travel in first class accommodation with a standard class Ticket; or
You travel on a train service at a time when your service-specific Ticket is
not valid (unless Condition 9.4 applies); or
You travel with a Train Company for which your Ticket is not valid; or
You do not have the necessary supporting document(s), where required (for
example a valid Railcard or photocard).
Where notices indicate that Penalty Fares may apply from that station and you do not have
a valid Ticket, you must:
purchase a Permit to Travel if there is a working Permit to Travel issuing
machine at the station where you start your journey, or
acquire a Promise to Pay from a self-service Ticket machine
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Part D: Using Your Ticket
The following Conditions 11 to 16 set out the general conditions or restrictions that may apply
depending on the type of Ticket that you have purchased.
11. Dates Your Ticket Is Valid
You must use your Ticket on or within the date(s) that it is valid. The date(s) of validity
will be made clear when you buy your Ticket. More information can also be found in
Condition 16.
If, as a result of a delay to your train, your Ticket expires during your journey, you will
still be allowed to complete that journey without penalty.
A return Ticket must be used in the correct sequence (you must use the outward
portion of your return Ticket before you use the return portion). The outward portion
of a return Ticket is no longer valid for travel once the return portion has been used.
The Train Company or Companies You May Travel With
Some Tickets require you to travel on a specific train service or services, or the services
of a particular Train Company or Companies. This will be made clear to you when you
purchase your Ticket.
Otherwise, you are allowed to make your journey on the services of any Train
Company covering the journey you are making on the date(s) and by the route(s) on
which your Ticket is valid.
The Routes You May Use
Your Ticket may show that it is valid only on certain train services, such as those of
a particular Train Company, or on trains travelling via a certain route or routes. If no
specific route or Train Company is shown, then (subject to any time restrictions for
the type of fare you have purchased) it will be valid on:
any direct train service between the station(s) shown on your Ticket;
by any services (including any change of trains) over the shortest route which
can be used by scheduled passenger services between the stations shown
on your Ticket;
any other routes as shown in the ‘National Routeing Guide’.
Restrictions may be applied to services departing or arriving
at certain times; to the services of one or more specified Train Companies; or
to groups of train services indicated by a particular brand name or identity.
The easiest way to check for valid routes is to use the journey planner at You can also check the National Routeing Guide which is
available at or ask the Ticket seller when you buy your
The National Rail Journey Planner lets you select any
specific journey and allows you to include specific locations you wish to travel
through. It will display valid Tickets for your chosen journey alongside the
train times.
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If you make a journey by a route that is not valid you will be liable to pay an excess
fare. The price for this will be the difference between the amount paid for the Ticket
you hold and the lowest price Ticket available for immediate travel that would have
entitled you to travel by that route.
If you are using a Zonal Ticket, which allows travel within a defined geographic area,
you may travel on trains which take any route within the zone or zones shown on the
If you travel beyond the destination shown on the Ticket, you will be treated as having
joined the train without a valid Ticket for the additional part of your journey. Condition
9 sets out what may happen if you travel without a valid Ticket.
Using a Combination of Tickets
Some Tickets specifically exclude their use in conjunction with other Tickets. This will
be made clear in the terms and conditions when buying such Tickets
Unless Condition 14.1 applies, you may use a combination of two or more Tickets
to make a journey provided that the train services you use Call at the station(s) where
you change from one Ticket to another.
Unless Condition 14.1 applies, if you are using a Season Ticket, daily Zonal Ticket, or
another area based Ticket such as a concessionary pass, ranger, or rover, in
conjunction with another Ticket and the last station at which one Ticket is valid and the
first station that the other Ticket is valid are the same, then the train
does not need to
at that station for your combination to be valid.
In all cases you must comply with the specific terms and conditions of each of the
Tickets you are using (for example, keeping to the valid route(s) and train services for
which each Ticket is valid).
It is your responsibility to check that you comply with
the Conditions listed above.
In order to ‘split’ a journey with two or more Tickets under
Condition 14.2 the services you use must be scheduled to stop at a station to allow
passengers to alight and/or board that service, as permitted by the terms &
conditions of the Ticket held. There is no requirement for you to alight and re-board
the same service.
If a combination of Tickets is ‘split’ at a station but that station Call is defined as for
“pick-up only” in the National Rail Timetable and in journey planners, then the Ticket
held to that station is not valid; likewise, if that station call is defined as for “set-down
only” in the National Rail Timetable and in journey planners, then the Ticket held from
that station is not valid.
Using First Class Accommodation
Some train services include first class accommodation. Where first class
accommodation is available, the relevant seats and area(s) of the train will be clearly
marked. Unless Train Company staff, or notices on the train give you specific
permission, you cannot travel in first class accommodation (including standing in
corridors or passageways) with a standard class Ticket. This applies even if there are
no vacant seats in standard class.
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A standard class Ticket can in most cases be upgraded to first class. Where this is the
case, you should pay the additional fare due before you board the train. The amount
you pay will be the difference between the fare you have already paid and the
appropriate first class fare for the journey you wish to make.
Some Train Companies allow you to upgrade on the train on payment of a supplement.
Where this is the case, it will be made clear by announcements or notices.
If you travel in first class accommodation without a valid first class Ticket or
permission from staff to occupy that accommodation, Condition 9 will apply.
If you are given permission to sit in a first class seat when holding a standard class
Ticket, it is on the basis that you may be later required to give up your seat to a
passenger holding a valid first class Ticket.
If you hold a first class Ticket and the first class accommodation on your train service
has been declassified or you are unable to sit in it for all or part of your journey
because it is full, you will be entitled to a refund as set out in Condition 31.
Break of Journey
Most Tickets allow you to break your journey. This means
that you do not have to make the whole of your journey at the same time
or, where allowed, on the same day.
Please note that “advance” Tickets do not permit a break of journey. The
special conditions for “advance” Tickets can be found at
Other national Ticket types normally allow break of journey with the
exception of the outward portion of some longer distance off-peakreturns.
Where this is the case, it is made clear in the restrictions applying to those
Where break of journey is allowed, there is no limit to the number of times that you
can do so within a Ticket’s period of validity, until the journey is completed.
Generally, you may start, or break and resume, a journey (in either direction in the
case of a return Ticket) at any intermediate station, as long as the Ticket you hold is
valid for the trains you want to use. However, this may not be the case with some
through services that take an indirect route. You may also end your journey (in either
direction in the case of a return Ticket) before the destination shown on the Ticket.
For example, where a train service makes a circular
journey, you may travel either way to the destination on your Ticket.
However, you would not normally be allowed to get off at an intermediate
station where the fare would have been higher.
If you start, break or resume your journey at an intermediate station where you are
not entitled to do so, you will be liable to pay an excess fare. The price for this will be
the difference between the amount paid for the Ticket you hold and the lowest price
Ticket available for immediate travel that would have entitled you to start, break or
resume your journey at the station
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Tickets valid for travel across London using Transport for London services do not
entitle you to break your journey on London Underground and/or the Docklands Light
Railway, unless your Ticket is a Season Ticket or a travelcard covering the Zones in
which you are travelling.
Part E: Making Your Train Journey
This Part E sets out the specific Conditions that apply when making your journey.
Inspection of Tickets
Failure to provide a valid Ticket when asked may lead to
You must show and, if asked to do so by the staff of a Train Company, hand over for
inspection your Ticket and any Railcard, photocard or other form of personal
identification which your Ticket requires.
If for any reason your Ticket is invalid, Train Company staff may withdraw it unless it
is held on an electronic device or payment card. Where your Ticket is withdrawn you
will be given a receipt.
Railway Byelaws
If you are present on the railway, you must comply with the Railway Byelaws.
INFORMATION: The Railway Byelaws apply to anyone on railway property,
regardless of whether they have a Ticket or not. A copy of the Railway Byelaws can
be found at government/publications/railway-byelaws or you can ask
at a station Ticket office for details. Contravening the Railway Byelaws may lead to
Changing Trains
If your journey requires a change of trains, you must allow sufficient time to make
your connection when selecting the trains, you wish to use. Train times shown at or on any journey plan provided by a Train Company or
Licensed Retailer will allow sufficient time for making your change of trains. You can
also ask for advice on this when purchasing your Ticket at a station.
Passengers with Disabilities
We aim to make using the National Rail Network as
accessible as possible for passengers with disabilities and provide a range
of services to help ensure that everyone can have an enjoyable journey.
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We will provide specific assistance for passengers with disabilities (and other
passengers that may need extra help such as older people) upon request, at no
additional cost. This will include, as required, arranging for staff to be available to
deploy ramps that allow wheelchair users to board trains; or arranging for an
accessible taxi to take passengers with disabilities to the most convenient accessible
station appropriate to the journey being made.
We recommend that passengers requiring assistance contact the relevant Train Company
with 6 hours’ notice before travel until 31 March 2022, and with 2 hours’ notice before travel
from 1 April 2022
. However, staff will provide assistance when assistance has not
been booked in advance, in line with a Train Company’s ‘Accessible Travel Policy’.
You can book assistance at any station for any train journey
at any time. Staff will always try to help, even if assistance is not booked. If
staff are not able to help you immediately then they will explain clearly why.
Some companies may ask for up to 6 hours’ notice to book assistance to
enable them to ensure that a member of staff will be available to help you.
Further information on how to book assistance is available from each Train
Company’s website and from the National Rail Enquiries website at www. which provides further guidance on
facilities at each station (for example, where there are stairs and no lifts).
Each Train Company publishes an ‘Accessible Travel Policy’, which sets out the way
in which it will assist passengers with disabilities in using their services.
Each Accessible Travel Policy is published on the Train
Company’s website.
Taking Your Cycle on The Train
Non-folding cycles are permitted on most train services, but restrictions may apply at
particular times of day and/or days of the week. In some cases, a charge may be made,
and a reservation may be required.
Train Companies publish details of their cycle policies online.
Details are also available at staffed Ticket offices, and we can tell you about
these restrictions and any charges if you ask when buying your Ticket.
More details can be found at
If a cycle reservation is not honoured, the Train Company responsible will refund any
reservation fee paid. If the Train Company is unable to provide alternative equivalent
accommodation for your cycle and you therefore decide not to travel you will be
entitled to claim a refund under Condition 29 for your journey, without any
administration charge.
You must make your claim within 28 days of the planned journey, including the Ticket
and cycle reservation for the journey concerned.
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Unless prohibited by a Train Company’s individual cycle policy, electric assist pedal
cycles and e-scooters may be carried on trains provided that they are similar in size
to a traditional cycle or scooter. Power assisted cycles without traditional cycle-style
pedals, or with oversized dimensions cannot be carried.
Fully folding cycles may be treated as luggage as shown in Condition 23 below.
Taking Luggage and Other Articles with You on Your Journey
You may take up to three items of luggage into the passenger accommodation of a
train unless:
23.1.1 your luggage is such that it may cause injury, inconvenience or a nuisance
or it may cause damage to property;
23.1.2 there is not enough room for it;
23.1.3 your luggage would obstruct doorways, gangways or corridors;
23.1.4 the loading or unloading may cause delay to trains;
23.1.5 your luggage is not carried or packaged in a suitable manner;
your luggage is one of the prohibited items shown in the list shown in
23.4 below;
23.1.7 a Train Company has set out any special conditions relating to the carrying
of luggage on their own train services. In such cases these conditions will
be made available when buying your Ticket in advance and will be shown
on the Train Company’s website.
You will normally need to be able to manage your luggage without additional help;
however, if you have a disability and require assistance, you can book this in advance
of your journey. Please see Condition 21 for more information.
Articles may be conveyed in separate luggage accommodation, where this is
available, on the train service. Articles conveyed in such accommodation must for
security reasons be clearly labelled with your name, address and destination
station. Train company staff may not release items stored in separate luggage
accommodation to you until you have proved ownership.
Conditions relating to the carriage of specific items:
Must be capable of folding
Wheelchairs and powered
Wheelchairs must be folded unless in use
and located in a section designated for
wheelchairs where provided.
They are conveyed subject to a
maximum width of 70cm and length of
Page 17
Items only permitted at the discretion of individual Train Companies:
Mobility Scooters.
Canoes; surfboards; sailboards.
Skis and ski-boards; golf equipment; other sports equipment except where shown
as not permitted below.
Musical Instruments exceeding these dimensions, 30 x 70 x 90 cm
Unloaded firearms, properly licensed, with prior permission of the Train Company
and carried in accordance with the law and any other specific instructions
Items that are not permitted to be carried on passenger trains:
Motorcycles; mopeds; motor scooters
Furniture exceeding these dimensions, 30 x 70 x 90 cm
Firearms (except as shown above)
Dangerous goods; inflammable liquids; explosives
Taking an animal with you on your journey
You may take up to two dogs or other small domestic animals free of charge with
you unless a Train Company has set out any special conditions relating to their own
train services. In such cases these conditions will be made available when buying
your Ticket in advance and will be shown on the Train Company’s website.
Animals, with the exception of assistance dogs, may not be taken into buffet or
restaurant cars (including first class accommodation with at-seat meals service)
unless specifically allowed by the Train Company that you are using. Animals are not
allowed on seats in any circumstances.
Animals other than dogs must be conveyed in a fully enclosed basket or pet carrier
designed for this purpose with dimensions not exceeding 85 x 60 x 60 cm. Baskets
and pet carriers must be large enough to allow the animal to stand and lie down in
comfort. Animals which are too large for a basket or pet carrier with dimensions 85
x 60 x 60 cm may not be conveyed by train.
Dogs must be kept on a lead throughout your journey, including any part of station
property; other animals must not be taken out of their baskets or pet carriers. If your
dog or other animal causes a nuisance or inconvenience to other passengers, you may
be asked to remove it from a train or railway premises by staff.
Special conditions apply to the carriage of animals in sleeper cabins. If you are
considering taking an animal on a service with a sleeper cabin, you will need to
contact the Train Company for details of these before you make your booking.
Livestock and non-domestic animals cannot be carried in any circumstances.
Page 18
Your Responsibilities with Regard to Luggage, Other Accompanied Articles and
You should take care of any item of luggage or article, animal or cycle that you take
onto a train. You may be liable for any injury, damage, or loss if you do not take
reasonable care. Unless a Train Company has agreed to provide assistance, it will
not be responsible for any loss or delay to your journey arising from any failure in
this regard.
A Train Company’s Liabilities with Regard To Luggage, Other Accompanied
Articles And Animals
A Train Company or Rail Service Provider will only be liable for any loss or damage to
luggage, articles, animals or cycles in its trains or on its premises if the loss or damage
was caused by the fault of a Train Company’s or Rail Service Provider’s staff.
Where liability is established, the maximum liability of a Train Company or Rail Service
Provider is £1,500 per passenger (except for liability for loss or damage to mobility
equipment, or other specific equipment used by disabled passengers or passengers
with reduced mobility, which is unlimited).
Amended Timetables and Rail Replacement Services
From time to time, it may be necessary to replace a train
service with a bus or coach. In most cases this is planned in advance (for
example due to engineering work to maintain or improve the rail network),
but sometimes such changes may be required at short notice. Usually, such
replacement bus and coach services will take
longer than the scheduled time
for the equivalent train service.
Wherever engineering work is planned in advance we will make you aware of any
need to operate a rail replacement service. The Train Company or Licensed Retailer
from whom you purchased your Ticket(s) will include any extended or altered times
in the timetable information. This information will also be provided at so that you can make an informed decision about your travel
plans. Where replacement services are operating, we may be unable to accept
some types of luggage, articles, animals and cycles.
If the replacement is at short notice and you cannot complete your journey because
we are unable to transport your luggage, articles, animals and/or cycles by road
vehicle, and you therefore decided not to travel, you will be entitled to claim a refund
of your Ticket(s) under Conditions 30.1 – 30.4 without any administration charge.
When you make your claim, you should state the timetabled departure time of the
train you intended to use for the journey and provide any Tickets which were valid
for the journey.
If you are claiming compensation due to a delay in your rail replacement journey,
your compensation will be determined by the time difference between the actual
time of arrival at your destination and the arrival time as published in the Published
Timetable of the Day.
In all other respects these Conditions apply to the use of rail replacement services.
Page 19
What Happens When Things Go Wrong?
We want you to be satisfied with your journey. If you have any problem that cannot
be resolved to your satisfaction at the time, every Train Company provides details of
how to make a complaint or comment on its website and on notices at stations and
on trains.
Where disruption prevents you from completing the journey for which your Ticket is
valid and is being used, any Train Company will, where it reasonably can, provide
you with alternative means of travel to your destination, or if necessary, provide
overnight accommodation for you.
Where your train is likely to be delayed for more than 60 minutes, you may use your
Ticket to make your journey at a later date subject to comparable restrictions on your
Ticket. Please refer to your Train Company’s website or contact them directly for
details on how to obtain a replacement Ticket.
In other circumstances disruption to train services may mean that you are entitled to
compensation or a refund on your Ticket. Part F explains your rights to refunds and
If your train is delayed for more than 60 minutes, your Train Company may, in certain
circumstances, provide you with meals and refreshments if they are available on the train
or in the station, or can reasonably be supplied, and in reasonable relation to the waiting
Page 20
Part F: Your Refund and Compensation Rights
Refunds on Tickets Which You Have Chosen Not to Use or Have Been Part-used
If you purchase any Ticket(s) and then choose not to travel, you may apply for a refund
from the original retailer, unless
the terms and conditions of your Ticket(s) state
otherwise. You must do this no more than 28 days after the expiry of the Ticket(s)
unless the terms and conditions of your Ticket state otherwise.
In such cases, a deduction from your refund in the case of part-used Tickets, will
normally be calculated on the cost of the journey(s) actually made. An administration
charge may also be made, which will not exceed £10 per Ticket; however, if the
administrative charge and/or other deductions exceed the refund amount no refund
will be payable. If a delay or cancellation on any leg of your journey is the reason you
could not complete your journey, you are entitled to a full refund on any Tickets held
for that journey under condition 30.1
Your refund application will be processed as soon as reasonably practicable, and the
refund paid within one month of receipt of your application.
The way in which your refund will be paid will depend on how your Ticket was
originally paid for, as shown in the table below:
Method of payment
Method of refund
Cash Cash or, with your agreement, an
alternative payment method such as
cheque or
credit to your bank account
Cheque (where accepted) Cash, or cheque (which could include the
return of your cheque) at the discretion of
the retailer
Credit or debit card; PayPal
Credit to the relevant card account.
Rail travel warrant
Credit to the relevant warrant account.
Rail travel voucher Rail travel vouchers of equivalent value
or cash at the discretion of the retailer
Your Right to a Refund If Your Train Is Disrupted and You Choose Not to Travel
Conditions 30.1 30.4 cover all Tickets other than Season Tickets, and also apply if you
have begun your journey but are unable to complete it due to a delay to, or
cancellation of, your service. In such cases, you are permitted to return to your point
of origin and still get a refund.
You may return an unused Ticket to the original retailer or Train Company from whom
it was purchased, where you will be given a full refund with no administration fee
charged, if you decide not to travel because the train you intended to use is:
cancelled, or
delayed, or
rescheduled from that in Published Timetable of the Day after you have purchased a
Ticket or Tickets, or
your reservation will not be honoured
Season Tickets have their own compensation process
when disruption or cancellation prevents travel. Season Ticket holders
should refer to
-tickets for details.
Page 21
When applying for a refund under this Condition you will need to state the date, time
and station where you would otherwise have started your journey from. You must
write to the Train Company to notify them of your claim within 28 days of the date that
you intended to travel.
Your refund application will be processed without undue delay and any refund due will
be paid within 14 days of your claim being agreed by the Train Company. Our target
is to process all claims within one month of receipt.
Where you have bought the Ticket from a Ticket office immediately before you
intended to travel, you should be able to get this refund straight away by the same
means with which you paid, from the Ticket office where you bought your Ticket.
The way in which your refund will be paid will depend on how your Ticket was
originally paid for, as shown in the table below:
Method of payment
Method of refund
Cash or, with your agreement, an
alternative payment method such as
cheque or credit to your bank account
Cheque (where accepted)
Cheque (which could include the return
of your cheque)
Credit or debit card; PayPal
Credit to the relevant account
Rail travel warrant
Credit to the relevant Warrant account
Rail travel voucher
Rail travel vouchers of equivalent value
or, with your agreement, an alternative
payment method such as cheque or
credit to your bank account
Travelling In Standard Class Accommodation with A First Class Ticket
If you have a first class Ticket and the train service you use is shown as offering first
class accommodation at, but when you travel first class
accommodation is not provided or is otherwise fully occupied, you may claim a refund.
The minimum refund to which you will be entitled will be the difference between the
price of the first class Ticket purchased and the cheapest valid standard class walk-up
fare available on the service you used. You must contact the Train Company you
travelled with to notify them of your claim within 28 days of the date that you travelled.
If you hold a first class Season Ticket, the minimum to which you will be entitled will
be a refund of the difference between the first class and standard class fare for the
journey concerned.
32. Claiming Compensation for Delays and/or Cancellations
If you are delayed in reaching your destination as a result of a delay or cancellation of
a train service, you may be entitled to claim compensation from the Train Company
that is responsible for the delay in completing your journey.
Your claim can be made to any Train Company whose services you used to make
your journey, who will, if necessary, forward your claim to the Train Company
ou are entitled to compensation if the delay was 60 minutes or longer, regardless of
. Compensation is based on the delay in your arrival time at the destination
station, as compared to the arrival time stated in the Published Timetable of the Day.
You can make a claim in one or more of the following ways:
Page 22
through the industry arrangements provided for:
in these Conditions; and/or
in the Passenger’s Charter of the relevant Train Company
by relying on your statutory rights, e.g., under the Consumer Rights Act
2015 and the Rail Passengers’ Rights and Obligations Regulation
as it
applies in GB law.
However, you cannot recover the same money twice.
The Consumer Rights Act 2015 provides consumers with
various rights, e.g., rights where a service is not performed with reasonable
care and skill (see section 49 of the Act). For information regarding your
rights when you are travelling as a consumer, including under the Consumer
Rights Act 2015, see,
For claims made under the industry arrangements (set out at paragraph 32.1.1 above)
for losses caused by the delay and/or cancellation of a train service, you can only recover
up to the price of your Ticket. However, in exceptional circumstances, a Train Company
may consider claims for other losses. This will be for the Train Company to decide in its
sole discretion, unlike your legal rights set out in paragraph 32.1 above.
If you wish to ask the Train Company to consider making a discretionary payment, you
should write in the first instance to the Train Company at the address which can be
found on or by calling 0345 7 48 49 50. Please note that this does not
affect your statutory rights (see paragraph 32.1.2).
How To Make a Claim Under the Industry Arrangements.
In order to make a claim under the industry arrangements set out at paragraph 32.1.1
above, you must submit your claim to the Train Company within 28 days of completing
the journey (unless that deadline is extended by the Train Company).
You will need to state the scheduled departure time of the train or trains you intended
to use for your journey and provide a Ticket or Tickets or other authority to travel which
was valid for that whole journey. A Train Company will allow you to retain any Tickets
after use for this purpose. Compensation is based on the delay in your arrival time at
the destination station, as compared to the arrival time stated in the Published
Timetable of the Day.
Links to each Train Company’s Passenger’s Charter can be
found on the National Rail Enquiries website at; Train Companies also publish
their Passenger’s Charters on their websites and will display information at
Page 23
If you have a claim or a complaint about your journey, the Train Company you contact
will help you either by dealing with the matter itself or by passing it on to the relevant
Train Company, Rail Service Provider or other third party(s) or person(s) providing the
goods or services in question.
Claims will be considered without undue delay and any
compensation due will be paid within 14 days of your claim being agreed by the Train
Company. The target is to process all claims within one month of receipt.
Although the amount of compensation offered varies by Train Company, if you arrive
60 minutes or later at your destination station, you will, as a minimum, be entitled to
compensation in accordance with the table below:
Ticket held
Amount payable
Single Ticket, or Return Ticket with
delay on both the outward and return
50% of the price paid
Return Ticket with delay on outward or
return journey
50% of the price paid for the relevant
portion of the journey
Season Ticket
The discount or compensation
arrangements in the relevant Train
Company’s Passenger’s Charter
To make a claim under the industry arrangements, all you
need to show is that there was a delay. You do not have to prove that the delay
was the Train Company’s fault.
A Train Company may not be obliged to pay compensation under this Condition if the
cause of the delay was entirely outside the rail industry’s control. Each Train
Company’s Passenger’s Charter will set out any exclusions that applies to such claims
in respect of their services. However, you are entitled to compensation if the delay was
60 minutes or longer, regardless of fault.
Please note that if you have decided not to travel and claim a full refund in accordance
with Condition 30, you cannot then also claim compensation for delay under this
clause through a Train Company’s Passenger’s Charter.
How Your Compensation Will Be Paid
Compensation methods may include payment by cheque or a bank transfer payment
(usually referred to as a BACS payment); by means of a refund to your debit or credit
card (each of these three is a “money option”); or in rail travel vouchers. Your options,
which will include at least one “money option”, will vary by Train Company, and will be
shown when making your claim. Where the delay was caused by a fault of the Train
Company, you are entitled to payment by the same means as your Ticket was paid for
unless you agree to another payment method.
If you receive payment in rail travel vouchers you can use them in full or part payment
for Tickets purchased at any Train Company’s staffed Ticket office, for any rail journey
on the services of the Train Companies. In some cases, they may also be exchanged for
money at a Ticket office of the Train Company that issued them, and this option will be
stated if it is available to you when you claim.
Page 24
Other Claims Against a Train Company
If you need to make a claim against a Train Company or Rail Service Provider for
personal injury or any loss or damage to property, or a claim or complaint arising
under the Passenger’s Charter or these Conditions, you should write to the relevant
Train Company or Rail Service Provider in the first instance.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your claim against a Train Company or
Rail Service Provider
you can contact the Rail Ombudsman at or
or 0330
094 0362.
Please note that a Train Company is not responsible for:
35.3.1 any losses that occur while you are travelling in any other Train
Company’s trains;
35.3.2 another party not providing goods or services; and
any losses that occur while you are using those other goods or services.
However, each Train Company will help you if you have a claim or a complaint about your
journey, either by dealing with the matter itself or by passing it on to the Train
Company(s), Rail Service Provider or other third parties or person(s) providing the goods
or services in question.
Page 25
Part G: Special Conditions Applying to Season Tickets
Part G of these Conditions apply to Season Tickets only. In some cases, special rules
apply to Season Tickets valid for 1 month or longer this is made clear where
A Season Ticket gives you the right to unlimited travel on train services between
specific stations or within specific geographic zones during the period up to and
including the Season Ticket’s expiry date. This includes the right to start, break or
resume your journey, as described in Condition 16.3. It may only be used by the
person to whom, or on whose behalf, it was issued (unless Condition 5.1 applies).
Unless you are specifically advised otherwise at the time of purchase, a Season Ticket
must be supported by a photocard which bears a true likeness of the user. Photocards
may be obtained free of charge at staffed station Ticket offices on production of a
passport sized photograph.
When you first buy a Season Ticket that is valid for a period of one month or longer,
you will need to fill in an application form, and a record will be kept of your details and
the details of the Season Ticket(s) that you buy. This enables us to provide you with
greater assistance if your Season Ticket is lost or stolen, or if you need to make a claim
for delay under a Train Company’s Passenger’s Charter.
Your Season Ticket is a valuable document and should
be looked after with great care.
Damaged or Faded Season Tickets
If a valid Season Ticket is damaged, can no longer be read easily, or no longer works
in automatic Ticket gates, we will replace it without charge. You should ask the
retailer from whom you originally purchased your Season Ticket to do this for you.
Different arrangements normally apply for the replacement of damaged or defective
Smartcards, and these will be made clear to you when you obtain your Smartcard.
Season Ticket or Photocard Unavailable for Inspection
If you are unable to present a Season Ticket, or any photocard required with a Season
Ticket, when asked by the staff or authorised agents of a Train Company, you will be
treated as having joined a train without a valid Ticket and Condition 9 will apply.
If you possess a valid Season Ticket and/or photocard but were unable to present it
when requested because you had forgotten to carry it on that particular journey or
mislaid it, the Train Company concerned may at their discretion refund any fare or
Penalty Fare paid in accordance with Condition 9, less an administration charge not
exceeding £10.
In order to claim such a refund, you will need to provide the retailer from whom you bought
your Season Ticket with your Season Ticket (and photocard if applicable), together with
the additional Tickets you have purchased or any Penalty Fares notices.
Page 26
A maximum of two such claims will be considered in any 12-month period regardless of
the number of Season Tickets bought during that time.
39. Duplicate Season Tickets
If you lose or mislay a Season Ticket valid for one month or longer, or it is stolen, the
Train Company or Licensed Retailer from which it was purchased, will arrange for a
duplicate Season Ticket to be issued provided that:
you report the loss as soon as you reasonably can and, if required, you
give a reasonable explanation for the loss (some Train Companies may
ask you to complete a form explaining the reason for the loss);
you agree to return the lost Season Ticket to the retailer immediately if it
is subsequently found;
you pay the Train Company or Licensed Retailer’s administration
charge, which will not exceed £20.
If you subsequently lose or mislay your duplicate Season Ticket or it is stolen, then a
further duplicate Season Ticket(s) can be issued on the same basis as your first duplicate
Season Ticket. However, you may be asked to attend a meeting with the Train Company
or Licensed Retailer concerned to explain the circumstances in which your duplicate
Season Ticket(s) was lost. Train Companies have agreed a Code of Practice for such
meetings, a copy of which can be found in Appendix C.
If the loss of your duplicate Season Ticket is a result of a theft, robbery, fire, or other
exceptional circumstances which have been reported to the police, the fire service
another appropriate organisation, you should be able to obtain confirmation of the
circumstances from the relevant authorities, (e.g., a crime number from the police)
and provide such confirmation to the Train Company or Licensed Retailer issuing you
with a duplicate Season Ticket.
Train companies reserve the right to refuse to issue duplicate Season Tickets if they
have reasonable grounds to believe that such requests are being made fraudulently.
Season Ticket Refunds
If you no longer require your Season Ticket, you may be entitled to a refund from the
Train Company or Licensed Retailer from which it was purchased. In the first instance
you should return your Season Ticket to the relevant Train Company or Licensed
Retailer requesting a refund.
Your refund will be calculated from the date you return the Season Ticket. The refund
will be calculated by deducting the cost to make
one return journey for each day from
the start date the Season Ticket until the day it is returned, and an administration
charge (not to exceed £10).
Page 27
INFORMATION: Longer period Season Tickets attract a higher level of discount than
shorter period Season Tickets. For more information about Season Ticket refunds,
EXAMPLE: If you return your monthly Season Ticket after 9 days, we will
deduct from your refund the cost of a 7-Day Season Ticket and 2 one day
return Tickets and an administration charge.
Longer period Season Tickets attract a higher level of discount than shorter
period Season Tickets. For more information about Season Ticket refunds see
To qualify for a monetary refund:
Seven Day Season tickets must have at least three days’ remaining validity,
40.3.2 Season Tickets valid between one
and ten months must have at least
seven days’ remaining validity.
Annual Season Tickets do not qualify for a monetary refund after ten months and
twelve days.
If you were ill and, consequently, unable to
request a refund on your Season Ticket
when you stopped using it, we will offer you a refund from the date your illness started,
provided that you supply a medical certificate or other evidence of your illness.
If you require a refund on a duplicate Season Ticket, the Train Company may request
additional information (e.g., evidence of new address, a new job, redundancy, or
prolonged illness of the holder) and/or may be asked to attend a meeting with the Train
Company concerned. Train Companies have agreed a Code of Practice for such
meetings, a copy of which can be found in Appendix C.
Train Companies reserve the right to refuse to issue refunds on duplicate Season
Tickets if they have reasonable grounds to believe that such requests are being
made fraudulently.
Changing One Season Ticket for another
You may change your Season Ticket for another covering a different journey or
class of travel provided that the original Season Ticket was valid for one month or
more and has at least seven days’ validity remaining. In this case, you will only
be required to pay the difference in price between your original Season Ticket
and the new one, based on the number of days of validity remaining on your
original Season Ticket.
If your new Season Ticket is for a cheaper journey or class of travel, you will be
entitled to a refund on the original Season Ticket, based on the number of days
of validity remaining on your original Season Ticket at the time that you ask for
your Season Ticket to be changed.
The validity of your new Season Ticket must start on the day after the original
Season Ticket is handed in and must expire on the same date as that of the
original Season Ticket. You will not have to pay an administrative charge.
Page 28
Part H: Lost property
42. Ownership
Property found in a train or on a Train Company’s or Rail Service Provider’s premises
will not be treated as belonging to the person who finds it and must be handed over
as soon as reasonably possible to a Train Company’s or Rail Service Provider’s
member of staff.
A Train Company or Rail Service Provider will take reasonable care of any luggage,
articles, animals or cycles which are taken into its safekeeping after being left in its
trains or on its premises and will make a reasonable effort to contact the owner.
In order to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the railway a Train Company
or Rail Service Provider may limit your access to trains or premises in order to
retrieve any property you have left behind but will, if necessary, make alternative
arrangements for it to be recovered.
Examination and disposal
If property is left in a train or on a Train Company’s or Rail Service Provider’s
premises, they have the right to open it and examine the contents before removing
it to a secure place. They may, without being liable, remove or dispose of any
property, which might in their opinion cause damage or injury or inconvenience staff
or passengers.
A Train Company or Rail Service Provider may make a charge (not exceeding £2
per day per item) for storing property and (not exceeding £30 per item) for
retrieval of property by the owner depending on:
the type of property; and
the period for which it has been kept.
45. Unclaimed property
Any property taken into a Train Company or Rail Service Provider’s safekeeping
which has not been retrieved within three months will be sold or otherwise disposed
of and any money from the sale may be retained. Items which are perishable may
be disposed of earlier.
Page 29
Appendix A:
List of Train Companies to which the National Rail Conditions of Travel
apply as of 28
May 2023
Abellio East Anglia Limited
(trading as Greater Anglia” and “Stansted
Abellio East Midlands Railway
(trading as
East Midlands Railway
Arriva Rail London Limited
(trading as
London Overground
East Coast Trains Limited
trading as “
First Greater Western Limited (trading as “Great Western Railway”)
TransPennine Trains Limited (trading as “TransPennine Express”)
First Trenitalia West Coast Rail
(trading as “Avanti West Coast”)
Govia Thameslink Railway Limited
(trading as “Great Northern”; “Gatwick Express”;
“Southern”; “Thameslink”)
Grand Central Railway Company
(trading as Grand Central)
Trains C
(trading as
Hull Trains
Transport for Wales Rail Limited
(trading as
Transport for Wales
London North Eastern Railway
(trading as “London North Eastern Railway”)
Merseyrail Electrics 2002 Limited
(trading as
MTR Corporation (Crossrail)
(trading as “Elizabeth line”)
Northern Trains
(trading as
ScotRail Trains Limited
(trading as “ScotRail”)
Serco Caledonian Sleepers Ltd
(trading as
astern Trains Limited
(trading as “Southeastern”)
First MTR South Western Trains
(trading as “South Western Railway”; “Island Line”)
The Chiltern Railway Company
(trading as “Chiltern Railways”)
Trenitalia c2c Limited
(trading as “c2c”)
West Midlands Trains Limited
(trading as West Midlands Railway” and London
Northwestern Railway
(trading as
An up-to-date list is available at station Ticket offices, telesales offices, the National Rail
website and travel agents licensed to sell National Rail Tickets. At these places you will also
be able to obtain telephone numbers and addresses for correspondence with each of the
above companies.
Page 30
Appendix B:
In this contract:
means a scheduled stop of a train service at a station that allows
passengers to alight as well as board that train service at that
station, as defined in the National Rail Timetable;
means the terms and conditions of this contract, set out in Part
C to Part H of this document, excluding the text in the
information panels.
“Licensed Retailer
means an organisation authorised and Licensed to sell Tickets
by a Train Company or the Association of Train Operating
Companies (‘ATOC’);
“Mobility Scooter”
means “class 2” and “class 3” invalid carriages as defined by
“National Rail
means the website provided at and
associated telephone enquiry service available by calling 03457
48 49 50;
“National Rail
means the network of railway lines over which Train Companies
operate scheduled passenger railway services;
“National Rail
means the rail timetable for passenger train services in Great
Britain, published by Network Rail and provided at
“National Routeing
means a document that lists the valid routes for all journeys on
the National Rail Network;
means a card belonging to the electronic smartcard scheme
operated by Transport for London in which a number of Train
Companies participate;
means the document of that name or similar, published from
time to time by that Train Company. Links to the Train
Companies Passengers Charters can be found at;
“Penalty Fare”
means a Penalty Fare charged in accordance with a scheme
under the Railways (Penalty Fares) Regulations 2018 (as
amended from time to time).
“Penalty Fares
means the receipt issued when a Penalty Fare is charged;
“Permit to Travel”
means a document obtainable from self-service machines at
some stations that allows you to travel by train until you have
a reasonable opportunity to buy the Ticket you need for your
journey, for a period of not more than 2 hours from the time
of issue. The price you will have to pay for your Ticket will be
reduced by the amount you have paid for the Permit to Travel;
Page 31
Timetable of the
means the schedule of services, including rail replacement
services, applicable on the day you travel or plan to travel
(different to May or December timetable). These changes will
be published no later than 22:00 the day before travel and
available at
“Rail Ombudsman”
means an independent, not-for-profit organisation offering a
free, expert service to investigate and rule on unresolved
customer complaints;
is a card (which may in some circumstances be stored on an
electronic device) that allows Ticket(s) to be bought at a
discounted fare
“Rail Service
means Network Rail, any organisation or person (other than a
Train Company) that operates a station and any person or
organisation that hires rolling stock to a Train Company, but
does not include London Underground;
“Railway Byelaws”
refers to the byelaws published at railway-byelaws;
“Season Ticket”
means a Ticket sold as such which allows you to travel for a
period of 7 consecutive days or longer, or any 8 in 28 days;
means any physical or electronic document or record which
entitles a passenger to make a journey on the National Rail
Network between the stations or within the zones indicated by
one or more of the Train Companies. An electronic document
or record may consist of (but not be limited to):
a Smartcard (including an Oyster or ITSO card);
a payment card or identity card;
a mobile telephone or tablet device;
other mobile electronic device; or
a database, in conjunction with an authorised Contactless Bank
Card bearing the
symbol described in the notices and
publications of the Train Company as being valid for travel on
their services.
Electronic documents or records may not display the same
information as printed Tickets but the conditions for use of
these will explain where this information can be found.
Where you have a road-enabled Mobility Scooter, a Ticket is
also evidence that you are permitted to carry your Mobility
Scooter (where that Mobility Scooter is permitted by the Train
Company's Accessible Travel Policy –for further information
see the Train Company’s mobility scooter policy). If you are
making a journey using a combination of Tickets, each Ticket
must be used in accordance with these Conditions;
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“Train Company
means a company operating passenger railway services
which is required to apply these Conditions to persons
purchasing Tickets, under a condition of the passenger
license granted to the company by the Office of Rail and Road.
References in these Conditions to Train Company also
extends to the authorised agents of that company. A list of
these train companies can be found in Appendix A. “Train
Companies” means all or more than one of these
“Zonal Tickets”
are those Tickets which permit travel only within a defined
geographic area.
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Appendix C:
Code of Practice: Arrangements for Interview Meetings with Applicants in Connection
with Duplicate Season Tickets
This appendix sets out the arrangements agreed by Train Companies and Licensed
Retailers for the conduct of interview meetings relating to applications for duplicate
Season Tickets or refunds on duplicate Season Tickets.
This Code of Practice supports the provisions contained within the National Rail Conditions
of Travel. The terms ‘Train Company’ and ‘Licensed Retailer’ have the same meaning in
this Code of Practice as in the National Rail Conditions of Travel. These arrangements
apply to all monthly and longer Season Tickets purchased from a Train Company or
Licensed Retailer, referred to below as the
‘Ticket Seller’
Requirements of the interview meeting process
Where a further duplicate is requested in respect of a Season Ticket valid for a month or
longer for which a duplicate has already been issued, the
Ticket Seller
may require the
applicant to attend a short interview meeting. The
Ticket Seller
may also request an
interview where a refund is required on a duplicate Season Ticket.
The purpose of the interview meeting is to validate the claim of any passenger
applying for a second or further duplicate Season Ticket, within one calendar year of a
previous application.
The interview meeting will be used to confirm the circumstances of the claim and
validate any supporting evidence (for example, in case of theft, a crime reference
Process for arranging an interview meeting
The duplicate Season Ticket application must be made to the
Ticket Seller
originally sold the lost Season Ticket.
Where an interview meeting may be required, the passenger will be informed at the
time of application.
The interview meeting will take place at a time and place agreed between the
and the applicant and will, subject to the applicant’s availability, be held within
one week of the duplicate Season Ticket request being made.
Conduct of the interview meeting
The interview meeting will take no more than 15 minutes in normal circumstances and will
require the applicant to confirm the circumstances of the loss. Where this is the result of a
theft, a crime reference number will be requested.
After the interview meeting
Within one working day of the interview meeting, the
Ticket Seller
will proceed with
the application unless it has grounds to believe that the claim is not valid.
In such cases the applicant will be informed of the decision within one working day and
receive a written response within one week of the decision. If the decision is subject to
the provision of further evidence or any other action, the applicant will be informed of
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this, stating as appropriate what further action is required.
Ticket Seller
will accept refund applications for train Tickets that were purchased
for the same journey whilst awaiting the issue of the duplicate Season Ticket. These
will be refunded without any additional administration charge.
The Rail Delivery Group (RDG) produces Approved
Codes of Practice for the information of the licensed train operators
providing passenger rail services in Great Britain. RDG is not a regulatory
body and compliance with Approved Codes of Practice is not mandatory.
Copyright Rail Settlement Plan Ltd 2022 Version 4 Issued 6
February 2022